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Planetary	Vital	Signs,		
Planetary	Decisions,		
Planetary	Intelligence	
Public	Mistrust	of	Global	Temperature		
Ocean	Heat	
Risk	Indicators	
Planetary	Intelligence	
Charles	F	Kennel	&	Stephen	Briggs,	Seminar	presentaGon	to	Centre	for	Study	of	
	ExistenGal	Risk,	University	of	Cambridge,	February	26,	2016,	in	collaboraGon		
with	David	Victor,	School	of	Global	Policy	and	Strategies,	UCSD
Global	Temperature	
Our	naïve	aRempt	to	communicate	haunts	us	all.	
We	measure	and	compute	a	vast	range	of	variables	yet	focus	publicly	on	one	number	that	conveys	the	
misleading	impression	that	the	world	warms	up	uniformly,	or	that	increased	temperature	is	the	primary	
manifestaGon	of	climate	change.	We	then	use	this	highly	imperfect	index	of	the	rate	humans	are	adding	
energy	to	the	climate	system	as	our	primary	criterion	for	whether	we	are	making	progress.
Global	temperature	gets	
	us	into	hot	water
The	Hockey	SGck	
Global	Temperature	in	the	last	millennium	
Empirical	adjustments	of	ecological	proxy	and	thermometer	data	
Michael	E.	Mann,	“The	Hockey	SGck	and	the	Climate	Wars:	dispatches	from	the	front	lines”,	
	Columbia	University	Press,	2012
Greenhouse	warming	not	showing	up	in	surface	temperature	
Models	work	before	2000	but	not	aYer	
Interdecadal	Pacific	OscillaGon	?		
Anomalies	are	from	three	updated	observaGonal	datasets	and	the	ensemble	mean	(black	curve)	and	10–90%	range	
(darker	grey	shading)	GMST	of	124	simulaGons	from	41	CMIP-5	models	using	RCP4.5	extensions	from	2005.	
	Fyfe,	J.C.	et	al,	Making	Sense	of	the	early	2000s	warming	slowdown,	Nature	Climate	Change	6,	224–228	(2016)	doi:
10.1038/nclimate2938	Published	online	24	February	2016	.
Gaps	 between	 sparse	 data	 of	 different	 types	 taken	 at	 ill-
assorted	points	far	from	one	another	in	space	and	Gme	must	
be	filled	in	by	mulG-parameter	models	constructed	from	other	
data	and	physics-based	calculaGons.		
The	results	depend	 	on	the	accuracy	and	completeness	of	the	
measurements,	the	 	realism	and	precision	of	the	models,	and	
the	rigor	of	the	staGsGcal	techniques	used	to	merge	data	and	
Progress	 is	 recursive.	 Improvements	 in	 observaGons,	
theoreGcal	understanding,	models,	staGsGcal	techniques,	and	
computaGonal	 capacity	 produce	 new	 results	 that,	 treated	 as	
data	in	subsequent	models,	start	the	cycle	of	reanalysis	again.	
As	knowledge	improves,	
the	data	change		
Second		Law	of		
Karl,	Thomas	R.,	et	al.	"Possible	arGfacts	of	
data	biases	in	the	recent	global	surface	
warming	hiatus."	Science	348.6242	(2015):	
2015	NOAA	reanalysis	has	aroused	poliGcal		
suspicion	as	well	as	scienGfic	skepGcism	
“Approximately	300	people	including	
scienGsts,	engineers	and	other	
experts,	about	half	with	doctorate	
degrees,	have	peGGoned	U.S.	House	
Science	CommiRee	Chairman	Lamar	
Smith,	R-Texas,	to	carefully	
invesGgate	suspiciously	overheated	
climate	temperature	book-cooking	by	
the	NaGonal	Oceanic	Atmospheric	
AdministraGon	(NOAA).”		
	Larry	Bell,	“Stats	Tampering	Puts	NOAA	
in	hot	water”	,	CATO	InsGtute,	Feb	1,	
Land-surface	 temperatures	 from	
more	weather	staGons	+	 	adjusGng	
SST	 bias	 between	 ships	 and	 buoys	
lowered	 earlier	 data;	 inclusion	 of	
2014	data	raised	later	data
By	now,	you	are	thinking	that	the	aRribuGon	issue	is	seRled,	that	the	
denialist	phenomenon	is	over	except	in	the	US…that	the	US	has	
unusually	crude	ways	of	displaying	poliGcal	conflict…	
What	is	shouted	loudly	in	US	media	may	be	quietly	held	elsewhere…	
Unresolved	cogniGve	dissonance	produces	resistance		
to	taking	acGon,	conscious	or	unconscious.		
