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Me and My Movie
The chosengenre I’mgoingto do isaction,the three examplesthatIam goingto use are,Captain
America:the wintersolider, Kingsman:The SecretService andthe lastone isGuardiansof the
Firstof all there isCaptain America,itwasreleasedonthe 20th
of March 2014 in the UK,
it wasalsodirectedbyAnthonyandJoe Russothe filmisabout;As Steve Rogers
strugglestoembrace hisrole inthe modernworld,he teamsupwithanothersuper
soldier,the blackwidow,tobattle anew threatfromoldhistory:an assassinknownas
the WinterSoldier.
Nextwouldbe Kingsman,thisfilmwasreleasedonthe 29th
of January2015 inthe UK, it
was directedby MatthewVaughn andalsothe filmisabout; A spy organizationrecruits
an unrefined,butpromisingstreetkidintothe agency'sultra-competitive training
program,just as a global threatemergesfromatwistedtechgenius.
Finallythere isguardiansof the galaxy,itwasreleasedon
the 31st
of July2014 inthe UK, it was directedbyJames
Gunn andthe filmisabout; A groupof intergalactic
criminalsare forcedto worktogethertostopa fanatical
warriorfrom takingcontrol of the universe.
NextI’ll talkabouthowthisgenre attracts me.A few exampleswould
be that it’s the violence forexamplethere isascene inKingsmanwhere
Colinfirth’scharacterisinvestigatinginachurch thenall of a suddenall
hell breaks loose aseveryonegoescrazyandattacks one anotherand Colin’scharacteristhe only
one standing. Thenthere isa scene where inthe guardiansof the galaxywhere Gamora,Drax,star
lordand Groot are headingforRonanthere isa scene were Groot spearsabout5 people and
swingingthemaroundthe roomsome maysay thiswouldbe violent. Thenyouhave the fightscene
all of the filmsI’ve chosenhave amazingscenesbutthe bestoutof themall I’ll chose one fromeach
1. CaptainAmerica& BlackWidowvs The WinterSolider: - thisscene lastsforaround3
minutesas itstarts off withblackwidow creatinga decoyforthe wintersolider,asshe runs
away she isshotand the wintersolideronhertail thencaptainAmericaappearscausingthe
real fightbeginandit iswell choreographed because inaninterview Sebastian Stan(winter
solider) saidthathe practice everywhere he
wentso he couldproperly use aknife whichis
shownInthisscene,italso bringsthe winter
that isintertextualitybecause inthe comicshe
becomescaptainAmericaafterthe deathof
Steve rogers.
2. Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin vsGazelle (TaronEgerton vsSofiaBoutella):- asthe worldisbeing
twistedbySamuel L.Jackson’scharacterwhilsthe useshissimto cause chaos causingthe
worldto become ina state of rage causingeveryone tofightone another,whilstSamuel is
partyingthe nightawaywhilstTaron’scharacter facesoff againstSofiaas theyfighttobe
the last one standingitshowsoff the combatbut makesyouwant to laughbecause of the
violence beingcausedwhilstthe song“Give itup”by KC & The Sunshine Bandisplayingin
the background.
3. Last we have Guardiansof the Galaxy,there isa scene were the charactersmeetforthe first
time,Iwouldsaythiswouldbe a veryamazingscene because itshowsall the main
characters fightingforthemtogetto know one another,like theirfirstmeetingitshowsoff
humourbut alsostill have ascentof actionas you see themfightoverthe orbto laterfind
out that theyjustgetarrestedevenaftertheirhardwork.
There are differentreasonswhyIlikedthesefilmsandwhythisgenre suchas; the waythe storyis
laidout,the characters, the actors/actressplayingthe characters,the wayit lookswhetheritbe
special effectsorcreatinginhuge sets.Forexample,Vindieselvoicesthe role asgroot,whichhas
veryfewlinesbutgivesthemoff differently,he says“Iam Groot” (Grootis hischaracter’sname) and
also“We are Groot” eventhoughthese twolineswere the onlydialogue he used,he wasstill
passionate aboutitbecause evenbefore he wascastedhe waspostingpicturesandcampaigningfor
the role,mostof the reasonhe got the role was because the fanshelpedhimandpeoplewere with
himwhichmade himwant to workmore hard, forhisfans.The producershadaskedhimto say itin
differentlanguagessoitwouldgive abetterfeel if itcame fromthe English Groot,he doesa very
goodjob changingthe language barrierandyoucan watchthe full videoof himdoingiton the blu-
ray DVD of Guardians.Guardiansisthe mostuse of intertextuality outof the three due topeterquill
bringingthe cultural fromearthwithhimon histravels,there are a numberof examples.For
example,hisshipcontainspicturesandstickersof garbage pail kidandAlf tradingcard thisrefers
back to the 1980s whenpeterwasjusta small boy,you
alsohave the walkmanthat he has hismix tape on
whichalsocouldreferback whenhe listenedtoall the
songshismotheras JamesGunn hassaid inan
interview.Thenthere are the few comments peter
makestowardsothermembersof the charactersfor
example whenfirstspeakingwithGrootashe says“I
am Groot” Peterrepliesbysaying“Well that'sjustas
fascinatingasthe first89 times.Whatis wrongwithGivingTree here?”thisbackto the picture book
calledthe givingtree whichPetermusthave readwhenhe wasyounger.Thenhe talksabout
anotherchildren’sbookwhentalkingtoRocketwhenhe says“rangerrick” thisreferstoa mascotfor
a book thatpetermusthave read as a kid.Thenhe name dropsa few people,there are suchthings
like whenhe istalkingtoGamora and mentionsKevinbaconandwhenhe wasinfootloose,whenhe
talksto Drax aboutthe outlawsof earthsuchas;
Billythe Kid,Bonnie andClyde.Thesewere some of
the commentshe saidduringthe filmthatreferred
back to 1980s whenhe wasjusta kid.There are a
fewmore thingsaboutGuardiansthat couldbe
potential Intertextualityforexample the firstis,the first scene isyousee Peterobtainingthe orb,
youcouldsay it isverysimilartothe work of StevenSteilberg’sIndianaJones:Raidersof the lostark,
where he obtainsthe statue.
