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Chronology of tooth
• Overview of prenatal development
• Facial development
• Dentition period - primary, mixed, permanent
• Tooth development & eruption (odontogenesis)
• Common dental disturbances
• In human, prenatal development begins at the start of
pregnancy & continues until birth of the child
**pregnancy → birth
• Prenatal development consists of 3 periods :
1. Preimplantation period
2. Embryonic period
3. Fetal period
Periods of prenatal development
Preimplantation period
(1st week)
Embryonic period
(2nd-8th week)
Fetal period
(3rd-9th month)
3 embryonic layers (embryonic period)
Developmental disturbances during prenatal development
• preimplantation & embryonic period (1st trimester of pregnancy) is the most
critical period of development
• developmental disturbances during this period may cause major congenital
malformations of embryo (birth defects) which evident at birth
• any teratogens can cross placenta & present during active differentiation of
organ or tissue which may lead to tissue malformations
• tissue malformations can be due to :
*genetic factors → chromosome abnormalities
*environmental factors → infections (:rubella, syphilis), radiation, chemicals,
drugs (alcohol, thalidomide, tetracycline)
• Facial development begin to form during 4th week of prenatal period
(within embryonic period)
• During 4th week, face & neck begin to develop with the primittive
eyes, ears, nose, oral cavity & jaw areas
• Facial development derives from 5 facial processes that form during
4th week :
→single frontonasal process
→paired maxillary & mandibular processes
• These facial processes become centers of facial growth :
*frontonasal process → upper part of face
*maxillarry processes → midface
*mandibular processes → lower part of face
5 facial processes
Pharyngeal / branchial arches
• structures seen during embryonic
development that are precursors for
many structures
• in human embryo, the arches are first
seen during 4th week of
• derived from 3 embryonic layers :
→ ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
• development of pharyngeal arches
relies on contribution from
ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm &
neural crest cells
• failure of pharyngeal arches
correctly develop results in
anatomical, developmental defects
Pharyngeal arch
1st pharygeal arch
• a.k.a. mandibular arch
• develop during 4th week of prenatal
• located bw stomodeum & 1st pharyngeal
• this arch divides into maxillary &
mandibular process :
*maxillary process → maxilla
*mandibular process → mandible
• Meckel's cartilage (located in mandibular
process) act as a “template” of mandible
formation (perichondral ossification)
• Odontogenesis = process of tooth development, eruption & integration with
its surrounding tissues
• 2 types dentitions :
→ primary
→ permanent
• Primary dentition develops during prenatal period - consists of 20 teeth
which erupt & are later shed
• As primary teeth are shed - jaws grow & mature - permanent dentition
(consists of 32 teeth) gradually erupt & replaces primary dentition
• Overlapping period bw primary & permanent dentition → mixed dentition
• during odontogenesis, many physiological processes occurs -
initiation, proliferation, differentiation, morphogenesis & maturation
• not all teeth in each dentition begin to develop at the same time
• initial teeth for both dentitions develop in anterior mandibular region
→ anterior maxillary region → progresses posteriorly in both jaws
• this posterior mvt of odontogenesis allows time for the jaws to grow
accomodate the increased number of primary teeth, larger primary
molars & finally overall larger permanent teeth
Primary dentition
• Primary tooth buds formation → 6th week of prenatal period
• Primary teeth begin to erupt → 6 mth
• Eruption time for primary teeth → 6 mth – 3 yo
• Sequence of primary teeth eruption :
A → B → D → C → E
• Sequence of primary teeth loss :
A → B → D → C → E
Primary dentition
• tooth formation occurs as early as 6th week of prenatal period when jaws
have assumed their initial shape - but during this time jaws are small
• development of primary & permanent teeth continues in this period ; jaws
grow follows the need for additional space posteriorly for additional teeth
• alveolar bone height ↑ to accomodate the ↑ length of teeth
• growth of anterior parts of jaws is limited after 1st year of postnatal life
• at birth, usually no teeth visible in mouth
Interdental spacing
• Primary teeth generally shows some
degree of interdental spacing
• Spacing in primary dentition is important
for proper alignment of permanent
• Absent of spaces in primary dentition
can cause crowding in permanent
• Interdental spacing of primary teeth determines chances of
crowding in permanent dentition
Mixed (transitional) dentition
• Transition from primary to permanent dentition begins with
emergence of :
→perm.mand.central incisors (6 yo)
→1st perm.molars (6-7 yo)
Early mixed dentition in a child with full set of primary teeth
& first permanent molars
A. Maxilla B. Mandible
Arch dimensions & tooth size
• Important part of dental arch in development occlusion of permanent dentition is
the premolar segment
• In this section, the erupting premolars are smaller in mesiodistal dimension
than primary molars, which they replace
• The difference is related to the Leeway space or amount of space gained by
difference in the mesiodistal dimensions of the premolars and the primary
Leeway space = difference in mesiodistal width bw primary teeth (C,D,E) &
permanent teeth (3,4,5)
Arrows indicate mesial movement of the perm.molars after loss of primary molars &
eruption of 2nd perm.premolar
Permanent dentition
• Sequences of eruption in maxilla :
6-1-2-4-3-5-7-8 & 6-1-2-4-5-3-7-8
• Sequences of eruption in mandible :
(6-1)-2-3-4-5-7-8 & (6-1)-2-4-3-5-7-8
Mechanisms of tooth eruption
• 4 main factors :
-eruption path
-eruption force
-PDL capacity to adapt with eruptive movement
-quality of alveolar bone
Eruption path
-available, sufficient, no obstruction
-regulated by dental follicle
-alveolar bone formation & resorption occuring around
erupting tooth are regulated by dental follicle
-disturbance of dental follicle can cause failure / delay /
deflected path of tooth eruption
Eruption force
-comes from elongation of roots
*tooth normally erupt when they have reached 2/3 rd root length
-root elongated & pushing against immovable base
*root formation will increase tooth length - must be accommodated by
increase in jaw height & tooth crown moving occlusally
PDL capacity to adapt with eruptive movement