Trust	is	the	coin	of	the	realm	
The	climate	science	and	technology	community	has	tried	since	IPCC	
was	founded	in	1988		to	do	all	within	its	powers	to	make	its	results	
trustworthy.	Could	we	have	done	a	beRer	job	with	temperature?	
It	is	not	enough	to	be	right
The	oceans	take	up	more	than	90%	of	the	energy	
added	 to	 the	 climate	 system	 by	 humans.	 	 The	
atmosphere,	2%.	
The	 heat	 content	 of	 the	 ocean	 is	 our	 best	
measure	of	humanity’s	impact	on	the	climate.		Its	
Gme	history	and	geographical	distribuGon	help	us	
understand	 whether	 the	 changes	 we	 are	 seeing	
are	 incidental	 or	 fundamental.	 	 It	 tells	 us	 how	
much	 climate	 risk	 we	 are	 storing	 up	 for	 the	
future.			Fortunately,	we	can	now	measure	it.	
Why	do	we	let	the	world	rely	
on	temperature?
Riser,	Stephen	C.,	et	al.	"FiYeen	years	of	ocean	observaGons	with	the	global	Argo	array."	Nature	Climate	Change	6.2	
(2016):	145-153;	Project	ARGO	deployment	cycle.	
	Figure	courtesy	of	Megan	Scanderbeg,	Scripps	InsGtuGon	of	Oceanography,	UC	San	Diego.	
Project	Argo
DistribuGon	of	ARGO	Floats	
The	diagram	is	of	course	misleading;	the	data	are	sparse.		Each	point	corresponds	to	
	3deg	x	3deg	pixel	(300kmx300km	approx.).	
	The	system	has	recorded	about	1.5M	verGcal	profiles.
Gleckler,	Peter	J.,	et	al.	"Industrial-era	global	ocean	heat	uptake	doubles	in	recent	
decades,	”Nature	Climate	Change”		(2016).	Also,		Wijffels,	Susan,	et	al.	"Ocean	
temperatures	chronicle	the	ongoing	warming	of	Earth."		
Nature	Climate	Change	6.2	(2016):	116-118.	
Ocean		Heat,	1865-2015	
Half	of	all	ocean	warming	since	1865	was	during	hiatus	
OHC	change	esGmates	combining	climate	models	with		data	
from	the	nineteenth-century	Challenger	expediGon,	a	mulG-
decadal	record	of	ship-based	in	situ	mostly	upper-ocean	
measurements,	the	more	recent	near-global	Argo	floats	
profiling	to	intermediate	(2,000 m)	depths,	and	full-depth	
repeated	transoceanic	secGons.
Global	 surface	 temperature	 is	 the	 benchmark	
that	all	climate	models	are	tuned	to.		Would	their	
performance	improve	if	they	were	constrained	to	
opGmize	the	way	they	jointly	saGsfy	temperature	
and	ocean	heat	content	constraints?			Would	the	
models	 beRer	 separate	 anthropogenic	 warming	
from	 “natural	 variaGons”?	 	 Would	 decision	
makers	 have	 looked	 at	 both	 temperature	 and	
ocean	heat	content	if	the	modelers	had	done	so?		
What	if	OHC	had	also	been	a	benchmark	
for	climate	modeling?
That	an	important	policy	debate	has	been	hostage	to	delicate	
aspects	 of	 reanalysis	 shows	 how	 tricky	 reliance	 on	 a	 single	
indicator	 can	 be.	 Had	 ocean	 heat	 content	 been	 as	 visible	 as	
global	 temperature,	 it	 would	 have	 made	 clear	 to	 all	 that	
humans	were	sGll	adding	energy	to	the	climate	system.	Climate	
change	 was	 not	 slowing	 down,	 only	 global	 surface	 warming	
Of	 course,	 ocean	 heat	 content	 data,	 indeed	 all	 climate	 Gme	
series,	are	fragile	in	the	same	way	as	temperature	has	proven	
to	be.			But	that	is	the	point.	When	all	indicators	are	fragile,	you	
should	not	rely	on	one;	you	risk	over-focusing	policy	on	it.		You	
look	 at	 a	 number	 of	 different	 ones	 and	 ask	 whether	 they	 all	
point	in	the	same	general	direcGon.		You	look	at	the	balance	of	
This	whole	episode	is	troubling
Ditch	the	2-degree	warming	goal	
David	G.	Victor	and	Charles	F.	Kennel,		Nature,	514,	30–31	(02	October	2014)	doi:10.1038/514030a	
Global	temperature	a	misleading	metric	of	anthropogenic	climate	change	
2-degrees	surpassed		unless	global	deployment	of	unproven	carbon	removal	technologies	
Business	as	usual	unacceptable,	but	no	scienGfic	proof	that	2	degrees	is	threshold	of	danger
Climate	Risk	
Failure	to	miGgate	or	adapt	to	climate	change:	the	largest	
single	threat	to	the	global	economy	
ScienGsts	do	not	make	the	decisions	on	climate,	poliGcians	and	business	leaders	do.		
