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Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. It is a
relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were
often predetermined by the occupation of that person’s parent. There are a variety of factors that
can influence a person’s level of job satisfaction. Some of these factors include the level of pay
and benefits, the perceived fairness of the promotion system within a company, the quality of the
working conditions, social relationships, the job itself (the variety of tasks involved, the interest
and challenge the job generates, and the clarity of the job description/requirements).
The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job
satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to
enhance job satisfaction and performance methods include job rotation, job enlargement and job
enrichment. Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee
involvement, empowerment and autonomous workgroups. Job satisfaction is a very important
attribute which is frequently measured by organizations. The most common way of measurement
is the use of rating scales where employees report their reactions to their jobs. Questions relate to
relate of pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities the work itself
and co-workers.
Job satisfaction is well-established, thoroughly research topic in the area of
organizational behavior. Most behavior science scholars are familiar with the concept of job
satisfaction. It may be defined as a general attitude towards one’s job. It is one of the key factors
in organizational dynamics and is generally considered to be a primary dependent variable in
terms of an organization’s human resources is evaluated. Despite the fact job satisfaction is an
attitudinal variable, and that attitude behavior relationship may not be simple, direct and
universalistic (wicker 1969), job satisfaction has emerged as an important variable for several
reasons, the relationship of job satisfaction with other variables has been explored in detail in the
available literature.
(1) Job satisfaction means something more than his not being dissatisfied with the job. If
a worker is not dissatisfied with his job, it does not mean that he is fully satisfied. He may be
satisfied with the work but may be dissatisfied with the environment in which he is working.
Generally, it is experienced that job satisfaction relates to inner feelings of a worker regarding
his job whereas dissatisfaction relates to work environment.
(2) The term job satisfaction relates to the feelings of an employee about his job.
Generally if a worker feels happy to do a particular work, we can say that he is satisfied with he
is satisfied with what he is doing. It normally happens when the reward from the job
performance and one’s expectations of the job are in consonance with each other.
(1) KEITH DAVIS has defined the expression job satisfaction, as “The favorableness
or unfavourableness with which employees view their work”. Job satisfaction results when job
characteristics and the want of employees are in agreement. A worker will be said satisfied, if he
gets what he expected in which case, equity theory applies. The expectations of a job on the
employer’s side should be equal to the rewards monetary or non-monetary to be received by the
(2) PAREEK (1981) in his integrated model of work motivation states, “The final
psychological outcome of the person’s working in an organization is the satisfaction he/she
derives from his/her work and role”.
(3) LOCKE (1976) has given a comprehensive and universally popular definition of
job satisfaction which runs as follows- “A pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from
the appraisal of one’s job experience”. It is an end state of feeling and consists of an employee’s
cognitive, affective, and evaluative reactions to his/her job.
In its broader sense, job satisfaction is an attitude. As job satisfaction is a predisposition,
it has more or less the same attributes at attitude. Attitude is described as a characteristic way of
responding. Attitude can bi both positive and negative as employees can be both satisfied and
dissatisfied with their jobs. All attitudes are learned and hence are subject to change as is job
satisfaction .Attitude have three components such as- affection, cognition and behavior. They
include knowledge, feelings, and overt behavior.
There is a general impression that attitude are reflected in the behavior of the employees.
However, evidence suggests that these two are different phenomena and hence one cannot be
predicted from the other. The obvious explanation is visible and subject to public scrutiny, while
attitude remains a highly subjective phenomenon. While discussing about the consistency
between attitude and behavior it is normally stated that to be able to predict attitude from
behavior or behavior from attitude, both of them should be very specific. This is because the
greater the specificity the better the chances of consistency between attitude and behavior.
The Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Festinger, 1957) assumes that the individual will
strive for consistency between behavior and attitude. It says two elements of knowledge are in
dissonant relation if considering these two alone, the obverse of one element would follow from
the other, Dissonance is the existence of inconsistency and non-fitting relations among cognitive
elements. Since existence of dissonance is psychologically painful, individuals, make attempts to
reduce -dissonance either by changing their attitude or their behavior.
Job satisfaction cannot be measured easily .It has been a challenging process to social
scientists. It cannot be directly observed nor accurately inferred. However several useful
techniques have been developed to measure job satisfaction so far. They are much importance to
employers since they provide critical data concerning what is and is not being done correctly at
the workplace. Generally, reactions to work have been assessed with the following techniques.
