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2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA
Towards Web Page Steganography with Attribute
Truth Table
M.Tech (Network & Internet
Dept. of Computer Science
Pondicherry University
Pondicherry, India, 605014
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Computer Science
Pondicherry University
Pondicherry, India, 605014
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Computer Science
Pondicherry University
Pondicherry, India, 605014
Abstract— The evolution of steganography to use web pages
as cover medium has raised challenging research questions. Web
page information hiding is a way to conceal information apart
from its privacy policies like confidentiality, reliability and
availability. This paper proposes a Tag repository and attributes
truth table based method to hide data into web pages. The Tag
repository collects all potential tags and Attribute Truth Table is
built over the Tag repository for giving the binary values for the
attribute orders in the Tag repository. This Attribute Truth
Table helps in concealing the secrete information into the web
page. The decoding of the secrete information is carried out using
tailor made client side plug-in.
Keywords— Web page; information hiding; tags; tag
repository, attribute truth table;
Steganography is a Greek word, which indicates covered
writing and essentially means to conceal in plain sight.
Steganography is a technique of concealing data within cover
medium. The motto of steganography is to conceal information
in such a way that the unintended recipients cannot suspect the
cover medium[1]. Most steganography techniques have been
used various multimedia files as cover media like text, image,
audio or video.
In the beginning days of digital steganography,
images were mostly used as cover medium later it was
improved by moving towards other digital media format such
as video, audio, and text file. In recent years Web pages have
become the new means of cover medium for hiding the secret
information[2]. The multimedia files are only used as the cover
medium but not as a transmission medium. Whereas in web
page information hiding process, the web pages can serve as
both the cover medium and transmission method to conceal the
secret information.
Web pages considers the source code i.e., markup tags of a
HTML file as a plain text, through which it will instruct a web
browser how to display[3]. As the HTML is case insensitive
we can write the tags and attributes in lower and upper cases,
changing the quotation marks of the attributes. This method
allows to embed secret information by switching the case of
letter in tag by considering lowercase letters indicates 0 and
uppercase letters indicates 1[4]. Apart from the tags of the
markup language we have another way of hiding the
information secretly is by changing the quotation marks of the
attributes (from single quotes to double quotes and vice-versa).
In this paper we have proposed a new approach of web
page information hiding by changing the order and case of
attributes in a combinatorial basis. Unlike existing approaches
in web page information hiding i.e. changing the case of tags
which can be done by changing some letters in the tags, this
paper is changing case for entire attribute so that an unintended
receivers cannot suspect it as a stego web page.
Steganography and Cryptography are used for data
confidentiality, but the main difference between the both is, in
cryptography process an intruder can know that both parties are
communicating in secret. Whereas steganography conceals the
existence of a secret information and nobody can suspect that
both parties are communicating in secret. This makes
steganography different from the cryptography technique[5].
In the existing models of the web page information
concealing methods the researches have been done to conceal
the secret information in the tags and attributes of the source
code i.e. HTML and CSS files [6] as well as the white spaces
of the source code [7][8]. The popular techniques used in the
existing model are as listed below:
A. Empty tag method:
In this process empty tags i.e. either a begin tag quickly
taken after by an end tag or an empty tag is used in order to
conceal the secret information. Using these types of empty tags
in the source code does not affect the content on the
[978-1-4673-9206-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE]
2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA
B. Line break approach:
In this approach by continuously adding the line break tag
at the end of each tag the secret information was concealed in
the webpage. Usage of repetitive of line break at the end of
each tag does not affect the content of the web page[9].
C. Changing the case of the tag
As the HTML is not a case sensitive language even the
changes in the case of the tags may not show any change in the
web page while parsing[10][11].
D. Information hiding based on the attribute value string.
The strings used in the attribute values are not case
sensitive, so attribute values can be taken for information
hiding by keeping the uppercase indicates 1 and lower case
indicates 0 [2].
In this paper we are proposing an attribute casing and
attribute position reordering approach for concealing the secret
information. Later at the flip side which can be retrieved by
using the plug-in that works in reverse approach of hiding
In the proposed scheme we are using the attributes of the
html for concealing the secret information, by changing the
order of the attributes and case of the attributes. In this
approach we are changing the order of the attributes and in
each order we are changing the case of the attributes. So we
will get huge number of attribute combinations. This will give
more possibility for concealing the secret information.
