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Efficiency of employees performance have vital role in influencing the organizational
performance. Thus most of the firms now adopt employee motivation techniques for
improving employee performance. So, the study analyzed the impact of employee motivation
on employee performance by taking the case of RBS, UK.
RBS is a leading financial institution offering variety of banking facilities like insurance, finance,
wealth management service,etc.RBS has provides higher importance for motivating its
employees for enhancing employee performance level and thereby organizational
performance. However, over work pressure and irregular and unbalanced working time created
issues in the bank and which adversely affected the employee performance. Thus the study
focused on the efficacy of employee motivation strategies of RBS for enhancing employee
Interpretivism philosophy, inductive approach, exploratory research design, criterion sampling
and convenience sampling methods were used by the researcher for undertaking the study.
Secondary data for the study were collected by reviewing various books, annual reports of RBS,
journals, etc. Case study strategy was used for assessing the efficacy of employee motivation
strategy of RBS. By surveying 17 employees of RBS, researcher collected quantitative data for
the study. Descriptive analysis method was utilized for analyzing the collected information. It
was identified from the collected data that, RBS has implemented various employee motivation
strategies like training and developmental programs, rewards and bonuses, health and medical
benefits, pension funding, paid holidays, flexible benefits, confidential advice service and career
developmental opportunities, etc for motivating employees and which positively influenced
employee performance. However, long working hours, over work pressure, improper flexible
working arrangements, etc created employee job dissatisfaction. Improvement in performance
management system and flexible working arrangements were suggested for RBS to motivate its
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Table of Contents
ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................ 2
LIST OF FIGUERS AND CHARTS........................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Research background............................................................................................................ 7
1.3 Rationale................................................................................................................................ 8
1.4 Research Aim......................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Research Objectives.............................................................................................................. 9
1.6 Research Questions............................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Research purpose and significance....................................................................................... 9
1.8 Research methodology ....................................................................................................... 10
1.9 Research limitations............................................................................................................ 10
1.10 Structure of the dissertation............................................................................................. 11
1.11 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................. 12
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Employee motivation .......................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation........................................................................................ 12
2.4 Herzberg’s two-factor theory on employee motivation..................................................... 14
2.5 Employee performance....................................................................................................... 16
2.6 Factors affecting employee performance........................................................................... 16
2.7 Impact of employee motivation on employee performance in UK banking industry ........ 17
2.8 Impact of literature review on the researcher.................................................................... 18
2.9 Conceptual framework........................................................................................................ 19
2.10 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY................................................................. 21
3.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 21
3.2 Research philosophy ........................................................................................................... 21
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3.3 Research approach.............................................................................................................. 22
3.4 Research purpose................................................................................................................ 22
3.5 Research strategy................................................................................................................ 23
3.6 Data collection methods ..................................................................................................... 24
3.7 Sample selection ................................................................................................................. 25
3.8 Data analysis plan................................................................................................................ 26
3.9 Research limitations............................................................................................................ 26
3.10 Ethical issues ..................................................................................................................... 26
3.11 Future scope for the study................................................................................................ 27
3.12 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 27
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ...................................................................... 28
4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 28
4.2 Plan of Analysis.................................................................................................................... 28
4.3 Case study of RBS, UK.......................................................................................................... 28
4.3.1 To analyze various employee motivation techniques in the banking sector ............... 29
4.3.2 To critically assess the impact of employee motivation programs of RBS on its
employees’ performance....................................................................................................... 30
4.4 Case study analysis.............................................................................................................. 32
4.5 Quantitative analysis........................................................................................................... 34
4.6 Identifying gaps................................................................................................................... 44
4.7 Summary ............................................................................................................................. 45
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................... 46
5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 46
5.2 Conclusions.......................................................................................................................... 46
5.3 Evaluation of results............................................................................................................ 48
5.4 Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 48
5.5 Limitations of the research ................................................................................................. 50
5.6 Recommendations for future researchers .......................................................................... 50
REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................. 51
APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................................... 57
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List of figures
Figure 2.1: Herzberg’s two-factor theory …………………………………………………..15
Figure 2.2: Conceptual framework ………………………………………………………….19
Figure 4.1: Number of employees at RBS from 2012 to 2014 …………………………...32
List of pie charts
Pie chart 4.1: Age of the participants ………………………………………………….……34
Pie chart 4.2: Gender of the participants …………………………………………….……..35
Pie chart 4.3: Working experience of employees of RBS ………………………………...36
Pie chart 4.4: Overall level of employee motivation in RBS ………………………….…..40
Pie chart 4.5: Employee job satisfaction ……………………………………………………42
Pie chart 4.6: Readiness to switchover …………………………………………………….43
Pie chart 4.7: Suggestions for improving motivation level in RBS……………………….44
List of tables
Table 4.1: Impact of the elements of RBS on employee motivation …………………….37
Table 4.2: Effectiveness of employee motivation programs of RBS …………………….38
Table 4.3: Factors influencing employee job performance in RBS ……………………...41
List of bar charts
Bar chart 4.1: Impact of the elements of RBS on employee motivation ………………...37
Bar chart 4.2: Effectiveness of employee motivation programs of RBS ………………..39
Bar chart 4.3: Factors influencing employee job performance in RBS ………………….41
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1.1 Introduction
The importance of various key elements of the research is analyzed by the researcher in this
chapter. Through the development of the background research the researcher analyses the
employee’s motivation and its impact on employee’s performance. Further the chapter will
also outline the aims and objectives of the study in brief.
1.2 Research background
In the current competitive and volatile banking industry, it is necessary to optimize employee
performance to enjoy success. Study by Mowday, Porter and Steers (2013) reflect that
assessing and optimizing performance level of employees is critical to retain competitive status.
Many studies explicitly show that recognition and empowerment motivates employees and
thereby raises their performance level. Nevertheless, a factor that increases the stress and
disrupts the workplace harmony has been identified as causal in accumulating employee
dissatisfactions and thereby, organizational performance is also weakened. This has directed
the adoption of different motivation techniques by organizations (Pinder, 2014).
Manzoor (2012) elucidate motivation as an effective technique that triggers positive behaviors
of employees in relation to performance and also serves as a stimulus to drive engagement
with an organization. As referred by Muogbo (2013) it is an incessant internal drive to achieve a
certain goal. By effectively raising motivation, employee absenteeism and turnover can also be
reduced significantly. As found out by Pinder (2014), a motivated employee directs his efforts in
alignment with company goals and hence attributes to the success of an organization.
However as argued by Minor (2014) the effectiveness of motivational programs vary with
different factors and hence it is highly crucial to identify these dimensions while devising and
implementing these programs. Furthermore, the needs of each employee differ and therefore
the assessment of this difference is also required. To attain detail knowledge regarding this
context, researcher considers the organizational milieu of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) in this
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Being one among the four leading banking organizations in UK, RBS is expected to have highly
efficient employee motivational strategies so that positive results will be reflected through its
employee performances. Although Glassdoor (2016) employee reviews and reports in Financial
Times by Goff, Murphy and Parker (2012) states that RBS has an efficient employee motivation
through its benefits and salary schemes, some reports contrasts these views (Butcher, 2016).
Hence, this research investigates the issues confronted by RBS in its employee motivation and
determines its impacts on company’s employee performances.
1.3 Rationale
As determined by Manzoor (2012) and Pinder (2014), employee motivation has a direct
influence on persuading working attitudes and behavior of employees. Hence, implementing
appealing and satisfactory employee motivations gains adequate significance in attaining
improved employee performances. It has also been proved that employees with optimal
performance are one of the major competitive resources in any kind of industry and hence
pivotal in determining the company success (Miner, 2015; Mowday, Porter and Steers, 2013).
Despite being the leading banking firm in UK, various controversies have been raised associated
with the employee motivation techniques provided by RBS. According to the reports of Butcher
(2016), RBS has comparatively a lower pay scheme that dissuades and demotivates its
employees. However, some employees has the opinion that salary policies of RBS is
satisfactory, but unbalanced work schedules and irregular timings at RBS has demotivated them
(Glassdoor, 2012). Decision making issues at this organization reported by Treanor and Bowers
(2011) and further Wilson (2012) reports on inadequate bonuses provided by RBS indicates the
ineffectiveness of these organizations’ employee motivational strategies. Supporting the
investigating relationship various reports indicates that RBS experienced declining employee
performance that signifies the ineffectual employee motivation at this firm. Declining number
of employees working at RBS from 2012 to 2014, reported by Statista (2016) is a clear
indication of this fact. Continuous reporting on company loss and the reports of Shehmir (2016)
on the $2.76 billion annual loss indicates adverse results attained due to the deprived
employee performance at this firm. Thus through this investigation researcher intends to
examine the impacts employee motivation produce on employee performance and in light of
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this knowledge researcher will examine this relationship with regards to the organizational
scenario at RBS.
1.4 Research Aim
This research aims to assess the role of employee motivation in facilitating the employee
performance considering the case of Royal Bank of Scotland, UK
1.5 Research Objectives
 To assess different factors that influence employee motivation
 To critically assess the impact of employee motivation programs of RBS on its
employees’ performance
 To provide recommendations to RBS to amend its employee motivation programs
1.6 Research Questions
1. What are the different motivation techniques adopted by the bankingindustry to
enhance performance level of employees?
2. How do different motivation techniques influence employee performance?
3. How significant are the motivation techniques of RBS in strengthening their employee
4. What are the main issues that impact the effectiveness of employee motivation
5. What can be done to improve the employee motivation programs of RBS?
1.7 Research purpose and significance
The main research purpose of the current study is to analyse the impact of employee’s
motivation in relation to employee’s performance in the organization. As identified in various
studies employee motivation is crucial in improving the employee performance in an
organization. There has not been a detailed analysis on how these two aspects impact each
other (Muogbo, 2013). Hence by analyzing in depth on this topic the study will demonstrate the
impact of these two factors by considering the case of RBS by providing the sufficient empirical
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evidences. The study will also lay as a guide for the improving the motivation techniques in the
banking sector.
1.8 Research methodology
Since case study and survey are the main strategy used in this study, the study will be
descriptive and utilize inductive philosophy. In order to accomplish the study and meet its
objectives, case study of RBS and online survey with employees of RBS will be carried out by the
researcher. Further the researcher will utilize the secondary resources like books, journals,
articles, etc for collecting secondary information for the study.
1.9 Research limitations
The researcher will not be able to conduct interview with managers of RBS and thus it will
create difficulty for the researcher for understanding the main employee motivation strategies
adopted by the bank. Also using a single case study in the research will affect the scope of the
research. Usage of descriptive analysis method will also create issue for the researcher to
effectively analyse the collected information.
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1.10 Structure of the dissertation
1.11 Summary
This chapter has enabled the researcher to identify the aims, questions and objectives of the
study and also to draw out a significant understanding on the research background, rationale
and significance of the research.
Chapter 1
•Develops the background , rationale, objectives,research aim and research questions
Chapter 2
•Literature review
•Evaluates the previous studies and researches associated with the research issue and develop a
conceptualframework for the study
Chapter 3
•Research design and methodology
•Discusses different research methods and techniqueswith rationale
Chapter 4
•Data analysis and interpretation
•Dta gathered using various research methods are analysed and interpreted through this chapter
Chapter 5
•Conclusion and Recommendations
•Based on the research findings, resaercher draws major conclusions here and also imparts
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2.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses about employee motivation in relation to employee performance in the
banking sector. Through this chapter the researcher also discusses about the research variables
that are associated with the study by using the literature cases. Employee motivation and
employee performance are the research variables of the current study. Furthermore, the
researcher will be using the research findings derived from the literature review for critically
analyzing the impact of employee motivation on employee performance. Finally, the researcher
frames a conceptual framework after evaluating the research findings obtained from the
literature review.
2.2 Employee motivation
According to the study of Griffin and Moorhead (2014) employee motivation is referred to the
creativity, commitment and energy level of employees working in an organization. An
organization adopts different techniques to motivate the employees for improving the
economy and performance of the organization. Life insurance, stock ownership plans, health
care, child care availability, company cars, etc are some of the benefits provided by
organizations for motivating its employees. Different motivation methods are implemented by
corporate organization to motivate and retain the skilful employees. Reward system and
flexibility in job design are the major motivators used by organizations for improving employee
productivity and longevity of employees with the organization (Griffin, 2013). Employee
empowerment can be enhanced by giving the employees the opportunity to take part in
decision-making process and this would increase the commitment of employees towards the
2.3 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
Motivation is highly stimulated by the extrinsic and intrinsic factors and these factors have a
leading role in improving the employee performances. In the opinion of Cerasoli, Nicklin and
Ford (2014) extrinsic motivation is defined as the external factors that stimulates the
performances of the employees and they are tangible rewards such as promotions, fringe
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benefits, salary, incentives and bonuses etc whereas intrinsic motivation is the internal desire
of an employee to perform well for achieving the organizational goals and is related to the
psychological rewards such as appreciations, recognition, personal growth and development
etc. Thus it can be found that for improving the employee performances both intrinsic and
extrinsic factors are highly necessary.
 Incentives and bonuses
Incentives and bonuses are the extra benefits provided to the employees for their hard work
and commitment (Pierce, 2012). These highly boost the motivation level of the employees and
inspire them to become more sincere towards the firm. Family tours, pension schemes, paid
leaves etc. are also included in this category.
 Growth and development
Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford (2014) observes that organizations for improving the personal skills
and talents of the employees offers effective training and development programs, skill and
knowledge development programs, talent sessions etc and this highly motivates the employees
to become more productive and they highly support the firms to enhance their sales and
 Favorable working environment
High impact is induced by the working environment on the employee performances. Cameroon
(2010) states that the nature of the work, recognition and appreciation offered and the
achievement received are the real boosters of employee motivation. Positive communication,
healthy relation among the co-workers and management, work security, satisfaction and safety
also stimulates employee motivation. However, Pinder (2014) affirms that favorable working
environment can improve the performance of the employees but it will never inspire the
motivation level of the employees.
 Employee commitment and empowerment
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Employee empowerment is defined as the process of giving the decision making responsibility,
job control and freedom etc for enhancing the employee performance and this highly increases
the employee engagement and commitment and they also highly contribute and co-operate for
meeting the organizational goals (Pierce, 2012).
 Rewards and promotions
Rewards and promotions are considered as the main encouragement factors for improving the
employees performance and this also enhances the satisfaction level of the employees thereby
fulfilling their psychological obligations (Pinder, 2014).
 Genuine and positive communication
In the view of Cameroon (2010) for improving the employee’s performances organizations must
focus on providing a positive communication system. This system maintains a genuine
communication process between the company management and employees. The company
authorities must highly give more consideration to the feelings and emotions of the employees
and must also adopt a proper feedback system for understanding problems faced by the
 Recognition and appreciation
As per the opinion of Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford (2014) appreciation and recognition can highly
help the companies to make the employees more contended and productive. Earlier studies
point out that employees who are provided with a proper appreciations and recognitions can
highly enhance their satisfaction level further leading to augmentation of organizational profit.
