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CAMUG 2013

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
CAMUG 2013

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
CAMUG 2013

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
CAMUG 2013

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
CAMUG 2013

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
CAMUG 2013

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
◦ Jim Bird
◦ A software guy that cares about security
◦ Experience in software development, Ops, general
management, project management (PMP, CSM, PMIACP, SCPM)
◦ Worked with financial services organizations in more
than 30 countries
◦ Consulted to IBM, Italian Banking Association, Deutsche
Borse, Korea Exchanges, Australian Stock Exchange, …
◦ Currently co-founder and CTO of a major US-based
institutional trading service
◦ Helps out at SANS and OWASP
◦ “Building Real Software” blog
◦ Find me on LinkedIn
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software


Lots of information to follow
No pictures of puppies, kittens, babies or Star
Trek characters
Stuff you can take away and use later

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software


As an industry we suck at building secure
Most developers don’t understand software
security (take the test and see how you do)

and we don’t include security in development
◦ Microsoft study 2012: Only 37% of developers follow
secure development practices
◦ Ponemon Institute study 2012: 79% of developers
followed no or only ad hoc secure development process
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Many security experts think that Agile is the

◦ Agile Development = Security Fail, Adrian Lane, RSA
Conference 2011
◦ Agile development is seen in some big shops as being
undisciplined and unmanaged
◦ 2010 Study: Agile teams did not take meaningful
steps to integrate security into development even
when security was a mandated requirement


Agile development makes it easier to build
more software faster. More software = more
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software


Major security vulnerabilities are found in
common desktop software each month:
Windows, Java, Adobe, all of the
browsers, Quicktime, …
InformationWeek 2013 Strategic Security Survey
◦ 46% of breaches last year were due to software exploits
(OS, mobile or other application)


New technologies like HTML 5 and node.JS
introduce new capabilities and new security risks
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

2013 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report:

◦ 1/3 of all breaches are caused by attacks on Web apps
◦ Probability of being hit by a Web app exploit: 75%


Cenzic Report 2013

◦ 99% of apps tested had at least 1 serious vulnerability


WhiteHat Security Report 2013

◦ Average Web app has 56 serious vulnerabilities
◦ 25% of organizations had at least 1 security breach
caused by an application vulnerability


Veracode State of Software Security April 2013

◦ Only 13% of Web apps passed OWASP Top 10 (the most
common vulnerabilities)
◦ These are apps that people bothered to test…
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

viaForensics Mobile App Security Study 2011
 Only 17% of apps passed basic tests
 10% of apps stored passwords in plain text
 In 2/3 of apps, private or sensitive data was recoverable
(private communications, personal data, acct numbers)


Veracode State of Software Security Report 2013
 64% of Android apps have crypto problems
 42% of iOS apps have information leakage problems
 31% of iOS apps have SQL injection bugs


Ponemon Survey 2012
 65% of mobile apps aren’t tested at all

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Hacking Industrial Systems Turns out to be
Easy, MIT Technology Review, Aug 2013

Backdoor in computer controls opens critical
infrastructure to hackers, Oct 2012

Researchers expose flaws in popular industrial
control systems, InfoWorld, Jan 2012
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Smart toilet security flaw could result in nasty
surprise, Fox News Aug 2013

The same security risks are in today’s
cars, smart homes, TVs, …



Hacking airplanes in flight? I did that a year
ago…, April 2013
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software



Lack of Knowledge and Skills – Developers
Don’t Understand Security
Fundamental Asymmetry – the Bad Guys
always Win
Quality – Bad Software is Easy to Hack

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Not firewalls, DMZs and patching
Not just security features:
authentication, access control, auditing
Thinking through workflows and exceptions
like a bad guy (abuse cases not use cases)
Understanding security risks and weaknesses
in your language and platform stack
Technical details that must be understood and
executed perfectly:
◦ crypto, session management, language/platformspecific vulnerabilities and attacks and
exploits, secure configuration, context-sensitive
data encoding, race conditions (TOC/TOU),…
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Education and Knowledge Gap
◦ Almost no universities teach software security
◦ Most developers don’t get enough – or any – on
the job security training (Ponemon Study, 2012)
◦ Leading books/blogs/conferences on software
development and design do not touch on security
◦ Agile 2013 conference example:
 1800 people, 200+ sessions
 1 session on application security (attended by 30 people)
 Agile 2013 Eventifier was hacked

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software


Most security people are network infosec
(CISSP), or auditing/compliance/risk
They can’t help developers with appsec
Critical worldwide shortage of appsec
expertise: Breakers and especially Builders

◦ 17 million developers worldwide
◦ BSIMM says 2% of developers need to be security
black belts = 340,000 need advanced appsec

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software



Software Security is an Asymmetric Problem
Michael Howard, 8 Simple Rules for Developing More
Secure Software

Developers must make sure that design and
code are perfect
Attackers get in through mistakes and bugs
that nobody understands or realizes are
important (eg. C/C++ bounds violation)
1 Bug is all that the bad guys need
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software




Ensuring that there are no critical security
problems in software is very very hard
With enough money, time and talent
(e.g., nation-state backed) targeted
attackers can get into any system
But we are making it too easy for the lazy
bad guys (opportunistic hackers)
Too many security bugs are too easy to find
and exploit… even bugs that are easy to fix
and prevent
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software


