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 Life is an exclusive property of the various types of living
organisms in the world
 Recent discovery of fossils of some microscopic organisms
extended the known ‘history of life’ on the Earth to about 3.5
billion years
 Biology is the science dealing with the study of living organisms
which are broadly classified into microorganisms, plants and
 In spite of their wide ‘diversity’ they show ‘fundamental
uniformity’ in possessing protoplasm with the genetic substance,
the DNA which is made up of ‘nucleotides’, universally
Properties of Living Organisms:
1. Cellular organization
2. Complexity of organization
3. Sensitivity/ Response to Environment
4. Growth
5. Energy utilisation/ Energy processing / Metabolism
6. Reproduction
7. Homeostasis
8. Evolution
9. Senescence and Mortality
 Metabolism: sum total of all chemical reactions is called as metabolism
 Metabolism is of two kinds, they are
1. Catabolism: It’s a break down process, where a complex molecule is
broken down into simple one.
2. Anabolism: It’s a constructive process, where we synthesize a complex
molecule from simple ones
 ATP is the energy currency of the cell (Adenosine Triphosphate)
 Homeostasis: Maintanence of constant internal environment
 All the life phenomena like nutrition, respiration, excretion, irritability,
etc., are due to interactions between the various components of an
 Properties of tissues are not present in all the constituent cells but arise
as a result of interactions among the constituent cells
 Similarly properties of cellular organelles are not present in the
molecular constituents of the organelle but arise as a result of
interactions among the molecular components comprising the organelle
 Thus, interactions result in certain properties, at a higher level of
 This phenomenon is true in the hierarchy of organizational complexity
at all levels
 Biology is the story of life and evolution of living organisms on the
 All living organisms – the present, past and future are linked to one
another by sharing a common genetic material, but to varying degrees
Branches of Biology
 Lamarck (1809), a French biologist coined the term ‘Biology’,
which means the ‘study of living organisms’
 This diverse science which deals with all aspects of animal life has
several sub-branches
1. Taxonomy:
 It is the theory and practice of identification, nomenclature and
classification of organisms
 The term ‘Taxonomy’ was coined by A.P. de Candolle
2. Morphology:
 It deals with the study of form, size, shape, color and structure of
various organisms and their tissues, organs, organ-systems etc
 It includes the following:
I. External morphology: It is the study of external characters
of an organism
II. Internal morphology: This branch deals with the study of internal
structure. It includes the following
a. Anatomy: It is the study of the internal arrangement of
different organs or organ systems in an organism as
observed with the naked eye
b. Histology: It is the study of microscopic structure of
different tissues. It is also called as Microanatomy.
3. Cytology: Deals with the study of form and structure of cells and
cell organelles.
4. Physiology: It is the study of different body functions and
5. Embryology: It deals with the study of events that lead to
fertilization, cleavages, early growth and differentiation of zygote.
6. Developmental Biology: It is the study of embryonic development and the
other developmental processes after birth.
7. Evolution: It is the study of origin of life and continuous genetic adaptations of
organisms to the environment. It also deals with the gradual changes that occur
with the living organisms through geological time.
Herbert spencer coined the word Evolution.
8. Paleontology: Study of fossilized remains of organisms of the past geological
ages is called paleontology. It includes paleobotany & paleozoology.
9. Ecology: It is the study of living organisms in relation to the other living
organisms (biotic factors) and abiotic environmental factors surrounding them.
Haeckel coined the term Ecology
10. Genetics: It is the study of inheritance of characters from one generation to
the next. It deals with heredity and variations.
Bateson coined the term Genetics
11. Ethology: It is the study of animal behavior based on the systematic
observation, recording, analysis of functions of animals.
Nature, Scope and Meaning of Zoology
 Biology is the study of living organisms.
 The principal, heterogenous and divergent groups of biology are BOTANY, ZOOLOGY
 Zoology or Animal science deals with the study of various aspects of animals. The aim
of zoology is to explain the animal world in terms of scientific principles.
 Zoology has its applications in other branches such as euphenics, eugenics,
biotechnology, bioenergetics, bioinformatics etc.,
 As an applied science it has tremendous scope in agriculture, aquaculture, animal
husbandry, diseases, veterinary science, apiculture, sericulture, pharmacology, animal
breeding etc.,
Need for classification
 Classification is defined as the process by which anything is grouped into convenient
categories based on some easily observable characters.
 TAXA can indicate categories at different levels (singular is TAXON).
 Based on certain special characteristics, we classified living organisms into different
 Characterization, identification, nomenclature and classification
Biological classification
 The living organisms exhibit a great deal of diversity due to
variations in their structure and function
 So far, over 1.25 million animal species have been identified and
 They show diversity in structure, habits, habitats and modes of life
 Systematics: Study of interrelationship between animals of
different groups.
 To understand the interrelationships among the diversified animal
groups, a systematic classification is necessary
 Carolus Linnaeus ( 1707 – 1788 ), Father of Taxonomy and
founder of Modern Systematics, introduced the system of
hierarchical classification
 In the 19th and 20th centuries numerical taxonomy and
phylogenetic classification emerged
 It is an evolutionary classification based on how a common ancestry
was shared
 Cladistic classification summarizes the ‘genetic distance’ between all
species in the ‘phylogenetic tree’
 In cladistic classification characters such as analogous characters and
homologous characters are followed/ taken into consideration
 Ernst Haeckel introduced the method of representing phylogeny by
‘trees’ or branching diagrams
Analogous organs: these are
the organs which are
functionally similar but
structurally dissimilar.
Eg: wings of a bird and wings
of a butterfly
Homologous organs: organs
which are structurally similar
but functionally dissimilar
Eg: hand of man and flipper of a
Levels and Hierarchy of Classification
Taxonomical hierarchy includes seven obligate categories namely
 Linnaeus was the first taxonomist to establish a definite
hierarchy of taxonomic categories called taxa like kingdom,
class, order, genus and species
 Haeckel (1888) introduced the taxon Phylum
 A species sometimes may have more subspecies, which
show some morphological variations (intra-specific
 Taxonomic Categories: Nowadays the three Domain
classification is followed:
 The three domains are Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya
Under the domain Bacteria, there is one
kingdom i.e., Bacteria
Under the domain Archaea, there is one
kingdom i.e., Archaebacteria
Under the domain Eukarya, there are four
kingdoms called Protista, Fungi, Plantae and
 CARL WOESE and co-workers observed that many prokaryotes
previously classified under ‘Prokaryota/Monera’ are more closely
related to the ‘eukaryotes’ and classified them under a separate
domain the ARCHAEA
 This type of study is called ‘MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS’
 Carl Woese, introduced six-kingdom classification,
 The six kingdoms are Bacteria, Archebacteria, Protista, Fungi,
Plantae and Animalia
Systemic position of Human
1. Kingdom: All multicellular, non-saprobic, heterotrophs are included in the kingdom
Animalia/ Metazoa
2. Phylum: It includes one or more classes.
Eg: Phylum Chordata includes the classes Cyclostomata,
Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and
Mammalia, along with the proto chordates
notochord, nerve chord, pharyngeal gill slits and post anal tail.
3. Class: It includes one or more related orders
Eg: The class Mammalia includes the orders Rodentia(rats),
Chiroptera(bats), Cetacea(whales),Carnivora(dogs),Primates(monkeys
and apes-gorilla, gibbon and man) etc.
4. Order: It includes an assemblage of one or more related families
Eg: The families Felidae and Canidae are included in the order
Carnivora along with Hyaenidae (hyenas), Ursidae (bears) etc
primates posses prehensile hands and legs.
5. Family: It includes one or more related genera and can be distinguished from the
other families by important characteristic differences. Family felidae includes the
genus of cat(Felis), genus of leopard(Panthera) etc.
Human beings belong to the family homonidae,
super family: hominoidea
sub family: homoninae
5. Genus: It is a group of related species, resembling one another in certain
characters e.g. Panthera leo(lion), Panthera tigris(tiger)
6. Species and Subspecies: Species is the basic unit of classification in the
hierarchical taxonomic system. Species is a group of similar organisms sharing
a ‘common gene pool’ and interbreeding freely, producing ‘fertile’ offspring
Kingdom – Animalia
Phylum – Chordata
Class – Mammalia
Order – Primata
Family – Hominidae
Genus – Homo
Species - Sapiens
Systemic position of Humans
Levels of Organization
Inspite of differences in the structure and form of different animals, there are
fundamental features common to various individuals in relation to the
arrangement of cell layers, symmetry and nature of coelom, patterns of
digestive, circulatory and reproductive systems etc.,
From protozoans to the higher animals, there are totally five different levels
of organization
1. Protoplasmic level of organization – unicellular organisms
2. Cellular level of organization - sponges
3. Tissue level of organization – cnidaria and ctenophora
4. Organ level of organization - Platyhelminthes
5. Organ system level of organization – Nematoda to Chordata
Diploblastic organization
 In these animals, cells are arranged into two embryonic layers. The external
ectoderm and the internal endoderm are called diploblastic animals.
Eg: Cnidarians and ctenophores
 Ectoderm gives rise to epidermis (the outer layer of the body wall), endoderm
gives rise to gastrodermis (the tissue that lines the gut cavity). The cells in each
tissue layer are functionally interdependent.
 Mesoglea: An undifferentiated layer present between the ectoderm and endoderm
 In some diploblastic animals, cells occur in the mesoglea, but they are derived
from either ectoderm or endoderm.
Triploblastic organization
 In these animals, the developing embryo has a third germinal layer, the
mesoderm, in between the ectoderm and the endoderm are called
Triploblastic animals.
Eg: Platyhelminthes (flat worms) to chordates
 They have organ-system level of organization (with an exception of
 Tissues are organized into organs which form excretory, nervous,
digestive, reproductive, circulatory and other systems.
 They are usually bilaterally symmetrical
The regular arrangement of the body parts in a
geometrical design relative to the axis of the body is
called symmetry.
The body plan of vast majority of metazoans exhibit
some kind of symmetry.
Sponges (Porifera) and snails (Mollusca) are
Symmetry of animal and its mode of life are correlated.
Difference between axis and a plane
Axis Plane
An axis is an imaginary line at
right angles to the plane about
which the body rotates or spins
The flat area that runs through
any axis
The animals which cannot be cut into two equal parts (antimeres)
in any plane passing through the Centre of the body are called
Eg: sponges and some adult molluscs (snail)
In the asymmetrical animals the body lacks a definite body form
Asymmetry cannot be said to be an adaptation or advantage to an
 The animals, which can be cut into two equal parts, or antimeres in one or
more planes passing through the 'principal axis' of the body are called
symmetrical animals.
 Basically, the symmetry in animals is of two kinds. Namely
 I. Radial symmetry II. Bilateral symmetry
I. Radial Symmetry
 If any plane passing through the central axis (oro-aboral or principal axis) of the
body divides an organism into two identical parts, it is called radial symmetry.
 The animals with radial symmetry are either sessile or planktonic or sluggish
 It is the principal symmetry of the diploblastic animals such as the cnidarians and
 It is also called monaxial heteropolar symmetry.
 Animals showing radial symmetry live in water and can respond equally to stimuli
that arrive from all directions.
 Radial symmetry is an advantage to sessile or slow moving animals.
 Based on the number of planes,
radial symmetry is of two types
1. Biradial symmetry: have two
planes, using any one of which
we can divide the organism
into two equal parts
Eg: sea anemones (cnidaria) &
2. Pentamerous radial
symmetry: have five planes,
using any one of which we can
divide the organism into two
equal parts
Eg: Echinoderms
II. Bilateral symmetry:
 If only one plane (median sagittal plane) that passes through the central axis
divides an organism into two identical halves, it is called bilateral symmetry
 It is the principal type of symmetry in the triploblastic animals.
 Bilaterally symmetrical animals are more efficient than the other animals in
seeking food, locating mates and escaping from predators because of the
cephalization. As a result of which, these animals can sense the new
environment into which they enter and respond more efficiently and quickly.
Cephalization: it is the phenomenon of concentration of nerve cells and
sensory cells towards the anterior end of the body.
 The term coelom was coined by Haeckel.
 The fluid filled space present between the body wall and visceral organs is called
coelom. (Viscera = internal)
 It is lined by mesodermal epithelium, the peritoneum.
 Animals possessing coelom are called Coelomates or Eucoelomates
 Undifferentiated cells are called “Blastomeres”
 There are 3 types of coeloms among the animals.
1) Acoelom
2) Pseudocoelom
3) Eucoelom
‘Blind sac plan’ indicates those animals with incomplete gut
 If the space is absent between the body wall and the visceral organs, the body cavity is called
Eg: Platyhelminthes (lowest bilaterians)
 In these animals, the mesenchyme (derived from the mesoderm) occupies the entire
blastocoel between the ectoderm and the endoderm so that the adults have neither the primary
body cavity nor the secondary body cavity.
 As there is no body cavity, acoelomates exhibit solid body plan / solid-bau-plan
 Due to the absence of perivisceral cavity, their internal organs cannot move freely, as they
are embedded in the mesenchyme
 Diffusion of material from the gut to the body wall is slow and less efficient.
 In these organisms, body parts cannot show independent movement.
 If the body cavity is not lined by mesodermal epithelia, such body cavity is called
 It is seen in the phylum Aschelminthes (Nematoda, Rotifera and some minor phyla)
 During the embryonic development, mesoderm occupies only a part of the blastocoel
adjoining the ectoderm.
 The unoccupied portion of the blastocoel persists as pseudocoelom, which is filled with
pseudocoelomic fluid.
 Pseudocoelomates are the first animals to exhibit a Tube-within-a-tube organization.
 4d blastomere also called as mesentoblast
Advantages of pseudocoelomates
 As the gut wall is made up of only endodermal epithelium, diffusion of digested food
from the lumen of the gut into the surrounding pseudocoelomic fluid becomes easier and
the absence of circulatory system is thus compensated
 Though it is called pseudocoelom (false coelom), it performs almost all the functions of a
regular coelom
 Pseudocoelomic fluid of pseudocoelomates serves as a ‘hydrostatic skeleton’ and a
‘shock absorber’
 It allows the free movements of visceral organs, helps in the circulation of nutrients, and
storage of nitrogenous wastes
 If the space present between the body wall and the visceral organs is lined by the
peritoneum, it is called eucoelom or true coelom.
 The part of the peritoneum that underlines the body wall is called the Parietal peritoneum
or somatic peritoneum.
 The part of the peritoneum that covers the visceral organs is called the Splanchnic
peritoneum or visceral peritoneum.
 In coelomates, the visceral organs are suspended in the coelom by the peritoneum
 A double layered peritoneum that connects some visceral organs to the body wall is called
 In some eucoelomates such as the annelids, the dorsal and ventral mesenteries divide the
coelom into paired compartments
 Certain organs such as the kidneys of the vertebrates are covered by the parietal
peritoneum only on their ventral side
 Such a peritoneum is called the ‘retroperitoneum’ and the organs lined by it are called
‘retroperitoneal organs’
 During the embryonic development of the eucoelomates, the blastocoel is replaced by true
coelom derived from the mesoderm
 So, the true coelom is also called ‘secondary body cavity’
 In the eucoelomates, mesoderm lines both the body wall and the walls of the visceral
 So, visceral organs become ‘muscular’ and exhibit free movements ‘independent’ of the
movement of the body wall in the coelomic fluid
 As the wall of the gut becomes thick and muscular, digested food and other nutrients
cannot easily diffuse from the lumen of the gut into the coelom i.e. fluid
 Circulatory system (blood vascular system) is developed in the eucoelomates to
overcome this problem
 Based on the mode of formation of coelom, the eucoelomates are classified into two
I. Schizocoelomates:
 • If the body cavity is formed by the splitting of mesoderm, it is called
 All the schizocoelomates are protostomians and they show Holoblastic, spiral
and determinate cleavage.
 • The 4d blastomere or mesentoblast cell of the early embryo divides to form
mesodermal blocks between the ectoderm and the endoderm and replaces the
 • The split that appears in each mesodermal block leads to the formation of
 Annelids, Arthropods and Molluscs are schizocoelomates in the animal kingdom
II. Enterocoelomates:
 If the body cavity is formed from the mesodermal pouches of the archenteron,
it is called enterocoebm.
 The mesodermal pouches that evaginate from the wall of the archenteron into
the blastocoel, fuse with one another to form the enterocoelom.
 All the enterocoelomates are deuterostomes and show radial and
indeterminate cleavage
 Echinoderms, Hemichordates and Chordates are the enterocoelomates
Protostomes Deuterostomes
Fate of blastopore Becomes mouth Becomes anus
Early cleavage Determinate Indeterminate
Plane of cleavage Spiral Radial
Formation of mesoderm Mass of cells near blastopore Cells pinch off of
Formation of coelom Schizocoelom Enterocoelom
Examples Annelida, Arthropoda,
Echinodermata, chordata
Vegetal pole: the
point on the surface
of the egg which
marks the presence
of more yolk
Animal pole: the
point on the surface
of the egg which
marks the presence
of nucleus or where
there is less amount
of yolk
Advantages of coelom over pseudocoelom
 Visceral organs of eucoelomates are muscular( because of their association with
mesoderm) and so they can contract and relax freely independent of the muscular
movements of the body wall in the coelomic space, e.g. peristaltic movements of
alimentary canal
 Gametes are released into the coelom in some invertebrates(which do not have
gonoducts) and in the female vertebrates
 In non chordates, coelomic fluid receives excretory products and stores them temporarily
before their elimination
 In the eucoelomates, the mesoderm comes into contact with the endoderm of the
alimentary canal, and it causes ‘regional specialization of the gut, such as the
development of gizzard, stomach etc. this is referred to as ‘primary induction’. In the
case of the pseudocoelomates, due to the absence of such a contact between the gut and
the mesoderm, the wall of the gut does not show complex and highly specialized organs
Key points:
 Animalia (Metazoa) includes multi-cellular, heterotrophic ( obtain nourishment by mostly
ingesting and digesting the ingested food ) , eukaryotes with specific body plans (bauplans)
 Animal cells do not have cellulose cell walls, but they are held together by certain structural
 Collagen is the most abundant protein and unique to the kingdom animalia
 Animals reproduce mostly sexually, by the fusion of ‘gametes’ resulting in the production
of ‘zygotes’
 Zygotes undergo different types of cleavages and pass through simple stages such as
‘blastula’, ‘gastrula’ etc. and further differentiate into an adult, either ‘directly’(without a
larval stage), or ‘indirectly’(with a larval stage)
 The most simple multi-cellular organisms are the ‘sponges’ which show ‘cellular level of
 The ‘choano-flagellates’(mastigophores) of the kingdom ‘Protista’/’Protoctista’, are the
closest living relatives of the metazoans
 While sponges have ‘unorganized cells, the ‘diploblastic organisms’ (cnidarians and
ctenophores), are the ‘first true metazoans’ with two germinal layers, namely ‘ectoderm’
and ‘endoderm’
 They show ‘tissue level of organization’
 The diploblastic organisms show ‘co-ordination’ between body parts, due to the presence
of ‘sensory cells’ and ‘nerve cells’
 The next higher level of organization is reached with the development of the ‘triploblastic
level of organization’ ( three germinal layers namely – ectoderm, endoderm and the third
germinal layer, the mesoderm) – a promotion from ‘tissue’ to ‘organ’ and ‘organ-system’
level of organization
 The first ‘triploblasts’ have a ‘solid bauplan’ ( the space between the ectoderm and
endoderm/the perivisceral space, is filled with a tissue called ‘parenchyma/mesenchyma’
derived from the ‘mesoderm’ – the ‘Acoelomates’)
 The first ‘tube- within – a tube’ body organization (outer tube- the body wall and the
inner tube – the alimentary canal) arose with the evolution of the nematodes
 The space between the body wall and the alimentary canal, in the body of a nematode is
the remnant of the ‘primary body cavity’(blastocoel) and is called ‘pseudocoel’(false
 Coelom(perivisceral space lined by mesodermal coelomic epithelia/peritoneal layers)
arose by the splitting of the mesoderm
 It is called ‘schizocoelom’(schizo-splitting)
 It is typically seen in the ‘annelids’, ‘arthropods’ and ‘molluscs’
 The echinoderms, hemichordates and chordates also have a true coelome( eucoelom)
 It arises by the confluence of the ‘out-pouchings’ of the archenteron(primitive gut),
 As such the coelom in them is described as ‘enterocoelom’
 In the development of animals, the blastula stage develops into gastrula stage
 Gastrula is a ‘double layered stage’ with a new cavity called ‘archenteron’, which opens
to the exterior by a ‘blastopore’
 It is a very crucial in the developmental processes
 Gastrulation finally leads to the differentiation of the three embryonic cell
layers(germinal layers)
 The organisms in which the blastopore develops into the mouth are called
‘protostomes’(platyhelminths to the molluscs) and the organisms in which the blastopore
usually develops into the ‘anus’ and the ‘mouth’ is formed secondarily are called
‘deuterostomes’ e.g., echinoderms, hemichordates and chordates
 In the protostomes cleavage is ‘spiral’ and ‘determinate’
 The embryos of protostomes are described as ‘mosaic embryos’
 The cleavage in the deuterostomes is ‘radial’ and ‘indeterminate’ and their embryos are
called ‘regulative embryos’
 The fate of each blastomere is ‘predetermined’ in the case of determinate development
and in the case of regulative embryos, their fate is decided late in the development
 Evolution of tissues, development of bilateral symmetry and origin of the body cavity are
successively considered the first, second and the third ‘key transitions’ in the animal
 This unit traces the entire history of evolution of organization in the animal kingdom from
simple to more complex levels
 You will be learning more salient features of different major groups(phyla) of the
kingdom Animalia as you are taken from the study of the sponges to that of the chordates
 Animals are broadly classified into invertebrates and vertebrates
 The animals which lack a notochord are called invertebrates
 Libbie Henrietta Hyman(1888-1969) was the ‘pioneer’ in the field of systematics of the
 Her legendary volumes(6 volumes, 1940-68) on the Invertebrates are popular and
considered authoritative, even in recent times
 The invertebrates are characterized by the absence of vertebral column(back bone) and
presence of solid, ventral ganglionated nerve cord
 Alimentary canal is dorsal to the nerve cord
 They exhibit many types of reproduction
Cnidaria also called coelenterate
• All the schizocoelomates are protostomians and they
show Holoblastic, spiral and determinate cleavage.
