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Bornali Borah
Ph.D. Scholar
Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry
Anand Agricultural University, Gujarat
Soil organic carbon – A key for sustainable
soil quality under scenario of climate change
Impact of climate change on soil degradation
Role of SOC on soil health and quality
Management strategies to enhance carbon stock
in soil
Review of literature
Future line of work
Priority action must be there to ensure that soils will cope worldwide
with these multiple and increasing demands
• is a key life supporting systemSoil
• SOUL OF SOILSoil organic carbon
• Intense rainfall and concurrent rise in
temperature with climate change
Tropical climate of
• soil health degradation
Depletion of soil
organic carbon
• Declining soil’s response to fertilizers,
• Widespread deficiencies of secondary &
Slowdown agricultural
• Adoption of appropriate Management
practices -essential prerequisite
Tropical regions
low C-sequestration rate
• A win –win option to “produce more from less”Soil C sequestration
Fig.1: Contribution of SOC to the sustainable development goals
Maintaining SOC storage at an equilibrium or increasing SOC
content towards the optimal level for the local environment can
contribute to achieving the SDGs. (FAO,2017)
Static or Inherent soil
 Mineral composition
 Soil texture
 Soil depth
Dynamic soil properties
 Microbial biomass and diversity
 Soil respiration
 C and N mineralization
Soil quality is defined as the “fitness for use” and “capacity of the
soil to function” (Karlen et al. 1997).
Whereas, soil health presents the soil as a finite and dynamic living
soil resource, and is directly related to plant health.
 More specifically, soil health is defined as “capacity of soil to
function as a vital living system to sustain biological productivity,
maintain environment quality and promote plant, animal and
human health” (Doran and Zeiss 2000)
Soil Quality & Soil Health
Fig. 1. Soil attributes as indicators of soil health
(AWC = available water capacity; SOC = soil organic carbon; CEC = cation exchange capacity;
EC = electrical conductivity; MBC = microbial biomass; MRT = mean residence time). Source: Lal (2016)6
Soil degradation
 Soil degradation, characterized by decline in quality and decrease
in ecosystem goods and services, is a major constraint to
achieving the required increase in agricultural production.
 Predominant reasons of degradation of soil quality includes:
i) Erosion of topsoil and the SOC stock which decline soil fertility
ii) Intensive deep and inversion tillage which leads to
Rapid decomposition of crop residues, further accentuated by high
Disruption of stable soil aggregates and increasing oxidation of
entrapped SOC
Loss of microbial diversity of soil.
 Severe decline of SOC (0.1%) is the primary process causes
Secondary degradation (decline in soil aggregation & poor soil
tilth) which leads to Tertiary degradation (decline in soil structure,
water imbalances, loss of soil biodiversity and emission of GHGs)
Fig. 2: Processes, factors and causes of soil degradation 8
Fig. 3: Degradation of soil quality in relation to climate change
Fig 4:Spatial extrapolation of the temperature vulnerability of
soil C stocks.
a. Map of predicted changes in soil C stocks per pixel by 2050 under the ‘no
acclimatization’ scenario
b. Total reductions in the global C pool under 1 °C and 2 °C global average soil surface
warming by 2050, as expected under a full range of different soil C effect-time
scenarios (x axis)
Crowther et al. (2017)10
Fig. 5: Schematic diagram of dryland expansion due to climate change
and decrease in SOC.
Predictions include a growth in the land mass of dryland ecosystem by 11 to 23% before
the year 2100 Source: Huang et al. (2015)11
Depletion of
Organic C
pool in soils
Fig. 6:Interrelation of Soil degradation and depletion of organic carbon pools in soil
Emission of GHGs Physico-
Build up of
soil pest and
Fig. 7: Sources and sinks of carbon from different pools under
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Source: Mehra et al. (2018)
Soil Organic Carbon – A key indicator of Soil health
Soil carbon
 Derived from the remains
of plants and animals
 more reactive
 highly dynamic and a
strong determinant of soil
quality (Chemical,
physical and biological)
 Derived from the parent
 elemental C and
carbonate minerals (e.g.
calcite, dolomite,
aragonite and siderite).
Fig. 8. Types of organic and inorganic carbon pools in soil
Soil carbon
Soil inorganic Carbon (SIC)Soil organic Carbon (SOC)
SolidDissolved Dissolved
Contained in clay
& fine silt
Physical Chemical
Contained In
coarse silt & sand
Contained within clay & fine silt
Leached into
ground water
Silicate: net
no net
(SOC protection mechanisms)
0.01-1.0 Mg C ha-1y-1
0.5-75 kg C ha-1y-1 0.1-0.4 Mg C ha-1y-1
Role of SOC pools in relation to soil health
Effects of SOC C pools
Chemical fertility Microbial decomposition of SOC releases
nitrogen, phosphorus and a range of other
nutrients for use by plant roots.
Provides available
nutrients to plants
Physical fertility
Microbial decomposed product (resins, gums,
polysaccharides etc.) that help bind soil
particles together into stable aggregates &
improved soil structure.
Improves soil
structure and
water holding
Biological fertility
Organic carbon is a food source for soil
organisms and micro-organisms.Provides food for
soil organisms
Buffers toxic
elements and
SOC can lessen the effect of harmful
substances such as toxins and heavy metals by
sorption, and assist degradation of harmful
How much carbon can soil store?
The amount of organic carbon stored is the difference
between all OC inputs and losses from the soil due to
different factors as below
However, without continual inputs of OC, stored OC
decreases gradually due to microbial decomposition
Soil OC Inputs Soil OC Losses
Cinput = Coutput………………Steady state condition
Cinput < Coutput……………....Depletion
Cinput > Coutput……………....Sequestration
Plant materials (crop residues,
plant roots, root exudates)
and animal manure
decomposition by microorganisms,
erosion of surface soil and off take
in plant and animal
SOC pool
1550 Gt
over the
C added in
above ground
residues, and
roots biomas
in aquatic
and burial in
depressional sites
2-20% of
the C
Leaching of
*DOC= dissolved organic carbon
0.8 - 1.2 Gt
0.4 - 0.6 Gt
Fig. 9: Processes affecting SOC dynamics
Source: Lal (2004)19
solar rediation)
Plant productivity,
rotation strategy,
residue management
soil management
Major factors that determines storage of carbon in soil
Soil type
(Clay Content,
Bulk density,
Optimize water and
nutrient use efficiency
Add external
sources of carbon
SOC actual SOC attainable SOC potential
Organic carbon storage in soil
Ingram and Fernandes (2001)
Soil carbon density
(kg m-2) designated by
different colour in the
map (1 m depth)
Status of soil organic carbon stock in India
Soil Organic Carbon
stock in Indian soil
22.72±0.93 Gt
Sreenivas et al.( 2016)21
Status of soil inorganic carbon stock in India
Soil Inorganic Carbon
12.83±1.35 Gt
Soil carbon density
(kg m-2) designated by
different colour in the
map (1 m depth)
Total Carbon stock
of Indian Soils
=35.55 ±1.87Gt
Sreenivas et al. (2016)22
Table: Soil carbon stock in different bio-climatic system in India
SOC Stock
SIC Stock
Stock (Pg)
Arid cold 15.2 0.6 0.7 1.3
Arid hot 36.8 0.4 1.0 1.4
Semi-arid 116.4 2.9 1.9 4.8
Sub-humid 105 2.5 0.3 2.8
Humid to
per humid
34.9 2.1 0.04 2.14
Coastal 20.4 1.3 0.07 1.37
Range in rainfall;
arid= <550 mm; semi-arid= 550-1000mm;
sub-humid= 1000-1500 mm; humid to per humid= 1200-3200 mm
Bhattacharya et al. (2008)
SOC content
(g kg-1 )
(g kg-1 )
1. Northwest India
Indo-Gangetic plains
Northwest Himalaya
4.2± 0.9
24.3 ± 8.7
10.4± 3.6
34.5 ± 11.6
2. Northeast India 23.2 ± 10.4 38.3± 23.3 39.4
3. Southeast India 29.6± 30.1 43.7 ± 23.4 32.3
4. West coast 13.2 ± 8.1 18.6 ± 2.1 29.1
5. Deccan plateau 7.7 ± 4.1 17.9 ± 7.6 57.0
Depletion of SOC concentration of cultivated compared
with that in Undisturbed soils
Source:Swarup et al. (2000)
Causes of depletion of organic carbon pool in soils of
Faulty Soil and crop management practices
Jhum (shifting) cultivation
SOC pool in traditional jhum cultivation (30 cm depth) was
21 t ha-1, whereas SOC pool under best management
practices (6 years ) was 30-40 t ha-1 (Lenka et al., 2012)
Conversion of natural to agricultural ecosystems
Climatic factors- Temperature, Precipitation
Distribution of organic and inorganic Carbon in relation to
rainfall and temperature in India
• Srinivasarao et al., 2009a).
