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esri open data open innovation gis geography maps social media geo-information innovation open geodata linkedin spatial geographic information geo-informatie geodata strategy open source gis conferentie mapmyconnections open innovatie wageningen data arcgis science pdok marketing location open geo data open courseware open gov geomarketing hyperlocal kennis mgi geoscience design media geo deep learning machine learning artificial intelligence aeres geotrends spatial analytics location-based services rotterdam business information management diffusion rsm erasmus myopia university mapillary mapping big data iot smart city trend living atlas tensing almere typo3 cartography content software 3d data ps arcgis online location platform bigdata hogeschool rotterdam ocw aggn mooc siren servers participation location analytics location factor datlinq geografie cartografie kaart 3d community open new geographyh ogd maps4science open source conference waardeketen chesbrough minzberg research wherecamp apps openstreetmap okfn geomarkting bertin storytelling infographics journalism ruimteschepper map my connections hyperlocal media geographic thinking open streetmap ogdcamp data jouranlism tu delft open access openheid 20 open standaarden sociale media waterschappen arcgiscom gov20 locationbased foursquare advantages roi ogc 100 jaar hogeschool utrecht open api worldbank esri prototype lab internet geoparadox open standards
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