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 Program: Business Economics
 Course instructor: Ramish Nazir
 Group No: Third
 Group Members: Aslam, Dania, Bismah,
A pronoun is a type of word that is used to replace a
noun in a sentence. Pronouns are commonly used to
avoid repeating the same noun multiple times in a
sentence or paragraph.
For Examples: he ,she ,they, you, we, me, him, her, etc
1. I am going to the store.
2. My phone is ringing.
3. You need to take care of yourself
Pronouns can be used as adjectives when they
modify or describe a noun. In this case the pronoun
provide additional information about the noun.
1. My favorite color is this one.
2. That is his new car.
3. Our team won the championship.
4. he took her own book to the library
5. I need another pair of shoes.
1. Personal pronoun
2. Reflexive pronoun
3. Demonstrative pronoun
4. Interrogative pronoun
5. Relative pronoun
6. Indefinite pronoun
7. Possessive pronoun
These pronouns refer to the person speaking,
the person being spoken to, or the person being
spoken about.
Example: I, Me, mine, you, He, She, It, Him, Her, etc…
1. She is reading a book.
2. He loves to play basketball.
3. They are going to the park.
4. We are excited about the party
These pronouns are used when the subject and object
of a sentence refer to the same person or thing.
Example: myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves,
yourselves, etc…
1. She told herself she would study harder next time.
2. He reminded himself to call his mom.
3. They congratulated themselves on a job well done
4. You need to take care of yourself.
Possessive Pronouns: These pronouns indicate ownership
or possession.
Example: my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, etc..
1. That book is mine.
2. This is your coat.
3. His car is parked outside.
4. Her house is very big.
Demonstrative Pronouns: These pronouns point
to a specific person, place, or thing.
Example: these, those, this, that
1. This is my favorite song.
2. That is a beautiful sunset.
3. These are my shoes.
4. Those flowers are lovely.
These pronouns refer to an unspecified person, place,
or thing.
For example : anybody, anyone, anything, each, either,
everybody, everyone, everything, neither, nobody, both,
few, many, several, others, some.
1. Anyone can learn how to play guitar.
2. Somebody left his wallet on the table.
3. Nobody knows the answer to that question.
4. Everybody should have access to education
These pronouns introduce a subordinate clause and
connect it to a main clause.
For example: Who, whom, whose, which, that
1. The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
2. The book that I'm reading is very interesting.
3. The boy whose bike was stolen is very upset.
4. The movie which we watched last night was really good
Interrogative Pronouns: These pronouns are used
to ask questions.
For example: Who, whom, whose, what, which
1. Who is coming to the party tonight?
2. Whose book is this on the desk?
3. What time does the movie start?
4. Which shirt do you like better?
1. is taller than her. (personal pronoun)
2. I saw in the mirror. (Reflexive pronoun)
3. That book is . (Possessive pronoun)
4. is my favorite song. (Demonstrative pronoun)
5. left his wallet on the table. (Indefinite pro)
6. The song is playing on the radio is my favorite.
(Relative pronoun)
7. is coming to the party tonight? (interrogative pro)
Conjunctions are words that connect words,
phrases, or clauses together.
For example :
1. Cats and dogs love to chase things.
2. Tell me if my sister calls.
1. Coordinating Conjunctions
2. Correlative Conjunctions
3. Subordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions: These conjunctions join words
or groups of words of equal syntactic importance.
Examples include: and, but, or, nor, for, yet, and so.
1. I wanted to go to the beach, but it was raining.
2. She is a great singer, and she can dance well too.
3. You can either come with us or stay here.
4. He is not only intelligent, but he is also kind
These conjunctions work in pairs to connect words or
groups of words of equal syntactic importance.
Examples: either…or, neither…nor, both…and, not
only...but also, and whether...or.
1. Neither my sister nor my brother is interested in sports.
2. Either you complete the project on time or you lose your job.
3. Both the teacher and the students were tired after the long day.
4. Not only did she finish the race, but she also broke the record.
Subordinating conjunctions: These conjunctions join a
subordinate clause to a main clause, indicating a
relationship of dependence or subordination.
