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• July 2016 •
Bayesian Linear vs Ordered
Probit/Logit Models for ordinal data:
fitting student scores in two
Portuguese High schools
Tommaso Guerrini∗
Politecnico di Milano
Assessing which factors influence student scores has long been scope of work among social
scientists. Scores are a typical example of ordinal discrete data, but is general wisdom to treat them as
continuous once the number of levels is over 6. In this paper I went into linear and ordered regression
models, assessing performance both in fitting/prediction and computational expense terms.
I. Introduction
ssessing which factors influence stu-
dent scores has long been scope of
work among social scientists. Scores
are a typical example of ordinal discrete data,
but is general wisdom to treat them as continu-
ous once the number of levels is over 6. In this
paper I went into linear and ordered regres-
sion models, assessing performance both in
fitting/prediction and computational expense
terms. Literature is wide on whether a given
predictor has a positive, null or negative influ-
ence over a student result in a test. The interest
lays on different levels. First and foremost re-
searchers try to assess which family, habitat
and leisure time patterns are favorable in order
to help the student achieve good marks. Many
papers have been written regarding the rela-
tionship between parents’ education or parents’
job and their child performance. Furthermore,
the fact that the social environment in which
children are raised deeply influences their aca-
demic and even professional career has become
common knowledge in this reasearch field. A
second important topic researchers have tried
to address regards the teaching performance
in different educational institutions, often as a
government enquiry in trying to establish the
best program to follow and award good teach-
ers and good schools. In the dataset considered
a wide number of covariates spans through
these two topics. Nevertheless, if interpret-
ing the results can be catchy, the biggest deal
of attention has been given to the statistical
instruments to perform such analysis. As is
typical in Social Sciences data are often cat-
egorical both in the response (suggesting to
explore less known regression methods) and
in the covariates. Purpose of the author was
to compare different methods, always from
a Bayesian perspective, even when prior in-
formations are pretty fragmentary. All the
models used are presented together with sam-
pling methods and references to the code used.
An Appendix gives further information about
data exploration, MCMC diagnostics, posterior
∗Master Degree in Applied Statistics
• July 2016 •
plots and full prediction results.
II. The Dataset and Preliminary
Data are student scores in two different schools
in Portugal. Along with the scores of first and
second semester there is a set of 30 covariates.
The number of statistical units is 631. The data
were gathered in 2008 and can be found on the
well-known UCI repository (see reference).
name type levels
school binary 0, 1
sex binary 0, 1
age numerical 15to22
famsize binary 0, 1
Pstatus binary 0, 1
Medu categorical 1, 2, 3, 4
Fedu categorical 1, 2, 3, 4
Mjob categorical 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Fjob categorical 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
reason categorical 1, 2, 3
guardianm binary 0, 1
traveltime ordinal 1to4
studytime ordinal 1to4
failures numerical 1to4
schoolsup binary 0, 1
famsup binary 0, 1
paid binary 0, 1
activities binary 0, 1
nursery binary 0, 1
higher binary 0, 1
internet binary 0, 1
romantic binary 0, 1
famrel ordinal 1to5
freetime ordinal 1to5
goout ordinal 1to5
Dalc ordinal 1to5
Walc ordinal 1to5
health ordinal 1to5
absences numerical 0to93
Table 1: Dataset description, see references for levels
A total of 423 student scores were
gathered in school 1 (GP), 208 in school 0
(MS). One of the first modification to the
data was to the categorical data. For in-
stance, a variable like Mother Education
(Medu) has 5 different levels, corresponding to
’teacher’,’health’,’home’,’services’ and ’other’.
Numerical labels 1 to 5 have no mathemati-
cal meaning since working in civil services (4)
it’s not equivalent to four times working as a
teacher(1). So variables of this type were trans-
formed in k-1 dummies, where k equals the
number of levels.
unit Medu
1 teacher
2 home
3 services
4 health
5 other
unit teacherm health services home
1 1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 1
3 0 0 1 0
4 0 1 0 0
5 0 0 0 0
Table 2: Transforming categorical variables
with k levels into k-1 dummies.
This way a student with mother job
in ’other’ category is still represented since it
corresponds to a 0 into the other 4 categories.
That guarantees linear independence in the de-
sign matrix once the regression was performed
and results not reported here confirm the bet-
ter fitting of the model to the data once the
variable transformation was made, both in R2
and other diagnostics. Student scores had a 0-
20 scale, but 0,1 were excluded since they were
probably linked to a missing value. This was
not specified once the data were gathered. Yet,
data excluded were a dozen and this did not
influence the model built. In the final dataset
there were present just marks from 4 to 19
with frequencies specified in the next table. A
very low presence of values 4,5,6,18,19 reduces
• July 2016 •
the significant levels to 11, which approaches
the literature number of 6 for which linearity
assumption of the response is not correct.
First of all a division of the dataset
in a training and a test set was made: 480 ob-
servations in the training set and 151 in the
test set. Naturally the partition was not made
randomly, instead units were selected in both
set so that the frequencies of the response lev-
els were proportional to the whole set. For
instance, if a mark 6 had a relative frequency
of 8% of the whole dataset, so was in the train-
ing and test part. This point is pretty crucial
in the ordered models, since the number of
tresholds equals the number of response levels
- 1, making their training of uttermost impor-
tance. The main reason for this division was to
assess differences among models in prediction
terms. Another frequency to take into account
when dividing the dataset was that of the two
schools: since there were 423 observations for
school GP and 208 for school MS I maintained
a 2:1 ratio in both training and test set. Instead,
I chose to set regression coefficients on the first
semester grades G1, so frequencies of G2 (2nd
semester grade) were not considered.
I. A BoxCox transformation
Classical linear regression models, assume nor-
mality of the response given a set of covariates.
The normal distribution support is , i.e. a con-
tinuous support who takes also negative values.
Furthermore the normal distribution is sym-
metric with a maximum centered in the mean
as high as the variance is low. When mod-
eling linear responses we look for these fea-
tures and when not present there’s a variety of
’tricks’ one can use before quitting and looking
somewhere else. In the work considered two
characteristics of the response do not respect
the assumptions: the response is strictly pos-
itive and it is ordinal. Ordinality was treated
deeply given that generalized linear models
which account for it were used and later pre-
sented fully. As regards the positive support
literature is wide: usually transformations like
log Y or
Y are suggested when dealing with
a positive response Y. The best way to find
the best transformation of the response such
that requirements of a linear model are met is
the boxcox transformation (with one parame-
ter if the transformation required is a canonical
one as the ones mentioned above): Yλ
i =
i −1
if λ = 0, Yλ
i = ln λ if λ = 0. This is auto-
matically implemented through the R software.
Even if a 0.4 value maximizes the like-
lihood, I still chose 0.5 being a known trans-
formation (
Y) less computational expensive.
Even with this transformation, which improved
the R2, diagnostics remained not particularly
satisfactory giving further motivations to build
a non linear model.
III. Bayesian Linear Models
In frequentist statistics a regression model con-
sists of a response Y whose expected value
E[Y] depends linearly on a set of covarites X,
through coefficients β . We say that: Yi =
Xi ∗ β + i , i ∼ N(0, σ2), while β are the OLS
estimates (deterministic) and sigma is fixed
too. In a bayesian context, the parameters of
the model are not fixed, but random, so we
must give a prior distribution to β and σ2 and
then know how to compute the posterior of
these parameters, so that we can make infer-
ence. Posterior ∝ Likelihood ∗ Prior , so that
the choice of the prior directly affects the Pos-
terior distribution. Yet, in our case, we have
a peculiar set of covariates such that no prior
information can be used in set mean and vari-
• July 2016 •
ance of our parameters. An idea would be
to divide the training set in 2 parts, finding
the ols estimates of β and set them as b0 and
then compute the likelihood and the posterior
on the second part of the training set. Un-
fortunately this procedure gave estimates just
slightly different from the ones obtained with
noninformative priors and no prediction power
improvement. Furthermore, reducing the num-
ber of data with a model with so many param-
eters (41) could make our model not so good.
We need a prior specification for our param-
eters π(β, σ2) . First of all, there’s an inter-
esting property for such a prior writing it like:
π(β, σ2) = π(β|σ2) * π(σ2) . In this case, choos-
ing a Normal distribution for π(β|σ2) and an
Inverse-Gamma distribution for π(σ2) we have
a conjugate model to the normal Likelihood
specified at the beginning of the paragraph.
This really simplifies our calculations because
the posterior distribution will still be a prod-
uct of a Normal for an Inverse-Gamma, with
updated parameters.
β|σ2 ∼ N(b0, σ2 ∗ B0) (1)
σ2 ∼ Inv − Gamma(ν0
2 ,
0 )
2 ) (2)
Y|X, β, σ2 ∼ Nn(X ∗ β, σ2 ∗ I) (3)
π(β, σ2|Y) = π(β|σ2, Y)*π(σ2|Y) (4)
β|σ2, Y, X ∼ (bn, σ2 ∗ Bn) (5)
σ2|Y, X ∼ Inv − Gamma(νn
2 ,
2 ) (6)
This was the model used when the
training set was divided in 2 parts, with b0 =
βols and a Diagonal Matrix with σ2
for B0 .
