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Running Head: Book Review 1
Book Review 14
Book review Chapter 1
Butterfield, as a professor at Syracuse University, three
years down the line she became Director of Undergraduate
Studies (p. 3). As a young professor, the author felt that she was
in a dilemma and somehow found herself regretting because she
could not trace her roots. In this book, she writes to us her
struggles on Christian life from the time she was still in
darkness. She starts by giving us how she was introduced to
gospel from an invitation from Ken and how she began seeing
religion from a different angle. The story develops into a
platform of new adventures that warrants no rejection as she
stretched to a different level as per her words: “You never know
the terrain someone else has walked to worship the Lord.” (p.
Butterfield’s feelings were much complicated, as accepting
Christ’s teachings to her was an insult, keeping away Christian
values and felt “had to put up with a lot of flack for the
conservative Christians.” (p. 1). An instance, she wanted to
devote her time to cover Christian virtues and salvation. This is
ironic as she has been a dedicated lesbian professor, with her
vast knowledge in the field. Her work, therefore, is degreed in a
far way on Christian teachings and the other far end of her
career in lesbianism and gay education.
In her words, “I started a self-study of Greek to help me
understand the Bible and looked for someone to help me
understand the Bible.” (p. 7), Butterfield developed a real
interest in Bible study. Through this, she was of the interest as
an English scholar have to understand hermeneutic used by
Christians by studying Greek and Hebrew as the basis of Bible
writing. She knew that understanding Bible calls her to read
extra resources that will make her understand the Bible.
Furthermore, she looks for someone to assist her to understand
the Bible for her salvation growth as she was an armature in
this. The fact that she realizes that the Chapel was on the other
end and may not help her is a sign of positive development
towards maturity.
The author surrounded by life dynamics and embedded in her
academia world and day to day pals whom through which shape
one’s life through relationship. As per sentiments from friends,
“we had a nice chat on the phone with Pastor Ken.” (P. 9) she
purports that the chat was fun, and she truly accepted the meal
after which her faith is taken over, and she gladly took Pastor
Ken’s hand on her salvation (p.11)
With a recognition of life stress and the precise
comparison between Christian and Lesbian commonality, to
Butterfield, her case was different altogether. She admired the
past life most, and she wished she had stayed in the academic
field. As she contrasts it: “Christian community appeared to be
judgmental, Scornful, and afraid of diversity.” On contrary to
the other world, she claims that: “Lesbian community was home
and a home felt safer and secure; the people that I knew the
based and cared about were in the community.” (p. 5). The two
contrasts bring the mockery of Christianity being judgmental
and people in this category lived a circumscribed life.
The theme of change is also depicted when Pastor Ken and her
wife, Floy, assisted Butterfield to become a devoted Christian,
as she noted “What I faced at work during my work following
my conviction, was rubbish of my sins, forgiven by God . . . I
had to change everything, my life, my friends, my writings” p.
During her time of conversion, the author was assisted by
teamwork in the department as a unity to see her grow in her
new dominion. Dean of the Chapel encouraged her that her
lesbianism has helped her a lot, and she should not give in
everything. This was, of course, a wrong piece of advice, as she
was dedicated to walking on pure life with great determination
and ought not to be a having Jesus as her lesbian. Her high hope
kept her courage and faith in the Scriptures: “but I have been
reading and rereading scriptures, and there are no such marks as
postmodern, ‘both/and,' in the Bible.”
Domination is also featured when the author mentions the
apostle creed: “for someone raised in Catholic, the church was
God…” (P. 19). However, she was not yet able to separate the
two at this juncture.
Feedback and Conclusion
I admire Butterfield’s willingness and devotion made as she
surrenders her life to Christ even by sacrificing her friends
living values and her dedication to remaining subtle to changes
in her life. Chronological events run from the time the writer
lectures, through to being converted to Christianity and
mutually developing Christian virtues.
I yearn for more of this, as the story set a pace, there is much to
draw on Butterfield's experience and characters that assist the
protagonist to drive her point home.
Book review Chapter 2
Rosaria in this chapter depicts the theme of change; she speaks
that at this time, she was tired with the relationship of her
lesbian lover. She also confesses of her other love relationship
with other men making her relationship be that of heterosexual.
“These passages forced me to see pride other than sexual
orientation as a route to sin.”(P. 32).In this context I appreciate
her sincerity, I would only be concern that her orientation to
her feelings is the one that contributed to her change through
her experiences. From her change, it can also be viewed that it
does happen as a woman to change sexual orientation.
“How do you know that you are no longer a lesbian? How do
you know?” (P. 49). This is a question asked by B, president of
gay, lesbian, and transgender undergraduate (GLBT). She never
got to answer this as she was approached unprepared and the
thoughts made her sick and dizzy. Rosaria had no response to
this but was taken far as her senses of truth were taken in a
division. She started feeling like a lesbian again; she, however,
asked B how he knows of his gay status (P. 49). The description
of B, like a deflated balloon, he collapsed (P. 50) reveals that
he was too unable to defend his title. He just responded by
pointing that Rosaria was the one initiating the post (GLBT),
and she should hence be aware. The sympathy expressed by B as
a home that was safe making Rosaria cover his hand in support
and agreed to meet the following day. The church in the next
semester helped her in prayers after understanding her needs.