They	respond	to	the	risks	to	things	the	public	cares	about,	
	not	the	abstract	threat	of	climate	change.
Vital	Signs	
Empirical	indicators	of	ongoing	
change	in	key	climate	systems	
Direct	Risk	
The	ecological	and/or	societal	
impacts	of	changes	in		
contemporary	or	future	climate		
Systemic	Risk		
Query-based	extreme	outcome	
What	is	the	worst	thing	that	can	
Large	Weather	and	Ocean	Systems	
	Thermal	properGes-	Atmospheric	and	sea	surface	temperature,	ocean	heat	content	
Atmospheric	circulaGon-meridional	heat	transport,	jet	streams,	Hadley	Cell…	
Oceanic	circulaGon-AntarcGc	Current,	Beaufort	Gyre,	Kuroshio,	Gulf	Stream…	
Space-Gme	paRerns-ENSO,	Indian	Ocean	Dipole;	Pacific	Decadal	&	ArcGc	OscillaGons..	
Extreme	weather	systemaGcs-heat	waves,	cold	snaps,	storms,	droughts,	floods,…	
Regional	Geophysical	Systems	
Cryosphere-Sea	ice,	Greenland/AntarcGc	ice	shelves,	mountain	glaciers	and	snows,	permafrost…	
Watersheds-river	networks,	aquifers,	deltas,	sediment	transport…	
Coastal	Zones-RelaGve	sea	level	rise,	storm	surges,	beach	erosion,	salt	water	intrusions	
Regional	Ecological	Systems	
Biomes-Deserts,	chaparral,	grassland,	savannah,	forest,	tundra,	marshlands…	
Biodiversity-species	distribuGons	and	abundances,	symbioses…	
Habitat	change-invasive	species,	migraGon….	
Regional	Technical	Systems	
	Ecosystems-Agriculture,	forestry,	fisheries…	
Water	and	Air	Supplies-IrrigaGon,	polluGon,	dams,		
Extreme	Events-Disaster	response	and	civil	infrastructure…	
Energy	Services-Electricity	transmission,	hydroelectric	power,…	
Health-Malaria,	cholera,	respiratory	disease,…	
Security-Food,	water,	energy,	environmental	conflict,	migraGon…	
Economics-Industries,	trade,	investment,	insurance,…	
Welfare-Sustainable	development	
Mobility-Air	and	sea	transport	
Vital	Signs	
	Direct	Risk	
AdaptaGon	Knowledge	Cascade
Common	Challenge	
	Traceable	pathways	connecGng	independent	
	knowledge	domains	and	ontologies	
Methodological	Issues	
Inherently	sparse	data,	Inhomogeneous	sampling	
Incommensurate	data	types,	no	explicit	causal	connecGons	
Empirical	bins	and	arbitrary	formats;	StaGsGcal	outliers	unusually	
important;	Need	to	use	expert	advice	where	analysis	fails	
Big	data	Bayesian	analyGcs	
	The	basic	requirement	is	for		three-way	collaboraGons	among			
experts	in	big	data	analyGcs,	climate	modeling,	and		in	
	environment	or	social	impact	areas.
How	else	can	the	relaGvely	small	science,	policy,	and	technology	community	develop	
the	capacity	to	serve	millions	of	decision-makers	in	dozens	of	industrial	sectors,	
hundreds	of	ecologically	disGnct	ecological	regions,	and	thousands	of	communiGes	
with	different	cultural,	economic,	and	environmental	characterisGcs?		
Climate-smart	infrastructure
Smart	Infrastructure:	Annotated	search	engines		
Guides	to	the	informaGon	jungle		
Living	annotaGon	by	a	global	network	of	qualified	reviewers	
Knowledge	syntheses	appear	as	soon	as	subject	maRer	is	mature		
Levels	of	decision	readiness	characterized
Should	we	not	think	in	advance	of	an	always-on	
social	and	informaGon	network	that	provides	
decision-ready	knowledge	to	those	who	hold	the	
responsibility	to	act,	wherever	they	are,	at	Gmes	of	
their	choosing?		Shouldn’t	we	prepare	the	social	
infrastructure-policies,	governance,	insGtuGons,	
financing-	needed	to	knit	climate	knowledge	and	
acGon	together?		
