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HOW TO GET 10,000
Smart Ways of Expanding your Target
CHAPTER ONE......................................................................10
What does YouTube consider to be a view?........................10
 What on YouTube doesn't qualify as a view?...............11
CHAPTER TWO .....................................................................14
Techniques to increase YouTube views ..............................14
1. Make sure youunderstandthe fundamentalsof
YouTube. ......................................................................14
2. Concentrate ona single marketniche (andyourideal
3. Do yourhomeworktoraise the searchrankingof your
video. ...........................................................................15
4. Afterwatchinga popularvideo,use metadatatoget
5. Increase the number of views by making playlists........20
6. Use cards and endscreensto drive traffictoyourvideos.
7. Move past the instructional video(i.e.,make videosno
one else is making)........................................................23
8. Establish connections with your audience...................25
9. Work together...........................................................25
10. Use all of your social mediachannelstopromote your
YouTube videos.............................................................27
11. Viewing Loops Can Boost Viewing Metrics.................29
YouTube Recommendation............................................32
YouTube channel and screen example............................32
Examples of cards videos on YouTube screen channel .....33
Use YouTube statisticstodetermine whenyourtarget
audience is most likely to be watching videos. ................35
12. Utilize the CommunityTabonYouTube toEngage and
Excite Your Viewers.......................................................36
Create excitementforyourupcomingvideowiththe
premiere feature...........................................................38
13. Make YouTube videosforyourchannel toattract more
14. Work TogetherWithOtherYou Tubersto GainMore
15. Utilize YouTube AdstoReachSpecificallyTargeted
16. Promote YourVideos toYour Community,Followerson
Social Media, and Your Current Subscribers....................49
17. Participate In Useful Facebook Communities.............50
18. ConnectWiththe RightSocial MediaInfluencersto
Promote Your Video Content .........................................52
Your videos shouldinclude a watermark.........................56
19. Ensure That Embedding Is Available For YourVideos..58
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................62
Questions and Answers concerning YouTube views ............62
Activate embedding......................................................64
Upload your videowhen it's appropriate........................64
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................68
RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS..............................................68
 TUBE FORTUNE INSTAGRAMPACK .............................69
 How to Grow andMonetize YouTube Channel from
Scratch as a Beginner........................................................69
 HOW TO GET 10,000 VIEWS ON YOUTUBE ..................70
Want more YouTube views? You do, of course.
You are a living, breathing being with a video to
offer!It only makes sense.
The second mostpopular website in the world is
YouTube. One-third of all internet users, or more
than two billion individuals, utilize it each month.
In the United States, 74% of adults watch videos.
(We could go on, but feel free to peruse the most
recent YouTube statistics at your leisure.)
This book was created to highlight all the quick
wins that will increasethe visibility of your
In addition, we'll go through some of the more
sophisticated strategies used by experts to
increase YouTube views.
We offer a guide on how to launch a YouTube
channel if you're also justgetting started.
Let's start expressing thoseviews now!
What does YouTube
consider to be a view?
A view is recorded each time a user deliberately
starts a movie on their device and watches it for
at least 30 seconds. Pretty easy!
A view will be recorded if you play your video.
Observers who watch your video morethan once
every screening will count as a new view once.
(However, YouTubewill catch you if you keep
refreshing to try to trick the system.)
YouTube videos that are embedded or shared on
Facebook will also count toward the total number
of views.
On YouTube, live views aretallied as well.
Check back later if you don't immediately notice a
representation of your activity on YouTube
because analytics are updated once every two
days or so.
 What on YouTube
doesn't qualify as a view?
The YouTube algorithm is meant to ignore any
plays that might appear to be automated. It
merely wants to know how many actual people
intentionally watched your movie.
Therefore, whenever a single user or bot
refreshes, theseviews are not included in your
total views if a website auto play a video or plays
it repeatedly.
Techniques to increase
YouTube views
Every single day, more than one billion hours of
YouTube content are seen globally. Here's how to
make yourself stand out fromthe throng and
attract some of thoseeyes.
1. Make sure you understandthe
fundamentalsof YouTube.
We begin by walking, then we run. Examine your
foundational skills and confirmthat you have
checked off each requirement. Check out our list
of YouTube beginner tips before returning to
explore our more sophisticated strategies.
2. Concentrateon a single market
niche (and your ideal audience)
You should be very specific and ruthlessly careful
about your objectives and the material that will
help you achieve them if you want to maximize
the effectiveness of your YouTube marketing plan.
You don't make videos for everyone, after all.
Your audience is the reason you'rehere.
Have you developed your audience personas yet?
Pro-tip. They resemble characters fromDungeons
& Dragons, butwith a business-likeattitude.
3. Do your homework to raise the
search ranking of your video.
YouTube is a search engine in addition to being a
social media site. YouTube SEO, or optimizing your
videos for search, is another of the best methods
for increasing views.
In other words, you wantyour movieto appear
towards the top of YouTube's results list when
your ideal viewer types in your chosen keywords.
Therefore, you mustfew videos, and a few search
queries, often known as low competitiveness)
Use the pertinent keywords in your metadata by
taking them (i.e., your video title, tags, video
description text, subtitles)
A piece of advice: If you haven't already, get
acquainted with the YouTube algorithm right now.
This AI also makes recommendations for the
crucial "what's up next" suggested videos sidebar
in addition to search results.
Just keep in mind that everything revolves around
your desired audience: the algorithm doesn't care
if your video is "excellent," it only concerns itself
with whether a particular user wants to watch it.
Users generally seek "excellent" videos to watch,
despite this.
4. After watching a popularvideo,
use metadata to get recommended.
If you want to increasethe number of YouTube
views, observethe mostwell-liked videos in your
niche for inspiration.
Start by examining the most popular video from
your main rival. (Sort their video library by "most
popular" inside.)
The major objective of YouTube is to keep users
on the site as long as possible(so they can see as
much advertising as possible). The algorithm's
task is to provide viewers with a stream of videos,
all of which should be interesting.
But how does YouTube determine whatusers
would find interesting? The following factors are
taken into account by the algorithm:
 Videos that are frequently seen in concert
 Videos the user has already viewed
 Videos that are pertinent to the topic
(which requires some keyword refinement!)
You only influence the third of these points.
Consequently, when selecting keywords, consider
yourself a librarian. Think of additional phrases a
person would use to search for the topic of your
video as you explain the topic and the broader
category of the video. (See here for moreadvice
on writing compelling YouTube descriptions and
Need someinspiration? By right-clicking on a
website and choosing View Page Source, you can
have a behind-the-scenes look into a competitor's
video to see what keywords they employ. Finally,
use CTRL-F "keywords"to search for the list.
But before you simply copy and paste the
metadata froma more well-liked video into your
identical video, consider your audience. They
won't wantto watch the samevideo again.
The thumbnail is distinctive.
The thumbnail and the title of the video
complement one another.
Choosing a vivid color is an easy way to "stand
out." Or ensuring that your enormous high-
resolution face is displaying an odd look in well-lit
conditions. Or, if the competition in your niche is
dominated by screaming, high-key visuals, the
best way for your channel to stand out is to be the
sober, understated voice of reason.
