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 Data types in Java
 Strings & Characters
 Arithmetic Operators & Expressions
 Type Conversion
 Comments
 Arrays
 Keywords
Data Types, Variables, and
 Declaring Variables
 Primitive Data Types
 Initial Values and Literals
 String Literals and Escape Sequences
 Constants
Data Types
 To declare a variable, assign a name (identifier) and a data type
 Data type tells compiler:
 How much memory to allocate
 Format in which to store data
 Types of operations you will perform on data
 Compiler monitors use of data
 Java is a "strongly typed" language
 Java "primitive data types"
byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, boolean
Declaring Variables
 Variables hold one value at a time, but that value can change
 Syntax:
dataType identifier;
dataType identifier1, identifier2, …;
 Naming convention for variable names:
 first letter is lowercase
 embedded words begin with uppercase letter
Integer Types - Whole Numbers
Example declarations:
int testGrade;
int numPlayers, highScore;
short xCoordinate, yCoordinate;
byte ageInYears;
long cityPopulation;
Type Size in
Minimum Value Maximum Value
byte 1 -128 127
short 2 -32768 +32677
int 4 -2, 147, 483, 648 2, 147, 483, 647
long 8 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Floating-Point Data Types
Example declarations:
float salesTax;
double interestRate;
double paycheck,
Type Size in
Minimum Value Maximum Value
Float 4 1.4E-45 3.4028235E38
Double 8 4.9E-324 1.7976931348623157E308
char Data Type
 One Unicode character (16 bits - 2 bytes)
Type Size Minimum Value Maximum Value
in Bytes
char 2 character character
encoded as 0 encoded as
Example declarations:
char finalGrade;
char newline, tab, doubleQuotes;
boolean Data Type
 Two values only:
 Used for decision making or controlling the order
of execution of a program
 Example declarations:
boolean isEmpty;
boolean passed, failed;
Assigning Values to Variables
 Assignment operator =
 Value on the right of the operator is assigned to the variable
on the left
 Value on the right can be a literal (text representing a specific
value), another variable, or an expression (explained later)
 Syntax:
dataType variableName = initialValue;
dataType variable1 = initialValue1,
variable2 = initialValue2, …;
Assigning the Values of Other
 Syntax:
dataType variable2 = variable1;
 Rules:
1. variable1 needs to be defined before this statement appears
in the source code
2. variable1 and variable2 need to be compatible data types; in
other words, the precision of variable1 must be lower than or
equal to that of variable2.
Compatible Data Types
Any type in right column can be assigned to type in left
Data Type Compatible Data Types
byte byte
short byte, short
int byte, short, int, char
long byte, short, int, long, char
float float, byte, short, int, long, char
double float, double, byte, short, int, long, char
boolean boolean
char char
String Concatenation Operator (+)
 Combines String literals with other data types for printing
 Example:
String hello = "Hello";
String there = "there";
String greeting = hello + ' ' + there;
System.out.println( greeting );
Output is:
Hello there
Escape Sequences
 To include a special character in a String, use an
escape sequence
Character Escape Sequence
Newline n
Tab t
Double quotes "
Single quote '
Backspace b
Carriage return r
Form feed f
See Example 2.3
Assigning the Values of Other
 Syntax:
dataType variable2 = variable1;
 Rules:
1. variable1 needs to be defined before this statement appears
in the source code
2. variable1 and variable2 need to be compatible data types; in
other words, the precision of variable1 must be lower than or
equal to that of variable2.
Sample Assignments
 This is a valid assignment:
float salesTax = .05f;
double taxRate = salesTax;
 This is invalid because the float data type is lower
in precision than the double data type:
double taxRate = .05;
float salesTax = taxRate;
String Concatenation Operator (+)
 Combines String literals with other data
types for printing
 Example:
String hello = "Hello";
String there = "there";
String greeting = hello + ' ' + there;
System.out.println( greeting );
Output is:
Hello there
Common Error Trap
 String literals must start and end on the
same line. This statement:
System.out.println( "Never pass a water fountain
without taking a drink" );
generates these compiler errors:
unclosed string literal
')' expected
 Break long Strings into shorter Strings and use
the concatenation operator:
System.out.println( "Never pass a water fountain"
+ " without taking a drink" );
String Concatenation Operator (+)
 Combines String literals with other data
types for printing
 Example:
String hello = "Hello";
String there = "there";
String greeting = hello + ' ' + there;
System.out.println( greeting );
Output is:
Hello there
Common Error Trap
 String literals must start and end on the same line. This
System.out.println( "Never pass a water fountain
without taking a drink" );
generates these compiler errors:
unclosed string literal
')' expected
 Break long Strings into shorter Strings and use the
concatenation operator:
System.out.println( "Never pass a water fountain"
+ " without taking a drink" );
 Declare a variable only once
 Once a variable is declared, its data type cannot
be changed.
These statements:
double twoCents;
double twoCents = .02;
generate this compiler error:
twoCents is already defined
 Once a variable is declared, its data type cannot
be changed.