σ2 in that case was known and equal to the σ2
i.e. the residual standard error squared.
Another option used was the Zell-
ner’s g prior:
β|σ2, X ∼ Np(b0, B0) with B0 =
c ∗ (X ∗ X)−1
σ2 ∼ Inv − Gamma(0
2 ,
2 ) ∝ 1
σ2 ∗
1(0, +∞)(σ2)
Of course we need X’X invertible. The
Zellner’s prior is conjugate to the normal likeli-
hood. Different values of c where tried giving
more or less weight to the prior specificaton.
As before also the Zellner’s g prior was used
when setting previous ols estimates as mean of
the β.
The last option considered is a ref-
erence prior i.e. Jeffreys prior based on
Fisher information, in particular π(β, σ2) ∝
det(I(β, σ2)), where I(β, σ2) is the Fisher
information Matrix. This is just π(β, σ2) ∝
σ2 ∗ 1(0, +∞)(σ2) .
I. LPML and choice of prior
To choose between the 3 different priors elic-
itated above it was used the LPML i.e. the
LogPosteriorMarginalLikelihood. LPML =
∑ log(CPOi) where CPOi = L(Yi|Y−i) is the
Conditional Predictive Ordinate i.e. the predic-
tive distribution of unit Yi given all the other
units in the training set minus i. The model
with the highest LPML was always chosen and
in particular the noninformative Jeffreys prior
seemed to fit the data in the training set the
best. In the codes an uninformative prior was
obtained by setting a high variance over both
the Regression coefficients β and the error vari-
ance σ2.
• July 2016 •
IV. ordered models
Generalized linear models appear when the
response variable in a regression model is not
linear. Briefly: the ingredients in a GLM are
a random component (Y), a sistematic compo-
nent ηi , which is la linear combination of our
covariates, such that ηi = Xi ∗ β and a link func-
tion g(), which relates E[Yi] and ηi, such that
g(E[Yi]) = ηi. It is the choice of this function
which generates the 2 models implemented
in this work, the ordered logit model and the
ordered probit one.
I. GLM for binary responses
Let’s consider the case in which the response
is binary:
Yi|Xi ∼ Be(π) .
In this case E[Yi] = 1 ∗ P(Yi = 1)+ =
+P(Yi = 0) = π
so I want to specify a function g(π) = ηi =
Xi ∗ β .
Let’s consider the inverse link func-
tion g()−1 = F(), πi = F(Xi ∗ β), and let’s
finally define:
1. a logit model, where F(t) =
2. a probit model, where F(t) =
Φ(t) =
−∞ φ(z)dz, where φ is the standard
normal density and Φ is the CDF.
II. cumulative links
We want to consider the ordering of our re-
sponse variable, so let’s define cumulative
probabilities as P(Y ≤ j|X) = π1(X) + ... +
πj(X), j = 1, ..., J, where J is the number of lev-
els of the response and πj(X) is the probability
of the binary outcome Yi = j . What is desired
now is to link the cumulative probabilities to
the linear predictor ηi = Xi ∗ β . Based on
the function we choose, as in the binary case,
different links:
1. logit(P(Y ≤ j|X)) = β0j
+ β−0 ∗ X−0
2. probit(P(Y ≤ j|X)) = β0j
+ β−0 ∗ X−0
j = 1, ..., J − 1 .
First, let’s consider the fact that the
intercept (β0j
) varies for any level j, while the
other coefficients (β−0) are the same for any
level: this is known as a Proportional − odds
III. latent variables
Now let’s consider an interpretation of the
model which also makes the computation more
interpretable. Let’s introduce the presence of
a latent variable and show calculations just for
the probit model (for the logit ones we just
need to substitute the normality assumption
for the error term with a logistic density):
i = Xi ∗ β + i, epsiloni ∼ N(0, σ2
) (1)
What we want to do now is to stabi-
lize a correspondence between the latent vari-
able Y∗
i and the observed ordinal one Yi , to do
that we need tresholds:
Yi = 0 ⇐⇒ Y∗
i ≤ τ1
Yi = j ⇐⇒ τj < Y∗
i ≤ τj+1 j = 1, ..., J − 1
Yi = J ⇐⇒ Y∗
i > τj .
Of course our J-1 tresholds obey: τ1 < ... < τJ .
• July 2016 •
Now we plug in the cumulative link
mentioned before:
P(Yi = 0) = P(Y∗
i ≤ tau1) = P( i ≤
τ1 − Xi ∗ β) = Φ(τ1−Xi∗β
σ )
P(Yi = j) = Φ(
σ ) − Φ(
σ )
j = 1, ..., J − 1
P(Yi = J) = 1 − Φ(τ1−Xi∗β
σ ) .
Given n observations the likelihood for this
model is:
L = ∏n
1 ∏
0(Φij − Φi,j−1)Z
where Φij = Φ[(τj − X ∗ β)/σ], and Zij = 1 if
Yi = j 0 otherwise.
IV. Bayesian Ordered Probit(Logit)
β , τ and σ are not jointly identified, for
instance consider shifting the treshold
parameters, such that we should shift also the
intercept in β, but what if then we also change
the scale σ ? The ordered probit model is
typically identified with sets of normalizing
constraints for the 3 sets of parameters. The
ones used in the codes, giving same inferential
results are in the next table.
β σ τ
unconstrained fixed=1 one fixed, τ1 = 0
drop intercept fixed=1 unconstrained
Now let’s build up the bayesian model. As
said before we assume regression coefficients
and thresholds independent a priori:
π(β, τ) = π(β) ∗ π(τ) .
β ∼ N(b0, B0)
Priors for τ have just to respect the ordering of
the constraints, the one we used was the prior
considered by Albert and Chib (1993), which
proposed an improper-yet-coherent prior for τ,
uniform over the polytope T ⊂ J:
T =
tau = (τ1, ..., τj−1) ∈ j : τj > τj−1, ∀j = 2, ..., J
. This improper prior is easily implemented in
JAGS as shown after.
V. sampling
First of all we must say that if sampling
methods can become rather complex, for
instance in the specification of full
conditionals in a Gibbs Sampler, the software
at our disposal makes things easier. While R
presents lots of built in function for Bayesian
Regression, both linear and non linear, JAGS
automatically calculates the full conditionals.
In the code section I’ll present both the R and
JAGS code. If we consider a conjugate model
(as all the ones considered before), sampling is
straightforward. In fact we can generate a
MonteCarlo sample in the following way:
Sample β(t) from (1)
β|σ2, Y, X ∼ (bn, σ2 ∗ Bn) (1)
Sample σ2 from (2)
σ2|Y, X ∼ Inv − Gamma(νn
2 ,
2 ) (2)
This is the most general case, with parameters
meaning already specified above. As seen in
the Bayesian Linear Models section posterior
distributions parameters become simpler in
the case of a g or a reference/uninformative
The sampling is not trivial in the Ordered
Models case. There is no conjugate prior that
can be exploited and τ parameters make the
sampling more difficult. The strategy adopted
was that of the Albert and Chib (1993)
data-augmented Gibbs Sampler, I’ll report the
procedure as in Jackman:
1. sample Y∗
i , i = 1, ..., n given β, σ2, τ, Yi and
Xi from a truncated normal density
i |Xi, β, σ2, τ, Yi = j ∼
N(Xiβ, σ2) ∗ 1τYi
< Y∗
i ≤ τYi+1
where I introduce τ0 = −∞ for Yi = 0
(or lowest level) and τJ+1 for Yi = J.
2. sample β given the latent Y∗ and X from a
Normal density, with mean
b = (B−1
0 + X X)(B−1
0 b0 + X Y∗) and variance
• July 2016 •
B = (B−1
0 + X X)−1. All parameters are then
specified in the Code section, but just to
mention it here I’ll set b0 = 0 and B0 = 104 to
make them as uninformative as possible (R
does it automatically, but results are the same
with JAGS);
3. sample τ from their conditional densities,
given the latent data Y∗ . There are 2 ways to
implement this:
3.1 (Albert and Chib) , for τj sample uniformly
from the interval
i |Yi =
j − 1), τj−1)], min(min(Y∗
i |Yi = j), τj+1)]
3.2 (Cowles(1996)) proposed a Metropolis
scheme for sampling all the vector of
thresholds τ en bloc. This makes it much
quicker, even if, as shown in the diagnostics,
has a high autocorrelation in the samples of τ,
imposing a higher thinning then 3.1
VI. Simple and Hierarchical
The purpose of a linear model is to find a
relation between the student score and the
covariates as universal as possible. The ideal
model would be able to fit new scores from
the same ’environment’ (i.e. student scores in
2009, considering no major changes in the 2
schools regarding teaching and scores policy),
without being computationally expensive (by
reducing the number of predictors). The
models considered are:
model data fixed eff. random eff.
1 trainingGP XGP none
2 trainingMS XMS none
3 training X none
4 training X school
5 training X X
Data is the set used to perform regression, GP
and MS indicate data relatively just to school
GP or MS.
