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Adverb (kata keterangan/tambahan) adalah kata yang
dipakai untuk menerangkan bagian dari tata bahasa yang mana
saja kecuali kata benda dan kata ganti.
a) Adverb menerangkan kata kerja
Contoh: She speaks English fluently. Ia berbicara bahasa Inggris
dengan fasih
b) Adverb menerangkan kata sifat
Contoh: It’s now too hot to play tennis. Sekarang udara terlalu
panas untuk bermain tenis
c) Adverb menerangkan kata adverb lainnya
Contoh: She sings very well. Ia menyanyi dengan baik sekali
d) Adverb menerangkan kata depan
Contoh: The cat was sitting almost outside the door.
Kucing itu sedang duduk hampir di luar pintu
Di sini adverb almost menerangkan kata depan outside.
e) Adverb menerangkan kata sambung
Contoh: I want to know precisely how the accident
Saya ingin mengetahui secara pasti bagaimana kecelakaan itu terjadi
Adverb dapat menerangkan bukan saja kata-kata yang
terpisah tetapi juga sebuah kalimat asertif (yaitu kalimat yang
hanya menegaskan atau menyangkal sesuatu). Dalam hal ini adverb
harus ditempatkan di posisi awal kalimat.
Contoh: Evidently your success depends chiefly on yourself.
Jelaslah keberhasilan anda terutama tergantung pada anda sendiri
Adverb dibagi kedalam tiga golongan :
 Simple adverb
 Interrogative adverb
 Relative adverb
1) Simple adverb
 Kata-kata tambahan ini dapat dibedakan dari satu dengan yang lain menurut artinya :
a) Time (waktu)
Adverb of time (kata keterangan waktu)
 Contoh: I did this before, and he has done it since.
Saya melakukan hal ini dulu, dan ia telah melakukannya sejak waktu itu
 Kata keterangan waktu yang utama ialah: now, then (pada waktu itu), since (sejak
waktu itu), before (lebih dahulu), ago (dulu, dahulu), already (sudah), soon (segera),
immediately (segera, dengan segera), instantly (dengan segera), presently (segera, sekarang),
late (terlambat), lately (akhir-akhir ini), early (pagi-pagi), afterwards (sesudah itu,
kemudian), today (hari ini), yesterday (kemarin), tomorrow (besok), dsb.
b) adverbs of place (kata keterangan tempat)
Contoh:You may sit here.
Anda boleh duduk di sini
 Kata keterangan tempat yang utama: here, there, hence (dari sini),
thence (dari sana), above (di atas), below (di bawah, ke bawah), in (di atau masuk
ke tempat, posisi dsb, ada/tidak absen), out (di luar, tidak di rumah), inside (di
dalam, ke dalam), outside (di luar, ke luar), hither (ke/menuju tempat ini, di sana,
ke sana), within (dalam), without (luar, di luar), far (jauh), near (di atau ke suatu
jarak yang dekat, tidak jauh), dsb.
c) Number (bilangan)
Adverbs of number (kata keterangan bilangan)
Contoh: I did it twice.
Saya melakukannya dua kali
Kata keterangan bilangan yang utama: once (satu kali, sekali), twice (dua
kali), thrice, again (lagi), firstly (pertama, pertama-tama), secondly (kedua),
always (selalu), never (tak pernah), often (sering), seldom (jarang), sometimes
(kadang-kadang), dsb.
d) Manner, quality, or state
Kata keterangan cara, sifat atau keadaan.
 Contoh: She did her work quickly. Ia mengerjakan pekerjaannya
dengan cepat
Termasuk golongan adverb ini: well (dengan baik), ill (jelek, dengan
jelek), badly (jelek, kurang senonoh), amiss (salah), fluently (dengan lancar),
probably (mungkin), possibly (mungkin), may be (mungkin), perhaps
(barangkali), must be (tentu/pasti), thus (demikian), so (begitu, amat), dsb.
e) Quantity, extent or degree (banyaknya, taraf atau tingkat)
Contoh: He is almost a heavyeater. Ia hampir menjadi jago makan
 Termasuk adverb golongan ini: very, too (terlalu), quite (sungguh),
much, almost, little (sedikit sekali), a little (sedikit), somewhat (agak),
rather (agak, cukup), so (begitu dalam arti sampai sedemikian luas/besar),
half (setengah), partly (sebagian), wholly = completely = entirely =
totally (sama sekali), really (sesungguhnya), actually (sesungguhnya),
honestly (secara jujur), truthfully (dengan sebenarnya), dsb.
f) Affirming or denying (menegaskan atau menyangkal)
Contoh: He did not go after all. Akhirnya ia tidak pergi
Termasuk adverb golongan ini: yea (ya, betul), nay (tidak), yes (ya), no (tidak),
not (tidak, bukan), by all menas (tentu saja), not at all (sama sekali tidak).
2) Interrogative adverb
Kata-kata tambahan/keterangan yang dipakai untuk mengajukan pertanyaan:
a) Time (waktu)
Interrogative adverb of time (kata keterangan penanya waktu)
When did you come? kapan anda datang?
How long will you stay here? berapa lama anda akan tinggal disini?
b) Place (tempat)
Where do you live? anda tinggal dimana?
Whence have they come? mereka (telah) datang dari mana?
Whither are you going? kemana anda akan pergi?
c) Number (bilangan)
Contoh: How often do you eat?
berapa kali anda makan?
d) Manner, quality, or state (cara, sifat, atau keadaan)
How did you do that?
bagaimana caranya anda melakukan itu?
How are you today?
bagaimana kesehatan anda hari ini?
e) Quantity or degree (banyaknya atau tingkat)
Contoh: How far was that news true? sampai berapa jauh berita itu benar?
f) Cause or reason (sebab atau alasan)
Why did he leave? mengapa ia pergi?
Wherefore did she weep? mengapa ia menangis?
Catatan :
Adverb how kadang-kadang dipakai dalam pengertian seru
How hot it is today! alangkah panasnya hari ini!
How beautiful that view is! alangkah indahnya pemandangan itu!
How much disappointed he will be! ia akan betapa kecewanya!
Bentuk adverb
Beberapa adverb mempunyai bentuk yang sama seperti adjective.
Early (pagi-pagi)
Long (panjang)

