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Essay My First Day At School
Emily's First Day of School
7:00 a.m. I wake up to the sound of my phone screaming in my ear. My mom is also yelling "Emily, turn that alarm off! Some of us are trying to
sleep!" Today is the first day of school so my friends are all texting me. As I walk to the bathroom, I grab a skirt and a top that I hung up last night. My
friends and I decided that we should all wear skirts on the first day of school. As I finish getting ready I grab my phone to look at the time. The time is
8:15, so I run downstairs and find that my family has already cleaned up breakfast, but as usual my mom has left me a waffle to grab as I run out
the door. I arrive to school just in time to find my friends are beginning to walk inside. But just as I spot them I realize that I am not wearing the
right outfit. While I was getting ready they decided to wear dresses. I search my purse for my phone and it is nowhere to be found. This is
beginning to be a bad day. My friends all walk over to my car, but I don't want to face them. This same thing happened to another girl that is in the
group last year. We had decided to wear jeans, but then switched to jeanshorts because it was really hot out. We all didn't talk to her until her mom
brought her jean shorts. I decide its best if I just drive home and grab a dress and my phone and be a little late to school. So as I pull out I yell to thaem
that I'll be back soon. As I drive home I'm thinking about which dress to wear. As I pull into my driveway I've
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My First Day At School
On the first day of school I woke up at 6:30 a.m. to my alarm clock. I woke up and got dressed, in which I wore dark blue jeans, and a buttoned up
shirt which I wore tucked in. I brushed my hair thoroughly and left it down. Then, My Dad drove me to school, and walked me up to the door. We
said goodbye, I gave him a kiss, and then I walked not my new adventure. When I walked into the school, I headed to the old gym, in which I went
looking for my friend. When I found my friend, Izzy, we hugged each other and jumped up and down out of pure excitement. After we talked for a
few moments the bell rang and we headed for the exit. As we passed through the hallway I noticed that the white board in the hallway said to report to
your home more content...
Before the bell rang she past out a sheet of paper on reducing fractions, which was our homework due the next day. Then I went to lunch with my
friend, Izzy, which we were both ready for and we were the only ones with B lunch. We got into the hot lunch line. I got pears, chocolate milk, and
pepperoni pizza. After we were both done with our lunches we headed outside and we looked if there was anyone that we knew. There was there
was a boy that we were acquaintances with. We played with him for the recess. I then lined up and went right to the band room and I chose my own
seat. Next, Mr. Duso went over the rules and new grading system. It's now 7th hour, one more class, which is ela with Mr. Grant. I entered the
classroom and I chose a seat at a table with some friends. When Mr. Grant came in, he went to each table and asked us our last names. After he
finished with our names we started a get–to–know–you paper. After he gave us time to work on it on our own time, he went and found someone who
matched ours. Then, the a noise rang. It was the bell. We all made our way out of the classroom. Next, I gathered my backpack, chromebook, and
my instrument, and made my way to my friend, Izzy's, locker who was also downstairs. Izzy and I walked across the grass to where the buses were
parked. We walked halfway across the grass, when Izzy left to go to her car, and I continued to the buses. I walked onto the bus in found a seat near
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Essay My First Day At School
The excitement, the adrenaline is almost too much for a four–year–old to handle the very first day of school. The day in which they will step into a
classroom for the very first time. The first day is where everyone can meet their friends and socialize. Unfortunately, for me, I was not a social bird.
I knew the first day of class was going to be dreadful; therefore, I did what any patriot would have done during the 1760s, I protested. Angrily I hid
under my bed at 6 am in the morning, I was not going to school. After I was found by my mom, I was stripped down from my clothes and put into
the depressing clothes of what is known as a school uniform: solid white collar shirt with a dark navy skirt and hideous strap on, black toddler shoes.
I was miserable, I wanted to cry, but I was not the emotional type of kid. No, instead I was the
I–will–protest–until–I–get–want–I–want–and–if–not–I–will–scream type of kid. My mom, knowing I would scream, was careless of my behavior, she
didn't care that I was screaming, yelling, threatening to call the police for the injustice being made, I did not deserve to go to school, but she did
not care. I was going to school on the first day because it was my mom's orders. My parents drove to school on the very first day. They were
irritated with my behavior, but being the optimistic adults they are, they simply smiled and ignored me. Fortunately, for me, I had a great
imagination, it was limitless. Every neuron in my brain was transmitting signals at the top speed of 268 miles per hour. I knew we were near the
school because of the traffic and the happy students walking to school, thus I had less than five minutes to come up with a plan to escape my future.
Could I jump off the car? Maybe I'll say I am not feeling well? Or when we arrive, I can run as fast as I can. Too late. It was time, I was unable to solve
the arduous conundrum. In all the four years of my life, I had never experienced such defeat. I had been able to stack up books, chairs, and pillows to
reach the top chain of the door and escape the house to feel a cool breeze on my face. I had been able to add up two plus two. I was even able to dance
while I was helping my mom do the chores. As I step down from the car, I
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My First Day At School
I ecstatically jumped out of my bed as my alarm blared in my ears. Yes, I was excited. It was my first day of middle school after all! I put on my
clothes I set out the day prior, and ran downstairs to get my things. I remember being so excited I was completely ready for school half an hour
before I needed to be. I even remember what I wore... Mostly. I was wearing a light pink beanie, green leather jacket and blue jeans with my black
converse...I think. To be completely honest, I don't remember my shoes or shirt underneath my jacket. But it all fell apart after I left and got to the
bus stop. I suddenly got chills and knots in my stomach and was happy to have one of my best friends, Jasmine at the bus stop with me. Once we got to
school, more content...
Although, I was put next to now one of my best friends, Allissa in math. She sat with us also. Since I only knew my small group of friends, I was
socially awkward in my classes and if I sat next to someone I didn't know I wouldn't say anything or do anything. It's almost like I was ignoring
them. I honestly still have social anxiety but it's not as bad as sixth grade. It's more like being around adults and sometimes other people around
my age now. But it's never with little kids. I don't understand it. I guess new people just scare me and i need a push. Or a friend. I can do almost
anything with a friend. Throughout the day I had teachers telling me about all the upcoming homework and the homework differences and how much
i'm going to get and all the other homework stuff. Every teacher is different. But it is mostly reading and writing and math that gave me all the
homework. On man, I can remember all the homework I got from my math teacher. I got homework everyday and sometimes I would so mad or tired
of it I wouldn't do it. Ok well... not sometimes, but often. It's not good, I know. I feel like I broke a record of most missing assignments of the year. Or
at least the top 10. I had 44 missing assignments! Although, at the same time my missing assignments weren't getting reset or removed at the beginning
of every quarter. I remember running around the commons almost every morning to escape my math
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My First Day At School
The first day of high school was crazy but also fun. That summer I was able to work a summer job, so that year I was able to dress myself exactly how
I wanted. When I tell you i spent every last cent on school clothes as soon I got my paycheck It was gone. Then my friend and I were both working
so we were having fun all summer . So the first day of school comes around, I was like the hood Christopher Columbus. I had to show everybody
where there class was at because I worked there for the summer so I knew were all the classes were. I was late to almost all my classes that day
because of that. However it was the first day of school so everyone was just about late. I seen some crazy stuff like this one older girl told a group
of boys where her boyfriend was from, then she got stomp out by them in like two minutes. Then when I went to lunch Will walk up to me and says
"aye bruh there go my cousin''. I already knew who he was talking about because me and her used to text in the summer but we never spoke and
person. Then I look up and see this brown–skin asian looking girl with long hair walking up to us . The causal dumb dude that I am I did not speak at
first . Little did I know at the time that was going to be the person i spend my whole 9th grade year with , at the time I thought she were just going
to be added to my vast collection of females i had line up around the corner. Then after the first day of school I just at home relaxing about to take a
nap, then I get a
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My First School Day Of 11th Grade Essay
Red–Not So Terrifying After All
I used to be very reluctant to write essays in English because it was hard for me to express my ideas in my second language, and it is easy to make
mistakes. I was afraid of making mistakes, but the more I was afraid the more mistakes I made, forming an endless loop. Mr. Wang, my high English
school teacher, broke the loop by showing that making errors is not terrifying and by building my confidence through the process of correcting errors.
