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1. The term‘Computer’isderivedfrom..........
a. Latin b.German c. Frenchd. Arabic
2. Who is the inventorof “Difference Engine”?
a. AllenTuringb.CharlesBabbage c.SimurCray d. AugustaAdaming
3. Who is the fatherof Computer?
a. AllenTuringb.CharlesBabbage c.SimurCray d. AugustaAdaming
4. Who is the fatherof Computerscience?
a. AllenTuringb.CharlesBabbage c.SimurCray d. AugustaAdaming
5. Who is the fatherof personal computer?
a. Edward Robertb.Allen Turingc.CharlesBabbage d. None of these
6. A CPU contains
a. a card readeranda printingdevice b.ananalytical engine andacontrol unit
c. a control unitandan arithmeticlogicunitd.anarithmeticlogicunitanda card reader
7. Which of the followingcontrolsthe processof interactionbetweenthe userandthe operating
a. User interface b.Language translator
c. Platformd.Screensaver
8. The firstcomputerswere programmedusing
a. assemblylanguage b.machine language
c. source code d.objectcode
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9. ..........isacombinationof hardware andsoftware thatfacilitatesthe sharingof information
a. networkb.peripheral device
10. Codedentrieswhichare usedtogainaccessto a computersystemare called
a. Entry codesb. Passwordsc.Securitycommandsd.Code words
11. Whichof the followingstatementsistrue ?
a. MinicomputerworksfasterthanMicrocomputer
b. MicrocomputerworksfasterthanMinicomputer
c. Speedof boththe computersisthe same
d. The speedsof boththese computerscannotbe comparedwiththe speedof advanced
12. You organize filesbystoringthemin
a. archivesb.foldersc.indexesd.lists
13. What type of resource ismost likelytobe asharedcommonresource ina computer
a. Printersb.Speakersc.Floppydiskdrivesd.Keyboards
14. Whichdevice isrequiredforthe Internetconnection?
a. Joystickb.Modemc. CD Drive d.NIC Card
15. What isa lightpen?
a. A Mechanical Inputdevice b.Optical inputdevice
c. Electronicinputdevice d.Optical outputdevice
16. UNIVACis
a. Universal AutomaticComputerb.Universal ArrayComputer
c. Unique AutomaticComputerd.UnvaluedAutomatic Computer
17. CD-ROMstandsfor
a. Compactable ReadOnlyMemoryb.Compact Data ReadOnlyMemory
c. Compactable DiskReadOnlyMemoryd.Compact DiskReadOnlyMemory
18. ALU is
a. ArithmeticLogicUnitb. ArrayLogic Unit
c. ApplicationLogicUnitd.None of above
19. VGA is
a. VideoGraphicsArrayb. Visual GraphicsArray
c. Volatile GraphicsArrayd.VideoGraphicsAdapter
20. IBM1401 is
a. FirstGenerationComputerb.SecondGenerationComputer
c. Third GenerationComputerd. FourthGeneration Computer
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21. MSI standsfor
a. MediumScale IntegratedCircuitsb.MediumSystemIntegratedCircuits
c. MediumScale IntelligentCircuitd.MediumSystemIntelligentCircuit
22. The capacity of 3.5 inch floppydiskis
a. 1.40 MB b. 1.44 GB c. 1.40 GB d. 1.44 MB
23. WAN standsfor
a. Wap AreaNetworkb.Wide AreaNetwork
c. Wide Array Netd.WirelessAreaNetwork
24. MICR standsfor
a. MagneticInk CharacterReaderb. MagneticInkCode Reader
c. Magnetic InkCasesReaderd.None
25. EBCDIC standsfor
a. ExtendedBinaryCodedDecimal Interchange Code
b. ExtendedBitCode Decimal Interchange Code
c. ExtendedBitCase Decimal Interchange Code
d. ExtendedBinaryCase Decimal Interchange Code
26. Whichof the followingisapart of the Central ProcessingUnit?
a. Printerb.Keyboard
c. Mouse d.Arithmetic&Logic unit
27. CAD standsfor
a. Computeraideddesignb.Computeralgorithmfordesign
c. Computerapplicationindesignd.Computeranalogue design
28. Junke-mail isalsocalled
a. spam b.spoof
c. snifferscriptd.spool
29. Hackers
a. all have the same motive
b. breakintootherpeople'scomputers
c. may legallybreakintocomputersaslongastheydo notdo any damage
d. are people whoare allergictocomputers
30. What type of computersare clientcomputers(mostof the time) inaclient-serversystem?
a. Mainframe b.Mini-computer
c. Microcomputerd. PDA
31. A computercannot'boot' if it doesnothave the
a. Compilerb.Loader
c. OperatingSystemd.Assembler
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32. The amount of vertical space betweenlinesof textina documentiscalled
a. double-spaceb.line spacingc.single space d.vertical spacing
33. Example of non-numericdatais
a. Employee addressb.Examinationscore c.Bankbalance d. All of these
34. What isembeddedsystem?
a. The programme whicharrivesbybeingwrappedinbox.
b. The programme whichisthe permanentpartof the computer
c. The computerwhichisthe part of a bigcomputer
d. The computerand software systemthatcontrol the machine
35. Firstpage of Website istermedas- a.Homepage b.Index c.JAVA scriptd. Bookmark
36. . .....................Isthe appearance of typedcharacters?
a. Size b.Format c. Pointd.Colour
37. Whena file issavedforthe firsttime
a. a copy isautomaticallyprinted
b. itmust be givena name to identifyit
c. it doesnotneeda name
d. itonlyneedsa name if itis notgoingto be printed
38. Office LANS,whichare scatteredgeographicallyonlarge scale,canbe connectedbythe use
of corporate
a. CAN b. LAN c. DAN d. WAN
39. Where are data and programme storedwhenthe processorusesthem?
a. Main memoryb.Secondarymemory
c. Diskmemoryd. Programme memory
40. . ...............representsraw facts, where-as.................isdatamade meaningful.
a. Information,reportingb.Data,information
c. Information,bitsd.Records,bytes
41. What characteristicof read-onlymemory(ROM) makesituseful?
a. ROM informationcanbe easilyupdated.
b. Data inROM isnon-volatile,thatis,itremainsthere evenwithoutelectrical power.
c. ROM providesverylarge amountsof inexpensive datastorage.
d. ROMchipsare easilyswappedbetweendifferentbrandsof computers.
42. What do youcall the programsthat are usedtofindout possible faultsandtheircauses?
a. operatingsystemextensionsb.cookies
c. diagnosticsoftware d.bootdiskettes
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43. Whichprogramminglanguagesare classifiedaslow levellanguages?
a. BASIC,COBOL,Fortran b. Prolog
c. C, C++ d. Assemblylanguages
44. Whichof the followingisnotanti- viruses’software?
a. NAV b.F-Prot
c. Oracle d. McAfee
45. Whichdevice isrequiredforthe Internetconnection?
a. Joystickb.Modem
c. CD Drive d. NICCard
46. What doesDMA stand for?
a. A. DistinctMemoryAccessb.DirectMemory Access
c. DirectModule Accessd. DirectMemory Allocation
47. Whichof the followingisastorage device?
a. Tape b. Hard Disk
c. FloppyDiskd.All of the above
48. WhendidJohnNapierdeveloplogarithm?
a. 1416 b. 1614
c. 1641 d. 1804
49. A normal CD- ROM usuallycanstore up to _________ _data?
a. 680 KB b.680 Bytes
c. 680 MB d.680 GB
50. MIS is designedtoprovide informationneededforeffective decisionmakingby?
a. Consumersb.Workers
c. Foremend.Managers
51. What isa lightpen?
a. Mechanical Inputdevice b.Optical inputdevice
c. Electronicinputdevice d.Optical outputdevice
52. BCD is
a. BinaryCoded Decimal b.BitCodedDecimal
c. BinaryCodedDigitd. BitCodedDigit
53. ASCIIstandsfor
a. AmericanStable Code forInternational Interchange
b. AmericanStandardCase forInstitutional Interchange
c. AmericanStandardCode forInformationInterchange
d. AmericanStandardCode forInterchange Information
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54. Whichof the followingisfirstgenerationof computer?
a. EDSAC b.IBM-1401 c. CDC-1604 d.ICL-2900
55. Chief componentof first generationcomputerwas
a. Transistorsb.VacuumTubesand Valves
c. IntegratedCircuitsd.None of above
56. FORTRAN is
a. File Translationb.FormatTranslation
c. FormulaTranslationd.FloppyTranslation
57. EEPROMstands for
a. ElectricallyErasable Programmable ReadOnlyMemory
b. EasilyErasable Programmable ReadOnlyMemory
c. ElectronicErasable Programmable ReadOnlyMemory
d. None of the above
58. SecondGenerationcomputersweredevelopedduring
a. 1949 to 1955 b. 1956 to 1965
c. 1965 to 1970 d. 1970 to 1990
59. The computersize wasverylarge in
a. FirstGenerationb.SecondGeneration
c. Third Generationd.FourthGeneration
60. Microprocessorsasswitchingdevicesare forwhichgenerationcomputers
a. FirstGenerationb.SecondGeneration
c. Third Generationd.FourthGeneration
61. Whichof the followingdevicescanbe suedtodirectlyimage printedtext?
a. OCR b. OMR
c. MICR d.All of above
62. The outputqualityof a printerismeasuredby
a. Dot perinch b. Dot persq.inch
c. Dots printedperunittime d.All of above
63. In analogue computer
a. Inputis firstconvertedtodigital formb.Inputisneverconvertedtodigital form
c. Outputis displayedindigital formd.All of above
64. In latestgenerationcomputers,the instructionsare executed
a. Parallel onlyb.Sequentiallyonly
c. Both sequentiallyandparallel d.All of above
65. Who designedthe firstelectronicscomputer –ENIAC?
a. Van-Neumannb.JosephM.Jacquard
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c. J. PresperEckertand JohnW Mauchly d.All of above
66. Who inventedthe highlevellanguage“C”?
a. DennisM. Ritchie b.NiklausWrith
c. SeymourPapertd.DonaldKunth
67. Personnel whodesign,program,operateandmaintaincomputerequipmentrefersto
a. Console-operatorb.Programmer
c. Peoplewared.SystemAnalyst
68. Whendidarch rivalsIBM andApple ComputersInc.decide tojoinhands?
a. 1978 b. 1984
c. 1990 d. 1991
69. Human beingsare referredtoasHomosapinens,whichdeviceiscalledSillico Sapiens?
a. Monitorb. Hardware
c. Robot d.Computer
70. Anerror in software orhardware iscalleda bug.What isthe alternative computerjargonforit?
a. Leechb. Squid
c. Slugd. Glitch
71. ModernComputerare veryreliable buttheyare not
a. Fast b. Powerful
c. Infallible d.Cheap
72. What isthe name of the displayfeature thathighlightsare of the screenwhichrequires
a. Pixel b.Reverse video
c. Touch screend.Cursor
73. Personal computersuse anumberof chipsmountedona maincircuitboard. What isthe
commonname for such boards?
a. Daughterboard b.Motherboard
c. Fatherboard d.Breadboard
74. In mostIBM PCs,the CPU, the device drives,memoryexpansionslotsandactive components
are mountedona single board.Whatis the name of thisboard?
a. Motherboardb. Breadboard
c. Daughterboard d. Grandmotherboard
75. What ismeantby a dedicatedcomputer?
a. Whichis usedbyone persononlyb.Which isassignedone andonlyone task
c. Which usesone kindof software d.Whichismeantfor applicationsoftware
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76. The systemunitof a personal computertypicallycontainsall of the followingexcept:
a. Microprocessorb.Disk controllerc.Serial interface d.Modem
77. A computerprogramthat convertsan entire programintomachine language iscalleda/an
a. Interpreterb.Simulatorc.Compilerd.Commander
78. A computerprogramthat translatesone programinstructionsata time intomachine language
a. Interpreterb.CPUc. Compilerd.Simulator
79. A small orintelligentdevice issocalledbecause itcontainswithinita
a. Computerb.Microcomputerc. Programmable d.Sensor
80. A faultina computerprogram whichpreventsitfromworkingcorrectlyisknownas
a. Boot b.Bug c. Biff d.Strap
81. A self replicatingprogram,similartoa viruswhichwastakenfroma 1970s science fiction
novel byJohnBrunerentitledthe Shockwave Rideris
a. Bug b. Vice c.Lice d. Worm
82. A state.isa bi-stable electroniccircuitthathas
a. Multivibratorb.Flip-flopc.Logicgatesd. laten
83. Unwantedrepetitiousmessages,suchasunsolicitedbulke-mail isknownas
a. Spam b.Trash c. Calibri d.Courier
84. DOS standsfor
a. DiskOperatingSystemb.Diskoperatingsession
c. Digital OperatingSystemd.Digital Opensystem
85. Who isthe chief of Microsoft
a. Babbage b. Bill Gatesc. Bill Clintond.none of these
86. Whichof the followingare inputdevices?
a. Keyboardb.Mouse c. Card readerd.Anyof these
87. Examplesof outputdevicesare
a. Screenb.Printerc. Speakerd.All of these
88. Whichof the followingisalsoknownasbrainof computer
a. Control unitb. Central Processingunit
c. Arithmeticandlanguage unitd.Monitor
89. IBMstands for
a. Internal BusinessManagementb.International BusinessManagement
c. International BusinessMachinesd.Internal BusinessMachines
90. ............translatesandexecutesprogramatrun time line byline
a. Compilerb.Interpreter
c. Linkerd. Loader
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91. isan OOP principle
a. Structuredprogrammingb.Procedural programming
c. Inheritance d.Linking
92. COBOL iswidelyusedinapplications
a. Commercial b.Scientificc.Space d. Mathematical
93. RAMstandsfor
a. Randomoriginmoneyb.Randomonlymemory
c. Read onlymemoryd.Randomaccessmemory
94. 1 Byte =?
a. 8 bitsb. 4 bitsc. 2 bitsd. 9 bits
95. SMPS standsfor
a. Switchedmode PowerSupplyb.Startmode powersupply
c. Store mode powersupplyd.Single mode powersupply
96. The device usedtocarry digital dataon analogue linesiscalledas
a. Modemb. Multiplexer
c. Modulatord. Demodulator
97. VDU isalso called
a. Screenb.Monitor c. Both 1 & 2 d.printer
98. BIOSstands for
a. Basic InputOutputsystemb.BinaryInputoutputsystem
c. Basic InputOff systemd.all the above
99. Fatherof “C‘ programminglanguage
a. DennisRitchie b.Prof JohnKeenly
c. Thomas Kurtzd. Bill Gates
100. The instructionsthattell acomputerhow to carry out the processingtasksare referred
to as computer.........
a. programsb. processorsc. inputdevicesd.memorymodules
101. An area of a computerthattemporarilyholdsdatawaitingtobe processedis..........
a. CPU b. Memoryc. Storage d.File
102. ...........isthe keytoclose a selecteddrop -downlist;cancel acommandandclose a
a. TAB b. SHIFT c. ESC d. F10
103. ..........isthe keywe use torun the selectedcommand.
104. .............Isthe functionalkeytodisplaysave-asbox.
a. F5 b.F6 c. F9 d. F12
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105. Data becomes................whenitispresentedinaformatthat people canunderstand
and use
a. processedb.graphsc. informationd.presentation
106. The term.............designatesequipmentthatmightbe addedtoa computersystemto
enhance itsfunctionality.
a. digital device b.systemadd-onc.diskpackd.peripheral device
107. A ............isamicroprocessor -basedcomputingdevice.
a. personal computerb.mainframe c.workstationd.server
108. RAM can be treatedas the .........forthe computer'sprocessor
a. factoryb. operatingroomc. waitingroomd. planningroom
109. Which of the followingare the functionsof aoperatingsystem
a. Allocatesresourcesb.MonitorsActivities
c. Manages disksandfilesd.All of the above
110. To move a copyof file fromone computertoanotherovera communicationchannel is
a. File transferb.File encryption
c. File modificationd.File copying
111. The primaryfunctionof the ............istosetupthe hardware and loadand start an
a. SystemProgramsb.BIOS
c. CP d. Memory
112. What kindof memoryisbothstatic andnon -volatile?
113. ..........iscomputersoftware designedtooperate the computerhardware andtoprovide
a. Applicationsoftware b.Systemsoftware
c. Software d.Operatingsystem
114. The the amountof data that a storage device canmove fromthe storage
mediumtothe Computerpersecond
a. data migrationrate b. data digitizingrate
c. data transferrate access rate
115. A device,whichisnotconnectedtoCPU,is calledas.......
a. land-linedevice b.On-line device
c. Off-linedevice d.Device
116. What is the othername for programmedchip?
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117. On-line real time systemsbecomepopular in...........generation
a. FirstGenerationb.SecondGeneration
c. Third Generationd.FourthGeneration
118. You use a(n) .....,suchas a keyboardormouse,toinputinformation
a. outputdevice b.inputdevice
c. storage device d.processingdevice
119. .............isthe abilityof adevice to"jump"directlytothe requesteddata
a. Sequential accessb.Randomaccess
c. Quickaccess d. All of the above
120. .............providesprocessandmemorymanagementservicesthatallow twoormore
tasks,jobs,or programsto run simultaneously
a. Multitaskingb.Multithreading
c. Multiprocessingd.Multicomputing
121. The taskof performingoperationslikearithmeticandlogical operationsiscalled......
a. Processingb.Storing
c. Editingd.Sorting
122. ALU andControl Unit jointlyknownas
a. RAMb. ROM c. CPU d. PC
123. RAM isan example of
a. Secondarymemoryb.Primarymemory
c. Main memoryd.Both (1) and (2)
124. Magnetic diskisan example of
a. Secondarymemoryb.Primarymemory
c. Main memoryd.Both (1) and (2)
125. Which one of the followingisNOTacomputerlanguage
a. MS-Excel b.BASIC
c. COBOL d. C++
126. RAM isalsocalledas
a. Read/ Write Memory b. LongMemory
c. PermanentMemoryd.PrimaryMemory
127. ............Store dataorinformationtemporarilyandpassiton as directedbythe control
a. Addressb.Register
c. Numberd.Memory
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128. Selectthe Oddone
a. Operatingsystemb.Interpreter
c. Compilerd.Assembler
129. A ............isanadditional setof commandsthatthe computerdisplaysafteryoumake a
selectionfromthe mainmenu
a. dialogbox b.submenu
c. menuselectiond.All of the above
130. COBOL isan acronymfor.............
a. CommonBusinessOrientedLanguage b.ComputerBusinessOrientedLanguage
c. CommonBusinessOperatedLanguage d.CommonBusinessOrganizedLanguage
131. All of the followingare examplesof real securityandprivacyrisksEXCEPT
a. hackersb. Spam
c. Virusesd.identitytheft
132. Which of the followingisNOTone of the fourmajor data processingfunctionsof a
a. gatheringdatab. processingdataintoinformation
c. analyzingthe dataor informationd.storingthe dataor information
133. All of the followingare examplesof storage devicesEXCEPT:
a. hard diskdrivesb.printers
c . floppydiskdrivesd.CDdrives
134. The CPU and memoryare locatedonthe :
a. expansionboardb.motherboard
c. storage device d.outputdevice
135. ...............isthe science thatattemptstoproduce machinesthatdisplaythe same type of
intelligence thathumansdo
a. Nanoscience b.Nanotechnology
c. Simulationd.Artificial intelligence (Al)
136. Serversare computersthat provide resourcestoothercomputersconnectedtoa:
a. networkedb.mainframe
c. supercomputerd.client
137. Whencreatinga computerprogram, the .........designsthe structure of the program
a. End userb. SystemAnalyst
c. Programmerd. All of the above
138. A computerprogram thatconvertsan entire programintomachine language atone time
iscalleda/ an
a. Interpreterb.simulatorc.charactersd. compiler
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139. Computersprocessdataintoinformationbyworkingexclusivelywith:
a. multimediab.wordc. numbersd.characters
140. The difference betweenpeople withaccesstocomputersandthe Internetandthose
withoutthisaccessisknownas the :
a. digital divideb.Internetdivide c.Webdivide d.E-illiteracy
141. Computersmanipulate datainmanyways,andthismanipulationiscalled......
a. upgradingb.processingc.batchingd. utilizing
142. The abilitytorecoverandreaddeletedordamagedfilesfromacriminal'scomputeris
an example of alawenforcementspecialitycalled:
a. roboticsb. simulationc.computerforensicsd.animation
143. Where doesmostdata go firstwithina computermemoryhierarchy?
144. The………….data miningtechnique derivesrulesfromreal-worldcase examples.
a. Rule discoverb.Signal processing
c. Neural netsd.Case-basedreasoning
145. …………….are usedto identifyauserwhoreturnsto a Website
a. Cookiesb.Plug-ins
c. Scriptsd. ASPs
146. Codesconsistingof linesof varyingwidthsorlengthsthatare computer-readable are
knownas- a. an ASCIIcode b. a magnetictape
c. an OCR scannerd. a bar code
147. Why isit unethical toshare copyrightedfileswithyourfriends?
a. It isnot unethical,because itislegal.
b. It isunethical because the filesare beinggiven forfree.
c. Sharingcopyrightedfileswithoutpermissionbreakscopyrightlaws.
d. It isnot unethical because the filesare beinggivenforfree.
148. Reusable optical storage willtypicallyhave the acronym- a.CDb. DVD c. ROM d.RW
149. The mostcommontype of storage devicesare- a.Steel b.optical c.magneticd. flash
150. A device thatconnectsto a networkwithoutthe use of cablesissaidto be- c.
centralizedd.none of these
151. A personwhousedhisor her expertise to gainaccessto otherpeople'scomputerstoget
informationillegallyordodamage is a- a. Hackerb. spammerc. instantmessengerd.programmer
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152. To accesspropertiesof anobject,the mouse techniquetouse is- a.Dragging b.droppingc. right-
153. A DVD isan example of a(n)- a. hard diskb.optical disc
c. outputdevice d.solid-statestorage device
154. . The processof transferringfilesfromacomputeronthe Internettoyour computeris
a. Downloadingb.uploading
c. FTP d. JPEG
155. . ..........isthe processof dividingthe diskintotracksandsectors.
a. Tracking b.Formatting
c. Crashingd. Allotting
156. . HelpMenu isavailable atwhichbutton?
a. End b. Start
c. Turnoff d. Restart
157. The technologythatstoresonlythe essential instructionsona microprocessorchipand
c. CD-ROMd. Wi-Fi
158. Which isnot a basic functionof a computer?
a. Store data b. Acceptinput
c. Processdata d. Copytext
159. ASCIIis a codingsystemthatprovides
a. 256 differentcharactersb.512 differentcharacters
c. 1024 differentcharactersd.128 differentcharacters
160. Which part of the computerisdirectlyinvolvedinexecutingthe instructionsof the
a. The scannerb.The mainstorage
c. The secondarystorage d.The processor
161. Whena computerisswitchedon,the bootingprocessperforms
a. IntegrityTestb.Power-OnSelf-Test
c. Correct FunctioningTestd.ReliabilityTest
162. A computersystemthatis oldandperhapsnot satisfactoryisreferredtoasa(n)
a. Ancientsystemb.Historical system
c. Age oldsystemd.Legacy system
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163. Which of the followingisnotabinarynumber?
a. 001 b.101 c. 202 d. 110
164. Which of the followingdoesnotstore datapermanently?
a. ROM b.RAM c. FloppyDiskd.Hard Disk
165. Which of the followingisthe smalleststorage?
a. Megabyte b.Gigabyte c. Terabyte d.None of these
166. Which of the followingcontainspermanentdataandgetsupdatedduringthe
processingof transactions?
a. OperatingSystemFile b.Transactionfile
c. Software File d.Masterfile
167. Which of the followinghelpstoprotectfloppydisksfromdatagettingaccidentally
a. Accessnotch b.Write-protectnotch
c. Entry notch d.Inputnotch
168. A modemisconnectedto
a. a telephone line b.akeyboard
c. a printerd.a monitor
169. Large transactionprocessingsystemsinautomatedorganisationsuse
a. Online processingb.BatchProcessing
c. Once-a-dayProcessingd.End-of-dayprocessing
170. In a computer,mostprocessingtakesplace in
a. Memoryb. RAM
c. motherboardd.CPU
171. . Which of the followingisnotastorage medium?
a. Hard diskb. Flashdrive c.DVD d. scanner
172. The computerabbreviationKBusuallymeans
a. KeyBlockb. Kernel Bootc. KiloByte d.KitBit
173. The typical computercriminal isa(n):
a. Young hacker.
b. Trustedemployee withnocriminal record.
c. Trustedemployee withalong,butunknowncriminal record.
d. Overseasyoungcracker.