The proposed scheme is explained in the following way:
A. Secret information concealing procedure
1) Identification of potential tags:
It is impossible for concealing the secret information in
every HTML tags, because the tags such as line break can have
very less possibility for concealing information. So we have to
pick tags with some good number of attributes list, so that we
can conceal much information.
Such tags include Body, Font, Horizontal Ruler, Image,
Table, Table Row, and Table Definition.
Tag Name Attribute List
Body Text , link , alink, vlink , bgcolor,
Font color , face , size
Align, color, size , width
Image Align, alt , border , height , width , hspace
, vspace, src
Table Align, background, bgcolor, bordercolor,
cellpadding, cellspacing, cols, width
Table row Align, valign, bgcolor
Align, valign, background, bgcolor,
colspan, rowspan, width
If a tag has n-attributes
• We have n! Ways of changing the order of attributes.
• We have 2n
ways of changing the case of the attributes.
Here we are utilizing blend of both the aforementioned
methods i.e. firstly we change the order of the attributes and
then in each order we are changing the case of the attributes so
we will get (n!*2n
) combinations for each tag.
For instance consider the Font tag with 3 attributes size,
face, color then we will get the combinations as follows.
Order of the attributes:
[size, face, color], [size, color, face], [face, size, color],
[face, color, size], [color, size, face], [color, face, size]
With the first possibility, we have 8 ways to change the
case of the tags as follows:
Attributes Bit
<font size="3" face="Aharoni" color="green">
<font size="3" face="Aharoni"
COLOR="green"> </font>
<font size="3" FACE="Aharoni" color="green">
<font size="3" FACE="Aharoni"
COLOR="green"> </font>
<font SIZE="3" face="Aharoni" color="green">
<font SIZE="3" face="Aharoni"
COLOR="green"> </font>
<font SIZE="3" FACE="Aharoni"
color="green"> </font>
<font SIZE="3" FACE="Aharoni"
COLOR="green"> </font>
This is for one order of attributes, like wise we will get
) combinations for every tag with n attributes.
2) Tag Repository:
Tag Repository is a data base where we will save all the
possible forms of the attribute combinations. While saving the
tags in the tag repository we are arranging the attributes in the
alphabetical order.
3) Attribute Truth Table:
The Attribute Truth Table will take the tags from the Tag
Repository and assign the binary values for each of the tag.
2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA
With the goal that we have conceivable combinations and the
distinctive binary number for that attributes.
4) Information hiding process:
The secret information is converted into the binary stream
and the binary stream is concealed in the webpage using the
Attribute Truth Table i.e. a byte of binary stream is compared
with the Attribute Truth Table and corresponding attribute
settings are used for concealing the secret information.
5) Retrieval process:
The secret information which is concealed in the webpage
is retrieved using the plug-in shared by the web master. The
plug-in works in the bottom up approach of the hiding
The whole procedure is explained with the following
We have designed a html webpage named Learn Easy for
online tutorial and we are concealing the secret information in
that webpage.
Secret information: Paris
We will insert a start of text and an end of text to indentify
the secret information
Decimal value of start of tag(STX) is 2
P = 112, a= 97, r=114, i=105, s=115
End of text (ETX) =3
Convert these ASCII values into binary stream.
The first tag we come across is <body> with 3 attributes so
we can have (3!*23
) values in the Attribute Truth Table, here
we need to conceal the binary value of “start of text”.
Next we come across the <table> tag with 5 attributes; here
we are hiding the P binary value, by changing the attribute
Next we have five <td> tags with 6 attributes each, here we
are hiding the binary values of a, r, i, s and the end of text.
This procedure is illustrated in the fig. 5
Algorithm: Hiding secrete message in web page
Input: Web page, Secret Information, Attribute Truth Table
Output: stego web page
1. Select the potential tags with more number of
2. Perform Attribute reordering as well as Attribute
3. Store all these combinations in Tag repository
4. Create an Attribute Truth Table from Tag repository.
5. Convert the secret information in to the binary
6. Compare with the Attribute Truth Table and conceal
in the webpage.
7. Design a plug-in which works in the bottom-up
approach of the hiding process.
8. Share this with the intended user.
9. Stop
Fig. 1. Information hiding process
When compared with the normal web page the stego web
page does not show any difference in viewing the content of
the web page. So this web page steganography is one of the
most advanced technology in steganography process, we had
experimented on a HTML web page and shown the results
Fig. 2. Normal web page
2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA
Fig. 3. Source code of normal web page before hiding secret information
Fig. 4. Stego web page
Fig. 5. Source code of stego web page after hiding the secret information
The explanation is as follows:
<body bgcolor="white" TEXT="green" link="blue" >
Where the actual attribute order is set in the tag repository as
bgcolor, link, text. So we will have 48 possibilities in the
attribute truth table, since the value is 2 we will select
according to that.