As R left seminary, the author, Christian lives became more
divided with Rosaria struggling as God gave her victory. She
supported him through cards and money (P. 52).This is
attributed to his calling on the mission, and that is why Pastor
Ken keeps praying for. “R proposed for marriage, and we
became engaged in November” (P. 53) the church showed their
discipleship by overwhelming support. This church contribution
was incredible including baby shower gifts. This chapter
explains for us the view of family and Christianity. We find out
that R was a devoted Christian and in charge of session and
presbytery. On her preparation to her weddings, her fears,
however, was the hitch that R still has two more years, and his
posting may be to an unknown region. She accorded to a
research leave as he friend was a truth friend of hers. “My
academic den approved my two-year leave ... (P. 55). This was
another chapter of her life as she was welcomed to Pittsburgh to
teach in weekend. Rosaria depicts that she was prepared for her
marriage as she prayed for it. She further inquest on how her
life has become. Few weeks to her wedding, she hearing on her
husband to be as she was in a dilemma on whom she loved most,
whether R or Christ (P. 56). This came to her rocky end and
rejection in the underworld. ‘Nobody seemed to believe really
that R articulated his lack of faith to me.’ (P. 58) the author
appears to be having had a history of exaggerating his emotions
and problems. This came as she was now in a Christian marriage
as her husband as she contemplated on how the church handled
R’s articulated faith. This articulation made R continue to
struggle with people-pleasing (P. 58) after he was expected to
his role as a pastoral intern during the spring and summer then.
The theme of betrayal is also well tackled by Rosaria where she
explicitly tells us of her missions. She talks about following her
incommensurable with the view that R was in that church and he
betrayed her big time. ‘I know that God calls us to walk in faith
and not be paralyzed by doubt.” (P.59). Pastor Peter Smith
soothed the author during a sermon where he talked about
people betrayed us but not Jesus. She talked about betrayal
deepening our love for Jesus through his sacrifices, love, and
obedience. God gave her a language and knowledge to explore
this type of temptation.
The challenges were ever hitting on Rosaria with the dynamics
associated with mission and family issues. ‘How in the world
does a single ex-lesbian pull off..(P. 62). The author has a
preference in Christ as he opens the Bible. She finds that peace
she requires even through temptation she still presses on.
Church elders and members frequented her house with visits
aimed at helping her with devotions. The theme of sacrifice sets
in as they give in their time for this period, which they could
have used to do other tasks at their disposal.
In conclusion, Rosaria as the chapter end made promises on the
setbacks of confusing people with their dreams and hopes (P.
64). Rosaria at all time received encouragement from elders
about god’s promises. R on the other end was still busy with the
seminary on the other finish with Rosaria having urban
ministries too.
Book review Chapter 3
The Author gets enough sleep depicts how her life was
changing, she tells us on how many house has many verses
frames hanging on them. Her favorite verse was that she quoted
in John chapter three verses sixteen. The writer also mentions
for us the political temperatures as she speaks of Bush and
swore that she believes that Jesus was non partisan. In my
opinion, there is theme of exchange, depicted by houses having
placards on their houses displaying various verses.
Rosaria had a peace of mind as she gets in-depth with the word
of God, ‘I had learned in a rich and organic way.... ’ (P. 67).
She has learned the dynamics and complexity in living Christ
like life when she declares the reading of verses that needs to be
perfectly understood as they are manned with complexity. She
alluded that Christians need to live a counterintuitive ways
through which the Holy Spirit guide. She purports this change
to even letting us know about her evangelism with Ken Smith.
“The domain of Christian witness is not salvation’ (that is
God’s work) but service—selfless love and sacrifice” (p. 67).
If we may argue the ways which community and church affects
our focus and any possible distracts, one will be possible
puzzled. A church is where an individual is welcomed, though
new, feel a sense of family. Ranging from being given a study,
Rosaria was allocated a group and given contacts to access help.
‘I came to believe that my work was not to critique …but to dig
into it.’ The preachers too were pooling by their distinct use of
language, for instance the writer says that Dr. Watt sermon was
shorter and more polished.
The sermon, by Bruce, as Rosaria elaborates (P. 75) that the
message was touching and flashback was happening in Syracuse
that such messages were spoken in private. This shows a
contrast of the two dominions that exhibit a difference. She
describes how Bruce was bold, unapologetic and honest in
delivering his message. The use of symbolism here shows that
God’s men are only agents through which inspiration is coming
from them. She a furthermore felt transfixed in the way she
relay the message of repentance from sins to an extend she felt
like gulping water in panic and frenzy (P. 75).
