SlideShare a Scribd company logo
1 of 113
@echo off
g++ -c String.cpp
g++ -c Tokens.cpp
g++ -c ReadFile.cpp
g++ -c WriteFile.cpp
g++ -c Keyboard.cpp
g++ -c Random.cpp
g++ -c Matrix.cpp
g++ -c Poly.cpp
g++ -c CD.cpp
g++ -c Song.cpp
g++ -c Integer.cpp
g++ -c Double.cpp
g++ -c HighPerformanceCounter.cpp
g++ -c Permutation.cpp
ar -r libCSC2110.a *.o
#include "CD.h"
#include "ListArrayIterator.h"
#include "ReadFile.h"
#include "Tokens.h"
using namespace CSC2110;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char CD::getRadixChar(CD* cd, int index) //1-based
String* title = cd->getKey();
int title_len = title->length();
if (index <= title_len)
return title->charAt(index - 1);
return 32; //ascii for a space
int CD::compare_items(CD* one, CD* two)
String* title_1 = one->getKey();
String* title_2 = two->getKey();
int title_compare = title_1->compare(title_2); //asc
return title_compare;
int CD::compare_keys(String* sk, CD* cd)
String* title_1 = sk;
String* title_2 = cd->getKey();
int title_compare = title_1->compare(title_2); //asc
return title_compare;
CD::CD(String* artist, String* title, int year, int rating, int
this->artist = artist;
this->title = title;
this->year = year;
this->rating = rating;
this->num_tracks = num_tracks;
songs = new ListArray<Song>();
ListArrayIterator<Song>* iter = songs->iterator();
Song* song = iter->next();
delete song;
delete iter;
delete songs;
songs = NULL;
delete artist;
delete title;
String* CD::getKey()
return title;
void CD::addSong(String* title, String* length)
int track_count = songs->size();
if (track_count < num_tracks)
Song* song = new Song(title, length);
void CD::displayCD()
cout << "Artist: ";
cout << endl;
cout << "Title: ";
cout << endl;
cout << "Year: " << year << endl;
cout << "Rating: " << rating << endl;
ListArrayIterator<Song>* iter = songs->iterator();
int count = 1;
Song* song = iter->next();
cout << count << " ";
delete iter;
cout << endl;
ListArray<CD>* CD::readCDs(const char* file_name)
ReadFile* rf = new ReadFile(file_name);
ListArray<CD>* cds = new ListArray<CD>();
String* artist = rf->readLine();
String* title = rf->readLine();
String* year_str = rf->readLine();
int year = year_str->a_to_i();
delete year_str;
String* rating_str = rf->readLine();
int rating = rating_str->a_to_i();
delete rating_str;
String* tracks_str = rf->readLine();
int num_tracks = tracks_str->a_to_i();
delete tracks_str;
CD* cd = new CD(artist, title, year, rating, num_tracks);
int track_count = 0;
while(track_count < num_tracks)
String* tok = rf->readLine();
Tokens* tokens = new Tokens(tok, ',');
delete tok;
String* song_length = tokens->getToken(0);
String* song_title = tokens->getToken(1);
cd->addSong(song_title, song_length);
delete tokens;
artist = rf->readLine();
delete rf;
return cds;
#if !defined CD_H
#define CD_H
#include "Song.h"
#include "Text.h"
using CSC2110::String;
#include "ListArray.h"
using CSC2110::ListArray;
namespace CSC2110
class CD
String* artist;
String* title;
int year;
int rating;
int num_tracks;
ListArray<Song>* songs;
CD(String* artist, String* title, int year, int rating, int
virtual ~CD();
String* getKey();
void addSong(String* title, String* length);
void displayCD();
static ListArray<CD>* readCDs(const char* file_name);
static int compare_items(CD* one, CD* two);
static int compare_keys(String* sk, CD* cd);
static char getRadixChar(CD* cd, int index); //1-based
#include "Double.h"
using CSC2110::Double;
Double::Double(double val)
value = val;
double Double::getValue()
return value;
#if !defined (DOUBLE_H)
#define DOUBLE_H
namespace CSC2110
class Double
double value;
Double(double val);
double getValue();
#include "HighPerformanceCounter.h"
using CSC2110::HighPerformanceCounter;
#include <cstdlib>
#include <windows.h>
HighPerformanceCounter* HighPerformanceCounter::hpc = new
LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond;
int tps = ticksPerSecond.QuadPart;
double spt = 1.0/tps; //seconds per tick
micro_spt = spt/1.0E-6; //microseconds per tick
return hpc;
int HighPerformanceCounter::getCurrentTimeInTicks()
LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond;
return tick.QuadPart;
t start_time, int end_time)
int diff = end_time - start_time; //total number of ticks
double micro = diff * micro_spt; //corresponding time in
return micro;
namespace CSC2110
class HighPerformanceCounter
double micro_spt; //micro_seconds per tick
static HighPerformanceCounter* hpc;
static int getTicksPerSecond();
virtual ~HighPerformanceCounter();
static HighPerformanceCounter*
int getCurrentTimeInTicks();
double getTimeDifferenceInMicroSeconds(int start_time,
int end_time);
#include "Integer.h"
using CSC2110::Integer;
Integer::Integer(int val)
value = val;
int Integer::getValue()
return value;
#if !defined (INTEGER_H)
#define INTEGER_H
namespace CSC2110
class Integer
int value;
Integer(int val);
virtual ~Integer();
int getValue();
#include "Keyboard.h"
using CSC2110::Keyboard;
#include <iostream>
Keyboard* Keyboard::getKeyboard()
static Keyboard keyboard; //initialized when method is called
the first time
return &keyboard; //won't go out of scope as keyboard is
int Keyboard::readInt(string prompt)
cout << prompt;
int val = 0;
cin >> val;
return val;
int Keyboard::getValidatedInt(string prompt, int min, int max)
int validated = readInt(prompt);
cout << validated << endl;
while(validated < min || validated > max)
validated = readInt(prompt);
cout << validated << endl;
return validated;
double Keyboard::readDouble(string prompt)
cout << prompt;
double val = 0;
cin >> val;
return val;
double Keyboard::getValidatedDouble(string prompt, double
min, double max)
double validated = readDouble(prompt);
cout << validated << endl;
while(validated < min || validated > max)
validated = readDouble(prompt);
cout << validated << endl;
return validated;
String* Keyboard::readString(string prompt)
cout << prompt;
string text;
getline(cin, text);
String* str = new String(text.c_str());
return str;
#if !defined KEYBOARD_H
#define KEYBOARD_H
#include "Text.h"
using CSC2110::String;
#include <string>
using namespace std;
namespace CSC2110
class Keyboard
virtual ~Keyboard();
static Keyboard* getKeyboard();
//pre: the string (character literal) that will prompt the user for
//post: the input read from the keyboard interpreted as an int is
int readInt(string prompt);
int getValidatedInt(string prompt, int min, int max);
//pre: the string that will prompt the user for input
//post: the input read from the keyboard interpreted as a double
is returned
double readDouble(string prompt);
double getValidatedDouble(string prompt, double min, double
//pre: the string that will prompt the user for input
// the string to store the user input and the length of the input
storage string
//post: the text read from the keyboard is copied into the storage
String* readString(string prompt);
#if !defined (LISTARRAY_H)
#include "ListArrayIterator.h"
namespace CSC2110
template < class T >
class ListArray
int max_size;
T** items;
int sz;
void arrayResize(int new_max_size);
bool isEmpty();
int size();
void removeAll();
T* get(int index);
void add(int index, T* item);
void add(T* item);
void remove(int index);
void set(int index, T* item);
ListArrayIterator<T>* iterator();
T** toArray();
template < class T >
max_size = 10;
items = new T*[max_size];
sz = 0;
template < class T >
delete[] items; //the items themselves are not deleted
template < class T >
bool ListArray<T>::isEmpty()
return (sz == 0);
template < class T >
int ListArray<T>::size()
return sz;
template < class T > //1-based
T* ListArray<T>::get(int index)
T* item = NULL;
if (index >= 1 && index <= sz)
item = items[index - 1];
return item;
template < class T >
void ListArray<T>::add(T* item)
add(sz + 1, item); //add the item to the end of the array list
template < class T >
void ListArray<T>::add(int index, T* item)