• All the enterocoelomates are deuterostomes and show
radial and indeterminate cleavage
PHYLUM-PORIFERA (pori = pores; phorein = bearing)
-An Evolutionary Blind Offshoot
General characters
 The term Porifera (pore bearing) was coined and their true ‘animal nature’ was
established by Robert Grant
 Members of this phylum are commonly called sponges
 They are generally marine (with the exception of families Potamolepidae and
Spongillidae, which include freshwater sponges e.g. Spongilla)
 They are either radially symmetrical or asymmetrical animals
 These are primitive, multicellular and sessile animals and have cellular level of
 The body wall is composed of two layers(outer epidermis/pinacoderm and inner
choanoderm) separated by a gelatinous matrix called mesohyl
 Sponges have a water transport system or canal system that constantly conducts water
 Water enters through minute pores called ostia (inhalent apertures) in the body wall into a
central cavity, the spongocoel(paragastric cavity), from where it goes out through the
osculum(exhalent aperture)
 This transport of water is helpful in gathering food(nutrition-filter feeders), respiratory
exchange of gases(respiration) and removal of wastes (excretion)
 Choanocytes or collar cells line the spongocoel and the canals
 Nutrition is holozoic and digestion is ‘intracellular’
 Reserve foods are stored in cells called ‘Thesocytes’
 Nerve cells and sensory cells are absent and so they do not show much co-ordination
between the functioning of various parts of the body
 The body is supported by a skeleton made up of calcareous or siliceous spicules or spongin
fibers or both
 Sexes are not separate(hermaphroditic or monoecious), i.e., egg cells and sperms are
produced by the same individual
 Sponges reproduce asexually by fragmentation, budding etc., and sexually by formation of
 Fertilization is internal
 Cleavage is holoblastic and development is indirect involving different types of larval
stages such as parenchymula, trichimella and amphiblastula which are morphologically
different from the adult
 Power of regeneration is well developed
 They are considered an evolutionary blind offshoot
Examples: Sycon, Euplectella, Spongilla and Euspongia
Archeocytes produces female gametes called ova
Choanocytes produce male gametes called sperms
Classification of the phylum Porifera:
 Phylum Porifera is classified into three classes based on skeletal structures
1. Calcarea 2. Hexactinellida and 3. Demospongiae
Class – 1: Calcarea
 They live in shallow marine waters
 They are solitary or colonial
 Body structure is simple
 Spicules are calcareous ( made up of Ca CO3 )
Examples: Sycon(Scypha), Leucosolenia, Grantia
Class – 2:
 They live in deeper parts
of the sea
 They are solitary
 Spicules are six rayed
(hexactinal) and siliceous(
made of silicon dioxide –
Euplectella ( Venus flower
Hyalonema(Glass – rope sponge)
Class – 3: Demospongiae
 There are both marine and freshwater sponges in this class
 They are colonial
 Skeleton consists of siliceous spicules (other than six rayed) or
spongin fibres or both or skeletal structures may be absent
Examples: Spongilla(freshwater sponge), Euspongia (bath sponge),
Chalina (dead man’s fingers)
-Tissues and the radial body plan
 Cnidarians (previously called coelenterates) are aquatic, mostly marine, solitary or
colonial, sessile or free-swimming, radially symmetrical animals.
(sea anemones are biradially symmetrical)
 The recent name Cnidaria is derived from the ‘stinging cells’ called cnidoblasts or
cnidocytes present mostly on the tentacles and the body
 Cnidoblasts are used for anchorage, defense and capture of prey
 Cnidarians are the first metazoans to exhibit ‘tissue level of organization’ and are
 They have a central gastro-vascular cavity or coelenteron (serves both digestive and
circulatory functions), hence the earlier name coelenterata, with a single opening, the
mouth serving the purpose of ingestion and egestion, there being no anus
 Digestion is both extracellular (in the coelenteron) and intracellular (in the nutritive
muscular cells of the endoderm)
 Nervous system is of primitive type formed of diffuse ‘nerve net’ (formed by non-
polarized nerve cells)
 Sensory structure such as statocysts occur in the ‘medusoid forms’
 Some of the cnidarians, e.g., ‘coral forming’ cnidarians have an exoskeleton composed of
calcium carbonate
 Cnidarians show two basic body forms called polyp and medusa
 The former is a sessile and cylindrical form (e.g. Hydra, Adamsia etc.), whereas, the latter
is ‘umbrella-shaped’ and free-swimming form(e.g. Aurelia – commonly called jelly fish)
 Those cnidarians which exist in both forms exhibit alternation of generations
(metagenesis), i.e., polypoid forms produce medusae asexually and medusae form the
polypoid forms sexually(e.g. Obelia)
 Asexual reproduction is by budding and sexual reproduction is by syngamy
S.No. Polyp Medusa
1 Cylindrical in shape Umbrella shaped
2 Sessile (attached to sea bed)
Non-motile = unable to move
Motile = can move
3 Reproduces asexually Reproduces sexually
4. Ex: hydra Ex: aurelia (jelly fish)
 Development is indirect and includes a free swimming ciliated larva, the planula
Examples: Physalia, Adamsia, Pennatula, Rhizostoma and Meandrina
Statocyst = balancing organ
Cnidoblasts/ Cnidocyte/ Stinging cell
Classification of Cnidaria
Hydrozoa Scyphozoa Anthozoa / Actinozoa
Solitary / colonial solitary Colonial
Only Medusoid form Only Polypoid form
Mesoglea is non-
Mesoglea contains
Mesoglea contains connective tissue
Coelenteron is
Coelenteron is divided into
four chambers and canals
Coelenteron is divided several
compartments by vertical septa called
Cnidocytes occur only
in ectoderm
Cnidocytes occur in
ectoderm and endoderm
Cnidocytes occur in ectoderm and
Germ cells are derived
from ectoderm
Germ cells are derived from
Germ cells are derived from endoderm
Examples of hydrozoa
Hydra Obelia
Hydra shows somersaulting movements
Portuguese man of war
Posses venomous stinging cells
Zooid – a single individual in a colony
Examples of scyphozoa
Aurelia – jelly fish/moon jelly Rhizostoma
Examples of anthozoa/actinozoa
Adamsia – sea anemone
Corallium rubrum – precious red stone coral Gorgonia – sea fan
Pennatula – sea pen
Phylum – Ctenophora (cteno = cilia; phorein = bearing)
- close relatives of cnidarians
General characters:
 Ctenophores, commonly known as ‘sea walnuts’ or ‘comb jellies’ or ‘sea
gooseberries’, are exclusively marine, radially symmetrical, diploblastic organisms
with tissue level of organization
 The body bears eight external rows of ciliated comb plates, which help in
locomotion, hence the name ‘ctenophora’
 Cnidocytes are absent
 However, they possess ‘glue cells’ called lasso cells or colloblasts which help in
food capture
 Digestion is both extracellular and intracellular
 Bioluminescence is well-marked in the ctenophores
 Sexes are not separate(monoecious/bisexual)
 Reproduction takes place only by sexual method
 Fertilisation is external
 Development is indirect and includes a larval stage called cydippid larva
1. Tentaculata:
 The adults possess two aboral tentacles
Examples: Pleurobrachia, Ctenoplana
2. Nuda:
 Tentacles are absent even in the larval stages
Examples: Beroe
Hormiphora, commonly called with the name sea walnut belongs to tentaculata
Sea anemones and sea walnuts exhibit biradial symmetry
-Mesoderm and the bilateral plan
 They have dorso-ventrally flattened body, hence are called flatworms
 These are mostly endoparasites found in animals, including human beings
 Flatworms are the first bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and acoelomate animals
with organ level of organization
 Body is not segmented, but some exhibit pseudometamerism
 They show moderate cephalization and unidirectional movement(locomotion)
 Hooks and suckers are present in the parasitic forms
 Digestive system, if present, has mouth only; anus is absent
 Nervous system is moderately developed with brain (cephalic ganglia) and nerve cords
forming ‘ladder like’ system
 Specialized excretory cells called flame cells (protonephridia) help in osmoregulation
and excretion
 Sexes are not separate(monoecious)
 Fertilization is internal and development is indirect with many stages (miracidium,
sporocyst, redia, cercaria etc.)
 Polyembryony is common in some(Liver fluke)
 Some members like Planaria possess high degree of regeneration capacity
Segmentation: division of the body into so many
Metamerism: serial repetition of the body parts from
anterior to posterior of the body.
Classification of Platyhelminthes
1. Turbellaria:
• They are mostly free living, unsegmented flat worms.
• Body wall bears cilia and mucus forming structures called Rhabdites,
occur in the epidermal cells.
• Reproduction is by asexual and sexual methods.
• Development is indirect and includes free swimming, ciliated Muller’s
Example: Dugesia (freshwater worm), Convoluta (marine water worm)
Dugesia/ Planaria Convoluta
2. Trematoda:
• They are commonly called flukes
• They are parasitic on other animals (mostly endoparasite but some are ectoparasite)
• Body is covered by a thick cuticle(tegument); bears two suckers, an oral and a
• Mouth is anterior and the intestine is bifurcated
• They are bisexual (monoecious)
• Life history is complex with many hosts and different types of larval stages(miracidium,
sporocyst, redia, cercaria, metacercaria etc.)
Examples: Fasciola(liver fluke), Schistosoma or Bilharzia(blood fluke)
NOTE: Botulus microporus is an endoparasite that lives in the intestine of lancelet fish
Monogenean is a group of Trematoda which includes ectoparasites
3. Cestoda:
• They are commonly called tapeworms
• All are endoparasites
• Body is covered by protective syncytial tegument (suncytium = multlinucleated)
• They show pseudometamerism(body is divided into segment like units called proglottids
which are not ‘true segments’)
• Scolex bears hooks, suckers and bothridia (leaf like outgrowths) for anchoring
• Mouth and gastrovascular cavity are absent
• They are bisexual(monoecious)
• Life history is complex with many hosts and development is indirect with cysticercus
larva(bladder worm)
Examples: Taenia solium(pork tapeworm), Echinococcus granulosus( dog
Taenia saginata – beef tape worm
Longest tape worm = 10mts
Phylum – Aschelminthes (Nematoda)
- Body cavity, a ‘one way gut’ and ‘tube with-in-a tube’
 The body of a nematode is circular in cross-section, hence the name ‘roundworms’
 They may be free living or parasitic on plants and animals, aquatic or terrestrial
 Roundworms have organ-system level of organization
 They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and pseudocoelomate animals
 Body is unsegmented and covered by a transparent, tough and protective collagenous cuticle
( a unique character)
 In some, the epidermis is ‘syncytial’
 Alimentary canal is ‘complete’ with a mouth, well developed muscular pharynx and anus
 Excretory system consists of renette gland (excretory gland) and ducts
 Nervous system consists of a circum-enteric nerve ring with ganglia and nerves
 Sense organs like amphids and phasmids occur
Amphids: amphids are cuticular depressions present towards the anterior end of the
animal around the mouth which are chemo-sensory (olfacto-sensory) in nature
Phasmids: these are present towards the posterior side of the body and are chemo-
repulsive in their nature.
Heterodera glycines (soyabean parasite)
Globodera pallida (potato parasite)
Amphids Phasmids
 Sexes are separate(dioecious/ unisexual)
 They exhibit sexual dimorphism, often females are longer and larger than males
 Males have curved posterior end with a cloacal aperture and one or two copulatory
(penial) spicules
 Fertilization is internal, majority are oviparous(e.g. Ascaris), a few are ovo-
viviparous(e.g. Wuchereria) and development may be direct(the young ones resemble
the adult – called juveniles) or indirect
 Growth into adult forms involves typically four moultings in the larva
Examples: Ascaris, Wuchereria, Ancylostoma
In nematodes, the number of body cells (except the cells in gonads) remains constant,
once the animal reaches the adulthood. It means the number of nuclei too is constant.
This phenomenon is called ‘eutely’. If there is growth in the size of the body, it is due
to the growth in the size of the cells(hypertrophy)
Classification of the Phylum Nematoda:
1. Aphasmidia:
 In the members of this class amphids( cuticular depressions around oral region
performing chemoreceptor function) are highly modified, but phasmids( posterior
glandulo-sensory structures) are absent
Examples: Trichinella( trichinaworm), Trichuris(whipworm)
2. Phasmidia:
 In the members of this class amphids are simple and phasmids are present
 Excretory system is well developed
Example: Ascaris(roundworm), Ancylostoma(hookworm), Enterobius(pinworm),
Wuchereria( filarial worm)
- Segmented body plan
 The term annelida ( L. annulus : little ring and Gr. edios : form) was coined by Lamarck
 They may be aquatic ( marine and freshwater ) or terrestrial; free-living, and sometimes
 They exhibit organ-system level of body organization and bilateral symmetry
 They are triploblastic, metamerically segmented (metamerism) and coelomate
(schizocoelic coelom) animals
 Their body and the coelom are divided by transverse septa into segments or metameres
 They possess longitudinal and circular muscles in the body wall, which helps in
 Coelom with coelomic fluid provides a ‘hydrostatic skeleton’ giving stiffness to the body
parts thus aiding in locomotion
 Marine annelids (polychaetes) such as Nereis possess lateral appendages, the parapodia,
which help in swimming; chitinous setae and suckers also help in locomotion in some
 Cephalization is more pronounced with distinct head and sense organs
 Respiration is by simple diffusion through the body wall and in Nereis highly vascularized
parapodia help in respiration
 A closed circulatory system is present
 Respiratory pigments such as haemoglobin, chlorocruorin are found dissolved in the
plasma( a feature unique to the invertebrates)
 Nephridia ( metanephridia – nephridia with nephrostomes), which are ‘ectodermal’ in
origin, help in osmoregulation and excretion
 Nervous system consists of paired( cerebral and sub-pharyngeal) ganglia connected by
lateral nerves around the pharynx forming a nerve ring and to a ganglionated ‘double
ventral nerve cord’ ( annelidan type of nervous system )
 Sense organs like eyes, palps and tentacles occur in some
 They may be dioecious (aquatic annelids) ( sexes are separate – e.g. Nereis ) or
monoecious (hermaphrodites – e.g. earthworms and leeches )
 Reproduction is usually sexual
 Cleavage is holoblastic (complete) and spiral
 Development is direct in the monoecious (bisexual) annelids and indirect in the
dioecious(unisexual) annelids
 Characteristic larva form, the trochophore occurs in the life history
Class I: Polychaeta (chetae = setae)
 Polychaeta (poly: many; chaetae: setae) includes marine annelids commonly called
‘bristle worms’
 Some are free-moving and others burrowing or tubicolous (tube dwelling)
 Head is distinct with sense organs such as eyes, tentacles and palps
 Parapodia which bear many setae(hence the name polychaeta) help in locomotion and
 Clitellum is absent
 They are dioecious (unisexual); gonoducts are absent; gamates are shed into the coelom
and passed out through the nephridiopores
 Fertilization is external; development includes a trochophore larva
Examples: Nereis (sandworm or ragworm or clam worm), Aphrodite(sea mouse),
Class -2: Oligochaeta
 Oligochaeta(oligos:few; chaetae: setae) includes earthworms which live in moist soil and
some live in freshwater( e.g. Tubifex)
 They lack distinct head
 Chitinous setae help in locomotion
 Clitellum forms a cocoon during the breeding season
 Both fertilization and development are external
 They are monoecious (bisexual); development is direct without larval stage
Examples: Pheretima (earthworm), Megascolex and Tubifex
Class-3: Hirudinea
 Hirundinea( hirudo: leech ) includes leeches; all are ectoparasites; majority live in fresh water; some are
marine and others live on moist land(terrestrial)
 They have dorso-ventrally flattened body with a ‘definite number’ of segments; the segments are
externally sub divided into annuli; internal segmentation is absent; suckers help in locomotion
 Clitellum is conspicuous during the breeding season only
 Coelom is filled with a characteristic tissue called botryoidal tissue( botryoidal: resembling a bunch of
grapes; opinions differ on the function of botryoidal tissue – they range from excretion to storage of
iron, calcium, revascularization in areas of injury etc.)