Models 1 through 3 are as the ones specified
in the ’Bayesian linear Models’ section, with a
Jeffreys prior. We expect the first 2 models to
fit very well data in the school they refer to,
but we don’t know if they’ll fit as well data in
the other school (they would if there’s no big
difference between the two). The third model
is a first attempt to reach a synthesis between
the two schools and it should be a good one in
case the two dataset are sort of generated from
the same underlying population. In the
prediction section crosspopulation predictions
will not be reported, i.e. we won’t use MS
school coefficients to perform prediction on
TestGP, or viceversa. A first question could be:
why do we build a 4th and a 5th model? An
answer for the Xschool mixed-effect is shown in
the next figure which represents the boxplots
of the student scores in the 2 schools in the
training set. We can see a positive offset in
school GP, while the underlying distribution is
pretty much the same.
In that case the model is (with Yi =
E[Yi] = Xi ∗ β + Xschooli
∗ γschooli
∼ N(0, σ2
s )
Here γschool is the mixed effect parameter
associated to the covariate Xschool which is
equal to 1 for school GP. Note that we could
have not introduced this covariate, by adding
a mixed effect on the intercept since they both
act by shifting the intercept. Prior specification
for β and σ2 are the same as before, and we
used a noninformative prior given the LPML
results. As for σ2
s , I just introduce the school
covariate in the design matrix X and still used
• July 2016 •
a noninformative prior. Instead in the JAGS
code I implemented I put σ2
s ∼ U(0, 10), a 0
mean for β, a 106 diagonal for Σ (covariance
matrix of the regression coefficients) and
another Inv − Gamma(0.001, 0.001) for σ2.
What about model number 5? Let’s say I don’t
need it, what would I expect? First of all I
know I’ve already fitted model 1 and 2 and I
could look at the distribution of the
parameters there: if I spot major differences in
mean/mode of the distributions of some
covariates, then I know I’ll need a mixed effect
on those. Let’s see that effect for a couple of
covariates like sex and schoolsup, showing the
sample from the posterior distributions of βsex
in the probit model and βschoolsup in the linear
one, from model 1(Blue) and 2(Red).
Coefficients are small because we are dealing
with the square root of the score, yet we can
see a difference in the due graphs: while
female perform better in GP there’s pretty
much no effect in school MS; a greater
difference, which seems very important in
dividing the 2 schools is found in the
schoolsupport, positive effect in MS and even
a negative one in GP. I’ll show the results for
schoolsup also for the ordered probit model,
which are the same for all covariates not
considering a rescaling factor.
In the end the model is:
E[Yi] = Xi ∗ β + Xi ∗ γschooli
∼ Np(0, Σγ)
Σγ ∼ Inv − Wishart(r, rR)
As regards the prior parameters for the
covariance matrix of the mixed effects I set
them as uninformative as possible, with r
equalling p (number of regressors) and R
being a diagonal matrix with 0.1 entries.
However JAGS does not have an
Inverse-Wishart sampler so I set the covariance
matrix of the mixed effect as the correlation
matrix of the predictors in it (from the training
set). Naturally in JAGS I put the inverse of
this matrix since distributions are in terms of
precisions. An important note regarding the
full mixed effects models: I estimated
parameters both for the LM and GLM after
performing variable selection. This was due to
computation reasons: JAGS required a lifetime
to converge while the MCMCpack failed to.
I’ll next show the results of the sampling, in
particular I’ll concentrate on the mixed effects
• July 2016 •
distributions and compare them to the fixed
Model 4 for Ordered Probit Regression
ηi = Xiβ + γschooli
P(Yi = j) = Φ(
σ ) − Φ(
σ )
Yi ∼ Dcat(p[i,])
Model 5 for Ordered Probit Regression
ηi = Xiβ + Xiγschooli
P(Yi = j) = Φ(
σ ) − Φ(
σ )
Yi ∼ Dcat(p[i,])
Next I show some of the posterior
distributions of fixed and random effects of
the hierarchical model, both for the probit and
the linear one.
An important note:
Because of incredibly slow-mixing I used a
strong approximation in some of the
computations for the Hierarchical ordered
probit, setting γGP = −γMS to speed up
convergence. In some cases I set
β0 =
2 , γMS0
2 .
That is shown in some of the plots in which
the mixed effects are symmetric.
In every plot I reported the posterior sample
of βpGP
and βpMS
, basically the coefficient p of
the simple models 1 and 2. Then I reported
the βp of the Hierarchical model, together
with γpGP
and γpMS
VII. variable selection
With such a high number of regressors
computations get much more expensive and
models less synthetic: it is then wise to adopt
a variable selection strategy.
In this work I used a Normal-Mixture of
Inverse-Gammas (NMIG), which both helps
selecting the proper model among the 2p
present (one for each subset of regressors) and
• July 2016 •
estimating the β. So I selected those regressors
whose 90% posterior credible interval did not
contain 0. I then verified these estimates
through a stepWise method based on Akaike
Information Criterion. I did not implement a
Variable Selection for the Hierarchical Models,
since computations were long especially for
the ordered probit model and models too
complex. I chose a different strategy: I kept all
the regressors which were significant for
model 1,2,3 (i.e. for school GP, school MS and
for the general one).
The model for variable selection is:
βi ∼ N(0, λk)
λk|v0, v1, γk, a, b ∼
(1 − γk) ∗ IG(a, v0
b ) + γk ∗ IG(a, v1
b )
γk|ωk ∼ Be(ωk)
ωk ∼ U(0, 1)
It’s a classical spike and slab priors model: we
induce positive probability on the hypothesis
H0 : βk = 0 .
Originally this was done by using a mixture of
Dirac measures concentrated in 0 (spike) and a
uniform diffuse component (slab). We see that
it is a hierarchical model where βk stands at
the lowest level and then the spike and slab
prior is over its variance λk . In the Jags code I
βk , k = 1, .., p
βk|γk ∼ N(0, 1−γk
+ γk
τ1 ∼ Gamma(a, b1)
τ2 ∼ Gamma(a, b2)
γk|wk ∼ Bernoulli(wk)
wk ∼ U(0, 1)
Results of variable selection for models 1
through 4 are shown in the next table.
name 1 2 3 4
intercept YES YES YES YES
school YES
Pstatus YES
homem YES YES
homef YES
servicesf YES YES YES
teacherf YES YES YES
reputation YES YES
guardianm YES YES YES
studytime YES YES YES
failures YES YES YES YES
schoolsup YES YES YES
famrel YES
Walc YES
health YES
absences YES YES YES YES
Table 2: Variable Selection for models 1 through 4
• July 2016 •
VIII. Variable Selection for
Hierarchical Models
Since a variable selection method for a
Hierarchical model could be computationally
expensive, especially in the ordered probit
case, and moreover theoretically complex, I
decided to use a sort of empirical method,
mantaining in the design matrix X of the
Hierarchical Model both the covariates
selected in model 1 MS , model 2 GP and
model 3, but being considering 95% credible
intervals not containing 0.0. I chose to be more
restrictive since I found problems of
convergence both with the MCMChregress
and JAGS.
name YES/NO(90%) YES/NO(95%)
age NO NO
famsize NO NO
Pstatus YES NO
primarym NO NO
hsm NO YES
gradm YES NO
hsf NO NO
gradf NO NO
homem YES NO
servicesm NO NO
teacherm NO NO
healthm NO NO
homef YES NO
servicesf YES NO
teacherf YES YES
healthf NO NO
course YES YES
reputation YES YES
guardianm YES NO
guardianf NO NO
traveltime NO NO
studytime YES YES
failures YES YES
schoolsup YES YES
famsup NO NO
paid NO NO
activities NO NO
nursery NO NO
higher YES YES
internet NO NO
romantic NO NO
famrel YES NO
freetime NO NO
goout NO NO
Dalc NO NO
health YES YES
absences YES YES
Table 3: Variable Selection for Hierarchical Models.
• July 2016 •
IX. results
To compare the different models that are used
it is considered the percentage of right guess
of student scores. From the theoretical
perspective basically mean of posterior
distribution of β were taken and it was
computed Y
new = E[Ynew] = Xβ to estimate
Ynew. Since this does not take into account the
variance I considered a right guess whenever
new − Ynew| < 0.5 in the continuous case,
while for ordinal data there was no need for
that of course. In Ordered models I used two
estimates for τ: the mean and the mode of the
posterior distribution. The mode gave better
results since, even after many samples, there
was no symmetric distribution (let’s not forget
the prior was a uniform one). Then I
computed Ynew = ∑K
i=1(P(Ynew = i) ∗ i) in one
case, Ynew = argmaxP(Ynew = j) in the other
and I reported the results for the second case.
I did not report the results for ordered logit
Model Linear/Probit Correct/Total %
1 Linear 23/151 15.2
2 Linear 25/151 16.6
3 Linear 21/151 13.9
4 Linear 21/151 13.9
1 Probit 35/151 23.2
2 Probit 52/151 34.4
3 Probit 48/151 31.8
4 Probit 52/151 34.4
Table 4: Results with a 0.5 error for Linear and Probit
Results are nothing spectacular, but we
already see a great improvement obtained
with the Probit Regression (using mean also
for τ). Let’s consider results with a 1.5 error
for the linear model (corresponding to a + − 1
in the score) and a 1.0 error in the probit one.
