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You are required, but not limited, to turn in the following source files: (Download this file and use it as your driver program for this assignment. You
need to add more codes to complete it.)
Requirements to get full credits in Documentation
The assignment number, your name, StudentID, Lecture number/time, and a class description
need to be included at the top of each class/file.
A description of each method is also needed.
Some additional comments inside of methods (especially for a "main" method) to explain code
that are hard to follow should be written.
You can look at Java programs in the text book to see how comments are added to programs.
Skills to be Applied
In addition to what has been covered in previous assignments, the use of the following items,
discussed in class, will probably be needed:
The protected modifier
The super Reference
Abstract class
Wrapper classes
Program Description
Class Diagram:
In Assignment #5, you will need to make use of inheritance by creating a class hierarchy for
Soup is an abstract class, which represents the basic attributes of any soup in a container to be
sold. It is used as the root of the soup hierarchy. It has the following attributes (should be
Attribute name
Attribute type
The volume of the soup
The price per unit of the soup
The total price of the soup
The Id of the soup
The following constructor method should be provided to initialize the instance variables.
publicSoup(String id, double someUnitPrice)
The instance variable volume is initialized to 0, totalPrice is initialized to 0.0, unitPrice is
initialized to the value of the second parameter, and soupId is initialized to the string value of the
first parameter.
The following accessor method should be provided for soupId :
publicString getSoupId()
The Class Soup also has an abstract method (which should be implemented by its child classes,
SoupInCylinder and SoupInBox) to compute the volume of the soup:
publicabstract void computeTotalPrice();
The following public method should be provided:
publicString toString()
toString method returns a string of the following format:
 The SoupId:tttomatosoup591
The Volume:tt150
The Unit Price:tt0.0015
The Total Price:t$330.00
You should make use of the NumberFormat class and DecimalFormat (in java.text package) to
format the total price in the dollar format (NumberFormat) and the unit price using 4 digits after
their decimal point (DecimalFormat using "0.0000").
SoupInCylinder class
SoupInCylinder is a subclass of Soup class. It represents a soup in a can (cylinder). It has the
following attribute in addition to the inherited ones:
Attribute name
Attribute type
The radius of the cylinder of the soup.
The height of the cylinder of the soup.
The following constructor method should be provided:
publicSoupInCylinder(String id, double someUnitPrice, int someRadius, int someHeight)
The radius is initialized to the value of the third parameter, the height is initialized to the value of
the forth parameter, and the constructor of the parent class Soup should be called using the first
and second parameters. Leave volume and totalPrice as their default values (defined in the
parent’s constructor).
The following method should be implemented:
publicvoid computeTotalPrice()
First, it computes the volume for the cylinder of the soup. (computed by
PI*(radius*radius*height), the constant value PI is defined in the Math class. -- (int)
(Math.PI*(radius*radius*height)) Also, compute (radius*radius*height) first since they are all
integers. PI is a float point number, so you need to cast the final value to an integer ("volume"
is an integer.) Then compute the total price of the soup. (computed by volume * unitPrice)
Also, the following method should be implemented:
publicString toString()
The toString() method inherited from Soup class should be used to create a new string, and
display a cylinder soup's information using the following format:
 TheSoup in a Cylinder
The Radius:tt5
The Height:tt10
The SoupId:tttomatosoup591
The Volume:tt785
The Unit Price:tt0.0022
The Total Price:t$1.73 
This toString method should make use of the toString method of the parent class.
SoupInBox class
SoupInBox is a subclass of Soup class. It represents a soup in a carton. It has the following
Attribute name
Attribute type
The height of the box of the soup.
The width of the box of the soup.
The depth of the box of the soup.
The following constructor method should be provided:
publicSoupInBox(String id, double someUnitPrice, int someHeight, int someWidth, int
The height, width, depth are initialized to the value of the third parameter, the fourth parameter,
and the fifth parameter, respectively, and the constructor of the parent class Soup should be
called using the first and second parameters. Leave volume and totalPrice as their default value.