Early (pagi-pagi)
Long (lama)

Loud (yang keras suara)

Loud (demgam keras [suara])

Hard (keras, sukar, susah)

Hard (keras, sukar, susah)

Late (yang terlambat)

Late (dengan terlambat)

Only (satu-satunya, tunggal)

Only (hanya)

Fast (cepat)

Fast (dengan cepat)

Enough (yang cukup)

Enough (dengan cukup)

Far (yang jauh)

Far (jauh)

Near (dekat)

Near (dekat)

Much (banyak)

Much (sangat, jauh)

High (tinggi)

High (tinggi)

Low (rendah)

Low (rendah)

Good (baik)

Well (dengan baik)
Degrees of Comparison in Adverb
Beberapa kata keterangan mempunyai tingkat perbandinghan seperti
kata sifat dan ini dibentuk dengan cara yang sama.
a) Kalau adverb merupakan sebuah kata yang bersuku kata satu,
komparatif dibentuk dengan menambahkan er dan superlatif dengan
menambahkan est.



Late (terlambat)
Late (terlambat)

Later (kemudian)
Later (kemudian)

Later (kemudian)
Latest (terakhir)

Long (lama)

longer (lebih lama)

Longest (terlama)


nearer (lebih dekat)


soon (segera, dgn

sooner(lebih cepat)

soonest( paling cepat)
c) Adverb yang berakhiran ly, komparatif dibentuk dengan menambahkan
more dan superlatif dengan menambahkan most :




Busily (sibuk)
Slowly (pelanpelan)

More busily
(lebih sibuk)
More slowly
(lebih pelan)

Most busily
(paling sibuk)
Most slowly
(paling pelan)
b) Beberapa adverb membentuk tingkat perbandingan secara tidak teratur.