5. Increase the number of views by
making playlists
The greatest strategy to reducethe likelihood that
a visitor would switch to another channel after
viewing your content is to organizeand create
video playlists on YouTube.
Why? Since playlists adhere to the same
guidelines as Netflix: the moment a video ends
and a new one starts.
Itmakes sense to direct your audience toward the
subsequentvideo content they will want since you
have already done the difficult effort of assisting
them in finding your video, clicking on it, and
watching the entire thing.
The variety of cultural criticismcovered by J.J.
McCullough's YouTube programming has been
neatly segmented into themed playlists. Hit after
hit will be provided for his followers who adore his
stuff on world leaders (and who wouldn't?).
6. Use cards and end screens to
drive traffic to your videos.
Other than playlists, the only options available to
You Tubers to circumvent the algorithm and
directly affect our audience's next selection are
cards and end screens.
Clickable and interactive cards areplaces that can
be seen at any point in the video. In this situation,
we're focused on increasing views, so pick a card
that connects to another one of your videos—or
even better, playlists—becausethey exist in a
variety of formats and may be used for things like
fundraising or selling merchandise.
(Note: Cards cannot be used on videos marked as
suitable for children.)
Since cards are pop-ups, they mustprovide value.
You don't want your audience to feel spammed.
The playlists or videos you link to must be current
affairs-related and offer further knowledgeor
A piece of advice: Try placing a link card at that
specific point in one of your films if you detect a
big retention issuewith a large audience drop-off.
End screens, on the other hand, are graphic calls
to action that you may include in the final 5 to 20
seconds of your film to nudge viewers toward
taking the next step. They are usefulsince you
may assumea viewer is keenly engaged in your
excellent content if they have seen your entire
It's a good idea to use end screens to entice
viewers to subscribeto your channel or go to your
website. However, thebest courseof action if you
want moreviews is to use your end screen to
advertiseyour other movies or playlists.
(Recall that you’ll need to add a few more seconds
to the conclusion of your video while editing it if
you want to include end screens.)
7. Move past the instructional video
(i.e., make videos no one else is
You'll probably find a lot of search terms that
include the word "how to" when you're
researching your target keywords (likewedid
back at point #3). (This article's title, eh, included.)
This is due to the high volumeof how-to content
Grow your YouTube Subscribers to 50,000in just a
However, in addition to working to draw in more
viewers, you also want to make time for other
The value-added features of your brand on
YouTube take the formof material that appeals to
people who are already your fans.
For instance, YouTube chef Tabitha Brown doesn't
only shareher vegan nachos recipe... To give her
admirers an intimate insight into her personallife,
she sits down with her spouseand discusses their
relationship. (And whatif they are motivated to
make their batch of guacamole during the
process? It's a benefit that.)
8. Establish connectionswith your
Building connections is also known as "audience
engagement." Of course, the objective here is just
to increase YouTube views in a reasonable,
natural, and long-term manner.
9. Work together
People enjoy the sudden familiarity of crossovers,
guest spots, mash-ups, and covers. Find theBilly
Ray Cyrus to your Lil Nas X and the He-Man to
your brand's She-Ra.
Maybe you'rea brand with money, in which case
selecting a creative with a fan baseof your own is
a no-brainer. However, if you'rea YouTube
producer or prospectiveinfluencer yourself,
earning money on the platformshould be your
main priority rather than spending it. So your
greatest option is to collaborate with other artists
who shareyour viewpoints.
Your ideal matches should be fairly compatible in
terms of popularity, appeal, and values. And you
do enjoy them. And you have fun together, which
shows and cheers up others.
Make a playlist to compile all of the videos in a
crossover thatincludes a variety of them, such as
one fromeach person's perspectiveto be posted
on their respective channels, one fromyour
perspectiveto be posted on yours, and possibly
some supporting outtakes, any necessary
background material, etc. so that interested
viewers can follow it all.
10. Use all of your social media
channelsto promote your YouTube
To market your YouTube channel, you should use
every social media tool at your disposal.
To get more YouTube views, however, AVOID the
 Posta text or image with a link to your
YouTube video on Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, or TikTok.
 Objectively speaking, linking to YouTube
makes sense, but the issueis that social
media networks wantto keep users there
(justlike YouTube does). Therefore, their
algorithms won't favor a text-only postwith
an external link. In other words, your
YouTube views as well as your impressions
and CTR will be minimal.
 Your full video should be uploaded to those
platforms. Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter want you to do this (don't @ me;
IGTV is a direct rivalof YouTube). You'll
probably gain a lot of attention and reach
on those networks if you post your entire
video. However, freeFacebook video views
can't be paid for, can they? Additionally,
they won't increaseyour YouTube views.
Instead, promoteyour video by performing the
 Posta shortVideos will start playing as soon
as you press publish.
 Particularly if those subscribers have
notifications set on.
 Increasing your subscriber baseis a task
that requires differentstrategies than
raising your views, yet both are intertwined.
We offer thorough instructions on how to
increase your YouTubesubscriber countas
a result.
 It's standard procedureto closea video by
asking viewers to "like and subscribe," but
many YouTubers, like beauty expert Patricia
Bright, also add this requestas a graphic.
 Call to action: "Like" and "Subscribe,"
Patricia Bright
11. Viewing Loops Can Boost
Viewing Metrics
For the YouTube algorithm, viewing statistics like
watch times and averageviews per user are very
These measurements are used by YouTube to
assess how successfully your channelcan maintain
viewers on the site.
Watch time has been YT's top performancemetric
since 2012. Their preferred method of
determining how long someone has been on the
platformis this!
Itstates on YouTube:
"You gain fromyour content when it encourages
viewers to watch videos for longer periods
throughoutall of YouTube, not juston your
Each video that is uploaded as well as every
YouTube channel is "ranked" based on watch
time, which is measured in total minutes watched.
Videos and channels with more viewers are more
likely to display higher recommendations and
search results.
Probably on your mind is how to increaseyour
viewing stats.
The solution is to design viewing loops.
To keep viewers on your channel, a viewing loop
encourages them to watch more of your intriguing
or pertinent content.
YouTube Recommendation
You can make viewing loops in three different
Add end screens, which you can do by including
video thumbnails or links near the end of your
YouTube channel and screen example
Add cards: suggested videos that pop up as a
banner at the beginning of your video and at any
other time.
Examples of cards videos on YouTube screen
For your videos, make playlists: This enables you
to categorize your content and tempts viewers to
binge and pay for your work.
Example of playlists screen YouTube channel
The card bridge technique is a simple way to
extend both your session time and your watch
time through your viewing loop.
Looking at the audience retention report for one
of your videos will help you with this.
Then, when retention declines, place a card that
will direct viewers to another comparable video
on your channel at that point, lowering the churn
rate when viewers might otherwiseclick away.
The card bridge method will assistin:
Retain viewers on your channel.
Boost the duration of your other videos' views.
Users should stay online longer so that the
YouTube algorithm will reward them.
By publishing at the right times, you can capture
your audience's attention.
Be certain to publish videos when your viewers
will be mostinterested.
But how can you tell when that will be? Well,
YouTube makes finding it simple.
To find out when your viewers areon YouTube,
check the audience reporton YouTube.
TubeBuddy also offers a tool that tracks your
viewers'watch times.
