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Today I will tell youabout50 YouTube VideoIdeasandtricksfree forearningfromyour YouTube
Channel.WhichisrecommendedbyYouTube itself.If youwanttomake a channel onYouTube,youcan
getgreat YouTube videosideashere.YouTubevideoscanbe greattitles,if youare startinga new
channel thenthese are the bestideasfora YouTube channel andare makingmillionsbymakingvideos
on them.
50 YouTube VideoIdeasandtricks
By the way,you can create and uploadvideostoanytopicon YouTube.Butsometimesithappensthat
we create a channel onsome topic.Afterthatwe don’tlike makingvideosonthistopic.Theneitherwe
close that channel,orwe start makingvideosonanothertopic.Afterafew dayswe think,thistopicis
not goodand thenwe start makingvideosonothertopics.
Thisis because we are not prepare before.WhatIdea/TopicYoutube Channel we wanttocreate and
whatkindof videowe cancreate in the longrun. Sotoday I’mgoingto tell youaboutthe Top 50
YouTube VideoIdeasandtricks,youcan selectthe bestonesandfindoutaboutthemon Youtube,
For example:–If youwouldlike tocreate a YouTube channel relatedtotrendingtechnologyortrend
50 YouTube VideoIdeasandtricks
So firstyouknowhowmany more channelsthere are onYouTube.Andwatch videoquality,subscribers,
viewspervideowhichisthe bestchannel.(Note:If there isnochannel thennoproblemforyou) .Find
whatyou can get withdailytechnologytrendsupdates.(TwitterTrends,Google Trends,TechCrunch).
So far yourchannel will be where youhave beengettingseriousinformationabouttechbutyoucan
improve userengagementbymakingsuchtopica bitcomedyand youcan see example of techburner
YouTube channel techcomedyidea.Andtodaythere are over1.5 millionsubscribers.
 50 YouTube Video Ideas / Titles for Creating a unique Channel
o In Addition 50 YouTube Video Ideas and Trick :
 YouTube Categories:
 Conclusion:
o YouTube Videos Optimization:
 Video Thumbnail:
 Write Smart Description:
 Use Card & End Screen:
 Upload Videos Regularly with Playlist:
 Social sharing :
50 YouTube Video Ideas / Titles for Creating a
unique Channel
1. Tech Comedy
2. Fact BasedVideo( Top 10 Places,Top10 MoviesSuch that)
3. Fitness/HeathTips( if you have knowledge )
4. Informational Videos( Govtjobsvacancies,courses,advise)
5. Tutorials( stepby step)
6. Travel vlogs
7. Social Experiments(Prank)
8. Inspirational Quotes
9. Lifestyle vlogging
10. Music Videos
11. BusinessIdeasexample ke sath
12. Dance Video
13. CareerConsultation
14. PersonalityDevelopment
15. StudyMaterials
16. Men FashionTips
17. Roast (insultsomeoneincomicway)
18. Latest Technology
19. AndroidAppsTutorial
20. Website DevelopmentTutorial
21. Car AccessoriesReview
22. InspiringInterview
23. Money Saving,Tax SavingTips
24. Stock Market,Share Market
25. Magic Tricks
26. Photographytips
27. VideoMakingtips
28. ProductReviews,Unboxing
29. ActingTips
30. How to anything
31. Biography
32. Smartphone hacks
33. Love tips
34. Pets( Dog, Cat , Rabbitetc)
35. Gaming
36. ClothingCollection
37. MakeupTutorial
38. Hair Tutorial
39. InteriorDesigning
40. Cooking
41. ShoppingTips
42. Tips& Tricks
43. Astrology
44. Trends
45. Business
46. Screen-cast
47. App/Software Tricks
48. Response videoonpolitics
49. CartoonComedyVideo
50. Hand craft, Art
In Addition50 YouTubeVideo Ideas and Trick :
These are the top50 YouTube VideoIdeasandtricksthat YouTube recommends.Inaddition,there are
manyideason whichyoucan be a successon YouTube bymakingvideos.Like ..
Bike / Car tour
Facts Videos
Note:You knowwhatkindof videosto create on YouTube.Butit isveryimportantto be aware of how
youcannot uploadvideostoYouTube.Readthe YouTube CommunityGuideline.