Srinivasarao et al. (2009)
Fig.10.a:(A) Soil carbon stocks in rainfed production systems in relation to
rainfall and
(B)relationship between mean annual rainfall (mm) and soil
organic carbon in surface layer (0–15 cm) under rainfed conditions
Fig. 10. b: Relationship between
(A) mean annual C inputs and mean C depletion rate (top left),
(B) mean annual rainfall and mean C depletion rate (top right), and
(C) critical C input requirement and mean temperature in seven long-term
experiments in diverse rainfed regions of India.
Impact of soil organic carbon depletion
The loss of soil fertility and agricultural production
Negative nutrient /elemental balance, negative water balance
Reduction in soil biodiversity
Further accentuates the depletion of SOC
Increased greenhouse gas emissions and accelerated climate
‘Soils means nothing without carbon for crop production’
 Most soils in agricultural ecosystems have lost soil C ranging from 30 to
60 t C ha-1 with the magnitude of 50 to 75% loss (Lal, 2004)
Soil organic carbon sequestration is the process by which carbon is
fixed from the atmosphere via plants or organic residues and stored
in the soil. When dealing with CO2, SOC sequestration involves
three stages:
1) the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere via plant photosynthesis;
2) the transfer of carbon from CO2 to plant biomass; and
3) the transfer of carbon from plant biomass to the soil where it is store.
 Mechanism of stabilization of newly
added SOC (Kane, 2015)
 Physically, inside soil micro- and macro
aggregates where it is inaccessible to
soil organisms.
 Chemically, strongly adsorbed to clays
via chemical bonds which prevents the
consumption of carbon by organisms.
 Biochemically, re-synthesized into
complex molecule structures that may
hinder decomposition. 29
Carbon Sequestration potential in soils of India
(Tg C/ y)
A. Soil organic carbon (SOC)
-Restoration of degraded soils 7.2-9.8
-Agricultural intensification on un-degraded soils 5.5-6.7
B. Sequestration of secondary carbonates 21.8-25.6
C. Erosion control 4.8-7.2
Total 39.3-49.3
Source: Lal ( 2015)
Degradation process
(M ha-1)
SOC sequestration
(kg C ha-1 yr-1 )
Total SOC
(Tg C yr-1)
Water erosion 32.8 80-120 2.63-3.94
Wind erosion 10.8 40-60 0.43-0.65
Soil fertility decline 29.4 120-150 3.53-4.41
Water logging 3.1 40-60 0.12-0.19
Salinization 4.1 120-150 0.49-0.62
lowering of watertable 0.2 40-60 0.01-0.012
Total 7.2-9.82
Soil organic carbon sequestration through restoration
of degraded soils
The global technical potential of terrestrial C sequestration is some 333 Pg C (367.1 ×
109 tn C) by the end of the twenty-first century, equivalent to atmospheric CO2
drawdown of 156 ppm..
Source: Lal (2015)31
Strategies of SOC sequestration
Restoration of soil degraded by
Adoption of RMPs on agricultural
and forest soils
Salinization and
Pollution and
Nutrient depletion
Acidification and
Crusting and
structural decline
Precision farming and
Diverse crop rotations,
Integrated pest
management (IPM)
No-till farming with
residue mulch and
cover crops
Integrated nutrient
management (INM)
Converting surplus agricultural land for nature
conservancy & environmental improvements 32
1. Converting degraded lands to perennial vegetation
Principal options to achieve these
• The rate of soil C sequestration is 300–350 kg/ha/yr through
conversion to a perennial land use (Post and Kwon 2000).
2. Increasing net primary productivity (NPP) of agricultural
GPP = Gross Primary Productivity
(for a given length of time, the total rate of carbon captured and stored by
ecosystem as plant biomass )
RES = Plant Respiration,
NPP = Net Primary Productivity (the amount of carbon uptake after subtracting RES).
3. Converting plow tillage to no-till farming
 Increases SOC pool, especially in the surface layer.
 More effective in C sequestration in lighter textured soils
Conversion from plow
tillage to no-till
400–600 kg ha-1 yr-1 West and Post (2002)
Intensification of
agricultural ecosystems
100–200 kg ha-1 yr-1 Lal et al. (1998)
Table 1: The global mean rate of SOC sequestration
Technological options to create a positive soil C budget
Research reviews on
1. Relation of SOC with soil properties
 Physical
 Chemical
 Biological
2. Management of carbon stock in soil through
Conservation Agriculture
 Crop management
 Conservation tillage
 Residue management
Integrated nutrient management
Organic amendments
Agroforestry 36
Fig: Dark colored topsoil showing
high levels of SOC due to
abundant plant roots and their
associated soil fauna and
microbes in a cultivated soil..
Fig: Soil in a long-term experiment
appears red when depleted of
carbon (left) and dark brown
when carbon content is high
Lal (2003)
Fig.Relationship between soil organic carbon and water stable macro-
aggregates under Influence of rice straw and farm yard manure (FYM)
application. ( Data pooled for treatments and the three soil depths.)
Benbi and Senapati (2009)PAU, punjab 38
Fig. 5. Correlation of SOC concentration with physico-chemical properties
Brar and Singh (2014)Ludhiana
Fig. Inter-correlation between bacterial abundance and particulate organic
carbon as well as soil microbial activity
Gowda et al. (2017)Karnataka
Management of Carbon Stock in Soil
Crop management
Cropping systems Organic C
Soil organic carbon
stock (t ha-1)
Rice-wheat-fallow 0.58 12.992
Rice-wheat-fodder (maize + cowpea) 0.61 13.664
Rice-wheat-green gram 0.68 15.232
Rice- mustard-fallow 0.56 12.544
Rice-mustard-fodder(maize + cowpea) 0.60 13.44
Rice-mustard-green gram 0.65 14.56
Uncultivated soil 0.51 11.424
Initial SOC status 0.52 11.648
LSD (P=0.05) 0.05 1.12
Sharma and Bali (2000)Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir
Table 5: Soil organic carbon status under different cropping
systems (after 6 years) at 0-15 cm depth
Table: Soil carbon sequestration rate by different cropping system
in Vertisol of India (0-30 cm depth)
Mg ha-1
kg ha-1 y-1
Paddy-Wheat 1982-2002 19.8 22.5 135
Maharashtra Citrus 1982-2002 22.0 36.9 745
Greengram +
Pigeon pea
17.3 35.0 885
1978-2002 27.3 31.9 209
Karnataka Paddy- paddy 1974-2002 18.61 43.6 861
Manna and Subha Rao
Table 7: Effect of long term (after seven years) diversified crop
rotation on soil organic carbon pool in different soil layers.
Treatment SOC stock (t ha-1)
0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-45 cm
Initial value 4.40 4.21 3.70
Cropping systems
Maize-Wheat-Mungbean 6.33a 5.53a 4.32a
Maize-Chickpea-Sesbania 6.56a 5.66a 4.41a
5.45b 4.56c 4.07a
Maize-Maize-Sesbania 5.51b 5.13b 4.12a
Parihar et al. (2016)IARI, New Delhi
Same letters within each column indicate no significant difference among the
treatments (at P < 0.05) following LSD test
Soil type: Sandy loam
T1 - Sunnhemp - Rice - Blackgram ,
T2 - Sunnhemp - Rice – Sesame,
T3 - Sunnhemp - Rice + Daincha - Maize + Green gram
T4 - Sunnhemp - Rice + Daincha - Bhendi ,
T5 - Sunnhemp - Rice + Daincha – Ragi,
T6 - Sunnhemp - Rice + Daincha – Varagu,
T7 - Sunnhemp - Rice + Daincha - Fodder Cowpea
Fig 2: Influences of different cropping sequences on Carbon sequestration
Yazhini et al. (2019)TNAU, Coimbatore
Minimum soil disturbance
Conservation tillage & crop residue management
Conventional agricultural practices such as ploughing, removal of crop residues
accelerated soil erosion which are mainly responsible for low SOC in cultivated soils.
