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CSE style
the 2adpro voice
table of contents
the 2adpro ambassador..................................................................1–2
	 the 2adpro vision...........................................................................................................4
	 branding names.............................................................................................................5
	 abbreviation guide........................................................................................................6
	 sentence structure.......................................................................................................8
	 singular vs plural........................................................................................................10
	 word choice.........................................................................................................14–15
	 phrases to avoid.................................................................................................16–18
tonal choices.................................................................................22–31
	 country guide..............................................................................................................23
	 word choice.................................................................................................................25
	 dashes, slashes, hyphens and symbols.................................................................26
	 quotation marks.........................................................................................................27
	 greetings and sign-offs..............................................................................................28
	 context and bullet points..........................................................................................29
	 Skype requirements............................................................................................30–31
crisis communication..................................................................32–36
	 email guidelines..................................................................................................34–36
one message..................................................................................42–43
the 2adpro
The 2adpro ambassador’s role is to serve as the
professional liaison between the company and
its clients.
Consistency and accuracy are key when it comes to
communication, especially at an international company. Clients
are looking for a clear messaging style with consistent
language, no matter who the communication is coming from.
2adpro ambassadors, or customer service executives, are the
faces of the company, communicating with our clients on a
regular basis. It is their responsibility to build a professional
relationship with their clients while remembering to also quickly
produce messages that are accurate and consistent. The
ultimate goal is to make the clients comfortable and confident in
2adpro’s work and to build strong professional relationships with
the clients.
a note
International clients are looking for consistent
content in all forms of communication.
2adpro: The creative hub of the flat world.
the 2adpro vision
vision statement
branding names
tab names
Compliance Check
Ready for Proof
In Production
Quality Check
Ad Design
Proof Read
Ad Review
Creative Review
software names
Introduce as JobDirect, JD every time thereafter
Studio Manager
Media Manager
order types
Follow Layout or AD1
Follow Layout with Changes or AD2
Full Artistic Discretion or AD3
File Types
Time Zones
Make sure that each abbreviation of file types and time
zones does not have a period after the
abbreviation guide
don’t abbreviate
	 15 August or August 15
Always spell out increments of time and dates.
Along with consistency, current and potential
clients judge a company based on its accuracy.
sentence structure
Fragments are sentences that do not contain a subject and a
verb. They are not complete sentences.
Example: Working on that.
Fix: We are working on that.
To fix or avoid fragments, make sure to have a subject and a
verb in every sentence.
Run-ons are sentences that can easily be broken into
multiple sentences. In a run-on sentence, commas instead of
periods usually separate the phrases. It’s important to
shorten sentences for clarity and conciseness.
Example: There is no car image provided, so we have put
blank space for the image and we are not sure about the
text “Drive away”, whether it has to be included or not but
we have placed a box around the word so you can see the
Fix: There is no car image provided, so we have put blank
space for the image. We are not sure about the text “Drive
away” – whether it has to be included or not. We have placed
a box around the words so you can see the changes.
Words in the past tense usually take the ending “-ed.”
When talking about what has already been done, use the
past tense.
Examples: We have checked this order. We were unsure
about the instructions. The file was corrupted.
Words in the present tense usually take the ending “-ing.”
When talking about what is going on at the moment it’s
being done, use the present tense.
Examples: We are checking on that right now. The new
image is being placed now.
Words in the future tense usually take the infinitive form of
the word but are paired with a linking verb like “will.”
Examples: We will check on that. We will place the image.
We will upload the document within the hour.
singular vs plural
Singular subjects can be single people, places or things. They
need singular verbs for the sentence to be grammatically
correct and to make sense.
Singular Subjects: it, he/she, Karen, New Zealand, Lenovo, I
Singular Verbs: has, was, is
Example Sentences: The order is ready to be reviewed.
The image has been uploaded to the FTP.
Plural subjects can be any group of people, places or things.
They need plural verbs for the sentence to be grammatically
correct and to make sense.
Plural Subjects: they, images, folders, programmes, we
Plural Verbs: have, were, are
Example Sentences: The orders are ready to be reviewed.
The images have been uploaded to the FTP.
proper nouns
Proper nouns are people, places or the registered names
of companies or products. More specifically, proper nouns
are the specific names of certain nouns. For people and
places, the capitalization seems more obvious. It’s the
things that make proper nouns tricky.
People: Senthil, Kelly
Places: Australia, London
Things: Lenovo, Fairfax, Skype
Make sure to avoid capitalizing anything but titles and proper
nouns. Nothing else should be capitalized.
The first letter of every sentence should be capitalized.
The first letter of greetings and sign-offs should be capitalized.
Do not capitalize nationalities or languages like “american” or
There should be a comma after every item in a series.
	Example: We have images, documents and orders.
Commas should be used to separate clauses.
	Example: We need to upload the image, place it in the
	 advert, and check for errors.
There should be a comma after an introductory clause.
	Example: Before we move the image, we need to
	 confirm its placement.
