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upcat reviewer
Engineering Student Council
The ACADEMICS COMMITTEE of the Engineering Student
Counctl 2006-2007 would like to extend its deepest gratitude to:
• the UPCAT Reviewer 2021-2022 academics
committee headed by Ms. Cherrie May Avena
o Julius Calubayan
o Leo Dacon
o Johanna Joyce Demetrla
o Geomar Lubaton
o Nelissa Manuel Lauren
o Joane Rose Nario
o Lady Marianne Polinga
• and the rest of the incumbent Engineering Student council
for taking an active part and for the unceasing tireless support in the making
of this College Entrance Exam Reviewer. We share the success of this
reviewer with you. Godspeed.
tlnwersây of I'›e Pfi ppam
Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
1. Know the coverage of the entrance exams in each of the schools whera you
are applying for admission. Fha usual coverage is English-Math-Science.
Some schools require non-verbal tests.
2. Go over your textbooks and class notes, and attend a good review class. A
reviewclass willgiveyouacomprehensive summaryof yourmajorhighschool
subjects. It will also familiarize you with the different types of test questions
and teach you the corresponding techniques nnd strategies for answering
them. Thus you will feel more confident and less nervous during the actual
exams. You won’t waste precious time analyzing and understanding
instructions. Remember, most entrance exams are under time pressure.
3. Your admission to college depends on both your high school grades (usually
40%) and your score in the entrance exams (usually 60%). You c«n greatly
improve your chances for admission by performing wall in the axams.
4. When you get your Test Permit, check if it was properly accomplished. Does it
hove the necessary signatures* Do you resemble your photo* Prepare your school
ID - you may need it for verification of your identity.
5. Know the exact location of your Testing Center. Visit it several days before
your exams so that you won’t waste time looking for it right on the day of
Check out your assigned room. Is it air-conditioned* Then bring a jncket
because it‘s hard to tnke an exam when you‘re shivering.
Is thera a CR nearby* Fomiliariza yourself with the location so thot you will
not waste time looking for it at the time of need.
6. Prepare your pencils and erosers ahead of time. Is your pencil the prescribed
brand and number* Does the eraser erase easily op dos it fecoye smudges*
7. You will not be allowed to go out aod eat during the exams.
8. Prepare yourself psychologically by being positive and optimistic. Do not
allow any emotional interference before your exams. Ex., this iS not the tiMe
†o be quarrelling with your best friend or mo†her or /fiU!
9. Keep reviewing your taxtbooks, class notes, review materials and simulated
tests savcral days before your exams.
10. Sleep well on the cva of your exodus. Lack of sleep greatly impairs memory
and concentration.
1. Eat a moderate meal before leovirg the house. Don‘t eat too little - your
stomach will be grumbling. Don’t eat too much - your blood will rush to your
digestive system, thus depriviflg your brain. Drink moderately so that you
won’t keep going to the CR.
2. Don’t forget to bring your Test Permit, pencils, eraser, sharpened, and a
reliable watch. The wafch is very helpful in pacing yourself during the exam.
3. Leave your house early and give allov2ance for traffic jams. The roads and
streets surrounding UP and Ateneo hove massive traffic jams during
entrance exams.
Engineering Student Council Academics Committee2006-2007
Unit'y of the PhTppr›es
Etigineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
1. Check your test booklet for any missing or misprinted pages. Ask help from
the proctor or teacher if necessary
2. Listen †o instructions carefully
3. Pace yourself. Don’t waste time on difficult questions - skip them ond go back
later. But when skipping, make sure that your succeeding answers still match
the questions. [i.e. make sure that your Answer no.5 is for Question no. 5]
4. Cost exams ore “right minus a fraction of the wrong.” [e.g. a wrong answer can
be given a weight of } point only instead of 1point. If you wish to guess,
guess intelligently.]
5. Review your work if you still have time.
6. Be honest. Don’t glance at your seotmate’s answers because he may hove a
different set of questions.
Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
10 Techi›iq‹ies to Get a Highei Score
i. Relax. Don’t be nervous. Before your exams, do this simple exercise to ease your tension:
Close your eyes for a few minutes and relax your face muscles. When your face muscles
relaxed, you will feel that the rest of your body will also become relaxed.
Know the time allotment for each segment of your exam so that you can pace
yourself accordingly.
Nos.1-60 --Science
Nos.61-t2O --Math
Nos.121-180 --Reading Comprehension
Nos.181-250 --Language Proficiency
--60 questions
--60 questions
--70 questions
--50 minutes
--70 minutes
--45 minutes
--30 minutes
3. Listen to instructions carefully. Answer the easy questions first, and then tackle the
hard ones. Don‘t spend too much time on the hord questions - go back later if there.’s
4. Check frequently (e.g. every 10 items) to make sure that your answer matches the
corresponding questions, more so after you have skipped some items. Example: Does
Ansu/er No.10 correspond to Question I"Jo. IO*
5. Look for shortcutsandavoidthelength computations insolving Mathproblems.
6. Some questions can be answered through common sense and mental calculation.
The 40 students in the PE class were mode to line up according to their class
numbers, and then told to count off °1-2°and divide themselves into two lines. All the
I’s were inthe firstline;allthe 2’s were inthe second line.In whichline wasStudent
No. 122*
Guide: Note that all the 1’S or odd-numbered students were in the first line, and all the 2’s
or even-numbered students were in the second line. So it’s easy to conclude that
Student Mo. 122 was in the second line.
Some questions are easier to solve when visualized with the use of a diagram.
The town of Marabut is located along Marikina Highway. The to¥/n of Carcnglan is west
of Marabut. Sarar›g‹zni is east of Caranglan, but west of Marcbut. Doraga is east of
Rqjomon, bu† wes†of Sarzzngani andCaranglan. Which †own is the far†hes† west*
First step: Draw a line to locate tke relative position of cach too/n.
"The tcwn of Caranglan is west of Marabut.’ So mark tkeir respective locations on
the line.
/Vest East
Next Step: Place the other towns in their correct order.
West East
Answer: The town farthest west is Rojamon.
8. Use the "Process of Elimination" (POE) when you are unsure of the right answer but
sure of the wrong answers. Deciding between two choices is easier than deciding
among four or five. Remember, educated 9uesses can raise your score, and every wrong
answer you can cross out will improve your chances of guessing correctly. See your
En9lish Reviewer for examples of the use of "POE."
9. ”yVotch out for tricks and traps. These are purposely included by the test-makers to
confuse you nnd to test how clever you really are.
/Kofipie I: Violation of the rule of "parallel structures’
Eat, drink and singing -that’s what men usually do in beerhouses.’
Explanation: ’Singing’ should be "sing."
Example 2: Insertion of a clause or phrase to confuse you about subject-verb agreement
’Many politicians, in their desire to win an election, makes grandiose promises to
Explanation: The subject is "politicians,’ so the verb should be "make.’
Examp(e 3: Use of an inverted sentence structure - the verb comes before the subject
"In the middle of vast cornfields stand the house where I was born.°
Explanation: The subject is "house,’ so the verb should be 'stands."
Example 4: Use of misplaced modifiers
*Wrapped in several layers of paper and bound secur'ely with tape, the worker frxzc!.e
sure tkot the fragile figurines would not be broken.“
Explanation: ThiS sentence gives the impression that it‘s the worker that was wrapped in
paper ctnds bound with tape.
10. When answering questions that determine your ability to organize phrases or
, sentences, look for keywords that u/ill help your answer the question rightaway
without thinkingexhaustively.
Example: a. Secondly, they had no leader.
b. Firstly, †he workers were no† uni†ed.
c. Finally, they did not kave the support of their fah›ilies.
d. Thirdly, they had no funds to tide them over.
e. From the beginning, it looked like †he workers’ s†rike was doomed †o fail.
Answer choices: 1. abdec
2. cbead
3. deabc
4. ebodc
There are several ways of approaching this question.
One way is the "Process of Elimination: "
Eliminate Answer Choice No.1right away because it stabs with "a’ (”Secondly’).
Eliminate Answer Choice Mo.2 right away because it starts with "c" {”Finally°).
Eliminate AnswerChoiceNo.3rightawaybecauseit stort5 with"d’ (”Thirdly’).
Answer Choice No. 4 is tke only one left,so it must be the right choice.
Another way is by analyzing the sequence of some keywords and huztching them with the
answer choises.
Note the following: "Firstly...° is b;
"Secondly...° is a;
"Thirdly..." is d.
So find out which among the answer choices has the sequence "b-a-d" and you will
note that only Answer Choice No. 4 contains tkat sequence.
i ce
Unrnrs'! of nor PI âppnes
Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.
1. Which among these is not a good conductor of electricity?
a) bronze
b) iron
d) plastic
e} none of the above
c) gold
2. If the temperature of anideal gas isincreased and the volume isheld constant, the
pressure will
a) increase
b) aecrease
c) remainthe same
d) increase or decrease
e) cannot be determined
3. The units of carriers for codes for related proteins are called
a) chromosomes
b} genes
c) alleles
d) dominant traits
e) none of the above
4. The diffusion of heat through a liquid or gas by motion of its parts is
a) radiaWon
b) conduction
c) convection
5. The shape of the earth is
a) oblong
b) sphere
c) oblate spheroid
d} greenhouseeffect
e) none of the abcve
d} cubic spheroid
e) none of the above
Engineering Student Council
âGlENCE 10
ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
6. If both the force and area of application of the said force are halved, the pressure will
a) increase bya factor of2 d) remain constant
b) decrease by a factor of 2
c) diminish by square root of 2
7. At what firing angle will you reach a maximum range?
a) 30°
b) 80°
c) 45”
e) none of the above
d) 90”
e) 10°
8. In Newton’s Second Law, the ratio of the effective force applied to a particle and its
acceleration is
a) negligible
” b) constant
c) unity
9. Newton’s Second Law was originally stated in the form
a) F= vdrr 'd/'
b} F=mdv/df
c) F= d(mv)/dt
d) varying
e) undefined
d) all of the above
e} none of the above
10. For a particle undergoing uniform motion, the acceleration is
a) always nonzero
b) may be nonzero
c) always zero
d) always positive
e) cannot be determined
11. When mechanical energy is conserved, potential energy is maximum when kineticenergy
a) maximum
b) minimum
d) cannot
ej none of
the above
12. If an object is moving at constant acceleration in a straight course, its instantaneous
velocity through any time interval is
a) greater thanv
b) )ess than v
d} half of its Vave
e} none of the above
13. Given two vectors A= 4mi + 3rrj and B= 2mi - 3rrj, what is A+B†
a) 8.61m
b) 6mi
c) 6m
d) 8.61mi
e) none of the above
14. Theatmosphericiayernearesttheearth’ssurfaceis
a) Lithosphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d} Troposphere
e) none of the above
15. Themost abundant of thegasescomposing theairis
a) Oxygen
b) Neon
c) CarbonDioxide
d} NRrogen
e) none of the above
16. It is the movement of molecules from a weaker liquid onone sideof tha barrier to a
stronger liquid on the other side.
a) Brownian movement
d) Osmosis
c) Capillary action
d} Diffusion
e) none of the above
17. According to the Theory, theEarth ismade up of plates moving en top
of theearth’smantle. When these platesbumpintoeach other, mountains ortrenches
are formed.
a) Continental Drift
b) Big Bang
Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
d) Plate
e) none
ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
18. Which of the following is a non-conventional source ofenergy?
a) crude oil
b) coal
c} solar energy
d) nuclear energy
e) none of the above
16. The amount of matter present inabody iscalled
a) volume
b) mass
d) weight
e) specific volume
c) density
20. A relationship between twoliving things bywhich oneisbenefited whilethe otheris
neitherharmed norbenefited iscalled
a) Gommensalism
b) Parasitism
c) Mutualism
d) Competition
e) none of the above
21. Lunareclipse occurs when comes between
a) theMoon; the Sun andthe
b) the Sun; the Moon and the
c) Mercury; theEarth andthe
22. Oil can be separated from waterby
a) evaporation
b} filtration
c) decantation
a) the Earth; the Moon the Sun
e) all of the above
d) distillation
e) oilcannotbeseparated
from water
23. The angle of the two plane mirrors that will give the most number of images is
a) lessthan60degrees
b) lessthan45degrees
c) lessthan90degrees
a) less than 30degrees
e) less than 10 degrees
IJniYet*fi d lie Phbppr›es
ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
24. Which of the following activities may disturb a balanced ecosystem inside theaquarium?
a) replacing the water
b) feeding the fishes
c) placing the aquarium inthe
25. Wood floats in waterbecause
a) itsdensity islesserthanthat
of water
b) it is porous and light
c) itsmolecules arenot
d) putting too many fishes
e) none of the above
d) its mass islesser than that
of water
e) all of the above
26. It is a threadlike structure in the cell’s molecules, which controls everything the cell does.
a) chromosome
b) DNA
c} vacuo/e
d) chloroplast
e) none of the above
27. When themagma from Mayon Volcano coolsandhardens,itbecomes rock.
a} Igneous
b) Volcanic
c) Sedimentary
d} Metamorphic
e) none of the above
28. Itisamassive ensemble ofhundreds ofmillions ofstars,allgravitationallyinteracting and
orbiting about a common center.
a) constellation
b) galaxy
c) solarsystem
d) nebula
e) supernova
nwrsit/ of II+e Pnilippnes
Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.
1. Theplanet’smotionaroundthesunillustrates
a. uniform motion
b. accelerated motion
c. uniform rectilinear motion
2. The period of the pendulum isaffected by:
a. mass of thebob
b. length of the pendulum
c. total energy
d. uniform circular motion
e. uniform/yacceJerated
d. time of swinging
e. all of the above
3. Whichforces listedbelowcannotmaketwobodiesattract each other?
a. gravitational d. magnetic
b. molecular
c. centrifugal
e. none of the above
4. It is the change in the direction of a wave when it passes obliquely from another.
a. diffraction
b. interference
c. refraction
d. reflection
e. polarization
J. How much work is done in lifting a block of wood weighing 30 N to a height of 4m.
a. 1200 J
b. 120 J
d. 12 J
e. none of the above
c. 100 J
6. An object starting from rest accelerates at a rate of 5m/s2 for10 seconds. The velocity at
the end of thistime is mls.
a. 2
b. 5
c. 50
d. 10
e. cannot be determined
Engineering Student Council
7. Thenumber of waves passing agivenpoint each second isthe wave’s
a. amplitude d. frequency
b. velocity
c. magnitude
e. pitch
6. When a ray of light strikes a mirror perpendicular to its surface, the angle of reflection is
a. 0° d. 120°
b. 90° e. none of the above
9. Which characteristicofawavechanges asittravels acrossaboundary between two
different media?
a. displacement
b. speed
c. distance
d. power
e. all of the aoove
10. Anartificial satellite making acircular orbit around the earth does not move closer to the
center of the Earth because
a. the satellite is weightless
b. the satellite always moves normal to the force due to gravity
c. the Earth’s gravity keeps the satellne moving with constant ve/ocity
d. a centripetal force keeps the satellite to be in itsorbit
e. all of the above
11. Which of the following may be considered a scalar quantity?
a. displacement
b. acceleration
c. distance
d. power
e. none of the above
Engineering Student Council
12. A baseball bat exerts a magnitude of force of 60N on a ball. What is the magnitude of
force exerted Dy the ball on the bat?
a. 60 N
b. 180 N
d. 20 N
e. none of the above
13. What is the frequency of a particular wave if its period is 0.50 seconds?
a. 5 Hz
b. 1 Hz
c. 2 Hz
d. 4 Hz
e. 3.75 Hz
14. The acceleration of an object moving in a circular path is directed the center.
a. toward
b. perpendicular to
c. away from
d. tangential to
e. 30 degrees from
15. Liquid pressure is affected by the height and the of the liquid.
a. density
b. mass
c. area
d. volume
e. all of the above
16. A mirror with a wide radius of curvature is used as a shaving mirror in a barbershop. The
face of a person looks enlarged and the skin pores are clearly seen. This mirror is called
a mirror.
a. concave
b. convex
c. plane
d. prism
e. double
17. Which phenomenon of light explains the formation of images by lens?
a. reflection
b. dispersion
c. polarization
d. refraction
e. diffraction
EngitieeringStudent Council
0n‹fws•J of It›r Pt•hpp•ries
ESC Engineering Student Council
18. The image produced by a convex mirror is
a. virtual and erect
b. virtual and inverted
c. rea/ anderect
Academics Committee 2006-2007
d. real and inverted
e. a convex mirror doesnot
produce an image
19. The velocity of a car changes from 70 mls north to 50 m/s north in 5 seconds. The
magnitude ofthecar’sacceleration is
a. -20 m/s2
b. 4 m/s2
d. 14m/s*
e. 20 rn/s*
c. —4 m/s^
20. Which of the following heat transfers is observed when ventilating aroom?
a. radiation
b. conduction
c. convection
d. absorption
e. adsorption
21. Heat will always flow from object A to object B if object B has a lower
a. specific heat d. mass
b. total energy
c. temperature
e. internal energy
22. If the mass of the Earth were twice asit isnow, the gravitational force between it and the
sun would be
a. twiceasgreat
b. thriceasgreat
c. the same
d. four times as great
e. none of the above
!Jniwrsry of the PfifippiW
ESC Engineering Student CouHCil
Academics . Committee 2006-2007
Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.
1. What will happen to energy if food isbroken down during respiration†
a) Absorbed
by Released
c) Recycled
d) No reaction
e) Adsorbed
2. Which of the following could be a possible source of CO,?
a) Decomposition
b) Light reaction
c) Evaporation
3. isthestudy ofheredity and variation.
a) Botany
b) Genetics
c) Photosynthesis
d) Condensation
e) none of the above
d) Genetico/ogy
e) Zoology
4. Two populations may ormay not affect each other. What do you call theinteraction
where in neither populations affect each other?
a) Mutualism
b) Competition
c) Commensafisms
5. Seasonsoccurbecauseofthe
a) shape of the earth
b) Sun
c) tilt of the earth’saxis
d) Neutralism
e) Parasitism
d) Moon’s movement
e) all of the above
Um ers9 of he Ptlippi es
.ESD.„, Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
6. Which of the following earthquake waves is the fastest and first to reach seismic station?
a) P-waves
b) L
c) S
d) both S-waves and L-waves
e) all of the above
T. During respiration, glucose is being broken down. Which of the following is needed as
raw material†
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Water
8. The primary difference between RNA and DNA is that
d) Light
e) No raw material is needed.
a) DNA is single-stranded and RNA is double-stranded
b) DNA is a double-stranded helix and RNA is single-stranded
c) The sugar in DNA is ribose
d) The sugar is both RNA and DNA is deoxyribose
e) DNA is not present in plants while RNA is
9. Two bacteria exchange genetic inforrriation. This process is called
a) transduction
b) euglena
c) transformation
10. Among the five kingdoms, protists have
a) the fewer varieties
b) the least diversity
c) the most features in
d) coiljugation
e) conjunction
d) all of the above
e) none of the above
11. What differentiates a prokaryote from a eukaryote?
a) a eukaryotic cell possesses a genetic material while a prokaryotic cell does not
b) bothhave amembrane system responsible fordelineating the cell from its
c) a eukaryotic cell consists of atrue nucleus thatismembrane-boundwhile a
prokaryotic cell does not
d) algae andyeastsareexamples oforganisms made upof eukaryotic cellswhile
bacteria is prokaryotic in nature
e) none of the above
12. There are two primary types of cell division. refers to the division where two
daughtercellsareproduced fromaparent somatic orbodycell.Meanwhile,
refers to the division where four daughter cells are produced from a parent sex cell.
a) mitosis; cytokinesis
b) cytokinesis; mitosis
c) mitosis; meiosls
d) meiosis; mitosis
e) meiosis; cytokinesis
13. Inan asexual reproduction, only a single parent isinvolved. Which of the following isnot
a form of an asexual reproduction?
a) gametogenesis
b) binary fission
c) fragmentation
d) tissue culture propagation
e) none of the above
14. Thiskindofinteraction, alsocalledsymbiotic relationship, involvestwospeciesdirectly
benefiting from the interaction
a) commensalism
b) mutualism
G} neutral
d) community
e) parasitism
Engineering Student Council
riiyrsdy of tfir Pfiihppnes
ESC Engineering Student Council
15. During mitosis, thecorrect order ofthestages involved is:
a) prephase, postphase, prophase,anaphase
Academics Committee 2006-2007
b) prophase, telephase, metaphase, anaphase
c} metaphase,prophase,anaphase,telephase
d) anaphase, metaphase, prophase, telephase
e) none of the above
16. The two types of nudeic acids, deoxyribonudeicand ribonucleic, are composed of
building-block materials called
a) nucleotides
b) organelles
d) protein
e) oNA
C] C}/tO|glBSfTl
17. lpil-ipil seedsareused asanimal feedbecause ithas
a) fats
b) carbohydrates
c) protein
d) vitamins
e) all of the above
18. The presence of distinguishes the cell as being eukaryotic
a) cytoplasm
b) mitochondria
c) vacuole
d) nucleus
e} falsefeet
19. Waterandotherliquidsenterandeventuallybecome distributed withintheplantthrough
a) xylem
b) pñloem
c) cambium
20. Which of the following isanartificial ecosystem?
a) herbal garden
b) forest
c) terrarium
d) stomata
e) roots
d) fshpond
e) all of the above
IJniwrsX y of Ihe Phiéqiors
ESC Engineeritig Student Cotiticil Academics Committee 2006-2007
21. Thestage ofembryonicdevelopment, whichimmediately followsmeioticdivision,is
a) blastulation
b) fertilization
c) gastrulation
22. The basic unit of Jiving matter isthe
a) cell
b} atom
c) nucleus
d) neurulation
e) binary fission
d) molecule
e) quarks
23. Mammals are different from other animal forms because they
a) are vertebrates
b) have mammaryglands
c) have a unique skeletal
d) consists of both land and
and whales)
e) have fur
24. Whichofthefollowingarefoundinchromosomes, whichdetermine hereditary
a) cell
b) alkaline
c} ova
25. What do you call the pores on the surface of a leaf?
a) mitochondria
b) calyx
c) stomata
d) genes
e) ATP
d) chromosomes
e) vacuoles
26. It is the process of partially sterilizing milk at high temperatures, before keeping it for
some time.
a) sterilization
d) evaporation
c) naturalization
d) pasteurization
e) skimming
tJaiversiy of Um Pt ipp'ries
ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
27. Theunitsoftransmission ofhereditary characteristicsinanorganism are
a) genes d) dominant traits
b) chromosomes
c} off-springs
28. Why is a virus not a living organism?
a) It can never reproduce.
b) It is simpler thanbacteria.
c) It is not a completecell.
e) alleles
d) all of the above
e) none of the above
29. The vascular plants include most important plants that serve as food for human beings.
They are also most biologically complex of all the plants. The post-fertilization, seed-
bearing remnant of a flower isa
a) fruit
b) seed
d) flower
e) none of the above
C] £OOt
30. An advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction is that it:
a) increases mutation rate
b) reduces the offspring’s risk of death during development
c) increases genetic variability in a population
d) all of the above
e) none of the above
5G|CNtE 24
1fni•e•s in of the Ph'Jp prys
ESC Engineering Student Council
Academics Committee 2006-2007
Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.