Soil erosion alone leads to a soil C loss of 4.3 to 7.3 Tg C/ y. (Lal, 2004) 47
Total SOC stock
(Mg C ha-1)
0-5 cm 5-15 cm
CT-CT (year-round conventional Tillage) 7.93b 14.66a
CT-NT (CT in the Rabi season and NT in the Kharif) 8.82ab 15.05a
NT-CT (NT in the Rabi season and CT in the Kharif) 9.03a 14.99a
NT-NT (year-round no tillage) 9.43a 15.38a
Table 1. Impacts of tillage practices on total soil organic carbon (SOC)
stock after 6 yr of rainfed cropping at the 0- to 15-cm soil layer in
the Indian Himalayas
Bhattacharyya et al. (2013)IARI, New Delhi
Total SOC stock
(0-30 cm depth)
(t ha-1)0-5 cm 5-15 cm 15-30 cm
Conventional tillage 0.98 0.76 0.57 28.2
Zero tillage 1.19 0.89 0.55 30.8
LSD (P=0.05) 0.16 0.11 NS 1.8
Nutrient management
NPK 0.97 0.69 0.54 26.7
NPK + FYM (5 t ha-1) 1.11 0.87 0.55 29.9
NPK + Wheat residues(5 t ha-1) 1.13 0.80 0.57 29.7
FYM (5 t ha-1) 1.10 0.89 0.56 30.3
Wheat residues(5 t ha-1) 1.12 0.89 0.58 31.0
LSD (P=0.05) 0.12 0.14 NS 1.6
Table 9: Effect of tillage systems and nutrient management options
on SOC content and SOC stock in top 30 cm soil
Hati et al. (2015)IISS, Bhopal Soil type : Clay
Table 10: Effect of long term (after seven years) tillage practices
on soil organic carbon pool in different soil layers.
Treatment SOC stock (t ha-1)
0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-45 cm
Initial value 4.40 4.21 3.70
Permanent raised bed 6.54a 5.53a 4.27a
Zero tillage 6.51a 5.66a 4.34a
Conventional tillage 4.83b 4.47b 4.09a
Parihar et al.(2016)IARI, New Delhi
Within column, value represents with different letter indicates significant
difference (P = 0.05).
Soil type: Sandy loam
Tillage treatment
SOC stock (t ha-1)
0-15 cm 15-30
Conventional tillage 0.26c 6.20c 6.16d 6.28c
Reduced tillage 0.34b 7.85b 7.91c 7.85b
Zero tillage 0.39a 8.89a 8.78a 8.72a
Furrow irrigated
raised bed
0.36b 8.21b 8.21b 8.26a
Table 11: Effect of various tillage methods in mustard based cropping
systems on soil organic carbon content and SOC stock after 4
years (2009-2012)
Initial soil organic carbon: 0.26 %; Within column, value represents with different letter
indicate significant difference (P = 0.05).
Shekhawat et al.(2016)Bharatpur, Rajasthan Soil type: Clay loam 51
Total SOC pool
(Mg ha-1)
0-30 cm
(0-30 cm)
(Mg ha-1)
Conventional tillage 28.84c -
Permanent narrow bed 31.38b 2.54c
Permanent narrow bed with residue 33.80ab 4.96ab
Permanent broad bed 33.51ab 4.67ab
Permanent broad bed with residue 34.43a 5.59a
Zero tillage with residue 34.23a 5.39a
zero tillage 33.19ab 4.35b
Table: Impacts of conservation agriculture on total soil organic pool
and C-sequestration potential in a maize-wheat system (after 3 yrs)
Das et al. (2018)IARI, New Delhi 52
Integrated Nutrient Management
Table: SOC and carbon sequestration under different fertilization
in long- term mono cropping of groundnut
0-20 cm soil depth
(Mg ha-1 )
(Mg C ha-1 )
(Mg C ha-1 yr-1 )
Control 32.2 d -3.57 d -0.18 d
100% NPK 36.2 c 0.43 c 0.02 c
50% NPK+ 4 Mg ha-1 GNS
(Groundnut Shell)
47.2 a 11.43 a 0.57 a
50% NPK+ 4 Mg ha-1 FYM 45.9 a 10.13 a 0.51 a
5 Mg ha-1 FYM 42.4 b 6.63 b 0.33 b
Hyderabad, Sandy loam, pH= 6.1 Srinivasarao et al. (2012)
100% NPK=N: P2O5: K2O- 20: 40:40kg ha-1)
Figure :Profile SOC and mean C sequestration rate as affected by 22 years
of sorghum cropping with differential manuring and fertilization
Srinivasarao et al. (2012)AICRPDA, Solapur, Maharashtra
Leu- Leucaena (23.2 g kg-1 N, C:N : 59.1:1
CR- Sorghum Crop residue (4.9 g kg-1 N ,C:N : 89:1)
FYM (5.6 g kg-1 N, C:N : 11.2:1)
Walkley Black
(g kg-1)
KMnO4- -
oxidizable labile
C (mg kg-1)
biomass C
(mg kg-1)
T1 : Control 3.09 3.10 510 519 220 216
T2 : 100% NPK 3.15 3.38 531 537 248 237
T3 : Vermicompost @ 5mg ha-1
3.50 3.75 555 859 250 242
T4 : NADEP compost @ 5mg ha-1
3.35 3.56 534 779 255 238
T5 : FYM @ 5mg ha-1
3.37 3.70 556 815 264 238
T6 : 50 % NPK + Vermicompost @ 5mg ha-1
4.03 4.10 628 931 281 259
T7 : 50 % NPK + NADEP compost @ 5mg ha-1
3.96 4.03 573 832 260 246
T8 : 50 % NPK + FYM @ 5mg ha-1
3.91 4.05 592 877 274 244
CD (p= 0.05) 0.09 0.10 60 51 14.7 10.2
Initial 3.30 520 248
Table: Changes in carbon pools in soil after maize and wheat as affected by
value-added manures and chemical fertilizers in a maize-wheat
cropping system
IARI, New Delhi Basak et al. (2012)Sandy loam, pH-7.6
Recommended Dose of N: P2O5: K2O- 120: 60: 60 kg ha-1)
0-15 cm soil depth
(g kg-1 )
(Mg C ha-1 )
(Mg C ha-1 yr-1 )
Control 3.26 d 1.94 c 0.22 c
100 % N 3.53c 2.18 c 0.24 c
100% NP 3.69 c 2.16 c 0.24 c
100% NPK 4.11 b 3.30 b 0.37 b
100 % NPK+ FYM 4.55 a 4.10 a 0.46 a
Ludhiana Brar et al. (2013)
Table: Effect of manure and inorganic fertilizers on carbon
sequestration under rice- wheat cropping system
Loamy sand, pH=8.3
100% NPK (120:60:40 kg N: P2O5: K2O ha-1 )
Treatment Soil organic
(g kg-1)
Total soil
stock (t ha-1)
(t ha-1 year-1)
T1- Dhaincha@ 25 kg seed/ha 7.84 34.16 1.98
T2- T1+ FYM 5t/ha (basal) 9.32 41.34 3.17
T3- T1+ Vermicompost 2t/ha (basal) 11.25 44.30 3.67
T4- T1+ Vermicompost 2t/ha (split) 11.43 45.81 3.92
T5- T1+ FYM 5t/ha + Vermicompost
2t/ha (split)
11.50 46.29 4.00
T6- T1+ FYM 5t/ha + Vermicompost
2t/ha (basal)
10.52 43.32 3.50
T7- T1+ FYM 5t/ha + Panchgavya 10.24 42.62 3.35
CD (P=0.05) 1.58 3.86 0.81
Pradhan et al.(2015)Bhubaneswar (Odissa)
Initial status of SOC- 5.2 g/kg, pH- 6.0
Table 17: Effect of organic nutrient management on soil organic carbon
stock and carbon sequestration rate under rice-rice cropping
Total SOC content
(Mg ha-1)
0-90 cm soil layer
(kg C ha-1 yr-1)
SOC content
(Mg ha-1)
( kg C ha-1yr-1)
Control 31.00d - 21.89c -
N 36.30d 120.48e 23.74bc 42.1d
PK 42.15c 254.46d 25.32b 78.1c
100 % NPK 54.27b 528.90c 29.17a 165.6c
150% NPK 60.77a 676.70b 30.55a 196.9b
NPK+ FYM 63.80a 745.45a 31.73a 223.7a
Table: Total SOC accumulation and sequestration rate as affected by
44 years long-term fertilization under wheat based cropping
Treatment details:
100% NPK (120:60:40 kg N: P2O5: K2O ha-1)
150% NPK: (180:90:60 kg N: P2O5: K2O ha-1)
NP: (100% NP)
N (100% N)
NPK+ FYM: ( 100% NPK & FYM @ 5 Mg ha-1)
IARI, New Delhi Ghosh et al. (2018)59
Organic amendments
Table12:Long term (2007-2013) effect of different nutrient
amendments on soil organic carbon (0-20 cm)
Anand et al. (2015)Bhavnagar, Gujarat
Organic amendment SOC %
SOC stock
(t ha
Jatropha press cake @4 t ha
2.32b 55.68 b
Farmyard manure @ 20 t ha
3.04a 72.96a
Initial value 0.71 17.04
*Within column, value represents with different letter indicate significant
difference (P = 0.05)
* An experiment was designed on degraded wastelands
Soil type: loamy
Table: Effect of different biochar on total soil carbon at the end of one
year of carbon mineralization
Purakayastha et al . (2015)New Delhi
Agroforestry system recognized as a carbon sequestration strategy
because of its applicability in agricultural lands as well as in
reforestation program which offers the highest potential for carbon
sequestration .