if (index < 1 || index > sz + 1)
//need more room in the array list
if (sz == max_size)
for (int i = sz; i >= index; i--)
items[i] = items[i - 1];
items[index - 1] = item;
template < class T >
void ListArray<T>::remove(int index)
if (index < 1 || index > sz)
for (int i = index; i < sz; i++)
items[i - 1] = items[i];
items[sz - 1] = NULL;
if (sz < max_size/2 - 1) //halve the size of the array, smallest
size of max_size should be 2
template < class T >
ListArrayIterator<T>* ListArray<T>::iterator()
ListArrayIterator<T>* iter = new ListArrayIterator<T>(items,
return iter;
template < class T >
void ListArray<T>::set(int index, T* item)
//could use other methods already written, but this is more
if (index >= 1 && index <= sz)
items[index - 1] = item; //overwrite contents at that
template < class T >
void ListArray<T>::arrayResize(int new_max_size)
max_size = new_max_size;
T** temp = new T*[max_size];
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
temp[i] = items[i];
delete[] items;
items = temp;
template < class T >
void ListArray<T>::removeAll()
delete[] items;
max_size = 10;
items = new T*[max_size];
sz = 0;
template < class T >
T** ListArray<T>::toArray()
int num_items = size();
T** to_array = new T*[num_items];
for (int i = 0; i < num_items; i++)
to_array[i] = items[i];
return to_array;
#if !defined (NULL)
#define NULL 0
namespace CSC2110
template < class T >
class ListArrayIterator
int index;
int sz;
T** items;
ListArrayIterator(T** items, int size);
bool hasNext();
T* next();
template < class T >
ListArrayIterator<T>::ListArrayIterator(T** itms, int size)
items = new T*[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
items[i] = itms[i]; //snapshot of the data
index = 1;
sz = size;
template < class T >
delete[] items;
template < class T >
bool ListArrayIterator<T>::hasNext()
return (index <= sz);
template < class T >
T* ListArrayIterator<T>::next()
T* item = NULL;
if (hasNext())
item = items[index - 1];
return item;
#include "Matrix.h"
using CSC2110::Matrix;
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int Matrix::getNumRows()
return rows;
int Matrix::getNumCols()
return cols;
//the indices are 1-based!!
Matrix::Matrix(int r, int c)
rows = r;
cols = c;
if (r < 1)
rows = 1;
if (c < 1)
cols = 1;
int num_elements = rows*cols;
mat = new double[rows*cols];
//initialize the matrix to contain all zeroes (might not be
square in general)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++)
mat[count] = 0.0;
delete[] mat;
void Matrix::setElement(int row, int col, double val)
int index = (row - 1) * cols + col - 1;
mat[index] = val;
double Matrix::getElement(int row, int col)
int index = (row - 1) * cols + col - 1;
return mat[index];
void Matrix::displayMatrix()
for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++)
cout << this->getElement(i, j) << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
Matrix* Matrix::add(Matrix* other)
int rows1 = rows;
int cols1 = cols;
int rows2 = other->rows; //getNumRows()
int cols2 = other->cols; //getNumCols()
if (cols1 != rows1 || cols2 != rows2)
cout << "Cannot add matrices." << endl;
return NULL;
Matrix* result = new Matrix(rows1, cols1);
int rows = rows1;
int cols = cols1;
//loop over all elements of resulting matrix
for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++)
double x = this->getElement(i, j) + other->getElement(i,
result->setElement(i, j, x);
return result;
Matrix* Matrix::multiply(Matrix* other)
int rows1 = rows;
int cols1 = cols;
int rows2 = other->rows;
int cols2 = other->cols;
if (cols1 != rows2)
cout << "Cannot multiply matrices." << endl;
return NULL;
Matrix* result = new Matrix(rows1, cols2);
int rows = rows1;
int cols = cols2;
double x;
//loop over all elements of resulting matrix
for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++)
x = 0;
//sum up multiplying matrices to obtain value placed in
new matrix
for (int k = 1; k <= cols1; k++)
x = x + this->getElement(i, k) * other->getElement(k,
result->setElement(i, j, x);
return result;
//assumes a specific format for the file
Matrix* Matrix::readMatrix(const char* file_name)
ifstream matrix_file;;
int rows = 1;
int cols = 1;
matrix_file >> rows >> cols;
if (rows < 1)
rows = 1;
if (cols < 1)
cols = 1;
Matrix* matrix = new Matrix(rows, cols);
for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++)
double val = 0.0;
matrix_file >> val;
matrix->setElement(i, j, val);
return matrix;
//assumes a specific format for the file
void Matrix::writeMatrix(const char* file_name)
ofstream matrix_file;;
matrix_file << rows << " " << cols << endl;
for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++)
matrix_file << this->getElement(i, j) << " ";
matrix_file << endl;
#if !defined MATRIX_H
#define MATRIX_H
//the indices are 1-based!!
namespace CSC2110
class Matrix
int rows;
int cols;
double* mat;
Matrix(int rows, int cols); //constructor
~Matrix(); //destructor
void displayMatrix();
int getNumRows();
int getNumCols();
double getElement(int row, int col);
void setElement(int row, int col, double val);
Matrix* add(Matrix* other);
Matrix* multiply(Matrix* other);
static Matrix* readMatrix(const char* file_name); //discuss
void writeMatrix(const char* file_name);
#include "Permutation.h"
using CSC2110::Permutation;
#include "ListArrayIterator.h"
using CSC2110::ListArrayIterator;
Permutation::Permutation(int q, int n)
random = Random::getRandom();
r = q;
numbers = new ListArray<Integer>();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
Integer* num = new Integer(i);
ListArrayIterator<Integer>* iter = numbers->iterator();
Integer* i = iter->next();
delete i;
delete iter;
delete numbers;
int Permutation::next()
if (r == 0) return -1;
int rand = random->getRandomInt(1, numbers->size());
Integer* num = numbers->get(rand);
int value = num->getValue();
delete num;
return value;
#if !defined (PERMUTATION_H)
#include "ListArray.h"
using CSC2110::ListArray;
#include "Integer.h"
using CSC2110::Integer;
#include "Random.h"
using CSC2110::Random;
namespace CSC2110
class Permutation
int r;
ListArray<Integer>* numbers;
Random* random;
Permutation(int r, int n);
virtual ~Permutation();
int next();
#include "Poly.h"
#include "ReadFile.h"
#include "WriteFile.h"
#include "ListArray.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace CSC2110;
Poly::Poly(int m_p)
max_power = 3;
if (m_p >= 0)
max_power = m_p;
coeffs = new double[max_power + 1]; //array of doubles
for (int i = 0; i <= max_power; i++)
coeffs[i] = 0.0;
degree = 0;
max_power = max_power;
delete[] coeffs;
int Poly::getDegree()
return degree;
double Poly::getCoeff(int power)
if (power > max_power || power < 0) return 0;
return coeffs[power];
void Poly::setCoeff(int power, double cf)
if (power > max_power || power < 0) return;
coeffs[power] = cf;
if (power >= degree)
degree = power;
double Poly::evaluate(double x)
double result = getCoeff(degree);
for (int i = degree - 1; i >= 0; i--)
result = result * x;
result = result + getCoeff(i);
return result;
Poly* Poly::multiply(Poly* other)
double TOL = .00001;
int n = getDegree();
int m = other->getDegree();
Poly* temp = new Poly(n + m);
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) //loop over coeffs
for (int j = 0; j <= m; j++) //loop over second coeffs
double coeff_i = getCoeff(i);
double coeff_j = other->getCoeff(j);
if (fabs(coeff_i) > TOL && fabs(coeff_j) > TOL)
int power = i + j;
double coeff = temp->getCoeff(power);
temp->setCoeff(power, coeff + (coeff_i * coeff_j));
return temp;
void Poly::displayPoly()
double TOL = .00001;
int degree = getDegree();
cout << getCoeff(degree) << "x^" << degree;
for (int i = degree - 1; i >= 0; i--)
double coeff = getCoeff(i);
if (fabs(coeff) > TOL)
cout << " + " << coeff << "x^" << i << " ";
cout << endl;
//assumes a specific format for the file
//why is this method static in the header file?
