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Javert is so obsessed with enforcing society’s laws and morals
that he does not realize he is living by mistaken assumptions—a
tragic and ironic flaw in a man who believes so strongly in
enforcing what he believes is right. Although Javert is such a
stern and inflexible character that it is hard to sympathize with
him, he lives with the shame of knowing that his own Gypsy
upbringing is not so different from the backgrounds of the men
he pursues. He lives his life trying to erase this shame through
his strict commitment to upholding the law.
Javert’s flaw, however, is that he never stops to question
whether the laws themselves are just. In his mind, a man is
guilty when the law declares him so. When Valjean finally gives
Javert irrefutable proof that a man is not necessarily evil just
because the law says he is, Javert is incapable of reconciling
this new knowledge with his beliefs. He commits suicide,
plagued by the thought that he may be living a dishonorable
life. True to Javert’s nature, he makes this decision not with any
emotional hysterics, but rather with a cool determination.
Although he is a man of logic, he is impassioned about his
work. To this end, Hugo frequently uses animal imagery to
describe Javert, particularly when he likens him to a tiger. In
the end, it is difficult to feel anything other than pity for Javert,
who assumes his duty with such savagery that he seems more
animal than man.
One of my favorite books and stage productions has always
been "Les Miserables," the story of Jean Valjean and his road to
redemption during the French Revolution by the author Victor
Hugo. It fascinates me because, in essence, it is an examination
of the nature of truth and law as applied to humanity and
society as a whole. Because when it comes down to it, good
judgment and critical analysis are very sociological skills...we
cannot pretend to remove ourselves from the equation.
The character of Valjean may indeed be taken as the symbol of
universal "natural" man, struggling in an amoral world beset
with poverty, disease, disillusion, and political upheaval. The
scope is indeed grand, but the story is universal and known to
us all.
Valjean's foil is a character called Javert, a guard at the prison
where Valjean was incarcerated, and a police inspector later on
in the novel when Valjean has reclaimed his life helped by the
grace of others who led him toward a just path (whether it is in
actuality a Christian idea or not, the concept of this grace is
inherent in the story).
Javert plagues Valjean; hunts him. The film and the book
versions differ, but the plot is the same in that Valjean's initial
crime was a petty theft. Yet Javert is bound, by the letter of the
law and all it portends, to pursue Valjean even after it is
obvious that the once 'sinner' or rule breaker has been redeemed
a thousand fold and when most other souls, truth be known,
blessed with common sense, perhaps would understand the
nature of the 'lawlessness' as applied to a starving man stealing
a crust of bread so that he might eat.
Javert pursues Valjean to the extent that he causes his own
death, jumping into the river Seine when he finally understands
that his following the 'law' (or the letter of the law) has made
him immoral and that he IS the evil he would prosecute.
On a light note, the scene where Javert jumps into the river to
drown himself (on stage, amid a dark star filled and reflected
sky, which is so well done) always reminds me philosophically
of that scene in the 80's movie "War Games," when the
computer is desperately trying to 'logically' figure out a way to
win a tick tack toe game for the destruction of the world. No
way to do it. The only logical way to win, is NOT to play the
game (by the precise rules, all the time, I would add).
Of course, following the letter of the law is done for various
Sometimes it is done because some people have the personality
type of a Javert--rule bound, rigid, and not cognizant of deeper
truth. Sometimes the letter of the law (only) is followed, also,
because people are lazy and it is simply easier to understand the
surface of things than to get involved or to hurt your brain
going a little deeper. Sometimes, the letter of the law is
followed because an organization or a system of laws has
become so large or so byzantine that nothing BUT the letter of
the law can be followed due to lack of resources or the ability to
interpret the rules.
Sometimes it is followed because squeaky wheels are the only
ones heard amid an atmosphere too disordered or too large for
moderators, law makers, or law enforcement to actually do their
The word "law" originally referred to legislative statutes, but
now the term can be used to refer to a rule of any kind. The
letter of the law versus the spirit of the law is an idiomatic
opposite. When one obeys the letter of the law but not the spirit,
they are obeying the literal interpretation of the words (the
"letter") of the law, but not the intent of a law. When one obeys
the spirit of the law but not the letter of the law, he or she is
doing what the the law was intended for, though not necessarily
adhering to the literal.
