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UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                           R.M.C.


                            I HAVE A LOT OF MONEY.

                                           a lot of / lots of / some
                               a few                                          a little
             desks, pencils, students, teachers,          salt, sugar, soup, shampoo,
             tables, chairs, books, stores, clothes,      toothpaste, butter, soap, orange
             dollars, apples, etc.                        juice, milk, water, rice, money,
                                                          fruit, meat, etc.

Read the words in the box, then repeat the sentences.

          1. I have some pencils.                        2. There's some shampoo.
             I have a few pencils.                          There's a little shampoo.

          3. There are a lot of pencils.                 4. There's a lot of shampoo.
             There are lots of pencils.                  There's lots of shampoo.

                                               - 18 –                                   Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                  R.M.C.


Ask and answer questions using "a little or a lot of" or "a few or a lot of'. Look at the
      Examples:     want / rice
                    S1: Do you want a little or a lot of rice?
                    S2: I want a little rice.

                      have / books
                      S1: Do you have a few or a lot of books`
                      S2: I have a few books.

1.drink / milk           _____________________________________________
2.see /desks             _____________________________________________
                         _____________________________________________ / soup             _____________________________________________
4.have / money           _____________________________________________
5.want / sugar           _____________________________________________

                                          - 19 –                               Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                             R.M.C.


               Something and nothing are used in affirmative statements.
               Examples: Let’s order something for dessert.
               There’s nothing in this suitcase.

               Something and anything are used in questions.
               Examples: would you like something to drink?
               Did the teacher say anything about the quiz?

               Anything is used in negative statements.
               Example: I didn’t eat anything for breakfast.

                         DO YOU WANT ANYTHING?

Read these sentences.
   1. Does your friend want something?
      No, he doesn’t want anything.

   2. I want something for desert.
      Would you like some ice cream?

   3. Would you like to buy something?
      Yes, I need a pen.

   4. I heard something. Did you hear anything?
      No, I didn’t.

   5. Did you buy anything?
      Yes, I bought something.

   6. I saw something?
      I didn’t see anything.

   7. Can you think of something?
      Yes, I’ll think of something.

                                        - 20 –                             Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                              R.M.C.

   8. Did you buy anything?
      No, nothing. I didn’t buy anything.


Ask and answer question like the examples. Use anything, something, or nothing.
Examples:    buy
             Did you buy anything?         Yes, I bought something.

              Did you learn something?       No, I didn’t learn anything.
                                             No, I learned nothing.

   1.            Want
        __________________________________________ ?
        Yes, _______________________________________

   2.           get
        No, ________________________________________

   3.            hear
        Yes, _______________________________________

   4.           do
        No, ________________________________________

   5.            see
        Yes, _______________________________________

   6.           order
        No, _______________________________________

   7.            say
        Yes, _______________________________________

                                         - 21 –                             Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                        R.M.C.

Read the sentences.
   1. Jim studied all weekend. He didn’t do anything else.
   2. I don’t like coffee. Is there anything else to drink?
   3. John’s blue suit was dirty. He had to wear something else.
   4. I saw that movie last week. Can we see something else?
   5. There’s only one desk in the room. There’s nothing else.

                                  ANYTHING ELSE?
Repeat the dialog. Then recite one of them.
Waiter:     Do you want anything else, sir?
Mr. Bean: No, nothing else. Thank you.

Waite:     Do you want something else, ma’am?
Mrs. Bean: Yes, please bring me a glass of water.

Waiter:    And you? Do you need anything else?
Miss Bean: No, thank you, I don’t want anything else.

                                  MANY / MUCH

          Many is used with nouns you can count.
          It means “a lot of”.
                     He has many books.
                     Do they have many children?
                     We didn't see many pilots there.

          Much is used with nouns you cannot count.
          It also means "a lot of'. It is used in negative sentences and questions.
                     Ted has a lot of money.
                     He didn't drink much coffee.
                     Did he have much work last week?

                                            - 22 –                                    Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                  R.M.C.

1.She has many shoes.
2.He doesn't have many clothes.
3.Do they have many children?
4.They can't play many sports.
5. Ted doesn't have much time.
6.The bottle doesn't have much milk in it.
7.Will you have much homework this weekend?
8.Did Jane have much money in her pocket?
9.Liz drinks a lot of water every day.

                    WE DON´T HAVE MUCH HOMEWORK

Answer the questions with "No" and negative complete answers. Use "much" in your
      Examples:      Do you have a lot of work right now?
                    No, I don't have much work right now.

                       Did you have much work last year?
                       No, I didn't have much work last year.

                       Is there a lot of sugar in the tea?
                       No, there isn't much sugar in the tea.

1.   Is there a lot of shampoo in the bottle?
2.   Did she put much pepper in the soup?
3.   Do you have lots of money in your pocket?
4.   Is there much salt in the soup?
5.   Is there a lot of fruit on the table?
6.   Did she put much buffer on the bread?
7.   Did she drink a lot of juice this morning?
8.   Will she eat much food tomorrow?
9.   Did the barber put lots of soap on his face?

                               BAIT                             BET
Read the words.
1. bet   bet             2. late    let        3. rake wreck          4. pain pen

                                            - 23 –                              Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                       R.M.C.

5. fade      fed           6. age     edge       7. gate   get          8. Abe   ebb
                          HOW MANY ... ? HOW MUCH ...?

          How many is used with nouns you can count.
                           QUESTIONS                                             ANSWER
          How many         children          do you have?           Five. I have five children.

          How many           books               did he buy?        Two. He bought two books.

          How much is used with nouns you cannot count
                           QUESTIONS                                          ANSWER
          How much         tea               do you drink           Three cups. I drink three cups
                                             every day?             of tea a day.

          How much           sugar               Did she buy?       Five pounds. She bought five
                                                                    pounds of sugar.

                              HOW MUCH DID YOU FAT?