1. Which of the following is NOT an” example of a chemical change?
a) souring of milk
b) sublimation of dryice
c) rustinB f iron
d) hairbeingbleached
e} none of theabove
2. Thisterm referstoascientific/ intelligent guess orprobable explanation to anobserved
phenomena or problem
a) conclusion
b) theory
c) Law
d) Hypothesis
e) none of the above
3. Oil and water are immiscible sucti that when both areplaced ina single container oil
“floats" on top of the water. Why is thisso?
a) Oil is a nonpolar substance while water is polar
b) Oil is a polar substance while water is a nonpolar substance
c) Oil is less dense thanwater
d) Oil is denser than water
e) none of the above
4. Which of the following is NOT an example of a homogenous mixture?
a) air
b) gasoline
c) brass
d) copper
e) none of the above
5. is an exampleof an property
I. temperature
ii. volume
b) 1, IV
d) II, IV
e) III, I
g. The freezing point of water based on the Kelvin scale is Kelvin.
a) 0°
b) 0
c) 273.15
d) 273.15°
e} noneoftheabove
7. Being able to hit the bull’s eye on a dartboard several times is an example of:
I. goodprecision
II. bad precision
Ill. goodaccuracy
IV. bad accuracy
b) I, IV
d) II, IV
e) none of the above
8. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a) All atoms of an element havethe same number of electrons in the nucleus of an
b) All atoms of an element have the same number of protons and neutrons in the
c) All atoms of an element have the same number of protons in the nucleus
d) All atoms of an elementhave the same number of electrons and protons in the
e) none of the above
Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
t1ai•ersp pt the P@pp in
ESC Engineering Student Council
For nos. 9-12
Element Xhas9protons and12neutrons
Academics Committee 2006-2007
9. Its atomicnumber is which isequal tothe
a) 9, number of protons
b) 12,numberofneutrons
c) 9,numberofelectrons
d) 21, sum ofthenumber ofprotons andneutrons
e) none of the above
10. Itsmass number is
a) 9
b} 12
c) 18
d) 21
e) none of the above
11. An atom that has 9protons but 15 neutrons is a/an of Element X.
a) isomer
b) isotope
c) example
d) paRicle
e) none of the above
12. Whichofthefollowingdoesnotbelongtothegroup:Oxygen,Hydrogen,Nitrogen,Iodine,
Boron, Fluorine
a) Iodine
b) Boron
c) Fluorine
d) Nitrogen
e) Hydrogen
13. Given the structural formula of hydrogen peroxide is given shown
in the figure at the ripht. Its empirical formula isgiven by
while itsmolecular formula is
a) 2HO; OH
b) 2Hg 2f 2HO
c) H 2›
e) OH;2HO
14. Na’ is an exampleof a/an while Cl-isanexample of a/an
a) cation; anion
b) cation; reactant
c} anion; nonmetal
d) anion; metal
e) none of the above
15. Metal atomstend to whilenonmetalatomstendto
a) lose electrons; gain protons
b) gain protons; lose electrons
c) lose electrons; gain electrons
d) gain electrons; lose protons
e) none of the above
16. This Law states that a given compound has a constant relative numbers and kinds of
a) Law of Conservation of Mass
b) Law of definite/ constant composition
c) Law of constant compound
d) Law of atomic structure
e) none of the above
17. Which of the following chemical equations does not belong to the group?
a) C + o 2 cO.
b) 2KCIO$ —+ 2KCl 3O2
c) CHP 2Oy COy 2H2O
d) 2Mg + Ot —• 2MgO
e) none of the above
18. Given the unbalanced equation: C2* 6+oz —•CO2• HCOWhat type ofreaction isgiven
above, which is a rapid reaction that produces flame?
a) single displacement
b) decomposition
c) combination
d) combustion
e) double displacement
19. As determined experimentally by Italian scientist Amadeo Avogadro, one moie oT any
substancerepresents particles
a) 2.06 x102
b) 6.02 x1026
c) 6@ 2x1023
d) 2.60 x 10*3
e) 6.20 x 10*3
20. Acetone, which is used as solvent and as a reactant in the manufacture of Plexiglass,
boils at 56.1°C. What is the temperature inFahrenheit scale?
a) 101°F
b) 159°F
d) 133’F
e) 63.2°F
c) 114°F
21. Aside from the properties of the molecules involved, the principal factors that affect the
speed of a chemical reaction are:
I. presence of catalyst
II. thetemperatureatwhichthereactionoccurs
Ill. the concentration of the reactants
IV. turbulence in the reacting medium
a) II, III
b} I, III
c) III
22. Which does not belong tothegroup?
d) III, IV
e) none of the above
Making observations
Testing a hypothesis
Drawing conclusions
Scientific method
a) I
b) II
none of theabove
c) 1)
0uiarsâ t o! t t Ph ippr›es
ESC Engineering Student Council
23. Solid calcium carbide, CaCt, reacts with water to form an aqueous solution of calcium
hydroxide and acetylene gas CONT. The balanced chemical equation corresponds to:
a) CaC (» + 2 (|) —• aO 2 y(g)
b} 2CaCt + 3H2O —• 2Ca(OH)2 + 2CtH2t 9
c) 3CaCt t, + 2H2 (› —• 3Ca** + 3OH- + 3CtH 2(g)
24. The fermentation of glucose, C6H.2o . p oduces ethyl alcohol, C2HmOH and COC:
C 6H 12 6 (ag) 2C H SOH tgq] 2CO/ (@]
How many grams of glucose are needed to produce 92g of ethyl alcohol?
a) 2
b) 1
c) 360
For nos. 25-28,
d) 180
e) none ot the above
In an experiment, 5.009 of ammonia reacts with 3.000g of oxygen
4NH 3/ 8 + J0 2 y —• 4NO , + 6H 2O /y)
25. Which is the limiting reactant? Excess reactant?
a) Oy ; NO
b) NH3 › HCO
C) 0 2 › NH 3
26. How many grams of NO form?
e.) 2.25
b) 2.2
c) 2
d) NHS : Of
e) none of the above
. d) 8.78
e) none of the above
Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-20D7
Whey ct lhv Philips
ESC Engineering Student Council q cademics Committee 2006-2007
27. How much of the excess reactant remains after the limiting reactant is completely
consumed (in grams)?
a) 1.39
b) 1.40
c) 1.4
d) 6.38
e) 3.73
28. How many moles of the limiting reactant are there initially?
a) 0.46875
b) 0.469
d) 0.09375
e) none of the above
c) 0.094
29. How many grams of Kmno4 (FW=158) must be dissolved in 2O0ml solution to give
0.100M solution?
a) 0.02g
D) 3.16g
d) 2.31g
e) none of the above
c) 1.58g
30. How many milliliters of a 12.0M HCI acid solution is needed to make 600ml of 1.OM HCI?
a) 0.05
b) 0.050
d) 5.0
e) 20
c) 0.5
31. The complete combustion of 3.50 mol ethane (CzH6) and 2.0mol of O2 will yield
moles COC.
a) 1.1
b) 7
d) 2.0
e) 7.0
c) 3.5
32. If only 0.50 mo/es of COC was produced, what is the percentage yie/d?
a) 45%
b) 7.1%
c) 16%
d) 6.2°/»
e) none
of the
m•s 4y of H Pt•tip Can
ESC Engineering Student Council A cademics Committee 200 6-2007
33. Consider the elements of group2A, which of the following is correct according to
increasing atomic sizet
a) Hydrogen, Lithium, Sodium
b} Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium
c) Calcium, Barium, Strontium
d} Sodium, Lithium, Potassium
e) Calcium, Magnesium, Strontium
34. What isthecorrect electron configuration of Chloride ion? Cl=17 —+ Cl-=18
The atomic number of chlorine is 17.
a) 1s2
3s^ 3p’
b) Js
2s* 2p’ 3s
’ “ “
c) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s* 3p6
d} 1s2
e) 1s* 2s2
35. What kind of substance turns blue litmus paper to red?
a) acid
b) base
c) salt
d) metal
e) metalloid
36. If the pressure exerted on a confined ideal gasisdoubled, what happens to its
temperature and volume, taken separately?
a) doubled; doubled
b) remains the same
c) halved; halved
37. Which ofthe following statements is/aretrue?
d) halved; doubled
e) double; halved
I. The tendency of tfiie.universe is to go towards minimum entropy or disorder
II. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed
Ill. The reaction is said to be spontaneous when AG > 0
IV. The internal energy of a system is a state function
a) I and II
b) I and III
c) II and IV
d) II, III, and IV
e) II only
38. In the reaction Zn(s) + Cu2
*(aq)4 Zn** (aq) + Cu(s), is reduced while IS
a) fn”,Cu
b) Zn, Cu**
c) Cu'“, Zn
d) Cu, Zn2
e) None of the above
39. In a certain experiment, different volumes (listed below) of 1M hydrochloric acid (I) and 1M
sodium hydroxide (II) are mixed.
What can be said about Solution B?
a) It is warm and toxic
b) So(ution B is less acidic than Solution A.
c) The solution has a ph of greater than seven.
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
Engineering Student Council
Solution I (ml) II (ml)
Solution A 75 25
Solution B 50 50
Solution C 25 75
,E ,p Engineering Student Coun I Academics C:ommittee 20o6-200 7
For nos. 40-41
Given the temperature profile of water below at 1 atm.
40. If the above graph is based from experiment, which of the following observations is/are tiue?
t. water is being heated from points A to E
II. The entropy change at points B to C and D to E is greater than the entropy change at
points A to B and C to D.
III. Line BC corresponds to the normal freezing point of water
IV. Where the temperature remains constant there is no energy added or released
a) I, II
b) 1, II, IV
c) I, II, III, IV
d) I, II, III
e) None of the above
41. What will happen to line DE if the pressure is changed from 1 atm to 10 atm?
a) The slupe of line DE will be negative
b) The slope of line DE will be positive
c) The slope of line DE will remain constant at the same temperature of100°C
d) The slope of line DE will remain constant but at a temperature greater than
e) The slope of line DE will remain constant but at a temperature less than 100°C
ttniTersat oJ ihe Ph pp r•es
42. The Ideal Gas Law is applicable only to a certain extent because Real gas molecules have
finite volumes andattract oneanother. Whatarethe conditions whereindeviations fromideal
gas behavior can be observed?
a) High pressure
b) Low temperature
c) High temperature
d) Low pressure
e) None of the above
ui«siii or Ohr Pfiii:›t '•rs
ESC Engineering Stttdent Council Academics Committee 200 6-2007
hearsay ct iht Phitippnes
ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.
1. Given h(x) = Jt4-J). What is the domain ofh?
a) R
b) (-2,2]
2. What is the range of h?
a) R
b) [-2,01
3. f(x) = |x|. What is the range ofx?
a) R
b) [- , 0]
4. lim,es (3x-7} = ?
a) 8
b) 7
c) (2,-2)
d) none of the above
c) [0,2]
d) (-2,Z)
c) [0, +••]
d) none of the above
› e
d) 5
5. Suppose A = ( 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}, B = {1, 4, 9, 16}. Then A IB = ?
a) (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16}
b) 0
c) (4}
d) {4,16}
For nos. 6-10
Oetermine If tñe following statements are (a) TRUE, or (b) FALSE.
6. if a<b and b<c, then a«c
7. if a<b and c<0, then ac<bc
8. if a<b and c<d, then a+c < b+d
9. /(5*) -- j5j
10 Ia/b| = |a|/|b| for all a,b C R
11i•ers'ty of inc PNl. p••es
ESC Engineering Student Corrncil Academics Committee 2006-2007
11. Determine the coordinates of the midpoint of the line segment from A(5, -3) to B (1, -6) ”
a) x = 3, y= -9/2 c) x = 3, y = 3/2
b) x = 2, y = 8/2
12. Find the slope of the line from A (5, 3) and B (5, -1)
a) 0
b) 1
d) x = 2, y = -3/2
c) 2
d) none of the above
13. What is the equation of the line from A (6, -3) to B (-2, 3)
a) y = 3x + 6
b) 3x + 4y - 6 = 0
14. Which lines areparalIeI'2
a) y = 3x + 5 and y = -3x +5
b) 2y = x + 3 and y = x/2 + 1
15. Which lines are perpendicular2
a) y = 3 and y = 5
b) y = 3x + 5 and y = -3x + 5
c) y = *7‹ x -3/2
d) 2y = 3x - 6
c) y = 3x+2 and y -- -x/3 + 5
d} y = 3 and x = 4
c) y = 3x + 2 and y = -x/3 + 5
d} 2y = x + 3 and y = x/2 + 1
18. The equation of the parabola having its focus at (0, P) and having its directrix the line y =
-P is:
a) = 4px
b) y*= -4px
17. The vertex ofthe parabola: = 12x is:
a) V(O,O)
b) V(0,3)
c) x2
- 4py
d) V=-4py
c) V(3,0)
d) V (-3,3)
18. Find the equation of the circle with center at C(4, -3) and radius r = 5.
a) (x + 4)° + (x — 3)2
= 25
b) (x - 3)2
* (y * 4)* = 25
19. | x + 3 | = -5. Solve for x.
a) —a
b) 8
c) (x + 3)2
+ (y - 4)° = 25
d) (x - 4)2
+ (y + 3)* = 25
c) 2
d) O
Is8t of ft e PhJâppaes
ESC Engineering Student Councif
b) - 2
24. | Zx - 3 | s s. Solve for x.
a) { -3/2, 9/2}
b) ( -s 2, e/z
25. f(x) = 3/J(x2 - 1). What is the domain of f?
Academics Committee 2006-2007
d) does not exist
c) [ -3/2, 9/2 ]
d) [ 3/2, 9/2 J
26. Di
27. Multiply 2x —3y by 3x +4y
a) 6x2
+ xy — 12y*
b) 6x 2
- 17xy - 12a
c) 6 - xy — 12y*
d) 6x2
+ 17xy — 12y2
20. lim, ‹. I(1- ) = ?
a) 0.5 c) 0
b) -O.5 d) doesnotexist
2, xñ 3
21. Given I(x) = -2, X ^ 3 What is the limped f(x) ?
a) 2 c) 0
b) - 2 d} does not exist
22. What is the lim , f(x) †
a) 2 c) 0
h) -2 d) does not exist
23. V7hat is the lim, 3 I(*) *
a) 2 c) O
a) 1 > x > -1 c) 1 z x a -1
b) x > 1 and x < -1 d) x * 1 and x s-1
vide 12x3y4 + 18x4/ - 38xy3 by 3 y2 , ..
a) 4xy + 6x* — 12y
b) 4xy 2
+ 6x 2
- 12y/x
c) 4xy* + 6x* + 12y
d) 4xy2
+ 6x* + 12y/x
b) 27x
- 6xy+ 8y*
29. Factor 9x - 30xy + 25a
a) ( 3x-5y )( 3x + 5y )
b) ( 3x - 5y )
30. Reduce(8x4
c) 27x3 + 6xy + 8y3
d) 27x3 —30xy + 8y3
c) ( 3x * 5y )°
d} ( Sx -3y }( 5x + 3y )
( by }/( 3xy}
( 2y4
)/( 3x 2
31. Simplify: a*/b - b*/a
a) a - b c) a2
b - ab*
b) ( a’ - b3
) / ab d) a
— b
32. Simplify: (7a/ 12b *(20b’ / 35a
a) a^ / 3b* c) b2
/ 3a2
b) 3a2 / b* d) 3b2
/ a*
33. Simplify: ( a-1
+ b-1
) / ( a + b)-
a) 1/(a + b)'
b) a + b
34. 81-”4
= ?
a) 27
b) 1/27
35. 6
/27 = ?
a) 3
b) 1/3
36. 4g3 - 5J12 + 2/75 = ?
a) 4¥3
b) -6¥3 + 6 US
c) 1/a + 1/b
d) ( a + b )2 / ab
c) ¥27
d) 1/ k27
d) 1 / ¥3
c) /3
d) 5
Engineering Student Council
37. Solve for x: 4” = 18
a) 1
b) 2
38. Solve for x: log, 1/16 = 4
a) 2
b) 4
c) 3
d) 4
C) ’/*
d) Z3
39. If(J-9)/(x —3) - y, what is the value of x in terms of y?
a) y/9 c) y - 3
b) y/0 d) 37
40. Which of the following Is true for all possible values of x?
a) (U+ 8)=(x+3)2
b) 3( x + 5 ) = 3x + 5
c) 1/x + 3x/2 = ( 3 + 2 ) /2x
d) 4
41. Which equation shows the relationship between x and y in the table?
y 3 6 9 12
y 1 3 5 7
a) y = 3x + 5
b) y-WSx-1
42. If 7 + ( 2/3 )”(x+1 ) = 9, then (2/3)x = †
a) 2n
b) 4/3
43. 1.2 x 10a = ?
a) 0.0012
b) 0.00012
c) y = -x + 3
d) y = 2x - 3
c) 2
d) 4
} 0.000012
d) none of the above
-4 ) is equal to:
44. For all x ¥ If, ( W + 6x + 6 ) / (
a) (2x + 3) / (x - 4)
b) ( + 8x + 6) / ( x-2)*
d) ( + 3x * 3 ) f.[( x • 1 )( x - 4 )]
For nos. 45-50
Which of the following is greater: column A or column B ?
A: Column A is greater
B: Column B is greater
C: A and B are equal
D: cannot be determined
45. f(x) = 3x + 1
46. x = -97
47. -1 < n « 0
Column A
( f o g )(x)
Column B
48. Five students take test Q median of their scores mean of their scores
49. N = set of natural numbers number of elements of N no. of even nos. in N
(# of fish in A) / (# of fish in B) 1/n
42 ““
Engineering Student Council
Zone B
Zone A
For nos. 51-55
Compare the quantities in column A and in column B and determine if
a) A>B
b) B>A
c) A=B
d} No comparison
Column A
51. three successive discounts of 5°4 each
52. 3x+23+100
53. araa of a square with perimeter 8
54. the percent decrease from 12 to 10
Column B
single discount of 15%
area of a circle having radius 2
the percent decrease from 22 to 20
Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
Instructions: Choose the letter of the be t answer from the given choices.
1. What isthe surface area of a sphere having a radius of 2m?
a) 50.26 m2
b} 12.57 m2
d) 4.02 m
2. The pyramid t made hasabaseaeaof4m2
andanaltRude of200cm.
What is the volume of my pyramid?
a) 2.667 m3
b) 266.67 m3
c) 800 m3
d) 8 m3
3. Find the supplement and complement of angle 37 degrees
a) Supplement- 143,complement- 53
b) Supplement — 53, complement- 143
c) Supplement - 0, complement- 90
d) Supplement — 90, complement- 10
4. For the following figure, AB and CD are not parallel.
What is angle B? A B
a) 25
b) 65 C
c) 155
d) Cannot be determined
5. For the figure on the right, lind angle B.
a) 80 80"
160 160”
d) Cannot be determined
Engineering Student Council
Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-20 7
6. Find the area of the following figure. All measurements are in cm
a) 86 cm2
b) 56 cm* 8
4 0cm2
d) Cannot be determined
7. How many foci does anellipse have†
a) 2
c) 4
d) 0
8. A straight line whose endpoints are any two points of a circle
a) Chord c) Circumference
b) Radius d) Center
9. Planarcoordinate system whereapointisdescribedbyitsdistance fromtwoperpendicular
straight lines.
a) Planes
b) 3D objeQs
c) Cartesian
d) Polar
10. What is the distance of these two endpoints, (3,-2) and(-3,-2)?
a) 3.5 e) O
b› g
d) None of the above
Uniwrs Iy d IM Ph prim
ESC Engineering Student Council
Academics Committee 2006-2007
Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.