Use YouTube statistics to determine when your
target audience is most likely to be watching
Instead of releasing your video during the peak,
you should do so one hour beforehand to allow
viewers time to explore other videos on your
Alternately, if your report doesn'thave enough
views, adhereto these general rules.
12. Utilize the Community Tab on
YouTubeto Engage and Excite
Your Viewers
On YouTube, there is a strong focus on
They wantthe content that they love to be shared
and interacted with by producers and their
viewers. They gauge this, for instance, using
metrics for user engagement like:
 Likes.
 Dislikes,
 Comments.
 Likewise, "ringing the bell."
People will visit and join your community if it is
active and making useof these features, which
increases the likelihood that YouTube will
promote your films.
By including calls to action after your films, where
you invite viewers to like, comment, and "like,"
you can improve these metrics.
However, there's more.
You can usethe new community tab feature on
YouTube if you havemore than 1000 subscribers.
Here, locals can interact with each other by
hearting, pinning, and participating in the
comments. Additionally, you can heighten interest
Audience polling to generate additional subject
Organizing a Q&A
Postings in communities
Sharing relevant live streams and videos.
Create excitement for your upcoming video with
the premiere feature.
Setting videos to Premieres is another fun tool
available on YouTube.
This enables producers likeyou to advertisethe
video before it goes online, justlike a movie or TV
A Premiere can be made in 5 simple steps:
 Select "Upload" fromthe menu.
 Access the "visibility" tab.
 Specify the day and hour you wantyour
video to go live.
 Pick the "set as premiere" radio button.
 Select "Schedule" fromthe menu.
And presto!You have produced a Premiere video
Scheduling a video's YouTube launch
A shareable"watch" page is generated once your
video is set to Premiere so that viewers can see it
as it becomes live. Until then, you can promote
your Premiere and interact with people on this
Video premiere talk on YouTube
Check out these articles to discover more about
some of the top online community platforms, how
communities may help your online business
expand, and how to create your very own online
13. Make YouTube videos for your
channel to attract more viewers.
Don't be misled:
People enjoy interacting with really brief content,
such as whatyou may see on TikTok or Instagram
Stories, or even on YouTube.
YouTube created Shorts for this reason. Thoseare
Videos that are brief (less than 60 seconds), and
vertical. (You can read more about them on
YouTube's official page here.)
Shorts can be a simple approach to get people's
attention and encouragethem to watch your
most recent video.
Simply said, the objective is to be seen.
Using YouTube's video creation tools, you can
make a YouTube Short, or you can upload one
made somewhereelse.
The best aspect is that there are no prerequisites
for creators to begin using YouTube Shorts;
anyonemay startusing this function. You only
need to:
 Be carefulto shootor crop your video
 Make sureyour video is no longer than 60
 To enable YouTube to index the video, add
#Shorts to the title or description.
 Create a shortversion of the video and add
it to the "Shorts Shelf" on the YouTube
home page.
You can learn more by watching VidIQ's in-depth
video addressing all of your questions about
YouTube Shorts:
14. Work Together With Other You
Tubers to Gain More Attention
The community of YouTube users is unto itself. To
participate in it!
Find like-minded creators whoseaudiences
overlap with yours and work together to create
original content.
This is particularly well-liked among YouTube
gamers who frequently work together by playing
cooperative games like Among Us: The Game.
Working together is advantageous sinceit exposes
both You Tubers to new viewers.
Additionally, this is the ideal opportunity to use
YouTube Live. If you havea tiny channel and want
to grow, subscribers,you may usea larger channel
to live streamand reach their viewers.
Consider watching Nick Nimmins' video on how to
approach collaborations if you need assistance
getting started:
15. Utilize YouTube Ads to Reach
Specifically Targeted
You may utilize Google Ads to create sponsored
ad campaigns, and YouTube Ads is a tried-and-
true method to obtain more views for your videos
if you havethe funds for it.
However, you mustapproach it strategically. You
must specify concrete objectives for your
sponsored advertising campaign!
Think about it:
 What are you trying to advertise?
 What point are you trying to make?
 What does achievement entail? Increased
leads, sales, etc.
Verify the videos you use a high-quality video that
you know will keep your audience interested if
you chose it because it has a high audience
retention rate.
Once you'vechosen the kind of material you want
to promote, you need to pinpoint and advertiseto
the rightaudience.
Your video advertising can be targeted in a variety
of ways, butthe following are the most common
Targeting certain keywords thatare relevant to
the videos you want to promote will help you
advertiseyour adverts. These terms should relate
to the videos and ideally have good search traffic.
Target your chosen audience depending on their
sex, age, and other demographics.
Targeting based on audience affinities lets you
chooseyour audience based on Google's tracking
and identification of their interests. This is
possibly whatthey read, explore, or search for.
Targeting similar audiences is possibleby creating
an email list of your currentclients and uploading
it to Google Ads, which will then compile a list of
people to display your ad to.
Your sponsored advertising strategy should
ultimately target unfamiliar audiences that are
similar to your currentclients.
The sponsored ad retargeting method is another
option. As a result, you will market to groups of
people who are already familiar with your
You will also need to supply an email list of
persons who haveseen your Google Ads
accomplish this.
These individuals can be subscribers who have
discontinued their subscriptions or nonpaying
Retargeting aids in reaching your best-qualified
leads and may be less expensive than focusing on
a whole other audience.
Ittakes science to create successfulsponsored
advertising campaigns. Check out our
comprehensiveguide for more information on
how to create sponsored advertising for your
16. Promote Your Videos to Your
Community, Followerson Social
Media, and Your Current
One common error that You Tubers makewhen
trying to increasetheir viewership is that they
become so preoccupied with seeking new
subscribers thatthey neglect to interact with their
present ones.
But the reality is...
Utilizing all of your presentchannels, you must
advertiseyour new films to your existing
viewership. That implies:
Sharing on the community tab on YouTube.
Social media posting of links.
Creating social media stories and shortfilms to
alert the public.
Sending out a mass email.
These can even be used in conjunction with other
strategies you've picked up from this list, such as
making a Premiere and disseminating the link a
few days beforehand.
After completing that, you can startconsidering
more sophisticated strategies.
17. Participate In Useful Facebook
Anyonetrying to create a niche community should
join Facebook groups. (If you run a YouTube
channel, that’s you
They are wherepeople who truly care abouta
topic come together to sharenews, ideas, and
advice. If you wantto make a mark on these
communities, you need to get active in them!
Start by:
Find groups that align with the topics in your
Joining discussions withoutsharing links to your
Making a note of the frequent problems that
people bring up.
Until you feel like you have a place in the
community, be engaged and helpful. You should
startdisseminating links to your video content just
after that!
18. Connect With the Right Social
Media Influencers to Promote Your
Video Content
Using influencers is another tried-and-true
method to increase views on social media.
Influencers can turn their followers into watchers
of your videos becausethey have a large audience
that fervently believes what they haveto say.
A 2019 Edelman consumer poll found that 63% of
respondents preferred influencers'opinions on
brands to thoseof the companies themselves.
And this is something that marketers are aware
of, as 92% of marketers think that it works.
According to Influencer Marketing Hub, influencer
You may thereforeincrease the number of views
on your YouTube channel by developing
relationships with influencers and having them
promote it.
To increase traffic, embed your videos in relevant
blogs and forums.