The secondone is the shipPetertravelson,ithas been
saidthat it wascalled“the Milano”because of hiscrush
inthe 1980s whenhe was young‘AlyssaMilano’.For
the otherfilmsitwas hardto find,CaptainAmericadid
have a listthat showeddifferentthingshe hadmissed
due to himbeingicedfora longtime,italsowas
differentdependingonthe versionof DVDyou
I like the filmsvisuallybecause theyshowedof differentaspectsthatmade the filmlookverygood.
For example,CaptainAmericahadthe hell carrierandwhentheyfell fromthe sky. Theycouldn’t
have createdthisinreal life because of all the wreckage.There isalsothe same style of scene in
guardiansof the galaxywhere Ronan’sshipsfallsintoXandar,theyare quite similarscenesI’ll
screenshotthemandshowitis verysimilarbutdifferentdue tolocationbecause since guardiansof
the galaxyisbasedin space itlooksmore betterbecause itletsyougetto know the universe ina
largerscale insteadof stayingonthe earth withthe avengers.
As I wassayingGuardianswentto differentlocationsinspace whichwere actuallylocationsinspace,
as theyenteredthiswouldappear: These are afew locationsshowninthe film.
As youcan see these are twoof the placeswere
some of the actiontakesplace,the firstplace is
where yousee Drax faces off againstRonan after
a drunk message thathe sentout tohim, telling
that the orb isthere but italso the meetingof
the collector,he isknowninotherfilmssuchas
Thor: The Dark World,as yousee Lady Sif
handinghimthe ether.Youcan see inthat scene
slugsina tankit refersbackto JamesGunn’sfilm
whenhe directed‘Slither’guardiansfeaturedthe
slugsfromthat film.Whichill showspictures
below,thenyouhave the Kylnthisiswhere you
meetthe Drax character finishingoff the
expositiongettingtoknow all the charactersand
the famousline fromthe posterandtrailerwhenrocketsays“Oh Yeah!”and JamesGunn’s brother
CaptainAmerica:The WinterSolider^^^^^^^^^^|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Guardians of the Galaxy
playedasthe rocket onset forCGI. ThenfinallyJamesGunn’sMentor
‘LloydKaufman’hadan appearance inKylnasone of the prisoners.
This isthe scene where you meet
the Collecteranditreferstothe
filmslitherasitwasa previous
filmJamesGunnhad directed.
For Kingsmanitwasveryvisual whenitcame to the endwhere all the people whowere underthe
control of Samuel’scharactertheirheadsblew upanditgave off a veryinterestingdisplaywhich
was funnybutstill visuallyamazingasIwill show below.The reasonforittobe funnywasbecause
of the track playedwhilsttheyblew up;the trackwas Pomp& Circumstance – Edward Elgarwhich
wentwell withthe scene because the explosionswereveryvisuallybecause theytookplace inslow
To applystar theoryI wouldsaythe filmsonlyhada few that caughtmy eye forexample,Colinfirth
beinginthe Kingsmanfilmdidn’texpecthimtodo a good job inthat sort of role,thenyouhave
AnthonyMackie as Falconbut he didwell andChrisEvanssaidin an interviewhe made everything
livelywhencomingontoset. Lee pace wasa goodrole because he wasin the hobbitandwentto
thisrole and he looks completelydifferentdue tohischaracterbut still lookextremelywell even
withall the makeuphe had to puton.