YouTube Categories:
YouTube isdividingall itsVideoType intodifferentcategoriessothatyouTuberandViewercan have the
correct contact. For this,YouTube hasfirstcreateda separate platformforGaming.Where onlyvideos
relatedtogamingare uploadedandviewed.
On YouTube TV we will be able towatch all the channelsof televisionandonYouTube Kidswe will get
onlyvideosrelatedtochildren..There ishardlyanyoneinKidstoTeenagerwhodoesnotlike toplay
games.Therefore YouTube hasalsomade aplatformforGaming.
YouTube Gaming,a platformwhere all ourfavorite gamescanbe seen.Suchas Call of Duty, GTA V etc.
Google hasmade this platformforSpeciallyGamersandhere anypersonwhoisinterestedingaming
can create theirownchannel and uploadlive oron-DemandVideos.Butdo-follow my50YouTube Video
If we have a viewer,thenwe cangetto see all ourfavorite gameshere because the YouTube gaming
feature iscompletelydifferentfromthe standardfeature of YouTube anditsdesignisalsodifferent.
These are some basicinformationaboutyoutube categoriesandregardtoguidliness.Butyou should
alsoresearchwell before startinganythingnew onYouTube.
Guys,here are the top 50 YouTube VideoIdeasforCreatingaYouTube Channel.If youwantto create a
newYoutube channel,youcancreate a videoonanyof these by selectingTopic.
50 YouTube VideoIdeasandTricks
One more thingyou maynot know,YouTube hasdone so since 2019. If yourchannel haslessthan10K
total views,Adsense Monetizationwillnotbe enabledonthe channel
Thismeansthere will be noearning fromthe channel,sobefore readingthe channel youshouldread
aboutthe YouTube CommunityGuideline.
In today’stime,YouTube isthe mostpopularincome source andbyusingthisplatform, YouTubersearn
lakhsof rupeeseverymonthfromGoogle Adsense,Paidpromotion,Sponsorship.Butafactor playsthe
mostimportantrole inmakingmoneyfromYouTube.Thatis “Views”andwe are goingto talkabout
YouTube Views.
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
YouTuberVideosViewsdirectlyimpactsonYouTube channel earningandsubscriber,if dailygoodviews
are comingonany channel.Soboththe income andsubscriberof thatchannel will increase andits
popularityonYouTube will alsoincrease.
Alsoreadmy increase instagramfollowers post.
But the problemwithusisthat the Technique we use forYouTube videosViews.We donot know about
it.I usedthat 50 youtube videoideasandtricksonmychannel to get a solutionforthisandI got a result
of thispostive.
Here we will talkaboutsome newandAdvance featuresthatcan take us furtherin2020 YouTube video
viewscompetitionandourchannel ispopular
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
Note * Here we are goingto talk aboutall the YouTube VideosOptimizationtipsforall these long-time
Youtubers,if youuse thistipsforthe short-termprocess.Thenyoumightnotgetefficientresult.
A commonproblemof mostYoutubersassociatedwiththe YouTube communityisthatto create a new
video,selectTopicfromwhichwe can getmaximumviews.
To do such populartopicsearch,onwhichwe can getmore views.Forthis,we have called“skyscraper
technique”,thisisaSearchEngine Optimizationtechnique whichisveryfamousinBloggers.
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
We have to use thistechnique tomake YouTube videos.We have tomake a videoonthe topic that is
alreadyonYouTube and theyhave got goodvisual views.
We will have toanalyze those videoswell,afterthatwe will have tomake videosonthe same topicina
If we have a channel relatedtoCookingandwe have made a videoonSweetcorn.Sowe have to search
on YouTube “Howto Make sweetcorn”?
Watch whatevervideoisfoundatthe topand publishitina betterwayand publishit.Addadditional
featureslike Pros&Conswithit.So that the Viewercangeta Valuable video.Followingmy50 youtube
videoideasandtricksyouwill be definatelysuccesful.
Video Thumbnail:
The two factorsof any YouTube videoattractsthe mostviewersandfromthemthe mostclicksare
foundonYouTube videos.
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
The VideoThumbnail shouldbe suchthatit is clear andeffective andwithsome AttractiveTextwitha
glimpse of the MainVideoSubjectsothatthe viewercanonlyknow fromthe Thumbnail thatthe topic
has beendiscussedinthe video.