The following method should be implemented:
publicvoid computeTotalPrice()
First, it computes the volume of the box of the soup. (computed by height*width*depth)
Then compute the total price of the soup. (computed by volume * unitPrice)
Also, the following method should be implemented:
publicString toString()
The toString() method inherited from the Soup class should be used to create a new string, and
display a box soup's information using the following format:
 TheSoup in a Box
The Height:tt5
The Width:tt10
The Depth:tt5
The SoupId:ttsplitPeaSoup515
The Volume:tt250
The Unit Price:tt0.0055
The Total Price:t$1.38 
This toString method should make use of the toString method of the parent class.
SoupParser class
The SoupParser class is a utility class that will be used to create a soup object (either a cylinder
soup object or a box soup object) from a parsable string. The SoupParser class object will never
be instantiated. It must have the following method:
publicstatic Soup parseStringToSoup(String lineToParse)
The parseStringToSoup method's argument will be a string in the following format:
For a cylinder soup,
For a box soup,
A real example of this string would be:
This method will parse this string, pull out the information, create a new SoupInCylinder or
SoupInBox object using their constructor with attributes of the object, and return it to the calling
method. The type will always be present and always be either Cylinder or Box. (It can be lower
case or upper case) You may add other methods to the SoupInCylinder and SoupInBox class in
order to make your life easier.
Assignment5 class
In this assignment, download file by clicking the link, and use it for your
assignment. You need to add code to this file. The parts you need to add are written in the file, namely for the four cases "Add Soup", "Add Compute Total Prices",
"Search for Soup", and "List Soups".
All input and output should be handled here. The main method should start by displaying this
updated menu in this exact format:
AttAdd Soup
CttCompute Total Prices
DttSearch for Soup
LttList Soups
?ttDisplay Help 
Next, the following prompt should be displayed:
What action would you like to perform?
Read in the user input and execute the appropriate command. After the execution of each
command, redisplay the prompt. Commands should be accepted in both lowercase and
Add Soup
Your program should display the following prompt:
Please enter a soup information to add:
Read in the information and parse it using the soup parser.
Then add the new soup object (created by soup parser) to the soup list.
Compute Total Prices
Your program should compute total price for all soups created so far by calling
computeTotalPrice method for each of them in the soup list.
After computing total prices, display the following:
totalprices computed
Search for Soup
Your program should display the following prompt:
Please enter a soupId to search:
Read in the string and look up the soup list, if there exists a soup object with the same soup ID,
then display the following:
Otherwise, display this:
soupnot found
List Soups
List all soups in the soup list. Make use of toString method defined in SoupInBox and
SoupInCylinder classes.
A real example is looked like this:
The Soup in a Cylinder Container
The Radius: 5
The Height: 10
The SoupId: chickensoup200
The Volume: 0
The Unit Price: 0.0054
The Total Price: $0.00
The Soup in a Box Container
The Height: 10
The Width: 15
The Depth: 10
The SoupId: tomatosoup03
The Volume: 0
The Unit Price: 0.0035
The Total Price: $0.00
If there is no soup in the soup list (the list is empty), then display following:
Your program should stop executing and output nothing.
Display Help
Your program should redisplay the "choice action" menu.