The most common attacks stay the same year over year
(XSS, CSRF, Directory Traversal ../, SQL Injection)
SQL injection
◦ The most dangerous security vulnerability for the past 5+
◦ Easy to fix – use prepared statements and bind variables
◦ NOSQL databases have injection vulnerabilities too

Bad guys use SQLi to steal data like email addresses and
passwords – which programmers don’t store safely

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Security = C-I-A


All of these are also important factors to
Software Quality


◦ Confidentiality
◦ Integrity
◦ Availability

“Software security relates entirely and
completely to quality. “ Dr. Gary McGraw
A poor quality system cannot be secure
Security vulnerabilities are bugs that need
to be eradicated like all the other bugs
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
CAMUG 2013

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Agile is about building software quickly
◦ Move fast and iterate, respond to feedback
◦ Emphasis on Velocity: how much Business Value
is delivered every 1 or 2 weeks
◦ Short time boxes keep getting shorter (1month, 2-weeks, 1-week, …)
◦ Deliver software to customer before it is finished
◦ Taken to extreme by teams following Continuous
Deployment pushing changes 10-100+ times per
day (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, …)

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

“Move fast and break things. The idea is that if you
never break anything, you’re probably not moving
fast enough.” Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook

◦ ….

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Emergent Design

◦ 50% of security problems are caused in design (Gary
McGraw, Cigital)
◦ De-emphasis on architecture definition in Agile
(BDUF is B-A-D)
◦ Only design and build what you need (Simple
Design, YAGNI, Minimum Marketable Feature)
◦ Refactor and react to feedback – design on the fly
◦ The Code is the Design - so how do you see design
mistakes and oversights? You wait to get feedback
from the customer… or from hackers….

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

The Product Owner is King/Queen
◦ Defines requirements, decides what gets done when
◦ Under pressure (and pressures team) to deliver
Business Value, Time-to-Market
◦ The Product Owner has too much Responsibility:
 Doesn’t always understand what they are supposed to
do, or have the time to do it properly
 Doesn’t understand security beyond mandated
compliance requirements in regulated environments
 Doesn’t always understand the risks and threats facing
the organization
 Doesn’t understand software development
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Security is a Chicken, not a Pig
◦ Only Pigs have a voice – Product Owner, the Team
◦ Pigs decide how software is going to be developed
◦ Security is on the outside looking in – a Chicken, a
witness, a nag who can be ignored or pushed off to
◦ Without explicit security gates/approvals, Security
has no control over how work gets done or over
priorities or outcomes

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Whole Team and Collective Code Ownership



Everybody shares all the work and all the code
The Team decides how work will be done – will
they decide to include secure development
Security work requires special knowledge and a
Hacker’s/Breaker’s mindset
Remember the Defender’s Dilemma – even small
mistakes have serious consequences
You need your best (technically strongest) people
working on security – not everybody will “get it”
or will be careful enough
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

XP has reinforced the value of testing, but…
◦ TDD, automated unit testing (JUnit) and functional
acceptance testing (FIT, FITNesse) – “the feature
passes the automated tests, so it must work”
◦ Security is a system testing problem, not a unit
testing problem
◦ Many teams don’t have testers, or testers who do
anything more than follow acceptance checklists –
so who will do security testing?
“Why Facebook doesn’t have or need testers”

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Sprints and Time Boxes



Work needs to be done in little pieces and
time-boxed (smaller = better)
Where do you fit security reviews and testing
in Scrum or iterationless Kanban or
Continuous Deployment?
E.g. Penetration Testing doesn’t fit nicely into
a short Sprint – need time to understand the
app, explore, hack, assess risk and
understand findings, fix and test again…
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Work is defined through Stories

As a <type of user> I want <something> so
that <reason>
Most security requirements are nonfunctional (like maintainability, supportability)



Security risks and activities cut across many
stories (constraints on design and
Cannot always be tested (same as other NFRs)
Security is never “Done”
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software


Traceability and Assurance
◦ Waterfall has natural gates
(requirements, design, code, test, deploy) and
hand-off documents for security experts to review
and assess risk
◦ But Agile: “working software over comprehensive
◦ Story cards, white boarding, … “barely sufficient”
and discarded when work is done
◦ Code and automated tests are the documentation
How do you prove traceability in Agile? How do you
know (and show) that you’ve done a responsible job?
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
CAMUG 2013

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Security Stories and Abuse Cases
◦ Make security activities/risks part of the backlog
◦ SAFECode Security Stories – common non-functional
stories and SDLC tasks for security
◦ OWASP Evil User Stories: “As a hacker, I can send bad
data in URLs, so I can access data and functions for
which I’m not authorized”
◦ Cigital Abuse/Misuse Cases – think like a bad guy
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Abuser Stories
◦ Judy Neher, Agile 2013
◦ As part of working on / elaborating a story, take
some time to explore negative cases
◦ Don’t just think about what the user can do and
wants to do
◦ Think about what the user can’t do and doesn’t
want to do
◦ Write up negative cases/scenarios and include them
in scenarios or add them to the backlog

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Security Sprint / Security Push
◦ Test and fix security problems in high-risk areas (as
much as you can in a time box)
◦ Train the team, then have them look for and fix security
◦ Evaluate a static analysis tool, run it for the first time
and triage the results
◦ Pen test and then fix what you can before you go live