Direct role: Carbon sequestration rate ranging from 0.3 to 15.2 Mg
C /ha/yr ( Nair et al. 2011)
Indirect role: It helps to reduce pressure on natural forests
Wheat in Agro-forestryPotato in Agro-forestry
Table: Total soil organic pool (Mg ha-1) affected by poplar
(Poplulus deltoides) based agro-forestry
Ludhiana Gupta et al. (2009)
Land use
0-15 cm soil layer
Tree age (years)
One Three Six
Agroforestry 12.4 14.6 15.8
Sole crop
9.0 9.6 9.2
LSD (0.05) 1.6 1.1 0.9
15-30 cm soil layer
Agroforestry 10.8 11.3 13.3
Sole crop
8.10 8.32 8.10
LSD (0.05) 1.1 0.9 0.7
Sandy loam, pH= 7.9
Table 1. Biomass (Mg ha-1) and carbon stock (Mg ha-1) in selected
land-use systems in Kachchh
Tree species
Acacia 12.78 2.52 15.30 5.03 0.98 6.02
Neem 7.79 1.85 9.64 2.92 0.71 3.64
CC 6.26 4.70 10.96 2.44 1.82 4.26
CS 2.78 1.75 4.53 1.04 0.71 1.74
Acacia+ CC 12.93 4.49 17.41 5.08 1.75 6.82
Acacia+ CS 12.55 3.14 15.69 4.91 1.24 6.15
Neem+ CC 9.60 3.79 13.39 3.53 1.39 4.91
Neem+ CS 9.35 3.12 12.48 3.65 1.22 4.87
LSD 5% 2.30 0.82 2.99 0.92 0.33 1.18
Mangalassery et al. (2014)
CC-Cenchrus ciliaris , CS- Cenchrus setegerus)
Bhuj, Gujarat
Table 15.Organic carbon in soil after six years of plantation with
different land use options
Organic carbon
0-15 cm 15-30 cm
Sole cropping 4.2 3.7
Agro-forestry 7.1 7.3
Agro-horticulture 7.3 7.4
Agro-silviculture 3.8 5.6
Manna et al. (2015)IISS, Bhopal
Table: Tree biomass, soil organic carbon and total carbon density
under different MPTs after 30 years of plantation in
North Gujarat
Treatments Soil organic
Mg ha-1
Mg ha-1yr-1
(Azadirachta indica)
39.85 447 50
(Prosopis cineraria)
30.13 484 55
Gando baval
(Prosopis juliflera)
27.84 765 68
Israel babool
(Acacia tortolis)
39.09 594 67
Patel and Shakhela (2016)S. K. Nagar, Gujarat Sandy loam
Agro forestry System Total CO2
(Mg ha-1 )
CO2 sequestration
(Mg ha-1 yr-1)
Ardusa+ Greengram
(Age 7 yrs)
160.70 22.95
Simarouba + Mustrad
(Age 5 yrs)
85.27 17.05
Custard apple + Fodder
(Age 4 yrs)
8.80 1.76
Average of four tree species
(Age 30 yrs)
(Block plantation)
1811.00 60.36
Average of thirteen MPTs
(Age 20 yrs)
(Boundary Plantation)
9.03- 758.44 0.45- 37.92
Table: CO2 sequestration in different agroforestry system in arid
and semi- arid conditions of North Gujarat
S. K. Nagar, Gujarat Anonymous, (2017)
• Restoration of SOC to threshold levels of at least 11 to 15 g kg-1 (1.1%–
1.5% by weight) within the root zone is critical to reducing soil and
environmental degradation risks.
• Adoption of RMPs for management of SOC is critical to enhance and
maintain soil health.
• Conservation agriculture practices (reduced tillage , crop cover, crop
residue managents) with minimum soil disturbance promote buildup of
• Soils under diverse cropping system and incorporation of legumes in crop
rotation (greengram, cow-pea etc) or as green manure ( sunnhemp, dhaincha
etc) have significant role in improvement in SOC stock.
• Combined use of NPK+ FYM showed increase in SOC content compared to
NPK or FYM alone which was about 25-38 per cent more C than in control.
• Conversion of organic residues to biochar could be a viable technology for
long-term deposition of C and climate change mitigation strategy.
• Agroforestry system like agri-slivi-culture, slivipasture, agri- horticulture
offer both adaptation and mitigation opportunities for climate change besides
contribution to SOC. 69
Incentivization is needed to motivate small land holders toward
adoption of RMPs.
Relevant policy interventions are needed to achieve the following:
 Improving soil quality through enhancing C sequestration for food
security and climate change adaptation and mitigation..
 Implementing suitable policy supports (e.g., nutrient-based subsidy
or NBS) for ensuring balanced use of fertilizers,
 Subsidy on use of organic manures,
 Adequate extension support for increasing awareness among the
farmers about the need for soil quality management and C
sequestration, campaign against residue burning, and
 Encouraging the farmers to retain the CRs that do not have any
alternate uses, better mechanization for spreading the residues, etc.
Soil Health
Neem Coated
Government policies and programmes contributes to soil
carbon sequestration in India
The GSOCmap
provides users with
very useful
information to
monitor the soil
condition, identify
degraded areas, set
restoration targets,
explore SOC
potentials, support the
GHGs emission
reporting under the
UNFCCC and make
evidence based
decisions to mitigate
and adapt to a
changing climate.
The GSOCmap represents the first ever global soil organic carbon assessment
produced through a participatory approach in which countries developed their
capacities and stepped up efforts to compile all the available soil information at
national level.
• Establishing new and continuation of the existing long-term (>10
years)field experiments to quantify the influence of RMPs on the
soil C sequestration in diverse ecosystems and crop production
systems, GHG emissions, and ecosystem services.
• Quantifying soil C sequestration potential for diverse land use and
management scenarios at regional and national levels.
• Providing research information on soil C sequestration and the
corresponding rates under “on-farm” conditions for recommended
land use and management practices.
• Developing the cost-effective, credible, transparent, and simple
methods of measuring the rate of soil C sequestration.
• Efforts are needed to create large-scale awareness against burning
of crop residues.