Knowledge	AcGon	Network	
Kennel,	Charles	F.,	Veerabhadran	Ramanathan,	and	David	G.	Victor.	"Coping	with	climate	change	in	the	
next	half-century."	Proceedings	of	the	American	Philosophical	Society	156.4	(2012):	398-415.	
Victor,	David	G.,	Charles	F.	Kennel,	and	Veerabhadran	Ramanathan.	"The	climate	threat	we	can	beat."	
Foreign	Affairs	91.3	(2012):	112-121.
Think	Globally	
AnalyGc	tools	and	
Assess	Regionally	
Impacts	on	regional	
natural	&	technical	
Act	Locally	
Values	and	
Global	Knowledge	AcGon	Network	
	Knowledge	needs	to	be	related	to	acGon	“horizontally”	among	experts	and		
decision	makers	at	each	level,	and	“verGcally”,	both	up	and	down,	through		
the	global,	regional,	and	local	levels.		
C.F.	Kennel,	“Knowledge	AcGon	Networks”	in	Sustainable	Humanity,	Sustainable	Nature,	Our	
Responsibility,	Proceedings	of	the	Joint	Workshop,	PonGfical	Academies	of	
	Science	and	Social	Science,	Extra	series	41,	VaGcan	City	2015
Is	 it	 possible	 to	 use	 the	 tools	 at	 hand-	
observaGons	 from	 space	 and	 ground	
networks;	 demographic,	 economic	 and	
societal	 measures;	 big	 data	 staGsGcal	
techniques;	 	 numerical	 models,	 and	
modern	communicaGons-to	produce	global	
conGnuous	 awareness	 of	 the	 nature	 and	
evolving	risks	of	climate	change?		
Global	ConGnuous	Awareness
My	dear	lady,	here	at	UCLA	they	first	
interconnected	 computers.	 	 Soon	
there	will	be	a	world-wide	network.		It	
will	 first	 be	 used	 to	 manage	 global	
finance,	 but	 the	 	 expansion	 of	
economic	 acGvity	 it	 induces	 will	
create	 so	 much	 polluGon	 that	 it	 will	
be	asked	to	manage	our	economy	and	
environment	 in	 harmony	 with	 one	
another.	 	 People	 will	 want	 day-by-
day,	 minute-by-minute	 adapGve	
management,	 for	 which	 they	 neither	
have	 the	 paGence	 or	 quickness	 of	
mind.	 	 So	 they	 will	 connect	 their	
environmental	 sensors	 directly	 to	
their	 computer	 network.	 	 At	 that	
point,	they	will	have	created	a	planet	
aware	of	its	own	internal	processes,	a	
planetary	 consciousness.	 	 And	 that,	
dear	 lady,	 is	 what	 will	 communicate	
with	similar	enGGes	across	the	galaxy.	
Dinner	table	conversaGon	in	the	1970s,	
paraphrased	by	Charles	Kennel	in	2016
We	are	on	the	way	to	building	
Morrison’s	planetary	
consciousness.		We	will	think	we	
are	asking	it	to	diagnose	the		
planet’s	ills,	but	it	may	conclude	
that	we	are	the	problem….

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Why climate models fail
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Why climate models fail
10 Science Must Knows on Climate Change
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Global warming fact or fiction
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Global warming fact or fiction
AAAs What-we-know - Reporte Marzo 2014
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The EconomistClimate and the weatherIs it global warming.docx
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The EconomistClimate and the weatherIs it global warming.docx
Global Warming.pdf
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Global Warming.pdf
Swechha - London Colder than Antarctica" Unusual Trends of Global Cooling
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Swechha - London Colder than Antarctica" Unusual Trends of Global Cooling
Global Warming Presentation
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Global Warming Presentation
2016 state-of-the-climate-report cfact
2016 state-of-the-climate-report cfact2016 state-of-the-climate-report cfact
2016 state-of-the-climate-report cfact
A Brief Perspective On Climate Change Skepticism
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A Brief Perspective On Climate Change Skepticism
Climate Change - What Is It, Proof It's Happening, And What You Can Do
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A Brief Note On Floods And Its Effects On Human Beings
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Balancing Climate-Science & Religion
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Chelsea Gondeck - Final Thesis
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Global warming: Causes and Consequences
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Global warming: Causes and Consequences
Global Warmin Powerpoint
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Global Warmin Powerpoint
2017 Climate Change: People, Planet, Policy
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2017 Climate Change: People, Planet, Policy

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CSER-Feb 26 2016 v2 no movie.pptx (Read-Only)