2.4 Herzberg’s two-factor theory on employee motivation
For determining the different factors that affects the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the
employees Frederick Herzberg implemented two-factor theory. As per two-factor theory
motivators are the satisfiers and the hygiene factors are the dis-satisfiers. Herzberg with the
studies conducted concluded that the motivational factors and the hygiene factors highly
influence the performances of the employees.
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Figure 2.1: Herzberg’s two-factor theory
Source: Source: Dartey-Baah and Amoako (2011)
It was also found that the motivational factors such as recognition, achievement, growth etc
enhances the satisfaction level of the employees and the hygiene factors such as supervision,
salary, status, company policies and administration etc enhances dissatisfaction (Dartey-Baah
and Amoako, 2011). The motivational factors helps to increase the job satisfaction and also
increases the motivation level of the employees and highly inspires them to become committed
towards the organization. These factors also helps the employees to improve their skills, talents
, attain personal growth and development whereas the hygiene factors are mainly adopted by
the organizations as maintenance factors and their main role is to evade employee
dissatisfaction. In the opinion of Cameroon (2010) employees must also be provided with
interesting jobs so that they can perform well for enhancing their productivity. Pinder (2014)
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argues that a low pay can highly de-motivate the employees and can cause adverse effects on
the performance level thereby lowering the satisfaction of the employees. Thus it can be noted
that these all factors have a high impact on the performance level of the employees.
2.5 Employee performance
Employees are the imperative part of an organization and hence as Bhat (2013) opines their
performance has a crucial role in ascertaining company success. According to the definitions
provided by Boeri, Lucifora and Murphy (2013), employee performance defines the individual
capabilities and competencies in executing job responsibilities and hence it denotes the
workforce’s aptitude in accomplishing organizational objectives. Employee performance is an
upshot of dynamic working ambience and efficient skill set, states Chandler (2016). As per the
opinion of Cushway (2012), assessing employee performance on a regular basis, i.e. on a
quarterly or annual basis improves the organizations efficiency. On the other hand, destitute
and deprived employee performance adversely impacts on organizational growth and stability.
In addition to talent enhancement, strategies to improve employee performance identify their
incompetence and futility. Thus implementing inspirational and encouraging employee
performance strategies is crucial for an organization.
2.6 Factors affecting employee performance
According to Cushway (2012), various elements within and external to an organization
influences employee performance. The presence of various inspirational elements within the
company enhances the employee performance; however its absence leads to increased level of
dissatisfactions. Hence preserving, encouraging factors in adequate level improves employee
performance in a company. The significant factors that influence employee performance in an
organization are explained below:
Managerial standards: This is one of the most significant elements that inspire or dissuade
employees’ performances. As Boeri, Lucifora and Murphy (2013) opines, setting managerial
standards on job roles bestowed for each individual and clear outlining on human resource
practices enhances the working atmosphere of an organization. Clear understanding by
employees on these prospects helps in reducing organizational disputes, ascertaining their
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significant role in a company and thereby improves their efficiency. Thus managerial standards
have a direct influence of employee performance.
Performance management (PM) strategies of an organization: As PM strategy of a firm
involves various systematic approaches such as organizing training programs, implement
appreciations and rewarding systems, provide employee feedback, etc. it has an inevitable role
in influencing their performances. As Chandler (2016) opines, efficiency in PM motivates
employees in a firm and also assures their job security. Hence it reflects on their performance
Job satisfaction and commitment: Unsatisfactory working environment dissuades employees’
and thereby impacts on their performances. On the other hand as Danish and Usman (2010)
opines, increased job satisfaction among employees through effectual rewarding systems,
appraisal strategies, etc. retains them in an organization with increased loyalty and
commitment. Furthermore increased contentment and commitment persuades employees to
accomplish organizational objectives more efficiently. Hence achieving these elements helps
organization to improve employee performances, determines Boeri, Lucifora and Murphy
In addition to these factors, financial stability of an organization, resource management,
technology updating, work culture, etc. also has adequate influence on employee performance.
2.7 Impact of employee motivation on employee performance in UK banking industry
Increasing concern on employee welfare has persuaded most of the organizations in UK to
implement effectual motivational programs. Enhancement in employee appraisal systems,
rewarding policies, incentive schemes, etc. is some of the employee motivation techniques
adopted by UK banking organizations. According to Furness (2007) reports benefits and rewards
were the most widely used employee motivational strategies of UK banks. Rewards based on
the effectual customer service provided to Barclays staffs’ is a significant example (Patton,
2012). Work flexibility and satisfactory pay policy of Lloyds, reported by Furness (2007) also
signifies this fact. Despite of the declining figures in UK banking industry, BBC (2015)
reportedthat Lloyds has attained a profit rise in the third quarter of 2015. From the prior figures
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of £751m it has raised to £958m (BBC, 2015). As this signifies the effective outcome attained
through efficacious employee performance, it can be ascertained that employee motivation has
produced significant influence on their performances. On the other hand, adverse impacts of
demotivation on employee performance are clearly visible through the organizational scenario
of Barclays. Associated with the salary delay issues reported against Barclays in GhanaWeb
(2010), several performance dilemmas have also been reported against this company. 7% profit
decline reported by Bray (2016) and issues faced by customers reported by Bolton (2015)
includes the employee performance issues at Barclays. Thus it is evident that employee
motivation has a significant impact on employee performance in UK banking industry. This
association has also been established through prior studies. The impact employee motivation
produce on employee turnover has been studied by Kassa (2015). According to Jehanzeb, et al.
(2012) motivation in form of rewards and appreciations satisfies employee in any industry.
Influence of training on individual performance has also been established by Bhat (2013). Dobre
(2013) states the employee motivation improves an organizations overall performance. Thus
from these prior studies and examples of UK banking firms, it is evident that employee
motivation has a significant influence on employee performance.
2.8 Impact of literature review on the researcher
From various studies discussed in the literature review, the researcher understood that
employee motivation programmes plays a major role in enhancing employee performance in
UK banking sector and the reports of Furness (2007) on Lloyds bank in UK and GhanaWeb
(2010) report on Barclay’s bank also signifies the fact that employee motivation techniques has
important affect on employee performance in UK banking industry. Previous studies have
revealed that the motivational strategies adopted by organizations, both extrinsic and intrinsic,
have a leading role in enhancing employee performance and thereby organizational
performance (Cameroon, 2010; Pierce, 2012; Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford, 2014). However, there
has been not a detailed analysis on how these two variables; employee motivation and
performance impact each other particularly focusing on UK banking sector. These findings have
led the researcher to the development of a new research study ‘to analyse the impact of
employee’s motivation on employee’s performance’. However from previous studies (BBC,
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2015; GhanaWeb, 2010; Bolton, 2015), it is evident that employee motivation has significant
impact on employee performance in leading banks Lloyds and Barclays in UK. Though there
exist few studies and articles related to the effect of employee motivation on employee
performance in RBS, most of them not proved to be completely successful to effectively
understand the impact. In this context, the researcher intended to analyse the impact of
employee motivation on employee performance taking the case of RBS in UK.
2.9 Conceptual framework
Figure 2.2: Conceptual framework
Source: Created by author
The basic concept attained by researcher through literature studies is represented in above
conceptual diagram. As illustrated in figure above various employee motivation techniques in
an organization such as incentives, bonuses, appreciations, promotions, etc. increases job
satisfaction and commitment in employees. Enhancement in motivational techniques also
indicates the efficient PM strategies of an organization. As these constitute the significant
factors that affect employee performance, it can be established that employee motivation has a
direct association to employee performance at an organization. This relation comprehended by
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researcher from prior works is represented in the conceptual framework developed by
2.10 Summary
In this chapter the employee motivation and its affect on the performance of the employees
are mainly discussed. Earlier studies and literature works linked with the research topic are also
included in this chapter. The literature review also detailed the intrinsic and extrinsic factors of
motivations and also discussed the factors affecting the employee performances. Thus from the
study it can be concluded that employee motivation is directly proportional to the employee
performances and by providing the employees with proper motivation the performances of the
employees can highly be improved. On the basis of the existing literature a conceptual
framework has also been framed and the main themes discussed in the literature are included
in it.
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3.1 Introduction
This chapter explains the various research methods that have been used by the researcher to
carry out the researchstudy; techniques like research philosophy, research approach, research
strategy, data collection, and research design were used.The researcher has given clear
justifications for selecting the particular methods for the study and the research has also
interpreted various limitations and ethical issues faced in this study and explanation on how the
data will be evaluated.
3.2 Research philosophy
According to Creswell (2014) research philosophy is considered as the technique followed by
researchers to search out accurate solutions relating to their research questions designed for
the research study. Realism is termed as the supposition that can be done after evaluating the
practical study on the research topic whereas positivism is subject to objective analysis of the
collected data (Gray, 2014). Interpretivism philosophy is reliant up on the subjective
examination of the gathered data. Also, interpretivism philosophy permits for incorporating
humanistic insights and outlooks while gathering and analyzing relevant data for the research
studies (Gray, 2014).
Here, in this research, for carrying out the present study, the researcher has followed
interpretivism philosophy. This was on account of the accomplishment of the present study
through analyzing various aspects of the research issue from different angles. Thus with the
assistance of interpretivism philosophy, the researcher was capable of analyzing the data in a
subjective manner, through which the researcher integrated the individual outlooks,
observations and insights of the researcher along with that of the respondents’ as well as other
unit standpoints when analyzing the collected information. Moreover, this philosophy was
greatly helpful for the researcher in understanding the gathered data during analysis and
discussion phases. So, by following interpretivism philosophy, the researcher was able to
identify and realize various aspects of banking, which can influence customers of RBS, UK.
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3.3 Research approach
Research approach means the process that the researcher selects to successfully complete the
study with proper data collection and the analysis of the data as per Ekinci (2015). Inductive
approach depends on qualitative research studies and deductive depends on quantitative
research studies. The researcher at the beginning makes detailed view, assumption, hypotheses
and observations and later statements or examination are enhanced to normal models or
theories as observed by (Kanire, 2012). Hence in deductive approach helps in confirming the
data with which the researcher can come to a conclusion and the researcher can stick on to the
specific information from a huge assessable data with the help of this approach (Ekinci, 2015).
In this study the researcher has opted inductive approach because this method was very useful
for preparing individual assumptions for the researcher on the basis of issues in the initial stage
of the study. The other reason for choosing this approach is that it is linked with interpretivism
philosophy (Kanire, 2012), so by using this philosophy, the researcher could do the study in a
very flexible manner and presented inductive arguments in different stages of the study. With
the help of interpretivism approach, specific assumption and examination could be made.
Hence the researcher was able to understand the impact of performance and motivation of the
employees of Royal Bank of Scotland.
3.4 Research purpose
As per the findings of Creswell (2014) research purpose supports to approach the key goal of
the research and provides an evident explanation of research problem. Explanatory research
purpose determines about the connection between dependent as well as independent
variables (Corcoran and Secret, 2013). If the background knowledge is not known for a
researcher or having only primary idea regarding a topic, the researchers generally follow
exploratory research purpose as it assists in exploring the research topic. Descriptive research
purpose examines particular phenomenon in an elaborate way for exploring or describing the
research topic (Corcoran and Secret, 2013).
For this research study, the researcher has chosen exploratory research to successfully devise
an overall framework for deciding the perfect data gathering and analysingprocesses. Since the
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researcher had only fundamental views regarding the present research issue, exploratory
research design has assisted the researcher to investigate through the research area and
thereby, gather a large volume of information to understand the present study variables in
particular. Another benefit that the researcher could gain by employing exploratory research
design was the awareness about the different aspects of the research questions. Thus, they
have collected reliable information regarding employee performance and employee motivation
with respect to RBS, UK.
3.5 Research strategy
According to (Curtis and Curtis, 2011) research strategy is mentioned as the collection of
qualitative and quantitative data collected by the researcher to carry out the study in a well
organised way. There are three types of research strategy- interview, survey and case study
strategies. If the researcher has limitation in time and cost for the data gathering and if there is
large population involved in the study, then survey strategy is the best option (Yin, 2011). Case
study strategy can be put as an experimental inquiry that is centered on the real life conditions
that explores the question related to the research. In interview strategy there will be
conversation between the researcher and the respondent where there will be an exchange of
questions and idea interchange.
Hence in this study the researcher has used case studyand surveystrategies to evaluate the
question and the issues related to the research. As stated by Yin (2011) case study strategy can
be based on a specific topic for carrying out the study of an organisation. The advantage while
choosing this method was that the researcher could analyze various types of programs and
methods for enhancing the performance and motivation of the employees at RBS. Survey
strategy helped the researcher to find out the factors that lead to poor performance of the
employees and effectiveness of employee motivation techniques of RBS for enhancing
employee performance. By using these strategies, the researcher identified the issues
confronted by RBS in its existing motivational strategies and thereby able to suggest strategies
for improving employee performance.
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3.6 Data collection methods
With respect to the studies conducted by Walliman (2011) data collection method is the
procedures followed for collecting the essential amount of data needed for performing the
research study in a result oriented manner. Primary data is the information collected by the
researcher by openly interacting with the participants whereas secondary data is collected by
going through various internal as well as external sources such as books, publications, monthly
as well as annual sales reports of the company, magazines, articles, online websites etc
(Sekaran and Bougie, 2016). By means of the primary data collection methods, both the
qualitative and quantitative information can be collected by the researcher (Walliman,
2011). The information gathered from the third party is referred as secondary data and it is
primarily collected by going through various secondary sources. The information collected from
secondary sources is dependant up on the data available from external and internal sources.
To carry out the present study, the researcher has collected primary andsecondary data with
the support of primary and secondary data collection methods. In an effort to focus studies and
observations carried out on the present research topic, the researcher has relied upon several
secondary sources, available both internally and externally. Hence, by collecting secondary data
from the website of RBS, UK, and journals, articles, books, company reports etc. the researcher
was capable to gather adequate information about RBS related to its employee motivation
Case studies assisted the researcher in receiving and assessing data from various sources and
also in formulating theoretical basis that directs analysis and data discussion. The researcher
has collected data for the current study primarily from earlier studies and research works and
this has also assisted the researcher to set up a solid literature for the present study. Hence, the
researcher has accumulated data to understand employee performance and staff motivation in
terms of RBS, UK.
As part of the secondary data collection, the researcher has reviewed the internal publications,
its promotional materials and resources of the company to determine the effect of employee
performance and staff motivation over the altogether developments of the organization.
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For collecting primary data for the study, the researcher has conducted online survey with
employees of RBS. Through online survey, the researcher was able to gather quantitative data
required for the study. Through survey strategy, the researcher has collected information
regarding the efficacy of employee motivation strategies of RBS, main issues confronted by the
employees of the bank, role of employee motivation strategies for enhancing employee
performance level, etc.