The VideoTitle shouldbe suchthatitis attractive andOptimize,thatis,youshouldalwaysuse a
Keywordinthe title andwrite itsothat the userwill understandwhichtopichasbeentalkedaboutin
the Video.
Write Smart Description:
Descriptionisaveryimportantrole to increase viewsonvideoandtobringit to the 1st positionon
Google SearchEngine withVideoYoutube.
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
We get5000 Charactersfor writingYouTube VideoDescription.Of which157 characters are selectedfor
157 SearchSnippetselectsaccordingtothe querytypedbythe SearchEnginesuser.Theyhave nofixed
place whetherthese 157 characterswill be fromthe 1st Line or the lastLine.
In sucha situation,while publishingthe video,we shouldalsowriteadescriptionrelatedto the video
topicand use more keywordsinit.
Use Card & End Screen:
There are some featuresinbuiltinYouTube Dashboardthatcanhelpusa lotin increasingYouTube
Views.Of these,CardandEndScreenisthe bestfeatures.
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
If we use boththese featurescorrectlythenwe canincrease YouTube views.There are some tipsfrom
the YouTube community,whichcanhelpusto use the End Screenand Card inthe right way.
Must use Card and End Screenineveryone’svideo.
Use the End ScreenandCard on whatevervideosare gettingmore views.
ExplainVideoCardButtonina verbal call-to-actionmannerlike ..“hitthe ‘i’button”or “checkout this
Addthe end screeninthe videofromwhichyoucan use some attractive graphicsandtextwhile editing
at that time.Sothat it can catch the user’sattention.
Upload Videos Regularly with Playlist:
Many such YouTube musthave seenthattheyhave lakhsof Subscribers,buttheyget100 or 200 Views
inthe name of YouTube Views.Why doesthishappen?
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
Its biggestreasonisnotto uploadregularvideosandnotproperlyarrange the videos.If we donotmake
a videoona regularbasis,thenouruserengagement getsdeterioratedandaftersome time ithappens
that usersstopwatchingour channel.
In sucha situation,itisveryimportanttoincrease ourYouTube viewsandtokeepthe Channel
PopularityMaintained.Uploadthe regularvideoandmake aplaylistaccordingtothe topicof the video.
By followingthis,we cangetmaximumviewsonourvideosandcanmake the channel popular.When
thinkingaboutmakinganewYouTube video,keepall thesePointsinmind.
Social sharing :
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
YouTubercomplainsabouthowYouTube videosshouldbe sharedonFacebookwithLarge Thumbnail.
Because if we share a YouTube videoonFacebook,itlookslike atextpost.If you wantto make stunning
YouTube VideoThumbnail,thenyouwere toldaboutthe besttechnique here andyoucanincrease
YouTube videoviewsby120%.
SeeingthisYouTube postonFB,no one can say that thisis a video.Insucha situation,itisa big problem
for ushow to share our videothatitshouldbe sharedon FB witha large thumbnail.Idida techtrick
searchof it,
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
Withthe helpof whichwe can share YouTube VideoLarge Thumbnail.Insucha situation,if youare a
Youtuber,thenyouare the rightplace.
We knowthateveryone’svideobecomespopularnotjustbypublishingonYouTube.Afterpublishing
the video,we have toshare it on differentsocial networkingsitesandthe mostfamoussocial
networkingsite isFacebook.
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks:Intoday’stime,due toFacebookLike andShare,any postcan go
intotrendingGoogle orYouTube onany search engine.If we lookatthe total trafficof
fromAlexaSite Info,thenFacebookhasmore than2% share init.
Thismeansthat withFacebookSocial Mediawe can take a lot of trafficon our videos.
But how?
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
If we share a videoafterpublishingonYouTube,itdoesnotlooklike avideopostandif we share a
YouTube videolinkinthe descriptionbypublishingthe VideoFacbook,thennoone clicksonit.
In sucha situation,the bestsolutionforusisto share YouTube VideowithLarge Thumbnail on
Facebook,sothat our videolookslikeanarticle post,notlike avideopost.
Seeingthis,itlooksexactlylike avideopostasFB Publishvideo post.Butassoon as someone clickson
it,it will reachDirectonour YouTube channel.If youwant to share all yourvideosonFacebooklikewise,
So followthisYouTube Viewoptimizationtips,andalsofollow my50 youtube videoideasandtricks..
