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Enterprise Automation
● SA at EPAM Systems
● primary skill is Java
● hands-on-coding with Groovy, Ruby
● exploring FP with Erlang/Elixir
● passionate about agile, clean code and devops
● Introduction
● Gradle
● Step by step by features
● Alternatives
● References
● Q&A
Build tools usage trend
Continuous Integration
#1 Each change auto. built and deployed
#2 Test on closed to prod environment
#1 Each change auto. built and deployed
#2 Test on closed to prod environment
#1 Each change auto. built and deployed
#3 Integrate as frequently as possible
#2 Test on closed to prod environment
#1 Each change auto. built and deployed
#3 Integrate as frequently as possible
#4 The highest priority is to fix failed build
● Each change guarantees working code
● Each update should guarantee working
code ;)
● There is no delay for epic merge
● Less bugs - depends on your tests
● Allows to have code ready to go live
● Need to build infrastructure
● Need to build team culture
● Need to support/enhance infrastructure
● Overhead with writing different kinds of
Continuous D*
#1 Every commit should result in a release
#1 Every commit should result in a release
#2 Automated tests are essential
#1 Every commit should result in a release
#2 Automated tests are essential
#3 Automate everything!
#1 Every commit should result in a release
#2 Automated tests are essential
#3 Automate everything!
#4 Done means release/live in prod
● Speed of delivery of business idea to
● Easy going live deployment
● Less time spent on delivery - more profit
● More motivation to do more as you can
see what you can change/improve
● Big effort to implement changes for:
○ database increment/rollback
○ infrastructure rollout/rollback
○ decrease down time …
● Need to get customers to buy in
● Security policies
- General purpose build system
- General purpose build system
- Comes with a rich DSL based on Groovy
- General purpose build system
- Comes with a rich DSL based on Groovy
- Follows ”build-by-convention” principles
- General purpose build system
- Comes with a rich DSL based on Groovy
- Follows ”build-by-convention” principles
- Built-in plug-ins for JVM languages, etc
- General purpose build system
- Comes with a rich DSL based on Groovy
- Follows ”build-by-convention” principles
- Built-in plug-ins for JVM languages, etc
- Derives all the best from Ivy, Ant & Maven
1. JDK 8
2. Gradle 2.2+
3. Git
1. Change directory to D:ImagesGradle folder
2. Open Command Window in dir D:ImagesGradle
3. Execute
​ Gitbingit clone
4. Change directory to sbs-gradle
5. Execute
gradle -v
java -version
#0 Installation
Groovy is under the hood
1. Reset code base to initial state
git reset --hard 3a2ed47
git clean -df​
2. Create file build.gradle
3. Type
​ println 'Hello, World!​​​​​​​​​​​'​
4. Run
#1 Hello World!
1. Run to see default tasks list
gradle tasks
2. Replace build.gradle file content with
​ apply plugin: 'java'​
3. Run to see new available tasks
gradle tasks
4. Checkout step s3_apply_plugin
5. Run to build Java source code
gradle build
6. Explore directory build
#2 Create simple build
Flexible Execution
1. Run task with part of name
gradle ta
2. Run task with part of name to clean and compile
​ gradle cle tC
3. Run task with part of name to clean and compile and
exclude processTestResources
gradle cle tC -x pTR
4. Get details for task
gradle -q help --task clean
#3 Execute tasks
1. Run task
gradle tasks
2. Run task to generate wrapper
​ gradle wrapper
3. Run tasks using wrapper
./gradlew tasks
4. Customize task wrapper to use another Gradle version
​task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '2.2.1'
5. Check Gradle version
./gradlew -v
#4 Use wrapper
Multi-module Structure
1. Checkout step s5_prepare
2. Add directory common
3. Move src to common
4. Create common/build.gradle for Java
5. Add new module to settings.gradle
include ':common'​
6. Run build
./gradlew clean build
7. Run task for module
./gradlew :com:compJ
#5 Create multi-module build
Dependency Management
- compile - to compile source
- compile - to compile source
- runtime - required by classes at runtime
- compile - to compile source
- runtime - required by classes at runtime
- testCompile - to compile test sources
- compile - to compile source
- runtime - required by classes at runtime
- testCompile - to compile test sources
- testRuntime - required to run the tests
1. Add repositories to download dependencies from to
allprojects { currProject ->
repositories {
maven {url '’}
#6 Dependencies
1. Add common dependencies for all subprojects in
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'java'
dependencies {
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.7'
#6.1 Dependencies
1. Add dependencies for concrete module in
dependencies {
#6.2 Dependencies
1. List project dependencies
./gradlew :common:dependencies
#6.3 Dependencies
1. Extract common configuration parameters to gradle
.properties file
lombokVersion = 1.14.4
build.gradle file
dependencies {
#7 Configuration
1. Parameterise execution for custom task :printParameter
in build.gradle
task printParameter {
println givenParameter
2. Add parameter default value to
3. Execute task
./gradlew -q :printParameter -PgivenParameter=hello
#7.1 Configuration
Rich API
#8 Rich API
● Lifecycle
● Create a Settings instance for the build.