1. From the following figure, find x°
a) 60°
b) 90°
c) 30°
d) 10°
2. If tan 6 = -1/2 and 270° fi 0 s 360°, what is sin6?
a) -1/US
b) 1/f5 d) cannot be determined
3. Find the quadrant containing angle x° wherein sin x° < 0 and tan x° » 0
a) 1“ quadrant
b) 2"d quadrant
4. If cosB = -1/2 and cotB » 0, find tan6
a) 1/2
b) -J3/ 2
5. Find the value of sin17zr/4
a) 1/2
b) d3 / 2
6. Express tan2 x csc x in terms of sin x
a) sin2
x / (1 -sin
b) sin x / (siri2
x - 1) ”
c) 3“ quadrant
d) 4thquadrant
d) -1/2
c) -¥2 / 2
d) 1/ J2
c) sin x i' (1-sin*x)
d) cannot be determined
7. Given the figure on the right, find cos a.
c) 1/3
d) 0
8. Given the figure on the right, find angle p.
a) 90”
c) 60O
d) 30°
9. Given the figure on the right, find x.
a) ’/,
b) -1/2
c) 43/2
10. Which of the following is a false statement?
a) tan6 = sin6 / cosB
b) cot B = sin 6 / cotEi
11. Express30°intoradians.
a) 0.54
b) 0.52
12. cotB / tanB =
a) 1
b) sin0 / cos6
c} sin*6 + cos26 = 1
d) csc2
6 - 1 = cot*6
c) 1
d) cannot be determined
e) cos2 / sin2
d) sin*B / cos2
Engineering Student Council Academ1cs Committee 2006-2007
ESC Engineering Student Council
13. Given the figure on the right, find x.
a) ¥3/2
z) N2
d) -1/2
Academics Committee 2006-2007
Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.
1. A managerial accountant's sample of six companies’ book value shows $25, $7, $22,
$33, $18, $15. The sample mean is:
a) 19
b) 20
c) 18
d) 27
2. If x is the mean of a random sample of size n taken from a population with mean p and
finite variance a*, then the limit form of the distribution of Z= (x- p)/ a/square root n as n
approaches infinity, is the standard normal distribution n(z;0,1j. wha do you call this
a) Probability theorem
d) Bell-shaped
c) Poisson
d) Central Limit Theorem
3. The set of all possible outcomes / events of a statistical experiment iscalled
a) Element c) Tree aiagram
b) Sample space d) Observation
4. A is an arrangement of all or part of a set ofobjects
a) Combination
b) Probability
c) Mutually exclusive
d) Permutation
5. How many possible combinations are thereif I have 3 shorts, 4 blouses and 5 pair of
a) 60
b) 50
6. Find the mean andmedian of the numbers from 1 to 10.
a} J.S, S.S
b) 5.5, 6
c) 12
d) none of the above
d) 10, 5.5
Engineering Student Council
Engineering StudentCouncil
7. Given the data: 1, 3, 7, 5, 2, 7, 5, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7
What is the mode?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) all of the above
8. How many 3-digit numbers canbeformed fromthedigits0,1,2,3 if each digit can be used
only once?
a) 6
b) 12
c) 18
d) 24
0. Ms. Martha, the adviser of seoion Gold would be giving out awards to 4 of her students.
If each student can receive at most one award and that section Gold is composed of 30
students, how many possible selections are there?
a) 27,405
b) 120
c) 60
d) 657,720
10. Seven girls would beassigned to onetriple andtwo double classes. Inhow many ways
can this be done?
a) 210
b) 5040
c) 28
d) 30
11. Carl, Karl, Carlo, Cartos and Carlito are sitting on a round table whenthey thought of
exchanging seats andcount allthe possible arrangements they cando. How many
arrangements would they count in the end?
a) 120
b) 60
c) 24
d) 5
12. What is the probability of getting a sum of 7 or 11 when a pair of dice is tossed‘?
a) 1/3
b) 2/9
c) 3/7
d) none of the above
13. Find the probability of getting 3 aces out of a deck of 52 cards if 5 cards are to be drawn
at a time.
a) 4C3
4C 3 “ 52C 2 ' 52C
C) 4 3 “ 48C g 52C 5
d) C/ ' 52C 5
‘ Fig sil o li Philippi
ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
14. What istheprobability that at least onetail occurs when a coin istossed twice?
a) 3/4 c) 2
b) 1 d) 1/4
15. From a group of 4 men and 5 women, how many committees of size 2 are possible if
there are no restrictions?
a) 126
b) 24
c) 36
a) none of the above
.• srrnn
Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.
1. What isthe sum of the first 20counting numbers, the first 20even counting numbers and
the first 20 odd numbers? '°*• °c ^o •
a) 2300
d) 650
d) 790
e} none of the above
2. If Maydeposited hermoneyinthebank whohasanannual interest of 50% compounded
annually last year and has plans to4uya›660006ike, when should she with draw her
money if he deposited $4000†
a) 2 years fromnow
b) 10 years from now
c) next year
d) this year
e) never
3. If Ju can do a painting in 7hrs, May can do the job in8 hrs. How many hrs will they do 9
painting jobs if they do it at the sametime?
a) 33 hrs 17 mins
b) 33 hrs 40 mins
c) 33 hrs 36 mins
d) none of the above
e) cannot be determined
4. A car istraveling due north. At the same time the car left, a truck followed but with slower
speed. If the car travels 60 km/hr and the truck travels 23 km/hr, at what time will the car
be 100 km away from the truck†
a) 2 hrs, 42 min, 9.7 sec
b) 1 hr, 18 min, 7.5 sec
c} 3 hrs, 23 min, 11.4 sec
Engineering Student Council
d) 7 hrs, 11 min, 2.1 sec
e) none of the above
IJniwrs ny ol M Ph d
5. What if the truck travels south, at what time will they be 100 km apart?
a) 1 hr, 13 min, 5.1 sec
b) 1 hr, 12min, 17.3 sec
c) 1 hr, 17 min, 6.3 sec
6. What if the truck travels west‘7 ‹ ’• • ‹•’ ‘-°
a) 3.120 hrs
b) 1.500 hrs
c) 2.700 hrs
d) 1 hr, 15 min, 12.3sec
e) none of the above
d) 4.790 hrs
e) none of the above
7. A rowing team is competing on a river flowing 15 ft/s. If they are traveling upstream, at
what speed must they row relative tothe flowing water if they want to beat the 20 ft mark
in 1 minute?
a) 15 2/3ft/s
b) 18 1/3ft/s
d) 15 1/3 ft/s
e) none of the above
8. The team realized that it iseasier to travel downstream but there’s a catch. There’s an
obstacle on the way about 10 ft long. At the obstacle, they can only travel 1his. how fast
must they be going after the obstacle to beat the 1-minute time with 20 ft mark†
a) 14.8 ft/s
b} 7.4 his
c) —14.8fUs
d) -7.4Ms
e) none of the above
9. A pail, cylindrical in shape, with 2 ft inner diameter and 3 ft. height is being filled with
water. How much discharge must the hose supply to the pail for it to be filled within 5
b) 0.^ w ft*/s
c) 0.01zr ft*/s
d) 0.oo1zr ft*/s
e) »«ne of the above
tIr+ñer$ry of he Ph I ppries
ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
u. vvnats tne velocity of the water coming out of the hose n tne nozzle is quaner ciicic m
cross section with 3-inch diameter?
a) 0.64a ft/s
b) 0.64ain/s
c) 0.32a ft/s
d) 0.32n 2
e} none of the above
11. Jason can build a table in12 hrs. Trisha can also build the ssme table in 9 hrs. Joe can
build the same table in11hrs. In aday, Jason starts making tables at 9 am. Trisha joined
him at 11 am and Joe came at 12 noon. How many days will they consume if they are
tasked to make 30 tables with a daily schedule show above while ending at 5 pm
a) 33days
b) 2sdays
c) 48days
d) 17 days
e) none of the above
Ben isgoing to playlotto tomorrow. He only plays 1 combination every time he plays a
bet. What is his chance in winning the jackpot if the game chooses 4 numbers out of the
20 and must be in a particular order for the jackpot to be won?
a) 116280
b) 1/116280
c) I25240
d} 25240
e) none of the above
13. A plane travels due north at 8 am with a speed of 100 km/hr. another plane travels 60
degrees east of the first plane at the same time with 120 km/hr speed. How far will they
be from each other after 6 hrs†
a) 3.03 km
b} 10.20 km
c) 668 km
d) 220 km
e) none of the above
I Jniyerst!y ol Ihc Philippnes
ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
14. After that event (from number 13), the first plane changed direction and went south
maintaining itsspeed and theotherplane went straight north changing its speedto60
km/hr. What will be their distance from each other after 6 hours excluding the 1“ 6
a) 6s4km
b) 654 km
d) 634 km
e) none of the above
15. A camera man takes a picture of a globe 5 m from the center of the globe. If the globe is
6 m in diameter, how big will the globe appear to the camera maii in terms of diameter?
a) 5.0 m
b) 3.5 m
c} 4.8 m
d) 4.0 km
e) none of the above
16. What distance should he be from the center of the globe in order to see a 20 cm -
diameter globe?
a) 3 cm
b) 3 m
c) 25 cm
d) 25 m
e} none of the above
17. Karenhas been collecting andsaving25-centavo and1-peso coins.When shecounted
her coins, she found out that she has128 coinswhich amount to 86pesos. How many of
each kind of coins have she?
a) 7225-centsand561-pesocoins
b) 8225-centsand461-pesocoins
c) 5625-centsand721-pésocoiri4‘
d) 4625-centsand821-pesosoins
e) 5025-centsand781-pesocoins
16. Noong nakaraang limang taon, eng edadni Ana aypitong beses ng edad ngkanyang
anak. Sampung taonmula ngayon, angedadniya aydoble ngedad ngkanyang anak.
Ano ang kanilang edad sa kasalukuyan?
a) Ana = 26; anak= 8 '’"'“'
b) Ana = 40; anak = 14
c) Ana = 51; anak - 18
d) Ana - 24; anak = 7
e) Ana - 32; anak = 10
19. May and Che work together in preparation for a project. They can finish a jobin6hours if
they work together. After 3hours of working together, May hastoleave Chebecause she
has an unexpected date. It takes Che 9 hours to finish theremaining job alone. How long ,
will it take each of them to finish a job alone?
a) Che = 18 hours; May = 9 hours
b) Che = 20 hours; May = 10hours
c) Che = 9 hours; May = 18 hours
d) Che = 10 hours; May = 20hours
e) Che = 15 hours; May = 15 hours
20. Si Ryan ay nag-invest ng P 1,000,000, isang bahagi ay sa may interest na 9% at ang
natitira ay sa 7°4. Ang kabuuang halaga na kanyang interest ay P 86,000. Magkano ang
ininvest niya sa may 9% na interest?
a) 100000
b) 800000
c) 600000
d) 400 000
e) 200 000
Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
' rsi I ri Pfiitip .
ESC Engineering Student Council
Academics Committee 2006-2007
tlnwersaJ ct tin Pfi@pines
ESC Engineering Student Council
Academics Committee 2006-2007
Instructions: Select theletterthat corresponds totheunderlined word/s that make the sentence
grammatically incorrect. Select the letter ‘E’ if there are no grammatical errors
1. Everyone in our family except my brother Ind l has eaten lunch. No error.
2. Hearing the news the whole group went to the province. Noerror.
3. Thechairman oftheboardconsulted hismembers aboutthecommittee’smajorproblem.
No error.
4. None of the players iqthe locker room were able to comprehend orto solved the problem.
No error.
5. Science refer to that dynamic, cumulative systems of verifiable concepts ad processes
A B c
which seek to understand natural phenomena. No error.
6. Fromthegiven choices, selectthe wordthatappropriately complete eachsetofrelationship.
No error.
7. Preprocessor directives can appear anywhere in a source file, but they apply only {gthe
remainder of the source file. No error.
" The cove photograph is a computer rendered image gj the building alonct Makati. No en-or.
Hwever, their interest in improving theteaching of automotive courses have not subsided.
A p C D
No ermr.
10. Sign has been used, not onlyto enhance thequality of illustrations but also tohelpstudents
distinquish the difference between the two. No error.
11. A number of optional sections have beeninduced.No error.
12. As he travels on the curved portion of atrack, each racer are subjected to anacceleration
directed toward the center. No error.
13. The professor cametoherandsaid,°Laura, how often do you study our subject.” No error.
14. To enjoy all rewards and privileqes, please present these card when purchasinq at the store.
No error.
15. She iqnore the comment and settled ingt herterminal. No error.
16. Everyone except Ernie and Bert have seen the film. No error.
17. Finally he winked up atKarel, andthen bothhiseyes closed. No error.
18. Thelieutenant smiles andseemed toenjoytheCommissioner’ssense of irony.No error.
19. He felt like he was?yinq though; andthat wasgood enough. No error.
20. Sitting along thebeach acrosstheclinic,Litowondered whathewassuppose todo.No error.
21. Thesuspect demanded fora20minute break before thetrial resumes. Noerror.
A B ” C O E
22. At the intersection g{Raft Avenue and Stock Street, the road dead-ends at a vast two storey
shed. No error.
23. Both of hisbodyguards move forward, but the minister waved them off. No error.
Etigineering Student Council
24. Cherrybeqan topoint eastacrossPark Avenue e¿ she was struck by the flat of the man’s
A B s C D
hand. No error.
25. Wilbert and IsaiahJones wasdraqginq badlywhentheyleftthePlaza laterthat night.
No error.
26. I only come to ask you if you would bring your Holy Water tothe graveyard. No error.
27. I guesshe sat down restinq inthe shade and never qot up again. No error.
28. What attitude towards life does the speaker seem to be expressing? No error.
29. Huechildhoodwsahappy,andshewascontentenoughwhenhsebecame ayoungwoman.
No error
30. The second master, in appreciation of his wit and learning gave him his freedom. No error.
31. That night, he cradled the half frozen calf inhisqreat arms and carried it home. No error.
32. Everyone inthe class understood theproject except I,and that iswhy I feel so stupid.
No error.
33. Please callmewhentheiralready jgthemeeting place. No error.
34. The oil-rich country of Brunei lays to the south of the Republic of the Philippines. No error.
35. WhenI called youupthismorning, what areyoudoinct?No error.
INSLl5M °°
Engineering Student Council
Instructions: Determine which of the following synonyms on the given choices best corresponds
to how the underlined word/s were used on each sentence.
1. Leo made a disappointed, misunderstood face, from the many creases at his disposal.
a) authority
b) distribution
c) garbage unit
d) regulation
2. Ultimate stress design should be used only for projects when the enforcement of the
provisions of the construction specifications is wellobserved.
a) strengthening c) regulation
b) implementation d) putting of force
3. Joanna’s reply to his query was sure and ric
able to prod him away.
gs, that it didn’t took too long before she was
a) brittle
b) lively
*"°‘ ” c) concise
d) fragile
4. The first permanent tooth usually appears about four years after the baby teeth have
a) exploded
b) broken out
c) burst out
d) emerged
5. The professor took an immaculate handkerchief out of his pocket, and began to polish
the leMses of his glasses.
a) pure
b) spotless
c) error-free
d) flawless
6. By the end of the century, mass circulation sf newspapers had been developed.
a) movement of blood through
veins and capillaries
b) dissemination
Engineering Student Council
c) distribution of
d) availability in
7. Artifice was one of the qualities of style that was worthy of furthercultivation.
a) fostering ofgrowth
b) refinement
c) development
d) elevation
8. Much of his writing is slack that is why readers get bored at hisworks.
a) lacks action c) lacks firmness
b) lackscompleteness/perfection d) lacks diligence
9. Members shall be adequately braced to resist lateral and torsional displacement.
a) connected together
b) supportedwithbraces
c) reinforced
d) get ready for an attack
10. Biscuits had been stamped on the floor, making mopping more laborious than it already
a) crushed
b) impressed
11. Pleasedepresstheredbuttonwhenyou'reready.
a) press down
b) repress
c) pounded
d) imprinted
c) discourage
d) weaken
12. The commander ordered his men to holdtheir posts no matter what happens.
a) suppoR
b) maintain
c) adhere to
d) carry
against each other.
a) powderedtosmall pieces
b) silenced
c) squeezed
d) had an infatuation
14. One week later, the vessel deposited them inone of the biggest ports ontheEastern
a) consigned
D) dropped
c) credit
d) accumulated
Engineering Student Council
't ttnñrs tJ of if› Pfi Ftp ‹us
ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
15. Pauline’s words had made all sorts of frightened echoes in our minds. The word echo in
this sentence means
a) a close imitation
b) an answe.ring sympathetic effect
c) a soft recurrence of a statement
d) a reverberation of sound waves
16. The gases trapped in pasty lava do not escape freely and may sometimes break out with
explosive violence.
a) sudden
b) expressive
c) unrestrained
d) volatile
7. The dead load consists of the weight of the structure completed.
a) empty
b) inert
c) constant
d) lifeless
Instructions: Choose the letter of best answer from the given choices.
18. Terrie kept fumbling the materials, gathering a few and shuffling them as if they were
a) playing with
b) juggling
c) groping for
d) moving clumsily
19. Two pa/ice officers sprawled over a couch in Johanna’s living room, as if they were in
their own homes.
a) creep awkwardly
b) laydown
c) jumped into
d) sit with arms and legsspread
20. The interviewer, dark, young and serious, turned his attention to us with a cramped sort
of face.
a) paralyzed c) bothered
b) cheerful d) expressionless
21. The dog ambled to the door, which was slightly ajar, and slowly squeezed out into the
a) crept
b) ran
c) walked
d) jumped
22. Harold lumbered at him and clouted him across the head.
a) cover with a clout
b) hit forcefully
c) stroke gently
d) kissed
23. I thought they were likely to bundle him into a car but the policemen simply led him back
to the road and pointed him towards the town center.
a) wrap
b) hustle
24. The brass bars are bundled in two’s, three’s and four’s.
a) wrapped
b) hustled
c) a lot of things
d) group together
c) a lot of things
d) grouped together
25. The tractor-trailer backed away from the smoldering wreck and stopped.
a) burning steadily
b) flaming increasingly
c) burning with much smoke
d) exploding
26. The gymnast plunged from bar to bar, twisting and turning with dazzling speed.
a) skipped playfully
b) thrust forward
c) swung lightly
d) dangled idly
27. The lfugao lady gently slipped off the headband that held the basket high on her back so
that she could rest for a while. ” “”
a) removed quickly
b) slid out of place
c) wore in
d) threw away
Engineering Student Council
ESC Engineering Student Council
28. His stoic attitude earned him the title "man made of stone."
Academics Committee 2006-2007
a) active c) hard
b) heavy d) indifferent
29. Samuelcouldnotstandtheqelidsurroundings oftheAlpineMountains.
a) very cold c) humid
b) very hot d) tepid
30. Do not worry about running short of rice because we had a copious harvest last month.
a) weak
b) innumerable
c) depleting
d) abundant
31. Jojoissuffering from asphyxia. Noxious gasesduring fire have suffocated him.
a} an unconscious state c) a state of suppression
b) a stateof trance d) a state ofaffliction
32. Her hair was full and lightly curled. Which of the following terms best describes a full
a) chubby
b) filled
33. Thejudge exculpated theaccused forlack ofevidence.
a) proved guilty
b) exonerated
c) detailed
d) thick
c) banished
d) proved innocent
34. The politician was criticized for his preposterous remarks.
a) lengthy
b) witty
c) absurd
d) promising
35. Having lived with three old maids, Lucy projects a reticent attitude.
a) meek ”
b) effusive
c) effulgent
d) offensive
EN5Ll5h 65
tJn etsX/ e/ lf›e Pfr@pries
ESC Engineering Student Council
A cademics Committee 2006-2007
Instructions: Each passage below isfollowed by questions based on its content. Choose the
best answer and shade the box correspondingto.that.answer.
Passage Y:
No-titrembled everyjointwhilehegraspedtheabominable thing,wavering whetherheshouldnot
put his son todeath for anunnatural youngmonster, when the crackling scorching his fingers, as
it had done his son’s, and applying the same remedy to them, he in his turn tasted some of its
flavor, which, make what sour mouths he wouldpretence, proved not altogether displeasing to
him. In conclusion (for the manuscript here isalittte tedious) both father and son fairly sat down
to the mess, and never left off till they had dispatched all that remained of the litter.
(An excerpt from Charles Lamb’s A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig)
1. In the first sentence, the nearest meaning to the word“abominable" could be
a) humongous c) illegal
b) detestable d) dan9erous
2. What remedy didthe fatherusedforhisscorched fingers?
a) he put his fingers under the running water
b) he went outside and buried therñ in snow "
c) he licked them
d) he wrapped cloth around his fingers
3. What kind of figure of speech was used in the first statement, “Ho-ti trembled every joint“?
a) simile c) hyperbole
b} metaptiot d) personification
'°assage 2:
fna sense we have come to our nation*s capital to a cash check. When the architects of our
republic wrotethemagnificentwordsoftheConstitution andtheDeclarationofIndependence,
theywere signing apromissory note towhich every American wasto fall heir. This note was a
UniYersr/ ol ihe Phil'ppnes
ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
promise that allmen, yes,black menaswellaswhitemen, wouldbeguaranteed the unalienable
rights of life, liberty, andthepursuit of happiness. It isobvious today that America has defaulted
onthis promissory note, insofar ashercitizens of color are concerned. Instead ofhonoring this
sacred obligation, America has given theNegro people a badcheck, a check has come back
marked “insufficient funds.”