These statements:
double cashInHand;
int cashInHand;
generate this compiler error:
cashInHand is already defined
 Value cannot change during program execution
 Syntax:
final dataType constantIdentifier =
Note: assigning a value when the constant is
declared is optional. But a value must be
assigned before the constant is used.
Mixed-Type Arithmetic
 When performing calculations with operands of different
data types:
 Lower-precision operands are promoted to higher-precision
data types, then the operation is performed
 Promotion is effective only for expression evaluation;
not a permanent change
 Called "implicit type casting“
 Bottom line: any expression involving a floating-point operand
will have a floating-point result.
Rules of Promotion
Applies the first of these rules that fits:
1. If either operand is a double, the other operand is converted
to a double
2. If either operand is a float, the other operand is converted to a
3. If either operand is a long, the other operand is converted to a
4. If either operand is an int, the other operand is promoted to an
5. If neither operand is a double, float, long, or an int, both
operands are promoted to int.
Explicit Type Casting
 Syntax:
(dataType)( expression )
Note: parentheses around expression are optional
if expression consists of 1 variable
 Useful for calculating averages
Operator Precedence
Operator Order of
( ) left - right parenthesis for explicit grouping
++ -- right - left preincrement, predecrement
++ -- right - left postincrement, postdecrement
* / % left - right multiplication, division, modulus
+ - left - right addition or String concatenation,
= += -= *=
/= %=
right - left assignment
Variables and Assignments
 Variables
 Types
 char 16 bits Unicode character data
 boolean Boolean Variable
 byte 8 bits signed integer
 short 16 bits signed integer
 int 32 bits signed integer
 long 64 bits signed integer
 float 32 bits signed floating point number
 double 64 bits signed floating point number
Strings and Characters
 String : sequence of character
String s = “Enter an integer value: ” ;
Char c = ‘A’;
 Concatenation Operator ‘+’
String s = “Lincoln said: ” + “” Four score and seven
years ago”” ;
Result :
Lincoln said: “Four score and seven years ago”
char ch; int i; float f; double outcome;
ch = ‘0’; i = 10; f = 10.2f;
outcome = ch * i / f;
double float
float long
long int
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
 Widening Conversion
byte b = 127;
int i;
i = b;
 Narrowing Conversion
byte b;
int i = 258;
b = (byte) i;
 Wrong Conversion
byte b;
int i = 127;
b = i;
 Right Conversion (But data may be lost)
byte b;
int i = 127;
b = (byte) i;
Type Casting
Java Keywords
 50 Java Keywords
abstract double int super
boolean else interface switch
break extends long synchronized
byte final native this
case finally new throw
catch float package throws
char for private transient*
class goto* protected try
const* if public void
continue implements return volatile
default import short while
do instanceof static strictfp
assert (New in 1.5) enum (New in 1.5)
The “assert” is recognized as keyword in JDK1.4 compiler, but we could not
use it.
It can be used it from 1.5.RAJESHREE KHANDE
Flow of Control
 Java executes one statement after the other in the
order they are written
 Many Java statements are flow control statements:
Alternation: if, if else, switch
Looping: for, while, do while
Escapes: break, continue, return
Relational Operators
Operator Meaning
== Equal to
!= Not equal to
>= Greater than equal to
<= Less than equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
If – The Conditional Statement
 The if statement evaluates an expression and if that
evaluation is true then the specified action is taken
if ( x < 10 ) x = 10;
 If the value of x is less than 10, make x equal to 10
 It could have been written:
if ( x < 10 )
x = 10;
 Or, alternatively:
if ( x < 10 )
{ x = 10; }
If… else
 The if … else statement evaluates an expression and
performs one action if that evaluation is true or a
different action if it is false.
if (x != oldx)
System.out.print(“x was changed”);
else {
System.out.print(“x is unchanged”);
Nested if … else
if ( myVal > 100 ) {
if ( remainderOn == true) {
myVal = mVal % 100;
else {
myVal = myVal / 100.0;
System.out.print(“myVal is in range”);
else if
 Useful for choosing between alternatives:
if ( n == 1 ) {
// execute code block #1
else if ( j == 2 ) {
// execute code block #2
else {
// if all previous tests have failed, execute code
block #3
The switch Statement
switch ( n ) {
case 1:
// execute code block #1
case 2:
// execute code block #2
// if all previous tests fail then
//execute code block #4
The for loop
 Loop n times
for ( i = 0; i < n; n++ )
// this code body will execute n times
// ifrom 0 to n-1
 Nested for:
for ( j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
for ( i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
// this code body will execute 200 times
while loops
while(response == 1)
System.out.print( “ID =” + userID[n]);
response = readInt( “Enter”);
do {… } while loops
System.out.print( “ID =” + userID[n] );
response = readInt( “Enter ” );
}while (response == 1);
 A break statement causes an exit from the
innermost containing while, do, for or switch
for ( int i = 0; i < maxID, i++ )
if ( userID[i] == targetID )
index = i;
} // program jumps here after break
 Can only be used with while, do or for.
