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Presented by: Sabrina Erriyanti
Resource Person: Dr. dr. Soroy Lardo, SpPD
◦ Many patients undergoing major noncardiac surgery are at
risk for a cardiovascular event. Identification of increased risk
provides the patient (and surgeon) with information that
helps them better understand the benefit-to-risk ration of a
◦ This information may lead to interventions that decrease risk.
◦ In this presentation, initial preoperative cardiac evaluation which
includes an attempt to quantify risk will be reviewed
◦ Name : Mrs S
◦ Gender : Female
◦ Age : 80 years old
◦ Address : Kp. Cipedak
◦ Occupation : Housewife
◦ Marital status : Married
◦ Date of admission: 25/05/2017
Primary survey
Airway Clear, cervical spine stable
Breathing Breathing spontaneously, able to articulate. RR 20/min
Circulation HR 82/min; BP 163/65; CRT < 2”; no bleeding seen
Disability Fully alert, GCS 15
Environment Well-covered, warm. There were no injuries visible on the
Secondary survey
◦ Chief complaint
Left hip pain since 1 week before presentation
o Present illness history
◦ 1 week before presentation  on her way to the bathroom from her bed 
suddenly slipped and fell down  Hit the floor in a sitting position
◦ Since then  pain in her left hip (+), with a VAS score of 6; difficulty moving
left leg (+)  immobilized for 1 week
◦ The patient’s children were afraid to lift their mother from the bed  did not
take her to the hospital; asking for help from nearest neighbour  brought to
Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital
◦ Head trauma (-), chest trauma (-), abdominal trauma (-), massive blood loss (-),
loss of consciousness (-), vomiting (-).
 Patient did not immediately sought treatment at Gatot Soebroto
Indonesian Central Army Hospital Emergency Department.
o Past illness history
◦ Hypertension (+)  did not routinely take medicine
◦ DM (+)  did not routinely take medicine
◦ Asthma and allergy (-)
◦ History of prior surgery (-)
◦ Previous trauma at the hip (-)
◦ History of osteoporosis unknown.
o Family history
◦ Hypertension (-)
◦ DM (-)
◦ Asthma and allergy (-)
o Social history
◦ Medical fee payment method  BPJS
◦ History of smoking (-)
Physical examination
General Examination
Anthropometrics Body weight 50 kg, body height 165 cm. IMT 18
Skin Within normal limits. Good turgor, brown skin
Head Within normal limits. No deformities, no wounds.
Pale conjunctiva (-); icteric sclera (-)
Pupils round; diameter of 3mm/3mm; direct light reflex (+);
consensual light reflex (+)
Lymph nodes not palpable; JVP not increased; no midline shift
of trachea
Inspection: Symmetrical expansion, no deformities
Palpation: Symmetrical expansion; tactile fremitus left=right
Percussion: Resonant lung sounds over all lung fields
Auscultation: Vesicular lung sounds +/+; crackles -/-,
wheezing -/-
Inspection: Apical heartbeat not visible
Palpation: Apical heartbeat not palpable
Percussion: Left heart border at 5th
ICS at left mid-clavicular
line; Right heart border at lower right sternal border; Cardiac
waist at 3rd
ICS at left parasternal line.
Ausculation: Heart sounds 1 and 2 normal; gallop (-); murmur
Inspection: Flat; wounds (-); spider nevi (-)
Palpation: Soft, liver and spleen not palpable, pain on palpation
Percussion: Tympani over all abdominal fields; shifting
dullness (-)
Auscultation: Bowel sounds (+) at all regions, normal
Warm; edema -/-; cyanosis -/-
Palpation of brachial arteries +/+; radial arteries +/+; dorsalis
pedis artery +/+; posterior tibial arteries +/+
Lymph nodes Not palpable
Local examination of wound
Look Open laceration (-)
Deformity (+), angulation (-), external rotation (-).