Well (dengan baik) Better (lebih baik)
ill (jelek)
Worse (lebih jelek)

Best (paling baik)
Worst (paling jelek)

badly (jelek)

Worst (paling jelek)

Worse (lebih jelek)

forth (selanjutnya) Further (lebih lanjut) Furthest (paling jauh)
far (jauh)

Farther (lebih jauh)

Farthest (paling jauh)

much (jauh)

More (lebih jauh)

Most (paling jauh)

little (sedikit)

Less (kurang)

Least (paling sedikit)
Pengertian Adjective
Adjective adalah suatu kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun atau pronoun
yang dapat berupa: person (orang), place (tempat), animal (binatang), maupun thing
(benda, konsep abstrak). Kata sifat ini merupakan satu dari delapan part of speech.
Kata sifat mungkin berbentuk sederhana (dark, hot, young), atau berbentuk frasa
— adjective phrase. Frasa ini merupakan kombinasi dari adjective (sebagai head)
dan modifier, determiner, dan/atau qualifier/intensifier (very
dark chocolate, young married couple). Selain itu, mungkin dua kata
sifat bergabung membentuk kata baru yang disebut compound adjective (parttime jobs, oil-free lotion).
macam – macam adjective. Ada tiga macam adjective yaitu descriptive,
limiting, dan proper adjective.
Descriptive adjective menjelaskan kualitas atau keadaan dari noun atau
pronoun yang dijelaskan.
Contoh : handsome boy (‘handsome’ menjelaskan kualitas dari anak laki-laki
yang tampan), stunning person, etc.
Limiting adjective (membatasi). Ada beberapa macam yaitu :
Demonstrative adjective, menunjukkan atau mengkhususkan noun atau
pronoun yang dijelaskannya. Demontrative adjective antara lain : this, that,
these dan those. Contoh : this table (this menunjukkan secara khusus noun
‘table’ (meja yang mana ? meja yang ini)).
Indefinite adjective, menunjukkan secara lebih luas noun atau pronoun
yang dijelaskan. Contoh : some advices, any person, all women, most …
Numerical adjective, menunjukkan suatu bilangan ketika menjelaskan
noun atau pronoun. Bilangan ini bisa berupa cardinal number (bilangan
pokok) bisa juga ordinal number (bilangan urut). Contoh : the sixth
princess (Putri raja yang keberapa ? Putri raja yang keenam), six tables,
Interrogative adjective, mengajukan pertanyaan ketika menjelaskan noun
atau pronoun.
Contoh : What time is it ?, whose pen is on the table ? (‘time’ dan ‘pen’
merupakan noun)
Possessive adjective, menyatakan kepunyaan ketika menjelaskan noun atau
Contoh : my book (buku milik siapa ? buku milikku), its leather, etc.
Proper adjective, menjelaskan noun atau pronoun
dimana modifier (penjelasnya) berasal dari proper
Contoh : Chinese cuisine, Indonesian culture, French
restaurant, etc.
(Masakan apa ? masakan Cina. 'Chinese, Indonesian,
French' merupakan proper name)
Adjectives and Adverbs

An adjective and/or adverb item
on an objective test might look
like this ...
Quick Test
Directions: In the items that follow, choose
the option that corrects an error in the
underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose
“No change is necessary.”

Blow us away
with what you
Item 1
Farzana did poor on on her algebra quiz. She
poorly her algebra quiz. She
poor onher algebra quiz. She
couldn’t concentrate well because her tablemate
well because her tablemate
was chomping noisily on a a piece of gum.
noisily on piece of gum.

No change is necessary.
Item 2
Lawrence cheated on the chemistry test, but he is still very
happy with his A.