174. The commonname for the crime of stealingpasswordsis:
a. Jacking.b.Identitytheft.
c. Spoofing.d.Hacking.
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175. Collectingpersonalinformationandeffectivelyposingasanotherindividualisknown
as the crime of:
a. Spooling.b.Identitytheft.
c. Spoofing.d.Hacking.176. Malicioussoftware isknownas:
a. Badware.b.Malware.c. Maliciousware.d.Illegalware.177. A program that performsa useful task
while simultaneouslyallowingdestructiveactsis
a. Worm. b.Trojan horse.
c. Virus.d.Macro virus.
178. An intentionallydisruptiveprogramthatspreadsfromprogramto program or from disk
to diskisknownas a:
a. Trojan horse.b.Virus.c.Time bomb.d. Time-relatedbombsequence.
179. In 1999, the Melissaviruswasa widelypublicised:
a. E-mail virus.b.Macro virus.
c. Trojan horse.d.Time bomb.
180. What type of virususescomputerhoststoreproduce itself?
a. Time bombb. Worm
c. Melissavirusd.Macro virus
181. The thingthat eventuallyterminatesawormvirusisa lackof:
a. Memoryor diskspace.b.Time.c. CD drivesspace.d.CD-RW.
182. Whena logicbombisactivatedbya time-relatedevent,itisknownasa:
a. Time-relatedbombsequence.b.Virus.c.Time bomb.d.Trojan horse.
183. A logicbombthat was createdto eruptonMichelangelo‘sbirthdayisanexample of a:
a. Time-relatedbombsequence.b.Virus.c.Time bomb.d.Trojan horse.
184. What is the name of an applicationprogramthatgathersuserinformationandsendsit
to someone throughthe Internet?
a. A virusb.Spybot
c. Logic bombd. Securitypatch
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185. ------ isthe measurementof thingssuchasfingerprintsandretinal scansusedfor
a. Biometricsb.Biomeasurement
c. Computersecurityd.Smartweaponmachinery
186. What is the mostcommon tool usedto restrictaccess to a computersystem?
a. User loginsb.Passwords
b. Computerkeysd.Access-control software
187. Hardware or software designedtoguardagainstunauthorizedaccesstoa computer
a. Hacker-proof program.b.Firewall.c.Hacker-resistantserver.d.Encryptionsafe wall.
188. The scramblingof code isknownas:
a. Encryption.b.a firewall.
c. Scrambling.d.Passwordproofing.
189. To preventthe lossof dataduringpowerfailures,use a(n):
a. Encryptionprogram.b. Surge protector.
c. Firewall.d.UPS.
190. ------Isdefinedasanycrime completedthroughthe use of computertechnology.
a. Computerforensicsb.Computercrime
c. Hacking d.Cracking
191. ------ referstoelectronictrespassingorcriminal hacking.
a. Crackingb. Jacking
c. Spoofingd.Smarming
192. The firstelectroniccomputerwasdevelopedby
a. J.V.Attansoff b.Bill Gates
c. SimurCray d. WintonSerf
193. Snowbol isan/a--------- a.Operatingsystemb.HLL
c. Software d.Search engine
194. Switchingdevice of fifthgenerationcomputeris-------- a.Vacuumtubesb.Transistors
c. IC d. VLSI
195. ---------- computersoperatesessentiallybycounting
a. Portable computerb.Hybridcomputer
c. Analogcomputerd.Digital computer
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196. ---------- computerissmall general purpose microcomputer,butlargerthanportable
a. Hybridb. Digital c.Desktopd.Laptop
197. Cathode Ray Tube isa formof.......
a. Keyboardb.Mouse c. Monitord. Motherboard
198. Trackball is a...........
a. Inputdevice b.Outputdevice
c. Programminglanguage d.Software
199. .............computerisamediumsizedcomputer
a. Micro b. Mainframe c. Superd. Mini
200. ...........computerare of large size
a. Micro b. Mainframe c. Superd. Mini
201. Note book,laptop,palm,hand-heldcomputersare comingunderthe categoryof.........
a. Digital computerb.Mainframe computer
c. Portable computerd.Hybridcomputer
202. Light penand joystickare............
a. Algorithmb.Inputdevices
c. Outputdevicesd.Portals
203. Touch Screenis............
a. Inputdevice b.Outputdevice
c. Both a & b above d.None of these
204. .............printeristhe cheapestintermsof price andoperatingcost
a. Inkjetb.Laser
c. Thermal d. Dot matrix
205. ..........printerisanon-impactprinterandisquite inworking
a. Inkjetb.Laser
c. Thermal d. Dot matrix
206. ..........are high-endprinters
a. Inkjetb.Laser
c. Thermal d. Dot matrix
207. .........are used forplottinggraphsanddesignonpapers
a. Trackball b. Joystick
c. Light pend.Plotters
208. Daisywheel,Drum,chainetcare the .............a.Flow chartb.Mouse
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Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 19
c. Keyboard d. Printers
209. ....are specifictousers’needs
a. Systemsoftware b.Applicationsoftware
c. Assemblersd.Compilers
210. Joshy,Perfumesare examplesof.............
a. Operatingsystemb.Computerlanguages
c. Computervirusesd.Webportals
211. Which of the followingis/are operatingsystems
a. Windowsb.Unix
c. OS/2 d. All of these
212. “MAN” stands for
a. MaximumAreaNetworkb.MinimumAreaNetwork
c. Main AreaNetworkd.MetropolitanAreaNetwork
213. Which of the followingisanetworktopology
a. LAN b. WAN
c. MAN d. BUS
214. Which of the followingisatype of network
a. Ringb. Bus c. Star d. PAN
215. VOIPstandsfor..........
a. Voice overIPb. VideooverIP
c. VirusesoverIPd.Virtual overIP
216. The firstwebbrowseris
a. Mosaic b. Netscape
c. Internetexplorerd.Collabra
217. LAN standsfor...............
a. LimitedAreaNetworkb.Logical AreaNetwork
c. Local AreaNetworkd.Large AreaNetwork
218. ..........are setof rulesand procedurestocontrol the data transmissionoverthe internet
a. IP addressb.Domains
c. Protocol d. Gateway
219. NOS standsfor
a. Node operatingsystemb.Non-opensoftware
c. NetworkOperatingsystemd.Non-operatingsoftware
220. ...............are systemsoftwaretofacilitate editingof textanddata
a. MS Word b.Editors
c. PowerPointd.MSpublisher
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Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 20
221. Computers,combine bothmeasuringandcounting,are called:
a. Analogb.Digital c. Hybridd. All of these
222. In worldtoday,mostof the computersare :
a. Digital b.Hybridc. Analogd. Complex
223. Physical structure of computeriscalled:
a. Software b.Hardware c. Human ware d. All of these
224. In whichtype of computer,data are representedasdiscrete signals.
a. Analogcomputerb.Digital computer
c. both d.HybridComputer
225. Which of the followingisavailable inthe formof aPC now?
a. Mainframe b.Microcomputer
c. Minicomputerd.Both(B) & (C)
226. PARAMisan example of:
a. Supercomputerb.PC
c. Laptop d. PDA
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1 a 55 b 109 d 163 c 217 c
2 b 56 c 110 a 164 b 218 c
3 b 57 c 111 b 165 d 219 c
4 a 58 b 112 b 166 d 220 b
5 a 59 a 113 b 167 b 221 c
6 c 60 d 114 c 168 a 222 a
7 a 61 a 115 c 169 b 223 b
8 b 62 b 116 c 170 d 224 b
9 a 63 b 117 c 171 d 225 b
10 b 64 c 118 b 172 c 226 a
11 a 65 c 119 b 173 b
12 b 66 a 120 a 174 c
13 a 67 c 121 a 175 b
14 b 68 d 122 c 176 b
15 b 69 d 123 b 177 b
16 a 70 d 124 a 178 b
17 a 71 c 125 a 179 a
18 a 72 b 126 a 180 b
19 a 73 b 127 b 181 a
20 b 74 a 128 a 182 c
21 a 75 b 129 a 183 c
22 d 76 d 130 a 184 b
23 b 77 c 131 b 185 a
24 a 78 a 132 c 186 b
25 a 79 d 133 b 187 b
26 d 80 b 134 b 188 a
27 a 81 d 135 d 189 d
28 a 82 b 136 b 190 b
29 b 83 a 137 b 191 a
30 c 84 a 138 c 192 a
31 c 85 b 139 c 193 b
32 b 86 d 140 a 194 d
33 a 87 d 141 b 195 d
34 d 88 b 142 c 196 c
35 a 89 c 143 a 197 c
36 b 90 b 144 c 198 a
37 b 91 c 145 a 199 d
38 d 92 a 146 d 200 b
39 a 93 d 147 c 201 c
40 b 94 a 148 d 202 b
41 b 95 a 149 b 203 c
42 c 96 a 150 d 204 d
43 d 97 c 151 a 205 a
44 c 98 a 152 c 206 b
45 b 99 a 153 b 207 d
46 b 100 a 154 a 208 d
47 d 101 b 155 b 209 b
48 b 102 c 156 b 210 c
49 c 103 c 157 b 211 d
50 d 104 d 158 d 212 d
51 b 105 c 159 c 213 d
52 a 106 d 160 d 214 d
53 c 107 a 161 b 215 a
54 a 108 c 162 d 216 a
1. Which functioncalculatesthe largestvalueinasetof numbers?
(1) Average
(5)None of these
2. What do you use to create a chart?
(1)Pie Wizard
(2)Excel Wizard
(3)Data Wizard
(5)None of these
3. What displaysthe contentof the active cell?
(1)Name box
(5)None of these
4. By default,yourdocumentsprintin_mode.
(3)Page Setup
(5)None of these
5. What is the bestway to have a data and the slide numberappearoneveryslide?
(1) choose Tools,HeaderandFooter,clickSlide tab,selectthe desiredoptions,clickApplyto
(2) choose Insert, HeaderandFooter,clickSlide tab,selectthe desiredoptions,clickApplyto
(3) chouse View,HeaderandFooter,clickSlide tab,selectthe desiredoptions,clickApplyto
(4) choose File,HeaderandFooter,clickSlidetab,selectthe desiredoptions,clickApplyto
(5) None of these
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[CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 3
6.To move to the bottomof a document,press_.
(1) Insertkey
(2) Home key
(3) Ctrl key+ End key
(4) End key
(5) None of these
7.Which one of the followingfourwordsisodd?
(5)None of these
8. If formationof computer,the hardwares..........areused.
(1) Monitor,Central ProcessingUnit(CPU),Keyboard,Mouse,SoftwareandNetwork
(2) Monitor,Central ProcessingUnit(CPU),Keyboard,Mouse Programme andNetwork
(3) Monitor,Central ProcessingUnit(CPU),Keyboard,Mouse,PrinterandModem
(4) Monitor,Central ProcessingUnit(CPU),Keyboard,Mouse, ApplicationandNetwork
(5) None of these
9.In page previewmode-
(1) You can see all pagesof your document
(2)Youcan onlysee the page youare currentlyworking
(3)Youcan onlysee pagesthatdo notcontaingraphics
(4)Youcan onlysee the title page of yourdocument
(5)None of these
10.A CPU contains-
(1) a card readerand a printingdevice
(2) an analytical engineandacontrol unit
(3) a control unitand an arithmeticlogicunit
(4) an arithmeticlogicunitanda card reader
(5) None of these
11. Whichof the followingcontrolsthe processof interactionbetweenthe userandthe
(1) User interface
(2) Language translator
(3) Platform
(4) Screensaver
(5) None of these
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12.You will workon whichgroupings,while formattingthe textinword?
(1) Table,paragraphand index
(2) Paragraph,index andsection
(3) Character,paragraph andsection
(4) Index,characterandtable
(5) None of these
13.When youwant to move some textfromone page to a differentpage,the bestmethodis-
(1) drag anddrop (2) cut and paste (3) delete andretype (4) findandreplace (5) None of
14.The firstcomputerswere programmedusing-
(1) assemblylanguage
(2) machine language
(3) source code
(4) objectcode
(5) spaghetti code
15.How many are the marginsonpage?
(1) Two(headerandfooter)
(2) Four(Upper,lower,right,left)
(3) Two(Landscape,portrait)
(4) Two(Upperand lower)
(5) None of these
16. Anis a combinationof hardware andsoftware thatfacilitatesthe sharingof information
(1) network
(2) peripheral
(3) expansionboard
(4) digital device
(5) None of these
17. The settingsare automaticand standard.
(1) icon
(2) default
(3) CPU
(4) peripheral
(5) None of these
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18. Codedentrieswhichare usedtogainaccessto a computersystemare called-
(1) Entry codes
(2) Passwords
(3) Securitycommands
(4) Code words
(5) None of these
19.To viewinformationonthe webyoumusthave a-
(1) cable modem
(2) webbrowser
(3) DomainName Server
(4) hypertextviewer
(5) None of these
20.Which of the followingcommandsisgiventorebootthe computer?
1) Ctrl + Alt+ Del
2) Ctrl + Shift+ ?
3) Ctrl + Shift+ Del
4) Ctrl +Alt+ shift
5) Ctrl + Alt+ Tab
21. By default,yourdocumentsprintin_mode.
1) Landscape
2) Portrait
3) Page Setup
4) PrintView
5) None of these
22. To findandload a file thathasbeensaved_.
1) selectthe Close command
2) selectthe Newcommand
3) selectthe Save command
4) selectthe Opencommand
5) None of these
23.Which functioncalculatesthe largestvalue inasetof numbers?
1) Average
2) Count
3) Minimum
4) Maximum
5) None of these
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24. Whichof the followingstatementsistrue ?
1) MinicomputerworksfasterthanMicrocomputer
2) Microcomputerworksfasterthan Minicomputer
3) Speedof boththe computersisthe same
4) The speedsof boththese computerscannotbe comparedwiththe speedof advanced
5) None of these
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1. Selectionof command-
(A) Opensthe copyof the documentinpreview
(B) Printsthe copy of displayeddocument
(C) Bringschange in expansionof displayeddocument
(D) Savesthe copy of displayeddocument
(E) None of these
2. You organize filesbystoringthemin-
(A) archives
(B) folders
(C) indexes
(D) lists
(E) None of these
3. How many differentdocumentscanyouhave openat any one time ?
(A) Nomore than three
(B) Onlyone
(C) As manyas your computermemorywill hold
(D) No more than youtaskbar can display
(E) None of these
4. What type of resource ismostlikelytobe a sharedcommonresource ina computer
(A) Printers
(B) Speakers
(C) Floppydisk drives
(D) Keyboards
(E) None of these
5. Directoryin directoryiscalled-
(A) Mini directory
(B) Juniordirectory
(C) Part directory
(D) Sub-directory
(E) None of these
6. Such a pre-made document,whichhascoordinatingfont,layoutandbackground,is-
(A) Guide
(B) Model
(C) Ruler
(D) Template
(E) None of these Ans:(D)
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7. In orderto create columnardata inWord youneedto-
(A) Tab consecutivelyuntilyourcursor reachesthe desiredplace
(B) Settabs or use the Table menu
(C) You needtouse Excel
(D) Pressthe space bar until yourcursor reachesthe desiredplace
(E) None of these
8. Savingis a process-
(A) To copy the documentfrommemorytostorage medium
(B) To bring change inpresentstatusof the document
(C) To change the face or entire form
(D) To developthe documentbyrecordingthe textwiththe use of keyboard
(E) None of these
9. To insertaword intothe middle of a sentence-
(A) move the cursor to the desiredlocationinthe sentence andtype the new word
(B) move the cursor to the desiredlocationinthe sentence,pressEnterkey,andtype the new
(C) move the cursor to the beginningof the sentenceandstarttyping
(D) retype the whole sentence
(E) None of these
10. A(n) ..............isacombinationof hardware andsoftware thatfacilitatesthe sharingof
(A) network
(B) peripheral
(C) expansionboard
(D) digital device
(E) None of these
11. In wordyoucan force a page break-
(A) By positioningyourcursorat the appropriate place andpressingthe F1 key
(B) By usingthe Insert/SectionBreak
(C) By positioningyourcursorat the appropriate place andpressingCtrl + Enter
(D) By changingthe fontsize of yourdocument
(E) None of these
12. Junke-mail isalsocalled-
(A) spam
(B) spoof
(C) snifferscript
(D) spool
(E) None of these
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13. Hackers-
(A) all have the same motive
(B) breakintootherpeople'scomputers
(C) may legallybreakintocomputersaslongastheydo notdo any damage
(D) are people whoare allergictocomputers
(E) None of these
14. What type of computersare clientcomputers(mostof the time) inaclient-serversystem?
(A) Mainframe
(B) Mini-computer
(C) Microcomputer
(E) None of these
15. A computercannot'boot' if it doesnothave the-
(A) Compiler
(B) Loader
(C) OperatingSystem
(D) Assembler
(E) None of these
16. The amount of vertical space betweenlinesof textina documentiscalled-
(A) double-space
(B) line spacing
(C) single space
(D) vertical spacing
(E) None of these
17. Example of non-numericdatais-
(A) Employee address
(B) Examinationscore
(C) Bank balance
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
18. What isembeddedsystem?
(A) The programme whicharrivesbybeingwrappedinbox.
(B) The programme whichisthe permanentpartof the computer
(C) The computerwhichisthe part of a bigcomputer
(D) The computerandsoftware systemthatcontrol the machine
(E) None of these
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19. Firstpage of Website istermedas- (A) Homepage
(B) Index
(C) JAVA script
(D) Bookmark
(E) None of these
20. .....................isthe appearance of typedcharacters.
(A) Size
(B) Format
(C) Point
(D) Colour
(E) None of these
21. Whena file issavedforthe firsttime-
(A) a copy isautomaticallyprinted
(B) it mustbe givenaname to identifyit
(C) it doesnotneeda name
(D) it onlyneedsaname if it isnot goingto be printed
(E) None of these
22. Office LANS,whichare scatteredgeographicallyonlarge scale, canbe connectedbythe use of
23. Where are data and programme storedwhenthe processorusesthem?
(A) Main memory
(B) Secondarymemory
(C) Diskmemory
(D) Programme memory
(E) None of these
24. ...............representsrawfacts,where- as.................isdatamade meaningful.
(A) Information,reporting
(B) Data, information
(C) Information,bits
(D) Records,bytes
(E) Bits,bytes
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25. Whichkeystroke will take youatthe beginningorthe endof a longdocument?
(A) Ctrl + PageUpand Ctrl + PageDown
(B) Shift+ Home andShift+ End
(C) Ctrl + Home and Ctrl + End
(D) The onlywayisby usingthe rightscroll bar
(E) None of these
26. What characteristicof read-onlymemory(ROM) makesituseful?
(A) ROMinformationcanbe easilyupdated.
(B) Data inROMis nonvolatile,thatis,itremainsthere evenwithoutelectrical power.
(C) ROM providesverylarge amountsof inexpensivedatastorage.
(D) ROM chipsare easilyswappedbetweendifferentbrandsof computers.
(E) None of these
27. In page previewmode-
(A) You c a n s e e a l l p a g e s o f yourdocument
(B) You can onlysee the page you are currentlyworking
(C) You can onlysee pagesthat donot containgraphics
(D) You can onlysee the title page of your document
(E) None of these
28. If the file savedearlierisedited,then-
(A) It isessential tosave the file againto store the change
(B) The change will automaticallybe savedinthe file
(C) If the lengthismore thana page,the file will be neededtobe saved
(D) The name will be neededtobe changed
(E) None of these
29. Whencreatinga word-processeddocument,thisstepinvolvesthe userchanginghow wordsonthe
appear,bothon the screenand inprintedform-
(A) Editingtext
(B) Insertingtablesandindexes
(C) Formattingtext
(D) Proofingdocuments
(E) None of these
30. Aligningof textin columnis-
(A) Justified
(B) Right
(C) Centre
(D) Left
(E) None of these
1. Which of the followingisapart of the Central ProcessingUnit?
a. Printer
b. Keyboardc. Mouse
d. Arithmetic&Logicunit
e.None of these
2. CAD standsfor
a. Computeraideddesign
b. Computeralgorithmfordesign
c. Computerapplicationindesignd.All of the above
e.None of these
3. Which of the followingprintercannotprintgraphics?
a. Ink-jet
b. DaisyWheel c.Laser
d. Dot-matrix
e.None of these
4. A program writteninmachine language iscalled?
a. Assembler
b. Object
c. Computer
d. Machine
e.None of these
5. The fatherof Modern Computeris
a. CharlesBabbage
b. Von-nuumann
c. DaniesRitchel
d. Blaise Pascal
e.None of these
6. The Word FTP standsfor
a. File Translate Protocol
b. File TransitProtocol
c. File Transferprotocol
d. file typingprotocol
e.None of these
7. The lowestformof Computerlanguage iscalled
c. Machine Language
e.None of these
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8. Best Qualitygraphicsisproducedby
a. Dot Matix
b. LaserPrinter
c. InkjetPrinter
d. Plotter
e.None of these
9. Memory whichforgetseverythingwhenyouswitchoff the powerisknownas
a. Corrupted
b. Volatile
c. Non-Volatile
d. Non-Corrupted
e.None of these
10.The linkingof computerswithacommunicationsystemiscalled
a. Networking
b. Pairing
c. Interlocking
d. Assembling
11.The 16 bit Microprocessormeansthatit has
a. 16 addresslines
b. 16 Buses
c. 16 Data lines
d. 16 routes
e.None of these
12. Data goingintothe computeris called
a. Output
b. algorithm
c. Input
d. Calculations
13. Whichof the followingreferstoasmall,single-site network?
a. LAN
b. DSL
c. RAM
d. USB
14. MicrosoftOffice is
a. Shareware
c. Open-sourse software
d. A vertical marketapplication
e.An applicationsuite
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15. How manyoptionsdoesaBINARYchoice offer
a. None of these
b. One
c. Two
d. itdependsonthe amountof memoryonthe computer
e.It dependsonthe speedof the computer‘sprocessor
16. A collectionof programthatcontrolshow your computersystemrunsand
a. OperatingSystem
b. Computer
c. Office
d. Compiler
17. Computerconnectedtoa LAN (Local Area Network) can
a. run faster
b. go online
c. share informationand/orshare peripheral equipment
d. E-mail
e.None of these
18. Informationtravelsbetweencomponentsonthe motherboardthrough
a. Flashmemory
c. Bays
d. Buses
19. How are data organizedina spreadsheet?
a. Lines& spaces
b. Layers& Planes
c. Height& Width
d. Rows& Columns
20. The blinkingsymbol onthe computerscreeniscalledthe
a. mouse
b. logo
c. hand
d. palm
21. A faultina computerprogram whichpreventsitfromworkingcorrectlyis
a.B oot
b Bug
c Biff
d. Strap e.None of these
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22. A self replicatingprogram,similartoa viruswhichwastakenfroma 1970s
science fictionnovelbyJohnBrunerentitledthe ShockwaveRideris
a. Bug
b. Vice
c. Lice
d. Worm
e.None of these
23. A states.isa bi-stable electroniccircuitthathas
a. Multivibrator
b. Flip-flop
c. Logic gates
d. laten
e.None of these
24. Unwantedrepetitiousmessages,suchasunsolicitedbulke-mail isknown
a. Spam
b. Trash
c. Calibri
d. Courier
e.None of these
25.DOS stands for
a. DiskOperatingSystem
b. Diskoperatingsession
c. Digital OperatingSystem
d. Digital Opensystem
e.None of these
26. Who isthe chief of Miocrosoft
a. Babbage
b. Bill Gates
c. Bill Clintond.Bush
e.None of these
27. Whichof the followingare inputdevices.
a. Keyboardb.Mouse
c. Card readerd. Scanner
e.All of these
28. Examplesof outputdevicesare
a. Screen
b. Printer
c. Speaker
d. All of these
e.None of these
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29. Whichof the followingisalsoknownasbrainof computer
a. Control unit
b. Central Processingunit
c. Arithmeticandlanguage unit
d. Monitor
e.None of these
30. IBMstands for
a. Internal BusinessManagement
b. International BusinessManagement
c. International BusinessMachines
d. Internal BusinessMachinese.None of these
31. translatesandexecutesprogramatrun time line byline
a. Compiler
b. Interpreterc.Linker
d. Loader
e.None of these
32. isan OOP principle
a. Structuredprogramming
b. Procedural programming
c. Inheritance
d. Linking
e.None of these
33.COBOL is widelyusedinapplications
a. Commercial
b. Scientific
c. Space
d. Mathematical
e.None of these
34. RAMstandsfor
a. Randomoriginmoney
b. Randomonlymemory
c. Read onlymemory
d. Randomaccessmemory
e.None of these
35. 1 Byte = ?
a. 8 bits
b. 4 bits
c. 2 bits
d. 9 bits
e.None of the above
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36. SMPS standsfor
a. Switchedmode PowerSupply
b. Start mode powersupply
c. Store mode powersupply
d. Single mode powersupply
e.None of these
37. The device usedtocarry digital dataon analoglinesiscalledas
a. Modem
b. Multiplexer
c. Modulator
d. Demodulator
e.None of these
38. VDU isalso called
a. Screen
b. Monitor
c. Both 1 & 2
d. printer
e.None of these
39. BIOSstands for
a. Basic InputOutputsystem
b. BinaryInputoutputsystem
c. Basic InputOff system
d. all the above
e.None of these
40. Fatherof ‗C‘ programming language
a. DennisRitchie
b. Prof JhonKemenyc.ThomasKurtz
d. Bill Gates
e.None of these
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (d)
9. (b) 10. (a)11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (e) 15. (c)
16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (e)21. (b) 22. (d)
23. (b) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (e) 28. (d) 29. (b)
30. (c) 31. (b) 32. (c) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (a)
36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (a)
1. Which commanddividesthe surface of the blankdiskintosectorsandassigna unique
addressto eachone
1) Ver
2) Format
3) Fat
4) Checkdisk
5) None of these
2. If youneedto duplicate the entire disk,whichcommandwill youuse?
1) Copy
2) Diskcopy
3) Chkdsk
4) Format
5) None of these
3. A.............sometimescalledabootsectorvirus,executeswhenacomputerbootsup
because itresidesinthe bootsectorof a floppydiskorthe masterboot recordof a hard disk
1) Systemvirus
2) Trojan horse virus
3) File virus
4) Macro virus
5) None of these
4. A resultof a computerviruscannotleadto...
1) DiskCrash
2) Mother Board Crash
3) Corruptiono f program
4) Deletionof files
5) None of these
5. Every computerconnectedtoanintranetor extranetmusthave a distinct...
1) Firewall
2) Proxyserver
3) IP address
4) Domainname
5) None of these
6. Programminglanguage builtintouserprogramssuchas Word andExcel are knownas...
1) 4GLs
2) Macro languages
3) object-orientedlanguages
4) Visual programminglanguages
5) None of these
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7. Firewallsare usedtoprotectagainst...
