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Tutor Hematologi Putaran I


Lulut Kusumawati, dr / Fery H Soedewo, dr, MS, SpPK(K)

• Besi dalam tubuh berguna untuk :
      hemoglobin, mioglobin, berbagai enzim
• Kandungan normal besi tubuh :
    • Laki-laki : 50 mg/kgBB
    • Wanita : 35 mg/kgBB
• Dalam tubuh besi selalu berikatan dengan
  protein tertentu

Absorbsi Besi
• Tergantung : kebutuhan tubuh – rasio
  enhancer inhibitor
• Di duodenum proksimal dan jejunum
• Sebagian besar diet dalam bentuk non
  heme (Fe3+)
• Enhancer : askorbat, sitrat, daging
• Inhibitor : phytat, tannin
• Fe3+  Fe2+ (supaya bisa diserap)
• Jumlah : 1 mg yang masuk darah
• Dalam plasma besi dalam bentuk Fe3+
• terikat transferrin                    3
Distribusi dan transportasi
• Protein yang berperan dalam transportasi
  dan penyimpanan besi :
     o Apotransferrin
     o Apoferritin
     o Reseptor transferrin
• Besi disimpan dalam bentuk ferritin dan


SI      Unsaturated Iron Binding
         Capacity (UIBC)

     SI + UIBC =
      ( TIBC )


Pengukuran Kandungan
   Besi dalam Tubuh

Persiapan Tes
             • Pasien berhenti obat oral Fe 12 jam
Sampel tes     sebelumnya
             • Serum atau plasma heparin

             • Tabung plastik disposable 12x75 mm
Peralatan    • Glassware : cuci deterjen – rendam HCl
               2 mol/L (6-12 jam) – bilas iron free water

 Iron free   • Deionized water
             • 0,2 µmol besi/liter
Serum Iron (di PK)
Prinsip :
• Ikatan antara ferri (Fe3+) dan transferrin
  dilepaskan oleh guanidine dalam suasana
  pH 4,8
• Asam askorbat akan mereduksi ion ferri
  (Fe3+) menjadi ferro (Fe2+)
• Fe2+ akan bereaksi dengan ferrozine
  membentuk komplek berwarna.
• Dibaca dengan fotometer pada panjang
  gelombang 560 nm.
Serum Iron (di PK)
Reagen :
  • Reagen 1 (R1) :
      o Acetate buffer, pH 4,8    100 mmol/L
      o Guanidine hydrochloride     5 mol/L
      o Thiourea                  52,5 mmol/L
  • Reagen 2 (R2) :
      o Ascorbic acid
  • Reagen 3 (R3) :
      o Ferrozine                  41 mmol/L
 • Standar : Std
      o Iron                       100 μg/dL
                                      1 mg/L
                                   17,9 μmol/L
Sampel : serum atau plasma heparin. Sampel tidak
        boleh hemolisis                            10
Serum Iron (di PK)
1. Membuat larutan kerja (working
   reagent) :
  o Larutkan 1 sendok takar R2 dalam 50 ml R1.
    Tunggu hingga tercampur dengan baik.

                     1 sendok
                     takar R2

          50 ml R1

  o Stabil selama 2 minggu pada suhu 2-8˚C dan 3
    hari pada suhu 20-25˚C.

Serum Iron (di PK)
 • 2      BLANKO              STANDAR              SAMPEL
          Akuades              Standar              Sampel
          150 μL               150 μL               150 μL

Working             Working              Working
reagent             reagent              reagent
500 μL              500 μL               500 μL

                                A1                  A2

   Tunggu 50 detik, kemudian baca OD pada panjang
   gelombang 560 nm (A1 dan A2)
Serum Iron (di PK)
• 3.

  R3 25 μL          R3 25 μL        R3 25 μL

                               A3              A4

       Baca OD setelah 325 detik, pada panjang
       gelombang 560 nm (A3 dan A4)

Serum Iron (di PK)
• Penghitungan :
  A4-A2 x konsentrasi standar (n)
             µg/dL  n = 100
             mg/dL  n = 1
             µmol/L  n = 17,9
• Nilai rujukan : 0,5 – 1,68 mg/dL
                 50 – 168 µg/dL
                  8,95 – 30 µmol/L
PK                            ICSH
Guanidine          Protein   Trichloracetic
hydrochloride    precipitant acid dan
17,9 μmol/L     Larutan besi 80 μmol/L
560 nm          Λ   fotometer 562 nm
Tanpa               Sentrifus   13.000 g, 4
sentrifugasi                    menit
• 50 detik           Waktu      • 300 detik
• 325 detik         tunggu      • 600 detik
                     reaksi                   15
Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) di PK

Metode : Saturasi
Prinsip :
      TIBC dievaluasi setelah transferrin sampai
      jenuh oleh larutan besi, dan kelebihan
      besi akan diabsorbsi oleh magnesium
      hydroxide carbonate. Setelah
      disentrifus, konsentrasi besi dalam
      supernatan diukur.

Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) di PK

Reagen :
• Reagen 1 : R1
    o Iron saturating solution 500 μg/dL
                                 5 mg/L
                              89,5 μmol/L
• Reagen 2 : R2
    o Magnesium hydroxide carbonate (1 sendok
      takar = 100 mg)

Sampel : Serum, plasma heparin. Sampel tidak boleh

Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) di PK

                                  1 sendok
1 ml
                                  takar reagen
reagen            5 menit         R2             Inkubasi 20
                                                 menit, sekali-kali
         0,5 ml
                                                  Sentrifus 3000
                                                  rpm, 10 menit

    Periksa supernatan seperti pada SI           Ambil supernatan
    Dengan supernatan : reagen = 1:3

Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) di PK

Nilai rujukan :
   o Laki-laki dewasa : 2,6 - 3,9 mg/L
                     = 46,5 – 69,8 μmol/L
                     = 260 -390 μg/dL
   o Wanita dewasa : 2,1 – 3,4 mg/L
                     = 37,6 – 60,9 μmol/L
                     = 210 – 340 μg/dL

PK                             ICSH
• 89,5 μmol/L      Larutan      • 100 μmol/L
• 1 ml          saturasi besi : • 0,5 ml
                • Kadar
                • Volume
3.000 rpm, 10      Sentrifus    13.000 g, 4 menit
menit                           atau 1500 g, 15
                                menit dgn
                                volume dobel
• 5 menit           Waktu       • 15 menit
• 20 menit      tunggu reaksi • 30 menit

Saturasi Transferin :

   SI (μg/dL)
                 x 100 %
   TIBC (μg/dL

• Nilai normal : 20-45 %

Interpretasi SI dan TIBC
SI :
   o Normal fluktuasi lebar dan memperlihatkan
     variasi diurnal
   o Tidak terpengaruh sampai cadangan besi
   o Penurunan SI terjadi pada anemia defisiensi
     besi, penyakit kronis dan selama respon fase
   o TIBC meningkat pada anemia defisiensi besi
     dan kehamilan dan menurun pada infeksi dan

Ferritin Serum
Metode : ELISA metode double sandwich
Prinsip :
       Antibodi dengan high affinity terhadap
       ferritin (antiferritin Ig G) akan berikatan
       dengan feritin serum dan selanjutnya
       dilabel dengan enzim horseradish
       peroxidase dan dibaca OD-nya pada
       panjang gelombang 492 nm.