 They are monoecious (hermaphroditic); male reproductive system possesses a copulatory organ, the
 Fertilization is internal and development (external) is direct
Examples: Hirudinaria (freshwater leech), Pontobdella (marine leech), Haemadipsa (land
 Protogyny = female reproductive organ mature first; protandry = male reproductive organs mature first
Character Polychaeta Oligochaeta Hirudinea
Common forms Bristle worms Earthworms Leeches
Habitat All are marine Mostly – moist soil
Tubifex – freshwater
Majority – freshwater
Some – marine
Others – moist land
Habits Free moving or burrowing or
Mostly burrowing Ectoparasitic
Head Distinct with eyes, tentacles,
Not distinct Not distinct
Number of segments Indefinite Indefinite Definite
Annuli Absent Absent The segments are externally
sub divided into annuli
Internal Segmentation Present Present Absent
Clitellum Absent Permanent Conspicuous during breeding
season only
Parapodia Present Absent Absent
Setae Many(on parapodia) Fewer Absent
Sexuality Dioecious Monoecious Monoecious
Character Polychaeta Oligochaeta Hirudinea
Gonoducts Absent Present Present
Copulatory organ Absent Absent Cirrus
Fertilization External External Internal
Larval stage Trochophore Direct development Direct development
Other Characters Botryoidal tissue
Examples Nereis( sandworm or
ragworm or clam worm)
(sea mouse)
(freshwater leech)
(marine leech)
(land leech)
- Tagmatization of the body; joined legs
 Arthropods show cosmopolitan in their distribution
 This is the largest phylum of the kingdom: Animalia, and it includes the largest class
called Insecta
 Over two-thirds of all named species on earth are arthropods accounting for 80% of the
animal species
 They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, metamerically segmented and coelomate
(schizocoelomate) animals
 The body of arthropods is covered by a chitinous exoskeleton as a protection and to
prevent loss of water and it is periodically shed off by a process called moulting or
ecdysis to allow growth of the body
 The body is segmented and consists of head, thorax and abdomen
 They have joined appendages ( arthros: joint; podium: foot )
 Muscles are straited and aid in rapid locomotion
 (Note: straited muscles appeared for the first time in evolution, in the arthropods)
 Coelom is reduced to the spaces around excretory and genital organs
 Body cavity is a haemocoel (blood is called haemolymph); it is not a true coelom but
derived from mostly the embryonic blastocoel
 Respiratory organs are gills, book gills, book lungs or tracheae
 Circulatory system is of open type
 Heart is dorsal in position
 In some( crustaceans and chelecerates ) the haemolymph contains a ‘copper’ containing
respiratory pigment called ‘haemocyanin’ dissolved in the plasma
 Nervous system is of annelidan type consisting of a nerve ring (around oesophagus) and a
double ventral nerve cord
 Sensory organs like antennae, eyes(compound and simple), statocysts( organs of
balance/equilibrium) are present
 Excretion takes place through malpighian tubules, green glands (antennary glands), coxal
glands, etc.
 They are mostly dioecious(unisexual/gonochoric)
 Fertilization is usually internal
 They are mostly oviparous
 Development may be direct or indirect
 Life history includes one to many larval stages followed by metamorphosis
Examples: Periplaneta (cockroach), Palaemon (prawn), Cancer (crab), Palamnaeus
(scorpion), Aranea (spider);
Economically important insects – Apis, Bombyx mori, Kerria (Laccifer);
Vectors of common pathogens – Anopheles, Culex and Aedes;
Gregarious pest – Locusta;
Living fossil – Limulus
Classification of Arthropoda
Trilobita Chelicerata Mandibulata
Xiphosura Arachnida
Crustacea Chilopoda Diplopoda Insecta
Sub-Phylum: Trilobita
 They are extinct marine
 Appendages are numerous, similar
and biramous
 Body is divided into a median and
lateral lobes by two prominent
longitudinal furrows, hence the
name trilobite
Examples: Triarthrus, Dalmanites
Sub-phylum -2: Chelicerata
 They are marine or terrestrial.
 Body consists of an anterior six segmented
cephalothorax or prosoma, a posterior
thirteen segmented abdomen or
opisthosoma which is further divided into
mesosoma and metasoma
 Prosoma bears six pairs of appendages; the
first pair is modified for
 Antennae and jaws(mandibles) are absent
 Respiratory organs are book-gills, book-
lungs and tracheae
Sub-phylum -3: Mandibulata
 They are aquatic
(freshwater or marine) or terrestrial
 Body is divided into two
(cephalothorax and abdomen ) or
three( head, thorax and abdomen ) parts
 Head bears antennae, mandibles and
 Respiratory organs are gills or tracheae
Classification of Chelicerata
Xiphosura Arachnida
Moslty they are extinct with three extanct genera All are extanct
They are marine They are terrestrial
Prosomal appendages (6 segments)
1st pair = chelicerae
2,3,4,5 = walking legs
6th pair = pusher legs
Prosomal appendages:
1st pair = chelicerae
2nd pair = pedipalpi (food collection and defense)
3,4,5,6 = walking legs
Mesosomal appendages (6 segments)
1st pair = genital operculum
2-6th pairs = book-gills
Mesosomal appendages:
All are modified into book-lungs
Metasoma ends with telson (7 segments) Posterior metasomal appendages are modified into
Development is indirect with trilobite larva Development is direct
Eg: Limulus (king crab, a living fossil) Eg: Palamnaeus (scorpion), Aranea (spider),
Sarcoptes (itch mite)
NOTE: Some spiders have book-lungs, some spiders have tracheae.
Arachnids posses haemocyanin
Phylum: Mollusca
- Unsegmented Schizocoelomates
 Mollusca is the second largest phylum in the kingdom Animalia.
 They are terrestrial or aquatic (marine or fresh water).
 They are bilaterally symmetrical (some are asymmetrical once become adult, eg: Snail)
 It is the class Gastropoda, where due to the phenomenon called Torsion, adults become
 They are schizocoelomates.
 Body is covered by calcareous shell (external or internal or absent)
 They are unsegmented with a distinct head, muscular foot and visceral hump.
 A soft spongy layer of skin forms the mantle (pallium) over the visceral mass and secretes the
 The space between the visceral mass and mantle is called mantle cavity in which comb like gills
(ctenidia) are present.
 Ctenidia have respiratory and excretory functions.
 The anterior head region has sensory tentacles.
 The body cavity is called haemocoel and the true coelom is present around kidneys, heart
and reproductive organs.
 The buccal cavity contains a file-like rasping organ called radula for feeding except in
bivalves.(Bivalvia/Pelecypoda is a class under Mollusca in which raduala is absent)
 Except for cephalopods, circulatory system is of open type.
 In Cephalopoda, closed type of circulatory system is present.
 Hemolymph contains a copper containing respiratory pigment called Haemocyanin.
 Nervous system consists of ganglia, commissures and connectives.
 Sense organs are tentacles, eyes and osphradium (tests the purity of water), osphradium
is present in bivalves and gastropods.
 Excretory organs are metanephridia (commonly called kidneys or renal organ)
 They are usually diecious (unisexual or gonochoric)
 Oviparous
 Exhibit indirect development with ciliated veliger larva (a modified trochophore larva)
Examples for phylum Mollusca:
Pila (snail),
Pinctada (pearl oyster),
Sepia (cuttle fish),
Octopus (Devil fish),
dentalium etc.,
Classification of the Phylum Mollusca:
 Phylum Mollusca is classified into seven classes, namely
1. Aplacophora
2. Polyplacophora
3. Monoplacophora
4. Gastropoda
5. Scaphopoda
6. Pelecypoda/Bivalvia
7. Cephalopoda/Siphonopoda
Class – 1: Aplacophora(Gr.
a:without; placos:plate;
 They are primitive ‘worm like’ marine
molluscs without mantle, shell, foot and
 Head is poorly developed; a radula is
 Cutticle contains calcareous spicules
 In some there is a mid-ventral groove
which is homologous to the foot of the
other molluscs
Examples: Neomenia,
Class -2: Polyplacophora( Gr.poly;
many; placos: plate; pherein:
 This class includes chitons
 They are bilaterally symmetrical and
dorsoventrally flattened
 Shell is dorsal and consists of eight
transverse plates(valves)
 Foot is ventral, elongated and flat
 Gills are 6 to 88 pairs
 Development includes a trochophore larva
Examples: Chiton, Lepidopleurus
Class 3: Monoplacophora (Gr. Mono: single;
placos:plate; pherein: bearing)
 The members of this class were believed to have become
extinct millions of years ago; Neopilina (organism) was
collected from the deep sea of the Pacific coast of Costa
Rica in 1952 by the oceanographic research vessel called
Galathea (vessel)
 They are bilaterally symmetrical
 Nephridia and gills show ‘serial repetition’ (some call it
internal segmention)
 Shell is single and plate like
 Heart is unique with two pairs of atria opening into two
ventricles (heart is 6 chambered)
Example: Neopilina galathea
Class 4: Gastropoda (Gr.Gaster:belly; podos: foot) (belly creepers)
 Gastropoda is the largest and most diverse class of the phylum Mollusca; includes snails,
slugs, limpets, etc.; mostly marine; some are freshwater or terrestrial
 Shell is external, univalve and spirally coiled or internal (Aplysia) or absent(Doris)
 Head is distinct with eyes and tentacles
 Radula occurs in the buccal cavity
 Foot is ventral, flattened, muscular and helps in creeping
 Respiratory organs are gills or lungs(pulmonary sacs) or both
 During embryonic development, one side of the visceral mass grows faster than the other
side; this uneven growth rotates the visceral mass up to 1800
 This process is called ‘torsion’
 They are mostly dioecious; development is indirect and includes veliger larva
Examples: Pila(apple snail), Aplysia(sea hare), Doris(sea lemon)
Pila (apple snail)
Aplysia (Sea hare) – internal shell
Class 5: Scaphopoda (Gr.Scapho:
boat, hollow shell; podos: foot)
 They are marine and are commonly
called ‘tusk shells’ or ‘tooth shells’ as
the shell is tubular and ‘tusk’ like,
opening at both the ends
 Foot is cone like and useful for digging
 Eyes, tentacles, ctenidia(gills) and atria
are absent
 A large number of thread like structures
called captacula help in the capture of
Examples: Dentalium, Pulsellum
Class 6: Pelecypoda or Bivalvia or Lamellibrachiata (Gr. Pelekys: axe,
hatchet; podos: foot)
 This class includes mussels, oysters, clams (common name for bivalve molluscs), etc.
 Body is laterally compressed and covered by a shell made up of two valves (Bivalvia)
 Head and sensory appendages are greatly reduced
 Foot is ‘wedge shaped’ (hence the name pelecypoda) and adapted for digging
 Byssus threads occur in some `(e.g. Mytilus) and help in attaching to the substratum
 Radula is absent
 They are ‘suspension feeders’ or ‘filter feeders’
 In some a ‘crystalline style’ occurs in the stomach and helps in the digestion of starches
 Respiratory organs are ‘plate like’ gills (hence the name lamellibranchiate)
 They are dioecious(sexes are separate); development is indirect including larval forms such
as Unio (adapted for
parasitic life on the gills of
Generally for all these
bivalves, larva is veliger
larva, but the larva of Unio
is called Glochidium larva
Unio(freshwater mussel),
Mytilus(marine mussel),
Pinctada(pearl oyster)
Pinctada Unio
Class 7: Cephalopoda or Siphonopoda (Gr. cephalo:head; podos: foot)
 This class includes cuttle fishes, squids, octopuses, nautili etc
 Head is distinct with conspicuous eyes similar to those of vertebrates, a pair of horny beak
like jaws and a radula occur in the buccal cavity
 Shell may be external and multi-chambered (Nautilus) or internal(Sepia, Loligo) or
 The shell of Sepia is commonly called ‘cuttle bone’ and that of Loligo is commonly called
 Foot is modified into eight (octopus) or ten arms(Sepia, Loligo), animals are provided
with suckers that are present around the mouth and a part of the foot is modified
into ‘siphon’(useful in swift darting movements)
 Some possess ink gland and eject a cloud of ink to escape from the predators (defensive
 Ctenidia, atria and nephridia are two in dibrachiates (Sepia) and four in tetrabrachiates
 Circulatory system is a closed type( unique feature of cephalopoda); heart has two to four
atria and a ventricle
 Nervous system is well developed with a well developed brain enclosed in a cartilaginous
cranium(brain case)
 They are dioecious(sexes are separate); development is direct
Examples: Sepia (cuttle fish) , Architeuthis (giant squid – the largest living invertebrate),
Nautilus, Octopus(devil fish)
-Deuterostomes with radial bodies
 The echinoderms ( Gr. echinos : spiny; dermos : skin) are non-chordate deuterostomes
and enterocoelomates
 All are marine
 The adult echinoderms are radially symmetrical( pentamerous radial symmetry ), but the
larvae are bilaterally symmetrical
 Skin is thick and spiny; echinoderms possess a mesodermal endoskeleton of calcareous
ossicles, which support the spines, hence the name ‘Echinodermata’(spiny bodied
 In some, the spines are modified into ‘pedicellariae’
 The most distinctive feature of echinoderms is the presence of water vascular system or
ambulacral system derived from the coelom which helps in locomotion, capture and
transport of food and respiration
 Water enters the ambulacral system through the madreporite
 Circulatory system is of open type, without heart and blood vessels
 Respiratory organs are ‘papulae’ or ‘dermal branchiae’ (thin outgrowths of the body wall
between the spines), cloacal respiratory trees( sea cucumbers ) , etc.
 Special excretory organs are absent (excretion is by simple diffusion)
 Nervous system is poorly developed and brain is absent; sense organs are poorly
 Sexes are separate (dioecious) but do not exhibit sexual dimorphism
 Reproduction is sexual
 Fertilization is usually external
 Development is indirect with a free-swimming bilaterally symmetrical larva
 Power of regeneration is remarkable
 Some exhibit autotomy (auto: self; tome: cut; self mutilation or self amputation) when
captured by a predator, and the lost body parts are regenerated
 A hypothetical larva, dipleurula is considered the ancestor of all echinoderms
Examples: Asterias (star fish),
Echinus (sea urchin),
Antedon ,
Cucumaria (sea cucumber)and
Ophiura (brittle star)
 Sea urchins are going to exhibit a special mastigating apparatus called Aristotle lantern
(5 jawed mastigating apparatus)
Classification of Echinodermata
 Phylum Echinodermata is classified into two sub-phyla namely –
1. Pelmatozoa
2. Eleutherozoa
1. Pelmatozoa:
 They are sessile, attached to the substratum by long stalk(sea lilies) and some are free
swimming (feather stars)
 Mouth and anus are present on the upper surface (oral surface)
 Madreporite is absent
 Ambulacral grooves are open
Sub-phylum-2 : Eleutherozoa (Gr.eleuthros : free; zoon : animal)
 They are free moving and do not have a stalk
 Mouth (oral surface) is directed downwards
 Madreporite is present
 Ambulacral grooves are closed(except in Asteroidea)
Sub-phylum Pelmetozoa - Class -1: Crinoidea (Gr. Crinon; lily; eidos:
 This class includes the oldest and most primitive forms
 Some are stalk-less and free moving and others are stalked
 Viscera is enclosed in a calcareous test called theca
 Arms are biramous and bear pinnules and help in food capture
 Mouth and anus are present on the upper surface (oral surface)
 Ambulacral grooves are open
 Tube feet do not bear suckers
 Madreporite, spines and pedicellariae are absent
 Some attach to the substratum by ‘cirri’
 Development includes free swimming doliolaria larva;
it develops into a stalked, sessile pentacrinoid larva in feather stars
Ptilocrinus (sea lily with cirri) Bathycrinus (sea lily without cirri)
Neometra (feather star)
 The Sub-phylum Eleutherozoa is classified into four classes
1. Asteroidea 2. Ophiuroidea 3. Echinoidea and 4. Holothuroidea
Class -1: Asteroidea (Gr. Aster; star; eidos: form)
 This class includes sea stars (star fishes)
 The arms are not clearly demarcated from the central ‘disc’ of the body
 Ambulacral grooves are open; tube feet bear suckers
 Pedicellariae are two jawed and are useful in food capture, protection and cleaning the
surface of the body
 Madreporite is aboral(dorsal side) in position
 Respiratory organs are papulae or dermal branchiae
 Development includes bipinnaria and branchiolaria larvae
Examples: Asterias, Astropecten, Pentaceros
Class -2 : Ophiuroidea (Gr. ophiuros: serpent tail; eidos : form)
 This class includes brittle stars, serpent stars, basket stars, etc.
 Arms are long and clearly demarcated from the central disc of the body; arms are
flexible, fragile and ‘branched’ in some (Gorgonocephalus)
 They move by serpentine lashing of the arms
 Ambulacral grooves are closed; tube feet lack suckers
 Madreporite (ventral side) is on the oral surface (mouth is on the ventral side of the
 Pedicellariae are absent
 Anus is absent
 Development includes ophiopluteus larava
Examples: Ophiothrix( spiny brittle star), Gorgonocephalus(basket star)
Ophiothrix Gorgonocephalus
Class -3: Echinoidea ( Gr. echinos: hedgehog; eidos: form)
 This class includes ‘sea urchins’ such as heart urchins, sand dollars, sea biscuits, cake
urchins etc.
 The body is ovoid (sea urchin) or discoid (sand dollars) and covered with movable
 Arms are absent; tube feet bear suckers
 Calcarious ossicles of the body unite to form a rigid test or corona or case
 Madreporite and anus are aboral in position
 Ambulacral grooves are closed
 Pedicellariae are three jawed
 In the mouth of sea urchin a complex five jawed masticatory apparatus called
Aristotle’s lantern is present(absent in the heart urchins)
 Development includes echinopluteus larava
Examples: Echinus(sea urchin), Echinocardium(heart urchin), Echinodiscus( sand
dollar), Clypeaster(cake urchin)
Aristotle lantern
Class – 4: Holothuroidea (Gr. Holothurian : water polyp or sea cucumber; eidos:
 This class includes sea cucumbers
 Body is elongated in the oro-aboral axis;
 Skin is leathery (corioaceous) and dermis contains loose spicules
 Arms, spines and pedicellariae are absent
 Mouth is surrounded by retractile tentacles (modified tube feet useful for feeding)
 Ambulacral grooves are ‘closed’; tube feet bear suckers
 Madreporite is internal (occurs in coelom)
 Respiratory organs are a pair of cloacal ‘respiratory trees’
 Development is indirect and includes Auricularia larva
 Examples: Holothuria, Synapta, Thyone
Phylum – Hemichordata
- Half chordates
General characters:
 Hemichordates were earlier considered as a sub-phylum under phylum Chordata, but now it is placed as a
separate phylum under the non- chordates.
 It consists of a small group of worm-like marine animals.
 They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and coelomate (enterocoelus) animals.
 The body is cylindrical and is composed of an anterior proboscis, a collar and a long trunk.
 A median buccal diverticulum, the stomochord (once believed to be notochord) extends into the
 Circulatory system is of open type with a dorsal heart
 Respiration takes place through paired gill slits (dorsal in their position) opening into the pharynx
 Proboscis gland acts as the excretory organ
 Development is indirect and includes a tornaria larva
 Mostly sexual reproduction and fertilization is external.
Examples : Balanoglossus (acorn worm), Saccoglossus
Classification of the phylum Hemichordata:
 Phylum : Hemichordata is classified into two classes, 1. Enteropneusta and 2. Pterobranchia
Class – 1: Enteropneusta (Gr. Enteron : gut; pneustos: breathed)
 They are commonly called acorn worms
 They are free, solitary and burrowing animals
 Development includes a free swimming tornaria larva
Examples : Balanoglossus(acorn worm), Ptychodera
Class – 2: Pterobranchia( Gr. Pteron: feather or wing; branchion : gill)
 They are sedentary, colonial (Rhabdopleura), and tube dwelling animals
Examples: Rhabdopleura, Cephalodiscus
 Phylum: Chordata
Alfred Sherwood Romer – A paleontologist par excellence, comparative anatomist and a specialist in the
study of vertebrate evolution.
 About 60,000 known species of highly evolved heterogenous group of organisms constitute the phylum
 Development of notochord can be considered as a major factor in the evolution of chordates, which
allows the attachment of various muscles and side to side swinging movements.
 A mid-dorsal, ectodermal, hollow, non-ganglionated ‘nerve cord’ that differentiates into brain and spinal
cord is another contrasting feature.
 Two more important features are pharyngeal gill slits and post anal tail.