 The continue statement causes the innermost loop to start the
next iteration immediately.
for ( int i = 0; i < maxID; i++ )
if ( userID[i] != -1 )
System.out.print( “UserID ” + i + “ :” + userID)
 Am array is a list of similar things
 An array has a fixed:
 name
 type
 length
 These must be declared when the array is created.
 Arrays sizes cannot be changed during the execution
of the code
myArray has room for 8 elements
 The elements are accessed by their index
 in Java, array indices start at 0
3 6 3 1 6 3 4 1myArray =
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Declaring Arrays
 int myArray[];
 declares myArray to be an array of integers
 myArray = new int[8];
 sets up 8 integer-sized spaces in memory, labelled
myArray[0] to myArray[7]
 int myArray[] = new int[8];
 combines the two statements in one line
Assigning Values
 Refer to the array elements by index to store values in
 myArray[0] = 3;
 myArray[1] = 6;
 myArray[2] = 3; ...
 Can create and initialise in one step:
 int myArray[] = {3, 6, 3, 1, 6, 3, 4, 1};
Iterating Through Arrays
 for loops are useful when dealing with arrays:
for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++)
myArray[i] = getsomevalue();
Class & Object
 What Are Classes?
A class is a blueprint or prototype that defines the
variables and the methods common to all objects of a
certain kind.
 What Is an Object?
An object is a software bundle of variables and
related methods. Software objects are often used to
model real-world objects you find in everyday life.
Class vs. Object
 Specifies the structure
(the number and types)
of its objects’ attributes
 the same for all of its
 Specifies the possible
behaviors of its objects
 Holds specific values of
 These values can
change while the
program is running
 Behaves appropriately
when called upon
Class vs. Object
 A piece of the program’s
source code
 Written by a
 An entity in a running
 Created when the
program is running (by
the main method or a
public class Car
} By convention, the
name of a class (and
its source file) always
starts with a capital
(In Java, all names are case-sensitive.)
public class SomeClass
 Fields
 Constructors
 Methods
Attributes / variables that define the
object’s state; can hold numbers,
characters, strings, other objects
Procedures for constructing a
new object of this class and
initializing its fields
Actions that an object of this
class can take (behaviors)
Class header
import ... import statements
 A class is a collection of fields (data) and methods
(procedure or function) that operate on that data.
 The basic syntax for a class definition:
 Bare bone class – no fields, no methods
public class Circle {
// my circle class
Class ClassName
[fields declaration]
[methods declaration]
 Classes describe the data held by each of its objects
 A class may describe any number of objects
 A class may describe a single object, or even no
objects at all.
Adding Fields: Class Circle
with fields
 Add fields
 The fields (data) are also called the instance
public class Circle {
public double x, y; // centre coordinate
public double r; // radius of the circle
Adding Methods
 A class with only data fields has no life. Objects created
by such a class cannot respond to any messages.
 Methods are declared inside the body of the class but
immediately after the declaration of data fields.
 The general form of a method declaration is:
type MethodName (parameter-list)
Adding Methods to Class
public class Circle {
public double x, y; // centre of the circle
public double r; // radius of circle
//Methods to return circumference and area
public double circumference() {
return 2*3.14*r;
public double area() {
return 3.14 * r * r;
public class Circle {
public double x, y; // centre of the circle
public double r; // radius of circle
//Methods to return circumference and area
public double circumference() {
return 2*3.14*r;
public double area() {
return 3.14 * r * r;
Method Body
Data Abstraction &
 The wrapping of data & method in single unit called
class is known as encapsulation.
 The data is not accessible to the outside world & only
those methods which wrapped inside the class can
access it.
 These methods provide the interface between objects
data & program.
 The insulation of data from direct access is called as
Data Abstraction & Encapsulation
 Abstraction refers to representing essential features
without including the background details.
 Classes uses the concept of abstraction & are defined
as list of abstract attribute such as size ,weight & cost
and method that operate on theses data.
 Declare the Circle class, have created a new data type
– Data Abstraction
Circle aCircle;
Circle bCircle;
Class of Circle cont.
 aCircle, bCircle simply refers to a Circle object, not
an object itself.
Points to nothing (Null Reference)
Points to nothing (Null Reference)
null null
Creating objects of a class
 Objects are created dynamically using the new
 aCircle and bCircle refer to Circle objects
bCircle = new Circle() ;aCircle = new Circle() ;
Creating objects of a class
aCircle = new Circle();
bCircle = new Circle() ;
bCircle = aCircle;
Before Assignment
Before Assignment
Automatic garbage collection
 The object does not have a reference and
cannot be used in future.
 The object becomes a candidate for automatic garbage
 Java automatically collects garbage periodically and
releases the memory used to be used in the future.