Guardiansof the Galaxy^^^^^^^^^^||^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Slither
NextIwill analyse three filmtrailersof mychoice andapplyLacey’s Repertoire of elementonthem,
so mythree filmsare:
Avengers:Age Of Ultron3rd
Hitman:Agent47: -
Furious7 1st
Avengers:Age Of Ultron:-
 Character:-
Firsta voice oversoundsroboticandif youknow alreadythat the antagonistisUltronthen
youwill knowthat,the voice isthe antagonist,italsoshowsthe Maximoff twins,theystart
to helpthe antagonistbutmustrealise whattheyare doingsotheythenwouldhelpthe
avengers.Thenitshowsthe restof the avengers.
 Narrative:-
ShowsUltronwantingto take revenge onhiscreator(tonystark) by creatinga Ultron army
and attacks locationssothatthe avengersmustfightbutbecause of the new threatof the
twinstheymustfindrefuge andworktogethertofigure outa way towinoverthe twinsand
 Iconography:-
For the iconographythere are suchthingslike there gear,captainAmerica’sshield,
Hawkeye’sbow,Thor’shammer(Mjolnir),nickfuryandhiseye patch,tonystarkwithhis
ironman suitand avengerstowers.These are mostof the iconicthingsyouwouldsee inan
 Setting:-
Starts off at the antagonisthide out,doesn’treallygivelocationandseemtostarat different
locations.There isone well knownplace andthat’sNew Yorkwhere the avenger’stoweris
(the HQ of the avengers).
 Technical andAudiocodes:-
It isvisuallyamazingshowingoff the hulk,Ultronandhisminions, hulkbuster.Thenyou
have the explosions,itgetsyoumore intense asthe trailergoesonyouthinkthe avengers
are losingasa conversationisstruckwith Steve rogersandtonystark, there alsoscenes
where theyseemtobe losingsuchas whencaptainAmericafailstosave a fallingcarwhich
couldshowthat he can’t save everyone.
Hitman:Agent47: -
 Character:-
Showsthe maincharacter straightfromthe start onlyshowingbackof hishead,itstarts to
talkabout whohe is withan officerinaninvestigationroom, thenaminute intothe trailerit
introducesthe restof the maincharacter so you know abitmore of the plot.
 Narrative:-
You knowthe maincharacter is the agent47 because itis focusedaroundthatcharacter
mostof the trailer,thisindicatesthathe isthe maincharacter and ittellsyouaboutthe
storyas people speak.Forexample,the firstconversation withthe officerstellsyouthathe
isthere to kill someone.Thenyougettothe nextconversationwhere amanand a women
are speakinginacar, talkingaboutthe programagent47 hascome from, thisindicatesthat
theyholdcrucial informationtothe storywhichiswhyyou see agent47 meetupwiththe
man laterinthe trailer.
 Iconography:-
It isiconicfor agent47 to have the barcode onthe back of hisneckbecause that how the
game communityrecognisedhimasacharacter, itis alsowell knownfor himtowear a suit
otherthan that he wearsmany disguises,the characterhasto subdue the personbefore he
takestheiruniforminorderto be unseen.
 Setting:-
It seemstobe in a bigcity showingdifferentscenesindifferentlocations.Forexample, there
isa scene where the maincharacterissurroundedbycops thenagainwhenhe isat a train
stationwithcharacterthese are twoplacesyouwouldexpecttosee people andtheywould
be terrifiedif thiswashappeningrightinfrontof you where youlive.
 Technical andAudiocodes:-
The special effectworkreallywell withthe filmsuchasthe helicopterscene asitcrashes
intothe buildingmakingitexcitingandthe face pace shotsfollowingthe characterashe
closesinon histargetshowsit highactionfilmandexcitingtowatchwhenreleasesthis
Furious7: -
• Character:-
You can tell whichcharactersare the goodguys because of itbeingthe 7th
movie of the
franchise andif you’re fanof it youwill know straightawayand don’tneedany introduction,
it doesshowa fewnewcharactersare the characters fromthe 3rd
filmcrosswiththe other
• Narrative:-
You knowitis setof afterthe 6th
one due to some of the dialogue used.Forexample,Vin
Diesel’scharactersays‘the sons of Londonhas followedushome’indicatedasthe badguy
frompreviousandothermentionsof hisbrotherseekingrevenge whichunderstandwhat
JasonStatham isdoinginthe movie if youdidn’twatchthe endcreditsfor the 6th
• Iconography:-
Cars are whatare iconicto see infastand furiousfranchise butalsothe crazy stuntspulled
off.For example inthe 6th
on yousee VinDiesel jumpingtocatcha character almostkilling
him,thento make itmore extreme the firstscene showsthemjumpingout of a plane,you
alsohave the beautiful womenwhenracingacar and bringsa star guestfor the 7th
, Nicky
Minaj is shownwhentheyare racingin Dubai,theydida similarthinginthe 6th
inLondontheyusedRita Ora whenthere were inUnited Kingdom, thatcouldmake people
wantto go see it because peopleknow thatshe isinit.