Write questions with "how much" or "how many" and the underlined words. Then read
questions and answers.

Examples:          A:   How much coffee did you drink?
                   B:   Three cups. I drank three cups of coffee.

                   A:How many children does, he have?
                   B:Two. He has two children.

1.    A:      ________________________________________?
      B:      Four. We had four pieces of pie.
2.    A:      ________________________________________?
      B:      Not much. She doesn't have much money.
3.    A:      ________________________________________?
      B:      Five pounds. I got five pounds of meat.
4.    A:      ________________________________________?
      B:      Ten. There are ten students in the classroom.
5.    A:      ________________________________________?
      B:      Three dozen. I made three dozer cookies.
6.    A:      ________________________________________?

                                              - 24 –                                Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                    R.M.C.

      B:    One brother and two sisters. He has one brother and two sisters.
7.    A:    ________________________________________?
      B:    A dozen. There's a dozen oranges in the box.
8.    A:
      B:    Two bowls. He cooked two bowls of rice.

Now write questions beginning "how much" or "how many — for these answers.
1. one fifth.           __________________________________________
2. 11%.                 __________________________________________
3. 2,000 million.       __________________________________________
4. 35,000.              __________________________________________
5. about 40 liters.     __________________________________________
6. about 10,000         __________________________________________

Choose the correct word.
1. How much / many people are there in your family?
2. How much / many children are there in your school?
3. How much / many Cheese do you want on your spaghetti?
4. How much / many potato chips are there in the bag?
5. How much / many water does your dog, drink’
6. How much / many milk is there in the fridge?
7. How much / many apples do you have in your refrigerator?
8. How much / many fruit do you eat?.
9. How much / many time do you have?
10. How much / many times a day do you brush your teeth?


a)   ABOUT sobre, alrededor de, acerca de, por
     Puede tener distintos significados dependiendo de su función en la frase (lugar, tiempo o
     This is a book about the universe / Es un libro sobre el universo
     There are some papers spread about the room / Hay papeles esparcidos por la

                                           - 25 –                                 Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                   R.M.C.


b) ABOVE por encima de, sobre
     Se usa en general para expresar superioridad.
     He flew aboye the mountains / Volaba por encima de las montañas
     La Paz is 3600 meters aboye the sea level / La Paz está a 3600 metros sobre el nivel del

c)   ACROSS a través de, al otro lado de
     Se usa para indicar la ubicación relativa en un lugar.
     She lives across the street / Ella vive al otro lado de la calle

d) AFTER detrás de, después de
     Puede indicar tiempo o lugar.
     She left after lunch. / Se marchó después de comer.

e)   AGAINST contra
     Indica lugar o circunstancia
     Put the table against the wall. Pon la mesa contra la pared.
     I have nothing against him. No tengo nada en contra de él.

f)   ALONG a lo largo de
     The ship sails along the coastline / El barco navega a lo largo de la costa

g) AMONG entre (Varios)
     Indica lugar o circunstancia
     A house among the trees / Una casa entre los árboles
     I was among the last to leave / Estaba entre los últimos en marcharse.

h) AROUND alrededor (le
     Puede indicar tiempo, lugar o circunstancia.
     We were sitting around the table / Estábamos sentados alrededor de la mesa
     Around seven o’clock / Alrededor de las siete

                                             - 26 –                             Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                     R.M.C.

i)   AT en
     a) Ubicación en lugares:
        He is a London now / Está en Londres ahora
     b) El momento exacto en que ocurre una determinada acción:
        She was there at five o'clock / Ella estaba allí a las cinco
     c) El precio:
        At what price is this car sold? / ¿A que precio se vende este coche?
     d) El estado de una persona o de un animal
        She is quite at ease / Se encuentra a gusto.

     Diferencia entre “at”, “in”, y “on”
     'At' refiere la posición en un punto determinado, mientras que 'in' implica la posición
     dentro de algo y ‘on’ sobre algo.
     At the bus-stop            In the filing Cabinet      On te armchair

     Cuando hace referencia al tiempo, 'at' se emplea para horas o momentos determinados,
     mientras que 'in' refiere meses, años o estaciones y 'on' días de la semana y fechas.
     At seven o'clock / A las siete en punto
     At Christmas / En navidades
     In July / En julio
     In 2001 / En el año 2001
     In summer / En verano
     On Saturday / El sábado
     On August, 24th / El 24 de agosto

j)   BEFORE delante de, ante
     Puede indicar tiempo, lugar o circunstancia
     He arrived before me / Llegó antes que yo
     Turn lefT just before the theatre / Gire a la izquierda justo antes del teatro.

k)   BEHIND detrás de
     Puede indicar tiempo, lugar o circunstancia

                                            - 27 –                               Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                R.M.C.

     I put it behind the painting / Lo puse detrás del cuadro
     He's the man behind the scheme / Él es el hombre que está tras el proyecto

l)   BELOW por debajo de
     Below sea level / Bajo el nivel del mar

     Diferencia entre 'belosw' y 'under' (ambos significan 'por debajo de')
     ‘Below’ implica un nivel inferior al que se hace referencia, con el que no existe
     contiguidad, mientras que 'under` implica una cierta inmediatez, una proximidad
     Below sea level                                Under the covers
     Debajo del nivel del mar                       Debajo de las mantas

m)   BESIDE junto a
     Puede indicar lugar o circunstancia
     Sit beside your classmate / Siéntate junto a tu compañero de clase

n) BETWEEN entre (entre dos)
     Puede indicar tiempo, lugar o circunstancia
     To drive between Madrid and Barcelona / Conducir entre Madrid y Barcelona
     Between seven o'clock and eight o'clock / Entre las siete y las ocho

ñ) BEYOND más allá de
     Puede indicar tiempo, lugar o circunstancia
     Beyond the horizon / Más allá del horizonte
     He lives beyond his means / Vive por encima de sus posibilidades

o) BY junto a, al lado de
     Se usa para expresar:
     •   Vecindad:
         Come and sit by me / Ven a sentarte junto a mí
     •   Medio o instrumento:
         I went to Mexico by air / Fui a Mexico en avión

                                           - 28 –                             Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                       R.M.C.