My first impression of Mr. Wang was not so good. It was the first school day of 11th grade. I remember it was a sticky summer afternoon, and the
air was heavy and sweltering. Given the other courses I was taking, only Mr. Wang's class fit in my schedule. While walking towards the
classroom, I thought I was so unfortunate because Mr. Wang was known for his strict teaching and his preference for giving low grades. After
crossing a narrow corridor, I found my classroom, a small room with no windows and no AC. After I found a seat, a man in a white shirt that had a
turned little bit yellow in front of chest came into the classroom. He stared at us through his thick, fogged glasses for a while. After combing his
greasy hair, he said, "Good afternoon everyone, my name is Wang and I will be yourwriting teacher." Then he started teaching. In that small room, I
felt I was suffocating and his voice made me drowsy. I doubted his teaching ability. "Tony," I heard. Suddenly he called my name.
"What did you do
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My First Day At School
A bright but cold morning January in 2014, I woke up early, I jumped and smiled because it was my first day of school. First I went to take a
shower; I thought, "What I would do in school today, who will be my teachers". Then I walked to the bus stop people looked at me like I'm not
from this planet. I sat on a tree trunk waiting for the bus. The bus arrived after 15 minutes, I aboard the bus. The driver was a woman she was
wearing a black shirt and brown pants. She told me " Do you have the paper that shows that you have permission to go to school in a school bus" I
stared at her and said " No English". A very good girl who was blonde hair translated into Spanish what the woman was telling me, "thank you" I said
to her. Finally, I more content...
The teacher smiled at me and said in Spanish "Good morning sit her at the first row." I sat there, and she explains to me what they were doing, I
get along with her very fast. The bell rang and I go to my third period. The teachers told me to sit with a group of students that speak Spanish, so
they can help me, but they were telling me " you are very stupid." Then they stole my pencil, ripped the sheet out of my notebook, and they wrote in
my notebook this " Go where you came from, we do not want you here!. Then I went to the bathroom to cry, and they chased me there and pushed and
telling me a that I am a crybaby.
After that class, I went to my math class to left my backpack and go to eat at the cafeteria, but I was not hungry, so I sat at a table in the last row. I
began to think "If I continue to be sad I'm going to get sick" I start thinking how I will be smart, I start to organize. First I will put a lot of attention
in the English class and practice what the teacher says and read books. I thought too "If they push me one more time I will tell to the teacher because
I am a human, not an animal." The bell rang, and we went back to the classroom. Well, math was a little easy for me because all was about numbers.
After two months I start to understand English, now life was easy for me.
In conclusion, after nine months I learned to speak and write English. I start helping some students that they don't know English
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My First Day At School Essay
The morning of my first day of school was warm and quiet...until I got to school. The day that my parents tried to send me to the vile place, known as
Jasper Preschool, was a nightmare. My dad and I shared an unbreakable unity. I loved spending my care–free days with him. There was no way I
wanted to be taken away from my loving family––even seven gruesome hours. So, preschool didn't even stand a chance, in fact, I wasn't even there a
week. My parents ended up waiting another year, where they put me into kindergarten with Ms. Hankins. She was nice, but she was nothing like Dad.
School was horrible up until the third grade with Ms. Hudson, where I began to learn the true meaning of school.
My parents attempted school again a year later; this time as a kindergartener. Ms. Hankins was a compassionate woman, and she made school barible.
Kindergarten was an experience for me. They tried to move me to first grade, but the teacher was, and still to this day, the most horrible teacher I'd ever
meet. I then finished first grade with Ms. Hankins. Second grade was alright, but once I was in third grade with Ms. Hudson was when I really
realized what school could mean to me. On the first day of third grade, I immediately loved it because my teacher had an antique bathtub where all the
kids could take turns reading.
In the third grade my parents also went through a divorce, and Ms. Hudson and I became really close. I learned so many lessons in her class; both
educational and life
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What I Wear In High School Essay
My foggy brain suddenly wakes from slumber realizing that I'm late for school. My alarm never went off. I forgot to plug in my phone oh my God I'm
so stupid! I get up to shower grabbing a fluffy towel, one for my body one for my hair. As I get ready I decide what to wear. Should I wear this Victoria
secret pink sweater with leggings and UGGs or skip the UGGs and wear my vans oh! maybe I'll wear my Jordans. eventually I decided on the UGGs
even though it's warm out I want to look cute.
I finally arrive at school I missed first period but I wanted Starbucks so it was worth it, who could pass up a double shot triple mint chocolate frappe. I
open the classroom door to see my history teacher looking at me, have a have a seat he says as I walk into the class alley. I'm sit in my chair and pull
out my work this class is so boring I wish we didn't have to take it. I pull my phone out and text my best friend "did you see what Jessica was wearing
today?" I giggle a little and typed "yeah she probably shops at Goodwill and doesn't even have style you will never see me and hand–me–down clothes
all my clothes are from the mall my mom always tells me there are better places but I say no way".
The bell rings and it's finally lunch. I meet up with my best friend who's looking for me frantically "what's up girl?" "oh my God you won't believe
what my dad just told me, Rosie is on vacation and that means I have to fold and do my own laundry I don't even know how to use the washing
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Personal Narrative: My First Day at School Essay
My first day at school
My first day at school was a new adventure for me. I had to wear a school uniform: a blue dress and handmade leather sandals. Having run around all
but naked for the first eight years of my life, it was very exciting.
At school we learnt about Australian culture and its social classes as well as social classes worldwide. Throughout my studies I learnt that Australia
wasn't a classless society. The class to which a person belonged determined how they were treated and we learnt through two particular films:'
Educating Rita' (Willy Russell, 1983) and 'My Fair Lady' (Bernard Shaw, 1964) that it is indeed possible to break the mould and change where you end
up in life.