Active bleeding (-)
Feel Pain on palpation (+), neurovascular disease (-),
sensory examination (N)
Palpation of dorsalis pedis artery ++/++; posterior
tibial arteries ++/++
CRT < 2”
Move ROM limited due to pain
Complete blood count
  25/05 30/05
Hb 10.1 9.6
Ht 31 30
Leucocyte 8.160 8440
Thrombocyte 380.000 493.000
MCV 83 84
MCH 27 27
MCHC 32 32
PT 9.8/10.8 (1.10x) -
APTT 32.3/34.5 (1.07x)
Blood urea 76 -
Blood creatinine 1.6 -
SGOT 21 -
SGPT 13 -
Random blood glucose 369 286
Electrolytes 138/4.1/104 -
ESR - 58
Total Cholesterol - 191
Triglyceride - 130
HDL - 45
LDL - 120
Uric Acid - 5.1
Sinus rhythm, normoaxis, QRS rate 100 beats/min, normal P-wave, PR
interval 0.16 s, QRS duration 0.08 s, and no ST-T changes, PAC (+)
X-ray examination (1)
Comminuted fracture at collum with extension to diaphysis of
proximal left femur
X-ray examination (2)
Cardiomegaly with aortic elongation and calcification of the aorta
• LVH (-)
• EF 55%
• Global
• TAPSE 1.8 cm
• MR mild, AR
mild, TR mild
• Low probability
of pulmonary
• Grade 1 diastolic
Working diagnosis
1. Closed fracture intertrochanter femur
2. DM type 2, underweight, uncontrolled
1. Skin traction
2. Tramadol 3 x 100 mg IV
3. Ranitidin 2 x 50 mg IV
4. Pro elective bipolar hemiarthroplasty
◦ Ad vitam : Bonam
◦ Ad functionam : Dubia ad bonam
◦ Ad sanactionam : Dubia ad bonam
Follow up 30/05/17
S No complaints
Fully alert, stable hemodynamics
Local examination of right ankle
•L  Wound clean, odor (-), pus (-)
•F  Pain on palpation (-), arterial pulsations popliteal artery ++/++; dorsal
pedal artery ++/++; posterial tibial artery ++/++, sensory function (N)
•M  limited ROM
1. Closed fracture intertrochanter femur sinistra
2. DM type 2, underweight, uncontrolled
1. Tramadol 3 x 100 mg IV
2. Ranitidin 2 x 50 mg IV
3. Novorapid 3x10 IU SC
4. Levemir 1x8 IU SC
5. Pro elective bipolar hemiarthroplasty, electively (02/05)
◦ A 80 year old woman was admitted to emergency room with chief
complaint of left hip pain since 1 week before presentation. This
complaint was started after she slipped on her way to the
bathroom from her bed and fell down in a sitting position 1 week
before presentation. From hip x-ray examination, there was a
comminuted fracture at collum with extension to diaphysis of
proximal left femur. In the ward, patient was then prepared to
undergo bipolar hemiarthroplasty. Therefore, a preoperative
assessment from cardiologist, pneumologist and anesthesiologist
was planned.
Cardiac Assessment for Non-Cardiac Surgery
Pre-operative Evaluation
• A patient’s age is an important consideration, given that adults (those >55 years
of age) have a growing prevalence of CVD which increase overall risk for MACE
when they undergo noncardiac surgery.
• More postoperative complications, increased length of hospitalization, and inability
to return home after hospitalization were also more pronounced older adults >70
years of age
Perioperative Cardiac Physiology
◦ Cardiac effects of general anesthesia
Changes in the arterial and central venous pressure, CO, varying
heart rhythms  ↓ systemic vascular resistance, ↓ myocardial
contractility, ↓ SV, ↑ myocardial irritability
Induction of general anesthesia lowers systemic arterial pressures by
20-30%, tracheal intubation increases the blood pressure by 20-30
mm Hg, and agents such as nitric oxide lower cardiac output by
◦ The use of fentanyl, sufentanil, or alfentanil results in less
myocardial depression compared to inhaled anesthetics.
 still cause venodilation, thus reducing preload and, hence,
depressing cardiac output (sensitive for patients with CHF)
◦ Cardiac effects of regional anesthesia
Epidural and spinal anesthetics cause arteriodilation and
venodilation by blocking sympathetic outflow, ↓ preload, and, ↓
reducing CO
Stress Response due to surgery
◦ Every operation elicits a stress response  initiated by tissue injury
and mediated by neuroendocrine factors  induce tachycardia and
hypertension  ↑ myocardial oxygen demand
◦ Surgery also causes alterations in the balance between
prothrombotic and fibrinolytic factors, resulting in
hypercoagulability and possible coronary thrombosis (elevation of
fibrinogen and other coagulation factors, increased platelet
activation and aggregation, and reduced fibrinolysis) 
proportionate to the extent and duration of the intervention.