Ferritin Serum
Metode : IRMA (Immunoradiometric Assay)
Prinsip :
       Antibodi yang dilabel dengan
       radioaktif yang berlebih direaksikan
       dengan ferritin. Ferritin yang tidak
       berikatan dengan antibodi akan
       dihilangkan dengan

Ferritin Serum

Nilai rujukan :
    • 35 – 300 µg/l (pria dewasa)
    • 20 – 100 µg/l (wanita dewasa)

Ferritin Serum

Prinsip :
     reagen Prussian blue akan mewarnai besi
     menjadi berwarna biru terang atau hijau, eritrosit
     tercat warna merah atau merah muda oleh
     neutral red.

Bahan dan alat :
  • Gelas obyek dan bahan sampel  hapusan
  • Metanol untuk fiksasi
  • Potassium ferrocyanide 10 g/l dalam 0,1 mol/l
  • Larutan neutral red atau eosin
  • HCl 3 mol/l
Hapusan darah difiksasi dengan
metanol, tunggu 10 – 20 menit
  Masukkan dalam larutan
  potassium ferrocyanide (10 menit
  - 200C)
      Cuci dengan air kran (20
      menit), bilas dengan distilled
        Counterstain dengan neutral red
        atau eosin selama 10-15 detik

           Tuangi dengan HCl 3 mol/l dan
           cuci dengan air kran.
Prussian-blue staining (Pearl’s reaction) on aspirated bone
         marrow particles to demonstrate iron stores.
A. Normal    B. Absent     C. Increased       D. Grossly increased

Enhancer - Inhibitor
• Enhancer : bahan-bahan yang meningkatkan
      Askorbat (mereduksi Fe3+  Fe2+, sitrat, asam
      organik lain dalam sayuran
• Inhibitor : bahan-bahan yang menghambat
      Karbonat, phytat, tannate, phosphat, oksalat 
      chelating agent untuk Fe

• Meningkatkan absorbsi :
     Daging, ASI, cairan lambung
• Menghambat absorbsi :
     Putih telur, protein susu sapi, cairan pankreas

Absorbsi besi non
 heme di usus

• Plasma-EDTA :
       warna yang terbentuk lebih lambat dan harus
       didiamkan sekitar 15 menit sebelum dibaca
       dengan fotometer
• Sampel tidak boleh hemolisis :
      Hemolisis akan melepaskan besi dalam plasma
      sehingga mengganggu hasil pemeriksaan

Deionized Water
• Also known as demineralized water[
• Water that has had its mineral ions removed,
       cations : sodium, calcium, iron, copper
       anions : chloride and bromide.
• Deionization is a physical process which uses
  specially-manufactured ion exchange resins
  which bind to and filter out the mineral salts from
• Deionization does not significantly remove
  uncharged organic molecules, viruses or
  bacteria, except by incidental trapping in the
  resin. Specially made strong base anion resins can
  remove Gram-negative bacteria. Deionization
  can be done continuously and inexpensively using
HCl = Hydrochloric Acid
• Hydrogen chloride (HCl) is a monoprotic acid, which
  means it can dissociate (i.e., ionize) only once to give
  up one H+ ion (a single proton). In aqueous
  hydrochloric acid, the H+ joins a water molecule to
  form a hydronium ion, H3O+
• HCl + H2O → H3O+ + Cl− The other ion formed is
  Cl−, the chloride ion. Hydrochloric acid can therefore
  be used to prepare salts called chlorides, such as
  sodium chloride. Hydrochloric acid is a strong
  acid, since it is essentially completely dissociated in

HCl = Hydrochloric Acid
• One of the most important applications of
  hydrochloric acid is in the pickling of steel, to remove
  rust or iron oxide scale from iron or steel before
  subsequent processing, such as
  extrusion, rolling, galvanizing, and other techniques.
• Fe2O3 + Fe + 6 HCl → 3 FeCl2 + 3 H2O
  The spent acid has long been re-used as iron(II)
  chloride (also known as ferrous chloride) solutions, but
  high heavy-metal levels in the pickling liquor have
  decreased this practice.
• 4 FeCl2 + 4 H2O + O2 → 8 HCl+ 2 Fe2O3
  By recuperation of the spent acid, a closed acid loop
  is established. The iron(III) oxide by-product of the
  regeneration process is valuable, used in a variety of
  secondary industries.                                    37
Kandungan Besi Tubuh
• Plasma pool : SI – TIBC – saturasi transferin
• Storage pool : Feritin - Hemosiderin
• Red blood cell pool : reseptor transferin –
  protoporfirin eritrosit – indeks eritrosit – RDW –
  hemoglobin – hematokrit.

Larutan Besi Standar 80
• 22,1 ml deionized water + 200 µl 2 mol/l HCl
• Campur
• + 100 µl larutan besi standar (1000 µg Fe/ml dalam 1%
  HCl, Aldrich No 30, 595-2)
• Simpan dalam suhu kamar selama 2 bulan.

Larutan kromogen
• 25 mg ferrozine + 100 ml 1,5 mol/l sodium acetate
• Simpan dalam keadaan gelap suhu kamar selama
  1 bulan

Serum Iron (ICSH)
Prinsip :
 • Besi dilepaskan dari ikatannya dengan
 • Direduksi dari Fe3+ menjadi Fe2+ dan serum
 • Presipitasi
 • Fe2+ + larutan kromogen  komplek warna
   (pink solution)
 • Dibaca dengan fotometer pada panjang
   gelombang 535 nm.
Serum Iron (ICSH)
Reagen :
• Protein precipitant
  100 g/L trichloracetic acid (0,61 M) dan 30
  ml/L thioglycollic acid dalam 1 mol/L HCl.
• Larutan kromogen
  25 mg ferrozine dilarutkan dalam 100 ml
  sodium acetate 1,5 mol/L
• Larutan standar besi (80 μmol/l)

Serum Iron (ICSH)
               0,5 ml                  0,5 ml                 0,5 ml
               protein                 protein                protein
               precipitan              precipitan             precipitan

        0,5 ml serum        0,5 ml larutan            0,5 ml iron-free
                            standar                   water

                            Tunggu 5 menit

                Sentrifugasi 13000 g         Jika tak ada Microfuge :
                selama 4 menit               sentrifugasi 1500 g
supernatan      (Microfuge)                  selama 15 menit dgn
                                             volume dobel
Serum Iron (ICSH)
            0,5 ml              0,5 ml
                                                      0,5 ml
            larutan             larutan
            kromogen            kromogen

                     0,5 ml larutan        0,5 ml iron-free
0,5 ml supernatan    standar +             water + protein
                     protein               presipitant

                    Tunggu 10 menit

Baca absorbans pada panjang gelombang 562 nm
Serum Iron
• Penghitungan :
    Ates-Ablanko     x konsentrasi standar
• Nilai rujukan :
  o Anak-anak        : 0,5 – 1,2 mg/L
                     ( 9,0 – 21,5 μmol/L)
  o Wanita dewasa : 0,5 – 1,7 mg/L
                     ( 9,0 – 30,4 μmol/L)
  o Laki-laki dewasa : 0,65 – 1,75 mg/L
                     ( 11,6 – 31,3 μmol/L)
Total Iron Binding Capacity (ICSH)
 • Dalam plasma, besi terikat pada
   tranferin, dan TIBC adalah mengukur
   protein tersebut.
 • Prinsip :
        Serum ditambahkan kelebihan besi
        (Ferri klorid). Besi yang tidak terikat
        transferin akan diabsorbsi oleh
        magnesium carbonate, kemudian
        kadar besi serum diukur.