(An excerpt from Martin Luther King Jr.’s / Have A Dream)
4. Theword“defaulted”inthepassagemeans
a) set for automatic
b) neglected
5. The whole passage isdeveloped by
a) comparison and contrast
b) narration
8. The purpose of the passage is to
a) humor
b) bring about awareness
c) remove fault
d) failed to appear on time
c) cause and effect
d) dialogue
c) preach
d) enlighten
Rassage 3:
Sun Tzu said: There are five ways of attacking with fire. The first is to burn soldiers intheir camp;
the second is to bum stores; the third isto bum baggage trains; the fourth is to burn arsenals and
magazines; the fifth is to hurl dropping fire amongst the enemy.
Inorder to carry out an attack, we must havemeans available. The material for raising fire should
always be kept in readiness. There is a proper season for making attacks with fire, and special
days for starting a conflagration.
The proper season iswhen the weather is very dry; the special days are those when the moon is
in the constellations of Sieve, the Wall, the Wing or the Cross-bar; for these four are all days of
rising wind.
(Anexcerpt from Sun Tzu’s 7he Art ofWas
8 •h °! thr Pt f pPne
Instructions: Each passage below isfollowed byquestions based onits content. Choose the
best answer and shade the box corresponding to that answer.
Passage 1:
Ho-titrembled everyjointwhilehegraspedtheabominablething,waveringwhetherheshouldnot
put hissontodeath for an unnatural young monster, when thecrackling scorching his fingers, as
it had done his son’s, and applying the same remedy to them, he in his turn tasted some of its
flavor, which, make what sour mouthshe wouldpretence, proved not altogether displeasing to
him. In conclusion (for the manuscript here isa little tedious) both father and son fairly sat down
to the mess, and never left off till they had dispatched all that remained of the litter.
(An excerpt from Charles Lamb’s A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig)
1. In the first sentence, the nearest meaning to the word “abominable° could be
a) humongous
b) detestable d) dangerous
2. What temedy did the father used for his scorched fingers?
a) he put his fingers under the running water
b) he went outside and buried them in snow
c) he licked them
d) he wrapped cloth around his fingers
3. What kind of figure of speech was used in the first statement, “Ho-ti trembled every joint“?
a) simile c) hyperbole
b) metaphor d) personification
”assage 2:
ma sense we have come to our nation’s capital to a cash check. When the architects of our
republicwrotethemagnificentwordsoftheConstitution andtheDeclarationofIndependence,
they were signing a promissory note to which every American wasto fall heir. This nole was a
promisethatal men, yes,M ackmenasweH as whRe men,woudbeguaranteedthe una|enabe
rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It isobvious today that America has defaulted
on thispromissory note, insofar asher citizens of colorare concerned. Instead of honoring this
sacred obligation, America hasgiventheNegro people abadcheck, acheck has come back
marked “insufficient funds.”
(Anexcerpt from Martin LutherKing Jr.’s /Hav’e A Qream)
4. Theword“defaulted” inthepassagemeans
a) set for automatic
b) neglected
5. The whole passage is developedby
a) comparison and contrast
b) narration
8. The purpose of the passage isto
a) humor
, b) bring about awareness
c) remove fault
a) failed to appear on time
c) cause and effect
d) dialogue
c) preach
d) enlighten
Passage 3:
Sun Tzu said: There are five ways of attacking with fire. The first is to burn soldiers in their camp;
the second is to bum stores; the third isto bum baggage trains; the fourth isto burn arsenals and
magazines; the fifth is to hurl dropping fire amongst the enemy.
Inorder to carry out an attack, wemust havemeans available. Thematerial forraising fireshould
always be kept in readiness. There is a proper season for making attacks with fire, and special
days for starting a conflagration.
The proper season is when the weather is very dry; the special days are those when the moon is
in the constellations of Sieve, the Wall, the Wing or the Cross-bar; for these four are all days of
rising wind.
(An excerpt from Sun Tzu’s The Art of'Way
Engineering Student Council
rsk/ of tfe Phihppi
ESC Engineering Student Council
7. What can be a good title for the exw gx* „ , „ ,.
a) Season for fire
b) Attacking with fire
8. The purpose of the passage isto
a) teach
b) enlighten
9. What is an arsenal?
b) a building filled with guns
Academics Committee 2006-2007
c) War is Better thanwater
d) The Art of Burning
c) ridicule
d) boast
c) a building filled with ammo
d) a parking space for chariots
10. Why is a very dry weather the proper season for making attacks with fire?
a) Soldiers usually sleep when tha,weather is dry
b) Soldiers are busy searching for food
c) It is more difficult to put out fires “
d) it is unlucky in their religion to put out fires during dry season
Pasasge 4:
Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and
consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to bechewed and
digested; That is, some books are to be read, only in parts; others to be read but not curiously,
and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some bnoks also may be read
by deputy; and extracts made of them by others; but that woutd be only in the less important
arguments andmeaner sort ofbooks;elsedistilledbooks arelikecommon distilled waters, flashy
things. Reading maketh a full man; Conference a ready man; and Writing an exact man; and
therefore, if a man writes little he need to have a great memory; if he confers little he need have a
present wit; and if he reads little he need have much cunning, to seem tn know that he doth not.
Historiesmakemenwise;Poetswitty;andMathematics,subtle;NaturalPhilosophy, deep;Moral,
grave; Logic and Rhetoric, able to contend; Abeunt studia ir› mores.
Francis Bacon, Essay. 1561-16 ›
11. What are meant to be digestea*
a) men
b) water
c) books
d) mores ,
12. When do you consider a man full?
a) when he can offer
b) whenhe can read
c) when he can see
d) when he can read and understand
13. How can a reader learn from a book?
a) when he joins arguments
b) whenheknowsmanywriters
c) when he can writepoems
d) whenheappliesandassimilatesthewords
14. According tothepassage, why doesaman read?
a) tocontradict andconfute
b) to believe andtake forgranted
c) to waae and swallow
d) to weigh and consider
15. How will a reader treat a bookt
a) as a friend
b) as a confioante
c) as a memoir
d) as a historian
Peter came tohim and said, "Lord, how often shall mybrothers sin against me, and I forgive
himt Up to seventimes2"
Jesus said to him, "I say to you, not seven times, but seventy times seven."
Thus the kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who had servant that cwed him ten
thousand talents. Because he could not pay, thelordordered him t‹ be sold, andhis wife
andchildren, and allthat hehad,arxtpayment bemade. The servant therefore fell down
.’ andworshippedhimsaying,"Lordhavepatience withme,andIWillpayyouall."Thenthe
-—— - ..... -
Engineering Student Counc “ "
Overs nJ o' t t P hi pp res
ESC Engineering Student Council Ac ademics Committee 200 6-2007
LOrdotthat servant wasmove withconstant compassion andfreedhim and forgavehim
the debt.
“But the same servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a
hundred pence, and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, “Have
patience with me and I willpay you all." And he would not, but went and cast him into
prison, till he pays his debt.
So when hisfellow servants sawwhat wasdone, they were very sorry and came andtold
their lord all that was done.
“Then his lord, after calling him forthsaidtohim ’O wicked servant, I forgave you allthat debt,
because you begged me. Should you not also have the compassion on your fellow
servant, even as I had pity on you?" And his lord was angered and delivered him to tile
torturers, till he should pay all that wasdue tohim. So likewise shall my heavenly Father
do also to you, if you do not forgive from your heart your brothers’ trespasses."
16. JesustoldPeter that he must forgive hisbrother
a) seven times
b) seventy times seven
17. The king forgave hisservant because
a) he felt sorry forhim
b) the servant paid him quickly
c) the servant fell down and hurt himself
c) many times
d) sometimes
d) the servant’s wife promised to sell their goods to pay the debt
18. Wnen the servant was imprisoned by tñe man who owed him money. his companion
a) did nothing
b) were angry
c) asked him what he was doing
d) reported what he had done to their lord
EN0Ll5fl 70
19. In this parable, Jesus is teaching about
a) money
b) kings
20. Theservant’s lord wasangrywithhimfinallybecause
c) forgiveness
d) prisons
a) he had not paid his debt
b} he had no pity on his fellow servant
c) the lord wanted money
d) the servant continued to beg for more time to pay
EN5LIth '‹
c) BUY - VIE
Engineering Student Council
Instructions: Selao the word or pair of words that appropriately completes the following
ESC Enffineering Stude Council
c) GO - GONE
10. LION: CUB;
Academ1cs Committee 2006-2007
e) UT - SiTTlHO
* ... ,.
Outingsât of tfie Philippines
ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
Etigineering Student Council
hriimfn 4t he Pttifp '
ESC Engineering Student Cooacif
Academics Committee 2006-2007
General Science
1. d
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. c
6. ‘d
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. b
11. b
12. c
13. b
14. d
15. d
16. b
17. d
18. c
19. b
20. a
21. d
22. c
23. d
24. d
25. e
26. a
27. a
28. b
1. d
2. b
3. c
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. d
8. a
9. b
10. d
11. c
12. a
13. c
14. a
15. a
16. a
17. d
18. a
19. b
20. c
21. c
22. a
1. b
3. b
4. d
7. a
8. b
11. é, while b&d are true, the question remains
unanswered. (always choose the best andmost
appropriate answer)
12. c
13. a
14. b
15. e, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telephase
16. a _
17. c
18. d
19. b
20. c
21. a
22. a
23. b
24. d
25. c
26. d -
27. a
28. a
29. a
ESC Engineering Student Council
Academics Committee 2006-2007
1. b, sublimation : solid to liquid
2. d
3. c
4. d, air is gaseous som , gasoline= liquid som, brass=solid, copper=eIement
5. b, intensive property: does not depend on the amt of substance/ sample
6. c, *(0K is absolute zero, the lowest attainable temp. Kelvin does not use °)
7. a
8. c
9. a
10. d “'“*
11. b *’
12. b the rest normally exists as diatomic molecules
13. d
14. a
15. c
18. b
17. b
18. d
19. c
20. d, °F = 9/5°C + 32
21. e t,tI,tll
22. d, I, II, and Ill are parts/steps in the scientific method (which is the general approach to
23. d
24. d
25. c
26. a
27. e
28. c, following rules of signifi nt figures
29. b, 0.1 = [(x g)(moles/ 158 g)] / {.20Oñ)
30. a, M1V, = Vt => 12V1' 1*0.6
31. a
CtH6 7/2 2 /C 2 * 3HtO
3.5 mol ethane “ (4 moles COC / 2 moles ethane) = 7 moles COC
2.0 mol o2 “ (4 mole COC / 7 moles Og = 1.1 moles CO,
32. a, 0.5/1.1 =0.45
33. b
34. c
35. a
36. e
3T. c
38. c, Cu2*, Zn
LEORA = lose electrons Oxidation (gets oxidized) reducing agent
GEROA = gain electrons Reduction (gets reduced) oxidizing agent
39. Answer: Given the statements the” besf answer would be b. ph of Sol’n B is 7 since equal
volumes of HCI and NaOH react. All three solutions undergo a neutralization reaction with
water and a salt (specifically NaCI) as product.
40. d
41. d, Boiling point Elevation. Boiling point tempe.rature increases with increasing external
42. e, nota. High pressure and low temperature
ESC Sneering Student Council
Simple Calculus
b, 4 — »= 0
«= 4
Academics Committee 2006-2007
27. c, (2x - 3y)*(3x + 4y)
using the FOIL method
F: 2x “ 3x = 6fi
0: 2x “ 4y = 8xy
6. a
7. b
8. a
9. a
liMx-•s 3X - liMx- 5 7
= 3“5 — 7 = 8 28. a,
29. b,
30. d,
31. b,
+ (2y)3
perfect square: (3x-5y)*
/ 12x’y* = 2y4 / 3
*b)/(ab) =(a3
10. b, b ¥ 0
11. a, x = (5 + 1}/2 ; y —- (-3 - 6)/2
32. c, (7/35)(20/12)(a/a3
(1/5)(5/3)(1/a )(b “)
/ 3a*
12. d, m = (-1 — 3)/(5 — 5) = -4 / 0
33. d, ( 1/a + 1/b )/[1/(a+b)]
-- (a• b)2
/ (ab)
13. b, m = (3 — (-3)) / ( -2 — 6)
= -3/4 34.
{3*)-”* = 3-* = 1/27
) 3 6
= 3* * =2
4y + 12 = -3x + 18 36. a, 4V3 - 5V(4*3) + 2J(25*3)
3x + 4y — 6 = 0 = 4 x'3 - 10J3 * 10 3 = 4?3
( )3
’ = (2*)^’
14. b 2 = 24“’
15 logz 2” = logo 2^”°
16. c
17. a
x = 4?(1/16)
21. b
22. a
23. d (x +3)(x
26. b,
3 < 2x <
x < 9/2
x = [ -3/2, 9/2]
—1) » 0
— 1 » 0
> 0
x > 1 and -1 » x
(12 y4
/ 3 2
) + (18x*y* / 2
40. c
41. b
42. b
43. c
44. c
47. b
+ 6 -12y/x
* " 4
52. d
53. b
ESC Etigitieering Student Council
1. a, Surface area = 4n (2*) =S0.26
2. a, Solution 200cm = 2m
V=(1/3)(B)(h)= (1/3)(4)(2)= 2.67 m3
3. a, Supplement = 180-37 =143,
Complement=90-37= 53
Academics Committee 2006-2007
1. c, sinx =2/4
sinx = '/
x=sin 1
’/ =30*
2. a, sin B / cos 6 =-1/2
-2sin6 = cos6
4. d. Since AB and CD is not parallel and
no sufficient data, we cannot determine
the answer.
5. b,
a. a, total area= 8(10)=80 cm*
small rectan Ie a
a rea= 3x4=12 cm‘
Area= 80 ct‘ e12
b. a, 2
c. a, chord
d. c
e. b
1. b
2. d
3. b
4. d
5. a
6. a, mean =
median = (5+6)/2=5.5
7. c. (7 is the most frequent
8. c
9. d
'10. a
11. c
12. b
13. c
14. a
15. d
sin*6 + cos*B =1
sin*6 + 4 sin*6 =1
5 sin2 6 =1
sin G = 11/g5
since 270° s @ s 360’
sin6 = -1/J5
3. c, sin x <0 = 3 *Q and 4t° Q
tan x =1s Q and 3’° Q
Therefore, 3r Q
4. c, cos 6 = x/r
1 + y‘ =4
y2 = 3
y = -t3
cot6 >0 at the 3" o
P(-1, -x3)
tan 6 = -J3/ -1 =/3
5. d, sin 17a/4 = sin (n/4 + 4s)
= sin n/4 = 1/k2
6. c, tan2x cscx = (1/sinx) (sin2x /cos2x)
Slf)X /COS
= sinx /(1-sin2x)
7. b, c* = a* + b* —2ab cos a
4 = 4 + 1 — 2*2“1*cos a
4 — 5 = - 2“2“1“cos a
- 1 = - 4*cos a
cos a = ’/‹
8. d, sin § / 1 = cos § / 1
sin |3 = sin 30
§ = sin-1 ’/
§ = 30
9. c, sin 30 = x/ g3
’/ = x/ k3
x = J3/2
10. b, cot El = cos6 / sinB = 1 / tan6
11. b, 30” p/180 = 0.52
12. c, cot6 = 1 /tan6
(1 / tan 6) / tanB = / tan*6
= 1/ (sin*B / cos2 6)
cos*6 / sin2B
? =100
E.ngineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-20D7
1. e. n(n+1)/2 + m(m+1)/2 = (20)(20+1)/2-+ (4g)(40+1)/2 = 1030
d, F = P(1 + i) ’^
6000 = 4000 (1 * 0.50) N
log 6000 = log (4000 (1 + 0.50) ]
log 6000 = log 4000 + log[(1 + 0.50) ”]
log 6000 = log 4000 + N log((1 + 0.50)
N = (log 6000 - log 4000) / [log(1 + 0.50)]
N = [log (6000/4000)] / [log(1 t 0.50)]
N = log 1.5 / log 1.5
N = 1
This year
3. c, (1/8 +1/7) T — 9
T = 33 hrs. 36 mins.
4. a. 60 km/hr — 23 km/hr = 37 km/hr = relative velocity
Velocity = dist./time
37 - 100 / time
Time = 2.702... hrs = 2 hrs. 42 min. 9.7 sec
5. b. 60 + 23 = 93 km/hr = relative velocity
83 =100/ time ” “
Time = 1.2048... hrs = 1 hr. 12 min, 17.3 sec
6. e. Y = 60 km / hr time
X = 23 km /hr *time
Y' + X2
= 1002
(60t (23t)' = 100*
529t* + 3600/ = 1002
= 1002
t =100/x4129 hrs “
7. d. V —15=velocity relativetotheobservers
(V-15)(60) = 20
V = 15 '/‹R£s
8. c. 1 ft/s = 10 ft / time1
time1 = 10 s
left for the rest of the distance = 50 sec
V + 15 = velocity relative to observers
(V+15)(50) = 10
V= -14.8 Ill s
Ans: they don't need to row/go faster; flow of water will help them beat the time/mark
9. c. Discharge.Q=volume/time
= 0.01Tr ft“/s
!0 Q=VA
=(0.01zr /(1/4‘zr*0.25“)
11. d, [112(8) + 1/9(6) + 1/11(5) j * days = 30
days = 16.78 days = 17 days consumed
12. b, 20‘19‘18*17 = 118280
Ans: 1 is to 116280 chances "
13. c, Dist. Traveled by 1stplane.A= 100*6=600 kmnorth from origin
Dist. Traveled by 2nd
plane.B = 120‘6=720 km 60° east of south
Cosine law.