<table BGCOLOR="yellow" border="2" cellpadding="10"
cellspacing="5" bordercolor="red" >
Where the actual attribute order of table is given as bgcolor,
border, bordercolor, cellpadding, cellspacing in the attribute
truth table.This has 5! Combinations and each combination
has 25
possibilities, as the value of P is 96 it will come in the
combination and 17th
position as mentioned above.
<td ALIGN="left" bgcolor="white" colspan="1"
height="20%" width="10%" ROWSPAN="1" >Roll no.</td>
Where the actual attribute order of table definition is given
as align, width, height, rowspan, colspan, bgcolor in the
attribute truth table. This has 6! Combinations and each
combination has 26
possibilities, the value of a=97 comes in
possibility in the 2nd
<td ALIGN="left" BGCOLOR="white" colspan="1"
height="20%" width="10%" rowspan="1" >NAME</td>
This has 6! Combinations and each combination have 26
possibilities, the value of r=114 come in 50th
possibility in the
<td ALIGN="left" bgcolor="white" colspan="1"
This has 6! Combinations and each combination have 26
possibilities, the value of i=105 comes in 39th
possibility in the
<td ALIGN="left" BGCOLOR="white" colspan="1"
height="20%”WIDTH="10%"ROWSPAN="1" MARKS</td>
This has 6! Combinations and each combination have 26
possibilities, the value of s=115 come in 51th
possibility in the
<td align="left" bgcolor="white" colspan="1"
height="20%"ROWSPAN="1"WIDTH="10%” GRADE</td>
This has 6! Combinations and each combination have 26
possibilities, the value of end of text= 3 come in 4th
in the 1nd
In this way we will conceal the secret information in the
webpage by changing the position of the attributes as well as
the case of the attributes.
2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA
In this paper we have proposed an attribute positioning and
attribute casing approach for concealing the secret information.
Contrast with the current webpage steganography techniques
which will works on the tag casing and attribute casing this
approach of changing the entire attribute name, which will
prevent the intruders not to suspect about the web page
steganography process. This approach give more possibility of
hiding the secret information because of the attribute truth
table. The secret information shall be accessed by the
authorized users with the specially client side plugin which
would utilize the attribute truth table to decode the hidden
[1] S. Channalli and A. Jadhav, “Steganography An Art of Hiding
Data,”International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering
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[2] X. Yong, L. Juan, and Z. Yilai, “A High Capacity Information
Hiding Method for Webpage Based on Tag,” 2012 Third Int. Conf.
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[3] Y. Yang and Y. Yang, “An efficient webpage information hiding
method based on tag attributes,” Proc. - 2010 7th Int. Conf. Fuzzy
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[4] D. Shen and H. Zhao, “A novel scheme of webpage information
hiding based on attributes,” Inf. Theory Inf. Secur. (ICITIS), 2010
IEEE Int. Conf., pp. 1147–1150, 2010.
[5] J. Ren and L. Zhang, “Webpage Information Hiding Algorithm
Based Webpage Information Hiding Model Based on the Tags,” pp.
67–74, 2012.
[6] “Steganography.” [Online]. Available:
[7] Y. C. Chou and H. C. Liao, “A Webpage Data Hiding Method by
Using Tag and CSS Attribute Setting,” 2014 Tenth Int. Conf. Intell.
Inf. Hiding Multimed. Signal Process., pp. 122–125, 2014.
