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People and Environment 2009 
Department of Work Science, Business Economics and Environmental Psychology in cooperation with Department of Landscape Architecture 
Purling water 
Hiding place in the reed 
Water has many It fascintes, gives play.
People and Environment, 
15 HEC 
Människa och fysisk miljö 
The course is given as part of the Landscape Architecture Programme (admission 
before 1 July 2007); Landscape Architecture Programme, Alnarp; Urban Land-scape 
Dynamics - Master´s Programme 
Syllabus Approved: 6 November 2007 
Subjects: Landscape Architecture/Landscape Planning 
Level and Depth: Master D 
Marking Scale: 5:Pass with Distinction = A and B / 4:Pass with Credit = C / 3:Pass = 
D and E / U:Fail = F and Fx 
The aim of the course is to provide insights into how the interaction between 
people and the physical environment functions and what different outdoor en-vironments 
can mean for quality of life, well-being and health. The course will 
provide training in the ability to analyse and investigate people’s relationships 
to their surroundings and to translate this knowledge into design and planning 
After completion of the course, the student should be able to: 
- describe perspectives and concepts within social science and behavioural 
science, mainly within environmental psychology and urban sociology, that are 
relevant for the knowledge area of Landscape Architecture 
- apply a selection of the methods used for investigating how people use, 
experience and evaluate external environments (e.g. interviews, street walks, 
observations or surveys) 
- problematise and analyse people’s different needs and interests in external 
environments on the basis of e.g. gender, age, social situation, cultural context 
and disability 
- analyse and critically examine people’s relation to place and use this under-standing 
in design and planning contexts 
The course is characterised by perspectives of social- and behavioural science 
on problem issues within Landscape Architecture, Architecture and Town Plan-ning. 
Seminars and exercises will provide training in the ability to investigate 
and analyse people’s situation in relation to their surroundings. Students will 
also be posed different design problems and will be given the opportunity to 
translate their knowledge within environmental psychology and urban sociol-ogy 
into planning and design proposals.
A course summary 
This resport is a summary, a kind of review, of the four different assignments the 
students had during this course. These projects were called Street Art, Places for 
Memory and Meaning, Spetsamossen and Sommarsol. 
The first assignment was made during week 5-6, in the Urban Sociology theme. 
Here the students chose wether they wanted to work with Street Art (supervised 
by Emma Paulsson) or Places for Memory and Meaning (supervised by Sabina 
Jallow) and handed in an individual assignment on it. During week 7-8 all made 
individual assignments on Spetsamossen which is an urban playground. In week 
9-10 all handed in individual assignments on Sommarsol; a rehabililtation centre 
for people with neurological diseases. Finally the students, in eight groups, re-viewed 
one of these four projects. 
l Street Art 
l Places for Memory and Meaning 
l Spetsamossen 
l Sommarsol 
Alnarp, 27 March 2009 
Carina Tenngart Ivarsson & Elisabeth von Essen
People and Environment 
Street Art 
Eva-Marie Samuelson, Karolina Bjerler, Jessica MacDonald, Mateja Havlicek, Sona Kralikova
The intention of this summary is to highlight the main themes and trains of 
thought present throughout the various projects. The projects focused on traffic 
signs, switchboxes, tags and all street art. This summary analyzes the different 
methods and results and compares the discussions between the various groups. 
Different methods used were mapping, photographing and categorizing. 
Different groups had difficulties making categories and clearly defining 
them. Dividing street art from advertising and political messages was hard. A 
general comment was that there was not enough time given to develop a more 
effective method for gathering the information. Some groups thought it would 
be beneficial to go back and see the same area later on or to investigate two 
different areas within the city. Also to be able to look up the links included in 
some of the art to see if it is actually street art or rather an advertisement for 
something. It may have been beneficial as well to write some notes while you are 
gathering the information about the different types and materials used as you 
might not be able to see it from photographs. 