Band aid: won’t solve your security problems
Like a “Hardening Sprint” - difficult to build a
business case for – what value is the customer
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Try following Microsoft: SDL Agile
◦ Available for free but expensive to follow

◦ Integrate security activities and controls
 Start of project – understand security and privacy
requirements, training, assign security lead
 Each Sprint – using safe libraries, static analysis in
CI, threat/risk modeling on new features
 Bucket – code reviews, design reviews, incident
response planning (do one of these activities each
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Upfront, Iteration 0 stuff
◦ Understand major risks and threats
◦ Understand requirements for security and
privacy, compliance – don’t depend only on Product
◦ Include security in coding guidelines and
tools/technology selection
◦ If you’re playing Pigs and Chickens, security must
be a Pig – make someone the Security Lead
◦ Include time for security tasks in
planning, retrospectives/reviews and “Definition of
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software


◦ WhiteHat study: teams with training have 40%
fewer vulnerabilities, resolve them 59% faster
◦ Train all developers and testers in basics
 SAFECode free training
 Coursera free MOOCs in Crypto
 OWASP Cheat Sheet series

◦ Security Lead needs extra training: Denim
Group, SANS, Cigital
◦ Don’t forget to train the Product Owner!
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Design and Architecture

◦ Understand the security capabilities of your
(.NET, Rails, Play, Spring, Django, Yii, iOS, Andr
oid, …)

Authentication and Identity Management
Access Control (deny by default)
Auditing (including log injection protection)
Session Management (including CSRF protection)
Data access layer (SQL injection)

◦ Keep frameworks patched and up to date and
monitor for vulnerabilities (serious Rails
vulnerabilities in 2013, …)
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Design and Architecture
◦ Use a security library to fill in security gaps:

OWASP ESAPI (for enterprise apps, especially Java)
Apache Shiro (Java general security toolkit)
JASYPT (Java encryption)
Microsoft’s Anti-Cross Site Scripting library (.NET)
IronBox AntiSQLi (.NET)
OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer (XSS protection)

◦ If you really know enough to write your own
crypto, why are you here reading this slide?

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Attack Surface

◦ How bad guys get in:
forms, fields, parms, cookies, files, URLs, APIs, runtime args, configs, sockets, databases… and the
code behind this
◦ As you add features, attack surface increases:
 Just changing the same code again, adding another
field or form…?
 Adding a new API, or a mobile interface, or hooking
up to a new service?
 Introducing a new piece of confidential/secret data?
 Changing the stack or plumbing (web
server, security library, back-end data store…)?
◦ What additional testing/reviews should be done?
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Follow the Data

◦ Identify critical data
 Private/confidential data (PII, credit card, medical, anything
to do with children, financial, …), tokens/passwords/session
ids and other credentials, secrets, config, …

◦ Follow this data through the system

 What is the source (is the source authenticated, can you tell
if the data is being replayed)?
 Where is it validated and sanitized?
 Where is it stored (does it have to be stored)?
 Should it be encrypted or masked?
 Where is it displayed and used, are the users authorized?
 Who can change it, is this access audited?
 Do I need to protect it with a checksum/digital signature?

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Focus on High-Risk Code
◦ Security plumbing, network-facing APIs, file
handling, command and control (root)
functions, data validation, error handling, database
access layer, auto-update, …

◦ If any High-Risk code is changed: review and
testing must be done
◦ Team Ground Rule, or automatically through checkin monitoring (Etsy, Zane Lackey)
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Be Careful with High-Risk Code

◦ Code in pairs (always at least one senior developer)
◦ Use OWASP Secure Coding Checklist


Expert Security Code Review

Bring in an outside expert/consultant
Help them to understand the code and design
Time-box their review
Make sure you understand what they found, why it is a
problem, and how to fix it
◦ Maybe get them to review your fixes too

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Write Code that “doesn’t boink”
◦ Correctness and usability isn’t enough
◦ Clean code isn’t enough – although it helps (security and
quality problems are correlated with complexity)
◦ Use safe functions and APIs (understand your language
and platform and use them properly)
◦ Pay attention to data validation (client-side isn’t
enough, strong white-list vs weak black-list)
◦ Error handling and exception handling (check return
codes, fail closed, watch for information leakage)
◦ Manage threads and memory carefully
◦ Log and trace – but don’t log confidential/private data

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Static Analysis Checkers (Source/Binary)

◦ Start with picky Compiler options and flags, and IDE
◦ Continuous Integration: Fail build on serious bugs
◦ Java
 Free: Findbugs and PMD (or SonarQube) – superficial but
common security bugs
 Expensive: Coverity, Fortify, Klocwork, Appscan, Checkmarx
– deeper, interprocedural data flow and control flow analysis

◦ .NET

 Microsoft FxCop, CAT.NET, MS Source Code Analyzer for SQL
Injection, BinScope

◦ Ruby: Brakeman
◦ Binary analysis (if you don’t have source): Veracode SaaS
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Unit testing is not enough
◦ High unit test coverage for high-risk code to
ensure correctness – especially security
◦ Need negative tests for error handling and for
input checking – tedious to do, maybe try
fuzzing instead
◦ Fuzzing files is easy (dumb), fuzzing APIs is
hard (smart)