Intentionality in following the letter of the law, but not the
spirit may be accomplished in our legal, social and work world
by exploiting technicalities, loopholes, or any ambiguous
language. An example of this might be, arcane knowledge of
setbacks on a city lot; somebody understanding a loophole in
the rules might be able to build a structure that is larger than
what the space actually allows for or what the city planning and
zoning laws actually call for.
The convict Jean Valjean is released from a French prison after
serving nineteen years for stealing a loaf of bread and for
subsequent attempts to escape from prison. When Valjean
arrives at the town of Digne, no one is willing to give him
shelter because he is an ex-convict. Desperate, Valjean knocks
on the door of M. Myriel, the kindly bishop of Digne. Myriel
treats Valjean with kindness, and Valjean repays the bishop by
stealing his silverware. When the police arrest Valjean, Myriel
covers for him, claiming that the silverware was a gift. The
authorities release Valjean and Myriel makes him promise to
become an honest man. Eager to fulfill his promise, Valjean
masks his identity and enters the town of Montreuil-sur-mer.
Under the assumed name of Madeleine, Valjean invents an
ingenious manufacturing process that brings the town
prosperity. He eventually becomes the town’s mayor.
Fantine, a young woman from Montreuil, lives in Paris. She
falls in love with Tholomyès, a wealthy student who gets her
pregnant and then abandons her. Fantine returns to her home
village with her daughter, Cosette. On the way to Montreuil,
however, Fantine realizes that she will never be able to find
work if the townspeople know that she has an illegitimate child.
In the town of Montfermeil, she meets the Thénardiers, a family
that runs the local inn. The Thénardiers agree to look after
Cosette as long as Fantine sends them a monthly allowance.
In Montreuil, Fantine finds work in Madeleine’s factory.
Fantine’s coworkers find out about Cosette, however, and
Fantine is fired. The Thénardiers demand more money to
support Cosette, and Fantine resorts to prostitution to make
ends meet. One night, Javert, Montreuil’s police chief, arrests
Fantine. She is to be sent to prison, but Madeleine intervenes.
Fantine has fallen ill, and when she longs to see Cosette,
Madeleine promises to send for her. First, however, he must
contend with Javert, who has discovered Madeleine’s criminal
past. Javert tells Madeleine that a man has been accused of
being Jean Valjean, and Madeleine confesses his true identity.
Javert shows up to arrest Valjean while Valjean is at Fantine’s
bedside, and Fantine dies from the shock.
After a few years, Valjean escapes from prison and heads to
Montfermeil, where he is able to buy Cosette from the
Thénardiers. The Thénardiers turn out to be a family of
scoundrels who abuse Cosette while spoiling their own two
daughters, Eponine and Azelma. Valjean and Cosette move to a
run-down part of Paris. Javert discovers their hideout, however,
and they are forced to flee. They find refuge in a convent,
where Cosette attends school and Valjean works as a gardener.
Marius Pontmercy is a young man who lives with his wealthy
grandfather, M. Gillenormand. Because of political differences
within the family, Marius has never met his father, Georges
Pontmercy. After his father dies, however, Marius learns more
about him and comes to admire his father’s democratic politics.
Angry with his grandfather, Marius moves out of
Gillenormand’s house and lives as a poor young law student.
While in law school, Marius associates with a group of radical
students, the Friends of the ABC, who are led by the
charismatic Enjolras. One day, Marius sees Cosette at a public
park. It is love at first sight, but the protective Valjean does his
utmost to prevent Cosette and Marius from ever meeting. Their
paths cross once again, however, when Valjean makes a
charitable visit to Marius’s poor neighbors, the Jondrettes. The
Jondrettes are in fact the Thénardiers, who have lost their inn
and moved to Paris under an assumed name. After Valjean
leaves, Thénardier announces a plan to rob Valjean when he
returns. Alarmed, Marius alerts the local police inspector, who
turns out to be Javert. The ambush is foiled and the Thénardiers
are arrested, but Valjean escapes before Javert can identify him.