● Evaluate the settings.gradle script, if present, against the Settings
object to configure it.
● Use the configured Settings object to create the hierarchy of Project
● Finally, evaluate each Project by executing its build.gradle file, if
present, against the project. The project are evaluated in such order
that a project is evaluated before its child projects.
● Tasks
● A project is essentially a collection of Task objects.
● Each task performs some basic piece of work.
● Dependencies
● A project generally has a number of dependencies.
● Project generally produces a number of artifacts, which other projects
can use.
● Plugins
● Plugins can be used to modularise and reuse project configuration.
● Properties
● Any property or method which your script uses is delegated through to
the associated Project object.
● A project has 5 property 'scopes'.
● Dynamic Methods
● A project has 5 method 'scopes'.
More Tests
1. Add integration test source sets in file
sourceSets {
integTest {
compileClasspath += main.output + test.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output + test.output
#8.1 Rich API
2. Add integration test configurations in file
configurations {
integTestCompile.extendsFrom testCompile
integTestRuntime.extendsFrom testRuntime
3. Include extension for subprojects in file build.gradle
apply from:
#8.1 Rich API
3. Add integration test task in file gradle/integTest.gradle
task integTest(type: Test){
testClassesDir =
classpath =
shouldRunAfter 'test'
4. Execute integration tests
./gradlew integTest
#8.1 Rich API
1. Open build.gradle to add dependency for one task
from another
​ printParameter.dependsOn 'help'​
2. Run printParameter task
./gradlew printParameter
#8.2 Tasks Dependencies
1. Open build.gradle to add ordering for one task from
task areTestsExist {
if ([
].isEmpty()) {
println 'Test directory is empty'
} else {
println 'Test directory is not empty, will
execute tests'
test.mustRunAfter areTestsExist
#8.3 Tasks Ordering*
2. Run test task
./gradlew test
#8.3 Tasks Ordering*
1. Add rule to validate running of integration tests task
tasks.addRule('Check correctness of running tests'){ String
taskName ->
Map<String, String> args =
gradle.taskGraph.allTasks.each { Task task ->
if ('integTest') &&
!args.containsKey('profile')) {
throw new
org.gradle.api.tasks.StopExecutionException("Profile was not
specified to run tests (-Dprofile=ci).")
#8.4 Rules
2. Run check task to have failure
./gradlew check
3. Run check task with expected parameter
./gradlew check -Dprofile=ci
#8.4 Rules
Parallel Execution
1. Switch to 9th step and execute next command
./gradlew test --parallel
2. Try to modify amount of executable threads
./gradlew test --parallel --parallel-threads=3
#9 Parallel builds
Incremental Builds
1. Create file gradle/releaseNotes.gradle to add task for
release notes
ext.destDir = new File(buildDir, 'releaseNotes')
ext.releaseNotesTemplate = file('releaseNotes.tmpl.txt')
tasks.create(name: 'copyTask', type: org.gradle.api.tasks.Copy) {
from releaseNotesTemplate
into destDir
doFirst {
if (!destDir.exists()) {
rename { String fileName ->
fileName.replace('.tmpl', '')
#10 Custom Inputs/Outputs
tasks.create('releaseNotes') {
inputs.file copyTask
outputs.dir destDir
2. Add releaseNotes.tmpl.txt file as a template for release
3. Apply configuration from gradle/releaseNotes.gradle in
4. Let’s run releaseNotes task
./gradlew releaseNotes
#10 Custom Inputs/Outputs
1. Enhance release notes task to prepare nice release notes file
ext.changesFile = file('changes.txt')
ext.bugs = []
ext.features = []
changesFile.eachLine { String line ->
String bugSymbol = '#bug:'
String featureSymbol = '#feature:'
if (line.contains(bugSymbol)) {
bugs << line.replace(bugSymbol, '')
} else if (line.contains(featureSymbol)) {
features << line.replace(featureSymbol, '')
tokens: [bugs: bugs.join("n"),
features: features.join("n")])​
#10.1 Files filtering
Test Coverage
1. Add JaCoCo configuration in gradle/coverage.gradle
apply plugin: "jacoco"
jacoco {
toolVersion = ""
check.dependsOn jacocoTestReport
jacocoTestReport {
dependsOn 'test'
reports {
xml.enabled true
csv.enabled false
html.enabled true
#11 Test Coverage
2. Apply configuration from gradle/coverage.gradle in