Total Iron Binding Capacity (ICSH)
 Reagen :
 • Basic magnesium carbonate
 • Saturating solution (100 μmol Fe/L).
    • 17,7 ml deionized water + 100 μL HCl +
      1 mol/L 100 μL larutan standar.
      (Saturating iron solution mengandung
      5,6 μg Fe/mL)

Total Iron Binding Capacity (ICSH)

 0,5 ml                                                   100 mg
                            Campur dan                    magnesiu
                            diamkan 15                    m
 g iron
                            menit pada                    carbonat
                            suhu ruangan

             0,5 ml serum

                                            Diamkan selama 30 menit,
                                            sekali-kali dikocok

Periksa                                     Sentrifugasi, 13.000 g selama
seperti SI        Ambil 0,5 ml supernatan
                                            4 menit
Ferritin Serum - IRMA
• This a highly sensitive test.
• It uses radioisotopes as labels to detect the presence
  of antigen (ferritin) or antibody in a sample.
• Unlabeled ("cold") antigens compete for the
• Radioactive antigens are displaced from the
• The antibody-bound antigen is separated from the
  free antigen in the supernatant fluid.
• The radioactivity of each bound antigen is measured
  with a scintillation counter.

Ferritin Serum - IRMA

Ferritin Serum - ELISA
• The patient’s serum containing the antigen
  (ferritin) is added in Microwell strips (which
  contains the antibody).
• A second antibody coupled to an enzyme is
  then added (forming a "sandwich").
• The substrate (chromogen) solution is added
  and will be cleaved by the enzyme to form a
  colored product (qualitative assessment).
• This can be measured quantitatively by a
Ferritin Serum - ELISA

Feritin Serum
Reagen :
  • Preparat antiferitin Ig G yang dikonjugasi
    dengan horseradish peroxidase
  • Larutan standar feritin.
  • Buffer A : Phosphate-buffered saline pH 7,2
  • Buffer B : 5 gram BSA (Bovine Serum
    Albumin) dalam 1 liter buffer A
  • Buffer C : Carbonate buffer pH 9,6
  • Buffer D : Citrate phosphate buffer pH 5.
  • Larutan substrat
Feritin Serum
  • Melapisi microtitre plate
Antiferitin Ig G + 2
 µg/ml buffer C                                  200 µl 0,05% BSA
                                                  dalam buffer C
         @200 µl

                       Tutup dan
                        inkubasi       Kosong
                          (40C)         kan

                          Cuci tiap sumuran     Diamkan (30 menit-
                           dengan buffer A        suhu ruangan)
                             sampai 3x

Feritin Serum
                          20 menit
                                                                             Microtitre plate reader
50 µl serum                                200 µl larutan                         – 492 nm
pasien + 1 ml                                standard
                                                                                           30 menit
  buffer B
                                                              50 µl asam
                                                              sulfur 4M

                     Tutup dan diamkan
                       (20 menit,-suhu
                           ruang)                                                          Inkubasi 30

                                                            200 µl larutan
                       Kosong kan                              substrat
                 Cuci dengan buffer A 3x

  200 µl prep.
antiferitin Ig G +                               Tutup dan diamkan                Cuci dengan
HPA diencerkan                                   (2 jam,-suhu ruang)              buffer A 3x
Feritin Serum
Pertimbangan memilih metode assay untuk feritin :
• Deteksi limit : IRMA 10 µg/l, ELISA 1 10 µg/l
• High-dose hook
• Interferen oleh protein non-feritin dalam serum
• Reproducibility
• Dilusi sampel serum
• Akurasi

• IRMA sudah jarang dipakai karena adanya
  bahaya radioaktif
• Deteksi limit IRMA lebih besar (10 10 µg/l)
  dibandingkan ELISA (1 µg/l)

Faktor yang mempengaruhi
      pemeriksaan status besi
•   Diet : rasio enhancer : inducer
•   Jenis kelamin : wanita < pria ( haid, partus)
•   Umur
•   Aktivitas fisik (Ferritin >> ok kerusakan otot dan
•   Siklus menstruasi
•   Kehamilan
•   Kondisi lingkungan
•   Variasi diurnal : lebih tinggi pada pagi hari
    dibanding malam hari – berdasar variasi pelepasan
    besi dari RES ke plasma

Prussian-blue staining
• Prussian-blue staining can be applied to films that have
  previously been stained by Romanowsky dyes, even after
  years of storage.
• It is advisable to let the films stand in methanol overnight to
  remove most of the Romanowsky stain. The film should be
  checked before carrying out Perls' reaction to ensure that
  there is no residual blue staining that could obscure Prussian-
  blue staining.
• Sundberg and Bromann described a technique whereby films
  were stained first by a Romanowsky dye (Wright's stain) and
  then overstained by the acid-ferrocyanide method.
• This can give beautiful pictures, but the small blue-stained
  iron-containing granules tend to be masked in young
  erythroblasts by the general basophilia of the cell cytoplasm.
  Hayhoe and Quaglino described a method for combined
  periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) and iron staining.
• This may be helpful in the investigation of abnormal
  erythropoiesis in which the erythroblasts give a positive PAS
• Iron-containing granules stain dark purple.
Prussian-blue staining (Pearl’s reaction) on aspirated bone
         marrow particles to demonstrate iron stores.
A. Normal    B. Absent     C. Increased       D. Grossly increased

Pathological sideroblasts. There is massive
accumulation of iron-containing granules in
normoblasts and phagocytic cells. Perls' reaction

Pathological    sideroblasts.   Sideroblastic   anaemias.
Accumulation      of    iron-containing     granules   in
normoblasts, arranged characteristically around the
nucleus. A: Hereditary type;

Pathological   sideroblasts.   Sideroblastic  anaemias.
Accumulation of iron-containing granules in normoblasts,
arranged characteristically around the nucleus B:
myelodysplastic syndrome. Perls' reaction.