Examples include: because, since, although, while,
unless, until, and if.
1. Since it's raining, we'll have to cancel the picnic.
2. Although I'm tired, I'm going to the gym.
3. If you study hard, you'll pass the test.
4. Unless you hurry, you'll miss the train.
An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb,
adjective, or other adverb. Adverbs provide more
information about how, when, where, or to what extent an
action or quality is performed.
For example: quickly, slowly, happily, badly ,everywhere
,and very
1. She sings beautifully.
2. He runs quickly.
3. The sun shone brightly.
4. The bird chirped loudly.
Adverbs can be used adjectives.
Adjectives describe noun, pronoun.
Adverbs describe verb, adverb, adjectives.
1:This is a fast boat.
The snow is melting fast.
2:That boy is so loud.
That boy speaks so loudly.
3:Richard is careless
Richard talks carelessly.
1:Bob fell down since he wasn't paying
Bob fell down the stairs.
2:We went below.
Below us lay the valley.
When to add ly to adverbs?
When an adverbs answers how something
happened or how much then add ly to it.
Eg: slowly, quickly, smartly, carefully etc.
1. Adverbs of manner
2. Adverbs of degree
3. Adverbs of frequency
4. Adverbs of place
5. Adverbs of time
6. Conjunctive adverbs
Adverbs of manner answer the question “How did it
Foe example:
Quietly , peacefully, slowly, easily, fast , badly ,etc.
1. She danced gracefully on the stage.
2. He cooked the meal skillfully.
3. The children played happily in the park.
Adverbs of degree tell us about the intensity of an action,
answering the question “How much?”
For Example : too , very , extremely, fairly, quite,
incredibly, slightly, absolutely, entirely etc.
1. I am extremely tired after a long day at work.
2. The weather is incredibly hot today.
3. She was slightly disappointed with the results.
Adverbs of frequency answer the question “How often?”
For Example: often , always, sometimes, normally,
generally, rarely, occasionally etc.
1. She always arrives at the office early in the morning.
2. He rarely eats fast food.
3. They often go out for dinner on weekends.
Adverbs of place clarify where the action took place.
For example:
above, abroad, far, away, here, outside, backwards, lying
under; high etc.
1. The keys were lying here and there.
2. The cat was hiding under the table.
3. The birds are flying high in the sky.
Adverbs of time detail when the action took place
For example:
yesterday, soon, later, today, tomorrow, tonight, last year
1. He wakes up early every morning.
2. They will arrive soon.
3. She finished the project yesterday.
 Conjunctive adverbs connect two independent clauses
or sentences
 For Example: however, therefore, meanwhile,
furthermore, moreover etc.
1. She kept talking in class therefore she got into
2. She went into the store however she didn't find
anything she wanted to buy.
3. I loved that writer's latest novel moreover her book of
poetry is beautifully written.
An adjective is a word which point out the
quality or quantity of the noun.
➢ He gave me Five mangoes
➢ Karachi is a big city
➢ The boy is lazy
1. Adjective of Quality
2. Adjective of Quantity
3. Numeral Adjective
4. Demonstrative Adjective
5. Interrogative Adjective
6. Exclamatory Adjective
An adjective of quality shows the quality of
➢Lahore is a big city
➢Ali is an honest man
➢The foolish old crow tried to sing
The adjective of quantity is the one which
shows the quantity of noun
➢ I ate some rice.
➢ You have no sense.
➢ He showed much patience.
An numeral adjective is the one which shows
the number or quantity of noun such as "one"
"two" etc are called definite numeral while all,
no, many are known as indefinite numeral"
➢ Every hand has five fingers
➢ All man must die
➢ You have five minutes
Note: some, no, any,enough are also used as
both quantitative and numeral adjective
 Demonstrative adjectives are those which
point out the noun
 Examples:
 ➢ This boy is strong
 ➢ These grapes are sour
 ➢ I hate such things
Interrogative adjectives are those which are
used with noun to ask question
➢ Whose book is this ?
➢ What are you doing here?
➢ Which pen do you prefer?