Accessing Object/Circle Data
 Similar to C syntax for accessing data defined in a
Circle aCircle = new Circle();
aCircle.x = 2.0 // initialize center and radius
aCircle.y = 2.0
aCircle.r = 1.0
Executing Methods in Object/Circle
 Using Object Methods:
Circle aCircle = new Circle();
double area1;
aCircle.r = 1.0;
area1 = aCircle.area();
sent ‘message’ to aCircle
Using Circle Class
// Contains both Circle class and its user class
public class Circle
public double x, y; // centre of the circle
public double r; // radius of circle
//Methods to return circumference and area
public double circumference() {
return 2*3.14*r;
public double area() {
return 3.14 * r * r;
Using Circle Class
class MyMain
public static void main(String args[])
Circle aCircle; // creating reference
aCircle = new Circle(); // creating object
aCircle.x = 10; // assigning value to data field
aCircle.y = 20;
aCircle.r = 5;
double area = aCircle.area(); // invoking method
System.out.println("Radius="+ aCircle.r+ " Area=“ + area);
Access Specifiers
 In Java code, class and variable and method and
constructor declarations can have “access specifiers”
- private
- protected
- public.
- none (default)
 The purpose of access specifiers is to declare which
entity can not be accessed from where.
Access Specifiers for Class
Variables and Methods
Specifier class subclass package World
private Y
protected Y Y Y
public Y Y Y Y
none Y Y
 If a variable is declared protected, then the class
itself can access it.
 Its subclass can access it
 Any class in the same package can also access it.
 Public classes, methods, and fields can be accessed from
 The only constraint is that a file with Java source code can only
contain one public class whose name must also match with the
 If it exists, this public class represents the application or the
applet, in which case the public keyword is necessary to enable
your Web browser or appletviewer to show the applet.
 You use public classes, methods, or fields only if you explicitly
want to offer access to these entities.
public class Square
{ // public class public x, y, size; // public instance variables }
Access Specifiers
 None
 If a class member doesn't have any access
specifier , then the class itself can access it.
 Any class in the same package can also access it.
Access Specifiers
class P
int x = 7;
public class AS
public static void main(String[] args)
P p = new P();
The code compiles and
runs. But, if you add
“private” in front of “int x”,
then you'll get a compiler
error: “x has private
access in P”. This is
because when a
member variable is
private, it can only be
accessed within that
Access Specifiers for Classes
 For classes, only the “public” access specifier can be used.
 Basically, Java has this “One Class Per File” paradigm.
 That is, in every java source code file, only one class in the file is
public accessible, and that class must have the same name as
the file.
 Optionally, the class can be declared with “public” keyword.
 If you use any other access specifier on classes, or declare more
than one class “public” in a file, the compiler will give an error.
Pass by value
 Pass-by-value
 The actual parameter (or argument expression) is fully
evaluated and the resulting value is copied into a location
being used to hold the formal parameter's value during
method/function execution.
 That location is typically a chunk of memory on the runtime
stack for the application (which is how Java handles it), but
other languages could choose parameter storage differently.
 Pass-by-reference
 The formal parameter merely acts as an alias for the actual
parameter. Anytime the method/function uses the formal
parameter (for reading or writing), it is actually using the actual
 Java is strictly pass-by-value,
Pass by value
 In Java, Objects are passed by reference, and
primitives are passed by value.
 This is half incorrect. Everyone can easily agree that
primitives are passed by value; there's no such thing
in Java as a pointer/reference to a primitive.
 However, Objects are not passed by reference. A
correct statement would be Object references are
passed by value.
this keyword
 Sometimes a method will need to refer to the object
that invoked it.
 To allow this, Java defines the this keyword.
 this can be used inside any method to refer to the
current object.
 That is, this is always a reference to the object on
which the method was invoked.
this keyword
 'this' is used for pointing the current class instance.
 It can be used with variables or methods. Look into
the following example:
class Test
{ private int i=10;
public void m()
{ System.out.println(this.i);
this keyword
 this keyword is useful when we use same name
for parameter and instance variable
 In the above code this is used for the current
 Since this is instance of a class it cannot be used
inside a static method.
this : Example
class Cat
int height weight;
public accept( int height, int weight)
this.height = height;
this.weight =weight;
Static variable & Static Method
 Like instance variable, static variable is declare inside
a class but outside any method.
 Keyword static is used while declaring static variable.
 Syntax
static int count;
static int max(int x, int y);
Static variable
Static method
Static variable & Static Method
 The static variable & static method belong to class
rather than object these variables is also called as
class variable and class method.
 Static variable is defined when we have a variable
common to all instance of class.
 These member are accessed with class name.