Rita is a twenty–six year old hairdresser more content...
Frank has a good job, owns a grand house and hosts impressive, sophisticated parties. He speaks in a very intellectual manner: ?I am afraid, Rita, that
you will find that there is much less to me than meets the eye.? To which Rita replies: ?See, y' can say dead clever things like that, can't y? I wish I
could talk like that. It's brilliant.?
Through Frank and Trish the film is putting forward an assumption about the upper class which is that they lead very pretentious lives, a façade that
masks a saddening and deep emptiness. This is further accentuated when Trish attempts suicide and says ?When I listen to poetry and music, then I can
live?.the rest of the time it?s just me, and that?s not enough.?
Also, the film is putting across an assumption about the lower class which is that it takes little to make them happy. This is further emphasized when
Rita exclaims,? You think because you pass a pub door and you hear us all singing we?re okay, that we?re surviving with the spirit intact?
Another very noticeable assumption that the film is putting across is the differentiation of morals and values of the lower and upper classes.
The upper class is illustrated as having very questionable morals and ethics, and this is best understood through Frank, Frank?s partner Julia and her
lover. Even though Julia is in a relationship with Frank, she blatantly cheats on him with one of his collogues. Also, Rita further explores this concept
when she says, ?oh yeah,
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My First Day Of School Essay
The first day of school is nerve–wracking for most people, for me, the first day was especially terrifying. The first day of a college class is probably
more crazy than all others. My mom and younger sister, Michaela, were busy taking pictures as I attempted to run out of the door. After being
homeschooled for the last six years, I knew it would be a much different experience. I had been in my room alone doing school; I was content with
where I was. The morning of the first day of class, I was so busy that I didn't have time to be nervous. However, as I ran out the door, my heart rate
elevated to a pace of 138 bpm. I felt older, nervous, excited, and anxious as I left for Pellissippi. Although it had been six years since I had been in a
classroom, I realized that all of my worry was for nothing once I walked into Ms. Brown's class.
The summer after I completed the 6th grade, my parents decided to pull me out of my Baptist, private school and homeschool me. I, like most
kids, was not thrilled with the decision, but being only 11 years old, I had no say in the matter. Despite my initial reservations, being
homeschooled was a great experience for me, but I began to get bored. I missed seeing people every day. It was just me and my family. I was ready
for a new experience, something big, and college was exactly what I was looking for. It was Sunday night, and there was a high probability that class
would be cancelled. I prayed that that wouldn't happen, however, it did. The
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My First Day At School
Anyone of us who has ever attended at school, we will surely never forget the first day at school. For me, I still remembered my first day at school
because that is a memorable day in my life. Also, that was a special day because it was the first day that I discover a new environment around me.
There are many things I had never known in this new environment, so I felt very nervous because I did not know anything. Furthermore, in my
heart, I feel eager to explore the surroundings and excited to get familiar with new friends. In addition, I can learn a lot of new things at school
which helped me expand my knowledge. First of all, I still keep in mind the feeling anxiously waiting to the day to go to school was so wonderful.
In my head, I felt a little bit hard for me when I went to school because I did not know how to get there, I had no plan, and what will I do in there.
For this reason, on that day, I woke up so earlier than normal day. I had a breakfast and wore one nice clothes. After that, I went to school. I studied
at a school in downtown, so the time takes me about thirty minutes without traffic jam to get there. At school, I had some nervous because I did not
know where to parking lot and how to go to my class. There were a lot of students like me. They and I came to counselor's room to ask some
information about class schedule. The counselor said that "You have one class today and it will start on eight o'clock." Then, I knew the topic that I
will study about
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Day Of School Essay : My First Day At School
Thanh Tran
ENG 111–117
September 13th 2017
My First Day at School
At the end of the fall when I see leaves turn yellow or red then fall from trees, I feel excited to remember about the unforgettable back–to–school day.
That pure feeling of this memory bloomed in my heart like pretty flowers in the autumn sky. I have never written that idea on paper because I did not
know how to write at that time, but whenever I saw young children beginning the school days, I feel incredibly enthusiastic. Although I have grown up
and have experienced a great number of school days, I cannot forget the feeling of the first day of primary school, which left several great influences on
my life.
Back in the year of 2002, I cannot remember the exact date, but it was an extremely nice day. I have been in flutter of excitement for a week, so I
could not fall asleep early the night before. That day, I got up at 6 o'clock and the combination of coffee and my favorite food "Pho" smelled
freshly delicious. After changing clothes and packing my bag, I left the house while my dog was barking loudly. My mother held my hand as we
walked on the long narrow road in my peaceful neighborhood. Some pleasant breezes were blowing and the sun was shining in the clear blue sky. A
blaze of colorful flowers along the sidewalk and some funny sounds from the singing birds made my day brighten. I had wandered on this road for a
long time, but it seemed totally strange for me at that moment, maybe something was
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My First Day At School
On the first day of junior year I woke up bitter, tired, and angry. I knew this year would be the toughest year of my high school career and in no
way shape or form was I looking forward to it. I went to school as if it were any other first day, greeting friends and trying to fight through the
crowd to get to the locator list where I would find my first period teacher. After five minutes of pushing and shoving, I finally reached the front and
found my name. I traced my finger along the dotted line to find "Mr. Hall". I had never heard of this teacher before, therefore I knew this was a bad
sign. The bell finally rang and junior year had officially begun. I walked into Mr. Hall's class and I had already concluded that he was the happiest, more content...
I loved doing this because I was able to write freely and let my mind run wild with imagination. I also enjoyed listening to my classmates stories as
well. Specifically, I remember when my family went on a trip to New York to visit some of my family members and I was so excited to come back to
school just so I could write about it and read my story to my class.
The second reason why I love to write is because writing is a great release. Although writing can be stressful especially for school, once I finish I feel
relieved and proud of the work I had spent so much time and effort on creating. My freshman year in Mrs. Webbers honors english class I struggled to
write an essay that was A worthy. I tried so hard to improve my writing, but no matter how hard I tried I could never reach her expectations. At that
point I had made a promise to myself that I would receive an A on at least one of my essays by the end of the year. The end of the year approached
quickly and we were assigned one last essay and I had yet to accomplish my promise to myself. I put the most time and effort on the last essay and I
finally got the A I had worked towards all year. After that essay, I realized it wasn't about the grade I received but rather thefeeling the A gave me. I was
relieved and extremely happy that my hard work had finally paid off.
The last reason why I love to write is because I learn something new each time I sit down to write an essay, a story, a poem etc.
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My First Day At School
My time at Life School was very eventful, and I will remember them for the rest of my life. My first day at life school was very eventful though i
made a name for myself. I started at Life School Lancaster in the third grade, and i came about a month after school started because i transferred from
a different school. I got into trouble and they gave me a tally which is just something to show you did something they didn't like. At first i thought i
was getting kicked out, but through time i learned it wasn't. In elementary school I wasn't the best kid and i had a couple of friends at the time, some
of which i still am friends with now. At the end of my elementary school I became a bit of antisocial due to bullying.