Poly* Poly::readPoly(const char* file_name)
ReadFile* rf = new ReadFile(file_name); //for reading
String* degree_str = rf->readLine();
int degree = degree_str->a_to_i();
delete degree_str;
Poly* poly = new Poly(degree);
for (int i = 0; i <= degree; i++)
String* coeff_str = rf->readLine();
float coeff = coeff_str->a_to_f();
delete coeff_str;
poly->setCoeff(i, (double) coeff);
delete rf;
return poly;
//assumes a specific format for the file
void Poly::writePoly(const char* file_name)
WriteFile wf(file_name); //for writing
String* degree_str = String::f_to_a(degree);
delete degree_str;
for (int i = 0; i <= degree; i++)
float coeff = (float) getCoeff(i);
String* coeff_str = String::f_to_a(coeff);
delete coeff_str;
#if !defined (POLY)
#define POLY
namespace CSC2110
class Poly
int max_power;
int degree;
double* coeffs;
Poly(int max_power);
int getDegree();
double getCoeff(int power);
void setCoeff(int power, double coeff);
double evaluate(double x);
Poly* multiply(Poly* other);
static Poly* multiply(Poly* one, Poly* two);
void displayPoly();
static Poly* readPoly(const char* file_name);
void writePoly(const char* file_name);
#include "Random.h"
using CSC2110::Random;
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
Random* Random::getRandom()
static Random random; //initialized when method is called
the first time
return &random;
void Random::randomInit()
srand (time(NULL));
//try to get a more random starting number
int Random::getRandomInt(int lower, int upper)
int diff = upper - lower + 1;
int random_num = rand()%diff;
random_num = random_num + lower; //gives a number
between lower and upper, inclusive
return random_num;
float Random::getRandomFloat(float lower, float upper)
float r_float_1 = (float) rand();
float r_float_2 = (float) RAND_MAX;
float random_normalized = r_float_1/r_float_2; //between 0.0
and 1.0
float random_float = lower + random_normalized*(upper -
return random_float;
#if !defined RANDOM_H
#define RANDOM_H
namespace CSC2110
class Random
void randomInit();
virtual ~Random();
static Random* getRandom();
int getRandomInt(int lower, int upper);
float getRandomFloat(float lower, float upper);
#include "ReadFile.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
ReadFile::ReadFile(const char* file_name)
input_file = new std::ifstream();
closed = false;
_eof = false;
delete input_file;
bool ReadFile::eof()
return _eof;
void ReadFile::close()
if (!closed)
closed = true;
String* ReadFile::readLine()
if (closed) return NULL;
if (_eof) return NULL;
std::string text;
_eof = !(getline(*input_file, text));
String* str = new String((const char*) text.c_str());
return str;
#if !defined READ_FILE_H
#define READ_FILE_H
#include "Text.h"
using CSC2110::String;
#include <fstream>
class ReadFile
std::ifstream* input_file;
bool _eof;
bool closed;
ReadFile(const char* file_name);
String* readLine();
bool eof();
void close();
#include "Song.h"
using CSC2110::Song;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Song::Song(String* title, String* length)
this->title = title;
this->length = length;
delete title;
delete length;
void Song::displaySong()
cout << " ";
cout << endl;
#if !defined SONG_H
#define SONG_H
#include "Text.h"
using CSC2110::String;
namespace CSC2110
class Song
String* title;
String* length;
Song(String* title, String* length);
virtual ~Song();
void displaySong();
#include "Text.h"
using CSC2110::String;
#include <stdlib.h> //needed for atoi and atof
#include <cstring> //needed for strlen and strcmp
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
String::String(const char* char_array)
sz = strlen(char_array);
char* text = new char[sz+1];
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
text[i] = char_array[i];
text[sz] = 0; //null terminator
this->text = text;
delete[] text;
char String::charAt(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= sz) return -1;
return text[index];
const char* String::getText()
return text;
int String::length()
return sz;
int String::compare(String* other)
return strcmp(text, other->text);
void String::displayString()
cout << text;
int String::find(char delimiter, int start)
if (start >= sz || start < 0) return -1;
int loc = sz;
for (int i = start; i < sz; i++)
if (text[i] == delimiter)
loc = i;
return loc; //delimiter not found
//the substring will use the characters from start to end inclusive
String* String::substr(int start, int end)
if (start > end || start < 0) return NULL;
if (start > sz || end > sz) return NULL;
int sub_len = end - start + 1;
char* sub_text = new char[sub_len + 1];
int count = 0;
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
sub_text[count] = text[i];
sub_text[count] = 0;
String* sub = new String((const char*) sub_text);
return sub;
int String::a_to_i()
return atoi(text);
float String::a_to_f()
return atof(text);
String* String::i_to_a(int number)
stringstream out;
out << number;
const char* text = out.str().c_str();
return new String(text);
String* String::f_to_a(float number)
stringstream out;
out << number;
const char* text = out.str().c_str();
return new String(text);
#if !defined STRING_H
#define STRING_H
namespace CSC2110
class String
const char* text;
int sz; //length of string not including null terminator
String(const char* char_array);
virtual ~String();
void displayString();
int length();
const char* getText();
//add this member function
char charAt(int index);
int a_to_i();
float a_to_f();
static String* i_to_a(int number);
static String* f_to_a(float number);
//find the location of a particular character in a String and
return the index if found
// str is the String being examined for the character delimiter
(str must point to a valid String)
// delimiter is the character being searched for
// start is the index to start the search at (the first index of
the String is 0, start cannot exceed the length of the String)
// if the preconditions are met, the index of the first delimiter
encountered at or after the start index is returned
// if the delimiter is not present in the String at index start or
later, -1 is returned
// if the preconditions are not met, no guarantees on output
are made
int find(char delimiter, int start);
//creates a new String that is extracted from an existing String
with characters specified by the start and end indices
// str is the String from which the substring will be extracted
(str must point to a valid String)
// start and end are the indices used to create the substring
// start must be less than or equal to end, start must be >= 0,
end must be >= 0, end < the length of the String
// if the preconditions are met, the String extracted from the
parameter String
// that starts at index start and ends at index end is created
and returned
// the original string is unaffected
String* substr(int start, int end);
//need to document that this compare only has three possible
return values (-1, 0, 1)
int compare(String* other);
#include "Tokens.h"
#if !defined NULL
#define NULL 0
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace CSC2110;
Tokens::Tokens(String* str, char delimiter)
max_tokens = 1;
sz = 0;
tokens = new String*[max_tokens];
for (int i = 0; i < max_tokens; i++)
tokens[i] = NULL;
int str_len = str->length();
int current_loc = 0;
int count = 0;
while(current_loc < str_len)
int next_loc = str->find(delimiter, current_loc);
if (next_loc > 0) //a delimiter as the first character is a
String* token = str->substr(current_loc, next_loc - 1);
current_loc = next_loc + 1;
delete[] tokens;
int Tokens::getNumTokens()
return sz;
void Tokens::displayTokens()
int num_tokens = sz;
String** strings = tokens;
for (int i = 0; i < num_tokens; i++)
String* str = strings[i];
cout << endl;
void Tokens::resize()
String** resize_strings = new String*[2*max_tokens];