(dist from each other)* = A2
+ B2
- 2ABcos 60°
+ 7202
- 2*600*720*1/2
= 446400
dist from each other = x”446400 km = 668.13 km
14. e, A=100“6=600 km south from last position = origin
B=60*6=360 km north from last position =directly east of origin
dist. from each other = 720 km sin 60° =720 *( 3/2)=360 3 km =624 km
15. e, Right triangles:
Radius,A = 3m ’”
Other side.B =4m
Cos 0 = B/C = 4/5
X = A cos 6
= 3 (4/5) = 12/5
= 2.4 m = radius of what the cameraman sees
Diameter of what the cameraman sees = 4.8m
16. b. X= 0.20 m
A=3 m
Cos 0 = 0.20/3 '
a‘ = X
+ A
-- 0.20 + 32
= 9.04
a = 9.04
by similar triangles:
a/A = A/C
x 9.04/3 = 3/C
C . distance of camera man = 9/x9.04 m = 3m
17. c,Tet x=number of Php0.25 coins
y =number of Php1.00 coins,
x+y = 128 ” 1)
0.25x + y = 86 —(2)
(1) — (2) 0.75x = 42
x = 56
y =128 — 56 = 72
18. a. let x = edad ni Ana ngayon
y = edad ng anak ni Ana ngayon
x - 5 = 7/y— 5) —-x - 7y = -30 —(1)
x + 10 = 2(y+10) —x — 2y = 10 —(2)
x = 2y + 10 = 26
19. a. let c =hrs Che can do the work alone
m = hrs May can do the work alone
6/c + 6/m = 1 —(1)
3/m + 12/c = 1 6/m+ 24/c’= 2 —(2)
(1) — (2) c =18, m =6
20. b. let x = halaga na in-invest sa 9'
y= halaga nain-invest sa7°A
x + y = 1 000 000
0.08x + 0.07y =88 000 (9/7)x + y = 86 000/ 0.07
(I} - (2) — x = 800 000
hnivws I of I M PMpy rin
u••rr•i s in Pi''t*p''•i
,EMS „„, Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
1. e
3. e
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. e
8. b
10. b,Illustrations,
11. e
12. b
13. d
15. a, ignored
16. c, has
17. a, finally,
16. b
19. e
20. d
21. b, 20-minute
22. d,two-storey
23. b, moved
24. e
25. a, were
20. a, came
27. c, to rest
28. a, toward
26. e
30. c, learning,
31. b, half-frozen
32. c, me
33. b, they’re
34. b, lies
0. a
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. b
6. c
7. b
B. a
11. a
12. b
13. c
14. b
15. c
16. a
17. c
18. d
19. d
20. c
21. c
22. b
23. b
24. d
25. c
28. b
10. c
11. c
12. d
13. d
14. d
15. c
16. b
17. a
18. d
19. c
20. b
10. c
11. a
12. d
13. a
" “
1. b 1. c
2. c 2. d
3. c 3. b
4. b 4. e
5. a 5. e
6. b 6. b
7. b 7. d
8. a 8. e
6. b 9. b

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  • 1. upcat reviewer UPCAT REVIEWER 2021-2022 Engineering Student Council
  • 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The ACADEMICS COMMITTEE of the Engineering Student Counctl 2006-2007 would like to extend its deepest gratitude to: • the UPCAT Reviewer 2021-2022 academics committee headed by Ms. Cherrie May Avena o Julius Calubayan o Leo Dacon o Johanna Joyce Demetrla o Geomar Lubaton o Nelissa Manuel Lauren o Joane Rose Nario o Lady Marianne Polinga • and the rest of the incumbent Engineering Student council officers. for taking an active part and for the unceasing tireless support in the making of this College Entrance Exam Reviewer. We share the success of this reviewer with you. Godspeed. fl€n€€€nnfl€RnnD€€€nn€n€nnn€€€nn¥€€€n€€€€€€€€fl€c€fl€nnnn€€cnnnnccncn•nncnc•••••* NESTEE-EK¥-PAUL-WAROLD-LE¥F-MILK-NEIL-SOL- TABYA
  • 3. tlnwersây of I'›e Pfi ppam ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 HAT TO DO BEFORE THE EXAMS... 1. Know the coverage of the entrance exams in each of the schools whera you are applying for admission. Fha usual coverage is English-Math-Science. Some schools require non-verbal tests. 2. Go over your textbooks and class notes, and attend a good review class. A reviewclass willgiveyouacomprehensive summaryof yourmajorhighschool subjects. It will also familiarize you with the different types of test questions and teach you the corresponding techniques nnd strategies for answering them. Thus you will feel more confident and less nervous during the actual exams. You won’t waste precious time analyzing and understanding instructions. Remember, most entrance exams are under time pressure. 3. Your admission to college depends on both your high school grades (usually 40%) and your score in the entrance exams (usually 60%). You c«n greatly improve your chances for admission by performing wall in the axams. 4. When you get your Test Permit, check if it was properly accomplished. Does it hove the necessary signatures* Do you resemble your photo* Prepare your school ID - you may need it for verification of your identity. 5. Know the exact location of your Testing Center. Visit it several days before your exams so that you won’t waste time looking for it right on the day of reckoning. Check out your assigned room. Is it air-conditioned* Then bring a jncket because it‘s hard to tnke an exam when you‘re shivering. Is thera a CR nearby* Fomiliariza yourself with the location so thot you will not waste time looking for it at the time of need. 6. Prepare your pencils and erosers ahead of time. Is your pencil the prescribed brand and number* Does the eraser erase easily op dos it fecoye smudges* 7. You will not be allowed to go out aod eat during the exams. TIPS 2
  • 4. 8. Prepare yourself psychologically by being positive and optimistic. Do not allow any emotional interference before your exams. Ex., this iS not the tiMe †o be quarrelling with your best friend or mo†her or /fiU! 9. Keep reviewing your taxtbooks, class notes, review materials and simulated tests savcral days before your exams. 10. Sleep well on the cva of your exodus. Lack of sleep greatly impairs memory and concentration. HAT TO DO ON THE DAY OF YGUR EXAMS... 1. Eat a moderate meal before leovirg the house. Don‘t eat too little - your stomach will be grumbling. Don’t eat too much - your blood will rush to your digestive system, thus depriviflg your brain. Drink moderately so that you won’t keep going to the CR. 2. Don’t forget to bring your Test Permit, pencils, eraser, sharpened, and a reliable watch. The wafch is very helpful in pacing yourself during the exam. 3. Leave your house early and give allov2ance for traffic jams. The roads and streets surrounding UP and Ateneo hove massive traffic jams during entrance exams. TIPS 3 Engineering Student Council Academics Committee2006-2007
  • 5. Unit'y of the PhTppr›es ESC Etigineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 TO DO DURING THE EXAMS... 1. Check your test booklet for any missing or misprinted pages. Ask help from the proctor or teacher if necessary 2. Listen †o instructions carefully 3. Pace yourself. Don’t waste time on difficult questions - skip them ond go back later. But when skipping, make sure that your succeeding answers still match the questions. [i.e. make sure that your Answer no.5 is for Question no. 5] 4. Cost exams ore “right minus a fraction of the wrong.” [e.g. a wrong answer can be given a weight of } point only instead of 1point. If you wish to guess, guess intelligently.] 5. Review your work if you still have time. 6. Be honest. Don’t glance at your seotmate’s answers because he may hove a different set of questions. TIP3
  • 6. Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 10 Techi›iq‹ies to Get a Highei Score i. Relax. Don’t be nervous. Before your exams, do this simple exercise to ease your tension: Close your eyes for a few minutes and relax your face muscles. When your face muscles relaxed, you will feel that the rest of your body will also become relaxed. Know the time allotment for each segment of your exam so that you can pace yourself accordingly. Example: Nos.1-60 --Science Nos.61-t2O --Math Nos.121-180 --Reading Comprehension Nos.181-250 --Language Proficiency --60 questions --60 questions --60questions --70 questions --50 minutes --70 minutes --45 minutes --30 minutes 3. Listen to instructions carefully. Answer the easy questions first, and then tackle the hard ones. Don‘t spend too much time on the hord questions - go back later if there.’s time. 4. Check frequently (e.g. every 10 items) to make sure that your answer matches the corresponding questions, more so after you have skipped some items. Example: Does Ansu/er No.10 correspond to Question I"Jo. IO* 5. Look for shortcutsandavoidthelength computations insolving Mathproblems. 6. Some questions can be answered through common sense and mental calculation. Example: The 40 students in the PE class were mode to line up according to their class numbers, and then told to count off °1-2°and divide themselves into two lines. All the I’s were inthe firstline;allthe 2’s were inthe second line.In whichline wasStudent No. 122* Guide: Note that all the 1’S or odd-numbered students were in the first line, and all the 2’s or even-numbered students were in the second line. So it’s easy to conclude that Student Mo. 122 was in the second line. Some questions are easier to solve when visualized with the use of a diagram. Example: TIPS 5
  • 7. The town of Marabut is located along Marikina Highway. The to¥/n of Carcnglan is west of Marabut. Sarar›g‹zni is east of Caranglan, but west of Marcbut. Doraga is east of Rqjomon, bu† wes†of Sarzzngani andCaranglan. Which †own is the far†hes† west* First step: Draw a line to locate tke relative position of cach too/n. "The tcwn of Caranglan is west of Marabut.’ So mark tkeir respective locations on the line. /Vest East Next Step: Place the other towns in their correct order. West East Answer: The town farthest west is Rojamon. 8. Use the "Process of Elimination" (POE) when you are unsure of the right answer but sure of the wrong answers. Deciding between two choices is easier than deciding among four or five. Remember, educated 9uesses can raise your score, and every wrong answer you can cross out will improve your chances of guessing correctly. See your En9lish Reviewer for examples of the use of "POE." 9. ”yVotch out for tricks and traps. These are purposely included by the test-makers to confuse you nnd to test how clever you really are. /Kofipie I: Violation of the rule of "parallel structures’ Eat, drink and singing -that’s what men usually do in beerhouses.’ Explanation: ’Singing’ should be "sing." Example 2: Insertion of a clause or phrase to confuse you about subject-verb agreement ’Many politicians, in their desire to win an election, makes grandiose promises to vo†ers. Explanation: The subject is "politicians,’ so the verb should be "make.’ Examp(e 3: Use of an inverted sentence structure - the verb comes before the subject "In the middle of vast cornfields stand the house where I was born.° Explanation: The subject is "house,’ so the verb should be 'stands." Example 4: Use of misplaced modifiers *Wrapped in several layers of paper and bound secur'ely with tape, the worker frxzc!.e sure tkot the fragile figurines would not be broken.“ TIPS
  • 8. Explanation: ThiS sentence gives the impression that it‘s the worker that was wrapped in paper ctnds bound with tape. 10. When answering questions that determine your ability to organize phrases or , sentences, look for keywords that u/ill help your answer the question rightaway without thinkingexhaustively. Example: a. Secondly, they had no leader. b. Firstly, †he workers were no† uni†ed. c. Finally, they did not kave the support of their fah›ilies. d. Thirdly, they had no funds to tide them over. e. From the beginning, it looked like †he workers’ s†rike was doomed †o fail. Answer choices: 1. abdec 2. cbead 3. deabc 4. ebodc There are several ways of approaching this question. One way is the "Process of Elimination: " Eliminate Answer Choice No.1right away because it stabs with "a’ (”Secondly’). Eliminate Answer Choice Mo.2 right away because it starts with "c" {”Finally°). Eliminate AnswerChoiceNo.3rightawaybecauseit stort5 with"d’ (”Thirdly’). Answer Choice No. 4 is tke only one left,so it must be the right choice. Another way is by analyzing the sequence of some keywords and huztching them with the answer choises. Note the following: "Firstly...° is b; "Secondly...° is a; "Thirdly..." is d. So find out which among the answer choices has the sequence "b-a-d" and you will note that only Answer Choice No. 4 contains tkat sequence. TIPS
  • 10. Unrnrs'! of nor PI âppnes GENERAL SCIENCE Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices. 1. Which among these is not a good conductor of electricity? a) bronze b) iron d) plastic e} none of the above c) gold 2. If the temperature of anideal gas isincreased and the volume isheld constant, the pressure will a) increase b) aecrease c) remainthe same d) increase or decrease e) cannot be determined 3. The units of carriers for codes for related proteins are called a) chromosomes b} genes c) alleles d) dominant traits e) none of the above 4. The diffusion of heat through a liquid or gas by motion of its parts is a) radiaWon b) conduction c) convection 5. The shape of the earth is a) oblong b) sphere c) oblate spheroid d} greenhouseeffect e) none of the abcve d} cubic spheroid e) none of the above Engineering Student Council
  • 12. ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 6. If both the force and area of application of the said force are halved, the pressure will a) increase bya factor of2 d) remain constant b) decrease by a factor of 2 c) diminish by square root of 2 7. At what firing angle will you reach a maximum range? a) 30° b) 80° c) 45” e) none of the above d) 90” e) 10° 8. In Newton’s Second Law, the ratio of the effective force applied to a particle and its acceleration is a) negligible ” b) constant c) unity 9. Newton’s Second Law was originally stated in the form a) F= vdrr 'd/' b} F=mdv/df c) F= d(mv)/dt d) varying e) undefined d) all of the above e} none of the above 10. For a particle undergoing uniform motion, the acceleration is a) always nonzero b) may be nonzero c) always zero d) always positive e) cannot be determined 11. When mechanical energy is conserved, potential energy is maximum when kineticenergy IS S C I E N C E a) maximum b) minimum
  • 14. 12. If an object is moving at constant acceleration in a straight course, its instantaneous velocity through any time interval is a) greater thanv b) )ess than v d} half of its Vave e} none of the above 13. Given two vectors A= 4mi + 3rrj and B= 2mi - 3rrj, what is A+B† a) 8.61m b) 6mi c) 6m d) 8.61mi e) none of the above 14. Theatmosphericiayernearesttheearth’ssurfaceis a) Lithosphere b) Stratosphere c) Hydrosphere d} Troposphere e) none of the above 15. Themost abundant of thegasescomposing theairis a) Oxygen b) Neon c) CarbonDioxide d} NRrogen e) none of the above 16. It is the movement of molecules from a weaker liquid onone sideof tha barrier to a stronger liquid on the other side. a) Brownian movement d) Osmosis c) Capillary action d} Diffusion e) none of the above 17. According to the Theory, theEarth ismade up of plates moving en top of theearth’smantle. When these platesbumpintoeach other, mountains ortrenches are formed. SCIENCE a) Continental Drift b) Big Bang Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
  • 16. ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 18. Which of the following is a non-conventional source ofenergy? a) crude oil b) coal c} solar energy d) nuclear energy e) none of the above 16. The amount of matter present inabody iscalled a) volume b) mass d) weight e) specific volume c) density 20. A relationship between twoliving things bywhich oneisbenefited whilethe otheris neitherharmed norbenefited iscalled a) Gommensalism b) Parasitism c) Mutualism d) Competition e) none of the above 21. Lunareclipse occurs when comes between a) theMoon; the Sun andthe Earth b) the Sun; the Moon and the Earth c) Mercury; theEarth andthe Moon 22. Oil can be separated from waterby a) evaporation b} filtration c) decantation a) the Earth; the Moon the Sun and e) all of the above d) distillation e) oilcannotbeseparated from water 23. The angle of the two plane mirrors that will give the most number of images is a) lessthan60degrees b) lessthan45degrees c) lessthan90degrees a) less than 30degrees e) less than 10 degrees
  • 18. IJniYet*fi d lie Phbppr›es ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 24. Which of the following activities may disturb a balanced ecosystem inside theaquarium? a) replacing the water b) feeding the fishes c) placing the aquarium inthe porch 25. Wood floats in waterbecause a) itsdensity islesserthanthat of water b) it is porous and light c) itsmolecules arenot compact d) putting too many fishes e) none of the above d) its mass islesser than that of water e) all of the above 26. It is a threadlike structure in the cell’s molecules, which controls everything the cell does. a) chromosome b) DNA c} vacuo/e d) chloroplast e) none of the above 27. When themagma from Mayon Volcano coolsandhardens,itbecomes rock. a} Igneous b) Volcanic c) Sedimentary d} Metamorphic e) none of the above 28. Itisamassive ensemble ofhundreds ofmillions ofstars,allgravitationallyinteracting and orbiting about a common center. a) constellation b) galaxy c) solarsystem d) nebula e) supernova
  • 20. nwrsit/ of II+e Pnilippnes PHYSICS Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices. 1. Theplanet’smotionaroundthesunillustrates a. uniform motion b. accelerated motion c. uniform rectilinear motion 2. The period of the pendulum isaffected by: a. mass of thebob b. length of the pendulum c. total energy d. uniform circular motion e. uniform/yacceJerated motion d. time of swinging e. all of the above 3. Whichforces listedbelowcannotmaketwobodiesattract each other? a. gravitational d. magnetic b. molecular c. centrifugal e. none of the above 4. It is the change in the direction of a wave when it passes obliquely from another. a. diffraction b. interference c. refraction d. reflection e. polarization J. How much work is done in lifting a block of wood weighing 30 N to a height of 4m. a. 1200 J b. 120 J d. 12 J e. none of the above c. 100 J 6. An object starting from rest accelerates at a rate of 5m/s2 for10 seconds. The velocity at the end of thistime is mls. a. 2 b. 5 c. 50 d. 10 e. cannot be determined Engineering Student Council
  • 22. 7. Thenumber of waves passing agivenpoint each second isthe wave’s a. amplitude d. frequency b. velocity c. magnitude e. pitch 6. When a ray of light strikes a mirror perpendicular to its surface, the angle of reflection is a. 0° d. 120° b. 90° e. none of the above 9. Which characteristicofawavechanges asittravels acrossaboundary between two different media? a. displacement b. speed c. distance d. power e. all of the aoove 10. Anartificial satellite making acircular orbit around the earth does not move closer to the center of the Earth because a. the satellite is weightless b. the satellite always moves normal to the force due to gravity c. the Earth’s gravity keeps the satellne moving with constant ve/ocity d. a centripetal force keeps the satellite to be in itsorbit e. all of the above 11. Which of the following may be considered a scalar quantity? a. displacement b. acceleration c. distance d. power e. none of the above Engineering Student Council
  • 24. 12. A baseball bat exerts a magnitude of force of 60N on a ball. What is the magnitude of force exerted Dy the ball on the bat? a. 60 N b. 180 N d. 20 N e. none of the above 13. What is the frequency of a particular wave if its period is 0.50 seconds? a. 5 Hz b. 1 Hz c. 2 Hz d. 4 Hz e. 3.75 Hz 14. The acceleration of an object moving in a circular path is directed the center. a. toward t b. perpendicular to c. away from d. tangential to e. 30 degrees from 15. Liquid pressure is affected by the height and the of the liquid. a. density b. mass c. area d. volume e. all of the above 16. A mirror with a wide radius of curvature is used as a shaving mirror in a barbershop. The face of a person looks enlarged and the skin pores are clearly seen. This mirror is called a mirror. a. concave b. convex c. plane d. prism e. double 17. Which phenomenon of light explains the formation of images by lens? a. reflection b. dispersion c. polarization d. refraction e. diffraction EngitieeringStudent Council
  • 26. 0n‹fws•J of It›r Pt•hpp•ries ESC Engineering Student Council 18. The image produced by a convex mirror is a. virtual and erect b. virtual and inverted c. rea/ anderect Academics Committee 2006-2007 d. real and inverted e. a convex mirror doesnot produce an image 19. The velocity of a car changes from 70 mls north to 50 m/s north in 5 seconds. The magnitude ofthecar’sacceleration is a. -20 m/s2 b. 4 m/s2 d. 14m/s* e. 20 rn/s* c. —4 m/s^ 20. Which of the following heat transfers is observed when ventilating aroom? a. radiation b. conduction c. convection d. absorption e. adsorption 21. Heat will always flow from object A to object B if object B has a lower a. specific heat d. mass b. total energy c. temperature e. internal energy 22. If the mass of the Earth were twice asit isnow, the gravitational force between it and the sun would be a. twiceasgreat b. thriceasgreat c. the same d. four times as great e. none of the above
  • 28. !Jniwrsry of the PfifippiW ESC Engineering Student CouHCil Biorocv Academics . Committee 2006-2007 Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices. 1. What will happen to energy if food isbroken down during respiration† a) Absorbed by Released c) Recycled d) No reaction e) Adsorbed 2. Which of the following could be a possible source of CO,? a) Decomposition b) Light reaction c) Evaporation 3. isthestudy ofheredity and variation. a) Botany b) Genetics c) Photosynthesis d) Condensation e) none of the above d) Genetico/ogy e) Zoology 4. Two populations may ormay not affect each other. What do you call theinteraction where in neither populations affect each other? a) Mutualism b) Competition c) Commensafisms 5. Seasonsoccurbecauseofthe a) shape of the earth b) Sun c) tilt of the earth’saxis d) Neutralism e) Parasitism d) Moon’s movement e) all of the above
  • 30. Um ers9 of he Ptlippi es .ESD.„, Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 6. Which of the following earthquake waves is the fastest and first to reach seismic station? a) P-waves b) L c) S d) both S-waves and L-waves e) all of the above T. During respiration, glucose is being broken down. Which of the following is needed as raw material† a) Oxygen b) Carbon dioxide c) Water 8. The primary difference between RNA and DNA is that d) Light e) No raw material is needed. a) DNA is single-stranded and RNA is double-stranded b) DNA is a double-stranded helix and RNA is single-stranded c) The sugar in DNA is ribose d) The sugar is both RNA and DNA is deoxyribose e) DNA is not present in plants while RNA is 9. Two bacteria exchange genetic inforrriation. This process is called a) transduction b) euglena c) transformation 10. Among the five kingdoms, protists have a) the fewer varieties b) the least diversity c) the most features in common d) coiljugation e) conjunction d) all of the above e) none of the above
  • 32. 11. What differentiates a prokaryote from a eukaryote? a) a eukaryotic cell possesses a genetic material while a prokaryotic cell does not b) bothhave amembrane system responsible fordelineating the cell from its surroundings c) a eukaryotic cell consists of atrue nucleus thatismembrane-boundwhile a prokaryotic cell does not d) algae andyeastsareexamples oforganisms made upof eukaryotic cellswhile bacteria is prokaryotic in nature e) none of the above 12. There are two primary types of cell division. refers to the division where two daughtercellsareproduced fromaparent somatic orbodycell.Meanwhile, refers to the division where four daughter cells are produced from a parent sex cell. a) mitosis; cytokinesis b) cytokinesis; mitosis c) mitosis; meiosls d) meiosis; mitosis e) meiosis; cytokinesis 13. Inan asexual reproduction, only a single parent isinvolved. Which of the following isnot a form of an asexual reproduction? a) gametogenesis b) binary fission c) fragmentation d) tissue culture propagation e) none of the above 14. Thiskindofinteraction, alsocalledsymbiotic relationship, involvestwospeciesdirectly benefiting from the interaction a) commensalism b) mutualism G} neutral d) community e) parasitism Engineering Student Council