Static variable & Static Method
Class MathOp
static float mul(float x, float
return x*y;
static float divide(float x, float
return x/y;
Class MathApp
public static void main(String
float a= MathOp.mul(4.0,5.0);
float b= MathOp.divide(a,2.0);
System.out.println( “a = ” + a);
System.out.println( “b = ” + b);

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Dr. Rajeshree Khande : Java Basics

  • 1. Contents 1  Data types in Java  Strings & Characters  Arithmetic Operators & Expressions  Type Conversion  Comments  Arrays  Keywords RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 2. Data Types, Variables, and Constants 2  Declaring Variables  Primitive Data Types  Initial Values and Literals  String Literals and Escape Sequences  Constants RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 3. Data Types 3  To declare a variable, assign a name (identifier) and a data type  Data type tells compiler:  How much memory to allocate  Format in which to store data  Types of operations you will perform on data  Compiler monitors use of data  Java is a "strongly typed" language  Java "primitive data types" byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, boolean RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 4. Declaring Variables 4  Variables hold one value at a time, but that value can change  Syntax: dataType identifier; or dataType identifier1, identifier2, …;  Naming convention for variable names:  first letter is lowercase  embedded words begin with uppercase letter RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 5. Integer Types - Whole Numbers Example declarations: int testGrade; int numPlayers, highScore; short xCoordinate, yCoordinate; byte ageInYears; long cityPopulation; Type Size in byte Minimum Value Maximum Value byte 1 -128 127 short 2 -32768 +32677 int 4 -2, 147, 483, 648 2, 147, 483, 647 long 8 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 5RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 6. Floating-Point Data Types Example declarations: float salesTax; double interestRate; double paycheck, sumSalaries; Type Size in byte Minimum Value Maximum Value Float 4 1.4E-45 3.4028235E38 Double 8 4.9E-324 1.7976931348623157E308 6RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 7. char Data Type  One Unicode character (16 bits - 2 bytes) Type Size Minimum Value Maximum Value in Bytes char 2 character character encoded as 0 encoded as FFFF Example declarations: char finalGrade; char newline, tab, doubleQuotes; 7RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 8. boolean Data Type 8  Two values only: true false  Used for decision making or controlling the order of execution of a program  Example declarations: boolean isEmpty; boolean passed, failed; RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 9. Assigning Values to Variables 9  Assignment operator =  Value on the right of the operator is assigned to the variable on the left  Value on the right can be a literal (text representing a specific value), another variable, or an expression (explained later)  Syntax: dataType variableName = initialValue; Or dataType variable1 = initialValue1, variable2 = initialValue2, …; RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 10. Assigning the Values of Other Variables 10  Syntax: dataType variable2 = variable1;  Rules: 1. variable1 needs to be defined before this statement appears in the source code 2. variable1 and variable2 need to be compatible data types; in other words, the precision of variable1 must be lower than or equal to that of variable2. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 11. Compatible Data Types 11 Any type in right column can be assigned to type in left column: Data Type Compatible Data Types byte byte short byte, short int byte, short, int, char long byte, short, int, long, char float float, byte, short, int, long, char double float, double, byte, short, int, long, char boolean boolean char char RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 12. String Concatenation Operator (+) 12  Combines String literals with other data types for printing  Example: String hello = "Hello"; String there = "there"; String greeting = hello + ' ' + there; System.out.println( greeting ); Output is: Hello there RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 13. Escape Sequences 13  To include a special character in a String, use an escape sequence Character Escape Sequence Newline n Tab t Double quotes " Single quote ' Backslash Backspace b Carriage return r Form feed f See Example 2.3 RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 14. Assigning the Values of Other Variables 14  Syntax: dataType variable2 = variable1;  Rules: 1. variable1 needs to be defined before this statement appears in the source code 2. variable1 and variable2 need to be compatible data types; in other words, the precision of variable1 must be lower than or equal to that of variable2. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 15. Sample Assignments 15  This is a valid assignment: float salesTax = .05f; double taxRate = salesTax;  This is invalid because the float data type is lower in precision than the double data type: double taxRate = .05; float salesTax = taxRate; RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 16. String Concatenation Operator (+) 16  Combines String literals with other data types for printing  Example: String hello = "Hello"; String there = "there"; String greeting = hello + ' ' + there; System.out.println( greeting ); Output is: Hello there RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 17. Common Error Trap 17  String literals must start and end on the same line. This statement: System.out.println( "Never pass a water fountain without taking a drink" ); generates these compiler errors: unclosed string literal ')' expected  Break long Strings into shorter Strings and use the concatenation operator: System.out.println( "Never pass a water fountain" + " without taking a drink" ); RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 18. String Concatenation Operator (+) 18  Combines String literals with other data types for printing  Example: String hello = "Hello"; String there = "there"; String greeting = hello + ' ' + there; System.out.println( greeting ); Output is: Hello there RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 19. Common Error Trap 19  String literals must start and end on the same line. This statement: System.out.println( "Never pass a water fountain without taking a drink" ); generates these compiler errors: unclosed string literal ')' expected  Break long Strings into shorter Strings and use the concatenation operator: System.out.println( "Never pass a water fountain" + " without taking a drink" ); RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 20. 20  Declare a variable only once  Once a variable is declared, its data type cannot be changed. These statements: double twoCents; double twoCents = .02; generate this compiler error: twoCents is already defined RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 21. 