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
resize_strings[i] = tokens[i];
for (int i = sz; i < 2*sz; i++)
resize_strings[i] = NULL;
delete[] tokens;
tokens = resize_strings;
max_tokens = 2*max_tokens;
void Tokens::addToken(String* str)
if (sz == max_tokens)
tokens[sz] = str;
String* Tokens::getToken(int index)
if (index < 0 && index >= sz) return NULL;
return tokens[index];
#if !defined TOKENS_H
#define TOKENS_H
#include "Text.h"
using CSC2110::String;
namespace CSC2110
class Tokens
String** tokens;
int max_tokens;
int sz;
void addToken(String* str); //requires a resizing check
void resize();
Tokens(String* str, char delimiter);
~Tokens(); //Tokens is not responsible for deleting each
void displayTokens();
String* getToken(int index); //returns a specifically
requested token
int getNumTokens();
#include "WriteFile.h"
#include <sstream>
WriteFile::WriteFile(const char* file_name)
output_file = new ofstream();
closed = false;
delete output_file;
void WriteFile::close()
if (!closed)
closed = true;
void WriteFile::writeLine(String* line)
if (!closed && line->length() > 0)
*output_file << line->getText() << endl;
#if !defined WRITE_FILE
#define WRITE_FILE
#include "Text.h"
using CSC2110::String;
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class WriteFile
ofstream* output_file;
bool closed;
WriteFile(const char* file_name);
void writeLine(CSC2110::String* line);
void close();
#include "Password.h"
using CSC2110::ListArrayIterator;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int Password::bestGuess()
int best_guess_index = -1;
int best_num_eliminated = -1;
int num_viable_passwords = getNumberOfPasswordsLeft();
//loop over ALL words, even if they have been eliminated as
the password
int count = 1;
ListArrayIterator<String>* all_iter = all_words->iterator();
String* original_word = all_iter->next();
//loop over only those words that could still be the password
//count up the number of matches between a possible
password and a word in the original list
int* count_num_matches = new int[len + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
count_num_matches[i] = 0;
ListArrayIterator<String>* viable_iter = viable_words-
String* viable_word = viable_iter->next();
int num_matches = getNumMatches(viable_word,
delete viable_iter;
//find the largest number in the count_num_matches array
//the largest number indicates the guess that will generate
the most eliminations
int most_num_matches = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
int curr_num_matches = count_num_matches[j];
if (curr_num_matches > most_num_matches)
most_num_matches = curr_num_matches;
//compute the fewest that can possibly be eliminated by
guessing the current word (original list)
int num_eliminated = num_viable_passwords -
//select the word to guess that maximizes the minimum
number of eliminations (minimax)
if (num_eliminated > best_num_eliminated)
best_num_eliminated = num_eliminated;
best_guess_index = count;
delete[] count_num_matches;
delete all_iter;
return best_guess_index; //return a 1-based index into the
all_words list of words (careful)
#if !defined PASSWORD_H
#define PASSWORD_H
//complete the includes
class Password
ListArray<String>* viable_words; //the list of words that
can still be the password
ListArray<String>* all_words; //the original list of words
int len; //the length of the first word entered is stored to
check that all subsequent words have the same length
//a private helper method to report the number of character
matches between two Strings
int getNumMatches(String* curr_word, String*
#include "Password.h"
//fill in includes, don't forget namespaces
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void addWords(Password* fh)
Keyboard* kb = Keyboard::getKeyboard();
String* file_str = kb->readString("Enter the file name
containing the possible passwords: ");
ReadFile* rf = new ReadFile(file_str->getText());
delete file_str;
String* num_words_str = rf->readLine();
int num_words = num_words_str->a_to_i();
delete num_words_str;
for (int i = 0; i < num_words; i++)
String* word = rf->readLine();
delete rf;
void guessWords(Password* fh)
Keyboard* kb = Keyboard::getKeyboard();
int numLeft = fh->getNumberOfPasswordsLeft();
while (numLeft > 1) //terminate if the password has been
identified, or there is no valid password (user entry error)
int best_guess_index = fh->bestGuess();
String* best_guess_word = fh-
cout << "You should guess "";
cout << "" at index " << best_guess_index;
cout << endl << endl;
String* guess_str = kb->readString("Index of word in the
original word list to guess (1-based): ");
int guess = guess_str->a_to_i();
delete guess_str;
String* match_str = kb->readString("Number of character
matches: ");
int match = match_str->a_to_i();
delete match_str;
cout << endl;
fh->guess(guess, match); //1-based index of the guessed
word and the number of character matches
numLeft = fh->getNumberOfPasswordsLeft();
int main()
Password* fallout = new Password();
delete fallout;

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lab03build.bat@echo offclsset DRIVE_LETTER=1set.docx

  • 1. lab03/build.bat @echo off cls set DRIVE_LETTER=%1: set PATH=%DRIVE_LETTER%MinGWbin;%DRIVE_LETTER% MinGWmsys1.0bin;c:Windows;c:Windowssystem32 g++ -c String.cpp g++ -c Tokens.cpp g++ -c ReadFile.cpp g++ -c WriteFile.cpp g++ -c Keyboard.cpp g++ -c Random.cpp g++ -c Matrix.cpp g++ -c Poly.cpp g++ -c CD.cpp
  • 2. g++ -c Song.cpp g++ -c Integer.cpp g++ -c Double.cpp g++ -c HighPerformanceCounter.cpp g++ -c Permutation.cpp ar -r libCSC2110.a *.o lab03/fallout.txt 20 observation worshipping description
  • 4. lab03/ CD.cpp #include "CD.h" #include "ListArrayIterator.h" #include "ReadFile.h" #include "Tokens.h" using namespace CSC2110; #include <iostream> using namespace std; char CD::getRadixChar(CD* cd, int index) //1-based { String* title = cd->getKey(); int title_len = title->length(); if (index <= title_len) {
  • 5. return title->charAt(index - 1); } else { return 32; //ascii for a space } } int CD::compare_items(CD* one, CD* two) { String* title_1 = one->getKey(); String* title_2 = two->getKey(); int title_compare = title_1->compare(title_2); //asc return title_compare; } int CD::compare_keys(String* sk, CD* cd) {
  • 6. String* title_1 = sk; String* title_2 = cd->getKey(); int title_compare = title_1->compare(title_2); //asc return title_compare; } CD::CD(String* artist, String* title, int year, int rating, int num_tracks) { this->artist = artist; this->title = title; this->year = year; this->rating = rating; this->num_tracks = num_tracks; songs = new ListArray<Song>(); } CD::~CD()
  • 7. { ListArrayIterator<Song>* iter = songs->iterator(); while(iter->hasNext()) { Song* song = iter->next(); delete song; } delete iter; delete songs; songs = NULL; delete artist; delete title; } String* CD::getKey() {
  • 8. return title; } void CD::addSong(String* title, String* length) { int track_count = songs->size(); if (track_count < num_tracks) { Song* song = new Song(title, length); songs->add(song); } } void CD::displayCD() { cout << "Artist: "; artist->displayString(); cout << endl;
  • 9. cout << "Title: "; title->displayString(); cout << endl; cout << "Year: " << year << endl; cout << "Rating: " << rating << endl; ListArrayIterator<Song>* iter = songs->iterator(); int count = 1; while(iter->hasNext()) { Song* song = iter->next(); cout << count << " "; song->displaySong(); count++; } delete iter; cout << endl;
  • 10. } ListArray<CD>* CD::readCDs(const char* file_name) { ReadFile* rf = new ReadFile(file_name); ListArray<CD>* cds = new ListArray<CD>(); String* artist = rf->readLine(); while(!rf->eof()) { String* title = rf->readLine(); String* year_str = rf->readLine(); int year = year_str->a_to_i(); delete year_str; String* rating_str = rf->readLine(); int rating = rating_str->a_to_i();
