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Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research
Vol. 64, February 2005, pp 119-124
Elements in scalp hair and nails indicating metal body burden
in polluted environment
Rita Mehra* and Meenu Juneja
Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer 305 009
Received 17 July 2004; accepted 03 November 2004
Heavy metals in biological samples namely hair and nails taken at random were examined in subjects occupationally or
otherwise exposed to Pb, Cd, Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, Ni, Ca, Mg and Cr metals and in controls from subjects working in different
environments such as tooth powder manufacturing unit, lead battery unit, locomotive workshop, welding unit and roadways
workshop. The significant levels between exposed and unexposed subjects in hair and nails have been computed by student
't' test at p < 0.05. The Pearson Moment Correlation analysis of the data for these ten elements revealed significant positive
correlation between Cr/Ni, Fe/Mn, Fe/Cr and Ni/Fe in hair of exposed subjects; Cr/Pb, Mn/Cd, Zn/Cd, Zn/Mn, Ni/Pb, Fe/Pb,
Cr/Ni, Cr/Fe and Fe/Ni in hair of unexposed subjects; Cr/Cd, Ca/Cd, Ca/Mn, Ca/Cr, Ni/Cd, Ni/Mn, Ni/Cr,Ni/Ca,Fe/Cr and
Ni/Fe in nails of exposed subjects and Cu/Cd, Cr/Cd, Cr/Cu, Zn/Cd, Zn/Cu, Zn/Cr, Ca/Cd, Ca/Cu, Ca/Cr, Ca/Zn, Mg/Cd,
Mg/Cu, Mg/Cr, Mg/Ca, Ni/Cd, Ni/Cu, Ni/Cr, Ni/Ca, Ni/Mg/, Ni/Zn, Fe/Cr, Fe/Ni and Fe/Cd in nails of unexposed subjects.
This behaviour has been explained in context to the type of exposure.
Keywords: Heavy metals, Scalp hair, Nails, Environmental pollution
IPC Code: G 01 N 1/40
A number of tissues in the human body such as the
kidney and liver can be used for metal analysis
particularly for lead, but these are not easily
accessible in living individuals. Specimens readily
available for analysis include blood, urine, nails, teeth
and hair. Their worth as bio-indicators depends on
their capacity to store trace elements. Blood metal
levels reflect transient levels whereas hair metal levels
show long-term retention, which may be accounted
for a long period of exposure1-3
. Nails also indicate
metal body burden4
. The presence of toxic and trace
elements in biological tissues like hair and nails can
be a measure of amount absorbed by a person.
Determination of trace elements in human hair is
important in biological, medical, environmental and
forensic science, as it represents an interesting
biological matrix for the studies in both, the inorganic
and organic field5
. Hair is an attractive tissue for
analysis, because obtaining a sample is noninvasive
and that it is relatively inert6
. Hair and nails are
becoming popular for their utilization as a tool for
monitoring environmental pollution or intake of toxic
. Concentrations of metals in hair and nails
reflect their mean level in the body during a longer
period as compared to body fluids8-11
. Sukumar et al12
reported higher element exposure among industrial
firework workers than controls. In such studies, the
levels found varying for different elements depending
upon the nature of occupation13
. Hair and nail can be
used as an indicator for screening population groups
occupationally exposed to elemental pollution. Hyoi
et al14
reported significantly higher levels of Cd, Pb,
Ni and Cu in hair of electroplating workers than in
controls. Occupational exposure to metals increases
the body burden and subsequently health hazards.
Excess concentration of metals causes: Pb, kidney
damage and inhibition of haem synthesis; Cd,
gastrointestinal disturbance; Cu, renal failure; Cr,
chrome ulcer chrome hole; Mn, hyperirritability, gait,
mania, frank psychosis; Ni, dermatitis, respiratory
disorder and lung cancer; and Fe, haemorrohagic
gastritis, intravascular clotting, acidosis, fatal shock
and discoloration of the skin.