21  Once a variable is declared, its data type cannot be changed. These statements: double cashInHand; int cashInHand; generate this compiler error: cashInHand is already defined RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 22. Constants 22  Value cannot change during program execution  Syntax: final dataType constantIdentifier = assignedValue; Note: assigning a value when the constant is declared is optional. But a value must be assigned before the constant is used.  RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 23. Mixed-Type Arithmetic 23  When performing calculations with operands of different data types:  Lower-precision operands are promoted to higher-precision data types, then the operation is performed  Promotion is effective only for expression evaluation; not a permanent change  Called "implicit type casting“  Bottom line: any expression involving a floating-point operand will have a floating-point result. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 24. Rules of Promotion 24 Applies the first of these rules that fits: 1. If either operand is a double, the other operand is converted to a double 2. If either operand is a float, the other operand is converted to a float. 3. If either operand is a long, the other operand is converted to a long. 4. If either operand is an int, the other operand is promoted to an int 5. If neither operand is a double, float, long, or an int, both operands are promoted to int. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 25. Explicit Type Casting 25  Syntax: (dataType)( expression ) Note: parentheses around expression are optional if expression consists of 1 variable  Useful for calculating averages RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 26. Operator Precedence 26 Operator Order of evaluation Operation ( ) left - right parenthesis for explicit grouping ++ -- right - left preincrement, predecrement ++ -- right - left postincrement, postdecrement * / % left - right multiplication, division, modulus + - left - right addition or String concatenation, subtraction = += -= *= /= %= right - left assignment RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 27. Variables and Assignments 27  Variables  Types  char 16 bits Unicode character data  boolean Boolean Variable  byte 8 bits signed integer  short 16 bits signed integer  int 32 bits signed integer  long 64 bits signed integer  float 32 bits signed floating point number  double 64 bits signed floating point number RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 28. Strings and Characters 28  String : sequence of character String s = “Enter an integer value: ” ; Char c = ‘A’;  Concatenation Operator ‘+’ String s = “Lincoln said: ” + “” Four score and seven years ago”” ; Result : Lincoln said: “Four score and seven years ago” RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 29. Expression 29 char ch; int i; float f; double outcome; ch = ‘0’; i = 10; f = 10.2f; outcome = ch * i / f; double double float float long long int Yes No Yes No Yes No RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 30. Assignment 30  Widening Conversion byte b = 127; int i; i = b;  Narrowing Conversion byte b; int i = 258; b = (byte) i;  Wrong Conversion byte b; int i = 127; b = i;  Right Conversion (But data may be lost) byte b; int i = 127; b = (byte) i; Type Casting RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 31. Java Keywords 31  50 Java Keywords abstract double int super boolean else interface switch break extends long synchronized byte final native this case finally new throw catch float package throws char for private transient* class goto* protected try const* if public void continue implements return volatile default import short while do instanceof static strictfp assert (New in 1.5) enum (New in 1.5) The “assert” is recognized as keyword in JDK1.4 compiler, but we could not use it. It can be used it from 1.5.RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 32. Flow of Control 32  Java executes one statement after the other in the order they are written  Many Java statements are flow control statements: Alternation: if, if else, switch Looping: for, while, do while Escapes: break, continue, return RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 33. Relational Operators Operator Meaning == Equal to != Not equal to >= Greater than equal to <= Less than equal to < Less than > Greater than 33RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 34. If – The Conditional Statement 34  The if statement evaluates an expression and if that evaluation is true then the specified action is taken if ( x < 10 ) x = 10;  If the value of x is less than 10, make x equal to 10  It could have been written: if ( x < 10 ) x = 10;  Or, alternatively: if ( x < 10 ) { x = 10; } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 35. If… else 35  The if … else statement evaluates an expression and performs one action if that evaluation is true or a different action if it is false. if (x != oldx) { System.out.print(“x was changed”); } else { System.out.print(“x is unchanged”); } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 36. Nested if … else 36 if ( myVal > 100 ) { if ( remainderOn == true) { myVal = mVal % 100; } else { myVal = myVal / 100.0; } } else { System.out.print(“myVal is in range”); } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 37. else if 37  Useful for choosing between alternatives: if ( n == 1 ) { // execute code block #1 } else if ( j == 2 ) { // execute code block #2 } else { // if all previous tests have failed, execute code block #3 } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 38. The switch Statement 38 switch ( n ) { case 1: // execute code block #1 break; case 2: // execute code block #2 break; default: // if all previous tests fail then //execute code block #4 break; } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 39. The for loop 39  Loop n times for ( i = 0; i < n; n++ ) { // this code body will execute n times // ifrom 0 to n-1 }  Nested for: for ( j = 0; j < 10; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) { // this code body will execute 200 times } } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 40. while loops 40 while(response == 1) { System.out.print( “ID =” + userID[n]); n++; response = readInt( “Enter”); } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 41. do {… } while loops 41 do { System.out.print( “ID =” + userID[n] ); n++; response = readInt( “Enter ” ); }while (response == 1); RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 42. Break 42  A break statement causes an exit from the innermost containing while, do, for or switch statement. for ( int i = 0; i < maxID, i++ ) { if ( userID[i] == targetID ) { index = i; break; } } // program jumps here after break RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 43. Continue 43  Can only be used with while, do or for.  