Model Linear/Probit Correct/Total %
1 Linear 64/151 42.4
2 Linear 73/151 48.3
3 Linear 73/151 48.3
4 Linear 74/151 49.0
1 Probit 81/151 53.6
2 Probit 92/151 60.9
3 Probit 96/151 63.6
4 Probit 92/151 60.9
Table 5: Results with a 1.5 error for Linear and 1.0 error
for Probit
Do results make sense? First of all we see that
GP model outperforms MS one and this
seems reasonable since there’s a 2:1 ratio
GP:MS in students from the 2 schools. Instead
there’s no significant improvement with model
3 and 4: if model 3 is a sort of average of the
models from the 2 different schools, model 4 is
too simple to fit more the data.
Let’s see the results after variable selection:
here we hope to lose no predictive power
while reducing the complexity of the model.
Model Linear/Probit Correct/Total %
1 Linear 23/151 15.2
2 Linear 25/151 16.6
3 Linear 25/151 16.6
4 Linear 29/151 19.2
1 Probit 45/151 29.8
2 Probit 52/151 34.4
3 Probit 50/151 33.1
4 Probit 56/151 37.1
Table 6: Results with a 0.5 error for Linear and no error
for Probit
As we hoped we don’t worse the results by
reducing the number of covariates. We also
see a little improvement in model 4: my
interpretation is that by reducing the noise
from the removed covariates we increase the
importance of the shift mixed effect.
• July 2016 •
X. JAGS and R code
1)JAGS code for simple Linear regression
(note how it requires the precision in place of
the variance)
model {
# Likelihood
for ( i in 1:N) {
mu[ i ] <− inprod ( x [ i , ] , beta [ ] )
y [ i ] ~ dnorm(mu[ i ] , tau )
# Prior for beta
for ( j in 1: p1 ) {
beta [ j ] ~ dnorm(0 ,1 e−08)
# Prior for the inverse variance
sigma ~ dunif (0 ,1 e−08)
tau <− pow( sigma , −2)
2)JAGS code for linear hierarchical model,
where scuola is school. Notice that JAGS is
not able to sample from a Wishart Distribution,
so I suggest you sample from it in R and then
you give it as a parameter in data list. Actually
I used the correlation matrix over the mixed
effects as variance and covariance matrix of the
multivariate normal distribution they are from.
model {
# Likelihood
for ( i in 1:N) {
mu[ i ] <− inprod ( x [ i , ] , beta [ ] ) +
inprod ( x [ i , ] , eta [ , scuola [ i ]+1])
y [ i ] ~ dnorm(mu[ i ] , tau )
# Prior for beta
for ( j in 1: p1 ) {
beta [ j ] ~ dnorm(0 ,1 e−08)
# Prior for eta ( mixed e f f e c t s )
for ( k in 1 : 2 ) {
eta [ k ] ~ dmnorm(0 ,B) #which equals :
# eta [ k ] ~ dmnorm
(0 , inverse ( dwish ( r ∗R, r ) ) )
# Prior for the inverse variance
sigma ~ dunif (0 ,1 e−08)
tau <− pow( sigma , −2)
3)Code for the simple Ordered Probit
model {
for ( i in 1:N) {
mu[ i ] <− inprod ( x [ i , ] , beta )
Q[ i , 1 ] <− phi ( tau [1]−mu[ i ] )
p[ i , 1 ] <− Q[ i , 1 ]
for ( j in 2 : 1 4 ) {
Q[ i , j ] <− phi ( tau [ j ]−mu[ i ] )
p[ i , j ] <− Q[ i , j ] − Q[ i , j −1]
p[ i , 1 5 ] <− 1 − Q[ i , 1 4 ]
y [ i ] ~ dcat (p[ i , 1 : 1 5 ] ) ## p[ i , ] sums to 1
beta [ 1 : p1 ] ~ dmnorm( b0 , B0 )
for ( j in 1 : 1 4 ) {
tau0 [ j ] ~ dnorm ( 0 , . 0 1 )
tau [ 1 : 1 4 ] <− sort ( tau0 )
4)Code for the Hierarchical Ordered Probit
5)Code for the Simple Ordered Logit
regression. To make code easier I shifted all
the scores to scores − 3 making them start
from 1.
model {
for ( i in 1:N) {
mu[ i ] <− inprod [ x [ i , ] , beta ]
l o g i t (Q[ i , 1 ] ) <− tau [1]−mu[ i ]
p[ i , 1 ] <− Q[ i , 1 ]
for ( j in 2 : 1 4 ) {
l o g i t (Q[ i , j ] ) <− tau [ j ]−mu[ i ]
p[ i , j ] <− Q[ i , j ] − Q[ i , j −1]
• July 2016 •
p[ i , 1 5 ] <− 1 − Q[ i , 1 4 ]
y [ i ] ~ dcat (p[ i , 1 : 1 5 ] )
## priors over betas
beta [ 1 : p1 ] ~ dmnorm( b0 [ ] , B0 [ , ] )
## thresholds
for ( j in 1 : 1 4 ) {
tau0 [ j ] ~ dnorm(0 , . 0 1 )
tau [ 1 : 1 4 ] <− sort ( tau0 )
6)Code for NMIG variable selection for
Linear Model (I won’t include the code for
Ordered Probit since it’s pretty much the
model {
for ( i in 1:N) {
mu[ i ] <− inprod ( x [ i , ] , beta [ ] )
y [ i ] ~ dnorm(mu[ i ] , vart )
for ( j in 1: p1 )
gamma[ j ] ~ dbern (w[ j ] ) ;
beta [ j ] ~ dnorm(0 ,
pow(gamma[ j ]/ tau1 [ j ]+
(1−gamma[ j ])/ tau2 [ j ] , −1) ) ;
tau1 [ j ] ~ dgamma( 2 , 1 ) ;
tau2 [ j ] ~ dgamma( 2 , 1 0 0 0 ) ;
w[ j ] ~ dunif ( 0 , 1 ) ;
vart ~ dgamma( 0 . 0 0 1 , 0 . 0 0 1 )
Code for Bayesian Linear Regression:
samples <− blinreg (Y, X,200000 , prior )
Where Y are the fitted values, X the design
matrix (include the intercept), 200000 number
of iterations, and prior the specification for the
Zellner’s prior, while the default one is the
uninformative. This function samples from the
joint posterior distribution (while JAGS
samples from the conditionals).
2.Code for the Ordered Probit Regression
mcmcprobitgp <− MCMCoprobit(G1 ~ XGP, data=traingp
burnin =1000 ,
mcmc=200000 ,
thin =50)
Here there are 2 ways of sampling: Cowles,
which is a Metropolis sampler and samples
the τ enbloc or AC (Albert and Chib (2001)).
3. Code for the Bayesian Hierarchical
h i e r l s <− MCMChregress( fixed =
sqrt (G1) ~ X, random = ~ X,
group=" school " , data=train ,
burnin =100000 ,mcmc=200000 ,
thin =100 ,
r=q ,R=diag ( rep ( 0 . 0 1 , r ) ) )
XI. a Bivariate model?
A possible way to improve the model would
be to consider jointly G1 and G2, grades of the
first and second semester and see if the
additional information given by the 1st
semester vote improves the prediction power
while not increasing too much the
computational complexity.
Another idea is that the extreme levels of the
response variable, like 4,5,18,19 could be
omitted in the ordered probit model, since
they strongly harden the model, by
introducing additional thresholds parameters.
• July 2016 •
XII. MCMCconvergence
I will not show all the traceplots, autocorrelation and posterior samples plots.
1) Posterior samples and autocorrelation plots from linear model 2, of school GP.
• July 2016 •
• July 2016 •
2) Posterior samples from probit model 1, of school MS
• July 2016 •
• July 2016 •
• July 2016 •
• July 2016 •
3) Posterior samples from Hierarchical Linear Model
• July 2016 •
• July 2016 •
4) Posterior samples from Hierarchical Ordered Probit Model
• July 2016 •
• July 2016 •
• July 2016 •
5) Variable Selection (90%)
• July 2016 •
6) A comparison in terms of computational expense between the Linear and Probit model.
Model Linear/Probit Iterazioni Thinning
GP Linear 104 10
MS Linear 104 10
βschool Linear 104 10
Mix Linear 2 ∗ 105 200
GP Probit 2 ∗ 105 200
MS Probit 2 ∗ 105 200
βschool Probit 2 ∗ 105 200
Mix Probit 5 ∗ 106 5 ∗ 103
Table 7: Number of Iterations and Thinning for different models
Simon Jackman, Bayesian Analysis for the Social Sciences, 1st edition 2009
Alan Agresti, Categorical Data Analysis, 2nd edition
• July 2016 •
Peter D. Hoff, A first course in Bayesian Statistical Methods, 2009
Mary Kathrin Cowles, Accelerating Monte Carlo Markov chain convergence for cumulative-link
generalized linear, 1996
James H. Albert and Siddhartha Chib, Bayesian Analysis of binary and Polychotomous response
data, 1993
I thank Professor Francesca Ieva, of Politecnico di Milano for providing me with very useful
suggestions for my work and PHD student at Politecnico di Milano Ilaria Bianchini.