◦ All these factors may cause myocardial ischaemia and heart
Initial Preoperative Evaluation
◦ The physician should inquire about symptoms such as :
Pre Operation Evaluation
(Stepwise Approach)
◦ Step 1 : urgent surgery
◦ Step 2 : active or unstable cardiac conditions
◦ Step 3 : risk of surgical procedure
◦ Step 4 : functional capacity of patient
◦ Step 5 : patient with poor functional capacity consider risk of surgical
◦ Step 6 : consider cardiac risk factors
◦ Step 7 : consider non invasive testing
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
Step 1
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
Step 2
Determine the risk of the surgical
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
Step 3
Glance LG, Lustik SJ, Hannan EL, Osler TM, Mukamel DB, Qian F et al. The Surgical Mortality Probability Model:
derivation and validation of a simple risk prediction rule for noncardiac surgery. Ann Surg 2012;255:696–702.
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
Consider the functional capacity
of the patient
◦ Can be expressed in metabolic equivalents
(1 MET = 3.5 mL O2 uptake/kg per min 
the resting oxygen uptake in a sitting
◦ Indicators of functional status include the
- Can take care of self, such as eat, dress, or use the
toilet (1 MET)
- Can walk up a flight of steps or a hill or walk on
level ground at 3 to 4 mph (4 METs)
- Can do heavy work around the house such as
scrubbing floors or lifting or moving heavy
furniture or climb two flights of stairs (between 4
and 10 METs).
- Can participate in strenuous sports such as
swimming, singles tennis, football, basketball, and
skiing (>10 METs)
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
In patients with a poor functional capacity
consider the risk of the surgical procedure
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
Cardiac risk factors
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment andmanagement
Consider non-invasive testing. Noninvasive testing can also be
considered prior to any surgical procedure for patient counselling,
change of peri-operative management in relation to type of surgery
and anaesthesia technique
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
Risk Models
◦ Risk models estimate the risk based on information obtained from the history,
physical examination, electrocardiogram, and type of surgery.
◦ We use either the revised cardiac risk index (RCRIrevised cardiac risk index (RCRI), also referred to as the Lee
index, or the American College of Surgeons’ National Surgical Quality
Improvement Program risk (ACS-NSQIP) model calculator  The RCRI is
simpler. The ACS-NSQIP calculator is more complex
◦ For patients at low risk (<1 percent), no further testing is indicated.
◦ For patients at higher risk, caregivers need to ask the question whether further
cardiovascular testing will change management and hopefully improve the
Comparison of the RCRI, NSQIP, MICA, and ACS-NSQIP
Further Cardiac Testing
◦ In patients with known or suspected heart disease (ie, cardiovascular disease, significant
valvular heart disease, symptomatic arrhythmias), we perform further cardiac evaluation
(echocardiography, stress testing, or 24-hour ambulatory monitoring) only if it is
indicated in the absence of proposed surgery.
Cardiac Assessment for Non-Cardiac Surgery
1. ECG (Electrocardiography)
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
2. TOE (Trans Oesophageal Echocardiography)
◦ Rapidly available, relatively non-
invasive, more versatile,
comprehensive information
◦ MI can be identified as
abnormalities in wall motion and
◦ Recommended if acute and
severe hemodynamic instability or
life-threatening abnormalities
develop during or after surgery
◦ Determine cause of hypotension,
hypovolemia, low EF, embolism,
MCI, tamponade and dynamic
LVOT obstruction
◦ Useful in OR in pt with severe
valvular lesions
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
3. Right Heart Catheterization
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
4. Disturbed Glucose Metabolism
◦ DM promotes atherosclerosis,
endothelial dysfunction, platelet
activation, pro-inflammatory
◦ 50% if patient with type 2 DM die of
◦ DM + surgery longer
hospitalization, greater use of
healthcare resources, higher
perioperative mortality; HbA1C
associated with worse outcomes in
surgical and critical care pt
◦ Surgical stress  increase pro-
thrombotic state
◦ Critical illness dysglycemia
2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment andmanagement
5. Anaemia
◦ Can contribute in MI especially in pre-existing CAD
◦ Transfusion during emergency surgery according to clinical needs
◦ Elective surgery – symptom guide approach
1. All patients scheduled to undergo noncardiac surgery should
have an assessment of the risk of a cardiovascular perioperative
cardiac event.