Invalid Command
If an invalid command is entered, display the following line:
Unknown action
Attribute name
Attribute type
The volume of the soup
The price per unit of the soup
The total price of the soup
The Id of the soup SoupParser parseString ToSoup(lineToParse String): Soup Arizona State
University, CSE205 Spring 2017, Assignment5 Assi nment +main(StringU): void +print
Menu0:void Souplncylinder radius :int -height: int +Souplncylinder(String,double,int,int)
ttoString0: String Sou #volume int 0 #unit Price:double #total Price: double 0.0 #soupld: String
Soup (String,double) tgetSoupld0: String +toString(): String compute Total Price() void
SouplnBox ght: int -width: int -depth: int tSoupInBox (String, nt ttoString0:String
package testProject;
// Assignment #: 5
//Arizona State University - CSE205
// Name: Your name
// StudentID: Your id
// Lecture: Your lecture time (for instance, MWF 10:40am)
//Description: The Assignment 5 class displays a menu of choices
// (add cylinder soup, box soup,search soup,
// list soups, quit, display menu) to a user
// and performs the chosen task. It will keep asking a user to
// enter the next choice until the choice of 'Q' (Quit) is
// entered.
import*; //to use InputStreamReader and BufferedReader
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.*; //to use ArrayList
public class Assignment5
public static void main (String[] args)
char input1;
String inputInfo = new String();
String line = new String();
boolean operation;
// ArrayList object is used to store soup objects
ArrayList soupList = new ArrayList();
printMenu(); // print out menu
// create a BufferedReader object to read input from a keyboard
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (;
BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (isr);
System.out.println("What action would you like to perform?");
line = stdin.readLine().trim();
input1 = line.charAt(0);
input1 = Character.toUpperCase(input1);
if (line.length() == 1)
switch (input1)
case 'A': //Add Soup
System.out.print("Please enter some soup information to add: ");
inputInfo = stdin.readLine().trim();
Soup someSoup=SoupParser.parseStringToSoup(inputInfo);
*** ADD your code here to create an object of one of child classes of Soup class
*** and add it to the soupList
case 'C': //Compute Total Prices
for (Object object : soupList) {
Soup tempsoup=(Soup) object;
*** ADD your code here to compute the total price for each soup in the soupList.
System.out.print("total prices computed ");
case 'D': //Search for Soup
System.out.print("Please enter a soupID to search: ");
inputInfo = stdin.readLine().trim();
operation = false;
for (Object object : soupList) {
Soup tempsoup=(Soup) object;
*** ADD your code here to search the soup with the entered soupId and set operation
*** to true or false based on its result
if (operation == true)
System.out.print("soup found ");
System.out.print("soup not found ");
case 'L': //List Soups
System.out.println("no soup ");
for (Object object : soupList) {
Soup tempsoup=(Soup) object;
*** ADD your code here to print out all soup objects. If there is no soup,
*** print "no soup "
case 'Q': //Quit
case '?': //Display Menu
System.out.print("Unknown action ");
System.out.print("Unknown action ");
} while (input1 != 'Q'); // stop the loop when Q is read
catch (IOException exception)
System.out.println("IO Exception");
/** The method printMenu displays the menu to a use **/
public static void printMenu()
System.out.print("ChoicettAction " +
"------tt------ " +
"AttAdd Soup " +
"CttCompute Total Prices " +
"DttSearch for Soup " +
"LttList Soups " +
"QttQuit " +
"?ttDisplay Help  ");
package testProject;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
public abstract class Soup {
int volume=0;
double unitPrice;
double totalPrice=0.0;
String soupId;
public Soup(String soupId,double unitPrice) {
this.unitPrice = unitPrice;
this.soupId = soupId;
public String getSoupId() {
return soupId;
public String toString() {
NumberFormat usFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new
DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.####");
return " The SoupId:tt"+soupId+" The Volume:tt"+volume+" The Unit
Price:tt"+decFormat.format(unitPrice)+" The Total
Price:t"+usFormat.format(totalPrice)+"  ";
public abstract void computeTotalPrice();
package testProject;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
public class SoupInBox extends Soup{
int height,width,depth;
public SoupInBox(String id, double someUnitPrice, int someHeight, int someWidth, int
super(id, someUnitPrice);
public void computeTotalPrice() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