  • 11. delete rating_str; String* tracks_str = rf->readLine(); int num_tracks = tracks_str->a_to_i(); delete tracks_str; CD* cd = new CD(artist, title, year, rating, num_tracks); cds->add(cd); int track_count = 0; while(track_count < num_tracks) { String* tok = rf->readLine(); Tokens* tokens = new Tokens(tok, ','); delete tok; String* song_length = tokens->getToken(0); String* song_title = tokens->getToken(1);
  • 12. cd->addSong(song_title, song_length); track_count++; delete tokens; } artist = rf->readLine(); } rf->close(); delete rf; return cds; } CD.h #if !defined CD_H
  • 13. #define CD_H #include "Song.h" #include "Text.h" using CSC2110::String; #include "ListArray.h" using CSC2110::ListArray; namespace CSC2110 { class CD { private: String* artist; String* title; int year; int rating;
  • 14. int num_tracks; ListArray<Song>* songs; public: CD(String* artist, String* title, int year, int rating, int num_tracks); virtual ~CD(); String* getKey(); void addSong(String* title, String* length); void displayCD(); static ListArray<CD>* readCDs(const char* file_name); static int compare_items(CD* one, CD* two); static int compare_keys(String* sk, CD* cd); static char getRadixChar(CD* cd, int index); //1-based };
  • 15. } #endif Double.cpp #include "Double.h" using CSC2110::Double; Double::Double(double val) { value = val; } Double::~Double() { } double Double::getValue()
  • 16. { return value; } Double.h #if !defined (DOUBLE_H) #define DOUBLE_H namespace CSC2110 { class Double { private: double value; public: Double(double val); ~Double(); double getValue();
  • 17. }; } #endif HighPerformanceCounter.cpp #include "HighPerformanceCounter.h" using CSC2110::HighPerformanceCounter; #include <cstdlib> #include <windows.h> HighPerformanceCounter* HighPerformanceCounter::hpc = new HighPerformanceCounter(); HighPerformanceCounter::HighPerformanceCounter() { LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&ticksPerSecond);
  • 18. int tps = ticksPerSecond.QuadPart; double spt = 1.0/tps; //seconds per tick micro_spt = spt/1.0E-6; //microseconds per tick } HighPerformanceCounter::~HighPerformanceCounter() {} HighPerformanceCounter* HighPerformanceCounter::getHighPerformanceCounter() { return hpc; } int HighPerformanceCounter::getCurrentTimeInTicks() { LARGE_INTEGER tick; LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond;
  • 19. QueryPerformanceCounter(&tick); return tick.QuadPart; } double HighPerformanceCounter::getTimeDifferenceInMicroSeconds(in t start_time, int end_time) { int diff = end_time - start_time; //total number of ticks double micro = diff * micro_spt; //corresponding time in microseconds return micro; } HighPerformanceCounter.h #if !defined (HIGHPERFORMANCECOUNTER_H) #define HIGHPERFORMANCECOUNTER_H namespace CSC2110
  • 20. { class HighPerformanceCounter { private: double micro_spt; //micro_seconds per tick HighPerformanceCounter(); static HighPerformanceCounter* hpc; static int getTicksPerSecond(); public: virtual ~HighPerformanceCounter(); static HighPerformanceCounter* getHighPerformanceCounter(); int getCurrentTimeInTicks(); double getTimeDifferenceInMicroSeconds(int start_time, int end_time); };
  • 21. } #endif Integer.cpp #include "Integer.h" using CSC2110::Integer; Integer::Integer(int val) { value = val; } Integer::~Integer() { } int Integer::getValue() {
  • 22. return value; } Integer.h #if !defined (INTEGER_H) #define INTEGER_H namespace CSC2110 { class Integer { private: int value; public: Integer(int val); virtual ~Integer();
  • 23. int getValue(); }; } #endif Keyboard.cpp #include "Keyboard.h" using CSC2110::Keyboard; #include <iostream> Keyboard::Keyboard() { } Keyboard::~Keyboard() { }
  • 24. Keyboard* Keyboard::getKeyboard() { static Keyboard keyboard; //initialized when method is called the first time return &keyboard; //won't go out of scope as keyboard is static } int Keyboard::readInt(string prompt) { cout << prompt; int val = 0; cin >> val; return val; } int Keyboard::getValidatedInt(string prompt, int min, int max) {
  • 25. int validated = readInt(prompt); cout << validated << endl; while(validated < min || validated > max) { validated = readInt(prompt); cout << validated << endl; } return validated; } double Keyboard::readDouble(string prompt) { cout << prompt; double val = 0; cin >> val; return val;
  • 26. } double Keyboard::getValidatedDouble(string prompt, double min, double max) { double validated = readDouble(prompt); cout << validated << endl; while(validated < min || validated > max) { validated = readDouble(prompt); cout << validated << endl; } return validated; } String* Keyboard::readString(string prompt)
  • 27. { cout << prompt; string text; getline(cin, text); String* str = new String(text.c_str()); return str; } Keyboard.h #if !defined KEYBOARD_H #define KEYBOARD_H #include "Text.h" using CSC2110::String; #include <string> using namespace std; namespace CSC2110
  • 28. { class Keyboard { private: Keyboard(); public: virtual ~Keyboard(); static Keyboard* getKeyboard(); //pre: the string (character literal) that will prompt the user for input //post: the input read from the keyboard interpreted as an int is returned int readInt(string prompt); int getValidatedInt(string prompt, int min, int max); //pre: the string that will prompt the user for input //post: the input read from the keyboard interpreted as a double
  • 29. is returned double readDouble(string prompt); double getValidatedDouble(string prompt, double min, double max); //pre: the string that will prompt the user for input // the string to store the user input and the length of the input storage string //post: the text read from the keyboard is copied into the storage string String* readString(string prompt); }; } #endif ListArray.h #if !defined (LISTARRAY_H) #define LISTARRAY_H
  • 30. #include "ListArrayIterator.h" namespace CSC2110 { template < class T > class ListArray { private: int max_size; T** items; int sz; void arrayResize(int new_max_size); public: ListArray(); ~ListArray();
  • 31. bool isEmpty(); int size(); void removeAll(); T* get(int index); void add(int index, T* item); void add(T* item); void remove(int index); void set(int index, T* item); ListArrayIterator<T>* iterator(); T** toArray(); }; template < class T > ListArray<T>::ListArray() { max_size = 10; items = new T*[max_size];
  • 32. sz = 0; } template < class T > ListArray<T>::~ListArray() { delete[] items; //the items themselves are not deleted } template < class T > bool ListArray<T>::isEmpty() { return (sz == 0); } template < class T > int ListArray<T>::size() {
  • 33. return sz; } template < class T > //1-based T* ListArray<T>::get(int index) { T* item = NULL; if (index >= 1 && index <= sz) { item = items[index - 1]; } return item; } template < class T > void ListArray<T>::add(T* item)
  • 34. { add(sz + 1, item); //add the item to the end of the array list } template < class T > void ListArray<T>::add(int index, T* item) { if (index < 1 || index > sz + 1) { return; } //need more room in the array list if (sz == max_size) { arrayResize(2*max_size); }
  • 35. for (int i = sz; i >= index; i--) { items[i] = items[i - 1]; } items[index - 1] = item; sz++; } template < class T > void ListArray<T>::remove(int index) { if (index < 1 || index > sz) { return; } for (int i = index; i < sz; i++)
  • 36. { items[i - 1] = items[i]; } items[sz - 1] = NULL; sz--; /* if (sz < max_size/2 - 1) //halve the size of the array, smallest size of max_size should be 2 { arrayResize(max_size/2); } */ } template < class T > ListArrayIterator<T>* ListArray<T>::iterator() {