2. The patient’s functional status is an important determinant of
risk. Identification of risk factors is derived from the history and
physical examination, the type of proposed surgery influences
the risk of perioperative cardiac event
3. For patients with known or suspected heart disease, we only
perform further cardiac evaluation if it is indicated in the
absence of proposed surgery.
4. In this patient, according to the algorithm, it was
concluded that the patient had moderate risk for
cardiovascular event for surgery.

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Cardiac assessment in non cardiac surgery

  • 1. PREOPERATIVE CARDIAC ASSESSMENT IN NONCARDIAC SURGERY Presented by: Sabrina Erriyanti Resource Person: Dr. dr. Soroy Lardo, SpPD
  • 3. INTRODUCTION ◦ Many patients undergoing major noncardiac surgery are at risk for a cardiovascular event. Identification of increased risk provides the patient (and surgeon) with information that helps them better understand the benefit-to-risk ration of a procedure. ◦ This information may lead to interventions that decrease risk. ◦ In this presentation, initial preoperative cardiac evaluation which includes an attempt to quantify risk will be reviewed
  • 5. Identity ◦ Name : Mrs S ◦ Gender : Female ◦ Age : 80 years old ◦ Address : Kp. Cipedak ◦ Occupation : Housewife ◦ Marital status : Married ◦ Date of admission: 25/05/2017
  • 6. Primary survey Airway Clear, cervical spine stable Breathing Breathing spontaneously, able to articulate. RR 20/min Circulation HR 82/min; BP 163/65; CRT < 2”; no bleeding seen Disability Fully alert, GCS 15 Environment Well-covered, warm. There were no injuries visible on the patient.
  • 7. Secondary survey ◦ Chief complaint Left hip pain since 1 week before presentation
  • 8. o Present illness history ◦ 1 week before presentation  on her way to the bathroom from her bed  suddenly slipped and fell down  Hit the floor in a sitting position ◦ Since then  pain in her left hip (+), with a VAS score of 6; difficulty moving left leg (+)  immobilized for 1 week ◦ The patient’s children were afraid to lift their mother from the bed  did not take her to the hospital; asking for help from nearest neighbour  brought to Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital ◦ Head trauma (-), chest trauma (-), abdominal trauma (-), massive blood loss (-), loss of consciousness (-), vomiting (-).  Patient did not immediately sought treatment at Gatot Soebroto Indonesian Central Army Hospital Emergency Department.
  • 9. o Past illness history ◦ Hypertension (+)  did not routinely take medicine ◦ DM (+)  did not routinely take medicine ◦ Asthma and allergy (-) ◦ History of prior surgery (-) ◦ Previous trauma at the hip (-) ◦ History of osteoporosis unknown.
  • 10. o Family history ◦ Hypertension (-) ◦ DM (-) ◦ Asthma and allergy (-) o Social history ◦ Medical fee payment method  BPJS ◦ History of smoking (-)
  • 11. Physical examination General Examination Anthropometrics Body weight 50 kg, body height 165 cm. IMT 18 Skin Within normal limits. Good turgor, brown skin Head Within normal limits. No deformities, no wounds. Eyes Pale conjunctiva (-); icteric sclera (-) Pupils round; diameter of 3mm/3mm; direct light reflex (+); consensual light reflex (+) Neck Lymph nodes not palpable; JVP not increased; no midline shift of trachea Chest Inspection: Symmetrical expansion, no deformities Palpation: Symmetrical expansion; tactile fremitus left=right Percussion: Resonant lung sounds over all lung fields Auscultation: Vesicular lung sounds +/+; crackles -/-, wheezing -/-
  • 12. Heart Inspection: Apical heartbeat not visible Palpation: Apical heartbeat not palpable Percussion: Left heart border at 5th ICS at left mid-clavicular line; Right heart border at lower right sternal border; Cardiac waist at 3rd ICS at left parasternal line. Ausculation: Heart sounds 1 and 2 normal; gallop (-); murmur (-) Abdomen Inspection: Flat; wounds (-); spider nevi (-) Palpation: Soft, liver and spleen not palpable, pain on palpation (-) Percussion: Tympani over all abdominal fields; shifting dullness (-) Auscultation: Bowel sounds (+) at all regions, normal Extremities Warm; edema -/-; cyanosis -/- Palpation of brachial arteries +/+; radial arteries +/+; dorsalis pedis artery +/+; posterior tibial arteries +/+ Lymph nodes Not palpable