1) UnauthorizedAttacks
2) VirusAttacks
3) Data DrivenAttacks
4) Fire Attacks
5) None of these
8. Which of the followingextensionssuggestthatthe file isabackupcopy?
1) Bak
2) Bas
3) Com
4) Txt
5) None of these
9. Computerprogramsare writtenina high - level programminglanguage;however,the
humanreadable versionof aprogram iscalled...
1) Cache
2) Instructionset
3) Source code
4) Word size
5) None of these
10. The software toolsthatenable auserto interactwitha computerfor specificpurposesare
1) Hardware
2) NetworkedSoftware
3) Shareware
4) Applications
5) None of these
11...............processingisusedwhenalarge mail-ordercompanyaccumulatesordersand
processesthemtogetherinone large set
1) Batch
2) Online
3) Real-time
4) Group
5) None of these
12. Whena file containsinstructionsthatcan be carriedout bythe computer,itisoften
calleda (n) ...file
1) Data
2) Information
3) Executable
4) Application
5) None of these
13. A compliertranslatesaprogramwrittenina high - level language into...
1) Machine language 2) Analgorithm
3) A debuggedprogram4) Java 5) None of these
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14. A setof step - by - stepproceduresforaccomplishingataskis knownas a (n)...
1) Algorithm
2) Hardware program
3) Software bug
4) Firmware program
5) None of these
15. A complete electroniccircuitwithtransistorsandotherelectroniccomponentsona small
1) Workstation
2) CPU
3) Magnetic disk
4) Integratedcircuit
5) None of these
16. A saveddocumentis referredtoasa...
1) File
2) Word
3) Folder
4) Project
5) None of these
17. What isoutput?
1) What the processortakesfrom the user
2) What the user givestothe processor
3) What the processorgetsfrom the user
4) What the processorgivestothe user
5) None of these
18. Whenyouturn on the computer,the bootroutine will performthistest...
1) RAM test
2) Diskdrive test
3) Memory test
4) Power- onself-test
5) None of these
19. Whichof the followingstorage mediaprovidessequential accessonly?
1) Floppydisk
2) Magnetic disk
3) Magnetic tape
4) Optical disk
5) None of these
20. In wordprocessing,anefficientwaytomove the 3rd paragraph to place itafter
the 5th paragraphis...
1) Copyand paste 2) Copy,cut and paste
3) Cut, copyand paste 4) Cut and paste
5) None of these
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21. Hardware includes..........
1) All devicesusedtoinputdataintoa computer
2) Setsof instructionsthata computerrunsor executes
3) The computerandall the devicesconnectedtoitthat are usedto inputand outputdata
4) All devicesinvolvedinprocessinginformationincludingthe central processingunit,memory
and storage
5) None of these
22. The quickestandeasiestwayinWord,to locate a particularword or phrase ina document
isto use the ...command
1) Replace
2) Find
3) Lookup
4) Search
5) None of these
23. The term 'userinterface'refersto............
1) What the user seesonthe screenand how theycan interactwithit
2) How the operatingsystemrespondstousercommands
3) The meansbywhichthe userinteractswiththe peripheral devicesonthe computer
4) The monitorthatis available forthe computer
5) None of these
24. For creatinga document,youuse...commandatFile Menu.
1) Open
2) Close
3) New
4) Save
5) None of these
25. The..............Becomesdifferentshapesdependingonthe taskyou are performing
1) Active tab
2) Insertionpoint
3) Mouse pointer
4) Ribbon
5) None of these
26. Specilizdprogramsthatassistusersinlocatinginformationonthe Webare called....
1) Informationengines
2) Search engines
3) Web browsers
4) Resource locators
5) None of these
27. The backgroundof anyWord document...
1) Is alwayswhite colour
2) Is the colouryou presectunderthe Optionsmenu
3) Is alwaysthe same for the entire document
4) Can have any colouryouchoose 5) None of these
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28.Correctingerrors ina program isreferredtoas ...
1) Debugging
2) Bugging
3) Rectifying
4) Modifying
5) None of these
29.Any letter,number,orsymbol foundonthe keyboardthatyoucouldtype intothe computer
1) Output
2) Character
3) Type
4) Print
5) Font
30.A symbol or questiononthe screenthatprompts youto take action and tell the computer
whatto do next...
1) Scanner
2) Questionnaire
3) Promptand dialogbox
4) Informationseeker
5) None of these
31.Commandsat the topof a screensuch as FILE-EDIT-FONT-TOOLStooperate andchange
1) Menu bar
2) Tool bar
3) User friendly
4) Word processor
5) None of these
32.The primarydevice thata computerusesto store information...
1) Monitor
2) Memory
3) Disk
4) Hard drive
5) None of these
33.A file extensionisseparatedfromthe mainfile name witha(n)...,butnospaces
1) Questionnark
2) Exclamationmark
3) Underscore
4) Period
5) None of these
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34.Applicationsoftware isdesignedtoaccomplish...
1) Real -worldtasks
2) computer-centrictasks
3) Gaming tasks
4) Operatingsystemtasks
5) None of these
35.A ... isa device thatnotonlyprovidessurge protection,butalsofurnishesyourcomputer
withbatterybackuppowerduringa poweroutage
1) Surge strip
2) USB
3) UPS
4) Batterystrip
5) None of these
36.The term.............designatesequipmentthatmightbe addedto a computersystemto
1) Digital device
2) Systemadd-on
3) Diskpack
4) Peripheral device
5) None of these
37...........thisisthe act of copyingordownloadingaprogramfrom a networkandmaking
multiple copiesof it.
1) Networkpiracy
2) Plagiarism
3) Software piracy
4) Site-licensepiracy
5) None of these
38.When installing...,the usermustcopyand usually decompressprogramfilesfromaCDROM
or othermediumtothe hard disk
1) Programmingsoftware
2) Systemhardware
3) Applicationshardware
4) Applicationssoftware
5) None of these
39.Which one of the followingwouldbe consideredasa waythat a computer viruscan entera
1) Openinganapplicationpreviouslyinstalledonthe computer
2) Borrowedan illegal copyof software
3) Viewingawebsitewithoutcausinganyadditional transactions
4) Runningantivirusprograms
5) None of these
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40.Programs such as MozillaFirefox thatserve asnavigablewindowsintothe Webare called
1) Hypertext
2) Networks
3) Internet
4) Web browsers
5) None of these
41.What isthe maindifference betweenamainframe andasupercomputer?
1) Supercomputerismuch largerthan mainframe computers
2) Supercomputersare much smallerthanmainframe computers
3) Supercomputersare focusedtoexecute few programsasfastas possible while mainframe
usesitspowerto execute asmanyprogramsconcurrently
4) Supercomputersare focusedtoexecute asmanyprogramsas possible while mainframe uses
itspowerto execute fewprogramsasfastas possible
5) None of these
42.What isthe functionof Recycle Bin?
1) Store deletedfile
2) Store temporaryfile
3) Store corruptedfile
4) Store Documentfile
5) None of these
43.Which isthe latestversionof MSOffice ?
1) Office XP
2) WindowsXP
3) Office 2007
4) Office 2010
5) None of these
44.Which device cannotbe sharedinnetwork?
1) Floppy
2) Keyword
3) Computer
4) Printer
5) None of these
45.What isthe purpose of query?
1) Inputdata
2) Outputdata
3) Sort & filter
4) All of above
5) None of these
46.Which port doesn'texistincomputer?
1) USB 2) Parallel
3) Com1 / Com2 4) RAW 5) None of these
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47.What isthe name of excel files?
1) Workbook
2) Worksheet
3) Spreadsheet
4) Spreadbook
5) None of these
48.Workgroup means
1) Computersinnetwork
2) Individual user
3) Individual computer
4) All of the above
5) None of these
49.Synonymcan be reviewedwith
1) Spellingandgrammar
2) Thesaurus
3) Both
4) Synonymviewer
5) None of these
50. Whichcommandallowsyouto reduce fragmentsof file andoptimize the performance of
1) Scandisk
2) Diskcomp
3) Chkdsak
4) Defrag
5) None of these
No AnsNoAns NoAnsNo AnsNo Ans
1 2 11 1 21 4 31 1 41 3
2 2 12 3 22 2 32 4 42 1
3 5 13 1 23 1 33 5 43 4
4 2 14 1 24 3 34 4 44 2
5 2 15 4 25 3 35 3 45 4
6 4 16 1 26 2 36 4 46 4
7 1 17 4 27 4 37 3 47 1
8 1 18 2 28 1 38 1 48 1
9 3 19 2 29 2 39 2 49 2
10 4 20 4 30 3 40 4 50 4
1. Who is calledas‗‗Father of Computers‘‘?
(A) CharlesBabage
(B) Blaise Pascal
(C) Hollirth
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
2. The firstDigital Computerintroduced,wasnamedas:
(A) Univac
(B) Mark-I
(C) Eniac
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
3. How many generations,computercanbe classified?
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 3
(D) 6
(E) None of these
4. First GenerationComputerscontain:
(A) Transistors
(B) VacuumTubes
(E) None of these
5. II GenerationComputersare made of :
(A) VacuumTubes
(B) Transistors
(E) None of these
6. IV GenerationComputerscontain:
(B) VacuumTubes
(C) All Technology
(D) Transistors
(E) None of these
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7. Vth GenerationComputersare basedon:
(A) Artificial Intelligence
(B) ProgrammingIntelligence
(C) SystemKnowledge
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
8. Computers,combine bothmeasuringandcounting,are called:
(A) Analog
(B) Digital
(C) Hybrid
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
9. In worldtoday,mostof the computersare :
(A) Digital
(B) Hybrid
(C) Analog
(D) Complex
(E) None of these
10. In anycomputerinstallation,howmanyelementsconsists.
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 3
(D) 1
(E) None of these
11. Physical structure of computeriscalled:
(A) Software
(B) Hardware
(C) Human ware
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
12. A computercan perform,whichof the followingtasks?
(A) Computation
(B) Communication
(C) Processing
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
13. CPU standsfor :
(A) ComputerProcessingUnit
(B) Central ProcessingUnit
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) CommunicationProcessingUnit
(E) None of these
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14. In whichtype of computer,dataare representedasdiscrete signals.
(A) Analogcomputer
(B) Digital computer
(C) both
(D) DigilogComputer
(E) None of these
15. Whichof the followingisavailable inthe formof a PC now?
(A) Mainframe
(B) Microcomputer
(C) Minicomputer
(D) Both (B) & (C)
(E) None of these
16. PARAMis an example of:(A) Supercomputer
(B) PC
(C) Laptop
(E) None of these
17. Who developedthe ‗analytical engine‘?
(A) Jacquardloom
(B) CharlesBabbage
(C) Shannon
(E) None of these
18. ENIACstandsfor :
(A) Electrical Numerical IntegratorandCalculator
(B) ElectronicNumerical IntegratorandComputer
(C) ElectronicNumerical IntegratorandCalculator
(D) ElectronicNumberIntegratorandCalculator
(E) None of these
19. FirstGenerationof computerwasbasedonwhichtechnology?
(A) Transistor
(B) VacuumTube
(E) None of these
20. Microprocessorwasintroducedinwhichgenerationof computer?
(A) SecondGeneration
(B) FourthGeneration
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) Third Generation
(E) All of the above
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21. GUI standsfor:
(A) Graphical User Interface
(B) Graph Use Interface
(C) Graphical Universal Interface (D) None of these
22. The time takenby CPU to retrieve andinterpretthe instructiontobe executediscalled
(A) Instructioncycle
(B) Fetchcycle
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
23. Whichof the followingisresponsible forall typesof calculations?
(B) Control Unit
(C) Registers
(E) None of these
24. Internal memoryinaCPU is nothingbut:
(A) A setof registers
(B) A setof ALU
(C) Microprocessor
(E) None of these
25. Whichof the followingispermanentmemory?
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
No AnsNoAns NoAns
1 A 11 B 21 A
2 B 12 D 22 A
3 B 13 B 23 A
4 B 14 B 24 A
5 B 15 B 25 C
6 A 16 A
7 A 17 B
8 C 18 B
9 A 19 B
10 C 20 B
1. In a surveyof more than500 companiesandgovernmentagencies,percentdetected
A. 20
B. 75
C. 85
D. 99
2. The surveyshowedthatthese businesseslostmore thandue tosecuritybreaches.
A. $100,000 each
B. $377 million
C. five employeeseach
D. $1 million
3. The typical computercriminal isa(n):
A. younghacker.
B. trustedemployeewithnocriminal record.
C. trustedemployee withalong,butunknown criminal record.
D. overseasyoungcracker.
4. The majorityof computercrimesare committedby:
A. hackers.
B. insiders.
C. overseascriminals.
D. youngteenage computergeniuses.
5. The commonname for the crime of stealingpasswords is:
A. spooling.
B. identitytheft.
C. spoofing.
D. hacking.
6. Collectingpersonal informationandeffectivelyposingasanotherindividualisknownasthe crime
A. spooling.
B. identitytheft.
C. spoofing.
D. hacking.
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7. Malicioussoftware isknownas:
A. badware.
B. malware.
C. maliciousware.
D. illegalware.
8. A program that performsauseful taskwhile simultaneously allowingdestructiveactsisa:
A. worm.
B. Trojan horse.
C. virus.
D. macro virus.
9. An intentionallydisruptiveprogramthatspreadsfromprogram to programor from disktodiskis
knownas a:
A. Trojanhorse.
B. virus.
C. time bomb.
D. time-relatedbombsequence.
10. In 1999, the Melissaviruswasa widelypublicized:
A. e-mail virus.
B. macro virus.
C. Trojanhorse.
D. Time bomb.
11. What type of virususescomputerhoststo reproduce itself?
A. Time bomb
B. Worm
C. Melissavirus
D. Macro virus
12. The thingthat eventuallyterminatesawormvirusisa lack of:
A. memoryordiskspace.
B. time.
C. CD drive space.
13. Whena logicbombis activatedbya time-relatedevent,itisknown asa:
A. time-relatedbombsequence.
B. virus.
C. time bomb.
D. Trojan horse.
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14. A logicbombthat wascreatedto erupton Michelangelo‘sbirthdayisanexampleof a:
A. time-relatedbombsequence.
B. virus.
C. time bomb.
D. Trojan horse.
15. What isthe name of an applicationprogramthatgathersuserinformationandsendsitto
someone throughthe Internet?
A. A virus
B. Spybot
C. Logic bomb
D. Securitypatch
16. Standardizationof Microsoftprogramsandthe Windowsoperatingsystemhasmade the spreadof
A. more complicated.
B. more difficult.
C. easier.
D. slower.
17. HTML virusesinfect:
A. yourcomputer.
B. a Web page inthe HTML code.
C. botha Webpage and the computerthat isviewingit.
D. No
18. Software programsthatclose potential securitybreachesinanoperatingsystemare knownas:
A. securitybreachfixes.
B. refreshpatches.
C. securityrepairs.
D. securitypatches.
19. Whencustomersof a Web site are unable toaccess itdue to a bombardmentof fake traffic,itis
A. a virus.
B. a Trojan horse.
C. cracking.
D. a denial of service attack.
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20. isthe measurementof thingssuchasfingerprintsandretinal scansusedforsecurity
A. BiometricsB.Biomeasurement
C. ComputersecurityD.Smartweaponmachinery
21. What isthe mostcommontool used to restrictaccess toa computersystem?
A. Userlogins
B. Passwords
C. Computerkeys
D. Access-control software
22. The most commonpasswordsinthe U.S. or Britaininclude all EXCEPT:
A. love.
B. Fred.
C. God.
D. 123.
23. Hardware or software designedtoguardagainstunauthorizedaccesstoa computernetworkis
knownas a(n):
A. hacker-proof program.
B. firewall.
C. hacker-resistantserver.
D. encryptionsafe wall.
24. The scramblingof code is knownas:
A. encryption.
B. a firewall.
C. scrambling.
D. passwordproofing.
25. If you wantto secure a message,use a(n):
A. cryptologysource.
B. encryptionkey.
C. encryptionsoftware package.
D. cryptosystem.
Answer:DReference:HowItWorks: 10.2 Cryptography
26. To preventthe lossof data duringpowerfailures,use a(n):
A. encryptionprogram.
B. surge protector.
C. firewall.
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27. A(n) can shieldelectronicequipmentfrompower spikes.
A. encryptionprogram
B. surge protector
C. firewall
28. All of these are suggestionsforsafe computingEXCEPT:
A. don‘tborrowdisksfromotherpeople.
B. openall e-mail messagesbutopenthemslowly.
C. downloadshareware and freeware withcaution.
D. disinfectyoursystem.
29. Freeware encryptsdata.
A. encryption
B. firewall software
D. private andpublickeys
30. isdefinedasanycrime completedthroughthe use of computertechnology.
A. Computerforensics
B. Computercrime
C. Hacking
D. Cracking
31. Most computersystemsrelysolelyonforauthentication.
A. logins
B. passwords
C. encryption
D. lockand key
32. Creatingstrongcomputersecuritytopreventcomputercrime usually simultaneouslyhelps
A. privacyrights.
B. personal ethics.
C. the numberof cookiesdownloadedtoyourpersonal computer.
D. personal space.
33. Overwas spentbybusinessesandgovernmenttorepairproblemsinregardtoY2K.
A. 20 milliondollars
B. 100 milliondollars
C. 1 billiondollars
D. 100 billiondollars
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34. What isa complex systemthattakesonnearlycompleteresponsibilityforataskeliminatingthe
A. Autonomoussystem
B. Missile defense auto-system
C. Smart weapon
D. Independentsystem
35. Securityprocedurescan:
A. will eliminate all computersecurityrisk.
B. reduce butnot eliminaterisks.
C. are prohibitivelyexpensive.
D. are inaccessibleforthe average home user.
Fill inthe Blank:
36. The fieldof computerusesspecial software toscanhard drivesof potential criminal
Answer:forensicsReference:OnlineOutlaws:ComputerCrime Difficulty:Challenging
37. Computeroftengoesunreportedbecause businessesfearnegative publicity.
38. connectionsare the mostfrequentpointof attackfor Internetcommerce.
39. isthe mostcommonform of computercrime.
40. A surveybyeMarketer.comfoundthatare the most oftencitedonline fraudcases.
Answer:online auctionsReference:IdentityTheft
41. Theftof computersismost commonforPDAs andcomputers.
42. Whenyouuse a diskinseveral differentcomputerswithinthe same day,youare takingthe
chance of contractinga(n) .
43. A(n) attachesitself todocumentsthatcontainembeddedprogramsthatautomate
44. Both virusesanduse computerhoststoreplicate.
45. programssearch forand eliminate viruses.Answer:Antivirus
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46. A security patchisa software programthatclosespossible securitybreachesinthe operating
system.The costto the consumeris.
47. wasonce the wordusedfor maliciouscomputerwizardry.
Answer:Hackersor hacking
48. referstoelectronictrespassingorcriminal hacking.
49. DoS standsfor .
Answer:denial of service
50. DDoS standsfor .
Answer:distributeddenial of service
51. hijackWebpagesand redirectuserstoothersites.
52. software monitors andrecordscomputertransactions.
53. Each individual whousesapublickeycryptosystemhaskeys.
Answer:twoReference:HowItWorks: 10.2 Cryptography
54. PGP standsfor.
55. Mostoperatingsystems,includingWindowsXP,assigneachuseraunique .
56. It shouldnowbe commonknowledgethatusersshouldnotopenfrome-mail recipientsthat
the userdoesnotknow.
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ translates andexecutesprogramatrun time line byline
1) Compiler
2) Interpreter
3) Linker
4) Loader
5) None
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is an OOPprinciple
1) Structuredprogramming
2) Procedural programming
3) Inheritance
4) Linking
5) None
3. COBOL is widelyusedin__ _ _ _ _ _ applications
1) Commercial
2) Scientific
3) Space
4) Mathematical
5) None
4. RAM standsfor
1) Randomoriginmoney
2) Randomonlymemory
3) Read onlymemory
4) Randomaccess memory
5) None
5. 1 Byte = ?