How to Geta Large Youtube Thumbnail ForFacebook?
There are manyYouTube SEO Optimizationtipswhichwe cancorrect or customize fromYouTube
DeveloperorDashboard.But to share withLarge Youtube VideoThumbnail,we have touse third-party
A YouTube PublishedVideothatwe have toshare on YouTube withLarge Thumbnail.Firstof all,we
have to copy the URL of that videoandopen website.Here we will get
the optionto paste the URL and we have to paste the URL of our videoonit.
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
Afterpastingthe URL, we have to clickon ConvertButton,
As soonas we clickon the Convertbutton,a new URL for our YouTube videoisreadyandwe alsosee a
large Thumbnail preview.Now we have tocopythe ConvertedURLfromhere.
If we want,we can share videoswithLarge Thumbnail onFacebook,Twitter,GooglePlusetc.fromthe
DirectYouTube To FB website.
50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
How wouldyoubenefitfromYouTube VideoLarge Thumbnail?
We have obtainedinformationaboutaneasytool here andbylookingatthe tipsmentionedhere,you
will feel thatwhatisthe difference inthis?
But thisistrue,if we use thisnormal butuseful YouTube videosharingtool,thenwe gettosee the
incrementinthe VideoViewitself.justfollow 50YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks:
 Thistool can increase FacebookTrafficby200% on our videos.
 There will be VideoSharingIncreaseandpeoplewillbe more Engage onour Video.
 FacebookClickswill increase andthisgivesourvideoachance to go viral onFacebook.
 By the way,if we hadto pay for thistool accordingto each video,thenitisalsotrue.But
it iscompletelyfreeforusandis available foreveryone.
Sharingon FB withYouTube Large Thumbnail canincrease upto 150% viewsonour videosandalsodue
to the large videoThumbnail onFacebook,there isalsoachance of gettingmore andmore clickson the
video,soourYouTube VideoViral tooItis possible.Accordingtome,everyone shoulduse YouTube
VideoPromotiontricks.Whatdoyouthinkaboutmy 50 youtube videoideasandtricks?

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50 YouTube Video Ideas and Tricks to Boost Your Channel in 2020

  • 1. Today I will tell youabout50 YouTube VideoIdeasandtricksfree forearningfromyour YouTube Channel.WhichisrecommendedbyYouTube itself.If youwanttomake a channel onYouTube,youcan getgreat YouTube videosideashere.YouTubevideoscanbe greattitles,if youare startinga new channel thenthese are the bestideasfora YouTube channel andare makingmillionsbymakingvideos on them. 50 YouTube VideoIdeasandtricks By the way,you can create and uploadvideostoanytopicon YouTube.Butsometimesithappensthat we create a channel onsome topic.Afterthatwe don’tlike makingvideosonthistopic.Theneitherwe close that channel,orwe start makingvideosonanothertopic.Afterafew dayswe think,thistopicis not goodand thenwe start makingvideosonothertopics. Thisis because we are not prepare before.WhatIdea/TopicYoutube Channel we wanttocreate and whatkindof videowe cancreate in the longrun. Sotoday I’mgoingto tell youaboutthe Top 50 YouTube VideoIdeasandtricks,youcan selectthe bestonesandfindoutaboutthemon Youtube, Google. For example:–If youwouldlike tocreate a YouTube channel relatedtotrendingtechnologyortrend techupdate. 50 YouTube VideoIdeasandtricks So firstyouknowhowmany more channelsthere are onYouTube.Andwatch videoquality,subscribers, viewspervideowhichisthe bestchannel.(Note:If there isnochannel thennoproblemforyou) .Find whatyou can get withdailytechnologytrendsupdates.(TwitterTrends,Google Trends,TechCrunch). So far yourchannel will be where youhave beengettingseriousinformationabouttechbutyoucan improve userengagementbymakingsuchtopica bitcomedyand youcan see example of techburner YouTube channel techcomedyidea.Andtodaythere are over1.5 millionsubscribers. Contents
  • 2.  50 YouTube Video Ideas / Titles for Creating a unique Channel o In Addition 50 YouTube Video Ideas and Trick :  YouTube Categories:  Conclusion:  YOUTUBE VIEWS: o YouTube Videos Optimization:  Video Thumbnail:  Write Smart Description:  Use Card & End Screen:  Upload Videos Regularly with Playlist:  Social sharing : 50 YouTube Video Ideas / Titles for Creating a unique Channel 1. Tech Comedy 2. Fact BasedVideo( Top 10 Places,Top10 MoviesSuch that) 3. Fitness/HeathTips( if you have knowledge ) 4. Informational Videos( Govtjobsvacancies,courses,advise) 5. Tutorials( stepby step) 6. Travel vlogs 7. Social Experiments(Prank) 8. Inspirational Quotes 9. Lifestyle vlogging 10. Music Videos 11. BusinessIdeasexample ke sath 12. Dance Video 13. CareerConsultation