[8] I. Lee and W. Tsai, “Secret Communication through Web Pages
Using Special Space Codes in HTML Files,” Int. J., pp. 141–149,
[9] D. V Dhawase and P. S. Chavan, “WEBPAGE INFORMATION
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[10] X. Guo, G. Cheng, C. Zhu, A. Zhou, W. Pan, and D. Truong, “Make
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ICACCS 2016 Conference Paper on Web Page Steganography

  • 1. 2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA Towards Web Page Steganography with Attribute Truth Table B. SREEKANTH REDDY M.Tech (Network & Internet Engineering) Dept. of Computer Science Pondicherry University Pondicherry, India, 605014 K.S. KUPPUSAMY Assistant Professor Dept. of Computer Science Pondicherry University Pondicherry, India, 605014 T. SIVAKUMAR Assistant Professor Dept. of Computer Science Pondicherry University Pondicherry, India, 605014 Abstract— The evolution of steganography to use web pages as cover medium has raised challenging research questions. Web page information hiding is a way to conceal information apart from its privacy policies like confidentiality, reliability and availability. This paper proposes a Tag repository and attributes truth table based method to hide data into web pages. The Tag repository collects all potential tags and Attribute Truth Table is built over the Tag repository for giving the binary values for the attribute orders in the Tag repository. This Attribute Truth Table helps in concealing the secrete information into the web page. The decoding of the secrete information is carried out using tailor made client side plug-in. Keywords— Web page; information hiding; tags; tag repository, attribute truth table; I. INTRODUCTION Steganography is a Greek word, which indicates covered writing and essentially means to conceal in plain sight. Steganography is a technique of concealing data within cover medium. The motto of steganography is to conceal information in such a way that the unintended recipients cannot suspect the cover medium[1]. Most steganography techniques have been used various multimedia files as cover media like text, image, audio or video. In the beginning days of digital steganography, images were mostly used as cover medium later it was improved by moving towards other digital media format such as video, audio, and text file. In recent years Web pages have become the new means of cover medium for hiding the secret information[2]. The multimedia files are only used as the cover medium but not as a transmission medium. Whereas in web page information hiding process, the web pages can serve as both the cover medium and transmission method to conceal the secret information. Web pages considers the source code i.e., markup tags of a HTML file as a plain text, through which it will instruct a web browser how to display[3]. As the HTML is case insensitive we can write the tags and attributes in lower and upper cases, changing the quotation marks of the attributes. This method allows to embed secret information by switching the case of letter in tag by considering lowercase letters indicates 0 and uppercase letters indicates 1[4]. Apart from the tags of the markup language we have another way of hiding the information secretly is by changing the quotation marks of the attributes (from single quotes to double quotes and vice-versa). In this paper we have proposed a new approach of web page information hiding by changing the order and case of attributes in a combinatorial basis. Unlike existing approaches in web page information hiding i.e. changing the case of tags which can be done by changing some letters in the tags, this paper is changing case for entire attribute so that an unintended receivers cannot suspect it as a stego web page. II. RELATED WORK Steganography and Cryptography are used for data confidentiality, but the main difference between the both is, in cryptography process an intruder can know that both parties are communicating in secret. Whereas steganography conceals the existence of a secret information and nobody can suspect that both parties are communicating in secret. This makes steganography different from the cryptography technique[5]. In the existing models of the web page information concealing methods the researches have been done to conceal the secret information in the tags and attributes of the source code i.e. HTML and CSS files [6] as well as the white spaces of the source code [7][8]. The popular techniques used in the existing model are as listed below: A. Empty tag method: In this process empty tags i.e. either a begin tag quickly taken after by an end tag or an empty tag is used in order to conceal the secret information. Using these types of empty tags in the source code does not affect the content on the webpage[9]. [978-1-4673-9206-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE]