Thénardier’s daughter Eponine, who is in love with Marius,
helps Marius discover Cosette’s whereabouts. Marius is finally
able to make contact with Cosette, and the two declare their
love for each other. Valjean, however, soon shatters their
happiness. Worried that he will lose Cosette and unnerved by
political unrest in the city, Valjean announces that he and
Cosette are moving to England. In desperation, Marius runs to
his grandfather, M. Gillenormand, to ask for M. Gillenormand’s
permission to marry Cosette. Their meeting ends in a bitter
argument. When Marius returns to Cosette, she and Valjean
have disappeared. Heartbroken, Marius decides to join his
radical student friends, who have started a political uprising.
Armed with two pistols, Marius heads for the barricades.
The uprising seems doomed, but Marius and his fellow students
nonetheless stand their ground and vow to fight for freedom and
democracy. The students discover Javert among their ranks,
and, realizing that he is a spy, Enjolras ties him up. As the army
launches its first attack against the students, Eponine throws
herself in front of a rifle to save Marius’s life. As Eponine dies
in Marius’s arms, she hands him a letter from Cosette. Marius
quickly scribbles a reply and orders a boy, Gavroche, to deliver
it to Cosette.
Valjean manages to intercept the note and sets out to save the
life of the man his daughter loves. Valjean arrives at the
barricade and volunteers to execute Javert. When alone with
Javert, however, Valjean instead secretly lets him go free. As
the army storms the barricade, Valjean grabs the wounded
Marius and flees through the sewers. When Valjean emerges
hours later, Javert immediately arrests him. Valjean pleads with
Javert to let him take the dying Marius to Marius’s grandfather.
Javert agrees. Javert feels tormented, torn between his duty to
his profession and the debt he owes Valjean for saving his life.
Ultimately, Javert lets Valjean go and throws himself into the
river, where he drowns.
Marius makes a full recovery and is reconciled with
Gillenormand, who consents to Marius and Cosette’s marriage.
Their wedding is a happy one, marred only when Valjean
confesses his criminal past to Marius. Alarmed by this
revelation and unaware that it was Valjean who saved his life at
the barricades, Marius tries to prevent Cosette from having
contact with Valjean. Lonely and depressed, Valjean takes to
his bed and awaits his death. Marius eventually finds out from
Thénardier that Valjean saved Marius’s life. Ashamed that he
mistrusted Valjean, Marius tells Cosette everything that has
happened. Marius and Cosette rush to Valjean’s side just in time
for a final reconciliation. Happy to be reunited with his adopted
daughter, Valjean dies in peace.
In 1815 France, convict Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman) is
released on parole by prison guard Javert (Russell Crowe) after
serving a 19-year sentence for stealing a loaf of bread as well as
repeated escape attempts. After several months of drifting
around France, Valjean is offered food and shelter by the
Bishop of Digne (Colm Wilkinson), but steals his silver during
the night. He is caught by the authorities, but the Bishop lies by
saying that the silver was given as a gift, and secures Valjean's
release. Touched by the Bishop's love, grace and generosity,
Valjean breaks his parole and vows to start an honest life under
a new identity. Javert swears he will bring the escaped convict
to justice.
Eight years later in 1823, Valjean has become a wealthy factory
owner and mayor of the small town of Montreuil-sur-Mer. A
young woman named Fantine (Anne Hathaway), one of his
workers, is discovered to be sending money to her illegitimate
daughter, Cosette (Isabelle Allen), who lives with the
unscrupulous Thénardiers (Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena
Bonham Carter) and their daughter Éponine (Natalya Angel
Wallace), and is dismissed by the foreman (Michael Jibson).
