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Diversity in Technology 1
Diversity in Technology
Jasmine Miller
Western Oregon
July 2020
Diversity in Technology 2
The technology industry has grown exponentially over the last 20 years; and as it grows,
so does its power and influence. Due to the industry’s growth it is important to understand how
the technology industry works. Understanding the inner workings of an industry as influential as
tech is key to grasping the power it possesses, its potential as well as its shortcomings. The
technology industry can be referred to as companies that are involved in the research,
development and or the distribution of technology-based goods and services (Frankenfield, 2020,
pg. 1). This paper will focus on the technology sectors of algorithms and search engines, as well
as computer and digital devices.
It is important to understand technology, because every day more and more of it is being
incorporated into education and shaping our youth. Computers, digital devices and search
engines are starting to be integrated into classrooms and used by students. However, as
influential as technology is, it can still improve in one category: diversity. In order for the
technology industry to continue to grow positively, there needs to be more diversity within the
industry. Embracing diversity within the technology industry will have a positive effect on
Power of Technology
In the book If … Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics (2018) author Taina Bucher
illustrates how algorithms play such an essential role in society that many individuals do not
even realize it. Algorithms and search engine sites have control over what we see, where we
spend our money and our time, as well as what we do and think, and that is power. Bucher
(2018) states that algorithms, “have the capacity to shape cultural formation and have impact
directly on individuals’ lives” (34). Moreover, the fact that millions of individuals across the
Diversity in Technology 3
globe have social media accounts, and algorithms are such an important part of those sites, that
understanding the impact of algorithms is essential. As more and more students use the internet
and social media sites, it is important that understating the direct impact on them is huge.
Furthermore, Bucher (2018) also explains how algorithms on search engine sites have the ability
to affect and shape society's opinions. Bucher (2018) compares algorithms to gatekeepers saying,
“algorithms are assuming gatekeeping roles that have a significant effect on the way public
opinion is formed” (34). Bucher explains that algorithms are often created with the creator’s
biases and stereotypes in mind, thus affecting how their algorithms are formed. They also
manipulate what society sees, does, and thinks. Search engines today are where many
individuals, and students, turn to for questions and answers. That type of control gives search
engines and their algorithms economic, political, and social power. The unintentional biases of
the individuals creating algorithms are starting to affect the students that use them.
Understanding the power algorithms hold, we must examine who is in charge of creating
and managing these algorithms and search engines. They have so much power and control over
what individuals do and think, we as a society should know who creates them. The tech industry
is made up of a large majority of white males, and the lack of diversity is affecting both the
products and the services of the industry (Bonnier Corporation 2017). In the book Algorithms of
Oppression, author Safiya Noble (2018) writes about how many big-time search engine
companies and their algorithms are oppressive to minorities. Nobel (2018) explains the extensive
process of how algorithms are made and how more often than not, reflect the biases and
stereotypes of their creators- who tend to be white males.
Nobel (2018) frequently illustrates that African American, Latina, and Asian women are
continuously sexualized on Google searches. She also explains that after numerous complaints
Diversity in Technology 4
about the pornographic results when googling “Black girls” “Asian girls” or “Latina girls” did
Google then alter their algorithm. Nobel (2018) goes on to explain that in this instance these
algorithms and their biases were harmful to the wellbeing of women of color. These biases
within algorithms can harm how young girls and women of color view themselves, their self-
confidence and their mental and emotional wellbeing. Nobel (2018) also argues that fixing biases
within the algorithms can help how individuals of color see themselves. Furthermore, the altering
of Google’s algorithm showed that there are biases behind the scenes when these algorithms are
being created.
In a very powerful example, Nobel (2018) also explains how Dylan Roof, the Charleston
church shooter in June of 2015, googled “black on black crimes” and other various information
on black males and black people in America days before the horrific shooting. Unfortunately, the
top results of his Google searches were only articles, news reports, and stories that negatively
portrayed black males and black Americans, showing a significant bias from the search engine
and their algorithms.