1) 8 bits
2) 4 bits
3) 2 bits
4) 9 bits
5) None
6. SMPS stands for
1) Switchedmode powersupply
2) Start mode powersupply
3) Store mode powersupply
4) Single mode powersupply
5) None
7. The device usedtocarry digital dataon analoglinesiscalledas
1) Modem
2) Multiplexer
3) Modulator
4) Demodulator5) None
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8. VDU isalsocalled
1) Screen
2) Monitor
3) Both 1 & 2
4) printer
5) None
9. BIOS standsfor
1) Basic InputOutputsystem
2) BinaryInputoutputsystem
3) Basic InputOff system
4) all the above
5) None
10. Fatherof ‘C’programminglanguage
1) DennisRitchie
2) Prof Jhon Kemeny
3) Thomas Kurtz4) Bill Gates
5) None
11. The 16 bitMicroprocessormeansthatit has
1) 16 addresslines
2) 16 Buses
3) 16 Data lines
4) 16 routes
5) None
12. Data goingintothe computeris called
1) Output
2) algorithm
3) Input
4) Calculations
5) flowchart
13. Whichof the followingreferstoasmall,single-site network?
1) LAN
2) DSL
3) RAM
4) USB
5) CPU
14. MicrosoftOffice is
1) Shareware
3) Open-source software
4) A vertical marketapplication
5) An applicationsuite
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15. How manyoptionsdoesaBINARYchoice offer
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) it dependsonthe amountof memoryonthe computer
5) It dependsonthe speedof the computer‘sprocessor
16. A collectionof programthatcontrolshow your computersystemrunsandprocesses
1) OperatingSystem2) Computer3) Office 4) Compiler5) Interpreter
17. Computerconnectedtoa LAN (Local Area Network) can
1) run faster2) go on line
3) share informationand/orshare peripheral equipment
4) E-mail 5) None
18. Informationtravelsbetweencomponentsonthe motherboardthrough
1) Flashmemory2) CMOS 3) Bays 4) Buses5) Peripherals
19. How are data organizedina spreadsheet?
1) Lines& spaces2) Layers & Planes3) Height& Width
4) Rows& Columns5) None
20. The blinkingsymbol onthe computerscreeniscalledthe
1) mouse 2) logo3) hand 4) palm5) cursor
01.2 06.1 11.3 16.1
02.3 07.1 12.3 17.3
03.1 08.3 13.1 18.3
04.4 09.1 14.5 19.4
05.1 10.1 15.3 20.5
1. When youare selectingamouse fora particularcomputersystem, whatisthe mostimportant
(1) The type of driversthatcome withthe mouse
(2) The lengthof the mouse cord
(3) The type of connectorthe mouse isequippedwith
(4) The numberof buttonsthe mouse has
(5) None of these
2. How is powersuppliedtoalow-powerUSBdevice?
(1) Througha powercable
(2) Froman external powersupply
(3) Directlyfromthe computerspowersupply
(4) Throughthe USB cable
(5) None of these
3. All of the followingare basicprinciplesof networks,except —
(1) eachcomputermusthave a networkcard
(2) there mustbe communicationsmediaconnectingthe networkhardware devices
(3) there mustbe at leastone connectingdevice
(4) eachcomputermusthave software thatsupportsthe movementof information
(5) None of these
4. The………….data miningtechniquederivesrulesfromreal-worldcase examples.
(1) Rule discover
(2) Signal processing
(3) Neural nets
(4) Case-basedreasoning
(5) None of these
5. …………….are usedtoidentifyauserwhoreturnsto a Website.
(1) Cookies
(2) Plug-ins
(3) Scripts
(4) ASPs
(5) None of these
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1. Computerusesthe ..........numbersystemtostore dataand performcalculations.
(1) binary
(2) octal
(3) decimal
(4) hexadecimal
(5) None of these
2. A disk'scontentthat isrecordedat the time of manufacture andthat cannot be changedor erased
by the useris-
(1) Memory-only
(2) Write-only
(3) Once-only
(4) Run-only
(5) Read-only
3. Which of the followingcanbe usedtoselectthe entire document?
(1) CTRL + A
(2) ALT + F5
(3) SHIFT+ A
(4) CTRL + K
(5) CTRL + H
4. ..........are attemptsbyindividualstoobtainconfidential informationfromyoubyfalsifyingtheir
(1) Phishing
(2) Computerviruses
(3) Spyware scams
(4) Viruses
(5) None of the above
5. Port number,portdescription,andnumberof portsorderedare examplesof
(1) control
(2) output
(3) processing
(4) feedback
(5) input
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6. A Web site'smainpage iscalledits-
(1) Home Page
(2) BrowserPage
(3) SearchPage
(4) Bookmark
(5) None of these
7. The simultaneousprocessingof twoormore programsby multiple processorsis-
(1) multiprogramming
(2) multitasking
(3) time-sharing
(4) multiprocessing(5) None of these
8. Codesconsistingof linesof varyingwidthsorlengthsthatare computer-readableare knownas-
(1) an ASCIIcode
(2) a magnetictape
(3) an OCR scanner
(4) a bar code
(5) None of these
9. To instructWord to fitthe widthof a columnto the contentsof a table automatically,clickthe
.....buttonand thenpointtoAutoFitContents.
(1) Fitto Form
(2) Format
(3) Autosize
(4) Contents
(5) AutoFit
10. Why isit unethical toshare copyrightedfileswithyourfriends?
(1) It isnot unethical,becauseitislegal.
(2) It isunethical because the filesare beinggivenforfree.
(3) Sharingcopyrightedfileswithoutpermissionbreakscopyrightlaws.
(4) It isnot unethical because the filesare beinggivenforfree.
(5) It isnot unethical-anyone canaccessa computer
11. Reusable optical storage will typicallyhave the acronym-
(1) CD
(2) DVD
(3) ROM
(4) RW
(5) ROS
MCQs on ComputersPartII
[CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 60
12. The most commontype of storage devicesare-
(1) persistent
(2) optical
(3) magnetic
(4) flash
(5) steel
13. A device thatconnectstoa networkwithoutthe use of cablesissaidtobe-
(1) distributed
(2) free
(3) centralized
(4) opensource
(5) None of these
14. A personwhousedhisor herexpertise togainaccesstootherpeople'scomputerstoget
informationillegallyordodamage is a-
(1) hacker
(2) analyst
(3) instantmessenger
(4) programmer
(5) spammer
15. To access propertiesof anobject,the mouse technique touse is-
(1) dragging
(2) dropping
(3) right-clicking
(4) shift-clicking
(5) None of these
16. To change selected texttoall capital letters,clickthe change case button,thenclick- (1)
(4) Lock Upper
(5) Large Size
17. The basic unitof a worksheetintowhichyouenterdatainExcel iscalleda-
(1) tab
(2) cell
(3) box
(4) range
(5) None of these
MCQs on ComputersPartII
[CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 61
18. You can keepyourpersonal files/foldersin-
(1) My folder
(2) My Documents
(3) My Files
(4) My Text
(5) None of these
19. In Word youcan force a page break-
(1) By positioningyourcursorat the appropriate place andpressingthe F1 key
(2) By positioningyourcursorat the appropriate place andpressingCtrl + Enter
(3) By usingthe Insert/SectionBreak
(4) By changingthe fontsize of yourdocument
(5) None of these
20. A DVDis an example of a(n)-
(1) hard disk
(2) optical disc
(3) outputdevice
(4) solid-statestorage device
(5) None of these
21. The defaultviewinExcel is.........view.
(1) Work
(2) Auto
(3) Normal
(4) Roman
(5) None of these
22. The processof transferringfilesfromacomputeronthe Internettoyourcomputeriscalled
(1) downloading
(2) uploading
(3) FTP
(4) JPEG
(5) downsizing
23. ..........isthe processof dividingthe diskintotracksandsectors.
(1) Tracking
(2) Formatting
(3) Crashing
(4) Allotting
(5) None of these
MCQs on ComputersPartII
[CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 62
24. HelpMenuis available atwhichbutton?
(1) End
(2) Start
(3) Turnoff
(4) Restart
(5) Reboot
25. The contentsof ..........are lostwhenthe computerturnsoff.
(1) storage
(2) input
(3) output
(4) memory
(5) None of these
26. Whenyouentertextina cell inExcel,italsoappearsinwhichof the following?
(1) Statusbar
(2) Formulabar
(3) Rowheading
(4) Name box
(5) None of these
27. Whichelementsof aWord documentcanbe displayedincolour?
(1) Onlygraphics
(2) Onlytext
(3) Onlythe firstwordof each line
(4) All elements,butonlyif youhave acolourprinter
(5) All elements
28. A workbookisa collectionof
(1) Page Setup
(2) Buttons
(3) Diagrams
(4) Charts
(5) Worksheets
29. appearat the bottomof the Excel Window.
(1) Sheettabs
(2) Name Box
(3) Formulabar
(4) Title bar
(5) None of these
MCQs on ComputersPartII
[CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 63
30. EPROMstandsfor
(1) Erasable Programmable Read-OnlyMemory
(2) ElectronicProgrammable Read-OnlyMemory
(3) Enterprise Programmable Read-OnlyMemory
(4) ExtendedProgrammable Read-OnlyMemory
(5) Electrical Programmable Read-OnlyMemory
31. The technologythatstoresonlythe essentialinstructionsonamicroprocessorchipandthus
(1) CISC
(2) RISC
(4) Wi-Fi
(5) MISC
32. Whichis nota basicfunctionof a computer?
(1) Store data
(4) Copytext
(5) Acceptand processdata
33. ASCIIisa codingsystemthat provides
(1) 256 differentcharacters
(2) 512 differentcharacters
(3) 1024 differentcharacters
(4) 128 differentcharacters
(5) 1000 differentcharacters
34. Whichpart of the computerisdirectlyinvokedinexecutingthe instructionsof the computer
(1) The scanner
(2) The mainstorage
(3) The secondarystorage
(4) The printer
(5) The processor
35. In orderto create columndata inWord, youneedto
(1) tab consecutivelyuntil yourcursorreachesthe desiredplace
(2) settabs or use the Table menu
(3) use Excel
(4) pressthe space bar until yourcursor reachesthe desiredplace
(5) None of these
MCQs on ComputersPartII
[CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 64
36. Filesare organisedbystoringthemin
(1) tables
(2) databases
(3) folders
(4) graphs
(5) diagrams
37. Whena computerisswitchedon,the bootingprocessperforms
(1) IntegrityTest
(2) Power-OnSelf-Test
(3) CorrectFunctioningTest
(4) ReliabilityTest
(5) Shut-down
38. In Word,the feature that automaticallydetectscommonerrorsiscalled
(1) Autocorrect
(2) Autograph
(3) SpellingandGrammar
(4) Go to
(5) Thesaurus
39. A computersystemthatisoldand perhapsnotsatisfactoryisreferredtoas a(n)
(1) Ancientsystem
(2) Historical system
(3) Age oldsystem
(4) Legacysystem
(5) Legal System
40. Whichof the followingisnota binarynumber?
(1) 001
(2) 101
(3) 202
(4) 110
(5) 011
41. Whichof the followingdoesnotstore datapermanently?
(1) ROM
(2) RAM
(3) FloppyDisk
(4) Hard Disk
(5) None of these
MCQs on ComputersPartII
[CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 65
42. Whichof the followingisthe smalleststorage?
(1) Megabyte
(2) Gigabyte
(3) Kilobyte
(4) Terabyte
(5) None of these
43. Whichmenuenablesthe usertochoose toolbars?
(1) View
(2) Format
(3) Insert
(4) Edit
(5) Help
44. By viewingthe propertiesof the local harddiskof a computer,the usercan findout
(1) the amountof space that has beenusedupandthe remainingfree space onthe disk.
(2) the name of the userviewingthe propertiesof the disk.
(3) nothinguseful tothe user.
(4) the numberof programsavailable inthe computer,
(5) None of these
45. Pre-definedandbuilt-informulasinExcel are knownas
(1) Autosheets
(2) Diagrams
(3) Charts
(4) Tables
(5) Functions
46. Whichof the followingcontainspermanentdataandgetsupdatedduringthe processingof
(1) OperatingSystemFile
(2) Transactionfile
(3) Software File
(4) Master file
(5) AnyFile
47. The keyboardshortcutto centralise the selectedtextinWordis
(1) Ctrl + Esc
(2) Ctrl + C
(3) Alt+ C
(4) There isno keyboardshortcutforthisoperation
(5) Ctrl + E
MCQs on ComputersPartII
[CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 66
48. Whichof the followinghelpstoprotectfloppydisksfromdatagettingaccidentallyerased?
(1) Accessnotch
(2) Write-protectnotch
(3) Entry notch
(4) Inputnotch
(5) None of these
49. A modemisconnected to
(1) a telephoneline
(2) a keyboard
(3) a printer
(4) a monitor
(5) a scanner
50. Large transactionprocessingsystemsinautomatedorganisationsuse
(1) Online processing
(2) Batch Processing
(3) Once-a-dayProcessing
(4) End-of-day processing
(5) Once-a-weekprocessing
51. The operationof combiningtwocellsintoasingle cell inExcel isreferredtoas
(1) joincells
(2) merge cells
(3) merge table
(4) jointable
(5) None of these
52. Whichof the followingcanbe usedto store a large numberof filesina small amountof storage
(1) File adjustment
(2) File copying
(3) File reading
(4) File compatibility
(5) File compression
53. In a computer,mostprocessingtakesplace in
(1) memory
(2) RAM
(3) motherboard
(4) CPU
(5) None of these
MCQs on ComputersPartII
[CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 67
54. Data is organizedinaworksheetas
(1) charts anddiagrams
(2) rowsand columns
(3) tablesandboxes
(4) graphs
(5) None of the above
55. Whichof the followingisanexample of abinarynumber?
(1) 6AH1
(2) 100101
(3) 005
(4) ABCD
(5) 23456
56. Spell Checkwill finderrorsinwhichof the following?
(1) Todayis a rainyday
(2) Todayis a rainya day
(3) Isa rainy
(4) Rainytodaya day
(5) None of the above
57. Whichof the followingisnota storage medium?
(1) Hard disk
(2) Flashdrive
(3) DVD
(4) CD
(5) Keyboard
58. In Excel,whenthe contentsandattributesof acell or range of cellshave tobe erasedusingthe
menu,the usermust
(1) selectthe Cells.chooseEdit.andselectClear,thenAll
(2) selectthe Cells.andclickDelete onthe keyboard
(3) selectthe Cells.chooseTools.andselectClear.thenFormats
(4) selectthe Cells.chooseTools.andselectFormulaAudit.thenDelete
(5) None of the above
59. The computerabbreviationKBusuallymeans
(1) KeyBlock
(2) Kernel Boot
(3) KiloByte
(4) KitBit
(5) None of these
MCQs on ComputersPartII
[CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 68
60. If an Excel Worksheetistobe linkedforuse ina PowerPointpresentation,the followingshould
be clicked
(1) Edit,Paste Special
(2) Edit,Paste
(3) Edit,Copy
(4) File,Copy
(5) None of the above
61. RAMstandsfor
(1) RandomAccessMemory
(2) ReadyApplicationModule
(3) ReadAccessMemory
(4) Remote AccessMachine
(5) None of the above
62. Whichof the followingisthe hardware andnotthe software?.
(1) Excel
(2) Printerdriver
(3) Operatingsystem
(4) Powerpoint
(5) Control Unit
63. In Word,whichmenuwouldthe userselecttoprinta document?
(1) Tools
(2) File
(3) View
(4) Wind0Vob
(5) None of these
64. Whichof the followingisnottrue aboutcomputerfiles?
(1) Theyare collectionsof datasavedto a Storage medium
(2) Everyfile hasa filename
(3) A file extensionisestablishedbythe usertoindicate the date itwas created
(4) Usuallyfilescontaindata
(5) None of the above
65. The common name fora modulator-demodulatoris
(1) modem
(2) joiner
(3) networker
(4) connector
(5) demod
MCQs on ComputersPartII
[CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 69
66. What do yousee whenyouclickthe rightmouse button?
(1) The same effectasthe leftclick
(2) A special menu
(3) Noeffect
(4) A mouse cannot be rightclicked
(5) Computergoestosleepmode
67. In orderto choose the fontfor a sentence inaWord document,
(1) selectFontinthe Formatmenu
(2) selectFontinthe Editmenu
(3) selectFontinthe Toolsmenu
(4) selectFontinthe Insertmenu
(5) None of the above
68. The ALU performs..........operations.
(1) logarithm-based
(3) algorithm-based
(4) arithmetic
(5) None of the above
69. Excel isa program that isusedto prepare a
(1) Database
(2) TextDocument
(3) Spreadsheet
(4) Slide Presentation
(5) None of the above
70. ..........consistsof volatilechipsthattemporarilystore dataorinstructions.
(1) CPU
(2) ROM
(4) RAM
(5) None of these
Q.1 Which of the followingisnotanscriptinglanguage ?
(C) Postscript(D) Javascript
Ans:C Postscript
Q.2 Which of the followingisaplatformfree language
(A) Fortran(B) Assembly
(C) C (D) Java
Ans:D Java
Q.3 A digital signature is
(A) scannedsignature (B) signature inbinaryform
(C) encryptinginformation(D) handwrittensignature
Ans: C encryptinginformation
Q.4 Mechanismto protectprivate networksfromoutside attackis
(A) Firewall (B) Antivirus
(C) Digital signature (D) Formatting
Ans: A Firewall
Q.5 A computersystemthatpermitsmultiple userstorunprogramsat same time
(A) Real time system(B) Multi programmingsystem
(C) Time sharingsystem(D) Multi taskingsystem
Ans: D Multi taskingsystem
Code:T-16 Subject:E-COMMERCE
Q.6 A computercommunicationtechnologythatprovidesawayto interconnect
multiple computeracrossshortdistance is
(C) WAN (D) Wirelessnetwork
Q.7 Telnetisa service thatruns
(A) Televisiononnet(B) Remote program
(C) Cable TV network(D) Telenext
Ans: B Remote program
Q.8. A device thatforwardsdatapacketfrom one networktoanotheriscalleda
(A) Bridge (B) Switch
(C) Hub (D) Gateway
Ans: B Switch
Q.9 Which of the followingisthe fastestmediaof datatransfer
(A) Co-axial Cable (B) UntwistedWire
(C) Telephone Lines(D) FibreOptic
Ans:D FiberOptic.
Q.10 Tool that isusedto transferdata/filesamongcomputersonthe
(A) FTP (B) Archie
(C) TCP (D) Gopher
Q.11 HTML is a
(A) ProgrammingLanguage (B) ScriptingLanguage
(C) Web Browser(D) NetworkProtocol
Ans:B ScriptingLanguage
Code:T-16 Subject:E-COMMERCE
Q.12 Secret-keyencryptionisalsoknownas
(A) Asymmetricencryption(B) Symmetricencryption
(C) Secret-encryption(D) Privateencryption
Ans: D Private encryption
Q.13 The conceptof electroniccashisto execute paymentby
(A) CreditCard (B) ATMCard
(C) Using computersovernetwork(D) Cheque
Ans: C Usingcomputersovernetwork.
Q.14 SMTP is a
(A) NetworkingProtocol
(B) Protocol usedfortransferringmessage betweenenduser&
Mail Server
(C) Protocol usedforsmart card message interchange
(D) EncryptionStandard
Ans: B Protocol usedfortransferringmessage betweenenduser&Mail Server.
Q.15 Digital Signature is
(A)ScannedSignature onComputer
(B) Code numberof the sender.
(D)Software torecognize signature.
Ans: D Software torecognize signature
Q.16 Telnetisa
(A) Networkof Telephones(B) TelevisionNetwork
(C) Remote Login(D) Remote Login.
Ans:C Remote Login.
Q.17 The internetis
(A) Networkof networks(B) Website.
(C) Host (D) Server
Ans:A Networkof networks
Code:T-16 Subject:E-COMMERCE
Q.18 Ane-businessthatallowsconsumertoname theirownprice for products
and servicesisfollowingwhiche-businessmodel?
(A) B2B (B) B2G
(C) C2C (D) C2B
Ans:D C2B
Q.19 Kerberosisanencryption-basedsystemthatuses
(A) Secretkeyencryption(B) Publickey encryption
(C) Private keyencryption(D) Datakeyencryption
Ans:A Secretkeyencryption.
Q.19 The method(s) of paymentforonlineconsumersare
(A) Electroniccash(B) Credit/debit
(C) Electronicchecks(D) All of the above
Ans:D All of the Above.
Q.20 DNSis
(A) The distributedhierarchical namingsystem
(B) The vertical namingsystem
(C) The horizontal namingsystem
(D) The clientserversystem
Ans:C The horizontal namingsystem.
Q.21 A firewallis
(A) Anestablishednetworkperformancereference point.
(B) Software orhardware usedto isolate aprivate networkfroma publicnetwork.
(C) A virusthat infectsmacros.
(D) A predefinedencryptionkeyusedtoencryptanddecryptdata transmissions.
Ans:B Software or hardware usedtoisolate aprivate networkfroma publicnetwork.
Q.22 A router
(A) Screensincominginformation.
(B) Distributesinformationbetweennetworks
(C) Clearsall virusesfromacomputersystem
(D) Is a work virus.
Ans:B Distributesinformationbetweennetworks
Code:T-16 Subject:E-COMMERCE
Q.23 LDAPstands for
(A) LightweightData AccessProtocol.
(B) Light weightDirectoryAccessProtocol.
(C) Large Data AccessProtocol.
(D) Large DirectoryAccessProtocol.
Ans:B -> LightweightDirectoryAccessProtocol.
Q.24 E-Commerce isnotsuitable for
(A) Sale/Purchase of expensive jewelleryandantiques.
(B) Sale/Purchase of mobile phones.
(C) Sale/Purchase of brandedclothes.
(D) Online jobsearching.
Ans:D Online jobsearching
Q.25 Amazon.comcomesunderthe followingmodel
(A) B2B (B) B2C
(C) C2C (D) C2B
Ans:B B2C
Q.26 Hubsare presentinthe network
(A) to diagnose line failures,measure andmanage trafficflow andsimplifyre
configuringof LANs.
(B) to interconnectthe LAN withWANs.
(C) to interconnectthe WANswith WANs.
(D) to interconnectthe WANswithLANs.
Ans:B to interconnectthe LAN withWANs.
Q.27 Firewallsoperate by
(A)The pre-purchasephase.
(B) isolatingIntranetfromExtranet.
(C)Screeningpacketsto/fromthe Networkandprovide controllable filteringof network
(D)None of the above.
Ans:C Screeningpacketsto/fromthe Networkandprovidecontrollablefilteringof
Code:T-16 Subject:E-COMMERCE
Q.28 The mercantile processmodel consistsof the followingpahase(s):
(A) The pre-purchase phase.
(B) Purchase consummationphase.
(C) Post-purchase Interactionphase.
(D) All of the above.
Ans:D All of the Above.