3.7 Sample selection
Sample selection methods helps the researcher to carry out the study in a very effective
manner with in a limited time constrain as per Daniel (2012). In case study research, sample
selection method is mainly used for opting the number of cases selecting by the researcher in
the case study method.
Some generally opted sampling techniques are:
 Homogenous sampling: This method reflects on specific features related to research
issue for selecting the samples.
 Extreme case sampling: The cases that debate risky features of a phenomenon are
opted in this method.
 Criterion Sampling: This method, selection is done on the basis of cases predefined
 Convenience sampling: In this method the samples are opted in the basis of availability
of data.
The researcher has opted criterion sampling and convenience sampling methods for selecting
samples for the research. Through criterion sampling method the researcher selected the cases
that were related to actual aspects of the study. Besides researcher has revised the secondary
data for the study that was issued from 2009 onwards. This actually helped the researcher to
collected relevant data for the topic and selected 12 individual cases to gather data for
examining the research issues.
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By using convenience sampling method, the researcher has selected samples for conducting
survey. The researcher has send survey questionnaire to 25 employees of RBS through email
and 17 were responded to the questionnaire. Thus, the sample size chosen for carry out survey
was 17 employees of RBS. Even though the sample size selected for the study was lower than
the estimated sample size, selected sample size was adequate for gathering relevant primary
3.8 Data analysis plan
In an effort to analyze the information gathered through case study and survey strategies, the
researcher has employed descriptive analysis method for measuring both qualitative and
quantitative data which were collected by employing secondary data collection methods.
Through descriptive analysis, the researcher has made extensive descriptions for the gathered
secondary data, and in this manner, determined and grasped persistent themes and patterns in
the analyzed data. Primary data collected through survey strategy were analysed using tables,
graphs, etc. By cross examining the case study and survey findings, the researcher was able to
achieve the research objectives successfully.
3.9 Research limitations
There were limitations faced by the researcher during the study. One of them was the time
constraint to carry out the study. Another limitation was that many secondary data available
through online sources were not able to be accessed for the study as they were paid ones.
Selection of small sample size was another main constrain for the study and which enhanced
the chances of occurring sampling errors in the study.
3.10 Ethical issues
Keeping in mind the university guidelines the researcher has strictly evaded copying of contents
from the previous study and provided correct references for the revising secondary data. While
gathering information about RBS the researcher has taken official permission from the
company management for carrying out the research.
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3.11 Future scope for the study
For analysis the impact of the employee’s motivation on employee’s performance, the research
study was conducted at RBS, by the researcher. This research could be extended by including
primary data by opting interview and survey strategies to get more relevant data. Moreover,
considering more number of case studies to thoroughly investigate the issues comprise the
future scope of this study.
3.12 Summary
Here in this chapter, the researcher has assessed various research methodologies followed by
the researcher for gathering relevant data in order to resolve the research questions.
Furthermore, the researcher has given appropriate justifications for the chosen research
techniques. The researcher has adhered on interpretivism philosophy and carried out inductive
approach for analyzing the research variables. Furthermore, case study and survey strategies
were used for collecting data for the study. Research limitations as well as ethical issues were
also reconsidered by the researcher in this chapter.
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4.1 Introduction
The researcher through this chapter has collected both the primary and secondary information
related to employee motivation and employee performance in RBS. Both case study and survey
approach has been adopted for gathering accurate and reliable data necessary for attaining the
research objectives of the current study. In the first section of the study the researcher had
developed a detailed case study of RBS and the next section covers case study analysis by cross
examining the existing literature with the findings of the case study. Following section deals
with quantitative analysis. The researcher has conducted online survey with 17 employees of
RBS for collected quantitative data. Also the gaps identified through cross evaluating the
primary and secondary data are also discussed through this chapter.
4.2 Plan of Analysis
Researcher in the present research study has employed both survey and case study strategy for
collecting both the primary and secondary data related with the research topic. The researcher
has prepared the case study of RBS by reviewing various internal and external secondary
sources such as company websites, journals, online publications, company documents, financial
reports of the bank, sales and annual report etc. For representing the case analysis the
researcher has used graphs and charts. And tables, pie charts and bar charts are used by the
researcher for analyzing the quantitative data collected from 17 employees through online
survey. Both the qualitative and quantitative information collected will be analyzed with the
help of descriptive analysis method.
4.3 Case study of RBS, UK.
The Royal bank of Scotland which is abbreviated as RBS is one of the leading financial institution
providing banking facilities such as insurance, finance, wealth managements service etc. As per
the company reports (RBS, 2016) the firm employs more than 140000 employees and serves
more than 36 million customers across the world. The operations of RBS is diverse and thereby
possess solid customer base. It is vital for RBS to attract and retain talented employees for
proving quality full banking facilities to customers and for this the firm have been offering
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various rewards, training and developmental and motivational programs to employees. RBS
believes in the fact that, it is highly essential to promote positive working environment as
employee roles at the bank demand to work under pressure, meeting impending job changes,
achievement of specific job targets and deadlines, handling customer grievances etc.
4.3.1 To analyze various employee motivation techniques in the banking sector
For motivating and empowering employees, RBS offers various rewards, training,
developmental and motivational programs. RBS believes in the concept of ‘employees make it
happen’ and therefore for well promoting this concept, the firm offers various opportunities to
employees. By offering promotions and excellent training and developmental programs, the
firm emphasis on empowering employees and then recognize their achievement. The total
reward package of RBS is far worth than monetary benefits since it provides impeccable
motivation to employees that rejoice their personal as well as professional life (RBS Careers,
2016). The total reward package of RBS includes health and medical benefits, pension funding,
paid holidays, flexible benefits, confidential advice service, career developmental opportunities
etc. As mentioned by RBS (2016) apart from monetary offerings, the employees of RBS are
offered with an opportunity to make personal choice regarding job security and working hours.
With an option of buying or selling days, the employees of RBS are offered with a liberal holiday
allowances and this is restricted to between 25-30 days in case of full time staffs. At special
discount rates, RBS to its employees also provide financial products, such as mortgages,
currency exchange, personal loans and banking etc. Moreover, the employees of RBS are free
to select benefits offered by the firm such as child care facilities, discounted shopping vouchers,
life style benefits etc (RBS Careers, 2016). The payments and perks offered by RBS are highly
perfect when compared to other world class financial institutions. Therefore, the study of
Fletcher (2010) indicates that RBS offers competitive salary and payments to its employees
based on their performances.
It can be seen that the bank gives equal significance to training and development programs
also. It makes huge investments and also collaborates with prominent employee assistance
program (EAP’S) providers like Ceridian to retain and attract competitive talent. EAP solutions,
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innovative and that recognize inherent capabilities of employees are thus deployed by the bank
(RBS, 2015). As per the company report, bank could drive employee engagement to a satisfying
In addition to all these techniques, RBS attempts to optimize motivation levels so that their
employees present higher performance when compared to the industry. In pursuit of this, the
bank implements equality and improvise gender balance by executing training programs like
RBS Focused Women’s Network (FWN). Lack of discrimination and the genuineness of
organization towards these approaches pave solid basis for motivation. As per the report
presented by Gov. UK (2013) FWN has driven confidence level of RBS employees by helping
them to attain skills like leadership and networking. This has also proved to be successful in
making them create personal brands and to fit in to flexible working conditions. With these
skills, employees could enhance their visibility to senior leaders by presenting higher
The employee motivation strategies adopted by RBS has benefitted the employees in personal
as well as financial ways. Also, this has enabled RBS to enhance performance level of employees
and to attract more number of customers towards the organization.
4.3.2 To critically assess the impact of employee motivation programs of RBS on its
employees’ performance
Glassdoor (2012) reports indicate that although RBS has an effectual salary and incentive
scheme, the improper work scheduling has been a serious issue within this organization.
Irregular and unbalanced working time has dissuaded most of the employees at this firm and
this is a clear indication of RBS’s ineffectiveness in its employee motivational strategies. Wilson
(2014) reports on the cancellation of employee benefits of 20,000 branch staff’s is also a
significant notation of RBS’s ineffective employee motivation.
Another recent act by the bank that questioned the claim of genuineness is the changes
brought in to the payroll schemes. As per the new stance, employees are enforced to pay an
additional percentage from their salary towards ‘Defined benefit pension scheme’. This has
stretched the financial burden of the employees and as a result, family budget plans have been
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disrupted (Denton, 2016). This questions the banks’ credentials on satisfying basic needs of
employees with salary and incentives.
Furness (2012) reports technical glitches are usual indicating development programs that target
technological up gradation of RBS employees are ineffectual. The industry demands
competitive skills to meet new demands. Hence improper attention to this segment can bring
negative outcomes with regard to performance level of employees. As reported in Telegraph
(2010) bank also show discrimination based on gender and personal preferences. This has
impacted the interpersonal relationship between employees and the bank. One such instance is
that of a female employee who has got fired out from the job after a considerable duration of
bullying and tracking her phone calls. The reason behind this, as revealed by the employee is
the announcement of her pregnancy. All these indicate the ineffectual behavior of the bank
towards its employees which has brought the motivation levels down. Indeed reviews support
this by exposing the stressful working condition in the bank and the lack of recognition in line
with the employee performance (Indeed, 2016).
Associated with these ineffectual company strategies, decline in employee retention has been
reflected in company figures (Figure 4.1).
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Figure 4.1: Number of employees at RBS from 2012 to 2014
Source: Statista (2016)
The figure clearly depicts that the EAP programmes and tangible rewards offered by the bank
has not been effective in retaining the talent. Hence it is essential to review motivational
strategies of RBS. Especially, the programs should emphasize satisfaction of employee needs so
that they can present a higher level of performance.
4.4 Case study analysis
This section examines degree of consensus with the findings from case study and theoretical
background. In pursuit of raising motivation levels of its employees, RBS has an exemplary array
of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards as revealed by the case study. Financial basis of employees is
strengthened by offering diverse schemes of incentives and monetary choices. To extend the
concern, bank has also incorporated additional benefits. Holiday allowances, provisions for
availing facility for currency exchanges, mortgages, and child care facilities have also driven the
elements of motivation. In reference to RBS (2015) and RBS careers (2016) it could be
interpreted that the bank has been executing measures to improve the rate of employee
The observations from the Literature review also present strong evidences in analyzing the link
between financial rewards and motivation (Pierce, 2012). Empirical studies have clearly shown
that employees can be motivated by fulfilling their financial needs. At the same time, it has
proved by the findings from both methods that financial benefits alone can’t optimize
motivation. It is essential to consider other dimensions of employee needs other than financial
aspects. The studies facilitated by Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford (2014) has enabled the researcher
in recognizing and appreciating the strategies employed by the firm in motivating its
employees, it paves strong elements of motivation and thereby engagement. RBS has also
worked towards attaining this goal and has offered varying kind of incentives and bonuses.
The researcher identified that the theoretical model, Herzberg’s two-factor theory utilized to
evaluate the factors that impact employee motivation, underscored the need for taking a
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holistic approach. In accordance to the study of Dartey-Baah and Amoako (2011) the researcher
comprehended that than relying on the financial rewards, it is incremental to consider overall
development of the individual; both financial and personal. In line to this, findings from the
study of Cameroon (2010) ascertain that company should ensure the implementation of a set of
features like job and financial security, status and the provision of growth and promotions. As
per the case study, RBS has identified these inevitable factors and has acted accordingly. The
managerial standards set by the firm are in accordance with the criteria required for raising
employee performance.
Another important factor that impacts the motivation is the training and development
programs. This enables an individual to grow by providing adequate technical and emotional
support. Acquirement of skills is directly proportional to motivation as per the theoretical
findings. The researcher also realizes from the study facilitated in RBS (2015) that the bank has
high end Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) through which the competitiveness has been
enhanced to fulfill the current demands of the industry.
Further the bank has also attempted to augment leadership and networking skills of the
employees through programs like Focused Women’s Network (FWN). This has made the RBS
employees highly competitive which shows implementation of equality can also nurture the
motivational elements. Analyses from the studies of Gov. UK (2013) that enhanced the case
study signify that all these have helped the bank immensely in raising the motivation level of its
However, the researcher identified that the study of Pinder (2014) in the literature review that
the working condition is not pivotal in raising motivation. But case study shows disruption of
motivation by the lack of a favorable environment. The increased stress due to hectic working
schedules deployed by the bank has de-motivated RBS employees highly. It has also reduced
their performance levels and commitment. Case study also shows that the ineffectiveness of
these strategies has impacted employees negatively by disrupting motivation. All these indicate
that strong relationship exist between motivation and employee performance. Thus it can be
contended from the analysis that, to raise performance, the bank should link motivation to it by
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using appropriate strategies that consider psychological, financial and personal needs of the
4.5 Quantitative analysis
For collecting quantitative data for the study, the researcher has conducted online survey with
17 employees of RBS. The main findings obtained through employee survey are discussed
through this segment of the chapter.
1. Age
Pie chart 4.1: Age of the participants
Source: Created by the author
The survey findings revealed that, most of the employees of RBS who participated in survey
belonged to 25 to 40 age category (47.06%). Thus it can be inferred that, majority of RBS
employees who were willing to take part in the survey strategy were youngsters and this
signifies their increased willingness to share their outlook on RBS’s employee motivation
Under 25 years
25-40 years
41-55 years
Above 55 years
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2. Gender
Pie chart 4.2: Gender of the participants
Source: Created by the author
It was understood from the survey analysis that, comparatively more number of staffs of RBS
who were willing to share their opinion through survey strategy were male. Though 58.82% of
the participants constituted male category considerable figures on female representation was
also observed in the survey results.Thus it can be inferred that both gender groups were equally
willing to share their opinion on the influence they experience in their performance due to
RBS’s motivation techniques.
3. How long have you been working in RBS?
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Pie chart 4.3: Working experience of employees of RBS
Source: Created by the author
From the survey analysis, it was identified that, most of the employees of RBS were working in
the bank for 3 to 6 years. This indicates that, employees of RBS have considerably high loyalty
towards the bank. So, it can be inferred that, motivational strategies of RBA was effective for
retaining staffs in the company. However, in the case study of RBS, Statista (2016) reported
that, number of employees at RBS during 2012-14 periods shows a declining trend. Improper
employee motivation strategy was the main reason for the reduction in number of employees
in RBS. The contradiction between the survey and case study findings indicate the gap in the
4. Rate the following aspects of RBS in terms of their impact on your motivation in working
in the company? (Scale of 1-5 where 1= Very high and 5= Very low).