Nobel (2018) explains that since mostly white males run the tech industry their biases and
stereotypes filter into all that they do and create, thus filtering into the minds and biases of
internet users as well. Nobel also expresses how important that internet and search engines users
are cognizant of these biases and educate themselves properly, so they do not further the negative
stereotypes of minorities and women. It is important to realize that the lack of diversity in the
tech industry affects everyone, not just some individuals. Women and minorities are not the only
victims of search engine and algorithm biases; individuals of all backgrounds are. An untrue or
harmful bias from one engineer in the tech industry can lead to furthering or creating biases in
individuals from all over the world who have access to the internet or search engines. The lack
Diversity in Technology 5
of diversity in tech affects search engines which ultimately affects education as well. Students,
children, teens and adults who use the internet and search engines to research or learn are being
affected by biases without even knowing it. For example, students working on a project about the
civil rights movement may use search engines to look up information. Potentially those students
could come across and algorithm that portrays African Americans and other people of color
negatively instead of the accurate facts and information of the civil rights movement. Those
biases affect the work and learning of students. Promoting diversity in technology sector can
help to eliminate those potential biases. Educating our students about these potential biases and
how to safely and properly use search engines can positively affect education.
Demographics of the Technology Industry:
The tech industry is run predominantly by men. Around “80% of the industry is male and
69% of males in tech are of Caucasian decent and 25% are of Asian descent” (Bonnier
Corporation, 2017, p.5-6). For an industry that is so dynamic and connects individuals
worldwide, why hasn’t the tech industry become more inclusive? The technology industry is too
large and is growing too fast, and they can no longer ignore the fact that they are not very
inclusive. There are very few women in the tech industry and there are not very many minorities
either. Technology powerhouses are finally seeing the advantages of adding diversity to their
team and staff; such as a wider talent pool, more potential for innovation and the opportunity to
understand customer better. However, the addition of diversity is coming in at a very slow rate.
Adding diversity to the industry and creating a culture of inclusiveness is essential to the survival
and progressive growth of the technology industry.
Diversity in Technology 6
Why Are Women and Minorities Underrepresented in Tech?
Taking a look at the demographics of the technology industry, it is very obvious that
women and minorities are lacking. Beneschott (2017) decided to look into why women are
underrepresented in both the tech world and the open source community and found that women
are not as interested in STEM programs. Women are also not engaging in as nearly as many
scientific careers and STEM programs as men and also do not feel welcomed into the
community. Beneschott (2017) indicates that many women feel as if the community and
workplace is often hostile. Women feel as if their skills and work are often overlooked, and the
men in tech workplaces are often condescending and sometimes make the women feel
threatened. The author also explains that sometimes the reports of the number of women in tech
might be misleading. Often times companies report the number/percentage of women in the
workplace at around 25-30% but that often includes the non-technical roles. When focusing on
the percentage of women specifically in technical roles, the number drops down to closer to 15-
19% (Beneschott, 2017). Again, forces the question, why are women not being put in technical
roles? Women are not being valued as technical assets and engineers like their male
counterparts. Finally, Beneschott concluded women leave their careers in tech much sooner than
men. The retention rate of female tech industry workers past the mid-career mark is much lower
than men. Only 44% of women make it past the mid-career mark, whereas 72% of men do
(Beneschott, 2017). Women are leaving the industry at a much faster rate than males, which
prevents them from getting positions of seniority. Beneschott explains his may be due to women
again feeling as if workplaces in technology are hostile and that their skills and ideas are being
Diversity in Technology 7
There are women and minority students who have access to technology-based education
and or programs, but they are simply not taking advantage of the opportunity. Yes, there has
been a spike in technology-based programs, workshops, and scholarships for underrepresented
groups. However, many of those programs are not in areas where the population is made up of
minority students in lower socioeconomic communities. Moreover, there is also still a stigma
around the tech industry being “nerdy” or only for white males. Many girls and students of color
don’t see themselves welcome or smart enough for these programs. Some researchers have also
found that minorities and girls shy away from the technology industry and STEM programs
because it isn’t something their peer group is interested in. Reinking & Martin (2018) explain in
their research that,
Essentially students actually enjoy being a part of a peer group and engaging in similar
activities with their peers. It may be harder for students participate in an activity or
engage with others that does not coincide with that their peer group perceives as “cool”.