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computer fundamental mcq 300 questions

  • 1. FUNDAMENTALSOF COMPUTERS 1. The term‘Computer’isderivedfrom.......... a. Latin b.German c. Frenchd. Arabic 2. Who is the inventorof “Difference Engine”? a. AllenTuringb.CharlesBabbage c.SimurCray d. AugustaAdaming 3. Who is the fatherof Computer? a. AllenTuringb.CharlesBabbage c.SimurCray d. AugustaAdaming 4. Who is the fatherof Computerscience? a. AllenTuringb.CharlesBabbage c.SimurCray d. AugustaAdaming 5. Who is the fatherof personal computer? a. Edward Robertb.Allen Turingc.CharlesBabbage d. None of these 6. A CPU contains a. a card readeranda printingdevice b.ananalytical engine andacontrol unit c. a control unitandan arithmeticlogicunitd.anarithmeticlogicunitanda card reader 7. Which of the followingcontrolsthe processof interactionbetweenthe userandthe operating system? a. User interface b.Language translator c. Platformd.Screensaver 8. The firstcomputerswere programmedusing a. assemblylanguage b.machine language c. source code d.objectcode School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 2
  • 2. 9. ..........isacombinationof hardware andsoftware thatfacilitatesthe sharingof information betweencomputingdevices. a. networkb.peripheral device 10. Codedentrieswhichare usedtogainaccessto a computersystemare called a. Entry codesb. Passwordsc.Securitycommandsd.Code words 11. Whichof the followingstatementsistrue ? a. MinicomputerworksfasterthanMicrocomputer b. MicrocomputerworksfasterthanMinicomputer c. Speedof boththe computersisthe same d. The speedsof boththese computerscannotbe comparedwiththe speedof advanced 12. You organize filesbystoringthemin a. archivesb.foldersc.indexesd.lists 13. What type of resource ismost likelytobe asharedcommonresource ina computer Network? a. Printersb.Speakersc.Floppydiskdrivesd.Keyboards 14. Whichdevice isrequiredforthe Internetconnection? a. Joystickb.Modemc. CD Drive d.NIC Card 15. What isa lightpen? a. A Mechanical Inputdevice b.Optical inputdevice c. Electronicinputdevice d.Optical outputdevice 16. UNIVACis a. Universal AutomaticComputerb.Universal ArrayComputer c. Unique AutomaticComputerd.UnvaluedAutomatic Computer 17. CD-ROMstandsfor a. Compactable ReadOnlyMemoryb.Compact Data ReadOnlyMemory
  • 3. c. Compactable DiskReadOnlyMemoryd.Compact DiskReadOnlyMemory 18. ALU is a. ArithmeticLogicUnitb. ArrayLogic Unit c. ApplicationLogicUnitd.None of above 19. VGA is a. VideoGraphicsArrayb. Visual GraphicsArray c. Volatile GraphicsArrayd.VideoGraphicsAdapter 20. IBM1401 is a. FirstGenerationComputerb.SecondGenerationComputer c. Third GenerationComputerd. FourthGeneration Computer School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 3 21. MSI standsfor a. MediumScale IntegratedCircuitsb.MediumSystemIntegratedCircuits c. MediumScale IntelligentCircuitd.MediumSystemIntelligentCircuit 22. The capacity of 3.5 inch floppydiskis a. 1.40 MB b. 1.44 GB c. 1.40 GB d. 1.44 MB 23. WAN standsfor a. Wap AreaNetworkb.Wide AreaNetwork c. Wide Array Netd.WirelessAreaNetwork 24. MICR standsfor a. MagneticInk CharacterReaderb. MagneticInkCode Reader c. Magnetic InkCasesReaderd.None 25. EBCDIC standsfor a. ExtendedBinaryCodedDecimal Interchange Code
  • 4. b. ExtendedBitCode Decimal Interchange Code c. ExtendedBitCase Decimal Interchange Code d. ExtendedBinaryCase Decimal Interchange Code 26. Whichof the followingisapart of the Central ProcessingUnit? a. Printerb.Keyboard c. Mouse d.Arithmetic&Logic unit 27. CAD standsfor a. Computeraideddesignb.Computeralgorithmfordesign c. Computerapplicationindesignd.Computeranalogue design 28. Junke-mail isalsocalled a. spam b.spoof c. snifferscriptd.spool 29. Hackers a. all have the same motive b. breakintootherpeople'scomputers c. may legallybreakintocomputersaslongastheydo notdo any damage d. are people whoare allergictocomputers 30. What type of computersare clientcomputers(mostof the time) inaclient-serversystem? a. Mainframe b.Mini-computer c. Microcomputerd. PDA 31. A computercannot'boot' if it doesnothave the a. Compilerb.Loader c. OperatingSystemd.Assembler School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 4
  • 5. 32. The amount of vertical space betweenlinesof textina documentiscalled a. double-spaceb.line spacingc.single space d.vertical spacing 33. Example of non-numericdatais a. Employee addressb.Examinationscore c.Bankbalance d. All of these 34. What isembeddedsystem? a. The programme whicharrivesbybeingwrappedinbox. b. The programme whichisthe permanentpartof the computer c. The computerwhichisthe part of a bigcomputer d. The computerand software systemthatcontrol the machine 35. Firstpage of Website istermedas- a.Homepage b.Index c.JAVA scriptd. Bookmark 36. . .....................Isthe appearance of typedcharacters? a. Size b.Format c. Pointd.Colour 37. Whena file issavedforthe firsttime a. a copy isautomaticallyprinted b. itmust be givena name to identifyit c. it doesnotneeda name d. itonlyneedsa name if itis notgoingto be printed 38. Office LANS,whichare scatteredgeographicallyonlarge scale,canbe connectedbythe use of corporate a. CAN b. LAN c. DAN d. WAN 39. Where are data and programme storedwhenthe processorusesthem? a. Main memoryb.Secondarymemory c. Diskmemoryd. Programme memory 40. . ...............representsraw facts, where-as.................isdatamade meaningful. a. Information,reportingb.Data,information
  • 6. c. Information,bitsd.Records,bytes 41. What characteristicof read-onlymemory(ROM) makesituseful? a. ROM informationcanbe easilyupdated. b. Data inROM isnon-volatile,thatis,itremainsthere evenwithoutelectrical power. c. ROM providesverylarge amountsof inexpensive datastorage. d. ROMchipsare easilyswappedbetweendifferentbrandsof computers. 42. What do youcall the programsthat are usedtofindout possible faultsandtheircauses? a. operatingsystemextensionsb.cookies c. diagnosticsoftware d.bootdiskettes School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 5 43. Whichprogramminglanguagesare classifiedaslow levellanguages? a. BASIC,COBOL,Fortran b. Prolog c. C, C++ d. Assemblylanguages 44. Whichof the followingisnotanti- viruses’software? a. NAV b.F-Prot c. Oracle d. McAfee 45. Whichdevice isrequiredforthe Internetconnection? a. Joystickb.Modem c. CD Drive d. NICCard 46. What doesDMA stand for? a. A. DistinctMemoryAccessb.DirectMemory Access c. DirectModule Accessd. DirectMemory Allocation 47. Whichof the followingisastorage device? a. Tape b. Hard Disk
  • 7. c. FloppyDiskd.All of the above 48. WhendidJohnNapierdeveloplogarithm? a. 1416 b. 1614 c. 1641 d. 1804 49. A normal CD- ROM usuallycanstore up to _________ _data? a. 680 KB b.680 Bytes c. 680 MB d.680 GB 50. MIS is designedtoprovide informationneededforeffective decisionmakingby? a. Consumersb.Workers c. Foremend.Managers 51. What isa lightpen? a. Mechanical Inputdevice b.Optical inputdevice c. Electronicinputdevice d.Optical outputdevice 52. BCD is a. BinaryCoded Decimal b.BitCodedDecimal c. BinaryCodedDigitd. BitCodedDigit 53. ASCIIstandsfor a. AmericanStable Code forInternational Interchange b. AmericanStandardCase forInstitutional Interchange c. AmericanStandardCode forInformationInterchange d. AmericanStandardCode forInterchange Information School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 6 54. Whichof the followingisfirstgenerationof computer? a. EDSAC b.IBM-1401 c. CDC-1604 d.ICL-2900
  • 8. 55. Chief componentof first generationcomputerwas a. Transistorsb.VacuumTubesand Valves c. IntegratedCircuitsd.None of above 56. FORTRAN is a. File Translationb.FormatTranslation c. FormulaTranslationd.FloppyTranslation 57. EEPROMstands for a. ElectricallyErasable Programmable ReadOnlyMemory b. EasilyErasable Programmable ReadOnlyMemory c. ElectronicErasable Programmable ReadOnlyMemory d. None of the above 58. SecondGenerationcomputersweredevelopedduring a. 1949 to 1955 b. 1956 to 1965 c. 1965 to 1970 d. 1970 to 1990 59. The computersize wasverylarge in a. FirstGenerationb.SecondGeneration c. Third Generationd.FourthGeneration 60. Microprocessorsasswitchingdevicesare forwhichgenerationcomputers a. FirstGenerationb.SecondGeneration c. Third Generationd.FourthGeneration 61. Whichof the followingdevicescanbe suedtodirectlyimage printedtext? a. OCR b. OMR c. MICR d.All of above 62. The outputqualityof a printerismeasuredby a. Dot perinch b. Dot persq.inch
  • 9. c. Dots printedperunittime d.All of above 63. In analogue computer a. Inputis firstconvertedtodigital formb.Inputisneverconvertedtodigital form c. Outputis displayedindigital formd.All of above 64. In latestgenerationcomputers,the instructionsare executed a. Parallel onlyb.Sequentiallyonly c. Both sequentiallyandparallel d.All of above 65. Who designedthe firstelectronicscomputer –ENIAC? a. Van-Neumannb.JosephM.Jacquard School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 7 c. J. PresperEckertand JohnW Mauchly d.All of above 66. Who inventedthe highlevellanguage“C”? a. DennisM. Ritchie b.NiklausWrith c. SeymourPapertd.DonaldKunth 67. Personnel whodesign,program,operateandmaintaincomputerequipmentrefersto a. Console-operatorb.Programmer c. Peoplewared.SystemAnalyst 68. Whendidarch rivalsIBM andApple ComputersInc.decide tojoinhands? a. 1978 b. 1984 c. 1990 d. 1991 69. Human beingsare referredtoasHomosapinens,whichdeviceiscalledSillico Sapiens? a. Monitorb. Hardware c. Robot d.Computer 70. Anerror in software orhardware iscalleda bug.What isthe alternative computerjargonforit?
  • 10. a. Leechb. Squid c. Slugd. Glitch 71. ModernComputerare veryreliable buttheyare not a. Fast b. Powerful c. Infallible d.Cheap 72. What isthe name of the displayfeature thathighlightsare of the screenwhichrequires operatorattention? a. Pixel b.Reverse video c. Touch screend.Cursor 73. Personal computersuse anumberof chipsmountedona maincircuitboard. What isthe commonname for such boards? a. Daughterboard b.Motherboard c. Fatherboard d.Breadboard 74. In mostIBM PCs,the CPU, the device drives,memoryexpansionslotsandactive components are mountedona single board.Whatis the name of thisboard? a. Motherboardb. Breadboard c. Daughterboard d. Grandmotherboard 75. What ismeantby a dedicatedcomputer? a. Whichis usedbyone persononlyb.Which isassignedone andonlyone task c. Which usesone kindof software d.Whichismeantfor applicationsoftware School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 8 76. The systemunitof a personal computertypicallycontainsall of the followingexcept: a. Microprocessorb.Disk controllerc.Serial interface d.Modem 77. A computerprogramthat convertsan entire programintomachine language iscalleda/an
  • 11. a. Interpreterb.Simulatorc.Compilerd.Commander 78. A computerprogramthat translatesone programinstructionsata time intomachine language iscalleda/an a. Interpreterb.CPUc. Compilerd.Simulator 79. A small orintelligentdevice issocalledbecause itcontainswithinita a. Computerb.Microcomputerc. Programmable d.Sensor 80. A faultina computerprogram whichpreventsitfromworkingcorrectlyisknownas a. Boot b.Bug c. Biff d.Strap 81. A self replicatingprogram,similartoa viruswhichwastakenfroma 1970s science fiction novel byJohnBrunerentitledthe Shockwave Rideris a. Bug b. Vice c.Lice d. Worm 82. A state.isa bi-stable electroniccircuitthathas a. Multivibratorb.Flip-flopc.Logicgatesd. laten 83. Unwantedrepetitiousmessages,suchasunsolicitedbulke-mail isknownas a. Spam b.Trash c. Calibri d.Courier 84. DOS standsfor a. DiskOperatingSystemb.Diskoperatingsession c. Digital OperatingSystemd.Digital Opensystem 85. Who isthe chief of Microsoft a. Babbage b. Bill Gatesc. Bill Clintond.none of these 86. Whichof the followingare inputdevices? a. Keyboardb.Mouse c. Card readerd.Anyof these 87. Examplesof outputdevicesare a. Screenb.Printerc. Speakerd.All of these 88. Whichof the followingisalsoknownasbrainof computer
  • 12. a. Control unitb. Central Processingunit c. Arithmeticandlanguage unitd.Monitor 89. IBMstands for a. Internal BusinessManagementb.International BusinessManagement c. International BusinessMachinesd.Internal BusinessMachines 90. ............translatesandexecutesprogramatrun time line byline a. Compilerb.Interpreter c. Linkerd. Loader School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 9 91. isan OOP principle a. Structuredprogrammingb.Procedural programming c. Inheritance d.Linking 92. COBOL iswidelyusedinapplications a. Commercial b.Scientificc.Space d. Mathematical 93. RAMstandsfor a. Randomoriginmoneyb.Randomonlymemory c. Read onlymemoryd.Randomaccessmemory 94. 1 Byte =? a. 8 bitsb. 4 bitsc. 2 bitsd. 9 bits 95. SMPS standsfor a. Switchedmode PowerSupplyb.Startmode powersupply c. Store mode powersupplyd.Single mode powersupply 96. The device usedtocarry digital dataon analogue linesiscalledas a. Modemb. Multiplexer
  • 13. c. Modulatord. Demodulator 97. VDU isalso called a. Screenb.Monitor c. Both 1 & 2 d.printer 98. BIOSstands for a. Basic InputOutputsystemb.BinaryInputoutputsystem c. Basic InputOff systemd.all the above 99. Fatherof “C‘ programminglanguage a. DennisRitchie b.Prof JohnKeenly c. Thomas Kurtzd. Bill Gates 100. The instructionsthattell acomputerhow to carry out the processingtasksare referred to as computer......... a. programsb. processorsc. inputdevicesd.memorymodules 101. An area of a computerthattemporarilyholdsdatawaitingtobe processedis.......... a. CPU b. Memoryc. Storage d.File 102. ...........isthe keytoclose a selecteddrop -downlist;cancel acommandandclose a dialogbox. a. TAB b. SHIFT c. ESC d. F10 103. ..........isthe keywe use torun the selectedcommand. a. SHIFT b. TAB c. ENTER d. CTRL 104. .............Isthe functionalkeytodisplaysave-asbox. a. F5 b.F6 c. F9 d. F12 School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 10 105. Data becomes................whenitispresentedinaformatthat people canunderstand and use
  • 14. a. processedb.graphsc. informationd.presentation 106. The term.............designatesequipmentthatmightbe addedtoa computersystemto enhance itsfunctionality. a. digital device b.systemadd-onc.diskpackd.peripheral device 107. A ............isamicroprocessor -basedcomputingdevice. a. personal computerb.mainframe c.workstationd.server 108. RAM can be treatedas the .........forthe computer'sprocessor a. factoryb. operatingroomc. waitingroomd. planningroom 109. Which of the followingare the functionsof aoperatingsystem a. Allocatesresourcesb.MonitorsActivities c. Manages disksandfilesd.All of the above 110. To move a copyof file fromone computertoanotherovera communicationchannel is called? a. File transferb.File encryption c. File modificationd.File copying 111. The primaryfunctionof the ............istosetupthe hardware and loadand start an operatingsystem a. SystemProgramsb.BIOS c. CP d. Memory 112. What kindof memoryisbothstatic andnon -volatile? a. RAMb. ROM c. BIOSd. CACHE 113. ..........iscomputersoftware designedtooperate the computerhardware andtoprovide platformforrunningapplicationsoftware a. Applicationsoftware b.Systemsoftware c. Software d.Operatingsystem
  • 15. 114. The the amountof data that a storage device canmove fromthe storage mediumtothe Computerpersecond a. data migrationrate b. data digitizingrate c. data transferrate access rate 115. A device,whichisnotconnectedtoCPU,is calledas....... a. land-linedevice b.On-line device c. Off-linedevice d.Device 116. What is the othername for programmedchip? a. RAMb. ROM c. LSIC d.PROM School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 11 117. On-line real time systemsbecomepopular in...........generation a. FirstGenerationb.SecondGeneration c. Third Generationd.FourthGeneration 118. You use a(n) .....,suchas a keyboardormouse,toinputinformation a. outputdevice b.inputdevice c. storage device d.processingdevice 119. .............isthe abilityof adevice to"jump"directlytothe requesteddata a. Sequential accessb.Randomaccess c. Quickaccess d. All of the above 120. .............providesprocessandmemorymanagementservicesthatallow twoormore tasks,jobs,or programsto run simultaneously a. Multitaskingb.Multithreading c. Multiprocessingd.Multicomputing 121. The taskof performingoperationslikearithmeticandlogical operationsiscalled......
  • 16. a. Processingb.Storing c. Editingd.Sorting 122. ALU andControl Unit jointlyknownas a. RAMb. ROM c. CPU d. PC 123. RAM isan example of a. Secondarymemoryb.Primarymemory c. Main memoryd.Both (1) and (2) 124. Magnetic diskisan example of a. Secondarymemoryb.Primarymemory c. Main memoryd.Both (1) and (2) 125. Which one of the followingisNOTacomputerlanguage a. MS-Excel b.BASIC c. COBOL d. C++ 126. RAM isalsocalledas a. Read/ Write Memory b. LongMemory c. PermanentMemoryd.PrimaryMemory 127. ............Store dataorinformationtemporarilyandpassiton as directedbythe control unit a. Addressb.Register c. Numberd.Memory School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 12 128. Selectthe Oddone a. Operatingsystemb.Interpreter c. Compilerd.Assembler
  • 17. 129. A ............isanadditional setof commandsthatthe computerdisplaysafteryoumake a selectionfromthe mainmenu a. dialogbox b.submenu c. menuselectiond.All of the above 130. COBOL isan acronymfor............. a. CommonBusinessOrientedLanguage b.ComputerBusinessOrientedLanguage c. CommonBusinessOperatedLanguage d.CommonBusinessOrganizedLanguage 131. All of the followingare examplesof real securityandprivacyrisksEXCEPT a. hackersb. Spam c. Virusesd.identitytheft 132. Which of the followingisNOTone of the fourmajor data processingfunctionsof a computer? a. gatheringdatab. processingdataintoinformation c. analyzingthe dataor informationd.storingthe dataor information 133. All of the followingare examplesof storage devicesEXCEPT: a. hard diskdrivesb.printers c . floppydiskdrivesd.CDdrives 134. The CPU and memoryare locatedonthe : a. expansionboardb.motherboard c. storage device d.outputdevice 135. ...............isthe science thatattemptstoproduce machinesthatdisplaythe same type of intelligence thathumansdo a. Nanoscience b.Nanotechnology c. Simulationd.Artificial intelligence (Al) 136. Serversare computersthat provide resourcestoothercomputersconnectedtoa:
  • 18. a. networkedb.mainframe c. supercomputerd.client 137. Whencreatinga computerprogram, the .........designsthe structure of the program a. End userb. SystemAnalyst c. Programmerd. All of the above 138. A computerprogram thatconvertsan entire programintomachine language atone time iscalleda/ an a. Interpreterb.simulatorc.charactersd. compiler School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 13 139. Computersprocessdataintoinformationbyworkingexclusivelywith: a. multimediab.wordc. numbersd.characters 140. The difference betweenpeople withaccesstocomputersandthe Internetandthose withoutthisaccessisknownas the : a. digital divideb.Internetdivide c.Webdivide d.E-illiteracy 141. Computersmanipulate datainmanyways,andthismanipulationiscalled...... a. upgradingb.processingc.batchingd. utilizing 142. The abilitytorecoverandreaddeletedordamagedfilesfromacriminal'scomputeris an example of alawenforcementspecialitycalled: a. roboticsb. simulationc.computerforensicsd.animation 143. Where doesmostdata go firstwithina computermemoryhierarchy? a. RAMb. ROM c. BIOSd. CACHE 144. The………….data miningtechnique derivesrulesfromreal-worldcase examples. a. Rule discoverb.Signal processing c. Neural netsd.Case-basedreasoning
  • 19. 145. …………….are usedto identifyauserwhoreturnsto a Website a. Cookiesb.Plug-ins c. Scriptsd. ASPs 146. Codesconsistingof linesof varyingwidthsorlengthsthatare computer-readable are knownas- a. an ASCIIcode b. a magnetictape c. an OCR scannerd. a bar code 147. Why isit unethical toshare copyrightedfileswithyourfriends? a. It isnot unethical,because itislegal. b. It isunethical because the filesare beinggiven forfree. c. Sharingcopyrightedfileswithoutpermissionbreakscopyrightlaws. d. It isnot unethical because the filesare beinggivenforfree. 148. Reusable optical storage willtypicallyhave the acronym- a.CDb. DVD c. ROM d.RW 149. The mostcommontype of storage devicesare- a.Steel b.optical c.magneticd. flash 150. A device thatconnectsto a networkwithoutthe use of cablesissaidto be- c. centralizedd.none of these 151. A personwhousedhisor her expertise to gainaccessto otherpeople'scomputerstoget informationillegallyordodamage is a- a. Hackerb. spammerc. instantmessengerd.programmer School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 14 152. To accesspropertiesof anobject,the mouse techniquetouse is- a.Dragging b.droppingc. right- clickingd.shift-clicking 153. A DVD isan example of a(n)- a. hard diskb.optical disc c. outputdevice d.solid-statestorage device 154. . The processof transferringfilesfromacomputeronthe Internettoyour computeris called a. Downloadingb.uploading
  • 20. c. FTP d. JPEG 155. . ..........isthe processof dividingthe diskintotracksandsectors. a. Tracking b.Formatting c. Crashingd. Allotting 156. . HelpMenu isavailable atwhichbutton? a. End b. Start c. Turnoff d. Restart 157. The technologythatstoresonlythe essential instructionsona microprocessorchipand thusenhancesitsspeedisreferredtoas a. CISCb. RISC c. CD-ROMd. Wi-Fi 158. Which isnot a basic functionof a computer? a. Store data b. Acceptinput c. Processdata d. Copytext 159. ASCIIis a codingsystemthatprovides a. 256 differentcharactersb.512 differentcharacters c. 1024 differentcharactersd.128 differentcharacters 160. Which part of the computerisdirectlyinvolvedinexecutingthe instructionsof the computerprogram? a. The scannerb.The mainstorage c. The secondarystorage d.The processor 161. Whena computerisswitchedon,the bootingprocessperforms a. IntegrityTestb.Power-OnSelf-Test c. Correct FunctioningTestd.ReliabilityTest 162. A computersystemthatis oldandperhapsnot satisfactoryisreferredtoasa(n)
  • 21. a. Ancientsystemb.Historical system c. Age oldsystemd.Legacy system School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 15 163. Which of the followingisnotabinarynumber? a. 001 b.101 c. 202 d. 110 164. Which of the followingdoesnotstore datapermanently? a. ROM b.RAM c. FloppyDiskd.Hard Disk 165. Which of the followingisthe smalleststorage? a. Megabyte b.Gigabyte c. Terabyte d.None of these 166. Which of the followingcontainspermanentdataandgetsupdatedduringthe processingof transactions? a. OperatingSystemFile b.Transactionfile c. Software File d.Masterfile 167. Which of the followinghelpstoprotectfloppydisksfromdatagettingaccidentally erased? a. Accessnotch b.Write-protectnotch c. Entry notch d.Inputnotch 168. A modemisconnectedto a. a telephone line b.akeyboard c. a printerd.a monitor 169. Large transactionprocessingsystemsinautomatedorganisationsuse a. Online processingb.BatchProcessing c. Once-a-dayProcessingd.End-of-dayprocessing 170. In a computer,mostprocessingtakesplace in
  • 22. a. Memoryb. RAM c. motherboardd.CPU 171. . Which of the followingisnotastorage medium? a. Hard diskb. Flashdrive c.DVD d. scanner 172. The computerabbreviationKBusuallymeans a. KeyBlockb. Kernel Bootc. KiloByte d.KitBit 173. The typical computercriminal isa(n): a. Young hacker. b. Trustedemployee withnocriminal record. c. Trustedemployee withalong,butunknowncriminal record. d. Overseasyoungcracker. 174. The commonname for the crime of stealingpasswordsis: a. Jacking.b.Identitytheft. c. Spoofing.d.Hacking. School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 16 175. Collectingpersonalinformationandeffectivelyposingasanotherindividualisknown as the crime of: a. Spooling.b.Identitytheft. c. Spoofing.d.Hacking.176. Malicioussoftware isknownas: a. Badware.b.Malware.c. Maliciousware.d.Illegalware.177. A program that performsa useful task while simultaneouslyallowingdestructiveactsis a: a. Worm. b.Trojan horse. c. Virus.d.Macro virus. 178. An intentionallydisruptiveprogramthatspreadsfromprogramto program or from disk
  • 23. to diskisknownas a: a. Trojan horse.b.Virus.c.Time bomb.d. Time-relatedbombsequence. 179. In 1999, the Melissaviruswasa widelypublicised: a. E-mail virus.b.Macro virus. c. Trojan horse.d.Time bomb. 180. What type of virususescomputerhoststoreproduce itself? a. Time bombb. Worm c. Melissavirusd.Macro virus 181. The thingthat eventuallyterminatesawormvirusisa lackof: a. Memoryor diskspace.b.Time.c. CD drivesspace.d.CD-RW. 182. Whena logicbombisactivatedbya time-relatedevent,itisknownasa: a. Time-relatedbombsequence.b.Virus.c.Time bomb.d.Trojan horse. 183. A logicbombthat was createdto eruptonMichelangelo‘sbirthdayisanexample of a: a. Time-relatedbombsequence.b.Virus.c.Time bomb.d.Trojan horse. 184. What is the name of an applicationprogramthatgathersuserinformationandsendsit to someone throughthe Internet? a. A virusb.Spybot c. Logic bombd. Securitypatch School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 17 185. ------ isthe measurementof thingssuchasfingerprintsandretinal scansusedfor securityaccess. a. Biometricsb.Biomeasurement c. Computersecurityd.Smartweaponmachinery 186. What is the mostcommon tool usedto restrictaccess to a computersystem?