3. Implement proper test for proper method
4. Let’s run check task to collect coverage metrics
./gradlew check -Dprofile=ci
5. Open
common/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html file
to overview coverage
#11 Test Coverage
1. Add JaCoCo configuration in gradle/coverage.gradle for
integration tests
​task jacocoIntegrationTestReport(type: JacocoReport) {
dependsOn integTest
sourceSets sourceSets.main
executionData integTest
reports {
xml {
enabled true
csv.enabled false
html {
destination "$buildDir/reports/jacoco/integTest/html"
#11.1 Integration Test Coverage
check.dependsOn jacocoIntegrationTestReport
jacocoIntegrationTestReport.mustRunAfter jacocoTestReport
2. Let’s run check task to collect coverage metrics for
integration tests as well
./gradlew check -Dprofile=ci
#11.1 Integration Test Coverage
Static Code Analysis
1. Add configuration in gradle/codeQuality.gradle for code
quality analysis and apply configuration in build.gradle
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'findbugs'
findbugs {
ignoreFailures = true
toolVersion = '3.0.0'
apply plugin: 'pmd'
pmd {
toolVersion = '5.1.3'
#12 Static Code Analysis
2. Let’s run check task to collect code quality metrics
./gradlew check -Dprofile=ci
3. Open common/build/reports/pmd|findbugs/*.html
#12 Static Code Analysis
Artefacts Publishing
1. Add configuration in gradle/publishing.gradle for artefacts
publishing and apply configuration in build.gradle
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
publishing {
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username 'admin'
password 'password'
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
groupId "name.webdizz.${}"
version = uploadVersion
#13 Artefacts Publishing
2. Let’s run publish task to publish artefacts
./gradlew publish -PuploadVersion=1.1.1.[YourName]
3. Check artefact was uploaded at
#13 Artefacts Publishing
Plugable Architecture
● Build script
Visible for build file
● buildSrc/src/main/groovy
Visible for project
● Standalone project
Could be shared between projects using binary artefact
1. Create file PluginsPrinterPlugin.groovy in
​import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
public class PluginsPrinterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
project.task('printPlugins') << {
println 'Current project has next list of plugins:'
ext.plugins = project.plugins.collect { plugin ->
println plugins
#14 Plugins Printer
2. Apply plugin for all projects in build.gradle file
allprojects {
apply plugin: PluginsPrinterPlugin
3. Let’s run printPlugins task to print plugins activated for
./gradlew printPlugins
#14 Plugins Printer
- build
like you
- a software
Izzet Mustafayev@EPAM Systems
@webdizz webdizz izzetmustafaiev

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Gradle - the Enterprise Automation Tool

  • 2. ● SA at EPAM Systems ● primary skill is Java ● hands-on-coding with Groovy, Ruby ● exploring FP with Erlang/Elixir ● passionate about agile, clean code and devops
  • 3. Agenda ● Introduction ● Gradle ● Step by step by features ● Alternatives ● References ● Q&A
  • 6.
  • 8. Principles #1 Each change auto. built and deployed
  • 9. #2 Test on closed to prod environment Principles #1 Each change auto. built and deployed
  • 10. #2 Test on closed to prod environment #1 Each change auto. built and deployed #3 Integrate as frequently as possible Principles
  • 11. #2 Test on closed to prod environment #1 Each change auto. built and deployed #3 Integrate as frequently as possible Principles #4 The highest priority is to fix failed build
  • 12. Benefits ● Each change guarantees working code ● Each update should guarantee working code ;) ● There is no delay for epic merge ● Less bugs - depends on your tests efficiency* ● Allows to have code ready to go live
  • 13. Challenges ● Need to build infrastructure ● Need to build team culture ● Need to support/enhance infrastructure ● Overhead with writing different kinds of tests
  • 15. Principles #1 Every commit should result in a release
  • 16. Principles #1 Every commit should result in a release #2 Automated tests are essential
  • 17. Principles #1 Every commit should result in a release #2 Automated tests are essential #3 Automate everything!