Commas should be used to combine two clauses with a
	Example: We will revise the order, but we need further
	 instructions from your end.
full stops
There should be a full stop, exclamation point or question
mark at the end of every sentence.
Only use “...” when quoting a long title or sentence and
want to shorten it.
	Example: We have removed the text “There once was 	
	 a young...” from the ad.
The only time colons should be used is if the email is set
in a list.
	 Example: The following orders have been sent:
			“yg 76877”
			“tk 8769”
			“kj 8733”
Only use semicolons if you have two sentences that go
together. Semicolons are a good way to avoid run-on
sentences. There should be one space after the
semicolon, but no spaces before it.
	 Example: We do not have the file “photo1.jpg”; we 	
	 have the file “photo4.jpg”.
Only use parentheses for clarification or as an aide to the
sentence. Punctuation should be outside of the
parentheses. Do not use conjunctions (and, or, but) inside
	 Example: We have received the prices for the items 	
	 ($1.99, $4.99, $7.99) and we have placed them on the 	
advise vs advice
word choice
“Advise” is a verb and should be used in sentences like
“Please advise us on which image to place.”
“Advice” is a noun and should be used in sentences like
“Please let us know if you have any questions or advice.”
your vs you’re
“Your” is possessive and is used when talking about
someone’s property. It should be used in sentences like
“Your order is almost completed.”
“You’re” is a contraction for “you are” and should be used in
sentences like “We understand that you’re upset.”
a vs an
Use “a” before words that do not begin with a vowel sound
like “a pickup” or “a box” or “a jpg.”
Use “an” before words that begin with a vowel sound like
“an ad” or “an order” or “an NCOH.”
revise vs revision
“Revise” is a verb and should be used in sentences like “We
will revise this order.”
“Revision” is a noun and should be used in sentences like
“We are working on the revision.”
word choice
they’re vs their vs there
“They’re” is a contraction for “they are” and should be used in
sentences like “They’re being sent right now.”
“Their” is a possessive and is used when talking about
someone’s or a group of people’s property. It should be used
in sentences like “Their colors were off in the document.”
“There” is the most common and should be used in sentences
like “There is a black box around the text.” or “We moved this
box from here to there.”
its vs it’s
“It’s” is a contraction. It means “it is.”
	Example: It’s being changed right now.
“Its” is one of the only possessives that doesn’t require an
	Example: Its font is missing.
phrases to avoid
“We’ve replaced the same.”
Why it’s confusing: Even if the “same” is mentioned in the
sentence before or in the same sentence, “the same” can
get confusing about what is actually being talked about, so
always write the name of the specific thing.
Replace with: We’ve replaced the image with gordan.jpg.
“Kindly do the needful.”
Why it’s confusing: This is just awkward phrasing.
Replace with: Please send us the missing files.
“Good noon.”
Why it’s confusing: This phrase is not used in 2adpro
client’s countries.
Replace with: Good afternoon.
phrases to avoid
“The updation process”
Why it’s confusing: The word “updation” doesn’t exist in
other countries and can confuse the clients.
Replace with: We will continue to update the documents.
“Please confirm doubts.”
Why it’s confusing: This is sometimes seen also as “Please
let us know of any queries.” The word “doubt” isn’t used in
other countries to mean “questions” or “concerns.”
Replace with: Please let us know if you have any questions.
Why it’s confusing: The word “Happy” should only be used
when you are talking about a holdiay.
Replace with: Have a great weekend.
“Happy Weekend!”
phrases to avoid
“We’ve ignored that.”
Why it’s confusing: The word “ignored” implies that the
instructions were just dismissed for whatever reason,
sending the wrong message to the client that we are not
listening to their requests.
Replace with: The file was too large, so we didn’t include it
in the ad. Please let us know if you have any revisions.
“You’ll be intimated soon.”
Why it’s confusing: The word “intimated” doesn’t hold the
same meaning as “informed” in other countries, so it’s safer
to avoid this phrase.
Replace with: We will inform you shortly.
“Will revert back.”
Why it’s confusing: The word “revert” literally means to go back,
so “revert back” doesn’t make sense. Just saying “We will
revert” is not correct either because it means “We will back.”
Replace with: We will get back to you shortly about that.
Contractions are words that are a combination of two
	 Examples: we’re = we are, we’ll = we will, there’s = 	
	 there is
Possessives are nouns that describe who the subject of
the sentence belongs to.
The apostrophe is placed between the word and the “s”
when the describing word is singular. The apostrophe is
placed after the “s” when the describing word is plural.
	Examples: The client’s document did not come 		
	 The clients’ documents are all safe in our server.
end of sentence
There should be one space after the end of each sentence.
	Example: We don’t have a few of the images mentioned. 		
	 Please send us the missing files.
There should be one space after each comma or colon and
none before each comma or colon.
	Examples: We are checking on your order, and we will up		
	 date you shortly.
	 We are missing the following files:
There should be one space on either side of dashes.