Left with no alternative, Fantine turns to prostitution. During an
argument with an abusive customer, Javert, now a police
inspector, arrests Fantine, but Valjean intercedes and takes her
to a hospital where she is diagnosed with a terminal case of
Later, Valjean learns that a man believed to be him has been
arrested. Unable to condemn an innocent man, Valjean reveals
his identity to the court before departing for the hospital. There
he promises to a dying Fantine that he will look after her
daughter. After Fantine dies, Javert arrives at the hospital and
attempts to arrest Valjean. But Valjean escapes and finds
Cosette at the Thénardiers brothel/halfway house. Valjean
bribes the couple to allow him to take Cosette away. After
Valjean confides in Cosette about her mother passing away, he
promises to be like a father to her. Valjean makes contact with
the Bishop of Digne who agrees to give him and Cosette new
idenities to hide from the authorities.
Nine years later in June of 1833, Jean Maximilien Lamarque,
the only government official sympathetic toward the poor, is
nearing death. Students Marius Pontmercy (Eddie Redmayne)
and Enjolras (Aaron Tveit), together with street urchin
Gavroche (Daniel Huttlestone), discuss fomenting a revolution
to overthrow the government. Later Marius catches a glimpse of
Cosette (Amanda Seyfried), now a young woman, and instantly
falls in love with her. Meanwhile, despite Cosette's questioning,
Valjean refuses to tell her about his past or anything about her
late mother, Fantine.
At a café, Enjolras organises a group of idealistic students as
Lamarque's death is announced. Meanwhile, Éponine (Samantha
Barks), now Marius's friend, leads him to Cosette, where the
two profess their love for one another. Lamenting that her secret
love for Marius will never be reciprocated, Éponine
fatalistically decides to join the revolution. Later, an attempted
robbery of Valjean's house makes him mistakenly believe that
Javert has discovered him, and he flees with Cosette. As they
leave, Enjolras rallies the Parisians to revolt, and Cosette sends
a farewell letter to Marius.
The next day, the students interrupt Lamarque's funeral
procession and begin their assault. Javert poses as a rebel in
order to spy on them, but is quickly exposed by Gavroche and
captured. During the ensuing gunfight, Éponine saves Marius at
the cost of her own life, professing her love to him before she
dies, which leaves Marius devastated at the loss of his best
friend. Valjean, intercepting a letter from Marius to Cosette,
goes to the barricade to protect Marius. After saving Enjolras
from snipers, he is allowed to execute Javert. However, when
the two are alone, Valjean chooses to free Javert instead and
fires his gun to fake the execution. Initially disbelieving, Javert
wonders at Valjean's generosity.
With the majority of the Parisians not joining the revolution as
the students expected, they resolve to fight to the death.
Everyone is killed by government troops in the final assault on
the street barricades, but Marius is saved when Valjean drags
his unconscious body into the sewers. Thénardier, scavenging
the dead bodies, steals Marius's ring. Valjean recovers and
escapes the sewers carrying Marius, but is confronted at the exit
by Javert. Javert threatens to shoot Valjean if he refuses to
surrender, but Valjean ignores him. Unable to reconcile the
conflict between his civil and moral duties, two things which he
always considered the same, Javert commits suicide by jumping
off a bridge into the Seine river.
Later, Marius mourns for his friends but Cosette comforts him.
Revealing his past to Marius, Valjean tells him he must leave
because his presence endangers Cosette, and makes Marius
promise never to tell her. A few months later, Marius and
Cosette marry; the Thénardiers crash the reception and testify
that they saw Valjean carrying a murdered corpse through the
sewers. Thénardier unwittingly shows Marius the ring that he
stole from him as "proof." Recognising the ring, Marius realises
that it was Valjean who saved his life. Marius and Cosette rush
to Valjean after being told his location by Thénardier.
As Valjean sits dying in a local convent from his long-term
heart condition, he perceives the spirit of Fantine appearing to
take him to Heaven. Cosette and Marius rush in to bid farewell.