An exclamatory adjective is an adjective used
to express strong emotions such as Joy
,sadness ,anger
➢ What a great idea you had
➢ How delicious this cake tastes
➢ What a beautiful day it is today
Along a noun
When Adjective use along a noun it is called
The Lazy boy was Punished
When Adjective use after a helping Verb it is
called predicatively
The Boy is lazy
Tall is + ve degree which show only quality
Taller is a comparative degree which show
comparison with first
Tallest is superlative degree which shows
comparison with all
1-Most forms er adding for comparative and
est in superlative to + ve
Small, Smaller, Smallest
2-When +ve ends on e then r is added for
comparative and st for superlative
Brave, Braver, Bravest
3-When +ve end on y then y replace i and er
added for comparative and est for superlative
Happy, Happier, Happiest
 4-much,More,Most
 Exp=Beautiful, More Beautiful, Most Beautiful
 5- Irregular comparison
 Bad, Worse, Worst
Formation of Adjective
1-From Noun
Boy=Boyish King=Kingly Silk=Silken
2-From Verb
Tire=Tireless Talk= Talkative Move=Moveable
3-From Adjective
White=Whitish Black=Blackish
Which way shall we go? (Adjective)
I have found my book which I lost (Pronoun)
This is a place where he was Murdered (Adverb)
He found his Watch where He had left it (Conjunction)
2-Some Adverb form by Adjective
Example= He is a brave Boy (Adjective)
He faces obstacles bravely (Adverb)
3-His,Her,My Etc
This is his book (Adjective)
This book is his (Pronoun)
4-Any,Many,One,More,Nobody,Each Etc
Used as both Adjective and Pronoun
One must not praise ones its self (Pronoun)
A preposition is a word that shows the relationship
between a noun or pronoun and other words in a
sentence. Prepositions often indicate the location,
direction, time, or manner of a noun or pronoun in
relation to other elements in the sentence.
For example: in, on, at, by, with, from, to, and through.
The book is on the table
"on" is the preposition that indicates the location of the
book in relation to the table.
1 Preposition of time: Use to show when
something is happing.
1. We will be meeting on Friday.
2. Can you come after some time.
2 Preposition of place: indicate the place or
position of something.
1. Harry hid behind the door.
2. He was waiting in front of the EB office.
3 Preposition of direction: Used to denote the direction in
which something travels or moves.
1. Jerry jumped into the river to help his sister.
2. Aneeza passed the book to aliza.
4 preposition of location: Employed to denote the location
of a particular object.
1. I lay on the floor for a really long time.
2. Fajjar would be staying at her cousin’s place for the
5 Preposition of spatial relationship: Used to denote an
object movement away from the source and towards a
 For example:
1. Haroon sat beneath the trees.
2. Humaar sat beside the stairs.
Preposition of phrase: A combination of a preposition
and a noun( the object it is affecting).
For example:
1. See to it you reach the value on time.
2. The medicines you asked for are out of stock.
1. This shop doesn’t have the toys I was
2. My brother’s anniversary is ___ 5th November. (on/in)
3. The soldiers are ___ war. (in/at)
4. The boy ___ the store is quite young. (at/on)
5. The teacher divided the sweets _____ all the children.
6. Humpty Dumpty sat ___ a wall. (on/at)
7. The Sun will not rise ___ 6 o’clock. (before/since)
8. Leo did not fare well ___ his examination. (in/at)
9. I know Jack ___ he was a little boy. (since/for)
10.I will have completed my task ___ Friday. (till/by)
Article can be taken as one of the Determiners or a
subclass of the determiners which determines noun they
are also known as Demonstrative Adjectives.
Types of article
1. The definite article (The )
2. The indefinite article( A and An)
Note: sometime noun require no article at all.
This is called “zero article” i.e Book, eye….
In English language, there are three articles.(A,
An, and The).
1. Definite article: The (is used to refer any
particular person place or thing)
2. Indefinite: A and An (dose not refer
particular noun)
The articles (definite and indefinite) are used in English
grammar to indicate the specificity of a noun. They
modify and provide context to the noun in a sentence.
Indefinite articles
Indefinite articles (a, an) are used before singular
nouns that are general or unspecified.