	Example: The instructions read “Move the images all to the 	
	 right side – lightened, cropped, centered.”
commas and colons
slashes and hyphens
There should not be any spaces on either side of slashes or
	Examples: The image “stars-and-stripes.jpg” has been 		
	 Your instructions read “Please move the images right/left 	 	
	 to show off more of the houses.”
There should be one space before a quote begins and one
space after a quote ends (US) or after the punctuation (UK, etc.).
	 US Example: We are missing “image1.jpg,” “image2.jpg” 		
	 and “tour.swf.”
	 UK/Australia/New Zealand Example: We are missing
	 “image1.jpg”, “image2.jpg” and “tour.swf”.
quotation marks
tonal choices
Tonal choices needed to be made to establish
a company voice.
It’s important to remember that clients email the company from
all over the world, and each country has a different grammatical
style. Since a large number of 2adpro’s clients work in the
newspaper industry and they are most likely very grammar-
conscious, 2adpro Ambassadors must follow the rules from their
clients’ respective countries to show attentiveness to detail and
to make the clients feel comfortable. Make sure that you copy and
paste all messages into a word document to check for
spelling mistakes. Also make sure the language in word is set to
your specific client by going to Tools - Language and choosing
English (AUS), English (US) or English (UK).
color colour
ad advert
analyze analyse
August 15, 2013 15 August 2013
gray grey
They read “Cancel the order.” They read “Cancel the order”.
country guide
a note
	 3:00 pm EST
	 10:30 am GMT
Zero to Nine
	 These numbers should always be spelled out.
		Example: We have three out of the nine files up	 	
		 loaded on the FTP.
10 and Above
	 Any number 10 or above should be written using
		Example: We have placed 10 car images with their
		 individual prices ($10,900, $27, 999, $18,567).
tonal word choice
email vs mail
Always use the word “email” when communicating with
clients. Outside of India, the word “mail” means only posted
mail with stamps, not email. For this reason, it’s better to
use the word “email” when communicating with clients.
we vs I
Always use “we” when communicating with the client.
Never use “I.” This will make the messages seem like they
are coming from the company as a whole rather than an
individual at the company.
Always use the word “and” instead of the symbol “&.”
Always use the word “or” instead of the symbol “/.”
The only exception to this rule is if the symbols “&” or “/”
are in a client’s company name or in quoted text.
dashes, slashes, hyphens and symbols
dashes and slashes
Dashes (–) and slashes (/) should only be used when
quoting text.
	 Example: The instructions read “Move the images all 	
	 to the right side – lightened, cropped, centered.”
There should not be any spaces around hyphens because
hyphenated words are words broken into bits kept together
by hyphens.
Hyphenated words can be adjectives that describe nouns or
words that are spelled with a hyphen.
	Examples: sign-offs, two-hour rush, 10-minute deadline
When quoting anything from an ad that is being worked on,
always place what is being talked about in quotation marks.
Example: We have placed “???” in the box until we receive the
quotation marks
from client communication
Always place quoted sentences and words from any
form of client communication in quotation marks. These
quotes can come from email, jd message board, or Skype.
Example: The Skype request reads “Please place the box
in the right hand corner.”
from ad design
All technical names should be in quotation marks. This includes
file names and order numbers.
Example: The file “Rocks_Trees.pdf” under the order “GRK
7863098” has been uploaded to the FTP.
greetings and sign-offs
acceptable greetings
acceptable sign-offs
Greetings should always have a comma after the
greeting. The only greetings CSEs should be using are “Hi,”
“Hi Sam,” “Hello,” “Hello Ronnie,” or “Dear Jessica.”
Sign-offs should always have “Thanks” or “Regards” with
a comma after it on one line. On the next line should be
the CSE’s name without any punctuation. Employees who
work with the clients on a more personal basis like
managers use “Cheers” sometimes as a sign-off. CSEs
should not use “Cheers” because a CSE’s relationship with
the client is much different than that of a manager.
acceptable email
Hello Sam,
The order “OHS 898768” has been completed and
context and bullet points
bullet points
All email messages, JD messages, and JD posts should follow
this style guide.
The only difference between JD or email and Skype is that
when sending a Skype message to a client, you do not have
to type a greeting or a sign-off for each message. Instead, type
a personalized greeting as its own message to start off the
conversation like “Hi John. This is Sathish.”
The use of bullet points in messages to the clients is allowed,
but only in certain situations. The following situations are the
only times when using bullet points is appropriate:
	 when typing a list of rules or requirements
	 when sending the client types of orders or services that 	
	 2adpro offers
	 only in JD messages or email messages, not in Skype
The bullet point “ ” should be the only type of bullet point
used. It should only be used in the color gray.
Skype requirements
company names
When communicating with clients over Skype, you must use
the company Skype name you have been assigned to work
from. Under no circumstance should you be using your
personal Skype name to communicate with clients. You
should be using one of the following names based on your
	 Search Name: production1-2adpro
	 Actual Name: 2adpro Client Support Team
	 Search Name: production-2adpro
	 Actual Name: 2adpro Client Support
It is never acceptable or permissable to use emoticons with
clients, no matter the situation or the relationship.