-PDL must be able to adapt with eruptive tooth mvt
-in certain conditions (-ankylosis, hypercementosis),
PDL unable to adapt with eruptive tooth mvt causes failure
of tooth eruption
Quality of alveolar bone
-alveolar bone malformation can disturb tooth eruption
Eg : osteopetrosis (marble bone disease)
Bones harden, denser
Tooth movement
• For teeth to become functional, movement is required to
bring them into occlusal plane
• 3 types of tooth mvt :
1. Pre-eruptive mvt
2. Eruptive mvt
3. Post-eruptive mvt
Pre-eruptive movement
• Occurs in primary & permanent tooth germs before they
begin to erupt
• Is a movement required to place teeth within jaw in a
position for eruptive movement
• Combinations of 2 factors :
1. Bodily mvt of tooth germs
2. Jaw growth
• When deciduous tooth germs first differentiate, they are
• Then, they grow rapidly & become crowded
• This crowding is alleviated by jaw growth
• Permanent tooth germs develop on lingual aspect of
primary teeth in the same bony crypt
Eruptive movement
• Tooth move from its position within jaw bone to its
functional position in occlusion
• During eruptive phase, significant developmental
changes occur – formation of roots, PDL, DEJ
• Once tooth erupt into oral cavity, it continues to erupt at
same rate of about 1mm every 3 mths & slowing as it
meets its antagonist in opposing arch
• Once it appears in oral cavity, it is subjected to
environmental factos that will determine its final position
in dental arch
Eg : muscle forces from tongue, cheeks, lips
forces of contact of erupting tooth with other erupted teeth
thumbsucking habit
Post-eruptive movement
• 3 types :
1. Movements to accommodate with growing jaws
-to keep pace with increasing jaws height
2. To compensate for continued occlusal wear
-compensation occurs by continuous deposition of cementum around tooth apex
3. To accommodate interproximal wear
-compensated by mesial or approximal drift
A. Crown formation :
1. Initiation stage
2. Bud stage
3. Cap stage
4. Bell stage
5. Apposition & maturation
B. Root development :
1. Root dentin formation
2. Cementum & pulp formation
3. Periodontal ligament &
alveolar bone development
*stomodeum → future oral cavity
INITIATION STAGE : (6-7th weeks of prenatal period)
-ectoderm (lining stomodeum) gives
rise to oral epithelium
-oral epithelium grows deeper into
mesenchyme & produce layer called
dental lamina
*ectoderm → oral epithelium → dental lamina
ectoderm (oral epithelium)
*basement membrane → separate epithelium & connective tissue
*developing mandibular
arch is lined by oral
epthelium, with the
deeper mesenchyme
influenced by neural
crest cells
*development of
dental lamina from
oral epithelium in the
mandibular arch
-dental lamina grow /proliferate
into bud, penetrating into
growing mesenchyme
-at the end of proliferation
involving primary dentition's
dental lamina, both future max
& mand arch will each have
10 buds
-each of these buds +
surrounding mesenchyme
→ tooth germ & supporting
BUD STAGE : (8th week of prenatal period)
ectoderm (oral epithelium)
dental lamina (bud)
*proliferation of dental
lamina into growing
mesenchyme in the
form of buds, the
future tooth germs
-depression in the deepest part of dental
lamina forming cap or enamel organ
*enamel organ → future enamel
*enamel organ derived from ectoderm
-enamel organ will surround mass of
mesenchyme (dental papilla)
*dental papilla → future dentin & pulp
-basement membrane still exists bw enamel
organ & dental papilla → future DEJ
(dentinoenamel juction)
-mesenchyme surrounding enamel organ
→ dental follicle / dental sac
*dental follicle → periodontium (PDL,
cementum, alveolar bone)
CAP STAGE : (9-10th weeks of prenatal period)
enamel organ (cap)
dental papilla
dental follicle (sac)
*Tooth germ :
-enamel organ
-dental papilla
-dental sac (follicle)
*developing primordium
of permanent
succedaneous tooth
lingual to primary tooth
germ (in bud stage)
-enamel organ differentiate into bell & consists of
4 types of cells :
*OEE (outer enamel epithelium)
*IEE (inner enamel epithelium)
*stellate reticulum
*stratum intermedium
-dental papilla differentiate & consists of
2 types of cells :
*outer cells of dental papilla
*central cells of dental papilla
**outer cells of dental papilla → odontoblasts (secrete dentin matrix)
**central cells of dental papilla → pulp
BELL STAGE : (11-12th weeks of prenatal period)
BELL STAGE : (11-12th weeks of prenatal period)
-basement membrane
remains bw IEE & dental
-dental sac will increases
in amount of collagen
fibers & differentiate into
periodontium during later
period than enamel organ
& dental papilla
-enamel, dentin, cementum are
secreted in successive layers as a
-dental tissues (matrix) fully
mineralize to mature form
Formation of Preameloblasts
• IEE will diffrentiate → preameloblasts
• premaeloblasts will later on secrete
enamel matrix
Formation of Odontoblasts & Dentin Matrix
• preameloblasts will induce outer
cells dental papilla to
differentiate into odontoblasts
• odontoblasts will begin
odontogenesis → apposition of
dentin matrix (predentin)
• odontoblasts secrete dentin
matrix before production of
enamel matrix
Formation of Ameloblasts, Dentinoenamel Junction &
Enamel Matrix
• after apposition of predentin, basement membrane bw
preameloblasts & odontoblasts disintegrates
• preameloblasts will come into contact with predentin -
will induce preameloblasts diffrentiate into ameloblasts
• ameloblasts begin amelogenesis (apposition of enamel
• enamel matrix is secreted from Tome's process (of
• enamel matrix in contact with predentin
• mineralization of disintegrating basement membrane
forming DEJ (dentinoenamel junction)
• odontoblasts will leave odontoblastic process in
predentin area - each odontoblastic process is contained
in dentinal tubules
• calcification or maturation of matrix occurs later (different
process for both enamel & dentin)
• root development takes place after crown is completely
shaped & tooth starting to erupt into oral cavity
• structure responsible for root development is the cervical loop
• cervical loop is the most cervical portion of enamel organ,
consists of IEE (inner enamel epithelium) & OEE (outer
enamel epithelium)
• cervical loop will grow deeper into mesenchyme of dental
sac, elongating & moving away from crown area to enclose
more of dental papilla tissue & form Hertwig's root sheath
**cervical loop → HERS
• function of this sheath is to shape the root & induce dentin
formation in root area, so that it is continuous with coronal
• root dentin forms when outer cells of dental papilla (in root