volume=(int) (Math.PI*(height*depth*width));
totalPrice=volume * unitPrice;
public String toString(){
NumberFormat usFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new
DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.####");
return " The Soup in a Box The Height:tt"+height+" The Width:tt"+width+" The
Depth:tt"+depth+" The SoupId:tt"+soupId+" The Volume:tt"+volume+" The Unit
Price:tt"+decFormat.format(unitPrice)+" The Total
Price:t"+usFormat.format(totalPrice)+"  ";
package testProject;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
public class SoupInCylinder extends Soup{
int radius;
int height;
public SoupInCylinder(String id, double someUnitPrice, int someRadius, int someHeight){
super(id, someUnitPrice);
public void computeTotalPrice() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
volume=(int) (Math.PI*(radius*radius*height));
totalPrice=volume * unitPrice;
public String toString(){
NumberFormat usFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new
DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.####");
return " The Soup in a Cylinder The Radius:tt"+radius+" The
Height:tt"+height+" The SoupId:tt"+soupId+" The Volume:tt"+volume+" The
Unit Price:tt"+decFormat.format(unitPrice)+" The Total
Price:t"+usFormat.format(totalPrice)+"  ";
package testProject;
public class SoupParser {
public static Soup parseStringToSoup(String lineToParse){
String temp[]=lineToParse.split("/");
String shape=temp[0].toLowerCase();
Soup s=null;
s=new SoupInCylinder(temp[1],Double.parseDouble(temp[2]), Integer.parseInt(temp[3]),
else if(shape.equals("box"))
s=new SoupInBox(temp[1],Double.parseDouble(temp[2]), Integer.parseInt(temp[3]),
return s;
Choice Action
------ ------
A Add Soup
C Compute Total Prices
D Search for Soup
L List Soups
Q Quit
? Display Help
What action would you like to perform?
Please enter some soup information to add:
What action would you like to perform?
Please enter some soup information to add:
What action would you like to perform?
The Soup in a Cylinder
The Radius: 5
The Height: 10
The SoupId: tomateSoup514
The Volume: 0
The Unit Price: 0.0054
The Total Price: $0.00
The Soup in a Box
The Height: 10
The Width: 15
The Depth: 10
The SoupId: splitPeaSoup7192
The Volume: 0
The Unit Price: 0.0035
The Total Price: $0.00
What action would you like to perform?
Please enter a soupID to search:
soup not found
What action would you like to perform?
Please enter a soupID to search:
soup found
What action would you like to perform?
Choice Action
------ ------
A Add Soup
C Compute Total Prices
D Search for Soup
L List Soups
Q Quit
? Display Help
What action would you like to perform?
total prices computed
What action would you like to perform?
The Soup in a Cylinder
The Radius: 5
The Height: 10
The SoupId: tomateSoup514
The Volume: 785
The Unit Price: 0.0054
The Total Price: $4.24
The Soup in a Box
The Height: 10
The Width: 15
The Depth: 10
The SoupId: splitPeaSoup7192
The Volume: 4712
The Unit Price: 0.0035
The Total Price: $16.49
What action would you like to perform?
Unknown action
What action would you like to perform?
Choice Action
------ ------
A Add Soup
C Compute Total Prices
D Search for Soup
L List Soups
Q Quit
? Display Help
What action would you like to perform?

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These are the outputs which should match they are 4 of them -outp.pdf

  • 1. These are the outputs which should match they are 4 of them :- output 1 - output 2 - output 3 - output 4 - Here is the file can make changes to it :- You are required, but not limited, to turn in the following source files: (Download this file and use it as your driver program for this assignment. You need to add more codes to complete it.) Requirements to get full credits in Documentation The assignment number, your name, StudentID, Lecture number/time, and a class description need to be included at the top of each class/file. A description of each method is also needed. Some additional comments inside of methods (especially for a "main" method) to explain code that are hard to follow should be written. You can look at Java programs in the text book to see how comments are added to programs. Skills to be Applied In addition to what has been covered in previous assignments, the use of the following items, discussed in class, will probably be needed: Inheritance The protected modifier The super Reference Abstract class NumberFormat/DecimalFormat Wrapper classes ArrayList Program Description Class Diagram: In Assignment #5, you will need to make use of inheritance by creating a class hierarchy for vehicles.