Also need end-to-end system testing
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Manual exploratory testing

Do some basic hacking on your own
Test boundaries, negative cases
Try injecting attack strings into fields
Try to break things, be creative
How to Break Software [and How to Break
Software Security], James Whittaker
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Application Pen Testing
Hire an expert to hack into your app
◦ Before go live
◦ Periodic Regression Sweep (1-2x per year, or
when you make a major change)
◦ Give pen tester whatever information and
access they need
◦ Learn from what they find – treat serious
bugs as Sev 1 or 2


But… Expensive and doesn’t Scale
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Dynamic Web App Scanning – “Pen Tester in a
◦ Arachni, Acunetix, Appscan, Webinspect, …

◦ OWASP ZAP (Attack Proxy)

◦ Hassle to setup, train, review and triage
◦ Most developers don’t like using these tools, but
QA usually doesn’t have the technical skills

◦ Consider Cloud-based service like WhiteHat
◦ Or Contrast Security (Java real-time bug tracing)
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Gauntlt “Be Mean to Your Code”

◦ Scriptable attacks against a system using
different security tools – built on Cucumber
◦ Include in Continuous Integration or Continuous
Delivery pipeline
◦ Limited number of tests available today


Mozilla Minion

◦ Plug-in platform for automated testing web apps

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

◦ WhiteHat study: only 61% of security bugs are
fixed, and it takes 193 days to fix them
◦ Remember the Attacker’s Advantage – we’re leaving
holes open for a long time 
◦ Treat security vulnerabilities like other bugs
 Add them to the backlog
 Fix critical bugs
 Fix bugs you understand
◦ Use Agile to your Advantage: Agile teams can get
fixes into production much faster than Waterfall
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Secure Operations
◦ Your responsibility doesn’t end with releasing code
◦ Secure the run-time – CIS and vendor
lockdowns, Nessus scanning, check SSL config
◦ WAF or IDS (mod_security, Snort)
◦ Always be patching
◦ Detective change control – OSSEC
◦ Infrastructure as Code (Puppet, Chef) so you know
everything is setup consistently
◦ Make sure somebody is actually reading the logs
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Secure Devops – Learn from Etsy and Netflix
◦ Understand what normal looks like, identify
anomalies/attacks, and respond
◦ Fast, repeatable deployment capability so you can fix
problems immediately
◦ Automated health checks, self-tests, run-time asserts
◦ NetFlix Simian Army – Security Monkey, Conformity
Monkey, Doctor Monkey, and Chaos Monkey/Gorilla

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

Prepare to be Attacked
◦ Leverage what you have for handling Sev 1 incidents
◦ Escalate to outside security experts and legal
◦ Contain and recover, capture data for forensics and
legal purposes if you can
◦ Root Cause Analysis once you are stabilized
◦ SANS training on security incident management
◦ ISO 30111 standard for vulnerability handling and
remediation (including root cause analysis)
◦ ISO 21947 vulnerability disclosure - how to deal with
your friendly neighbourhood security researcher

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
CAMUG 2013

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
◦ Agile Development can be the Cure for
Insecure Software
 Replace big, Waterfall gates with
continuous, iterative checks
 Always do something, always be improving
 Smaller changes = less to review, less to
test, less risk
 Do what works for your team
 Automate everything that you can

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
◦ Include Security Upfront
 Understand important security and privacy
compliance requirements and risks
 Budget tools and time
 Training and OWASP Cheat Sheets on
 Make somebody on the team responsible
for Security (the team’s Conscience)

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
◦ Secure Design (the first 50%)
 Understand and use security capabilities of
your language(s) and framework(s)
 Plug any holes with a security library

 Think about Trust when you cross Layers
 Think about security when you choose
Open Source / Commercial Software

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
◦ Build Security into Sprints
 Defensive coding – code that is more
robust and more secure
 Michael Howard “all input data is evil until
proven otherwise” (the other 50%)
 Understand critical data and attack surface
– when you change it, evaluate risks
 Security Stories/Abuser Stories
 Think about Ops and the run-time

Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
◦ Build Security on top of Quality

 Think – and test – like a bad guy
 Do some kind of security testing (static
analysis, dynamic scanning, pen test)
 Fix the bugs that you find – like any other
 Make sure that you can deploy bug fixes
quickly and safely – Continuous Delivery
pipeline, regression testing
 Include Security in Retrospectives (learn
and prevent)
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software
◦ Join OWASP

◦ Setup an OWASP Chapter
◦ Contribute to an OWASP project
◦ Go to a security conference or at least attend
security sessions at other conferences
(UberConf and JavaOne have security tracks)
◦ Read more about appsec and security
◦ Talk to security people, make friends
◦ Get appsec training, mentor others
◦ Write good software
Agile Appsec 2013
Building Real Software

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Agile Appsec: Why we suck at building secure software, and what we can do about it?