  • 37. ListArrayIterator<T>* iter = new ListArrayIterator<T>(items, sz); return iter; } template < class T > void ListArray<T>::set(int index, T* item) { //could use other methods already written, but this is more efficient if (index >= 1 && index <= sz) { items[index - 1] = item; //overwrite contents at that location } } template < class T > void ListArray<T>::arrayResize(int new_max_size)
  • 38. { max_size = new_max_size; T** temp = new T*[max_size]; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { temp[i] = items[i]; } delete[] items; items = temp; } template < class T > void ListArray<T>::removeAll() { delete[] items;
  • 39. max_size = 10; items = new T*[max_size]; sz = 0; } template < class T > T** ListArray<T>::toArray() { int num_items = size(); T** to_array = new T*[num_items]; for (int i = 0; i < num_items; i++) { to_array[i] = items[i]; } return to_array; } }
  • 40. #endif ListArrayIterator.h #if !defined (NULL) #define NULL 0 #endif #if !defined (LISTARRAYITERATOR_H) #define LISTARRAYITERATOR_H namespace CSC2110 { template < class T > class ListArrayIterator { private: int index; int sz; T** items;
  • 41. public: ListArrayIterator(T** items, int size); ~ListArrayIterator(); bool hasNext(); T* next(); }; template < class T > ListArrayIterator<T>::ListArrayIterator(T** itms, int size) { items = new T*[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { items[i] = itms[i]; //snapshot of the data } index = 1;
  • 42. sz = size; } template < class T > ListArrayIterator<T>::~ListArrayIterator() { delete[] items; } template < class T > bool ListArrayIterator<T>::hasNext() { return (index <= sz); } template < class T > T* ListArrayIterator<T>::next() {
  • 43. T* item = NULL; if (hasNext()) { item = items[index - 1]; index++; } return item; } } #endif Matrix.cpp #include "Matrix.h" using CSC2110::Matrix;
  • 44. #include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int Matrix::getNumRows() { return rows; } int Matrix::getNumCols() { return cols; } //the indices are 1-based!! Matrix::Matrix(int r, int c) { rows = r;
  • 45. cols = c; if (r < 1) { rows = 1; } if (c < 1) { cols = 1; } int num_elements = rows*cols; mat = new double[rows*cols]; //initialize the matrix to contain all zeroes (might not be square in general) int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
  • 46. { for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++) { mat[count] = 0.0; count++; } } } Matrix::~Matrix() { delete[] mat; } void Matrix::setElement(int row, int col, double val) { int index = (row - 1) * cols + col - 1; mat[index] = val;
  • 47. } double Matrix::getElement(int row, int col) { int index = (row - 1) * cols + col - 1; return mat[index]; } void Matrix::displayMatrix() { for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++) { cout << this->getElement(i, j) << " "; } cout << endl; }
  • 48. cout << endl; } Matrix* Matrix::add(Matrix* other) { int rows1 = rows; int cols1 = cols; int rows2 = other->rows; //getNumRows() int cols2 = other->cols; //getNumCols() if (cols1 != rows1 || cols2 != rows2) { cout << "Cannot add matrices." << endl; return NULL; } Matrix* result = new Matrix(rows1, cols1);
  • 49. int rows = rows1; int cols = cols1; //loop over all elements of resulting matrix for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++) { double x = this->getElement(i, j) + other->getElement(i, j); result->setElement(i, j, x); } } return result; }
  • 50. Matrix* Matrix::multiply(Matrix* other) { int rows1 = rows; int cols1 = cols; int rows2 = other->rows; int cols2 = other->cols; if (cols1 != rows2) { cout << "Cannot multiply matrices." << endl; return NULL; } Matrix* result = new Matrix(rows1, cols2); int rows = rows1; int cols = cols2;
  • 51. double x; //loop over all elements of resulting matrix for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++) { x = 0; //sum up multiplying matrices to obtain value placed in new matrix for (int k = 1; k <= cols1; k++) { x = x + this->getElement(i, k) * other->getElement(k, j); } result->setElement(i, j, x); } }
  • 52. return result; } //assumes a specific format for the file Matrix* Matrix::readMatrix(const char* file_name) { ifstream matrix_file;; int rows = 1; int cols = 1; matrix_file >> rows >> cols; if (rows < 1) { rows = 1;
  • 53. } if (cols < 1) { cols = 1; } Matrix* matrix = new Matrix(rows, cols); for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++) { double val = 0.0; matrix_file >> val; matrix->setElement(i, j, val); } }
  • 54. matrix_file.close(); return matrix; } //assumes a specific format for the file void Matrix::writeMatrix(const char* file_name) { ofstream matrix_file;; matrix_file << rows << " " << cols << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= cols; j++) {
  • 55. matrix_file << this->getElement(i, j) << " "; } matrix_file << endl; } matrix_file.close(); } Matrix.h #if !defined MATRIX_H #define MATRIX_H //the indices are 1-based!! namespace CSC2110 { class Matrix { private: int rows;
  • 56. int cols; double* mat; public: Matrix(int rows, int cols); //constructor ~Matrix(); //destructor void displayMatrix(); int getNumRows(); int getNumCols(); double getElement(int row, int col); void setElement(int row, int col, double val); Matrix* add(Matrix* other); Matrix* multiply(Matrix* other);
  • 57. static Matrix* readMatrix(const char* file_name); //discuss static void writeMatrix(const char* file_name); }; } #endif Permutation.cpp #include "Permutation.h" using CSC2110::Permutation; #include "ListArrayIterator.h" using CSC2110::ListArrayIterator; Permutation::Permutation(int q, int n) { random = Random::getRandom(); r = q;
  • 58. numbers = new ListArray<Integer>(); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { Integer* num = new Integer(i); numbers->add(num); } } Permutation::~Permutation() { ListArrayIterator<Integer>* iter = numbers->iterator(); while(iter->hasNext()) { Integer* i = iter->next(); delete i; } delete iter; delete numbers;
  • 59. } int Permutation::next() { if (r == 0) return -1; int rand = random->getRandomInt(1, numbers->size()); Integer* num = numbers->get(rand); int value = num->getValue(); numbers->remove(rand); delete num; r--; return value; } Permutation.h #if !defined (PERMUTATION_H)
  • 60. #define PERMUTATION_H #include "ListArray.h" using CSC2110::ListArray; #include "Integer.h" using CSC2110::Integer; #include "Random.h" using CSC2110::Random; namespace CSC2110 { class Permutation { private: int r; ListArray<Integer>* numbers; Random* random;
  • 61. public: Permutation(int r, int n); virtual ~Permutation(); int next(); }; } #endif Poly.cpp #include "Poly.h" #include "ReadFile.h" #include "WriteFile.h" #include "ListArray.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std;
  • 62. using namespace CSC2110; Poly::Poly(int m_p) { max_power = 3; if (m_p >= 0) { max_power = m_p; } coeffs = new double[max_power + 1]; //array of doubles for (int i = 0; i <= max_power; i++) { coeffs[i] = 0.0; }
  • 63. degree = 0; max_power = max_power; } Poly::~Poly() { delete[] coeffs; } int Poly::getDegree() { return degree; } double Poly::getCoeff(int power) { if (power > max_power || power < 0) return 0;
  • 64. return coeffs[power]; } void Poly::setCoeff(int power, double cf) { if (power > max_power || power < 0) return; coeffs[power] = cf; if (power >= degree) { degree = power; } } double Poly::evaluate(double x) { double result = getCoeff(degree);
  • 65. for (int i = degree - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result = result * x; result = result + getCoeff(i); } return result; } Poly* Poly::multiply(Poly* other) { double TOL = .00001; int n = getDegree(); int m = other->getDegree(); Poly* temp = new Poly(n + m);