  • 13. Local examination of wound Look Open laceration (-) Deformity (+), angulation (-), external rotation (-). Active bleeding (-) Feel Pain on palpation (+), neurovascular disease (-), sensory examination (N) Palpation of dorsalis pedis artery ++/++; posterior tibial arteries ++/++ CRT < 2” Move ROM limited due to pain
  • 14. Laboratory Results Complete blood count   25/05 30/05 Hb 10.1 9.6 Ht 31 30 Leucocyte 8.160 8440 Thrombocyte 380.000 493.000 MCV 83 84 MCH 27 27 MCHC 32 32 PT 9.8/10.8 (1.10x) - APTT 32.3/34.5 (1.07x) - Blood urea 76 - Blood creatinine 1.6 - SGOT 21 - SGPT 13 - Random blood glucose 369 286 Electrolytes 138/4.1/104 - ESR - 58 Total Cholesterol - 191 Triglyceride - 130 HDL - 45 LDL - 120 Uric Acid - 5.1
  • 15. ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY Sinus rhythm, normoaxis, QRS rate 100 beats/min, normal P-wave, PR interval 0.16 s, QRS duration 0.08 s, and no ST-T changes, PAC (+)
  • 16. X-ray examination (1) Comminuted fracture at collum with extension to diaphysis of proximal left femur
  • 17. X-ray examination (2) Cardiomegaly with aortic elongation and calcification of the aorta
  • 18. Echocardiography • LVH (-) • EF 55% • Global normokinetic • TAPSE 1.8 cm • MR mild, AR mild, TR mild • Low probability of pulmonary hypertension • Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction
  • 19. Working diagnosis 1. Closed fracture intertrochanter femur sinistra 2. DM type 2, underweight, uncontrolled
  • 20. Management 1. Skin traction 2. Tramadol 3 x 100 mg IV 3. Ranitidin 2 x 50 mg IV 4. Pro elective bipolar hemiarthroplasty
  • 21. Prognosis ◦ Ad vitam : Bonam ◦ Ad functionam : Dubia ad bonam ◦ Ad sanactionam : Dubia ad bonam
  • 22. Follow up 30/05/17 S No complaints O Fully alert, stable hemodynamics Local examination of right ankle •L  Wound clean, odor (-), pus (-) •F  Pain on palpation (-), arterial pulsations popliteal artery ++/++; dorsal pedal artery ++/++; posterial tibial artery ++/++, sensory function (N) •M  limited ROM A 1. Closed fracture intertrochanter femur sinistra 2. DM type 2, underweight, uncontrolled P 1. Tramadol 3 x 100 mg IV 2. Ranitidin 2 x 50 mg IV 3. Novorapid 3x10 IU SC 4. Levemir 1x8 IU SC 5. Pro elective bipolar hemiarthroplasty, electively (02/05)
  • 23. RESUME ◦ A 80 year old woman was admitted to emergency room with chief complaint of left hip pain since 1 week before presentation. This complaint was started after she slipped on her way to the bathroom from her bed and fell down in a sitting position 1 week before presentation. From hip x-ray examination, there was a comminuted fracture at collum with extension to diaphysis of proximal left femur. In the ward, patient was then prepared to undergo bipolar hemiarthroplasty. Therefore, a preoperative assessment from cardiologist, pneumologist and anesthesiologist was planned.
  • 25. Pre-operative Evaluation • A patient’s age is an important consideration, given that adults (those >55 years of age) have a growing prevalence of CVD which increase overall risk for MACE when they undergo noncardiac surgery. • More postoperative complications, increased length of hospitalization, and inability to return home after hospitalization were also more pronounced older adults >70 years of age
  • 26. Perioperative Cardiac Physiology ◦ Cardiac effects of general anesthesia Changes in the arterial and central venous pressure, CO, varying heart rhythms  ↓ systemic vascular resistance, ↓ myocardial contractility, ↓ SV, ↑ myocardial irritability Induction of general anesthesia lowers systemic arterial pressures by 20-30%, tracheal intubation increases the blood pressure by 20-30 mm Hg, and agents such as nitric oxide lower cardiac output by 15%.