Video marketing is a significantfactor in
increasing your readership. You can increase
organic traffic to your videos by promoting them
on various websites.
To increase traffic and views to your channel, you
can embed your videos in Q&A communities like
Reddit or Quora.
Finding threads on Q&A forums with high Google
traffic levels and embedding your video content
there is the key to success.
Using a premium tool like Ahrefs Site Explorer,
you can determine which Traffic is highest when
relevant keywords areused.
Paste a prominent forum first, such as Quora, and
then check the Top Pages reportto discover which
threads have the most visitors.
Quora's top pages tool ahrefs
Then, you may enter your term in the "Include"
box to limit the search results.
Quora's top pages for keyword searches ahref
To view the page's organic traffic over time, first,
click on the pertinent thread, then select
"Overview," and finally check the "Organic search"
The page you chooseshould producea steady
flow of organic traffic each month.
Organic traffic on quora ahref
By answering thesequestions in your videos, you
will be more likely to receive a steady streamof
views if you take this action.
You may useReddit subreddits, which areforums,
to promote your material as well; they may be a
terrific sourceof traffic for extra video views.
However, Reddit members have a reputation for
being fiercely loyal to the site. Therefore, you
must naturally promote your work, much like you
would do it in a Facebook group.
Embed your movies on pertinent blogs as another
technique to increaseviews.
Make a list of blogs that cover the samesubjects
as you do, and research which of them accept
guest contributions.
Speak with them about writing a guest postfor
them and including your videos in these posts.
Your videos should includea
By promoting your channel across all of your
videos, watermarks giveyou the chanceto
increase your subscriber countand get free
YouTube views. The majority of businesses use
their logo as their watermark, which is essentially
justa picture that you can configureto appear on
all of your videos. A subscription popup appears
when a viewer moves their mouse over a
watermark. Hence, the ‘subscribe'watermark that
the Shopify YouTubechannel has chosen:
Watermark on YouTube
Again, to upload a watermark, you mustvalidate
your YouTube account. It's important to note that
you cannot pick and choosewhich of your videos
have watermarks and which do not; either all of
your movies have watermarks, or noneof them
 To add your films with a watermark choose
"Branding" fromthe Creator Studio menu.
 Put a watermark on YouTube
 After that, upload your image and select
"Add a Watermark."
 In conclusion, utilize this easy tool to
advertiseyour company on your YouTube
 Advice: Create a square, translucent, and
larger than a 5050-pixelwatermark.
Creating a larger watermark can assist
ensurethat your branding is seen by your
target audience becauseYouTube reduces
watermarks when they display them in the
corner of the videos.
19. Ensure That Embedding Is
Available For Your Videos
Your visitors want to shareyour wonderfulmovie
on their blogs and websites after you spent
months making it!
...butthey can't becauseembedding wasn't
Giving users the option to embed your video on
your company can effectively reach new
audiences and increase the number of YouTube
views by using their websites and blogs. When a
viewer hits "Share" at the bottom of the video
window and a video has embedding turned on,
YouTube will provide the "Embed" option:
Embed a YouTube video
They can then copy the embedding code for the
movie and postit on their blog or website after
clicking here.
 Embed code for YouTube videos
 Go to the Creator Studio and find the
video's edit page to enable embedding.
 Afterward, select "Advanced Settings,"
navigate to "Distribution choices," and
confirmthat "Allow Embedding" is selected:
Instagram Guide for Beginners
ATTENTION: Instagram users! Have you been looking for a way
to share more information with your audience, but do not
know how without bombarding them with a load of content
and preaching your recommendations?
"How to Use and Create Instagram Guides to Build Your
Audience and Promote Your Business"
Take the leap and start repurposing your content and adding
depth to your content by creating Instagram Guides to grow
your brand power
Questions and Answers
concerning YouTube
What does YouTube consider to be a view?
On YouTube, a view counts when a user willfully
starts and views a video for at least 30 seconds.
Up to a specific number of times (about4-5
times), YouTube continues to register repeated
plays fromthe user's accountor device.
Where is the best place to distribute YouTube
Since you may reach morepeople by distributing
your movies across severalplatforms, thereis no
one perfect place to sharethem. The following
websites allow you to shareor advertise your
YouTube videos:
 FacebookInstagram
 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
 QuorasMedium
 Digg Individualblog/websitenewsletter
 BoredPanda
 narrow forums
 WimpStumbleupon
How can I usemy phone to sharea YouTube
 Launch the pertinent YouTube video.
 Copy the video URL by tapping the "Share"
 Paste the video's URL on the platform you
wish to shareit on.
 Instead of copying the video URL, tap on the
name of the platformwhere you wantto
distribute the video if you decide to do so.
Next, choosethe person with whom you
want to sharethe video, and YouTube will
take care of the rest.
Activate embedding
Enable embedding to allow your admirers to assist
in promoting your work.
Having a transcriptalso gives you the option of
translating your video, which makes it accessible
to viewers throughoutthe world. Global views!Do
you have any idea?
Upload your video when it's
Dropping your video when your largestaudience
of subscribers is onlinewill ensurethat they all get
that wonderful"new post" notification as soon as
it goes live.
But what if it happens in the dead of night? Or
perhaps when you'reaway? That's wherea
scheduling tool like Hootsuite can shine. Set your
video to release at the precise moment you've
chosen, to coincide with your content calendar,
and then get on with your daily activities.
Instagram Guide for Beginners
ATTENTION: Instagram users! Have you been looking for a way
to share more information with your audience, but do not
know how without bombarding them with a load of content
and preaching your recommendations?
"How to Use and Create Instagram Guides to Build Your
Audience and Promote Your Business"
Take the leap and start repurposing your content and adding
depth to your content by creating Instagram Guides to grow
your brand power
Get Instant Access To 200 Powerful Social Media
Marketing Tips To Increase Your Followers, Build
Credibility And Gain More Customers...
How to Grow and Monetize
Channel from Scratch as a
 HOW TO GET 10,000
Aiming for more YouTube views
Of course you do. You have a video to share and are a
living, breathing being! It is only logical.
YouTube isthe second-mostvisitedwebsiteworldwide.
More than two billion people, or one-third of all
internet users, use it each month. 74% of adults in the
United States watch videos. (We could continue, but
youare welcome tocheckout the mostrecent YouTube
data at your convenience.)
All the fast wins that will raise the profile of your
company are highlighted in this book.
You now understand how to increase YouTube
I don't expect someoneto useevery piece of
advice we've discussed today. Whatis effective
for one YouTube producer may not be effective
for another. Influencer marketing might increase
my YouTube views dramatically, but you might
find it moreeffective to concentrate on improving
your thumbnails and collaborating with other
channels. Itdepends on your particular situation.
The one lesson I hope everyonelearns is that
putting the needs of the audience first always
comes first. Does creating original, excellent
content assureyou of receiving thousands of
views each month? No, it doesn't work—you need
to take moreaction to succeed. But nothing we've
discussed today will matter if there isn't a
foundation of truly good material.
And with that, go create a video!