  • 66. for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) //loop over coeffs { for (int j = 0; j <= m; j++) //loop over second coeffs { double coeff_i = getCoeff(i); double coeff_j = other->getCoeff(j); if (fabs(coeff_i) > TOL && fabs(coeff_j) > TOL) { int power = i + j; double coeff = temp->getCoeff(power); temp->setCoeff(power, coeff + (coeff_i * coeff_j)); } } } return temp; }
  • 67. void Poly::displayPoly() { double TOL = .00001; int degree = getDegree(); cout << getCoeff(degree) << "x^" << degree; for (int i = degree - 1; i >= 0; i--) { double coeff = getCoeff(i); if (fabs(coeff) > TOL) { cout << " + " << coeff << "x^" << i << " "; } } cout << endl; }
  • 68. //assumes a specific format for the file //why is this method static in the header file? Poly* Poly::readPoly(const char* file_name) { ReadFile* rf = new ReadFile(file_name); //for reading String* degree_str = rf->readLine(); int degree = degree_str->a_to_i(); delete degree_str; Poly* poly = new Poly(degree); for (int i = 0; i <= degree; i++) { String* coeff_str = rf->readLine(); float coeff = coeff_str->a_to_f(); delete coeff_str; poly->setCoeff(i, (double) coeff);
  • 69. } delete rf; return poly; } //assumes a specific format for the file void Poly::writePoly(const char* file_name) { WriteFile wf(file_name); //for writing String* degree_str = String::f_to_a(degree); wf.writeLine(degree_str); delete degree_str; for (int i = 0; i <= degree; i++) { float coeff = (float) getCoeff(i);
  • 70. String* coeff_str = String::f_to_a(coeff); wf.writeLine(coeff_str); delete coeff_str; } } Poly.h #if !defined (POLY) #define POLY namespace CSC2110 { class Poly { private: int max_power; int degree;
  • 71. double* coeffs; public: Poly(int max_power); ~Poly(); int getDegree(); double getCoeff(int power); void setCoeff(int power, double coeff); double evaluate(double x); Poly* multiply(Poly* other); static Poly* multiply(Poly* one, Poly* two); void displayPoly(); static Poly* readPoly(const char* file_name); void writePoly(const char* file_name);
  • 72. }; } #endif Random.cpp #include "Random.h" using CSC2110::Random; #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> Random::Random() { randomInit(); } Random::~Random() {
  • 73. } Random* Random::getRandom() { static Random random; //initialized when method is called the first time return &random; } void Random::randomInit() { srand (time(NULL)); //try to get a more random starting number rand(); rand(); rand(); rand();
  • 74. } int Random::getRandomInt(int lower, int upper) { int diff = upper - lower + 1; int random_num = rand()%diff; random_num = random_num + lower; //gives a number between lower and upper, inclusive return random_num; } float Random::getRandomFloat(float lower, float upper) { float r_float_1 = (float) rand(); float r_float_2 = (float) RAND_MAX; float random_normalized = r_float_1/r_float_2; //between 0.0 and 1.0 float random_float = lower + random_normalized*(upper - lower);
  • 75. return random_float; } Random.h #if !defined RANDOM_H #define RANDOM_H namespace CSC2110 { class Random { private: Random(); void randomInit(); public: virtual ~Random(); static Random* getRandom();
  • 76. int getRandomInt(int lower, int upper); float getRandomFloat(float lower, float upper); }; } #endif ReadFile.cpp #include "ReadFile.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> ReadFile::ReadFile(const char* file_name) { input_file = new std::ifstream(); input_file->open(file_name); closed = false; _eof = false;
  • 77. } ReadFile::~ReadFile() { close(); delete input_file; } bool ReadFile::eof() { return _eof; } void ReadFile::close() { if (!closed) { input_file->close();
  • 78. closed = true; } } String* ReadFile::readLine() { if (closed) return NULL; if (_eof) return NULL; std::string text; _eof = !(getline(*input_file, text)); String* str = new String((const char*) text.c_str()); return str; } ReadFile.h #if !defined READ_FILE_H
  • 79. #define READ_FILE_H #include "Text.h" using CSC2110::String; #include <fstream> class ReadFile { private: std::ifstream* input_file; bool _eof; bool closed; public: ReadFile(const char* file_name); ~ReadFile(); String* readLine();
  • 80. bool eof(); void close(); }; #endif Song.cpp #include "Song.h" using CSC2110::Song; #include <iostream> using namespace std; Song::Song(String* title, String* length) { this->title = title; this->length = length; }
  • 81. Song::~Song() { delete title; delete length; } void Song::displaySong() { title->displayString(); cout << " "; length->displayString(); cout << endl; } Song.h #if !defined SONG_H #define SONG_H
  • 82. #include "Text.h" using CSC2110::String; namespace CSC2110 { class Song { private: String* title; String* length; public: Song(String* title, String* length); virtual ~Song(); void displaySong(); }; }
  • 83. #endif String.cpp #include "Text.h" using CSC2110::String; #include <stdlib.h> //needed for atoi and atof #include <cstring> //needed for strlen and strcmp #include <sstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std; String::String(const char* char_array) { sz = strlen(char_array); char* text = new char[sz+1]; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { text[i] = char_array[i];
  • 84. } text[sz] = 0; //null terminator this->text = text; } String::~String() { delete[] text; } //zero-based char String::charAt(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= sz) return -1; return text[index]; } const char* String::getText()
  • 85. { return text; } int String::length() { return sz; } int String::compare(String* other) { return strcmp(text, other->text); } void String::displayString() { cout << text; }
  • 86. int String::find(char delimiter, int start) { if (start >= sz || start < 0) return -1; int loc = sz; for (int i = start; i < sz; i++) { if (text[i] == delimiter) { loc = i; break; } } return loc; //delimiter not found }
  • 87. //the substring will use the characters from start to end inclusive String* String::substr(int start, int end) { if (start > end || start < 0) return NULL; if (start > sz || end > sz) return NULL; int sub_len = end - start + 1; char* sub_text = new char[sub_len + 1]; int count = 0; for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { sub_text[count] = text[i]; count++; } sub_text[count] = 0; String* sub = new String((const char*) sub_text);
  • 88. return sub; } int String::a_to_i() { return atoi(text); } float String::a_to_f() { return atof(text); } String* String::i_to_a(int number) { stringstream out; out << number; const char* text = out.str().c_str();
  • 89. return new String(text); } String* String::f_to_a(float number) { stringstream out; out << number; const char* text = out.str().c_str(); return new String(text); } Text.h #if !defined STRING_H #define STRING_H namespace CSC2110 {
  • 90. class String { private: const char* text; int sz; //length of string not including null terminator public: String(const char* char_array); virtual ~String(); void displayString(); int length(); const char* getText(); //add this member function char charAt(int index); int a_to_i(); float a_to_f();
  • 91. static String* i_to_a(int number); static String* f_to_a(float number); //find the location of a particular character in a String and return the index if found //preconditions: // str is the String being examined for the character delimiter (str must point to a valid String) // delimiter is the character being searched for // start is the index to start the search at (the first index of the String is 0, start cannot exceed the length of the String) //postconditions: // if the preconditions are met, the index of the first delimiter encountered at or after the start index is returned // if the delimiter is not present in the String at index start or later, -1 is returned // if the preconditions are not met, no guarantees on output are made int find(char delimiter, int start); //creates a new String that is extracted from an existing String with characters specified by the start and end indices