Fast forward more content...
I didn't know what he meant until later though. He later told me to start going to training camps and combines, and for some reason i went, and he
would always boast about me to his friends. He was like second dad, and i could tell he cared about me, so i started doing good and he is what made
me into what I am today.
Sophomore year came faster than expected, i had done summer football camp and i was feeling better than ever. I started on varsity my first year
coming in. I was taught to never give up, even though he would still yell up a storm at me. I made a lot of friends my sophomore year, and started
to become friends with people who didn't have any because I knew how it felt to not have any. I had some sort of depression that year, and i prayed for
it to go away, but instead i grew to force it to go away. This same year me and my friends formed a group called the squad, and my circle grew even
more. I started to attend parties and gained popularity with everyone, but i was just glad to have friends.
My junior and senior year were hard years because my classes were hard, but i got through it. I became one of the team captains in football we did
pretty good these years and i eventually won lineman of the year for the school. My relationships with my friends became good I can honestly call
them the brothers and sisters. I was stressed out these years because i was trying really hard to get into college, and at one of the last
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Personal Narrative : My First Day At School
BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! My digital clock struck 7:00, my light turned on, and I got ready. "Oh, it's my first day of second grade," I remembered while
putting on my hat. The sun was shining through my bedroom window, lighting up the corners of the room. This is 2011 in September and I was ready
for my first day of second grade. I walked out of my room, seeing my entire family arisen from their peaceful slumber. I sat down at the table, pouring
in a bowl of Kix and scarfing them down like I haven't eaten in days. Once everyone was done getting ready for school, my mom driven me, Caiden,
Aaron, and Moriah to school. I was back at Barker Elementary as a second grader. I couldn't wait to see my new classroom. I arrived to school at 8:15, more content...
I thought that third time's the charm. I saw people playing hand ball. I thought that I'd be good at this. Waited in line until it was my turn. I served
the ball. I threw it. My opponent countered with his hit. I tried to hit it, but my swing missed. The ball bounced twice. I was out. I have no activity,
with no friends, and no new life. After the end of recess and another session of S.C.H.O.O.L. (Six Cruel Hours Of Our Lives), It was time for lunch. I
brung a corn dog, a Wild Cherry Capri–Sun, applesauce, and 2 Oreos. I sat at where all the other 2nd graders were (that was when I noticed that each
grade has their own assigned seating). I was quiet when I got to the table to sit down. I was a little shy due to my weak ability of playing with
physical contact. I heard other second graders talking to each other about things that they liked. I didn't bother, I stayed quiet while eating my
food for the rest of the time during lunch. Once school ended, I waited in car line for my mom to pick me up. I was picked up from a white prius. I
was heading home. "So, how was your first day of school, "my mom asked. I was still quiet like a toy with no squeaker. Once I got home I went to
my room and got on my tablet, which was on my night stand charging. I unplugged it and played Angry Birds. When it was 5:00, it was time to got to
my grandparents' church.
Once we got to MEFC (Mission Ebenezer Family Church), I asked my grandmother a question, "What do I if I don't
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My First Day At School Essay
On the morning of September 1st, 2016, I woke up to my alarm excited and ready for my first day of school. I quickly got dressed and ran down the
stairs to get some breakfast. I ate my breakfasts meal, and since there was time to kill before we were allowed to enter school, I pet my dogs and just
layed down in my warm, soft blankets. I wish I could bring my dogs and my blankets to school with me, I thought to myself, but I know school is a
time for learning, not for sleeping and relaxing. Once it was around 7:25 AM, my dad drove me to school. I met my friends in front of the school
by the big tree in the front of the campus, and we talked about how weird it was going to be going to a whole new school with people we knew and
people we didn't know. We also were talking about which teachers we thought we were going to get. We had many other discussions for the rest of the
time we had to hang out together. but I can't remember what they were about.
Quite a few minutes later, the bell that signaled that we could enter school rang, and we all scrambled inside to get in line to get our schedules. I
got in line, and waited until I got to the front. Once I did, I said my first and last name to the person and they gave me my schedule. I looked it over,
and ran to find my friends so I could see if I had any classes with them. I had some of my them in my classes, but not many. For the remainder of the
morning we had to hang out, I wandered around the school, checking things
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Essay My First Day At School
My first day of school was a mess. I woke up, got dressed, brushed my hair, ate breakfast and then brushed my teeth. I packed my bag and got ready
to wait for the bus. I was so scared. I had so many thoughts running through my mind all at once. As I walked outside I saw the bus pulling on the
end of street, my heart was racing. As the bus approached I stepped on and picked the closest empty seat available. The bus was quite yet at the same
time I heard people talking. A few minutes later I just decided to look out the window instead of awkwardly staring down. We stopped at this older
house but then there was a house a little farther back kind of behind trees and another house, two kids came walking out from the front house and got on more content...
I just walked around and sat on the slides. I didn't really know where we could go and didn't know what to play. Lunch time came around, I stood
in the lunch line and then picked a table. I remember I sat there and ate, then after lunch we went back to the classroom in our lines. I was quite for
the rest of the day. We packed our bags and I saw other kids just packing their homework but I packed everything as if I was starting the day all
over again. After I packed my bag. The bell rang and the teacher walked us down the hallway. We got to the doors and I tried to look for my bus
number, I couldn't find my bus. After a little bit of walking I found bus number "16." I walked on and sat in the closest seat possible but then the
bus driver looks up and says "Can you move one seat back" so I did. Then that the girl that sat behind that morning sat next to me and said "Hi I'm
Cydnee, what's your name" I was shocked she started to talk to me right away I said "Hi my name is Hannah." We became best friends after that.
The whole bus ride home we laughed about how our laughs sounded different and then before we knew it, it was her turn to get off. Before she got
off she turned and looked and said "You snort sometimes" and I started to laugh as she walked off. We got to my house, I walk off the bus and then run
up to my house it feels good to be home. I go to my room sit my bag down grab my
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My First Day At School
First Day of School Out of nowhere the alarm rang, it was either a clock when it rang. School started at eleven thirty because it was the first day. I
couldn't stand up from my bed because I was still falling asleep. When I finally stood up and got changed because I was going to get a haircut .