Just a month down the line, the writer looks determined after
being invited by a colleague to be part of the faith and life
integration. She uses metaphor by saying that she accepted
invitation to give a ‘’Solomon’’ paper (P. 79). There was a
coincidence on the delivery of her first test as Bruce was also
there! After the talk, the two things which happened was Bruce
approaching her to suggest on counseling as her talk to her, was
unimportant and flat. That year was a year of revolution to the
writer as Kim and Bruce sat with her, sharing their own
Domination as a theme shows up , as Rosaria and her students
keep a day off sharing off real life on (Sabbath keeping) where
colleagues kept asking her about her church worship (P. 85).
She was made a squirm by his colleagues as suspicion about RP
church to which Dr> Ken Smith was the chair. She was given
opinions of leaving her church to some church which by biblical
feminist, was perhaps spiritually sane and was often bothered
on why she chose PR church. Dr. Butterfield continue by using
the word predatory to identify sexual sin as a trait that, ‘why in
my health as a Christian be determined by sex? (P. 83). She
speaks of inside and outside marriage sex is sin if one is not
pure. This mirage her declaration before as inaccurate slippage
yet she had met several homosexuals before. These couples
were giving a mutual support, loving, and generous. What we
get here is church culture. The theme of hypocrisy is also well
tackled; Rosaria poses a challenge to the audience by stating
about them by saying; ‘for those with church ties, start going to
church in honest and venerability.’ (P. 84). There is also grief
sharing, Mary Lou, was called to be with the lord in her early
The rhetorical questions asked by the writer, for instance, ‘Why
am I a member of this denomination, I wondered’ (P. 86).
Rosaria also gives us the male chauvinism exhibited by the
preaching. She thinks aloud as to why women are not allowed
to sing in solos or preach. She is puzzled and wonders what she
will do in order to spread grace around the world. Her inner
eyes finally opened that she was not to have pride on her gift.
The author furthermore speaks of maturity as pointed out when
the RP colleagues seemed not to be troubled by worship
practices as they took ,’ live and let live.’ (P. 86) she later on
learns about worship as a launching pad for life. She concludes
through this revelation that God has commanded us to have a
right worship. Prodigal son as she claims never repented on his
sins but God gave him eyes to see that is why he came to his
senses. Through Christ love, we step into the faithful and
palpable throne singing in psalms (P. 89)
In conclusion, as God teaches us how to live in the Bible, so is
He teaching us how to worship Him (P. 90). The author gives
verses that make us be cautious not to add or take away
scriptures in the Bible, Deut 4:2, 12:32, and Prov. 30:6. And the
power of his word in Heb 4:12 (P. 92)
Book review Chapter 4
Marriage, Ministry, and Adoption
The chapter begins with creation theory where women are
said to have been created by an exclusive system of Abraham
and not from the dust of the Earth. The male and female were
made, and a man should leave his father and become one flesh
(P. 100). Rosaria describes how his husband Kent practically
amazes her with a joke; she describes how Kent’s hand had a
caring nature on twitch. A wife is bound to obey her husband
but not everything that he says but in the Lord as per Paul. ‘She
is not bound to obey her husband, therefore if he requires to sin
against God’ (P. 102). The author cracks the big question on
whether a woman should submit to a husband if they are
unreasonable. Rosaria quotes a verse in 1 Peter 3:1-2 which
stress of wives submitting to their husbands even if some do not
obey the world. From this, we can also say that her alluding of
submission means that women should obey their husbands even
if they are unbelievers.
The fear of the Lord is also subject discussed in which Peter is
saying that wives should be a submissive way. A man is
compared to Christ as he loves the church, so should he love his
wife. Rosaria points out the through the scripture quoting that
husband ought to love their wives as the love their bodies as
Christ loved the church making him even sacrifice his body (P.
103). This love, however, should not be mistaken for “rule”,
Christ loves the church and is the head so as a husband to his
family.” Immediately the pride of a man begins to assert itself!
... That means that I am the head! I am the Boss…’’ Christ’s
rule the church but husbands should love their wives, but not
rule those (P. 103).
What are some of the home-based hospitality in the ministry
illustrated by Rosaria? Rosaria stopped teaching and settled
with her loving husband, Kent, who served as a pastoral intern
under Pastor Bruce Backensto and the elders. The author wanted
to start her new life by starting a family with either birth or
adoption. The home-based ministry developed just a year into
their marriage through hospitality. ‘After spending the 2001-02
year in Beaver, Kent was called to the Trinity RBC of
Beltsville.’ (P. 113). Rosaria narrates how ministry was
advancing with her husband now moving to a new palace as a
pastor. She describes how church planting became a favor of
God with more and more daughters. The daughter church was
still a stillborn with the ‘seed family’ helping the daughter
church to the adulthood. Purcellville was a small but growing
county in the US. Her husband’s paycheck was twice that of
Syracuse College. The author makes an economical comparison
of the two placed once lived and happy as the new destination
has well for her wishes she had made (P. 114).