In continuation to earlier studies15-16
, the present
work is a study on toxic and trace elemental
∗Author for correspondence
Tel: 0145-2670366, 2670991; Fax: 0145-2430225
(Pb, Cd, Cu, Cr, Mn, Zn, Ca, Mg, Fe and Ni)
concentrations of exposed as well as unexposed
subjects and the effect of period of exposure, type of
work and their correlationships.
Experimental Procedure
Samples were collected from male subjects
working in roadways workshop, locomotive
workshop and Pb-Cd battery units, and exposed to
metals in their work environment in particular. Hair
samples (4-5 cm long), of male subjects, were
collected from the nape of the scalp by cutting approx
2 mm from the scalp using a pair of sterilized
stainless steel scissors washed with ethanol, a neutral
solvent, to remove external contamination, if any, and
. All hair samples were sealed in plastic bags
prior to analysis. Samples taken weighed about one
For collection of nail samples, the volunteers were
asked to wash their hands thoroughly with double
distilled water and medicated soap devoid of metal
contamination, followed by drying with a clean towel
or tissue paper to remove external contamination, if
any. Nails were cut from fingers with sterilized
stainless steel scissors. All nail samples were also
sealed in plastic bags prior to analysis.
Procurement of Requisite Details of Subjects
The personal and medical history as well as the
details of the subjects taken for study was obtained
through a questionnaire as per the recommendation of
World Health Organisation. The information required
to be filled in the Performa includes sex, age, hair
colour, personal habits (smoking, drinking and food
habit), place of residence, occupation, possible metal
exposure and use of hair and nail cosmetics etc.
Washing of Samples
The hair samples were cut into pieces (1 cm) so as
to ensure feasible and fast digestion of the samples in
the digesting solution to prepare a water clear
solution. Samples pre-washed with nonionic detergent
were soaked in deionized water for 10 min. This was
followed by soaking in acetone to remove external
contamination followed by washing with deionized
water. Subsequently they were dried in an oven at
110 °C for 1 h and kept in a desiccator and stored for
later mineralization18
For washing of nails, the nail samples scrapped and
cleaned of dust particles with nonionic detergent
(triton X-100) were washed following a standardized
washing procedure19
. This was followed by soaking in
acetone to remove external contamination, rinsing
five times with deionized water and drying in an oven
at 110 °C for 30 min and stored in a desiccator.
Digestion of Samples
The dried hair and nail samples were wet digested
with 10 ml of 6:1 mixture of concentrated nitric acid
and concentrated perchloric acid kept overnight at
room temperature and consequently heated at
160-180 °C until complete evaporation to obtaining a
crystalline white dry deposit or a water clear solution.
It was then diluted with 0.1N nitric acid.
The concentration of metals was determined by
using Perkin Elmer AAS model 250 with graphite
furnace and air acetylene flame. A series of standards
were prepared in deionized water for instrumental
calibration by diluting commercial standards
containing 1000 ppm of the metals. All reagents were
of analytical grade. A number of blanks were also
prepared for mineralization of contaminated errors.
The main instrumental parameters (like wave length,
band width, lamp current) for the estimation of
specific metals by Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer were also set up for each metal
separately. Standards solutions of metals prepared
from metal powder and AR salts were used as
reference material.
Statistical Analysis
The value of metal concentrations in hair and nail
was expressed as arithmetic mean value in µg/g with
standard deviation and tabulated to illustrate
concentration profile over each group. The statistical
significance of mean values between different groups
was determined by applying a parametric test, student
't' test. The level of significance was set at P < 0.05.
Pearson Moment correlation analysis was carried out
to obtain the correlation of metals.