Groups with similar methods interpreted and presented the results in different 
ways. Some groups created maps that showed the locations of the different 
types of street art. Others created graphs that interpreted the prevalence of 
different types of street art as well as the locations that they were observed. 
Another group mapped out all of the traffic signs and numbered them on a 
map showing their locations. The graphs were effective and presented the 
information clearly but this method would not translate perfectly with the 
different projects. 
The intention or message that street art is trying to get across was discussed, 
if the message is too hidden or difficult to understand. The message behind the 
street art is what makes it significant, however many people either do not look 
at the street art or do not understand the message that they are trying to get 
across. The length of time that the street art was present was also considered 
because if it has been there for a long time the message may not be relevant 
any longer. Street art was also seen as a method of communication between the 
various residents within the city, it creates a dialogue between people who would 
otherwise not communicate with one another. 
The reason that stickers were thought to be so prevalent on the traffic signs was 
also thought to be because there is such limited space on the signs. This limited 
space does not allow for a masterpiece or a large installation so the artwork 
adapts to fit the space available. 
The right to the public space was considered concerning commercials and 
advertising. The thought of how only rich people who can pay to have their 
message communicated can have a voice within public space. Some people think 
that street art takes up too much public space. 
Street art could be considered the life between buildings. Jan Gehl mentions 
that life between buildings is not just pedestrian traffic but includes social and 
recreational activities (Gehl 2006, p.14). He explains that life between buildings 
contains a wide range of activities that make the place have meaning and 
aesthetics (Gehl 2006, p.14). Street art could be one of these activities that 
create meaning within a residential area and personalize the space. 
Different kinds of street art and graffiti. 
All images by Karolina Bjerler.
The legal wall at parking house Anna 
in Malmö 
All images by Karolina Bjerler. 
Especially concerning the traffic signs and the tags repetition was used to 
emphasize their work. Repetition is a marketing tool that is somewhat abused by 
those making use of traffic signs for advertising. Tags were repeated to compete 
with others and to mark that space as their own. 
Stickers were the most common in the traffic signs and tags were the most 
common when considering the whole environment. This was thought to be the 
case because both mediums are very quick to put up which is helpful when 
you are doing something illegal. In the literature seminar concerning street art 
the fact that street art is illegal was discussed as something that made it more 
appealing. If street art was suddenly made legal it would take away from the 
excitement of it. Free zones from the text by Lieberg (1995) were discussed, 
opportunities for artists to freely express themselves. This discussion on free 
zones or free walls can be interpreted both ways. It can be seen as a great 
opportunity for an artist to spend more time on their work and not risk being 
caught by the police but at the same time the context of the work is very 
important to convey a message. So the message intended by an artist may be 
lost if it is confined to the free zone defined by the city. 
Something that our group thought was important but not discussed was the 
level of street art that is acceptable and how the location also informs if it is 
well received or not. One example was given by Emma Paulsson (lecture, 2009) 
concerning Nazi symbols and a box said to be containing the gas that was used 
to kill the Jewish people located near a Jewish synagogue. This type of work 
brings up the question of what level is acceptable and what street has gone too 
far. The location of this installation added to the inappropriate material raising the 
question of where street art is appropriate and acceptable. 
One thing that was discussed were the different surfaces that were used for the 
street art and graffiti. Smooth surfaces were more common and fences that were 
perceived to be more public were used more often. Places that were more private 
such as people’s homes were not as common, this may also be because artwork 
and graffiti are removed more rapidly. 
The topic of street art exposed those who participated to different levels of graffiti 
and street art. The dynamic of public space and the discussions surrounding it 
may have brought up more questions than answers. 
Lieberg, M. (1995). Teenagers and Public Space, Communication Research, vol 22, no 6, 1995 
Paulsson, Emma, Street art as a theater or a prospect, 26th of January 2009 
Gehl, Jan (2006). Life between buildings: using public space. 6. Ed. København: The Danish 
Architectural Press
This is a reflection up on projects carried out during the course People and envi-ronment 
LK0069 in 2009. 