  • 2. 2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA B. Line break approach: In this approach by continuously adding the line break tag at the end of each tag the secret information was concealed in the webpage. Usage of repetitive of line break at the end of each tag does not affect the content of the web page[9]. C. Changing the case of the tag As the HTML is not a case sensitive language even the changes in the case of the tags may not show any change in the web page while parsing[10][11]. D. Information hiding based on the attribute value string. The strings used in the attribute values are not case sensitive, so attribute values can be taken for information hiding by keeping the uppercase indicates 1 and lower case indicates 0 [2]. In this paper we are proposing an attribute casing and attribute position reordering approach for concealing the secret information. Later at the flip side which can be retrieved by using the plug-in that works in reverse approach of hiding algorithm. III. PROPOSED MODEL In the proposed scheme we are using the attributes of the html for concealing the secret information, by changing the order of the attributes and case of the attributes. In this approach we are changing the order of the attributes and in each order we are changing the case of the attributes. So we will get huge number of attribute combinations. This will give more possibility for concealing the secret information. The proposed scheme is explained in the following way: A. Secret information concealing procedure 1) Identification of potential tags: It is impossible for concealing the secret information in every HTML tags, because the tags such as line break can have very less possibility for concealing information. So we have to pick tags with some good number of attributes list, so that we can conceal much information. Such tags include Body, Font, Horizontal Ruler, Image, Table, Table Row, and Table Definition. TABLE I. ATTRIBUTE LIST Tag Name Attribute List Body Text , link , alink, vlink , bgcolor, background Font color , face , size Horizontal Ruler Align, color, size , width Image Align, alt , border , height , width , hspace , vspace, src Table Align, background, bgcolor, bordercolor, cellpadding, cellspacing, cols, width Table row Align, valign, bgcolor Table definition Align, valign, background, bgcolor, colspan, rowspan, width If a tag has n-attributes • We have n! Ways of changing the order of attributes. • We have 2n ways of changing the case of the attributes. Here we are utilizing blend of both the aforementioned methods i.e. firstly we change the order of the attributes and then in each order we are changing the case of the attributes so we will get (n!*2n ) combinations for each tag. For instance consider the Font tag with 3 attributes size, face, color then we will get the combinations as follows. Order of the attributes: [size, face, color], [size, color, face], [face, size, color], [face, color, size], [color, size, face], [color, face, size] With the first possibility, we have 8 ways to change the case of the tags as follows: TABLE II. ATTRIBUTE CASING Attributes Bit stream <font size="3" face="Aharoni" color="green"> </font> 000 <font size="3" face="Aharoni" COLOR="green"> </font> 001 <font size="3" FACE="Aharoni" color="green"> </font> 010 <font size="3" FACE="Aharoni" COLOR="green"> </font> 011 <font SIZE="3" face="Aharoni" color="green"> </font> 100 <font SIZE="3" face="Aharoni" COLOR="green"> </font> 101 <font SIZE="3" FACE="Aharoni" color="green"> </font> 110 <font SIZE="3" FACE="Aharoni" COLOR="green"> </font> 111 This is for one order of attributes, like wise we will get (n!*2n ) combinations for every tag with n attributes. 2) Tag Repository: Tag Repository is a data base where we will save all the possible forms of the attribute combinations. While saving the tags in the tag repository we are arranging the attributes in the alphabetical order. 3) Attribute Truth Table: The Attribute Truth Table will take the tags from the Tag Repository and assign the binary values for each of the tag.
  • 3. 2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA With the goal that we have conceivable combinations and the distinctive binary number for that attributes. 4) Information hiding process: The secret information is converted into the binary stream and the binary stream is concealed in the webpage using the Attribute Truth Table i.e. a byte of binary stream is compared with the Attribute Truth Table and corresponding attribute settings are used for concealing the secret information. 5) Retrieval process: The secret information which is concealed in the webpage is retrieved using the plug-in shared by the web master. The plug-in works in the bottom up approach of the hiding algorithm. The whole procedure is explained with the following example: We have designed a html webpage named Learn Easy for online tutorial and we are concealing the secret information in that webpage. Secret information: Paris We will insert a start of text and an end of text to indentify the secret information Decimal value of start of tag(STX) is 2 P = 112, a= 97, r=114, i=105, s=115 End of text (ETX) =3 Convert these ASCII values into binary stream. The first tag we come across is <body> with 3 attributes so we can have (3!*23 ) values in the Attribute Truth Table, here we need to conceal the binary value of “start of text”. Next we come across the <table> tag with 5 attributes; here we are hiding the P binary value, by changing the attribute settings. Next we have five <td> tags with 6 attributes each, here we are hiding the binary values of a, r, i, s and the end of text. This procedure is illustrated in the fig. 5 B. ALGORITHM Algorithm: Hiding secrete message in web page Input: Web page, Secret Information, Attribute Truth Table Output: stego web page 1. Select the potential tags with more number of attributes 2. Perform Attribute reordering as well as Attribute casing 3. Store all these combinations in Tag repository 4. Create an Attribute Truth Table from Tag repository. 5. Convert the secret information in to the binary stream. 6. Compare with the Attribute Truth Table and conceal in the webpage. 7. Design a plug-in which works in the bottom-up approach of the hiding process. 8. Share this with the intended user. 9. Stop Fig. 1. Information hiding process IV. EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS When compared with the normal web page the stego web page does not show any difference in viewing the content of the web page. So this web page steganography is one of the most advanced technology in steganography process, we had experimented on a HTML web page and shown the results below. Fig. 2. Normal web page