In other words, students like to feel a part of a group. If students do not see someone who looks
like them in that role or does feel as if they’ll be supported while trying something new; they are
more likely to shy away from trying. It is important to continue to have conversations about
technology and these programs with all students and provide them with opportunities to learn
about what the technology industry is and how they can help make a difference.
As for minorities, African Americans and Hispanics have fewer opportunities working in
tech. Beneschott (2017) indicates that minority males in the workplace also feel that it can be
hostile at times. Minority males are also often overlooked when it comes to their skills, ideas,
promotion opportunities, and are spoken to condescendingly by coworkers and peers. According
to an article from TechRepublic, Alison DeNisco Rayome (2018) explains that “82% of tech
Diversity in Technology 8
executives are white and more than 50% of Google and Apple’s employees are still white”(Para
6). This leads to the question, if powerhouse tech companies and tech executives are just now
barely making efforts to diversify, then why should the rest of the industry?
Diversity is important. Here is why. There are copious amounts of young girls and
children of color who have never once thought of the technology industry as a place they too can
belong in. They don’t see or hear about people who look just like them in those roles, so they
don’t see it as a possibility. Better diversity practices can lead to better products and improved
innovation. Research has also shown that, “diversity in senior management leads to favorable
long-term financial performance” (Salomon, et al 2003, p.38). Women and minorities are such a
large pool of potential minds and intellect that a continuously growing industry like technology
can’t ignore. Limiting diverse hiring can lead to biases unintentionally sneaking into research,
goods and services. Which could then hurt the quality of content, research, and goods and
services of the industry.
Diversity and Education
It also is important for all individuals to have cultural competency. Cultural competence
is the ability to understand and be empathetic to the behaviors, attitude, language,
communication, customs, values and beliefs of other social, racial, ethnic and religious groups
(Salomon & Schork 2003). In the world we live in today, and with technology connecting
individuals from around the world, being able to communicate effectively with people across all
cultures is crucial. Our youth is introduced to diversity once they start to attend school. Schools
are unique places where individuals of all types of ethnicities, cultures, and socioeconomic
backgrounds come together and work as a team. It is important that educators work and
communicate well with students and individuals from all backgrounds. Understanding what
Diversity in Technology 9
cultural competence is and effective communication means is essential to being successful in
relationships, work, and simply, life.
Educators who work with students it is important for them to help educate students on
diversity. To show them the positives and the numerous benefits that can come from diversity. In
order to do that it is important that educators understand one of the industries that affects
individuals from almost all backgrounds, tech. There are copious amounts of young girls and
children of color who have never once thought of the technology industry as a place they, too,
belong in. They don’t see or hear about people who look just like them in those roles, so they
don’t see a career in technology as a possibility.
The technology industry is shaping the world we live in and shaping our youth. The
ability and power educators gain by educating themselves on diversity within the technology
industry can help educate and make an impact on their students. Having the ability to educate
these students can help so they are not negatively affected by search engines and algorithms and
can help introduce them to the technology industry. Many minorities do not often see
representation of themselves in the world of tech. Introducing more minorities to tech and the
numerous jobs and programs they offer could have a positive impact on both the technology
industry and the world.
How the Technology Industry can Become More Inclusive?
There are various ways for tech companies to introduce more diversity in their industry.
An article from Forbes highlighted five things tech companies can do internally when hiring for
diversity. In the article, when speaking about companies intentionally seeking out wider talent
pools, Bradford(2018) states, “By taking intentional action on this front, companies can make
sure they have a variety of perspectives contributing to their products — from women to
Diversity in Technology 10
minorities to veterans--and be more successful for it.”(Para 2). More and more individuals, tech
insiders, CEOs, managers and consumers see the need for more diversity within tech and starting
with inclusive hiring practices is a huge first step. Additionally, Bradford (2018) focuses on five
strategies tech companies can use, “1. Blind Resume Screening, 2. Having A Diverse Talent-
Acquisition Team, 3. Ensuring Inclusive Wording in Job Descriptions, 4. Emphasizing Value-
Based Hiring, and 5. Seeking Out Candidates Where They Are” (Para 3-13). At the end of the
day, those five strategies help companies purposely become more inclusive. But until companies
are aware of the shortcomings in their own hiring processes, and their need for diversity, can
diverse hiring even happen. “Diverse hiring comes down to one thing: intentionality. It starts
with companies understanding that they need to do things differently” (Bradford 2018). Self-
reflection is going to play a large role for companies as the conversation around the need for
diversity grows.