  • 18. Principles #1 Every commit should result in a release #2 Automated tests are essential #3 Automate everything! #4 Done means release/live in prod
  • 19. Benefits ● Speed of delivery of business idea to customer ● Easy going live deployment ● Less time spent on delivery - more profit ● More motivation to do more as you can see what you can change/improve
  • 20. Challenges ● Big effort to implement changes for: ○ database increment/rollback ○ infrastructure rollout/rollback ○ decrease down time … ● Need to get customers to buy in ● Security policies
  • 23. Gradle - General purpose build system
  • 24. Gradle - General purpose build system - Comes with a rich DSL based on Groovy
  • 25. Gradle - General purpose build system - Comes with a rich DSL based on Groovy - Follows ”build-by-convention” principles
  • 26. Gradle - General purpose build system - Comes with a rich DSL based on Groovy - Follows ”build-by-convention” principles - Built-in plug-ins for JVM languages, etc
  • 27. Gradle - General purpose build system - Comes with a rich DSL based on Groovy - Follows ”build-by-convention” principles - Built-in plug-ins for JVM languages, etc - Derives all the best from Ivy, Ant & Maven
  • 29. 1. JDK 8 2. Gradle 2.2+ 3. Git Prerequisites
  • 30. 1. Change directory to D:ImagesGradle folder 2. Open Command Window in dir D:ImagesGradle 3. Execute ​ Gitbingit clone 4. Change directory to sbs-gradle 5. Execute set_env.bat gradle -v java -version #0 Installation
  • 31. Groovy is under the hood
  • 32. 1. Reset code base to initial state git reset --hard 3a2ed47 git clean -df​ 2. Create file build.gradle 3. Type ​ println 'Hello, World!​​​​​​​​​​​'​ 4. Run gradle #1 Hello World!
  • 34. 1. Run to see default tasks list gradle tasks 2. Replace build.gradle file content with ​ apply plugin: 'java'​ 3. Run to see new available tasks gradle tasks 4. Checkout step s3_apply_plugin 5. Run to build Java source code gradle build 6. Explore directory build #2 Create simple build
  • 36. 1. Run task with part of name gradle ta 2. Run task with part of name to clean and compile ​ gradle cle tC 3. Run task with part of name to clean and compile and exclude processTestResources gradle cle tC -x pTR 4. Get details for task gradle -q help --task clean #3 Execute tasks
  • 37. 1. Run task gradle tasks 2. Run task to generate wrapper ​ gradle wrapper 3. Run tasks using wrapper ./gradlew tasks 4. Customize task wrapper to use another Gradle version ​task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = '2.2.1' }​ 5. Check Gradle version ./gradlew -v #4 Use wrapper
  • 39. 1. Checkout step s5_prepare 2. Add directory common 3. Move src to common 4. Create common/build.gradle for Java 5. Add new module to settings.gradle include ':common'​ 6. Run build ./gradlew clean build 7. Run task for module ./gradlew :com:compJ #5 Create multi-module build
  • 41. Gradle - compile - to compile source
  • 42. Gradle - compile - to compile source - runtime - required by classes at runtime
  • 43. Gradle - compile - to compile source - runtime - required by classes at runtime - testCompile - to compile test sources
  • 44. Gradle - compile - to compile source - runtime - required by classes at runtime - testCompile - to compile test sources - testRuntime - required to run the tests
  • 45. 1. Add repositories to download dependencies from to build.gradle allprojects { currProject -> repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() jcenter() maven {url '’} } }​ #6 Dependencies
  • 46. 1. Add common dependencies for all subprojects in build.gradle subprojects { apply plugin: 'java' dependencies { compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.7' testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.10.19', 'junit:junit:4.12' } }​ #6.1 Dependencies
  • 47. 1. Add dependencies for concrete module in common/build.gradle dependencies { compile 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.14.4' }​ #6.2 Dependencies
  • 48. 1. List project dependencies ./gradlew :common:dependencies #6.3 Dependencies
  • 50. 1. Extract common configuration parameters to gradle .properties file lombokVersion = 1.14.4 build.gradle file dependencies { compile “org.projectlombok:lombok:$lombokVersion” }​ #7 Configuration
  • 51. 1. Parameterise execution for custom task :printParameter in build.gradle task printParameter { println givenParameter }​ 2. Add parameter default value to 3. Execute task ./gradlew -q :printParameter -PgivenParameter=hello #7.1 Configuration
  • 54. ● Lifecycle ● Create a Settings instance for the build. ● Evaluate the settings.gradle script, if present, against the Settings object to configure it. ● Use the configured Settings object to create the hierarchy of Project instances. ● Finally, evaluate each Project by executing its build.gradle file, if present, against the project. The project are evaluated in such order that a project is evaluated before its child projects.