  • 34. riiyrsdy of tfir Pfiihppnes ESC Engineering Student Council 15. During mitosis, thecorrect order ofthestages involved is: a) prephase, postphase, prophase,anaphase Academics Committee 2006-2007 b) prophase, telephase, metaphase, anaphase c} metaphase,prophase,anaphase,telephase d) anaphase, metaphase, prophase, telephase e) none of the above 16. The two types of nudeic acids, deoxyribonudeicand ribonucleic, are composed of building-block materials called a) nucleotides b) organelles d) protein e) oNA C] C}/tO|glBSfTl 17. lpil-ipil seedsareused asanimal feedbecause ithas a) fats b) carbohydrates c) protein d) vitamins e) all of the above 18. The presence of distinguishes the cell as being eukaryotic a) cytoplasm b) mitochondria c) vacuole d) nucleus e} falsefeet 19. Waterandotherliquidsenterandeventuallybecome distributed withintheplantthrough the a) xylem b) pñloem c) cambium 20. Which of the following isanartificial ecosystem? a) herbal garden b) forest c) terrarium d) stomata e) roots d) fshpond e) all of the above
  • 36. IJniwrsX y of Ihe Phiéqiors ESC Engineeritig Student Cotiticil Academics Committee 2006-2007 21. Thestage ofembryonicdevelopment, whichimmediately followsmeioticdivision,is called a) blastulation b) fertilization c) gastrulation 22. The basic unit of Jiving matter isthe a) cell b} atom c) nucleus d) neurulation e) binary fission d) molecule e) quarks 23. Mammals are different from other animal forms because they a) are vertebrates b) have mammaryglands c) have a unique skeletal system d) consists of both land and waterdwellers(i.e.human and whales) e) have fur 24. Whichofthefollowingarefoundinchromosomes, whichdetermine hereditary characteristics? a) cell b) alkaline c} ova 25. What do you call the pores on the surface of a leaf? a) mitochondria b) calyx c) stomata d) genes e) ATP d) chromosomes e) vacuoles 26. It is the process of partially sterilizing milk at high temperatures, before keeping it for some time. a) sterilization d) evaporation c) naturalization d) pasteurization e) skimming
  • 38. tJaiversiy of Um Pt ipp'ries ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 27. Theunitsoftransmission ofhereditary characteristicsinanorganism are a) genes d) dominant traits b) chromosomes c} off-springs 28. Why is a virus not a living organism? a) It can never reproduce. b) It is simpler thanbacteria. c) It is not a completecell. e) alleles d) all of the above e) none of the above 29. The vascular plants include most important plants that serve as food for human beings. They are also most biologically complex of all the plants. The post-fertilization, seed- bearing remnant of a flower isa a) fruit b) seed d) flower e) none of the above C] £OOt 30. An advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction is that it: a) increases mutation rate b) reduces the offspring’s risk of death during development c) increases genetic variability in a population d) all of the above e) none of the above
  • 40. 1fni•e•s in of the Ph'Jp prys ESC Engineering Student Council CHEMISTRY Academics Committee 2006-2007 Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices. 1. Which of the following is NOT an” example of a chemical change? a) souring of milk b) sublimation of dryice c) rustinB f iron d) hairbeingbleached e} none of theabove 2. Thisterm referstoascientific/ intelligent guess orprobable explanation to anobserved phenomena or problem a) conclusion b) theory c) Law d) Hypothesis e) none of the above 3. Oil and water are immiscible sucti that when both areplaced ina single container oil “floats" on top of the water. Why is thisso? a) Oil is a nonpolar substance while water is polar b) Oil is a polar substance while water is a nonpolar substance c) Oil is less dense thanwater d) Oil is denser than water e) none of the above 4. Which of the following is NOT an example of a homogenous mixture? a) air b) gasoline c) brass d) copper e) none of the above
  • 42. 5. is an exampleof an property I. temperature ii. volume iii. iv. extensive intensive b) 1, IV d) II, IV e) III, I g. The freezing point of water based on the Kelvin scale is Kelvin. a) 0° b) 0 c) 273.15 d) 273.15° e} noneoftheabove 7. Being able to hit the bull’s eye on a dartboard several times is an example of: I. goodprecision II. bad precision Ill. goodaccuracy IV. bad accuracy b) I, IV d) II, IV e) none of the above 8. Which of the following statements is TRUE? a) All atoms of an element havethe same number of electrons in the nucleus of an element b) All atoms of an element have the same number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus c) All atoms of an element have the same number of protons in the nucleus d) All atoms of an elementhave the same number of electrons and protons in the nucleus e) none of the above Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
  • 44. t1ai•ersp pt the P@pp in ESC Engineering Student Council For nos. 9-12 Element Xhas9protons and12neutrons Academics Committee 2006-2007 9. Its atomicnumber is which isequal tothe a) 9, number of protons b) 12,numberofneutrons c) 9,numberofelectrons d) 21, sum ofthenumber ofprotons andneutrons e) none of the above 10. Itsmass number is a) 9 b} 12 c) 18 d) 21 e) none of the above 11. An atom that has 9protons but 15 neutrons is a/an of Element X. a) isomer b) isotope c) example d) paRicle e) none of the above 12. Whichofthefollowingdoesnotbelongtothegroup:Oxygen,Hydrogen,Nitrogen,Iodine, Boron, Fluorine a) Iodine b) Boron c) Fluorine d) Nitrogen e) Hydrogen 13. Given the structural formula of hydrogen peroxide is given shown in the figure at the ripht. Its empirical formula isgiven by while itsmolecular formula is S C I E N C E a) 2HO; OH b) 2Hg 2f 2HO c) H 2›
  • 46. 14. Na’ is an exampleof a/an while Cl-isanexample of a/an a) cation; anion b) cation; reactant c} anion; nonmetal d) anion; metal e) none of the above 15. Metal atomstend to whilenonmetalatomstendto a) lose electrons; gain protons b) gain protons; lose electrons c) lose electrons; gain electrons d) gain electrons; lose protons e) none of the above 16. This Law states that a given compound has a constant relative numbers and kinds of atoms a) Law of Conservation of Mass b) Law of definite/ constant composition c) Law of constant compound d) Law of atomic structure e) none of the above 17. Which of the following chemical equations does not belong to the group? a) C + o 2 cO. b) 2KCIO$ —+ 2KCl 3O2 c) CHP 2Oy COy 2H2O d) 2Mg + Ot —• 2MgO e) none of the above 18. Given the unbalanced equation: C2* 6+oz —•CO2• HCOWhat type ofreaction isgiven above, which is a rapid reaction that produces flame? a) single displacement b) decomposition c) combination d) combustion e) double displacement
  • 48. 19. As determined experimentally by Italian scientist Amadeo Avogadro, one moie oT any substancerepresents particles a) 2.06 x102 * b) 6.02 x1026 c) 6@ 2x1023 d) 2.60 x 10*3 e) 6.20 x 10*3 20. Acetone, which is used as solvent and as a reactant in the manufacture of Plexiglass, boils at 56.1°C. What is the temperature inFahrenheit scale? a) 101°F b) 159°F d) 133’F e) 63.2°F c) 114°F 21. Aside from the properties of the molecules involved, the principal factors that affect the speed of a chemical reaction are: I. presence of catalyst II. thetemperatureatwhichthereactionoccurs Ill. the concentration of the reactants IV. turbulence in the reacting medium a) II, III b} I, III c) III 22. Which does not belong tothegroup? d) III, IV e) none of the above I. II. EH. IV. Making observations Testing a hypothesis Drawing conclusions Scientific method a) I b) II d) e) IV none of theabove c) 1) 0uiarsâ t o! t t Ph ippr›es ESC Engineering Student Council
  • 50. 23. Solid calcium carbide, CaCt, reacts with water to form an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide and acetylene gas CONT. The balanced chemical equation corresponds to: a) CaC (» + 2 (|) —• aO 2 y(g) b} 2CaCt + 3H2O —• 2Ca(OH)2 + 2CtH2t 9 c) 3CaCt t, + 2H2 (› —• 3Ca** + 3OH- + 3CtH 2(g) 24. The fermentation of glucose, C6H.2o . p oduces ethyl alcohol, C2HmOH and COC: C 6H 12 6 (ag) 2C H SOH tgq] 2CO/ (@] How many grams of glucose are needed to produce 92g of ethyl alcohol? a) 2 b) 1 c) 360 For nos. 25-28, d) 180 e) none ot the above In an experiment, 5.009 of ammonia reacts with 3.000g of oxygen 4NH 3/ 8 + J0 2 y —• 4NO , + 6H 2O /y) 25. Which is the limiting reactant? Excess reactant? a) Oy ; NO b) NH3 › HCO C) 0 2 › NH 3 26. How many grams of NO form? e.) 2.25 b) 2.2 c) 2 d) NHS : Of e) none of the above . d) 8.78 e) none of the above Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-20D7 SCIENCE
  • 51. Whey ct lhv Philips ESC Engineering Student Council q cademics Committee 2006-2007 27. How much of the excess reactant remains after the limiting reactant is completely consumed (in grams)? a) 1.39 b) 1.40 c) 1.4 d) 6.38 e) 3.73 28. How many moles of the limiting reactant are there initially? a) 0.46875 b) 0.469 d) 0.09375 e) none of the above c) 0.094 29. How many grams of Kmno4 (FW=158) must be dissolved in 2O0ml solution to give 0.100M solution? a) 0.02g D) 3.16g d) 2.31g e) none of the above c) 1.58g 30. How many milliliters of a 12.0M HCI acid solution is needed to make 600ml of 1.OM HCI? a) 0.05 b) 0.050 d) 5.0 e) 20 c) 0.5 31. The complete combustion of 3.50 mol ethane (CzH6) and 2.0mol of O2 will yield moles COC. a) 1.1 b) 7 d) 2.0 e) 7.0 c) 3.5 32. If only 0.50 mo/es of COC was produced, what is the percentage yie/d? S C I E NCE
  • 52. a) 45% b) 7.1% c) 16% d) 6.2°/» e) none of the above 3 1
  • 53. m•s 4y of H Pt•tip Can ESC Engineering Student Council A cademics Committee 200 6-2007 33. Consider the elements of group2A, which of the following is correct according to increasing atomic sizet a) Hydrogen, Lithium, Sodium b} Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium c) Calcium, Barium, Strontium d} Sodium, Lithium, Potassium e) Calcium, Magnesium, Strontium 34. What isthecorrect electron configuration of Chloride ion? Cl=17 —+ Cl-=18 The atomic number of chlorine is 17. a) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s^ 3p’ b) Js 2 2s* 2p’ 3s 2 3p 4 ’ “ “ c) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s* 3p6 d} 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 3p5 e) 1s* 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 4s’ 35. What kind of substance turns blue litmus paper to red? a) acid b) base c) salt d) metal e) metalloid 36. If the pressure exerted on a confined ideal gasisdoubled, what happens to its temperature and volume, taken separately? a) doubled; doubled b) remains the same c) halved; halved 37. Which ofthe following statements is/aretrue? d) halved; doubled e) double; halved I. The tendency of tfiie.universe is to go towards minimum entropy or disorder II. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed Ill. The reaction is said to be spontaneous when AG > 0 IV. The internal energy of a system is a state function
  • 55. a) I and II b) I and III c) II and IV d) II, III, and IV e) II only 38. In the reaction Zn(s) + Cu2 *(aq)4 Zn** (aq) + Cu(s), is reduced while IS oxidized. a) fn”,Cu b) Zn, Cu** c) Cu'“, Zn d) Cu, Zn2 * e) None of the above 39. In a certain experiment, different volumes (listed below) of 1M hydrochloric acid (I) and 1M sodium hydroxide (II) are mixed. What can be said about Solution B? a) It is warm and toxic b) So(ution B is less acidic than Solution A. c) The solution has a ph of greater than seven. d) All of the above e) None of the above SCIENCE 33 Engineering Student Council Solution I (ml) II (ml) Solution A 75 25 Solution B 50 50 Solution C 25 75
  • 56. ,E ,p Engineering Student Coun I Academics C:ommittee 20o6-200 7 For nos. 40-41 Given the temperature profile of water below at 1 atm. 40. If the above graph is based from experiment, which of the following observations is/are tiue? t. water is being heated from points A to E II. The entropy change at points B to C and D to E is greater than the entropy change at points A to B and C to D. III. Line BC corresponds to the normal freezing point of water IV. Where the temperature remains constant there is no energy added or released a) I, II b) 1, II, IV c) I, II, III, IV d) I, II, III e) None of the above 41. What will happen to line DE if the pressure is changed from 1 atm to 10 atm? a) The slupe of line DE will be negative b) The slope of line DE will be positive c) The slope of line DE will remain constant at the same temperature of100°C d) The slope of line DE will remain constant but at a temperature greater than 100°C e) The slope of line DE will remain constant but at a temperature less than 100°C SCIENCE 34
  • 57. ttniTersat oJ ihe Ph pp r•es 42. The Ideal Gas Law is applicable only to a certain extent because Real gas molecules have finite volumes andattract oneanother. Whatarethe conditions whereindeviations fromideal gas behavior can be observed? a) High pressure b) Low temperature c) High temperature d) Low pressure e) None of the above SCIENCE 35
  • 58. ui«siii or Ohr Pfiii:›t '•rs ESC Engineering Stttdent Council Academics Committee 200 6-2007 Crtpmrzmrmmkriy MATHEMATICS
  • 59. hearsay ct iht Phitippnes ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 SIMPLE CALCULUS and ALGEBRA Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices. 1. Given h(x) = Jt4-J). What is the domain ofh? a) R b) (-2,2] 2. What is the range of h? a) R b) [-2,01 3. f(x) = |x|. What is the range ofx? a) R b) [- , 0] 4. lim,es (3x-7} = ? a) 8 b) 7 c) (2,-2) d) none of the above c) [0,2] d) (-2,Z) c) [0, +••] d) none of the above › e d) 5 5. Suppose A = ( 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}, B = {1, 4, 9, 16}. Then A IB = ? a) (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16} b) 0 c) (4} d) {4,16} For nos. 6-10 Oetermine If tñe following statements are (a) TRUE, or (b) FALSE. 6. if a<b and b<c, then a«c 7. if a<b and c<0, then ac<bc 8. if a<b and c<d, then a+c < b+d 9. /(5*) -- j5j 10 Ia/b| = |a|/|b| for all a,b C R MATHEMATICS 37
  • 60. 11i•ers'ty of inc PNl. p••es ESC Engineering Student Corrncil Academics Committee 2006-2007 11. Determine the coordinates of the midpoint of the line segment from A(5, -3) to B (1, -6) ” a) x = 3, y= -9/2 c) x = 3, y = 3/2 b) x = 2, y = 8/2 12. Find the slope of the line from A (5, 3) and B (5, -1) a) 0 b) 1 d) x = 2, y = -3/2 c) 2 d) none of the above 13. What is the equation of the line from A (6, -3) to B (-2, 3) a) y = 3x + 6 b) 3x + 4y - 6 = 0 14. Which lines areparalIeI'2 a) y = 3x + 5 and y = -3x +5 b) 2y = x + 3 and y = x/2 + 1 15. Which lines are perpendicular2 a) y = 3 and y = 5 b) y = 3x + 5 and y = -3x + 5 c) y = *7‹ x -3/2 d) 2y = 3x - 6 c) y = 3x+2 and y -- -x/3 + 5 d} y = 3 and x = 4 c) y = 3x + 2 and y = -x/3 + 5 d} 2y = x + 3 and y = x/2 + 1 18. The equation of the parabola having its focus at (0, P) and having its directrix the line y = -P is: a) = 4px b) y*= -4px 17. The vertex ofthe parabola: = 12x is: a) V(O,O) b) V(0,3) c) x2 - 4py d) V=-4py c) V(3,0) d) V (-3,3) 18. Find the equation of the circle with center at C(4, -3) and radius r = 5. a) (x + 4)° + (x — 3)2 = 25 b) (x - 3)2 * (y * 4)* = 25 19. | x + 3 | = -5. Solve for x. a) —a b) 8 MATHEMATICS
  • 61. c) (x + 3)2 + (y - 4)° = 25 d) (x - 4)2 + (y + 3)* = 25 c) 2 d) O 3 8
  • 62. Is8t of ft e PhJâppaes ESC Engineering Student Councif b) - 2 24. | Zx - 3 | s s. Solve for x. a) { -3/2, 9/2} b) ( -s 2, e/z 25. f(x) = 3/J(x2 - 1). What is the domain of f? Academics Committee 2006-2007 d) does not exist c) [ -3/2, 9/2 ] d) [ 3/2, 9/2 J 26. Di 27. Multiply 2x —3y by 3x +4y a) 6x2 + xy — 12y* b) 6x 2 - 17xy - 12a MATHEMATICS c) 6 - xy — 12y* d) 6x2 + 17xy — 12y2 39 20. lim, ‹. I(1- ) = ? a) 0.5 c) 0 b) -O.5 d) doesnotexist 2, xñ 3 21. Given I(x) = -2, X ^ 3 What is the limped f(x) ? a) 2 c) 0 b) - 2 d} does not exist 22. What is the lim , f(x) † a) 2 c) 0 h) -2 d) does not exist 23. V7hat is the lim, 3 I(*) * a) 2 c) O a) 1 > x > -1 c) 1 z x a -1 b) x > 1 and x < -1 d) x * 1 and x s-1 vide 12x3y4 + 18x4/ - 38xy3 by 3 y2 , .. a) 4xy + 6x* — 12y b) 4xy 2 + 6x 2 - 12y/x c) 4xy* + 6x* + 12y d) 4xy2 + 6x* + 12y/x
  • 63. b) 27x 3 - 6xy+ 8y* 29. Factor 9x - 30xy + 25a a) ( 3x-5y )( 3x + 5y ) b) ( 3x - 5y ) 2 30. Reduce(8x4 y’)/(42x y3 )toloweJtenns c) 27x3 + 6xy + 8y3 d) 27x3 —30xy + 8y3 c) ( 3x * 5y )° d} ( Sx -3y }( 5x + 3y ) b)()/(3y*) c} d) ( by }/( 3xy} ( 2y4 )/( 3x 2 ) 31. Simplify: a*/b - b*/a a) a - b c) a2 b - ab* b) ( a’ - b3 ) / ab d) a 3 — b 3 32. Simplify: (7a/ 12b *(20b’ / 35a a) a^ / 3b* c) b2 / 3a2 b) 3a2 / b* d) 3b2 / a* 33. Simplify: ( a-1 + b-1 ) / ( a + b)- a) 1/(a + b)' b) a + b 34. 81-”4 = ? a) 27 b) 1/27 35. 6 /27 = ? a) 3 b) 1/3 36. 4g3 - 5J12 + 2/75 = ? a) 4¥3 b) -6¥3 + 6 US MATHEMATICS c) 1/a + 1/b d) ( a + b )2 / ab c) ¥27 d) 1/ k27 d) 1 / ¥3 c) /3 d) 5 40 Engineering Student Council
  • 64. 37. Solve for x: 4” = 18 a) 1 b) 2 38. Solve for x: log, 1/16 = 4 a) 2 b) 4 c) 3 d) 4 C) ’/* d) Z3 39. If(J-9)/(x —3) - y, what is the value of x in terms of y? a) y/9 c) y - 3 b) y/0 d) 37 40. Which of the following Is true for all possible values of x? a) (U+ 8)=(x+3)2 b) 3( x + 5 ) = 3x + 5 c) 1/x + 3x/2 = ( 3 + 2 ) /2x d) 4 (xj=x’ 41. Which equation shows the relationship between x and y in the table? y 3 6 9 12 y 1 3 5 7 a) y = 3x + 5 b) y-WSx-1 42. If 7 + ( 2/3 )”(x+1 ) = 9, then (2/3)x = † a) 2n b) 4/3 43. 1.2 x 10a = ? a) 0.0012 b) 0.00012 MATHEMATICS c) y = -x + 3 d) y = 2x - 3 c) 2 d) 4 } 0.000012 d) none of the above 41
  • 65. -4 ) is equal to: 44. For all x ¥ If, ( W + 6x + 6 ) / ( a) (2x + 3) / (x - 4) b) ( + 8x + 6) / ( x-2)* d) ( + 3x * 3 ) f.[( x • 1 )( x - 4 )] For nos. 45-50 Which of the following is greater: column A or column B ? A: Column A is greater B: Column B is greater C: A and B are equal D: cannot be determined 45. f(x) = 3x + 1 46. x = -97 47. -1 < n « 0 Column A ( f o g )(x) 1/ñ Column B (gof)(x) )X| n 3 48. Five students take test Q median of their scores mean of their scores 49. N = set of natural numbers number of elements of N no. of even nos. in N 50. MATHEMATICS (# of fish in A) / (# of fish in B) 1/n 42 ““ Engineering Student Council Zone B Zone A
  • 66. For nos. 51-55 Compare the quantities in column A and in column B and determine if a) A>B b) B>A c) A=B d} No comparison Column A 51. three successive discounts of 5°4 each 52. 3x+23+100 53. araa of a square with perimeter 8 54. the percent decrease from 12 to 10 55. Column B single discount of 15% 3y+100000 area of a circle having radius 2 the percent decrease from 22 to 20 2/x* Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
  • 67. 25* GEOMETRY Instructions: Choose the letter of the be t answer from the given choices. 1. What isthe surface area of a sphere having a radius of 2m? a) 50.26 m2 b} 12.57 m2 d) 4.02 m 2 2. The pyramid t made hasabaseaeaof4m2 andanaltRude of200cm. What is the volume of my pyramid? a) 2.667 m3 b) 266.67 m3 c) 800 m3 d) 8 m3 3. Find the supplement and complement of angle 37 degrees a) Supplement- 143,complement- 53 b) Supplement — 53, complement- 143 c) Supplement - 0, complement- 90 d) Supplement — 90, complement- 10 4. For the following figure, AB and CD are not parallel. What is angle B? A B a) 25 b) 65 C c) 155 d) Cannot be determined 5. For the figure on the right, lind angle B. a) 80 80" 100 160 160” d) Cannot be determined MATHEMATICS 44 Engineering Student Council
  • 68. Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-20 7 6. Find the area of the following figure. All measurements are in cm a) 86 cm2 b) 56 cm* 8 4 0cm2 d) Cannot be determined 7. How many foci does anellipse have† a) 2 b)1 10 4 c) 4 d) 0 8. A straight line whose endpoints are any two points of a circle a) Chord c) Circumference b) Radius d) Center 9. Planarcoordinate system whereapointisdescribedbyitsdistance fromtwoperpendicular straight lines. a) Planes b) 3D objeQs c) Cartesian d) Polar 10. What is the distance of these two endpoints, (3,-2) and(-3,-2)? a) 3.5 e) O b› g MATHEMATICS d) None of the above
  • 69. Uniwrs Iy d IM Ph prim ESC Engineering Student Council 3"RIGONOMETRY Academics Committee 2006-2007 Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices. 1. From the following figure, find x° a) 60° 2 b) 90° c) 30° d) 10° 2. If tan 6 = -1/2 and 270° fi 0 s 360°, what is sin6? a) -1/US b) 1/f5 d) cannot be determined 3. Find the quadrant containing angle x° wherein sin x° < 0 and tan x° » 0 a) 1“ quadrant b) 2"d quadrant 4. If cosB = -1/2 and cotB » 0, find tan6 a) 1/2 b) -J3/ 2 5. Find the value of sin17zr/4 a) 1/2 b) d3 / 2 6. Express tan2 x csc x in terms of sin x a) sin2 x / (1 -sin 2 x) b) sin x / (siri2 x - 1) ” MATHEMATICS c) 3“ quadrant d) 4thquadrant d) -1/2 c) -¥2 / 2 d) 1/ J2 c) sin x i' (1-sin*x) d) cannot be determined 46
  • 70. 7. Given the figure on the right, find cos a. c) 1/3 d) 0 8. Given the figure on the right, find angle p. a) 90” c) 60O d) 30° 9. Given the figure on the right, find x. a) ’/, b) -1/2 c) 43/2 10. Which of the following is a false statement? a) tan6 = sin6 / cosB b) cot B = sin 6 / cotEi 11. Express30°intoradians. a) 0.54 b) 0.52 12. cotB / tanB = a) 1 b) sin0 / cos6 MATHEMATICS c} sin*6 + cos26 = 1 d) csc2 6 - 1 = cot*6 c) 1 d) cannot be determined e) cos2 / sin2 d) sin*B / cos2 B 47 30° Engineering Student Council Academ1cs Committee 2006-2007
  • 71. ESC Engineering Student Council 13. Given the figure on the right, find x. a) ¥3/2 z) N2 d) -1/2 MATHEMATICS Academics Committee 2006-2007 48 45°
  • 72. STATISTICS - ' Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices. 1. A managerial accountant's sample of six companies’ book value shows $25, $7, $22, $33, $18, $15. The sample mean is: a) 19 b) 20 c) 18 d) 27 2. If x is the mean of a random sample of size n taken from a population with mean p and finite variance a*, then the limit form of the distribution of Z= (x- p)/ a/square root n as n approaches infinity, is the standard normal distribution n(z;0,1j. wha do you call this theorem† a) Probability theorem d) Bell-shaped c) Poisson d) Central Limit Theorem 3. The set of all possible outcomes / events of a statistical experiment iscalled a) Element c) Tree aiagram b) Sample space d) Observation 4. A is an arrangement of all or part of a set ofobjects a) Combination b) Probability c) Mutually exclusive d) Permutation 5. How many possible combinations are thereif I have 3 shorts, 4 blouses and 5 pair of shoes? a) 60 b) 50 6. Find the mean andmedian of the numbers from 1 to 10. a} J.S, S.S b) 5.5, 6 MATHEMATICS c) 12 d) none of the above d) 10, 5.5 49 Engineering Student Council
  • 73. Engineering StudentCouncil 1 7. Given the data: 1, 3, 7, 5, 2, 7, 5, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7 What is the mode? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) all of the above 8. How many 3-digit numbers canbeformed fromthedigits0,1,2,3 if each digit can be used only once? a) 6 b) 12 c) 18 d) 24 0. Ms. Martha, the adviser of seoion Gold would be giving out awards to 4 of her students. If each student can receive at most one award and that section Gold is composed of 30 students, how many possible selections are there? a) 27,405 b) 120 c) 60 d) 657,720 10. Seven girls would beassigned to onetriple andtwo double classes. Inhow many ways can this be done? a) 210 b) 5040 c) 28 d) 30 11. Carl, Karl, Carlo, Cartos and Carlito are sitting on a round table whenthey thought of exchanging seats andcount allthe possible arrangements they cando. How many arrangements would they count in the end? a) 120 b) 60 c) 24 d) 5 12. What is the probability of getting a sum of 7 or 11 when a pair of dice is tossed‘? a) 1/3 b) 2/9 c) 3/7 d) none of the above 13. Find the probability of getting 3 aces out of a deck of 52 cards if 5 cards are to be drawn at a time. a) 4C3 4C 3 “ 52C 2 ' 52C
  • 74. MATHEMATICS C) 4 3 “ 48C g 52C 5 d) C/ ' 52C 5 50
  • 75. ‘ Fig sil o li Philippi ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 14. What istheprobability that at least onetail occurs when a coin istossed twice? a) 3/4 c) 2 b) 1 d) 1/4 15. From a group of 4 men and 5 women, how many committees of size 2 are possible if there are no restrictions? a) 126 b) 24 c) 36 a) none of the above
  • 76.