I want also to thank the stackexchange community and JAGS creator Martyn Plummer for helping
me through codes.

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  • 1. • July 2016 • Bayesian Linear vs Ordered Probit/Logit Models for ordinal data: fitting student scores in two Portuguese High schools Tommaso Guerrini∗ Politecnico di Milano Abstract Assessing which factors influence student scores has long been scope of work among social scientists. Scores are a typical example of ordinal discrete data, but is general wisdom to treat them as continuous once the number of levels is over 6. In this paper I went into linear and ordered regression models, assessing performance both in fitting/prediction and computational expense terms. I. Introduction A ssessing which factors influence stu- dent scores has long been scope of work among social scientists. Scores are a typical example of ordinal discrete data, but is general wisdom to treat them as continu- ous once the number of levels is over 6. In this paper I went into linear and ordered regres- sion models, assessing performance both in fitting/prediction and computational expense terms. Literature is wide on whether a given predictor has a positive, null or negative influ- ence over a student result in a test. The interest lays on different levels. First and foremost re- searchers try to assess which family, habitat and leisure time patterns are favorable in order to help the student achieve good marks. Many papers have been written regarding the rela- tionship between parents’ education or parents’ job and their child performance. Furthermore, the fact that the social environment in which children are raised deeply influences their aca- demic and even professional career has become common knowledge in this reasearch field. A second important topic researchers have tried to address regards the teaching performance in different educational institutions, often as a government enquiry in trying to establish the best program to follow and award good teach- ers and good schools. In the dataset considered a wide number of covariates spans through these two topics. Nevertheless, if interpret- ing the results can be catchy, the biggest deal of attention has been given to the statistical instruments to perform such analysis. As is typical in Social Sciences data are often cat- egorical both in the response (suggesting to explore less known regression methods) and in the covariates. Purpose of the author was to compare different methods, always from a Bayesian perspective, even when prior in- formations are pretty fragmentary. All the models used are presented together with sam- pling methods and references to the code used. An Appendix gives further information about data exploration, MCMC diagnostics, posterior ∗Master Degree in Applied Statistics 1
  • 2. • July 2016 • plots and full prediction results. II. The Dataset and Preliminary Work Data are student scores in two different schools in Portugal. Along with the scores of first and second semester there is a set of 30 covariates. The number of statistical units is 631. The data were gathered in 2008 and can be found on the well-known UCI repository (see reference). name type levels school binary 0, 1 sex binary 0, 1 age numerical 15to22 famsize binary 0, 1 Pstatus binary 0, 1 Medu categorical 1, 2, 3, 4 Fedu categorical 1, 2, 3, 4 Mjob categorical 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Fjob categorical 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 reason categorical 1, 2, 3 guardianm binary 0, 1 traveltime ordinal 1to4 studytime ordinal 1to4 failures numerical 1to4 schoolsup binary 0, 1 famsup binary 0, 1 paid binary 0, 1 activities binary 0, 1 nursery binary 0, 1 higher binary 0, 1 internet binary 0, 1 romantic binary 0, 1 famrel ordinal 1to5 freetime ordinal 1to5 goout ordinal 1to5 Dalc ordinal 1to5 Walc ordinal 1to5 health ordinal 1to5 absences numerical 0to93 Table 1: Dataset description, see references for levels meaning A total of 423 student scores were gathered in school 1 (GP), 208 in school 0 (MS). One of the first modification to the data was to the categorical data. For in- stance, a variable like Mother Education (Medu) has 5 different levels, corresponding to ’teacher’,’health’,’home’,’services’ and ’other’. Numerical labels 1 to 5 have no mathemati- cal meaning since working in civil services (4) it’s not equivalent to four times working as a teacher(1). So variables of this type were trans- formed in k-1 dummies, where k equals the number of levels. unit Medu 1 teacher 2 home 3 services 4 health 5 other unit teacherm health services home 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 Table 2: Transforming categorical variables with k levels into k-1 dummies. This way a student with mother job in ’other’ category is still represented since it corresponds to a 0 into the other 4 categories. That guarantees linear independence in the de- sign matrix once the regression was performed and results not reported here confirm the bet- ter fitting of the model to the data once the variable transformation was made, both in R2 and other diagnostics. Student scores had a 0- 20 scale, but 0,1 were excluded since they were probably linked to a missing value. This was not specified once the data were gathered. Yet, data excluded were a dozen and this did not influence the model built. In the final dataset there were present just marks from 4 to 19 with frequencies specified in the next table. A very low presence of values 4,5,6,18,19 reduces 2
  • 3. • July 2016 • the significant levels to 11, which approaches the literature number of 6 for which linearity assumption of the response is not correct. First of all a division of the dataset in a training and a test set was made: 480 ob- servations in the training set and 151 in the test set. Naturally the partition was not made randomly, instead units were selected in both set so that the frequencies of the response lev- els were proportional to the whole set. For instance, if a mark 6 had a relative frequency of 8% of the whole dataset, so was in the train- ing and test part. This point is pretty crucial in the ordered models, since the number of tresholds equals the number of response levels - 1, making their training of uttermost impor- tance. The main reason for this division was to assess differences among models in prediction terms. Another frequency to take into account when dividing the dataset was that of the two schools: since there were 423 observations for school GP and 208 for school MS I maintained a 2:1 ratio in both training and test set. Instead, I chose to set regression coefficients on the first semester grades G1, so frequencies of G2 (2nd semester grade) were not considered. I. A BoxCox transformation Classical linear regression models, assume nor- mality of the response given a set of covariates. The normal distribution support is , i.e. a con- tinuous support who takes also negative values. Furthermore the normal distribution is sym- metric with a maximum centered in the mean as high as the variance is low. When mod- eling linear responses we look for these fea- tures and when not present there’s a variety of ’tricks’ one can use before quitting and looking somewhere else. In the work considered two characteristics of the response do not respect the assumptions: the response is strictly pos- itive and it is ordinal. Ordinality was treated deeply given that generalized linear models which account for it were used and later pre- sented fully. As regards the positive support literature is wide: usually transformations like log Y or √ Y are suggested when dealing with a positive response Y. The best way to find the best transformation of the response such that requirements of a linear model are met is the boxcox transformation (with one parame- ter if the transformation required is a canonical one as the ones mentioned above): Yλ i = Yλ i −1 λ if λ = 0, Yλ i = ln λ if λ = 0. This is auto- matically implemented through the R software. Even if a 0.4 value maximizes the like- lihood, I still chose 0.5 being a known trans- formation ( √ Y) less computational expensive. Even with this transformation, which improved the R2, diagnostics remained not particularly satisfactory giving further motivations to build a non linear model. III. Bayesian Linear Models In frequentist statistics a regression model con- sists of a response Y whose expected value E[Y] depends linearly on a set of covarites X, through coefficients β . We say that: Yi = Xi ∗ β + i , i ∼ N(0, σ2), while β are the OLS estimates (deterministic) and sigma is fixed too. In a bayesian context, the parameters of the model are not fixed, but random, so we must give a prior distribution to β and σ2 and then know how to compute the posterior of these parameters, so that we can make infer- ence. Posterior ∝ Likelihood ∗ Prior , so that the choice of the prior directly affects the Pos- terior distribution. Yet, in our case, we have a peculiar set of covariates such that no prior information can be used in set mean and vari- 3