• Centrifuge 10 ml of urine at 1200 g for 10-15 min.
• Transfer the deposit to a slide, spread out to
  occupy an area of 1-2 cm, and allow to dry in
  the air.
• Fix by placing the slide in methanol for 10-20 min
  and then stain by the method used to stain blood
  films for siderocytes (
• Haemosiderin, if present, appears in the form of
  isolated or grouped blue-staining
  granules, usually from 1-3 µm in size, they may be
  both intracellular and extracellular. If
  haemosiderin is present in small amounts, and
  especially if distributed irregularly on the slide, or if
  the findings are difficult to interpret, the test
  should be repeated on a fresh sample of urine
  collected into an iron-free container and
  centrifuged in an iron-free tube.                        64
Photomicrograph of urine deposit stained
           by Perls' reaction.

GRADASI                   KRITERIA                   KANDUNGAN BESI

  0       Tak tampak granula besi                       43 ± 23
  1       Granula-granula kecil pada sel retikulum     130 ± 50±
          tampak hanya dengan minyak emersi

  2       Sedikit granula-granula kecil yang dapat     223 ± 75
          dilihat dengan lensa kekuatan lemah

  3       Sejumlah granula-granula kecil   dalam       406 ± 131
          semua partikel sumsum tulang

  4       Granula-granula besar dalam kelompok         762 ± 247
  5       Granula-granula besar dalam kelompok        1618 ± 464
  6       Deposit    yang  sangat   besar yang        3681 ± 1400
          mengaburkan gambaran sumsum tulang
          secara rinci
     Disease         SI      TIBC                Ferritin

Iron Deficiency     Low     High         Low       Low

Hemochromatosis     High     Low        High       High

Chronic Illness     Low      Low         Low
Hemolytic Anemia    High                High       High
Sideroblastic      Normal/ Normal/L
                                        High       High
Anemia              High     ow

Iron Poisoning      High   Normal       High     Normal
• Hepcidin is a small peptide of 25 amino
  acids, which is cleaved from a larger precursor.
• It is produced in the liver, but it is present in the
  plasma and excreted through the kidneys.
• Hepcidin is structurally similar to antimicrobial
  peptides involved in innate immunity, and it has
  been shown to have antimicrobial properties.

• Hepcidin binds to the iron exporter
  ferroportin, causing ferroportin to leave the cell
  membrane, enter a lysosomal compartment, and
  be degraded.
• Thus, hepcidin directly and coordinately controls
  the entry of iron into the serum from absorptive cells
  of the intestine and from tissue macrophages.


Hubungan mol dg massa (gram)

 Massa molar adalah massa satu mol zat yang
  dinyatakan dalam gram.
 Rumus massa adl
    Gram = mol x Ar atau Mr
             Ar = Massa atom
             Mr = Massa molekul / Berat Molekul (BM)
 Massa atom (Ar) Fe = 56
   Massa molar Fe = 56 gram
   (satu mol Fe mpy massa 56 gram)
• Berapa gram massa 10 mol Fe (Mr = 56)?
  Massa Fe= 10 mol x 56 = 560 gram

Interference Serum Iron
• Tembaga dalam serum
• Hb 100 mg/dL  6,9% positive interference in 13,1
  µmol/L iron sample
• No significant icteric or lipemic interference

Iron and TIBC
• Use of chloramphenicol and hormonal
  contraceptives can cause falsely elevated test
• Corticotropin can produce falsely low test results
• Iron supplements can cause falsely elevated serum
  iron values but falsely low TIBC

• Check the patient history and withhold such drugs
  as chloramphenicol, corticotropin, iron
  supplement, and hormonal contraceptives, as
  ordered. If such medications must be
  continued, note this on the laboratory request

Ferritin Test Interference
• A recent transfusion may elevate serum ferritin

Spektrum Cahaya

• Soluble Transferrin Receptor (sTfR)
  - akhir2 ini sTfR banyak dipakai untuk
   memperkirakan cadangan Fe tubuh .

 - TfR = mol. Transmembran yg diekspresi
   kan pada permukaan semua sel yang
   memerlukan Fe . Sebagian TfR dapat
   lepas ke sirkulasi → terukur sebagai

- Kadar sTfR menunjukkan kebutuhan
 kebutuhan Fe dari jaringan eritropoitik
 → pada peningkatan eritropoisis
  maupun Defis-Fe berat → me↑ sTfR .

- Penentuan sTfR : turbidimetrik atau
 nephelometrik, tapi belum ter
 standardisasi .

- Berbeda dgn ferritin, selama fase
 defisiensi-Fe, kadar sTfR tetap stabil
 dan baru bila pe↓ Fe menghambat
 eritropoisis, kadar sTfR akan ↑ .

- sTfR = marker serum pendeteksi Fe-
  deficient erythropoiesis .

- sTfR tdk berubah pada fase-akut dan
  kehamilan → sensitivitasnya lbh baik
  daripada saturasi-transferrin

• The transferrin receptor consists of two
  identical, protein subunits of molecular mass 95 kDa.
• The nucleated red cells in the bone marrow, which
  synthesize haemoglobin, have the greatest number
  of transferrin receptors.
• Transferrin receptor synthesis is also controlled by iron
  supply. The mechanism involves IREs , iron regulatory
  elements at the 3′ untranslated region of the receptor
• In the presence of adequate iron
  concentrations, binding of iron by the IRP changes
  the conformation of the protein and prevents its
  binding to the mRNA. The mRNA is rapidly broken
  down, and synthesis of transferrin receptors is
  reduced                                                   81

• In 1986, Kohgo et al reported that transferrin
  receptors were detectable in the plasma by
  immunoassay. Since then, there has been much
  investigation of the physiological and diagnostic
  significance of circulating transferrin receptors.
• The protein is derived by proteolysis at the cell
  membrane and circulates bound to transferrin.
  Plasma concentrations reflect the number of
  cellular receptors and, in patients with adequate
  iron stores, the number of nucleated red cells in the
  bone marrow.
• Because the number of cellular transferrin receptors
  per cell increases in iron deficiency, concentrations
  also increase when erythropoiesis becomes iron
• There has been no agreement about the source of
  transferrin receptor as standard or as an antigen for
  the raising of antibodies. Transferrin receptors have
  been purified from placenta and from serum.
• No “reference” method is therefore described here.
  Three enzyme immunoassay kits (Orion; Ramco; RΔ)
  for the determination of serum transferrin receptor
  concentrations have been evaluated for the Medical
  Devices Agency. All have been approved for
  diagnostic purposes in the United States by the Food
  and Drug Administration. Assays for fully
  automated, diagnostic, immunoassay systems are
  now being introduced and offer improved
  sensitivity, reproducibility, and speed.