No change is is necessary.
change necessary.
Item 3
The excruciating long long schoolput Wanda in in in
excruciatingly school day day put Wanda
excruciating long school day put Wanda
a badmood. She was very tired and just
bad mood. She was very tired and just
wanted to go home to relax.

No change is necessary.
Item 4
The horrifying news that Professor Anderson
horrifying news that Professor Anderson
was assigning another 10-page paper made his
students complain bitter about his his very hard
bitterly about very hard
bitter about hisvery hard

real demanding
No change is necessary.
Item 5
The duck quacked loud, hoping that we would throw ititsome
loud, hoping that we would throw
some French fries.
of ourof our French fries.

real loud
No change is necessary.
Item 6
Mr. Hodges says to quit gossiping about Veronica and finish
typing his report real quick.
real quick.

very quick
real quickly
right now
right now
No change is necessary.
Item 7
We roasted in the very hot sun, sweat pouring
very hot sun, sweat pouring
profusely off skin. Thoughts of iced tea and
profuse off our skin. Thoughts of of tea tea
profuse off our our skin. Thoughtsicediced and and
lemonade plagued us mercilessly.

real hot
No change is necessary.
Item 8
We moved into the new apartment real easy.
real easy.
Rebecca shamelessly flirted with some strong
shamelessly flirted with some strong
neighbors who were happy to help with the
happy to help with the
heavy boxes.

No change is necessary.
Item 9
Alex did good during his speeches, addressing
good during his speeches, addressing
his classmates with confidence and poise. But he
did poorly for the semester because he never
poorly for the semester because he never
submitted homework punctually.
A. well
B. poor
C. punctual
D. No change is necessary.
Item 10
The incessant loudloud barks of neighbor’s dogs
incessantly barks of her her neighbor’s dogs
incessant loud barks of her neighbor’s dogs
kept Diane from getting a good night’s sleep. She
good night’s sleep. She
did not feel well rested the next day.
well rested the next day.

No change is necessary.
A dangling modifier is a phrase or clause that is not
clearly and logically related to the word or words it
modifies (i.e. is placed next to).
Two notes about dangling modifiers:
•Unlike a misplaced modifier, a dangling modifier cannot
be corrected by simply moving it to a different place in a
•In most cases, the dangling modifier appears at the
beginning of the sentence, although it can also come at
the end.
Sometimes the dangling modifier error occurs because
the sentence fails to specify anything to which the modifier can refer.
Example 1

This sentence does not specify who is looking
toward the west. In fact, there is nothing at all
in the sentence to which the modifying phrase
looking toward the west can logically refer.
Since the modifier, looking toward the west, is
sitting next to the funnel shaped cloud, the
sentence suggests that the cloud is doing the
 Example 2

 This sentence means that my mother enrolled in medical when

she was nine years old!
 At other times the dangling modifier is placed next to the wrong
noun or noun substitute.
 Misplaced Modifiers
 A misplaced modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that is

improperly separated from the word it modifies / describes.
 Because of the separation, sentences with this error often sound
awkward, ridiculous, or confusing. Furthermore, they can be
downright illogical.
 Example

 The example above suggests that a gold man owns a watch.
Misplaced modifiers can usually be corrected by moving the
modifier to a more sensible place in the sentence, generally next
to the word it modifies.

Now it is the watch that is gold.
 Misplaced Modifiers
 A misplaced modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that is

improperly separated from the word it modifies / describes.
 Because of the separation, sentences with this error often sound
awkward, ridiculous, or confusing. Furthermore, they can be
downright illogical.
 Example

 The example above suggests that a gold man owns a watch.
Adjective and adverb kelompok ii

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Adjective and adverb kelompok ii