• Setting:-
As I’ve saidit’sbasedinDubai,Italsoseemsto feature afuneral thiscouldindicate thatthey
are inAmerica/Tokyobecause of Hansdyinginthe 3rd
film(whichisafterthe 6th
). There isa
scene where theyare capturingsomeone viaaarmedbus,the locationlookslike the
mountainthatthe characters race on,in the 3rd
filmorit couldbe somewhere inAmerica.
• Technical andAudiocodes:-
There are a lotof thingslike the shots,there isabehindthe scenesof the openingof the
trailersothe cars skydivinganditshowsthattheyactuallydidthatnot withspecial effects
thismakesitmore excitingtowatchandit pullsoff reallywellshowninthe trailer,plus
whenshowingthe otheractionssceneswherePaul Walker’scharacteralmostfallsof the
cliff makesyoufeel onedge watchingitasif he mightnot make it,it remindsme of the train
part fromuncharted(game) where he hasto climbupfrom the trainmade me feel onthe
edge of my seat.
I firstto like filmswhenIwenttothe moviesandwatchedfilmsonthere andsaw advertsfor more
filmsyettocome it made me excitedtogo to the cinema,alsobecause of the internetIamalways
checkingthe site IMDB (InternetMovie Database) whichshowsmovie,televisionandcelebritynews
and itsone of the mainsitestouse whichispoweredbyAmazonwhichisanotherhuge site that
people goon. I alsocheck for TV newsbygoingon the page onIMDB whichshows thatspecific
showand then I will lookatthe photosfromthe nextepisode whichmakesme get excitedforthe
episode whichisalsothe same aboutthe movie if anythingthatisannouncedfora filmitalways
endsup onthe internet,whetherit be fact or fiction.Productioncompanieshave made plansforthe
nextfive yearswhichshowsthattheylistentotheirfansforexample,Marvel have gotat least15
filmscomingoutforthe next5 yearswhichisat least3 peryear whichiscrazy consideringitsonly
the start of 2015 whichshowsthatthe feedbackof the pastfilmshave gainalot of impact onthe
companyto create more to make the audience happy.
Dependingonwhoyouare,have a differentopiniononfilms.Sometimesthe waythe companies
lookat theiraudience isbycreatingprofilessothattheycanidentifytheiraudience bycategoriesby
their;age,social class,ethnicity,gender,viewsonpoliticsandpersonal historythere manyother
waystoo but because of myage I wasn’tbornfor mostof the 70s, 80s or 90s whichsome of the
mostof the amazingwork acquired such as; Godfather,Goodfellas,dirtydancingandmanymore
these filmschangedtheirgenre causingdirectorsandproducerstocreate theirowntypeswhich
thenlatercreatednewerfilmsandremakesforthe new generations,somestillwatchthe classics
whichshowthat youdon’thave to be old to watcha goodcrime.
There are placesyoucan go thoughto like filmsandhave funwhilstviewingthe thingslovedby
many.For example,SDCC(SanDiegoComiccon) Happenseveryyear,whenitfirststarteditwasvery
small butbecause of the fan supportyousee the manyof fanscome to see theirfavourite
actors/actressbeingaskedcrucial questionsfromthe fansbutalsobuy stuff atthe manyboothsthat
are available there andtosee all the people dressedupintheirfavouritecharacterwhetheritbe
movie,filmorcomic.There are alsoplaceson the internetyoucansee that do a similarthing.For
example,Facebookpagesof afilmgive off informationonthe filmif ityettorelease andalso
promotesthe filmotherthanthatpeople talktoone anothertalkingaboutthe filmwhichbecomes
great forthe people productionthe filmbecause theygetresearchbyseeingpeople’scommentson
the filmwhethertheyare goodor bad.
On the otherhand,there are sometimesthe film/trailerdoesn’tmeetexpectationswhetheritbe
because the filmwasrubbish orthe trailerdidn’tgetme appealedtothe film.Forexample,arecent
filmcame out bythe name of SeventhSon,itgotbad reviewsitisbasedoff a bookfranchise which I
have read,the fact that I wanteda filmof the bookwhen I was13 yearsoldthe same age of the
maincharacter is exciting,when Ifirstsaw picturesandthe trailer I wasexcitedforthe filmandnot
too longago a weekorso I was able towatch the film.Itwas that rubbishanddidn’t give the same
feel the bookdidmade me turnof the filmunable towatchthe ending.Thisisabad marketing
because itlookedvisuallygreatbutwhenthe final resultcame outit wasawful,Ifoundthat the film
lackedwhatthe bookhad it wasas if itwasn’tevenrelatedtothe bookwhichmade itevenworse
whichshowsthatsometimescreatingafilmfromabook isn’tthe bestideaat timesbutonlywhen
done well.Forexample,the harrypotterfranchise boththe bookandfilmversionsare amazingeven
thoughsome may saydifferent itisveryamazingtosee wordsbecome visualsthatcreate happiness
for audience towatchbut unfortunatelythisdidn’toccurwhencreatingSeventhSon.