• The different reference ranges in the available
  commercial assays reflect the differences in preparations
  of transferrin receptor used to raise antibodies and as a
  standard in the various assays.
• For the Orion, Ramco, and RΔ kits Akesson et al and
  Worwood et al noted some assay drift but found
  acceptable intraassay coefficient of variance (CV)
• The determined sensitivity was adequate for clinical
  purposes for the three assay systems. There are
  differences in units and absolute amounts for serum
  transferrin receptor concentrations.
• Four different units (nmol/l, g/ml, mg/l [ng/ml], and kU/l)
  and different normal ranges are in use.[59] At the present
  time serum transferrin receptor (sTfR) is not included in the
  national external quality control schemes for the UK
  (NEQAS) and the Welsh External Quality Assessment
  Scheme (WEQAS).
Fotometer 5010

Indikasi Pemeriksaan SI - TIBC
• Anemia hipokromik mikrositik



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  • 1. Tutor Hematologi Putaran I PEMERIKSAAN STATUS BESI TUBUH Lulut Kusumawati, dr / Fery H Soedewo, dr, MS, SpPK(K) 1
  • 2. Pendahuluan • Besi dalam tubuh berguna untuk : pembentukan hemoglobin, mioglobin, berbagai enzim • Kandungan normal besi tubuh : • Laki-laki : 50 mg/kgBB • Wanita : 35 mg/kgBB • Dalam tubuh besi selalu berikatan dengan protein tertentu 2
  • 3. Absorbsi Besi • Tergantung : kebutuhan tubuh – rasio enhancer inhibitor • Di duodenum proksimal dan jejunum • Sebagian besar diet dalam bentuk non heme (Fe3+) • Enhancer : askorbat, sitrat, daging • Inhibitor : phytat, tannin • Fe3+  Fe2+ (supaya bisa diserap) • Jumlah : 1 mg yang masuk darah • Dalam plasma besi dalam bentuk Fe3+ • terikat transferrin 3
  • 4. Distribusi dan transportasi • Protein yang berperan dalam transportasi dan penyimpanan besi : o Apotransferrin o Apoferritin o Reseptor transferrin • Besi disimpan dalam bentuk ferritin dan hemosiderin 4
  • 5. Transferrin SI Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity (UIBC) SI + UIBC = ( TIBC ) 5
  • 7. Pengukuran Kandungan Besi dalam Tubuh 7
  • 8. Persiapan Tes • Pasien berhenti obat oral Fe 12 jam Sampel tes sebelumnya • Serum atau plasma heparin • Tabung plastik disposable 12x75 mm Peralatan • Glassware : cuci deterjen – rendam HCl 2 mol/L (6-12 jam) – bilas iron free water Iron free • Deionized water • 0,2 µmol besi/liter water 8
  • 9. Serum Iron (di PK) Prinsip : • Ikatan antara ferri (Fe3+) dan transferrin dilepaskan oleh guanidine dalam suasana pH 4,8 • Asam askorbat akan mereduksi ion ferri (Fe3+) menjadi ferro (Fe2+) • Fe2+ akan bereaksi dengan ferrozine membentuk komplek berwarna. • Dibaca dengan fotometer pada panjang gelombang 560 nm. 9
  • 10. Serum Iron (di PK) Reagen : • Reagen 1 (R1) : o Acetate buffer, pH 4,8 100 mmol/L o Guanidine hydrochloride 5 mol/L o Thiourea 52,5 mmol/L • Reagen 2 (R2) : o Ascorbic acid • Reagen 3 (R3) : o Ferrozine 41 mmol/L • Standar : Std o Iron 100 μg/dL 1 mg/L 17,9 μmol/L Sampel : serum atau plasma heparin. Sampel tidak boleh hemolisis 10
  • 11. Serum Iron (di PK) 1. Membuat larutan kerja (working reagent) : o Larutkan 1 sendok takar R2 dalam 50 ml R1. Tunggu hingga tercampur dengan baik. 1 sendok takar R2 50 ml R1 o Stabil selama 2 minggu pada suhu 2-8˚C dan 3 hari pada suhu 20-25˚C. 11
  • 12. Serum Iron (di PK) • 2 BLANKO STANDAR SAMPEL Akuades Standar Sampel 150 μL 150 μL 150 μL Working Working Working reagent reagent reagent 500 μL 500 μL 500 μL A1 A2 Tunggu 50 detik, kemudian baca OD pada panjang gelombang 560 nm (A1 dan A2) 12
  • 13. Serum Iron (di PK) • 3. R3 25 μL R3 25 μL R3 25 μL A3 A4 Baca OD setelah 325 detik, pada panjang gelombang 560 nm (A3 dan A4) 13
  • 14. Serum Iron (di PK) • Penghitungan : A4-A2 x konsentrasi standar (n) A3-A1 µg/dL  n = 100 mg/dL  n = 1 µmol/L  n = 17,9 • Nilai rujukan : 0,5 – 1,68 mg/dL 50 – 168 µg/dL 8,95 – 30 µmol/L 14
  • 15. PK ICSH Guanidine Protein Trichloracetic hydrochloride precipitant acid dan thioglycollic acid 17,9 μmol/L Larutan besi 80 μmol/L standar 560 nm Λ fotometer 562 nm Tanpa Sentrifus 13.000 g, 4 sentrifugasi menit • 50 detik Waktu • 300 detik • 325 detik tunggu • 600 detik reaksi 15
  • 16. Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) di PK Metode : Saturasi Prinsip : TIBC dievaluasi setelah transferrin sampai jenuh oleh larutan besi, dan kelebihan besi akan diabsorbsi oleh magnesium hydroxide carbonate. Setelah disentrifus, konsentrasi besi dalam supernatan diukur. 16
  • 17. Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) di PK Reagen : • Reagen 1 : R1 o Iron saturating solution 500 μg/dL 5 mg/L 89,5 μmol/L • Reagen 2 : R2 o Magnesium hydroxide carbonate (1 sendok takar = 100 mg) Sampel : Serum, plasma heparin. Sampel tidak boleh hemolisis 17
  • 18. Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) di PK 1 sendok 1 ml takar reagen reagen 5 menit R2 Inkubasi 20 R1 menit, sekali-kali dikocok 0,5 ml sampel Sentrifus 3000 rpm, 10 menit Periksa supernatan seperti pada SI Ambil supernatan Dengan supernatan : reagen = 1:3 18
  • 19. Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) di PK Nilai rujukan : o Laki-laki dewasa : 2,6 - 3,9 mg/L = 46,5 – 69,8 μmol/L = 260 -390 μg/dL o Wanita dewasa : 2,1 – 3,4 mg/L = 37,6 – 60,9 μmol/L = 210 – 340 μg/dL 19
  • 20. PK ICSH • 89,5 μmol/L Larutan • 100 μmol/L • 1 ml saturasi besi : • 0,5 ml • Kadar • Volume 3.000 rpm, 10 Sentrifus 13.000 g, 4 menit menit atau 1500 g, 15 menit dgn volume dobel • 5 menit Waktu • 15 menit • 20 menit tunggu reaksi • 30 menit 20
  • 21. Saturasi Transferin : SI (μg/dL) x 100 % TIBC (μg/dL • Nilai normal : 20-45 % 21
  • 22. Interpretasi SI dan TIBC SI : o Normal fluktuasi lebar dan memperlihatkan variasi diurnal o Tidak terpengaruh sampai cadangan besi habis. o Penurunan SI terjadi pada anemia defisiensi besi, penyakit kronis dan selama respon fase akut TIBC : o TIBC meningkat pada anemia defisiensi besi dan kehamilan dan menurun pada infeksi dan keganasan. 22
  • 23. Ferritin Serum Metode : ELISA metode double sandwich Prinsip : Antibodi dengan high affinity terhadap ferritin (antiferritin Ig G) akan berikatan dengan feritin serum dan selanjutnya dilabel dengan enzim horseradish peroxidase dan dibaca OD-nya pada panjang gelombang 492 nm. 23