  • 2.  ADVERBS Adverb (kata keterangan/tambahan) adalah kata yang dipakai untuk menerangkan bagian dari tata bahasa yang mana saja kecuali kata benda dan kata ganti. a) Adverb menerangkan kata kerja Contoh: She speaks English fluently. Ia berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan fasih b) Adverb menerangkan kata sifat Contoh: It’s now too hot to play tennis. Sekarang udara terlalu panas untuk bermain tenis c) Adverb menerangkan kata adverb lainnya Contoh: She sings very well. Ia menyanyi dengan baik sekali
  • 3. d) Adverb menerangkan kata depan Contoh: The cat was sitting almost outside the door. Kucing itu sedang duduk hampir di luar pintu Di sini adverb almost menerangkan kata depan outside. e) Adverb menerangkan kata sambung Contoh: I want to know precisely how the accident happened. Saya ingin mengetahui secara pasti bagaimana kecelakaan itu terjadi Adverb dapat menerangkan bukan saja kata-kata yang terpisah tetapi juga sebuah kalimat asertif (yaitu kalimat yang hanya menegaskan atau menyangkal sesuatu). Dalam hal ini adverb harus ditempatkan di posisi awal kalimat. Contoh: Evidently your success depends chiefly on yourself. Jelaslah keberhasilan anda terutama tergantung pada anda sendiri
  • 4. Adverb dibagi kedalam tiga golongan :  Simple adverb  Interrogative adverb  Relative adverb 1) Simple adverb  Kata-kata tambahan ini dapat dibedakan dari satu dengan yang lain menurut artinya : a) Time (waktu) Adverb of time (kata keterangan waktu)  Contoh: I did this before, and he has done it since. Saya melakukan hal ini dulu, dan ia telah melakukannya sejak waktu itu  Kata keterangan waktu yang utama ialah: now, then (pada waktu itu), since (sejak waktu itu), before (lebih dahulu), ago (dulu, dahulu), already (sudah), soon (segera), immediately (segera, dengan segera), instantly (dengan segera), presently (segera, sekarang), late (terlambat), lately (akhir-akhir ini), early (pagi-pagi), afterwards (sesudah itu, kemudian), today (hari ini), yesterday (kemarin), tomorrow (besok), dsb.
  • 5. b) adverbs of place (kata keterangan tempat) Contoh:You may sit here. Anda boleh duduk di sini  Kata keterangan tempat yang utama: here, there, hence (dari sini), thence (dari sana), above (di atas), below (di bawah, ke bawah), in (di atau masuk ke tempat, posisi dsb, ada/tidak absen), out (di luar, tidak di rumah), inside (di dalam, ke dalam), outside (di luar, ke luar), hither (ke/menuju tempat ini, di sana, ke sana), within (dalam), without (luar, di luar), far (jauh), near (di atau ke suatu jarak yang dekat, tidak jauh), dsb. c) Number (bilangan) Adverbs of number (kata keterangan bilangan) Contoh: I did it twice. Saya melakukannya dua kali Kata keterangan bilangan yang utama: once (satu kali, sekali), twice (dua kali), thrice, again (lagi), firstly (pertama, pertama-tama), secondly (kedua), always (selalu), never (tak pernah), often (sering), seldom (jarang), sometimes (kadang-kadang), dsb.
  • 6. d) Manner, quality, or state Kata keterangan cara, sifat atau keadaan.  Contoh: She did her work quickly. Ia mengerjakan pekerjaannya dengan cepat Termasuk golongan adverb ini: well (dengan baik), ill (jelek, dengan jelek), badly (jelek, kurang senonoh), amiss (salah), fluently (dengan lancar), probably (mungkin), possibly (mungkin), may be (mungkin), perhaps (barangkali), must be (tentu/pasti), thus (demikian), so (begitu, amat), dsb. e) Quantity, extent or degree (banyaknya, taraf atau tingkat) Contoh: He is almost a heavyeater. Ia hampir menjadi jago makan  Termasuk adverb golongan ini: very, too (terlalu), quite (sungguh), much, almost, little (sedikit sekali), a little (sedikit), somewhat (agak), rather (agak, cukup), so (begitu dalam arti sampai sedemikian luas/besar), half (setengah), partly (sebagian), wholly = completely = entirely = totally (sama sekali), really (sesungguhnya), actually (sesungguhnya), honestly (secara jujur), truthfully (dengan sebenarnya), dsb.