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soil organic carbon- a key for sustainable soil quality under scenario of climate change

  • 1. By: Bornali Borah Ph.D. Scholar Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry Anand Agricultural University, Gujarat Soil organic carbon – A key for sustainable soil quality under scenario of climate change 1
  • 2. Contents Introduction Impact of climate change on soil degradation Role of SOC on soil health and quality Management strategies to enhance carbon stock in soil Review of literature Conclusion Future line of work
  • 3. Introduction Priority action must be there to ensure that soils will cope worldwide with these multiple and increasing demands • is a key life supporting systemSoil • SOUL OF SOILSoil organic carbon • Intense rainfall and concurrent rise in temperature with climate change Tropical climate of India • soil health degradation Depletion of soil organic carbon • Declining soil’s response to fertilizers, • Widespread deficiencies of secondary & micronutrients Slowdown agricultural productivity • Adoption of appropriate Management practices -essential prerequisite Tropical regions low C-sequestration rate • A win –win option to “produce more from less”Soil C sequestration 1
  • 4. 4 Fig.1: Contribution of SOC to the sustainable development goals Maintaining SOC storage at an equilibrium or increasing SOC content towards the optimal level for the local environment can contribute to achieving the SDGs. (FAO,2017)
  • 5. Static or Inherent soil properties  Mineral composition  Soil texture  Soil depth Dynamic soil properties  SOM  Microbial biomass and diversity  Soil respiration  C and N mineralization Soil quality is defined as the “fitness for use” and “capacity of the soil to function” (Karlen et al. 1997). Whereas, soil health presents the soil as a finite and dynamic living soil resource, and is directly related to plant health.  More specifically, soil health is defined as “capacity of soil to function as a vital living system to sustain biological productivity, maintain environment quality and promote plant, animal and human health” (Doran and Zeiss 2000) Soil Quality & Soil Health 5
  • 6. Fig. 1. Soil attributes as indicators of soil health (AWC = available water capacity; SOC = soil organic carbon; CEC = cation exchange capacity; EC = electrical conductivity; MBC = microbial biomass; MRT = mean residence time). Source: Lal (2016)6
  • 7. Soil degradation  Soil degradation, characterized by decline in quality and decrease in ecosystem goods and services, is a major constraint to achieving the required increase in agricultural production.  Predominant reasons of degradation of soil quality includes: i) Erosion of topsoil and the SOC stock which decline soil fertility ii) Intensive deep and inversion tillage which leads to Rapid decomposition of crop residues, further accentuated by high temperature Disruption of stable soil aggregates and increasing oxidation of entrapped SOC Loss of microbial diversity of soil.  Severe decline of SOC (0.1%) is the primary process causes Secondary degradation (decline in soil aggregation & poor soil tilth) which leads to Tertiary degradation (decline in soil structure, water imbalances, loss of soil biodiversity and emission of GHGs) 7
  • 8. Fig. 2: Processes, factors and causes of soil degradation 8
  • 9. Fig. 3: Degradation of soil quality in relation to climate change 9
  • 10. Fig 4:Spatial extrapolation of the temperature vulnerability of soil C stocks. a. Map of predicted changes in soil C stocks per pixel by 2050 under the ‘no acclimatization’ scenario b. Total reductions in the global C pool under 1 °C and 2 °C global average soil surface warming by 2050, as expected under a full range of different soil C effect-time scenarios (x axis) Crowther et al. (2017)10
  • 11. Fig. 5: Schematic diagram of dryland expansion due to climate change and decrease in SOC. Predictions include a growth in the land mass of dryland ecosystem by 11 to 23% before the year 2100 Source: Huang et al. (2015)11
  • 12. Depletion of Organic C pool in soils Physical degradation Chemical degradation Biological degradation Ecological degradation Fig. 6:Interrelation of Soil degradation and depletion of organic carbon pools in soil Emission of GHGs Physico- chemical degradation Bio-chemical degradation Build up of soil pest and pathogens
  • 13. Fig. 7: Sources and sinks of carbon from different pools under terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Source: Mehra et al. (2018)
  • 14. Soil Organic Carbon – A key indicator of Soil health 14
  • 15. Soil carbon SOIL ORGANIC CARBON (SOC)  Derived from the remains of plants and animals  more reactive  highly dynamic and a strong determinant of soil quality (Chemical, physical and biological) SOIL INORGANIC CARBON (SIC)  Derived from the parent material  elemental C and carbonate minerals (e.g. calcite, dolomite, aragonite and siderite). 15
  • 16. Fig. 8. Types of organic and inorganic carbon pools in soil Soil carbon Soil inorganic Carbon (SIC)Soil organic Carbon (SOC) SolidDissolved Dissolved (bicarbonates) Solid (carbonates) Unprotected SOC Protected SOC Contained in clay & fine silt Physical Chemical Contained In coarse silt & sand EcologicalBiological Contained within clay & fine silt fractions Leached into shallow ground water Silicate: net sequestration Calcite: no net sequestration Pedogenic (secondary) Lithogenic (primary) Ex-situ (less common) In-situ (more common) (SOC protection mechanisms) 0.01-1.0 Mg C ha-1y-1 0.5-75 kg C ha-1y-1 0.1-0.4 Mg C ha-1y-1 16
  • 17. Role of SOC pools in relation to soil health Effects of SOC C pools Chemical fertility Microbial decomposition of SOC releases nitrogen, phosphorus and a range of other nutrients for use by plant roots. Labile & slow Provides available nutrients to plants Physical fertility Microbial decomposed product (resins, gums, polysaccharides etc.) that help bind soil particles together into stable aggregates & improved soil structure. Improves soil structure and water holding capacity Biological fertility Organic carbon is a food source for soil organisms and micro-organisms.Provides food for soil organisms Buffers toxic elements and harmful substances SOC can lessen the effect of harmful substances such as toxins and heavy metals by sorption, and assist degradation of harmful pesticides Slow and recalcitrant 17
  • 18. How much carbon can soil store? The amount of organic carbon stored is the difference between all OC inputs and losses from the soil due to different factors as below However, without continual inputs of OC, stored OC decreases gradually due to microbial decomposition Soil OC Inputs Soil OC Losses Cinput = Coutput………………Steady state condition Cinput < Coutput……………....Depletion Cinput > Coutput……………....Sequestration Plant materials (crop residues, plant roots, root exudates) and animal manure decomposition by microorganisms, erosion of surface soil and off take in plant and animal 18
  • 19. SOC pool 1550 Gt Erosion Redistribution over the landscape C added in above ground residues, and roots biomas Aquatic systems Deposition in aquatic ecosystems and burial in depressional sites CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 Humification 2-20% of the C added Particle detachment Trans- location Leaching of DOC *DOC= dissolved organic carbon 0.8 - 1.2 Gt 0.4 - 0.6 Gt Fig. 9: Processes affecting SOC dynamics Source: Lal (2004)19
  • 20. POTENTIAL OC ATTAINABLE OC ACTUAL OC Climate (Rainfall, temperature, solar rediation) Plant productivity, rotation strategy, residue management soil management Major factors that determines storage of carbon in soil Soil type (Clay Content, Depth, Bulk density, mineralogy) Defining factor Limiting factor Reducing factors Optimize water and nutrient use efficiency Add external sources of carbon SOC actual SOC attainable SOC potential Organic carbon storage in soil Soilcarbonsequestration Ingram and Fernandes (2001)