     •   Medida
         The room measures 10 metres by 6 / La, habitación mide 10 metros por 6
     •   Movimiento
         We went to Poland by land / Fuimos a Polonia por tierra
     •   El complemento de agente en la voz pasiva:
         The bridge was designed by Calatrava / El puente fue diseñado por Calatrava.
     •   La expresión española "a cierta hora"
         I was back by six / estuve de regreso por las seis
     •   Juramentos
         I sesear by almighty God to tell the truth / Juro por Dios decir la verdad


Elige la preposición adecuada para cada frase.
1.   He arrived below / among / before me.
2.   The house is between / among /about two pines
3.   The temperature crept up to just by /above / between 35 degrees.
4.   I stood by the tree, looking above / about /around.
5.   The feast was served by / across / behind his mother
6.   behind / after / beyond breakfast, John ordered the local taxi to the airport
7.   They walked about / at / among the trees in Central Park.
8.   I’m going to take the train in / on / at half past three.
9.   The sun had already sunk below / at / across the horizon.
10. She lives in the house below / at / across the road

a) DESPITE (in spite of) a pesar de - Indica circunstancia
     Despite what she says / A pesar de lo que ella dice

b) DOWN abajo
     Esta preposición se usa para expresar movimiento de arriba hacia abajo
     Come down from that threel / ¡Baja de ese árbol!

                                             - 29 –                                  Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                      R.M.C.

c)   DURING (durante) Indica tiempo.
     During the summer / Durante el verano

     Diferencia entre 'during' y 'for'
     Se usa 'during' para referirse al tiempo o al momento en que se desarrolla una acción y
     contesta a la pregunta When ... ?
     I began to feel ill during the concert / Me empecé a encontrar mal durante el

     'For' se utiliza cuando se especifica la duración de la acción y contesta a la pregunta
     How long...?
     Yesterday it rained for two hours / Ayer llovió durante dos horas.

d) FOR para, hacia (lugar), durante (tiempo), por (circunstancia)
     Esta preposición puede adoptar distintos sentidos o significados dependiendo de su
     contexto específico (lugar, tiempo o circunstancia) Se usa para expresar:
     •   Movimiento hacia un lugar
         Shee will soon start for France /Pronto saldrá hacia Francia.
     •   Causa
         For the following reasons... / Por las siguientes razones...
     •   Fin
         To pray for peace / Rezar por la paz
     •   Duración (el término español 'desde hace')
         I haven't seen him for five days / No lo veo desde hace cinco días
     •   Sustitución
         She is writing a letter for me / Ella escribe una carta por mí (en mi lugar)

     Diferencia entre 'for' y 'since'
     Cuando 'for' se traduce por "desde hace" se puede confundir con 'since', "desde".
     Ambas preposiciones se usan para expresar el tiempo que ha durado la acción del
     verbo, pero 'for' expresa la duración de la acción y 'since' el comienzo de la misma.
     I've been living in London for two months / Vivo en Londres desde hace dos meses.

                                            - 30 –                               Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                  R.M.C.

     I've been living in London since February / Vivo en Londres desde febrero.

     NOTA. Observa el uso en ambos casos del pretérito perfecto y nunca del presente.

e)   FROM de, desde
     Indica lugar, tiempo o circunstancia. Se usa para expresar:
     •   Procedencia, origen
         I'm from Spain / Soy español
     •   Separación
         Take the scissors from the child / Quítale las tijeras al niño
     •   Causa
         He did it from spite / Lo hizo por despecho
     •   Relación de tiempo
         I study from morning till night / Estudio desde la mañana hasta la noche
         From 20 July / Desde el 20 de julio

f)   IN en, dentro de Puede indicar tiempo o circunstancia. Se usa para expresar:
     •   Situación (en ciudades, regiones, naciones, continentes, etc.)
         We live in Valencia / Vivimos en Valencia
     •   Períodos de tiempo, como meses, años, estaciones.
         In the year 2001 / En el año 2001
         In winter / En invierno
         You arrived in Madrid in september / Llegaste a Madrid en Septiembre
     •   La construcción adverbial española "dentro de", en expresiones de tiempo:.
         The see you in a week's time / Te veré dentro de una semana.

g) INSIDE interior, dentro de
     The inside of the box / El interior de la caja

h) INTO en
     Puede indicar lugar o circunstancia
     I went into the bedroom / Entré en la habitación
     A journey into the unknown / Un viaje hacia lo desconocido

                                           - 31 –                            Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                R.M.C.

     The car ran into a wall / El coche chocó con un muro.

     Diferencia entre 'in' e 'into'
     'In' significa 'en' (dentro) generalmente en posición estática (no implica movimiento)
     'into' (en) implica movimiento.

     He was in the room                   He went finto the room
     Él estaba en la habitación           Él entró en la habitación

i)   LIKE como
     Se usa en comparaciones y ejemplos.
     You think like my mother / Piensas como mi madre
     I want a skirt like that / Quiero una falda como esa

j)   NEAR cerca de
     Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia
     Is there a police station near here? / ¿Hay una comisaría por aquí cerca?
     Near midday / Cerca del mediodía

k) OF de
     Made of steel / Hecho de acero
     East of London / Al este de Londres
     NOTA.- Es diferente of, el genitivo sajón (posesivo) El Bar de Pedro = Peter's Bar ( y
     no The bar of Peter)
     He is proud of her daughter / Está orgulloso de su hija

l)   OFF de, fuera de, sale de Indica lugar o circunstancia
     She fell of the ladder / Se cayó de la escalera
     A street off the main place / Una calle que sale de la plaza principal

m) ON, (equivalente a UPON, que es menos usual) sobre, encima de, el (fechas)
     Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia. Se usa para expresar:
     •   Contacto directo (un objeto descansa sobre otro).