Skype requirements
photo guidelines
Your Skype and JD photos need to be clean, professional
and most importantly, of you. The following are specific
restrictions on your 2adpro Skype and JD photos:
	 no sunglasses
	 no hats
	 your face must be visible
	 no pictures of children that are not your own
	 must be a picture of you
	 needs to be professional and friendly
profile guidelines
Because you are representing the company and
communicating with clients on a regular basis, your Skype
profile speaks a lot to 2adpro as a whole.
That being said, do not add any quotations or proverbs to
your profile. If anything, just add a line like “Working” or
something similar.
communicationIn times of crisis, clients need to be reassured of 2adpro’s
service and dedication to their work, which can be achieved
through consistent, accurate and professional language.
1. Acknowledge the issue.
2. Advise what we are doing to investigate the issue.
3. Provide an immediately alternative solution.
	 Example: uploading inputs directly to JD in the case of an 		
	 integration issue
4. Advise the client of the outcome.
When writing to global clients, especially in times of crisis for the
company or the country, it’s very important to remain
professional. Email messages should be brief and to the point.
Make sure to address the client’s concerns and give an
appropriate and professional response. To avoid grammatical
errors or mistakes, be sure to read through the email at least
once to make sure that it makes sense and is free of any errors.
a note
overwhelmed by your kindness
love and healing prayers
our saviour, lord, God
broken hearts
have us running through your mind always
joining hands in prayer
phrases to avoid
problem–solution emails
If a client sends the company a “We’re thinking of you” email in a
time of crisis for India, always respond with a short message that
acknowledges that the company appreciates their concern.
The message should only be one or two sentences.
Thank them for their concern.
Mention that the company appreciates their support in this
difficult or challenging time.
email guidelines
Mention the order number and its status.
Mention the reason for the delay and make sure it is an
acceptable reason.
Mention how long it will take to complete the order.
Notify the client as soon as you know the ad will be delayed.
Apologize once in the email for the delay.
Make sure to tell the client realistic timings on when the order
will be completed.
email guidelines
Mention the order number.
Mention the exact instructions where the missing documents are
Kindly ask them to send the missing documents so their order
can be completed.
Tell them where in the JD their order is.
Let them know how the missing documents will affect their
production timeline, if at all.
missing documents
Apologize once in the email for whatever reason they are upset.
Tell the client that you understand their frustration if the client
continues to send angry emails.
Do not over-apologize.
Assure the client that their order is being worked on and will be
delivered to them soon, and mention when that will be.
unhappy clients
email guidelines
Mention the order number.
Mention where in the process their order is.
Inform the client that their order has been placed on NCOH.
Quote the exact instructions that are confusing and explain why
they are confusing.
Ask the client to please clarify what they mean in their
confusing instructions
When presenting work either to the clients or to the team, the
way in which 2adpro information is presented is of significant
presentation style
The most important thing to remember about putting together
a presentation is that you are presenting the information, not
reading it. The people you are presenting to want to listen and be
engaged; they don’t want to read off the PowerPoint. You don’t
want them to read either because this can lead to them getting
bored with your presentation.
present, don’t read
Use bullet points.
Don’t use periods, exclamation points, or question marks.
Only put in the most important information in its most clear and
concise form.
If you can take out any text that is unnecessary, do it.
short and to the point
presentation format
...there are a few important things to remember. The point of
standardizing 2adpro presentations is to ensure that the
company is being presented in a consistent and accurate way.
By using the same fonts, sizes, and colors throughout every
presentation, 2adpro as a brand will become stronger.
when presenting...
Don’t just have bullet points and text on each slide.
Use images, graphs, or charts to display your ideas.
Don’t forget about animation!
Keep slides simple and clear and don’t overcomplicate.
Remember, you can always start another slide.
get creative
presentation template
process document template
one message
As 2adpro ambassadors, the CSEs are responsible for relaying
the company’s message to the clients. One consistent message
with one voice.
The 2adpro Ambassador’s role is to serve as the professional
liaison between the company and its clients. International
clients are looking for consistent content in all forms of
communication. Along with consistency, current and
potential clients judge a company based on its accuracy.
Tonal choices needed to be made to establish a company
voice. In times of crisis, clients need to be reassured of
2adpro’s service and dedication to their work, which can be
achieved through consistent, accurate and professional
language. When presenting work either to the clients or to the
team, the way in which 2adpro information is presented is of
significant importance. As 2adpro Ambassadors, the CSEs are
responsible for relaying the company’s message to the clients.