  • 24. Ferritin Serum Metode : IRMA (Immunoradiometric Assay) Prinsip : Antibodi yang dilabel dengan radioaktif yang berlebih direaksikan dengan ferritin. Ferritin yang tidak berikatan dengan antibodi akan dihilangkan dengan immunoadsorbent. 24
  • 25. Ferritin Serum Nilai rujukan : • 35 – 300 µg/l (pria dewasa) • 20 – 100 µg/l (wanita dewasa) 25
  • 27. Hemosiderin Prinsip : reagen Prussian blue akan mewarnai besi menjadi berwarna biru terang atau hijau, eritrosit tercat warna merah atau merah muda oleh neutral red. Bahan dan alat : • Gelas obyek dan bahan sampel  hapusan darah • Metanol untuk fiksasi • Potassium ferrocyanide 10 g/l dalam 0,1 mol/l HCl • Larutan neutral red atau eosin • HCl 3 mol/l 27
  • 28. Hemosiderin Hapusan darah difiksasi dengan metanol, tunggu 10 – 20 menit Masukkan dalam larutan potassium ferrocyanide (10 menit - 200C) Cuci dengan air kran (20 menit), bilas dengan distilled water. Counterstain dengan neutral red atau eosin selama 10-15 detik Tuangi dengan HCl 3 mol/l dan cuci dengan air kran. 28
  • 29. Prussian-blue staining (Pearl’s reaction) on aspirated bone marrow particles to demonstrate iron stores. A. Normal B. Absent C. Increased D. Grossly increased 29
  • 30. 30
  • 31. Enhancer - Inhibitor • Enhancer : bahan-bahan yang meningkatkan absorbsi Askorbat (mereduksi Fe3+  Fe2+, sitrat, asam organik lain dalam sayuran • Inhibitor : bahan-bahan yang menghambat absorbsi Karbonat, phytat, tannate, phosphat, oksalat  chelating agent untuk Fe 31
  • 32. • Meningkatkan absorbsi : Daging, ASI, cairan lambung • Menghambat absorbsi : Putih telur, protein susu sapi, cairan pankreas 32
  • 33. Absorbsi besi non heme di usus 33
  • 34. • Plasma-EDTA : warna yang terbentuk lebih lambat dan harus didiamkan sekitar 15 menit sebelum dibaca dengan fotometer • Sampel tidak boleh hemolisis : Hemolisis akan melepaskan besi dalam plasma sehingga mengganggu hasil pemeriksaan 34
  • 35. Deionized Water • Also known as demineralized water[ • Water that has had its mineral ions removed, cations : sodium, calcium, iron, copper anions : chloride and bromide. • Deionization is a physical process which uses specially-manufactured ion exchange resins which bind to and filter out the mineral salts from water. • Deionization does not significantly remove uncharged organic molecules, viruses or bacteria, except by incidental trapping in the resin. Specially made strong base anion resins can remove Gram-negative bacteria. Deionization can be done continuously and inexpensively using electrodeionization. 35
  • 36. HCl = Hydrochloric Acid • Hydrogen chloride (HCl) is a monoprotic acid, which means it can dissociate (i.e., ionize) only once to give up one H+ ion (a single proton). In aqueous hydrochloric acid, the H+ joins a water molecule to form a hydronium ion, H3O+ • HCl + H2O → H3O+ + Cl− The other ion formed is Cl−, the chloride ion. Hydrochloric acid can therefore be used to prepare salts called chlorides, such as sodium chloride. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid, since it is essentially completely dissociated in water. 36
  • 37. HCl = Hydrochloric Acid • One of the most important applications of hydrochloric acid is in the pickling of steel, to remove rust or iron oxide scale from iron or steel before subsequent processing, such as extrusion, rolling, galvanizing, and other techniques. • Fe2O3 + Fe + 6 HCl → 3 FeCl2 + 3 H2O The spent acid has long been re-used as iron(II) chloride (also known as ferrous chloride) solutions, but high heavy-metal levels in the pickling liquor have decreased this practice. • 4 FeCl2 + 4 H2O + O2 → 8 HCl+ 2 Fe2O3 By recuperation of the spent acid, a closed acid loop is established. The iron(III) oxide by-product of the regeneration process is valuable, used in a variety of secondary industries. 37
  • 38. Kandungan Besi Tubuh • Plasma pool : SI – TIBC – saturasi transferin • Storage pool : Feritin - Hemosiderin • Red blood cell pool : reseptor transferin – protoporfirin eritrosit – indeks eritrosit – RDW – hemoglobin – hematokrit. 38
  • 39. Larutan Besi Standar 80 µmol/l • 22,1 ml deionized water + 200 µl 2 mol/l HCl • Campur • + 100 µl larutan besi standar (1000 µg Fe/ml dalam 1% HCl, Aldrich No 30, 595-2) • Simpan dalam suhu kamar selama 2 bulan. 39
  • 40. Larutan kromogen • 25 mg ferrozine + 100 ml 1,5 mol/l sodium acetate • Simpan dalam keadaan gelap suhu kamar selama 1 bulan 40
  • 41. Serum Iron (ICSH) Prinsip : • Besi dilepaskan dari ikatannya dengan transferrin. • Direduksi dari Fe3+ menjadi Fe2+ dan serum protein • Presipitasi • Fe2+ + larutan kromogen  komplek warna (pink solution) • Dibaca dengan fotometer pada panjang gelombang 535 nm. 41
  • 42. Serum Iron (ICSH) Reagen : • Protein precipitant 100 g/L trichloracetic acid (0,61 M) dan 30 ml/L thioglycollic acid dalam 1 mol/L HCl. • Larutan kromogen 25 mg ferrozine dilarutkan dalam 100 ml sodium acetate 1,5 mol/L • Larutan standar besi (80 μmol/l) 42
  • 43. Serum Iron (ICSH) 0,5 ml 0,5 ml 0,5 ml protein protein protein precipitan precipitan precipitan 0,5 ml serum 0,5 ml larutan 0,5 ml iron-free standar water Tunggu 5 menit Sentrifugasi 13000 g Jika tak ada Microfuge : selama 4 menit sentrifugasi 1500 g supernatan (Microfuge) selama 15 menit dgn volume dobel 43
  • 44. Serum Iron (ICSH) 0,5 ml 0,5 ml 0,5 ml larutan larutan larutan kromogen kromogen kromogen 0,5 ml larutan 0,5 ml iron-free 0,5 ml supernatan standar + water + protein protein presipitant presipitant Tunggu 10 menit Baca absorbans pada panjang gelombang 562 nm 44
  • 45. Serum Iron • Penghitungan : Ates-Ablanko x konsentrasi standar Astandar-Ablanko • Nilai rujukan : o Anak-anak : 0,5 – 1,2 mg/L ( 9,0 – 21,5 μmol/L) o Wanita dewasa : 0,5 – 1,7 mg/L ( 9,0 – 30,4 μmol/L) o Laki-laki dewasa : 0,65 – 1,75 mg/L ( 11,6 – 31,3 μmol/L) 45
  • 46. Total Iron Binding Capacity (ICSH) • Dalam plasma, besi terikat pada tranferin, dan TIBC adalah mengukur protein tersebut. • Prinsip : Serum ditambahkan kelebihan besi (Ferri klorid). Besi yang tidak terikat transferin akan diabsorbsi oleh magnesium carbonate, kemudian kadar besi serum diukur. 46