1 2 3 4 5
Rewards 8 3 1 3 2
Working experinece
Less than 1 year
1-3 years
3-6 years
More than 6 years
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10 3 1 2 1
Recognition and
5 7 2 2 1
Work atmosphere 1 2 8 4 2
Training and
8 3 2 3 1
Communication with
1 2 8 4 2
2 10 1 2 2
Table 4.1: Impact of the elements of RBS on employee motivation
Source: Created by the author
Bar chart 4.1: Impact of the elements of RBS on employee motivation
1 2
1 2
2 2
2 1 1 2 1 2 2
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Source: Created by the author
From the survey analysis, researcher understood that, growth opportunities, training and
development programs and rewards provided by RBS were highly effective for motivating the
employees of RBS. Recognition and appreciation and employee empowerment were also
motivated RBS staffs. In the case study, RBS Careers (2016) and RBS (2016) also mentioned
about the efficacy of these programs for motivating staffs of RBS.
It was also found that, working atmosphere of RBS was ineffective for enhancing employee
motivation. However, in the case study, RBS(2016) mentioned that, RBS promoted positive
working environment for motivating employees and thereby to improve the efficacy of
employee performance. The disagreement between the case study and survey results indicate
the gap in the study.
5. Rate the following employee motivation programs of RBS on a scale of 1-5 where 1=
Very good and 5= Very bad.
motivation programs
of RBS
1 2 3 4 5
Total Rewards
9 3 1 2 2
Your Time
7 3 1 3 3
Flexible working
1 2 8 5 1
Result based
3 8 1 3 2
7 3 2 2 3
Table 4.2: Effectiveness of employee motivation programs of RBS
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Source: Created by the author
Bar chart 4.2: Effectiveness of employee motivation programs of RBS
Source: Created by the author
From the quantitative analysis, it was understood that, Total Rewards package, Your Time
Programme, Result based payments and Non-financial rewards were the most effective
employee motivation programs. In the case study of RBS, RBS Careers (2016), RBS (2016),
Fletcher (2010) and RBS (2015) also reported about these effective motivation programs of RBS.
So, there exists a similarity between case study and survey findings.
It was also identified that, Flexible working arrangements offered by RBS was not much
effective for motivating employees. However, in the case study, RBS Careers (2016) and Gov.
UK (2013) reports that, RBS implement many flexible working arrangements for motivating
employees and which positively influences employee performance. The disagreement between
both findings revealed the gap in the study.
6. How do you rate the overall level of motivation in RBS?
5 3
Total Rewards
Your Time
Flexible working
Result based
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Pie chart 4.4: Overall level of employee motivation in RBS
Source: Created by the author
From the survey analysis, it was noted that, majority of the employees ranked overall level of
motivation in RBS as good. So, it can be inferred that, RBS’s motivation strategies were effective
for boosting employee motivation level. But, Glassdoor (2012) and Wilson (2014) were
criticized the ineffectiveness of employee motivation programs and its adverse effect on
employee performance. So, there exists as gap between case study and survey results.
7. Rate the following factors in terms of their impact on your job performance in RBS?
(Scale of 1-5 where 1= Very high and 5= Very low).
1 2 3 4 5
Technology 8 2 1 3 3
1 2 9 2 3
Work culture 7 3 1 4 2
Performance 3 8 1 3 2
Overall level of motivation in RBS
Very good
Quite good
Not good enough
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management system
1 2 7 3 4
Table 4.3: Factors influencing employee job performance in RBS
Source: Created by the author
Bar chart 4.3: Factors influencing employee job performance in RBS
Source: Created by the author
By this question researcher focused in analyzing the factors that impacted on their performance
at RBS. As illustrated in pie chart above, it was identified from the survey analysis that,
technology, work culture and performance management system were the major factors
influencing the job performance of employees in RBS. The highest employee support was
provided for the technology element and RBS work culture. This signifies the efficiency of RBS is
achieving success in these components and hence supports the company strategies defined in
RBS (2015). Also the Gov. UK (2013) reports on efficient work culture provided in RBS with
reduced discriminations and improved flexibility is also supported by this survey results. Further
these results are also inline to the literature works ofBoeri, Lucifora and Murphy (2013) who
2 4
3 3
2 2
Technology Managerial
Work culture Performance
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had recognized the influence of performance management systems, work culture, etc. on an
employee’s performance. However the rating provided for managerial standards and resource
management was comparatively low. Thus evaluating the RBS employees’ outlooks on these
factors it was observed that these components were not much effective for improving their job
8. How satisfied are you with your job in RBS?
Pie chart 4.5: Employee job satisfaction
Source: Created by the author
The above pie chart highlighted that, most of RBS employees were moderately satisfied with
their current job. This indicates that, RBS is able to motivate its employees through its
motivation strategies. In the case study, RBS (2016) and Fletcher (2010) also agreed that,
motivational strategies of RBS were effective for enhancing employee job satisfaction.
Increasing the efficiency of strategies further would avail RBS in gaining more satisfied
employees than the current ratio. This would also facilitate RBS in reducing employee turnover.
9. How likely are you to switch jobs if a good offer comes from another company?
Employee job satisfaction
Highly satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Less satisfied
Not at all satisfied
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Pie chart 4.6: Readiness to switchover
Source: Created by the author
Majority of the employees participated in the survey reported that, they were somewhat likely
to switch job if a good offer comes from another company. So, it can be inferred that,
employees are interested to work in the organization with more benefits and amenities. The
case study RBS states that the inefficiency of executing the strategies within the organization
has de-motivated employees due to increased stress and work pressure. In line to these factors
employees of RBS tend to switch to jobs that provide more benefits than RBS.
10. How do you think RBS can improve motivation levels in the company?
Readinessto switchover
Highly likely
Somewhat likely
Not liekly
Not at all likely
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Pie chart 4.7: Suggestions for improving motivation level in RBS
Source: Created by the author
It was identified from the above pie chart that, improvement in flexible working arrangements
will be helpful for RBS to improve employee motivation level. Improvement in rewards and
bonuses and training and development programs will also aid to enhance employee motivation
level. In line to the case study findings on the basis of increased work pressure and stress, the
survey results points that flexible working hours is highly recommended by employees in
improving the level of employee motivation.
4.6 Identifying gaps
Case study findings revealed that, employee turnover rate in RBS during 2012-2014 period
shows an increasing trend (Statista, 2016). However, from the survey analysis, it was identified
that, majority of the employees were working in the company for 3 to 6 years. This indicates
the increased employee loyalty towards the company. So, there exists a gap between both
Suggestions for improving motivation level
Improve rewards and bonuses
Flexible working arrangments
Improve training and
development programs
Prioritizing internal promotion
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Employee participated in the survey ranked the working atmosphere of RBS as ineffective for
motivating employees. Contradicting the survey findings, RBS (2016) reported in the case study
that, RBS provide higher importance to maintain positive working environment in the company
for motivating employees for enhancing their job performance. The dissimilarities between
case study and survey results revealed gap in the research findings.
In the case study, RBS Careers (2016) and Gov. UK (2013) mentioned that, RBS offers flexible
working arrangements for encouraging employees and which positively influenced employee
performance. Contradicting the case study results, survey findings revealed that, flexible
working arrangements of RBS were ineffective for motivating employees. So there exists a gap
between both results.
In case study, Glassdoor (2012) and Wilson (2014) reported that, improper motivations strategy
enhanced employee job dissatisfaction and which enhanced employee turnover rate in the
company. However, majority of the employees participated in the survey were ranked overall
level of motivation in RBS as good. Thus the researcher identified a gap between survey and
case study findings.
4.7 Summary
This chapter of the study analysed the collected primary and secondary data using descriptive
analysis method. Case study of RBS and analysis of case study findings were discussed in the
first section of the chapter. In the following section, the researcher analysed the quantitative
information collected through employee online survey. The gaps identified between the
primary and secondary data were also covered in this chapter.
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5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the researcher approaches the conclusion part in accordance with the research
findings. He also analyzes the outcome of the research together with the limitations of the
study. Besides, some proper suggestions are also given to RBS, UK for the betterment of the
organizational culture, which in turn results enhanced employee engagement. The research
work has also offered satisfactory proposals to the new generation researchers, for improving
the brilliance of the future researches.
5.2 Conclusions
In this section, researcher discusses the accomplishment of the objectives in detail.
Objective 1: To assess different factors that influence employee motivation
Different studies have been investigated in pursuit of attaining this objective and this has been
identified that both financial and non-financial benefits serve as motivational factors and it can
be described under intrinsic (non-financial- recognition, growth etc) and extrinsic
rewards(financial-incentives, salary, fringe benefits, etc.). Analyzing the significance of these
factors with reference to the Herzberg’s two-factor theory researcher interpreted that presence
of intrinsic and extrinsic factors motivates the employees at an organization. Evaluating the
organizational scenario of RBS also helped researcher in assessing the factors that impacts
employee motivation. With reference to the case study and survey results researcher identified
that financial and non-financial securities provided by RBS such as its Total reward package,
EAP, FWN initiatives, etc. played a significant role in comprising the factors that influenced
employee motivation (RBS, 2015). Statistical data also proved that in order to influence the
motivation, company should satisfy the psychological, financial and personal needs. Thus it can
be inferred that researcher could successfully attain the first objective.
Objective 2:To critically assess the impact of employee motivation programs of RBS on its
employees’ performance
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Evaluating the strategies of RBS it is was inferred that in the initial stages the company was able
to enhance its employee performances by providing adequate motivating elements. Through
financial and nonfinancial support and by means of reward packages, ‘your time’ program, etc.
RBS has been able to drive its employee performances (RBS, 2015; RBS Careers, 2016). Survey
inferences also provided researcher supporting results. Extension of the company strategies
through FWN and EAP plans also signified this fact. However evaluating the recent reports on
company strategies researcher observed that RBS has been impartial in its rewarding strategies
in recent decades. Evaluating the company strategies, standards and policies researcher
identifies that RBS has not been able to achieve these managerial standard successfully which
has also negatively reflected through their performances. Recent reports in Statista (2016) also
helped researcher to identify that these favoritisms and its impacts such as declined employee-
management relationships, reduced employee engagements, etc. Further researcher also
identified that company has not been effective in providing work life balance and integrated
flexible working conditions. The survey data also supported the researcher’s inferences and also
showed the lack of genuine communication between bank authority and employees. All these
gave strong evidences for the relationship between motivation and employees of the bank and
hence the second objective to assess the association between employee motivation and
employee performance was effectually achieved through this work.
Objective 3: To provide recommendations to RBS to amend its employee motivation programs
By analyzing case study and the empirical estimates from the survey and cross checking it with
theoretical models on motivation and employee performance, researcher identified that the
company needs to review its motivational techniques to augment employee performance and
to excel in the banking regime. The main issues associated with the programs are identified as
lack of flexible working arrangements and the communication gap between employees and
management. Thus in the light of these findings researcher provides recommendations to RBS
to improvise its employee performance and these suggestions framed by researcher are
discussed in following sections.
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5.3 Evaluation of results
Case study illustrated how bank strive to optimise the performance of its employees by offering
various motivational programs. The holistic motivational approach taken by the bank has been
helpful in covering the personal and financial needs. This has boosted RBS employees to deliver
superior quality performance. These findings are in consensus with the literature review
estimates which ascertain the need for satisfying financial and non-financial needs to make the
employees motivated and engaged. The company’s concern for its employees is evident in the
programmes like EAP, Your Time, FWN etc. The diverse array of benefits deployed by the bank
underscore the significance of this. However, it can also be found out from case study and
survey result that company has not been effectual in certain segments of motivational
strategies. Though company claims good managerial standards regarding motivation strategies,
findings reveal that company has failed to maintain open communication, equality and also
were weak in assessing the growth needs. This has diluted the strength of their relation and has
also deprived motivation from them. Statistical figures and findings depict the decline of
performance level also. Thus it can be inferred from the study that appropriate motivational
strategies should be deployed by an organisation to drive performance,
5.4 Recommendations
One of the main objectives of the study was to provide recommendations to RBS to amend its
employee motivation programs. The researcher provide following recommendations:
 Improve flexible working arrangements
Case study findings revealed that, majority of the employees were not satisfied with the flexible
working arrangements offered by RBS. By implementing effective flexible working practices,
RBS can aid the employees to achieve work- life balance and which will motivate the staffs and
improve their loyalty towards the organization. RBS could introduce shift works where
employees could choose the shift timings as they desire. Employees could also be motivated in
facilitating job sharing such that a single task could be shared among more than one employee
and thus, employee tension and stress could be handled efficiently.
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 Offer more rewards and bonuses
Rewards and bonuses have important role in influencing the performance of employees. By
offering more monetary and non- monetary rewards and bonuses, RBS can motivate and
encourage its employees and which will positively influence the employee performance. RBS
could offer employees with appraisals for those employees who successfully accomplish tasks
efficiently. Bonuses could be given to employees in acknowledging the hardships and efforts
put forth by the employees.
 Implement more training and development programs
Effective training and development programs improve the skills and capabilities of the
employees and which improve employee productivity. Thus, RBS need to implement more
effective training and development programs for enhancing the job performance of the
employees and to aid the employees to work under pressure situations. Systematic and regular
appraisal strategies and organizing training programs according to the skill enhancements
necessitated by employees will help RBS to motivate them and improve their performances.
Furthermore including personal development training in addition to technical workshops will
also help RBS to effectually motivate its employees and thereby nurture them to offer best
customer services.
 Improve performance management system
RBS need to implement effective performance management system to monitor, assess and
assist the employee performance. This will be beneficial for the company to understand the
capabilities of the employees and faults in their employee motivation strategies. RBS can
improve its strategies by collecting feedbacks from the employees. Implementing the most
effectual appraisal techniques such as 360 degree feedbacks regularly will also improve the
employee performances. Thus improvising the performance management approaches RBS will
be able to motivate its workforce and thereby impact on their productivity.
 Balanced working time
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From the case study, it was identified that, unbalanced and irregular working time demotivate
employees and which negatively affected employee performance. By balancing the working
hours, employees can manage their work and personal life effectively and which will enhance
employee job satisfaction. Thus implementing strategies such as part-time jobs, job sharing,
flexible working hours, etc. will enable RBS to effectually motivate its employees.
5.5 Limitations of the research
The foremost limitation of the research was the single case study that followed by the
researcher and hence, the extent of the study was very much limited to the case of RBS, UK
only. As it is a cost and time consuming effort, the researcher had to rely on very limited
number of cases, and hence the quality of the information collected was underrated.
Another limitation of the research was the survey which carried out only on meager number of
employees of the organisation. Due to this, the researcher was failed to collect adequate
believable opinions as required by the organizational research. So, he has not succeeded in
formulating a reliable overview about the RBS, UK.
5.6 Recommendations for future researchers
Due to the limitations of the case study research strategy, it has prompted future researchers
to follow other reliable strategies for improving the genuineness of the study. It also suggests
more sample size for getting reliable data, and more cases of different organizations for
generating a general impression over the research.