Do we fear diversity? The first manifestation the church plant
was the college where students flocked to their services. A
shake over was that of the church members leaving one by one
with the reason given earlier by the mother church as [parents
fear for their children regarding the lack of fellowship. The
families left the church as a claim that they needed like-minded
people. Rosaria struggles to find the real meaning of lack of
fellowship which she finally attributed to families wish to have
a church composed of people of the same caliber, that is, people
who do exactly what they do regarding childbirth controls,
schooling, voting amongst others (P.115). Rosaria finally
develops a rapport with the students, serving meals in every
Lord’s Prayer and Bible study guidance and other hospitality
calling ranging from clinic to dining hall services. From these
faith developments, we can say that the women who fear change
but get routed to their self cocoons fear diversity, and that’s the
reason why gospel has a life-breathing faith.
What of blurting and slipping stories? Rosaria points out the
love which the mother church accorded them by the regular
visits they made. Trinity RPC helped them with after-service
activities with one member even driving all the way from
Pennsylvania to contribute bountifully, with others sustaining
them with material needs and prayers. These were amazing up
comings shortly before stories slip… (P. 117). The good at
times goes bad, and this was what happened in college. The
author points out the fact that college being a busy place, very
attractive but never fails to take root. The college was attracting
more students but only for Rosaria to notice an awkward
behavior developed by students, ‘they were awkward in talking
to people outside of their world.’ (P. 117). This came when a
neighbor returning a book whispered to her on the happenings
that the students outside school affairs.
In conclusion
There is always a drift when people converge with different
backgrounds and beliefs. The author shows the tendency of
individuals who have been in the ministry but engage
themselves in the back door activities. The author carefully
sensitizes on the need to involve those who are different in
opinions to gather for religion needs.
Book review Chapter 5
Rosaria in this chapter narrates a story of one influential church
member, who approached her on the issue of what she would
suppose a homosexual approach her when her husband R is
pastured. She hits up by offering a conversion testimony to the
questioner. The interviewer came back after weeks, with all the
color drained from her, like somebody who has just witnessed a
crime scene. She wished she had not shared the story and
wondered whether she have to tell people about her story (P.
138). She further makes a contrasting statement on how we love
Mary Magdalene, Rehab, and Harlot but miss to take the Lord’s
Table with them.
“Sometimes people ask me if I feel like I am ‘wasting my
life.’’’(P. 139) The question puzzled the author as their
intention of the question was on her being educated and still not
utilizing the skills and knowledge elsewhere. To act on this
part, the questioners had in mind that those educated ought not
to do Christ work, per their judgment Christ work was only
meant for those who have ‘less skills.' Rosaria brings the epic
of education by mentioning to us on the core grammar children
are being taught in 2nd and 3rd grade. ‘Both boys are attending
what we used to call grammar school.’ (P. 138) this shows the
structure that exists in the society with classes living. In this
case, the author gives us a comparison between a public school
boy and her so, home school. The public school boy struggles.
The schools are also basis where children not only learn to
memorize simple grammar but also other academic disciplines
like; math, geography, history among others (P. 138). This text
study of the conversation between her son and public boy
confirm to her not wasting time as his boy was morally upright
(P. 141).
Rosaria in her artwork eludes the Christianity as depicted by her
organization of her family members. Her children’s ability to
recognize historical placements was itself excellent and
significant to her young family. At the age of four and seven,
her children knew that ideas have shapes, significance, and
Rosaria ushers the theme of adoption in her context. This part
shows the upright part of her, from the time she is a Lesbian
professor with a dark side to challenges she faced in her
conversion. She has meandered in her life, dating and marrying
R was another step to her Christian ladder. She gets various
contracts at the same time converting those she ministers to, and
now her children follow suit. The salvation does not stop there
yet as of now she has adopted J that has been a vital experience.
The social services through adoption services have been on the
forefront of children adoption especially those with special
needs. The family was proposed to take the three children (P.
141). They declined to make the other two due to the house not
being big enough but prayed for them. Why do we allow surplus
prevent us from accommodating the needy?
Before the adoption decision, the children (Knox and Snot) were
sent to a dining room to pray (P. 143) the prayer and choices are
the primary concern here. Knox was full of armor as he was
optimistic and full of hope even after his mother getting scared
on the type of child they were to bring. On his faith, he speaks
that God loves orphans and communication were not an issue as
kids use eyes to communicate. This act was as so encouraging
as it puzzles and restored faith to her mother. Jane, a neighbor
to the Rosa to the dogs for a week, as J was afraid of them as.
Rosaria says that J talked with his eyes, as Knox predicted it.
His character trait was improved as he liked being read on
especially by J as he went on collecting any material on sight.
There is a change depicted here as J was eager and ready to
develop to talk. ‘The backyard contained many mysteries for J,
garden dirt (P. 143). This is a beginning for j as he has adapted
the new environment, being given clothes that are colored
makes him a better person. J feels welcome, and this character
has been used by the author to show the warm welcome that we
should accord visitors, acceptance by heart. The changes that
did a family did called later an s depicted by Rosaria shows a
theme of reunion as J jumped to know that he was going to be
united with his sibling. Rosaria after praying packed J’s things
and wrote a note (P. 146) concerning gifts and brotherly love in
John 3:17 in her letter, she shared how she had hope for J to
have a Christian family.