  • 1. CAMUG 2013 Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 2. CAMUG 2013 Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 3. CAMUG 2013 Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 4. CAMUG 2013 Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 5. CAMUG 2013 Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 6. CAMUG 2013 Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 7. ◦ Jim Bird ◦ A software guy that cares about security ◦ Experience in software development, Ops, general management, project management (PMP, CSM, PMIACP, SCPM) ◦ Worked with financial services organizations in more than 30 countries ◦ Consulted to IBM, Italian Banking Association, Deutsche Borse, Korea Exchanges, Australian Stock Exchange, … ◦ Currently co-founder and CTO of a major US-based institutional trading service ◦ Helps out at SANS and OWASP ◦ “Building Real Software” blog ◦ Find me on LinkedIn Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 8.    Lots of information to follow No pictures of puppies, kittens, babies or Star Trek characters Stuff you can take away and use later Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 9.   As an industry we suck at building secure software Most developers don’t understand software security (take the test and see how you do)  and we don’t include security in development ◦ Microsoft study 2012: Only 37% of developers follow secure development practices ◦ Ponemon Institute study 2012: 79% of developers followed no or only ad hoc secure development process Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 10.  Many security experts think that Agile is the problem ◦ Agile Development = Security Fail, Adrian Lane, RSA Conference 2011 ◦ Agile development is seen in some big shops as being undisciplined and unmanaged ◦ 2010 Study: Agile teams did not take meaningful steps to integrate security into development even when security was a mandated requirement  Agile development makes it easier to build more software faster. More software = more vulnerabilities Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 11.   Major security vulnerabilities are found in common desktop software each month: Windows, Java, Adobe, all of the browsers, Quicktime, … InformationWeek 2013 Strategic Security Survey ◦ 46% of breaches last year were due to software exploits (OS, mobile or other application)  New technologies like HTML 5 and node.JS introduce new capabilities and new security risks d_vulnerabilities_in_new_bottles_-_Sven_Vetsch.pdf Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 12.  2013 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report: ◦ 1/3 of all breaches are caused by attacks on Web apps ◦ Probability of being hit by a Web app exploit: 75%  Cenzic Report 2013 ◦ 99% of apps tested had at least 1 serious vulnerability  WhiteHat Security Report 2013 ◦ Average Web app has 56 serious vulnerabilities ◦ 25% of organizations had at least 1 security breach caused by an application vulnerability  Veracode State of Software Security April 2013 ◦ Only 13% of Web apps passed OWASP Top 10 (the most common vulnerabilities) ◦ These are apps that people bothered to test… Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 13.  viaForensics Mobile App Security Study 2011  Only 17% of apps passed basic tests  10% of apps stored passwords in plain text  In 2/3 of apps, private or sensitive data was recoverable (private communications, personal data, acct numbers)  Veracode State of Software Security Report 2013  64% of Android apps have crypto problems  42% of iOS apps have information leakage problems  31% of iOS apps have SQL injection bugs  Ponemon Survey 2012  65% of mobile apps aren’t tested at all Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 14.  Hacking Industrial Systems Turns out to be Easy, MIT Technology Review, Aug 2013 cking-industrial-systems-turns-out-to-be-easy/  Backdoor in computer controls opens critical infrastructure to hackers, Oct 2012  Researchers expose flaws in popular industrial control systems, InfoWorld, Jan 2012 Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 15.  Smart toilet security flaw could result in nasty surprise, Fox News Aug 2013  The same security risks are in today’s cars, smart homes, TVs, … ◦  Hacking airplanes in flight? I did that a year ago…, April 2013 Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 16.    Lack of Knowledge and Skills – Developers Don’t Understand Security Fundamental Asymmetry – the Bad Guys always Win Quality – Bad Software is Easy to Hack Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 17.      Not firewalls, DMZs and patching Not just security features: authentication, access control, auditing Thinking through workflows and exceptions like a bad guy (abuse cases not use cases) Understanding security risks and weaknesses in your language and platform stack Technical details that must be understood and executed perfectly: ◦ crypto, session management, language/platformspecific vulnerabilities and attacks and exploits, secure configuration, context-sensitive data encoding, race conditions (TOC/TOU),… Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 18.  Education and Knowledge Gap ◦ Almost no universities teach software security ◦ Most developers don’t get enough – or any – on the job security training (Ponemon Study, 2012) ◦ Leading books/blogs/conferences on software development and design do not touch on security ◦ Agile 2013 conference example:  1800 people, 200+ sessions  1 session on application security (attended by 30 people)  Agile 2013 Eventifier was hacked Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 19.    Most security people are network infosec (CISSP), or auditing/compliance/risk They can’t help developers with appsec Critical worldwide shortage of appsec expertise: Breakers and especially Builders ◦ 17 million developers worldwide ◦ BSIMM says 2% of developers need to be security black belts = 340,000 need advanced appsec training Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 20.     Software Security is an Asymmetric Problem Michael Howard, 8 Simple Rules for Developing More Secure Software Developers must make sure that design and code are perfect Attackers get in through mistakes and bugs that nobody understands or realizes are important (eg. C/C++ bounds violation) 1 Bug is all that the bad guys need Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 21.     