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To analyse the impact of employee’s motivation on employee’s performance case study of royal bank of scotland

  • 1. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at TO ANALYSE THE IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE’S MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE’S PERFORMANCE: CASE STUDY OF ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND
  • 2. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at ABSTRACT Efficiency of employees performance have vital role in influencing the organizational performance. Thus most of the firms now adopt employee motivation techniques for improving employee performance. So, the study analyzed the impact of employee motivation on employee performance by taking the case of RBS, UK. RBS is a leading financial institution offering variety of banking facilities like insurance, finance, wealth management service,etc.RBS has provides higher importance for motivating its employees for enhancing employee performance level and thereby organizational performance. However, over work pressure and irregular and unbalanced working time created issues in the bank and which adversely affected the employee performance. Thus the study focused on the efficacy of employee motivation strategies of RBS for enhancing employee performance. Interpretivism philosophy, inductive approach, exploratory research design, criterion sampling and convenience sampling methods were used by the researcher for undertaking the study. Secondary data for the study were collected by reviewing various books, annual reports of RBS, journals, etc. Case study strategy was used for assessing the efficacy of employee motivation strategy of RBS. By surveying 17 employees of RBS, researcher collected quantitative data for the study. Descriptive analysis method was utilized for analyzing the collected information. It was identified from the collected data that, RBS has implemented various employee motivation strategies like training and developmental programs, rewards and bonuses, health and medical benefits, pension funding, paid holidays, flexible benefits, confidential advice service and career developmental opportunities, etc for motivating employees and which positively influenced employee performance. However, long working hours, over work pressure, improper flexible working arrangements, etc created employee job dissatisfaction. Improvement in performance management system and flexible working arrangements were suggested for RBS to motivate its employees.
  • 3. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Table of Contents ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................ 2 LIST OF FIGUERS AND CHARTS........................................................................................................ 6 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Research background............................................................................................................ 7 1.3 Rationale................................................................................................................................ 8 1.4 Research Aim......................................................................................................................... 9 1.5 Research Objectives.............................................................................................................. 9 1.6 Research Questions............................................................................................................... 9 1.7 Research purpose and significance....................................................................................... 9 1.8 Research methodology ....................................................................................................... 10 1.9 Research limitations............................................................................................................ 10 1.10 Structure of the dissertation............................................................................................. 11 1.11 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 11 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................. 12 2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 12 2.2 Employee motivation .......................................................................................................... 12 2.3 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation........................................................................................ 12 2.4 Herzberg’s two-factor theory on employee motivation..................................................... 14 2.5 Employee performance....................................................................................................... 16 2.6 Factors affecting employee performance........................................................................... 16 2.7 Impact of employee motivation on employee performance in UK banking industry ........ 17 2.8 Impact of literature review on the researcher.................................................................... 18 2.9 Conceptual framework........................................................................................................ 19 2.10 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 20 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY................................................................. 21 3.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 21 3.2 Research philosophy ........................................................................................................... 21
  • 4. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at 3.3 Research approach.............................................................................................................. 22 3.4 Research purpose................................................................................................................ 22 3.5 Research strategy................................................................................................................ 23 3.6 Data collection methods ..................................................................................................... 24 3.7 Sample selection ................................................................................................................. 25 3.8 Data analysis plan................................................................................................................ 26 3.9 Research limitations............................................................................................................ 26 3.10 Ethical issues ..................................................................................................................... 26 3.11 Future scope for the study................................................................................................ 27 3.12 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 27 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ...................................................................... 28 4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 28 4.2 Plan of Analysis.................................................................................................................... 28 4.3 Case study of RBS, UK.......................................................................................................... 28 4.3.1 To analyze various employee motivation techniques in the banking sector ............... 29 4.3.2 To critically assess the impact of employee motivation programs of RBS on its employees’ performance....................................................................................................... 30 4.4 Case study analysis.............................................................................................................. 32 4.5 Quantitative analysis........................................................................................................... 34 4.6 Identifying gaps................................................................................................................... 44 4.7 Summary ............................................................................................................................. 45 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................... 46 5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 46 5.2 Conclusions.......................................................................................................................... 46 5.3 Evaluation of results............................................................................................................ 48 5.4 Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 48 5.5 Limitations of the research ................................................................................................. 50 5.6 Recommendations for future researchers .......................................................................... 50 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................. 51 APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................................... 57
  • 5. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at
  • 6. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at LIST OF FIGUERS AND CHARTS List of figures Figure 2.1: Herzberg’s two-factor theory …………………………………………………..15 Figure 2.2: Conceptual framework ………………………………………………………….19 Figure 4.1: Number of employees at RBS from 2012 to 2014 …………………………...32 List of pie charts Pie chart 4.1: Age of the participants ………………………………………………….……34 Pie chart 4.2: Gender of the participants …………………………………………….……..35 Pie chart 4.3: Working experience of employees of RBS ………………………………...36 Pie chart 4.4: Overall level of employee motivation in RBS ………………………….…..40 Pie chart 4.5: Employee job satisfaction ……………………………………………………42 Pie chart 4.6: Readiness to switchover …………………………………………………….43 Pie chart 4.7: Suggestions for improving motivation level in RBS……………………….44 List of tables Table 4.1: Impact of the elements of RBS on employee motivation …………………….37 Table 4.2: Effectiveness of employee motivation programs of RBS …………………….38 Table 4.3: Factors influencing employee job performance in RBS ……………………...41 List of bar charts Bar chart 4.1: Impact of the elements of RBS on employee motivation ………………...37 Bar chart 4.2: Effectiveness of employee motivation programs of RBS ………………..39 Bar chart 4.3: Factors influencing employee job performance in RBS ………………….41
  • 7. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction The importance of various key elements of the research is analyzed by the researcher in this chapter. Through the development of the background research the researcher analyses the employee’s motivation and its impact on employee’s performance. Further the chapter will also outline the aims and objectives of the study in brief. 1.2 Research background In the current competitive and volatile banking industry, it is necessary to optimize employee performance to enjoy success. Study by Mowday, Porter and Steers (2013) reflect that assessing and optimizing performance level of employees is critical to retain competitive status. Many studies explicitly show that recognition and empowerment motivates employees and thereby raises their performance level. Nevertheless, a factor that increases the stress and disrupts the workplace harmony has been identified as causal in accumulating employee dissatisfactions and thereby, organizational performance is also weakened. This has directed the adoption of different motivation techniques by organizations (Pinder, 2014). Manzoor (2012) elucidate motivation as an effective technique that triggers positive behaviors of employees in relation to performance and also serves as a stimulus to drive engagement with an organization. As referred by Muogbo (2013) it is an incessant internal drive to achieve a certain goal. By effectively raising motivation, employee absenteeism and turnover can also be reduced significantly. As found out by Pinder (2014), a motivated employee directs his efforts in alignment with company goals and hence attributes to the success of an organization. However as argued by Minor (2014) the effectiveness of motivational programs vary with different factors and hence it is highly crucial to identify these dimensions while devising and implementing these programs. Furthermore, the needs of each employee differ and therefore the assessment of this difference is also required. To attain detail knowledge regarding this context, researcher considers the organizational milieu of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) in this investigation.
  • 8. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Being one among the four leading banking organizations in UK, RBS is expected to have highly efficient employee motivational strategies so that positive results will be reflected through its employee performances. Although Glassdoor (2016) employee reviews and reports in Financial Times by Goff, Murphy and Parker (2012) states that RBS has an efficient employee motivation through its benefits and salary schemes, some reports contrasts these views (Butcher, 2016). Hence, this research investigates the issues confronted by RBS in its employee motivation and determines its impacts on company’s employee performances. 1.3 Rationale As determined by Manzoor (2012) and Pinder (2014), employee motivation has a direct influence on persuading working attitudes and behavior of employees. Hence, implementing appealing and satisfactory employee motivations gains adequate significance in attaining improved employee performances. It has also been proved that employees with optimal performance are one of the major competitive resources in any kind of industry and hence pivotal in determining the company success (Miner, 2015; Mowday, Porter and Steers, 2013). Despite being the leading banking firm in UK, various controversies have been raised associated with the employee motivation techniques provided by RBS. According to the reports of Butcher (2016), RBS has comparatively a lower pay scheme that dissuades and demotivates its employees. However, some employees has the opinion that salary policies of RBS is satisfactory, but unbalanced work schedules and irregular timings at RBS has demotivated them (Glassdoor, 2012). Decision making issues at this organization reported by Treanor and Bowers (2011) and further Wilson (2012) reports on inadequate bonuses provided by RBS indicates the ineffectiveness of these organizations’ employee motivational strategies. Supporting the investigating relationship various reports indicates that RBS experienced declining employee performance that signifies the ineffectual employee motivation at this firm. Declining number of employees working at RBS from 2012 to 2014, reported by Statista (2016) is a clear indication of this fact. Continuous reporting on company loss and the reports of Shehmir (2016) on the $2.76 billion annual loss indicates adverse results attained due to the deprived employee performance at this firm. Thus through this investigation researcher intends to examine the impacts employee motivation produce on employee performance and in light of
  • 9. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at this knowledge researcher will examine this relationship with regards to the organizational scenario at RBS. 1.4 Research Aim This research aims to assess the role of employee motivation in facilitating the employee performance considering the case of Royal Bank of Scotland, UK 1.5 Research Objectives  To assess different factors that influence employee motivation  To critically assess the impact of employee motivation programs of RBS on its employees’ performance  To provide recommendations to RBS to amend its employee motivation programs 1.6 Research Questions 1. What are the different motivation techniques adopted by the bankingindustry to enhance performance level of employees? 2. How do different motivation techniques influence employee performance? 3. How significant are the motivation techniques of RBS in strengthening their employee performance? 4. What are the main issues that impact the effectiveness of employee motivation programs? 5. What can be done to improve the employee motivation programs of RBS? 1.7 Research purpose and significance The main research purpose of the current study is to analyse the impact of employee’s motivation in relation to employee’s performance in the organization. As identified in various studies employee motivation is crucial in improving the employee performance in an organization. There has not been a detailed analysis on how these two aspects impact each other (Muogbo, 2013). Hence by analyzing in depth on this topic the study will demonstrate the impact of these two factors by considering the case of RBS by providing the sufficient empirical
  • 10. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at evidences. The study will also lay as a guide for the improving the motivation techniques in the banking sector. 1.8 Research methodology Since case study and survey are the main strategy used in this study, the study will be descriptive and utilize inductive philosophy. In order to accomplish the study and meet its objectives, case study of RBS and online survey with employees of RBS will be carried out by the researcher. Further the researcher will utilize the secondary resources like books, journals, articles, etc for collecting secondary information for the study. 1.9 Research limitations The researcher will not be able to conduct interview with managers of RBS and thus it will create difficulty for the researcher for understanding the main employee motivation strategies adopted by the bank. Also using a single case study in the research will affect the scope of the research. Usage of descriptive analysis method will also create issue for the researcher to effectively analyse the collected information.
  • 11. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at 1.10 Structure of the dissertation 1.11 Summary This chapter has enabled the researcher to identify the aims, questions and objectives of the study and also to draw out a significant understanding on the research background, rationale and significance of the research. Chapter 1 •Introduction •Develops the background , rationale, objectives,research aim and research questions Chapter 2 •Literature review •Evaluates the previous studies and researches associated with the research issue and develop a conceptualframework for the study Chapter 3 •Research design and methodology •Discusses different research methods and techniqueswith rationale Chapter 4 •Data analysis and interpretation •Dta gathered using various research methods are analysed and interpreted through this chapter Chapter 5 •Conclusion and Recommendations •Based on the research findings, resaercher draws major conclusions here and also imparts recommendations
  • 12. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter discusses about employee motivation in relation to employee performance in the banking sector. Through this chapter the researcher also discusses about the research variables that are associated with the study by using the literature cases. Employee motivation and employee performance are the research variables of the current study. Furthermore, the researcher will be using the research findings derived from the literature review for critically analyzing the impact of employee motivation on employee performance. Finally, the researcher frames a conceptual framework after evaluating the research findings obtained from the literature review. 2.2 Employee motivation According to the study of Griffin and Moorhead (2014) employee motivation is referred to the creativity, commitment and energy level of employees working in an organization. An organization adopts different techniques to motivate the employees for improving the economy and performance of the organization. Life insurance, stock ownership plans, health care, child care availability, company cars, etc are some of the benefits provided by organizations for motivating its employees. Different motivation methods are implemented by corporate organization to motivate and retain the skilful employees. Reward system and flexibility in job design are the major motivators used by organizations for improving employee productivity and longevity of employees with the organization (Griffin, 2013). Employee empowerment can be enhanced by giving the employees the opportunity to take part in decision-making process and this would increase the commitment of employees towards the company. 2.3 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation Motivation is highly stimulated by the extrinsic and intrinsic factors and these factors have a leading role in improving the employee performances. In the opinion of Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford (2014) extrinsic motivation is defined as the external factors that stimulates the performances of the employees and they are tangible rewards such as promotions, fringe
  • 13. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at benefits, salary, incentives and bonuses etc whereas intrinsic motivation is the internal desire of an employee to perform well for achieving the organizational goals and is related to the psychological rewards such as appreciations, recognition, personal growth and development etc. Thus it can be found that for improving the employee performances both intrinsic and extrinsic factors are highly necessary.  Incentives and bonuses Incentives and bonuses are the extra benefits provided to the employees for their hard work and commitment (Pierce, 2012). These highly boost the motivation level of the employees and inspire them to become more sincere towards the firm. Family tours, pension schemes, paid leaves etc. are also included in this category.  Growth and development Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford (2014) observes that organizations for improving the personal skills and talents of the employees offers effective training and development programs, skill and knowledge development programs, talent sessions etc and this highly motivates the employees to become more productive and they highly support the firms to enhance their sales and profitability.  Favorable working environment High impact is induced by the working environment on the employee performances. Cameroon (2010) states that the nature of the work, recognition and appreciation offered and the achievement received are the real boosters of employee motivation. Positive communication, healthy relation among the co-workers and management, work security, satisfaction and safety also stimulates employee motivation. However, Pinder (2014) affirms that favorable working environment can improve the performance of the employees but it will never inspire the motivation level of the employees.  Employee commitment and empowerment
  • 14. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Employee empowerment is defined as the process of giving the decision making responsibility, job control and freedom etc for enhancing the employee performance and this highly increases the employee engagement and commitment and they also highly contribute and co-operate for meeting the organizational goals (Pierce, 2012).  Rewards and promotions Rewards and promotions are considered as the main encouragement factors for improving the employees performance and this also enhances the satisfaction level of the employees thereby fulfilling their psychological obligations (Pinder, 2014).  Genuine and positive communication In the view of Cameroon (2010) for improving the employee’s performances organizations must focus on providing a positive communication system. This system maintains a genuine communication process between the company management and employees. The company authorities must highly give more consideration to the feelings and emotions of the employees and must also adopt a proper feedback system for understanding problems faced by the employees.  Recognition and appreciation As per the opinion of Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford (2014) appreciation and recognition can highly help the companies to make the employees more contended and productive. Earlier studies point out that employees who are provided with a proper appreciations and recognitions can highly enhance their satisfaction level further leading to augmentation of organizational profit. 2.4 Herzberg’s two-factor theory on employee motivation For determining the different factors that affects the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the employees Frederick Herzberg implemented two-factor theory. As per two-factor theory motivators are the satisfiers and the hygiene factors are the dis-satisfiers. Herzberg with the studies conducted concluded that the motivational factors and the hygiene factors highly influence the performances of the employees.