  • 4. • July 2016 • ance of our parameters. An idea would be to divide the training set in 2 parts, finding the ols estimates of β and set them as b0 and then compute the likelihood and the posterior on the second part of the training set. Un- fortunately this procedure gave estimates just slightly different from the ones obtained with noninformative priors and no prediction power improvement. Furthermore, reducing the num- ber of data with a model with so many param- eters (41) could make our model not so good. We need a prior specification for our param- eters π(β, σ2) . First of all, there’s an inter- esting property for such a prior writing it like: π(β, σ2) = π(β|σ2) * π(σ2) . In this case, choos- ing a Normal distribution for π(β|σ2) and an Inverse-Gamma distribution for π(σ2) we have a conjugate model to the normal Likelihood specified at the beginning of the paragraph. This really simplifies our calculations because the posterior distribution will still be a prod- uct of a Normal for an Inverse-Gamma, with updated parameters. β|σ2 ∼ N(b0, σ2 ∗ B0) (1) σ2 ∼ Inv − Gamma(ν0 2 , (ν0∗σ2 0 ) 2 ) (2) Y|X, β, σ2 ∼ Nn(X ∗ β, σ2 ∗ I) (3) π(β, σ2|Y) = π(β|σ2, Y)*π(σ2|Y) (4) β|σ2, Y, X ∼ (bn, σ2 ∗ Bn) (5) σ2|Y, X ∼ Inv − Gamma(νn 2 , νn∗σ2 n 2 ) (6) . This was the model used when the training set was divided in 2 parts, with b0 = βols and a Diagonal Matrix with σ2 βi for B0 . σ2 in that case was known and equal to the σ2 ols, i.e. the residual standard error squared. Another option used was the Zell- ner’s g prior: β|σ2, X ∼ Np(b0, B0) with B0 = c ∗ (X ∗ X)−1 σ2 ∼ Inv − Gamma(0 2 , 0∗σ2 0 2 ) ∝ 1 σ2 ∗ 1(0, +∞)(σ2) Of course we need X’X invertible. The Zellner’s prior is conjugate to the normal likeli- hood. Different values of c where tried giving more or less weight to the prior specificaton. As before also the Zellner’s g prior was used when setting previous ols estimates as mean of the β. The last option considered is a ref- erence prior i.e. Jeffreys prior based on Fisher information, in particular π(β, σ2) ∝ det(I(β, σ2)), where I(β, σ2) is the Fisher information Matrix. This is just π(β, σ2) ∝ 1 σ2 ∗ 1(0, +∞)(σ2) . I. LPML and choice of prior To choose between the 3 different priors elic- itated above it was used the LPML i.e. the LogPosteriorMarginalLikelihood. LPML = ∑ log(CPOi) where CPOi = L(Yi|Y−i) is the Conditional Predictive Ordinate i.e. the predic- tive distribution of unit Yi given all the other units in the training set minus i. The model with the highest LPML was always chosen and in particular the noninformative Jeffreys prior seemed to fit the data in the training set the best. In the codes an uninformative prior was obtained by setting a high variance over both the Regression coefficients β and the error vari- ance σ2. 4
  • 5. • July 2016 • IV. ordered models Generalized linear models appear when the response variable in a regression model is not linear. Briefly: the ingredients in a GLM are a random component (Y), a sistematic compo- nent ηi , which is la linear combination of our covariates, such that ηi = Xi ∗ β and a link func- tion g(), which relates E[Yi] and ηi, such that g(E[Yi]) = ηi. It is the choice of this function which generates the 2 models implemented in this work, the ordered logit model and the ordered probit one. I. GLM for binary responses Let’s consider the case in which the response is binary: Yi|Xi ∼ Be(π) . In this case E[Yi] = 1 ∗ P(Yi = 1)+ = +P(Yi = 0) = π so I want to specify a function g(π) = ηi = Xi ∗ β . Let’s consider the inverse link func- tion g()−1 = F(), πi = F(Xi ∗ β), and let’s finally define: 1. a logit model, where F(t) = 1 1+exp(−t) ; 2. a probit model, where F(t) = Φ(t) = t −∞ φ(z)dz, where φ is the standard normal density and Φ is the CDF. II. cumulative links We want to consider the ordering of our re- sponse variable, so let’s define cumulative probabilities as P(Y ≤ j|X) = π1(X) + ... + πj(X), j = 1, ..., J, where J is the number of lev- els of the response and πj(X) is the probability of the binary outcome Yi = j . What is desired now is to link the cumulative probabilities to the linear predictor ηi = Xi ∗ β . Based on the function we choose, as in the binary case, different links: 1. logit(P(Y ≤ j|X)) = β0j + β−0 ∗ X−0 2. probit(P(Y ≤ j|X)) = β0j + β−0 ∗ X−0 j = 1, ..., J − 1 . First, let’s consider the fact that the intercept (β0j ) varies for any level j, while the other coefficients (β−0) are the same for any level: this is known as a Proportional − odds model. III. latent variables Now let’s consider an interpretation of the model which also makes the computation more interpretable. Let’s introduce the presence of a latent variable and show calculations just for the probit model (for the logit ones we just need to substitute the normality assumption for the error term with a logistic density): Y∗ i = Xi ∗ β + i, epsiloni ∼ N(0, σ2 ) (1) What we want to do now is to stabi- lize a correspondence between the latent vari- able Y∗ i and the observed ordinal one Yi , to do that we need tresholds: Yi = 0 ⇐⇒ Y∗ i ≤ τ1 Yi = j ⇐⇒ τj < Y∗ i ≤ τj+1 j = 1, ..., J − 1 Yi = J ⇐⇒ Y∗ i > τj . Of course our J-1 tresholds obey: τ1 < ... < τJ . 5
  • 6. • July 2016 • Now we plug in the cumulative link mentioned before: P(Yi = 0) = P(Y∗ i ≤ tau1) = P( i ≤ τ1 − Xi ∗ β) = Φ(τ1−Xi∗β σ ) P(Yi = j) = Φ( τj+1−Xi∗β σ ) − Φ( τj−Xi∗β σ ) j = 1, ..., J − 1 P(Yi = J) = 1 − Φ(τ1−Xi∗β σ ) . Given n observations the likelihood for this model is: L = ∏n 1 ∏ J 0(Φij − Φi,j−1)Z ij where Φij = Φ[(τj − X ∗ β)/σ], and Zij = 1 if Yi = j 0 otherwise. IV. Bayesian Ordered Probit(Logit) Model β , τ and σ are not jointly identified, for instance consider shifting the treshold parameters, such that we should shift also the intercept in β, but what if then we also change the scale σ ? The ordered probit model is typically identified with sets of normalizing constraints for the 3 sets of parameters. The ones used in the codes, giving same inferential results are in the next table. β σ τ unconstrained fixed=1 one fixed, τ1 = 0 drop intercept fixed=1 unconstrained Now let’s build up the bayesian model. As said before we assume regression coefficients and thresholds independent a priori: π(β, τ) = π(β) ∗ π(τ) . β ∼ N(b0, B0) Priors for τ have just to respect the ordering of the constraints, the one we used was the prior considered by Albert and Chib (1993), which proposed an improper-yet-coherent prior for τ, uniform over the polytope T ⊂ J: T = tau = (τ1, ..., τj−1) ∈ j : τj > τj−1, ∀j = 2, ..., J . This improper prior is easily implemented in JAGS as shown after. V. sampling First of all we must say that if sampling methods can become rather complex, for instance in the specification of full conditionals in a Gibbs Sampler, the software at our disposal makes things easier. While R presents lots of built in function for Bayesian Regression, both linear and non linear, JAGS automatically calculates the full conditionals. In the code section I’ll present both the R and JAGS code. If we consider a conjugate model (as all the ones considered before), sampling is straightforward. In fact we can generate a MonteCarlo sample in the following way: Sample β(t) from (1) β|σ2, Y, X ∼ (bn, σ2 ∗ Bn) (1) Sample σ2 from (2) σ2|Y, X ∼ Inv − Gamma(νn 2 , νn∗σ2 n 2 ) (2) This is the most general case, with parameters meaning already specified above. As seen in the Bayesian Linear Models section posterior distributions parameters become simpler in the case of a g or a reference/uninformative prior. The sampling is not trivial in the Ordered Models case. There is no conjugate prior that can be exploited and τ parameters make the sampling more difficult. The strategy adopted was that of the Albert and Chib (1993) data-augmented Gibbs Sampler, I’ll report the procedure as in Jackman: 1. sample Y∗ i , i = 1, ..., n given β, σ2, τ, Yi and Xi from a truncated normal density Y∗ i |Xi, β, σ2, τ, Yi = j ∼ N(Xiβ, σ2) ∗ 1τYi < Y∗ i ≤ τYi+1 where I introduce τ0 = −∞ for Yi = 0 (or lowest level) and τJ+1 for Yi = J. 2. sample β given the latent Y∗ and X from a Normal density, with mean b = (B−1 0 + X X)(B−1 0 b0 + X Y∗) and variance 6