Results and Discussion
The mean concentrations of metals in nails of
exposed and unexposed subjects have been plotted
(Figs 1 & 2). Likewise, mean metal levels determined
in hair of exposed and normal subjects were: Pb,
53.67 ± 97.87; Cd, 1.42 ± 3.78; Cu, 11.62 ± 8.89; Mn,
9.20 ± 8.89; Cr, 87.90 ± 53.51; Zn, 212.64 ± 49.87;
Ca, 1636.15 ± 605.12; Mg, 371.48 ± 179.27;
Ni, 32.26 ± 22.57; and Fe, 199.45 ± 133.29 µg/g in
exposed subjects, and Pb, 7.60 ± 6.44; Cd, 0.32 ± .21;
Cu, 8.48 ± 2.06; Mn,6.71 ± 3.38; Cr, 68.62 ± 35.37;
Zn, 182.40 ± 45.16; Ca, 1376.80 ± 344.81; Mg,
293.27 ± 127.63; Ni, 25.34 ± 15.69; and Fe, 147.18 ±
57.05 µg/g in control. The subjects of different ages
were exposed to metals for different periods
according to their work type. The test between
exposed and unexposed subjects at P<0.05 indicates
that all metals were significant in nails as compared to
hair where only Cd, Cr, Fe and Ni were found to be
significant. Similar results were obtained by other
Fig 1 Graphical representation of mean metal concentrations in human nails of exposed and unexposed subjects
Fig 2 Graphical representation of mean metal concentration in human nails of exposed and unexposed subjects
Significant positive values of Pearson’s product
moment correlation coefficient observed in metals
are: Cr=f (Ni, Fe) and Fe=f(Mn, Ni) in hair of
exposed subjects; and Cr=f (Pb, Ni, Fe), Mn=f (Cd,
Zn), Zn=f (Cd, Mn), Pb=f (Ni, Fe, Cr), and Fe=f (Ni)
in hair of unexposed subjects. In nails, correlations
(P<0.05) between metals are: Cr=f (Cd, Ca, Ni, Fe),
Ca=f (Cd, Mn, Cr, Ni), Ni=f (Cd, Mn) and Fe=f (Ni)
in nails of exposed subjects; and Cu=f (Cd, Cr, Zn,
Ca, Mn, Ni), Cr=f (Cd, Zn, Ca, Mg, Ni, Fe), Zn=f
(Cd, Ca, Ni), Ca=f (Cd, Mg, Ni), Mg=f (Cd, Ni), Ni=f
(Cd, Fe), Fe=f (Cd) in nails of unexposed subjects.
No correlation was observed in the following
elements: Pb=f (Cd, Zn, Ca), Cd=f (Cu, Cr, Ca), Cu=f
(Mn, Ni, Fe), Mn=f (Zn, Ca, Mg), Zn=f (Mg), Ca=f
(Ni), and Mg=f (Fe) in hair of exposed subjects; Pb=f
(Cd, Mn, Zn, Mg), Cd=f (Mg), Cu=f (Ca,Fe), Cr=f
(Ca), Ca=f (Ni) in hair of unexposed subjects; Pb = f
(Cr, Ca, Ni, Fe), in nails of exposed subjects; and Pb =
f (Ca, Mg, Ni, Fe), Cu=Cu=F (Mn) , Cd=f (Cu, Zn),
Cu=f (Mn, Cr, Zn, Ca, Mg, Ni, Fe), Mn=f(Zn), and
Zn=f (Ca, Ni, Fe) in nails of unexposed subjects.
Similar results were also reported by other workers22-24
From three periods of exposure (1-10, 11-20 and
21-30 y), metal concentrations were significant in 21-
30 exposure period. In addition to background
concentrations of Zn and Fe, these and other metals
like Cr, Mn and Ni are present in appreciable amounts
in hair. This indicates that metal body concentration is
a function of metal in the work environment as also
supported by Buchancova et al25
. Significantly high
values of metals in exposed subjects relative to
controls may be occupationally related.
High bioaccumulation of Cd may be attributed to
and exposure to metal in battery workers
and that of Ni due to exposure from Ni releasing
operations as also from blood during growth of nails.
The main factors that affect the Ni level in fingernails
are the duration and intensity of exposure, which in
turn, depends on Ni content in the environment, and
its physicochemical state. If Ni concentration in the
nails is larger than 8 µg/g, the probability of
individual Ni absorption is strong19
and if it is less
than 1µg/g, it is unlikely that the subject is
occupationally exposed to Ni. Use of Fe and Cr as
alloying additive to stainless steel in ferrous foundries
and pigments and mordents for paints and dyes
respectively, contribute to the raised levels of each in
addition to Cr in chrome plating. Ca and Mg, although
significant, were also of high range in normal persons.