In conclusion, the chapter deals with home schooling and
middle age. From the different schooling setting of the public
boy, we get contrasted setting on the side of home schooling.
The adoption also has been tackled with J becoming a temporary
member to the Rosaria, which was later readopted elsewhere.
Running Head Book Review1Book Review14Book review Cha.docx

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  • 1. Running Head: Book Review 1 Book Review 14 Book review Chapter 1 Butterfield, as a professor at Syracuse University, three years down the line she became Director of Undergraduate Studies (p. 3). As a young professor, the author felt that she was in a dilemma and somehow found herself regretting because she could not trace her roots. In this book, she writes to us her struggles on Christian life from the time she was still in darkness. She starts by giving us how she was introduced to gospel from an invitation from Ken and how she began seeing religion from a different angle. The story develops into a platform of new adventures that warrants no rejection as she stretched to a different level as per her words: “You never know the terrain someone else has walked to worship the Lord.” (p. 20) Butterfield’s feelings were much complicated, as accepting Christ’s teachings to her was an insult, keeping away Christian values and felt “had to put up with a lot of flack for the conservative Christians.” (p. 1). An instance, she wanted to devote her time to cover Christian virtues and salvation. This is ironic as she has been a dedicated lesbian professor, with her vast knowledge in the field. Her work, therefore, is degreed in a far way on Christian teachings and the other far end of her career in lesbianism and gay education. In her words, “I started a self-study of Greek to help me understand the Bible and looked for someone to help me understand the Bible.” (p. 7), Butterfield developed a real interest in Bible study. Through this, she was of the interest as an English scholar have to understand hermeneutic used by Christians by studying Greek and Hebrew as the basis of Bible writing. She knew that understanding Bible calls her to read
  • 2. extra resources that will make her understand the Bible. Furthermore, she looks for someone to assist her to understand the Bible for her salvation growth as she was an armature in this. The fact that she realizes that the Chapel was on the other end and may not help her is a sign of positive development towards maturity. The author surrounded by life dynamics and embedded in her academia world and day to day pals whom through which shape one’s life through relationship. As per sentiments from friends, “we had a nice chat on the phone with Pastor Ken.” (P. 9) she purports that the chat was fun, and she truly accepted the meal after which her faith is taken over, and she gladly took Pastor Ken’s hand on her salvation (p.11) With a recognition of life stress and the precise comparison between Christian and Lesbian commonality, to Butterfield, her case was different altogether. She admired the past life most, and she wished she had stayed in the academic field. As she contrasts it: “Christian community appeared to be judgmental, Scornful, and afraid of diversity.” On contrary to the other world, she claims that: “Lesbian community was home and a home felt safer and secure; the people that I knew the based and cared about were in the community.” (p. 5). The two contrasts bring the mockery of Christianity being judgmental and people in this category lived a circumscribed life. The theme of change is also depicted when Pastor Ken and her wife, Floy, assisted Butterfield to become a devoted Christian, as she noted “What I faced at work during my work following my conviction, was rubbish of my sins, forgiven by God . . . I had to change everything, my life, my friends, my writings” p. 26) During her time of conversion, the author was assisted by teamwork in the department as a unity to see her grow in her new dominion. Dean of the Chapel encouraged her that her lesbianism has helped her a lot, and she should not give in everything. This was, of course, a wrong piece of advice, as she was dedicated to walking on pure life with great determination
  • 3. and ought not to be a having Jesus as her lesbian. Her high hope kept her courage and faith in the Scriptures: “but I have been reading and rereading scriptures, and there are no such marks as postmodern, ‘both/and,' in the Bible.” Domination is also featured when the author mentions the apostle creed: “for someone raised in Catholic, the church was God…” (P. 19). However, she was not yet able to separate the two at this juncture. Feedback and Conclusion I admire Butterfield’s willingness and devotion made as she surrenders her life to Christ even by sacrificing her friends living values and her dedication to remaining subtle to changes in her life. Chronological events run from the time the writer lectures, through to being converted to Christianity and mutually developing Christian virtues. I yearn for more of this, as the story set a pace, there is much to draw on Butterfield's experience and characters that assist the protagonist to drive her point home. Book review Chapter 2 Rosaria in this chapter depicts the theme of change; she speaks that at this time, she was tired with the relationship of her lesbian lover. She also confesses of her other love relationship with other men making her relationship be that of heterosexual. “These passages forced me to see pride other than sexual orientation as a route to sin.”(P. 32).In this context I appreciate her sincerity, I would only be concern that her orientation to her feelings is the one that contributed to her change through her experiences. From her change, it can also be viewed that it does happen as a woman to change sexual orientation. “How do you know that you are no longer a lesbian? How do you know?” (P. 49). This is a question asked by B, president of gay, lesbian, and transgender undergraduate (GLBT). She never got to answer this as she was approached unprepared and the thoughts made her sick and dizzy. Rosaria had no response to this but was taken far as her senses of truth were taken in a division. She started feeling like a lesbian again; she, however,