  • 7. • July 2016 • B = (B−1 0 + X X)−1. All parameters are then specified in the Code section, but just to mention it here I’ll set b0 = 0 and B0 = 104 to make them as uninformative as possible (R does it automatically, but results are the same with JAGS); 3. sample τ from their conditional densities, given the latent data Y∗ . There are 2 ways to implement this: 3.1 (Albert and Chib) , for τj sample uniformly from the interval [max(max(Y∗ i |Yi = j − 1), τj−1)], min(min(Y∗ i |Yi = j), τj+1)] 3.2 (Cowles(1996)) proposed a Metropolis scheme for sampling all the vector of thresholds τ en bloc. This makes it much quicker, even if, as shown in the diagnostics, has a high autocorrelation in the samples of τ, imposing a higher thinning then 3.1 VI. Simple and Hierarchical Models The purpose of a linear model is to find a relation between the student score and the covariates as universal as possible. The ideal model would be able to fit new scores from the same ’environment’ (i.e. student scores in 2009, considering no major changes in the 2 schools regarding teaching and scores policy), without being computationally expensive (by reducing the number of predictors). The models considered are: model data fixed eff. random eff. 1 trainingGP XGP none 2 trainingMS XMS none 3 training X none 4 training X school 5 training X X Data is the set used to perform regression, GP and MS indicate data relatively just to school GP or MS. Models 1 through 3 are as the ones specified in the ’Bayesian linear Models’ section, with a Jeffreys prior. We expect the first 2 models to fit very well data in the school they refer to, but we don’t know if they’ll fit as well data in the other school (they would if there’s no big difference between the two). The third model is a first attempt to reach a synthesis between the two schools and it should be a good one in case the two dataset are sort of generated from the same underlying population. In the prediction section crosspopulation predictions will not be reported, i.e. we won’t use MS school coefficients to perform prediction on TestGP, or viceversa. A first question could be: why do we build a 4th and a 5th model? An answer for the Xschool mixed-effect is shown in the next figure which represents the boxplots of the student scores in the 2 schools in the training set. We can see a positive offset in school GP, while the underlying distribution is pretty much the same. In that case the model is (with Yi = √ G1): E[Yi] = Xi ∗ β + Xschooli ∗ γschooli γschooli ∼ N(0, σ2 s ) Here γschool is the mixed effect parameter associated to the covariate Xschool which is equal to 1 for school GP. Note that we could have not introduced this covariate, by adding a mixed effect on the intercept since they both act by shifting the intercept. Prior specification for β and σ2 are the same as before, and we used a noninformative prior given the LPML results. As for σ2 s , I just introduce the school covariate in the design matrix X and still used 7
  • 8. • July 2016 • a noninformative prior. Instead in the JAGS code I implemented I put σ2 s ∼ U(0, 10), a 0 mean for β, a 106 diagonal for Σ (covariance matrix of the regression coefficients) and another Inv − Gamma(0.001, 0.001) for σ2. What about model number 5? Let’s say I don’t need it, what would I expect? First of all I know I’ve already fitted model 1 and 2 and I could look at the distribution of the parameters there: if I spot major differences in mean/mode of the distributions of some covariates, then I know I’ll need a mixed effect on those. Let’s see that effect for a couple of covariates like sex and schoolsup, showing the sample from the posterior distributions of βsex in the probit model and βschoolsup in the linear one, from model 1(Blue) and 2(Red). Coefficients are small because we are dealing with the square root of the score, yet we can see a difference in the due graphs: while female perform better in GP there’s pretty much no effect in school MS; a greater difference, which seems very important in dividing the 2 schools is found in the schoolsupport, positive effect in MS and even a negative one in GP. I’ll show the results for schoolsup also for the ordered probit model, which are the same for all covariates not considering a rescaling factor. In the end the model is: E[Yi] = Xi ∗ β + Xi ∗ γschooli γschooli ∼ Np(0, Σγ) Σγ ∼ Inv − Wishart(r, rR) As regards the prior parameters for the covariance matrix of the mixed effects I set them as uninformative as possible, with r equalling p (number of regressors) and R being a diagonal matrix with 0.1 entries. However JAGS does not have an Inverse-Wishart sampler so I set the covariance matrix of the mixed effect as the correlation matrix of the predictors in it (from the training set). Naturally in JAGS I put the inverse of this matrix since distributions are in terms of precisions. An important note regarding the full mixed effects models: I estimated parameters both for the LM and GLM after performing variable selection. This was due to computation reasons: JAGS required a lifetime to converge while the MCMCpack failed to. I’ll next show the results of the sampling, in particular I’ll concentrate on the mixed effects 8
  • 9. • July 2016 • distributions and compare them to the fixed effects. Model 4 for Ordered Probit Regression ηi = Xiβ + γschooli P(Yi = j) = Φ( τj+1−ηi σ ) − Φ( τj−ηi σ ) Yi ∼ Dcat(p[i,]) Model 5 for Ordered Probit Regression ηi = Xiβ + Xiγschooli P(Yi = j) = Φ( τj+1−ηi σ ) − Φ( τj−ηi σ ) Yi ∼ Dcat(p[i,]) Next I show some of the posterior distributions of fixed and random effects of the hierarchical model, both for the probit and the linear one. An important note: Because of incredibly slow-mixing I used a strong approximation in some of the computations for the Hierarchical ordered probit, setting γGP = −γMS to speed up convergence. In some cases I set β0 = βOLSGP +βOLSMS 2 , γMS0 = βOLSMS −βOLSGP 2 . That is shown in some of the plots in which the mixed effects are symmetric. In every plot I reported the posterior sample of βpGP and βpMS , basically the coefficient p of the simple models 1 and 2. Then I reported the βp of the Hierarchical model, together with γpGP and γpMS VII. variable selection With such a high number of regressors computations get much more expensive and models less synthetic: it is then wise to adopt a variable selection strategy. In this work I used a Normal-Mixture of Inverse-Gammas (NMIG), which both helps selecting the proper model among the 2p present (one for each subset of regressors) and 9
  • 10. • July 2016 • estimating the β. So I selected those regressors whose 90% posterior credible interval did not contain 0. I then verified these estimates through a stepWise method based on Akaike Information Criterion. I did not implement a Variable Selection for the Hierarchical Models, since computations were long especially for the ordered probit model and models too complex. I chose a different strategy: I kept all the regressors which were significant for model 1,2,3 (i.e. for school GP, school MS and for the general one). The model for variable selection is: βi ∼ N(0, λk) λk|v0, v1, γk, a, b ∼ (1 − γk) ∗ IG(a, v0 b ) + γk ∗ IG(a, v1 b ) γk|ωk ∼ Be(ωk) ωk ∼ U(0, 1) It’s a classical spike and slab priors model: we induce positive probability on the hypothesis H0 : βk = 0 . Originally this was done by using a mixture of Dirac measures concentrated in 0 (spike) and a uniform diffuse component (slab). We see that it is a hierarchical model where βk stands at the lowest level and then the spike and slab prior is over its variance λk . In the Jags code I chose: βk , k = 1, .., p βk|γk ∼ N(0, 1−γk τ2 + γk τ1 ) τ1 ∼ Gamma(a, b1) τ2 ∼ Gamma(a, b2) γk|wk ∼ Bernoulli(wk) wk ∼ U(0, 1) Results of variable selection for models 1 through 4 are shown in the next table. name 1 2 3 4 intercept YES YES YES YES school YES sex YES YES YES age famsize Pstatus YES primarym hsm gradm YES YES YES hsf gradf homem YES YES servicesm teacherm healthm homef YES servicesf YES YES YES teacherf YES YES YES healthf course reputation YES YES guardianm YES YES YES guardianf traveltime studytime YES YES YES failures YES YES YES YES schoolsup YES YES YES famsup paid activities nursery higher YES YES YES YES internet romantic famrel YES freetime goout Dalc Walc YES health YES absences YES YES YES YES Table 2: Variable Selection for models 1 through 4 10
  • 11. • July 2016 • VIII. Variable Selection for Hierarchical Models Since a variable selection method for a Hierarchical model could be computationally expensive, especially in the ordered probit case, and moreover theoretically complex, I decided to use a sort of empirical method, mantaining in the design matrix X of the Hierarchical Model both the covariates selected in model 1 MS , model 2 GP and model 3, but being considering 95% credible intervals not containing 0.0. I chose to be more restrictive since I found problems of convergence both with the MCMChregress and JAGS. name YES/NO(90%) YES/NO(95%) sex YES YES age NO NO famsize NO NO Pstatus YES NO primarym NO NO hsm NO YES gradm YES NO hsf NO NO gradf NO NO homem YES NO servicesm NO NO teacherm NO NO healthm NO NO homef YES NO servicesf YES NO teacherf YES YES healthf NO NO course YES YES reputation YES YES guardianm YES NO guardianf NO NO traveltime NO NO studytime YES YES failures YES YES schoolsup YES YES famsup NO NO paid NO NO activities NO NO nursery NO NO higher YES YES internet NO NO romantic NO NO famrel YES NO freetime NO NO goout NO NO Dalc NO NO Walc YES NO health YES YES absences YES YES Table 3: Variable Selection for Hierarchical Models. 11