1. Paper Pencil Test: The paper pencil test is the most frequently used approach to
measure employee job satisfaction. Here scales, which are standardized and tested with norms,
are used for collection of data. The norms provide information for specific groups or industries
for comparison purposes. One of the widely used measures is the job Descriptive Index i.e. JDI,
which was developed by smithetal in 1969.
2. The critical Incident Method: The critical incident method is one where individuals
are asked to recall the incidents that are satisfying or dissatisfying them. Then the replies
collected are examined to find out the underlying themes.
3. Interview: Interview is considered as the most important one because here interviewee
can be interviewed in an elaborate manner. It allows in-dept questioning so that it facilitates the
understanding the causes and nature of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
4. Confrontation Meeting: Confrontation meeting is one where small groups of
employees are brought together and encouraged to openly share their feelings regarding their
jobs. The basic assumption in this technique is that in a group setting sometimes people feel free
to talk about things they may hold back if interviewed alone.
Affect Theory
Edwin A. Locke’s Range of Affect Theory (1976) is arguably the most famous job
satisfaction model. The main premise of this theory is that satisfaction is determined by a
discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Further, the theory states
that how much one values a given facet of work (e.g. the degree of autonomy in a position)
moderates how satisfied/dissatisfied one becomes when expectations are/aren’t met. When a
person values a particular facet of a job, his satisfaction is more greatly impacted both positively
(when expectations are met) and negatively (when expectations are not met), compared to one
who doesn’t value that facet. To illustrate, if Employee A values autonomy in the workplace and
Employee B is indifferent about autonomy, then Employee A would be more satisfied in a
position that offers a high degree of autonomy and less satisfied in a position with little or no
autonomy compared to Employee B. This theory also states that too much of a particular facet
will produce stronger feelings of dissatisfaction the more a worker values that facet.
Dispositional Theory
Another well-known job satisfaction theory is the Dispositional Theory
Template:JacksonApril 2007. It is a very general theory that suggests that people have innate
dispositions that cause them to have tendencies toward a certain level of satisfaction, regardless
of one’s job. This approach became a notable explanation of job satisfaction in light of evidence
that job satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and jobs. Research also
indicates that identical twins have similar levels of job satisfaction.
A significant model that narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was the Core
Self-evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge in 1998. Judge argued that there are four
Core Self-evaluations that determine one’s disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem,
general self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism. This model states that higher levels of
self-esteem (the value one places on his/her self) and general self-efficacy (the belief in one’s
own competence) lead to higher work satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control (believing
one has control over herhis own life, as opposed to outside forces having control) leads to higher
job satisfaction. Finally, lower levels of neuroticism lead to higher job satisfaction[citation needed].
Two-Factor Theory (Motivator-Hygiene Theory)
Frederick Herzberg’s Two factor theory (also known as Motivator Hygiene Theory)
attempts to explain satisfaction and motivation in the workplace This theory states that
satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven by different factors – motivation and hygiene factors,
respectively. An employee’s motivation to work is continually related to job satisfaction of a
subordinate. Motivation can be seen as an inner force that drives individuals to attain personal
and organizational goals (Hoskinson, Porter, & Wrench, p.133). Motivating factors are those
aspects of the job that make people want to perform, and provide people with satisfaction, for
example achievement in work, recognition, promotion opportunities. These motivating factors
are considered to be intrinsic to the job, or the work carried out. Hygiene factors include aspects
of the working environment such as pay, company policies, supervisory practices, and other
working conditions.
While Hertzberg's model has stimulated much research, researchers have been unable to
reliably empirically prove the model, with Hackman & Oldham suggesting that Hertzberg's
original formulation of the model may have been a methodological artifact. Furthermore, the
theory does not consider individual differences, conversely predicting all employees will react in
an identical manner to changes in motivating/hygiene factors. Finally, the model has been
criticised in that it does not specify how motivating/hygiene factors are to be measured.
 The survey is subjected to the bias and prejudices of the respondents hence 100%
accuracy can’t be assured
 The researcher was carried out in a short span of time, where in the researcher could
not widen the study.
 The study could not be generalized due to the fact that researcher adapted personal
interview method.
 To identify the employees level of satisfaction upon that job.
 This study is helpful to that organization for conducting further research
 It is helpful to identify the employer’s level of satisfaction towards welfare measure.
 This study is helpful to the organization for identifying the area of dissatisfaction of
job of the employees.
 This study helps to make a managerial decision to the company.
 To study job satisfaction level among the employees in Arihant Duraplast ,
No: C - 19 Sipcot Industrial Park Kancheepuram- 602 117.