Valjean hands Cosette his confession of his past life, and the
spirits of Fantine and the Bishop guide him to paradise, where
he joins the spirits of Enjolras, Éponine, Gavroche, and the
other rebels at the Barricade on the rue Soufflot.

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httpwww.sparknotes.comlitlesmiscanalysis.html JavertJave.docx

  • 1. Javert Javert is so obsessed with enforcing society’s laws and morals that he does not realize he is living by mistaken assumptions—a tragic and ironic flaw in a man who believes so strongly in enforcing what he believes is right. Although Javert is such a stern and inflexible character that it is hard to sympathize with him, he lives with the shame of knowing that his own Gypsy upbringing is not so different from the backgrounds of the men he pursues. He lives his life trying to erase this shame through his strict commitment to upholding the law. Javert’s flaw, however, is that he never stops to question whether the laws themselves are just. In his mind, a man is guilty when the law declares him so. When Valjean finally gives Javert irrefutable proof that a man is not necessarily evil just because the law says he is, Javert is incapable of reconciling this new knowledge with his beliefs. He commits suicide, plagued by the thought that he may be living a dishonorable life. True to Javert’s nature, he makes this decision not with any emotional hysterics, but rather with a cool determination. Although he is a man of logic, he is impassioned about his work. To this end, Hugo frequently uses animal imagery to describe Javert, particularly when he likens him to a tiger. In the end, it is difficult to feel anything other than pity for Javert, who assumes his duty with such savagery that he seems more animal than man. vs-the-spirit-of-the-law-common-sense One of my favorite books and stage productions has always been "Les Miserables," the story of Jean Valjean and his road to redemption during the French Revolution by the author Victor Hugo. It fascinates me because, in essence, it is an examination
  • 2. of the nature of truth and law as applied to humanity and society as a whole. Because when it comes down to it, good judgment and critical analysis are very sociological skills...we cannot pretend to remove ourselves from the equation. The character of Valjean may indeed be taken as the symbol of universal "natural" man, struggling in an amoral world beset with poverty, disease, disillusion, and political upheaval. The scope is indeed grand, but the story is universal and known to us all. Valjean's foil is a character called Javert, a guard at the prison where Valjean was incarcerated, and a police inspector later on in the novel when Valjean has reclaimed his life helped by the grace of others who led him toward a just path (whether it is in actuality a Christian idea or not, the concept of this grace is inherent in the story). Javert plagues Valjean; hunts him. The film and the book versions differ, but the plot is the same in that Valjean's initial crime was a petty theft. Yet Javert is bound, by the letter of the law and all it portends, to pursue Valjean even after it is obvious that the once 'sinner' or rule breaker has been redeemed a thousand fold and when most other souls, truth be known, blessed with common sense, perhaps would understand the nature of the 'lawlessness' as applied to a starving man stealing a crust of bread so that he might eat. Javert pursues Valjean to the extent that he causes his own death, jumping into the river Seine when he finally understands that his following the 'law' (or the letter of the law) has made him immoral and that he IS the evil he would prosecute. On a light note, the scene where Javert jumps into the river to drown himself (on stage, amid a dark star filled and reflected sky, which is so well done) always reminds me philosophically of that scene in the 80's movie "War Games," when the computer is desperately trying to 'logically' figure out a way to win a tick tack toe game for the destruction of the world. No way to do it. The only logical way to win, is NOT to play the game (by the precise rules, all the time, I would add).