                                           - 32 –                             Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                    R.M.C.

         My hat is on the table / Mi sombrero está sobre la mesa
     •   Un día (como fecha)
         We will see you on Saturday / Te veremos el sábado.
     •   Causa, fin
         I'm here on business / Estoy aquí por negocios
     •   Argumento, tema
         To lecture on Shakespeare / Dar clases sobre Shakespeare
     •   Posición
         Tisis room looks out on Sesame, Street / Esta habitación da a la calle Sesamo

n) OUTSIDE fuera de
     Indica lugar
     Outside the prison walls / Fuera de los muros de la prisión

ñ) OVER sobre, por encima de
         Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia. Se usa para expresar:
     •   Contacto indirecto (un objeto a cierta distancia por encima del otro).
         We flew over New York / Volamos sobre Nueva York
     •   Contacto total (un objeto sobre otro cubriéndolo).
         Put a cloth over the table / Pon un mantel sobre la mesa
     •   De un lado a otro
         A bridge over the River Kwai / Un puente sobre el Río Kwai
     •   Durante, mientras
         We'll discuss it over dinner / Lo discutiremos durante la cena
     •   Con números, edades, dinero y tiempo
         He's over 30 / Tiene más de 30 años

Elige la preposición correcta para cada frase.
1.   He cried like / of / despite a child.
2.   His house is for / down / of the hill
3.   The picture is on /outside/ in the wall.

                                             - 33 –                               Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                  R.M.C.

4.   The Everest is the highest mountain on /of /in the world.
5.   Hurricanes are common for /durinq/ in the Caribbean summer.
6.   He's French. He's of /for /from France.
7.   Cuba is over/ into/ near Florida.
8.   I can see the sky on/ outside/ over our heads.
9.   inside /despite/ into a thorough investigation, no trace of Osama Bin London has been
10 The aim for/ of / in this course is to help students.


a)   PAST por delante de, más allá de
     Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia
     She walked past the bank / Pasó por delante del banco
     It's ten past five / Son las cinco y diez

b) ROUND alrededor de
     Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia
     We were sitting round (around) the table / Estábamos sentados alrededor de la mesa
     Round (about) five o'clock / Alrededor de las cinco

c)   SINCE desde
     Indica un período de tiempo cuyo comienzo está bien determínalo.
     I have not seen him since January / No /o he visto desde enero

d) TILL (UNTIL) hasta
     Indica tiempo
     I shall be here until tomorrow / Estaré aquí hasta mañana
     I shall be here till tomorrow

     Diferencia entre 'till' y 'until': 'till' es más informal y no suele aparecer al comienzo
     de una frase

                                            - 34 –                              Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                              R.M.C.

e)   TO a, hacia, hasta (tiempo)
     Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia. Se usa para expresar:
     •   Movimiento hacia un lugar.
         Let's go to the cinema! / ¡Vámonos al cine!
         Se omite normalmente delante de la palabra home (casa, en el sentido de hogar
         She came home at eight / Ella llegó a casa a las ocho
         A excepción de cuando va precedida de un adjetivo posesivo o si se usa con un
         genitivo sajón, en cuyo caso es obligatoria.
         We went to Peter's home / Fuimos a casa de Peter
         We went to his home / Fuimos a su casa
     •   El complemento indirecto
         He gave it to John / Se lo dió a John
     •   Comparación
         I prefer walking to driving / Prefiero caminar a conducir
     •   Proporción, relación
         One goal to nil / Un gol a cero
     •   Tiempo
         A quarter to eight / Las ocho menos cuarto

     NOTA.- TO se emplea también para formar el infinitivo de los verbos.

f)   TOWARDS hacia
     Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia.
     She went towards the door / Fue hacia la puerta
     Towards the end of the film / Hacia el final de la película

g) UNDER debajo de, bajo
     Puede indicar lugar o circunstancia
     Under the chair / Debajo de la silla
     Children under six / Menores de seis años

h) UP en lo alto de

                                            - 35 –                          Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                R.M.C.

     Indica lugar o movimiento hacia arriba. Tiene el significado contrario a la preposición
     Up the mountain / En lo alto de la montaña
     She went up the ladder / Subió por la escalera

i)   WITH con
     Indica circunstancia. Se usa para expresar.-
     •   El complemento de compañía.
         With you / Contigo
     •   El complemento de medio o instrumento.
         Cut it with a knife / Córtalo con un cuchillo
     •   A causa de
         To tremble with fear / Temblar de miedo
     •   Con descripciones
         A girl with blond hair / Una chica rubia

Elige la preposición adecuada para cada frase.
1.   We went through /to /till a party at the leisure centre.
2.   The post office is just round /since /to the corner.
3.   They found a labyrinth of tunnels up/under /with the pyramid.
4.   It's the first on the right since /till /past the museum.
5.   Cut the cheese with/ towards/ through a knife.
6.   I have been here since/ until /towards five o'clock.
7.   Where would you rather be? past/ until /up a mountain or under /until /up the ocean?.
8.   He could see the island through /to/ towards the mist.
9.   I won't be there to/ since/ till Monday.
10. We're saving money. We're looking through /towards /past the future.

                                             - 36 –                           Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                               R.M.C.


Place and position

                             at      in       on   between

       The woman is …… the door.
       The child is …… the house.
       The bird is …… the roof.
       The bicycle is …… the house and the tree.

                     over above below under inside outside

       The picture is …… .. the fireplace.
       The picture is …… .. the fireplace.
       The fireplace is …… .. the picture.
       The fireplace is …… .. the picture.
       It is warm …… .. the house.
       It is cold …… .. the house.