The continue statement causes the innermost loop to start the next iteration immediately. for ( int i = 0; i < maxID; i++ ) { if ( userID[i] != -1 ) continue; System.out.print( “UserID ” + i + “ :” + userID) } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 44. Arrays 44  Am array is a list of similar things  An array has a fixed:  name  type  length  These must be declared when the array is created.  Arrays sizes cannot be changed during the execution of the code RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 45. 45 myArray has room for 8 elements  The elements are accessed by their index  in Java, array indices start at 0 3 6 3 1 6 3 4 1myArray = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Arrays RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 46. Declaring Arrays 46  int myArray[];  declares myArray to be an array of integers  myArray = new int[8];  sets up 8 integer-sized spaces in memory, labelled myArray[0] to myArray[7]  int myArray[] = new int[8];  combines the two statements in one line RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 47. Assigning Values 47  Refer to the array elements by index to store values in them.  myArray[0] = 3;  myArray[1] = 6;  myArray[2] = 3; ...  Can create and initialise in one step:  int myArray[] = {3, 6, 3, 1, 6, 3, 4, 1}; RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 48. Iterating Through Arrays 48  for loops are useful when dealing with arrays: for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) { myArray[i] = getsomevalue(); } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 49. Class & Object 49  What Are Classes? A class is a blueprint or prototype that defines the variables and the methods common to all objects of a certain kind.  What Is an Object? An object is a software bundle of variables and related methods. Software objects are often used to model real-world objects you find in everyday life. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 50. 50 Class vs. Object  Specifies the structure (the number and types) of its objects’ attributes  the same for all of its objects  Specifies the possible behaviors of its objects  Holds specific values of attributes  These values can change while the program is running  Behaves appropriately when called upon RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 51. 51 Class vs. Object  A piece of the program’s source code  Written by a programmer  An entity in a running program  Created when the program is running (by the main method or a constructor) RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 52. 52 Classes public class Car { ... } By convention, the name of a class (and its source file) always starts with a capital letter. (In Java, all names are case-sensitive.) RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 53. public class SomeClass 53  Fields  Constructors  Methods } Attributes / variables that define the object’s state; can hold numbers, characters, strings, other objects Procedures for constructing a new object of this class and initializing its fields Actions that an object of this class can take (behaviors) { Class header import ... import statements RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 54. Classes 54  A class is a collection of fields (data) and methods (procedure or function) that operate on that data.  The basic syntax for a class definition:  Bare bone class – no fields, no methods public class Circle { // my circle class } Class ClassName { [fields declaration] [methods declaration] } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 55. Classes 55  Classes describe the data held by each of its objects  A class may describe any number of objects  A class may describe a single object, or even no objects at all. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 57. Adding Fields: Class Circle with fields 57  Add fields  The fields (data) are also called the instance varaibles. public class Circle { public double x, y; // centre coordinate public double r; // radius of the circle } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 58. Adding Methods 58  A class with only data fields has no life. Objects created by such a class cannot respond to any messages.  Methods are declared inside the body of the class but immediately after the declaration of data fields.  The general form of a method declaration is: type MethodName (parameter-list) { Method-body; } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 59. Adding Methods to Class Circle 59 public class Circle { public double x, y; // centre of the circle public double r; // radius of circle //Methods to return circumference and area public double circumference() { return 2*3.14*r; } public double area() { return 3.14 * r * r; } } public class Circle { public double x, y; // centre of the circle public double r; // radius of circle //Methods to return circumference and area public double circumference() { return 2*3.14*r; } public double area() { return 3.14 * r * r; } } Method Body RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 60. Data Abstraction & Encapsulation 60  The wrapping of data & method in single unit called class is known as encapsulation.  The data is not accessible to the outside world & only those methods which wrapped inside the class can access it.  These methods provide the interface between objects data & program.  The insulation of data from direct access is called as data hidingRAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 61. Data Abstraction & Encapsulation 61  Abstraction refers to representing essential features without including the background details.  Classes uses the concept of abstraction & are defined as list of abstract attribute such as size ,weight & cost and method that operate on theses data.  Declare the Circle class, have created a new data type – Data Abstraction Circle aCircle; Circle bCircle; RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 62. Class of Circle cont. 62  aCircle, bCircle simply refers to a Circle object, not an object itself. aCircle Points to nothing (Null Reference) bCircle Points to nothing (Null Reference) null null RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 63. Creating objects of a class 63  Objects are created dynamically using the new keyword.  aCircle and bCircle refer to Circle objects bCircle = new Circle() ;aCircle = new Circle() ; RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 64. 64 Creating objects of a class aCircle = new Circle(); bCircle = new Circle() ; bCircle = aCircle; P aCircle Q bCircle Before Assignment P aCircle Q bCircle Before Assignment RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 65. Automatic garbage collection 65  The object does not have a reference and cannot be used in future.  The object becomes a candidate for automatic garbage collection.  