When I got home I noticed I only had thirty minutes so I grabbed my speaker, I connected to my phone. I headed to the bathroom, I turned on the
water, I put music on and got in the shower. When I got out of the shower I got changed, dried my hair, did my hair, and headed down stairs. My
mom already had the breakfast for me and my sister. She made us egg with pancakes. My sister saw the clock and said, "It's eleven twenty five". I
responding saying, "Okay sister." We aet the rest of the food and headed up stairs because we still had to brush our teeth and grab our backpack. I was
eleven thirty–four. My sister and me said by to our parents, when we were walking in noticed there was a bus, and it was our bus. We ran to the bus,
it was a little far when we noticed the bus. At first time when I saw in the bus there was barely anyone in the but, the bus driver said,
"There's not many people in the bus today because most of their parents take them for the first day of school, but expect more people in the bus
The whole but ride I was playing Eight Ball Pool and lising to music, all the kids where on their phones
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  • 1. Essay My First Day At School Emily's First Day of School 7:00 a.m. I wake up to the sound of my phone screaming in my ear. My mom is also yelling "Emily, turn that alarm off! Some of us are trying to sleep!" Today is the first day of school so my friends are all texting me. As I walk to the bathroom, I grab a skirt and a top that I hung up last night. My friends and I decided that we should all wear skirts on the first day of school. As I finish getting ready I grab my phone to look at the time. The time is 8:15, so I run downstairs and find that my family has already cleaned up breakfast, but as usual my mom has left me a waffle to grab as I run out the door. I arrive to school just in time to find my friends are beginning to walk inside. But just as I spot them I realize that I am not wearing the right outfit. While I was getting ready they decided to wear dresses. I search my purse for my phone and it is nowhere to be found. This is beginning to be a bad day. My friends all walk over to my car, but I don't want to face them. This same thing happened to another girl that is in the group last year. We had decided to wear jeans, but then switched to jeanshorts because it was really hot out. We all didn't talk to her until her mom brought her jean shorts. I decide its best if I just drive home and grab a dress and my phone and be a little late to school. So as I pull out I yell to thaem that I'll be back soon. As I drive home I'm thinking about which dress to wear. As I pull into my driveway I've Get more content on
  • 2. My First Day At School On the first day of school I woke up at 6:30 a.m. to my alarm clock. I woke up and got dressed, in which I wore dark blue jeans, and a buttoned up shirt which I wore tucked in. I brushed my hair thoroughly and left it down. Then, My Dad drove me to school, and walked me up to the door. We said goodbye, I gave him a kiss, and then I walked not my new adventure. When I walked into the school, I headed to the old gym, in which I went looking for my friend. When I found my friend, Izzy, we hugged each other and jumped up and down out of pure excitement. After we talked for a few moments the bell rang and we headed for the exit. As we passed through the hallway I noticed that the white board in the hallway said to report to your home more content... Before the bell rang she past out a sheet of paper on reducing fractions, which was our homework due the next day. Then I went to lunch with my friend, Izzy, which we were both ready for and we were the only ones with B lunch. We got into the hot lunch line. I got pears, chocolate milk, and pepperoni pizza. After we were both done with our lunches we headed outside and we looked if there was anyone that we knew. There was there was a boy that we were acquaintances with. We played with him for the recess. I then lined up and went right to the band room and I chose my own seat. Next, Mr. Duso went over the rules and new grading system. It's now 7th hour, one more class, which is ela with Mr. Grant. I entered the classroom and I chose a seat at a table with some friends. When Mr. Grant came in, he went to each table and asked us our last names. After he finished with our names we started a get–to–know–you paper. After he gave us time to work on it on our own time, he went and found someone who matched ours. Then, the a noise rang. It was the bell. We all made our way out of the classroom. Next, I gathered my backpack, chromebook, and my instrument, and made my way to my friend, Izzy's, locker who was also downstairs. Izzy and I walked across the grass to where the buses were parked. We walked halfway across the grass, when Izzy left to go to her car, and I continued to the buses. I walked onto the bus in found a seat near some Get more content on
  • 3. Essay My First Day At School The excitement, the adrenaline is almost too much for a four–year–old to handle the very first day of school. The day in which they will step into a classroom for the very first time. The first day is where everyone can meet their friends and socialize. Unfortunately, for me, I was not a social bird. I knew the first day of class was going to be dreadful; therefore, I did what any patriot would have done during the 1760s, I protested. Angrily I hid under my bed at 6 am in the morning, I was not going to school. After I was found by my mom, I was stripped down from my clothes and put into the depressing clothes of what is known as a school uniform: solid white collar shirt with a dark navy skirt and hideous strap on, black toddler shoes. I was miserable, I wanted to cry, but I was not the emotional type of kid. No, instead I was the I–will–protest–until–I–get–want–I–want–and–if–not–I–will–scream type of kid. My mom, knowing I would scream, was careless of my behavior, she didn't care that I was screaming, yelling, threatening to call the police for the injustice being made, I did not deserve to go to school, but she did not care. I was going to school on the first day because it was my mom's orders. My parents drove to school on the very first day. They were irritated with my behavior, but being the optimistic adults they are, they simply smiled and ignored me. Fortunately, for me, I had a great imagination, it was limitless. Every neuron in my brain was transmitting signals at the top speed of 268 miles per hour. I knew we were near the school because of the traffic and the happy students walking to school, thus I had less than five minutes to come up with a plan to escape my future. Could I jump off the car? Maybe I'll say I am not feeling well? Or when we arrive, I can run as fast as I can. Too late. It was time, I was unable to solve the arduous conundrum. In all the four years of my life, I had never experienced such defeat. I had been able to stack up books, chairs, and pillows to reach the top chain of the door and escape the house to feel a cool breeze on my face. I had been able to add up two plus two. I was even able to dance while I was helping my mom do the chores. As I step down from the car, I Get more content on
  • 4. My First Day At School I ecstatically jumped out of my bed as my alarm blared in my ears. Yes, I was excited. It was my first day of middle school after all! I put on my clothes I set out the day prior, and ran downstairs to get my things. I remember being so excited I was completely ready for school half an hour before I needed to be. I even remember what I wore... Mostly. I was wearing a light pink beanie, green leather jacket and blue jeans with my black converse...I think. To be completely honest, I don't remember my shoes or shirt underneath my jacket. But it all fell apart after I left and got to the bus stop. I suddenly got chills and knots in my stomach and was happy to have one of my best friends, Jasmine at the bus stop with me. Once we got to school, more content... Although, I was put next to now one of my best friends, Allissa in math. She sat with us also. Since I only knew my small group of friends, I was socially awkward in my classes and if I sat next to someone I didn't know I wouldn't say anything or do anything. It's almost like I was ignoring them. I honestly still have social anxiety but it's not as bad as sixth grade. It's more like being around adults and sometimes other people around my age now. But it's never with little kids. I don't understand it. I guess new people just scare me and i need a push. Or a friend. I can do almost anything with a friend. Throughout the day I had teachers telling me about all the upcoming homework and the homework differences and how much i'm going to get and all the other homework stuff. Every teacher is different. But it is mostly reading and writing and math that gave me all the homework. On man, I can remember all the homework I got from my math teacher. I got homework everyday and sometimes I would so mad or tired of it I wouldn't do it. Ok well... not sometimes, but often. It's not good, I know. I feel like I broke a record of most missing assignments of the year. Or at least the top 10. I had 44 missing assignments! Although, at the same time my missing assignments weren't getting reset or removed at the beginning of every quarter. I remember running around the commons almost every morning to escape my math Get more content on