  • 2. Soup is an abstract class, which represents the basic attributes of any soup in a container to be sold. It is used as the root of the soup hierarchy. It has the following attributes (should be protected): Attribute name Attribute type Description volume int The volume of the soup unitPrice double The price per unit of the soup totalPrice double The total price of the soup soupId String The Id of the soup The following constructor method should be provided to initialize the instance variables. publicSoup(String id, double someUnitPrice) The instance variable volume is initialized to 0, totalPrice is initialized to 0.0, unitPrice is initialized to the value of the second parameter, and soupId is initialized to the string value of the first parameter. The following accessor method should be provided for soupId : publicString getSoupId() The Class Soup also has an abstract method (which should be implemented by its child classes, SoupInCylinder and SoupInBox) to compute the volume of the soup: publicabstract void computeTotalPrice(); The following public method should be provided: publicString toString() toString method returns a string of the following format: The SoupId:tttomatosoup591 The Volume:tt150 The Unit Price:tt0.0015 The Total Price:t$330.00
  • 3. You should make use of the NumberFormat class and DecimalFormat (in java.text package) to format the total price in the dollar format (NumberFormat) and the unit price using 4 digits after their decimal point (DecimalFormat using "0.0000"). SoupInCylinder class SoupInCylinder is a subclass of Soup class. It represents a soup in a can (cylinder). It has the following attribute in addition to the inherited ones: Attribute name Attribute type Description radius int The radius of the cylinder of the soup. height int The height of the cylinder of the soup. The following constructor method should be provided: publicSoupInCylinder(String id, double someUnitPrice, int someRadius, int someHeight) The radius is initialized to the value of the third parameter, the height is initialized to the value of the forth parameter, and the constructor of the parent class Soup should be called using the first and second parameters. Leave volume and totalPrice as their default values (defined in the parent’s constructor). The following method should be implemented: publicvoid computeTotalPrice() First, it computes the volume for the cylinder of the soup. (computed by PI*(radius*radius*height), the constant value PI is defined in the Math class. -- (int) (Math.PI*(radius*radius*height)) Also, compute (radius*radius*height) first since they are all integers. PI is a float point number, so you need to cast the final value to an integer ("volume" is an integer.) Then compute the total price of the soup. (computed by volume * unitPrice) Also, the following method should be implemented: publicString toString() The toString() method inherited from Soup class should be used to create a new string, and display a cylinder soup's information using the following format: TheSoup in a Cylinder The Radius:tt5 The Height:tt10
  • 4. The SoupId:tttomatosoup591 The Volume:tt785 The Unit Price:tt0.0022 The Total Price:t$1.73 This toString method should make use of the toString method of the parent class. SoupInBox class SoupInBox is a subclass of Soup class. It represents a soup in a carton. It has the following attributes: Attribute name Attribute type Description height int The height of the box of the soup. width int The width of the box of the soup. depth int The depth of the box of the soup. The following constructor method should be provided: publicSoupInBox(String id, double someUnitPrice, int someHeight, int someWidth, int someDepth) The height, width, depth are initialized to the value of the third parameter, the fourth parameter, and the fifth parameter, respectively, and the constructor of the parent class Soup should be called using the first and second parameters. Leave volume and totalPrice as their default value. The following method should be implemented: publicvoid computeTotalPrice() First, it computes the volume of the box of the soup. (computed by height*width*depth) Then compute the total price of the soup. (computed by volume * unitPrice) Also, the following method should be implemented: publicString toString() The toString() method inherited from the Soup class should be used to create a new string, and display a box soup's information using the following format: TheSoup in a Box