Ensuring that there are no critical security problems in software is very very hard With enough money, time and talent (e.g., nation-state backed) targeted attackers can get into any system But we are making it too easy for the lazy bad guys (opportunistic hackers) Too many security bugs are too easy to find and exploit… even bugs that are easy to fix and prevent Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 22.    The most common attacks stay the same year over year (XSS, CSRF, Directory Traversal ../, SQL Injection) SQL injection ◦ The most dangerous security vulnerability for the past 5+ years ◦ Easy to fix – use prepared statements and bind variables ◦ NOSQL databases have injection vulnerabilities too Bad guys use SQLi to steal data like email addresses and passwords – which programmers don’t store safely ◦ ◦ Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 23.  Security = C-I-A  All of these are also important factors to Software Quality    ◦ Confidentiality ◦ Integrity ◦ Availability “Software security relates entirely and completely to quality. “ Dr. Gary McGraw A poor quality system cannot be secure Security vulnerabilities are bugs that need to be eradicated like all the other bugs Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 24. CAMUG 2013 Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 25.  Agile is about building software quickly ◦ Move fast and iterate, respond to feedback ◦ Emphasis on Velocity: how much Business Value is delivered every 1 or 2 weeks ◦ Short time boxes keep getting shorter (1month, 2-weeks, 1-week, …) ◦ Deliver software to customer before it is finished ◦ Taken to extreme by teams following Continuous Deployment pushing changes 10-100+ times per day (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, …) Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 26. Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 27.  “Move fast and break things. The idea is that if you never break anything, you’re probably not moving fast enough.” Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ …. Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 28.  Emergent Design ◦ 50% of security problems are caused in design (Gary McGraw, Cigital) ◦ De-emphasis on architecture definition in Agile (BDUF is B-A-D) ◦ Only design and build what you need (Simple Design, YAGNI, Minimum Marketable Feature) ◦ Refactor and react to feedback – design on the fly ◦ The Code is the Design - so how do you see design mistakes and oversights? You wait to get feedback from the customer… or from hackers…. Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 29.  The Product Owner is King/Queen ◦ Defines requirements, decides what gets done when ◦ Under pressure (and pressures team) to deliver Business Value, Time-to-Market ◦ The Product Owner has too much Responsibility:  Doesn’t always understand what they are supposed to do, or have the time to do it properly  Doesn’t understand security beyond mandated compliance requirements in regulated environments  Doesn’t always understand the risks and threats facing the organization  Doesn’t understand software development Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 30.  Security is a Chicken, not a Pig ◦ Only Pigs have a voice – Product Owner, the Team ◦ Pigs decide how software is going to be developed ◦ Security is on the outside looking in – a Chicken, a witness, a nag who can be ignored or pushed off to later ◦ Without explicit security gates/approvals, Security has no control over how work gets done or over priorities or outcomes Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 31.  Whole Team and Collective Code Ownership      Everybody shares all the work and all the code The Team decides how work will be done – will they decide to include secure development practices? Security work requires special knowledge and a Hacker’s/Breaker’s mindset Remember the Defender’s Dilemma – even small mistakes have serious consequences You need your best (technically strongest) people working on security – not everybody will “get it” or will be careful enough Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 32.  XP has reinforced the value of testing, but… ◦ TDD, automated unit testing (JUnit) and functional acceptance testing (FIT, FITNesse) – “the feature passes the automated tests, so it must work” ◦ Security is a system testing problem, not a unit testing problem ◦ Many teams don’t have testers, or testers who do anything more than follow acceptance checklists – so who will do security testing? “Why Facebook doesn’t have or need testers” Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 33.  Sprints and Time Boxes    Work needs to be done in little pieces and time-boxed (smaller = better) Where do you fit security reviews and testing in Scrum or iterationless Kanban or Continuous Deployment? E.g. Penetration Testing doesn’t fit nicely into a short Sprint – need time to understand the app, explore, hack, assess risk and understand findings, fix and test again… Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 34.  Work is defined through Stories   As a <type of user> I want <something> so that <reason> Most security requirements are nonfunctional (like maintainability, supportability)    Security risks and activities cut across many stories (constraints on design and implementation) Cannot always be tested (same as other NFRs) Security is never “Done” Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 35.   Traceability and Assurance ◦ Waterfall has natural gates (requirements, design, code, test, deploy) and hand-off documents for security experts to review and assess risk ◦ But Agile: “working software over comprehensive documentation” ◦ Story cards, white boarding, … “barely sufficient” and discarded when work is done ◦ Code and automated tests are the documentation How do you prove traceability in Agile? How do you know (and show) that you’ve done a responsible job? Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 36. CAMUG 2013 Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 37.  Security Stories and Abuse Cases ◦ Make security activities/risks part of the backlog ◦ SAFECode Security Stories – common non-functional stories and SDLC tasks for security Dev_Security0712.pdf ◦ OWASP Evil User Stories: “As a hacker, I can send bad data in URLs, so I can access data and functions for which I’m not authorized” opment:_Don%27t_Forget_EVIL_User_Stories ◦ Cigital Abuse/Misuse Cases – think like a bad guy Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 38.  Abuser Stories ◦ Judy Neher, Agile 2013 ◦ As part of working on / elaborating a story, take some time to explore negative cases ◦ Don’t just think about what the user can do and wants to do ◦ Think about what the user can’t do and doesn’t want to do ◦ Write up negative cases/scenarios and include them in scenarios or add them to the backlog Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 39.  