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  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 HOW TO GET 10,000 VIEWS ON YOUTUBE Smart Ways of Expanding your Target Audience ISAAC KING
  • 4. 4 Contents INTRODUCTION......................................................................8 CHAPTER ONE......................................................................10 What does YouTube consider to be a view?........................10  What on YouTube doesn't qualify as a view?...............11 CHAPTER TWO .....................................................................14 Techniques to increase YouTube views ..............................14 1. Make sure youunderstandthe fundamentalsof YouTube. ......................................................................14 2. Concentrate ona single marketniche (andyourideal audience)......................................................................14 3. Do yourhomeworktoraise the searchrankingof your video. ...........................................................................15 4. Afterwatchinga popularvideo,use metadatatoget recommended...............................................................17 5. Increase the number of views by making playlists........20 6. Use cards and endscreensto drive traffictoyourvideos. ....................................................................................21 7. Move past the instructional video(i.e.,make videosno one else is making)........................................................23 8. Establish connections with your audience...................25 9. Work together...........................................................25 10. Use all of your social mediachannelstopromote your YouTube videos.............................................................27 11. Viewing Loops Can Boost Viewing Metrics.................29 YouTube Recommendation............................................32 YouTube channel and screen example............................32
  • 5. 5 Examples of cards videos on YouTube screen channel .....33 Use YouTube statisticstodetermine whenyourtarget audience is most likely to be watching videos. ................35 12. Utilize the CommunityTabonYouTube toEngage and Excite Your Viewers.......................................................36 Create excitementforyourupcomingvideowiththe premiere feature...........................................................38 13. Make YouTube videosforyourchannel toattract more viewers.........................................................................41 14. Work TogetherWithOtherYou Tubersto GainMore Attention......................................................................43 15. Utilize YouTube AdstoReachSpecificallyTargeted Demographics...............................................................45 16. Promote YourVideos toYour Community,Followerson Social Media, and Your Current Subscribers....................49 17. Participate In Useful Facebook Communities.............50 18. ConnectWiththe RightSocial MediaInfluencersto Promote Your Video Content .........................................52 Your videos shouldinclude a watermark.........................56 19. Ensure That Embedding Is Available For YourVideos..58 CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................62 Questions and Answers concerning YouTube views ............62 Activate embedding......................................................64 Upload your videowhen it's appropriate........................64 CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................68 RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS..............................................68  TUBE FORTUNE INSTAGRAMPACK .............................69
  • 6. 6  How to Grow andMonetize YouTube Channel from Scratch as a Beginner........................................................69  HOW TO GET 10,000 VIEWS ON YOUTUBE ..................70 CONCLUSION........................................................................72
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 8 INTRODUCTION Want more YouTube views? You do, of course. You are a living, breathing being with a video to offer!It only makes sense. The second mostpopular website in the world is YouTube. One-third of all internet users, or more than two billion individuals, utilize it each month. In the United States, 74% of adults watch videos. (We could go on, but feel free to peruse the most recent YouTube statistics at your leisure.) This book was created to highlight all the quick wins that will increasethe visibility of your business. In addition, we'll go through some of the more sophisticated strategies used by experts to increase YouTube views. We offer a guide on how to launch a YouTube channel if you're also justgetting started.
  • 9. 9 Let's start expressing thoseviews now!
  • 10. 10 CHAPTER ONE What does YouTube consider to be a view? A view is recorded each time a user deliberately starts a movie on their device and watches it for at least 30 seconds. Pretty easy! A view will be recorded if you play your video. Observers who watch your video morethan once every screening will count as a new view once. (However, YouTubewill catch you if you keep refreshing to try to trick the system.) YouTube videos that are embedded or shared on Facebook will also count toward the total number of views. On YouTube, live views aretallied as well.
  • 11. 11 Check back later if you don't immediately notice a representation of your activity on YouTube because analytics are updated once every two days or so.  What on YouTube doesn't qualify as a view? The YouTube algorithm is meant to ignore any plays that might appear to be automated. It merely wants to know how many actual people intentionally watched your movie. Therefore, whenever a single user or bot refreshes, theseviews are not included in your total views if a website auto play a video or plays it repeatedly.
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 14 CHAPTER TWO Techniques to increase YouTube views Every single day, more than one billion hours of YouTube content are seen globally. Here's how to make yourself stand out fromthe throng and attract some of thoseeyes. 1. Make sure you understandthe fundamentalsof YouTube. We begin by walking, then we run. Examine your foundational skills and confirmthat you have checked off each requirement. Check out our list of YouTube beginner tips before returning to explore our more sophisticated strategies. 2. Concentrateon a single market niche (and your ideal audience)
  • 15. 15 You should be very specific and ruthlessly careful about your objectives and the material that will help you achieve them if you want to maximize the effectiveness of your YouTube marketing plan. You don't make videos for everyone, after all. Your audience is the reason you'rehere. Have you developed your audience personas yet? Pro-tip. They resemble characters fromDungeons & Dragons, butwith a business-likeattitude. 3. Do your homework to raise the search ranking of your video. YouTube is a search engine in addition to being a social media site. YouTube SEO, or optimizing your videos for search, is another of the best methods for increasing views.
  • 16. 16 In other words, you wantyour movieto appear towards the top of YouTube's results list when your ideal viewer types in your chosen keywords. Therefore, you mustfew videos, and a few search queries, often known as low competitiveness) Use the pertinent keywords in your metadata by taking them (i.e., your video title, tags, video description text, subtitles) A piece of advice: If you haven't already, get acquainted with the YouTube algorithm right now. This AI also makes recommendations for the crucial "what's up next" suggested videos sidebar in addition to search results. Just keep in mind that everything revolves around your desired audience: the algorithm doesn't care if your video is "excellent," it only concerns itself with whether a particular user wants to watch it.
  • 17. 17 Users generally seek "excellent" videos to watch, despite this. 4. After watching a popularvideo, use metadata to get recommended. If you want to increasethe number of YouTube views, observethe mostwell-liked videos in your niche for inspiration. Start by examining the most popular video from your main rival. (Sort their video library by "most popular" inside.) The major objective of YouTube is to keep users on the site as long as possible(so they can see as much advertising as possible). The algorithm's
  • 18. 18 task is to provide viewers with a stream of videos, all of which should be interesting. But how does YouTube determine whatusers would find interesting? The following factors are taken into account by the algorithm:  Videos that are frequently seen in concert  Videos the user has already viewed  Videos that are pertinent to the topic (which requires some keyword refinement!) You only influence the third of these points. Consequently, when selecting keywords, consider yourself a librarian. Think of additional phrases a person would use to search for the topic of your video as you explain the topic and the broader category of the video. (See here for moreadvice on writing compelling YouTube descriptions and keywords.)
  • 19. 19 Need someinspiration? By right-clicking on a website and choosing View Page Source, you can have a behind-the-scenes look into a competitor's video to see what keywords they employ. Finally, use CTRL-F "keywords"to search for the list. But before you simply copy and paste the metadata froma more well-liked video into your identical video, consider your audience. They won't wantto watch the samevideo again. The thumbnail is distinctive. The thumbnail and the title of the video complement one another. Choosing a vivid color is an easy way to "stand out." Or ensuring that your enormous high- resolution face is displaying an odd look in well-lit conditions. Or, if the competition in your niche is dominated by screaming, high-key visuals, the
  • 20. 20 best way for your channel to stand out is to be the sober, understated voice of reason. 5. Increase the number of views by making playlists The greatest strategy to reducethe likelihood that a visitor would switch to another channel after viewing your content is to organizeand create video playlists on YouTube. Why? Since playlists adhere to the same guidelines as Netflix: the moment a video ends and a new one starts.