One consistent message with one voice.
the 2adpro voice

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  • 2. table of contents the 2adpro ambassador..................................................................1–2 branding.............................................................................................3–6 the 2adpro vision...........................................................................................................4 branding names.............................................................................................................5 abbreviation guide........................................................................................................6 grammar...........................................................................................7–21 sentence structure.......................................................................................................8 tenses.............................................................................................................................9 singular vs plural........................................................................................................10 casing...........................................................................................................................11 punctuation.........................................................................................................12–13 word choice.........................................................................................................14–15 phrases to avoid.................................................................................................16–18 apostrophes................................................................................................................19 spacing..................................................................................................................20–21 tonal choices.................................................................................22–31 country guide..............................................................................................................23 numbers.......................................................................................................................24 word choice.................................................................................................................25 dashes, slashes, hyphens and symbols.................................................................26 quotation marks.........................................................................................................27 greetings and sign-offs..............................................................................................28 context and bullet points..........................................................................................29 Skype requirements............................................................................................30–31 crisis communication..................................................................32–36 professionalism..........................................................................................................33 email guidelines..................................................................................................34–36 presentations.................................................................................37–41 one message..................................................................................42–43
  • 3. 1 the 2adpro ambassador The 2adpro ambassador’s role is to serve as the professional liaison between the company and its clients.
  • 4. 2 Consistency and accuracy are key when it comes to communication, especially at an international company. Clients are looking for a clear messaging style with consistent language, no matter who the communication is coming from. 2adpro ambassadors, or customer service executives, are the faces of the company, communicating with our clients on a regular basis. It is their responsibility to build a professional relationship with their clients while remembering to also quickly produce messages that are accurate and consistent. The ultimate goal is to make the clients comfortable and confident in 2adpro’s work and to build strong professional relationships with the clients. Intro a note
  • 5. 3 branding International clients are looking for consistent content in all forms of communication.
  • 6. 4 2adpro: The creative hub of the flat world. the 2adpro vision vision statement Innovation Customers Teamwork Learning Integrity values
  • 7. 5 branding names tab names NCOH Compliance Check Ready for Proof In Production Quality Check Submitted Ad Design Proof Read Ad Review Creative Review Rework software names Introduce as JobDirect, JD every time thereafter Workflow 2adpro Studio Manager Media Manager order types Follow Layout or AD1 Follow Layout with Changes or AD2 Full Artistic Discretion or AD3
  • 8. 6 abbreviate File Types INDD, PSD, PPT, PDF, AI, XLS, SWF, FLV, DOC Time Zones EST, CST, MDT, PST, GMT, NZT, AEST, EDT, BST, MSD Make sure that each abbreviation of file types and time zones does not have a period after the abbreviation. abbreviation guide don’t abbreviate Time minutes hours Dates 15 August or August 15 Always spell out increments of time and dates.
  • 9. 7 grammar Along with consistency, current and potential clients judge a company based on its accuracy.
  • 10. 8 sentence structure fragments Fragments are sentences that do not contain a subject and a verb. They are not complete sentences. Example: Working on that. Fix: We are working on that. To fix or avoid fragments, make sure to have a subject and a verb in every sentence. run-ons Run-ons are sentences that can easily be broken into multiple sentences. In a run-on sentence, commas instead of periods usually separate the phrases. It’s important to shorten sentences for clarity and conciseness. Example: There is no car image provided, so we have put blank space for the image and we are not sure about the text “Drive away”, whether it has to be included or not but we have placed a box around the word so you can see the changes. Fix: There is no car image provided, so we have put blank space for the image. We are not sure about the text “Drive away” – whether it has to be included or not. We have placed a box around the words so you can see the changes.
  • 11. 9 tenses past present future Words in the past tense usually take the ending “-ed.” When talking about what has already been done, use the past tense. Examples: We have checked this order. We were unsure about the instructions. The file was corrupted. Words in the present tense usually take the ending “-ing.” When talking about what is going on at the moment it’s being done, use the present tense. Examples: We are checking on that right now. The new image is being placed now. Words in the future tense usually take the infinitive form of the word but are paired with a linking verb like “will.” Examples: We will check on that. We will place the image. We will upload the document within the hour.
  • 12. 10 singular vs plural singular Singular subjects can be single people, places or things. They need singular verbs for the sentence to be grammatically correct and to make sense. Singular Subjects: it, he/she, Karen, New Zealand, Lenovo, I Singular Verbs: has, was, is Example Sentences: The order is ready to be reviewed. The image has been uploaded to the FTP. plural Plural subjects can be any group of people, places or things. They need plural verbs for the sentence to be grammatically correct and to make sense. Plural Subjects: they, images, folders, programmes, we Plural Verbs: have, were, are Example Sentences: The orders are ready to be reviewed. The images have been uploaded to the FTP.
  • 13. 11 casing proper nouns Proper nouns are people, places or the registered names of companies or products. More specifically, proper nouns are the specific names of certain nouns. For people and places, the capitalization seems more obvious. It’s the things that make proper nouns tricky. People: Senthil, Kelly Places: Australia, London Things: Lenovo, Fairfax, Skype basics Make sure to avoid capitalizing anything but titles and proper nouns. Nothing else should be capitalized. The first letter of every sentence should be capitalized. The first letter of greetings and sign-offs should be capitalized. Do not capitalize nationalities or languages like “american” or “english.”