  • 3. 14. PersonalityDevelopment 15. StudyMaterials 16. Men FashionTips 17. Roast (insultsomeoneincomicway) 18. Latest Technology 19. AndroidAppsTutorial 20. Website DevelopmentTutorial 21. Car AccessoriesReview 22. InspiringInterview 23. Money Saving,Tax SavingTips 24. Stock Market,Share Market 25. Magic Tricks 26. Photographytips 27. VideoMakingtips 28. ProductReviews,Unboxing 29. ActingTips 30. How to anything 31. Biography 32. Smartphone hacks 33. Love tips 34. Pets( Dog, Cat , Rabbitetc) 35. Gaming 36. ClothingCollection 37. MakeupTutorial 38. Hair Tutorial 39. InteriorDesigning 40. Cooking 41. ShoppingTips 42. Tips& Tricks
  • 4. 43. Astrology 44. Trends 45. Business 46. Screen-cast 47. App/Software Tricks 48. Response videoonpolitics 49. CartoonComedyVideo 50. Hand craft, Art In Addition50 YouTubeVideo Ideas and Trick : These are the top50 YouTube VideoIdeasandtricksthat YouTube recommends.Inaddition,there are manyideason whichyoucan be a successon YouTube bymakingvideos.Like .. Vines Bike / Car tour Facts Videos Spoof Note:You knowwhatkindof videosto create on YouTube.Butit isveryimportantto be aware of how youcannot uploadvideostoYouTube.Readthe YouTube CommunityGuideline. YouTube Categories: YouTube isdividingall itsVideoType intodifferentcategoriessothatyouTuberandViewercan have the correct contact. For this,YouTube hasfirstcreateda separate platformforGaming.Where onlyvideos relatedtogamingare uploadedandviewed. On YouTube TV we will be able towatch all the channelsof televisionandonYouTube Kidswe will get onlyvideosrelatedtochildren..There ishardlyanyoneinKidstoTeenagerwhodoesnotlike toplay games.Therefore YouTube hasalsomade aplatformforGaming. YouTube Gaming,a platformwhere all ourfavorite gamescanbe seen.Suchas Call of Duty, GTA V etc. Google hasmade this platformforSpeciallyGamersandhere anypersonwhoisinterestedingaming can create theirownchannel and uploadlive oron-DemandVideos.Butdo-follow my50YouTube Video IdeasAndTricks. If we have a viewer,thenwe cangetto see all ourfavorite gameshere because the YouTube gaming feature iscompletelydifferentfromthe standardfeature of YouTube anditsdesignisalsodifferent.
  • 5. These are some basicinformationaboutyoutube categoriesandregardtoguidliness.Butyou should alsoresearchwell before startinganythingnew onYouTube. Conclusion: Guys,here are the top 50 YouTube VideoIdeasforCreatingaYouTube Channel.If youwantto create a newYoutube channel,youcancreate a videoonanyof these by selectingTopic. 50 YouTube VideoIdeasandTricks One more thingyou maynot know,YouTube hasdone so since 2019. If yourchannel haslessthan10K total views,Adsense Monetizationwillnotbe enabledonthe channel Thismeansthere will be noearning fromthe channel,sobefore readingthe channel youshouldread aboutthe YouTube CommunityGuideline. YOUTUBE VIEWS: In today’stime,YouTube isthe mostpopularincome source andbyusingthisplatform, YouTubersearn lakhsof rupeeseverymonthfromGoogle Adsense,Paidpromotion,Sponsorship.Butafactor playsthe mostimportantrole inmakingmoneyfromYouTube.Thatis “Views”andwe are goingto talkabout YouTube Views. 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks
  • 6. YouTuberVideosViewsdirectlyimpactsonYouTube channel earningandsubscriber,if dailygoodviews are comingonany channel.Soboththe income andsubscriberof thatchannel will increase andits popularityonYouTube will alsoincrease. Alsoreadmy increase instagramfollowers post. But the problemwithusisthat the Technique we use forYouTube videosViews.We donot know about it.I usedthat 50 youtube videoideasandtricksonmychannel to get a solutionforthisandI got a result of thispostive. Here we will talkaboutsome newandAdvance featuresthatcan take us furtherin2020 YouTube video viewscompetitionandourchannel ispopular 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks Note * Here we are goingto talk aboutall the YouTube VideosOptimizationtipsforall these long-time Youtubers,if youuse thistipsforthe short-termprocess.Thenyoumightnotgetefficientresult. YouTubeVideosOptimization: A commonproblemof mostYoutubersassociatedwiththe YouTube communityisthatto create a new video,selectTopicfromwhichwe can getmaximumviews. To do such populartopicsearch,onwhichwe can getmore views.Forthis,we have called“skyscraper technique”,thisisaSearchEngine Optimizationtechnique whichisveryfamousinBloggers.