To develop an in depth knowledge, the study was
extended to assess the metal concentrations in hair of
subjects involved in specific type of works such as
tooth powder workers, lead battery workers, machine
man, fitter, black smith, painter, mechanic, welding,
gear fabrication and assembly fitting. In agreement to
other workers30-33
, results show that metal contents in
nails is higher relative to hair for all ten metals except
Zn and Mg. However, a unified relationship could not
be established between the elemental composition of
hair and nails. The different treatments, adopted by
the subjects for washing the hair, effects the metal
profile in hair as compared to nail samples. This is
because few metals can be easily washed out of hair
during treatments, which may lead to low levels in
hair. Irrespective of nail metal levels being higher
than hair metal levels, the same metals are
significantly high in both hair and nails. Thus, Pb was
found to be significant in lead battery workers, fitter,
black smith, painter, welding workers, and workers
involved in gear fabrication; Cd in lead battery
workers; Cr in welders; Mn in tooth powder workers,
welders and workers involved in gear fabrication; Fe
in tooth powder workers; Ni in welders; Cu in tooth
powder workers, lead battery workers and those
working in gear making section; Zn in tooth powder
workers, machine man, fitter, and welders; Ca in tooth
powder workers; and Mg in tooth powder and lead
battery workers. These results show maximum use of
the said metals in their respective work types and are
similar to reported works8 ,34
It is concluded that since the exposed workers are
prone to illnesses on prolonged exposure35
to these
metals, necessary preventive measures need to be
taken so as to protect the workers from the hazards of
metal pollution in their workplace. Change in levels
of metals from one region to another in hair36-38
may be attributed to the elemental levels,
which vary with the geographical boundary of a
country along with other influencing factors.
However, on the basis of reported researches and the
present work, it can be generalized that Cr, Ni, Mn
and Pb are present in significantly high concentrations
in welders43-45
; Cd and Pb in lead battery workers46-47
and Cu and Mn in foundry workers48
irrespective of
the regions of study.
The author (RM) gratefully acknowledges the
University Grants Commission for financial
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Elements in Scalp Hair & Nails Indicating Metal Body Burden in Polluted Environment

  • 1. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Vol. 64, February 2005, pp 119-124 Elements in scalp hair and nails indicating metal body burden in polluted environment Rita Mehra* and Meenu Juneja Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer 305 009 Received 17 July 2004; accepted 03 November 2004 Heavy metals in biological samples namely hair and nails taken at random were examined in subjects occupationally or otherwise exposed to Pb, Cd, Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, Ni, Ca, Mg and Cr metals and in controls from subjects working in different environments such as tooth powder manufacturing unit, lead battery unit, locomotive workshop, welding unit and roadways workshop. The significant levels between exposed and unexposed subjects in hair and nails have been computed by student 't' test at p < 0.05. The Pearson Moment Correlation analysis of the data for these ten elements revealed significant positive correlation between Cr/Ni, Fe/Mn, Fe/Cr and Ni/Fe in hair of exposed subjects; Cr/Pb, Mn/Cd, Zn/Cd, Zn/Mn, Ni/Pb, Fe/Pb, Cr/Ni, Cr/Fe and Fe/Ni in hair of unexposed subjects; Cr/Cd, Ca/Cd, Ca/Mn, Ca/Cr, Ni/Cd, Ni/Mn, Ni/Cr,Ni/Ca,Fe/Cr and Ni/Fe in nails of exposed subjects and Cu/Cd, Cr/Cd, Cr/Cu, Zn/Cd, Zn/Cu, Zn/Cr, Ca/Cd, Ca/Cu, Ca/Cr, Ca/Zn, Mg/Cd, Mg/Cu, Mg/Cr, Mg/Ca, Ni/Cd, Ni/Cu, Ni/Cr, Ni/Ca, Ni/Mg/, Ni/Zn, Fe/Cr, Fe/Ni and Fe/Cd in nails of unexposed subjects. This behaviour has been explained in context to the type of exposure. Keywords: Heavy metals, Scalp hair, Nails, Environmental pollution IPC Code: G 01 N 1/40 Introduction A number of tissues in the human body such as the kidney and liver can be used for metal analysis particularly for lead, but