Alongside intentional diverse hiring practices, introducing youth, women, and minorities
to the technology industry is another big step. More often than not, women and minorities are
interested in careers in tech but do not have access to computers, digital devices, the Internet, wi-
fi, or tech programs. An article by Blanca Meyers (2018) discusses the lack of opportunity for
both women and minorities in tech. Within the article Meyers (2018) explains that,
while the nation has, overall, increased the number of computer science course offerings
in K-12 education, African American and Hispanic students are less likely to have access
to those resources. They’re also at a disadvantage outside of the classroom: Two-thirds of
white student’s report using computers at home, whereas only half of black and Hispanic
students do (Para 6).
Diversity in Technology 11
This is just another example of how access to resources affects the opportunity for women and
minorities in the tech industry. Consequently, introducing young minorities and young women to
STEM programs could have positive effects on both the tech industry and the lives of these
young adults.
As a result of exclusionary hiring practices and the lack of resources and opportunities for
women and minorities, the tech industry is behind in diversity. As stated earlier in this paper, the
tech industry itself and the products it has produced have great influence over society.
Consequently, diversity is needed within tech to help combat algorithms, search engines, and
other technologies that reflect biases.
Overall, diversity in the technology industry is lacking and it is starting to affect its
production as well as seep its way into education. Educating both individuals and students on the
industry and how it is made up is imperative. The subject of diversity is often brought up but
rarely acted upon. It is time now for the tech industry to stop talking about the need to add
diversity and instead do something about it. Additionally, the tech industry and all of its
companies need to start intentionally using diverse hiring practices. Pulling from a wider talent
pool is beneficial for both diversity and production. Having employees, CEOs, managers,
engineers, and computer scientists from various backgrounds gives fresh and new insight to
industry itself and what all it creates. The hiring of diverse employees can also help to combat
potential biases in search engines and the digital devices that students often use. It is important to
educate students and provide them the tools to improve their data literacy skills so they will be
able to safely use search engines and navigate their digital devices and the internet.
Diversity in Technology 12
The real world is filled with technology, and classrooms and education are starting to
mirror that. Classrooms are beginning to integrate technology more and more each year. It is
important that teachers understand and educate their students on how technology affects them. It
is crucial that teachers educate their students about how to effectively and appropriately navigate
search engines, their digital devices and the internet. And it is critical that teachers introduce
their students to the tech industry. Familiarizing this generation of students with the technology
industry will help promote diversity. Diversity in the tech industry will help to combat potential
biases and will strengthen and positively impact the growing industry which will contribute to
better products and goods and services the tech industry provides.
Diversity in Technology 13
Beneschott B. (2017) “Is Open Source Open to Women?” Retrieved from:
Bonnier Corporation. (2017). Diversity in the Information Technology Workforce (rep.).
Diversity in the Information Technology Workforce (pp. 1–28).
Bradford B. (2018) “5 Things Companies Can Do To Attract Diverse Talent”
Retrieved from:
Bucher T. (2018) If … Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics. New York, NY: Oxford
University Press.
DeNisco Rayome A. (2018) “5 Eye-Opening Statistics About Minorities in Tech”
Retrieved from:
Frankenfield, J. (2020, January 29). Inside the Technology Sector.
Henry-Nickie M, Frimpong K. , and Sun H. (2019). “Trends in the Information Technology
Retrieved from:
Marcus B. (2015) “The Lack of Diversity In Tech is a Cultural Issue”
Retrieved from:
Meyers B.(2018) “Women and Minorities in Tech, By The Numbers”
Retrieved from:
Noble S. (2018) Algorithms of Oppression. New York, NY: NYU Press.
Reinking, A., & Martin, B. (2018, July). The Gender Gap in STEM Fields: Theories,
Movements, and Ideas to Engage Girls in STEM. Retrieved June 02, 2020, from
Diversity in Technology 14
Salomon, M. F., & Schork, J. M. (2003). Turn Diversity to Your Advantage . Research-
Technology Management. Retrieved from:
Sutton, B. P. (2016, January). The Effects of Technology in Society and Education.