  • 3. Of course, following the letter of the law is done for various reasons. Sometimes it is done because some people have the personality type of a Javert--rule bound, rigid, and not cognizant of deeper truth. Sometimes the letter of the law (only) is followed, also, because people are lazy and it is simply easier to understand the surface of things than to get involved or to hurt your brain going a little deeper. Sometimes, the letter of the law is followed because an organization or a system of laws has become so large or so byzantine that nothing BUT the letter of the law can be followed due to lack of resources or the ability to interpret the rules. Sometimes it is followed because squeaky wheels are the only ones heard amid an atmosphere too disordered or too large for moderators, law makers, or law enforcement to actually do their job. **************** The word "law" originally referred to legislative statutes, but now the term can be used to refer to a rule of any kind. The letter of the law versus the spirit of the law is an idiomatic opposite. When one obeys the letter of the law but not the spirit, they are obeying the literal interpretation of the words (the "letter") of the law, but not the intent of a law. When one obeys the spirit of the law but not the letter of the law, he or she is doing what the the law was intended for, though not necessarily adhering to the literal. Intentionality in following the letter of the law, but not the spirit may be accomplished in our legal, social and work world by exploiting technicalities, loopholes, or any ambiguous language. An example of this might be, arcane knowledge of setbacks on a city lot; somebody understanding a loophole in the rules might be able to build a structure that is larger than what the space actually allows for or what the city planning and zoning laws actually call for.
  • 4. SUMMARY The convict Jean Valjean is released from a French prison after serving nineteen years for stealing a loaf of bread and for subsequent attempts to escape from prison. When Valjean arrives at the town of Digne, no one is willing to give him shelter because he is an ex-convict. Desperate, Valjean knocks on the door of M. Myriel, the kindly bishop of Digne. Myriel treats Valjean with kindness, and Valjean repays the bishop by stealing his silverware. When the police arrest Valjean, Myriel covers for him, claiming that the silverware was a gift. The authorities release Valjean and Myriel makes him promise to become an honest man. Eager to fulfill his promise, Valjean masks his identity and enters the town of Montreuil-sur-mer. Under the assumed name of Madeleine, Valjean invents an ingenious manufacturing process that brings the town prosperity. He eventually becomes the town’s mayor. Fantine, a young woman from Montreuil, lives in Paris. She falls in love with Tholomyès, a wealthy student who gets her pregnant and then abandons her. Fantine returns to her home village with her daughter, Cosette. On the way to Montreuil, however, Fantine realizes that she will never be able to find work if the townspeople know that she has an illegitimate child. In the town of Montfermeil, she meets the Thénardiers, a family that runs the local inn. The Thénardiers agree to look after Cosette as long as Fantine sends them a monthly allowance. In Montreuil, Fantine finds work in Madeleine’s factory. Fantine’s coworkers find out about Cosette, however, and Fantine is fired. The Thénardiers demand more money to support Cosette, and Fantine resorts to prostitution to make ends meet. One night, Javert, Montreuil’s police chief, arrests Fantine. She is to be sent to prison, but Madeleine intervenes. Fantine has fallen ill, and when she longs to see Cosette, Madeleine promises to send for her. First, however, he must contend with Javert, who has discovered Madeleine’s criminal
  • 5. past. Javert tells Madeleine that a man has been accused of being Jean Valjean, and Madeleine confesses his true identity. Javert shows up to arrest Valjean while Valjean is at Fantine’s bedside, and Fantine dies from the shock. After a few years, Valjean escapes from prison and heads to Montfermeil, where he is able to buy Cosette from the Thénardiers. The Thénardiers turn out to be a family of scoundrels who abuse Cosette while spoiling their own two daughters, Eponine and Azelma. Valjean and Cosette move to a run-down part of Paris. Javert discovers their hideout, however, and they are forced to flee. They find refuge in a convent, where Cosette attends school and Valjean works as a gardener. Marius Pontmercy is a young man who lives with his wealthy grandfather, M. Gillenormand. Because of political differences within the family, Marius has never met his father, Georges Pontmercy. After his father dies, however, Marius