  • 77. WORD PROBLEMS .• srrnn Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices. 1. What isthe sum of the first 20counting numbers, the first 20even counting numbers and the first 20 odd numbers? '°*• °c ^o • a) 2300 d) 650 d) 790 e} none of the above 2. If Maydeposited hermoneyinthebank whohasanannual interest of 50% compounded annually last year and has plans to4uya›660006ike, when should she with draw her money if he deposited $4000† a) 2 years fromnow b) 10 years from now c) next year d) this year e) never 3. If Ju can do a painting in 7hrs, May can do the job in8 hrs. How many hrs will they do 9 painting jobs if they do it at the sametime? a) 33 hrs 17 mins b) 33 hrs 40 mins c) 33 hrs 36 mins d) none of the above e) cannot be determined 4. A car istraveling due north. At the same time the car left, a truck followed but with slower speed. If the car travels 60 km/hr and the truck travels 23 km/hr, at what time will the car be 100 km away from the truck† a) 2 hrs, 42 min, 9.7 sec b) 1 hr, 18 min, 7.5 sec c} 3 hrs, 23 min, 11.4 sec MATHEMATICS Engineering Student Council
  • 78. d) 7 hrs, 11 min, 2.1 sec e) none of the above 52
  • 79. IJniwrs ny ol M Ph d 5. What if the truck travels south, at what time will they be 100 km apart? a) 1 hr, 13 min, 5.1 sec b) 1 hr, 12min, 17.3 sec c) 1 hr, 17 min, 6.3 sec 6. What if the truck travels west‘7 ‹ ’• • ‹•’ ‘-° a) 3.120 hrs b) 1.500 hrs c) 2.700 hrs d) 1 hr, 15 min, 12.3sec e) none of the above d) 4.790 hrs e) none of the above 7. A rowing team is competing on a river flowing 15 ft/s. If they are traveling upstream, at what speed must they row relative tothe flowing water if they want to beat the 20 ft mark in 1 minute? a) 15 2/3ft/s b) 18 1/3ft/s d) 15 1/3 ft/s e) none of the above 8. The team realized that it iseasier to travel downstream but there’s a catch. There’s an obstacle on the way about 10 ft long. At the obstacle, they can only travel 1his. how fast must they be going after the obstacle to beat the 1-minute time with 20 ft mark† a) 14.8 ft/s b} 7.4 his c) —14.8fUs d) -7.4Ms e) none of the above 9. A pail, cylindrical in shape, with 2 ft inner diameter and 3 ft. height is being filled with water. How much discharge must the hose supply to the pail for it to be filled within 5 miiiutes? b) 0.^ w ft*/s c) 0.01zr ft*/s '‹ d) 0.oo1zr ft*/s e) »«ne of the above
  • 81. tIr+ñer$ry of he Ph I ppries ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 u. vvnats tne velocity of the water coming out of the hose n tne nozzle is quaner ciicic m cross section with 3-inch diameter? a) 0.64a ft/s b) 0.64ain/s c) 0.32a ft/s d) 0.32n 2 in/s e} none of the above 11. Jason can build a table in12 hrs. Trisha can also build the ssme table in 9 hrs. Joe can build the same table in11hrs. In aday, Jason starts making tables at 9 am. Trisha joined him at 11 am and Joe came at 12 noon. How many days will they consume if they are tasked to make 30 tables with a daily schedule show above while ending at 5 pm everyday? a) 33days b) 2sdays c) 48days d) 17 days e) none of the above Ben isgoing to playlotto tomorrow. He only plays 1 combination every time he plays a bet. What is his chance in winning the jackpot if the game chooses 4 numbers out of the 20 and must be in a particular order for the jackpot to be won? a) 116280 b) 1/116280 c) I25240 d} 25240 e) none of the above 13. A plane travels due north at 8 am with a speed of 100 km/hr. another plane travels 60 degrees east of the first plane at the same time with 120 km/hr speed. How far will they be from each other after 6 hrs† a) 3.03 km b} 10.20 km c) 668 km MATHEMATICS
  • 82. d) 220 km e) none of the above
  • 83. I Jniyerst!y ol Ihc Philippnes ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 14. After that event (from number 13), the first plane changed direction and went south maintaining itsspeed and theotherplane went straight north changing its speedto60 km/hr. What will be their distance from each other after 6 hours excluding the 1“ 6 hours? a) 6s4km b) 654 km d) 634 km e) none of the above 15. A camera man takes a picture of a globe 5 m from the center of the globe. If the globe is 6 m in diameter, how big will the globe appear to the camera maii in terms of diameter? a) 5.0 m b) 3.5 m c} 4.8 m d) 4.0 km e) none of the above 16. What distance should he be from the center of the globe in order to see a 20 cm - diameter globe? a) 3 cm b) 3 m c) 25 cm d) 25 m e} none of the above 17. Karenhas been collecting andsaving25-centavo and1-peso coins.When shecounted her coins, she found out that she has128 coinswhich amount to 86pesos. How many of each kind of coins have she? a) 7225-centsand561-pesocoins b) 8225-centsand461-pesocoins c) 5625-centsand721-pésocoiri4‘ d) 4625-centsand821-pesosoins e) 5025-centsand781-pesocoins MATHEMATICS 55
  • 84. 16. Noong nakaraang limang taon, eng edadni Ana aypitong beses ng edad ngkanyang anak. Sampung taonmula ngayon, angedadniya aydoble ngedad ngkanyang anak. Ano ang kanilang edad sa kasalukuyan? a) Ana = 26; anak= 8 '’"'“' b) Ana = 40; anak = 14 c) Ana = 51; anak - 18 d) Ana - 24; anak = 7 e) Ana - 32; anak = 10 19. May and Che work together in preparation for a project. They can finish a jobin6hours if they work together. After 3hours of working together, May hastoleave Chebecause she has an unexpected date. It takes Che 9 hours to finish theremaining job alone. How long , will it take each of them to finish a job alone? a) Che = 18 hours; May = 9 hours b) Che = 20 hours; May = 10hours c) Che = 9 hours; May = 18 hours d) Che = 10 hours; May = 20hours e) Che = 15 hours; May = 15 hours 20. Si Ryan ay nag-invest ng P 1,000,000, isang bahagi ay sa may interest na 9% at ang natitira ay sa 7°4. Ang kabuuang halaga na kanyang interest ay P 86,000. Magkano ang ininvest niya sa may 9% na interest? a) 100000 b) 800000 c) 600000 d) 400 000 e) 200 000 MATHEMATICS 56 Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007
  • 85. ' rsi I ri Pfiitip . ESC Engineering Student Council ENGLISH Academics Committee 2006-2007 IS
  • 86. tlnwersaJ ct tin Pfi@pines ESC Engineering Student Council GRAMMAR Academics Committee 2006-2007 Instructions: Select theletterthat corresponds totheunderlined word/s that make the sentence grammatically incorrect. Select the letter ‘E’ if there are no grammatical errors found. 1. Everyone in our family except my brother Ind l has eaten lunch. No error. A B C D E 2. Hearing the news the whole group went to the province. Noerror. A B C D E 3. Thechairman oftheboardconsulted hismembers aboutthecommittee’smajorproblem. A B C D No error. E 4. None of the players iqthe locker room were able to comprehend orto solved the problem. A B C D No error. E 5. Science refer to that dynamic, cumulative systems of verifiable concepts ad processes A B c which seek to understand natural phenomena. No error. D E 6. Fromthegiven choices, selectthe wordthatappropriately complete eachsetofrelationship. A B C D No error. E 7. Preprocessor directives can appear anywhere in a source file, but they apply only {gthe A B C D remainder of the source file. No error. E " The cove photograph is a computer rendered image gj the building alonct Makati. No en-or. A B C D E Hwever, their interest in improving theteaching of automotive courses have not subsided. A p C D No ermr. ElIGLISH
  • 87. 10. Sign has been used, not onlyto enhance thequality of illustrations but also tohelpstudents A B distinquish the difference between the two. No error. C D E 11. A number of optional sections have beeninduced.No error. A B C D E 12. As he travels on the curved portion of atrack, each racer are subjected to anacceleration A B C directed toward the center. No error. 13. The professor cametoherandsaid,°Laura, how often do you study our subject.” No error. A B C D E 14. To enjoy all rewards and privileqes, please present these card when purchasinq at the store. A B C D No error. E 15. She iqnore the comment and settled ingt herterminal. No error. A B C O E 16. Everyone except Ernie and Bert have seen the film. No error. A B C D E 17. Finally he winked up atKarel, andthen bothhiseyes closed. No error. A B C D E 18. Thelieutenant smiles andseemed toenjoytheCommissioner’ssense of irony.No error. A B C D E 19. He felt like he was?yinq though; andthat wasgood enough. No error. A B C D E 20. Sitting along thebeach acrosstheclinic,Litowondered whathewassuppose todo.No error. A B C D E 21. Thesuspect demanded fora20minute break before thetrial resumes. Noerror. A B ” C O E 22. At the intersection g{Raft Avenue and Stock Street, the road dead-ends at a vast two storey A B C D shed. No error. E 23. Both of hisbodyguards move forward, but the minister waved them off. No error. A B C D E ENGLISH 59 Etigineering Student Council
  • 88. 24. Cherrybeqan topoint eastacrossPark Avenue e¿ she was struck by the flat of the man’s A B s C D hand. No error. E 25. Wilbert and IsaiahJones wasdraqginq badlywhentheyleftthePlaza laterthat night. A B C D No error. E 26. I only come to ask you if you would bring your Holy Water tothe graveyard. No error. A B C D E 27. I guesshe sat down restinq inthe shade and never qot up again. No error. A B C D E 28. What attitude towards life does the speaker seem to be expressing? No error. A C D E 29. Huechildhoodwsahappy,andshewascontentenoughwhenhsebecame ayoungwoman. A B C D No error E 30. The second master, in appreciation of his wit and learning gave him his freedom. No error. A B C D E 31. That night, he cradled the half frozen calf inhisqreat arms and carried it home. No error. A B C D E 32. Everyone inthe class understood theproject except I,and that iswhy I feel so stupid. A B C D No error. E 33. Please callmewhentheiralready jgthemeeting place. No error. A B C D E 34. The oil-rich country of Brunei lays to the south of the Republic of the Philippines. No error. A B C D E 35. WhenI called youupthismorning, what areyoudoinct?No error. A B C D E INSLl5M °° Engineering Student Council
  • 89. CONTEXT CLUES WORD USAGE Instructions: Determine which of the following synonyms on the given choices best corresponds to how the underlined word/s were used on each sentence. 1. Leo made a disappointed, misunderstood face, from the many creases at his disposal. a) authority b) distribution c) garbage unit d) regulation 2. Ultimate stress design should be used only for projects when the enforcement of the provisions of the construction specifications is wellobserved. a) strengthening c) regulation b) implementation d) putting of force 3. Joanna’s reply to his query was sure and ric able to prod him away. gs, that it didn’t took too long before she was a) brittle b) lively *"°‘ ” c) concise d) fragile 4. The first permanent tooth usually appears about four years after the baby teeth have erupted. a) exploded b) broken out c) burst out d) emerged 5. The professor took an immaculate handkerchief out of his pocket, and began to polish the leMses of his glasses. a) pure b) spotless c) error-free d) flawless 6. By the end of the century, mass circulation sf newspapers had been developed. ENGLISH a) movement of blood through veins and capillaries b) dissemination Engineering Student Council
  • 90. c) distribution of copies d) availability in libraries 61
  • 91. 7. Artifice was one of the qualities of style that was worthy of furthercultivation. a) fostering ofgrowth b) refinement c) development d) elevation 8. Much of his writing is slack that is why readers get bored at hisworks. a) lacks action c) lacks firmness b) lackscompleteness/perfection d) lacks diligence 9. Members shall be adequately braced to resist lateral and torsional displacement. a) connected together b) supportedwithbraces c) reinforced d) get ready for an attack 10. Biscuits had been stamped on the floor, making mopping more laborious than it already IS. a) crushed b) impressed 11. Pleasedepresstheredbuttonwhenyou'reready. a) press down b) repress c) pounded d) imprinted c) discourage d) weaken 12. The commander ordered his men to holdtheir posts no matter what happens. a) suppoR b) maintain c) adhere to d) carry WhenCherrieandChesterfinallygotintotheelevator,theyfoundthemselvesc.rushed against each other. a) powderedtosmall pieces b) silenced c) squeezed d) had an infatuation 14. One week later, the vessel deposited them inone of the biggest ports ontheEastern Peninsula. a) consigned D) dropped c) credit d) accumulated Engineering Student Council
  • 93. 't ttnñrs tJ of if› Pfi Ftp ‹us ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 15. Pauline’s words had made all sorts of frightened echoes in our minds. The word echo in this sentence means a) a close imitation b) an answe.ring sympathetic effect c) a soft recurrence of a statement d) a reverberation of sound waves 16. The gases trapped in pasty lava do not escape freely and may sometimes break out with explosive violence. a) sudden b) expressive c) unrestrained d) volatile 7. The dead load consists of the weight of the structure completed. a) empty b) inert SYNONYMS c) constant d) lifeless Instructions: Choose the letter of best answer from the given choices. 18. Terrie kept fumbling the materials, gathering a few and shuffling them as if they were cards. a) playing with b) juggling c) groping for d) moving clumsily 19. Two pa/ice officers sprawled over a couch in Johanna’s living room, as if they were in their own homes. a) creep awkwardly b) laydown c) jumped into ENGLISH : ”
  • 94. d) sit with arms and legsspread 63
  • 95. 20. The interviewer, dark, young and serious, turned his attention to us with a cramped sort of face. a) paralyzed c) bothered b) cheerful d) expressionless 21. The dog ambled to the door, which was slightly ajar, and slowly squeezed out into the passage. a) crept b) ran c) walked d) jumped 22. Harold lumbered at him and clouted him across the head. a) cover with a clout b) hit forcefully c) stroke gently d) kissed 23. I thought they were likely to bundle him into a car but the policemen simply led him back to the road and pointed him towards the town center. a) wrap b) hustle 24. The brass bars are bundled in two’s, three’s and four’s. a) wrapped b) hustled c) a lot of things d) group together c) a lot of things d) grouped together 25. The tractor-trailer backed away from the smoldering wreck and stopped. a) burning steadily b) flaming increasingly c) burning with much smoke d) exploding 26. The gymnast plunged from bar to bar, twisting and turning with dazzling speed. a) skipped playfully b) thrust forward c) swung lightly d) dangled idly 27. The lfugao lady gently slipped off the headband that held the basket high on her back so that she could rest for a while. ” “” a) removed quickly b) slid out of place c) wore in d) threw away Engineering Student Council
  • 96.