  • 5. My First Day At School The first day of high school was crazy but also fun. That summer I was able to work a summer job, so that year I was able to dress myself exactly how I wanted. When I tell you i spent every last cent on school clothes as soon I got my paycheck It was gone. Then my friend and I were both working so we were having fun all summer . So the first day of school comes around, I was like the hood Christopher Columbus. I had to show everybody where there class was at because I worked there for the summer so I knew were all the classes were. I was late to almost all my classes that day because of that. However it was the first day of school so everyone was just about late. I seen some crazy stuff like this one older girl told a group of boys where her boyfriend was from, then she got stomp out by them in like two minutes. Then when I went to lunch Will walk up to me and says "aye bruh there go my cousin''. I already knew who he was talking about because me and her used to text in the summer but we never spoke and person. Then I look up and see this brown–skin asian looking girl with long hair walking up to us . The causal dumb dude that I am I did not speak at first . Little did I know at the time that was going to be the person i spend my whole 9th grade year with , at the time I thought she were just going to be added to my vast collection of females i had line up around the corner. Then after the first day of school I just at home relaxing about to take a nap, then I get a Get more content on
  • 6. My First School Day Of 11th Grade Essay Red–Not So Terrifying After All I used to be very reluctant to write essays in English because it was hard for me to express my ideas in my second language, and it is easy to make mistakes. I was afraid of making mistakes, but the more I was afraid the more mistakes I made, forming an endless loop. Mr. Wang, my high English school teacher, broke the loop by showing that making errors is not terrifying and by building my confidence through the process of correcting errors. My first impression of Mr. Wang was not so good. It was the first school day of 11th grade. I remember it was a sticky summer afternoon, and the air was heavy and sweltering. Given the other courses I was taking, only Mr. Wang's class fit in my schedule. While walking towards the classroom, I thought I was so unfortunate because Mr. Wang was known for his strict teaching and his preference for giving low grades. After crossing a narrow corridor, I found my classroom, a small room with no windows and no AC. After I found a seat, a man in a white shirt that had a turned little bit yellow in front of chest came into the classroom. He stared at us through his thick, fogged glasses for a while. After combing his greasy hair, he said, "Good afternoon everyone, my name is Wang and I will be yourwriting teacher." Then he started teaching. In that small room, I felt I was suffocating and his voice made me drowsy. I doubted his teaching ability. "Tony," I heard. Suddenly he called my name. "What did you do Get more content on
  • 7. My First Day At School A bright but cold morning January in 2014, I woke up early, I jumped and smiled because it was my first day of school. First I went to take a shower; I thought, "What I would do in school today, who will be my teachers". Then I walked to the bus stop people looked at me like I'm not from this planet. I sat on a tree trunk waiting for the bus. The bus arrived after 15 minutes, I aboard the bus. The driver was a woman she was wearing a black shirt and brown pants. She told me " Do you have the paper that shows that you have permission to go to school in a school bus" I stared at her and said " No English". A very good girl who was blonde hair translated into Spanish what the woman was telling me, "thank you" I said to her. Finally, I more content... The teacher smiled at me and said in Spanish "Good morning sit her at the first row." I sat there, and she explains to me what they were doing, I get along with her very fast. The bell rang and I go to my third period. The teachers told me to sit with a group of students that speak Spanish, so they can help me, but they were telling me " you are very stupid." Then they stole my pencil, ripped the sheet out of my notebook, and they wrote in my notebook this " Go where you came from, we do not want you here!. Then I went to the bathroom to cry, and they chased me there and pushed and telling me a that I am a crybaby. After that class, I went to my math class to left my backpack and go to eat at the cafeteria, but I was not hungry, so I sat at a table in the last row. I began to think "If I continue to be sad I'm going to get sick" I start thinking how I will be smart, I start to organize. First I will put a lot of attention in the English class and practice what the teacher says and read books. I thought too "If they push me one more time I will tell to the teacher because I am a human, not an animal." The bell rang, and we went back to the classroom. Well, math was a little easy for me because all was about numbers. After two months I start to understand English, now life was easy for me. In conclusion, after nine months I learned to speak and write English. I start helping some students that they don't know English Get more content on
  • 8. My First Day At School Essay The morning of my first day of school was warm and quiet...until I got to school. The day that my parents tried to send me to the vile place, known as Jasper Preschool, was a nightmare. My dad and I shared an unbreakable unity. I loved spending my care–free days with him. There was no way I wanted to be taken away from my loving family––even seven gruesome hours. So, preschool didn't even stand a chance, in fact, I wasn't even there a week. My parents ended up waiting another year, where they put me into kindergarten with Ms. Hankins. She was nice, but she was nothing like Dad. School was horrible up until the third grade with Ms. Hudson, where I began to learn the true meaning of school. My parents attempted school again a year later; this time as a kindergartener. Ms. Hankins was a compassionate woman, and she made school barible. Kindergarten was an experience for me. They tried to move me to first grade, but the teacher was, and still to this day, the most horrible teacher I'd ever meet. I then finished first grade with Ms. Hankins. Second grade was alright, but once I was in third grade with Ms. Hudson was when I really realized what school could mean to me. On the first day of third grade, I immediately loved it because my teacher had an antique bathtub where all the kids could take turns reading. In the third grade my parents also went through a divorce, and Ms. Hudson and I became really close. I learned so many lessons in her class; both educational and life Get more content on
  • 9. What I Wear In High School Essay My foggy brain suddenly wakes from slumber realizing that I'm late for school. My alarm never went off. I forgot to plug in my phone oh my God I'm so stupid! I get up to shower grabbing a fluffy towel, one for my body one for my hair. As I get ready I decide what to wear. Should I wear this Victoria secret pink sweater with leggings and UGGs or skip the UGGs and wear my vans oh! maybe I'll wear my Jordans. eventually I decided on the UGGs even though it's warm out I want to look cute. I finally arrive at school I missed first period but I wanted Starbucks so it was worth it, who could pass up a double shot triple mint chocolate frappe. I open the classroom door to see my history teacher looking at me, have a have a seat he says as I walk into the class alley. I'm sit in my chair and pull out my work this class is so boring I wish we didn't have to take it. I pull my phone out and text my best friend "did you see what Jessica was wearing today?" I giggle a little and typed "yeah she probably shops at Goodwill and doesn't even have style you will never see me and hand–me–down clothes all my clothes are from the mall my mom always tells me there are better places but I say no way". The bell rings and it's finally lunch. I meet up with my best friend who's looking for me frantically "what's up girl?" "oh my God you won't believe what my dad just told me, Rosie is on vacation and that means I have to fold and do my own laundry I don't even know how to use the washing machine" Get more content on