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Diversity in technology portfolio-jm

  • 1. Diversity in Technology 1 Diversity in Technology Jasmine Miller Western Oregon July 2020
  • 2. Diversity in Technology 2 Introduction The technology industry has grown exponentially over the last 20 years; and as it grows, so does its power and influence. Due to the industry’s growth it is important to understand how the technology industry works. Understanding the inner workings of an industry as influential as tech is key to grasping the power it possesses, its potential as well as its shortcomings. The technology industry can be referred to as companies that are involved in the research, development and or the distribution of technology-based goods and services (Frankenfield, 2020, pg. 1). This paper will focus on the technology sectors of algorithms and search engines, as well as computer and digital devices. It is important to understand technology, because every day more and more of it is being incorporated into education and shaping our youth. Computers, digital devices and search engines are starting to be integrated into classrooms and used by students. However, as influential as technology is, it can still improve in one category: diversity. In order for the technology industry to continue to grow positively, there needs to be more diversity within the industry. Embracing diversity within the technology industry will have a positive effect on education. Power of Technology In the book If … Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics (2018) author Taina Bucher illustrates how algorithms play such an essential role in society that many individuals do not even realize it. Algorithms and search engine sites have control over what we see, where we spend our money and our time, as well as what we do and think, and that is power. Bucher (2018) states that algorithms, “have the capacity to shape cultural formation and have impact directly on individuals’ lives” (34). Moreover, the fact that millions of individuals across the
  • 3. Diversity in Technology 3 globe have social media accounts, and algorithms are such an important part of those sites, that understanding the impact of algorithms is essential. As more and more students use the internet and social media sites, it is important that understating the direct impact on them is huge. Furthermore, Bucher (2018) also explains how algorithms on search engine sites have the ability to affect and shape society's opinions. Bucher (2018) compares algorithms to gatekeepers saying, “algorithms are assuming gatekeeping roles that have a significant effect on the way public opinion is formed” (34). Bucher explains that algorithms are often created with the creator’s biases and stereotypes in mind, thus affecting how their algorithms are formed. They also manipulate what society sees, does, and thinks. Search engines today are where many individuals, and students, turn to for questions and answers. That type of control gives search engines and their algorithms economic, political, and social power. The unintentional biases of the individuals creating algorithms are starting to affect the students that use them. Understanding the power algorithms hold, we must examine who is in charge of creating and managing these algorithms and search engines. They have so much power and control over what individuals do and think, we as a society should know who creates them. The tech industry is made up of a large majority of white males, and the lack of diversity is affecting both the products and the services of the industry (Bonnier Corporation 2017). In the book Algorithms of Oppression, author Safiya Noble (2018) writes about how many big-time search engine companies and their algorithms are oppressive to minorities. Nobel (2018) explains the extensive process of how algorithms are made and how more often than not, reflect the biases and stereotypes of their creators- who tend to be white males. Nobel (2018) frequently illustrates that African American, Latina, and Asian women are continuously sexualized on Google searches. She also explains that after numerous complaints
  • 4. Diversity in Technology 4 about the pornographic results when googling “Black girls” “Asian girls” or “Latina girls” did Google then alter their algorithm. Nobel (2018) goes on to explain that in this instance these algorithms and their biases were harmful to the wellbeing of women of color. These biases within algorithms can harm how young girls and women of color view themselves, their self- confidence and their mental and emotional wellbeing. Nobel (2018) also argues that fixing biases within the algorithms can help how individuals of color see themselves. Furthermore, the altering of Google’s algorithm showed that there are biases behind the scenes when these algorithms are being created. In a very powerful example, Nobel (2018) also explains how Dylan Roof, the Charleston church shooter in June of 2015, googled “black