area) are induced to undergo differentiation & become
odontoblasts (under influence of IEE of HERS)
• these cells undergo dentinogenesis & begin to secrete
• when root dentin formation is completed, the entire HERS will
disintegrates & become epithelial rests of Malassez
outer cells of dental
papilla differentiate into
odontoblasts &
apposition of dentin in
root area
when root dentin
formation is completed,
the entire HERS will
disintegrates & become
epithelial rests of
• Cementogenesis (apposition of cementum) occurs after
HERS disintegrates
• induction of dental sac / follicle cells to differentiate into
• cementoblasts produce cementum matrix (cementoid)
• many cementoblasts become entrapped by cementum matrix
& become mature cementocytes
• as cementum matrix surrounding the cementocytes
becomes calcified or matured → cementum
• central cells of dental papilla → pulp
*after HERS
disintegration, dental sac
cells differentiate into
*cementoblasts produce
cementum matrix
entrapped in cementum
matrix & become
• as crown & root develop, surrounding supporting tissues of tooth are
also developing
• mesenchyme from dental sac / follicle begins to form periodontal
ligament (PDL) adjacent to newly formed cementum
• ends of these fibres insert into outer portion of cementum &
surrounding alveolar bone to support tooth
• mesenchyme of dental sac also begins to mineralize to form tooth
sockets surrounding the PDL
• eruption of primary tooth involves active vertical movement of tooth
• after enamel apposition ceases in crown area, layers of enamel organ
are compressed, forming reduced enamel epithelium (REE)
*enamel organ → REE
• REE fuses with oral epithelium in oral cavity
• REE produce enzymes that cause disintegration of area of fused
tissues, creating a tunnel for tooth movement & eruption into oral cavity
• tissue disintegration causes an inflammatory response known as
“teething” which accompanied by tenderness & edema of local tissues
• as tooth erupts, coronal fused tissues detached from the crown, leaving cervical
portion still attached to neck of tooth
• this fused tissue that remain near CEJ after tooth erupts, serves as initial
junctional epithelium (JE) & later replaced by definitive JE as root is formed
• primary tooth is then exfoliated, as permanent tooth erupts lingual to it
• the process of primary tooth loss involves :
→ resorption of alveolar bone bw the two teeth (by osteoclasts)
→odontoclasts resorb primary tooth's root dentin, cementum & small portions of
enamel crown
• permanent tooth erupt in a position lingual to roots of
shedding primary tooth
• eruption process = primary tooth
• permanent tooth starts to erupt before primary tooth is fully
A. before eruption process begins
- REE covers newly formed
B. REE fused with oral epithelium
C. disintegration of fused tissue,
leaving a tunnel for tooth
movement & eruption
D. as tooth erupts, coronal fused
tissues detached from the crown,
leaving cervical portion still
attached to neck of tooth
Initiation stage :
*absence of single or multiple teeth
*perm.max.lateral incisor, 3rd molar, mand.2nd premolar
*result from endocrine dysfuntion, systemic disease, excess
*may be a/w syndrome of ectodermal dysplasia
Supernumerary / hyperdontia
*development of one or extra teeth
*extra teeth are initiated from dental lamina
*commonly found → bw maxillary central incisors,
distal to 3rd molars & premolar region
*may cause crowding, failure of normal eruption & disrupt
• hereditary
• abnormal development of ectodermal structure
• affected persons have abnormalities of teeth, skin, hair, nails, eyes,
facial stucture & glands (because these are derived from ectoderm
• child resemble “little old men”
• clinical features :
*skin - smooth, dry
*hair - fine, scanty
*sweat glands - partial / total absence → hyperthermia
*teeth - anodontia / hypodontia, retard eruption, malformations
Bud stage :
Micro / macrodontia
*abnormally small or large teeth
*cause → abnormal proliferation may cause tooth to be larger or
smaller than normal
*commonly affects perm.Max.lateral incisor & 3rd molars
*complete micro / macrodontia rarely occurs & can be due to
dysfunction of pituitary gland
Cap stage :
Dens in dente (dens invaginatus)
*enamel organ invaginates into dental papilla
*a.k.a “tooth within a tooth”
*commonly affects perm.max.lateral incisor ;
***due to external forces applied on lateral incisor tooth bud by developing central incisor or
canine which develops earlier
*may have deep lingual pit in area of invagination - may lead to pulp exposure
+ pathology → may need endodontic therapy
*r/g → tooth within a tooth
*single tooth germ tries to divide into two tooth germs (unsuccessful
*large single-rooted tooth with one pulp cavity
*exhibits “twinning” in crown area
*appearance of splitting / cleft in the incisal surface, resembling 2 crowns
*number of teeth in dentition is normal
*usually occurs in anterior teeth (primary / permanent dentition)
*problem in appearance & spacing
*union of 2 adjacent tooth germs, possibly due to pressure in the area
*large tooth with 2 pulp cavities
*lack amount of tooth in dentition
*fusion occurs only in crown area, but it can involve both crown & root
*common → anterior teeth
*problems in appearance & spacing
Dens evaginatus (extra cusps)
*presence of extra cusp in a form of tubercle
**tubercle usually contain pulp tissue
*arise from occlusal or lingual surface of tooth
*a.k.a Talon cusp (anterior teeth) or Leong’s premolar (premolars)
*causes → trauma, pressure, metabolic disease that affects enamel
organ forming the crown area
Apposition & maturation stages :
Enamel dysplasia
*faulty development of enamel due to interference of ameloblasts activities
**small gp ameloblasts (-trauma, infection) → local enamel dysplasia
**large number ameloblasts (-traumatic birth, systemic infections, nutritional deficiencies,
fluorosis) → systemic dysplasia
*enamel → pitting, opaque-yellow-brownish discolouration
*types :
→ enamel hypoplasia (↓volume enamel matrix)
→ enamel hypocalcification (↓maturation enamel matrix)
→ amelogenesis imperfecta
• hereditary, positive family history
• 2 major types :
→hypomineralization / hypomaturation
• affect primary & permanent dentitions
• most of enamel on all teeth is involved
Hypoplastic type :
• ↓ volume enamel matrix, normal mineralization
• enamel - thin & hard
• generalized pitting, grooving of enamel
Hypomineralization / hypomaturation type :
• enamel matrix volume is normal, ↓ mineralization
• enamel - normal thickness, but soft & porous
• mottled, opaque, yellow-brownish appearance
• rapidly lost by abrasion, attrition exposing the dentin