  • 55. ● Tasks ● A project is essentially a collection of Task objects. ● Each task performs some basic piece of work. ● Dependencies ● A project generally has a number of dependencies. ● Project generally produces a number of artifacts, which other projects can use.
  • 56. ● Plugins ● Plugins can be used to modularise and reuse project configuration. ● Properties ● Any property or method which your script uses is delegated through to the associated Project object. ● A project has 5 property 'scopes'. ● Dynamic Methods ● A project has 5 method 'scopes'.
  • 58. 1. Add integration test source sets in file gradle/integTest.gradle sourceSets { integTest { compileClasspath += main.output + test.output runtimeClasspath += main.output + test.output } } #8.1 Rich API
  • 59. 2. Add integration test configurations in file gradle/integTest.gradle configurations { integTestCompile.extendsFrom testCompile integTestRuntime.extendsFrom testRuntime } 3. Include extension for subprojects in file build.gradle apply from: file("${rootProject.projectDir}/gradle/integ Test.gradle")​ #8.1 Rich API
  • 60. 3. Add integration test task in file gradle/integTest.gradle task integTest(type: Test){ testClassesDir = sourceSets.integTest.output.classesDir classpath = sourceSets.integTest.runtimeClasspath shouldRunAfter 'test' } check.dependsOn(integTest) 4. Execute integration tests ./gradlew integTest #8.1 Rich API
  • 61. 1. Open build.gradle to add dependency for one task from another ​ printParameter.dependsOn 'help'​ 2. Run printParameter task ./gradlew printParameter #8.2 Tasks Dependencies
  • 62. 1. Open build.gradle to add ordering for one task from another task areTestsExist { if ([ file("${projectDir}/src/test/java").listFiles() ].isEmpty()) { println 'Test directory is empty' } else { println 'Test directory is not empty, will execute tests' } } test.mustRunAfter areTestsExist #8.3 Tasks Ordering*
  • 63. 2. Run test task ./gradlew test #8.3 Tasks Ordering*
  • 64. 1. Add rule to validate running of integration tests task tasks.addRule('Check correctness of running tests'){ String taskName -> gradle.taskGraph.whenReady{ Map<String, String> args = gradle.startParameter.systemPropertiesArgs gradle.taskGraph.allTasks.each { Task task -> if ('integTest') && !args.containsKey('profile')) { throw new org.gradle.api.tasks.StopExecutionException("Profile was not specified to run tests (-Dprofile=ci).") } } } } #8.4 Rules
  • 65. 2. Run check task to have failure ./gradlew check 3. Run check task with expected parameter ./gradlew check -Dprofile=ci ​ #8.4 Rules
  • 67. 1. Switch to 9th step and execute next command ./gradlew test --parallel 2. Try to modify amount of executable threads ./gradlew test --parallel --parallel-threads=3 ​ #9 Parallel builds
  • 69. 1. Create file gradle/releaseNotes.gradle to add task for release notes ext.destDir = new File(buildDir, 'releaseNotes') ext.releaseNotesTemplate = file('releaseNotes.tmpl.txt') tasks.create(name: 'copyTask', type: org.gradle.api.tasks.Copy) { from releaseNotesTemplate into destDir doFirst { if (!destDir.exists()) { destDir.mkdir() } } rename { String fileName -> fileName.replace('.tmpl', '') } } #10 Custom Inputs/Outputs
  • 70. tasks.create('releaseNotes') { inputs.file copyTask outputs.dir destDir } 2. Add releaseNotes.tmpl.txt file as a template for release notes 3. Apply configuration from gradle/releaseNotes.gradle in build.gradle 4. Let’s run releaseNotes task ./gradlew releaseNotes #10 Custom Inputs/Outputs