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Me and my movie

  • 1. Me and My Movie The chosengenre I’mgoingto do isaction,the three examplesthatIam goingto use are,Captain America:the wintersolider, Kingsman:The SecretService andthe lastone isGuardiansof the galaxy. Firstof all there isCaptain America,itwasreleasedonthe 20th of March 2014 in the UK, it wasalsodirectedbyAnthonyandJoe Russothe filmisabout;As Steve Rogers strugglestoembrace hisrole inthe modernworld,he teamsupwithanothersuper soldier,the blackwidow,tobattle anew threatfromoldhistory:an assassinknownas the WinterSoldier. Nextwouldbe Kingsman,thisfilmwasreleasedonthe 29th of January2015 inthe UK, it was directedby MatthewVaughn andalsothe filmisabout; A spy organizationrecruits an unrefined,butpromisingstreetkidintothe agency'sultra-competitive training program,just as a global threatemergesfromatwistedtechgenius. Finallythere isguardiansof the galaxy,itwasreleasedon the 31st of July2014 inthe UK, it was directedbyJames Gunn andthe filmisabout; A groupof intergalactic criminalsare forcedto worktogethertostopa fanatical warriorfrom takingcontrol of the universe. NextI’ll talkabouthowthisgenre attracts me.A few exampleswould be that it’s the violence forexamplethere isascene inKingsmanwhere Colinfirth’scharacterisinvestigatinginachurch thenall of a suddenall hell breaks loose aseveryonegoescrazyandattacks one anotherand Colin’scharacteristhe only one standing. Thenthere isa scene where inthe guardiansof the galaxywhere Gamora,Drax,star lordand Groot are headingforRonanthere isa scene were Groot spearsabout5 people and swingingthemaroundthe roomsome maysay thiswouldbe violent. Thenyouhave the fightscene all of the filmsI’ve chosenhave amazingscenesbutthe bestoutof themall I’ll chose one fromeach filmandtheyare(innoparticularorder): 1. CaptainAmerica& BlackWidowvs The WinterSolider: - thisscene lastsforaround3 minutesas itstarts off withblackwidow creatinga decoyforthe wintersolider,asshe runs away she isshotand the wintersolideronhertail thencaptainAmericaappearscausingthe real fightbeginandit iswell choreographed because inaninterview Sebastian Stan(winter solider) saidthathe practice everywhere he wentso he couldproperly use aknife whichis shownInthisscene,italso bringsthe winter soliderholdingcaptainAmerica,youcouldsay that isintertextualitybecause inthe comicshe becomescaptainAmericaafterthe deathof Steve rogers.
  • 2. 2. Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin vsGazelle (TaronEgerton vsSofiaBoutella):- asthe worldisbeing twistedbySamuel L.Jackson’scharacterwhilsthe useshissimto cause chaos causingthe worldto become ina state of rage causingeveryone tofightone another,whilstSamuel is partyingthe nightawaywhilstTaron’scharacter facesoff againstSofiaas theyfighttobe the last one standingitshowsoff the combatbut makesyouwant to laughbecause of the violence beingcausedwhilstthe song“Give itup”by KC & The Sunshine Bandisplayingin the background. 3. Last we have Guardiansof the Galaxy,there isa scene were the charactersmeetforthe first time,Iwouldsaythiswouldbe a veryamazingscene because itshowsall the main characters fightingforthemtogetto know one another,like theirfirstmeetingitshowsoff humourbut alsostill have ascentof actionas you see themfightoverthe orbto laterfind out that theyjustgetarrestedevenaftertheirhardwork. There are differentreasonswhyIlikedthesefilmsandwhythisgenre suchas; the waythe storyis laidout,the characters, the actors/actressplayingthe characters,the wayit lookswhetheritbe special effectsorcreatinginhuge sets.Forexample,Vindieselvoicesthe role asgroot,whichhas veryfewlinesbutgivesthemoff differently,he says“Iam Groot” (Grootis hischaracter’sname) and also“We are Groot” eventhoughthese twolineswere the onlydialogue he used,he wasstill passionate aboutitbecause evenbefore he wascastedhe waspostingpicturesandcampaigningfor the role,mostof the reasonhe got the role was because the fanshelpedhimandpeoplewere with himwhichmade himwant to workmore hard, forhisfans.The producershadaskedhimto say itin differentlanguagessoitwouldgive abetterfeel if itcame fromthe English Groot,he doesa very goodjob changingthe language barrierandyoucan watchthe full videoof himdoingiton the blu- ray DVD of Guardians.Guardiansisthe mostuse of intertextuality outof the three due topeterquill bringingthe cultural fromearthwithhimon histravels,there are a numberof examples.For example,hisshipcontainspicturesandstickersof garbage pail kidandAlf tradingcard thisrefers