  • 47. Total Iron Binding Capacity (ICSH) Reagen : • Basic magnesium carbonate • Saturating solution (100 μmol Fe/L). • 17,7 ml deionized water + 100 μL HCl + 1 mol/L 100 μL larutan standar. (Saturating iron solution mengandung 5,6 μg Fe/mL) 47
  • 48. Total Iron Binding Capacity (ICSH) 0,5 ml 100 mg Campur dan magnesiu saturatin diamkan 15 m g iron menit pada carbonat solution suhu ruangan kocok 0,5 ml serum Diamkan selama 30 menit, sekali-kali dikocok Periksa Sentrifugasi, 13.000 g selama seperti SI Ambil 0,5 ml supernatan 4 menit 48
  • 49. Ferritin Serum - IRMA • This a highly sensitive test. • It uses radioisotopes as labels to detect the presence of antigen (ferritin) or antibody in a sample. • Unlabeled ("cold") antigens compete for the antibodies. • Radioactive antigens are displaced from the antibodies. • The antibody-bound antigen is separated from the free antigen in the supernatant fluid. • The radioactivity of each bound antigen is measured with a scintillation counter. 49
  • 50. Ferritin Serum - IRMA 50
  • 51. Ferritin Serum - ELISA • The patient’s serum containing the antigen (ferritin) is added in Microwell strips (which contains the antibody). • A second antibody coupled to an enzyme is then added (forming a "sandwich"). • The substrate (chromogen) solution is added and will be cleaved by the enzyme to form a colored product (qualitative assessment). • This can be measured quantitatively by a spectrophotometer. 51
  • 52. Ferritin Serum - ELISA 52
  • 53. Feritin Serum Reagen : • Preparat antiferitin Ig G yang dikonjugasi dengan horseradish peroxidase • Larutan standar feritin. • Buffer A : Phosphate-buffered saline pH 7,2 • Buffer B : 5 gram BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) dalam 1 liter buffer A • Buffer C : Carbonate buffer pH 9,6 • Buffer D : Citrate phosphate buffer pH 5. • Larutan substrat 53
  • 54. Feritin Serum • Melapisi microtitre plate Antiferitin Ig G + 2 µg/ml buffer C 200 µl 0,05% BSA dalam buffer C @200 µl Tutup dan inkubasi Kosong (40C) kan Cuci tiap sumuran Diamkan (30 menit- dengan buffer A suhu ruangan) sampai 3x 54
  • 55. Feritin Serum 20 menit Microtitre plate reader 50 µl serum 200 µl larutan – 492 nm pasien + 1 ml standard 30 menit buffer B 50 µl asam sulfur 4M Tutup dan diamkan (20 menit,-suhu ruang) Inkubasi 30 menit 200 µl larutan Kosong kan substrat Cuci dengan buffer A 3x 200 µl prep. konjugasi antiferitin Ig G + Tutup dan diamkan Cuci dengan HPA diencerkan (2 jam,-suhu ruang) buffer A 3x 55
  • 56. Feritin Serum Pertimbangan memilih metode assay untuk feritin : • Deteksi limit : IRMA 10 µg/l, ELISA 1 10 µg/l • High-dose hook • Interferen oleh protein non-feritin dalam serum • Reproducibility • Dilusi sampel serum • Akurasi 56
  • 57. IRMA vs ELISA • IRMA sudah jarang dipakai karena adanya bahaya radioaktif • Deteksi limit IRMA lebih besar (10 10 µg/l) dibandingkan ELISA (1 µg/l) 57
  • 58. Faktor yang mempengaruhi pemeriksaan status besi • Diet : rasio enhancer : inducer • Jenis kelamin : wanita < pria ( haid, partus) • Umur • Aktivitas fisik (Ferritin >> ok kerusakan otot dan inflamasi) • Siklus menstruasi • Kehamilan • Kondisi lingkungan • Variasi diurnal : lebih tinggi pada pagi hari dibanding malam hari – berdasar variasi pelepasan besi dari RES ke plasma 58
  • 59. Prussian-blue staining • Prussian-blue staining can be applied to films that have previously been stained by Romanowsky dyes, even after years of storage. • It is advisable to let the films stand in methanol overnight to remove most of the Romanowsky stain. The film should be checked before carrying out Perls' reaction to ensure that there is no residual blue staining that could obscure Prussian- blue staining. • Sundberg and Bromann described a technique whereby films were stained first by a Romanowsky dye (Wright's stain) and then overstained by the acid-ferrocyanide method. • This can give beautiful pictures, but the small blue-stained iron-containing granules tend to be masked in young erythroblasts by the general basophilia of the cell cytoplasm. Hayhoe and Quaglino described a method for combined periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) and iron staining. • This may be helpful in the investigation of abnormal erythropoiesis in which the erythroblasts give a positive PAS reaction 59 • Iron-containing granules stain dark purple.
  • 60. Prussian-blue staining (Pearl’s reaction) on aspirated bone marrow particles to demonstrate iron stores. A. Normal B. Absent C. Increased D. Grossly increased 60
  • 61. Pathological sideroblasts. There is massive accumulation of iron-containing granules in normoblasts and phagocytic cells. Perls' reaction 61
  • 62. Pathological sideroblasts. Sideroblastic anaemias. Accumulation of iron-containing granules in normoblasts, arranged characteristically around the nucleus. A: Hereditary type; 62
  • 63. Pathological sideroblasts. Sideroblastic anaemias. Accumulation of iron-containing granules in normoblasts, arranged characteristically around the nucleus B: myelodysplastic syndrome. Perls' reaction. 63
  • 64. DEMONSTRATION OF HAEMOSIDERIN IN URINE • Centrifuge 10 ml of urine at 1200 g for 10-15 min. • Transfer the deposit to a slide, spread out to occupy an area of 1-2 cm, and allow to dry in the air. • Fix by placing the slide in methanol for 10-20 min and then stain by the method used to stain blood films for siderocytes ( • Haemosiderin, if present, appears in the form of isolated or grouped blue-staining granules, usually from 1-3 µm in size, they may be both intracellular and extracellular. If haemosiderin is present in small amounts, and especially if distributed irregularly on the slide, or if the findings are difficult to interpret, the test should be repeated on a fresh sample of urine collected into an iron-free container and centrifuged in an iron-free tube. 64
  • 65. Photomicrograph of urine deposit stained by Perls' reaction. 65
  • 66. Hemosiderin GRADASI KRITERIA KANDUNGAN BESI (µg/g) 0 Tak tampak granula besi 43 ± 23 1 Granula-granula kecil pada sel retikulum 130 ± 50± tampak hanya dengan minyak emersi 2 Sedikit granula-granula kecil yang dapat 223 ± 75 dilihat dengan lensa kekuatan lemah 3 Sejumlah granula-granula kecil dalam 406 ± 131 semua partikel sumsum tulang 4 Granula-granula besar dalam kelompok 762 ± 247 kecil 5 Granula-granula besar dalam kelompok 1618 ± 464 besar 6 Deposit yang sangat besar yang 3681 ± 1400 mengaburkan gambaran sumsum tulang secara rinci 66