  • 4. asked B how he knows of his gay status (P. 49). The description of B, like a deflated balloon, he collapsed (P. 50) reveals that he was too unable to defend his title. He just responded by pointing that Rosaria was the one initiating the post (GLBT), and she should hence be aware. The sympathy expressed by B as a home that was safe making Rosaria cover his hand in support and agreed to meet the following day. The church in the next semester helped her in prayers after understanding her needs. As R left seminary, the author, Christian lives became more divided with Rosaria struggling as God gave her victory. She supported him through cards and money (P. 52).This is attributed to his calling on the mission, and that is why Pastor Ken keeps praying for. “R proposed for marriage, and we became engaged in November” (P. 53) the church showed their discipleship by overwhelming support. This church contribution was incredible including baby shower gifts. This chapter explains for us the view of family and Christianity. We find out that R was a devoted Christian and in charge of session and presbytery. On her preparation to her weddings, her fears, however, was the hitch that R still has two more years, and his posting may be to an unknown region. She accorded to a research leave as he friend was a truth friend of hers. “My academic den approved my two-year leave ... (P. 55). This was another chapter of her life as she was welcomed to Pittsburgh to teach in weekend. Rosaria depicts that she was prepared for her marriage as she prayed for it. She further inquest on how her life has become. Few weeks to her wedding, she hearing on her husband to be as she was in a dilemma on whom she loved most, whether R or Christ (P. 56). This came to her rocky end and rejection in the underworld. ‘Nobody seemed to believe really that R articulated his lack of faith to me.’ (P. 58) the author appears to be having had a history of exaggerating his emotions and problems. This came as she was now in a Christian marriage as her husband as she contemplated on how the church handled R’s articulated faith. This articulation made R continue to struggle with people-pleasing (P. 58) after he was expected to
  • 5. his role as a pastoral intern during the spring and summer then. The theme of betrayal is also well tackled by Rosaria where she explicitly tells us of her missions. She talks about following her incommensurable with the view that R was in that church and he betrayed her big time. ‘I know that God calls us to walk in faith and not be paralyzed by doubt.” (P.59). Pastor Peter Smith soothed the author during a sermon where he talked about people betrayed us but not Jesus. She talked about betrayal deepening our love for Jesus through his sacrifices, love, and obedience. God gave her a language and knowledge to explore this type of temptation. The challenges were ever hitting on Rosaria with the dynamics associated with mission and family issues. ‘How in the world does a single ex-lesbian pull off..(P. 62). The author has a preference in Christ as he opens the Bible. She finds that peace she requires even through temptation she still presses on. Church elders and members frequented her house with visits aimed at helping her with devotions. The theme of sacrifice sets in as they give in their time for this period, which they could have used to do other tasks at their disposal. In conclusion, Rosaria as the chapter end made promises on the setbacks of confusing people with their dreams and hopes (P. 64). Rosaria at all time received encouragement from elders about god’s promises. R on the other end was still busy with the seminary on the other finish with Rosaria having urban ministries too. Book review Chapter 3 The Author gets enough sleep depicts how her life was changing, she tells us on how many house has many verses frames hanging on them. Her favorite verse was that she quoted in John chapter three verses sixteen. The writer also mentions for us the political temperatures as she speaks of Bush and swore that she believes that Jesus was non partisan. In my opinion, there is theme of exchange, depicted by houses having placards on their houses displaying various verses. Rosaria had a peace of mind as she gets in-depth with the word
  • 6. of God, ‘I had learned in a rich and organic way.... ’ (P. 67). She has learned the dynamics and complexity in living Christ like life when she declares the reading of verses that needs to be perfectly understood as they are manned with complexity. She alluded that Christians need to live a counterintuitive ways through which the Holy Spirit guide. She purports this change to even letting us know about her evangelism with Ken Smith. “The domain of Christian witness is not salvation’ (that is God’s work) but service—selfless love and sacrifice” (p. 67). If we may argue the ways which community and church affects our focus and any possible distracts, one will be possible puzzled. A church is where an individual is welcomed, though new, feel a sense of family. Ranging from being given a study, Rosaria was allocated a group and given contacts to access help. ‘I came to believe that my work was not to critique …but to dig into it.’ The preachers too were pooling by their distinct use of language, for instance the writer says that Dr. Watt sermon was shorter and more polished. The sermon, by Bruce, as Rosaria elaborates (P. 75) that the message was touching and flashback was happening in Syracuse that such messages were spoken in private. This shows a contrast of the two dominions that exhibit a difference. She describes how Bruce was bold, unapologetic and honest in delivering his message. The use of symbolism here shows that God’s men are only agents through which inspiration is coming from them. She a furthermore felt transfixed in the way she relay the message of repentance from sins to an extend she felt like gulping water in panic and frenzy (P. 75). Just a month down the line, the writer looks determined after being invited by a colleague to be part of the faith and life integration. She uses metaphor by saying that she accepted invitation to give a ‘’Solomon’’ paper (P. 79). There was a coincidence on the delivery of her first test as Bruce was also there! After the talk, the two things which happened was Bruce approaching her to suggest on counseling as her talk to her, was unimportant and flat. That year was a year of revolution to the