  • 21. Soil carbon density (kg m-2) designated by different colour in the map (1 m depth) Status of soil organic carbon stock in India Soil Organic Carbon stock in Indian soil 22.72±0.93 Gt Sreenivas et al.( 2016)21
  • 22. Status of soil inorganic carbon stock in India Soil Inorganic Carbon stock 12.83±1.35 Gt Soil carbon density (kg m-2) designated by different colour in the map (1 m depth) Total Carbon stock of Indian Soils =35.55 ±1.87Gt Sreenivas et al. (2016)22
  • 23. Table: Soil carbon stock in different bio-climatic system in India 23 Bio-climatic System Coverage (Mha) SOC Stock (Pg) SIC Stock (Pg) Total Carbon Stock (Pg) Arid cold 15.2 0.6 0.7 1.3 Arid hot 36.8 0.4 1.0 1.4 Semi-arid 116.4 2.9 1.9 4.8 Sub-humid 105 2.5 0.3 2.8 Humid to per humid 34.9 2.1 0.04 2.14 Coastal 20.4 1.3 0.07 1.37 Range in rainfall; arid= <550 mm; semi-arid= 550-1000mm; sub-humid= 1000-1500 mm; humid to per humid= 1200-3200 mm Bhattacharya et al. (2008)
  • 24. Region SOC content Percent reduction Cultivated (g kg-1 ) Native (g kg-1 ) 1. Northwest India Indo-Gangetic plains Northwest Himalaya 4.2± 0.9 24.3 ± 8.7 10.4± 3.6 34.5 ± 11.6 59.6 29.6 2. Northeast India 23.2 ± 10.4 38.3± 23.3 39.4 3. Southeast India 29.6± 30.1 43.7 ± 23.4 32.3 4. West coast 13.2 ± 8.1 18.6 ± 2.1 29.1 5. Deccan plateau 7.7 ± 4.1 17.9 ± 7.6 57.0 Depletion of SOC concentration of cultivated compared with that in Undisturbed soils Source:Swarup et al. (2000) 24
  • 25. Causes of depletion of organic carbon pool in soils of India Faulty Soil and crop management practices Jhum (shifting) cultivation SOC pool in traditional jhum cultivation (30 cm depth) was 21 t ha-1, whereas SOC pool under best management practices (6 years ) was 30-40 t ha-1 (Lenka et al., 2012) Deforestation Conversion of natural to agricultural ecosystems Climatic factors- Temperature, Precipitation 25
  • 26. Distribution of organic and inorganic Carbon in relation to rainfall and temperature in India • Srinivasarao et al., 2009a). Srinivasarao et al. (2009) Fig.10.a:(A) Soil carbon stocks in rainfed production systems in relation to rainfall and (B)relationship between mean annual rainfall (mm) and soil organic carbon in surface layer (0–15 cm) under rainfed conditions 26
  • 27. Fig. 10. b: Relationship between (A) mean annual C inputs and mean C depletion rate (top left), (B) mean annual rainfall and mean C depletion rate (top right), and (C) critical C input requirement and mean temperature in seven long-term experiments in diverse rainfed regions of India. (Cont.) 27
  • 28. Impact of soil organic carbon depletion The loss of soil fertility and agricultural production Negative nutrient /elemental balance, negative water balance Reduction in soil biodiversity Further accentuates the depletion of SOC Increased greenhouse gas emissions and accelerated climate change ‘Soils means nothing without carbon for crop production’  Most soils in agricultural ecosystems have lost soil C ranging from 30 to 60 t C ha-1 with the magnitude of 50 to 75% loss (Lal, 2004) 28
  • 29. SOC SEQUESTRATION Soil organic carbon sequestration is the process by which carbon is fixed from the atmosphere via plants or organic residues and stored in the soil. When dealing with CO2, SOC sequestration involves three stages: 1) the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere via plant photosynthesis; 2) the transfer of carbon from CO2 to plant biomass; and 3) the transfer of carbon from plant biomass to the soil where it is store.  Mechanism of stabilization of newly added SOC (Kane, 2015)  Physically, inside soil micro- and macro aggregates where it is inaccessible to soil organisms.  Chemically, strongly adsorbed to clays via chemical bonds which prevents the consumption of carbon by organisms.  Biochemically, re-synthesized into complex molecule structures that may hinder decomposition. 29
  • 30. Carbon Sequestration potential in soils of India Process Carbon sequestration potential (Tg C/ y) A. Soil organic carbon (SOC) -Restoration of degraded soils 7.2-9.8 -Agricultural intensification on un-degraded soils 5.5-6.7 B. Sequestration of secondary carbonates 21.8-25.6 C. Erosion control 4.8-7.2 Total 39.3-49.3 Source: Lal ( 2015) 30
  • 31. Degradation process Area (M ha-1) SOC sequestration rate (kg C ha-1 yr-1 ) Total SOC sequestration potential (Tg C yr-1) Water erosion 32.8 80-120 2.63-3.94 Wind erosion 10.8 40-60 0.43-0.65 Soil fertility decline 29.4 120-150 3.53-4.41 Water logging 3.1 40-60 0.12-0.19 Salinization 4.1 120-150 0.49-0.62 lowering of watertable 0.2 40-60 0.01-0.012 Total 7.2-9.82 Soil organic carbon sequestration through restoration of degraded soils The global technical potential of terrestrial C sequestration is some 333 Pg C (367.1 × 109 tn C) by the end of the twenty-first century, equivalent to atmospheric CO2 drawdown of 156 ppm.. Source: Lal (2015)31
  • 32. Strategies of SOC sequestration Restoration of soil degraded by Adoption of RMPs on agricultural and forest soils Erosion Salinization and alkalinization Pollution and contamination Nutrient depletion Acidification and leaching Crusting and structural decline Precision farming and fertilization Diverse crop rotations, agroforestry Integrated pest management (IPM) No-till farming with residue mulch and cover crops Integrated nutrient management (INM) Restoringphysical,chemical& biologicalqualityofdegradedsoils Agriculturalintensificationtoincrease productivity Converting surplus agricultural land for nature conservancy & environmental improvements 32
  • 33. 1. Converting degraded lands to perennial vegetation Principal options to achieve these (Cont.) • The rate of soil C sequestration is 300–350 kg/ha/yr through conversion to a perennial land use (Post and Kwon 2000). 33
  • 34. 2. Increasing net primary productivity (NPP) of agricultural ecosystems Where, GPP = Gross Primary Productivity (for a given length of time, the total rate of carbon captured and stored by ecosystem as plant biomass ) RES = Plant Respiration, NPP = Net Primary Productivity (the amount of carbon uptake after subtracting RES). NPP = GPP – RES 3. Converting plow tillage to no-till farming  Increases SOC pool, especially in the surface layer.  More effective in C sequestration in lighter textured soils Conversion from plow tillage to no-till 400–600 kg ha-1 yr-1 West and Post (2002) Intensification of agricultural ecosystems 100–200 kg ha-1 yr-1 Lal et al. (1998) Table 1: The global mean rate of SOC sequestration 34
  • 35. Technological options to create a positive soil C budget 35
  • 36. Research reviews on 1. Relation of SOC with soil properties  Physical  Chemical  Biological 2. Management of carbon stock in soil through Conservation Agriculture  Crop management  Conservation tillage  Residue management Integrated nutrient management Organic amendments Agroforestry 36
  • 37. Fig: Dark colored topsoil showing high levels of SOC due to abundant plant roots and their associated soil fauna and microbes in a cultivated soil.. Fig: Soil in a long-term experiment appears red when depleted of carbon (left) and dark brown when carbon content is high (right) Lal (2003)
  • 38. Fig.Relationship between soil organic carbon and water stable macro- aggregates under Influence of rice straw and farm yard manure (FYM) application. ( Data pooled for treatments and the three soil depths.) Benbi and Senapati (2009)PAU, punjab 38
  • 39. Fig. 5. Correlation of SOC concentration with physico-chemical properties Brar and Singh (2014)Ludhiana
  • 40. Fig. Inter-correlation between bacterial abundance and particulate organic carbon as well as soil microbial activity Gowda et al. (2017)Karnataka 40