back to the 1980s whenpeterwasjusta small boy,you alsohave the walkmanthat he has hismix tape on whichalsocouldreferback whenhe listenedtoall the songshismotheras JamesGunn hassaid inan interview.Thenthere are the few comments peter makestowardsothermembersof the charactersfor example whenfirstspeakingwithGrootashe says“I am Groot” Peterrepliesbysaying“Well that'sjustas fascinatingasthe first89 times.Whatis wrongwithGivingTree here?”thisbackto the picture book calledthe givingtree whichPetermusthave readwhenhe wasyounger.Thenhe talksabout anotherchildren’sbookwhentalkingtoRocketwhenhe says“rangerrick” thisreferstoa mascotfor a book thatpetermusthave read as a kid.Thenhe name dropsa few people,there are suchthings like whenhe istalkingtoGamora and mentionsKevinbaconandwhenhe wasinfootloose,whenhe talksto Drax aboutthe outlawsof earthsuchas; Billythe Kid,Bonnie andClyde.Thesewere some of the commentshe saidduringthe filmthatreferred back to 1980s whenhe wasjusta kid.There are a fewmore thingsaboutGuardiansthat couldbe
  • 3. potential Intertextualityforexample the firstis,the first scene isyousee Peterobtainingthe orb, youcouldsay it isverysimilartothe work of StevenSteilberg’sIndianaJones:Raidersof the lostark, where he obtainsthe statue. The secondone is the shipPetertravelson,ithas been saidthat it wascalled“the Milano”because of hiscrush inthe 1980s whenhe was young‘AlyssaMilano’.For the otherfilmsitwas hardto find,CaptainAmericadid have a listthat showeddifferentthingshe hadmissed due to himbeingicedfora longtime,italsowas differentdependingonthe versionof DVDyou got(changedondependingonregion). I like the filmsvisuallybecause theyshowedof differentaspectsthatmade the filmlookverygood. For example,CaptainAmericahadthe hell carrierandwhentheyfell fromthe sky. Theycouldn’t have createdthisinreal life because of all the wreckage.There isalsothe same style of scene in guardiansof the galaxywhere Ronan’sshipsfallsintoXandar,theyare quite similarscenesI’ll screenshotthemandshowitis verysimilarbutdifferentdue tolocationbecause since guardiansof the galaxyisbasedin space itlooksmore betterbecause itletsyougetto know the universe ina largerscale insteadof stayingonthe earth withthe avengers. As I wassayingGuardianswentto differentlocationsinspace whichwere actuallylocationsinspace, as theyenteredthiswouldappear: These are afew locationsshowninthe film. As youcan see these are twoof the placeswere some of the actiontakesplace,the firstplace is where yousee Drax faces off againstRonan after a drunk message thathe sentout tohim, telling that the orb isthere but italso the meetingof the collector,he isknowninotherfilmssuchas Thor: The Dark World,as yousee Lady Sif handinghimthe ether.Youcan see inthat scene slugsina tankit refersbackto JamesGunn’sfilm whenhe directed‘Slither’guardiansfeaturedthe slugsfromthat film.Whichill showspictures below,thenyouhave the Kylnthisiswhere you meetthe Drax character finishingoff the expositiongettingtoknow all the charactersand the famousline fromthe posterandtrailerwhenrocketsays“Oh Yeah!”and JamesGunn’s brother CaptainAmerica:The WinterSolider^^^^^^^^^^|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Guardians of the Galaxy
  • 4. playedasthe rocket onset forCGI. ThenfinallyJamesGunn’sMentor ‘LloydKaufman’hadan appearance inKylnasone of the prisoners. This isthe scene where you meet the Collecteranditreferstothe filmslitherasitwasa previous filmJamesGunnhad directed. For Kingsmanitwasveryvisual whenitcame to the endwhere all the people whowere underthe control of Samuel’scharactertheirheadsblew upanditgave off a veryinterestingdisplaywhich was funnybutstill visuallyamazingasIwill show below.The reasonforittobe funnywasbecause of the track playedwhilsttheyblew up;the trackwas Pomp& Circumstance – Edward Elgarwhich wentwell withthe scene because the explosionswereveryvisuallybecause theytookplace inslow motion. To applystar theoryI wouldsaythe filmsonlyhada few that caughtmy eye forexample,Colinfirth beinginthe Kingsmanfilmdidn’texpecthimtodo a good job inthat sort of role,thenyouhave AnthonyMackie as Falconbut he didwell andChrisEvanssaidin an interviewhe made everything livelywhencomingontoset. Lee pace wasa goodrole because he wasin the hobbitandwentto thisrole and he looks completelydifferentdue tohischaracterbut still lookextremelywell even withall the makeuphe had to puton. Guardiansof the Galaxy^^^^^^^^^^||^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Slither