When approachning a problem, an adequate method is needed. The method has 
to be carefully thought through as it will be reflected in and perhaps affect the 
results you get. It is also important to carefully describe the method to be able 
to evaluate the results in a good way. One way to find a suitable method for a 
specific investigation is to start up with a background research and literature 
studies, to find out what questions you want to be able to answer. Added to this 
useful preparations can be making some kind of checklist to keep in hand when 
in field. Further on it is of importance to evaluate the used method as this can 
lead to new and better approaches of investigation in the future. In the studies 
done during the course project upon street art, a very limited area of Malmö city 
was given every group, consisting of a couple of streets. This was probably due 
to the very limited time, but as landscape architects, we discussed this in a plan-ners 
perspective and wants to point out that it is important to also look at the 
city in a broader perspective. It is interesting to study the whole city as a unit and 
not only secluded districts, which is important to have in mind for future studies. 
What is Street art? 
What is art and what is not? This is a very subjective matter that all groups within 
these projects have had a hard time striving with. We cannot really define what 
art is in general, and therefore not street art. There are a lot of different motives 
among artist why they do street art. It could be to send out political messages, 
clearly shown or for the observer to interpret. Some artists see the reaction 
perceived from people as the actual art. Artists might want to provoke the public 
in this way. Street art can also be seen as a way for the artist to show his or 
her territory and existence in the city. Some artist might just want to make the 
streets more beautiful, like making a hidden corner in the city visible by putting 
up a trophy for citizens to find. Art work seams to have some kind of meaning 
for the artists but not always for the observer. If the meaning is known to the ob-server 
he or she has the possibility to reflect from a different point as compared 
to when viewing the art when the meaning is unknown. We as designers are 
reflecting upon street art from our point of view and our amount of knowledge in 
the subject. That is why it is important to decide on forehand what you want to 
investigate to be able to choose a proper method that will take all user groups in 
to consideration, when it comes to public spaces. 
Street art in the public space 
Who has the right to the city was one common issue put forth in reflections. It 
is considered to be a problem of democracy, referring to Mitchell (1995), where 
the threat is that public space can start to function as a individual property, where 
the owner sets the rules (advertisement companies, corporations...). In this way 
the ones with financial resources has more control over the city. Furthermore it 
was discussed that everyone should thus have the right to express themselves in 
the city, but can this really be done everywhere in public spaces and in any way? 
Then, if the public space belongs to everyone, what right do street artists have to 
do their art in the city in relation to those who does not like street art; they have a 
need and right to express themselves as well. We perceive the street art as only 
one way to express oneself in the public space, there are many other, such as 
with clothes, hairstyle and music for example. What we discussed more, was that 
public space in fact is not thouroughly free of charge, where everyone is allowed 
to act freely and according to his beliefs. Actually we are paying taxes so in this 
way we are paying for the public spaces in cities. There were also some interesting 
comparisons made how the public space can be perceived, like for example public 
space as a canvas for street artists or the city as a playground and the streets as a 
parliament where the street art phenomena takes place (Andersen, 2007). When 
does street art take up to much space? When it becomes too much it can start to take 
over the city and impede the view of the city, just like advertisement in some cases 
do. Then there is no space left for the “empty” spaces that probably appeals to a lot 
of people. When it impedes the function of a place it is also considered too much, 
like when street art is put up on the front on a traffic sign and impedes the view of 
it and in this way disturbs the drivers. It is also less accepted when the street art go 
beyond the public realm and into the private. It can perhaps also cause disturbance 
among people when it is placed in highly public places, where a lot of people not 
only pass by but stay for a longer period of time.
Where does street art occur? 