  • 24. a. User loginsb.Passwords b. Computerkeysd.Access-control software 187. Hardware or software designedtoguardagainstunauthorizedaccesstoa computer networkisknownasa(n): a. Hacker-proof program.b.Firewall.c.Hacker-resistantserver.d.Encryptionsafe wall. 188. The scramblingof code isknownas: a. Encryption.b.a firewall. c. Scrambling.d.Passwordproofing. 189. To preventthe lossof dataduringpowerfailures,use a(n): a. Encryptionprogram.b. Surge protector. c. Firewall.d.UPS. 190. ------Isdefinedasanycrime completedthroughthe use of computertechnology. a. Computerforensicsb.Computercrime c. Hacking d.Cracking 191. ------ referstoelectronictrespassingorcriminal hacking. a. Crackingb. Jacking c. Spoofingd.Smarming 192. The firstelectroniccomputerwasdevelopedby a. J.V.Attansoff b.Bill Gates c. SimurCray d. WintonSerf 193. Snowbol isan/a--------- a.Operatingsystemb.HLL c. Software d.Search engine 194. Switchingdevice of fifthgenerationcomputeris-------- a.Vacuumtubesb.Transistors c. IC d. VLSI 195. ---------- computersoperatesessentiallybycounting
  • 25. a. Portable computerb.Hybridcomputer c. Analogcomputerd.Digital computer School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 18 196. ---------- computerissmall general purpose microcomputer,butlargerthanportable computer a. Hybridb. Digital c.Desktopd.Laptop 197. Cathode Ray Tube isa formof....... a. Keyboardb.Mouse c. Monitord. Motherboard 198. Trackball is a........... a. Inputdevice b.Outputdevice c. Programminglanguage d.Software 199. .............computerisamediumsizedcomputer a. Micro b. Mainframe c. Superd. Mini 200. ...........computerare of large size a. Micro b. Mainframe c. Superd. Mini 201. Note book,laptop,palm,hand-heldcomputersare comingunderthe categoryof......... computer a. Digital computerb.Mainframe computer c. Portable computerd.Hybridcomputer 202. Light penand joystickare............ a. Algorithmb.Inputdevices c. Outputdevicesd.Portals 203. Touch Screenis............ a. Inputdevice b.Outputdevice
  • 26. c. Both a & b above d.None of these 204. .............printeristhe cheapestintermsof price andoperatingcost a. Inkjetb.Laser c. Thermal d. Dot matrix 205. ..........printerisanon-impactprinterandisquite inworking a. Inkjetb.Laser c. Thermal d. Dot matrix 206. ..........are high-endprinters a. Inkjetb.Laser c. Thermal d. Dot matrix 207. .........are used forplottinggraphsanddesignonpapers a. Trackball b. Joystick c. Light pend.Plotters 208. Daisywheel,Drum,chainetcare the .............a.Flow chartb.Mouse School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 19 c. Keyboard d. Printers 209. ....are specifictousers’needs a. Systemsoftware b.Applicationsoftware c. Assemblersd.Compilers 210. Joshy,Perfumesare examplesof............. a. Operatingsystemb.Computerlanguages c. Computervirusesd.Webportals 211. Which of the followingis/are operatingsystems a. Windowsb.Unix
  • 27. c. OS/2 d. All of these 212. “MAN” stands for a. MaximumAreaNetworkb.MinimumAreaNetwork c. Main AreaNetworkd.MetropolitanAreaNetwork 213. Which of the followingisanetworktopology a. LAN b. WAN c. MAN d. BUS 214. Which of the followingisatype of network a. Ringb. Bus c. Star d. PAN 215. VOIPstandsfor.......... a. Voice overIPb. VideooverIP c. VirusesoverIPd.Virtual overIP 216. The firstwebbrowseris a. Mosaic b. Netscape c. Internetexplorerd.Collabra 217. LAN standsfor............... a. LimitedAreaNetworkb.Logical AreaNetwork c. Local AreaNetworkd.Large AreaNetwork 218. ..........are setof rulesand procedurestocontrol the data transmissionoverthe internet a. IP addressb.Domains c. Protocol d. Gateway 219. NOS standsfor a. Node operatingsystemb.Non-opensoftware c. NetworkOperatingsystemd.Non-operatingsoftware 220. ...............are systemsoftwaretofacilitate editingof textanddata
  • 28. a. MS Word b.Editors c. PowerPointd.MSpublisher School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 20 221. Computers,combine bothmeasuringandcounting,are called: a. Analogb.Digital c. Hybridd. All of these 222. In worldtoday,mostof the computersare : a. Digital b.Hybridc. Analogd. Complex 223. Physical structure of computeriscalled: a. Software b.Hardware c. Human ware d. All of these 224. In whichtype of computer,data are representedasdiscrete signals. a. Analogcomputerb.Digital computer c. both d.HybridComputer 225. Which of the followingisavailable inthe formof aPC now? a. Mainframe b.Microcomputer c. Minicomputerd.Both(B) & (C) 226. PARAMisan example of: a. Supercomputerb.PC c. Laptop d. PDA School of Distance Education Fundamentalsof ComputersPage 21 ANSWERKEY 1 a 55 b 109 d 163 c 217 c 2 b 56 c 110 a 164 b 218 c
  • 29. 3 b 57 c 111 b 165 d 219 c 4 a 58 b 112 b 166 d 220 b 5 a 59 a 113 b 167 b 221 c 6 c 60 d 114 c 168 a 222 a 7 a 61 a 115 c 169 b 223 b 8 b 62 b 116 c 170 d 224 b 9 a 63 b 117 c 171 d 225 b 10 b 64 c 118 b 172 c 226 a 11 a 65 c 119 b 173 b 12 b 66 a 120 a 174 c 13 a 67 c 121 a 175 b 14 b 68 d 122 c 176 b 15 b 69 d 123 b 177 b 16 a 70 d 124 a 178 b 17 a 71 c 125 a 179 a 18 a 72 b 126 a 180 b 19 a 73 b 127 b 181 a 20 b 74 a 128 a 182 c 21 a 75 b 129 a 183 c 22 d 76 d 130 a 184 b 23 b 77 c 131 b 185 a 24 a 78 a 132 c 186 b 25 a 79 d 133 b 187 b 26 d 80 b 134 b 188 a 27 a 81 d 135 d 189 d
  • 30. 28 a 82 b 136 b 190 b 29 b 83 a 137 b 191 a 30 c 84 a 138 c 192 a 31 c 85 b 139 c 193 b 32 b 86 d 140 a 194 d 33 a 87 d 141 b 195 d 34 d 88 b 142 c 196 c 35 a 89 c 143 a 197 c 36 b 90 b 144 c 198 a 37 b 91 c 145 a 199 d 38 d 92 a 146 d 200 b 39 a 93 d 147 c 201 c 40 b 94 a 148 d 202 b 41 b 95 a 149 b 203 c 42 c 96 a 150 d 204 d 43 d 97 c 151 a 205 a 44 c 98 a 152 c 206 b 45 b 99 a 153 b 207 d 46 b 100 a 154 a 208 d 47 d 101 b 155 b 209 b 48 b 102 c 156 b 210 c 49 c 103 c 157 b 211 d 50 d 104 d 158 d 212 d 51 b 105 c 159 c 213 d 52 a 106 d 160 d 214 d
  • 31. 53 c 107 a 161 b 215 a 54 a 108 c 162 d 216 a 1. Which functioncalculatesthe largestvalueinasetof numbers? (1) Average (2)Count (3)Minimum (4)Maximum (5)None of these Ans:(4) 2. What do you use to create a chart? (1)Pie Wizard (2)Excel Wizard (3)Data Wizard (4)ChartWizard (5)None of these Ans:(4) 3. What displaysthe contentof the active cell? (1)Name box (2)RowHeadings (3)Formulabar (4)Taskpane (5)None of these Ans:(3) 4. By default,yourdocumentsprintin_mode.
  • 32. (1)Landscape (2)Portrait (3)Page Setup (4)PrintView (5)None of these Ans:(2) 5. What is the bestway to have a data and the slide numberappearoneveryslide? (1) choose Tools,HeaderandFooter,clickSlide tab,selectthe desiredoptions,clickApplyto All (2) choose Insert, HeaderandFooter,clickSlide tab,selectthe desiredoptions,clickApplyto All (3) chouse View,HeaderandFooter,clickSlide tab,selectthe desiredoptions,clickApplyto All (4) choose File,HeaderandFooter,clickSlidetab,selectthe desiredoptions,clickApplyto All (5) None of these Ans:(2) MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 3 6.To move to the bottomof a document,press_. (1) Insertkey (2) Home key (3) Ctrl key+ End key (4) End key (5) None of these
  • 33. Ans:(3) 7.Which one of the followingfourwordsisodd? (1)Application (2)Peripheral (3)Programme (4)Software (5)None of these Ans:(2) 8. If formationof computer,the hardwares..........areused. (1) Monitor,Central ProcessingUnit(CPU),Keyboard,Mouse,SoftwareandNetwork (2) Monitor,Central ProcessingUnit(CPU),Keyboard,Mouse Programme andNetwork (3) Monitor,Central ProcessingUnit(CPU),Keyboard,Mouse,PrinterandModem (4) Monitor,Central ProcessingUnit(CPU),Keyboard,Mouse, ApplicationandNetwork (5) None of these Ans:(3) 9.In page previewmode- (1) You can see all pagesof your document (2)Youcan onlysee the page youare currentlyworking (3)Youcan onlysee pagesthatdo notcontaingraphics (4)Youcan onlysee the title page of yourdocument (5)None of these Ans:(1) 10.A CPU contains- (1) a card readerand a printingdevice (2) an analytical engineandacontrol unit
  • 34. (3) a control unitand an arithmeticlogicunit (4) an arithmeticlogicunitanda card reader (5) None of these Ans:(3) 11. Whichof the followingcontrolsthe processof interactionbetweenthe userandthe operatingsystem? (1) User interface (2) Language translator (3) Platform (4) Screensaver (5) None of these Ans:(1) MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 4 12.You will workon whichgroupings,while formattingthe textinword? (1) Table,paragraphand index (2) Paragraph,index andsection (3) Character,paragraph andsection (4) Index,characterandtable (5) None of these Ans:(2) 13.When youwant to move some textfromone page to a differentpage,the bestmethodis- (1) drag anddrop (2) cut and paste (3) delete andretype (4) findandreplace (5) None of these Ans:(2)
  • 35. 14.The firstcomputerswere programmedusing- (1) assemblylanguage (2) machine language (3) source code (4) objectcode (5) spaghetti code Ans:(2) 15.How many are the marginsonpage? (1) Two(headerandfooter) (2) Four(Upper,lower,right,left) (3) Two(Landscape,portrait) (4) Two(Upperand lower) (5) None of these Ans:(2) 16. Anis a combinationof hardware andsoftware thatfacilitatesthe sharingof information betweencomputingdevices. (1) network (2) peripheral (3) expansionboard (4) digital device (5) None of these Ans:(1) 17. The settingsare automaticand standard. (1) icon (2) default
  • 36. (3) CPU (4) peripheral (5) None of these Ans:(2) MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 5 18. Codedentrieswhichare usedtogainaccessto a computersystemare called- (1) Entry codes (2) Passwords (3) Securitycommands (4) Code words (5) None of these Ans:(2) 19.To viewinformationonthe webyoumusthave a- (1) cable modem (2) webbrowser (3) DomainName Server (4) hypertextviewer (5) None of these Ans:(2) 20.Which of the followingcommandsisgiventorebootthe computer? 1) Ctrl + Alt+ Del 2) Ctrl + Shift+ ? 3) Ctrl + Shift+ Del 4) Ctrl +Alt+ shift
  • 37. 5) Ctrl + Alt+ Tab Ans:(1) 21. By default,yourdocumentsprintin_mode. 1) Landscape 2) Portrait 3) Page Setup 4) PrintView 5) None of these Ans:(2) 22. To findandload a file thathasbeensaved_. 1) selectthe Close command 2) selectthe Newcommand 3) selectthe Save command 4) selectthe Opencommand 5) None of these Ans:(4) 23.Which functioncalculatesthe largestvalue inasetof numbers? 1) Average 2) Count 3) Minimum 4) Maximum 5) None of these Ans:(4) MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 6
  • 38. 24. Whichof the followingstatementsistrue ? 1) MinicomputerworksfasterthanMicrocomputer 2) Microcomputerworksfasterthan Minicomputer 3) Speedof boththe computersisthe same 4) The speedsof boththese computerscannotbe comparedwiththe speedof advanced computer 5) None of these Ans:(1) MCQs on Computers PartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 7 UNIT 2 1. Selectionof command- (A) Opensthe copyof the documentinpreview (B) Printsthe copy of displayeddocument (C) Bringschange in expansionof displayeddocument (D) Savesthe copy of displayeddocument (E) None of these Ans:(C) 2. You organize filesbystoringthemin- (A) archives (B) folders (C) indexes (D) lists (E) None of these Ans:(B)
  • 39. 3. How many differentdocumentscanyouhave openat any one time ? (A) Nomore than three (B) Onlyone (C) As manyas your computermemorywill hold (D) No more than youtaskbar can display (E) None of these Ans:(C) 4. What type of resource ismostlikelytobe a sharedcommonresource ina computer network? (A) Printers (B) Speakers (C) Floppydisk drives (D) Keyboards (E) None of these Ans:(A) 5. Directoryin directoryiscalled- (A) Mini directory (B) Juniordirectory (C) Part directory (D) Sub-directory (E) None of these Ans:(D) 6. Such a pre-made document,whichhascoordinatingfont,layoutandbackground,is- (A) Guide (B) Model
  • 40. (C) Ruler (D) Template (E) None of these Ans:(D) MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 8 7. In orderto create columnardata inWord youneedto- (A) Tab consecutivelyuntilyourcursor reachesthe desiredplace (B) Settabs or use the Table menu (C) You needtouse Excel (D) Pressthe space bar until yourcursor reachesthe desiredplace (E) None of these Ans:(E) 8. Savingis a process- (A) To copy the documentfrommemorytostorage medium (B) To bring change inpresentstatusof the document (C) To change the face or entire form (D) To developthe documentbyrecordingthe textwiththe use of keyboard (E) None of these Ans:(A) 9. To insertaword intothe middle of a sentence- (A) move the cursor to the desiredlocationinthe sentence andtype the new word (B) move the cursor to the desiredlocationinthe sentence,pressEnterkey,andtype the new word (C) move the cursor to the beginningof the sentenceandstarttyping (D) retype the whole sentence
  • 41. (E) None of these Ans:(A) 10. A(n) ..............isacombinationof hardware andsoftware thatfacilitatesthe sharingof informationbetweencomputingdevices. (A) network (B) peripheral (C) expansionboard (D) digital device (E) None of these Ans:(A) 11. In wordyoucan force a page break- (A) By positioningyourcursorat the appropriate place andpressingthe F1 key (B) By usingthe Insert/SectionBreak (C) By positioningyourcursorat the appropriate place andpressingCtrl + Enter (D) By changingthe fontsize of yourdocument (E) None of these Ans:(C) 12. Junke-mail isalsocalled- (A) spam (B) spoof (C) snifferscript (D) spool (E) None of these Ans:(A) MCQs on ComputersPartII
  • 42. [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 9 13. Hackers- (A) all have the same motive (B) breakintootherpeople'scomputers (C) may legallybreakintocomputersaslongastheydo notdo any damage (D) are people whoare allergictocomputers (E) None of these Ans:(B) 14. What type of computersare clientcomputers(mostof the time) inaclient-serversystem? (A) Mainframe (B) Mini-computer (C) Microcomputer (D) PDA (E) None of these Ans:(C) 15. A computercannot'boot' if it doesnothave the- (A) Compiler (B) Loader (C) OperatingSystem (D) Assembler (E) None of these Ans(C) 16. The amount of vertical space betweenlinesof textina documentiscalled- (A) double-space (B) line spacing
  • 43. (C) single space (D) vertical spacing (E) None of these Ans:(B) 17. Example of non-numericdatais- (A) Employee address (B) Examinationscore (C) Bank balance (D) All of these (E) None of these Ans:(A) 18. What isembeddedsystem? (A) The programme whicharrivesbybeingwrappedinbox. (B) The programme whichisthe permanentpartof the computer (C) The computerwhichisthe part of a bigcomputer (D) The computerandsoftware systemthatcontrol the machine (E) None of these Ans:(D) MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 10 19. Firstpage of Website istermedas- (A) Homepage (B) Index (C) JAVA script (D) Bookmark (E) None of these
  • 44. Ans:(A) 20. .....................isthe appearance of typedcharacters. (A) Size (B) Format (C) Point (D) Colour (E) None of these Ans:(B) 21. Whena file issavedforthe firsttime- (A) a copy isautomaticallyprinted (B) it mustbe givenaname to identifyit (C) it doesnotneeda name (D) it onlyneedsaname if it isnot goingto be printed (E) None of these Ans:(B) 22. Office LANS,whichare scatteredgeographicallyonlarge scale, canbe connectedbythe use of corporate- (A) CAN (B) LAN (C) DAN (D)WAN (E) TAN Ans:(D) 23. Where are data and programme storedwhenthe processorusesthem? (A) Main memory (B) Secondarymemory
  • 45. (C) Diskmemory (D) Programme memory (E) None of these Ans:(A) 24. ...............representsrawfacts,where- as.................isdatamade meaningful. (A) Information,reporting (B) Data, information (C) Information,bits (D) Records,bytes (E) Bits,bytes Ans:(B) MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 11 25. Whichkeystroke will take youatthe beginningorthe endof a longdocument? (A) Ctrl + PageUpand Ctrl + PageDown (B) Shift+ Home andShift+ End (C) Ctrl + Home and Ctrl + End (D) The onlywayisby usingthe rightscroll bar (E) None of these Ans:(C) 26. What characteristicof read-onlymemory(ROM) makesituseful? (A) ROMinformationcanbe easilyupdated. (B) Data inROMis nonvolatile,thatis,itremainsthere evenwithoutelectrical power. (C) ROM providesverylarge amountsof inexpensivedatastorage. (D) ROM chipsare easilyswappedbetweendifferentbrandsof computers.
  • 46. (E) None of these Ans:(B) 27. In page previewmode- (A) You c a n s e e a l l p a g e s o f yourdocument (B) You can onlysee the page you are currentlyworking (C) You can onlysee pagesthat donot containgraphics (D) You can onlysee the title page of your document (E) None of these Ans:(A) 28. If the file savedearlierisedited,then- (A) It isessential tosave the file againto store the change (B) The change will automaticallybe savedinthe file (C) If the lengthismore thana page,the file will be neededtobe saved (D) The name will be neededtobe changed (E) None of these Ans:(A) 29. Whencreatinga word-processeddocument,thisstepinvolvesthe userchanginghow wordsonthe page appear,bothon the screenand inprintedform- (A) Editingtext (B) Insertingtablesandindexes (C) Formattingtext (D) Proofingdocuments (E) None of these Ans:(C) 30. Aligningof textin columnis-
  • 47. (A) Justified (B) Right (C) Centre (D) Left (E) None of these Ans:(A) 1. Which of the followingisapart of the Central ProcessingUnit? a. Printer b. Keyboardc. Mouse d. Arithmetic&Logicunit e.None of these 2. CAD standsfor a. Computeraideddesign b. Computeralgorithmfordesign c. Computerapplicationindesignd.All of the above e.None of these 3. Which of the followingprintercannotprintgraphics? a. Ink-jet b. DaisyWheel c.Laser d. Dot-matrix e.None of these
  • 48. 4. A program writteninmachine language iscalled? a. Assembler b. Object c. Computer d. Machine e.None of these 5. The fatherof Modern Computeris a. CharlesBabbage b. Von-nuumann c. DaniesRitchel d. Blaise Pascal e.None of these 6. The Word FTP standsfor a. File Translate Protocol b. File TransitProtocol c. File Transferprotocol d. file typingprotocol e.None of these 7. The lowestformof Computerlanguage iscalled a. BASIC b. FORTRAN c. Machine Language d. COBOL e.None of these MCQs on Computers PartII
  • 49. [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 22 8. Best Qualitygraphicsisproducedby a. Dot Matix b. LaserPrinter c. InkjetPrinter d. Plotter e.None of these 9. Memory whichforgetseverythingwhenyouswitchoff the powerisknownas a. Corrupted b. Volatile c. Non-Volatile d. Non-Corrupted e.None of these 10.The linkingof computerswithacommunicationsystemiscalled a. Networking b. Pairing c. Interlocking d. Assembling e.Sharing 11.The 16 bit Microprocessormeansthatit has a. 16 addresslines b. 16 Buses c. 16 Data lines d. 16 routes e.None of these
  • 50. 12. Data goingintothe computeris called a. Output b. algorithm c. Input d. Calculations e.flowchart 13. Whichof the followingreferstoasmall,single-site network? a. LAN b. DSL c. RAM d. USB e.CPU 14. MicrosoftOffice is a. Shareware b.Publicdomainsoftware c. Open-sourse software d. A vertical marketapplication e.An applicationsuite MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 23 15. How manyoptionsdoesaBINARYchoice offer a. None of these b. One c. Two d. itdependsonthe amountof memoryonthe computer
  • 51. e.It dependsonthe speedof the computer‘sprocessor 16. A collectionof programthatcontrolshow your computersystemrunsand processesinformationiscalled a. OperatingSystem b. Computer c. Office d. Compiler e.Interpreter 17. Computerconnectedtoa LAN (Local Area Network) can a. run faster b. go online c. share informationand/orshare peripheral equipment d. E-mail e.None of these 18. Informationtravelsbetweencomponentsonthe motherboardthrough a. Flashmemory b. CMOS c. Bays d. Buses e.Peripherals 19. How are data organizedina spreadsheet? a. Lines& spaces b. Layers& Planes c. Height& Width d. Rows& Columns
  • 52. e.None 20. The blinkingsymbol onthe computerscreeniscalledthe a. mouse b. logo c. hand d. palm e.cursor 21. A faultina computerprogram whichpreventsitfromworkingcorrectlyis knownas a.B oot b Bug c Biff d. Strap e.None of these MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 24 22. A self replicatingprogram,similartoa viruswhichwastakenfroma 1970s science fictionnovelbyJohnBrunerentitledthe ShockwaveRideris a. Bug b. Vice c. Lice d. Worm e.None of these 23. A states.isa bi-stable electroniccircuitthathas a. Multivibrator b. Flip-flop
  • 53. c. Logic gates d. laten e.None of these 24. Unwantedrepetitiousmessages,suchasunsolicitedbulke-mail isknown as a. Spam b. Trash c. Calibri d. Courier e.None of these 25.DOS stands for a. DiskOperatingSystem b. Diskoperatingsession c. Digital OperatingSystem d. Digital Opensystem e.None of these 26. Who isthe chief of Miocrosoft a. Babbage b. Bill Gates c. Bill Clintond.Bush e.None of these 27. Whichof the followingare inputdevices. a. Keyboardb.Mouse c. Card readerd. Scanner e.All of these
  • 54. 28. Examplesof outputdevicesare a. Screen b. Printer c. Speaker d. All of these e.None of these MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaon Canara Bank] Page 25 29. Whichof the followingisalsoknownasbrainof computer a. Control unit b. Central Processingunit c. Arithmeticandlanguage unit d. Monitor e.None of these 30. IBMstands for a. Internal BusinessManagement b. International BusinessManagement c. International BusinessMachines d. Internal BusinessMachinese.None of these 31. translatesandexecutesprogramatrun time line byline a. Compiler b. Interpreterc.Linker d. Loader e.None of these 32. isan OOP principle
  • 55. a. Structuredprogramming b. Procedural programming c. Inheritance d. Linking e.None of these 33.COBOL is widelyusedinapplications a. Commercial b. Scientific c. Space d. Mathematical e.None of these 34. RAMstandsfor a. Randomoriginmoney b. Randomonlymemory c. Read onlymemory d. Randomaccessmemory e.None of these 35. 1 Byte = ? a. 8 bits b. 4 bits c. 2 bits d. 9 bits e.None of the above MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 26
  • 56. 36. SMPS standsfor a. Switchedmode PowerSupply b. Start mode powersupply c. Store mode powersupply d. Single mode powersupply e.None of these 37. The device usedtocarry digital dataon analoglinesiscalledas a. Modem b. Multiplexer c. Modulator d. Demodulator e.None of these 38. VDU isalso called a. Screen b. Monitor c. Both 1 & 2 d. printer e.None of these 39. BIOSstands for a. Basic InputOutputsystem b. BinaryInputoutputsystem c. Basic InputOff system d. all the above e.None of these 40. Fatherof ‗C‘ programming language
  • 57. a. DennisRitchie b. Prof JhonKemenyc.ThomasKurtz d. Bill Gates e.None of these ANSWERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (a)11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (e) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (e)21. (b) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (e) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (c) 31. (b) 32. (c) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (a) 1. Which commanddividesthe surface of the blankdiskintosectorsandassigna unique addressto eachone 1) Ver 2) Format 3) Fat 4) Checkdisk 5) None of these 2. If youneedto duplicate the entire disk,whichcommandwill youuse?