 To know the employee satisfaction towards the facilities.
 To identify the factors which influence the job satisfaction of employees.
 To know the satisfaction level of employees with respect to their various level of the
 To know the satisfaction level of employees towards the interaction with management.
 To identify the factors which improve the satisfaction level of employees.
 To offer valuable suggestions to improve the satisfaction level of employees.
1) Name :
2) Gender : (a) Male (b) Female
3) Designation :
4) Monthly income : (a) below5000 (b) 5000-10000
(c) 10000-15000 (d) above15000
5) Age : (a) below25 (b) 25-35
(c) 35-45 (d) 45-65
6) Job experience : (a) below 3 years (b) 3-5 years
(c) 5-8 years (d) 8-10years
(e) 10 years above
7) What is your the satisfaction level of current job
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
8) Are you satisfied with your salary provided by the company
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
9) Do you work over time
(a) Yes (b) No
10) Are you satisfied with your over time salary
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
11) Your opinion about the relationship with management
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
12) What is your opinion about transportation facility
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
13) Are you satisfied with canteen and water facility
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
14) Are you satisfied with sports and entertainment facility
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
15) What is your opinion about festival advance and bonus facility
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
16) Are you satisfied with the working conditions and facilities provided by the organization
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
17) Are you satisfied in the training facility provided by the organization
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
18) Are satisfied with the policies of your organization
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
19) Are you satisfied with leave and holiday facility
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
20) How do you feel your present roles and responsibility
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
21) If you make suggestion will it be accepted by the management
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
22) Have you satisfied with the motivation from the organization and your superior
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
23) How do you feel about your present work load
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
24) How do you feel about lighting and ventilation facilities provided to you
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
25) How do you feel about working time
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
26) How do you feed about first aid and medical facility
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
27) Are you satisfied with fringe benefits
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
28) Are you satisfied with performance appraisal method
(a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
Sampling Method
 For this study the samples were drawn using convenience sampling method.
 Scale Five point Likert Scale.
Sampling Area
 Arihant Duraplast , No: C - 19 Sipcot Industrial Park Kancheepuram- 602 117
Sample Size
 100 samples were collected from the executive employees of Arihant Duraplast

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Job satisfaction arihant duraplast , no c 19 sipcot industrial park kancheepuram- 602 117

  • 1. 1 ABOUT THE TOPIC INTRODUCTION Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that person’s parent. There are a variety of factors that can influence a person’s level of job satisfaction. Some of these factors include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness of the promotion system within a company, the quality of the working conditions, social relationships, the job itself (the variety of tasks involved, the interest and challenge the job generates, and the clarity of the job description/requirements). The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance methods include job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous workgroups. Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations. The most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales where employees report their reactions to their jobs. Questions relate to relate of pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities the work itself and co-workers. Job satisfaction is well-established, thoroughly research topic in the area of organizational behavior. Most behavior science scholars are familiar with the concept of job
  • 2. 2 satisfaction. It may be defined as a general attitude towards one’s job. It is one of the key factors in organizational dynamics and is generally considered to be a primary dependent variable in terms of an organization’s human resources is evaluated. Despite the fact job satisfaction is an attitudinal variable, and that attitude behavior relationship may not be simple, direct and universalistic (wicker 1969), job satisfaction has emerged as an important variable for several reasons, the relationship of job satisfaction with other variables has been explored in detail in the available literature. MEANING (1) Job satisfaction means something more than his not being dissatisfied with the job. If a worker is not dissatisfied with his job, it does not mean that he is fully satisfied. He may be satisfied with the work but may be dissatisfied with the environment in which he is working. Generally, it is experienced that job satisfaction relates to inner feelings of a worker regarding his job whereas dissatisfaction relates to work environment. (2) The term job satisfaction relates to the feelings of an employee about his job. Generally if a worker feels happy to do a particular work, we can say that he is satisfied with he is satisfied with what he is doing. It normally happens when the reward from the job performance and one’s expectations of the job are in consonance with each other.