  • 92. //preconditions: // str is the String from which the substring will be extracted (str must point to a valid String) // start and end are the indices used to create the substring // start must be less than or equal to end, start must be >= 0, end must be >= 0, end < the length of the String //postconditions: // if the preconditions are met, the String extracted from the parameter String // that starts at index start and ends at index end is created and returned // the original string is unaffected String* substr(int start, int end); //need to document that this compare only has three possible return values (-1, 0, 1) int compare(String* other); }; }
  • 93. #endif Tokens.cpp #include "Tokens.h" #if !defined NULL #define NULL 0 #endif #include <iostream> using namespace std; using namespace CSC2110; Tokens::Tokens(String* str, char delimiter) { max_tokens = 1; sz = 0;
  • 94. tokens = new String*[max_tokens]; for (int i = 0; i < max_tokens; i++) { tokens[i] = NULL; } int str_len = str->length(); int current_loc = 0; int count = 0; while(current_loc < str_len) { int next_loc = str->find(delimiter, current_loc); if (next_loc > 0) //a delimiter as the first character is a problem { String* token = str->substr(current_loc, next_loc - 1);
  • 95. addToken(token); count++; } current_loc = next_loc + 1; } } Tokens::~Tokens() { delete[] tokens; } int Tokens::getNumTokens() { return sz; } void Tokens::displayTokens()
  • 96. { int num_tokens = sz; String** strings = tokens; for (int i = 0; i < num_tokens; i++) { String* str = strings[i]; str->displayString(); cout << endl; } } void Tokens::resize() { String** resize_strings = new String*[2*max_tokens]; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { resize_strings[i] = tokens[i];
  • 97. } for (int i = sz; i < 2*sz; i++) { resize_strings[i] = NULL; } delete[] tokens; tokens = resize_strings; max_tokens = 2*max_tokens; } void Tokens::addToken(String* str) { if (sz == max_tokens) { resize(); }
  • 98. tokens[sz] = str; sz++; } String* Tokens::getToken(int index) { if (index < 0 && index >= sz) return NULL; return tokens[index]; } Tokens.h #if !defined TOKENS_H #define TOKENS_H #include "Text.h" using CSC2110::String; namespace CSC2110
  • 99. { class Tokens { private: String** tokens; int max_tokens; int sz; void addToken(String* str); //requires a resizing check void resize(); public: Tokens(String* str, char delimiter); ~Tokens(); //Tokens is not responsible for deleting each token void displayTokens(); String* getToken(int index); //returns a specifically requested token int getNumTokens();
  • 100. }; } #endif WriteFile.cpp #include "WriteFile.h" #include <sstream> WriteFile::WriteFile(const char* file_name) { output_file = new ofstream(); output_file->open(file_name); closed = false; } WriteFile::~WriteFile() { close();
  • 101. delete output_file; } void WriteFile::close() { if (!closed) { output_file->close(); closed = true; } } void WriteFile::writeLine(String* line) { if (!closed && line->length() > 0) { *output_file << line->getText() << endl; }
  • 102. } WriteFile.h #if !defined WRITE_FILE #define WRITE_FILE #include "Text.h" using CSC2110::String; #include <fstream> using namespace std; class WriteFile { private: ofstream* output_file; bool closed; public:
  • 103. WriteFile(const char* file_name); ~WriteFile(); void writeLine(CSC2110::String* line); void close(); }; #endif lab03/Password.cpp #include "Password.h" using CSC2110::ListArrayIterator; #include <iostream> using namespace std;
  • 104. int Password::bestGuess() { int best_guess_index = -1; int best_num_eliminated = -1; int num_viable_passwords = getNumberOfPasswordsLeft(); //loop over ALL words, even if they have been eliminated as the password int count = 1; ListArrayIterator<String>* all_iter = all_words->iterator(); while(all_iter->hasNext())
  • 105. { String* original_word = all_iter->next(); //loop over only those words that could still be the password //count up the number of matches between a possible password and a word in the original list int* count_num_matches = new int[len + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { count_num_matches[i] = 0; } ListArrayIterator<String>* viable_iter = viable_words- >iterator(); while(viable_iter->hasNext()) { String* viable_word = viable_iter->next(); int num_matches = getNumMatches(viable_word,
  • 106. original_word); count_num_matches[num_matches]++; } delete viable_iter; //find the largest number in the count_num_matches array //the largest number indicates the guess that will generate the most eliminations int most_num_matches = 0; for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { int curr_num_matches = count_num_matches[j]; if (curr_num_matches > most_num_matches) { most_num_matches = curr_num_matches; } } //compute the fewest that can possibly be eliminated by
  • 107. guessing the current word (original list) int num_eliminated = num_viable_passwords - most_num_matches; //select the word to guess that maximizes the minimum number of eliminations (minimax) if (num_eliminated > best_num_eliminated) { best_num_eliminated = num_eliminated; best_guess_index = count; } count++; delete[] count_num_matches; } delete all_iter; return best_guess_index; //return a 1-based index into the all_words list of words (careful) }
  • 108. lab03/Password.h #if !defined PASSWORD_H #define PASSWORD_H //complete the includes class Password { private: ListArray<String>* viable_words; //the list of words that can still be the password ListArray<String>* all_words; //the original list of words int len; //the length of the first word entered is stored to check that all subsequent words have the same length //a private helper method to report the number of character matches between two Strings int getNumMatches(String* curr_word, String* word_guess);
  • 109. public: }; #endif lab03/PasswordDriver.cpp #include "Password.h" //fill in includes, don't forget namespaces #include <iostream> using namespace std; void addWords(Password* fh) { Keyboard* kb = Keyboard::getKeyboard(); String* file_str = kb->readString("Enter the file name
  • 110. containing the possible passwords: "); ReadFile* rf = new ReadFile(file_str->getText()); delete file_str; String* num_words_str = rf->readLine(); int num_words = num_words_str->a_to_i(); delete num_words_str; for (int i = 0; i < num_words; i++) { String* word = rf->readLine(); fh->addWord(word); } delete rf; fh->displayViableWords(); }
  • 111. void guessWords(Password* fh) { Keyboard* kb = Keyboard::getKeyboard(); int numLeft = fh->getNumberOfPasswordsLeft(); while (numLeft > 1) //terminate if the password has been identified, or there is no valid password (user entry error) { int best_guess_index = fh->bestGuess(); String* best_guess_word = fh- >getOriginalWord(best_guess_index); cout << "You should guess ""; best_guess_word->displayString(); cout << "" at index " << best_guess_index; cout << endl << endl; String* guess_str = kb->readString("Index of word in the original word list to guess (1-based): "); int guess = guess_str->a_to_i(); delete guess_str;
  • 112. String* match_str = kb->readString("Number of character matches: "); int match = match_str->a_to_i(); delete match_str; cout << endl; fh->guess(guess, match); //1-based index of the guessed word and the number of character matches fh->displayViableWords(); numLeft = fh->getNumberOfPasswordsLeft(); } } int main() { Password* fallout = new Password(); addWords(fallout);