  • 21. 21 Itmakes sense to direct your audience toward the subsequentvideo content they will want since you have already done the difficult effort of assisting them in finding your video, clicking on it, and watching the entire thing. The variety of cultural criticismcovered by J.J. McCullough's YouTube programming has been neatly segmented into themed playlists. Hit after hit will be provided for his followers who adore his stuff on world leaders (and who wouldn't?). 6. Use cards and end screens to drive traffic to your videos. Other than playlists, the only options available to You Tubers to circumvent the algorithm and directly affect our audience's next selection are cards and end screens.
  • 22. 22 Clickable and interactive cards areplaces that can be seen at any point in the video. In this situation, we're focused on increasing views, so pick a card that connects to another one of your videos—or even better, playlists—becausethey exist in a variety of formats and may be used for things like fundraising or selling merchandise. (Note: Cards cannot be used on videos marked as suitable for children.) Since cards are pop-ups, they mustprovide value. You don't want your audience to feel spammed. The playlists or videos you link to must be current affairs-related and offer further knowledgeor entertainment. A piece of advice: Try placing a link card at that specific point in one of your films if you detect a big retention issuewith a large audience drop-off. End screens, on the other hand, are graphic calls to action that you may include in the final 5 to 20
  • 23. 23 seconds of your film to nudge viewers toward taking the next step. They are usefulsince you may assumea viewer is keenly engaged in your excellent content if they have seen your entire movie. It's a good idea to use end screens to entice viewers to subscribeto your channel or go to your website. However, thebest courseof action if you want moreviews is to use your end screen to advertiseyour other movies or playlists. (Recall that you’ll need to add a few more seconds to the conclusion of your video while editing it if you want to include end screens.) 7. Move past the instructional video (i.e., make videos no one else is making) You'll probably find a lot of search terms that include the word "how to" when you're researching your target keywords (likewedid
  • 24. 24 back at point #3). (This article's title, eh, included.) This is due to the high volumeof how-to content searches. Grow your YouTube Subscribers to 50,000in just a year However, in addition to working to draw in more viewers, you also want to make time for other things. The value-added features of your brand on YouTube take the formof material that appeals to people who are already your fans. For instance, YouTube chef Tabitha Brown doesn't only shareher vegan nachos recipe... To give her
  • 25. 25 admirers an intimate insight into her personallife, she sits down with her spouseand discusses their relationship. (And whatif they are motivated to make their batch of guacamole during the process? It's a benefit that.) 8. Establish connectionswith your audience Building connections is also known as "audience engagement." Of course, the objective here is just to increase YouTube views in a reasonable, natural, and long-term manner. 9. Work together People enjoy the sudden familiarity of crossovers, guest spots, mash-ups, and covers. Find theBilly Ray Cyrus to your Lil Nas X and the He-Man to your brand's She-Ra. Maybe you'rea brand with money, in which case selecting a creative with a fan baseof your own is a no-brainer. However, if you'rea YouTube
  • 26. 26 producer or prospectiveinfluencer yourself, earning money on the platformshould be your main priority rather than spending it. So your greatest option is to collaborate with other artists who shareyour viewpoints. Your ideal matches should be fairly compatible in terms of popularity, appeal, and values. And you do enjoy them. And you have fun together, which shows and cheers up others. Make a playlist to compile all of the videos in a crossover thatincludes a variety of them, such as one fromeach person's perspectiveto be posted on their respective channels, one fromyour perspectiveto be posted on yours, and possibly some supporting outtakes, any necessary background material, etc. so that interested viewers can follow it all.
  • 27. 27 10. Use all of your social media channelsto promote your YouTube videos. To market your YouTube channel, you should use every social media tool at your disposal. To get more YouTube views, however, AVOID the following:  Posta text or image with a link to your YouTube video on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok.  Objectively speaking, linking to YouTube makes sense, but the issueis that social media networks wantto keep users there (justlike YouTube does). Therefore, their algorithms won't favor a text-only postwith an external link. In other words, your YouTube views as well as your impressions and CTR will be minimal.
  • 28. 28  Your full video should be uploaded to those platforms. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter want you to do this (don't @ me; IGTV is a direct rivalof YouTube). You'll probably gain a lot of attention and reach on those networks if you post your entire video. However, freeFacebook video views can't be paid for, can they? Additionally, they won't increaseyour YouTube views. Instead, promoteyour video by performing the following:  Posta shortVideos will start playing as soon as you press publish.  Particularly if those subscribers have notifications set on.  Increasing your subscriber baseis a task that requires differentstrategies than raising your views, yet both are intertwined. We offer thorough instructions on how to increase your YouTubesubscriber countas a result.
  • 29. 29  It's standard procedureto closea video by asking viewers to "like and subscribe," but many YouTubers, like beauty expert Patricia Bright, also add this requestas a graphic.  Call to action: "Like" and "Subscribe," Patricia Bright 11. Viewing Loops Can Boost Viewing Metrics For the YouTube algorithm, viewing statistics like watch times and averageviews per user are very crucial. These measurements are used by YouTube to assess how successfully your channelcan maintain viewers on the site. Watch time has been YT's top performancemetric since 2012. Their preferred method of
  • 30. 30 determining how long someone has been on the platformis this! Itstates on YouTube: "You gain fromyour content when it encourages viewers to watch videos for longer periods throughoutall of YouTube, not juston your channel. Each video that is uploaded as well as every YouTube channel is "ranked" based on watch time, which is measured in total minutes watched. Videos and channels with more viewers are more likely to display higher recommendations and search results.
  • 32. 32 Probably on your mind is how to increaseyour viewing stats. The solution is to design viewing loops. To keep viewers on your channel, a viewing loop encourages them to watch more of your intriguing or pertinent content. YouTube Recommendation You can make viewing loops in three different ways: Add end screens, which you can do by including video thumbnails or links near the end of your film. YouTube channel and screen example
  • 33. 33 Add cards: suggested videos that pop up as a banner at the beginning of your video and at any other time. Examples of cards videos on YouTube screen channel For your videos, make playlists: This enables you to categorize your content and tempts viewers to binge and pay for your work. Example of playlists screen YouTube channel The card bridge technique is a simple way to extend both your session time and your watch time through your viewing loop.
  • 34. 34 Looking at the audience retention report for one of your videos will help you with this. Then, when retention declines, place a card that will direct viewers to another comparable video on your channel at that point, lowering the churn rate when viewers might otherwiseclick away. The card bridge method will assistin: Retain viewers on your channel. Boost the duration of your other videos' views. Users should stay online longer so that the YouTube algorithm will reward them.