  • 14. 12 commas There should be a comma after every item in a series. Example: We have images, documents and orders. Commas should be used to separate clauses. Example: We need to upload the image, place it in the advert, and check for errors. There should be a comma after an introductory clause. Example: Before we move the image, we need to confirm its placement. Commas should be used to combine two clauses with a conjunction. Example: We will revise the order, but we need further instructions from your end. full stops There should be a full stop, exclamation point or question mark at the end of every sentence. Only use “...” when quoting a long title or sentence and want to shorten it. Example: We have removed the text “There once was a young...” from the ad. punctuation
  • 15. 13 punctuation colons The only time colons should be used is if the email is set in a list. Example: The following orders have been sent: “yg 76877” “tk 8769” “kj 8733” semicolons Only use semicolons if you have two sentences that go together. Semicolons are a good way to avoid run-on sentences. There should be one space after the semicolon, but no spaces before it. Example: We do not have the file “photo1.jpg”; we have the file “photo4.jpg”. parentheses Only use parentheses for clarification or as an aide to the sentence. Punctuation should be outside of the parentheses. Do not use conjunctions (and, or, but) inside parentheses. Example: We have received the prices for the items ($1.99, $4.99, $7.99) and we have placed them on the ad.
  • 16. 14 advise vs advice word choice “Advise” is a verb and should be used in sentences like “Please advise us on which image to place.” “Advice” is a noun and should be used in sentences like “Please let us know if you have any questions or advice.” your vs you’re “Your” is possessive and is used when talking about someone’s property. It should be used in sentences like “Your order is almost completed.” “You’re” is a contraction for “you are” and should be used in sentences like “We understand that you’re upset.” a vs an Use “a” before words that do not begin with a vowel sound like “a pickup” or “a box” or “a jpg.” Use “an” before words that begin with a vowel sound like “an ad” or “an order” or “an NCOH.”
  • 17. revise vs revision “Revise” is a verb and should be used in sentences like “We will revise this order.” “Revision” is a noun and should be used in sentences like “We are working on the revision.” 15 word choice they’re vs their vs there “They’re” is a contraction for “they are” and should be used in sentences like “They’re being sent right now.” “Their” is a possessive and is used when talking about someone’s or a group of people’s property. It should be used in sentences like “Their colors were off in the document.” “There” is the most common and should be used in sentences like “There is a black box around the text.” or “We moved this box from here to there.” its vs it’s “It’s” is a contraction. It means “it is.” Example: It’s being changed right now. “Its” is one of the only possessives that doesn’t require an apostrophe. Example: Its font is missing.
  • 18. 16 phrases to avoid “We’ve replaced the same.” Why it’s confusing: Even if the “same” is mentioned in the sentence before or in the same sentence, “the same” can get confusing about what is actually being talked about, so always write the name of the specific thing. Replace with: We’ve replaced the image with gordan.jpg. “Kindly do the needful.” Why it’s confusing: This is just awkward phrasing. Replace with: Please send us the missing files. “Good noon.” Why it’s confusing: This phrase is not used in 2adpro client’s countries. Replace with: Good afternoon.
  • 19. 17 phrases to avoid “The updation process” Why it’s confusing: The word “updation” doesn’t exist in other countries and can confuse the clients. Replace with: We will continue to update the documents. “Please confirm doubts.” Why it’s confusing: This is sometimes seen also as “Please let us know of any queries.” The word “doubt” isn’t used in other countries to mean “questions” or “concerns.” Replace with: Please let us know if you have any questions. Why it’s confusing: The word “Happy” should only be used when you are talking about a holdiay. Replace with: Have a great weekend. “Happy Weekend!”
  • 20. 18 phrases to avoid “We’ve ignored that.” Why it’s confusing: The word “ignored” implies that the instructions were just dismissed for whatever reason, sending the wrong message to the client that we are not listening to their requests. Replace with: The file was too large, so we didn’t include it in the ad. Please let us know if you have any revisions. “You’ll be intimated soon.” Why it’s confusing: The word “intimated” doesn’t hold the same meaning as “informed” in other countries, so it’s safer to avoid this phrase. Replace with: We will inform you shortly. “Will revert back.” Why it’s confusing: The word “revert” literally means to go back, so “revert back” doesn’t make sense. Just saying “We will revert” is not correct either because it means “We will back.” Replace with: We will get back to you shortly about that.