these are not easily accessible in living individuals. Specimens readily available for analysis include blood, urine, nails, teeth and hair. Their worth as bio-indicators depends on their capacity to store trace elements. Blood metal levels reflect transient levels whereas hair metal levels show long-term retention, which may be accounted for a long period of exposure1-3 . Nails also indicate metal body burden4 . The presence of toxic and trace elements in biological tissues like hair and nails can be a measure of amount absorbed by a person. Determination of trace elements in human hair is important in biological, medical, environmental and forensic science, as it represents an interesting biological matrix for the studies in both, the inorganic and organic field5 . Hair is an attractive tissue for analysis, because obtaining a sample is noninvasive and that it is relatively inert6 . Hair and nails are becoming popular for their utilization as a tool for monitoring environmental pollution or intake of toxic metals7 . Concentrations of metals in hair and nails reflect their mean level in the body during a longer period as compared to body fluids8-11 . Sukumar et al12 reported higher element exposure among industrial firework workers than controls. In such studies, the levels found varying for different elements depending upon the nature of occupation13 . Hair and nail can be used as an indicator for screening population groups occupationally exposed to elemental pollution. Hyoi et al14 reported significantly higher levels of Cd, Pb, Ni and Cu in hair of electroplating workers than in controls. Occupational exposure to metals increases the body burden and subsequently health hazards. Excess concentration of metals causes: Pb, kidney damage and inhibition of haem synthesis; Cd, gastrointestinal disturbance; Cu, renal failure; Cr, chrome ulcer chrome hole; Mn, hyperirritability, gait, mania, frank psychosis; Ni, dermatitis, respiratory disorder and lung cancer; and Fe, haemorrohagic gastritis, intravascular clotting, acidosis, fatal shock and discoloration of the skin. In continuation to earlier studies15-16 , the present work is a study on toxic and trace elemental _______________ ∗Author for correspondence Tel: 0145-2670366, 2670991; Fax: 0145-2430225 E-mail:
  • 2. J SCI IND RES VOL 64 FEBRUARY 2005120 (Pb, Cd, Cu, Cr, Mn, Zn, Ca, Mg, Fe and Ni) concentrations of exposed as well as unexposed subjects and the effect of period of exposure, type of work and their correlationships. Experimental Procedure Sampling Samples were collected from male subjects working in roadways workshop, locomotive workshop and Pb-Cd battery units, and exposed to metals in their work environment in particular. Hair samples (4-5 cm long), of male subjects, were collected from the nape of the scalp by cutting approx 2 mm from the scalp using a pair of sterilized stainless steel scissors washed with ethanol, a neutral solvent, to remove external contamination, if any, and dried17 . All hair samples were sealed in plastic bags prior to analysis. Samples taken weighed about one gram. For collection of nail samples, the volunteers were asked to wash their hands thoroughly with double distilled water and medicated soap devoid of metal contamination, followed by drying with a clean towel or tissue paper to remove external contamination, if any. Nails were cut from fingers with sterilized stainless steel scissors. All nail samples were also sealed in plastic bags prior to analysis. Procurement of Requisite Details of Subjects The personal and medical history as well as the details of the subjects taken for study was obtained through a questionnaire as per the recommendation of World Health Organisation. The information required to be filled in the Performa includes sex, age, hair colour, personal habits (smoking, drinking and food habit), place of residence, occupation, possible metal exposure and use of hair and nail cosmetics etc. Washing of Samples The hair samples were cut into pieces (1 cm) so as to ensure feasible and fast digestion of the samples in the digesting solution to prepare a water clear solution. Samples pre-washed with nonionic detergent were soaked in deionized water for 10 min. This was followed by soaking in acetone to remove