                                          - 37 –             Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                                      R.M.C.

     by      near behind               ahead of         beside against          in front of

        The dog sits …… .. the chair.         The bill is …… .. the house.
        The boy is …… .. the chair.           The girl is in …… .. …… ..
        The tree is …… .. the house.                the house.
        The bicycle leans …… ..the tree       The truck is …… ..the bus

Direction and motion

                 in      to      out of      into            toward      from

        The woman is …… .. the house.
        The child goes …… .. the house.
        The man goes …… .. the car.
        The car points …… .. the corner.
        The girl gets …… .. the car.
        The boy walks …… .. the car …… .. the house.

                                           - 38 –                                   Ms. Carcasi
UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI                                           R.M.C.

               across    through         up         beyond   over down

       The school is …… .. the street.
       The next house is …… .. the hill.
       We walk …… .. the field.
       Birds fly …… .. the house.
       Children are running …… .. the hill.
       The roan is walking …… .. the hill.

                                           - 39 –                        Ms. Carcasi

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How much milk did you drink?B: One glass. I drank one glass of milk.2. A

  • 1. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. LESSON 2 GRAMMAR I HAVE A LOT OF MONEY. a lot of / lots of / some a few a little desks, pencils, students, teachers, salt, sugar, soup, shampoo, tables, chairs, books, stores, clothes, toothpaste, butter, soap, orange dollars, apples, etc. juice, milk, water, rice, money, fruit, meat, etc. Read the words in the box, then repeat the sentences. 1. I have some pencils. 2. There's some shampoo. I have a few pencils. There's a little shampoo. 3. There are a lot of pencils. 4. There's a lot of shampoo. There are lots of pencils. There's lots of shampoo. - 18 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 2. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. DO YOU WANT A LITTLE OR A LOT OF WATER? Ask and answer questions using "a little or a lot of" or "a few or a lot of'. Look at the examples. Examples: want / rice S1: Do you want a little or a lot of rice? S2: I want a little rice. have / books S1: Do you have a few or a lot of books` S2: I have a few books. 1.drink / milk _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 2.see /desks _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ / soup _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 4.have / money _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 5.want / sugar _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ - 19 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 3. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. SOMETING ANYTHING NOTHING Something and nothing are used in affirmative statements. Examples: Let’s order something for dessert. There’s nothing in this suitcase. Something and anything are used in questions. Examples: would you like something to drink? Did the teacher say anything about the quiz? Anything is used in negative statements. Example: I didn’t eat anything for breakfast. DO YOU WANT ANYTHING? Read these sentences. 1. Does your friend want something? No, he doesn’t want anything. 2. I want something for desert. Would you like some ice cream? 3. Would you like to buy something? Yes, I need a pen. 4. I heard something. Did you hear anything? No, I didn’t. 5. Did you buy anything? Yes, I bought something. 6. I saw something? I didn’t see anything. 7. Can you think of something? Yes, I’ll think of something. - 20 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 4. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. 8. Did you buy anything? No, nothing. I didn’t buy anything. VOCABULARY DO YOU WANT SOMETHING TO DRINK? Ask and answer question like the examples. Use anything, something, or nothing. Examples: buy Did you buy anything? Yes, I bought something. Learn Did you learn something? No, I didn’t learn anything. No, I learned nothing. 1. Want __________________________________________ ? Yes, _______________________________________ 2. get ___________________________________________ No, ________________________________________ 3. hear ___________________________________________ Yes, _______________________________________ 4. do ___________________________________________ No, ________________________________________ 5. see ___________________________________________ Yes, _______________________________________ 6. order ___________________________________________ No, _______________________________________ 7. say ___________________________________________ Yes, _______________________________________ - 21 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 5. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. VOCABULARY SOMETHING ELSE, ANYTHING ELSE, NOTHING ELSE Read the sentences. 1. Jim studied all weekend. He didn’t do anything else. 2. I don’t like coffee. Is there anything else to drink? 3. John’s blue suit was dirty. He had to wear something else. 4. I saw that movie last week. Can we see something else? 5. There’s only one desk in the room. There’s nothing else. SPEAKING SKILL ANYTHING ELSE? Repeat the dialog. Then recite one of them. Waiter: Do you want anything else, sir? Mr. Bean: No, nothing else. Thank you. Waite: Do you want something else, ma’am? Mrs. Bean: Yes, please bring me a glass of water. Waiter: And you? Do you need anything else? Miss Bean: No, thank you, I don’t want anything else. MANY / MUCH Many is used with nouns you can count. It means “a lot of”. He has many books. Do they have many children? We didn't see many pilots there. Much is used with nouns you cannot count. It also means "a lot of'. It is used in negative sentences and questions. Ted has a lot of money. He didn't drink much coffee. Did he have much work last week? - 22 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 6. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. THEY HAVE MANY CHILDREN. THEY DON´T HAVE MUCH MONEY. 1.She has many shoes. 2.He doesn't have many clothes. 3.Do they have many children? 4.They can't play many sports. 5. Ted doesn't have much time. 6.The bottle doesn't have much milk in it. 7.Will you have much homework this weekend? 8.Did Jane have much money in her pocket? 