Street art is found everywhere along the streets, on objects, on the ground or on 
the walls. Street art in general seems to occur more frequently in semi-public ar-eas 
instead of the highly public areas. Repeated objects such as traffic signs and 
switch boxes are frequently used. A constantly competition between street art, 
advertisements and the ones cleaning the limited surfaces available is a common 
scene in the streets. Artists probably think quite differently about the location of 
their street art. Some seems to place it very visible so that it is easy to spot for as 
many people as possible and some seems to want to place it more hidden as a 
surprise for the viewer. The connection with a certain place might also sometimes 
be of importance, but in the projects there were no street art showing this con-nection. 
The street art could though give a comment on that very specific place, 
like environmental issues on switch boxes commenting on the ongoing discus-sion 
of the greenhouse effect. 
How do people see street art? 
We can make a conclusion that the perception of street art (and also what is 
treated as such and what isn’t) is in the eyes of viewer and of the individuals 
knowledge and background. Is he or she familiar with the special meaning of the 
expressed action? Some think that street art enriches the city, but others says 
it cheapens places no matter the meaning behind it. Maybe it is also a matter of 
scale when accepting something as appropriate to be there. For example, a bus 
completely filled with graffiti expressions perhaps might work as an art expres-sion, 
but on the other hand just a tag on an otherwise clean street wall can be 
perceived as an act of vandalism. An interesting theory about how we percieve 
the environment is that we filter out the necessary information from the environ-ment 
and disregard the rest, as all would be too much information to process. 
(Grahn, P., Stigsdotter, U, 2002 p.62) street art would therefore most likely in 
many situations get filtered out as not important information, at least for most of 
Appropriate and offensive 
Some people perceive street art as vandalism and perhaps find the expressions 
of the art frightening and offensive. The art is not affecting only the visual ex-pression 
of the room but also the feeling and atmosphere of it. It may also inter-fere 
with the movement pattern of people, for those who percieve the street art 
as something negative. When people are affected in this way of street art it can 
result in segregation, as people might feel that they don’t belong in certain areas. 
To divide Street art in accepted and not accepted art is as difficult as describing 
art because there are no answers. In the public space where the street art often 
occurs, we can discuss democracy and the question of who has the right to the 
public space. Is some street art more accepted than other? From the researches 
point of view in the studies carried out in Malmö, schablons, stickers and posters 
seems to be more accepted than spray tags. One reason can be the effort and 
money put into the art and the more careful preparations to create a schablon, 
sticker or poster in contrast to spray tags. Seeing the concept of street art as 
temporary art installations stickers and poster are also visionary easily to remove 
compared to the spray tags which can be another reason to why this kind of 
street art is more accepted. Professionally printed stickers can also cost a lot of 
money and many people might therefore think of it as more socially accepted. 
Temporary art 
As it was mentioned above, tags are the ones often seen as an action of van-dalism. 
Making a tag more temporary by spraying it on a poster would perhaps 
be precieved as more accepted. In relation to temporary art we discussed the 
possibilities of using paint that is easily washed away in rainy weather. As it costs 
a lot of money to remove spray paint and stickers from the streets, the more 
temporary the art is, the more accepted it would probably be; something that 
the society do not actively has to remove. The notion of dynamics in the public 
space is also an interesting topic widely discussed in the course projects. The 
appearance of the city and the street art within the city changes all the time and 
agitates the feeling of the art being permanent.
Street art vs. advertising 
There were the conclusions that advertising occurs probably more frequent in 
the streets than street art does. Some groups expressed that they wanted to in-vestigate 
this relationship further, which demands more time for deeper research 
about it. However, it was found out that advertising consumes public space for 
sure. And there were questions about the borders between street art and adver-tisement. 
Is it possible for them both to overlap each other? Rather many reflec-tions 
resulted in the opinion that advertisement impedes the view of the city. It 
is also a matter of relation between size and perception. Huge advertisements 
mean that you have no chance to escape. On the other hand the city gets money 
from advertising and not from street art. 