  • 58. 1) Copy 2) Diskcopy 3) Chkdsk 4) Format 5) None of these 3. A.............sometimescalledabootsectorvirus,executeswhenacomputerbootsup because itresidesinthe bootsectorof a floppydiskorthe masterboot recordof a hard disk 1) Systemvirus 2) Trojan horse virus 3) File virus 4) Macro virus 5) None of these 4. A resultof a computerviruscannotleadto... 1) DiskCrash 2) Mother Board Crash 3) Corruptiono f program 4) Deletionof files 5) None of these 5. Every computerconnectedtoanintranetor extranetmusthave a distinct... 1) Firewall 2) Proxyserver 3) IP address 4) Domainname 5) None of these 6. Programminglanguage builtintouserprogramssuchas Word andExcel are knownas...
  • 59. 1) 4GLs 2) Macro languages 3) object-orientedlanguages 4) Visual programminglanguages 5) None of these MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 36 7. Firewallsare usedtoprotectagainst... 1) UnauthorizedAttacks 2) VirusAttacks 3) Data DrivenAttacks 4) Fire Attacks 5) None of these 8. Which of the followingextensionssuggestthatthe file isabackupcopy? 1) Bak 2) Bas 3) Com 4) Txt 5) None of these 9. Computerprogramsare writtenina high - level programminglanguage;however,the humanreadable versionof aprogram iscalled... 1) Cache 2) Instructionset 3) Source code 4) Word size
  • 60. 5) None of these 10. The software toolsthatenable auserto interactwitha computerfor specificpurposesare knownas... 1) Hardware 2) NetworkedSoftware 3) Shareware 4) Applications 5) None of these 11...............processingisusedwhenalarge mail-ordercompanyaccumulatesordersand processesthemtogetherinone large set 1) Batch 2) Online 3) Real-time 4) Group 5) None of these 12. Whena file containsinstructionsthatcan be carriedout bythe computer,itisoften calleda (n) ...file 1) Data 2) Information 3) Executable 4) Application 5) None of these 13. A compliertranslatesaprogramwrittenina high - level language into... 1) Machine language 2) Analgorithm 3) A debuggedprogram4) Java 5) None of these
  • 61. MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 37 14. A setof step - by - stepproceduresforaccomplishingataskis knownas a (n)... 1) Algorithm 2) Hardware program 3) Software bug 4) Firmware program 5) None of these 15. A complete electroniccircuitwithtransistorsandotherelectroniccomponentsona small siliconchipiscalleda(n)... 1) Workstation 2) CPU 3) Magnetic disk 4) Integratedcircuit 5) None of these 16. A saveddocumentis referredtoasa... 1) File 2) Word 3) Folder 4) Project 5) None of these 17. What isoutput? 1) What the processortakesfrom the user 2) What the user givestothe processor 3) What the processorgetsfrom the user
  • 62. 4) What the processorgivestothe user 5) None of these 18. Whenyouturn on the computer,the bootroutine will performthistest... 1) RAM test 2) Diskdrive test 3) Memory test 4) Power- onself-test 5) None of these 19. Whichof the followingstorage mediaprovidessequential accessonly? 1) Floppydisk 2) Magnetic disk 3) Magnetic tape 4) Optical disk 5) None of these 20. In wordprocessing,anefficientwaytomove the 3rd paragraph to place itafter the 5th paragraphis... 1) Copyand paste 2) Copy,cut and paste 3) Cut, copyand paste 4) Cut and paste 5) None of these MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 38 21. Hardware includes.......... 1) All devicesusedtoinputdataintoa computer 2) Setsof instructionsthata computerrunsor executes 3) The computerandall the devicesconnectedtoitthat are usedto inputand outputdata
  • 63. 4) All devicesinvolvedinprocessinginformationincludingthe central processingunit,memory and storage 5) None of these 22. The quickestandeasiestwayinWord,to locate a particularword or phrase ina document isto use the ...command 1) Replace 2) Find 3) Lookup 4) Search 5) None of these 23. The term 'userinterface'refersto............ 1) What the user seesonthe screenand how theycan interactwithit 2) How the operatingsystemrespondstousercommands 3) The meansbywhichthe userinteractswiththe peripheral devicesonthe computer 4) The monitorthatis available forthe computer 5) None of these 24. For creatinga document,youuse...commandatFile Menu. 1) Open 2) Close 3) New 4) Save 5) None of these 25. The..............Becomesdifferentshapesdependingonthe taskyou are performing 1) Active tab 2) Insertionpoint
  • 64. 3) Mouse pointer 4) Ribbon 5) None of these 26. Specilizdprogramsthatassistusersinlocatinginformationonthe Webare called.... 1) Informationengines 2) Search engines 3) Web browsers 4) Resource locators 5) None of these 27. The backgroundof anyWord document... 1) Is alwayswhite colour 2) Is the colouryou presectunderthe Optionsmenu 3) Is alwaysthe same for the entire document 4) Can have any colouryouchoose 5) None of these MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 39 28.Correctingerrors ina program isreferredtoas ... 1) Debugging 2) Bugging 3) Rectifying 4) Modifying 5) None of these 29.Any letter,number,orsymbol foundonthe keyboardthatyoucouldtype intothe computer .......... 1) Output
  • 65. 2) Character 3) Type 4) Print 5) Font 30.A symbol or questiononthe screenthatprompts youto take action and tell the computer whatto do next... 1) Scanner 2) Questionnaire 3) Promptand dialogbox 4) Informationseeker 5) None of these 31.Commandsat the topof a screensuch as FILE-EDIT-FONT-TOOLStooperate andchange thingswithinprograms... 1) Menu bar 2) Tool bar 3) User friendly 4) Word processor 5) None of these 32.The primarydevice thata computerusesto store information... 1) Monitor 2) Memory 3) Disk 4) Hard drive 5) None of these 33.A file extensionisseparatedfromthe mainfile name witha(n)...,butnospaces
  • 66. 1) Questionnark 2) Exclamationmark 3) Underscore 4) Period 5) None of these MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 40 34.Applicationsoftware isdesignedtoaccomplish... 1) Real -worldtasks 2) computer-centrictasks 3) Gaming tasks 4) Operatingsystemtasks 5) None of these 35.A ... isa device thatnotonlyprovidessurge protection,butalsofurnishesyourcomputer withbatterybackuppowerduringa poweroutage 1) Surge strip 2) USB 3) UPS 4) Batterystrip 5) None of these 36.The term.............designatesequipmentthatmightbe addedto a computersystemto enhance,itsfunctionality 1) Digital device 2) Systemadd-on 3) Diskpack
  • 67. 4) Peripheral device 5) None of these 37...........thisisthe act of copyingordownloadingaprogramfrom a networkandmaking multiple copiesof it. 1) Networkpiracy 2) Plagiarism 3) Software piracy 4) Site-licensepiracy 5) None of these 38.When installing...,the usermustcopyand usually decompressprogramfilesfromaCDROM or othermediumtothe hard disk 1) Programmingsoftware 2) Systemhardware 3) Applicationshardware 4) Applicationssoftware 5) None of these 39.Which one of the followingwouldbe consideredasa waythat a computer viruscan entera computersystem? 1) Openinganapplicationpreviouslyinstalledonthe computer 2) Borrowedan illegal copyof software 3) Viewingawebsitewithoutcausinganyadditional transactions 4) Runningantivirusprograms 5) None of these MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 41
  • 68. 40.Programs such as MozillaFirefox thatserve asnavigablewindowsintothe Webare called .......... 1) Hypertext 2) Networks 3) Internet 4) Web browsers 5) None of these 41.What isthe maindifference betweenamainframe andasupercomputer? 1) Supercomputerismuch largerthan mainframe computers 2) Supercomputersare much smallerthanmainframe computers 3) Supercomputersare focusedtoexecute few programsasfastas possible while mainframe usesitspowerto execute asmanyprogramsconcurrently 4) Supercomputersare focusedtoexecute asmanyprogramsas possible while mainframe uses itspowerto execute fewprogramsasfastas possible 5) None of these 42.What isthe functionof Recycle Bin? 1) Store deletedfile 2) Store temporaryfile 3) Store corruptedfile 4) Store Documentfile 5) None of these 43.Which isthe latestversionof MSOffice ? 1) Office XP 2) WindowsXP 3) Office 2007
  • 69. 4) Office 2010 5) None of these 44.Which device cannotbe sharedinnetwork? 1) Floppy 2) Keyword 3) Computer 4) Printer 5) None of these 45.What isthe purpose of query? 1) Inputdata 2) Outputdata 3) Sort & filter 4) All of above 5) None of these 46.Which port doesn'texistincomputer? 1) USB 2) Parallel 3) Com1 / Com2 4) RAW 5) None of these MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 42 47.What isthe name of excel files? 1) Workbook 2) Worksheet 3) Spreadsheet 4) Spreadbook 5) None of these
  • 70. 48.Workgroup means 1) Computersinnetwork 2) Individual user 3) Individual computer 4) All of the above 5) None of these 49.Synonymcan be reviewedwith 1) Spellingandgrammar 2) Thesaurus 3) Both 4) Synonymviewer 5) None of these 50. Whichcommandallowsyouto reduce fragmentsof file andoptimize the performance of disk? 1) Scandisk 2) Diskcomp 3) Chkdsak 4) Defrag 5) None of these Answers No AnsNoAns NoAnsNo AnsNo Ans 1 2 11 1 21 4 31 1 41 3 2 2 12 3 22 2 32 4 42 1 3 5 13 1 23 1 33 5 43 4 4 2 14 1 24 3 34 4 44 2
  • 71. 5 2 15 4 25 3 35 3 45 4 6 4 16 1 26 2 36 4 46 4 7 1 17 4 27 4 37 3 47 1 8 1 18 2 28 1 38 1 48 1 9 3 19 2 29 2 39 2 49 2 10 4 20 4 30 3 40 4 50 4 1. Who is calledas‗‗Father of Computers‘‘? (A) CharlesBabage (B) Blaise Pascal (C) Hollirth (D) All of these (E) None of these 2. The firstDigital Computerintroduced,wasnamedas: (A) Univac (B) Mark-I (C) Eniac (D) All of these (E) None of these 3. How many generations,computercanbe classified? (A) 4 (B) 5
  • 72. (C) 3 (D) 6 (E) None of these 4. First GenerationComputerscontain: (A) Transistors (B) VacuumTubes (C) LSI (D) VLSI (E) None of these 5. II GenerationComputersare made of : (A) VacuumTubes (B) Transistors (C) LSI (D) VLSI (E) None of these 6. IV GenerationComputerscontain: (A) LSI (B) VacuumTubes (C) All Technology (D) Transistors (E) None of these MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 44 7. Vth GenerationComputersare basedon: (A) Artificial Intelligence
  • 73. (B) ProgrammingIntelligence (C) SystemKnowledge (D) All of these (E) None of these 8. Computers,combine bothmeasuringandcounting,are called: (A) Analog (B) Digital (C) Hybrid (D) All of these (E) None of these 9. In worldtoday,mostof the computersare : (A) Digital (B) Hybrid (C) Analog (D) Complex (E) None of these 10. In anycomputerinstallation,howmanyelementsconsists. (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 1 (E) None of these 11. Physical structure of computeriscalled: (A) Software (B) Hardware
  • 74. (C) Human ware (D) All of these (E) None of these 12. A computercan perform,whichof the followingtasks? (A) Computation (B) Communication (C) Processing (D) All of these (E) None of these 13. CPU standsfor : (A) ComputerProcessingUnit (B) Central ProcessingUnit (C) Both (A) & (B) (D) CommunicationProcessingUnit (E) None of these MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 45 14. In whichtype of computer,dataare representedasdiscrete signals. (A) Analogcomputer (B) Digital computer (C) both (D) DigilogComputer (E) None of these 15. Whichof the followingisavailable inthe formof a PC now? (A) Mainframe
  • 75. (B) Microcomputer (C) Minicomputer (D) Both (B) & (C) (E) None of these 16. PARAMis an example of:(A) Supercomputer (B) PC (C) Laptop (D) PDA (E) None of these 17. Who developedthe ‗analytical engine‘? (A) Jacquardloom (B) CharlesBabbage (C) Shannon (D) IBM (E) None of these 18. ENIACstandsfor : (A) Electrical Numerical IntegratorandCalculator (B) ElectronicNumerical IntegratorandComputer (C) ElectronicNumerical IntegratorandCalculator (D) ElectronicNumberIntegratorandCalculator (E) None of these 19. FirstGenerationof computerwasbasedonwhichtechnology? (A) Transistor (B) VacuumTube (C) LSI
  • 76. (D) VLSI (E) None of these 20. Microprocessorwasintroducedinwhichgenerationof computer? (A) SecondGeneration (B) FourthGeneration (C) Both (A) & (B) (D) Third Generation (E) All of the above MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 46 21. GUI standsfor: (A) Graphical User Interface (B) Graph Use Interface (C) Graphical Universal Interface (D) None of these 22. The time takenby CPU to retrieve andinterpretthe instructiontobe executediscalled as: (A) Instructioncycle (B) Fetchcycle (C) Both (A) & (B) (D) All of these (E) None of these 23. Whichof the followingisresponsible forall typesof calculations? (A) ALU (B) Control Unit (C) Registers
  • 77. (D) BUS (E) None of these 24. Internal memoryinaCPU is nothingbut: (A) A setof registers (B) A setof ALU (C) Microprocessor (D) BUS (E) None of these 25. Whichof the followingispermanentmemory? (A) SRAM (B) DRAM (C) ROM (D) All of these (E) None of these Answers No AnsNoAns NoAns 1 A 11 B 21 A 2 B 12 D 22 A 3 B 13 B 23 A 4 B 14 B 24 A 5 B 15 B 25 C 6 A 16 A 7 A 17 B 8 C 18 B 9 A 19 B 10 C 20 B
  • 78. 1. In a surveyof more than500 companiesandgovernmentagencies,percentdetected computersecuritybreaches. A. 20 B. 75 C. 85 D. 99 Answer:C 2. The surveyshowedthatthese businesseslostmore thandue tosecuritybreaches. A. $100,000 each B. $377 million C. five employeeseach D. $1 million Answer:B 3. The typical computercriminal isa(n): A. younghacker. B. trustedemployeewithnocriminal record. C. trustedemployee withalong,butunknown criminal record. D. overseasyoungcracker. Answer:B 4. The majorityof computercrimesare committedby: A. hackers. B. insiders.
  • 79. C. overseascriminals. D. youngteenage computergeniuses. Answer:B 5. The commonname for the crime of stealingpasswords is: A. spooling. B. identitytheft. C. spoofing. D. hacking. Answer:CReference:TheftbyComputer 6. Collectingpersonal informationandeffectivelyposingasanotherindividualisknownasthe crime of: A. spooling. B. identitytheft. C. spoofing. D. hacking. Answer:B MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 48 7. Malicioussoftware isknownas: A. badware. B. malware. C. maliciousware. D. illegalware. Answer:B 8. A program that performsauseful taskwhile simultaneously allowingdestructiveactsisa:
  • 80. A. worm. B. Trojan horse. C. virus. D. macro virus. Answer:BModerate 9. An intentionallydisruptiveprogramthatspreadsfromprogram to programor from disktodiskis knownas a: A. Trojanhorse. B. virus. C. time bomb. D. time-relatedbombsequence. Answer:B 10. In 1999, the Melissaviruswasa widelypublicized: A. e-mail virus. B. macro virus. C. Trojanhorse. D. Time bomb. Answer:A 11. What type of virususescomputerhoststo reproduce itself? A. Time bomb B. Worm C. Melissavirus D. Macro virus Answer:B 12. The thingthat eventuallyterminatesawormvirusisa lack of:
  • 81. A. memoryordiskspace. B. time. C. CD drive space. D. CD-RW. Answer:A 13. Whena logicbombis activatedbya time-relatedevent,itisknown asa: A. time-relatedbombsequence. B. virus. C. time bomb. D. Trojan horse. Answer:C MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 49 14. A logicbombthat wascreatedto erupton Michelangelo‘sbirthdayisanexampleof a: A. time-relatedbombsequence. B. virus. C. time bomb. D. Trojan horse. Answer:C 15. What isthe name of an applicationprogramthatgathersuserinformationandsendsitto someone throughthe Internet? A. A virus B. Spybot C. Logic bomb D. Securitypatch
  • 82. Answer:B 16. Standardizationof Microsoftprogramsandthe Windowsoperatingsystemhasmade the spreadof viruses: A. more complicated. B. more difficult. C. easier. D. slower. Answer:C 17. HTML virusesinfect: A. yourcomputer. B. a Web page inthe HTML code. C. botha Webpage and the computerthat isviewingit. D. No Answer:B 18. Software programsthatclose potential securitybreachesinanoperatingsystemare knownas: A. securitybreachfixes. B. refreshpatches. C. securityrepairs. D. securitypatches. Answer:D 19. Whencustomersof a Web site are unable toaccess itdue to a bombardmentof fake traffic,itis knownas: A. a virus. B. a Trojan horse. C. cracking.
  • 83. D. a denial of service attack. Answer:D MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 50 20. isthe measurementof thingssuchasfingerprintsandretinal scansusedforsecurity access. A. BiometricsB.Biomeasurement C. ComputersecurityD.Smartweaponmachinery Answer:A 21. What isthe mostcommontool used to restrictaccess toa computersystem? A. Userlogins B. Passwords C. Computerkeys D. Access-control software Answer:B 22. The most commonpasswordsinthe U.S. or Britaininclude all EXCEPT: A. love. B. Fred. C. God. D. 123. Answer:D 23. Hardware or software designedtoguardagainstunauthorizedaccesstoa computernetworkis knownas a(n): A. hacker-proof program. B. firewall.
  • 84. C. hacker-resistantserver. D. encryptionsafe wall. Answer:B 24. The scramblingof code is knownas: A. encryption. B. a firewall. C. scrambling. D. passwordproofing. Answer:A 25. If you wantto secure a message,use a(n): A. cryptologysource. B. encryptionkey. C. encryptionsoftware package. D. cryptosystem. Answer:DReference:HowItWorks: 10.2 Cryptography 26. To preventthe lossof data duringpowerfailures,use a(n): A. encryptionprogram. B. surge protector. C. firewall. D. UPS. Answer:D MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 51 27. A(n) can shieldelectronicequipmentfrompower spikes. A. encryptionprogram
  • 85. B. surge protector C. firewall D. UPS Answer:B 28. All of these are suggestionsforsafe computingEXCEPT: A. don‘tborrowdisksfromotherpeople. B. openall e-mail messagesbutopenthemslowly. C. downloadshareware and freeware withcaution. D. disinfectyoursystem. Answer:B 29. Freeware encryptsdata. A. encryption B. firewall software C. PGP D. private andpublickeys Answer:C 30. isdefinedasanycrime completedthroughthe use of computertechnology. A. Computerforensics B. Computercrime C. Hacking D. Cracking Answer:B 31. Most computersystemsrelysolelyonforauthentication. A. logins B. passwords
  • 86. C. encryption D. lockand key Answer:B 32. Creatingstrongcomputersecuritytopreventcomputercrime usually simultaneouslyhelps protect: A. privacyrights. B. personal ethics. C. the numberof cookiesdownloadedtoyourpersonal computer. D. personal space. Answer:A 33. Overwas spentbybusinessesandgovernmenttorepairproblemsinregardtoY2K. A. 20 milliondollars B. 100 milliondollars C. 1 billiondollars D. 100 billiondollars Answer:D MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 52 34. What isa complex systemthattakesonnearlycompleteresponsibilityforataskeliminatingthe needforpeople,verification,ordecision-making? A. Autonomoussystem B. Missile defense auto-system C. Smart weapon D. Independentsystem Answer:D
  • 87. 35. Securityprocedurescan: A. will eliminate all computersecurityrisk. B. reduce butnot eliminaterisks. C. are prohibitivelyexpensive. D. are inaccessibleforthe average home user. Answer:B Fill inthe Blank: 36. The fieldof computerusesspecial software toscanhard drivesof potential criminal suspects. Answer:forensicsReference:OnlineOutlaws:ComputerCrime Difficulty:Challenging 37. Computeroftengoesunreportedbecause businessesfearnegative publicity. Answer:crime 38. connectionsare the mostfrequentpointof attackfor Internetcommerce. Answer:Internet 39. isthe mostcommonform of computercrime. Answer:Theft 40. A surveybyeMarketer.comfoundthatare the most oftencitedonline fraudcases. Answer:online auctionsReference:IdentityTheft 41. Theftof computersismost commonforPDAs andcomputers. Answer:notebook 42. Whenyouuse a diskinseveral differentcomputerswithinthe same day,youare takingthe chance of contractinga(n) . Answer:virusReference:VirusesDifficulty:Easy 43. A(n) attachesitself todocumentsthatcontainembeddedprogramsthatautomate tasks.