on black crimes” and other various information on black males and black people in America days before the horrific shooting. Unfortunately, the top results of his Google searches were only articles, news reports, and stories that negatively portrayed black males and black Americans, showing a significant bias from the search engine and their algorithms. Nobel (2018) explains that since mostly white males run the tech industry their biases and stereotypes filter into all that they do and create, thus filtering into the minds and biases of internet users as well. Nobel also expresses how important that internet and search engines users are cognizant of these biases and educate themselves properly, so they do not further the negative stereotypes of minorities and women. It is important to realize that the lack of diversity in the tech industry affects everyone, not just some individuals. Women and minorities are not the only victims of search engine and algorithm biases; individuals of all backgrounds are. An untrue or harmful bias from one engineer in the tech industry can lead to furthering or creating biases in individuals from all over the world who have access to the internet or search engines. The lack
  • 5. Diversity in Technology 5 of diversity in tech affects search engines which ultimately affects education as well. Students, children, teens and adults who use the internet and search engines to research or learn are being affected by biases without even knowing it. For example, students working on a project about the civil rights movement may use search engines to look up information. Potentially those students could come across and algorithm that portrays African Americans and other people of color negatively instead of the accurate facts and information of the civil rights movement. Those biases affect the work and learning of students. Promoting diversity in technology sector can help to eliminate those potential biases. Educating our students about these potential biases and how to safely and properly use search engines can positively affect education. Demographics of the Technology Industry: The tech industry is run predominantly by men. Around “80% of the industry is male and 69% of males in tech are of Caucasian decent and 25% are of Asian descent” (Bonnier Corporation, 2017, p.5-6). For an industry that is so dynamic and connects individuals worldwide, why hasn’t the tech industry become more inclusive? The technology industry is too large and is growing too fast, and they can no longer ignore the fact that they are not very inclusive. There are very few women in the tech industry and there are not very many minorities either. Technology powerhouses are finally seeing the advantages of adding diversity to their team and staff; such as a wider talent pool, more potential for innovation and the opportunity to understand customer better. However, the addition of diversity is coming in at a very slow rate. Adding diversity to the industry and creating a culture of inclusiveness is essential to the survival and progressive growth of the technology industry.
  • 6. Diversity in Technology 6 Why Are Women and Minorities Underrepresented in Tech? Taking a look at the demographics of the technology industry, it is very obvious that women and minorities are lacking. Beneschott (2017) decided to look into why women are underrepresented in both the tech world and the open source community and found that women are not as interested in STEM programs. Women are also not engaging in as nearly as many scientific careers and STEM programs as men and also do not feel welcomed into the community. Beneschott (2017) indicates that many women feel as if the community and workplace is often hostile. Women feel as if their skills and work are often overlooked, and the men in tech workplaces are often condescending and sometimes make the women feel threatened. The author also explains that sometimes the reports of the number of women in tech might be misleading. Often times companies report the number/percentage of women in the workplace at around 25-30% but that often includes the non-technical roles. When focusing on the percentage of women specifically in technical roles, the number drops down to closer to 15- 19% (Beneschott, 2017). Again, forces the question, why are women not being put in technical roles? Women are not being valued as technical assets and engineers like their male counterparts. Finally, Beneschott concluded women leave their careers in tech much sooner than men. The retention rate of female tech industry workers past the mid-career mark is much lower than men. Only 44% of women make it past the mid-career mark, whereas 72% of men do (Beneschott, 2017). Women are leaving the industry at a much faster rate than males, which prevents them from getting positions of seniority. Beneschott explains his may be due to women again feeling as if workplaces in technology are hostile and that their skills and ideas are being overlooked.