  • 67. %Transf. Disease SI TIBC Ferritin Saturation Iron Deficiency Low High Low Low Hemochromatosis High Low High High Normal/ Chronic Illness Low Low Low High Normal/ Hemolytic Anemia High High High Low Sideroblastic Normal/ Normal/L High High Anemia High ow Iron Poisoning High Normal High Normal 67
  • 68. Hepcidin • Hepcidin is a small peptide of 25 amino acids, which is cleaved from a larger precursor. • It is produced in the liver, but it is present in the plasma and excreted through the kidneys. • Hepcidin is structurally similar to antimicrobial peptides involved in innate immunity, and it has been shown to have antimicrobial properties. 68
  • 69. Hepcidin • Hepcidin binds to the iron exporter ferroportin, causing ferroportin to leave the cell membrane, enter a lysosomal compartment, and be degraded. • Thus, hepcidin directly and coordinately controls the entry of iron into the serum from absorptive cells of the intestine and from tissue macrophages. 69
  • 70. Hepcidin 70
  • 71. Hubungan mol dg massa (gram)  Massa molar adalah massa satu mol zat yang dinyatakan dalam gram.  Rumus massa adl Gram = mol x Ar atau Mr Ar = Massa atom Mr = Massa molekul / Berat Molekul (BM)  Massa atom (Ar) Fe = 56 Massa molar Fe = 56 gram (satu mol Fe mpy massa 56 gram) • Berapa gram massa 10 mol Fe (Mr = 56)? Massa Fe= 10 mol x 56 = 560 gram 71
  • 72. Interference Serum Iron • Tembaga dalam serum • Hb 100 mg/dL  6,9% positive interference in 13,1 µmol/L iron sample • No significant icteric or lipemic interference 72
  • 73. Iron and TIBC Interference • Use of chloramphenicol and hormonal contraceptives can cause falsely elevated test results • Corticotropin can produce falsely low test results • Iron supplements can cause falsely elevated serum iron values but falsely low TIBC • Check the patient history and withhold such drugs as chloramphenicol, corticotropin, iron supplement, and hormonal contraceptives, as ordered. If such medications must be continued, note this on the laboratory request 73
  • 74. Ferritin Test Interference • A recent transfusion may elevate serum ferritin levels 74
  • 76. 76
  • 77. 77
  • 78. • Soluble Transferrin Receptor (sTfR) - akhir2 ini sTfR banyak dipakai untuk memperkirakan cadangan Fe tubuh . - TfR = mol. Transmembran yg diekspresi kan pada permukaan semua sel yang memerlukan Fe . Sebagian TfR dapat lepas ke sirkulasi → terukur sebagai sTfR 78
  • 79. - Kadar sTfR menunjukkan kebutuhan kebutuhan Fe dari jaringan eritropoitik → pada peningkatan eritropoisis maupun Defis-Fe berat → me↑ sTfR . - Penentuan sTfR : turbidimetrik atau nephelometrik, tapi belum ter standardisasi . 79
  • 80. - Berbeda dgn ferritin, selama fase defisiensi-Fe, kadar sTfR tetap stabil dan baru bila pe↓ Fe menghambat eritropoisis, kadar sTfR akan ↑ . - sTfR = marker serum pendeteksi Fe- deficient erythropoiesis . - sTfR tdk berubah pada fase-akut dan kehamilan → sensitivitasnya lbh baik daripada saturasi-transferrin 80
  • 81. SERUM TRANSFERRIN RECEPTOR • The transferrin receptor consists of two identical, protein subunits of molecular mass 95 kDa. • The nucleated red cells in the bone marrow, which synthesize haemoglobin, have the greatest number of transferrin receptors. • Transferrin receptor synthesis is also controlled by iron supply. The mechanism involves IREs , iron regulatory elements at the 3′ untranslated region of the receptor mRNA. • In the presence of adequate iron concentrations, binding of iron by the IRP changes the conformation of the protein and prevents its binding to the mRNA. The mRNA is rapidly broken down, and synthesis of transferrin receptors is reduced 81
  • 82. SERUM TRANSFERRIN RECEPTOR • In 1986, Kohgo et al reported that transferrin receptors were detectable in the plasma by immunoassay. Since then, there has been much investigation of the physiological and diagnostic significance of circulating transferrin receptors. • The protein is derived by proteolysis at the cell membrane and circulates bound to transferrin. Plasma concentrations reflect the number of cellular receptors and, in patients with adequate iron stores, the number of nucleated red cells in the bone marrow. • Because the number of cellular transferrin receptors per cell increases in iron deficiency, concentrations also increase when erythropoiesis becomes iron limited. 82
  • 83. SERUM TRANSFERRIN RECEPTOR • There has been no agreement about the source of transferrin receptor as standard or as an antigen for the raising of antibodies. Transferrin receptors have been purified from placenta and from serum. • No “reference” method is therefore described here. Three enzyme immunoassay kits (Orion; Ramco; RΔ) for the determination of serum transferrin receptor concentrations have been evaluated for the Medical Devices Agency. All have been approved for diagnostic purposes in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration. Assays for fully automated, diagnostic, immunoassay systems are now being introduced and offer improved sensitivity, reproducibility, and speed. 83
  • 84. SERUM TRANSFERRIN RECEPTOR • The different reference ranges in the available commercial assays reflect the differences in preparations of transferrin receptor used to raise antibodies and as a standard in the various assays. • For the Orion, Ramco, and RΔ kits Akesson et al and Worwood et al noted some assay drift but found acceptable intraassay coefficient of variance (CV) values. • The determined sensitivity was adequate for clinical purposes for the three assay systems. There are differences in units and absolute amounts for serum transferrin receptor concentrations. • Four different units (nmol/l, g/ml, mg/l [ng/ml], and kU/l) and different normal ranges are in use.[59] At the present time serum transferrin receptor (sTfR) is not included in the national external quality control schemes for the UK (NEQAS) and the Welsh External Quality Assessment Scheme (WEQAS). 84
  • 86. Indikasi Pemeriksaan SI - TIBC • Anemia hipokromik mikrositik 86
  • 87. REAGEN 87