  • 3. 3 DEFINITION (1) KEITH DAVIS has defined the expression job satisfaction, as “The favorableness or unfavourableness with which employees view their work”. Job satisfaction results when job characteristics and the want of employees are in agreement. A worker will be said satisfied, if he gets what he expected in which case, equity theory applies. The expectations of a job on the employer’s side should be equal to the rewards monetary or non-monetary to be received by the employee. (2) PAREEK (1981) in his integrated model of work motivation states, “The final psychological outcome of the person’s working in an organization is the satisfaction he/she derives from his/her work and role”. (3) LOCKE (1976) has given a comprehensive and universally popular definition of job satisfaction which runs as follows- “A pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job experience”. It is an end state of feeling and consists of an employee’s cognitive, affective, and evaluative reactions to his/her job. JOB SATISFACTION AND ATTITUDE In its broader sense, job satisfaction is an attitude. As job satisfaction is a predisposition, it has more or less the same attributes at attitude. Attitude is described as a characteristic way of responding. Attitude can bi both positive and negative as employees can be both satisfied and dissatisfied with their jobs. All attitudes are learned and hence are subject to change as is job
  • 4. 4 satisfaction .Attitude have three components such as- affection, cognition and behavior. They include knowledge, feelings, and overt behavior. There is a general impression that attitude are reflected in the behavior of the employees. However, evidence suggests that these two are different phenomena and hence one cannot be predicted from the other. The obvious explanation is visible and subject to public scrutiny, while attitude remains a highly subjective phenomenon. While discussing about the consistency between attitude and behavior it is normally stated that to be able to predict attitude from behavior or behavior from attitude, both of them should be very specific. This is because the greater the specificity the better the chances of consistency between attitude and behavior. The Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Festinger, 1957) assumes that the individual will strive for consistency between behavior and attitude. It says two elements of knowledge are in dissonant relation if considering these two alone, the obverse of one element would follow from the other, Dissonance is the existence of inconsistency and non-fitting relations among cognitive elements. Since existence of dissonance is psychologically painful, individuals, make attempts to reduce -dissonance either by changing their attitude or their behavior. MEASURING JOB SATISFACTION Job satisfaction cannot be measured easily .It has been a challenging process to social scientists. It cannot be directly observed nor accurately inferred. However several useful techniques have been developed to measure job satisfaction so far. They are much importance to employers since they provide critical data concerning what is and is not being done correctly at the workplace. Generally, reactions to work have been assessed with the following techniques.
  • 5. 5 1. Paper Pencil Test: The paper pencil test is the most frequently used approach to measure employee job satisfaction. Here scales, which are standardized and tested with norms, are used for collection of data. The norms provide information for specific groups or industries for comparison purposes. One of the widely used measures is the job Descriptive Index i.e. JDI, which was developed by smithetal in 1969. 2. The critical Incident Method: The critical incident method is one where individuals are asked to recall the incidents that are satisfying or dissatisfying them. Then the replies collected are examined to find out the underlying themes. 3. Interview: Interview is considered as the most important one because here interviewee can be interviewed in an elaborate manner. It allows in-dept questioning so that it facilitates the understanding the causes and nature of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. 4. Confrontation Meeting: Confrontation meeting is one where small groups of employees are brought together and encouraged to openly share their feelings regarding their jobs. The basic assumption in this technique is that in a group setting sometimes people feel free to talk about things they may hold back if interviewed alone. THEORIES OF JOB SATISFACTION Affect Theory Edwin A. Locke’s Range of Affect Theory (1976) is arguably the most famous job satisfaction model. The main premise of this theory is that satisfaction is determined by a discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Further, the theory states that how much one values a given facet of work (e.g. the degree of autonomy in a position)
  • 6. 6 moderates how satisfied/dissatisfied one becomes when expectations are/aren’t met. When a person values a particular facet of a job, his satisfaction is more greatly impacted both positively (when expectations are met) and negatively (when expectations are not met), compared to one who doesn’t value that facet. To illustrate, if Employee A values autonomy in the workplace and Employee B is indifferent about autonomy, then Employee A would be more satisfied in a position that offers a high degree of autonomy and less satisfied in a position with little or no autonomy compared to Employee B. This theory also states that too much of a particular facet will produce stronger feelings of dissatisfaction the more a worker values that facet. Dispositional Theory Another well-known job satisfaction theory is the Dispositional Theory Template:JacksonApril 2007. It is a very general theory that suggests that people have innate dispositions that cause them to have tendencies toward a certain level of satisfaction, regardless of one’s job. This approach became a notable explanation of job satisfaction in light of evidence that job satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and jobs. Research also indicates that identical twins have similar levels of job satisfaction. A significant model that narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was the Core Self-evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge in 1998. Judge argued that there are four Core Self-evaluations that determine one’s disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, general self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism. This model states that higher levels of self-esteem (the value one places on his/her self) and general self-efficacy (the belief in one’s own competence) lead to higher work satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control (believing
  • 7. 7 one has control over herhis own life, as opposed to outside forces having control) leads to higher job satisfaction. Finally, lower levels of neuroticism lead to higher job satisfaction[citation needed]. Two-Factor Theory (Motivator-Hygiene Theory) Frederick Herzberg’s Two factor theory (also known as Motivator Hygiene Theory) attempts to explain satisfaction and motivation in the workplace This theory states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven by different factors – motivation and hygiene factors, respectively. An employee’s motivation to work is continually related to job satisfaction of a subordinate. Motivation can be seen as an inner force that drives individuals to attain personal and organizational goals (Hoskinson, Porter, & Wrench, p.133). Motivating factors are those aspects of the job that make people want to perform, and provide people with satisfaction, for example achievement in work, recognition, promotion opportunities. These motivating factors are considered to be intrinsic to the job, or the work carried out. Hygiene factors include aspects of the working environment such as pay, company policies, supervisory practices, and other working conditions. While Hertzberg's model has stimulated much research, researchers have been unable to reliably empirically prove the model, with Hackman & Oldham suggesting that Hertzberg's original formulation of the model may have been a methodological artifact. Furthermore, the theory does not consider individual differences, conversely predicting all employees will react in an identical manner to changes in motivating/hygiene factors. Finally, the model has been criticised in that it does not specify how motivating/hygiene factors are to be measured.