• mineralization / maturation of enamel matrix is affected
• enamel - normal thickness, but soft & porous
• cause → disturbance in ameloblasts activity which
disturbs the amelogenesis
• enamel is opaque, yellow-brownish appearance
• enamel easily breakdown, more prone to caries
• localized - affect several teeth (usu.molar & incisor)
Cementum formation stage :
*union of root structure of 2 or more teeth by cementum
*common - permanent max.molars
*teeth involved are originally separate but join because of
excessive cementum deposition
*causes - traumatic injury or crowding of teeth in area
during apposition & maturation stage of tooth development
*problems during extraction & endodontic treatment
Root formation stage :
Enamel pearl
*causes : displacement of ameloblasts to root area, causing enamel
to be abnormally formed on cemental root surface
*small, spherical enamel projections on root surface, especially at
CEJ or in furcation area on molars
*they may have a tiny dentin & pulp core - appear radiopaque on
*it may be confused with a calculus deposit upon exploration of root
surface - but cannot be removed
*distorted root or crown angulation
*results from distortion of HERS due to injury or pressure
*can cause problem during extraction & endodontic therapy
*bull like tooth
*pulp chamber has greater apico-occlusal height than in
normal teeth, with no constriction at level of CEJ
*result in chamber extend apically, beyond neck of tooth
*affects multirooted tooth
*cause → failure of HERS to invaginate at proper horizontal
Accessory roots
*may be due to trauma, pressure or metabolic disease that
affects HERS
*can affect any tooth, but commonly in permanent 3rd molar
*problems in extraction & endodontic therapy
Dentin formation stage :
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
*type I, II, III
***type I - a/w Osteogenesis Imperfecta
***type II - only teeth affected
*affect - primary & permanent dentition
*teeth have normal contour with opalescent, translucent apperance
*↓dentin hardness causing rapid attrition of teeth following enamel loss
*r/g → blunt roots with partial / total obliteration pulp chamber & root canal by
*HPE → dentinal tubules -↓number, wide, irregular
→√ areas of atubular / abnormal dentin that may partly / totally obliterates
pulp chamber & root canal
Eruption stage :
Odontogenic cysts
*Dentigerous (follicular) cyst) → forms by accumulation of fluid
bw REE & crown of unerupted / impacted tooth
*can displaced teeth, jaw fracture & pain
*needs to removed competely surgically
*Eruption cyst → erupting tooth
*bluish, fluctuant, vesicle-like lesion on erupting tooth
*will disintegrates as the tooth erupt
*no tx is needed
• delay eruption
• natal / neonatal teeth
• fluorosis
• tetracycline staining
• Physical obstruction - supernumerary, scar tissue, tumor
• Gingival hyperplasia (↑density CT) - hereditary, drugs
• Traumatic injuries - unerupted, delayed eruption, displacement of
tooth germ, dilaceration
• Cystic transformation - NV deciduous tooth may induce cystic
transformation of underlying permanent tooth
• Ankylosis - fusion of root dentin to alveolar bone
(delayed exfoliation of deciduous tooth → delayed
tooth eruption)
• Arch length deficiency - space loss → crowding
• Genetic disorder - Apert syndrome, cleidocranial
dysostosis, Gardner syndrome
• Endocrine disorder - delayed eruption & shedding of tooth -
eg : hypthyroid, cretinism, pituitary dwarfism
• Preterm birth - born less than 37 weeks, ↓ birth weight -
retarded dental growth
• Anemia - growth impairment
• Malnutrition
• ingestion of excess fluoride during period of tooth formation
• severity depends on amount fluoride ingested, duration &
timing of exposure
• generalized mottled appearance of teeth ; yellow-brownish-
black discoloration
• enamel → hypomineralization of subsurface enamel or
hypoplastic pitting
• can affect primary & permanent dentition
• natal teeth = teeth present at birth
• neonatal teeth = teeth erupted within 1st mth of life (day 1-30)
• can be supernumerary or primary mandibular incisors
• problems :
→ulceration of tongue
→difficulty in breastfeeding
• systemic tetracycline therapy of pregnant women during
fetal period of prenatal development
• may result in permanent tetracycline staining in primary
teeth that are developing at that time
• intrinsic yellow-brown staining of teeth
• antibiotic bound to dentin & because the transparency of
enamel, the stain is visible
• can also affect permanent teeth if drug is given during their
Disediakan oleh :
Dr. Norazreen Abdul Jalil
Pegawai Pergigian Yang Menjaga (PPYM)
Jabatan Pergigian Pediatrik
Hospital Melaka

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  • 2. CONTENTS • Overview of prenatal development • Facial development • Dentition period - primary, mixed, permanent • Tooth development & eruption (odontogenesis) • Common dental disturbances
  • 3. OVERVIEW OF PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT • In human, prenatal development begins at the start of pregnancy & continues until birth of the child **pregnancy → birth • Prenatal development consists of 3 periods : 1. Preimplantation period 2. Embryonic period 3. Fetal period
  • 4. Periods of prenatal development Preimplantation period (1st week) Embryonic period (2nd-8th week) Fetal period (3rd-9th month)
  • 5. 3 embryonic layers (embryonic period)
  • 6. Developmental disturbances during prenatal development • preimplantation & embryonic period (1st trimester of pregnancy) is the most critical period of development • developmental disturbances during this period may cause major congenital malformations of embryo (birth defects) which evident at birth • any teratogens can cross placenta & present during active differentiation of organ or tissue which may lead to tissue malformations • tissue malformations can be due to : *genetic factors → chromosome abnormalities *environmental factors → infections (:rubella, syphilis), radiation, chemicals, drugs (alcohol, thalidomide, tetracycline)
  • 7. FACIAL DEVELOPMENT • Facial development begin to form during 4th week of prenatal period (within embryonic period) • During 4th week, face & neck begin to develop with the primittive eyes, ears, nose, oral cavity & jaw areas • Facial development derives from 5 facial processes that form during 4th week : →single frontonasal process →paired maxillary & mandibular processes
  • 8. • These facial processes become centers of facial growth : *frontonasal process → upper part of face *maxillarry processes → midface *mandibular processes → lower part of face
  • 9.