  • 7. f) Affirming or denying (menegaskan atau menyangkal) Contoh: He did not go after all. Akhirnya ia tidak pergi Termasuk adverb golongan ini: yea (ya, betul), nay (tidak), yes (ya), no (tidak), not (tidak, bukan), by all menas (tentu saja), not at all (sama sekali tidak). 2) Interrogative adverb Kata-kata tambahan/keterangan yang dipakai untuk mengajukan pertanyaan: a) Time (waktu) Interrogative adverb of time (kata keterangan penanya waktu) Contoh: When did you come? kapan anda datang? How long will you stay here? berapa lama anda akan tinggal disini? b) Place (tempat) Contoh: Where do you live? anda tinggal dimana? Whence have they come? mereka (telah) datang dari mana? Whither are you going? kemana anda akan pergi?
  • 8. c) Number (bilangan) Contoh: How often do you eat? berapa kali anda makan? d) Manner, quality, or state (cara, sifat, atau keadaan) Contoh: How did you do that? bagaimana caranya anda melakukan itu? How are you today? bagaimana kesehatan anda hari ini? e) Quantity or degree (banyaknya atau tingkat) Contoh: How far was that news true? sampai berapa jauh berita itu benar? f) Cause or reason (sebab atau alasan) Contoh: Why did he leave? mengapa ia pergi? Wherefore did she weep? mengapa ia menangis? Catatan : Adverb how kadang-kadang dipakai dalam pengertian seru Contoh: How hot it is today! alangkah panasnya hari ini! How beautiful that view is! alangkah indahnya pemandangan itu! How much disappointed he will be! ia akan betapa kecewanya!
  • 9. Bentuk adverb Beberapa adverb mempunyai bentuk yang sama seperti adjective. Early (pagi-pagi) Long (panjang) Early (pagi-pagi) Long (lama) Loud (yang keras suara) Loud (demgam keras [suara]) Hard (keras, sukar, susah) Hard (keras, sukar, susah) Late (yang terlambat) Late (dengan terlambat) Only (satu-satunya, tunggal) Only (hanya) Fast (cepat) Fast (dengan cepat) Enough (yang cukup) Enough (dengan cukup) Far (yang jauh) Far (jauh) Near (dekat) Near (dekat) Much (banyak) Much (sangat, jauh) High (tinggi) High (tinggi) Low (rendah) Low (rendah) Good (baik) Well (dengan baik)
  • 10. Degrees of Comparison in Adverb Beberapa kata keterangan mempunyai tingkat perbandinghan seperti kata sifat dan ini dibentuk dengan cara yang sama. a) Kalau adverb merupakan sebuah kata yang bersuku kata satu, komparatif dibentuk dengan menambahkan er dan superlatif dengan menambahkan est. Positif Komparatif Superlatif Late (terlambat) Late (terlambat) Later (kemudian) Later (kemudian) Later (kemudian) Latest (terakhir) Long (lama) longer (lebih lama) Longest (terlama) near(dekat) nearer (lebih dekat) nearest(terdekat) soon (segera, dgn cepat) sooner(lebih cepat) soonest( paling cepat)
  • 11. c) Adverb yang berakhiran ly, komparatif dibentuk dengan menambahkan more dan superlatif dengan menambahkan most : Positif Komparatif Superlatif Busily (sibuk) Slowly (pelanpelan) More busily (lebih sibuk) More slowly (lebih pelan) Most busily (paling sibuk) Most slowly (paling pelan)
  • 12. b) Beberapa adverb membentuk tingkat perbandingan secara tidak teratur. Positif Komparatif Superlatif Well (dengan baik) Better (lebih baik) ill (jelek) Worse (lebih jelek) Best (paling baik) Worst (paling jelek) badly (jelek) Worst (paling jelek) Worse (lebih jelek) forth (selanjutnya) Further (lebih lanjut) Furthest (paling jauh) far (jauh) Farther (lebih jauh) Farthest (paling jauh) much (jauh) More (lebih jauh) Most (paling jauh) little (sedikit) Less (kurang) Least (paling sedikit)