  • 5. The Height:tt5 The Width:tt10 The Depth:tt5 The SoupId:ttsplitPeaSoup515 The Volume:tt250 The Unit Price:tt0.0055 The Total Price:t$1.38 This toString method should make use of the toString method of the parent class. SoupParser class The SoupParser class is a utility class that will be used to create a soup object (either a cylinder soup object or a box soup object) from a parsable string. The SoupParser class object will never be instantiated. It must have the following method: publicstatic Soup parseStringToSoup(String lineToParse) The parseStringToSoup method's argument will be a string in the following format: For a cylinder soup, shape/soupId/unitPrice/radius/height For a box soup, shape/soupId/unitPrice/height/width/depth A real example of this string would be: Cylinder/tomateSoup514/0.0054/5/10 OR Box/splitPeaSoup7192/0.0035/10/15/10 This method will parse this string, pull out the information, create a new SoupInCylinder or SoupInBox object using their constructor with attributes of the object, and return it to the calling method. The type will always be present and always be either Cylinder or Box. (It can be lower case or upper case) You may add other methods to the SoupInCylinder and SoupInBox class in order to make your life easier. Assignment5 class In this assignment, download file by clicking the link, and use it for your assignment. You need to add code to this file. The parts you need to add are written in the file, namely for the four cases "Add Soup", "Add Compute Total Prices", "Search for Soup", and "List Soups". All input and output should be handled here. The main method should start by displaying this updated menu in this exact format: ChoicettAction
  • 6. ------tt------ AttAdd Soup CttCompute Total Prices DttSearch for Soup LttList Soups QttQuit ?ttDisplay Help Next, the following prompt should be displayed: What action would you like to perform? Read in the user input and execute the appropriate command. After the execution of each command, redisplay the prompt. Commands should be accepted in both lowercase and uppercase. Add Soup Your program should display the following prompt: Please enter a soup information to add: Read in the information and parse it using the soup parser. Then add the new soup object (created by soup parser) to the soup list. Compute Total Prices Your program should compute total price for all soups created so far by calling computeTotalPrice method for each of them in the soup list. After computing total prices, display the following: totalprices computed Search for Soup Your program should display the following prompt: Please enter a soupId to search: Read in the string and look up the soup list, if there exists a soup object with the same soup ID, then display the following: soupfound Otherwise, display this: soupnot found List Soups List all soups in the soup list. Make use of toString method defined in SoupInBox and SoupInCylinder classes. A real example is looked like this: The Soup in a Cylinder Container
  • 7. The Radius: 5 The Height: 10 The SoupId: chickensoup200 The Volume: 0 The Unit Price: 0.0054 The Total Price: $0.00 The Soup in a Box Container The Height: 10 The Width: 15 The Depth: 10 The SoupId: tomatosoup03 The Volume: 0 The Unit Price: 0.0035 The Total Price: $0.00 If there is no soup in the soup list (the list is empty), then display following: nosoup Quit Your program should stop executing and output nothing. Display Help Your program should redisplay the "choice action" menu. Invalid Command If an invalid command is entered, display the following line: Unknown action Attribute name Attribute type Description volume int The volume of the soup unitPrice double The price per unit of the soup totalPrice double