Java automatically collects garbage periodically and releases the memory used to be used in the future. Q RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 66. Accessing Object/Circle Data 66  Similar to C syntax for accessing data defined in a structure. Circle aCircle = new Circle(); aCircle.x = 2.0 // initialize center and radius aCircle.y = 2.0 aCircle.r = 1.0 ObjectName.VariableName ObjectName.MethodName(parameter-list) RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 67. Executing Methods in Object/Circle 67  Using Object Methods: Circle aCircle = new Circle(); double area1; aCircle.r = 1.0; area1 = aCircle.area(); sent ‘message’ to aCircle RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 68. Using Circle Class 68 // Contains both Circle class and its user class public class Circle { public double x, y; // centre of the circle public double r; // radius of circle //Methods to return circumference and area public double circumference() { return 2*3.14*r; } public double area() { return 3.14 * r * r; } } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 69. Using Circle Class 69 class MyMain { public static void main(String args[]) { Circle aCircle; // creating reference aCircle = new Circle(); // creating object aCircle.x = 10; // assigning value to data field aCircle.y = 20; aCircle.r = 5; double area = aCircle.area(); // invoking method System.out.println("Radius="+ aCircle.r+ " Area=“ + area); } } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 70. Access Specifiers 70  In Java code, class and variable and method and constructor declarations can have “access specifiers” : - private - protected - public. - none (default)  The purpose of access specifiers is to declare which entity can not be accessed from where. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 71. Access Specifiers for Class Variables and Methods 71 Specifier class subclass package World private Y protected Y Y Y public Y Y Y Y none Y Y RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 72. Protected 72  If a variable is declared protected, then the class itself can access it.  Its subclass can access it  Any class in the same package can also access it. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 73. Public 73  Public classes, methods, and fields can be accessed from everywhere.  The only constraint is that a file with Java source code can only contain one public class whose name must also match with the filename.  If it exists, this public class represents the application or the applet, in which case the public keyword is necessary to enable your Web browser or appletviewer to show the applet.  You use public classes, methods, or fields only if you explicitly want to offer access to these entities. public class Square { // public class public x, y, size; // public instance variables } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 74. Access Specifiers 74  None  If a class member doesn't have any access specifier , then the class itself can access it.  Any class in the same package can also access it. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 75. Access Specifiers 75 class P { int x = 7; } public class AS { public static void main(String[] args) { P p = new P(); System.out.println(p.x); } } The code compiles and runs. But, if you add “private” in front of “int x”, then you'll get a compiler error: “x has private access in P”. This is because when a member variable is private, it can only be accessed within that class RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 76. Access Specifiers for Classes 76  For classes, only the “public” access specifier can be used.  Basically, Java has this “One Class Per File” paradigm.  That is, in every java source code file, only one class in the file is public accessible, and that class must have the same name as the file.  Optionally, the class can be declared with “public” keyword.  If you use any other access specifier on classes, or declare more than one class “public” in a file, the compiler will give an error. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 77. Pass by value 77  Pass-by-value  The actual parameter (or argument expression) is fully evaluated and the resulting value is copied into a location being used to hold the formal parameter's value during method/function execution.  That location is typically a chunk of memory on the runtime stack for the application (which is how Java handles it), but other languages could choose parameter storage differently.  Pass-by-reference  The formal parameter merely acts as an alias for the actual parameter. Anytime the method/function uses the formal parameter (for reading or writing), it is actually using the actual parameter.  Java is strictly pass-by-value, RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 78. Pass by value 78  In Java, Objects are passed by reference, and primitives are passed by value.  This is half incorrect. Everyone can easily agree that primitives are passed by value; there's no such thing in Java as a pointer/reference to a primitive.  However, Objects are not passed by reference. A correct statement would be Object references are passed by value. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 79. this keyword 79  Sometimes a method will need to refer to the object that invoked it.  To allow this, Java defines the this keyword.  this can be used inside any method to refer to the current object.  That is, this is always a reference to the object on which the method was invoked. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 80. this keyword 80  'this' is used for pointing the current class instance.  It can be used with variables or methods. Look into the following example: class Test { private int i=10; public void m() { System.out.println(this.i); } } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 81. this keyword 81  this keyword is useful when we use same name for parameter and instance variable  In the above code this is used for the current instance.  Since this is instance of a class it cannot be used inside a static method. RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 82. this : Example 82 class Cat { int height weight; public accept( int height, int weight) { this.height = height; this.weight =weight; } } RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 83. Static variable & Static Method 83  Like instance variable, static variable is declare inside a class but outside any method.  Keyword static is used while declaring static variable.  Syntax static int count; static int max(int x, int y); Static variable Static method RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 84. Static variable & Static Method 84  The static variable & static method belong to class rather than object these variables is also called as class variable and class method.  Static variable is defined when we have a variable common to all instance of class.  These member are accessed with class name. Syntax: classname.staticVariableName; classname.staticMethodName(); RAJESHREE KHANDE
  • 85. Static variable & Static Method 85 Class MathOp { static float mul(float x, float y) { return x*y; } static float divide(float x, float y) { return x/y; } } Class MathApp { public static void main(String args[]) { float a= MathOp.mul(4.0,5.0); float b= MathOp.divide(a,2.0); System.out.println( “a = ” + a); System.out.println( “b = ” + b); } } RAJESHREE KHANDE