  • 11.
  • 12. Pharyngeal / branchial arches • structures seen during embryonic development that are precursors for many structures • in human embryo, the arches are first seen during 4th week of development • derived from 3 embryonic layers : → ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm • development of pharyngeal arches relies on contribution from ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm & neural crest cells • failure of pharyngeal arches correctly develop results in anatomical, developmental defects
  • 14. 1st pharygeal arch • a.k.a. mandibular arch • develop during 4th week of prenatal period • located bw stomodeum & 1st pharyngeal groove • this arch divides into maxillary & mandibular process : *maxillary process → maxilla *mandibular process → mandible • Meckel's cartilage (located in mandibular process) act as a “template” of mandible formation (perichondral ossification)
  • 15.
  • 16. TOOTH DEVELOPMENT & ERUPTION • Odontogenesis = process of tooth development, eruption & integration with its surrounding tissues • 2 types dentitions : → primary → permanent • Primary dentition develops during prenatal period - consists of 20 teeth which erupt & are later shed • As primary teeth are shed - jaws grow & mature - permanent dentition (consists of 32 teeth) gradually erupt & replaces primary dentition • Overlapping period bw primary & permanent dentition → mixed dentition
  • 17. • during odontogenesis, many physiological processes occurs - initiation, proliferation, differentiation, morphogenesis & maturation • not all teeth in each dentition begin to develop at the same time • initial teeth for both dentitions develop in anterior mandibular region → anterior maxillary region → progresses posteriorly in both jaws • this posterior mvt of odontogenesis allows time for the jaws to grow accomodate the increased number of primary teeth, larger primary molars & finally overall larger permanent teeth
  • 18. Primary dentition • Primary tooth buds formation → 6th week of prenatal period • Primary teeth begin to erupt → 6 mth • Eruption time for primary teeth → 6 mth – 3 yo
  • 19. • Sequence of primary teeth eruption : A → B → D → C → E • Sequence of primary teeth loss : A → B → D → C → E Primary dentition
  • 20.
  • 21. • tooth formation occurs as early as 6th week of prenatal period when jaws have assumed their initial shape - but during this time jaws are small • development of primary & permanent teeth continues in this period ; jaws grow follows the need for additional space posteriorly for additional teeth • alveolar bone height ↑ to accomodate the ↑ length of teeth • growth of anterior parts of jaws is limited after 1st year of postnatal life • at birth, usually no teeth visible in mouth
  • 22. Interdental spacing • Primary teeth generally shows some degree of interdental spacing • Spacing in primary dentition is important for proper alignment of permanent dentition • Absent of spaces in primary dentition can cause crowding in permanent dentition
  • 23. • Interdental spacing of primary teeth determines chances of crowding in permanent dentition ,,,,
  • 24. Mixed (transitional) dentition • Transition from primary to permanent dentition begins with emergence of : →perm.mand.central incisors (6 yo) →1st perm.molars (6-7 yo)
  • 25. Early mixed dentition in a child with full set of primary teeth & first permanent molars A. Maxilla B. Mandible
  • 26. Arch dimensions & tooth size • Important part of dental arch in development occlusion of permanent dentition is the premolar segment • In this section, the erupting premolars are smaller in mesiodistal dimension than primary molars, which they replace • The difference is related to the Leeway space or amount of space gained by difference in the mesiodistal dimensions of the premolars and the primary molars
  • 27.
  • 28. Leeway space = difference in mesiodistal width bw primary teeth (C,D,E) & permanent teeth (3,4,5) Arrows indicate mesial movement of the perm.molars after loss of primary molars & eruption of 2nd perm.premolar
  • 29. Permanent dentition • Sequences of eruption in maxilla : 6-1-2-4-3-5-7-8 & 6-1-2-4-5-3-7-8 • Sequences of eruption in mandible : (6-1)-2-3-4-5-7-8 & (6-1)-2-4-3-5-7-8
  • 30.