Security Sprint / Security Push ◦ Test and fix security problems in high-risk areas (as much as you can in a time box) ◦ Train the team, then have them look for and fix security vulnerabilities ◦ Evaluate a static analysis tool, run it for the first time and triage the results ◦ Pen test and then fix what you can before you go live   Band aid: won’t solve your security problems Like a “Hardening Sprint” - difficult to build a business case for – what value is the customer getting? Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 40.  Try following Microsoft: SDL Agile ◦ Available for free but expensive to follow ◦ Integrate security activities and controls  Start of project – understand security and privacy requirements, training, assign security lead  Each Sprint – using safe libraries, static analysis in CI, threat/risk modeling on new features  Bucket – code reviews, design reviews, incident response planning (do one of these activities each Sprint) Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 41.  Upfront, Iteration 0 stuff ◦ Understand major risks and threats ◦ Understand requirements for security and privacy, compliance – don’t depend only on Product Owner ◦ Include security in coding guidelines and tools/technology selection ◦ If you’re playing Pigs and Chickens, security must be a Pig – make someone the Security Lead ◦ Include time for security tasks in planning, retrospectives/reviews and “Definition of Done” Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 42.  Training ◦ WhiteHat study: teams with training have 40% fewer vulnerabilities, resolve them 59% faster ◦ Train all developers and testers in basics  SAFECode free training  Coursera free MOOCs in Crypto  OWASP Cheat Sheet series ◦ Security Lead needs extra training: Denim Group, SANS, Cigital ◦ Don’t forget to train the Product Owner! Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 43.  Design and Architecture ◦ Understand the security capabilities of your framework (.NET, Rails, Play, Spring, Django, Yii, iOS, Andr oid, …)      Authentication and Identity Management Access Control (deny by default) Auditing (including log injection protection) Session Management (including CSRF protection) Data access layer (SQL injection) ◦ Keep frameworks patched and up to date and monitor for vulnerabilities (serious Rails vulnerabilities in 2013, …) Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 44.  Design and Architecture ◦ Use a security library to fill in security gaps:       OWASP ESAPI (for enterprise apps, especially Java) Apache Shiro (Java general security toolkit) JASYPT (Java encryption) Microsoft’s Anti-Cross Site Scripting library (.NET) IronBox AntiSQLi (.NET) OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer (XSS protection) ◦ If you really know enough to write your own crypto, why are you here reading this slide? Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 45.  Attack Surface ◦ How bad guys get in: forms, fields, parms, cookies, files, URLs, APIs, runtime args, configs, sockets, databases… and the code behind this ◦ As you add features, attack surface increases:  Just changing the same code again, adding another field or form…?  Adding a new API, or a mobile interface, or hooking up to a new service?  Introducing a new piece of confidential/secret data?  Changing the stack or plumbing (web server, security library, back-end data store…)? ◦ What additional testing/reviews should be done? Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 46.  Follow the Data ◦ Identify critical data  Private/confidential data (PII, credit card, medical, anything to do with children, financial, …), tokens/passwords/session ids and other credentials, secrets, config, … ◦ Follow this data through the system  What is the source (is the source authenticated, can you tell if the data is being replayed)?  Where is it validated and sanitized?  Where is it stored (does it have to be stored)?  Should it be encrypted or masked?  Where is it displayed and used, are the users authorized?  Who can change it, is this access audited?  Do I need to protect it with a checksum/digital signature? Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 47.  Focus on High-Risk Code ◦ Security plumbing, network-facing APIs, file handling, command and control (root) functions, data validation, error handling, database access layer, auto-update, … ◦ If any High-Risk code is changed: review and testing must be done ◦ Team Ground Rule, or automatically through checkin monitoring (Etsy, Zane Lackey) Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 48.  Be Careful with High-Risk Code ◦ Code in pairs (always at least one senior developer) ◦ Use OWASP Secure Coding Checklist ng_Practices_-_Quick_Reference_Guide  Expert Security Code Review Bring in an outside expert/consultant Help them to understand the code and design Time-box their review Make sure you understand what they found, why it is a problem, and how to fix it ◦ Maybe get them to review your fixes too ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 49.  Write Code that “doesn’t boink” ◦ Correctness and usability isn’t enough ◦ Clean code isn’t enough – although it helps (security and quality problems are correlated with complexity) ◦ Use safe functions and APIs (understand your language and platform and use them properly) ◦ Pay attention to data validation (client-side isn’t enough, strong white-list vs weak black-list) ◦ Error handling and exception handling (check return codes, fail closed, watch for information leakage) ◦ Manage threads and memory carefully ◦ Log and trace – but don’t log confidential/private data Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 50.  Static Analysis Checkers (Source/Binary) ◦ Start with picky Compiler options and flags, and IDE ◦ Continuous Integration: Fail build on serious bugs ◦ Java  Free: Findbugs and PMD (or SonarQube) – superficial but common security bugs  Expensive: Coverity, Fortify, Klocwork, Appscan, Checkmarx – deeper, interprocedural data flow and control flow analysis ◦ .NET  Microsoft FxCop, CAT.NET, MS Source Code Analyzer for SQL Injection, BinScope ◦ PHP: RIPS ◦ Ruby: Brakeman ◦ Binary analysis (if you don’t have source): Veracode SaaS Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 51.  Unit testing is not enough ◦ High unit test coverage for high-risk code to ensure correctness – especially security features ◦ Need negative tests for error handling and for input checking – tedious to do, maybe try fuzzing instead ◦ Fuzzing files is easy (dumb), fuzzing APIs is hard (smart)  Also need end-to-end system testing Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 52.  