  • 15. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Figure 2.1: Herzberg’s two-factor theory Source: Source: Dartey-Baah and Amoako (2011) It was also found that the motivational factors such as recognition, achievement, growth etc enhances the satisfaction level of the employees and the hygiene factors such as supervision, salary, status, company policies and administration etc enhances dissatisfaction (Dartey-Baah and Amoako, 2011). The motivational factors helps to increase the job satisfaction and also increases the motivation level of the employees and highly inspires them to become committed towards the organization. These factors also helps the employees to improve their skills, talents , attain personal growth and development whereas the hygiene factors are mainly adopted by the organizations as maintenance factors and their main role is to evade employee dissatisfaction. In the opinion of Cameroon (2010) employees must also be provided with interesting jobs so that they can perform well for enhancing their productivity. Pinder (2014)
  • 16. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at argues that a low pay can highly de-motivate the employees and can cause adverse effects on the performance level thereby lowering the satisfaction of the employees. Thus it can be noted that these all factors have a high impact on the performance level of the employees. 2.5 Employee performance Employees are the imperative part of an organization and hence as Bhat (2013) opines their performance has a crucial role in ascertaining company success. According to the definitions provided by Boeri, Lucifora and Murphy (2013), employee performance defines the individual capabilities and competencies in executing job responsibilities and hence it denotes the workforce’s aptitude in accomplishing organizational objectives. Employee performance is an upshot of dynamic working ambience and efficient skill set, states Chandler (2016). As per the opinion of Cushway (2012), assessing employee performance on a regular basis, i.e. on a quarterly or annual basis improves the organizations efficiency. On the other hand, destitute and deprived employee performance adversely impacts on organizational growth and stability. In addition to talent enhancement, strategies to improve employee performance identify their incompetence and futility. Thus implementing inspirational and encouraging employee performance strategies is crucial for an organization. 2.6 Factors affecting employee performance According to Cushway (2012), various elements within and external to an organization influences employee performance. The presence of various inspirational elements within the company enhances the employee performance; however its absence leads to increased level of dissatisfactions. Hence preserving, encouraging factors in adequate level improves employee performance in a company. The significant factors that influence employee performance in an organization are explained below: Managerial standards: This is one of the most significant elements that inspire or dissuade employees’ performances. As Boeri, Lucifora and Murphy (2013) opines, setting managerial standards on job roles bestowed for each individual and clear outlining on human resource practices enhances the working atmosphere of an organization. Clear understanding by employees on these prospects helps in reducing organizational disputes, ascertaining their
  • 17. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at significant role in a company and thereby improves their efficiency. Thus managerial standards have a direct influence of employee performance. Performance management (PM) strategies of an organization: As PM strategy of a firm involves various systematic approaches such as organizing training programs, implement appreciations and rewarding systems, provide employee feedback, etc. it has an inevitable role in influencing their performances. As Chandler (2016) opines, efficiency in PM motivates employees in a firm and also assures their job security. Hence it reflects on their performance level. Job satisfaction and commitment: Unsatisfactory working environment dissuades employees’ and thereby impacts on their performances. On the other hand as Danish and Usman (2010) opines, increased job satisfaction among employees through effectual rewarding systems, appraisal strategies, etc. retains them in an organization with increased loyalty and commitment. Furthermore increased contentment and commitment persuades employees to accomplish organizational objectives more efficiently. Hence achieving these elements helps organization to improve employee performances, determines Boeri, Lucifora and Murphy (2013). In addition to these factors, financial stability of an organization, resource management, technology updating, work culture, etc. also has adequate influence on employee performance. 2.7 Impact of employee motivation on employee performance in UK banking industry Increasing concern on employee welfare has persuaded most of the organizations in UK to implement effectual motivational programs. Enhancement in employee appraisal systems, rewarding policies, incentive schemes, etc. is some of the employee motivation techniques adopted by UK banking organizations. According to Furness (2007) reports benefits and rewards were the most widely used employee motivational strategies of UK banks. Rewards based on the effectual customer service provided to Barclays staffs’ is a significant example (Patton, 2012). Work flexibility and satisfactory pay policy of Lloyds, reported by Furness (2007) also signifies this fact. Despite of the declining figures in UK banking industry, BBC (2015) reportedthat Lloyds has attained a profit rise in the third quarter of 2015. From the prior figures
  • 18. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at of £751m it has raised to £958m (BBC, 2015). As this signifies the effective outcome attained through efficacious employee performance, it can be ascertained that employee motivation has produced significant influence on their performances. On the other hand, adverse impacts of demotivation on employee performance are clearly visible through the organizational scenario of Barclays. Associated with the salary delay issues reported against Barclays in GhanaWeb (2010), several performance dilemmas have also been reported against this company. 7% profit decline reported by Bray (2016) and issues faced by customers reported by Bolton (2015) includes the employee performance issues at Barclays. Thus it is evident that employee motivation has a significant impact on employee performance in UK banking industry. This association has also been established through prior studies. The impact employee motivation produce on employee turnover has been studied by Kassa (2015). According to Jehanzeb, et al. (2012) motivation in form of rewards and appreciations satisfies employee in any industry. Influence of training on individual performance has also been established by Bhat (2013). Dobre (2013) states the employee motivation improves an organizations overall performance. Thus from these prior studies and examples of UK banking firms, it is evident that employee motivation has a significant influence on employee performance. 2.8 Impact of literature review on the researcher From various studies discussed in the literature review, the researcher understood that employee motivation programmes plays a major role in enhancing employee performance in UK banking sector and the reports of Furness (2007) on Lloyds bank in UK and GhanaWeb (2010) report on Barclay’s bank also signifies the fact that employee motivation techniques has important affect on employee performance in UK banking industry. Previous studies have revealed that the motivational strategies adopted by organizations, both extrinsic and intrinsic, have a leading role in enhancing employee performance and thereby organizational performance (Cameroon, 2010; Pierce, 2012; Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford, 2014). However, there has been not a detailed analysis on how these two variables; employee motivation and performance impact each other particularly focusing on UK banking sector. These findings have led the researcher to the development of a new research study ‘to analyse the impact of employee’s motivation on employee’s performance’. However from previous studies (BBC,
  • 19. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at 2015; GhanaWeb, 2010; Bolton, 2015), it is evident that employee motivation has significant impact on employee performance in leading banks Lloyds and Barclays in UK. Though there exist few studies and articles related to the effect of employee motivation on employee performance in RBS, most of them not proved to be completely successful to effectively understand the impact. In this context, the researcher intended to analyse the impact of employee motivation on employee performance taking the case of RBS in UK. 2.9 Conceptual framework Figure 2.2: Conceptual framework Source: Created by author The basic concept attained by researcher through literature studies is represented in above conceptual diagram. As illustrated in figure above various employee motivation techniques in an organization such as incentives, bonuses, appreciations, promotions, etc. increases job satisfaction and commitment in employees. Enhancement in motivational techniques also indicates the efficient PM strategies of an organization. As these constitute the significant factors that affect employee performance, it can be established that employee motivation has a direct association to employee performance at an organization. This relation comprehended by
  • 20. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at researcher from prior works is represented in the conceptual framework developed by researcher. 2.10 Summary In this chapter the employee motivation and its affect on the performance of the employees are mainly discussed. Earlier studies and literature works linked with the research topic are also included in this chapter. The literature review also detailed the intrinsic and extrinsic factors of motivations and also discussed the factors affecting the employee performances. Thus from the study it can be concluded that employee motivation is directly proportional to the employee performances and by providing the employees with proper motivation the performances of the employees can highly be improved. On the basis of the existing literature a conceptual framework has also been framed and the main themes discussed in the literature are included in it.
  • 21. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter explains the various research methods that have been used by the researcher to carry out the researchstudy; techniques like research philosophy, research approach, research strategy, data collection, and research design were used.The researcher has given clear justifications for selecting the particular methods for the study and the research has also interpreted various limitations and ethical issues faced in this study and explanation on how the data will be evaluated. 3.2 Research philosophy According to Creswell (2014) research philosophy is considered as the technique followed by researchers to search out accurate solutions relating to their research questions designed for the research study. Realism is termed as the supposition that can be done after evaluating the practical study on the research topic whereas positivism is subject to objective analysis of the collected data (Gray, 2014). Interpretivism philosophy is reliant up on the subjective examination of the gathered data. Also, interpretivism philosophy permits for incorporating humanistic insights and outlooks while gathering and analyzing relevant data for the research studies (Gray, 2014). Here, in this research, for carrying out the present study, the researcher has followed interpretivism philosophy. This was on account of the accomplishment of the present study through analyzing various aspects of the research issue from different angles. Thus with the assistance of interpretivism philosophy, the researcher was capable of analyzing the data in a subjective manner, through which the researcher integrated the individual outlooks, observations and insights of the researcher along with that of the respondents’ as well as other unit standpoints when analyzing the collected information. Moreover, this philosophy was greatly helpful for the researcher in understanding the gathered data during analysis and discussion phases. So, by following interpretivism philosophy, the researcher was able to identify and realize various aspects of banking, which can influence customers of RBS, UK.
  • 22. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at 3.3 Research approach Research approach means the process that the researcher selects to successfully complete the study with proper data collection and the analysis of the data as per Ekinci (2015). Inductive approach depends on qualitative research studies and deductive depends on quantitative research studies. The researcher at the beginning makes detailed view, assumption, hypotheses and observations and later statements or examination are enhanced to normal models or theories as observed by (Kanire, 2012). Hence in deductive approach helps in confirming the data with which the researcher can come to a conclusion and the researcher can stick on to the specific information from a huge assessable data with the help of this approach (Ekinci, 2015). In this study the researcher has opted inductive approach because this method was very useful for preparing individual assumptions for the researcher on the basis of issues in the initial stage of the study. The other reason for choosing this approach is that it is linked with interpretivism philosophy (Kanire, 2012), so by using this philosophy, the researcher could do the study in a very flexible manner and presented inductive arguments in different stages of the study. With the help of interpretivism approach, specific assumption and examination could be made. Hence the researcher was able to understand the impact of performance and motivation of the employees of Royal Bank of Scotland. 3.4 Research purpose As per the findings of Creswell (2014) research purpose supports to approach the key goal of the research and provides an evident explanation of research problem. Explanatory research purpose determines about the connection between dependent as well as independent variables (Corcoran and Secret, 2013). If the background knowledge is not known for a researcher or having only primary idea regarding a topic, the researchers generally follow exploratory research purpose as it assists in exploring the research topic. Descriptive research purpose examines particular phenomenon in an elaborate way for exploring or describing the research topic (Corcoran and Secret, 2013). For this research study, the researcher has chosen exploratory research to successfully devise an overall framework for deciding the perfect data gathering and analysingprocesses. Since the
  • 23. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at researcher had only fundamental views regarding the present research issue, exploratory research design has assisted the researcher to investigate through the research area and thereby, gather a large volume of information to understand the present study variables in particular. Another benefit that the researcher could gain by employing exploratory research design was the awareness about the different aspects of the research questions. Thus, they have collected reliable information regarding employee performance and employee motivation with respect to RBS, UK. 3.5 Research strategy According to (Curtis and Curtis, 2011) research strategy is mentioned as the collection of qualitative and quantitative data collected by the researcher to carry out the study in a well organised way. There are three types of research strategy- interview, survey and case study strategies. If the researcher has limitation in time and cost for the data gathering and if there is large population involved in the study, then survey strategy is the best option (Yin, 2011). Case study strategy can be put as an experimental inquiry that is centered on the real life conditions that explores the question related to the research. In interview strategy there will be conversation between the researcher and the respondent where there will be an exchange of questions and idea interchange. Hence in this study the researcher has used case studyand surveystrategies to evaluate the question and the issues related to the research. As stated by Yin (2011) case study strategy can be based on a specific topic for carrying out the study of an organisation. The advantage while choosing this method was that the researcher could analyze various types of programs and methods for enhancing the performance and motivation of the employees at RBS. Survey strategy helped the researcher to find out the factors that lead to poor performance of the employees and effectiveness of employee motivation techniques of RBS for enhancing employee performance. By using these strategies, the researcher identified the issues confronted by RBS in its existing motivational strategies and thereby able to suggest strategies for improving employee performance.
  • 24. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at 3.6 Data collection methods With respect to the studies conducted by Walliman (2011) data collection method is the procedures followed for collecting the essential amount of data needed for performing the research study in a result oriented manner. Primary data is the information collected by the researcher by openly interacting with the participants whereas secondary data is collected by going through various internal as well as external sources such as books, publications, monthly as well as annual sales reports of the company, magazines, articles, online websites etc (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016). By means of the primary data collection methods, both the qualitative and quantitative information can be collected by the researcher (Walliman, 2011). The information gathered from the third party is referred as secondary data and it is primarily collected by going through various secondary sources. The information collected from secondary sources is dependant up on the data available from external and internal sources. To carry out the present study, the researcher has collected primary andsecondary data with the support of primary and secondary data collection methods. In an effort to focus studies and observations carried out on the present research topic, the researcher has relied upon several secondary sources, available both internally and externally. Hence, by collecting secondary data from the website of RBS, UK, and journals, articles, books, company reports etc. the researcher was capable to gather adequate information about RBS related to its employee motivation techniques. Case studies assisted the researcher in receiving and assessing data from various sources and also in formulating theoretical basis that directs analysis and data discussion. The researcher has collected data for the current study primarily from earlier studies and research works and this has also assisted the researcher to set up a solid literature for the present study. Hence, the researcher has accumulated data to understand employee performance and staff motivation in terms of RBS, UK. As part of the secondary data collection, the researcher has reviewed the internal publications, its promotional materials and resources of the company to determine the effect of employee performance and staff motivation over the altogether developments of the organization.