  • 5. NextIwill analyse three filmtrailersof mychoice andapplyLacey’s Repertoire of elementonthem, so mythree filmsare: Avengers:Age Of Ultron3rd trailer:- Hitman:Agent47: - Furious7 1st trailer:- Avengers:Age Of Ultron:-  Character:- Firsta voice oversoundsroboticandif youknow alreadythat the antagonistisUltronthen youwill knowthat,the voice isthe antagonist,italsoshowsthe Maximoff twins,theystart to helpthe antagonistbutmustrealise whattheyare doingsotheythenwouldhelpthe avengers.Thenitshowsthe restof the avengers.  Narrative:- ShowsUltronwantingto take revenge onhiscreator(tonystark) by creatinga Ultron army and attacks locationssothatthe avengersmustfightbutbecause of the new threatof the twinstheymustfindrefuge andworktogethertofigure outa way towinoverthe twinsand beatUltron.  Iconography:- For the iconographythere are suchthingslike there gear,captainAmerica’sshield, Hawkeye’sbow,Thor’shammer(Mjolnir),nickfuryandhiseye patch,tonystarkwithhis ironman suitand avengerstowers.These are mostof the iconicthingsyouwouldsee inan avenger’sfilm.  Setting:- Starts off at the antagonisthide out,doesn’treallygivelocationandseemtostarat different locations.There isone well knownplace andthat’sNew Yorkwhere the avenger’stoweris (the HQ of the avengers).  Technical andAudiocodes:- It isvisuallyamazingshowingoff the hulk,Ultronandhisminions, hulkbuster.Thenyou have the explosions,itgetsyoumore intense asthe trailergoesonyouthinkthe avengers are losingasa conversationisstruckwith Steve rogersandtonystark, there alsoscenes where theyseemtobe losingsuchas whencaptainAmericafailstosave a fallingcarwhich couldshowthat he can’t save everyone. Hitman:Agent47: -  Character:- Showsthe maincharacter straightfromthe start onlyshowingbackof hishead,itstarts to talkabout whohe is withan officerinaninvestigationroom, thenaminute intothe trailerit introducesthe restof the maincharacter so you know abitmore of the plot.  Narrative:- You knowthe maincharacter is the agent47 because itis focusedaroundthatcharacter mostof the trailer,thisindicatesthathe isthe maincharacter and ittellsyouaboutthe storyas people speak.Forexample,the firstconversation withthe officerstellsyouthathe
  • 6. isthere to kill someone.Thenyougettothe nextconversationwhere amanand a women are speakinginacar, talkingaboutthe programagent47 hascome from, thisindicatesthat theyholdcrucial informationtothe storywhichiswhyyou see agent47 meetupwiththe man laterinthe trailer.  Iconography:- It isiconicfor agent47 to have the barcode onthe back of hisneckbecause that how the game communityrecognisedhimasacharacter, itis alsowell knownfor himtowear a suit otherthan that he wearsmany disguises,the characterhasto subdue the personbefore he takestheiruniforminorderto be unseen.  Setting:- It seemstobe in a bigcity showingdifferentscenesindifferentlocations.Forexample, there isa scene where the maincharacterissurroundedbycops thenagainwhenhe isat a train stationwithcharacterthese are twoplacesyouwouldexpecttosee people andtheywould be terrifiedif thiswashappeningrightinfrontof you where youlive.  Technical andAudiocodes:- The special effectworkreallywell withthe filmsuchasthe helicopterscene asitcrashes intothe buildingmakingitexcitingandthe face pace shotsfollowingthe characterashe closesinon histargetshowsit highactionfilmandexcitingtowatchwhenreleasesthis year. Furious7: - • Character:- You can tell whichcharactersare the goodguys because of itbeingthe 7th movie of the franchise andif you’re fanof it youwill know straightawayand don’tneedany introduction, it doesshowa fewnewcharactersare the characters fromthe 3rd filmcrosswiththe other characters. • Narrative:- You knowitis setof afterthe 6th one due to some of the dialogue used.Forexample,Vin Diesel’scharactersays‘the sons of Londonhas followedushome’indicatedasthe badguy frompreviousandothermentionsof hisbrotherseekingrevenge whichunderstandwhat JasonStatham isdoinginthe movie if youdidn’twatchthe endcreditsfor the 6th film. • Iconography:- Cars are whatare iconicto see infastand furiousfranchise butalsothe crazy stuntspulled off.For example inthe 6th on yousee VinDiesel jumpingtocatcha character almostkilling him,thento make itmore extreme the firstscene showsthemjumpingout of a plane,you alsohave the beautiful womenwhenracingacar and bringsa star guestfor the 7th , Nicky Minaj is shownwhentheyare racingin Dubai,theydida similarthinginthe 6th whenracing inLondontheyusedRita Ora whenthere were inUnited Kingdom, thatcouldmake people wantto go see it because peopleknow thatshe isinit. • Setting:- As I’ve saidit’sbasedinDubai,Italsoseemsto feature afuneral thiscouldindicate thatthey are inAmerica/Tokyobecause of Hansdyinginthe 3rd film(whichisafterthe 6th ). There isa