 Major evolutionary that led to the domination of the jawed fishes during the Devonian period.
 Amphibians invaded the land but remained as imperfect group.
 The next group to have evolved were the reptiles and dominated the earth during Mesozoic era.
 The reptiles gave rise to two major groups – the Aves and the Mammalia.
Fossil records of connecting links:
Osteolepid fishes - between fishes and amphibians
Labyrinthodont amphibians – between amphibians and reptiles
Therapsid reptiles – between reptiles and mammals
Theropod dinosaurs – between reptiles and birds
Bio architectural wonders:
 The origin of amnion and other fetal membranes in the reptiles
 Air sacs and feathers of birds
 Hair, mammary glands, chorio-allantoic placenta of mammals
The gene FOX P2 is believed to play a key role in human language expression and kept man
apart from the other organisms.
 Chordates are believed to have descended from echinoderm larvae-like ancestors
during the Precambrian period.
 Though chordates exhibit a great variation in their size and shape of the body, they
display similarity in their basic body plan.
 First largest animal – Balaenoptera musculus (Blue whale)
 Second largest animal – Rhinodon typus (shark)
Development (larva to adult) is of two types:
1. Progressive development/metamorphosis
2. Retrogressive development/ metamorphosis
The four principle chordate characters
1. Notochord: flexible-rod like structure
present along the mid-dorsal line between gut and nerve cord.
derived from the embryonic chorda mesoderm
made up of vacuolated cells surrounded by inner thick fibrous and outer
thin elastic connective tissue sheaths.
persistent throughout the life in lancelets (cephalochordates), cyclostomes
and Chondrichthyes.
2. Dorsal tubular nerve cord: A single, hollow tubular and fluid filled
 situated above the notochord and below the dorsal body wall it is non-ganglionated
 It produced in the embryonic stage by the sinking in of the median dorsal strip of ectoderm
above the notochord.
 In the higher chordates, it gets enlarged to form a distinct brain at the anterior end and the rest
of it becomes the spinal cord
3. Pharyngeal slits or clefts:
 These are a series of lateral perforations in the wall of the pharynx through which water flows out from the
pharyngeal cavity.
 They are ecto-endodermal in origin.
 They are persistent throughout the life in the protochordates, fishes and some amphibians.
 The wall of the pharyngeal slits develop vascular lamellae to become gills and are helpful in breathing.
 They are present in the larval stages but are absent in the adults of many amphibians.
 Among the amniotes, non-functional pharyngeal pouches appear in the early embryonic life and disappear later.
 The occurrence of such structures in the early embryos of amniotes provides a clue to their ‘aquatic ancestry’
4. Post-anal tail:
 Chordates have a tail extending posterior to the anus.
 It is lost in many species during the late embryonic development.
 It contains skeletal elements and muscles.
 However, coelom and visceral organs are absent in it.
 It provides the propelling force in the locomotion of many aquatic species and acts as a balancing organ in some
terrestrial forms such as kangaroos.
Chordate characters:
 Bilateral symmetry
 Triploblastic condition
 Organ-system level of organization’
 Metamerism
 Cephalisation
 Enterocoelic coelom
 Complete digestive tract
 Closed circulatory system
 Ventral myogenic heart (except in lancelets)
 Phosphocreatine as muscle phosphagen
Comparison of chordates and non-chordates
 All urochordates are marine and occur from the surface water to greater depths
 They are either sessile (ascidians) or pelagic (salpa, Doliolum) and solitary (Ascidia) or colonial
 Body is un-segmented and covered by a test or tunic composed of cellulose which is uncommon in
 Coelom is absent, however, an ectoderm-lined atrial cavity, surrounds the pharynx into which gill slits,
anus and genital ducts open.
 Ventral side of the pharynx possesses an endostyle, which is believed to be forerunner of thyroid gland
of a vertebrate.
 Atrium leads to the exterior by dorsal or posterior atrial aperture.
 Digestive tract is complete.
 Two to numerous gill slits are found in the pharyngeal wall.
 Circulatory system is of open type, there is simple tubular, ventral heart which alternatively
reverses the direction of the flow of the blood.
 Nervous system is represented in the adult by a single dorsal ganglion.
 They are bisexual or hermaphrodites.
 Development generally includes a free- swimming tadpole larva with a tail, a dorsal hollow nerve
cord and a notochord confined to the tail, hence the name urochordata.
Eg: Ascidia, Salpa, Doliolum, Pyrosoma, Oikopleura, herdmania
 They are small fish like translucent forms with median fins but without paired fins
 They are often described as typical chordates, as the principal chordate characters like
notochord, nerve chord, pharyngeal gill slits are present throughout the life.
 The notochord extends from posterior to anterior end of the body beyond the nerve chord.
 Muscles occur as myotomes.
 Enterocoelom
 Ciliary filter feeders
 Pharynx is lined by ectoderm lined cavity called atrium
 An endostyle is present along the ventral wall of the body
 Respiration is through external body surface.
 These are marine lead a burrowing mode of life in shallow sea waters.
 Circulatory system is of closed type
 Heart, blood corpuscles and respiratory pigment is absent.
 Excretory organs are Protonephridia with solenocytes.
 Sexes are separate,
 Gonads are numerous and are without gonoducts.
 Fertilization is external and development is indirect.
Example: Branchiostoma (=Amphioxis) - Lancelet
Sub Phylum: Vertebrata or Craniata
 Notochord is replaced partly or wholly by a cartilaginous or bony vertebral column in the adult.
 All vertebrates are chordates but not all chordates are vertebrates
 Paired appendages are present (fins or limbs)
 Jaws may be present or absent
 Heart is ventral, muscular with 2-4 chambers.
 Mesonephric or metanephric kidneys are organs of excretion or osmoregulation
 It is divided into two super classes:
1. Agnatha
2. Gnathostomata
Comparison between Agnatha and Gnathostomata
Agnatha Gnathostomata
These are jawless vertebrates These are jawed vertebrates
Primitive fish like aquatic vertebrates Includes jawed fishes and tetrapods
Notochord is persistent Notochord is partly or wholly replaced by
vertebral column
Paired appendages are absent Paired pectoral and pelvic appendages are
present (fins or limbs)
Internal ear bears one or two semicircular
Internal ear bears three semicircular canals
 Agnatha includes two classes:
1. Ostracodermi – extinct class
2. Cyclostomata – extant class
Class: Cyclostomata:
 Extant jawless vertebrates.
 Includes lampreys and hagfishes.
 All are aquatic
 Body is scaleless and eel-like
 Cartilaginous endoskeleton
 Vertebrate are represented by imperfect neural arches in some.
 Mouth is circular and suctorial
 Tongue bears horny teeth.
 6-15 pairs of gill slits are present
 Heart is two chambered
 Renal portal system is absent
 Kidneys are mesonephric
Example: Petromyzon (lamprey), Myxine (hag fish/slime eel)
Inhabits marine or fresh water habitats.
They migrate to fresh water for spawning (anadromous migration)
They die after spawning
Larval form is ammocoete larva.
These are exclusively marine
They are considered scavengers
Milky fluid secreted by its mucous sacs becomes slime on contact with water
Development is direct
 Three groups are present
1. Ichthyopsida – fishes and amphibians (aquatic and lacks amnion)
2. Sauropsida – reptiles and aves (amnion is present)
3. Synapsida – mammals (parental care is present)
Pisces (in Latin; Piscis = fish)
 These are the first jawed vertebrates
 Earliest jawed fishes formed during Silurian Period from Ostracoderms
 Devonian Period is the Golden age of fishes
 Pisces is the most diverse and largest group among vertebrates
 Extant lobe finned fishes are marine Coelacanths and fresh water Dipnoi fishes
 Sharks, rays and ray-finned fishes form the bulk of living fishes
 Osteolepid fishes are considered as ancestors of Amphibia
 Icthyology is the study of fishes
General Characteristics:
 Habitat: Fishes are aquatic
 Body Form: Body is streamlined and is differentiated into head, trunk and tail
 Consists of mesodermal scales or bony plates or exoskeleton may be present
 Cartilaginous or bony
 Skull is monocondylic
 Vertebrae are amphicoelous
 In amphicoelous vertebrate centrum is concave at both anterior and posterior faces
 It is assisted by fins
 Median and caudal fins are unpaired
 Pectoral and pelvic fins are paired
 Heterocercal caudal fin is asymmetrical both externally and internally
 Homocercal caudal fin is symmetrical externally and asymmetrical internally
 Diphycercal caudal fin is symmetrical both internally and externally
Digestive System:
 Mouth is ventral or terminal
 Dentition is acrodont, homodont and polyphyodonty
Respiratory System:
 Gaseous exchange occurs through gills
 Air bladder/swim bladder is modified in to lungs in Dipnoi
 Air bladder helps in buoyancy in most of the ray-finned fishes
 Air bladder is absent in cartilaginous fishes, hence they have to swim constantly.
Circulatory System:
 Heart is two-chambered
 It is called Branchial heart as it pumps blood only to gills
 It is called Venous heart as only deoxygenated blood passes through it
 Blood circulation is single circulation as the blood passes only once through heart in
single circuit
Excretory System:
 Kidneys are mesonephric
 Mostly ammonotelic
 Cartilaginous fishes are ureotelic.
 Urea is stored in their blood to maintain osmotic concentration of body fluids
(physiological uraemia)
Nervous System:
 Central nervous system is covered by a single meninx, the ‘meninix primitive’
 Cranial nerves are 10 pairs
 Internal ear has three semicircular canals
 Lateral line system detects movement and vibrations in the surrounding waters
 Eyelids are absent
 Eye ball is protected by nictitating membrane
Reproduction and Development:
 Unisexual
 Fertilization is internal or external
 Development is direct or indirect
 Pisces includes:
1. Class Chondrichthyes
2. Class Osteichthyes
 Trygon possesses poison sting
 In Torpedo dorsal muscles are modified into electric organs
 In Hippocampus male has brood pouch
 The fish that thought to be extinct but later found in small numbers is Latimeria
 Coelacanths were thought to be extinct until a live one was caught in 1938.
Pristis (saw fish) Carcharadon (great white shark) Dasyatis/Trygon (sting ray)
Torpedo (Electric ray) Sphyrna (hammer-headed shark)
Hippocampus (sea horse) clarias (maggur) Echeneis (sucker fish)
Betta splendens (Siamese fighting fish) Pterophyllum (Angel fish)
Amphibia (Gr; amphi=both; bios=life)
 These are the first vertebrates to come out and walk on land.
 Ancestors of amphibia were Osteolepids.
 Carboniferous period is the golden age of Amphibia.
 As the eggs laid by amphibians are without protective shell covering, they are still tied to aquatic
habitat for reproduction.
 Batrachology is the study of amphibians.
 Extant amphibians are included in three orders :
1. Apoda (caecilians/blind worms)
2. Urodela or Caudata (salamanders and newts)
3. Anura or Salientia (frogs and toads)
General characteristics:
They lead a dual mode of life i.e., on land and fresh water.
Body form:
Body is divided into head and trunk.
Tail may be may not be present
Skin is soft and scale less, moist and glandular.
Apodans have scales.
Two pairs of equal or unequal pentadactyl limbs are present.
Caecilians are limbless
Skull is dicondylic
Anurans have mostly procoelus (centrum is concave anteriorly only) vertebrae.
Caecilians have amphicoelus (centrum is concave both anteriorly and posteriorly) vertebrae.
Urodeles have opisthocoelus (centrum is concave posteriorly) vertebrae.
Sternum first appeared in amphibians
Digestive system:
Mouth is large
Teeth are acrodont, homodont and polyphiodont.
Respiratory system:
Gaseous exchange is mostly cutaneous.
Pulmonary and bucco-pharyngeal respiration also occurs.
Branchial respiration occurs in larval forms and adult urodeles.
Circulatory system:
Heart is three chambered with two atria and one ventricle.
Sinus venosus and conus arteriosus are present.
Three pairs of aortic arches (carotid, systemic, pulmocutaneous) arise from conus arteriosus.
Both hepatic and renal portal systems are present.
Erythrocytes are oval and nucleated.
Excretory System:
Kidneys are mesonephric
Amphibians are ureotelic
Nervous system:
Meninges are inner piamater and outer duramater
Cranial nerves are ten pairs.
Sense organs:
Middle ear has single ossicle called columella auris.
Columella auris is modified form of hyomandibula of fishes.
Tympanum, lacrimal and harderian glands appeared for the first time in the amphibians.
Reproduction and Development:
Fertilization is mostly external
Development is mostly indirect
Bufo (toad), Rana (frog), Hyla (tree frog), Salamandra (salamander), Ichthyophis (limbless
amphibian), Rhacophorus (flying frog)
Bufo (toad) Hyla (tree frog)
Salamandra (salamander)
Ichthyophis (limbless amphibian)
Rhacophorus (flying frog)
 Reptiles are originated from the labyrinthodont amphibians in carboniferous period.
 Mesozoic Era is called the Golden age of Reptiles.
 These are first true terrestrial vertebrates that lay eggs on land.
 Reptiles are usually creeping or burrowing.
 They are ectothermic (cold blodded)
 Porous calcareous shell and extra embryonic membranes make the egg an independent ‘life
support system’
 Extra embryonic membranes are amnion, chorion, allantois and yolk sac.
 Amniotic egg helped the reptiles to abandon ties with their ancestral aquatic habitat.
Key adaptations that led to the success of reptiles are:
 Cleidoic eggs
 Dry scaly skin
 Two pairs of pentadactyl limbs with clawed digits
 Pulmonary breathing
 Internal fertilization
 Reptilia includes extinct Dinosaurs and extant Chelonians, crocodilians, snakes, lizards
and sphenodon.
 Study of amphibians and reptiles (poikilothermic tetrapods) is called Herpetology.
General characters:
Body Divisions:
Body is divided into head, neck, trunk and tail
Skin is rough, dry and scaly
Dry scaly skin prevents water loss
It is in the form of horny epidermal scales, shields and claws
Claws appeared for the first time
Skull is monocondylic
Skull is usually provided with temporal fossae.
Each half of the lower jaw is formed by six bones.
Vertebrae are mostly procoelus
First cervical vertebra is atlas. Second one is axis. They facilitate the independent movement of the
Sacral vertebrae are two in number
Ribs are single headed (double headed in crocodilians)
For the first time in vertebrate evolution ribs attach to the sternum
Digestive system:
Dentition is acrodont, homodont and polyphiodont (thecodont in Crocodilia)
Teeth are absent (edentate) in Chelonia
Respiratory system:
Pulmonary gaseous exchange occurs.
Ribs and intercoastal muscles assist in ventilation
Vascular cloacal wall serves for gas exchange in turtles.
Circulatory system:
Heart has two atria and incompletely divided ventricle
Heart is four chambered in Crocodilia
Sinus venosus is present
Conus arteriosus is absent
Three aortic arches arise directly from the ventricle
Erythrocytes are nucleated
Excretory system:
Kidneys are metanephric
Mesonephric duct (wolffian duct) function as vas deferens in males
Reptiles are uricotelic.
Cloaca has three chambers:
1. Anterior coprodaeum
2. Middle urodaeum
3. Posterior proctodaeum
Nervous system:
Cranial nerves are 12 pairs except in snakes (10 pairs)
Sense Organs:
Jacobson’s organs concerned with olfaction are highly developed in lizards and snakes
Tympanic membrane is on the inner side of external auditory meatus.
Each middle ear has only one ear ossicle columella auris.
Jacobson’s organs
Reproduction and Development:
 Penis is present except in Rhynchocephalia.
 A pair of hemipenes (penis is formed by the apposition of two hemipenes) is present in
lizards and snakes.
 Fertilization is internal
 Reptiles are mostly oviparous
 Eggs are megalecithal and cleidoic
 Cleavage is meroblastic and discoidal
 Development is direct
 Four extra embryonic membranes appear during development.
 Classfication: Extant reptiles are grouped into four orders:
Chelone (marine turtle) Testudo (terrestrial tortoise)
Trionyx (fresh water turtle)
Sphenodon (living fossil – endemic to New zealand)
Hemidactylus (wall lizard)
Draco – flying lizard
Chameleon - camoflauge
Naja naja Ophiophagus hannah Bungarus
Tropidonotus Ptyas Vipera russelli
Aves (L. avis - bird)
 The class Aves includes a few extinct and a large number of extant birds.
 They are feathered, bipedal endothermic vertebrates.
 Modern flying birds have undergone modifications in their morphological, anatomical
and physiological features are adaptations to suit their aerial mode of life.
 Feathers, wings, powerful breast musculature, pneumatic bones, endothermy with high
metabolic rate, keen sense of vision, etc., are the major ‘flight adaptations’ which enabled
them to evolve as ‘the masters of air’ (J. Z. Young)
 The presence of typical reptilian characters such as epidermal scales on legs, presence of
interclavicle, uricotelism, megalecithal eggs, development with the four extra
embryonic membranes in modern living birds, convinced T.H.Huxley to describe them
as ‘glorified reptiles’.
 The demands of flight paved the way for the evolution of a similar general body form in
many flying birds.
 Theropod reptiles of the Jurassic period gave rise to birds which got modernized in the
Cretaceous period.
 The study of birds is known as Ornithology. Dr. Salim Ali is a world famous Indian Ornithologist
(Bird man of India)
General characters:
 Body is streamlined and is distinguished into head, neck, trunk and rudimentary tail.
 The fore limbs are modified into ‘wings’ and hind limbs are adapted for walking, running,
swimming, perching (sitting on a branch) etc.
 Skin is dry and devoid of glands, except for the oil glamd or preen gland or uropygial gland at the
base of the tail.
 Exoskeleton consists of epidermal feathers (a unique feature), scales on legs, claws on toes and
horny covering on the beak (rhamphotheca).
 Endoskeleton is fully ossified. Long bones are hollow with air cavities (pneumatic). Skull is
monocondylic. Vertebrae are heterocoelous. The last thoracic, lumbar, sacral and anterior few
caudal vertebrae are fused to form a synsacrum. It is fused with pelvic support to hind limbs.
 A few posterior most caudal vertebrae are fused to form the pygostyle that provides support to the
tail feathers. Sternum has a keel/carina for the attachment of flight muscles (except in the ratite
birds). Both the clavicles are fused with the interclavicle to form a V-shaped bone, called furcula
or ‘wish bone’ or ‘Merry thought bone’. Ribs are double headed as in the crocodiles and therian
 All modern flying birds are provided with powerful breast muscles (flight muscles) chiefly the
pectoralis major and pectoralis minor.
 Teeth are absent in the extant birds. Esophagus is often dilated into a crop for the storage of food.
Stomach is usually divided into glandular proventriculus and muscular gizzard (grinding mill).
Cloaca is three chambered as in reptiles.
 Respiratory system consists of compact, spongy, undistensible lungs ‘without alveoli’. The lungs
are associated with air sacs. Air sacs facilitate ‘continuous oxygenation’ of blood and
‘pneumaticity’ of bones (a unique feature). Voice box is syrinx that lies at the junction of the
trachea and bronchi.