  • 7. 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks We have to use thistechnique tomake YouTube videos.We have tomake a videoonthe topic that is alreadyonYouTube and theyhave got goodvisual views. We will have toanalyze those videoswell,afterthatwe will have tomake videosonthe same topicina betterway.forexample… If we have a channel relatedtoCookingandwe have made a videoonSweetcorn.Sowe have to search on YouTube “Howto Make sweetcorn”? Watch whatevervideoisfoundatthe topand publishitina betterwayand publishit.Addadditional featureslike Pros&Conswithit.So that the Viewercangeta Valuable video.Followingmy50 youtube videoideasandtricksyouwill be definatelysuccesful. Video Thumbnail: The two factorsof any YouTube videoattractsthe mostviewersandfromthemthe mostclicksare foundonYouTube videos.
  • 8. 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks VideoThumbnail Videotitle The VideoThumbnail shouldbe suchthatit is clear andeffective andwithsome AttractiveTextwitha glimpse of the MainVideoSubjectsothatthe viewercanonlyknow fromthe Thumbnail thatthe topic has beendiscussedinthe video. The VideoTitle shouldbe suchthatitis attractive andOptimize,thatis,youshouldalwaysuse a Keywordinthe title andwrite itsothat the userwill understandwhichtopichasbeentalkedaboutin the Video. Write Smart Description: Descriptionisaveryimportantrole to increase viewsonvideoandtobringit to the 1st positionon Google SearchEngine withVideoYoutube. 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks We get5000 Charactersfor writingYouTube VideoDescription.Of which157 characters are selectedfor SearchSnippetbySearchEngines. 157 SearchSnippetselectsaccordingtothe querytypedbythe SearchEnginesuser.Theyhave nofixed place whetherthese 157 characterswill be fromthe 1st Line or the lastLine. In sucha situation,while publishingthe video,we shouldalsowriteadescriptionrelatedto the video topicand use more keywordsinit.
  • 9. Use Card & End Screen: There are some featuresinbuiltinYouTube Dashboardthatcanhelpusa lotin increasingYouTube Views.Of these,CardandEndScreenisthe bestfeatures. 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks If we use boththese featurescorrectlythenwe canincrease YouTube views.There are some tipsfrom the YouTube community,whichcanhelpusto use the End Screenand Card inthe right way. Must use Card and End Screenineveryone’svideo. Use the End ScreenandCard on whatevervideosare gettingmore views. ExplainVideoCardButtonina verbal call-to-actionmannerlike ..“hitthe ‘i’button”or “checkout this playlist”. Addthe end screeninthe videofromwhichyoucan use some attractive graphicsandtextwhile editing at that time.Sothat it can catch the user’sattention. Upload Videos Regularly with Playlist: Many such YouTube musthave seenthattheyhave lakhsof Subscribers,buttheyget100 or 200 Views inthe name of YouTube Views.Why doesthishappen? 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks Its biggestreasonisnotto uploadregularvideosandnotproperlyarrange the videos.If we donotmake a videoona regularbasis,thenouruserengagement getsdeterioratedandaftersome time ithappens that usersstopwatchingour channel.