  • 97. ESC Engineering Student Council 28. His stoic attitude earned him the title "man made of stone." Academics Committee 2006-2007 a) active c) hard b) heavy d) indifferent 29. Samuelcouldnotstandtheqelidsurroundings oftheAlpineMountains. a) very cold c) humid b) very hot d) tepid 30. Do not worry about running short of rice because we had a copious harvest last month. a) weak b) innumerable c) depleting d) abundant 31. Jojoissuffering from asphyxia. Noxious gasesduring fire have suffocated him. a} an unconscious state c) a state of suppression b) a stateof trance d) a state ofaffliction 32. Her hair was full and lightly curled. Which of the following terms best describes a full hair? a) chubby b) filled 33. Thejudge exculpated theaccused forlack ofevidence. a) proved guilty b) exonerated c) detailed d) thick c) banished d) proved innocent 34. The politician was criticized for his preposterous remarks. a) lengthy b) witty c) absurd d) promising 35. Having lived with three old maids, Lucy projects a reticent attitude. a) meek ” b) effusive c) effulgent d) offensive
  • 99. tJn etsX/ e/ lf›e Pfr@pries ESC Engineering Student Council READING COMPREHENSION A cademics Committee 2006-2007 Instructions: Each passage below isfollowed by questions based on its content. Choose the best answer and shade the box correspondingto.that.answer. Passage Y: No-titrembled everyjointwhilehegraspedtheabominable thing,wavering whetherheshouldnot put his son todeath for anunnatural youngmonster, when the crackling scorching his fingers, as it had done his son’s, and applying the same remedy to them, he in his turn tasted some of its flavor, which, make what sour mouths he wouldpretence, proved not altogether displeasing to him. In conclusion (for the manuscript here isalittte tedious) both father and son fairly sat down to the mess, and never left off till they had dispatched all that remained of the litter. (An excerpt from Charles Lamb’s A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig) 1. In the first sentence, the nearest meaning to the word“abominable" could be a) humongous c) illegal b) detestable d) dan9erous 2. What remedy didthe fatherusedforhisscorched fingers? a) he put his fingers under the running water b) he went outside and buried therñ in snow " c) he licked them d) he wrapped cloth around his fingers 3. What kind of figure of speech was used in the first statement, “Ho-ti trembled every joint“? a) simile c) hyperbole b} metaptiot d) personification '°assage 2: fna sense we have come to our nation*s capital to a cash check. When the architects of our republic wrotethemagnificentwordsoftheConstitution andtheDeclarationofIndependence, theywere signing apromissory note towhich every American wasto fall heir. This note was a
  • 100. UniYersr/ ol ihe Phil'ppnes ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 promise that allmen, yes,black menaswellaswhitemen, wouldbeguaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, andthepursuit of happiness. It isobvious today that America has defaulted onthis promissory note, insofar ashercitizens of color are concerned. Instead ofhonoring this sacred obligation, America has given theNegro people a badcheck, a check has come back marked “insufficient funds.” (An excerpt from Martin Luther King Jr.’s / Have A Dream) 4. Theword“defaulted”inthepassagemeans a) set for automatic b) neglected 5. The whole passage isdeveloped by a) comparison and contrast b) narration 8. The purpose of the passage is to a) humor b) bring about awareness c) remove fault d) failed to appear on time c) cause and effect d) dialogue c) preach d) enlighten Rassage 3: Sun Tzu said: There are five ways of attacking with fire. The first is to burn soldiers intheir camp; the second is to bum stores; the third isto bum baggage trains; the fourth is to burn arsenals and magazines; the fifth is to hurl dropping fire amongst the enemy. Inorder to carry out an attack, we must havemeans available. The material for raising fire should always be kept in readiness. There is a proper season for making attacks with fire, and special days for starting a conflagration. The proper season iswhen the weather is very dry; the special days are those when the moon is in the constellations of Sieve, the Wall, the Wing or the Cross-bar; for these four are all days of rising wind. (Anexcerpt from Sun Tzu’s 7he Art ofWas
  • 102. 8 •h °! thr Pt f pPne READING COMPREHENSION Instructions: Each passage below isfollowed byquestions based onits content. Choose the best answer and shade the box corresponding to that answer. Passage 1: Ho-titrembled everyjointwhilehegraspedtheabominablething,waveringwhetherheshouldnot put hissontodeath for an unnatural young monster, when thecrackling scorching his fingers, as it had done his son’s, and applying the same remedy to them, he in his turn tasted some of its flavor, which, make what sour mouthshe wouldpretence, proved not altogether displeasing to him. In conclusion (for the manuscript here isa little tedious) both father and son fairly sat down to the mess, and never left off till they had dispatched all that remained of the litter. (An excerpt from Charles Lamb’s A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig) 1. In the first sentence, the nearest meaning to the word “abominable° could be a) humongous b) detestable d) dangerous 2. What temedy did the father used for his scorched fingers? a) he put his fingers under the running water b) he went outside and buried them in snow c) he licked them d) he wrapped cloth around his fingers 3. What kind of figure of speech was used in the first statement, “Ho-ti trembled every joint“? a) simile c) hyperbole b) metaphor d) personification ”assage 2: ma sense we have come to our nation’s capital to a cash check. When the architects of our republicwrotethemagnificentwordsoftheConstitution andtheDeclarationofIndependence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American wasto fall heir. This nole was a ENGLISH °°
  • 103. promisethatal men, yes,M ackmenasweH as whRe men,woudbeguaranteedthe una|enabe rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It isobvious today that America has defaulted on thispromissory note, insofar asher citizens of colorare concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America hasgiventheNegro people abadcheck, acheck has come back marked “insufficient funds.” (Anexcerpt from Martin LutherKing Jr.’s /Hav’e A Qream) 4. Theword“defaulted” inthepassagemeans a) set for automatic b) neglected 5. The whole passage is developedby a) comparison and contrast b) narration 8. The purpose of the passage isto a) humor , b) bring about awareness c) remove fault a) failed to appear on time c) cause and effect d) dialogue c) preach d) enlighten Passage 3: Sun Tzu said: There are five ways of attacking with fire. The first is to burn soldiers in their camp; the second is to bum stores; the third isto bum baggage trains; the fourth isto burn arsenals and magazines; the fifth is to hurl dropping fire amongst the enemy. Inorder to carry out an attack, wemust havemeans available. Thematerial forraising fireshould always be kept in readiness. There is a proper season for making attacks with fire, and special days for starting a conflagration. The proper season is when the weather is very dry; the special days are those when the moon is in the constellations of Sieve, the Wall, the Wing or the Cross-bar; for these four are all days of rising wind. (An excerpt from Sun Tzu’s The Art of'Way Engineering Student Council
  • 104. 67
  • 105. rsk/ of tfe Phihppi ESC Engineering Student Council 7. What can be a good title for the exw gx* „ , „ ,. a) Season for fire b) Attacking with fire 8. The purpose of the passage isto a) teach b) enlighten 9. What is an arsenal? b) a building filled with guns Academics Committee 2006-2007 c) War is Better thanwater d) The Art of Burning c) ridicule d) boast c) a building filled with ammo d) a parking space for chariots 10. Why is a very dry weather the proper season for making attacks with fire? a) Soldiers usually sleep when tha,weather is dry b) Soldiers are busy searching for food c) It is more difficult to put out fires “ d) it is unlucky in their religion to put out fires during dry season Pasasge 4: Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to bechewed and digested; That is, some books are to be read, only in parts; others to be read but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some bnoks also may be read by deputy; and extracts made of them by others; but that woutd be only in the less important arguments andmeaner sort ofbooks;elsedistilledbooks arelikecommon distilled waters, flashy things. Reading maketh a full man; Conference a ready man; and Writing an exact man; and therefore, if a man writes little he need to have a great memory; if he confers little he need have a present wit; and if he reads little he need have much cunning, to seem tn know that he doth not. Historiesmakemenwise;Poetswitty;andMathematics,subtle;NaturalPhilosophy, deep;Moral, grave; Logic and Rhetoric, able to contend; Abeunt studia ir› mores. Francis Bacon, Essay. 1561-16 › 11. What are meant to be digestea* a) men b) water c) books d) mores ,
  • 106.
  • 107. 12. When do you consider a man full? a) when he can offer b) whenhe can read c) when he can see d) when he can read and understand 13. How can a reader learn from a book? a) when he joins arguments b) whenheknowsmanywriters c) when he can writepoems d) whenheappliesandassimilatesthewords 14. According tothepassage, why doesaman read? a) tocontradict andconfute b) to believe andtake forgranted c) to waae and swallow d) to weigh and consider 15. How will a reader treat a bookt a) as a friend b) as a confioante c) as a memoir d) as a historian Peter came tohim and said, "Lord, how often shall mybrothers sin against me, and I forgive himt Up to seventimes2" Jesus said to him, "I say to you, not seven times, but seventy times seven." Thus the kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who had servant that cwed him ten thousand talents. Because he could not pay, thelordordered him t‹ be sold, andhis wife andchildren, and allthat hehad,arxtpayment bemade. The servant therefore fell down .’ andworshippedhimsaying,"Lordhavepatience withme,andIWillpayyouall."Thenthe tNGLl3h -—— - ..... - ‹› Engineering Student Counc “ "
  • 108. Overs nJ o' t t P hi pp res ESC Engineering Student Council Ac ademics Committee 200 6-2007 LOrdotthat servant wasmove withconstant compassion andfreedhim and forgavehim the debt. “But the same servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred pence, and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, “Have patience with me and I willpay you all." And he would not, but went and cast him into prison, till he pays his debt. So when hisfellow servants sawwhat wasdone, they were very sorry and came andtold their lord all that was done. “Then his lord, after calling him forthsaidtohim ’O wicked servant, I forgave you allthat debt, because you begged me. Should you not also have the compassion on your fellow servant, even as I had pity on you?" And his lord was angered and delivered him to tile torturers, till he should pay all that wasdue tohim. So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also to you, if you do not forgive from your heart your brothers’ trespasses." 16. JesustoldPeter that he must forgive hisbrother a) seven times b) seventy times seven 17. The king forgave hisservant because a) he felt sorry forhim b) the servant paid him quickly c) the servant fell down and hurt himself c) many times d) sometimes d) the servant’s wife promised to sell their goods to pay the debt 18. Wnen the servant was imprisoned by tñe man who owed him money. his companion a) did nothing b) were angry c) asked him what he was doing d) reported what he had done to their lord
  • 110. 19. In this parable, Jesus is teaching about a) money b) kings 20. Theservant’s lord wasangrywithhimfinallybecause c) forgiveness d) prisons a) he had not paid his debt b} he had no pity on his fellow servant c) the lord wanted money d) the servant continued to beg for more time to pay
  • 114. 73
  • 115. Outingsât of tfie Philippines ESC Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 14. CANVAS : PAINTING; a) CLAY - POTTERY b) CLAY - MOLD c) CLAY - ART 15. IRON :SOLID; d) CLAY - STATUE e) CLAY — BAKE a) WATER - GASEOUS b) WATER - PAIL c} WATER - COMPOUND d) WATER - ELEMENT e) WATER — FLUID
  • 118. hriimfn 4t he Pttifp ' ESC Engineering Student Cooacif SCIENCE Academics Committee 2006-2007 General Science 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. ‘d 7. c 8. b 9. c 10. b 11. b 12. c 13. b 14. d 15. d 16. b 17. d 18. c 19. b 20. a 21. d 22. c 23. d 24. d 25. e 26. a 27. a 28. b ANSWER KEY 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. d 8. a 9. b 10. d 11. c 12. a 13. c 14. a 15. a 16. a 17. d 18. a 19. b 20. c 21. c 22. a 1. b 2. 3. b 4. d 5. 6. 7. a 8. b e 11. é, while b&d are true, the question remains unanswered. (always choose the best andmost appropriate answer) 12. c 13. a 14. b 15. e, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telephase 16. a _ 17. c 18. d 19. b 20. c 21. a 22. a 23. b 24. d 25. c 26. d - 27. a 28. a — 29. a 76
  • 119. ESC Engineering Student Council Chemistry Academics Committee 2006-2007 1. b, sublimation : solid to liquid 2. d 3. c 4. d, air is gaseous som , gasoline= liquid som, brass=solid, copper=eIement 5. b, intensive property: does not depend on the amt of substance/ sample 6. c, *(0K is absolute zero, the lowest attainable temp. Kelvin does not use °) 7. a 8. c 9. a 10. d “'“* 11. b *’ 12. b the rest normally exists as diatomic molecules 13. d 14. a 15. c 18. b 17. b 18. d 19. c 20. d, °F = 9/5°C + 32 21. e t,tI,tll 22. d, I, II, and Ill are parts/steps in the scientific method (which is the general approach to problems) 23. d 24. d 25. c 26. a 27. e 28. c, following rules of signifi nt figures 29. b, 0.1 = [(x g)(moles/ 158 g)] / {.20Oñ) 30. a, M1V, = Vt => 12V1' 1*0.6 31. a CtH6 7/2 2 /C 2 * 3HtO 3.5 mol ethane “ (4 moles COC / 2 moles ethane) = 7 moles COC 2.0 mol o2 “ (4 mole COC / 7 moles Og = 1.1 moles CO, 32. a, 0.5/1.1 =0.45 33. b 34. c 35. a 36. e 3T. c 38. c, Cu2*, Zn LEORA = lose electrons Oxidation (gets oxidized) reducing agent GEROA = gain electrons Reduction (gets reduced) oxidizing agent 39. Answer: Given the statements the” besf answer would be b. ph of Sol’n B is 7 since equal volumes of HCI and NaOH react. All three solutions undergo a neutralization reaction with water and a salt (specifically NaCI) as product. 40. d 41. d, Boiling point Elevation. Boiling point tempe.rature increases with increasing external pressure. 42. e, nota. High pressure and low temperature ANSWER KEY y7
  • 120. ESC Sneering Student Council MATHEMATICS Simple Calculus b, 4 — »= 0 «= 4 Academics Committee 2006-2007 27. c, (2x - 3y)*(3x + 4y) using the FOIL method F: 2x “ 3x = 6fi 0: 2x “ 4y = 8xy 6. a 7. b 8. a 9. a liMx-•s 3X - liMx- 5 7 = 3“5 — 7 = 8 28. a, 29. b, 30. d, 31. b, (3x+2yj(3x) 2 -(3x)(2y) (3x)3 + (2y)3 perfect square: (3x-5y)* 8x4y7 / 12x’y* = 2y4 / 3 (a2 *a—b2 *b)/(ab) =(a3 2 b3 )/(ab) 10. b, b ¥ 0 11. a, x = (5 + 1}/2 ; y —- (-3 - 6)/2 32. c, (7/35)(20/12)(a/a3 )b 5 /b3 ) (1/5)(5/3)(1/a )(b “) b2 / 3a* 12. d, m = (-1 — 3)/(5 — 5) = -4 / 0 undefined 33. d, ( 1/a + 1/b )/[1/(a+b)] (b+a)(a+b)/(ab) -- (a• b)2 / (ab) 13. b, m = (3 — (-3)) / ( -2 — 6) = -3/4 34. 35. b, c, {3*)-”* = 3-* = 1/27 °J(33 ) 3 6 = 3* * =2 4y + 12 = -3x + 18 36. a, 4V3 - 5V(4*3) + 2J(25*3) 3x + 4y — 6 = 0 = 4 x'3 - 10J3 * 10 3 = 4?3 ( )3 ’ = (2*)^’ 14. b 2 = 24“’ 15 logz 2” = logo 2^”° 16. c 17. a 18 19. 20. d c x4 1/16 x = 4?(1/16) 21. b 22. a 23. d (x +3)(x 26. b, 3 < 2x < x < 9/2 x = [ -3/2, 9/2] —1) » 0 — 1 » 0 > 0 x > 1 and -1 » x (12 y4 / 3 2 ) + (18x*y* / 2 ) 40. c 41. b 42. b 43. c 44. c 45. 46 47. b d (36Jy^) ANSWER K ”EY 4xy2 + 6 -12y/x
  • 121. * " 4 51 52. d 53. b 78
  • 122. ESC Etigitieering Student Council Cieometry 1. a, Surface area = 4n (2*) =S0.26 2. a, Solution 200cm = 2m V=(1/3)(B)(h)= (1/3)(4)(2)= 2.67 m3 3. a, Supplement = 180-37 =143, Complement=90-37= 53 Academics Committee 2006-2007 Trigonometry 1. c, sinx =2/4 sinx = '/ x=sin 1 ’/ =30* 2. a, sin B / cos 6 =-1/2 -2sin6 = cos6 4. d. Since AB and CD is not parallel and no sufficient data, we cannot determine the answer. 5. b, a. a, total area= 8(10)=80 cm* small rectan Ie a a rea= 3x4=12 cm‘ Area= 80 ct‘ e12 b. a, 2 c. a, chord d. c e. b 1. b 2. d 3. b 4. d 5. a 6. a, mean = (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10)/10 =5.5 median = (5+6)/2=5.5 7. c. (7 is the most frequent element) - 8. c 9. d '10. a 11. c 12. b 13. c 14. a 15. d ANSWER KEY sin*6 + cos*B =1 sin*6 + 4 sin*6 =1 5 sin2 6 =1 sin G = 11/g5 since 270° s @ s 360’ sin6 = -1/J5 3. c, sin x <0 = 3 *Q and 4t° Q tan x =1s Q and 3’° Q Therefore, 3r Q 4. c, cos 6 = x/r 1 + y‘ =4 y2 = 3 y = -t3 cot6 >0 at the 3" o P(-1, -x3) tan 6 = -J3/ -1 =/3 5. d, sin 17a/4 = sin (n/4 + 4s) = sin n/4 = 1/k2 6. c, tan2x cscx = (1/sinx) (sin2x /cos2x) Slf)X /COS 2 = sinx /(1-sin2x) 7. b, c* = a* + b* —2ab cos a 4 = 4 + 1 — 2*2“1*cos a 4 — 5 = - 2“2“1“cos a - 1 = - 4*cos a cos a = ’/‹ 8. d, sin § / 1 = cos § / 1 sin |3 = sin 30 § = sin-1 ’/ § = 30 9. c, sin 30 = x/ g3 ’/ = x/ k3 x = J3/2 10. b, cot El = cos6 / sinB = 1 / tan6 11. b, 30” p/180 = 0.52 12. c, cot6 = 1 /tan6 (1 / tan 6) / tanB = / tan*6 = 1/ (sin*B / cos2 6) cos*6 / sin2B ? =100
  • 123. 79
  • 124. E.ngineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-20D7 1. e. n(n+1)/2 + m(m+1)/2 = (20)(20+1)/2-+ (4g)(40+1)/2 = 1030 d, F = P(1 + i) ’^ 6000 = 4000 (1 * 0.50) N log 6000 = log (4000 (1 + 0.50) ] log 6000 = log 4000 + log[(1 + 0.50) ”] log 6000 = log 4000 + N log((1 + 0.50) N = (log 6000 - log 4000) / [log(1 + 0.50)] N = [log (6000/4000)] / [log(1 t 0.50)] N = log 1.5 / log 1.5 N = 1 This year 3. c, (1/8 +1/7) T — 9 T = 33 hrs. 36 mins. 4. a. 60 km/hr — 23 km/hr = 37 km/hr = relative velocity Velocity = dist./time 37 - 100 / time Time = 2.702... hrs = 2 hrs. 42 min. 9.7 sec 5. b. 60 + 23 = 93 km/hr = relative velocity 83 =100/ time ” “ Time = 1.2048... hrs = 1 hr. 12 min, 17.3 sec 6. e. Y = 60 km / hr time X = 23 km /hr *time Y' + X2 = 1002 (60t (23t)' = 100* 529t* + 3600/ = 1002 4129t2 = 1002 t =100/x4129 hrs “ 7. d. V —15=velocity relativetotheobservers (V-15)(60) = 20 V = 15 '/‹R£s 8. c. 1 ft/s = 10 ft / time1 time1 = 10 s left for the rest of the distance = 50 sec V + 15 = velocity relative to observers (V+15)(50) = 10 V= -14.8 Ill s Ans: they don't need to row/go faster; flow of water will help them beat the time/mark 9. c. Discharge.Q=volume/time Q=nr'h/t rr(1)“3’(5*60) = 0.01Tr ft“/s !0 Q=VA V=Q/A =(0.01zr /(1/4‘zr*0.25“) 11. d, [112(8) + 1/9(6) + 1/11(5) j * days = 30 days = 16.78 days = 17 days consumed
  • 126. 12. b, 20‘19‘18*17 = 118280 Ans: 1 is to 116280 chances " 13. c, Dist. Traveled by 1stplane.A= 100*6=600 kmnorth from origin Dist. Traveled by 2nd plane.B = 120‘6=720 km 60° east of south Cosine law. (dist from each other)* = A2 + B2 - 2ABcos 60° 6002 + 7202 - 2*600*720*1/2 = 446400 dist from each other = x”446400 km = 668.13 km 14. e, A=100“6=600 km south from last position = origin B=60*6=360 km north from last position =directly east of origin dist. from each other = 720 km sin 60° =720 *( 3/2)=360 3 km =624 km 15. e, Right triangles: Radius,A = 3m ’” Distance.C=hypotenuse=5m Other side.B =4m Cos 0 = B/C = 4/5 X = A cos 6 = 3 (4/5) = 12/5 = 2.4 m = radius of what the cameraman sees Diameter of what the cameraman sees = 4.8m 16. b. X= 0.20 m A=3 m Cos 0 = 0.20/3 ' a‘ = X 2 + A 2 -- 0.20 + 32 = 9.04 a = 9.04 by similar triangles: a/A = A/C x 9.04/3 = 3/C C . distance of camera man = 9/x9.04 m = 3m 17. c,Tet x=number of Php0.25 coins y =number of Php1.00 coins, x+y = 128 ” 1) 0.25x + y = 86 —(2) (1) — (2) 0.75x = 42 x = 56 y =128 — 56 = 72 18. a. let x = edad ni Ana ngayon y = edad ng anak ni Ana ngayon x - 5 = 7/y— 5) —-x - 7y = -30 —(1) x + 10 = 2(y+10) —x — 2y = 10 —(2) y=8” x = 2y + 10 = 26 19. a. let c =hrs Che can do the work alone m = hrs May can do the work alone 6/c + 6/m = 1 —(1) 3/m + 12/c = 1 6/m+ 24/c’= 2 —(2) (1) — (2) c =18, m =6 20. b. let x = halaga na in-invest sa 9' y= halaga nain-invest sa7°A x + y = 1 000 000 0.08x + 0.07y =88 000 (9/7)x + y = 86 000/ 0.07 (I} - (2) — x = 800 000 ANSWER KEY —{1) -(2) 81 hnivws I of I M PMpy rin
  • 127. u••rr•i s in Pi''t*p''•i ,EMS „„, Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 ENGLISH 1. e 3. e 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. e 8. b 10. b,Illustrations, 11. e 12. b 13. d 15. a, ignored 16. c, has 17. a, finally, 16. b 19. e 20. d 21. b, 20-minute 22. d,two-storey 23. b, moved 24. e 25. a, were 20. a, came 27. c, to rest 28. a, toward 26. e 30. c, learning, 31. b, half-frozen 32. c, me 33. b, they’re 34. b, lies ANSWER KEY 0. a 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. b 6. c 7. b B. a 11. a 12. b 13. c 14. b 15. c 16. a 17. c 18. d 19. d 20. c 21. c 22. b 23. b 24. d 25. c 28. b Reading 10. c 11. c 12. d 13. d 14. d 15. c 16. b 17. a 18. d 19. c 20. b 10. c 11. a 12. d 13. a " “ 82 1. b 1. c 2. c 2. d 3. c 3. b 4. b 4. e 5. a 5. e 6. b 6. b 7. b 7. d 8. a 8. e 6. b 9. b