  • 31. Mechanisms of tooth eruption • 4 main factors : -eruption path -eruption force -PDL capacity to adapt with eruptive movement -quality of alveolar bone
  • 32. Eruption path -available, sufficient, no obstruction -regulated by dental follicle -alveolar bone formation & resorption occuring around erupting tooth are regulated by dental follicle -disturbance of dental follicle can cause failure / delay / deflected path of tooth eruption
  • 33. Eruption force -comes from elongation of roots *tooth normally erupt when they have reached 2/3 rd root length -root elongated & pushing against immovable base *root formation will increase tooth length - must be accommodated by increase in jaw height & tooth crown moving occlusally
  • 34. PDL capacity to adapt with eruptive movement -PDL must be able to adapt with eruptive tooth mvt -in certain conditions (-ankylosis, hypercementosis), PDL unable to adapt with eruptive tooth mvt causes failure of tooth eruption
  • 35. Quality of alveolar bone -alveolar bone malformation can disturb tooth eruption Eg : osteopetrosis (marble bone disease) Bones harden, denser
  • 36. Tooth movement • For teeth to become functional, movement is required to bring them into occlusal plane • 3 types of tooth mvt : 1. Pre-eruptive mvt 2. Eruptive mvt 3. Post-eruptive mvt
  • 37. Pre-eruptive movement • Occurs in primary & permanent tooth germs before they begin to erupt • Is a movement required to place teeth within jaw in a position for eruptive movement • Combinations of 2 factors : 1. Bodily mvt of tooth germs 2. Jaw growth
  • 38. • When deciduous tooth germs first differentiate, they are small • Then, they grow rapidly & become crowded • This crowding is alleviated by jaw growth • Permanent tooth germs develop on lingual aspect of primary teeth in the same bony crypt
  • 39. Eruptive movement • Tooth move from its position within jaw bone to its functional position in occlusion • During eruptive phase, significant developmental changes occur – formation of roots, PDL, DEJ • Once tooth erupt into oral cavity, it continues to erupt at same rate of about 1mm every 3 mths & slowing as it meets its antagonist in opposing arch
  • 40. • Once it appears in oral cavity, it is subjected to environmental factos that will determine its final position in dental arch Eg : muscle forces from tongue, cheeks, lips forces of contact of erupting tooth with other erupted teeth thumbsucking habit
  • 41. Post-eruptive movement • 3 types : 1. Movements to accommodate with growing jaws -to keep pace with increasing jaws height 2. To compensate for continued occlusal wear -compensation occurs by continuous deposition of cementum around tooth apex 3. To accommodate interproximal wear -compensated by mesial or approximal drift
  • 42. A. Crown formation : 1. Initiation stage 2. Bud stage 3. Cap stage 4. Bell stage 5. Apposition & maturation stages B. Root development : 1. Root dentin formation 2. Cementum & pulp formation 3. Periodontal ligament & alveolar bone development ODONTOGENESIS
  • 43. *stomodeum → future oral cavity
  • 44. INITIATION STAGE : (6-7th weeks of prenatal period) -ectoderm (lining stomodeum) gives rise to oral epithelium -oral epithelium grows deeper into mesenchyme & produce layer called dental lamina *ectoderm → oral epithelium → dental lamina ectoderm (oral epithelium) mesenchyme basement membrane *basement membrane → separate epithelium & connective tissue
  • 45. INITIATION STAGE *developing mandibular arch is lined by oral epthelium, with the deeper mesenchyme influenced by neural crest cells
  • 46. INITIATION STAGE *development of dental lamina from oral epithelium in the mandibular arch
  • 47. -dental lamina grow /proliferate into bud, penetrating into growing mesenchyme -at the end of proliferation involving primary dentition's dental lamina, both future max & mand arch will each have 10 buds -each of these buds + surrounding mesenchyme → tooth germ & supporting tissues BUD STAGE : (8th week of prenatal period) mesenchyme ectoderm (oral epithelium) dental lamina (bud)
  • 48. BUD STAGE *proliferation of dental lamina into growing mesenchyme in the form of buds, the future tooth germs
  • 49. -depression in the deepest part of dental lamina forming cap or enamel organ *enamel organ → future enamel *enamel organ derived from ectoderm -enamel organ will surround mass of mesenchyme (dental papilla) *dental papilla → future dentin & pulp -basement membrane still exists bw enamel organ & dental papilla → future DEJ (dentinoenamel juction) -mesenchyme surrounding enamel organ → dental follicle / dental sac *dental follicle → periodontium (PDL, cementum, alveolar bone) CAP STAGE : (9-10th weeks of prenatal period) enamel organ (cap) dental papilla basement membrane dental follicle (sac)
  • 50. CAP STAGE *Tooth germ : -enamel organ -dental papilla -dental sac (follicle) *developing primordium of permanent succedaneous tooth lingual to primary tooth germ (in bud stage)
  • 51. -enamel organ differentiate into bell & consists of 4 types of cells : *OEE (outer enamel epithelium) *IEE (inner enamel epithelium) *stellate reticulum *stratum intermedium -dental papilla differentiate & consists of 2 types of cells : *outer cells of dental papilla *central cells of dental papilla **outer cells of dental papilla → odontoblasts (secrete dentin matrix) **central cells of dental papilla → pulp BELL STAGE : (11-12th weeks of prenatal period)
  • 52. BELL STAGE : (11-12th weeks of prenatal period) -basement membrane remains bw IEE & dental papilla -dental sac will increases in amount of collagen fibers & differentiate into periodontium during later period than enamel organ & dental papilla
  • 53. APPOSITION STAGE : -enamel, dentin, cementum are secreted in successive layers as a matrix APPOSITION & MATURATION STAGE MATURATION STAGE : -dental tissues (matrix) fully mineralize to mature form
  • 54. Formation of Preameloblasts • IEE will diffrentiate → preameloblasts • premaeloblasts will later on secrete enamel matrix
  • 55. Formation of Odontoblasts & Dentin Matrix • preameloblasts will induce outer cells dental papilla to differentiate into odontoblasts • odontoblasts will begin odontogenesis → apposition of dentin matrix (predentin) • odontoblasts secrete dentin matrix before production of enamel matrix
  • 56. Formation of Ameloblasts, Dentinoenamel Junction & Enamel Matrix • after apposition of predentin, basement membrane bw preameloblasts & odontoblasts disintegrates • preameloblasts will come into contact with predentin - will induce preameloblasts diffrentiate into ameloblasts • ameloblasts begin amelogenesis (apposition of enamel matrix) • enamel matrix is secreted from Tome's process (of ameloblasts) • enamel matrix in contact with predentin • mineralization of disintegrating basement membrane forming DEJ (dentinoenamel junction) • odontoblasts will leave odontoblastic process in predentin area - each odontoblastic process is contained in dentinal tubules • calcification or maturation of matrix occurs later (different process for both enamel & dentin)
  • 57. ROOT DEVELOPMENT • root development takes place after crown is completely shaped & tooth starting to erupt into oral cavity • structure responsible for root development is the cervical loop • cervical loop is the most cervical portion of enamel organ, consists of IEE (inner enamel epithelium) & OEE (outer enamel epithelium)
  • 58. • cervical loop will grow deeper into mesenchyme of dental sac, elongating & moving away from crown area to enclose more of dental papilla tissue & form Hertwig's root sheath (HERS) **cervical loop → HERS • function of this sheath is to shape the root & induce dentin formation in root area, so that it is continuous with coronal dentin
  • 59.