9.Liz drinks a lot of water every day. WE DON´T HAVE MUCH HOMEWORK Answer the questions with "No" and negative complete answers. Use "much" in your answer. Examples: Do you have a lot of work right now? No, I don't have much work right now. Did you have much work last year? No, I didn't have much work last year. Is there a lot of sugar in the tea? No, there isn't much sugar in the tea. 1. Is there a lot of shampoo in the bottle? 2. Did she put much pepper in the soup? 3. Do you have lots of money in your pocket? 4. Is there much salt in the soup? 5. Is there a lot of fruit on the table? 6. Did she put much buffer on the bread? 7. Did she drink a lot of juice this morning? 8. Will she eat much food tomorrow? 9. Did the barber put lots of soap on his face? BAIT BET Read the words. 1. bet bet 2. late let 3. rake wreck 4. pain pen - 23 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 7. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. 5. fade fed 6. age edge 7. gate get 8. Abe ebb GRAMMAR: HOW MANY ... ? HOW MUCH ...? How many is used with nouns you can count. QUESTIONS ANSWER How many children do you have? Five. I have five children. How many books did he buy? Two. He bought two books. How much is used with nouns you cannot count QUESTIONS ANSWER How much tea do you drink Three cups. I drink three cups every day? of tea a day. How much sugar Did she buy? Five pounds. She bought five pounds of sugar. HOW MUCH DID YOU FAT? Write questions with "how much" or "how many" and the underlined words. Then read questions and answers. Examples: A: How much coffee did you drink? B: Three cups. I drank three cups of coffee. A:How many children does, he have? B:Two. He has two children. 1. A: ________________________________________? B: Four. We had four pieces of pie. 2. A: ________________________________________? B: Not much. She doesn't have much money. 3. A: ________________________________________? B: Five pounds. I got five pounds of meat. 4. A: ________________________________________? B: Ten. There are ten students in the classroom. 5. A: ________________________________________? B: Three dozen. I made three dozer cookies. 6. A: ________________________________________? - 24 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 8. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. B: One brother and two sisters. He has one brother and two sisters. 7. A: ________________________________________? B: A dozen. There's a dozen oranges in the box. 8. A: B: Two bowls. He cooked two bowls of rice. Now write questions beginning "how much" or "how many — for these answers. 1. one fifth. __________________________________________ 2. 11%. __________________________________________ 3. 2,000 million. __________________________________________ 4. 35,000. __________________________________________ 5. about 40 liters. __________________________________________ 6. about 10,000 __________________________________________ Choose the correct word. 1. How much / many people are there in your family? 2. How much / many children are there in your school? 3. How much / many Cheese do you want on your spaghetti? 4. How much / many potato chips are there in the bag? 5. How much / many water does your dog, drink’ 6. How much / many milk is there in the fridge? 7. How much / many apples do you have in your refrigerator? 8. How much / many fruit do you eat?. 9. How much / many time do you have? 10. How much / many times a day do you brush your teeth? GRAMMAR: PREPOSITIONS ESTUDIO DE LAS PREPOSICIONES A-B a) ABOUT sobre, alrededor de, acerca de, por Puede tener distintos significados dependiendo de su función en la frase (lugar, tiempo o circunstancia) This is a book about the universe / Es un libro sobre el universo There are some papers spread about the room / Hay papeles esparcidos por la - 25 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 9. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. habitación b) ABOVE por encima de, sobre Se usa en general para expresar superioridad. He flew aboye the mountains / Volaba por encima de las montañas La Paz is 3600 meters aboye the sea level / La Paz está a 3600 metros sobre el nivel del mar. c) ACROSS a través de, al otro lado de Se usa para indicar la ubicación relativa en un lugar. She lives across the street / Ella vive al otro lado de la calle d) AFTER detrás de, después de Puede indicar tiempo o lugar. She left after lunch. / Se marchó después de comer. e) AGAINST contra Indica lugar o circunstancia Put the table against the wall. Pon la mesa contra la pared. I have nothing against him. No tengo nada en contra de él. f) ALONG a lo largo de The ship sails along the coastline / El barco navega a lo largo de la costa g) AMONG entre (Varios) Indica lugar o circunstancia A house among the trees / Una casa entre los árboles I was among the last to leave / Estaba entre los últimos en marcharse. h) AROUND alrededor (le Puede indicar tiempo, lugar o circunstancia. We were sitting around the table / Estábamos sentados alrededor de la mesa Around seven o’clock / Alrededor de las siete - 26 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 10. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. i) AT en a) Ubicación en lugares: He is a London now / Está en Londres ahora b) El momento exacto en que ocurre una determinada acción: She was there at five o'clock / Ella estaba allí a las cinco c) El precio: At what price is this car sold? / ¿A que precio se vende este coche? d) El estado de una persona o de un animal She is quite at ease / Se encuentra a gusto. Diferencia entre “at”, “in”, y “on” 'At' refiere la posición en un punto determinado, mientras que 'in' implica la posición dentro de algo y ‘on’ sobre algo. At the bus-stop In the filing Cabinet On te armchair Cuando hace referencia al tiempo, 'at' se emplea para horas o momentos determinados, mientras que 'in' refiere meses, años o estaciones y 'on' días de la semana y fechas. At seven o'clock / A las siete en punto At Christmas / En navidades In July / En julio In 2001 / En el año 2001 In summer / En verano On Saturday / El sábado On August, 24th / El 24 de agosto j) BEFORE delante de, ante Puede indicar tiempo, lugar o circunstancia He arrived before me / Llegó antes que yo Turn lefT just before the theatre / Gire a la izquierda justo antes del teatro. k) BEHIND detrás de Puede indicar tiempo, lugar o circunstancia - 27 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 11. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. I put it behind the painting / Lo puse detrás del cuadro He's the man behind the scheme / Él es el hombre que está tras el proyecto l) BELOW por debajo de Below sea level / Bajo el nivel del mar Diferencia entre 'belosw' y 'under' (ambos significan 'por debajo de') ‘Below’ implica un nivel inferior al que se hace referencia, con el que no existe contiguidad, mientras que 'under` implica una cierta inmediatez, una proximidad mayor. Below sea level Under the covers Debajo del nivel del mar Debajo de las mantas m) BESIDE junto a Puede indicar lugar o circunstancia Sit beside your classmate / Siéntate junto a tu compañero de clase n) BETWEEN entre (entre dos) Puede indicar tiempo, lugar o circunstancia To drive between Madrid and Barcelona / Conducir entre Madrid y Barcelona Between seven o'clock and eight o'clock / Entre las siete y las ocho ñ) BEYOND más allá de Puede indicar tiempo, lugar o circunstancia Beyond the horizon / Más allá del horizonte He lives beyond his means / Vive por encima de sus posibilidades o) BY junto a, al lado de Se usa para expresar: • Vecindad: Come and sit by me / Ven a sentarte junto a mí • Medio o instrumento: I went to Mexico by air / Fui a Mexico en avión - 28 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 12. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. • Medida The room measures 10 metres by 6 / La, habitación mide 10 metros por 6 • Movimiento We went to Poland by land / Fuimos a Polonia por tierra • El complemento de agente en la voz pasiva: The bridge was designed by Calatrava / El puente fue diseñado por Calatrava. • La expresión española "a cierta hora" I was back by six / estuve de regreso por las seis • Juramentos I sesear by almighty God to tell the truth / Juro por Dios decir la verdad EXERCISES Elige la preposición adecuada para cada frase. 1. He arrived below / among / before me. 2. The house is between / among /about two pines 3. The temperature crept up to just by /above / between 35 degrees. 4. I stood by the tree, looking above / about /around. 5. The feast was served by / across / behind his mother 6. behind / after / beyond breakfast, John ordered the local taxi to the airport 7. They walked about / at / among the trees in Central Park. 8. I’m going to take the train in / on / at half past three. 9. The sun had already sunk below / at / across the horizon. 10. She lives in the house below / at / across the road PREPOSICIONES C-O a) DESPITE (in spite of) a pesar de - Indica circunstancia Despite what she says / A pesar de lo que ella dice b) DOWN abajo Esta preposición se usa para expresar movimiento de arriba hacia abajo Come down from that threel / ¡Baja de ese árbol! - 29 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 13. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. c) DURING (durante) Indica tiempo. During the summer / Durante el verano Diferencia entre 'during' y 'for' Se usa 'during' para referirse al tiempo o al momento en que se desarrolla una acción y contesta a la pregunta When ... ? I began to feel ill during the concert / Me empecé a encontrar mal durante el concierto. 'For' se utiliza cuando se especifica la duración de la acción y contesta a la pregunta How long...? Yesterday it rained for two hours / Ayer llovió durante dos horas. d) FOR para, hacia (lugar), durante (tiempo), por (circunstancia) Esta preposición puede adoptar distintos sentidos o significados dependiendo de su contexto específico (lugar, tiempo o circunstancia) Se usa para expresar: • Movimiento hacia un lugar Shee will soon start for France /Pronto saldrá hacia Francia. • Causa For the following reasons... / Por las siguientes razones... • Fin To pray for peace / Rezar por la paz • Duración (el término español 'desde hace') I haven't seen him for five days / No lo veo desde hace cinco días • Sustitución She is writing a letter for me / Ella escribe una carta por mí (en mi lugar) Diferencia entre 'for' y 'since' Cuando 'for' se traduce por "desde hace" se puede confundir con 'since', "desde". Ambas preposiciones se usan para expresar el tiempo que ha durado la acción del verbo, pero 'for' expresa la duración de la acción y 'since' el comienzo de la misma. I've been living in London for two months / Vivo en Londres desde hace dos meses. - 30 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 14. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. I've been living in London since February / Vivo en Londres desde febrero. NOTA. Observa el uso en ambos casos del pretérito perfecto y nunca del presente. e) FROM de, desde Indica lugar, tiempo o circunstancia. Se usa para expresar: • Procedencia, origen I'm from Spain / Soy español • Separación Take the scissors from the child / Quítale las tijeras al niño • Causa He did it from spite / Lo hizo por despecho • Relación de tiempo I study from morning till night / Estudio desde la mañana hasta la noche From 20 July / Desde el 20 de julio f) IN en, dentro de Puede indicar tiempo o circunstancia. Se usa para expresar: • Situación (en ciudades, regiones, naciones, continentes, etc.) We live in Valencia / Vivimos en Valencia • Períodos de tiempo, como meses, años, estaciones. In the year 2001 / En el año 2001 In winter / En invierno You arrived in Madrid in september / Llegaste a Madrid en Septiembre • La construcción adverbial española "dentro de", en expresiones de tiempo:. The see you in a week's time / Te veré dentro de una semana. g) INSIDE interior, dentro de The inside of the box / El interior de la caja h) INTO en Puede indicar lugar o circunstancia I went into the bedroom / Entré en la habitación A journey into the unknown / Un viaje hacia lo desconocido - 31 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 15. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. The car ran into a wall / El coche chocó con un muro. Diferencia entre 'in' e 'into' 'In' significa 'en' (dentro) generalmente en posición estática (no implica movimiento) 'into' (en) implica movimiento. He was in the room He went finto the room Él estaba en la habitación Él entró en la habitación i) LIKE como Se usa en comparaciones y ejemplos. You think like my mother / Piensas como mi madre I want a skirt like that / Quiero una falda como esa j) NEAR cerca de Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia Is there a police station near here? / ¿Hay una comisaría por aquí cerca? Near midday / Cerca del mediodía k) OF de Made of steel / Hecho de acero East of London / Al este de Londres NOTA.- Es diferente of, el genitivo sajón (posesivo) El Bar de Pedro = Peter's Bar ( y no The bar of Peter) He is proud of her daughter / Está orgulloso de su hija l) OFF de, fuera de, sale de Indica lugar o circunstancia She fell of the ladder / Se cayó de la escalera A street off the main place / Una calle que sale de la plaza principal m) ON, (equivalente a UPON, que es menos usual) sobre, encima de, el (fechas) Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia. Se usa para expresar: • Contacto directo (un objeto descansa sobre otro). - 32 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 16. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. My hat is on the table / Mi sombrero está sobre la mesa • Un día (como fecha) We will see you on Saturday / Te veremos el sábado. • Causa, fin I'm here on business / Estoy aquí por negocios • Argumento, tema To lecture on Shakespeare / Dar clases sobre Shakespeare • Posición Tisis room looks out on Sesame, Street / Esta habitación da a la calle Sesamo n) OUTSIDE fuera de Indica lugar Outside the prison walls / Fuera de los muros de la prisión ñ) OVER sobre, por encima de Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia. Se usa para expresar: • Contacto indirecto (un objeto a cierta distancia por encima del otro). We flew over New York / Volamos sobre Nueva York • Contacto total (un objeto sobre otro cubriéndolo). Put a cloth over the table / Pon un mantel sobre la mesa • De un lado a otro A bridge over the River Kwai / Un puente sobre el Río Kwai • Durante, mientras We'll discuss it over dinner / Lo discutiremos durante la cena • Con números, edades, dinero y tiempo He's over 30 / Tiene más de 30 años EXERCISES Elige la preposición correcta para cada frase. 1. He cried like / of / despite a child. 2. His house is for / down / of the hill 3. The picture is on /outside/ in the wall. - 33 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 17. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. 4. The Everest is the highest mountain on /of /in the world. 5. Hurricanes are common for /durinq/ in the Caribbean summer. 6. He's French. He's of /for /from France. 7. Cuba is over/ into/ near Florida. 8. I can see the sky on/ outside/ over our heads. 9. inside /despite/ into a thorough investigation, no trace of Osama Bin London has been found. 10 The aim for/ of / in this course is to help students. ESTUDIO DE LAS PREPOSICIONES DE LA P – Z a) PAST por delante de, más allá de Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia She walked past the bank / Pasó por delante del banco It's ten past five / Son las cinco y diez b) ROUND alrededor de Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia We were sitting round (around) the table / Estábamos sentados alrededor de la mesa Round (about) five o'clock / Alrededor de las cinco c) SINCE desde Indica un período de tiempo cuyo comienzo está bien determínalo. I have not seen him since January / No /o he visto desde enero d) TILL (UNTIL) hasta Indica tiempo I shall be here until tomorrow / Estaré aquí hasta mañana I shall be here till tomorrow Diferencia entre 'till' y 'until': 'till' es más informal y no suele aparecer al comienzo de una frase - 34 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 18. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. e) TO a, hacia, hasta (tiempo) Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia. Se usa para expresar: • Movimiento hacia un lugar. Let's go to the cinema! / ¡Vámonos al cine! Se omite normalmente delante de la palabra home (casa, en el sentido de hogar propio): She came home at eight / Ella llegó a casa a las ocho A excepción de cuando va precedida de un adjetivo posesivo o si se usa con un genitivo sajón, en cuyo caso es obligatoria. We went to Peter's home / Fuimos a casa de Peter We went to his home / Fuimos a su casa • El complemento indirecto He gave it to John / Se lo dió a John • Comparación I prefer walking to driving / Prefiero caminar a conducir • Proporción, relación One goal to nil / Un gol a cero • Tiempo A quarter to eight / Las ocho menos cuarto NOTA.- TO se emplea también para formar el infinitivo de los verbos. f) TOWARDS hacia Puede indicar lugar, tiempo o circunstancia. She went towards the door / Fue hacia la puerta Towards the end of the film / Hacia el final de la película g) UNDER debajo de, bajo Puede indicar lugar o circunstancia Under the chair / Debajo de la silla Children under six / Menores de seis años h) UP en lo alto de - 35 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 19. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. Indica lugar o movimiento hacia arriba. Tiene el significado contrario a la preposición 'down' Up the mountain / En lo alto de la montaña She went up the ladder / Subió por la escalera i) WITH con Indica circunstancia. Se usa para expresar.- • El complemento de compañía. With you / Contigo • El complemento de medio o instrumento. Cut it with a knife / Córtalo con un cuchillo • A causa de To tremble with fear / Temblar de miedo • Con descripciones A girl with blond hair / Una chica rubia EXERCISES Elige la preposición adecuada para cada frase. 1. We went through /to /till a party at the leisure centre. 2. The post office is just round /since /to the corner. 3. They found a labyrinth of tunnels up/under /with the pyramid. 4. It's the first on the right since /till /past the museum. 5. Cut the cheese with/ towards/ through a knife. 6. I have been here since/ until /towards five o'clock. 7. Where would you rather be? past/ until /up a mountain or under /until /up the ocean?. 8. He could see the island through /to/ towards the mist. 9. I won't be there to/ since/ till Monday. 10. We're saving money. We're looking through /towards /past the future. - 36 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 20. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. EXERCISES Place and position at in on between The woman is …… the door. The child is …… the house. The bird is …… the roof. The bicycle is …… the house and the tree. over above below under inside outside The picture is …… .. the fireplace. The picture is …… .. the fireplace. The fireplace is …… .. the picture. The fireplace is …… .. the picture. It is warm …… .. the house. It is cold …… .. the house. - 37 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 21. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. by near behind ahead of beside against in front of The dog sits …… .. the chair. The bill is …… .. the house. The boy is …… .. the chair. The girl is in …… .. …… .. The tree is …… .. the house. the house. The bicycle leans …… ..the tree The truck is …… ..the bus Direction and motion in to out of into toward from The woman is …… .. the house. The child goes …… .. the house. The man goes …… .. the car. The car points …… .. the corner. The girl gets …… .. the car. The boy walks …… .. the car …… .. the house. - 38 – Ms. Carcasi
  • 22. UNIVERSIDAD JOSE CARLOS MARIATEGUI R.M.C. across through up beyond over down The school is …… .. the street. The next house is …… .. the hill. We walk …… .. the field. Birds fly …… .. the house. Children are running …… .. the hill. The roan is walking …… .. the hill. - 39 – Ms. Carcasi