  • 10. In sucha situation,itisveryimportanttoincrease ourYouTube viewsandtokeepthe Channel PopularityMaintained.Uploadthe regularvideoandmake aplaylistaccordingtothe topicof the video. By followingthis,we cangetmaximumviewsonourvideosandcanmake the channel popular.When thinkingaboutmakinganewYouTube video,keepall thesePointsinmind. Social sharing : 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks YouTubercomplainsabouthowYouTube videosshouldbe sharedonFacebookwithLarge Thumbnail. Because if we share a YouTube videoonFacebook,itlookslike atextpost.If you wantto make stunning YouTube VideoThumbnail,thenyouwere toldaboutthe besttechnique here andyoucanincrease YouTube videoviewsby120%. SeeingthisYouTube postonFB,no one can say that thisis a video.Insucha situation,itisa big problem for ushow to share our videothatitshouldbe sharedon FB witha large thumbnail.Idida techtrick searchof it, 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks Withthe helpof whichwe can share YouTube VideoLarge Thumbnail.Insucha situation,if youare a Youtuber,thenyouare the rightplace. We knowthateveryone’svideobecomespopularnotjustbypublishingonYouTube.Afterpublishing the video,we have toshare it on differentsocial networkingsitesandthe mostfamoussocial networkingsite isFacebook.
  • 11. 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks:Intoday’stime,due toFacebookLike andShare,any postcan go intotrendingGoogle orYouTube onany search engine.If we lookatthe total trafficof fromAlexaSite Info,thenFacebookhasmore than2% share init. Thismeansthat withFacebookSocial Mediawe can take a lot of trafficon our videos. But how? 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks If we share a videoafterpublishingonYouTube,itdoesnotlooklike avideopostandif we share a YouTube videolinkinthe descriptionbypublishingthe VideoFacbook,thennoone clicksonit. In sucha situation,the bestsolutionforusisto share YouTube VideowithLarge Thumbnail on Facebook,sothat our videolookslikeanarticle post,notlike avideopost. Seeingthis,itlooksexactlylike avideopostasFB Publishvideo post.Butassoon as someone clickson it,it will reachDirectonour YouTube channel.If youwant to share all yourvideosonFacebooklikewise, So followthisYouTube Viewoptimizationtips,andalsofollow my50 youtube videoideasandtricks.. How to Geta Large Youtube Thumbnail ForFacebook? There are manyYouTube SEO Optimizationtipswhichwe cancorrect or customize fromYouTube DeveloperorDashboard.But to share withLarge Youtube VideoThumbnail,we have touse third-party tricks. A YouTube PublishedVideothatwe have toshare on YouTube withLarge Thumbnail.Firstof all,we have to copy the URL of that videoandopen website.Here we will get the optionto paste the URL and we have to paste the URL of our videoonit. 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks Afterpastingthe URL, we have to clickon ConvertButton, As soonas we clickon the Convertbutton,a new URL for our YouTube videoisreadyandwe alsosee a large Thumbnail preview.Now we have tocopythe ConvertedURLfromhere. If we want,we can share videoswithLarge Thumbnail onFacebook,Twitter,GooglePlusetc.fromthe DirectYouTube To FB website.
  • 12. 50 YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks How wouldyoubenefitfromYouTube VideoLarge Thumbnail? We have obtainedinformationaboutaneasytool here andbylookingatthe tipsmentionedhere,you will feel thatwhatisthe difference inthis? But thisistrue,if we use thisnormal butuseful YouTube videosharingtool,thenwe gettosee the incrementinthe VideoViewitself.justfollow 50YouTube VideoIdeasAndTricks:  Thistool can increase FacebookTrafficby200% on our videos.  There will be VideoSharingIncreaseandpeoplewillbe more Engage onour Video.  FacebookClickswill increase andthisgivesourvideoachance to go viral onFacebook.  By the way,if we hadto pay for thistool accordingto each video,thenitisalsotrue.But it iscompletelyfreeforusandis available foreveryone. Sharingon FB withYouTube Large Thumbnail canincrease upto 150% viewsonour videosandalsodue to the large videoThumbnail onFacebook,there isalsoachance of gettingmore andmore clickson the video,soourYouTube VideoViral tooItis possible.Accordingtome,everyone shoulduse YouTube VideoPromotiontricks.Whatdoyouthinkaboutmy 50 youtube videoideasandtricks?