  • 60. ROOT DENTIN FORMATION • root dentin forms when outer cells of dental papilla (in root area) are induced to undergo differentiation & become odontoblasts (under influence of IEE of HERS) • these cells undergo dentinogenesis & begin to secrete predentin • when root dentin formation is completed, the entire HERS will disintegrates & become epithelial rests of Malassez
  • 61. outer cells of dental papilla differentiate into odontoblasts & apposition of dentin in root area when root dentin formation is completed, the entire HERS will disintegrates & become epithelial rests of Malassez
  • 62. CEMENTUM & PULP FORMATION • Cementogenesis (apposition of cementum) occurs after HERS disintegrates • induction of dental sac / follicle cells to differentiate into cementoblasts • cementoblasts produce cementum matrix (cementoid) • many cementoblasts become entrapped by cementum matrix & become mature cementocytes • as cementum matrix surrounding the cementocytes becomes calcified or matured → cementum • central cells of dental papilla → pulp
  • 63. *after HERS disintegration, dental sac cells differentiate into cementoblasts *cementoblasts produce cementum matrix *cementoblasts entrapped in cementum matrix & become cementocytes
  • 64. PERIODONTAL LIGAMENT & ALVEOLAR BONE DEVELOPMENT • as crown & root develop, surrounding supporting tissues of tooth are also developing • mesenchyme from dental sac / follicle begins to form periodontal ligament (PDL) adjacent to newly formed cementum • ends of these fibres insert into outer portion of cementum & surrounding alveolar bone to support tooth • mesenchyme of dental sac also begins to mineralize to form tooth sockets surrounding the PDL
  • 65. PRIMARY TOOTH ERUPTION & SHEDDING • eruption of primary tooth involves active vertical movement of tooth • after enamel apposition ceases in crown area, layers of enamel organ are compressed, forming reduced enamel epithelium (REE) *enamel organ → REE • REE fuses with oral epithelium in oral cavity • REE produce enzymes that cause disintegration of area of fused tissues, creating a tunnel for tooth movement & eruption into oral cavity • tissue disintegration causes an inflammatory response known as “teething” which accompanied by tenderness & edema of local tissues
  • 66. • as tooth erupts, coronal fused tissues detached from the crown, leaving cervical portion still attached to neck of tooth • this fused tissue that remain near CEJ after tooth erupts, serves as initial junctional epithelium (JE) & later replaced by definitive JE as root is formed • primary tooth is then exfoliated, as permanent tooth erupts lingual to it • the process of primary tooth loss involves : → resorption of alveolar bone bw the two teeth (by osteoclasts) →odontoclasts resorb primary tooth's root dentin, cementum & small portions of enamel crown
  • 67. PERMANENT TOOTH ERUPTION • permanent tooth erupt in a position lingual to roots of shedding primary tooth • eruption process = primary tooth • permanent tooth starts to erupt before primary tooth is fully shed
  • 68. A. before eruption process begins - REE covers newly formed enamel B. REE fused with oral epithelium C. disintegration of fused tissue, leaving a tunnel for tooth movement & eruption D. as tooth erupts, coronal fused tissues detached from the crown, leaving cervical portion still attached to neck of tooth
  • 69. COMMON DENTAL DISTURBANCES Initiation stage : Hypodontia *absence of single or multiple teeth *perm.max.lateral incisor, 3rd molar, mand.2nd premolar *result from endocrine dysfuntion, systemic disease, excess radiation *may be a/w syndrome of ectodermal dysplasia
  • 70. Supernumerary / hyperdontia *development of one or extra teeth *extra teeth are initiated from dental lamina *commonly found → bw maxillary central incisors, distal to 3rd molars & premolar region *may cause crowding, failure of normal eruption & disrupt occlusion
  • 75. ECTODERMAL DYSPLASIA • hereditary • abnormal development of ectodermal structure • affected persons have abnormalities of teeth, skin, hair, nails, eyes, facial stucture & glands (because these are derived from ectoderm struscture) • child resemble “little old men” • clinical features : *skin - smooth, dry *hair - fine, scanty *sweat glands - partial / total absence → hyperthermia *teeth - anodontia / hypodontia, retard eruption, malformations
  • 79. Bud stage : Micro / macrodontia *abnormally small or large teeth *cause → abnormal proliferation may cause tooth to be larger or smaller than normal *commonly affects perm.Max.lateral incisor & 3rd molars *complete micro / macrodontia rarely occurs & can be due to dysfunction of pituitary gland
  • 81. Cap stage : Dens in dente (dens invaginatus) *enamel organ invaginates into dental papilla *a.k.a “tooth within a tooth” *commonly affects perm.max.lateral incisor ; ***due to external forces applied on lateral incisor tooth bud by developing central incisor or canine which develops earlier *may have deep lingual pit in area of invagination - may lead to pulp exposure + pathology → may need endodontic therapy *r/g → tooth within a tooth
  • 84. Germination *single tooth germ tries to divide into two tooth germs (unsuccessful division) *large single-rooted tooth with one pulp cavity *exhibits “twinning” in crown area *appearance of splitting / cleft in the incisal surface, resembling 2 crowns *number of teeth in dentition is normal *usually occurs in anterior teeth (primary / permanent dentition) *problem in appearance & spacing
  • 87. Fusion *union of 2 adjacent tooth germs, possibly due to pressure in the area *large tooth with 2 pulp cavities *lack amount of tooth in dentition *fusion occurs only in crown area, but it can involve both crown & root *common → anterior teeth *problems in appearance & spacing
  • 89. Dens evaginatus (extra cusps) *presence of extra cusp in a form of tubercle **tubercle usually contain pulp tissue *arise from occlusal or lingual surface of tooth *a.k.a Talon cusp (anterior teeth) or Leong’s premolar (premolars) *causes → trauma, pressure, metabolic disease that affects enamel organ forming the crown area