learns more about him and comes to admire his father’s democratic politics. Angry with his grandfather, Marius moves out of Gillenormand’s house and lives as a poor young law student. While in law school, Marius associates with a group of radical students, the Friends of the ABC, who are led by the charismatic Enjolras. One day, Marius sees Cosette at a public park. It is love at first sight, but the protective Valjean does his utmost to prevent Cosette and Marius from ever meeting. Their paths cross once again, however, when Valjean makes a charitable visit to Marius’s poor neighbors, the Jondrettes. The Jondrettes are in fact the Thénardiers, who have lost their inn and moved to Paris under an assumed name. After Valjean leaves, Thénardier announces a plan to rob Valjean when he returns. Alarmed, Marius alerts the local police inspector, who turns out to be Javert. The ambush is foiled and the Thénardiers are arrested, but Valjean escapes before Javert can identify him. Thénardier’s daughter Eponine, who is in love with Marius, helps Marius discover Cosette’s whereabouts. Marius is finally able to make contact with Cosette, and the two declare their love for each other. Valjean, however, soon shatters their
  • 6. happiness. Worried that he will lose Cosette and unnerved by political unrest in the city, Valjean announces that he and Cosette are moving to England. In desperation, Marius runs to his grandfather, M. Gillenormand, to ask for M. Gillenormand’s permission to marry Cosette. Their meeting ends in a bitter argument. When Marius returns to Cosette, she and Valjean have disappeared. Heartbroken, Marius decides to join his radical student friends, who have started a political uprising. Armed with two pistols, Marius heads for the barricades. The uprising seems doomed, but Marius and his fellow students nonetheless stand their ground and vow to fight for freedom and democracy. The students discover Javert among their ranks, and, realizing that he is a spy, Enjolras ties him up. As the army launches its first attack against the students, Eponine throws herself in front of a rifle to save Marius’s life. As Eponine dies in Marius’s arms, she hands him a letter from Cosette. Marius quickly scribbles a reply and orders a boy, Gavroche, to deliver it to Cosette. Valjean manages to intercept the note and sets out to save the life of the man his daughter loves. Valjean arrives at the barricade and volunteers to execute Javert. When alone with Javert, however, Valjean instead secretly lets him go free. As the army storms the barricade, Valjean grabs the wounded Marius and flees through the sewers. When Valjean emerges hours later, Javert immediately arrests him. Valjean pleads with Javert to let him take the dying Marius to Marius’s grandfather. Javert agrees. Javert feels tormented, torn between his duty to his profession and the debt he owes Valjean for saving his life. Ultimately, Javert lets Valjean go and throws himself into the river, where he drowns. Marius makes a full recovery and is reconciled with Gillenormand, who consents to Marius and Cosette’s marriage. Their wedding is a happy one, marred only when Valjean confesses his criminal past to Marius. Alarmed by this revelation and unaware that it was Valjean who saved his life at the barricades, Marius tries to prevent Cosette from having
  • 7. contact with Valjean. Lonely and depressed, Valjean takes to his bed and awaits his death. Marius eventually finds out from Thénardier that Valjean saved Marius’s life. Ashamed that he mistrusted Valjean, Marius tells Cosette everything that has happened. Marius and Cosette rush to Valjean’s side just in time for a final reconciliation. Happy to be reunited with his adopted daughter, Valjean dies in peace. ANOTHER SUMMARY In 1815 France, convict Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman) is released on parole by prison guard Javert (Russell Crowe) after serving a 19-year sentence for stealing a loaf of bread as well as repeated escape attempts. After several months of drifting around France, Valjean is offered food and shelter by the Bishop of Digne (Colm Wilkinson), but steals his silver during the night. He is caught by the authorities, but the Bishop lies by saying that the silver was given as a gift, and secures Valjean's release. Touched by the Bishop's love, grace and generosity, Valjean breaks his parole and vows to start an honest life under a new identity. Javert swears he will bring the escaped convict to justice. Eight years later in 1823, Valjean has become a wealthy factory owner and mayor of the small town of Montreuil-sur-Mer. A young woman named Fantine (Anne Hathaway), one of his workers, is discovered to be sending money to her illegitimate daughter, Cosette (Isabelle Allen), who lives with the unscrupulous Thénardiers (Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter) and their daughter Éponine (Natalya Angel Wallace), and is dismissed by the foreman (Michael Jibson). Left with no alternative, Fantine turns to prostitution. During an argument with an abusive customer, Javert, now a police inspector, arrests Fantine, but Valjean intercedes and takes her