  • 27. ◦ The use of fentanyl, sufentanil, or alfentanil results in less myocardial depression compared to inhaled anesthetics.  still cause venodilation, thus reducing preload and, hence, depressing cardiac output (sensitive for patients with CHF) ◦ Cardiac effects of regional anesthesia Epidural and spinal anesthetics cause arteriodilation and venodilation by blocking sympathetic outflow, ↓ preload, and, ↓ reducing CO
  • 28. Stress Response due to surgery ◦ Every operation elicits a stress response  initiated by tissue injury and mediated by neuroendocrine factors  induce tachycardia and hypertension  ↑ myocardial oxygen demand ◦ Surgery also causes alterations in the balance between prothrombotic and fibrinolytic factors, resulting in hypercoagulability and possible coronary thrombosis (elevation of fibrinogen and other coagulation factors, increased platelet activation and aggregation, and reduced fibrinolysis)  proportionate to the extent and duration of the intervention. ◦ All these factors may cause myocardial ischaemia and heart failure.
  • 29. Initial Preoperative Evaluation ◦ The physician should inquire about symptoms such as :
  • 30. Pre Operation Evaluation (Stepwise Approach) ◦ Step 1 : urgent surgery ◦ Step 2 : active or unstable cardiac conditions ◦ Step 3 : risk of surgical procedure ◦ Step 4 : functional capacity of patient ◦ Step 5 : patient with poor functional capacity consider risk of surgical procedure ◦ Step 6 : consider cardiac risk factors ◦ Step 7 : consider non invasive testing 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
  • 31. Step 1 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management SURGERY
  • 32. SURGERY 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management Step 2
  • 33. Determine the risk of the surgical procedure 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management Step 3
  • 34. Glance LG, Lustik SJ, Hannan EL, Osler TM, Mukamel DB, Qian F et al. The Surgical Mortality Probability Model: derivation and validation of a simple risk prediction rule for noncardiac surgery. Ann Surg 2012;255:696–702.
  • 35. 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management Consider the functional capacity of the patient ◦ Can be expressed in metabolic equivalents (1 MET = 3.5 mL O2 uptake/kg per min  the resting oxygen uptake in a sitting position). ◦ Indicators of functional status include the following: - Can take care of self, such as eat, dress, or use the toilet (1 MET) - Can walk up a flight of steps or a hill or walk on level ground at 3 to 4 mph (4 METs) - Can do heavy work around the house such as scrubbing floors or lifting or moving heavy furniture or climb two flights of stairs (between 4 and 10 METs). - Can participate in strenuous sports such as swimming, singles tennis, football, basketball, and skiing (>10 METs)
  • 36. 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management In patients with a poor functional capacity consider the risk of the surgical procedure
  • 37. 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management Cardiac risk factors
  • 38. 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment andmanagement Consider non-invasive testing. Noninvasive testing can also be considered prior to any surgical procedure for patient counselling, change of peri-operative management in relation to type of surgery and anaesthesia technique
  • 39. 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
  • 40. Risk Models ◦ Risk models estimate the risk based on information obtained from the history, physical examination, electrocardiogram, and type of surgery. ◦ We use either the revised cardiac risk index (RCRIrevised cardiac risk index (RCRI), also referred to as the Lee index, or the American College of Surgeons’ National Surgical Quality Improvement Program risk (ACS-NSQIP) model calculator  The RCRI is simpler. The ACS-NSQIP calculator is more complex ◦ For patients at low risk (<1 percent), no further testing is indicated. ◦ For patients at higher risk, caregivers need to ask the question whether further cardiovascular testing will change management and hopefully improve the outcome
  • 41. Comparison of the RCRI, NSQIP, MICA, and ACS-NSQIP
  • 42. RCRI
  • 43. Further Cardiac Testing ◦ In patients with known or suspected heart disease (ie, cardiovascular disease, significant valvular heart disease, symptomatic arrhythmias), we perform further cardiac evaluation (echocardiography, stress testing, or 24-hour ambulatory monitoring) only if it is indicated in the absence of proposed surgery.