  • 8. The total price of the soup soupId String The Id of the soup SoupParser parseString ToSoup(lineToParse String): Soup Arizona State University, CSE205 Spring 2017, Assignment5 Assi nment +main(StringU): void +print Menu0:void Souplncylinder radius :int -height: int +Souplncylinder(String,double,int,int) ttoString0: String Sou #volume int 0 #unit Price:double #total Price: double 0.0 #soupld: String Soup (String,double) tgetSoupld0: String +toString(): String compute Total Price() void SouplnBox ght: int -width: int -depth: int tSoupInBox (String, nt ttoString0:String Solution package testProject; // Assignment #: 5 //Arizona State University - CSE205 // Name: Your name // StudentID: Your id // Lecture: Your lecture time (for instance, MWF 10:40am) //Description: The Assignment 5 class displays a menu of choices // (add cylinder soup, box soup,search soup, // list soups, quit, display menu) to a user // and performs the chosen task. It will keep asking a user to // enter the next choice until the choice of 'Q' (Quit) is // entered. import*; //to use InputStreamReader and BufferedReader import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.*; //to use ArrayList public class Assignment5 { public static void main (String[] args) { char input1; String inputInfo = new String(); String line = new String(); boolean operation;
  • 9. // ArrayList object is used to store soup objects ArrayList soupList = new ArrayList(); try { printMenu(); // print out menu // create a BufferedReader object to read input from a keyboard InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (; BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (isr); do { System.out.println("What action would you like to perform?"); line = stdin.readLine().trim(); input1 = line.charAt(0); input1 = Character.toUpperCase(input1); if (line.length() == 1) { switch (input1) { case 'A': //Add Soup System.out.print("Please enter some soup information to add: "); inputInfo = stdin.readLine().trim(); Soup someSoup=SoupParser.parseStringToSoup(inputInfo); soupList.add(someSoup); /***************************************************************************** ****** *** ADD your code here to create an object of one of child classes of Soup class *** and add it to the soupList ***************************************************************************** ******/ break; case 'C': //Compute Total Prices for (Object object : soupList) { Soup tempsoup=(Soup) object; tempsoup.computeTotalPrice(); }
  • 10. /***************************************************************************** ****** *** ADD your code here to compute the total price for each soup in the soupList. ***************************************************************************** ******/ System.out.print("total prices computed "); break; case 'D': //Search for Soup System.out.print("Please enter a soupID to search: "); inputInfo = stdin.readLine().trim(); operation = false; for (Object object : soupList) { Soup tempsoup=(Soup) object; if(tempsoup.getSoupId().equals(inputInfo)){ operation=true; break; } } /***************************************************************************** ****** *** ADD your code here to search the soup with the entered soupId and set operation *** to true or false based on its result ***************************************************************************** ******/ if (operation == true) System.out.print("soup found "); else System.out.print("soup not found "); break; case 'L': //List Soups if(soupList.size()==0) System.out.println("no soup "); else{ for (Object object : soupList) { Soup tempsoup=(Soup) object; System.out.println(tempsoup.toString());
  • 11. } } /***************************************************************************** ****** *** ADD your code here to print out all soup objects. If there is no soup, *** print "no soup " ***************************************************************************** ******/ break; case 'Q': //Quit break; case '?': //Display Menu printMenu(); break; default: System.out.print("Unknown action "); break; } } else { System.out.print("Unknown action "); } } while (input1 != 'Q'); // stop the loop when Q is read } catch (IOException exception) { System.out.println("IO Exception"); } } /** The method printMenu displays the menu to a use **/ public static void printMenu() { System.out.print("ChoicettAction " + "------tt------ " + "AttAdd Soup " +
  • 12. "CttCompute Total Prices " + "DttSearch for Soup " + "LttList Soups " + "QttQuit " + "?ttDisplay Help "); } } package testProject; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Locale; public abstract class Soup { int volume=0; double unitPrice; double totalPrice=0.0; String soupId; public Soup(String soupId,double unitPrice) { this.unitPrice = unitPrice; this.soupId = soupId; } public String getSoupId() { return soupId; } @Override public String toString() { NumberFormat usFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale("en","US")); DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.####"); return " The SoupId:tt"+soupId+" The Volume:tt"+volume+" The Unit Price:tt"+decFormat.format(unitPrice)+" The Total Price:t"+usFormat.format(totalPrice)+" "; } public abstract void computeTotalPrice();