  • 7. Diversity in Technology 7 There are women and minority students who have access to technology-based education and or programs, but they are simply not taking advantage of the opportunity. Yes, there has been a spike in technology-based programs, workshops, and scholarships for underrepresented groups. However, many of those programs are not in areas where the population is made up of minority students in lower socioeconomic communities. Moreover, there is also still a stigma around the tech industry being “nerdy” or only for white males. Many girls and students of color don’t see themselves welcome or smart enough for these programs. Some researchers have also found that minorities and girls shy away from the technology industry and STEM programs because it isn’t something their peer group is interested in. Reinking & Martin (2018) explain in their research that, Essentially students actually enjoy being a part of a peer group and engaging in similar activities with their peers. It may be harder for students participate in an activity or engage with others that does not coincide with that their peer group perceives as “cool”. In other words, students like to feel a part of a group. If students do not see someone who looks like them in that role or does feel as if they’ll be supported while trying something new; they are more likely to shy away from trying. It is important to continue to have conversations about technology and these programs with all students and provide them with opportunities to learn about what the technology industry is and how they can help make a difference. As for minorities, African Americans and Hispanics have fewer opportunities working in tech. Beneschott (2017) indicates that minority males in the workplace also feel that it can be hostile at times. Minority males are also often overlooked when it comes to their skills, ideas, promotion opportunities, and are spoken to condescendingly by coworkers and peers. According to an article from TechRepublic, Alison DeNisco Rayome (2018) explains that “82% of tech
  • 8. Diversity in Technology 8 executives are white and more than 50% of Google and Apple’s employees are still white”(Para 6). This leads to the question, if powerhouse tech companies and tech executives are just now barely making efforts to diversify, then why should the rest of the industry? Diversity is important. Here is why. There are copious amounts of young girls and children of color who have never once thought of the technology industry as a place they too can belong in. They don’t see or hear about people who look just like them in those roles, so they don’t see it as a possibility. Better diversity practices can lead to better products and improved innovation. Research has also shown that, “diversity in senior management leads to favorable long-term financial performance” (Salomon, et al 2003, p.38). Women and minorities are such a large pool of potential minds and intellect that a continuously growing industry like technology can’t ignore. Limiting diverse hiring can lead to biases unintentionally sneaking into research, goods and services. Which could then hurt the quality of content, research, and goods and services of the industry. Diversity and Education It also is important for all individuals to have cultural competency. Cultural competence is the ability to understand and be empathetic to the behaviors, attitude, language, communication, customs, values and beliefs of other social, racial, ethnic and religious groups (Salomon & Schork 2003). In the world we live in today, and with technology connecting individuals from around the world, being able to communicate effectively with people across all cultures is crucial. Our youth is introduced to diversity once they start to attend school. Schools are unique places where individuals of all types of ethnicities, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds come together and work as a team. It is important that educators work and communicate well with students and individuals from all backgrounds. Understanding what
  • 9. Diversity in Technology 9 cultural competence is and effective communication means is essential to being successful in relationships, work, and simply, life. Educators who work with students it is important for them to help educate students on diversity. To show them the positives and the numerous benefits that can come from diversity. In order to do that it is important that educators understand one of the industries that affects individuals from almost all backgrounds, tech. There are copious amounts of young girls and children of color who have never once thought of the technology industry as a place they, too, belong in. They don’t see or hear about people who look just like them in those roles, so they don’t see a career in technology as a possibility. The technology industry is shaping the world we live in and shaping our youth. The ability and power educators gain by educating themselves on diversity within the technology industry can help educate and make an impact on their students. Having the ability to educate these students can help so they are not negatively affected by search engines and algorithms and can help introduce them to the technology industry. Many minorities do not often see representation of themselves in the world of tech. Introducing more minorities to tech and the numerous jobs and programs they offer could have a positive impact on both the technology industry and the world. How the Technology Industry can Become More Inclusive? There are various ways for tech companies to introduce more diversity in their industry. An article from Forbes highlighted five things tech companies can do internally when hiring for diversity. In the article, when speaking about companies intentionally seeking out wider talent pools, Bradford(2018) states, “By taking intentional action on this front, companies can make sure they have a variety of perspectives contributing to their products — from women to
  • 10. Diversity in Technology 10 minorities to veterans--and be more successful for it.”(Para 2). More and more individuals, tech insiders, CEOs, managers and consumers see the need for more diversity within tech and starting with inclusive hiring practices is a huge first step. Additionally, Bradford (2018) focuses on five strategies tech companies can use, “1. Blind Resume Screening, 2. Having A Diverse Talent- Acquisition Team, 3. Ensuring Inclusive Wording in Job Descriptions, 4. Emphasizing Value- Based Hiring, and 5. Seeking Out Candidates Where They Are” (Para 3-13). At the end of the day, those five strategies help companies purposely become more inclusive. But until companies are aware of the shortcomings in their own hiring processes, and their need for diversity, can diverse hiring even happen. “Diverse hiring comes down to one thing: intentionality. It starts with companies understanding that they need to do things differently” (Bradford 2018). Self- reflection is going to play a large role for companies as the conversation around the need for diversity grows. Alongside intentional diverse hiring practices, introducing youth, women, and minorities to the technology industry is another big step. More often than not, women and minorities are interested in careers in tech but do not have access to computers, digital devices, the Internet, wi- fi, or tech programs. An article by Blanca Meyers (2018) discusses the lack of opportunity for both women and minorities in tech. Within the article Meyers (2018) explains that, while the nation has, overall, increased the number of computer science course offerings in K-12 education, African American and Hispanic students are less likely to have access to those resources. They’re also at a disadvantage outside of the classroom: Two-thirds of white student’s report using computers at home, whereas only half of black and Hispanic students do (Para 6).