  • 45. 1. ECG (Electrocardiography) 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
  • 46. 2. TOE (Trans Oesophageal Echocardiography) ◦ Rapidly available, relatively non- invasive, more versatile, comprehensive information ◦ MI can be identified as abnormalities in wall motion and thickening ◦ Recommended if acute and severe hemodynamic instability or life-threatening abnormalities develop during or after surgery ◦ Determine cause of hypotension, hypovolemia, low EF, embolism, MCI, tamponade and dynamic LVOT obstruction ◦ Useful in OR in pt with severe valvular lesions 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
  • 47. 3. Right Heart Catheterization 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management
  • 48. 4. Disturbed Glucose Metabolism ◦ DM promotes atherosclerosis, endothelial dysfunction, platelet activation, pro-inflammatory cytokines ◦ 50% if patient with type 2 DM die of CVD ◦ DM + surgery longer hospitalization, greater use of healthcare resources, higher perioperative mortality; HbA1C associated with worse outcomes in surgical and critical care pt ◦ Surgical stress  increase pro- thrombotic state ◦ Critical illness dysglycemia 2014 ESC/ESA Guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment andmanagement
  • 49. 5. Anaemia ◦ Can contribute in MI especially in pre-existing CAD ◦ Transfusion during emergency surgery according to clinical needs ◦ Elective surgery – symptom guide approach
  • 51. 1. All patients scheduled to undergo noncardiac surgery should have an assessment of the risk of a cardiovascular perioperative cardiac event. 2. The patient’s functional status is an important determinant of risk. Identification of risk factors is derived from the history and physical examination, the type of proposed surgery influences the risk of perioperative cardiac event 3. For patients with known or suspected heart disease, we only perform further cardiac evaluation if it is indicated in the absence of proposed surgery. 4. In this patient, according to the algorithm, it was concluded that the patient had moderate risk for cardiovascular event for surgery.

Editor's Notes

  1. Every operation elicits a stress response. This response is initiated by tissue injury and mediated by neuro-endocrine factors, and may induce sympathovagal imbalance Fluid shifts in the perioperative period add to the surgical stress. This stress increases myocardial oxygen demand
  2. Certainly in patients at elevated risk, attention to these factors should be given and lead, if indicated, to adaptations in the surgical plan.
  3. Also dont forget to perform physical examination
  4. Emergency surgery  repair AAA rupture, major trauma, repair perforated viscus  SURGERY Non emergency but urgent surgery  bypass for acute limb ischaemia or treatment of bowel obstruction  morbidity and mortality of untreated underlying condition outweight potential cardiac risk  SURGERY, perioperative to reduce cardiac risk
  5. the cardiac risk can also influence the type of operation and guide the choice to less-invasive interventions the cardiac evaluation should be taken into consideration when deciding whether to perform an intervention or manage conservatively
  6. Low cardiac risk
  7. It is not clear, however, whether ECG monitoring is sufficiently sensitive to identify patients with myocardial ischaemia. In addition, ECG monitoring is of limited value in patients who have intraventricular conduction defects and ventricular paced rhythms. In one study, Holter recordings were used as the reference standard for detection of intra-operative ischaemia and the ST-trending monitors were found to have overall sensitivity of 74% and specificity of 73%.2 he choice and configuration of the leads used for monitoring may influence the ability to detect significant ST-segment changes. Al- though V5 has for many years been regarded as the best choice for the detection of intra-operative ischaemia, one study found that V4 was more sensitive and appropriate than V5 for detecting prolonged post-operative ischaemia and infarction.225 As many ischaemic events are dynamic and may not always be detected by the same lead, reliance on a single lead for monitoring results in a greater risk of failing to detect an ischaemic event. With the use of selected lead combinations, more ischaemic events can be precisely diagnosed in the intra-operative setting. In one study, although the best sensitivity was obtained with V5 (75%), followed by V4 (61%), combining leads V4 and V5 increased the sensitivity to 90%. When the leads II, V4 and V5 were used simultaneously, the sensitivity was greater than 95%.
  8. Episode RWMA poorly correlated dgn post op cardiac complication TOE durante op lbh ga efektif dbandingkan data klinis pre op dan EKG 12 lead durante op Mis: preload hrs cukup di AS, HR hrs lambat pd AR/MS – DIAStolic filling Secondary MR reduced during anesthesia, primary MR increased In severe MR, LVEF overestimates LV function and other parameters may be more accurate
  9. Critical illness dysglicemia, may develop in absences of previously diagnosed diabetes and identified as important risk factor for morbidity and mortality Target pre op &amp;lt;180 mg/dl, bisa kasi insulin durante op Target post op jgn sd dibawah 110 mg/dl