  • 13. } package testProject; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Locale; public class SoupInBox extends Soup{ int height,width,depth; public SoupInBox(String id, double someUnitPrice, int someHeight, int someWidth, int someDepth){ super(id, someUnitPrice); this.width=someWidth; this.height=someHeight; this.depth=someDepth; } @Override public void computeTotalPrice() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub volume=(int) (Math.PI*(height*depth*width)); totalPrice=volume * unitPrice; } public String toString(){ NumberFormat usFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale("en","US")); DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.####"); return " The Soup in a Box The Height:tt"+height+" The Width:tt"+width+" The Depth:tt"+depth+" The SoupId:tt"+soupId+" The Volume:tt"+volume+" The Unit Price:tt"+decFormat.format(unitPrice)+" The Total Price:t"+usFormat.format(totalPrice)+" "; }
  • 14. } package testProject; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Locale; public class SoupInCylinder extends Soup{ int radius; int height; public SoupInCylinder(String id, double someUnitPrice, int someRadius, int someHeight){ super(id, someUnitPrice); this.radius=someRadius; this.height=someHeight; } @Override public void computeTotalPrice() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub volume=(int) (Math.PI*(radius*radius*height)); totalPrice=volume * unitPrice; } public String toString(){ NumberFormat usFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale("en","US")); DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.####"); return " The Soup in a Cylinder The Radius:tt"+radius+" The Height:tt"+height+" The SoupId:tt"+soupId+" The Volume:tt"+volume+" The Unit Price:tt"+decFormat.format(unitPrice)+" The Total Price:t"+usFormat.format(totalPrice)+" "; } }
  • 15. package testProject; public class SoupParser { public static Soup parseStringToSoup(String lineToParse){ //shape/soupId/unitPrice/radius/height; String temp[]=lineToParse.split("/"); String shape=temp[0].toLowerCase(); Soup s=null; if(shape.equals("cylinder")) s=new SoupInCylinder(temp[1],Double.parseDouble(temp[2]), Integer.parseInt(temp[3]), Integer.parseInt(temp[4])); else if(shape.equals("box")) s=new SoupInBox(temp[1],Double.parseDouble(temp[2]), Integer.parseInt(temp[3]), Integer.parseInt(temp[4]),Integer.parseInt(temp[5])); return s; } } output: Choice Action ------ ------ A Add Soup C Compute Total Prices D Search for Soup L List Soups Q Quit ? Display Help What action would you like to perform? A Please enter some soup information to add: Cylinder/tomateSoup514/0.0054/5/10 What action would you like to perform? A Please enter some soup information to add: Box/splitPeaSoup7192/0.0035/10/15/10 What action would you like to perform?
  • 16. L The Soup in a Cylinder The Radius: 5 The Height: 10 The SoupId: tomateSoup514 The Volume: 0 The Unit Price: 0.0054 The Total Price: $0.00 The Soup in a Box The Height: 10 The Width: 15 The Depth: 10 The SoupId: splitPeaSoup7192 The Volume: 0 The Unit Price: 0.0035 The Total Price: $0.00 What action would you like to perform? D Please enter a soupID to search: tomatoSoup514 soup not found What action would you like to perform? D Please enter a soupID to search: tomateSoup514 soup found What action would you like to perform? ? Choice Action ------ ------ A Add Soup C Compute Total Prices D Search for Soup L List Soups Q Quit ? Display Help
  • 17. What action would you like to perform? C total prices computed What action would you like to perform? L The Soup in a Cylinder The Radius: 5 The Height: 10 The SoupId: tomateSoup514 The Volume: 785 The Unit Price: 0.0054 The Total Price: $4.24 The Soup in a Box The Height: 10 The Width: 15 The Depth: 10 The SoupId: splitPeaSoup7192 The Volume: 4712 The Unit Price: 0.0035 The Total Price: $16.49 What action would you like to perform? B Unknown action What action would you like to perform? ? Choice Action ------ ------ A Add Soup C Compute Total Prices D Search for Soup L List Soups Q Quit ? Display Help What action would you like to perform? Q