 Heart is four chambered. Sinus venosus and conus arteriosus are absent as in mammals. Only right
systemic arch is present. Renal portal system is reduced. RBC are nucleate as in reptiles

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  • 2. Introduction:  Life is an exclusive property of the various types of living organisms in the world  Recent discovery of fossils of some microscopic organisms extended the known ‘history of life’ on the Earth to about 3.5 billion years  Biology is the science dealing with the study of living organisms which are broadly classified into microorganisms, plants and animals  In spite of their wide ‘diversity’ they show ‘fundamental uniformity’ in possessing protoplasm with the genetic substance, the DNA which is made up of ‘nucleotides’, universally
  • 3. Properties of Living Organisms: 1. Cellular organization 2. Complexity of organization 3. Sensitivity/ Response to Environment 4. Growth 5. Energy utilisation/ Energy processing / Metabolism 6. Reproduction 7. Homeostasis 8. Evolution 9. Senescence and Mortality
  • 4.  Metabolism: sum total of all chemical reactions is called as metabolism  Metabolism is of two kinds, they are 1. Catabolism: It’s a break down process, where a complex molecule is broken down into simple one. 2. Anabolism: It’s a constructive process, where we synthesize a complex molecule from simple ones  ATP is the energy currency of the cell (Adenosine Triphosphate)  Homeostasis: Maintanence of constant internal environment
  • 5.  All the life phenomena like nutrition, respiration, excretion, irritability, etc., are due to interactions between the various components of an organism  Properties of tissues are not present in all the constituent cells but arise as a result of interactions among the constituent cells  Similarly properties of cellular organelles are not present in the molecular constituents of the organelle but arise as a result of interactions among the molecular components comprising the organelle  Thus, interactions result in certain properties, at a higher level of organization  This phenomenon is true in the hierarchy of organizational complexity at all levels  Biology is the story of life and evolution of living organisms on the Earth  All living organisms – the present, past and future are linked to one another by sharing a common genetic material, but to varying degrees
  • 6. Branches of Biology  Lamarck (1809), a French biologist coined the term ‘Biology’, which means the ‘study of living organisms’  This diverse science which deals with all aspects of animal life has several sub-branches 1. Taxonomy:  It is the theory and practice of identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms  The term ‘Taxonomy’ was coined by A.P. de Candolle 2. Morphology:  It deals with the study of form, size, shape, color and structure of various organisms and their tissues, organs, organ-systems etc  It includes the following:
  • 7. I. External morphology: It is the study of external characters of an organism II. Internal morphology: This branch deals with the study of internal structure. It includes the following a. Anatomy: It is the study of the internal arrangement of different organs or organ systems in an organism as observed with the naked eye b. Histology: It is the study of microscopic structure of different tissues. It is also called as Microanatomy. 3. Cytology: Deals with the study of form and structure of cells and cell organelles. 4. Physiology: It is the study of different body functions and processes. 5. Embryology: It deals with the study of events that lead to fertilization, cleavages, early growth and differentiation of zygote.
  • 8. 6. Developmental Biology: It is the study of embryonic development and the other developmental processes after birth. 7. Evolution: It is the study of origin of life and continuous genetic adaptations of organisms to the environment. It also deals with the gradual changes that occur with the living organisms through geological time. Herbert spencer coined the word Evolution. 8. Paleontology: Study of fossilized remains of organisms of the past geological ages is called paleontology. It includes paleobotany & paleozoology. 9. Ecology: It is the study of living organisms in relation to the other living organisms (biotic factors) and abiotic environmental factors surrounding them. Haeckel coined the term Ecology 10. Genetics: It is the study of inheritance of characters from one generation to the next. It deals with heredity and variations. Bateson coined the term Genetics 11. Ethology: It is the study of animal behavior based on the systematic observation, recording, analysis of functions of animals.
  • 9. Nature, Scope and Meaning of Zoology  Biology is the study of living organisms.  The principal, heterogenous and divergent groups of biology are BOTANY, ZOOLOGY and MICROBIOLOGY.  Zoology or Animal science deals with the study of various aspects of animals. The aim of zoology is to explain the animal world in terms of scientific principles.  Zoology has its applications in other branches such as euphenics, eugenics, biotechnology, bioenergetics, bioinformatics etc.,  As an applied science it has tremendous scope in agriculture, aquaculture, animal husbandry, diseases, veterinary science, apiculture, sericulture, pharmacology, animal breeding etc.,
  • 10. Need for classification  Classification is defined as the process by which anything is grouped into convenient categories based on some easily observable characters.  TAXA can indicate categories at different levels (singular is TAXON).  Based on certain special characteristics, we classified living organisms into different taxa.  Characterization, identification, nomenclature and classification
  • 11. Biological classification  The living organisms exhibit a great deal of diversity due to variations in their structure and function  So far, over 1.25 million animal species have been identified and described  They show diversity in structure, habits, habitats and modes of life  Systematics: Study of interrelationship between animals of different groups.  To understand the interrelationships among the diversified animal groups, a systematic classification is necessary
  • 12. HISTORY OF BIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION  Carolus Linnaeus ( 1707 – 1788 ), Father of Taxonomy and founder of Modern Systematics, introduced the system of hierarchical classification  In the 19th and 20th centuries numerical taxonomy and phylogenetic classification emerged
  • 13. PHYLOGENETIC (CLADISTIC) CLASSIFICATION  It is an evolutionary classification based on how a common ancestry was shared  Cladistic classification summarizes the ‘genetic distance’ between all species in the ‘phylogenetic tree’  In cladistic classification characters such as analogous characters and homologous characters are followed/ taken into consideration  Ernst Haeckel introduced the method of representing phylogeny by ‘trees’ or branching diagrams
  • 14. Analogous organs: these are the organs which are functionally similar but structurally dissimilar. Eg: wings of a bird and wings of a butterfly Homologous organs: organs which are structurally similar but functionally dissimilar Eg: hand of man and flipper of a whale
  • 15. Levels and Hierarchy of Classification Taxonomical hierarchy includes seven obligate categories namely KINGDOM PHYLUM CLASS ORDER FAMILY GENUS SPECIES
  • 16.  Linnaeus was the first taxonomist to establish a definite hierarchy of taxonomic categories called taxa like kingdom, class, order, genus and species  Haeckel (1888) introduced the taxon Phylum  A species sometimes may have more subspecies, which show some morphological variations (intra-specific variations)  Taxonomic Categories: Nowadays the three Domain classification is followed:  The three domains are Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya
  • 17. Under the domain Bacteria, there is one kingdom i.e., Bacteria Under the domain Archaea, there is one kingdom i.e., Archaebacteria Under the domain Eukarya, there are four kingdoms called Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
  • 18.  CARL WOESE and co-workers observed that many prokaryotes previously classified under ‘Prokaryota/Monera’ are more closely related to the ‘eukaryotes’ and classified them under a separate domain the ARCHAEA  This type of study is called ‘MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS’  Carl Woese, introduced six-kingdom classification,  The six kingdoms are Bacteria, Archebacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
  • 19. Systemic position of Human 1. Kingdom: All multicellular, non-saprobic, heterotrophs are included in the kingdom Animalia/ Metazoa 2. Phylum: It includes one or more classes. Eg: Phylum Chordata includes the classes Cyclostomata, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia, along with the proto chordates notochord, nerve chord, pharyngeal gill slits and post anal tail. 3. Class: It includes one or more related orders Eg: The class Mammalia includes the orders Rodentia(rats), Chiroptera(bats), Cetacea(whales),Carnivora(dogs),Primates(monkeys and apes-gorilla, gibbon and man) etc.
  • 20. 4. Order: It includes an assemblage of one or more related families Eg: The families Felidae and Canidae are included in the order Carnivora along with Hyaenidae (hyenas), Ursidae (bears) etc primates posses prehensile hands and legs. 5. Family: It includes one or more related genera and can be distinguished from the other families by important characteristic differences. Family felidae includes the genus of cat(Felis), genus of leopard(Panthera) etc. Human beings belong to the family homonidae, super family: hominoidea sub family: homoninae 5. Genus: It is a group of related species, resembling one another in certain characters e.g. Panthera leo(lion), Panthera tigris(tiger) 6. Species and Subspecies: Species is the basic unit of classification in the hierarchical taxonomic system. Species is a group of similar organisms sharing a ‘common gene pool’ and interbreeding freely, producing ‘fertile’ offspring
  • 21. Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata Class – Mammalia Order – Primata Family – Hominidae Genus – Homo Species - Sapiens Systemic position of Humans
  • 22. Levels of Organization Inspite of differences in the structure and form of different animals, there are fundamental features common to various individuals in relation to the arrangement of cell layers, symmetry and nature of coelom, patterns of digestive, circulatory and reproductive systems etc., From protozoans to the higher animals, there are totally five different levels of organization 1. Protoplasmic level of organization – unicellular organisms 2. Cellular level of organization - sponges 3. Tissue level of organization – cnidaria and ctenophora 4. Organ level of organization - Platyhelminthes 5. Organ system level of organization – Nematoda to Chordata
  • 23. Diploblastic organization  In these animals, cells are arranged into two embryonic layers. The external ectoderm and the internal endoderm are called diploblastic animals. Eg: Cnidarians and ctenophores  Ectoderm gives rise to epidermis (the outer layer of the body wall), endoderm gives rise to gastrodermis (the tissue that lines the gut cavity). The cells in each tissue layer are functionally interdependent.  Mesoglea: An undifferentiated layer present between the ectoderm and endoderm  In some diploblastic animals, cells occur in the mesoglea, but they are derived from either ectoderm or endoderm.
  • 24. Triploblastic organization  In these animals, the developing embryo has a third germinal layer, the mesoderm, in between the ectoderm and the endoderm are called Triploblastic animals. Eg: Platyhelminthes (flat worms) to chordates  They have organ-system level of organization (with an exception of platyhelminthes)  Tissues are organized into organs which form excretory, nervous, digestive, reproductive, circulatory and other systems.  They are usually bilaterally symmetrical
  • 25. Symmetry The regular arrangement of the body parts in a geometrical design relative to the axis of the body is called symmetry. The body plan of vast majority of metazoans exhibit some kind of symmetry. Sponges (Porifera) and snails (Mollusca) are asymmetrical. Symmetry of animal and its mode of life are correlated.
  • 26.
  • 27. Difference between axis and a plane Axis Plane An axis is an imaginary line at right angles to the plane about which the body rotates or spins The flat area that runs through any axis
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31. Asymmetry: The animals which cannot be cut into two equal parts (antimeres) in any plane passing through the Centre of the body are called asymmetrical. Eg: sponges and some adult molluscs (snail) In the asymmetrical animals the body lacks a definite body form Asymmetry cannot be said to be an adaptation or advantage to an organism
  • 32.
  • 33.  The animals, which can be cut into two equal parts, or antimeres in one or more planes passing through the 'principal axis' of the body are called symmetrical animals.  Basically, the symmetry in animals is of two kinds. Namely  I. Radial symmetry II. Bilateral symmetry
  • 34. I. Radial Symmetry  If any plane passing through the central axis (oro-aboral or principal axis) of the body divides an organism into two identical parts, it is called radial symmetry.  The animals with radial symmetry are either sessile or planktonic or sluggish forms.  It is the principal symmetry of the diploblastic animals such as the cnidarians and ctenophores.  It is also called monaxial heteropolar symmetry.  Animals showing radial symmetry live in water and can respond equally to stimuli that arrive from all directions.  Radial symmetry is an advantage to sessile or slow moving animals.
  • 35.  Based on the number of planes, radial symmetry is of two types 1. Biradial symmetry: have two planes, using any one of which we can divide the organism into two equal parts Eg: sea anemones (cnidaria) & ctenophores 2. Pentamerous radial symmetry: have five planes, using any one of which we can divide the organism into two equal parts Eg: Echinoderms
  • 36.
  • 37. II. Bilateral symmetry:  If only one plane (median sagittal plane) that passes through the central axis divides an organism into two identical halves, it is called bilateral symmetry  It is the principal type of symmetry in the triploblastic animals.  Bilaterally symmetrical animals are more efficient than the other animals in seeking food, locating mates and escaping from predators because of the cephalization. As a result of which, these animals can sense the new environment into which they enter and respond more efficiently and quickly. Cephalization: it is the phenomenon of concentration of nerve cells and sensory cells towards the anterior end of the body.
  • 38.
  • 39. COELOM  The term coelom was coined by Haeckel.  The fluid filled space present between the body wall and visceral organs is called coelom. (Viscera = internal)  It is lined by mesodermal epithelium, the peritoneum.  Animals possessing coelom are called Coelomates or Eucoelomates  Undifferentiated cells are called “Blastomeres”  There are 3 types of coeloms among the animals. 1) Acoelom 2) Pseudocoelom 3) Eucoelom
  • 40.
  • 41. ‘Blind sac plan’ indicates those animals with incomplete gut
  • 42. Acoelom:  If the space is absent between the body wall and the visceral organs, the body cavity is called acoelom. Eg: Platyhelminthes (lowest bilaterians)  In these animals, the mesenchyme (derived from the mesoderm) occupies the entire blastocoel between the ectoderm and the endoderm so that the adults have neither the primary body cavity nor the secondary body cavity.  As there is no body cavity, acoelomates exhibit solid body plan / solid-bau-plan  Due to the absence of perivisceral cavity, their internal organs cannot move freely, as they are embedded in the mesenchyme  Diffusion of material from the gut to the body wall is slow and less efficient.  In these organisms, body parts cannot show independent movement.
  • 43. Pseudocoelom:  If the body cavity is not lined by mesodermal epithelia, such body cavity is called pesudocoelom.  It is seen in the phylum Aschelminthes (Nematoda, Rotifera and some minor phyla)  During the embryonic development, mesoderm occupies only a part of the blastocoel adjoining the ectoderm.  The unoccupied portion of the blastocoel persists as pseudocoelom, which is filled with pseudocoelomic fluid.  Pseudocoelomates are the first animals to exhibit a Tube-within-a-tube organization.  4d blastomere also called as mesentoblast
  • 44. Advantages of pseudocoelomates  As the gut wall is made up of only endodermal epithelium, diffusion of digested food from the lumen of the gut into the surrounding pseudocoelomic fluid becomes easier and the absence of circulatory system is thus compensated  Though it is called pseudocoelom (false coelom), it performs almost all the functions of a regular coelom  Pseudocoelomic fluid of pseudocoelomates serves as a ‘hydrostatic skeleton’ and a ‘shock absorber’  It allows the free movements of visceral organs, helps in the circulation of nutrients, and storage of nitrogenous wastes
  • 45. Eucoelomate:  If the space present between the body wall and the visceral organs is lined by the peritoneum, it is called eucoelom or true coelom.  The part of the peritoneum that underlines the body wall is called the Parietal peritoneum or somatic peritoneum.  The part of the peritoneum that covers the visceral organs is called the Splanchnic peritoneum or visceral peritoneum.  In coelomates, the visceral organs are suspended in the coelom by the peritoneum  A double layered peritoneum that connects some visceral organs to the body wall is called mesentery
  • 46.  In some eucoelomates such as the annelids, the dorsal and ventral mesenteries divide the coelom into paired compartments  Certain organs such as the kidneys of the vertebrates are covered by the parietal peritoneum only on their ventral side  Such a peritoneum is called the ‘retroperitoneum’ and the organs lined by it are called ‘retroperitoneal organs’  During the embryonic development of the eucoelomates, the blastocoel is replaced by true coelom derived from the mesoderm  So, the true coelom is also called ‘secondary body cavity’  In the eucoelomates, mesoderm lines both the body wall and the walls of the visceral organs  So, visceral organs become ‘muscular’ and exhibit free movements ‘independent’ of the movement of the body wall in the coelomic fluid  As the wall of the gut becomes thick and muscular, digested food and other nutrients cannot easily diffuse from the lumen of the gut into the coelom i.e. fluid
  • 47.  Circulatory system (blood vascular system) is developed in the eucoelomates to overcome this problem  Based on the mode of formation of coelom, the eucoelomates are classified into two types
  • 48. I. Schizocoelomates:  • If the body cavity is formed by the splitting of mesoderm, it is called schizocoelom.  All the schizocoelomates are protostomians and they show Holoblastic, spiral and determinate cleavage.  • The 4d blastomere or mesentoblast cell of the early embryo divides to form mesodermal blocks between the ectoderm and the endoderm and replaces the blastocoel.  • The split that appears in each mesodermal block leads to the formation of schizocoelom.  Annelids, Arthropods and Molluscs are schizocoelomates in the animal kingdom
  • 49. II. Enterocoelomates:  If the body cavity is formed from the mesodermal pouches of the archenteron, it is called enterocoebm.  The mesodermal pouches that evaginate from the wall of the archenteron into the blastocoel, fuse with one another to form the enterocoelom.  All the enterocoelomates are deuterostomes and show radial and indeterminate cleavage  Echinoderms, Hemichordates and Chordates are the enterocoelomates
  • 50. Protostomes Deuterostomes Fate of blastopore Becomes mouth Becomes anus Early cleavage Determinate Indeterminate Plane of cleavage Spiral Radial Formation of mesoderm Mass of cells near blastopore Cells pinch off of archenteron Formation of coelom Schizocoelom Enterocoelom Examples Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca Echinodermata, chordata
  • 51. Vegetal pole: the point on the surface of the egg which marks the presence of more yolk Animal pole: the point on the surface of the egg which marks the presence of nucleus or where there is less amount of yolk
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  • 54. Advantages of coelom over pseudocoelom  Visceral organs of eucoelomates are muscular( because of their association with mesoderm) and so they can contract and relax freely independent of the muscular movements of the body wall in the coelomic space, e.g. peristaltic movements of alimentary canal  Gametes are released into the coelom in some invertebrates(which do not have gonoducts) and in the female vertebrates  In non chordates, coelomic fluid receives excretory products and stores them temporarily before their elimination  In the eucoelomates, the mesoderm comes into contact with the endoderm of the alimentary canal, and it causes ‘regional specialization of the gut, such as the development of gizzard, stomach etc. this is referred to as ‘primary induction’. In the case of the pseudocoelomates, due to the absence of such a contact between the gut and the mesoderm, the wall of the gut does not show complex and highly specialized organs
  • 55. Key points:  Animalia (Metazoa) includes multi-cellular, heterotrophic ( obtain nourishment by mostly ingesting and digesting the ingested food ) , eukaryotes with specific body plans (bauplans)  Animal cells do not have cellulose cell walls, but they are held together by certain structural proteins  Collagen is the most abundant protein and unique to the kingdom animalia  Animals reproduce mostly sexually, by the fusion of ‘gametes’ resulting in the production of ‘zygotes’  Zygotes undergo different types of cleavages and pass through simple stages such as ‘blastula’, ‘gastrula’ etc. and further differentiate into an adult, either ‘directly’(without a larval stage), or ‘indirectly’(with a larval stage)  The most simple multi-cellular organisms are the ‘sponges’ which show ‘cellular level of organisation’  The ‘choano-flagellates’(mastigophores) of the kingdom ‘Protista’/’Protoctista’, are the closest living relatives of the metazoans
  • 56.  While sponges have ‘unorganized cells, the ‘diploblastic organisms’ (cnidarians and ctenophores), are the ‘first true metazoans’ with two germinal layers, namely ‘ectoderm’ and ‘endoderm’  They show ‘tissue level of organization’  The diploblastic organisms show ‘co-ordination’ between body parts, due to the presence of ‘sensory cells’ and ‘nerve cells’  The next higher level of organization is reached with the development of the ‘triploblastic level of organization’ ( three germinal layers namely – ectoderm, endoderm and the third germinal layer, the mesoderm) – a promotion from ‘tissue’ to ‘organ’ and ‘organ-system’ level of organization  The first ‘triploblasts’ have a ‘solid bauplan’ ( the space between the ectoderm and endoderm/the perivisceral space, is filled with a tissue called ‘parenchyma/mesenchyma’ derived from the ‘mesoderm’ – the ‘Acoelomates’)  The first ‘tube- within – a tube’ body organization (outer tube- the body wall and the inner tube – the alimentary canal) arose with the evolution of the nematodes
  • 57.  The space between the body wall and the alimentary canal, in the body of a nematode is the remnant of the ‘primary body cavity’(blastocoel) and is called ‘pseudocoel’(false coelom)  Coelom(perivisceral space lined by mesodermal coelomic epithelia/peritoneal layers) arose by the splitting of the mesoderm  It is called ‘schizocoelom’(schizo-splitting)  It is typically seen in the ‘annelids’, ‘arthropods’ and ‘molluscs’  The echinoderms, hemichordates and chordates also have a true coelome( eucoelom)  It arises by the confluence of the ‘out-pouchings’ of the archenteron(primitive gut),  As such the coelom in them is described as ‘enterocoelom’  In the development of animals, the blastula stage develops into gastrula stage  Gastrula is a ‘double layered stage’ with a new cavity called ‘archenteron’, which opens to the exterior by a ‘blastopore’  It is a very crucial in the developmental processes
  • 58.  Gastrulation finally leads to the differentiation of the three embryonic cell layers(germinal layers)  The organisms in which the blastopore develops into the mouth are called ‘protostomes’(platyhelminths to the molluscs) and the organisms in which the blastopore usually develops into the ‘anus’ and the ‘mouth’ is formed secondarily are called ‘deuterostomes’ e.g., echinoderms, hemichordates and chordates  In the protostomes cleavage is ‘spiral’ and ‘determinate’  The embryos of protostomes are described as ‘mosaic embryos’  The cleavage in the deuterostomes is ‘radial’ and ‘indeterminate’ and their embryos are called ‘regulative embryos’  The fate of each blastomere is ‘predetermined’ in the case of determinate development and in the case of regulative embryos, their fate is decided late in the development  Evolution of tissues, development of bilateral symmetry and origin of the body cavity are successively considered the first, second and the third ‘key transitions’ in the animal organization
  • 59.  This unit traces the entire history of evolution of organization in the animal kingdom from simple to more complex levels  You will be learning more salient features of different major groups(phyla) of the kingdom Animalia as you are taken from the study of the sponges to that of the chordates  Animals are broadly classified into invertebrates and vertebrates  The animals which lack a notochord are called invertebrates  Libbie Henrietta Hyman(1888-1969) was the ‘pioneer’ in the field of systematics of the invertebrates  Her legendary volumes(6 volumes, 1940-68) on the Invertebrates are popular and considered authoritative, even in recent times  The invertebrates are characterized by the absence of vertebral column(back bone) and presence of solid, ventral ganglionated nerve cord  Alimentary canal is dorsal to the nerve cord  They exhibit many types of reproduction
  • 60. Cnidaria also called coelenterate • All the schizocoelomates are protostomians and they show Holoblastic, spiral and determinate cleavage. • All the enterocoelomates are deuterostomes and show radial and indeterminate cleavage
  • 61. PHYLUM-PORIFERA (pori = pores; phorein = bearing) (Subkingdom-Parazoa) -An Evolutionary Blind Offshoot General characters  The term Porifera (pore bearing) was coined and their true ‘animal nature’ was established by Robert Grant  Members of this phylum are commonly called sponges  They are generally marine (with the exception of families Potamolepidae and Spongillidae, which include freshwater sponges e.g. Spongilla)  They are either radially symmetrical or asymmetrical animals  These are primitive, multicellular and sessile animals and have cellular level of organization  The body wall is composed of two layers(outer epidermis/pinacoderm and inner choanoderm) separated by a gelatinous matrix called mesohyl  Sponges have a water transport system or canal system that constantly conducts water
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  • 65.  Water enters through minute pores called ostia (inhalent apertures) in the body wall into a central cavity, the spongocoel(paragastric cavity), from where it goes out through the osculum(exhalent aperture)  This transport of water is helpful in gathering food(nutrition-filter feeders), respiratory exchange of gases(respiration) and removal of wastes (excretion)  Choanocytes or collar cells line the spongocoel and the canals  Nutrition is holozoic and digestion is ‘intracellular’  Reserve foods are stored in cells called ‘Thesocytes’  Nerve cells and sensory cells are absent and so they do not show much co-ordination between the functioning of various parts of the body  The body is supported by a skeleton made up of calcareous or siliceous spicules or spongin fibers or both  Sexes are not separate(hermaphroditic or monoecious), i.e., egg cells and sperms are produced by the same individual
  • 66.  Sponges reproduce asexually by fragmentation, budding etc., and sexually by formation of gametes  Fertilization is internal  Cleavage is holoblastic and development is indirect involving different types of larval stages such as parenchymula, trichimella and amphiblastula which are morphologically different from the adult  Power of regeneration is well developed  They are considered an evolutionary blind offshoot Examples: Sycon, Euplectella, Spongilla and Euspongia NOTE: Archeocytes produces female gametes called ova Choanocytes produce male gametes called sperms
  • 67.