  • 11. Diversity in Technology 11 This is just another example of how access to resources affects the opportunity for women and minorities in the tech industry. Consequently, introducing young minorities and young women to STEM programs could have positive effects on both the tech industry and the lives of these young adults. As a result of exclusionary hiring practices and the lack of resources and opportunities for women and minorities, the tech industry is behind in diversity. As stated earlier in this paper, the tech industry itself and the products it has produced have great influence over society. Consequently, diversity is needed within tech to help combat algorithms, search engines, and other technologies that reflect biases. Conclusion Overall, diversity in the technology industry is lacking and it is starting to affect its production as well as seep its way into education. Educating both individuals and students on the industry and how it is made up is imperative. The subject of diversity is often brought up but rarely acted upon. It is time now for the tech industry to stop talking about the need to add diversity and instead do something about it. Additionally, the tech industry and all of its companies need to start intentionally using diverse hiring practices. Pulling from a wider talent pool is beneficial for both diversity and production. Having employees, CEOs, managers, engineers, and computer scientists from various backgrounds gives fresh and new insight to industry itself and what all it creates. The hiring of diverse employees can also help to combat potential biases in search engines and the digital devices that students often use. It is important to educate students and provide them the tools to improve their data literacy skills so they will be able to safely use search engines and navigate their digital devices and the internet.
  • 12. Diversity in Technology 12 The real world is filled with technology, and classrooms and education are starting to mirror that. Classrooms are beginning to integrate technology more and more each year. It is important that teachers understand and educate their students on how technology affects them. It is crucial that teachers educate their students about how to effectively and appropriately navigate search engines, their digital devices and the internet. And it is critical that teachers introduce their students to the tech industry. Familiarizing this generation of students with the technology industry will help promote diversity. Diversity in the tech industry will help to combat potential biases and will strengthen and positively impact the growing industry which will contribute to better products and goods and services the tech industry provides.
  • 13. Diversity in Technology 13 References: Beneschott B. (2017) “Is Open Source Open to Women?” Retrieved from: Bonnier Corporation. (2017). Diversity in the Information Technology Workforce (rep.). Diversity in the Information Technology Workforce (pp. 1–28). Bradford B. (2018) “5 Things Companies Can Do To Attract Diverse Talent” Retrieved from: can-do-to-attract-diverse-talent/#1f36e3766f1a Bucher T. (2018) If … Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. DeNisco Rayome A. (2018) “5 Eye-Opening Statistics About Minorities in Tech” Retrieved from: minorities-in-tech/ Frankenfield, J. (2020, January 29). Inside the Technology Sector. Investopedia. Henry-Nickie M, Frimpong K. , and Sun H. (2019). “Trends in the Information Technology Sector” Retrieved from: technology-sector/ Marcus B. (2015) “The Lack of Diversity In Tech is a Cultural Issue” Retrieved from: diversity-in-tech-is-a-cultural-issue/#4e175e2279a2 Meyers B.(2018) “Women and Minorities in Tech, By The Numbers” Retrieved from: Noble S. (2018) Algorithms of Oppression. New York, NY: NYU Press. Reinking, A., & Martin, B. (2018, July). The Gender Gap in STEM Fields: Theories, Movements, and Ideas to Engage Girls in STEM. Retrieved June 02, 2020, from
  • 14. Diversity in Technology 14 Salomon, M. F., & Schork, J. M. (2003). Turn Diversity to Your Advantage . Research- Technology Management. Retrieved from: ue. Sutton, B. P. (2016, January). The Effects of Technology in Society and Education.