  • 71. 1. Enhance release notes task to prepare nice release notes file ​ ext.changesFile = file('changes.txt') ext.bugs = [] ext.features = [] changesFile.eachLine { String line -> String bugSymbol = '#bug:' String featureSymbol = '#feature:' if (line.contains(bugSymbol)) { bugs << line.replace(bugSymbol, '') } else if (line.contains(featureSymbol)) { features << line.replace(featureSymbol, '') } } filter(, tokens: [bugs: bugs.join("n"), features: features.join("n")])​ #10.1 Files filtering
  • 73. 1. Add JaCoCo configuration in gradle/coverage.gradle apply plugin: "jacoco" jacoco { toolVersion = "" } check.dependsOn jacocoTestReport jacocoTestReport { dependsOn 'test' reports { xml.enabled true csv.enabled false html.enabled true } } #11 Test Coverage
  • 74. 2. Apply configuration from gradle/coverage.gradle in build.gradle 3. Implement proper test for proper method 4. Let’s run check task to collect coverage metrics ./gradlew check -Dprofile=ci 5. Open common/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html file to overview coverage #11 Test Coverage
  • 75. 1. Add JaCoCo configuration in gradle/coverage.gradle for integration tests ​task jacocoIntegrationTestReport(type: JacocoReport) { dependsOn integTest sourceSets sourceSets.main executionData integTest reports { xml { enabled true destination "$buildDir/reports/jacoco/integTest/jacocoIntegTestReport.xml" } csv.enabled false html { destination "$buildDir/reports/jacoco/integTest/html" } } } #11.1 Integration Test Coverage
  • 76. check.dependsOn jacocoIntegrationTestReport jacocoIntegrationTestReport.mustRunAfter jacocoTestReport 2. Let’s run check task to collect coverage metrics for integration tests as well ./gradlew check -Dprofile=ci ​ #11.1 Integration Test Coverage
  • 80. 1. Add configuration in gradle/codeQuality.gradle for code quality analysis and apply configuration in build.gradle subprojects { apply plugin: 'findbugs' findbugs { ignoreFailures = true toolVersion = '3.0.0' } apply plugin: 'pmd' pmd { toolVersion = '5.1.3' } } ​ #12 Static Code Analysis
  • 81. 2. Let’s run check task to collect code quality metrics ./gradlew check -Dprofile=ci 3. Open common/build/reports/pmd|findbugs/*.html ​ ​ #12 Static Code Analysis
  • 83. 1. Add configuration in gradle/publishing.gradle for artefacts publishing and apply configuration in build.gradle apply plugin: 'maven-publish' publishing { repositories { maven { url "" credentials { username 'admin' password 'password' } } } publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { groupId "name.webdizz.${}" version = uploadVersion from } } } #13 Artefacts Publishing
  • 84. 2. Let’s run publish task to publish artefacts ./gradlew publish -PuploadVersion=1.1.1.[YourName] 3. Check artefact was uploaded at ​ ​ #13 Artefacts Publishing
  • 86. ● Build script Visible for build file ● buildSrc/src/main/groovy Visible for project ● Standalone project Could be shared between projects using binary artefact
  • 87. 1. Create file PluginsPrinterPlugin.groovy in buildSrc/src/main/groovy ​import org.gradle.api.Plugin import org.gradle.api.Project public class PluginsPrinterPlugin implements Plugin<Project> { void apply(Project project) { project.task('printPlugins') << { println 'Current project has next list of plugins:' ext.plugins = project.plugins.collect { plugin -> plugin.class.simpleName } println plugins } } } #14 Plugins Printer
  • 88. 2. Apply plugin for all projects in build.gradle file allprojects { apply plugin: PluginsPrinterPlugin } 3. Let’s run printPlugins task to print plugins activated for project ./gradlew printPlugins ​ ​ #14 Plugins Printer
  • 93. ● ● ● ● ● ● References
  • 94. Q&A
  • 95.
  • 96. Izzet Mustafayev@EPAM Systems @webdizz webdizz izzetmustafaiev