  • 8. to a hospital where she is diagnosed with a terminal case of tuberclosis. Later, Valjean learns that a man believed to be him has been arrested. Unable to condemn an innocent man, Valjean reveals his identity to the court before departing for the hospital. There he promises to a dying Fantine that he will look after her daughter. After Fantine dies, Javert arrives at the hospital and attempts to arrest Valjean. But Valjean escapes and finds Cosette at the Thénardiers brothel/halfway house. Valjean bribes the couple to allow him to take Cosette away. After Valjean confides in Cosette about her mother passing away, he promises to be like a father to her. Valjean makes contact with the Bishop of Digne who agrees to give him and Cosette new idenities to hide from the authorities. Nine years later in June of 1833, Jean Maximilien Lamarque, the only government official sympathetic toward the poor, is nearing death. Students Marius Pontmercy (Eddie Redmayne) and Enjolras (Aaron Tveit), together with street urchin Gavroche (Daniel Huttlestone), discuss fomenting a revolution to overthrow the government. Later Marius catches a glimpse of Cosette (Amanda Seyfried), now a young woman, and instantly falls in love with her. Meanwhile, despite Cosette's questioning, Valjean refuses to tell her about his past or anything about her late mother, Fantine. At a café, Enjolras organises a group of idealistic students as Lamarque's death is announced. Meanwhile, Éponine (Samantha Barks), now Marius's friend, leads him to Cosette, where the two profess their love for one another. Lamenting that her secret love for Marius will never be reciprocated, Éponine fatalistically decides to join the revolution. Later, an attempted robbery of Valjean's house makes him mistakenly believe that Javert has discovered him, and he flees with Cosette. As they leave, Enjolras rallies the Parisians to revolt, and Cosette sends
  • 9. a farewell letter to Marius. The next day, the students interrupt Lamarque's funeral procession and begin their assault. Javert poses as a rebel in order to spy on them, but is quickly exposed by Gavroche and captured. During the ensuing gunfight, Éponine saves Marius at the cost of her own life, professing her love to him before she dies, which leaves Marius devastated at the loss of his best friend. Valjean, intercepting a letter from Marius to Cosette, goes to the barricade to protect Marius. After saving Enjolras from snipers, he is allowed to execute Javert. However, when the two are alone, Valjean chooses to free Javert instead and fires his gun to fake the execution. Initially disbelieving, Javert wonders at Valjean's generosity. With the majority of the Parisians not joining the revolution as the students expected, they resolve to fight to the death. Everyone is killed by government troops in the final assault on the street barricades, but Marius is saved when Valjean drags his unconscious body into the sewers. Thénardier, scavenging the dead bodies, steals Marius's ring. Valjean recovers and escapes the sewers carrying Marius, but is confronted at the exit by Javert. Javert threatens to shoot Valjean if he refuses to surrender, but Valjean ignores him. Unable to reconcile the conflict between his civil and moral duties, two things which he always considered the same, Javert commits suicide by jumping off a bridge into the Seine river. Later, Marius mourns for his friends but Cosette comforts him. Revealing his past to Marius, Valjean tells him he must leave because his presence endangers Cosette, and makes Marius promise never to tell her. A few months later, Marius and Cosette marry; the Thénardiers crash the reception and testify that they saw Valjean carrying a murdered corpse through the sewers. Thénardier unwittingly shows Marius the ring that he stole from him as "proof." Recognising the ring, Marius realises
  • 10. that it was Valjean who saved his life. Marius and Cosette rush to Valjean after being told his location by Thénardier. As Valjean sits dying in a local convent from his long-term heart condition, he perceives the spirit of Fantine appearing to take him to Heaven. Cosette and Marius rush in to bid farewell. Valjean hands Cosette his confession of his past life, and the spirits of Fantine and the Bishop guide him to paradise, where he joins the spirits of Enjolras, Éponine, Gavroche, and the other rebels at the Barricade on the rue Soufflot.