For example:
1. I saw a cat in the park.
2. She is a doctor at the hospital.
3. I need to buy a new phone.
Indefinite articles are not used before plural nouns or
non-countable nouns.
For example:
I like coffee" (not "I like a coffee").
The indefinite article "a" is used before words that begin
with a consonant sound, and the indefinite article "an" is
used before words that begin with a vowel sound.
For example:
I ate an apple. and He has a car.
Definite articles (the) are used before singular or plural
nouns that are specific or known to both the speaker and
For example:
1. The cat I saw in the park was black and white.
2. The book on the table is mine.
3. The sun is shining brightly today.
The definite article is also used before superlative
For example:
1. She is the best singer I have ever heard.
2. She is the smartest person in the room.
3. This is the biggest pizza I have ever seen.
The definite article is used before certain common
nouns, such as
"the sun," "the moon," and "the sky."
1. The dog barked loudly at the mailman.
2. I need to go to the store to buy the milk.
3. We watched a movie last night and it was really good.
4. The sun is shining brightly today.
5. I saw a bird in the tree outside my window.
6. She wants to buy an apple at the grocery store.
7. He is wearing a blue shirt today.
8. Can you lend me a pencil for the test?
The presentation was crafted through a combination of two English
grammar books and online resources obtained from the Google search
engine. Our intention was to ensure accuracy and depth of knowledge
on the subject matter, utilizing a variety of reputable sources to support
our content.
(1) Essential Grammar in use
(Written by Raymond Murphy)
(2) High school English grammar and composition
We utilized the Google search engine to enhance our comprehension and
gain a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. The purpose of this was to
clarify any ambiguities and solidify our knowledge on the subject matter by
accessing a wide range of reliable sources available online.
 Your Dictionary

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  • 1.  Program: Business Economics  Course instructor: Ramish Nazir  Group No: Third  Group Members: Aslam, Dania, Bismah, Waleed
  • 2. A pronoun is a type of word that is used to replace a noun in a sentence. Pronouns are commonly used to avoid repeating the same noun multiple times in a sentence or paragraph. For Examples: he ,she ,they, you, we, me, him, her, etc 1. I am going to the store. 2. My phone is ringing. 3. You need to take care of yourself
  • 3. Pronouns can be used as adjectives when they modify or describe a noun. In this case the pronoun provide additional information about the noun. 1. My favorite color is this one. 2. That is his new car. 3. Our team won the championship. 4. he took her own book to the library 5. I need another pair of shoes.
  • 4. 1. Personal pronoun 2. Reflexive pronoun 3. Demonstrative pronoun 4. Interrogative pronoun 5. Relative pronoun 6. Indefinite pronoun 7. Possessive pronoun
  • 5. These pronouns refer to the person speaking, the person being spoken to, or the person being spoken about. Example: I, Me, mine, you, He, She, It, Him, Her, etc… 1. She is reading a book. 2. He loves to play basketball. 3. They are going to the park. 4. We are excited about the party
  • 6. These pronouns are used when the subject and object of a sentence refer to the same person or thing. Example: myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, etc… 1. She told herself she would study harder next time. 2. He reminded himself to call his mom. 3. They congratulated themselves on a job well done 4. You need to take care of yourself.
  • 7. Possessive Pronouns: These pronouns indicate ownership or possession. Example: my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, etc.. 1. That book is mine. 2. This is your coat. 3. His car is parked outside. 4. Her house is very big.
  • 8. Demonstrative Pronouns: These pronouns point to a specific person, place, or thing. Example: these, those, this, that 1. This is my favorite song. 2. That is a beautiful sunset. 3. These are my shoes. 4. Those flowers are lovely.