  • 25. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at For collecting primary data for the study, the researcher has conducted online survey with employees of RBS. Through online survey, the researcher was able to gather quantitative data required for the study. Through survey strategy, the researcher has collected information regarding the efficacy of employee motivation strategies of RBS, main issues confronted by the employees of the bank, role of employee motivation strategies for enhancing employee performance level, etc. 3.7 Sample selection Sample selection methods helps the researcher to carry out the study in a very effective manner with in a limited time constrain as per Daniel (2012). In case study research, sample selection method is mainly used for opting the number of cases selecting by the researcher in the case study method. Some generally opted sampling techniques are:  Homogenous sampling: This method reflects on specific features related to research issue for selecting the samples.  Extreme case sampling: The cases that debate risky features of a phenomenon are opted in this method.  Criterion Sampling: This method, selection is done on the basis of cases predefined criterion.  Convenience sampling: In this method the samples are opted in the basis of availability of data. The researcher has opted criterion sampling and convenience sampling methods for selecting samples for the research. Through criterion sampling method the researcher selected the cases that were related to actual aspects of the study. Besides researcher has revised the secondary data for the study that was issued from 2009 onwards. This actually helped the researcher to collected relevant data for the topic and selected 12 individual cases to gather data for examining the research issues.
  • 26. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at By using convenience sampling method, the researcher has selected samples for conducting survey. The researcher has send survey questionnaire to 25 employees of RBS through email and 17 were responded to the questionnaire. Thus, the sample size chosen for carry out survey was 17 employees of RBS. Even though the sample size selected for the study was lower than the estimated sample size, selected sample size was adequate for gathering relevant primary data. 3.8 Data analysis plan In an effort to analyze the information gathered through case study and survey strategies, the researcher has employed descriptive analysis method for measuring both qualitative and quantitative data which were collected by employing secondary data collection methods. Through descriptive analysis, the researcher has made extensive descriptions for the gathered secondary data, and in this manner, determined and grasped persistent themes and patterns in the analyzed data. Primary data collected through survey strategy were analysed using tables, graphs, etc. By cross examining the case study and survey findings, the researcher was able to achieve the research objectives successfully. 3.9 Research limitations There were limitations faced by the researcher during the study. One of them was the time constraint to carry out the study. Another limitation was that many secondary data available through online sources were not able to be accessed for the study as they were paid ones. Selection of small sample size was another main constrain for the study and which enhanced the chances of occurring sampling errors in the study. 3.10 Ethical issues Keeping in mind the university guidelines the researcher has strictly evaded copying of contents from the previous study and provided correct references for the revising secondary data. While gathering information about RBS the researcher has taken official permission from the company management for carrying out the research.
  • 27. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at 3.11 Future scope for the study For analysis the impact of the employee’s motivation on employee’s performance, the research study was conducted at RBS, by the researcher. This research could be extended by including primary data by opting interview and survey strategies to get more relevant data. Moreover, considering more number of case studies to thoroughly investigate the issues comprise the future scope of this study. 3.12 Summary Here in this chapter, the researcher has assessed various research methodologies followed by the researcher for gathering relevant data in order to resolve the research questions. Furthermore, the researcher has given appropriate justifications for the chosen research techniques. The researcher has adhered on interpretivism philosophy and carried out inductive approach for analyzing the research variables. Furthermore, case study and survey strategies were used for collecting data for the study. Research limitations as well as ethical issues were also reconsidered by the researcher in this chapter.
  • 28. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at CHAPTER 4: RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction The researcher through this chapter has collected both the primary and secondary information related to employee motivation and employee performance in RBS. Both case study and survey approach has been adopted for gathering accurate and reliable data necessary for attaining the research objectives of the current study. In the first section of the study the researcher had developed a detailed case study of RBS and the next section covers case study analysis by cross examining the existing literature with the findings of the case study. Following section deals with quantitative analysis. The researcher has conducted online survey with 17 employees of RBS for collected quantitative data. Also the gaps identified through cross evaluating the primary and secondary data are also discussed through this chapter. 4.2 Plan of Analysis Researcher in the present research study has employed both survey and case study strategy for collecting both the primary and secondary data related with the research topic. The researcher has prepared the case study of RBS by reviewing various internal and external secondary sources such as company websites, journals, online publications, company documents, financial reports of the bank, sales and annual report etc. For representing the case analysis the researcher has used graphs and charts. And tables, pie charts and bar charts are used by the researcher for analyzing the quantitative data collected from 17 employees through online survey. Both the qualitative and quantitative information collected will be analyzed with the help of descriptive analysis method. 4.3 Case study of RBS, UK. The Royal bank of Scotland which is abbreviated as RBS is one of the leading financial institution providing banking facilities such as insurance, finance, wealth managements service etc. As per the company reports (RBS, 2016) the firm employs more than 140000 employees and serves more than 36 million customers across the world. The operations of RBS is diverse and thereby possess solid customer base. It is vital for RBS to attract and retain talented employees for proving quality full banking facilities to customers and for this the firm have been offering
  • 29. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at various rewards, training and developmental and motivational programs to employees. RBS believes in the fact that, it is highly essential to promote positive working environment as employee roles at the bank demand to work under pressure, meeting impending job changes, achievement of specific job targets and deadlines, handling customer grievances etc. 4.3.1 To analyze various employee motivation techniques in the banking sector For motivating and empowering employees, RBS offers various rewards, training, developmental and motivational programs. RBS believes in the concept of ‘employees make it happen’ and therefore for well promoting this concept, the firm offers various opportunities to employees. By offering promotions and excellent training and developmental programs, the firm emphasis on empowering employees and then recognize their achievement. The total reward package of RBS is far worth than monetary benefits since it provides impeccable motivation to employees that rejoice their personal as well as professional life (RBS Careers, 2016). The total reward package of RBS includes health and medical benefits, pension funding, paid holidays, flexible benefits, confidential advice service, career developmental opportunities etc. As mentioned by RBS (2016) apart from monetary offerings, the employees of RBS are offered with an opportunity to make personal choice regarding job security and working hours. With an option of buying or selling days, the employees of RBS are offered with a liberal holiday allowances and this is restricted to between 25-30 days in case of full time staffs. At special discount rates, RBS to its employees also provide financial products, such as mortgages, currency exchange, personal loans and banking etc. Moreover, the employees of RBS are free to select benefits offered by the firm such as child care facilities, discounted shopping vouchers, life style benefits etc (RBS Careers, 2016). The payments and perks offered by RBS are highly perfect when compared to other world class financial institutions. Therefore, the study of Fletcher (2010) indicates that RBS offers competitive salary and payments to its employees based on their performances. It can be seen that the bank gives equal significance to training and development programs also. It makes huge investments and also collaborates with prominent employee assistance program (EAP’S) providers like Ceridian to retain and attract competitive talent. EAP solutions,
  • 30. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at innovative and that recognize inherent capabilities of employees are thus deployed by the bank (RBS, 2015). As per the company report, bank could drive employee engagement to a satisfying rate. In addition to all these techniques, RBS attempts to optimize motivation levels so that their employees present higher performance when compared to the industry. In pursuit of this, the bank implements equality and improvise gender balance by executing training programs like RBS Focused Women’s Network (FWN). Lack of discrimination and the genuineness of organization towards these approaches pave solid basis for motivation. As per the report presented by Gov. UK (2013) FWN has driven confidence level of RBS employees by helping them to attain skills like leadership and networking. This has also proved to be successful in making them create personal brands and to fit in to flexible working conditions. With these skills, employees could enhance their visibility to senior leaders by presenting higher performance. The employee motivation strategies adopted by RBS has benefitted the employees in personal as well as financial ways. Also, this has enabled RBS to enhance performance level of employees and to attract more number of customers towards the organization. 4.3.2 To critically assess the impact of employee motivation programs of RBS on its employees’ performance Glassdoor (2012) reports indicate that although RBS has an effectual salary and incentive scheme, the improper work scheduling has been a serious issue within this organization. Irregular and unbalanced working time has dissuaded most of the employees at this firm and this is a clear indication of RBS’s ineffectiveness in its employee motivational strategies. Wilson (2014) reports on the cancellation of employee benefits of 20,000 branch staff’s is also a significant notation of RBS’s ineffective employee motivation. Another recent act by the bank that questioned the claim of genuineness is the changes brought in to the payroll schemes. As per the new stance, employees are enforced to pay an additional percentage from their salary towards ‘Defined benefit pension scheme’. This has stretched the financial burden of the employees and as a result, family budget plans have been
  • 31. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at disrupted (Denton, 2016). This questions the banks’ credentials on satisfying basic needs of employees with salary and incentives. Furness (2012) reports technical glitches are usual indicating development programs that target technological up gradation of RBS employees are ineffectual. The industry demands competitive skills to meet new demands. Hence improper attention to this segment can bring negative outcomes with regard to performance level of employees. As reported in Telegraph (2010) bank also show discrimination based on gender and personal preferences. This has impacted the interpersonal relationship between employees and the bank. One such instance is that of a female employee who has got fired out from the job after a considerable duration of bullying and tracking her phone calls. The reason behind this, as revealed by the employee is the announcement of her pregnancy. All these indicate the ineffectual behavior of the bank towards its employees which has brought the motivation levels down. Indeed reviews support this by exposing the stressful working condition in the bank and the lack of recognition in line with the employee performance (Indeed, 2016). Associated with these ineffectual company strategies, decline in employee retention has been reflected in company figures (Figure 4.1).
  • 32. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Figure 4.1: Number of employees at RBS from 2012 to 2014 Source: Statista (2016) The figure clearly depicts that the EAP programmes and tangible rewards offered by the bank has not been effective in retaining the talent. Hence it is essential to review motivational strategies of RBS. Especially, the programs should emphasize satisfaction of employee needs so that they can present a higher level of performance. 4.4 Case study analysis This section examines degree of consensus with the findings from case study and theoretical background. In pursuit of raising motivation levels of its employees, RBS has an exemplary array of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards as revealed by the case study. Financial basis of employees is strengthened by offering diverse schemes of incentives and monetary choices. To extend the concern, bank has also incorporated additional benefits. Holiday allowances, provisions for availing facility for currency exchanges, mortgages, and child care facilities have also driven the elements of motivation. In reference to RBS (2015) and RBS careers (2016) it could be interpreted that the bank has been executing measures to improve the rate of employee engagement. The observations from the Literature review also present strong evidences in analyzing the link between financial rewards and motivation (Pierce, 2012). Empirical studies have clearly shown that employees can be motivated by fulfilling their financial needs. At the same time, it has proved by the findings from both methods that financial benefits alone can’t optimize motivation. It is essential to consider other dimensions of employee needs other than financial aspects. The studies facilitated by Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford (2014) has enabled the researcher in recognizing and appreciating the strategies employed by the firm in motivating its employees, it paves strong elements of motivation and thereby engagement. RBS has also worked towards attaining this goal and has offered varying kind of incentives and bonuses. The researcher identified that the theoretical model, Herzberg’s two-factor theory utilized to evaluate the factors that impact employee motivation, underscored the need for taking a
  • 33. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at holistic approach. In accordance to the study of Dartey-Baah and Amoako (2011) the researcher comprehended that than relying on the financial rewards, it is incremental to consider overall development of the individual; both financial and personal. In line to this, findings from the study of Cameroon (2010) ascertain that company should ensure the implementation of a set of features like job and financial security, status and the provision of growth and promotions. As per the case study, RBS has identified these inevitable factors and has acted accordingly. The managerial standards set by the firm are in accordance with the criteria required for raising employee performance. Another important factor that impacts the motivation is the training and development programs. This enables an individual to grow by providing adequate technical and emotional support. Acquirement of skills is directly proportional to motivation as per the theoretical findings. The researcher also realizes from the study facilitated in RBS (2015) that the bank has high end Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) through which the competitiveness has been enhanced to fulfill the current demands of the industry. Further the bank has also attempted to augment leadership and networking skills of the employees through programs like Focused Women’s Network (FWN). This has made the RBS employees highly competitive which shows implementation of equality can also nurture the motivational elements. Analyses from the studies of Gov. UK (2013) that enhanced the case study signify that all these have helped the bank immensely in raising the motivation level of its employees. However, the researcher identified that the study of Pinder (2014) in the literature review that the working condition is not pivotal in raising motivation. But case study shows disruption of motivation by the lack of a favorable environment. The increased stress due to hectic working schedules deployed by the bank has de-motivated RBS employees highly. It has also reduced their performance levels and commitment. Case study also shows that the ineffectiveness of these strategies has impacted employees negatively by disrupting motivation. All these indicate that strong relationship exist between motivation and employee performance. Thus it can be contended from the analysis that, to raise performance, the bank should link motivation to it by
  • 34. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at using appropriate strategies that consider psychological, financial and personal needs of the employees. 4.5 Quantitative analysis For collecting quantitative data for the study, the researcher has conducted online survey with 17 employees of RBS. The main findings obtained through employee survey are discussed through this segment of the chapter. 1. Age Pie chart 4.1: Age of the participants Source: Created by the author The survey findings revealed that, most of the employees of RBS who participated in survey belonged to 25 to 40 age category (47.06%). Thus it can be inferred that, majority of RBS employees who were willing to take part in the survey strategy were youngsters and this signifies their increased willingness to share their outlook on RBS’s employee motivation strategies. 17.64% 47.06% 23.53% 11.77% Age Under 25 years 25-40 years 41-55 years Above 55 years
  • 35. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at 2. Gender Pie chart 4.2: Gender of the participants Source: Created by the author It was understood from the survey analysis that, comparatively more number of staffs of RBS who were willing to share their opinion through survey strategy were male. Though 58.82% of the participants constituted male category considerable figures on female representation was also observed in the survey results.Thus it can be inferred that both gender groups were equally willing to share their opinion on the influence they experience in their performance due to RBS’s motivation techniques. 3. How long have you been working in RBS? 58.82% 41.18% Gender Male Female
  • 36. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Pie chart 4.3: Working experience of employees of RBS Source: Created by the author From the survey analysis, it was identified that, most of the employees of RBS were working in the bank for 3 to 6 years. This indicates that, employees of RBS have considerably high loyalty towards the bank. So, it can be inferred that, motivational strategies of RBA was effective for retaining staffs in the company. However, in the case study of RBS, Statista (2016) reported that, number of employees at RBS during 2012-14 periods shows a declining trend. Improper employee motivation strategy was the main reason for the reduction in number of employees in RBS. The contradiction between the survey and case study findings indicate the gap in the study. 4. Rate the following aspects of RBS in terms of their impact on your motivation in working in the company? (Scale of 1-5 where 1= Very high and 5= Very low). 1 2 3 4 5 Rewards 8 3 1 3 2 17.64% 17.65% 41.18% 23.53% Working experinece Less than 1 year 1-3 years 3-6 years More than 6 years