Manual exploratory testing ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Do some basic hacking on your own Test boundaries, negative cases Try injecting attack strings into fields Try to break things, be creative How to Break Software [and How to Break Software Security], James Whittaker iyeziyuan/eng/how_to_break_software.pdf Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 53.   Application Pen Testing Hire an expert to hack into your app ◦ Before go live ◦ Periodic Regression Sweep (1-2x per year, or when you make a major change) ◦ Give pen tester whatever information and access they need ◦ Learn from what they find – treat serious bugs as Sev 1 or 2  But… Expensive and doesn’t Scale Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 54.  Dynamic Web App Scanning – “Pen Tester in a Can” ◦ Arachni, Acunetix, Appscan, Webinspect, … ◦ OWASP ZAP (Attack Proxy) Proxy_Project ◦ Hassle to setup, train, review and triage ◦ Most developers don’t like using these tools, but QA usually doesn’t have the technical skills ◦ Consider Cloud-based service like WhiteHat ◦ Or Contrast Security (Java real-time bug tracing) Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 55.  Gauntlt “Be Mean to Your Code” ◦ Scriptable attacks against a system using different security tools – built on Cucumber ◦ Include in Continuous Integration or Continuous Delivery pipeline ◦ Limited number of tests available today  Mozilla Minion ◦ Plug-in platform for automated testing web apps Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 56.  Remediation ◦ WhiteHat study: only 61% of security bugs are fixed, and it takes 193 days to fix them ◦ Remember the Attacker’s Advantage – we’re leaving holes open for a long time  ◦ Treat security vulnerabilities like other bugs  Add them to the backlog  Fix critical bugs  Fix bugs you understand ◦ Use Agile to your Advantage: Agile teams can get fixes into production much faster than Waterfall Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 57.  Secure Operations ◦ Your responsibility doesn’t end with releasing code ◦ Secure the run-time – CIS and vendor lockdowns, Nessus scanning, check SSL config (ssllabs) ◦ WAF or IDS (mod_security, Snort) ◦ Always be patching ◦ Detective change control – OSSEC ◦ Infrastructure as Code (Puppet, Chef) so you know everything is setup consistently ◦ Make sure somebody is actually reading the logs Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 58.  Secure Devops – Learn from Etsy and Netflix ◦ Understand what normal looks like, identify anomalies/attacks, and respond ◦ Fast, repeatable deployment capability so you can fix problems immediately ◦ Automated health checks, self-tests, run-time asserts ◦ NetFlix Simian Army – Security Monkey, Conformity Monkey, Doctor Monkey, and Chaos Monkey/Gorilla Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 59.  Prepare to be Attacked ◦ Leverage what you have for handling Sev 1 incidents ◦ Escalate to outside security experts and legal ◦ Contain and recover, capture data for forensics and legal purposes if you can ◦ Root Cause Analysis once you are stabilized ◦ SANS training on security incident management ◦ ISO 30111 standard for vulnerability handling and remediation (including root cause analysis) ◦ ISO 21947 vulnerability disclosure - how to deal with your friendly neighbourhood security researcher Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 60. CAMUG 2013 Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 61. ◦ Agile Development can be the Cure for Insecure Software  Replace big, Waterfall gates with continuous, iterative checks  Always do something, always be improving  Smaller changes = less to review, less to test, less risk  Do what works for your team  Automate everything that you can Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 62. ◦ Include Security Upfront  Understand important security and privacy compliance requirements and risks  Budget tools and time  Training and OWASP Cheat Sheets on basics  Make somebody on the team responsible for Security (the team’s Conscience) Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 63. ◦ Secure Design (the first 50%)  Understand and use security capabilities of your language(s) and framework(s)  Plug any holes with a security library  Think about Trust when you cross Layers  Think about security when you choose Open Source / Commercial Software Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 64. ◦ Build Security into Sprints  Defensive coding – code that is more robust and more secure  Michael Howard “all input data is evil until proven otherwise” (the other 50%)  Understand critical data and attack surface – when you change it, evaluate risks  Security Stories/Abuser Stories  Think about Ops and the run-time Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 65. ◦ Build Security on top of Quality  Think – and test – like a bad guy  Do some kind of security testing (static analysis, dynamic scanning, pen test)  Fix the bugs that you find – like any other bug  Make sure that you can deploy bug fixes quickly and safely – Continuous Delivery pipeline, regression testing  Include Security in Retrospectives (learn and prevent) Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software
  • 66. ◦ Join OWASP ◦ Setup an OWASP Chapter ◦ Contribute to an OWASP project ◦ Go to a security conference or at least attend security sessions at other conferences (UberConf and JavaOne have security tracks) ◦ Read more about appsec and security ◦ Talk to security people, make friends ◦ Get appsec training, mentor others ◦ Write good software Agile Appsec 2013 Building Real Software

Editor's Notes

  1. The number of security attacks on applications is increasing year over year. This is because developers suck at writing secure software – and the bad guys know it. Web applications are full of security holes. Mobile apps are worse. Real time industrial control systems are easily hacked, which could lead to potential disaster situations. And of course there are still lots of vulnerabilities found every week in personal software: Windows, Adobe Reader, Java, Quicktime…Many security experts believe that Agile development is making the problem worse – that Agile teams cannot build secure software. But just because we don’t write secure software doesn’t mean that we can’t. We’ll look at how serious the appsec problem is and why: what the problems are in building a secure app, how Agile development practices make it more difficult to build secure software, and what we need to change.