  • 9. These pronouns refer to an unspecified person, place, or thing. For example : anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, neither, nobody, both, few, many, several, others, some. 1. Anyone can learn how to play guitar. 2. Somebody left his wallet on the table. 3. Nobody knows the answer to that question. 4. Everybody should have access to education
  • 10. These pronouns introduce a subordinate clause and connect it to a main clause. For example: Who, whom, whose, which, that 1. The woman who lives next door is a doctor. 2. The book that I'm reading is very interesting. 3. The boy whose bike was stolen is very upset. 4. The movie which we watched last night was really good
  • 11. Interrogative Pronouns: These pronouns are used to ask questions. For example: Who, whom, whose, what, which 1. Who is coming to the party tonight? 2. Whose book is this on the desk? 3. What time does the movie start? 4. Which shirt do you like better?
  • 12. 1. is taller than her. (personal pronoun) 2. I saw in the mirror. (Reflexive pronoun) 3. That book is . (Possessive pronoun) 4. is my favorite song. (Demonstrative pronoun) 5. left his wallet on the table. (Indefinite pro) 6. The song is playing on the radio is my favorite. (Relative pronoun) 7. is coming to the party tonight? (interrogative pro)
  • 13. Conjunctions are words that connect words, phrases, or clauses together. For example : 1. Cats and dogs love to chase things. 2. Tell me if my sister calls.
  • 14. 1. Coordinating Conjunctions 2. Correlative Conjunctions 3. Subordinating Conjunctions
  • 15. Coordinating conjunctions: These conjunctions join words or groups of words of equal syntactic importance. Examples include: and, but, or, nor, for, yet, and so. 1. I wanted to go to the beach, but it was raining. 2. She is a great singer, and she can dance well too. 3. You can either come with us or stay here. 4. He is not only intelligent, but he is also kind
  • 16. These conjunctions work in pairs to connect words or groups of words of equal syntactic importance. Examples: either…or, neither…nor, both…and, not only...but also, and whether...or. 1. Neither my sister nor my brother is interested in sports. 2. Either you complete the project on time or you lose your job. 3. Both the teacher and the students were tired after the long day. 4. Not only did she finish the race, but she also broke the record.
  • 17. Subordinating conjunctions: These conjunctions join a subordinate clause to a main clause, indicating a relationship of dependence or subordination. Examples include: because, since, although, while, unless, until, and if. 1. Since it's raining, we'll have to cancel the picnic. 2. Although I'm tired, I'm going to the gym. 3. If you study hard, you'll pass the test. 4. Unless you hurry, you'll miss the train.
  • 18. An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb. Adverbs provide more information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action or quality is performed. For example: quickly, slowly, happily, badly ,everywhere ,and very 1. She sings beautifully. 2. He runs quickly. 3. The sun shone brightly. 4. The bird chirped loudly.
  • 19. Adverbs can be used adjectives. Adjectives describe noun, pronoun. Adverbs describe verb, adverb, adjectives. Example: 1:This is a fast boat. The snow is melting fast. 2:That boy is so loud. That boy speaks so loudly. 3:Richard is careless Richard talks carelessly.
  • 20. 1:Bob fell down since he wasn't paying attention. Bob fell down the stairs. 2:We went below. Below us lay the valley. When to add ly to adverbs? When an adverbs answers how something happened or how much then add ly to it. Eg: slowly, quickly, smartly, carefully etc.
  • 21. 1. Adverbs of manner 2. Adverbs of degree 3. Adverbs of frequency 4. Adverbs of place 5. Adverbs of time 6. Conjunctive adverbs
  • 22. Adverbs of manner answer the question “How did it happen? Foe example: Quietly , peacefully, slowly, easily, fast , badly ,etc. 1. She danced gracefully on the stage. 2. He cooked the meal skillfully. 3. The children played happily in the park.
  • 23. Adverbs of degree tell us about the intensity of an action, answering the question “How much?” For Example : too , very , extremely, fairly, quite, incredibly, slightly, absolutely, entirely etc. 1. I am extremely tired after a long day at work. 2. The weather is incredibly hot today. 3. She was slightly disappointed with the results.
  • 24. Adverbs of frequency answer the question “How often?” For Example: often , always, sometimes, normally, generally, rarely, occasionally etc. 1. She always arrives at the office early in the morning. 2. He rarely eats fast food. 3. They often go out for dinner on weekends.