  • 7. writer as Kim and Bruce sat with her, sharing their own journeys. Domination as a theme shows up , as Rosaria and her students keep a day off sharing off real life on (Sabbath keeping) where colleagues kept asking her about her church worship (P. 85). She was made a squirm by his colleagues as suspicion about RP church to which Dr> Ken Smith was the chair. She was given opinions of leaving her church to some church which by biblical feminist, was perhaps spiritually sane and was often bothered on why she chose PR church. Dr. Butterfield continue by using the word predatory to identify sexual sin as a trait that, ‘why in my health as a Christian be determined by sex? (P. 83). She speaks of inside and outside marriage sex is sin if one is not pure. This mirage her declaration before as inaccurate slippage yet she had met several homosexuals before. These couples were giving a mutual support, loving, and generous. What we get here is church culture. The theme of hypocrisy is also well tackled; Rosaria poses a challenge to the audience by stating about them by saying; ‘for those with church ties, start going to church in honest and venerability.’ (P. 84). There is also grief sharing, Mary Lou, was called to be with the lord in her early sixties. The rhetorical questions asked by the writer, for instance, ‘Why am I a member of this denomination, I wondered’ (P. 86). Rosaria also gives us the male chauvinism exhibited by the preaching. She thinks aloud as to why women are not allowed to sing in solos or preach. She is puzzled and wonders what she will do in order to spread grace around the world. Her inner eyes finally opened that she was not to have pride on her gift. The author furthermore speaks of maturity as pointed out when the RP colleagues seemed not to be troubled by worship practices as they took ,’ live and let live.’ (P. 86) she later on learns about worship as a launching pad for life. She concludes through this revelation that God has commanded us to have a right worship. Prodigal son as she claims never repented on his sins but God gave him eyes to see that is why he came to his
  • 8. senses. Through Christ love, we step into the faithful and palpable throne singing in psalms (P. 89) In conclusion, as God teaches us how to live in the Bible, so is He teaching us how to worship Him (P. 90). The author gives verses that make us be cautious not to add or take away scriptures in the Bible, Deut 4:2, 12:32, and Prov. 30:6. And the power of his word in Heb 4:12 (P. 92) Book review Chapter 4 Marriage, Ministry, and Adoption The chapter begins with creation theory where women are said to have been created by an exclusive system of Abraham and not from the dust of the Earth. The male and female were made, and a man should leave his father and become one flesh (P. 100). Rosaria describes how his husband Kent practically amazes her with a joke; she describes how Kent’s hand had a caring nature on twitch. A wife is bound to obey her husband but not everything that he says but in the Lord as per Paul. ‘She is not bound to obey her husband, therefore if he requires to sin against God’ (P. 102). The author cracks the big question on whether a woman should submit to a husband if they are unreasonable. Rosaria quotes a verse in 1 Peter 3:1-2 which stress of wives submitting to their husbands even if some do not obey the world. From this, we can also say that her alluding of submission means that women should obey their husbands even if they are unbelievers. The fear of the Lord is also subject discussed in which Peter is saying that wives should be a submissive way. A man is compared to Christ as he loves the church, so should he love his wife. Rosaria points out the through the scripture quoting that husband ought to love their wives as the love their bodies as Christ loved the church making him even sacrifice his body (P. 103). This love, however, should not be mistaken for “rule”, Christ loves the church and is the head so as a husband to his family.” Immediately the pride of a man begins to assert itself! ... That means that I am the head! I am the Boss…’’ Christ’s rule the church but husbands should love their wives, but not
  • 9. rule those (P. 103). What are some of the home-based hospitality in the ministry illustrated by Rosaria? Rosaria stopped teaching and settled with her loving husband, Kent, who served as a pastoral intern under Pastor Bruce Backensto and the elders. The author wanted to start her new life by starting a family with either birth or adoption. The home-based ministry developed just a year into their marriage through hospitality. ‘After spending the 2001-02 year in Beaver, Kent was called to the Trinity RBC of Beltsville.’ (P. 113). Rosaria narrates how ministry was advancing with her husband now moving to a new palace as a pastor. She describes how church planting became a favor of God with more and more daughters. The daughter church was still a stillborn with the ‘seed family’ helping the daughter church to the adulthood. Purcellville was a small but growing county in the US. Her husband’s paycheck was twice that of Syracuse College. The author makes an economical comparison of the two placed once lived and happy as the new destination has well for her wishes she had made (P. 114). Do we fear diversity? The first manifestation the church plant was the college where students flocked to their services. A shake over was that of the church members leaving one by one with the reason given earlier by the mother church as [parents fear for their children regarding the lack of fellowship. The families left the church as a claim that they needed like-minded people. Rosaria struggles to find the real meaning of lack of fellowship which she finally attributed to families wish to have a church composed of people of the same caliber, that is, people who do exactly what they do regarding childbirth controls, schooling, voting amongst others (P.115). Rosaria finally develops a rapport with the students, serving meals in every Lord’s Prayer and Bible study guidance and other hospitality calling ranging from clinic to dining hall services. From these faith developments, we can say that the women who fear change but get routed to their self cocoons fear diversity, and that’s the reason why gospel has a life-breathing faith.