  • 41. Management of Carbon Stock in Soil 41
  • 43. Cropping systems Organic C (%) Soil organic carbon stock (t ha-1) Rice-wheat-fallow 0.58 12.992 Rice-wheat-fodder (maize + cowpea) 0.61 13.664 Rice-wheat-green gram 0.68 15.232 Rice- mustard-fallow 0.56 12.544 Rice-mustard-fodder(maize + cowpea) 0.60 13.44 Rice-mustard-green gram 0.65 14.56 Uncultivated soil 0.51 11.424 Initial SOC status 0.52 11.648 LSD (P=0.05) 0.05 1.12 Sharma and Bali (2000)Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir Table 5: Soil organic carbon status under different cropping systems (after 6 years) at 0-15 cm depth 43
  • 44. Table: Soil carbon sequestration rate by different cropping system in Vertisol of India (0-30 cm depth) Location (State) Cropping system Cropping period Initial SOC Mg ha-1 SOC Mg ha-1 C- sequestration kg ha-1 y-1 Madhya pradesh Paddy-Wheat 1982-2002 19.8 22.5 135 Maharashtra Citrus 1982-2002 22.0 36.9 745 Maharashtra Cotton/ Greengram + Pigeon pea 1982-2002 17.3 35.0 885 Gujarat Groundnut- wheat 1978-2002 27.3 31.9 209 Karnataka Paddy- paddy 1974-2002 18.61 43.6 861 44 Manna and Subha Rao (2012)
  • 45. Table 7: Effect of long term (after seven years) diversified crop rotation on soil organic carbon pool in different soil layers. Treatment SOC stock (t ha-1) 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-45 cm Initial value 4.40 4.21 3.70 Cropping systems Maize-Wheat-Mungbean 6.33a 5.53a 4.32a Maize-Chickpea-Sesbania 6.56a 5.66a 4.41a Maize-Mustard- Mungbean 5.45b 4.56c 4.07a Maize-Maize-Sesbania 5.51b 5.13b 4.12a Parihar et al. (2016)IARI, New Delhi Same letters within each column indicate no significant difference among the treatments (at P < 0.05) following LSD test Soil type: Sandy loam 45
  • 46. T1 - Sunnhemp - Rice - Blackgram , T2 - Sunnhemp - Rice – Sesame, T3 - Sunnhemp - Rice + Daincha - Maize + Green gram T4 - Sunnhemp - Rice + Daincha - Bhendi , T5 - Sunnhemp - Rice + Daincha – Ragi, T6 - Sunnhemp - Rice + Daincha – Varagu, T7 - Sunnhemp - Rice + Daincha - Fodder Cowpea Fig 2: Influences of different cropping sequences on Carbon sequestration Yazhini et al. (2019)TNAU, Coimbatore
  • 47. Minimum soil disturbance Conservation tillage & crop residue management Conventional agricultural practices such as ploughing, removal of crop residues accelerated soil erosion which are mainly responsible for low SOC in cultivated soils. Soil erosion alone leads to a soil C loss of 4.3 to 7.3 Tg C/ y. (Lal, 2004) 47
  • 48. Treatments Total SOC stock (Mg C ha-1) 0-5 cm 5-15 cm CT-CT (year-round conventional Tillage) 7.93b 14.66a CT-NT (CT in the Rabi season and NT in the Kharif) 8.82ab 15.05a NT-CT (NT in the Rabi season and CT in the Kharif) 9.03a 14.99a NT-NT (year-round no tillage) 9.43a 15.38a Table 1. Impacts of tillage practices on total soil organic carbon (SOC) stock after 6 yr of rainfed cropping at the 0- to 15-cm soil layer in the Indian Himalayas Bhattacharyya et al. (2013)IARI, New Delhi 48
  • 49. Treatment SOC (%) Total SOC stock (0-30 cm depth) (t ha-1)0-5 cm 5-15 cm 15-30 cm Tillage Conventional tillage 0.98 0.76 0.57 28.2 Zero tillage 1.19 0.89 0.55 30.8 LSD (P=0.05) 0.16 0.11 NS 1.8 Nutrient management NPK 0.97 0.69 0.54 26.7 NPK + FYM (5 t ha-1) 1.11 0.87 0.55 29.9 NPK + Wheat residues(5 t ha-1) 1.13 0.80 0.57 29.7 FYM (5 t ha-1) 1.10 0.89 0.56 30.3 Wheat residues(5 t ha-1) 1.12 0.89 0.58 31.0 LSD (P=0.05) 0.12 0.14 NS 1.6 Table 9: Effect of tillage systems and nutrient management options on SOC content and SOC stock in top 30 cm soil Hati et al. (2015)IISS, Bhopal Soil type : Clay 49
  • 50. Table 10: Effect of long term (after seven years) tillage practices on soil organic carbon pool in different soil layers. Treatment SOC stock (t ha-1) 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-45 cm Initial value 4.40 4.21 3.70 Tillage Permanent raised bed 6.54a 5.53a 4.27a Zero tillage 6.51a 5.66a 4.34a Conventional tillage 4.83b 4.47b 4.09a Parihar et al.(2016)IARI, New Delhi Within column, value represents with different letter indicates significant difference (P = 0.05). Soil type: Sandy loam 50
  • 51. Tillage treatment Mean SOC (%) SOC stock (t ha-1) 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-45 cm Conventional tillage 0.26c 6.20c 6.16d 6.28c Reduced tillage 0.34b 7.85b 7.91c 7.85b Zero tillage 0.39a 8.89a 8.78a 8.72a Furrow irrigated raised bed 0.36b 8.21b 8.21b 8.26a Table 11: Effect of various tillage methods in mustard based cropping systems on soil organic carbon content and SOC stock after 4 years (2009-2012) Initial soil organic carbon: 0.26 %; Within column, value represents with different letter indicate significant difference (P = 0.05). Shekhawat et al.(2016)Bharatpur, Rajasthan Soil type: Clay loam 51
  • 52. Treatments Total SOC pool (Mg ha-1) 0-30 cm C- sequestration potential (0-30 cm) (Mg ha-1) Conventional tillage 28.84c - Permanent narrow bed 31.38b 2.54c Permanent narrow bed with residue 33.80ab 4.96ab Permanent broad bed 33.51ab 4.67ab Permanent broad bed with residue 34.43a 5.59a Zero tillage with residue 34.23a 5.39a zero tillage 33.19ab 4.35b Table: Impacts of conservation agriculture on total soil organic pool and C-sequestration potential in a maize-wheat system (after 3 yrs) Das et al. (2018)IARI, New Delhi 52
  • 54. Table: SOC and carbon sequestration under different fertilization in long- term mono cropping of groundnut Treatments 0-20 cm soil depth SOC (Mg ha-1 ) Carbon sequestration (Mg C ha-1 ) Carbon sequestration rate (Mg C ha-1 yr-1 ) Control 32.2 d -3.57 d -0.18 d 100% NPK 36.2 c 0.43 c 0.02 c 50% NPK+ 4 Mg ha-1 GNS (Groundnut Shell) 47.2 a 11.43 a 0.57 a 50% NPK+ 4 Mg ha-1 FYM 45.9 a 10.13 a 0.51 a 5 Mg ha-1 FYM 42.4 b 6.63 b 0.33 b Hyderabad, Sandy loam, pH= 6.1 Srinivasarao et al. (2012) 100% NPK=N: P2O5: K2O- 20: 40:40kg ha-1) 54
  • 55. Figure :Profile SOC and mean C sequestration rate as affected by 22 years of sorghum cropping with differential manuring and fertilization Srinivasarao et al. (2012)AICRPDA, Solapur, Maharashtra Leu- Leucaena (23.2 g kg-1 N, C:N : 59.1:1 CR- Sorghum Crop residue (4.9 g kg-1 N ,C:N : 89:1) FYM (5.6 g kg-1 N, C:N : 11.2:1)
  • 56. Treatments Walkley Black C (g kg-1) KMnO4- - oxidizable labile C (mg kg-1) Microbial biomass C (mg kg-1) After maize After wheat After maize After wheat After maize After wheat T1 : Control 3.09 3.10 510 519 220 216 T2 : 100% NPK 3.15 3.38 531 537 248 237 T3 : Vermicompost @ 5mg ha-1 3.50 3.75 555 859 250 242 T4 : NADEP compost @ 5mg ha-1 3.35 3.56 534 779 255 238 T5 : FYM @ 5mg ha-1 3.37 3.70 556 815 264 238 T6 : 50 % NPK + Vermicompost @ 5mg ha-1 4.03 4.10 628 931 281 259 T7 : 50 % NPK + NADEP compost @ 5mg ha-1 3.96 4.03 573 832 260 246 T8 : 50 % NPK + FYM @ 5mg ha-1 3.91 4.05 592 877 274 244 CD (p= 0.05) 0.09 0.10 60 51 14.7 10.2 Initial 3.30 520 248 Table: Changes in carbon pools in soil after maize and wheat as affected by value-added manures and chemical fertilizers in a maize-wheat cropping system IARI, New Delhi Basak et al. (2012)Sandy loam, pH-7.6 Recommended Dose of N: P2O5: K2O- 120: 60: 60 kg ha-1) 56
  • 57. Treatments 0-15 cm soil depth SOC (g kg-1 ) Carbon sequestration (Mg C ha-1 ) Carbon sequestration rate (Mg C ha-1 yr-1 ) Control 3.26 d 1.94 c 0.22 c 100 % N 3.53c 2.18 c 0.24 c 100% NP 3.69 c 2.16 c 0.24 c 100% NPK 4.11 b 3.30 b 0.37 b 100 % NPK+ FYM 4.55 a 4.10 a 0.46 a Ludhiana Brar et al. (2013) Table: Effect of manure and inorganic fertilizers on carbon sequestration under rice- wheat cropping system Loamy sand, pH=8.3 100% NPK (120:60:40 kg N: P2O5: K2O ha-1 ) 57