  • 12. • July 2016 • IX. results To compare the different models that are used it is considered the percentage of right guess of student scores. From the theoretical perspective basically mean of posterior distribution of β were taken and it was computed Y p new = E[Ynew] = Xβ to estimate Ynew. Since this does not take into account the variance I considered a right guess whenever |Y p new − Ynew| < 0.5 in the continuous case, while for ordinal data there was no need for that of course. In Ordered models I used two estimates for τ: the mean and the mode of the posterior distribution. The mode gave better results since, even after many samples, there was no symmetric distribution (let’s not forget the prior was a uniform one). Then I computed Ynew = ∑K i=1(P(Ynew = i) ∗ i) in one case, Ynew = argmaxP(Ynew = j) in the other and I reported the results for the second case. I did not report the results for ordered logit regression. Model Linear/Probit Correct/Total % 1 Linear 23/151 15.2 2 Linear 25/151 16.6 3 Linear 21/151 13.9 4 Linear 21/151 13.9 1 Probit 35/151 23.2 2 Probit 52/151 34.4 3 Probit 48/151 31.8 4 Probit 52/151 34.4 Table 4: Results with a 0.5 error for Linear and Probit Results are nothing spectacular, but we already see a great improvement obtained with the Probit Regression (using mean also for τ). Let’s consider results with a 1.5 error for the linear model (corresponding to a + − 1 in the score) and a 1.0 error in the probit one. Model Linear/Probit Correct/Total % 1 Linear 64/151 42.4 2 Linear 73/151 48.3 3 Linear 73/151 48.3 4 Linear 74/151 49.0 1 Probit 81/151 53.6 2 Probit 92/151 60.9 3 Probit 96/151 63.6 4 Probit 92/151 60.9 Table 5: Results with a 1.5 error for Linear and 1.0 error for Probit Do results make sense? First of all we see that GP model outperforms MS one and this seems reasonable since there’s a 2:1 ratio GP:MS in students from the 2 schools. Instead there’s no significant improvement with model 3 and 4: if model 3 is a sort of average of the models from the 2 different schools, model 4 is too simple to fit more the data. Let’s see the results after variable selection: here we hope to lose no predictive power while reducing the complexity of the model. Model Linear/Probit Correct/Total % 1 Linear 23/151 15.2 2 Linear 25/151 16.6 3 Linear 25/151 16.6 4 Linear 29/151 19.2 1 Probit 45/151 29.8 2 Probit 52/151 34.4 3 Probit 50/151 33.1 4 Probit 56/151 37.1 Table 6: Results with a 0.5 error for Linear and no error for Probit As we hoped we don’t worse the results by reducing the number of covariates. We also see a little improvement in model 4: my interpretation is that by reducing the noise from the removed covariates we increase the importance of the shift mixed effect. 12
  • 13. • July 2016 • X. JAGS and R code 1)JAGS code for simple Linear regression (note how it requires the precision in place of the variance) model { # Likelihood for ( i in 1:N) { mu[ i ] <− inprod ( x [ i , ] , beta [ ] ) y [ i ] ~ dnorm(mu[ i ] , tau ) } # Prior for beta for ( j in 1: p1 ) { beta [ j ] ~ dnorm(0 ,1 e−08) } # Prior for the inverse variance sigma ~ dunif (0 ,1 e−08) tau <− pow( sigma , −2) } 2)JAGS code for linear hierarchical model, where scuola is school. Notice that JAGS is not able to sample from a Wishart Distribution, so I suggest you sample from it in R and then you give it as a parameter in data list. Actually I used the correlation matrix over the mixed effects as variance and covariance matrix of the multivariate normal distribution they are from. model { # Likelihood for ( i in 1:N) { mu[ i ] <− inprod ( x [ i , ] , beta [ ] ) + inprod ( x [ i , ] , eta [ , scuola [ i ]+1]) y [ i ] ~ dnorm(mu[ i ] , tau ) } # Prior for beta for ( j in 1: p1 ) { beta [ j ] ~ dnorm(0 ,1 e−08) } # Prior for eta ( mixed e f f e c t s ) for ( k in 1 : 2 ) { eta [ k ] ~ dmnorm(0 ,B) #which equals : # eta [ k ] ~ dmnorm (0 , inverse ( dwish ( r ∗R, r ) ) ) } # Prior for the inverse variance sigma ~ dunif (0 ,1 e−08) tau <− pow( sigma , −2) } 3)Code for the simple Ordered Probit regression. model { for ( i in 1:N) { mu[ i ] <− inprod ( x [ i , ] , beta ) Q[ i , 1 ] <− phi ( tau [1]−mu[ i ] ) p[ i , 1 ] <− Q[ i , 1 ] for ( j in 2 : 1 4 ) { Q[ i , j ] <− phi ( tau [ j ]−mu[ i ] ) p[ i , j ] <− Q[ i , j ] − Q[ i , j −1] } p[ i , 1 5 ] <− 1 − Q[ i , 1 4 ] y [ i ] ~ dcat (p[ i , 1 : 1 5 ] ) ## p[ i , ] sums to 1 } beta [ 1 : p1 ] ~ dmnorm( b0 , B0 ) for ( j in 1 : 1 4 ) { tau0 [ j ] ~ dnorm ( 0 , . 0 1 ) } tau [ 1 : 1 4 ] <− sort ( tau0 ) } 4)Code for the Hierarchical Ordered Probit regression. 5)Code for the Simple Ordered Logit regression. To make code easier I shifted all the scores to scores − 3 making them start from 1. model { for ( i in 1:N) { mu[ i ] <− inprod [ x [ i , ] , beta ] l o g i t (Q[ i , 1 ] ) <− tau [1]−mu[ i ] p[ i , 1 ] <− Q[ i , 1 ] for ( j in 2 : 1 4 ) { l o g i t (Q[ i , j ] ) <− tau [ j ]−mu[ i ] p[ i , j ] <− Q[ i , j ] − Q[ i , j −1] } 13
  • 14. • July 2016 • p[ i , 1 5 ] <− 1 − Q[ i , 1 4 ] y [ i ] ~ dcat (p[ i , 1 : 1 5 ] ) } ## priors over betas beta [ 1 : p1 ] ~ dmnorm( b0 [ ] , B0 [ , ] ) ## thresholds for ( j in 1 : 1 4 ) { tau0 [ j ] ~ dnorm(0 , . 0 1 ) } tau [ 1 : 1 4 ] <− sort ( tau0 ) } 6)Code for NMIG variable selection for Linear Model (I won’t include the code for Ordered Probit since it’s pretty much the same) model { for ( i in 1:N) { mu[ i ] <− inprod ( x [ i , ] , beta [ ] ) y [ i ] ~ dnorm(mu[ i ] , vart ) } for ( j in 1: p1 ) { gamma[ j ] ~ dbern (w[ j ] ) ; beta [ j ] ~ dnorm(0 , pow(gamma[ j ]/ tau1 [ j ]+ (1−gamma[ j ])/ tau2 [ j ] , −1) ) ; tau1 [ j ] ~ dgamma( 2 , 1 ) ; tau2 [ j ] ~ dgamma( 2 , 1 0 0 0 ) ; w[ j ] ~ dunif ( 0 , 1 ) ; } vart ~ dgamma( 0 . 0 0 1 , 0 . 0 0 1 ) } Rcode Code for Bayesian Linear Regression: samples <− blinreg (Y, X,200000 , prior ) Where Y are the fitted values, X the design matrix (include the intercept), 200000 number of iterations, and prior the specification for the Zellner’s prior, while the default one is the uninformative. This function samples from the joint posterior distribution (while JAGS samples from the conditionals). 2.Code for the Ordered Probit Regression mcmcprobitgp <− MCMCoprobit(G1 ~ XGP, data=traingp burnin =1000 , mcmc=200000 , thin =50) Here there are 2 ways of sampling: Cowles, which is a Metropolis sampler and samples the τ enbloc or AC (Albert and Chib (2001)). 3. Code for the Bayesian Hierarchical regression h i e r l s <− MCMChregress( fixed = sqrt (G1) ~ X, random = ~ X, group=" school " , data=train , burnin =100000 ,mcmc=200000 , thin =100 , r=q ,R=diag ( rep ( 0 . 0 1 , r ) ) ) XI. a Bivariate model? A possible way to improve the model would be to consider jointly G1 and G2, grades of the first and second semester and see if the additional information given by the 1st semester vote improves the prediction power while not increasing too much the computational complexity. Another idea is that the extreme levels of the response variable, like 4,5,18,19 could be omitted in the ordered probit model, since they strongly harden the model, by introducing additional thresholds parameters. 14
  • 15. • July 2016 • XII. MCMCconvergence I will not show all the traceplots, autocorrelation and posterior samples plots. 1) Posterior samples and autocorrelation plots from linear model 2, of school GP. 15
  • 16. • July 2016 • 16
  • 17. • July 2016 • 2) Posterior samples from probit model 1, of school MS 17
  • 18. • July 2016 • 18
  • 19. • July 2016 • 19
  • 20. • July 2016 • 20
  • 21. • July 2016 • 3) Posterior samples from Hierarchical Linear Model 21
  • 22. • July 2016 • 22
  • 23. • July 2016 • 4) Posterior samples from Hierarchical Ordered Probit Model 23
  • 24. • July 2016 • 24
  • 25. • July 2016 • 25
  • 26. • July 2016 • 5) Variable Selection (90%) 26
  • 27. • July 2016 • 6) A comparison in terms of computational expense between the Linear and Probit model. Model Linear/Probit Iterazioni Thinning GP Linear 104 10 MS Linear 104 10 βschool Linear 104 10 Mix Linear 2 ∗ 105 200 GP Probit 2 ∗ 105 200 MS Probit 2 ∗ 105 200 βschool Probit 2 ∗ 105 200 Mix Probit 5 ∗ 106 5 ∗ 103 Table 7: Number of Iterations and Thinning for different models REFERENCE LIST AND SPECIAL THANKS Simon Jackman, Bayesian Analysis for the Social Sciences, 1st edition 2009 Alan Agresti, Categorical Data Analysis, 2nd edition 27
  • 28. • July 2016 • Peter D. Hoff, A first course in Bayesian Statistical Methods, 2009 Mary Kathrin Cowles, Accelerating Monte Carlo Markov chain convergence for cumulative-link generalized linear, 1996 James H. Albert and Siddhartha Chib, Bayesian Analysis of binary and Polychotomous response data, 1993 I thank Professor Francesca Ieva, of Politecnico di Milano for providing me with very useful suggestions for my work and PHD student at Politecnico di Milano Ilaria Bianchini. I want also to thank the stackexchange community and JAGS creator Martyn Plummer for helping me through codes. 28