  • 8. 8 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY  The survey is subjected to the bias and prejudices of the respondents hence 100% accuracy can’t be assured  The researcher was carried out in a short span of time, where in the researcher could not widen the study.  The study could not be generalized due to the fact that researcher adapted personal interview method. SCOPE OF THE STUDY  To identify the employees level of satisfaction upon that job.  This study is helpful to that organization for conducting further research  It is helpful to identify the employer’s level of satisfaction towards welfare measure.  This study is helpful to the organization for identifying the area of dissatisfaction of job of the employees.  This study helps to make a managerial decision to the company.
  • 9. 9 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY  To study job satisfaction level among the employees in Arihant Duraplast , No: C - 19 Sipcot Industrial Park Kancheepuram- 602 117.  To know the employee satisfaction towards the facilities.  To identify the factors which influence the job satisfaction of employees.  To know the satisfaction level of employees with respect to their various level of the organization.  To know the satisfaction level of employees towards the interaction with management.  To identify the factors which improve the satisfaction level of employees.  To offer valuable suggestions to improve the satisfaction level of employees.
  • 10. 10 APPENDIX A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE’S JOB SATISFACTION ARIHANT DURAPLAST , NO: C - 19 SIPCOT INDUSTRIAL PARK KANCHEEPURAM- 602 117 1) Name : 2) Gender : (a) Male (b) Female 3) Designation : 4) Monthly income : (a) below5000 (b) 5000-10000 (c) 10000-15000 (d) above15000 5) Age : (a) below25 (b) 25-35 (c) 35-45 (d) 45-65 6) Job experience : (a) below 3 years (b) 3-5 years (c) 5-8 years (d) 8-10years (e) 10 years above 7) What is your the satisfaction level of current job (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 8) Are you satisfied with your salary provided by the company (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 9) Do you work over time (a) Yes (b) No
  • 11. 11 10) Are you satisfied with your over time salary (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 11) Your opinion about the relationship with management (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 12) What is your opinion about transportation facility (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 13) Are you satisfied with canteen and water facility (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 14) Are you satisfied with sports and entertainment facility (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 15) What is your opinion about festival advance and bonus facility (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 16) Are you satisfied with the working conditions and facilities provided by the organization (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 17) Are you satisfied in the training facility provided by the organization (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 18) Are satisfied with the policies of your organization (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
  • 12. 12 19) Are you satisfied with leave and holiday facility (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 20) How do you feel your present roles and responsibility (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 21) If you make suggestion will it be accepted by the management (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 22) Have you satisfied with the motivation from the organization and your superior (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 23) How do you feel about your present work load (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 24) How do you feel about lighting and ventilation facilities provided to you (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 25) How do you feel about working time (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 26) How do you feed about first aid and medical facility (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 27) Are you satisfied with fringe benefits (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
  • 13. 13 28) Are you satisfied with performance appraisal method (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied
  • 14. 14 Sampling Method  For this study the samples were drawn using convenience sampling method.  Scale Five point Likert Scale. Sampling Area  Arihant Duraplast , No: C - 19 Sipcot Industrial Park Kancheepuram- 602 117 Sample Size  100 samples were collected from the executive employees of Arihant Duraplast