  • 25. Adverbs of place clarify where the action took place. For example: above, abroad, far, away, here, outside, backwards, lying under; high etc. 1. The keys were lying here and there. 2. The cat was hiding under the table. 3. The birds are flying high in the sky.
  • 26. Adverbs of time detail when the action took place For example: yesterday, soon, later, today, tomorrow, tonight, last year etc. 1. He wakes up early every morning. 2. They will arrive soon. 3. She finished the project yesterday.
  • 27.  Conjunctive adverbs connect two independent clauses or sentences  For Example: however, therefore, meanwhile, furthermore, moreover etc. 1. She kept talking in class therefore she got into trouble. 2. She went into the store however she didn't find anything she wanted to buy. 3. I loved that writer's latest novel moreover her book of poetry is beautifully written.
  • 28. An adjective is a word which point out the quality or quantity of the noun. Example: ➢ He gave me Five mangoes ➢ Karachi is a big city ➢ The boy is lazy
  • 29. 1. Adjective of Quality 2. Adjective of Quantity 3. Numeral Adjective 4. Demonstrative Adjective 5. Interrogative Adjective 6. Exclamatory Adjective
  • 30. An adjective of quality shows the quality of noun. Examples ➢Lahore is a big city ➢Ali is an honest man ➢The foolish old crow tried to sing
  • 31. The adjective of quantity is the one which shows the quantity of noun Examples: ➢ I ate some rice. ➢ You have no sense. ➢ He showed much patience.
  • 32. An numeral adjective is the one which shows the number or quantity of noun such as "one" "two" etc are called definite numeral while all, no, many are known as indefinite numeral" Examples ➢ Every hand has five fingers ➢ All man must die ➢ You have five minutes Note: some, no, any,enough are also used as both quantitative and numeral adjective
  • 33.  Demonstrative adjectives are those which point out the noun  Examples:  ➢ This boy is strong  ➢ These grapes are sour  ➢ I hate such things
  • 34. Interrogative adjectives are those which are used with noun to ask question Examples: ➢ Whose book is this ? ➢ What are you doing here? ➢ Which pen do you prefer?
  • 35. An exclamatory adjective is an adjective used to express strong emotions such as Joy ,sadness ,anger Examples: ➢ What a great idea you had ➢ How delicious this cake tastes ➢ What a beautiful day it is today
  • 36. Along a noun When Adjective use along a noun it is called Attributively Example The Lazy boy was Punished When Adjective use after a helping Verb it is called predicatively Example The Boy is lazy
  • 37. 1-Tall,Taller,Tallest Tall is + ve degree which show only quality Taller is a comparative degree which show comparison with first Tallest is superlative degree which shows comparison with all
  • 38. 1-Most forms er adding for comparative and est in superlative to + ve Small, Smaller, Smallest 2-When +ve ends on e then r is added for comparative and st for superlative Brave, Braver, Bravest 3-When +ve end on y then y replace i and er added for comparative and est for superlative Happy, Happier, Happiest
  • 39.  4-much,More,Most  Exp=Beautiful, More Beautiful, Most Beautiful  5- Irregular comparison  Bad, Worse, Worst Formation of Adjective 1-From Noun Boy=Boyish King=Kingly Silk=Silken Gold=Golden 2-From Verb Tire=Tireless Talk= Talkative Move=Moveable 3-From Adjective White=Whitish Black=Blackish
  • 40. 1-where,why,what,which,etc Which way shall we go? (Adjective) I have found my book which I lost (Pronoun) This is a place where he was Murdered (Adverb) He found his Watch where He had left it (Conjunction) 2-Some Adverb form by Adjective Example= He is a brave Boy (Adjective) He faces obstacles bravely (Adverb) 3-His,Her,My Etc This is his book (Adjective) This book is his (Pronoun) 4-Any,Many,One,More,Nobody,Each Etc Used as both Adjective and Pronoun One must not praise ones its self (Pronoun)
  • 41. A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. Prepositions often indicate the location, direction, time, or manner of a noun or pronoun in relation to other elements in the sentence. For example: in, on, at, by, with, from, to, and through. The book is on the table "on" is the preposition that indicates the location of the book in relation to the table.