  • 68. Classification of the phylum Porifera:  Phylum Porifera is classified into three classes based on skeletal structures 1. Calcarea 2. Hexactinellida and 3. Demospongiae Class – 1: Calcarea  They live in shallow marine waters  They are solitary or colonial  Body structure is simple  Spicules are calcareous ( made up of Ca CO3 ) Examples: Sycon(Scypha), Leucosolenia, Grantia
  • 69. Class – 2: Hexactinellida  They live in deeper parts of the sea  They are solitary  Spicules are six rayed (hexactinal) and siliceous( made of silicon dioxide – glass) Examples: Euplectella ( Venus flower basket) Hyalonema(Glass – rope sponge) Euplectella
  • 70.
  • 71. Class – 3: Demospongiae  There are both marine and freshwater sponges in this class  They are colonial  Skeleton consists of siliceous spicules (other than six rayed) or spongin fibres or both or skeletal structures may be absent Examples: Spongilla(freshwater sponge), Euspongia (bath sponge), Chalina (dead man’s fingers)
  • 73. PHYLUM – CNIDARIA -Tissues and the radial body plan  Cnidarians (previously called coelenterates) are aquatic, mostly marine, solitary or colonial, sessile or free-swimming, radially symmetrical animals. (sea anemones are biradially symmetrical)  The recent name Cnidaria is derived from the ‘stinging cells’ called cnidoblasts or cnidocytes present mostly on the tentacles and the body  Cnidoblasts are used for anchorage, defense and capture of prey  Cnidarians are the first metazoans to exhibit ‘tissue level of organization’ and are ‘diploblastic’  They have a central gastro-vascular cavity or coelenteron (serves both digestive and circulatory functions), hence the earlier name coelenterata, with a single opening, the mouth serving the purpose of ingestion and egestion, there being no anus
  • 74.  Digestion is both extracellular (in the coelenteron) and intracellular (in the nutritive muscular cells of the endoderm)  Nervous system is of primitive type formed of diffuse ‘nerve net’ (formed by non- polarized nerve cells)  Sensory structure such as statocysts occur in the ‘medusoid forms’  Some of the cnidarians, e.g., ‘coral forming’ cnidarians have an exoskeleton composed of calcium carbonate  Cnidarians show two basic body forms called polyp and medusa  The former is a sessile and cylindrical form (e.g. Hydra, Adamsia etc.), whereas, the latter is ‘umbrella-shaped’ and free-swimming form(e.g. Aurelia – commonly called jelly fish)  Those cnidarians which exist in both forms exhibit alternation of generations (metagenesis), i.e., polypoid forms produce medusae asexually and medusae form the polypoid forms sexually(e.g. Obelia)  Asexual reproduction is by budding and sexual reproduction is by syngamy
  • 75. S.No. Polyp Medusa 1 Cylindrical in shape Umbrella shaped 2 Sessile (attached to sea bed) Non-motile = unable to move Free-moving Motile = can move 3 Reproduces asexually Reproduces sexually 4. Ex: hydra Ex: aurelia (jelly fish)
  • 76.  Development is indirect and includes a free swimming ciliated larva, the planula Examples: Physalia, Adamsia, Pennatula, Rhizostoma and Meandrina
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  • 78. Statocyst = balancing organ Cnidoblasts/ Cnidocyte/ Stinging cell
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  • 80. Classification of Cnidaria Hydrozoa Scyphozoa Anthozoa / Actinozoa Solitary / colonial solitary Colonial Polyp/medusa/metagene sis Only Medusoid form Only Polypoid form Mesoglea is non- cellular Mesoglea contains amebocytes Mesoglea contains connective tissue Coelenteron is undivided Coelenteron is divided into four chambers and canals Coelenteron is divided several compartments by vertical septa called mesenteries Cnidocytes occur only in ectoderm Cnidocytes occur in ectoderm and endoderm Cnidocytes occur in ectoderm and endoderm Germ cells are derived from ectoderm Germ cells are derived from ectoderm Germ cells are derived from endoderm
  • 81.
  • 82. Examples of hydrozoa Hydra Obelia Physalia Hydra shows somersaulting movements Portuguese man of war Posses venomous stinging cells Zooid – a single individual in a colony
  • 83. Examples of scyphozoa Aurelia – jelly fish/moon jelly Rhizostoma
  • 84. Examples of anthozoa/actinozoa Adamsia – sea anemone Corallium rubrum – precious red stone coral Gorgonia – sea fan Pennatula – sea pen
  • 85. Phylum – Ctenophora (cteno = cilia; phorein = bearing) - close relatives of cnidarians General characters:  Ctenophores, commonly known as ‘sea walnuts’ or ‘comb jellies’ or ‘sea gooseberries’, are exclusively marine, radially symmetrical, diploblastic organisms with tissue level of organization  The body bears eight external rows of ciliated comb plates, which help in locomotion, hence the name ‘ctenophora’  Cnidocytes are absent  However, they possess ‘glue cells’ called lasso cells or colloblasts which help in food capture  Digestion is both extracellular and intracellular
  • 86.  Bioluminescence is well-marked in the ctenophores  Sexes are not separate(monoecious/bisexual)  Reproduction takes place only by sexual method  Fertilisation is external  Development is indirect and includes a larval stage called cydippid larva
  • 87.
  • 88. Classification: 1. Tentaculata:  The adults possess two aboral tentacles Examples: Pleurobrachia, Ctenoplana 2. Nuda:  Tentacles are absent even in the larval stages Examples: Beroe Hormiphora, commonly called with the name sea walnut belongs to tentaculata Sea anemones and sea walnuts exhibit biradial symmetry
  • 89. PHYLUM – PLATYHELMINTHES -Mesoderm and the bilateral plan  They have dorso-ventrally flattened body, hence are called flatworms  These are mostly endoparasites found in animals, including human beings  Flatworms are the first bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and acoelomate animals with organ level of organization  Body is not segmented, but some exhibit pseudometamerism  They show moderate cephalization and unidirectional movement(locomotion)  Hooks and suckers are present in the parasitic forms  Digestive system, if present, has mouth only; anus is absent  Nervous system is moderately developed with brain (cephalic ganglia) and nerve cords forming ‘ladder like’ system  Specialized excretory cells called flame cells (protonephridia) help in osmoregulation and excretion
  • 90.  Sexes are not separate(monoecious)  Fertilization is internal and development is indirect with many stages (miracidium, sporocyst, redia, cercaria etc.)  Polyembryony is common in some(Liver fluke)  Some members like Planaria possess high degree of regeneration capacity
  • 91. Segmentation: division of the body into so many compartments Metamerism: serial repetition of the body parts from anterior to posterior of the body.
  • 92.
  • 93. Classification of Platyhelminthes 1. Turbellaria: • They are mostly free living, unsegmented flat worms. • Body wall bears cilia and mucus forming structures called Rhabdites, occur in the epidermal cells. • Reproduction is by asexual and sexual methods. • Development is indirect and includes free swimming, ciliated Muller’s larva. Example: Dugesia (freshwater worm), Convoluta (marine water worm)
  • 95. 2. Trematoda: • They are commonly called flukes • They are parasitic on other animals (mostly endoparasite but some are ectoparasite) • Body is covered by a thick cuticle(tegument); bears two suckers, an oral and a ventral(acetabulum) • Mouth is anterior and the intestine is bifurcated • They are bisexual (monoecious) • Life history is complex with many hosts and different types of larval stages(miracidium, sporocyst, redia, cercaria, metacercaria etc.) Examples: Fasciola(liver fluke), Schistosoma or Bilharzia(blood fluke) NOTE: Botulus microporus is an endoparasite that lives in the intestine of lancelet fish Monogenean is a group of Trematoda which includes ectoparasites
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  • 97. 3. Cestoda: • They are commonly called tapeworms • All are endoparasites • Body is covered by protective syncytial tegument (suncytium = multlinucleated) • They show pseudometamerism(body is divided into segment like units called proglottids which are not ‘true segments’) • Scolex bears hooks, suckers and bothridia (leaf like outgrowths) for anchoring • Mouth and gastrovascular cavity are absent • They are bisexual(monoecious) • Life history is complex with many hosts and development is indirect with cysticercus larva(bladder worm) Examples: Taenia solium(pork tapeworm), Echinococcus granulosus( dog tapeworm)
  • 98. Taenia saginata – beef tape worm Longest tape worm = 10mts
  • 99. Phylum – Aschelminthes (Nematoda) - Body cavity, a ‘one way gut’ and ‘tube with-in-a tube’  The body of a nematode is circular in cross-section, hence the name ‘roundworms’  They may be free living or parasitic on plants and animals, aquatic or terrestrial  Roundworms have organ-system level of organization  They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and pseudocoelomate animals  Body is unsegmented and covered by a transparent, tough and protective collagenous cuticle ( a unique character)  In some, the epidermis is ‘syncytial’  Alimentary canal is ‘complete’ with a mouth, well developed muscular pharynx and anus  Excretory system consists of renette gland (excretory gland) and ducts  Nervous system consists of a circum-enteric nerve ring with ganglia and nerves  Sense organs like amphids and phasmids occur
  • 100. Amphids: amphids are cuticular depressions present towards the anterior end of the animal around the mouth which are chemo-sensory (olfacto-sensory) in nature Phasmids: these are present towards the posterior side of the body and are chemo- repulsive in their nature.
  • 101. Heterodera glycines (soyabean parasite) Globodera pallida (potato parasite) Amphids Phasmids
  • 102.  Sexes are separate(dioecious/ unisexual)  They exhibit sexual dimorphism, often females are longer and larger than males  Males have curved posterior end with a cloacal aperture and one or two copulatory (penial) spicules  Fertilization is internal, majority are oviparous(e.g. Ascaris), a few are ovo- viviparous(e.g. Wuchereria) and development may be direct(the young ones resemble the adult – called juveniles) or indirect  Growth into adult forms involves typically four moultings in the larva Examples: Ascaris, Wuchereria, Ancylostoma In nematodes, the number of body cells (except the cells in gonads) remains constant, once the animal reaches the adulthood. It means the number of nuclei too is constant. This phenomenon is called ‘eutely’. If there is growth in the size of the body, it is due to the growth in the size of the cells(hypertrophy)
  • 103. Classification of the Phylum Nematoda: 1. Aphasmidia:  In the members of this class amphids( cuticular depressions around oral region performing chemoreceptor function) are highly modified, but phasmids( posterior glandulo-sensory structures) are absent Examples: Trichinella( trichinaworm), Trichuris(whipworm) 2. Phasmidia:  In the members of this class amphids are simple and phasmids are present  Excretory system is well developed Example: Ascaris(roundworm), Ancylostoma(hookworm), Enterobius(pinworm), Wuchereria( filarial worm)
  • 104. PHYLUM –ANNELIDA - Segmented body plan  The term annelida ( L. annulus : little ring and Gr. edios : form) was coined by Lamarck  They may be aquatic ( marine and freshwater ) or terrestrial; free-living, and sometimes parasitic  They exhibit organ-system level of body organization and bilateral symmetry  They are triploblastic, metamerically segmented (metamerism) and coelomate (schizocoelic coelom) animals  Their body and the coelom are divided by transverse septa into segments or metameres  They possess longitudinal and circular muscles in the body wall, which helps in locomotion  Coelom with coelomic fluid provides a ‘hydrostatic skeleton’ giving stiffness to the body parts thus aiding in locomotion
  • 105.  Marine annelids (polychaetes) such as Nereis possess lateral appendages, the parapodia, which help in swimming; chitinous setae and suckers also help in locomotion in some  Cephalization is more pronounced with distinct head and sense organs  Respiration is by simple diffusion through the body wall and in Nereis highly vascularized parapodia help in respiration  A closed circulatory system is present  Respiratory pigments such as haemoglobin, chlorocruorin are found dissolved in the plasma( a feature unique to the invertebrates)  Nephridia ( metanephridia – nephridia with nephrostomes), which are ‘ectodermal’ in origin, help in osmoregulation and excretion  Nervous system consists of paired( cerebral and sub-pharyngeal) ganglia connected by lateral nerves around the pharynx forming a nerve ring and to a ganglionated ‘double ventral nerve cord’ ( annelidan type of nervous system )  Sense organs like eyes, palps and tentacles occur in some
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  • 107.  They may be dioecious (aquatic annelids) ( sexes are separate – e.g. Nereis ) or monoecious (hermaphrodites – e.g. earthworms and leeches )  Reproduction is usually sexual  Cleavage is holoblastic (complete) and spiral  Development is direct in the monoecious (bisexual) annelids and indirect in the dioecious(unisexual) annelids  Characteristic larva form, the trochophore occurs in the life history
  • 108. Class I: Polychaeta (chetae = setae)  Polychaeta (poly: many; chaetae: setae) includes marine annelids commonly called ‘bristle worms’  Some are free-moving and others burrowing or tubicolous (tube dwelling)  Head is distinct with sense organs such as eyes, tentacles and palps  Parapodia which bear many setae(hence the name polychaeta) help in locomotion and respiration  Clitellum is absent  They are dioecious (unisexual); gonoducts are absent; gamates are shed into the coelom and passed out through the nephridiopores  Fertilization is external; development includes a trochophore larva Examples: Nereis (sandworm or ragworm or clam worm), Aphrodite(sea mouse), Arenicola(lugworm)
  • 109. Class -2: Oligochaeta  Oligochaeta(oligos:few; chaetae: setae) includes earthworms which live in moist soil and some live in freshwater( e.g. Tubifex)  They lack distinct head  Chitinous setae help in locomotion  Clitellum forms a cocoon during the breeding season  Both fertilization and development are external  They are monoecious (bisexual); development is direct without larval stage Examples: Pheretima (earthworm), Megascolex and Tubifex
  • 110. Class-3: Hirudinea  Hirundinea( hirudo: leech ) includes leeches; all are ectoparasites; majority live in fresh water; some are marine and others live on moist land(terrestrial)  They have dorso-ventrally flattened body with a ‘definite number’ of segments; the segments are externally sub divided into annuli; internal segmentation is absent; suckers help in locomotion  Clitellum is conspicuous during the breeding season only  Coelom is filled with a characteristic tissue called botryoidal tissue( botryoidal: resembling a bunch of grapes; opinions differ on the function of botryoidal tissue – they range from excretion to storage of iron, calcium, revascularization in areas of injury etc.)  They are monoecious (hermaphroditic); male reproductive system possesses a copulatory organ, the cirrus  Fertilization is internal and development (external) is direct Examples: Hirudinaria (freshwater leech), Pontobdella (marine leech), Haemadipsa (land leech)  Protogyny = female reproductive organ mature first; protandry = male reproductive organs mature first
  • 111. Character Polychaeta Oligochaeta Hirudinea Common forms Bristle worms Earthworms Leeches Habitat All are marine Mostly – moist soil Tubifex – freshwater Majority – freshwater Some – marine Others – moist land Habits Free moving or burrowing or tubicolous Mostly burrowing Ectoparasitic Head Distinct with eyes, tentacles, palps Not distinct Not distinct Number of segments Indefinite Indefinite Definite Annuli Absent Absent The segments are externally sub divided into annuli Internal Segmentation Present Present Absent Clitellum Absent Permanent Conspicuous during breeding season only Parapodia Present Absent Absent Setae Many(on parapodia) Fewer Absent Sexuality Dioecious Monoecious Monoecious
  • 112. Character Polychaeta Oligochaeta Hirudinea Gonoducts Absent Present Present Copulatory organ Absent Absent Cirrus Fertilization External External Internal Larval stage Trochophore Direct development Direct development Other Characters Botryoidal tissue Examples Nereis( sandworm or ragworm or clam worm) Aphrodite (sea mouse) Arenicola (lugworm) Pheretima Megascolex Tubifex Hirudinaria (freshwater leech) Pontobdella (marine leech) Haemadipsa (land leech)
  • 113. PHYLUM – ARTHROPODA - Tagmatization of the body; joined legs  Arthropods show cosmopolitan in their distribution  This is the largest phylum of the kingdom: Animalia, and it includes the largest class called Insecta  Over two-thirds of all named species on earth are arthropods accounting for 80% of the animal species  They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, metamerically segmented and coelomate (schizocoelomate) animals  The body of arthropods is covered by a chitinous exoskeleton as a protection and to prevent loss of water and it is periodically shed off by a process called moulting or ecdysis to allow growth of the body  The body is segmented and consists of head, thorax and abdomen  They have joined appendages ( arthros: joint; podium: foot )  Muscles are straited and aid in rapid locomotion
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  • 115.  (Note: straited muscles appeared for the first time in evolution, in the arthropods)  Coelom is reduced to the spaces around excretory and genital organs  Body cavity is a haemocoel (blood is called haemolymph); it is not a true coelom but derived from mostly the embryonic blastocoel  Respiratory organs are gills, book gills, book lungs or tracheae  Circulatory system is of open type  Heart is dorsal in position  In some( crustaceans and chelecerates ) the haemolymph contains a ‘copper’ containing respiratory pigment called ‘haemocyanin’ dissolved in the plasma  Nervous system is of annelidan type consisting of a nerve ring (around oesophagus) and a double ventral nerve cord  Sensory organs like antennae, eyes(compound and simple), statocysts( organs of balance/equilibrium) are present
  • 116.  Excretion takes place through malpighian tubules, green glands (antennary glands), coxal glands, etc.  They are mostly dioecious(unisexual/gonochoric)  Fertilization is usually internal  They are mostly oviparous  Development may be direct or indirect  Life history includes one to many larval stages followed by metamorphosis Examples: Periplaneta (cockroach), Palaemon (prawn), Cancer (crab), Palamnaeus (scorpion), Aranea (spider); Economically important insects – Apis, Bombyx mori, Kerria (Laccifer); Vectors of common pathogens – Anopheles, Culex and Aedes; Gregarious pest – Locusta; Living fossil – Limulus
  • 117. Classification of Arthropoda Trilobita Chelicerata Mandibulata Xiphosura Arachnida Crustacea Chilopoda Diplopoda Insecta Sub-phyla classes classes
  • 118. Sub-Phylum: Trilobita  They are extinct marine arthropods  Appendages are numerous, similar and biramous  Body is divided into a median and lateral lobes by two prominent longitudinal furrows, hence the name trilobite Examples: Triarthrus, Dalmanites
  • 119. Sub-phylum -2: Chelicerata  They are marine or terrestrial.  Body consists of an anterior six segmented cephalothorax or prosoma, a posterior thirteen segmented abdomen or opisthosoma which is further divided into mesosoma and metasoma  Prosoma bears six pairs of appendages; the first pair is modified for feeding(chelicerae)  Antennae and jaws(mandibles) are absent  Respiratory organs are book-gills, book- lungs and tracheae
  • 120. Sub-phylum -3: Mandibulata  They are aquatic (freshwater or marine) or terrestrial  Body is divided into two (cephalothorax and abdomen ) or three( head, thorax and abdomen ) parts  Head bears antennae, mandibles and maxillae  Respiratory organs are gills or tracheae
  • 121. Classification of Chelicerata Xiphosura Arachnida Moslty they are extinct with three extanct genera All are extanct They are marine They are terrestrial Prosomal appendages (6 segments) 1st pair = chelicerae 2,3,4,5 = walking legs 6th pair = pusher legs Prosomal appendages: 1st pair = chelicerae 2nd pair = pedipalpi (food collection and defense) 3,4,5,6 = walking legs Mesosomal appendages (6 segments) 1st pair = genital operculum 2-6th pairs = book-gills Mesosomal appendages: All are modified into book-lungs Metasoma ends with telson (7 segments) Posterior metasomal appendages are modified into spinnerets Development is indirect with trilobite larva Development is direct Eg: Limulus (king crab, a living fossil) Eg: Palamnaeus (scorpion), Aranea (spider), Sarcoptes (itch mite) NOTE: Some spiders have book-lungs, some spiders have tracheae. Arachnids posses haemocyanin
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  • 123. Phylum: Mollusca - Unsegmented Schizocoelomates  Mollusca is the second largest phylum in the kingdom Animalia.  They are terrestrial or aquatic (marine or fresh water).  They are bilaterally symmetrical (some are asymmetrical once become adult, eg: Snail)  It is the class Gastropoda, where due to the phenomenon called Torsion, adults become asymmetrical.  They are schizocoelomates.  Body is covered by calcareous shell (external or internal or absent)  They are unsegmented with a distinct head, muscular foot and visceral hump.  A soft spongy layer of skin forms the mantle (pallium) over the visceral mass and secretes the shell.  The space between the visceral mass and mantle is called mantle cavity in which comb like gills (ctenidia) are present.  Ctenidia have respiratory and excretory functions.  The anterior head region has sensory tentacles.