  • 58. 58 Treatment Soil organic carbon (g kg-1) Total soil organic carbon stock (t ha-1) SOC sequestration rate (t ha-1 year-1) T1- Dhaincha@ 25 kg seed/ha 7.84 34.16 1.98 T2- T1+ FYM 5t/ha (basal) 9.32 41.34 3.17 T3- T1+ Vermicompost 2t/ha (basal) 11.25 44.30 3.67 T4- T1+ Vermicompost 2t/ha (split) 11.43 45.81 3.92 T5- T1+ FYM 5t/ha + Vermicompost 2t/ha (split) 11.50 46.29 4.00 T6- T1+ FYM 5t/ha + Vermicompost 2t/ha (basal) 10.52 43.32 3.50 T7- T1+ FYM 5t/ha + Panchgavya 10.24 42.62 3.35 CD (P=0.05) 1.58 3.86 0.81 Pradhan et al.(2015)Bhubaneswar (Odissa) Initial status of SOC- 5.2 g/kg, pH- 6.0 Table 17: Effect of organic nutrient management on soil organic carbon stock and carbon sequestration rate under rice-rice cropping sequence
  • 59. Treatments Total SOC content (Mg ha-1) 0-90 cm soil layer SOC accumulation Rate (kg C ha-1 yr-1) Recalcitrant SOC content (Mg ha-1) SOC sequestration rate ( kg C ha-1yr-1) Control 31.00d - 21.89c - N 36.30d 120.48e 23.74bc 42.1d PK 42.15c 254.46d 25.32b 78.1c 100 % NPK 54.27b 528.90c 29.17a 165.6c 150% NPK 60.77a 676.70b 30.55a 196.9b NPK+ FYM 63.80a 745.45a 31.73a 223.7a Table: Total SOC accumulation and sequestration rate as affected by 44 years long-term fertilization under wheat based cropping system Treatment details: 100% NPK (120:60:40 kg N: P2O5: K2O ha-1) 150% NPK: (180:90:60 kg N: P2O5: K2O ha-1) NP: (100% NP) N (100% N) NPK+ FYM: ( 100% NPK & FYM @ 5 Mg ha-1) IARI, New Delhi Ghosh et al. (2018)59
  • 61. Table12:Long term (2007-2013) effect of different nutrient amendments on soil organic carbon (0-20 cm) Anand et al. (2015)Bhavnagar, Gujarat Organic amendment SOC % SOC stock (t ha -1 ) Jatropha press cake @4 t ha -1 2.32b 55.68 b Farmyard manure @ 20 t ha -1 3.04a 72.96a Initial value 0.71 17.04 *Within column, value represents with different letter indicate significant difference (P = 0.05) * An experiment was designed on degraded wastelands Soil type: loamy
  • 62. Table: Effect of different biochar on total soil carbon at the end of one year of carbon mineralization Purakayastha et al . (2015)New Delhi
  • 63. Agro-forestry Agroforestry system recognized as a carbon sequestration strategy because of its applicability in agricultural lands as well as in reforestation program which offers the highest potential for carbon sequestration . Direct role: Carbon sequestration rate ranging from 0.3 to 15.2 Mg C /ha/yr ( Nair et al. 2011) Indirect role: It helps to reduce pressure on natural forests Wheat in Agro-forestryPotato in Agro-forestry 63
  • 64. Table: Total soil organic pool (Mg ha-1) affected by poplar (Poplulus deltoides) based agro-forestry Ludhiana Gupta et al. (2009) Land use 0-15 cm soil layer Tree age (years) One Three Six Agroforestry 12.4 14.6 15.8 Sole crop (wheat) 9.0 9.6 9.2 LSD (0.05) 1.6 1.1 0.9 15-30 cm soil layer Agroforestry 10.8 11.3 13.3 Sole crop (wheat) 8.10 8.32 8.10 LSD (0.05) 1.1 0.9 0.7 Sandy loam, pH= 7.9 64
  • 65. Table 1. Biomass (Mg ha-1) and carbon stock (Mg ha-1) in selected land-use systems in Kachchh Tree species Above ground biomass Below ground biomass Total biomass Carbon stock (above ground) Carbon stock (below ground) Total plant carbon stock Acacia 12.78 2.52 15.30 5.03 0.98 6.02 Neem 7.79 1.85 9.64 2.92 0.71 3.64 CC 6.26 4.70 10.96 2.44 1.82 4.26 CS 2.78 1.75 4.53 1.04 0.71 1.74 Acacia+ CC 12.93 4.49 17.41 5.08 1.75 6.82 Acacia+ CS 12.55 3.14 15.69 4.91 1.24 6.15 Neem+ CC 9.60 3.79 13.39 3.53 1.39 4.91 Neem+ CS 9.35 3.12 12.48 3.65 1.22 4.87 LSD 5% 2.30 0.82 2.99 0.92 0.33 1.18 Mangalassery et al. (2014) CC-Cenchrus ciliaris , CS- Cenchrus setegerus) Bhuj, Gujarat
  • 66. Table 15.Organic carbon in soil after six years of plantation with different land use options System Organic carbon (%) 0-15 cm 15-30 cm Sole cropping 4.2 3.7 Agro-forestry 7.1 7.3 Agro-horticulture 7.3 7.4 Agro-silviculture 3.8 5.6 Manna et al. (2015)IISS, Bhopal 66
  • 67. 67 Table: Tree biomass, soil organic carbon and total carbon density under different MPTs after 30 years of plantation in North Gujarat Treatments Soil organic carbon (%) Carbon sequestration Mg ha-1 Carbon sequestration rate Mg ha-1yr-1 Neem (Azadirachta indica) 39.85 447 50 Khejdi (Prosopis cineraria) 30.13 484 55 Gando baval (Prosopis juliflera) 27.84 765 68 Israel babool (Acacia tortolis) 39.09 594 67 Patel and Shakhela (2016)S. K. Nagar, Gujarat Sandy loam
  • 68. Agro forestry System Total CO2 sequestration (Mg ha-1 ) CO2 sequestration (Mg ha-1 yr-1) Ardusa+ Greengram (Age 7 yrs) 160.70 22.95 Simarouba + Mustrad (Age 5 yrs) 85.27 17.05 Custard apple + Fodder (Age 4 yrs) 8.80 1.76 Average of four tree species (Age 30 yrs) (Block plantation) 1811.00 60.36 Average of thirteen MPTs (Age 20 yrs) (Boundary Plantation) 9.03- 758.44 0.45- 37.92 Table: CO2 sequestration in different agroforestry system in arid and semi- arid conditions of North Gujarat S. K. Nagar, Gujarat Anonymous, (2017)
  • 69. CONCLUSION • Restoration of SOC to threshold levels of at least 11 to 15 g kg-1 (1.1%– 1.5% by weight) within the root zone is critical to reducing soil and environmental degradation risks. • Adoption of RMPs for management of SOC is critical to enhance and maintain soil health. • Conservation agriculture practices (reduced tillage , crop cover, crop residue managents) with minimum soil disturbance promote buildup of SOC. • Soils under diverse cropping system and incorporation of legumes in crop rotation (greengram, cow-pea etc) or as green manure ( sunnhemp, dhaincha etc) have significant role in improvement in SOC stock. • Combined use of NPK+ FYM showed increase in SOC content compared to NPK or FYM alone which was about 25-38 per cent more C than in control. • Conversion of organic residues to biochar could be a viable technology for long-term deposition of C and climate change mitigation strategy. • Agroforestry system like agri-slivi-culture, slivipasture, agri- horticulture offer both adaptation and mitigation opportunities for climate change besides contribution to SOC. 69
  • 70. POLICY INTERVENTIONS Incentivization is needed to motivate small land holders toward adoption of RMPs. Relevant policy interventions are needed to achieve the following:  Improving soil quality through enhancing C sequestration for food security and climate change adaptation and mitigation..  Implementing suitable policy supports (e.g., nutrient-based subsidy or NBS) for ensuring balanced use of fertilizers,  Subsidy on use of organic manures,  Adequate extension support for increasing awareness among the farmers about the need for soil quality management and C sequestration, campaign against residue burning, and  Encouraging the farmers to retain the CRs that do not have any alternate uses, better mechanization for spreading the residues, etc. 70
  • 72. GLOBAL SOIL ORGANIC CARBON MAP (GSOCmap) The GSOCmap provides users with very useful information to monitor the soil condition, identify degraded areas, set restoration targets, explore SOC sequestration potentials, support the GHGs emission reporting under the UNFCCC and make evidence based decisions to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate. The GSOCmap represents the first ever global soil organic carbon assessment produced through a participatory approach in which countries developed their capacities and stepped up efforts to compile all the available soil information at national level. 72
  • 73. FUTURE RESEARCH NEEDS • Establishing new and continuation of the existing long-term (>10 years)field experiments to quantify the influence of RMPs on the soil C sequestration in diverse ecosystems and crop production systems, GHG emissions, and ecosystem services. • Quantifying soil C sequestration potential for diverse land use and management scenarios at regional and national levels. • Providing research information on soil C sequestration and the corresponding rates under “on-farm” conditions for recommended land use and management practices. • Developing the cost-effective, credible, transparent, and simple methods of measuring the rate of soil C sequestration. • Efforts are needed to create large-scale awareness against burning of crop residues. 73