  • 91. Apposition & maturation stages : Enamel dysplasia *faulty development of enamel due to interference of ameloblasts activities **small gp ameloblasts (-trauma, infection) → local enamel dysplasia **large number ameloblasts (-traumatic birth, systemic infections, nutritional deficiencies, fluorosis) → systemic dysplasia *enamel → pitting, opaque-yellow-brownish discolouration *types : → enamel hypoplasia (↓volume enamel matrix) → enamel hypocalcification (↓maturation enamel matrix) → amelogenesis imperfecta
  • 93. AMELOGENESIS IMPERFECTA • hereditary, positive family history • 2 major types : →hypoplastic →hypomineralization / hypomaturation • affect primary & permanent dentitions • most of enamel on all teeth is involved
  • 94. Hypoplastic type : • ↓ volume enamel matrix, normal mineralization • enamel - thin & hard • generalized pitting, grooving of enamel
  • 95. Hypomineralization / hypomaturation type : • enamel matrix volume is normal, ↓ mineralization • enamel - normal thickness, but soft & porous • mottled, opaque, yellow-brownish appearance • rapidly lost by abrasion, attrition exposing the dentin
  • 97. MOLAR-INCISOR HYPOMINERALIZATION (MIH) • mineralization / maturation of enamel matrix is affected • enamel - normal thickness, but soft & porous • cause → disturbance in ameloblasts activity which disturbs the amelogenesis • enamel is opaque, yellow-brownish appearance • enamel easily breakdown, more prone to caries • localized - affect several teeth (usu.molar & incisor)
  • 98. MIH
  • 99. Cementum formation stage : Concrescence *union of root structure of 2 or more teeth by cementum *common - permanent max.molars *teeth involved are originally separate but join because of excessive cementum deposition *causes - traumatic injury or crowding of teeth in area during apposition & maturation stage of tooth development *problems during extraction & endodontic treatment
  • 102. Root formation stage : Enamel pearl *causes : displacement of ameloblasts to root area, causing enamel to be abnormally formed on cemental root surface *small, spherical enamel projections on root surface, especially at CEJ or in furcation area on molars *they may have a tiny dentin & pulp core - appear radiopaque on radiographs *it may be confused with a calculus deposit upon exploration of root surface - but cannot be removed
  • 103. Dilaceration *distorted root or crown angulation *results from distortion of HERS due to injury or pressure *can cause problem during extraction & endodontic therapy
  • 104. Taurodontism *bull like tooth *pulp chamber has greater apico-occlusal height than in normal teeth, with no constriction at level of CEJ *result in chamber extend apically, beyond neck of tooth *affects multirooted tooth *cause → failure of HERS to invaginate at proper horizontal level
  • 105. Accessory roots *may be due to trauma, pressure or metabolic disease that affects HERS *can affect any tooth, but commonly in permanent 3rd molar *problems in extraction & endodontic therapy
  • 113. Dentin formation stage : Dentinogenesis Imperfecta *type I, II, III ***type I - a/w Osteogenesis Imperfecta ***type II - only teeth affected *genetic *affect - primary & permanent dentition *teeth have normal contour with opalescent, translucent apperance *↓dentin hardness causing rapid attrition of teeth following enamel loss *r/g → blunt roots with partial / total obliteration pulp chamber & root canal by dentin *HPE → dentinal tubules -↓number, wide, irregular →√ areas of atubular / abnormal dentin that may partly / totally obliterates pulp chamber & root canal
  • 116. Eruption stage : Odontogenic cysts *Dentigerous (follicular) cyst) → forms by accumulation of fluid bw REE & crown of unerupted / impacted tooth *can displaced teeth, jaw fracture & pain *needs to removed competely surgically *Eruption cyst → erupting tooth *bluish, fluctuant, vesicle-like lesion on erupting tooth *will disintegrates as the tooth erupt *no tx is needed
  • 119. OTHER ABNORMALITIES • delay eruption • natal / neonatal teeth • fluorosis • tetracycline staining
  • 120. DELAYED TOOTH ERUPTION LOCAL FACTORS • Physical obstruction - supernumerary, scar tissue, tumor • Gingival hyperplasia (↑density CT) - hereditary, drugs • Traumatic injuries - unerupted, delayed eruption, displacement of tooth germ, dilaceration • Cystic transformation - NV deciduous tooth may induce cystic transformation of underlying permanent tooth
  • 121. • Ankylosis - fusion of root dentin to alveolar bone (delayed exfoliation of deciduous tooth → delayed tooth eruption) • Arch length deficiency - space loss → crowding impactions
  • 122. SYSTEMIC FACTORS • Genetic disorder - Apert syndrome, cleidocranial dysostosis, Gardner syndrome • Endocrine disorder - delayed eruption & shedding of tooth - eg : hypthyroid, cretinism, pituitary dwarfism • Preterm birth - born less than 37 weeks, ↓ birth weight - retarded dental growth • Anemia - growth impairment • Malnutrition
  • 125. FLUOROSIS • ingestion of excess fluoride during period of tooth formation • severity depends on amount fluoride ingested, duration & timing of exposure • generalized mottled appearance of teeth ; yellow-brownish- black discoloration • enamel → hypomineralization of subsurface enamel or hypoplastic pitting • can affect primary & permanent dentition
  • 127. NATAL & NEONATAL TEETH • natal teeth = teeth present at birth • neonatal teeth = teeth erupted within 1st mth of life (day 1-30) • can be supernumerary or primary mandibular incisors • problems : →mobility →ulceration of tongue →difficulty in breastfeeding
  • 129. TETRACYCLINE STAINING • systemic tetracycline therapy of pregnant women during fetal period of prenatal development • may result in permanent tetracycline staining in primary teeth that are developing at that time • intrinsic yellow-brown staining of teeth • antibiotic bound to dentin & because the transparency of enamel, the stain is visible • can also affect permanent teeth if drug is given during their development
  • 131. TERIMA KASIH Disediakan oleh : Dr. Norazreen Abdul Jalil Pegawai Pergigian Yang Menjaga (PPYM) Jabatan Pergigian Pediatrik Hospital Melaka