  • 124.  The body cavity is called haemocoel and the true coelom is present around kidneys, heart and reproductive organs.  The buccal cavity contains a file-like rasping organ called radula for feeding except in bivalves.(Bivalvia/Pelecypoda is a class under Mollusca in which raduala is absent)  Except for cephalopods, circulatory system is of open type.  In Cephalopoda, closed type of circulatory system is present.  Hemolymph contains a copper containing respiratory pigment called Haemocyanin.  Nervous system consists of ganglia, commissures and connectives.  Sense organs are tentacles, eyes and osphradium (tests the purity of water), osphradium is present in bivalves and gastropods.  Excretory organs are metanephridia (commonly called kidneys or renal organ)  They are usually diecious (unisexual or gonochoric)  Oviparous  Exhibit indirect development with ciliated veliger larva (a modified trochophore larva)
  • 125. Examples for phylum Mollusca: Pila (snail), Pinctada (pearl oyster), Sepia (cuttle fish), Loligo, Octopus (Devil fish), Aplysia, dentalium etc.,
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  • 127. Classification of the Phylum Mollusca:  Phylum Mollusca is classified into seven classes, namely 1. Aplacophora 2. Polyplacophora 3. Monoplacophora 4. Gastropoda 5. Scaphopoda 6. Pelecypoda/Bivalvia 7. Cephalopoda/Siphonopoda
  • 128. Class – 1: Aplacophora(Gr. a:without; placos:plate; phorein:bearing)  They are primitive ‘worm like’ marine molluscs without mantle, shell, foot and nephridia  Head is poorly developed; a radula is present  Cutticle contains calcareous spicules  In some there is a mid-ventral groove which is homologous to the foot of the other molluscs Examples: Neomenia, Chaetoderma
  • 129. Class -2: Polyplacophora( Gr.poly; many; placos: plate; pherein: bearing)  This class includes chitons  They are bilaterally symmetrical and dorsoventrally flattened  Shell is dorsal and consists of eight transverse plates(valves)  Foot is ventral, elongated and flat  Gills are 6 to 88 pairs  Development includes a trochophore larva Examples: Chiton, Lepidopleurus
  • 130. Class 3: Monoplacophora (Gr. Mono: single; placos:plate; pherein: bearing)  The members of this class were believed to have become extinct millions of years ago; Neopilina (organism) was collected from the deep sea of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica in 1952 by the oceanographic research vessel called Galathea (vessel)  They are bilaterally symmetrical  Nephridia and gills show ‘serial repetition’ (some call it internal segmention)  Shell is single and plate like  Heart is unique with two pairs of atria opening into two ventricles (heart is 6 chambered) Example: Neopilina galathea
  • 131. Class 4: Gastropoda (Gr.Gaster:belly; podos: foot) (belly creepers)  Gastropoda is the largest and most diverse class of the phylum Mollusca; includes snails, slugs, limpets, etc.; mostly marine; some are freshwater or terrestrial  Shell is external, univalve and spirally coiled or internal (Aplysia) or absent(Doris)  Head is distinct with eyes and tentacles  Radula occurs in the buccal cavity  Foot is ventral, flattened, muscular and helps in creeping  Respiratory organs are gills or lungs(pulmonary sacs) or both  During embryonic development, one side of the visceral mass grows faster than the other side; this uneven growth rotates the visceral mass up to 1800  This process is called ‘torsion’  They are mostly dioecious; development is indirect and includes veliger larva Examples: Pila(apple snail), Aplysia(sea hare), Doris(sea lemon)
  • 132. Pila (apple snail) Aplysia (Sea hare) – internal shell
  • 133. Class 5: Scaphopoda (Gr.Scapho: boat, hollow shell; podos: foot)  They are marine and are commonly called ‘tusk shells’ or ‘tooth shells’ as the shell is tubular and ‘tusk’ like, opening at both the ends  Foot is cone like and useful for digging  Eyes, tentacles, ctenidia(gills) and atria are absent  A large number of thread like structures called captacula help in the capture of food Examples: Dentalium, Pulsellum
  • 134. Class 6: Pelecypoda or Bivalvia or Lamellibrachiata (Gr. Pelekys: axe, hatchet; podos: foot)  This class includes mussels, oysters, clams (common name for bivalve molluscs), etc.  Body is laterally compressed and covered by a shell made up of two valves (Bivalvia)  Head and sensory appendages are greatly reduced  Foot is ‘wedge shaped’ (hence the name pelecypoda) and adapted for digging  Byssus threads occur in some `(e.g. Mytilus) and help in attaching to the substratum  Radula is absent  They are ‘suspension feeders’ or ‘filter feeders’  In some a ‘crystalline style’ occurs in the stomach and helps in the digestion of starches  Respiratory organs are ‘plate like’ gills (hence the name lamellibranchiate)  They are dioecious(sexes are separate); development is indirect including larval forms such
  • 135. as Unio (adapted for parasitic life on the gills of fish) Generally for all these bivalves, larva is veliger larva, but the larva of Unio is called Glochidium larva Examples: Unio(freshwater mussel), Mytilus(marine mussel), Pinctada(pearl oyster) Mytilus Pinctada Unio
  • 136. Class 7: Cephalopoda or Siphonopoda (Gr. cephalo:head; podos: foot)  This class includes cuttle fishes, squids, octopuses, nautili etc  Head is distinct with conspicuous eyes similar to those of vertebrates, a pair of horny beak like jaws and a radula occur in the buccal cavity  Shell may be external and multi-chambered (Nautilus) or internal(Sepia, Loligo) or absent(Octopus)  The shell of Sepia is commonly called ‘cuttle bone’ and that of Loligo is commonly called ‘pen’  Foot is modified into eight (octopus) or ten arms(Sepia, Loligo), animals are provided with suckers that are present around the mouth and a part of the foot is modified into ‘siphon’(useful in swift darting movements)  Some possess ink gland and eject a cloud of ink to escape from the predators (defensive adaptation)  Ctenidia, atria and nephridia are two in dibrachiates (Sepia) and four in tetrabrachiates
  • 137. (Nautilus)  Circulatory system is a closed type( unique feature of cephalopoda); heart has two to four atria and a ventricle  Nervous system is well developed with a well developed brain enclosed in a cartilaginous cranium(brain case)  They are dioecious(sexes are separate); development is direct Examples: Sepia (cuttle fish) , Architeuthis (giant squid – the largest living invertebrate), Nautilus, Octopus(devil fish)
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  • 139. PHYLUM – ECHINODERMATA -Deuterostomes with radial bodies  The echinoderms ( Gr. echinos : spiny; dermos : skin) are non-chordate deuterostomes and enterocoelomates  All are marine  The adult echinoderms are radially symmetrical( pentamerous radial symmetry ), but the larvae are bilaterally symmetrical  Skin is thick and spiny; echinoderms possess a mesodermal endoskeleton of calcareous ossicles, which support the spines, hence the name ‘Echinodermata’(spiny bodied animals)  In some, the spines are modified into ‘pedicellariae’  The most distinctive feature of echinoderms is the presence of water vascular system or ambulacral system derived from the coelom which helps in locomotion, capture and transport of food and respiration
  • 140.  Water enters the ambulacral system through the madreporite  Circulatory system is of open type, without heart and blood vessels  Respiratory organs are ‘papulae’ or ‘dermal branchiae’ (thin outgrowths of the body wall between the spines), cloacal respiratory trees( sea cucumbers ) , etc.  Special excretory organs are absent (excretion is by simple diffusion)  Nervous system is poorly developed and brain is absent; sense organs are poorly developed  Sexes are separate (dioecious) but do not exhibit sexual dimorphism  Reproduction is sexual  Fertilization is usually external  Development is indirect with a free-swimming bilaterally symmetrical larva  Power of regeneration is remarkable  Some exhibit autotomy (auto: self; tome: cut; self mutilation or self amputation) when
  • 141. captured by a predator, and the lost body parts are regenerated  A hypothetical larva, dipleurula is considered the ancestor of all echinoderms Examples: Asterias (star fish), Echinus (sea urchin), Antedon , Cucumaria (sea cucumber)and Ophiura (brittle star)  Sea urchins are going to exhibit a special mastigating apparatus called Aristotle lantern (5 jawed mastigating apparatus)
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  • 146. Classification of Echinodermata  Phylum Echinodermata is classified into two sub-phyla namely – 1. Pelmatozoa 2. Eleutherozoa 1. Pelmatozoa:  They are sessile, attached to the substratum by long stalk(sea lilies) and some are free swimming (feather stars)  Mouth and anus are present on the upper surface (oral surface)  Madreporite is absent  Ambulacral grooves are open
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  • 148. Sub-phylum-2 : Eleutherozoa (Gr.eleuthros : free; zoon : animal)  They are free moving and do not have a stalk  Mouth (oral surface) is directed downwards  Madreporite is present  Ambulacral grooves are closed(except in Asteroidea)
  • 149. Sub-phylum Pelmetozoa - Class -1: Crinoidea (Gr. Crinon; lily; eidos: form)  This class includes the oldest and most primitive forms  Some are stalk-less and free moving and others are stalked  Viscera is enclosed in a calcareous test called theca  Arms are biramous and bear pinnules and help in food capture  Mouth and anus are present on the upper surface (oral surface)  Ambulacral grooves are open  Tube feet do not bear suckers  Madreporite, spines and pedicellariae are absent  Some attach to the substratum by ‘cirri’  Development includes free swimming doliolaria larva; it develops into a stalked, sessile pentacrinoid larva in feather stars
  • 150. Ptilocrinus (sea lily with cirri) Bathycrinus (sea lily without cirri) Neometra (feather star)
  • 151.  The Sub-phylum Eleutherozoa is classified into four classes 1. Asteroidea 2. Ophiuroidea 3. Echinoidea and 4. Holothuroidea Class -1: Asteroidea (Gr. Aster; star; eidos: form)  This class includes sea stars (star fishes)  The arms are not clearly demarcated from the central ‘disc’ of the body  Ambulacral grooves are open; tube feet bear suckers  Pedicellariae are two jawed and are useful in food capture, protection and cleaning the surface of the body  Madreporite is aboral(dorsal side) in position  Respiratory organs are papulae or dermal branchiae  Development includes bipinnaria and branchiolaria larvae Examples: Asterias, Astropecten, Pentaceros
  • 153. Class -2 : Ophiuroidea (Gr. ophiuros: serpent tail; eidos : form)  This class includes brittle stars, serpent stars, basket stars, etc.  Arms are long and clearly demarcated from the central disc of the body; arms are flexible, fragile and ‘branched’ in some (Gorgonocephalus)  They move by serpentine lashing of the arms  Ambulacral grooves are closed; tube feet lack suckers  Madreporite (ventral side) is on the oral surface (mouth is on the ventral side of the body)  Pedicellariae are absent  Anus is absent  Development includes ophiopluteus larava Examples: Ophiothrix( spiny brittle star), Gorgonocephalus(basket star)
  • 155. Class -3: Echinoidea ( Gr. echinos: hedgehog; eidos: form)  This class includes ‘sea urchins’ such as heart urchins, sand dollars, sea biscuits, cake urchins etc.  The body is ovoid (sea urchin) or discoid (sand dollars) and covered with movable spines  Arms are absent; tube feet bear suckers  Calcarious ossicles of the body unite to form a rigid test or corona or case  Madreporite and anus are aboral in position  Ambulacral grooves are closed  Pedicellariae are three jawed  In the mouth of sea urchin a complex five jawed masticatory apparatus called Aristotle’s lantern is present(absent in the heart urchins)  Development includes echinopluteus larava Examples: Echinus(sea urchin), Echinocardium(heart urchin), Echinodiscus( sand dollar), Clypeaster(cake urchin)
  • 158. Class – 4: Holothuroidea (Gr. Holothurian : water polyp or sea cucumber; eidos: form)  This class includes sea cucumbers  Body is elongated in the oro-aboral axis;  Skin is leathery (corioaceous) and dermis contains loose spicules  Arms, spines and pedicellariae are absent  Mouth is surrounded by retractile tentacles (modified tube feet useful for feeding)  Ambulacral grooves are ‘closed’; tube feet bear suckers  Madreporite is internal (occurs in coelom)  Respiratory organs are a pair of cloacal ‘respiratory trees’  Development is indirect and includes Auricularia larva  Examples: Holothuria, Synapta, Thyone
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  • 160. Phylum – Hemichordata - Half chordates General characters:  Hemichordates were earlier considered as a sub-phylum under phylum Chordata, but now it is placed as a separate phylum under the non- chordates.  It consists of a small group of worm-like marine animals.  They are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and coelomate (enterocoelus) animals.  The body is cylindrical and is composed of an anterior proboscis, a collar and a long trunk.  A median buccal diverticulum, the stomochord (once believed to be notochord) extends into the proboscis.  Circulatory system is of open type with a dorsal heart  Respiration takes place through paired gill slits (dorsal in their position) opening into the pharynx  Proboscis gland acts as the excretory organ  Development is indirect and includes a tornaria larva  Mostly sexual reproduction and fertilization is external.
  • 161. Examples : Balanoglossus (acorn worm), Saccoglossus Classification of the phylum Hemichordata:  Phylum : Hemichordata is classified into two classes, 1. Enteropneusta and 2. Pterobranchia Class – 1: Enteropneusta (Gr. Enteron : gut; pneustos: breathed)  They are commonly called acorn worms  They are free, solitary and burrowing animals  Development includes a free swimming tornaria larva Examples : Balanoglossus(acorn worm), Ptychodera Class – 2: Pterobranchia( Gr. Pteron: feather or wing; branchion : gill)  They are sedentary, colonial (Rhabdopleura), and tube dwelling animals Examples: Rhabdopleura, Cephalodiscus
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  • 163.  Phylum: Chordata Alfred Sherwood Romer – A paleontologist par excellence, comparative anatomist and a specialist in the study of vertebrate evolution. Introduction:  About 60,000 known species of highly evolved heterogenous group of organisms constitute the phylum Chordata.  Development of notochord can be considered as a major factor in the evolution of chordates, which allows the attachment of various muscles and side to side swinging movements.  A mid-dorsal, ectodermal, hollow, non-ganglionated ‘nerve cord’ that differentiates into brain and spinal cord is another contrasting feature.  Two more important features are pharyngeal gill slits and post anal tail.  Major evolutionary that led to the domination of the jawed fishes during the Devonian period.  Amphibians invaded the land but remained as imperfect group.  The next group to have evolved were the reptiles and dominated the earth during Mesozoic era.  The reptiles gave rise to two major groups – the Aves and the Mammalia.