  • 7. scene where theyare capturingsomeone viaaarmedbus,the locationlookslike the mountainthatthe characters race on,in the 3rd filmorit couldbe somewhere inAmerica. • Technical andAudiocodes:- There are a lotof thingslike the shots,there isabehindthe scenesof the openingof the trailersothe cars skydivinganditshowsthattheyactuallydidthatnot withspecial effects thismakesitmore excitingtowatchandit pullsoff reallywellshowninthe trailer,plus whenshowingthe otheractionssceneswherePaul Walker’scharacteralmostfallsof the cliff makesyoufeel onedge watchingitasif he mightnot make it,it remindsme of the train part fromuncharted(game) where he hasto climbupfrom the trainmade me feel onthe edge of my seat. I firstto like filmswhenIwenttothe moviesandwatchedfilmsonthere andsaw advertsfor more filmsyettocome it made me excitedtogo to the cinema,alsobecause of the internetIamalways checkingthe site IMDB (InternetMovie Database) whichshowsmovie,televisionandcelebritynews and itsone of the mainsitestouse whichispoweredbyAmazonwhichisanotherhuge site that people goon. I alsocheck for TV newsbygoingon the page onIMDB whichshows thatspecific showand then I will lookatthe photosfromthe nextepisode whichmakesme get excitedforthe episode whichisalsothe same aboutthe movie if anythingthatisannouncedfora filmitalways endsup onthe internet,whetherit be fact or fiction.Productioncompanieshave made plansforthe nextfive yearswhichshowsthattheylistentotheirfansforexample,Marvel have gotat least15 filmscomingoutforthe next5 yearswhichisat least3 peryear whichiscrazy consideringitsonly the start of 2015 whichshowsthatthe feedbackof the pastfilmshave gainalot of impact onthe companyto create more to make the audience happy. Dependingonwhoyouare,have a differentopiniononfilms.Sometimesthe waythe companies lookat theiraudience isbycreatingprofilessothattheycanidentifytheiraudience bycategoriesby their;age,social class,ethnicity,gender,viewsonpoliticsandpersonal historythere manyother waystoo but because of myage I wasn’tbornfor mostof the 70s, 80s or 90s whichsome of the mostof the amazingwork acquired such as; Godfather,Goodfellas,dirtydancingandmanymore these filmschangedtheirgenre causingdirectorsandproducerstocreate theirowntypeswhich thenlatercreatednewerfilmsandremakesforthe new generations,somestillwatchthe classics whichshowthat youdon’thave to be old to watcha goodcrime. There are placesyoucan go thoughto like filmsandhave funwhilstviewingthe thingslovedby many.For example,SDCC(SanDiegoComiccon) Happenseveryyear,whenitfirststarteditwasvery small butbecause of the fan supportyousee the manyof fanscome to see theirfavourite actors/actressbeingaskedcrucial questionsfromthe fansbutalsobuy stuff atthe manyboothsthat are available there andtosee all the people dressedupintheirfavouritecharacterwhetheritbe movie,filmorcomic.There are alsoplaceson the internetyoucansee that do a similarthing.For example,Facebookpagesof afilmgive off informationonthe filmif ityettorelease andalso promotesthe filmotherthanthatpeople talktoone anothertalkingaboutthe filmwhichbecomes great forthe people productionthe filmbecause theygetresearchbyseeingpeople’scommentson the filmwhethertheyare goodor bad.
  • 8. On the otherhand,there are sometimesthe film/trailerdoesn’tmeetexpectationswhetheritbe because the filmwasrubbish orthe trailerdidn’tgetme appealedtothe film.Forexample,arecent filmcame out bythe name of SeventhSon,itgotbad reviewsitisbasedoff a bookfranchise which I have read,the fact that I wanteda filmof the bookwhen I was13 yearsoldthe same age of the maincharacter is exciting,when Ifirstsaw picturesandthe trailer I wasexcitedforthe filmandnot too longago a weekorso I was able towatch the film.Itwas that rubbishanddidn’t give the same feel the bookdidmade me turnof the filmunable towatchthe ending.Thisisabad marketing because itlookedvisuallygreatbutwhenthe final resultcame outit wasawful,Ifoundthat the film lackedwhatthe bookhad it wasas if itwasn’tevenrelatedtothe bookwhichmade itevenworse whichshowsthatsometimescreatingafilmfromabook isn’tthe bestideaat timesbutonlywhen done well.Forexample,the harrypotterfranchise boththe bookandfilmversionsare amazingeven thoughsome may saydifferent itisveryamazingtosee wordsbecome visualsthatcreate happiness for audience towatchbut unfortunatelythisdidn’toccurwhencreatingSeventhSon.