  • 21. 19 contractions Contractions are words that are a combination of two words. Examples: we’re = we are, we’ll = we will, there’s = there is possessives Possessives are nouns that describe who the subject of the sentence belongs to. The apostrophe is placed between the word and the “s” when the describing word is singular. The apostrophe is placed after the “s” when the describing word is plural. Examples: The client’s document did not come through. The clients’ documents are all safe in our server. apostrophes
  • 22. 20 spacing end of sentence There should be one space after the end of each sentence. Example: We don’t have a few of the images mentioned. Please send us the missing files. There should be one space after each comma or colon and none before each comma or colon. Examples: We are checking on your order, and we will up date you shortly. We are missing the following files: “Image1.jpg” “” “Flick.flv” There should be one space on either side of dashes. Example: The instructions read “Move the images all to the right side – lightened, cropped, centered.” commas and colons dashes
  • 23. 21 spacing slashes and hyphens There should not be any spaces on either side of slashes or hyphens. Examples: The image “stars-and-stripes.jpg” has been placed. Your instructions read “Please move the images right/left to show off more of the houses.” There should be one space before a quote begins and one space after a quote ends (US) or after the punctuation (UK, etc.). US Example: We are missing “image1.jpg,” “image2.jpg” and “tour.swf.” UK/Australia/New Zealand Example: We are missing “image1.jpg”, “image2.jpg” and “tour.swf”. quotation marks
  • 24. 22 tonal choices Tonal choices needed to be made to establish a company voice.
  • 25. 23 It’s important to remember that clients email the company from all over the world, and each country has a different grammatical style. Since a large number of 2adpro’s clients work in the newspaper industry and they are most likely very grammar- conscious, 2adpro Ambassadors must follow the rules from their clients’ respective countries to show attentiveness to detail and to make the clients feel comfortable. Make sure that you copy and paste all messages into a word document to check for spelling mistakes. Also make sure the language in word is set to your specific client by going to Tools - Language and choosing English (AUS), English (US) or English (UK). US UK/Australia/New Zealand color colour ad advert analyze analyse August 15, 2013 15 August 2013 gray grey They read “Cancel the order.” They read “Cancel the order”. country guide a note
  • 26. 24 numbers Time 3:00 pm EST 10:30 am GMT Zero to Nine These numbers should always be spelled out. Example: We have three out of the nine files up loaded on the FTP. 10 and Above Any number 10 or above should be written using numerals. Example: We have placed 10 car images with their individual prices ($10,900, $27, 999, $18,567). numbers
  • 27. 25 tonal word choice email vs mail Always use the word “email” when communicating with clients. Outside of India, the word “mail” means only posted mail with stamps, not email. For this reason, it’s better to use the word “email” when communicating with clients. we vs I Always use “we” when communicating with the client. Never use “I.” This will make the messages seem like they are coming from the company as a whole rather than an individual at the company.
  • 28. 26 Always use the word “and” instead of the symbol “&.” Always use the word “or” instead of the symbol “/.” The only exception to this rule is if the symbols “&” or “/” are in a client’s company name or in quoted text. dashes, slashes, hyphens and symbols dashes and slashes Dashes (–) and slashes (/) should only be used when quoting text. Example: The instructions read “Move the images all to the right side – lightened, cropped, centered.” symbols hyphens There should not be any spaces around hyphens because hyphenated words are words broken into bits kept together by hyphens. Hyphenated words can be adjectives that describe nouns or words that are spelled with a hyphen. Examples: sign-offs, two-hour rush, 10-minute deadline
  • 29. 27 When quoting anything from an ad that is being worked on, always place what is being talked about in quotation marks. Example: We have placed “???” in the box until we receive the image. quotation marks from client communication Always place quoted sentences and words from any form of client communication in quotation marks. These quotes can come from email, jd message board, or Skype. Example: The Skype request reads “Please place the box in the right hand corner.” from ad design All technical names should be in quotation marks. This includes file names and order numbers. Example: The file “Rocks_Trees.pdf” under the order “GRK 7863098” has been uploaded to the FTP. technical
  • 30. 28 greetings and sign-offs acceptable greetings acceptable sign-offs Greetings should always have a comma after the greeting. The only greetings CSEs should be using are “Hi,” “Hi Sam,” “Hello,” “Hello Ronnie,” or “Dear Jessica.” Sign-offs should always have “Thanks” or “Regards” with a comma after it on one line. On the next line should be the CSE’s name without any punctuation. Employees who work with the clients on a more personal basis like managers use “Cheers” sometimes as a sign-off. CSEs should not use “Cheers” because a CSE’s relationship with the client is much different than that of a manager. acceptable email Hello Sam, The order “OHS 898768” has been completed and delivered. Thanks, Tirtha
  • 31. 29 context and bullet points context bullet points All email messages, JD messages, and JD posts should follow this style guide. The only difference between JD or email and Skype is that when sending a Skype message to a client, you do not have to type a greeting or a sign-off for each message. Instead, type a personalized greeting as its own message to start off the conversation like “Hi John. This is Sathish.” The use of bullet points in messages to the clients is allowed, but only in certain situations. The following situations are the only times when using bullet points is appropriate: when typing a list of rules or requirements when sending the client types of orders or services that 2adpro offers only in JD messages or email messages, not in Skype The bullet point “ ” should be the only type of bullet point used. It should only be used in the color gray.