  • 35. 35 By publishing at the right times, you can capture your audience's attention. Be certain to publish videos when your viewers will be mostinterested. But how can you tell when that will be? Well, YouTube makes finding it simple. To find out when your viewers areon YouTube, check the audience reporton YouTube. TubeBuddy also offers a tool that tracks your viewers'watch times. Use YouTube statistics to determine when your target audience is most likely to be watching videos. Instead of releasing your video during the peak, you should do so one hour beforehand to allow
  • 36. 36 viewers time to explore other videos on your channel. Alternately, if your report doesn'thave enough views, adhereto these general rules. 12. Utilize the Community Tab on YouTubeto Engage and Excite Your Viewers On YouTube, there is a strong focus on community. They wantthe content that they love to be shared and interacted with by producers and their viewers. They gauge this, for instance, using metrics for user engagement like:  Likes.
  • 37. 37  Dislikes,  Comments.  Likewise, "ringing the bell." People will visit and join your community if it is active and making useof these features, which increases the likelihood that YouTube will promote your films. By including calls to action after your films, where you invite viewers to like, comment, and "like," you can improve these metrics. However, there's more.
  • 38. 38 You can usethe new community tab feature on YouTube if you havemore than 1000 subscribers. Here, locals can interact with each other by hearting, pinning, and participating in the comments. Additionally, you can heighten interest by: Audience polling to generate additional subject suggestions Organizing a Q&A Postings in communities Sharing relevant live streams and videos. Create excitement for your upcoming video with the premiere feature.
  • 39. 39 Setting videos to Premieres is another fun tool available on YouTube. This enables producers likeyou to advertisethe video before it goes online, justlike a movie or TV programpremiere! A Premiere can be made in 5 simple steps:  Select "Upload" fromthe menu.  Access the "visibility" tab.  Specify the day and hour you wantyour video to go live.  Pick the "set as premiere" radio button.  Select "Schedule" fromthe menu.
  • 40. 40 And presto!You have produced a Premiere video Scheduling a video's YouTube launch A shareable"watch" page is generated once your video is set to Premiere so that viewers can see it as it becomes live. Until then, you can promote your Premiere and interact with people on this page. Video premiere talk on YouTube Check out these articles to discover more about some of the top online community platforms, how communities may help your online business expand, and how to create your very own online community.
  • 41. 41 13. Make YouTube videos for your channel to attract more viewers. Don't be misled: People enjoy interacting with really brief content, such as whatyou may see on TikTok or Instagram Stories, or even on YouTube. YouTube created Shorts for this reason. Thoseare Videos that are brief (less than 60 seconds), and vertical. (You can read more about them on YouTube's official page here.) Shorts can be a simple approach to get people's attention and encouragethem to watch your most recent video.
  • 42. 42 Simply said, the objective is to be seen. Using YouTube's video creation tools, you can make a YouTube Short, or you can upload one made somewhereelse. The best aspect is that there are no prerequisites for creators to begin using YouTube Shorts; anyonemay startusing this function. You only need to:  Be carefulto shootor crop your video vertically.  Make sureyour video is no longer than 60 seconds.  To enable YouTube to index the video, add #Shorts to the title or description.  Create a shortversion of the video and add it to the "Shorts Shelf" on the YouTube home page.
  • 43. 43 You can learn more by watching VidIQ's in-depth video addressing all of your questions about YouTube Shorts: 14. Work Together With Other You Tubers to Gain More Attention The community of YouTube users is unto itself. To participate in it! Find like-minded creators whoseaudiences overlap with yours and work together to create original content. This is particularly well-liked among YouTube gamers who frequently work together by playing cooperative games like Among Us: The Game. Working together is advantageous sinceit exposes both You Tubers to new viewers.
  • 44. 44 Additionally, this is the ideal opportunity to use YouTube Live. If you havea tiny channel and want to grow, subscribers,you may usea larger channel to live streamand reach their viewers. Consider watching Nick Nimmins' video on how to approach collaborations if you need assistance getting started:
  • 45. 45 15. Utilize YouTube Ads to Reach Specifically Targeted Demographics You may utilize Google Ads to create sponsored ad campaigns, and YouTube Ads is a tried-and- true method to obtain more views for your videos if you havethe funds for it. However, you mustapproach it strategically. You must specify concrete objectives for your sponsored advertising campaign! Think about it:  What are you trying to advertise?  What point are you trying to make?
  • 46. 46  What does achievement entail? Increased leads, sales, etc. Verify the videos you use a high-quality video that you know will keep your audience interested if you chose it because it has a high audience retention rate. Once you'vechosen the kind of material you want to promote, you need to pinpoint and advertiseto the rightaudience. Your video advertising can be targeted in a variety of ways, butthe following are the most common ones: Targeting certain keywords thatare relevant to the videos you want to promote will help you advertiseyour adverts. These terms should relate to the videos and ideally have good search traffic.
  • 47. 47 Target your chosen audience depending on their sex, age, and other demographics. Targeting based on audience affinities lets you chooseyour audience based on Google's tracking and identification of their interests. This is possibly whatthey read, explore, or search for. Targeting similar audiences is possibleby creating an email list of your currentclients and uploading it to Google Ads, which will then compile a list of people to display your ad to. Your sponsored advertising strategy should ultimately target unfamiliar audiences that are similar to your currentclients. The sponsored ad retargeting method is another option. As a result, you will market to groups of people who are already familiar with your company.
  • 48. 48 You will also need to supply an email list of persons who haveseen your Google Ads accomplish this. These individuals can be subscribers who have discontinued their subscriptions or nonpaying customers. Retargeting aids in reaching your best-qualified leads and may be less expensive than focusing on a whole other audience. Ittakes science to create successfulsponsored advertising campaigns. Check out our comprehensiveguide for more information on how to create sponsored advertising for your content.
  • 49. 49 16. Promote Your Videos to Your Community, Followerson Social Media, and Your Current Subscribers One common error that You Tubers makewhen trying to increasetheir viewership is that they become so preoccupied with seeking new subscribers thatthey neglect to interact with their present ones. But the reality is... Utilizing all of your presentchannels, you must advertiseyour new films to your existing viewership. That implies: Sharing on the community tab on YouTube. Social media posting of links.
  • 50. 50 Creating social media stories and shortfilms to alert the public. Sending out a mass email. These can even be used in conjunction with other strategies you've picked up from this list, such as making a Premiere and disseminating the link a few days beforehand. After completing that, you can startconsidering more sophisticated strategies. 17. Participate In Useful Facebook Communities Anyonetrying to create a niche community should join Facebook groups. (If you run a YouTube channel, that’s you
  • 51. 51 They are wherepeople who truly care abouta topic come together to sharenews, ideas, and advice. If you wantto make a mark on these communities, you need to get active in them! Start by: Find groups that align with the topics in your videos. Joining discussions withoutsharing links to your content. Making a note of the frequent problems that people bring up. Until you feel like you have a place in the community, be engaged and helpful. You should startdisseminating links to your video content just after that!
  • 52. 52 18. Connect With the Right Social Media Influencers to Promote Your Video Content Using influencers is another tried-and-true method to increase views on social media. Influencers can turn their followers into watchers of your videos becausethey have a large audience that fervently believes what they haveto say. A 2019 Edelman consumer poll found that 63% of respondents preferred influencers'opinions on brands to thoseof the companies themselves. And this is something that marketers are aware of, as 92% of marketers think that it works. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, influencer marketing. You may thereforeincrease the number of views on your YouTube channel by developing
  • 53. 53 relationships with influencers and having them promote it. To increase traffic, embed your videos in relevant blogs and forums. Video marketing is a significantfactor in increasing your readership. You can increase organic traffic to your videos by promoting them on various websites. To increase traffic and views to your channel, you can embed your videos in Q&A communities like Reddit or Quora. Finding threads on Q&A forums with high Google traffic levels and embedding your video content there is the key to success. Using a premium tool like Ahrefs Site Explorer, you can determine which Traffic is highest when relevant keywords areused.