  • 42. 1 Preposition of time: Use to show when something is happing. i.e 1. We will be meeting on Friday. 2. Can you come after some time. 2 Preposition of place: indicate the place or position of something. i.e 1. Harry hid behind the door. 2. He was waiting in front of the EB office.
  • 43. 3 Preposition of direction: Used to denote the direction in which something travels or moves. i.e 1. Jerry jumped into the river to help his sister. 2. Aneeza passed the book to aliza. 4 preposition of location: Employed to denote the location of a particular object. i.e 1. I lay on the floor for a really long time. 2. Fajjar would be staying at her cousin’s place for the weekend.
  • 44. 5 Preposition of spatial relationship: Used to denote an object movement away from the source and towards a source.  For example: 1. Haroon sat beneath the trees. 2. Humaar sat beside the stairs.
  • 45. Preposition of phrase: A combination of a preposition and a noun( the object it is affecting). For example: 1. See to it you reach the value on time. 2. The medicines you asked for are out of stock.
  • 46. 1. This shop doesn’t have the toys I was looking___.(up/for) 2. My brother’s anniversary is ___ 5th November. (on/in) 3. The soldiers are ___ war. (in/at) 4. The boy ___ the store is quite young. (at/on) 5. The teacher divided the sweets _____ all the children. (between/among) 6. Humpty Dumpty sat ___ a wall. (on/at) 7. The Sun will not rise ___ 6 o’clock. (before/since) 8. Leo did not fare well ___ his examination. (in/at) 9. I know Jack ___ he was a little boy. (since/for) 10.I will have completed my task ___ Friday. (till/by)
  • 47. Article can be taken as one of the Determiners or a subclass of the determiners which determines noun they are also known as Demonstrative Adjectives. Types of article 1. The definite article (The ) 2. The indefinite article( A and An) Note: sometime noun require no article at all. This is called “zero article” i.e Book, eye….
  • 48. In English language, there are three articles.(A, An, and The). 1. Definite article: The (is used to refer any particular person place or thing) 2. Indefinite: A and An (dose not refer particular noun)
  • 49. The articles (definite and indefinite) are used in English grammar to indicate the specificity of a noun. They modify and provide context to the noun in a sentence. Indefinite articles Indefinite articles (a, an) are used before singular nouns that are general or unspecified. For example: 1. I saw a cat in the park. 2. She is a doctor at the hospital. 3. I need to buy a new phone.
  • 50. Indefinite articles are not used before plural nouns or non-countable nouns. For example: I like coffee" (not "I like a coffee"). The indefinite article "a" is used before words that begin with a consonant sound, and the indefinite article "an" is used before words that begin with a vowel sound. For example: I ate an apple. and He has a car.
  • 51. Definite articles (the) are used before singular or plural nouns that are specific or known to both the speaker and listener. For example: 1. The cat I saw in the park was black and white. 2. The book on the table is mine. 3. The sun is shining brightly today.
  • 52. The definite article is also used before superlative adjectives. For example: 1. She is the best singer I have ever heard. 2. She is the smartest person in the room. 3. This is the biggest pizza I have ever seen. The definite article is used before certain common nouns, such as "the sun," "the moon," and "the sky."
  • 53. 1. The dog barked loudly at the mailman. 2. I need to go to the store to buy the milk. 3. We watched a movie last night and it was really good. 4. The sun is shining brightly today. 5. I saw a bird in the tree outside my window. 6. She wants to buy an apple at the grocery store. 7. He is wearing a blue shirt today. 8. Can you lend me a pencil for the test?
  • 54. The presentation was crafted through a combination of two English grammar books and online resources obtained from the Google search engine. Our intention was to ensure accuracy and depth of knowledge on the subject matter, utilizing a variety of reputable sources to support our content. Books: (1) Essential Grammar in use (Written by Raymond Murphy) (2) High school English grammar and composition
  • 55. We utilized the Google search engine to enhance our comprehension and gain a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. The purpose of this was to clarify any ambiguities and solidify our knowledge on the subject matter by accessing a wide range of reliable sources available online. Website:  Your Dictionary Link: conjunction.html