  • 13. Pengertian Adjective Adjective adalah suatu kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun atau pronoun yang dapat berupa: person (orang), place (tempat), animal (binatang), maupun thing (benda, konsep abstrak). Kata sifat ini merupakan satu dari delapan part of speech. Kata sifat mungkin berbentuk sederhana (dark, hot, young), atau berbentuk frasa — adjective phrase. Frasa ini merupakan kombinasi dari adjective (sebagai head) dan modifier, determiner, dan/atau qualifier/intensifier (very dark chocolate, young married couple). Selain itu, mungkin dua kata sifat bergabung membentuk kata baru yang disebut compound adjective (parttime jobs, oil-free lotion).
  • 14. macam – macam adjective. Ada tiga macam adjective yaitu descriptive, limiting, dan proper adjective. Descriptive adjective menjelaskan kualitas atau keadaan dari noun atau pronoun yang dijelaskan. Contoh : handsome boy (‘handsome’ menjelaskan kualitas dari anak laki-laki yang tampan), stunning person, etc. Limiting adjective (membatasi). Ada beberapa macam yaitu : Demonstrative adjective, menunjukkan atau mengkhususkan noun atau pronoun yang dijelaskannya. Demontrative adjective antara lain : this, that, these dan those. Contoh : this table (this menunjukkan secara khusus noun ‘table’ (meja yang mana ? meja yang ini)).
  • 15. Indefinite adjective, menunjukkan secara lebih luas noun atau pronoun yang dijelaskan. Contoh : some advices, any person, all women, most … etc. Numerical adjective, menunjukkan suatu bilangan ketika menjelaskan noun atau pronoun. Bilangan ini bisa berupa cardinal number (bilangan pokok) bisa juga ordinal number (bilangan urut). Contoh : the sixth princess (Putri raja yang keberapa ? Putri raja yang keenam), six tables, etc. Interrogative adjective, mengajukan pertanyaan ketika menjelaskan noun atau pronoun. Contoh : What time is it ?, whose pen is on the table ? (‘time’ dan ‘pen’ merupakan noun) Possessive adjective, menyatakan kepunyaan ketika menjelaskan noun atau pronoun. Contoh : my book (buku milik siapa ? buku milikku), its leather, etc.
  • 16. Proper adjective, menjelaskan noun atau pronoun dimana modifier (penjelasnya) berasal dari proper name. Contoh : Chinese cuisine, Indonesian culture, French restaurant, etc. (Masakan apa ? masakan Cina. 'Chinese, Indonesian, French' merupakan proper name)
  • 19. An adjective and/or adverb item on an objective test might look like this ...
  • 20. Quick Test Directions: In the items that follow, choose the option that corrects an error in the underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose “No change is necessary.” Blow us away with what you know.
  • 21. Item 1 Farzana did poor on on her algebra quiz. She poorly her algebra quiz. She poor onher algebra quiz. She A couldn’t concentrate well because her tablemate well because her tablemate B was chomping noisily on a a piece of gum. noisily on piece of gum. C A. B. C. D. poorly poorly good noisy No change is necessary.
  • 22. Item 2 Lawrence cheated on the chemistry test, but he is still very very happy with his A. A. B. C. D. real so well No change is is necessary. change necessary.
  • 23. Item 3 The excruciating long long schoolput Wanda in in in excruciatingly school day day put Wanda excruciating long school day put Wanda A a badmood. She was very tired and just bad mood. She was very tired and just B C wanted to go home to relax. A. B. C. D. excruciatingly excruciatingly worser real No change is necessary.
  • 24. Item 4 The horrifying news that Professor Anderson horrifying news that Professor Anderson A was assigning another 10-page paper made his students complain bitter about his his very hard bitterly about very hard bitter about hisvery hard B C requirements. A. B. C. D. horrifyingly bitterly bitterly real demanding No change is necessary.
  • 25. Item 5 The duck quacked loud, hoping that we would throw ititsome loud, hoping that we would throw some French fries. of ourof our French fries. A. B. C. D. loudest real loud loudly loudly No change is necessary.