  • 4. 2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA Fig. 3. Source code of normal web page before hiding secret information Fig. 4. Stego web page Fig. 5. Source code of stego web page after hiding the secret information The explanation is as follows: <body bgcolor="white" TEXT="green" link="blue" > Where the actual attribute order is set in the tag repository as bgcolor, link, text. So we will have 48 possibilities in the attribute truth table, since the value is 2 we will select according to that. <table BGCOLOR="yellow" border="2" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="5" bordercolor="red" > Where the actual attribute order of table is given as bgcolor, border, bordercolor, cellpadding, cellspacing in the attribute truth table.This has 5! Combinations and each combination has 25 possibilities, as the value of P is 96 it will come in the 4th combination and 17th position as mentioned above. <td ALIGN="left" bgcolor="white" colspan="1" height="20%" width="10%" ROWSPAN="1" >Roll no.</td> Where the actual attribute order of table definition is given as align, width, height, rowspan, colspan, bgcolor in the attribute truth table. This has 6! Combinations and each combination has 26 possibilities, the value of a=97 comes in 34th possibility in the 2nd combination. <td ALIGN="left" BGCOLOR="white" colspan="1" height="20%" width="10%" rowspan="1" >NAME</td> This has 6! Combinations and each combination have 26 possibilities, the value of r=114 come in 50th possibility in the 2nd combination. <td ALIGN="left" bgcolor="white" colspan="1" HEIGHT="20%"WIDTH="10%"ROWSPAN="1">COURSE< /td> This has 6! Combinations and each combination have 26 possibilities, the value of i=105 comes in 39th possibility in the 2nd combination. <td ALIGN="left" BGCOLOR="white" colspan="1" height="20%”WIDTH="10%"ROWSPAN="1" MARKS</td> This has 6! Combinations and each combination have 26 possibilities, the value of s=115 come in 51th possibility in the 2nd combination. <td align="left" bgcolor="white" colspan="1" height="20%"ROWSPAN="1"WIDTH="10%” GRADE</td> This has 6! Combinations and each combination have 26 possibilities, the value of end of text= 3 come in 4th possibility in the 1nd combination. In this way we will conceal the secret information in the webpage by changing the position of the attributes as well as the case of the attributes.
  • 5. 2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA V. CONCLUSION In this paper we have proposed an attribute positioning and attribute casing approach for concealing the secret information. Contrast with the current webpage steganography techniques which will works on the tag casing and attribute casing this approach of changing the entire attribute name, which will prevent the intruders not to suspect about the web page steganography process. This approach give more possibility of hiding the secret information because of the attribute truth table. The secret information shall be accessed by the authorized users with the specially client side plugin which would utilize the attribute truth table to decode the hidden information. REFERENCES [1] S. Channalli and A. Jadhav, “Steganography An Art of Hiding Data,”International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 137–141, 2009. [2] X. Yong, L. Juan, and Z. Yilai, “A High Capacity Information Hiding Method for Webpage Based on Tag,” 2012 Third Int. Conf. Digit. Manuf. Autom., pp. 62–65, 2012. [3] Y. Yang and Y. Yang, “An efficient webpage information hiding method based on tag attributes,” Proc. - 2010 7th Int. Conf. Fuzzy Syst. Knowl. Discov. FSKD 2010, vol. 3, no. Fskd, pp. 1181–1184, 2010. [4] D. Shen and H. Zhao, “A novel scheme of webpage information hiding based on attributes,” Inf. Theory Inf. Secur. (ICITIS), 2010 IEEE Int. Conf., pp. 1147–1150, 2010. [5] J. Ren and L. Zhang, “Webpage Information Hiding Algorithm Based Webpage Information Hiding Model Based on the Tags,” pp. 67–74, 2012. [6] “Steganography.” [Online]. Available: [7] Y. C. Chou and H. C. Liao, “A Webpage Data Hiding Method by Using Tag and CSS Attribute Setting,” 2014 Tenth Int. Conf. Intell. Inf. Hiding Multimed. Signal Process., pp. 122–125, 2014. [8] I. Lee and W. Tsai, “Secret Communication through Web Pages Using Special Space Codes in HTML Files,” Int. J., pp. 141–149, 2008. [9] D. V Dhawase and P. S. Chavan, “WEBPAGE INFORMATION HIDING USING PAGE CONTENTS,” vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 182–186, 2014. [10] X. Guo, G. Cheng, C. Zhu, A. Zhou, W. Pan, and D. Truong, “Make Your Webpage Carry Abundant Secret Information Unawarely,” 2013 IEEE 10th Int. Conf. High Perform. Comput. Commun. 2013 IEEE Int. Conf. Embed. Ubiquitous Comput., pp. 541–548, 2013. [11] S. Dey, H. Al-Qaheri, and S. Sanyal, “Embedding Secret Data in Html Web Page,” arXiv Prepr. arXiv1004.0459, pp. 1–10, 2010.