  • 10. Personal Narrative: My First Day at School Essay My first day at school My first day at school was a new adventure for me. I had to wear a school uniform: a blue dress and handmade leather sandals. Having run around all but naked for the first eight years of my life, it was very exciting. At school we learnt about Australian culture and its social classes as well as social classes worldwide. Throughout my studies I learnt that Australia wasn't a classless society. The class to which a person belonged determined how they were treated and we learnt through two particular films:' Educating Rita' (Willy Russell, 1983) and 'My Fair Lady' (Bernard Shaw, 1964) that it is indeed possible to break the mould and change where you end up in life. Rita is a twenty–six year old hairdresser more content... Frank has a good job, owns a grand house and hosts impressive, sophisticated parties. He speaks in a very intellectual manner: ?I am afraid, Rita, that you will find that there is much less to me than meets the eye.? To which Rita replies: ?See, y' can say dead clever things like that, can't y? I wish I could talk like that. It's brilliant.? Through Frank and Trish the film is putting forward an assumption about the upper class which is that they lead very pretentious lives, a faГ§ade that masks a saddening and deep emptiness. This is further accentuated when Trish attempts suicide and says ?When I listen to poetry and music, then I can live?.the rest of the time it?s just me, and that?s not enough.? Also, the film is putting across an assumption about the lower class which is that it takes little to make them happy. This is further emphasized when Rita exclaims,? You think because you pass a pub door and you hear us all singing we?re okay, that we?re surviving with the spirit intact? Another very noticeable assumption that the film is putting across is the differentiation of morals and values of the lower and upper classes. The upper class is illustrated as having very questionable morals and ethics, and this is best understood through Frank, Frank?s partner Julia and her lover. Even though Julia is in a relationship with Frank, she blatantly cheats on him with one of his collogues. Also, Rita further explores this concept when she says, ?oh yeah, Get more content on
  • 11. My First Day Of School Essay The first day of school is nerve–wracking for most people, for me, the first day was especially terrifying. The first day of a college class is probably more crazy than all others. My mom and younger sister, Michaela, were busy taking pictures as I attempted to run out of the door. After being homeschooled for the last six years, I knew it would be a much different experience. I had been in my room alone doing school; I was content with where I was. The morning of the first day of class, I was so busy that I didn't have time to be nervous. However, as I ran out the door, my heart rate elevated to a pace of 138 bpm. I felt older, nervous, excited, and anxious as I left for Pellissippi. Although it had been six years since I had been in a classroom, I realized that all of my worry was for nothing once I walked into Ms. Brown's class. The summer after I completed the 6th grade, my parents decided to pull me out of my Baptist, private school and homeschool me. I, like most kids, was not thrilled with the decision, but being only 11 years old, I had no say in the matter. Despite my initial reservations, being homeschooled was a great experience for me, but I began to get bored. I missed seeing people every day. It was just me and my family. I was ready for a new experience, something big, and college was exactly what I was looking for. It was Sunday night, and there was a high probability that class would be cancelled. I prayed that that wouldn't happen, however, it did. The Get more content on
  • 12. My First Day At School Anyone of us who has ever attended at school, we will surely never forget the first day at school. For me, I still remembered my first day at school because that is a memorable day in my life. Also, that was a special day because it was the first day that I discover a new environment around me. There are many things I had never known in this new environment, so I felt very nervous because I did not know anything. Furthermore, in my heart, I feel eager to explore the surroundings and excited to get familiar with new friends. In addition, I can learn a lot of new things at school which helped me expand my knowledge. First of all, I still keep in mind the feeling anxiously waiting to the day to go to school was so wonderful. In my head, I felt a little bit hard for me when I went to school because I did not know how to get there, I had no plan, and what will I do in there. For this reason, on that day, I woke up so earlier than normal day. I had a breakfast and wore one nice clothes. After that, I went to school. I studied at a school in downtown, so the time takes me about thirty minutes without traffic jam to get there. At school, I had some nervous because I did not know where to parking lot and how to go to my class. There were a lot of students like me. They and I came to counselor's room to ask some information about class schedule. The counselor said that "You have one class today and it will start on eight o'clock." Then, I knew the topic that I will study about Get more content on
  • 13. Day Of School Essay : My First Day At School Thanh Tran ENG 111–117 September 13th 2017 Dervin My First Day at School At the end of the fall when I see leaves turn yellow or red then fall from trees, I feel excited to remember about the unforgettable back–to–school day. That pure feeling of this memory bloomed in my heart like pretty flowers in the autumn sky. I have never written that idea on paper because I did not know how to write at that time, but whenever I saw young children beginning the school days, I feel incredibly enthusiastic. Although I have grown up and have experienced a great number of school days, I cannot forget the feeling of the first day of primary school, which left several great influences on my life. Back in the year of 2002, I cannot remember the exact date, but it was an extremely nice day. I have been in flutter of excitement for a week, so I could not fall asleep early the night before. That day, I got up at 6 o'clock and the combination of coffee and my favorite food "Pho" smelled freshly delicious. After changing clothes and packing my bag, I left the house while my dog was barking loudly. My mother held my hand as we walked on the long narrow road in my peaceful neighborhood. Some pleasant breezes were blowing and the sun was shining in the clear blue sky. A blaze of colorful flowers along the sidewalk and some funny sounds from the singing birds made my day brighten. I had wandered on this road for a long time, but it seemed totally strange for me at that moment, maybe something was Get more content on
  • 14. My First Day At School On the first day of junior year I woke up bitter, tired, and angry. I knew this year would be the toughest year of my high school career and in no way shape or form was I looking forward to it. I went to school as if it were any other first day, greeting friends and trying to fight through the crowd to get to the locator list where I would find my first period teacher. After five minutes of pushing and shoving, I finally reached the front and found my name. I traced my finger along the dotted line to find "Mr. Hall". I had never heard of this teacher before, therefore I knew this was a bad sign. The bell finally rang and junior year had officially begun. I walked into Mr. Hall's class and I had already concluded that he was the happiest, more content... I loved doing this because I was able to write freely and let my mind run wild with imagination. I also enjoyed listening to my classmates stories as well. Specifically, I remember when my family went on a trip to New York to visit some of my family members and I was so excited to come back to school just so I could write about it and read my story to my class. The second reason why I love to write is because writing is a great release. Although writing can be stressful especially for school, once I finish I feel relieved and proud of the work I had spent so much time and effort on creating. My freshman year in Mrs. Webbers honors english class I struggled to write an essay that was A worthy. I tried so hard to improve my writing, but no matter how hard I tried I could never reach her expectations. At that point I had made a promise to myself that I would receive an A on at least one of my essays by the end of the year. The end of the year approached quickly and we were assigned one last essay and I had yet to accomplish my promise to myself. I put the most time and effort on the last essay and I finally got the A I had worked towards all year. After that essay, I realized it wasn't about the grade I received but rather thefeeling the A gave me. I was relieved and extremely happy that my hard work had finally paid off. The last reason why I love to write is because I learn something new each time I sit down to write an essay, a story, a poem etc. Get more content on