  • 32. 30 Skype requirements company names When communicating with clients over Skype, you must use the company Skype name you have been assigned to work from. Under no circumstance should you be using your personal Skype name to communicate with clients. You should be using one of the following names based on your location. Bangalore Search Name: production1-2adpro Actual Name: 2adpro Client Support Team Chennai Search Name: production-2adpro Actual Name: 2adpro Client Support It is never acceptable or permissable to use emoticons with clients, no matter the situation or the relationship. emoticons
  • 33. 31 Skype requirements photo guidelines Your Skype and JD photos need to be clean, professional and most importantly, of you. The following are specific restrictions on your 2adpro Skype and JD photos: no sunglasses no hats your face must be visible no pictures of children that are not your own must be a picture of you needs to be professional and friendly profile guidelines Because you are representing the company and communicating with clients on a regular basis, your Skype profile speaks a lot to 2adpro as a whole. That being said, do not add any quotations or proverbs to your profile. If anything, just add a line like “Working” or something similar.
  • 34. 32 crisis communicationIn times of crisis, clients need to be reassured of 2adpro’s service and dedication to their work, which can be achieved through consistent, accurate and professional language.
  • 35. 1. Acknowledge the issue. 2. Advise what we are doing to investigate the issue. 3. Provide an immediately alternative solution. Example: uploading inputs directly to JD in the case of an integration issue 4. Advise the client of the outcome. 33 When writing to global clients, especially in times of crisis for the company or the country, it’s very important to remain professional. Email messages should be brief and to the point. Make sure to address the client’s concerns and give an appropriate and professional response. To avoid grammatical errors or mistakes, be sure to read through the email at least once to make sure that it makes sense and is free of any errors. professionalism a note overwhelmed by your kindness love and healing prayers our saviour, lord, God broken hearts have us running through your mind always joining hands in prayer phrases to avoid problem–solution emails
  • 36. 34 If a client sends the company a “We’re thinking of you” email in a time of crisis for India, always respond with a short message that acknowledges that the company appreciates their concern. The message should only be one or two sentences. Thank them for their concern. Mention that the company appreciates their support in this difficult or challenging time. email guidelines crisis Mention the order number and its status. Mention the reason for the delay and make sure it is an acceptable reason. Mention how long it will take to complete the order. Notify the client as soon as you know the ad will be delayed. Apologize once in the email for the delay. Make sure to tell the client realistic timings on when the order will be completed. delays
  • 37. 35 email guidelines Mention the order number. Mention the exact instructions where the missing documents are mentioned. Kindly ask them to send the missing documents so their order can be completed. Tell them where in the JD their order is. Let them know how the missing documents will affect their production timeline, if at all. missing documents Apologize once in the email for whatever reason they are upset. Tell the client that you understand their frustration if the client continues to send angry emails. Do not over-apologize. Assure the client that their order is being worked on and will be delivered to them soon, and mention when that will be. unhappy clients
  • 38. 36 email guidelines Mention the order number. Mention where in the process their order is. Inform the client that their order has been placed on NCOH. Quote the exact instructions that are confusing and explain why they are confusing. Ask the client to please clarify what they mean in their instructions. confusing instructions
  • 39. 37 presentations When presenting work either to the clients or to the team, the way in which 2adpro information is presented is of significant importance.
  • 40. 38 presentation style The most important thing to remember about putting together a presentation is that you are presenting the information, not reading it. The people you are presenting to want to listen and be engaged; they don’t want to read off the PowerPoint. You don’t want them to read either because this can lead to them getting bored with your presentation. present, don’t read Use bullet points. Don’t use periods, exclamation points, or question marks. Only put in the most important information in its most clear and concise form. If you can take out any text that is unnecessary, do it. short and to the point
  • 41. 39 presentation format ...there are a few important things to remember. The point of standardizing 2adpro presentations is to ensure that the company is being presented in a consistent and accurate way. By using the same fonts, sizes, and colors throughout every presentation, 2adpro as a brand will become stronger. when presenting... Don’t just have bullet points and text on each slide. Use images, graphs, or charts to display your ideas. Don’t forget about animation! Keep slides simple and clear and don’t overcomplicate. Remember, you can always start another slide. get creative
  • 44. 42 one message As 2adpro ambassadors, the CSEs are responsible for relaying the company’s message to the clients. One consistent message with one voice.
  • 45. 43 The 2adpro Ambassador’s role is to serve as the professional liaison between the company and its clients. International clients are looking for consistent content in all forms of communication. Along with consistency, current and potential clients judge a company based on its accuracy. Tonal choices needed to be made to establish a company voice. In times of crisis, clients need to be reassured of 2adpro’s service and dedication to their work, which can be achieved through consistent, accurate and professional language. When presenting work either to the clients or to the team, the way in which 2adpro information is presented is of significant importance. As 2adpro Ambassadors, the CSEs are responsible for relaying the company’s message to the clients. One consistent message with one voice. conclusion the 2adpro voice