  • 164. Fossil records of connecting links: Osteolepid fishes - between fishes and amphibians Labyrinthodont amphibians – between amphibians and reptiles Therapsid reptiles – between reptiles and mammals Theropod dinosaurs – between reptiles and birds Bio architectural wonders:  The origin of amnion and other fetal membranes in the reptiles  Air sacs and feathers of birds  Hair, mammary glands, chorio-allantoic placenta of mammals NOTE: The gene FOX P2 is believed to play a key role in human language expression and kept man apart from the other organisms.
  • 165.  Chordates are believed to have descended from echinoderm larvae-like ancestors during the Precambrian period.  Though chordates exhibit a great variation in their size and shape of the body, they display similarity in their basic body plan.  First largest animal – Balaenoptera musculus (Blue whale)  Second largest animal – Rhinodon typus (shark)
  • 166. Development (larva to adult) is of two types: 1. Progressive development/metamorphosis 2. Retrogressive development/ metamorphosis
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  • 169. The four principle chordate characters 1. Notochord: flexible-rod like structure present along the mid-dorsal line between gut and nerve cord. derived from the embryonic chorda mesoderm made up of vacuolated cells surrounded by inner thick fibrous and outer thin elastic connective tissue sheaths. persistent throughout the life in lancelets (cephalochordates), cyclostomes and Chondrichthyes. 2. Dorsal tubular nerve cord: A single, hollow tubular and fluid filled  situated above the notochord and below the dorsal body wall it is non-ganglionated  It produced in the embryonic stage by the sinking in of the median dorsal strip of ectoderm above the notochord.  In the higher chordates, it gets enlarged to form a distinct brain at the anterior end and the rest of it becomes the spinal cord
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  • 171. 3. Pharyngeal slits or clefts:  These are a series of lateral perforations in the wall of the pharynx through which water flows out from the pharyngeal cavity.  They are ecto-endodermal in origin.  They are persistent throughout the life in the protochordates, fishes and some amphibians.  The wall of the pharyngeal slits develop vascular lamellae to become gills and are helpful in breathing.  They are present in the larval stages but are absent in the adults of many amphibians.  Among the amniotes, non-functional pharyngeal pouches appear in the early embryonic life and disappear later.  The occurrence of such structures in the early embryos of amniotes provides a clue to their ‘aquatic ancestry’ 4. Post-anal tail:  Chordates have a tail extending posterior to the anus.  It is lost in many species during the late embryonic development.  It contains skeletal elements and muscles.  However, coelom and visceral organs are absent in it.  It provides the propelling force in the locomotion of many aquatic species and acts as a balancing organ in some terrestrial forms such as kangaroos.
  • 172. Chordate characters:  Bilateral symmetry  Triploblastic condition  Organ-system level of organization’  Metamerism  Cephalisation  Enterocoelic coelom  Complete digestive tract  Closed circulatory system  Ventral myogenic heart (except in lancelets)  Phosphocreatine as muscle phosphagen
  • 173. Comparison of chordates and non-chordates
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  • 175. SUBPHYLUM – UROCHORDATA/TUNICATA Gr. OURA – A TAIL, CHORDA - CORD  All urochordates are marine and occur from the surface water to greater depths  They are either sessile (ascidians) or pelagic (salpa, Doliolum) and solitary (Ascidia) or colonial (Pyrosoma).  Body is un-segmented and covered by a test or tunic composed of cellulose which is uncommon in animals.  Coelom is absent, however, an ectoderm-lined atrial cavity, surrounds the pharynx into which gill slits, anus and genital ducts open.  Ventral side of the pharynx possesses an endostyle, which is believed to be forerunner of thyroid gland of a vertebrate.  Atrium leads to the exterior by dorsal or posterior atrial aperture.  Digestive tract is complete.  Two to numerous gill slits are found in the pharyngeal wall.
  • 176.  Circulatory system is of open type, there is simple tubular, ventral heart which alternatively reverses the direction of the flow of the blood.  Nervous system is represented in the adult by a single dorsal ganglion.  They are bisexual or hermaphrodites.  Development generally includes a free- swimming tadpole larva with a tail, a dorsal hollow nerve cord and a notochord confined to the tail, hence the name urochordata. Eg: Ascidia, Salpa, Doliolum, Pyrosoma, Oikopleura, herdmania
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  • 178. SUB-PHYLUM: CEPHALOCHORDATA GR, KEPHALE – HEAD; L, CHORDA - CORD  They are small fish like translucent forms with median fins but without paired fins  They are often described as typical chordates, as the principal chordate characters like notochord, nerve chord, pharyngeal gill slits are present throughout the life.  The notochord extends from posterior to anterior end of the body beyond the nerve chord.  Muscles occur as myotomes.  Enterocoelom  Ciliary filter feeders  Pharynx is lined by ectoderm lined cavity called atrium  An endostyle is present along the ventral wall of the body  Respiration is through external body surface.  These are marine lead a burrowing mode of life in shallow sea waters.
  • 179.  Circulatory system is of closed type  Heart, blood corpuscles and respiratory pigment is absent.  Excretory organs are Protonephridia with solenocytes.  Sexes are separate,  Gonads are numerous and are without gonoducts.  Fertilization is external and development is indirect. Example: Branchiostoma (=Amphioxis) - Lancelet
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  • 181. Sub Phylum: Vertebrata or Craniata  Notochord is replaced partly or wholly by a cartilaginous or bony vertebral column in the adult.  All vertebrates are chordates but not all chordates are vertebrates  Paired appendages are present (fins or limbs)  Jaws may be present or absent  Heart is ventral, muscular with 2-4 chambers.  Mesonephric or metanephric kidneys are organs of excretion or osmoregulation  It is divided into two super classes: 1. Agnatha 2. Gnathostomata
  • 182. Comparison between Agnatha and Gnathostomata Agnatha Gnathostomata These are jawless vertebrates These are jawed vertebrates Primitive fish like aquatic vertebrates Includes jawed fishes and tetrapods Notochord is persistent Notochord is partly or wholly replaced by vertebral column Paired appendages are absent Paired pectoral and pelvic appendages are present (fins or limbs) Internal ear bears one or two semicircular canals Internal ear bears three semicircular canals
  • 183.  Agnatha includes two classes: 1. Ostracodermi – extinct class 2. Cyclostomata – extant class
  • 184. Class: Cyclostomata:  Extant jawless vertebrates.  Includes lampreys and hagfishes.  All are aquatic  Body is scaleless and eel-like  Cartilaginous endoskeleton  Vertebrate are represented by imperfect neural arches in some.  Mouth is circular and suctorial  Tongue bears horny teeth.  6-15 pairs of gill slits are present  Heart is two chambered  Renal portal system is absent  Kidneys are mesonephric Example: Petromyzon (lamprey), Myxine (hag fish/slime eel)
  • 185. Lampreys: Inhabits marine or fresh water habitats. They migrate to fresh water for spawning (anadromous migration) They die after spawning Larval form is ammocoete larva. Hagfishes: These are exclusively marine They are considered scavengers Milky fluid secreted by its mucous sacs becomes slime on contact with water Development is direct
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  • 187.  Three groups are present 1. Ichthyopsida – fishes and amphibians (aquatic and lacks amnion) 2. Sauropsida – reptiles and aves (amnion is present) 3. Synapsida – mammals (parental care is present)
  • 188. Pisces (in Latin; Piscis = fish)  These are the first jawed vertebrates  Earliest jawed fishes formed during Silurian Period from Ostracoderms  Devonian Period is the Golden age of fishes  Pisces is the most diverse and largest group among vertebrates  Extant lobe finned fishes are marine Coelacanths and fresh water Dipnoi fishes  Sharks, rays and ray-finned fishes form the bulk of living fishes  Osteolepid fishes are considered as ancestors of Amphibia  Icthyology is the study of fishes
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  • 190. General Characteristics:  Habitat: Fishes are aquatic  Body Form: Body is streamlined and is differentiated into head, trunk and tail Exoskeleton:  Consists of mesodermal scales or bony plates or exoskeleton may be present Endoskeleton:  Cartilaginous or bony  Skull is monocondylic  Vertebrae are amphicoelous  In amphicoelous vertebrate centrum is concave at both anterior and posterior faces
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  • 192. Locomotion:  It is assisted by fins  Median and caudal fins are unpaired  Pectoral and pelvic fins are paired  Heterocercal caudal fin is asymmetrical both externally and internally  Homocercal caudal fin is symmetrical externally and asymmetrical internally  Diphycercal caudal fin is symmetrical both internally and externally Digestive System:  Mouth is ventral or terminal  Dentition is acrodont, homodont and polyphyodonty
  • 193. Respiratory System:  Gaseous exchange occurs through gills  Air bladder/swim bladder is modified in to lungs in Dipnoi  Air bladder helps in buoyancy in most of the ray-finned fishes  Air bladder is absent in cartilaginous fishes, hence they have to swim constantly. Circulatory System:  Heart is two-chambered  It is called Branchial heart as it pumps blood only to gills  It is called Venous heart as only deoxygenated blood passes through it  Blood circulation is single circulation as the blood passes only once through heart in single circuit
  • 194. Excretory System:  Kidneys are mesonephric  Mostly ammonotelic  Cartilaginous fishes are ureotelic.  Urea is stored in their blood to maintain osmotic concentration of body fluids (physiological uraemia) Nervous System:  Central nervous system is covered by a single meninx, the ‘meninix primitive’  Cranial nerves are 10 pairs  Internal ear has three semicircular canals  Lateral line system detects movement and vibrations in the surrounding waters (rheoreceptors)
  • 195.  Eyelids are absent  Eye ball is protected by nictitating membrane Reproduction and Development:  Unisexual  Fertilization is internal or external  Development is direct or indirect  Pisces includes: 1. Class Chondrichthyes 2. Class Osteichthyes
  • 196.  Trygon possesses poison sting  In Torpedo dorsal muscles are modified into electric organs  In Hippocampus male has brood pouch  The fish that thought to be extinct but later found in small numbers is Latimeria  Coelacanths were thought to be extinct until a live one was caught in 1938.
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  • 198. Pristis (saw fish) Carcharadon (great white shark) Dasyatis/Trygon (sting ray) Torpedo (Electric ray) Sphyrna (hammer-headed shark)
  • 199. Hippocampus (sea horse) clarias (maggur) Echeneis (sucker fish) Betta splendens (Siamese fighting fish) Pterophyllum (Angel fish)
  • 200. Amphibia (Gr; amphi=both; bios=life)  These are the first vertebrates to come out and walk on land.  Ancestors of amphibia were Osteolepids.  Carboniferous period is the golden age of Amphibia.  As the eggs laid by amphibians are without protective shell covering, they are still tied to aquatic habitat for reproduction.  Batrachology is the study of amphibians.  Extant amphibians are included in three orders : 1. Apoda (caecilians/blind worms) 2. Urodela or Caudata (salamanders and newts) 3. Anura or Salientia (frogs and toads)
  • 201. General characteristics: Habitat: They lead a dual mode of life i.e., on land and fresh water. Body form: Body is divided into head and trunk. Tail may be may not be present Skin: Skin is soft and scale less, moist and glandular. Apodans have scales. Limbs: Two pairs of equal or unequal pentadactyl limbs are present. Caecilians are limbless
  • 202. Endoskeleton: Skull is dicondylic Anurans have mostly procoelus (centrum is concave anteriorly only) vertebrae. Caecilians have amphicoelus (centrum is concave both anteriorly and posteriorly) vertebrae. Urodeles have opisthocoelus (centrum is concave posteriorly) vertebrae. Sternum first appeared in amphibians Digestive system: Mouth is large Teeth are acrodont, homodont and polyphiodont. Respiratory system: Gaseous exchange is mostly cutaneous. Pulmonary and bucco-pharyngeal respiration also occurs. Branchial respiration occurs in larval forms and adult urodeles.
  • 203. Circulatory system: Heart is three chambered with two atria and one ventricle. Sinus venosus and conus arteriosus are present. Three pairs of aortic arches (carotid, systemic, pulmocutaneous) arise from conus arteriosus. Both hepatic and renal portal systems are present. Erythrocytes are oval and nucleated. Excretory System: Kidneys are mesonephric Amphibians are ureotelic Nervous system: Meninges are inner piamater and outer duramater Cranial nerves are ten pairs.
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  • 205. Sense organs: Middle ear has single ossicle called columella auris. Columella auris is modified form of hyomandibula of fishes. Tympanum, lacrimal and harderian glands appeared for the first time in the amphibians. Reproduction and Development: Unisexual Fertilization is mostly external Development is mostly indirect Examples: Bufo (toad), Rana (frog), Hyla (tree frog), Salamandra (salamander), Ichthyophis (limbless amphibian), Rhacophorus (flying frog)
  • 206. Bufo (toad) Hyla (tree frog) Salamandra (salamander) Ichthyophis (limbless amphibian) Rhacophorus (flying frog)
  • 207. Reptilia  Reptiles are originated from the labyrinthodont amphibians in carboniferous period.  Mesozoic Era is called the Golden age of Reptiles.  These are first true terrestrial vertebrates that lay eggs on land.  Reptiles are usually creeping or burrowing.  They are ectothermic (cold blodded)  Porous calcareous shell and extra embryonic membranes make the egg an independent ‘life support system’  Extra embryonic membranes are amnion, chorion, allantois and yolk sac.  Amniotic egg helped the reptiles to abandon ties with their ancestral aquatic habitat.
  • 208. Key adaptations that led to the success of reptiles are:  Cleidoic eggs  Dry scaly skin  Two pairs of pentadactyl limbs with clawed digits  Pulmonary breathing  Internal fertilization  Reptilia includes extinct Dinosaurs and extant Chelonians, crocodilians, snakes, lizards and sphenodon.  Study of amphibians and reptiles (poikilothermic tetrapods) is called Herpetology.
  • 209. General characters: Body Divisions: Body is divided into head, neck, trunk and tail Skin: Skin is rough, dry and scaly Dry scaly skin prevents water loss Exoskeleton: It is in the form of horny epidermal scales, shields and claws Claws appeared for the first time Endoskeleton: Skull is monocondylic Skull is usually provided with temporal fossae. Each half of the lower jaw is formed by six bones.
  • 210. Vertebrae are mostly procoelus First cervical vertebra is atlas. Second one is axis. They facilitate the independent movement of the head. Sacral vertebrae are two in number Ribs are single headed (double headed in crocodilians) For the first time in vertebrate evolution ribs attach to the sternum Digestive system: Dentition is acrodont, homodont and polyphiodont (thecodont in Crocodilia) Teeth are absent (edentate) in Chelonia Respiratory system: Pulmonary gaseous exchange occurs. Ribs and intercoastal muscles assist in ventilation Vascular cloacal wall serves for gas exchange in turtles.
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  • 212. Circulatory system: Heart has two atria and incompletely divided ventricle Heart is four chambered in Crocodilia Sinus venosus is present Conus arteriosus is absent Three aortic arches arise directly from the ventricle Erythrocytes are nucleated Excretory system: Kidneys are metanephric Mesonephric duct (wolffian duct) function as vas deferens in males Reptiles are uricotelic.
  • 213. Cloaca: Cloaca has three chambers: 1. Anterior coprodaeum 2. Middle urodaeum 3. Posterior proctodaeum Nervous system: Cranial nerves are 12 pairs except in snakes (10 pairs) Sense Organs: Jacobson’s organs concerned with olfaction are highly developed in lizards and snakes Tympanic membrane is on the inner side of external auditory meatus. Each middle ear has only one ear ossicle columella auris.
  • 215. Reproduction and Development:  Penis is present except in Rhynchocephalia.  A pair of hemipenes (penis is formed by the apposition of two hemipenes) is present in lizards and snakes.  Fertilization is internal  Reptiles are mostly oviparous  Eggs are megalecithal and cleidoic  Cleavage is meroblastic and discoidal  Development is direct  Four extra embryonic membranes appear during development.  Classfication: Extant reptiles are grouped into four orders:
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  • 217. Chelone (marine turtle) Testudo (terrestrial tortoise) Trionyx (fresh water turtle)
  • 218. Sphenodon (living fossil – endemic to New zealand)
  • 219. Hemidactylus (wall lizard) Draco – flying lizard Chameleon - camoflauge
  • 220. Naja naja Ophiophagus hannah Bungarus Tropidonotus Ptyas Vipera russelli
  • 221. Aves (L. avis - bird)  The class Aves includes a few extinct and a large number of extant birds.  They are feathered, bipedal endothermic vertebrates.  Modern flying birds have undergone modifications in their morphological, anatomical and physiological features are adaptations to suit their aerial mode of life.  Feathers, wings, powerful breast musculature, pneumatic bones, endothermy with high metabolic rate, keen sense of vision, etc., are the major ‘flight adaptations’ which enabled them to evolve as ‘the masters of air’ (J. Z. Young)  The presence of typical reptilian characters such as epidermal scales on legs, presence of interclavicle, uricotelism, megalecithal eggs, development with the four extra embryonic membranes in modern living birds, convinced T.H.Huxley to describe them as ‘glorified reptiles’.  The demands of flight paved the way for the evolution of a similar general body form in many flying birds.
  • 222.  Theropod reptiles of the Jurassic period gave rise to birds which got modernized in the Cretaceous period.  The study of birds is known as Ornithology. Dr. Salim Ali is a world famous Indian Ornithologist (Bird man of India) General characters:  Body is streamlined and is distinguished into head, neck, trunk and rudimentary tail.  The fore limbs are modified into ‘wings’ and hind limbs are adapted for walking, running, swimming, perching (sitting on a branch) etc.  Skin is dry and devoid of glands, except for the oil glamd or preen gland or uropygial gland at the base of the tail.  Exoskeleton consists of epidermal feathers (a unique feature), scales on legs, claws on toes and horny covering on the beak (rhamphotheca).  Endoskeleton is fully ossified. Long bones are hollow with air cavities (pneumatic). Skull is monocondylic. Vertebrae are heterocoelous. The last thoracic, lumbar, sacral and anterior few caudal vertebrae are fused to form a synsacrum. It is fused with pelvic support to hind limbs.
  • 223.  A few posterior most caudal vertebrae are fused to form the pygostyle that provides support to the tail feathers. Sternum has a keel/carina for the attachment of flight muscles (except in the ratite birds). Both the clavicles are fused with the interclavicle to form a V-shaped bone, called furcula or ‘wish bone’ or ‘Merry thought bone’. Ribs are double headed as in the crocodiles and therian mammals.  All modern flying birds are provided with powerful breast muscles (flight muscles) chiefly the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor.  Teeth are absent in the extant birds. Esophagus is often dilated into a crop for the storage of food. Stomach is usually divided into glandular proventriculus and muscular gizzard (grinding mill). Cloaca is three chambered as in reptiles.  Respiratory system consists of compact, spongy, undistensible lungs ‘without alveoli’. The lungs are associated with air sacs. Air sacs facilitate ‘continuous oxygenation’ of blood and ‘pneumaticity’ of bones (a unique feature). Voice box is syrinx that lies at the junction of the trachea and bronchi.  Heart is four chambered. Sinus venosus and conus arteriosus are absent as in mammals. Only right systemic arch is present. Renal portal system is reduced. RBC are nucleate as in reptiles