  • 37. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Growth opportunities 10 3 1 2 1 Recognition and appreciation 5 7 2 2 1 Work atmosphere 1 2 8 4 2 Training and development 8 3 2 3 1 Communication with superiors 1 2 8 4 2 Employee empowerment 2 10 1 2 2 Table 4.1: Impact of the elements of RBS on employee motivation Source: Created by the author Bar chart 4.1: Impact of the elements of RBS on employee motivation 8 10 5 1 8 1 2 3 3 7 2 3 2 10 1 1 2 8 2 8 1 3 2 2 4 3 4 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 5 4 3 2 1
  • 38. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Source: Created by the author From the survey analysis, researcher understood that, growth opportunities, training and development programs and rewards provided by RBS were highly effective for motivating the employees of RBS. Recognition and appreciation and employee empowerment were also motivated RBS staffs. In the case study, RBS Careers (2016) and RBS (2016) also mentioned about the efficacy of these programs for motivating staffs of RBS. It was also found that, working atmosphere of RBS was ineffective for enhancing employee motivation. However, in the case study, RBS(2016) mentioned that, RBS promoted positive working environment for motivating employees and thereby to improve the efficacy of employee performance. The disagreement between the case study and survey results indicate the gap in the study. 5. Rate the following employee motivation programs of RBS on a scale of 1-5 where 1= Very good and 5= Very bad. Employee motivation programs of RBS 1 2 3 4 5 Total Rewards package 9 3 1 2 2 Your Time Programme 7 3 1 3 3 Flexible working arrangements 1 2 8 5 1 Result based payments 3 8 1 3 2 Non-financial rewards 7 3 2 2 3 Table 4.2: Effectiveness of employee motivation programs of RBS
  • 39. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Source: Created by the author Bar chart 4.2: Effectiveness of employee motivation programs of RBS Source: Created by the author From the quantitative analysis, it was understood that, Total Rewards package, Your Time Programme, Result based payments and Non-financial rewards were the most effective employee motivation programs. In the case study of RBS, RBS Careers (2016), RBS (2016), Fletcher (2010) and RBS (2015) also reported about these effective motivation programs of RBS. So, there exists a similarity between case study and survey findings. It was also identified that, Flexible working arrangements offered by RBS was not much effective for motivating employees. However, in the case study, RBS Careers (2016) and Gov. UK (2013) reports that, RBS implement many flexible working arrangements for motivating employees and which positively influences employee performance. The disagreement between both findings revealed the gap in the study. 6. How do you rate the overall level of motivation in RBS? 9 7 1 3 7 3 3 2 8 3 1 1 8 1 2 2 3 5 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Total Rewards package Your Time Programme Flexible working arrangements Result based payments Non-financial rewards 5 4 3 2 1
  • 40. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Pie chart 4.4: Overall level of employee motivation in RBS Source: Created by the author From the survey analysis, it was noted that, majority of the employees ranked overall level of motivation in RBS as good. So, it can be inferred that, RBS’s motivation strategies were effective for boosting employee motivation level. But, Glassdoor (2012) and Wilson (2014) were criticized the ineffectiveness of employee motivation programs and its adverse effect on employee performance. So, there exists as gap between case study and survey results. 7. Rate the following factors in terms of their impact on your job performance in RBS? (Scale of 1-5 where 1= Very high and 5= Very low). 1 2 3 4 5 Technology 8 2 1 3 3 Managerial standards 1 2 9 2 3 Work culture 7 3 1 4 2 Performance 3 8 1 3 2 17.65% 58.83% 11.76% 11.76% Overall level of motivation in RBS Very good Quite good Not good enough Bad
  • 41. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at management system Resource management 1 2 7 3 4 Table 4.3: Factors influencing employee job performance in RBS Source: Created by the author Bar chart 4.3: Factors influencing employee job performance in RBS Source: Created by the author By this question researcher focused in analyzing the factors that impacted on their performance at RBS. As illustrated in pie chart above, it was identified from the survey analysis that, technology, work culture and performance management system were the major factors influencing the job performance of employees in RBS. The highest employee support was provided for the technology element and RBS work culture. This signifies the efficiency of RBS is achieving success in these components and hence supports the company strategies defined in RBS (2015). Also the Gov. UK (2013) reports on efficient work culture provided in RBS with reduced discriminations and improved flexibility is also supported by this survey results. Further these results are also inline to the literature works ofBoeri, Lucifora and Murphy (2013) who 8 1 7 3 1 2 2 3 8 2 1 9 1 1 7 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Technology Managerial standards Work culture Performance management system Resource management 5 4 3 2 1
  • 42. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at had recognized the influence of performance management systems, work culture, etc. on an employee’s performance. However the rating provided for managerial standards and resource management was comparatively low. Thus evaluating the RBS employees’ outlooks on these factors it was observed that these components were not much effective for improving their job performances. 8. How satisfied are you with your job in RBS? Pie chart 4.5: Employee job satisfaction Source: Created by the author The above pie chart highlighted that, most of RBS employees were moderately satisfied with their current job. This indicates that, RBS is able to motivate its employees through its motivation strategies. In the case study, RBS (2016) and Fletcher (2010) also agreed that, motivational strategies of RBS were effective for enhancing employee job satisfaction. Increasing the efficiency of strategies further would avail RBS in gaining more satisfied employees than the current ratio. This would also facilitate RBS in reducing employee turnover. 9. How likely are you to switch jobs if a good offer comes from another company? 17.65% 58.83% 11.76% 11.76% Employee job satisfaction Highly satisfied Moderately satisfied Less satisfied Not at all satisfied
  • 43. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Pie chart 4.6: Readiness to switchover Source: Created by the author Majority of the employees participated in the survey reported that, they were somewhat likely to switch job if a good offer comes from another company. So, it can be inferred that, employees are interested to work in the organization with more benefits and amenities. The case study RBS states that the inefficiency of executing the strategies within the organization has de-motivated employees due to increased stress and work pressure. In line to these factors employees of RBS tend to switch to jobs that provide more benefits than RBS. 10. How do you think RBS can improve motivation levels in the company? 11.76% 47.06% 23.53% 17.65% Readinessto switchover Highly likely Somewhat likely Not liekly Not at all likely
  • 44. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Pie chart 4.7: Suggestions for improving motivation level in RBS Source: Created by the author It was identified from the above pie chart that, improvement in flexible working arrangements will be helpful for RBS to improve employee motivation level. Improvement in rewards and bonuses and training and development programs will also aid to enhance employee motivation level. In line to the case study findings on the basis of increased work pressure and stress, the survey results points that flexible working hours is highly recommended by employees in improving the level of employee motivation. 4.6 Identifying gaps Case study findings revealed that, employee turnover rate in RBS during 2012-2014 period shows an increasing trend (Statista, 2016). However, from the survey analysis, it was identified that, majority of the employees were working in the company for 3 to 6 years. This indicates the increased employee loyalty towards the company. So, there exists a gap between both findings. 17.64% 47.06% 17.64% 11.77% 5.89% Suggestions for improving motivation level Improve rewards and bonuses Flexible working arrangments Improve training and development programs Prioritizing internal promotion Other
  • 45. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Employee participated in the survey ranked the working atmosphere of RBS as ineffective for motivating employees. Contradicting the survey findings, RBS (2016) reported in the case study that, RBS provide higher importance to maintain positive working environment in the company for motivating employees for enhancing their job performance. The dissimilarities between case study and survey results revealed gap in the research findings. In the case study, RBS Careers (2016) and Gov. UK (2013) mentioned that, RBS offers flexible working arrangements for encouraging employees and which positively influenced employee performance. Contradicting the case study results, survey findings revealed that, flexible working arrangements of RBS were ineffective for motivating employees. So there exists a gap between both results. In case study, Glassdoor (2012) and Wilson (2014) reported that, improper motivations strategy enhanced employee job dissatisfaction and which enhanced employee turnover rate in the company. However, majority of the employees participated in the survey were ranked overall level of motivation in RBS as good. Thus the researcher identified a gap between survey and case study findings. 4.7 Summary This chapter of the study analysed the collected primary and secondary data using descriptive analysis method. Case study of RBS and analysis of case study findings were discussed in the first section of the chapter. In the following section, the researcher analysed the quantitative information collected through employee online survey. The gaps identified between the primary and secondary data were also covered in this chapter.
  • 46. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Introduction In this chapter, the researcher approaches the conclusion part in accordance with the research findings. He also analyzes the outcome of the research together with the limitations of the study. Besides, some proper suggestions are also given to RBS, UK for the betterment of the organizational culture, which in turn results enhanced employee engagement. The research work has also offered satisfactory proposals to the new generation researchers, for improving the brilliance of the future researches. 5.2 Conclusions In this section, researcher discusses the accomplishment of the objectives in detail. Objective 1: To assess different factors that influence employee motivation Different studies have been investigated in pursuit of attaining this objective and this has been identified that both financial and non-financial benefits serve as motivational factors and it can be described under intrinsic (non-financial- recognition, growth etc) and extrinsic rewards(financial-incentives, salary, fringe benefits, etc.). Analyzing the significance of these factors with reference to the Herzberg’s two-factor theory researcher interpreted that presence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors motivates the employees at an organization. Evaluating the organizational scenario of RBS also helped researcher in assessing the factors that impacts employee motivation. With reference to the case study and survey results researcher identified that financial and non-financial securities provided by RBS such as its Total reward package, EAP, FWN initiatives, etc. played a significant role in comprising the factors that influenced employee motivation (RBS, 2015). Statistical data also proved that in order to influence the motivation, company should satisfy the psychological, financial and personal needs. Thus it can be inferred that researcher could successfully attain the first objective. Objective 2:To critically assess the impact of employee motivation programs of RBS on its employees’ performance
  • 47. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at Evaluating the strategies of RBS it is was inferred that in the initial stages the company was able to enhance its employee performances by providing adequate motivating elements. Through financial and nonfinancial support and by means of reward packages, ‘your time’ program, etc. RBS has been able to drive its employee performances (RBS, 2015; RBS Careers, 2016). Survey inferences also provided researcher supporting results. Extension of the company strategies through FWN and EAP plans also signified this fact. However evaluating the recent reports on company strategies researcher observed that RBS has been impartial in its rewarding strategies in recent decades. Evaluating the company strategies, standards and policies researcher identifies that RBS has not been able to achieve these managerial standard successfully which has also negatively reflected through their performances. Recent reports in Statista (2016) also helped researcher to identify that these favoritisms and its impacts such as declined employee- management relationships, reduced employee engagements, etc. Further researcher also identified that company has not been effective in providing work life balance and integrated flexible working conditions. The survey data also supported the researcher’s inferences and also showed the lack of genuine communication between bank authority and employees. All these gave strong evidences for the relationship between motivation and employees of the bank and hence the second objective to assess the association between employee motivation and employee performance was effectually achieved through this work. Objective 3: To provide recommendations to RBS to amend its employee motivation programs By analyzing case study and the empirical estimates from the survey and cross checking it with theoretical models on motivation and employee performance, researcher identified that the company needs to review its motivational techniques to augment employee performance and to excel in the banking regime. The main issues associated with the programs are identified as lack of flexible working arrangements and the communication gap between employees and management. Thus in the light of these findings researcher provides recommendations to RBS to improvise its employee performance and these suggestions framed by researcher are discussed in following sections.
  • 48. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at 5.3 Evaluation of results Case study illustrated how bank strive to optimise the performance of its employees by offering various motivational programs. The holistic motivational approach taken by the bank has been helpful in covering the personal and financial needs. This has boosted RBS employees to deliver superior quality performance. These findings are in consensus with the literature review estimates which ascertain the need for satisfying financial and non-financial needs to make the employees motivated and engaged. The company’s concern for its employees is evident in the programmes like EAP, Your Time, FWN etc. The diverse array of benefits deployed by the bank underscore the significance of this. However, it can also be found out from case study and survey result that company has not been effectual in certain segments of motivational strategies. Though company claims good managerial standards regarding motivation strategies, findings reveal that company has failed to maintain open communication, equality and also were weak in assessing the growth needs. This has diluted the strength of their relation and has also deprived motivation from them. Statistical figures and findings depict the decline of performance level also. Thus it can be inferred from the study that appropriate motivational strategies should be deployed by an organisation to drive performance, 5.4 Recommendations One of the main objectives of the study was to provide recommendations to RBS to amend its employee motivation programs. The researcher provide following recommendations:  Improve flexible working arrangements Case study findings revealed that, majority of the employees were not satisfied with the flexible working arrangements offered by RBS. By implementing effective flexible working practices, RBS can aid the employees to achieve work- life balance and which will motivate the staffs and improve their loyalty towards the organization. RBS could introduce shift works where employees could choose the shift timings as they desire. Employees could also be motivated in facilitating job sharing such that a single task could be shared among more than one employee and thus, employee tension and stress could be handled efficiently.
  • 49. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at  Offer more rewards and bonuses Rewards and bonuses have important role in influencing the performance of employees. By offering more monetary and non- monetary rewards and bonuses, RBS can motivate and encourage its employees and which will positively influence the employee performance. RBS could offer employees with appraisals for those employees who successfully accomplish tasks efficiently. Bonuses could be given to employees in acknowledging the hardships and efforts put forth by the employees.  Implement more training and development programs Effective training and development programs improve the skills and capabilities of the employees and which improve employee productivity. Thus, RBS need to implement more effective training and development programs for enhancing the job performance of the employees and to aid the employees to work under pressure situations. Systematic and regular appraisal strategies and organizing training programs according to the skill enhancements necessitated by employees will help RBS to motivate them and improve their performances. Furthermore including personal development training in addition to technical workshops will also help RBS to effectually motivate its employees and thereby nurture them to offer best customer services.  Improve performance management system RBS need to implement effective performance management system to monitor, assess and assist the employee performance. This will be beneficial for the company to understand the capabilities of the employees and faults in their employee motivation strategies. RBS can improve its strategies by collecting feedbacks from the employees. Implementing the most effectual appraisal techniques such as 360 degree feedbacks regularly will also improve the employee performances. Thus improvising the performance management approaches RBS will be able to motivate its workforce and thereby impact on their productivity.  Balanced working time
  • 50. Getyour 1st class custom-writtenpaper with10% off at Explore more free essays, assignments, and research papers at From the case study, it was identified that, unbalanced and irregular working time demotivate employees and which negatively affected employee performance. By balancing the working hours, employees can manage their work and personal life effectively and which will enhance employee job satisfaction. Thus implementing strategies such as part-time jobs, job sharing, flexible working hours, etc. will enable RBS to effectually motivate its employees. 5.5 Limitations of the research The foremost limitation of the research was the single case study that followed by the researcher and hence, the extent of the study was very much limited to the case of RBS, UK only. As it is a cost and time consuming effort, the researcher had to rely on very limited number of cases, and hence the quality of the information collected was underrated. Another limitation of the research was the survey which carried out only on meager number of employees of the organisation. Due to this, the researcher was failed to collect adequate believable opinions as required by the organizational research. So, he has not succeeded in formulating a reliable overview about the RBS, UK. 5.6 Recommendations for future researchers Due to the limitations of the case study research strategy, it has prompted future researchers to follow other reliable strategies for improving the genuineness of the study. It also suggests more sample size for getting reliable data, and more cases of different organizations for generating a general impression over the research.
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