  • 15. My First Day At School My time at Life School was very eventful, and I will remember them for the rest of my life. My first day at life school was very eventful though i made a name for myself. I started at Life School Lancaster in the third grade, and i came about a month after school started because i transferred from a different school. I got into trouble and they gave me a tally which is just something to show you did something they didn't like. At first i thought i was getting kicked out, but through time i learned it wasn't. In elementary school I wasn't the best kid and i had a couple of friends at the time, some of which i still am friends with now. At the end of my elementary school I became a bit of antisocial due to bullying. Fast forward more content... I didn't know what he meant until later though. He later told me to start going to training camps and combines, and for some reason i went, and he would always boast about me to his friends. He was like second dad, and i could tell he cared about me, so i started doing good and he is what made me into what I am today. Sophomore year came faster than expected, i had done summer football camp and i was feeling better than ever. I started on varsity my first year coming in. I was taught to never give up, even though he would still yell up a storm at me. I made a lot of friends my sophomore year, and started to become friends with people who didn't have any because I knew how it felt to not have any. I had some sort of depression that year, and i prayed for it to go away, but instead i grew to force it to go away. This same year me and my friends formed a group called the squad, and my circle grew even more. I started to attend parties and gained popularity with everyone, but i was just glad to have friends. My junior and senior year were hard years because my classes were hard, but i got through it. I became one of the team captains in football we did pretty good these years and i eventually won lineman of the year for the school. My relationships with my friends became good I can honestly call them the brothers and sisters. I was stressed out these years because i was trying really hard to get into college, and at one of the last Get more content on
  • 16. Personal Narrative : My First Day At School BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! My digital clock struck 7:00, my light turned on, and I got ready. "Oh, it's my first day of second grade," I remembered while putting on my hat. The sun was shining through my bedroom window, lighting up the corners of the room. This is 2011 in September and I was ready for my first day of second grade. I walked out of my room, seeing my entire family arisen from their peaceful slumber. I sat down at the table, pouring in a bowl of Kix and scarfing them down like I haven't eaten in days. Once everyone was done getting ready for school, my mom driven me, Caiden, Aaron, and Moriah to school. I was back at Barker Elementary as a second grader. I couldn't wait to see my new classroom. I arrived to school at 8:15, more content... I thought that third time's the charm. I saw people playing hand ball. I thought that I'd be good at this. Waited in line until it was my turn. I served the ball. I threw it. My opponent countered with his hit. I tried to hit it, but my swing missed. The ball bounced twice. I was out. I have no activity, with no friends, and no new life. After the end of recess and another session of S.C.H.O.O.L. (Six Cruel Hours Of Our Lives), It was time for lunch. I brung a corn dog, a Wild Cherry Capri–Sun, applesauce, and 2 Oreos. I sat at where all the other 2nd graders were (that was when I noticed that each grade has their own assigned seating). I was quiet when I got to the table to sit down. I was a little shy due to my weak ability of playing with physical contact. I heard other second graders talking to each other about things that they liked. I didn't bother, I stayed quiet while eating my food for the rest of the time during lunch. Once school ended, I waited in car line for my mom to pick me up. I was picked up from a white prius. I was heading home. "So, how was your first day of school, "my mom asked. I was still quiet like a toy with no squeaker. Once I got home I went to my room and got on my tablet, which was on my night stand charging. I unplugged it and played Angry Birds. When it was 5:00, it was time to got to my grandparents' church. Once we got to MEFC (Mission Ebenezer Family Church), I asked my grandmother a question, "What do I if I don't Get more content on
  • 17. My First Day At School Essay On the morning of September 1st, 2016, I woke up to my alarm excited and ready for my first day of school. I quickly got dressed and ran down the stairs to get some breakfast. I ate my breakfasts meal, and since there was time to kill before we were allowed to enter school, I pet my dogs and just layed down in my warm, soft blankets. I wish I could bring my dogs and my blankets to school with me, I thought to myself, but I know school is a time for learning, not for sleeping and relaxing. Once it was around 7:25 AM, my dad drove me to school. I met my friends in front of the school by the big tree in the front of the campus, and we talked about how weird it was going to be going to a whole new school with people we knew and people we didn't know. We also were talking about which teachers we thought we were going to get. We had many other discussions for the rest of the time we had to hang out together. but I can't remember what they were about. Quite a few minutes later, the bell that signaled that we could enter school rang, and we all scrambled inside to get in line to get our schedules. I got in line, and waited until I got to the front. Once I did, I said my first and last name to the person and they gave me my schedule. I looked it over, and ran to find my friends so I could see if I had any classes with them. I had some of my them in my classes, but not many. For the remainder of the morning we had to hang out, I wandered around the school, checking things Get more content on
  • 18. Essay My First Day At School My first day of school was a mess. I woke up, got dressed, brushed my hair, ate breakfast and then brushed my teeth. I packed my bag and got ready to wait for the bus. I was so scared. I had so many thoughts running through my mind all at once. As I walked outside I saw the bus pulling on the end of street, my heart was racing. As the bus approached I stepped on and picked the closest empty seat available. The bus was quite yet at the same time I heard people talking. A few minutes later I just decided to look out the window instead of awkwardly staring down. We stopped at this older house but then there was a house a little farther back kind of behind trees and another house, two kids came walking out from the front house and got on more content... I just walked around and sat on the slides. I didn't really know where we could go and didn't know what to play. Lunch time came around, I stood in the lunch line and then picked a table. I remember I sat there and ate, then after lunch we went back to the classroom in our lines. I was quite for the rest of the day. We packed our bags and I saw other kids just packing their homework but I packed everything as if I was starting the day all over again. After I packed my bag. The bell rang and the teacher walked us down the hallway. We got to the doors and I tried to look for my bus number, I couldn't find my bus. After a little bit of walking I found bus number "16." I walked on and sat in the closest seat possible but then the bus driver looks up and says "Can you move one seat back" so I did. Then that the girl that sat behind that morning sat next to me and said "Hi I'm Cydnee, what's your name" I was shocked she started to talk to me right away I said "Hi my name is Hannah." We became best friends after that. The whole bus ride home we laughed about how our laughs sounded different and then before we knew it, it was her turn to get off. Before she got off she turned and looked and said "You snort sometimes" and I started to laugh as she walked off. We got to my house, I walk off the bus and then run up to my house it feels good to be home. I go to my room sit my bag down grab my Get more content on
  • 19. My First Day At School First Day of School Out of nowhere the alarm rang, it was either a clock when it rang. School started at eleven thirty because it was the first day. I couldn't stand up from my bed because I was still falling asleep. When I finally stood up and got changed because I was going to get a haircut . When I got home I noticed I only had thirty minutes so I grabbed my speaker, I connected to my phone. I headed to the bathroom, I turned on the water, I put music on and got in the shower. When I got out of the shower I got changed, dried my hair, did my hair, and headed down stairs. My mom already had the breakfast for me and my sister. She made us egg with pancakes. My sister saw the clock and said, "It's eleven twenty five". I responding saying, "Okay sister." We aet the rest of the food and headed up stairs because we still had to brush our teeth and grab our backpack. I was eleven thirty–four. My sister and me said by to our parents, when we were walking in noticed there was a bus, and it was our bus. We ran to the bus, it was a little far when we noticed the bus. At first time when I saw in the bus there was barely anyone in the but, the bus driver said, "There's not many people in the bus today because most of their parents take them for the first day of school, but expect more people in the bus tomorrow." The whole but ride I was playing Eight Ball Pool and lising to music, all the kids where on their phones Get more content on