  • 88. Answer:macrovirus 44. Both virusesanduse computerhoststoreplicate. Answer:worms 45. programssearch forand eliminate viruses.Answer:Antivirus MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 53 46. A security patchisa software programthatclosespossible securitybreachesinthe operating system.The costto the consumeris. Answer:nothingorfree 47. wasonce the wordusedfor maliciouscomputerwizardry. Answer:Hackersor hacking 48. referstoelectronictrespassingorcriminal hacking. Answer:Cracking 49. DoS standsfor . Answer:denial of service 50. DDoS standsfor . Answer:distributeddenial of service 51. hijackWebpagesand redirectuserstoothersites. Answer:Webjackers 52. software monitors andrecordscomputertransactions. Answer:Audit-control 53. Each individual whousesapublickeycryptosystemhaskeys. Answer:twoReference:HowItWorks: 10.2 Cryptography 54. PGP standsfor. Answer:PrettyGoodPrivacy
  • 89. 55. Mostoperatingsystems,includingWindowsXP,assigneachuseraunique . Answer:useridentifieroruserID 56. It shouldnowbe commonknowledgethatusersshouldnotopenfrome-mail recipientsthat the userdoesnotknow. Answer:attachments 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ translates andexecutesprogramatrun time line byline 1) Compiler 2) Interpreter 3) Linker 4) Loader 5) None 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is an OOPprinciple 1) Structuredprogramming 2) Procedural programming 3) Inheritance 4) Linking 5) None 3. COBOL is widelyusedin__ _ _ _ _ _ applications 1) Commercial
  • 90. 2) Scientific 3) Space 4) Mathematical 5) None 4. RAM standsfor 1) Randomoriginmoney 2) Randomonlymemory 3) Read onlymemory 4) Randomaccess memory 5) None 5. 1 Byte = ? 1) 8 bits 2) 4 bits 3) 2 bits 4) 9 bits 5) None 6. SMPS stands for 1) Switchedmode powersupply 2) Start mode powersupply 3) Store mode powersupply 4) Single mode powersupply 5) None 7. The device usedtocarry digital dataon analoglinesiscalledas 1) Modem 2) Multiplexer
  • 91. 3) Modulator 4) Demodulator5) None MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 55 8. VDU isalsocalled 1) Screen 2) Monitor 3) Both 1 & 2 4) printer 5) None 9. BIOS standsfor 1) Basic InputOutputsystem 2) BinaryInputoutputsystem 3) Basic InputOff system 4) all the above 5) None 10. Fatherof ‘C’programminglanguage 1) DennisRitchie 2) Prof Jhon Kemeny 3) Thomas Kurtz4) Bill Gates 5) None 11. The 16 bitMicroprocessormeansthatit has 1) 16 addresslines 2) 16 Buses 3) 16 Data lines
  • 92. 4) 16 routes 5) None 12. Data goingintothe computeris called 1) Output 2) algorithm 3) Input 4) Calculations 5) flowchart 13. Whichof the followingreferstoasmall,single-site network? 1) LAN 2) DSL 3) RAM 4) USB 5) CPU 14. MicrosoftOffice is 1) Shareware 2)Publicdomainsoftware 3) Open-source software 4) A vertical marketapplication 5) An applicationsuite MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 56 15. How manyoptionsdoesaBINARYchoice offer 1) None 2) One
  • 93. 3) Two 4) it dependsonthe amountof memoryonthe computer 5) It dependsonthe speedof the computer‘sprocessor 16. A collectionof programthatcontrolshow your computersystemrunsandprocesses informationiscalled 1) OperatingSystem2) Computer3) Office 4) Compiler5) Interpreter 17. Computerconnectedtoa LAN (Local Area Network) can 1) run faster2) go on line 3) share informationand/orshare peripheral equipment 4) E-mail 5) None 18. Informationtravelsbetweencomponentsonthe motherboardthrough 1) Flashmemory2) CMOS 3) Bays 4) Buses5) Peripherals 19. How are data organizedina spreadsheet? 1) Lines& spaces2) Layers & Planes3) Height& Width 4) Rows& Columns5) None 20. The blinkingsymbol onthe computerscreeniscalledthe 1) mouse 2) logo3) hand 4) palm5) cursor Ans:- 01.2 06.1 11.3 16.1 02.3 07.1 12.3 17.3 03.1 08.3 13.1 18.3 04.4 09.1 14.5 19.4 05.1 10.1 15.3 20.5
  • 94. 1. When youare selectingamouse fora particularcomputersystem, whatisthe mostimportant consideration? (1) The type of driversthatcome withthe mouse (2) The lengthof the mouse cord (3) The type of connectorthe mouse isequippedwith (4) The numberof buttonsthe mouse has (5) None of these Ans:(3) 2. How is powersuppliedtoalow-powerUSBdevice? (1) Througha powercable (2) Froman external powersupply (3) Directlyfromthe computerspowersupply (4) Throughthe USB cable (5) None of these Ans:(4) 3. All of the followingare basicprinciplesof networks,except — (1) eachcomputermusthave a networkcard (2) there mustbe communicationsmediaconnectingthe networkhardware devices (3) there mustbe at leastone connectingdevice (4) eachcomputermusthave software thatsupportsthe movementof information (5) None of these Ans:(2) 4. The………….data miningtechniquederivesrulesfromreal-worldcase examples. (1) Rule discover (2) Signal processing
  • 95. (3) Neural nets (4) Case-basedreasoning (5) None of these Ans:(3) 5. …………….are usedtoidentifyauserwhoreturnsto a Website. (1) Cookies (2) Plug-ins (3) Scripts (4) ASPs (5) None of these Ans:(1) MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 58 UNIT 11 1. Computerusesthe ..........numbersystemtostore dataand performcalculations. (1) binary (2) octal (3) decimal (4) hexadecimal (5) None of these ANSWER:1 2. A disk'scontentthat isrecordedat the time of manufacture andthat cannot be changedor erased by the useris- (1) Memory-only (2) Write-only
  • 96. (3) Once-only (4) Run-only (5) Read-only ANSWER:5 3. Which of the followingcanbe usedtoselectthe entire document? (1) CTRL + A (2) ALT + F5 (3) SHIFT+ A (4) CTRL + K (5) CTRL + H ANSWER:1 4. ..........are attemptsbyindividualstoobtainconfidential informationfromyoubyfalsifyingtheir identity. (1) Phishing (2) Computerviruses (3) Spyware scams (4) Viruses (5) None of the above ANSWER:1 5. Port number,portdescription,andnumberof portsorderedare examplesof (1) control (2) output (3) processing (4) feedback (5) input
  • 97. ANSWER:5 MCQs on Computers PartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 59 6. A Web site'smainpage iscalledits- (1) Home Page (2) BrowserPage (3) SearchPage (4) Bookmark (5) None of these ANSWER:1 7. The simultaneousprocessingof twoormore programsby multiple processorsis- (1) multiprogramming (2) multitasking (3) time-sharing (4) multiprocessing(5) None of these ANSWER:1 8. Codesconsistingof linesof varyingwidthsorlengthsthatare computer-readableare knownas- (1) an ASCIIcode (2) a magnetictape (3) an OCR scanner (4) a bar code (5) None of these ANSWER:4 9. To instructWord to fitthe widthof a columnto the contentsof a table automatically,clickthe .....buttonand thenpointtoAutoFitContents.
  • 98. (1) Fitto Form (2) Format (3) Autosize (4) Contents (5) AutoFit ANSWER:5 10. Why isit unethical toshare copyrightedfileswithyourfriends? (1) It isnot unethical,becauseitislegal. (2) It isunethical because the filesare beinggivenforfree. (3) Sharingcopyrightedfileswithoutpermissionbreakscopyrightlaws. (4) It isnot unethical because the filesare beinggivenforfree. (5) It isnot unethical-anyone canaccessa computer ANSWER:3 11. Reusable optical storage will typicallyhave the acronym- (1) CD (2) DVD (3) ROM (4) RW (5) ROS ANSWER:4 MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 60 12. The most commontype of storage devicesare- (1) persistent (2) optical
  • 99. (3) magnetic (4) flash (5) steel ANSWER:2 13. A device thatconnectstoa networkwithoutthe use of cablesissaidtobe- (1) distributed (2) free (3) centralized (4) opensource (5) None of these ANSWER:5 14. A personwhousedhisor herexpertise togainaccesstootherpeople'scomputerstoget informationillegallyordodamage is a- (1) hacker (2) analyst (3) instantmessenger (4) programmer (5) spammer ANSWER:1 15. To access propertiesof anobject,the mouse technique touse is- (1) dragging (2) dropping (3) right-clicking (4) shift-clicking (5) None of these
  • 100. ANSWER:3 16. To change selected texttoall capital letters,clickthe change case button,thenclick- (1) UPPERCASE (2) UPPER ALL (3) CAPSLOCK (4) Lock Upper (5) Large Size ANSWER:1 17. The basic unitof a worksheetintowhichyouenterdatainExcel iscalleda- (1) tab (2) cell (3) box (4) range (5) None of these ANSWER:2 MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 61 18. You can keepyourpersonal files/foldersin- (1) My folder (2) My Documents (3) My Files (4) My Text (5) None of these ANSWER:2 19. In Word youcan force a page break-
  • 101. (1) By positioningyourcursorat the appropriate place andpressingthe F1 key (2) By positioningyourcursorat the appropriate place andpressingCtrl + Enter (3) By usingthe Insert/SectionBreak (4) By changingthe fontsize of yourdocument (5) None of these ANSWER:2 20. A DVDis an example of a(n)- (1) hard disk (2) optical disc (3) outputdevice (4) solid-statestorage device (5) None of these ANSWER:2 21. The defaultviewinExcel is.........view. (1) Work (2) Auto (3) Normal (4) Roman (5) None of these ANSWER:3 22. The processof transferringfilesfromacomputeronthe Internettoyourcomputeriscalled (1) downloading (2) uploading (3) FTP (4) JPEG
  • 102. (5) downsizing ANSWER:1 23. ..........isthe processof dividingthe diskintotracksandsectors. (1) Tracking (2) Formatting (3) Crashing (4) Allotting (5) None of these ANSWER:2 MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 62 24. HelpMenuis available atwhichbutton? (1) End (2) Start (3) Turnoff (4) Restart (5) Reboot ANSWER:2 25. The contentsof ..........are lostwhenthe computerturnsoff. (1) storage (2) input (3) output (4) memory (5) None of these ANSWER:5
  • 103. 26. Whenyouentertextina cell inExcel,italsoappearsinwhichof the following? (1) Statusbar (2) Formulabar (3) Rowheading (4) Name box (5) None of these ANSWER:2 27. Whichelementsof aWord documentcanbe displayedincolour? (1) Onlygraphics (2) Onlytext (3) Onlythe firstwordof each line (4) All elements,butonlyif youhave acolourprinter (5) All elements 28. A workbookisa collectionof (1) Page Setup (2) Buttons (3) Diagrams (4) Charts (5) Worksheets ANSWER:5 29. appearat the bottomof the Excel Window. (1) Sheettabs (2) Name Box (3) Formulabar (4) Title bar
  • 104. (5) None of these MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 63 30. EPROMstandsfor (1) Erasable Programmable Read-OnlyMemory (2) ElectronicProgrammable Read-OnlyMemory (3) Enterprise Programmable Read-OnlyMemory (4) ExtendedProgrammable Read-OnlyMemory (5) Electrical Programmable Read-OnlyMemory ANSWER:1 31. The technologythatstoresonlythe essentialinstructionsonamicroprocessorchipandthus enhancesitsspeedisreferredtoas (1) CISC (2) RISC 3) CD-ROM (4) Wi-Fi (5) MISC ANSWER:2 32. Whichis nota basicfunctionof a computer? (1) Store data (2)Acceptinput (3)Processdata (4) Copytext (5) Acceptand processdata ANSWER:4
  • 105. 33. ASCIIisa codingsystemthat provides (1) 256 differentcharacters (2) 512 differentcharacters (3) 1024 differentcharacters (4) 128 differentcharacters (5) 1000 differentcharacters ANSWER:4 34. Whichpart of the computerisdirectlyinvokedinexecutingthe instructionsof the computer program? (1) The scanner (2) The mainstorage (3) The secondarystorage (4) The printer (5) The processor ANSWER:5 35. In orderto create columndata inWord, youneedto (1) tab consecutivelyuntil yourcursorreachesthe desiredplace (2) settabs or use the Table menu (3) use Excel (4) pressthe space bar until yourcursor reachesthe desiredplace (5) None of these ANSWER:5 MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 64 36. Filesare organisedbystoringthemin
  • 106. (1) tables (2) databases (3) folders (4) graphs (5) diagrams ANSWER:3 37. Whena computerisswitchedon,the bootingprocessperforms (1) IntegrityTest (2) Power-OnSelf-Test (3) CorrectFunctioningTest (4) ReliabilityTest (5) Shut-down ANSWER:2 38. In Word,the feature that automaticallydetectscommonerrorsiscalled (1) Autocorrect (2) Autograph (3) SpellingandGrammar (4) Go to (5) Thesaurus ANSWER:1 39. A computersystemthatisoldand perhapsnotsatisfactoryisreferredtoas a(n) (1) Ancientsystem (2) Historical system (3) Age oldsystem (4) Legacysystem
  • 107. (5) Legal System ANSWER:4 40. Whichof the followingisnota binarynumber? (1) 001 (2) 101 (3) 202 (4) 110 (5) 011 ANSWER:3 41. Whichof the followingdoesnotstore datapermanently? (1) ROM (2) RAM (3) FloppyDisk (4) Hard Disk (5) None of these ANSWER:2 MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 65 42. Whichof the followingisthe smalleststorage? (1) Megabyte (2) Gigabyte (3) Kilobyte (4) Terabyte (5) None of these ANSWER:5
  • 108. 43. Whichmenuenablesthe usertochoose toolbars? (1) View (2) Format (3) Insert (4) Edit (5) Help ANSWER:1 44. By viewingthe propertiesof the local harddiskof a computer,the usercan findout (1) the amountof space that has beenusedupandthe remainingfree space onthe disk. (2) the name of the userviewingthe propertiesof the disk. (3) nothinguseful tothe user. (4) the numberof programsavailable inthe computer, (5) None of these ANSWER:1 45. Pre-definedandbuilt-informulasinExcel are knownas (1) Autosheets (2) Diagrams (3) Charts (4) Tables (5) Functions ANSWER:5 46. Whichof the followingcontainspermanentdataandgetsupdatedduringthe processingof transactions? (1) OperatingSystemFile (2) Transactionfile
  • 109. (3) Software File (4) Master file (5) AnyFile ANSWER:4 47. The keyboardshortcutto centralise the selectedtextinWordis (1) Ctrl + Esc (2) Ctrl + C (3) Alt+ C (4) There isno keyboardshortcutforthisoperation (5) Ctrl + E ANSWER:5 MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 66 48. Whichof the followinghelpstoprotectfloppydisksfromdatagettingaccidentallyerased? (1) Accessnotch (2) Write-protectnotch (3) Entry notch (4) Inputnotch (5) None of these ANSWER:2 49. A modemisconnected to (1) a telephoneline (2) a keyboard (3) a printer (4) a monitor
  • 110. (5) a scanner ANSWER:1 50. Large transactionprocessingsystemsinautomatedorganisationsuse (1) Online processing (2) Batch Processing (3) Once-a-dayProcessing (4) End-of-day processing (5) Once-a-weekprocessing ANSWER:2 51. The operationof combiningtwocellsintoasingle cell inExcel isreferredtoas (1) joincells (2) merge cells (3) merge table (4) jointable (5) None of these ANSWER:2 52. Whichof the followingcanbe usedto store a large numberof filesina small amountof storage space? (1) File adjustment (2) File copying (3) File reading (4) File compatibility (5) File compression ANSWER:5 53. In a computer,mostprocessingtakesplace in
  • 111. (1) memory (2) RAM (3) motherboard (4) CPU (5) None of these ANSWER:4 MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 67 54. Data is organizedinaworksheetas (1) charts anddiagrams (2) rowsand columns (3) tablesandboxes (4) graphs (5) None of the above ANSWER:2 55. Whichof the followingisanexample of abinarynumber? (1) 6AH1 (2) 100101 (3) 005 (4) ABCD (5) 23456 ANSWER:2 56. Spell Checkwill finderrorsinwhichof the following? (1) Todayis a rainyday (2) Todayis a rainya day
  • 112. (3) Isa rainy (4) Rainytodaya day (5) None of the above ANSWER:5 57. Whichof the followingisnota storage medium? (1) Hard disk (2) Flashdrive (3) DVD (4) CD (5) Keyboard ANSWER:5 58. In Excel,whenthe contentsandattributesof acell or range of cellshave tobe erasedusingthe menu,the usermust (1) selectthe Cells.chooseEdit.andselectClear,thenAll (2) selectthe Cells.andclickDelete onthe keyboard (3) selectthe Cells.chooseTools.andselectClear.thenFormats (4) selectthe Cells.chooseTools.andselectFormulaAudit.thenDelete (5) None of the above ANSWER:1 59. The computerabbreviationKBusuallymeans (1) KeyBlock (2) Kernel Boot (3) KiloByte (4) KitBit (5) None of these
  • 113. ANSWER:3 MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 68 60. If an Excel Worksheetistobe linkedforuse ina PowerPointpresentation,the followingshould be clicked (1) Edit,Paste Special (2) Edit,Paste (3) Edit,Copy (4) File,Copy (5) None of the above ANSWER:2 61. RAMstandsfor (1) RandomAccessMemory (2) ReadyApplicationModule (3) ReadAccessMemory (4) Remote AccessMachine (5) None of the above ANSWER:1 62. Whichof the followingisthe hardware andnotthe software?. (1) Excel (2) Printerdriver (3) Operatingsystem (4) Powerpoint (5) Control Unit ANSWER:5
  • 114. 63. In Word,whichmenuwouldthe userselecttoprinta document? (1) Tools (2) File (3) View (4) Wind0Vob (5) None of these ANSWER:2 64. Whichof the followingisnottrue aboutcomputerfiles? (1) Theyare collectionsof datasavedto a Storage medium (2) Everyfile hasa filename (3) A file extensionisestablishedbythe usertoindicate the date itwas created (4) Usuallyfilescontaindata (5) None of the above ANSWER:5 65. The common name fora modulator-demodulatoris (1) modem (2) joiner (3) networker (4) connector (5) demod ANSWER:1 MCQs on ComputersPartII [CompiledbyRSTCGurgaonCanara Bank] Page 69 66. What do yousee whenyouclickthe rightmouse button? (1) The same effectasthe leftclick
  • 115. (2) A special menu (3) Noeffect (4) A mouse cannot be rightclicked (5) Computergoestosleepmode ANSWER:2 67. In orderto choose the fontfor a sentence inaWord document, (1) selectFontinthe Formatmenu (2) selectFontinthe Editmenu (3) selectFontinthe Toolsmenu (4) selectFontinthe Insertmenu (5) None of the above ANSWER:1 68. The ALU performs..........operations. (1) logarithm-based (2) ASCII (3) algorithm-based (4) arithmetic (5) None of the above ANSWER:4 69. Excel isa program that isusedto prepare a (1) Database (2) TextDocument (3) Spreadsheet (4) Slide Presentation (5) None of the above
  • 116. ANSWER:3 70. ..........consistsof volatilechipsthattemporarilystore dataorinstructions. (1) CPU (2) ROM (3)RMA (4) RAM (5) None of these Q.1 Which of the followingisnotanscriptinglanguage ? (A) HTML (B) XML (C) Postscript(D) Javascript Ans:C Postscript Q.2 Which of the followingisaplatformfree language (A) Fortran(B) Assembly (C) C (D) Java Ans:D Java Q.3 A digital signature is (A) scannedsignature (B) signature inbinaryform (C) encryptinginformation(D) handwrittensignature Ans: C encryptinginformation Q.4 Mechanismto protectprivate networksfromoutside attackis (A) Firewall (B) Antivirus (C) Digital signature (D) Formatting
  • 117. Ans: A Firewall Q.5 A computersystemthatpermitsmultiple userstorunprogramsat same time (A) Real time system(B) Multi programmingsystem (C) Time sharingsystem(D) Multi taskingsystem Ans: D Multi taskingsystem Code:T-16 Subject:E-COMMERCE 2 Q.6 A computercommunicationtechnologythatprovidesawayto interconnect multiple computeracrossshortdistance is (A) LAN (B) MAN (C) WAN (D) Wirelessnetwork Ans:A LAN Q.7 Telnetisa service thatruns (A) Televisiononnet(B) Remote program (C) Cable TV network(D) Telenext Ans: B Remote program Q.8. A device thatforwardsdatapacketfrom one networktoanotheriscalleda (A) Bridge (B) Switch (C) Hub (D) Gateway Ans: B Switch Q.9 Which of the followingisthe fastestmediaof datatransfer (A) Co-axial Cable (B) UntwistedWire (C) Telephone Lines(D) FibreOptic Ans:D FiberOptic.
  • 118. Q.10 Tool that isusedto transferdata/filesamongcomputersonthe Internet (A) FTP (B) Archie (C) TCP (D) Gopher Ans:C TCP Q.11 HTML is a (A) ProgrammingLanguage (B) ScriptingLanguage (C) Web Browser(D) NetworkProtocol Ans:B ScriptingLanguage Code:T-16 Subject:E-COMMERCE 3 Q.12 Secret-keyencryptionisalsoknownas (A) Asymmetricencryption(B) Symmetricencryption (C) Secret-encryption(D) Privateencryption Ans: D Private encryption Q.13 The conceptof electroniccashisto execute paymentby (A) CreditCard (B) ATMCard (C) Using computersovernetwork(D) Cheque Ans: C Usingcomputersovernetwork. Q.14 SMTP is a (A) NetworkingProtocol (B) Protocol usedfortransferringmessage betweenenduser& Mail Server (C) Protocol usedforsmart card message interchange (D) EncryptionStandard
  • 119. Ans: B Protocol usedfortransferringmessage betweenenduser&Mail Server. Q.15 Digital Signature is (A)ScannedSignature onComputer (B) Code numberof the sender. (C)PublicKeyEncryption. (D)Software torecognize signature. Ans: D Software torecognize signature Q.16 Telnetisa (A) Networkof Telephones(B) TelevisionNetwork (C) Remote Login(D) Remote Login. Ans:C Remote Login. Q.17 The internetis (A) Networkof networks(B) Website. (C) Host (D) Server Ans:A Networkof networks Code:T-16 Subject:E-COMMERCE 4 Q.18 Ane-businessthatallowsconsumertoname theirownprice for products and servicesisfollowingwhiche-businessmodel? (A) B2B (B) B2G (C) C2C (D) C2B Ans:D C2B Q.19 Kerberosisanencryption-basedsystemthatuses (A) Secretkeyencryption(B) Publickey encryption (C) Private keyencryption(D) Datakeyencryption
  • 120. Ans:A Secretkeyencryption. Q.19 The method(s) of paymentforonlineconsumersare (A) Electroniccash(B) Credit/debit (C) Electronicchecks(D) All of the above Ans:D All of the Above. Q.20 DNSis (A) The distributedhierarchical namingsystem (B) The vertical namingsystem (C) The horizontal namingsystem (D) The clientserversystem Ans:C The horizontal namingsystem. Q.21 A firewallis (A) Anestablishednetworkperformancereference point. (B) Software orhardware usedto isolate aprivate networkfroma publicnetwork. (C) A virusthat infectsmacros. (D) A predefinedencryptionkeyusedtoencryptanddecryptdata transmissions. Ans:B Software or hardware usedtoisolate aprivate networkfroma publicnetwork. Q.22 A router (A) Screensincominginformation. (B) Distributesinformationbetweennetworks (C) Clearsall virusesfromacomputersystem (D) Is a work virus. Ans:B Distributesinformationbetweennetworks Code:T-16 Subject:E-COMMERCE
  • 121. 5 Q.23 LDAPstands for (A) LightweightData AccessProtocol. (B) Light weightDirectoryAccessProtocol. (C) Large Data AccessProtocol. (D) Large DirectoryAccessProtocol. Ans:B -> LightweightDirectoryAccessProtocol. Q.24 E-Commerce isnotsuitable for (A) Sale/Purchase of expensive jewelleryandantiques. (B) Sale/Purchase of mobile phones. (C) Sale/Purchase of brandedclothes. (D) Online jobsearching. Ans:D Online jobsearching Q.25 Amazon.comcomesunderthe followingmodel (A) B2B (B) B2C (C) C2C (D) C2B Ans:B B2C Q.26 Hubsare presentinthe network (A) to diagnose line failures,measure andmanage trafficflow andsimplifyre configuringof LANs. (B) to interconnectthe LAN withWANs. (C) to interconnectthe WANswith WANs. (D) to interconnectthe WANswithLANs. Ans:B to interconnectthe LAN withWANs. Q.27 Firewallsoperate by
  • 122. (A)The pre-purchasephase. (B) isolatingIntranetfromExtranet. (C)Screeningpacketsto/fromthe Networkandprovide controllable filteringof network traffic. (D)None of the above. Ans:C Screeningpacketsto/fromthe Networkandprovidecontrollablefilteringof networktraffic. Code:T-16 Subject:E-COMMERCE 6 Q.28 The mercantile processmodel consistsof the followingpahase(s): (A) The pre-purchase phase. (B) Purchase consummationphase. (C) Post-purchase Interactionphase. (D) All of the above. Ans:D All of the Above.