  • 54. 54 Paste a prominent forum first, such as Quora, and then check the Top Pages reportto discover which threads have the most visitors. Quora's top pages tool ahrefs Then, you may enter your term in the "Include" box to limit the search results. Quora's top pages for keyword searches ahref To view the page's organic traffic over time, first, click on the pertinent thread, then select "Overview," and finally check the "Organic search" tab. The page you chooseshould producea steady flow of organic traffic each month.
  • 55. 55 Organic traffic on quora ahref By answering thesequestions in your videos, you will be more likely to receive a steady streamof views if you take this action. You may useReddit subreddits, which areforums, to promote your material as well; they may be a terrific sourceof traffic for extra video views. However, Reddit members have a reputation for being fiercely loyal to the site. Therefore, you must naturally promote your work, much like you would do it in a Facebook group. Embed your movies on pertinent blogs as another technique to increaseviews.
  • 56. 56 Make a list of blogs that cover the samesubjects as you do, and research which of them accept guest contributions. Speak with them about writing a guest postfor them and including your videos in these posts. Your videos should includea watermark. By promoting your channel across all of your videos, watermarks giveyou the chanceto increase your subscriber countand get free YouTube views. The majority of businesses use their logo as their watermark, which is essentially justa picture that you can configureto appear on all of your videos. A subscription popup appears when a viewer moves their mouse over a watermark. Hence, the ‘subscribe'watermark that the Shopify YouTubechannel has chosen:
  • 57. 57 Watermark on YouTube Again, to upload a watermark, you mustvalidate your YouTube account. It's important to note that you cannot pick and choosewhich of your videos have watermarks and which do not; either all of your movies have watermarks, or noneof them do.  To add your films with a watermark choose "Branding" fromthe Creator Studio menu.  Put a watermark on YouTube  After that, upload your image and select "Add a Watermark."  In conclusion, utilize this easy tool to advertiseyour company on your YouTube channel.  Advice: Create a square, translucent, and larger than a 5050-pixelwatermark.
  • 58. 58 Creating a larger watermark can assist ensurethat your branding is seen by your target audience becauseYouTube reduces watermarks when they display them in the corner of the videos. 19. Ensure That Embedding Is Available For Your Videos Your visitors want to shareyour wonderfulmovie on their blogs and websites after you spent months making it! ...butthey can't becauseembedding wasn't enabled. Giving users the option to embed your video on your company can effectively reach new audiences and increase the number of YouTube views by using their websites and blogs. When a viewer hits "Share" at the bottom of the video window and a video has embedding turned on, YouTube will provide the "Embed" option:
  • 59. 59 Embed a YouTube video They can then copy the embedding code for the movie and postit on their blog or website after clicking here.  Embed code for YouTube videos  Go to the Creator Studio and find the video's edit page to enable embedding.  Afterward, select "Advanced Settings," navigate to "Distribution choices," and confirmthat "Allow Embedding" is selected:
  • 60. 60 Instagram Guide for Beginners ATTENTION: Instagram users! Have you been looking for a way to share more information with your audience, but do not know how without bombarding them with a load of content and preaching your recommendations? "How to Use and Create Instagram Guides to Build Your Audience and Promote Your Business" Take the leap and start repurposing your content and adding depth to your content by creating Instagram Guides to grow your brand power
  • 61. 61
  • 62. 62 CHAPTER THREE Questions and Answers concerning YouTube views What does YouTube consider to be a view? On YouTube, a view counts when a user willfully starts and views a video for at least 30 seconds. Up to a specific number of times (about4-5 times), YouTube continues to register repeated plays fromthe user's accountor device. Where is the best place to distribute YouTube videos? Since you may reach morepeople by distributing your movies across severalplatforms, thereis no one perfect place to sharethem. The following websites allow you to shareor advertise your YouTube videos:
  • 63. 63 Reddit  FacebookInstagram  Facebook Twitter LinkedIn  QuorasMedium  Digg Individualblog/websitenewsletter  BoredPanda  narrow forums  WimpStumbleupon How can I usemy phone to sharea YouTube video?  Launch the pertinent YouTube video.  Copy the video URL by tapping the "Share" button.  Paste the video's URL on the platform you wish to shareit on.  Instead of copying the video URL, tap on the name of the platformwhere you wantto distribute the video if you decide to do so. Next, choosethe person with whom you want to sharethe video, and YouTube will take care of the rest.
  • 64. 64 Activate embedding Enable embedding to allow your admirers to assist in promoting your work. Having a transcriptalso gives you the option of translating your video, which makes it accessible to viewers throughoutthe world. Global views!Do you have any idea? Upload your video when it's appropriate Dropping your video when your largestaudience of subscribers is onlinewill ensurethat they all get that wonderful"new post" notification as soon as it goes live. But what if it happens in the dead of night? Or perhaps when you'reaway? That's wherea scheduling tool like Hootsuite can shine. Set your
  • 65. 65 video to release at the precise moment you've chosen, to coincide with your content calendar, and then get on with your daily activities.
  • 66. 66
  • 67. 67
  • 68. 68 CHAPTER FOUR RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS Instagram Guide for Beginners ATTENTION: Instagram users! Have you been looking for a way to share more information with your audience, but do not know how without bombarding them with a load of content and preaching your recommendations? "How to Use and Create Instagram Guides to Build Your Audience and Promote Your Business" Take the leap and start repurposing your content and adding depth to your content by creating Instagram Guides to grow your brand power
  • 69. 69  TUBE FORTUNE INSTAGRAM PACK Get Instant Access To 200 Powerful Social Media Marketing Tips To Increase Your Followers, Build Credibility And Gain More Customers... How to Grow and Monetize YouTube Channel from Scratch as a Beginner
  • 70. 70  HOW TO GET 10,000 VIEWS ON YOUTUBE Aiming for more YouTube views Of course you do. You have a video to share and are a living, breathing being! It is only logical. YouTube isthe second-mostvisitedwebsiteworldwide. More than two billion people, or one-third of all internet users, use it each month. 74% of adults in the United States watch videos. (We could continue, but youare welcome tocheckout the mostrecent YouTube data at your convenience.)
  • 71. 71 All the fast wins that will raise the profile of your company are highlighted in this book.
  • 72. 72 CONCLUSION You now understand how to increase YouTube views. I don't expect someoneto useevery piece of advice we've discussed today. Whatis effective for one YouTube producer may not be effective for another. Influencer marketing might increase my YouTube views dramatically, but you might find it moreeffective to concentrate on improving your thumbnails and collaborating with other channels. Itdepends on your particular situation. The one lesson I hope everyonelearns is that putting the needs of the audience first always comes first. Does creating original, excellent content assureyou of receiving thousands of views each month? No, it doesn't work—you need to take moreaction to succeed. But nothing we've
  • 73. 73 discussed today will matter if there isn't a foundation of truly good material. And with that, go create a video!