  • 10. What of blurting and slipping stories? Rosaria points out the love which the mother church accorded them by the regular visits they made. Trinity RPC helped them with after-service activities with one member even driving all the way from Pennsylvania to contribute bountifully, with others sustaining them with material needs and prayers. These were amazing up comings shortly before stories slip… (P. 117). The good at times goes bad, and this was what happened in college. The author points out the fact that college being a busy place, very attractive but never fails to take root. The college was attracting more students but only for Rosaria to notice an awkward behavior developed by students, ‘they were awkward in talking to people outside of their world.’ (P. 117). This came when a neighbor returning a book whispered to her on the happenings that the students outside school affairs. In conclusion There is always a drift when people converge with different backgrounds and beliefs. The author shows the tendency of individuals who have been in the ministry but engage themselves in the back door activities. The author carefully sensitizes on the need to involve those who are different in opinions to gather for religion needs. Book review Chapter 5 Rosaria in this chapter narrates a story of one influential church member, who approached her on the issue of what she would suppose a homosexual approach her when her husband R is pastured. She hits up by offering a conversion testimony to the questioner. The interviewer came back after weeks, with all the color drained from her, like somebody who has just witnessed a crime scene. She wished she had not shared the story and wondered whether she have to tell people about her story (P. 138). She further makes a contrasting statement on how we love Mary Magdalene, Rehab, and Harlot but miss to take the Lord’s Table with them. “Sometimes people ask me if I feel like I am ‘wasting my life.’’’(P. 139) The question puzzled the author as their
  • 11. intention of the question was on her being educated and still not utilizing the skills and knowledge elsewhere. To act on this part, the questioners had in mind that those educated ought not to do Christ work, per their judgment Christ work was only meant for those who have ‘less skills.' Rosaria brings the epic of education by mentioning to us on the core grammar children are being taught in 2nd and 3rd grade. ‘Both boys are attending what we used to call grammar school.’ (P. 138) this shows the structure that exists in the society with classes living. In this case, the author gives us a comparison between a public school boy and her so, home school. The public school boy struggles. The schools are also basis where children not only learn to memorize simple grammar but also other academic disciplines like; math, geography, history among others (P. 138). This text study of the conversation between her son and public boy confirm to her not wasting time as his boy was morally upright (P. 141). Rosaria in her artwork eludes the Christianity as depicted by her organization of her family members. Her children’s ability to recognize historical placements was itself excellent and significant to her young family. At the age of four and seven, her children knew that ideas have shapes, significance, and form. Rosaria ushers the theme of adoption in her context. This part shows the upright part of her, from the time she is a Lesbian professor with a dark side to challenges she faced in her conversion. She has meandered in her life, dating and marrying R was another step to her Christian ladder. She gets various contracts at the same time converting those she ministers to, and now her children follow suit. The salvation does not stop there yet as of now she has adopted J that has been a vital experience. The social services through adoption services have been on the forefront of children adoption especially those with special needs. The family was proposed to take the three children (P. 141). They declined to make the other two due to the house not being big enough but prayed for them. Why do we allow surplus
  • 12. prevent us from accommodating the needy? Before the adoption decision, the children (Knox and Snot) were sent to a dining room to pray (P. 143) the prayer and choices are the primary concern here. Knox was full of armor as he was optimistic and full of hope even after his mother getting scared on the type of child they were to bring. On his faith, he speaks that God loves orphans and communication were not an issue as kids use eyes to communicate. This act was as so encouraging as it puzzles and restored faith to her mother. Jane, a neighbor to the Rosa to the dogs for a week, as J was afraid of them as. Rosaria says that J talked with his eyes, as Knox predicted it. His character trait was improved as he liked being read on especially by J as he went on collecting any material on sight. There is a change depicted here as J was eager and ready to develop to talk. ‘The backyard contained many mysteries for J, garden dirt (P. 143). This is a beginning for j as he has adapted the new environment, being given clothes that are colored makes him a better person. J feels welcome, and this character has been used by the author to show the warm welcome that we should accord visitors, acceptance by heart. The changes that did a family did called later an s depicted by Rosaria shows a theme of reunion as J jumped to know that he was going to be united with his sibling. Rosaria after praying packed J’s things and wrote a note (P. 146) concerning gifts and brotherly love in John 3:17 in her letter, she shared how she had hope for J to have a Christian family. In conclusion, the chapter deals with home schooling and middle age. From the different schooling setting of the public boy, we get contrasted setting on the side of home schooling. The adoption also has been tackled with J becoming a temporary member to the Rosaria, which was later readopted elsewhere.