  • 26. Item 6 Mr. Hodges says to quit gossiping about Veronica and finish typing his report real quick. real quick. A. B. C. D. very quick real quickly right now right now No change is necessary.
  • 27. Item 7 We roasted in the very hot sun, sweat pouring very hot sun, sweat pouring A profusely off skin. Thoughts of iced tea and profuse off our skin. Thoughts of of tea tea profuse off our our skin. Thoughtsicediced and and B B lemonade plagued us mercilessly. mercilessly. C A. B. C. D. real hot profusely profusely merciless No change is necessary.
  • 28. Item 8 We moved into the new apartment real easy. easily. real easy. A A Rebecca shamelessly flirted with some strong shamelessly flirted with some strong B neighbors who were happy to help with the happy to help with the C heavy boxes. A. B. C. D. easily easily shameless happily No change is necessary.
  • 29. Item 9 Alex did good during his speeches, addressing well good during his speeches, addressing A A his classmates with confidence and poise. But he did poorly for the semester because he never poorly for the semester because he never B submitted homework punctually. punctually. C A. well well B. poor C. punctual D. No change is necessary.
  • 30. Item 10 The incessant loudloud barks of neighbor’s dogs incessantly barks of her her neighbor’s dogs incessant loud barks of her neighbor’s dogs A kept Diane from getting a good night’s sleep. She good night’s sleep. She B did not feel well rested the next day. well rested the next day. C A. B. C. D. incessantly incessantly well good No change is necessary.
  • 32. DANGLING MODIFIERS A dangling modifier is a phrase or clause that is not clearly and logically related to the word or words it modifies (i.e. is placed next to). Two notes about dangling modifiers: •Unlike a misplaced modifier, a dangling modifier cannot be corrected by simply moving it to a different place in a sentence. •In most cases, the dangling modifier appears at the beginning of the sentence, although it can also come at the end. Sometimes the dangling modifier error occurs because the sentence fails to specify anything to which the modifier can refer.
  • 33. Example 1 This sentence does not specify who is looking toward the west. In fact, there is nothing at all in the sentence to which the modifying phrase looking toward the west can logically refer. Since the modifier, looking toward the west, is sitting next to the funnel shaped cloud, the sentence suggests that the cloud is doing the looking.
  • 34.  Example 2  This sentence means that my mother enrolled in medical when she was nine years old!  At other times the dangling modifier is placed next to the wrong noun or noun substitute.
  • 35.  Misplaced Modifiers  A misplaced modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that is improperly separated from the word it modifies / describes.  Because of the separation, sentences with this error often sound awkward, ridiculous, or confusing. Furthermore, they can be downright illogical.  Example  The example above suggests that a gold man owns a watch.
  • 36. Misplaced modifiers can usually be corrected by moving the modifier to a more sensible place in the sentence, generally next to the word it modifies. Example Now it is the watch that is gold.
  • 37.  Misplaced Modifiers  A misplaced modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that is improperly separated from the word it modifies / describes.  Because of the separation, sentences with this error often sound awkward, ridiculous, or confusing. Furthermore, they can be downright illogical.  Example  The example above suggests that a gold man owns a watch.

Editor's Notes

  1. See this link for a discussion of so vs. very:
  2. disturbinglywellgoodNo change is necessary.