external contamination followed by washing with deionized water. Subsequently they were dried in an oven at 110 °C for 1 h and kept in a desiccator and stored for later mineralization18 . For washing of nails, the nail samples scrapped and cleaned of dust particles with nonionic detergent (triton X-100) were washed following a standardized washing procedure19 . This was followed by soaking in acetone to remove external contamination, rinsing five times with deionized water and drying in an oven at 110 °C for 30 min and stored in a desiccator. Digestion of Samples The dried hair and nail samples were wet digested with 10 ml of 6:1 mixture of concentrated nitric acid and concentrated perchloric acid kept overnight at room temperature and consequently heated at 160-180 °C until complete evaporation to obtaining a crystalline white dry deposit or a water clear solution. It was then diluted with 0.1N nitric acid. Analysis The concentration of metals was determined by using Perkin Elmer AAS model 250 with graphite furnace and air acetylene flame. A series of standards were prepared in deionized water for instrumental calibration by diluting commercial standards containing 1000 ppm of the metals. All reagents were of analytical grade. A number of blanks were also prepared for mineralization of contaminated errors. The main instrumental parameters (like wave length, band width, lamp current) for the estimation of specific metals by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer were also set up for each metal separately. Standards solutions of metals prepared from metal powder and AR salts were used as reference material. Statistical Analysis The value of metal concentrations in hair and nail was expressed as arithmetic mean value in µg/g with standard deviation and tabulated to illustrate concentration profile over each group. The statistical significance of mean values between different groups was determined by applying a parametric test, student 't' test. The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. Pearson Moment correlation analysis was carried out to obtain the correlation of metals. Results and Discussion The mean concentrations of metals in nails of exposed and unexposed subjects have been plotted (Figs 1 & 2). Likewise, mean metal levels determined in hair of exposed and normal subjects were: Pb, 53.67 ± 97.87; Cd, 1.42 ± 3.78; Cu, 11.62 ± 8.89; Mn, 9.20 ± 8.89; Cr, 87.90 ± 53.51; Zn, 212.64 ± 49.87; Ca, 1636.15 ± 605.12; Mg, 371.48 ± 179.27; Ni, 32.26 ± 22.57; and Fe, 199.45 ± 133.29 µg/g in
  • 3. MEHRA & JUNEJA: ELEMENTS IN SCALP HAIR AND NAILS FROM POLLUTED ENVIRONMENTS 121 exposed subjects, and Pb, 7.60 ± 6.44; Cd, 0.32 ± .21; Cu, 8.48 ± 2.06; Mn,6.71 ± 3.38; Cr, 68.62 ± 35.37; Zn, 182.40 ± 45.16; Ca, 1376.80 ± 344.81; Mg, 293.27 ± 127.63; Ni, 25.34 ± 15.69; and Fe, 147.18 ± 57.05 µg/g in control. The subjects of different ages were exposed to metals for different periods according to their work type. The test between exposed and unexposed subjects at P<0.05 indicates that all metals were significant in nails as compared to hair where only Cd, Cr, Fe and Ni were found to be significant. Similar results were obtained by other workers20,21 . Fig 1 Graphical representation of mean metal concentrations in human nails of exposed and unexposed subjects Fig 2 Graphical representation of mean metal concentration in human nails of exposed and unexposed subjects
  • 4. J SCI IND RES VOL 64 FEBRUARY 2005122 Significant positive values of Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient observed in metals are: Cr=f (Ni, Fe) and Fe=f(Mn, Ni) in hair of exposed subjects; and Cr=f (Pb, Ni, Fe), Mn=f (Cd, Zn), Zn=f (Cd, Mn), Pb=f (Ni, Fe, Cr), and Fe=f (Ni) in hair of unexposed subjects. In nails, correlations (P<0.05) between metals are: Cr=f (Cd, Ca, Ni, Fe), Ca=f (Cd, Mn, Cr, Ni), Ni=f (Cd, Mn) and Fe=f (Ni) in nails of exposed subjects; and Cu=f (Cd, Cr, Zn, Ca, Mn, Ni), Cr=f (Cd, Zn, Ca, Mg, Ni, Fe), Zn=f (Cd, Ca, Ni), Ca=f (Cd, Mg, Ni), Mg=f (Cd, Ni), Ni=f (Cd, Fe), Fe=f (Cd) in nails of unexposed subjects. No correlation was observed in the following elements: Pb=f (Cd, Zn, Ca), Cd=f (Cu, Cr, Ca), Cu=f (Mn, Ni, Fe), Mn=f (Zn, Ca, Mg), Zn=f (Mg), Ca=f (Ni), and Mg=f (Fe) in hair of exposed subjects; Pb=f (Cd, Mn, Zn, Mg), Cd=f (Mg), Cu=f (Ca,Fe), Cr=f (Ca), Ca=f (Ni) in hair of unexposed subjects; Pb = f (Cr, Ca, Ni, Fe), in nails of exposed subjects; and Pb = f (Ca, Mg, Ni, Fe), Cu=Cu=F (Mn) , Cd=f (Cu, Zn), Cu=f (Mn, Cr, Zn, Ca, Mg, Ni, Fe), Mn=f(Zn), and Zn=f (Ca, Ni, Fe) in nails of unexposed subjects. Similar results were also reported by other workers22-24 . From three periods of exposure (1-10, 11-20 and 21-30 y), metal concentrations were significant in 21- 30 exposure period. In addition to background concentrations of Zn and Fe, these and other metals like Cr, Mn and Ni are present in appreciable amounts in hair. This indicates that metal body concentration is a function of metal in the work environment as also supported by Buchancova et al25 . Significantly high values of metals in exposed subjects relative to controls may be occupationally related. High bioaccumulation of Cd may be attributed to smoking26-29 and exposure to metal in battery workers and that of Ni due to exposure from Ni releasing operations as also from blood during growth of nails. The main factors that affect the Ni level in fingernails are the duration and intensity of exposure, which in turn, depends on Ni content in the environment, and its physicochemical state. If Ni concentration in the nails is larger than 8 µg/g, the probability of individual Ni absorption is strong19 and if it is less than 1µg/g, it is unlikely that the subject is occupationally exposed to Ni. Use of Fe and Cr as alloying additive to stainless steel in ferrous foundries and pigments and mordents for paints and dyes respectively, contribute to the raised levels of each in addition to Cr in chrome plating. Ca and Mg, although significant, were also of high range in normal persons. To develop an in depth knowledge, the study was extended to assess the metal concentrations in hair of subjects involved in specific type of works such as tooth powder workers, lead battery workers, machine man, fitter, black smith, painter, mechanic, welding, gear fabrication and assembly fitting. In agreement to other workers30-33 , results show that metal contents in nails is higher relative to hair for all ten metals except Zn and Mg. However, a unified relationship could not be established between the elemental composition of hair and nails. The different treatments, adopted by the subjects for washing the hair, effects the metal profile in hair as compared to nail samples. This is because few metals can be easily washed out of hair during treatments, which may lead to low levels in hair. Irrespective of nail metal levels being higher than hair metal levels, the same metals are significantly high in both hair and nails. Thus, Pb was found to be significant in lead battery workers, fitter, black smith, painter, welding workers, and workers involved in gear fabrication; Cd in lead battery workers; Cr in welders; Mn in tooth powder workers, welders and workers involved in gear fabrication; Fe in tooth powder workers; Ni in welders; Cu in tooth powder workers, lead battery workers and those working in gear making section; Zn in tooth powder workers, machine man, fitter, and welders; Ca in tooth powder workers; and Mg in tooth powder and lead battery workers. These results show maximum use of the said metals in their respective work types and are similar to reported works8 ,34 . It is concluded that since the exposed workers are prone to illnesses on prolonged exposure35 to these metals, necessary preventive measures need to be taken so as to protect the workers from the hazards of metal pollution in their workplace. Change in levels of metals from one region to another in hair36-38 and nails39-42 may be attributed to the elemental levels, which vary with the geographical boundary of a country along with other influencing factors. However, on the basis of reported researches and the present work, it can be generalized that Cr, Ni, Mn and Pb are present in significantly high concentrations in welders43-45 ; Cd and Pb in lead battery workers46-47 ; and Cu and Mn in foundry workers48 irrespective of the regions of study. Acknowledgement The author (RM) gratefully acknowledges the University Grants Commission for financial assistance.
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