In relation to city planning 
When discussing the role of landscape architects or spatial planners in relation 
to street art, we can draw a line that street artists do more temporary things. 
One student expressed it as the street art is a way of temporarily tattooing the 
cityscape and leaving visual traces behind. Landscape architects and planners 
though plan and design the city as a whole and in a more permanent way. It is 
also important to mention that these professions have a more objective perspec-tive 
and see to the needs of the user groups. One can think of street art as a 
beginning of revival of urban wastelands which offer a lot of possibilities for 
temporary uses and street artists – areas where less people are affected by their 
art. Street artists can be seen as catalysts in planning in the way that they bring 
lost places back in people’s minds, as Oswalt (2007) claims. There is perhaps a 
need to include this potential in our formal planning to make our surroundings 
more interesting and exciting. There was also a notion of Lieberg’s thought of 
backstage places in the cities where teenagers can try out new things, like street 
art. As we can agree with Oswalt’s statement that spontaneous, temporary uses 
could have positive long term effects, we can at the same time discuss that the 
strictly defined areas where there is no room for backstage expressions maybe 
cannot contribute to a place for all. The public space in the city should represent 
the city’s heart and its people. 
During our task we came across with lot of further questions. We didn’t feel like 
we have the competence to completely answer them but to put them up for 
further discussions. In our reflection of the street art theme in the course we 
therefore tried to scoop the overall reflections, both from the student assign-ments 
and the literature. 
L e n a Ag r e l l , E v a - B r i t t K a r l s s o n , Ta d e j a R oz m a n
Places for Memory and Meaning 
Nicholas Pettinati, Karolina Alvaker, Marielle Karlsson, Shabnam Gholoobi 
Memory and meaning in public spaces, whether an urban square or a 
country road, is a difficult issue to discuss. However, this was the subject for one 
of the projects in the course People and the Environment at SLU. The assign-ment 
was to design an urban space in the Western Harbor of Malmö as a place 
for memory and meaning. The assignment started with a review of some relevant 
literature and continued with a walking tour of some different spaces in Malmö. 
Ultimately, the students prepared a group presentation about their thoughts on 
memory and meaning, and an individual proposal for the site they were asked to 
The students read through several relevant texts to gain a deeper un-derstanding 
behind the concepts of memory and meaning. The texts dealt with 
some very difficult theories regarding memory and provided a general framework 
for the students. After a discussion of the texts the students embarked on a 
walking tour to try and discover places for memory and meaning that already 
existed in Malmö. The goal was to try and photograph places that had charac-teristics 
of memory and meaning as a basis for thinking about the site. These 
spaces weren’t necessarily meaningful places, but spaces that could have some 
elements that create meaning. The walk culminated with a visit to the design 
site, and the begining of the design process for the students. 
The goal of this paper is to summarize the results from these proposals 
and the overall success of the assignment. There is also a brief summary of the 
texts that were used for this assignment. We will start with a brief background 
of the site, and some of the questions that faced the students as they began the 
design process. Then we will move to a discussion of the proposals themselves, 
and the themes that we felt emerged from the designs. Finally, we will end with 
some of our own thoughts and comments on the project. 
The site that was selected for the design is located along the coast in 
the Western Harbor of Malmö. The physical site itself is a large square that is 
elevated, overlooking the sea and the Oresund Bridge. Also, in the northwest cor-ner 
there is a small platform that protrudes from the square and forms an over-look. 
This corner has been nicknamed “the Titanic” after the scene in the movie 
where the two main characters are hanging off the bow of the boat pretending 
to fly. In the center of the square there is a stage that is handicap accessible. 
The entire site is handicap accessible via ramps up to the square. The space also 
fits into the larger scheme that forms a boardwalk along the coast. The area is 
extremely popular in summer, with hundreds of people lounging, swimming, and 
diving into the sea. 
As was mentioned previously, the goal of the design was to create a 
space for memory and meaning. Some of the difficult questions that the students 
had to answer are how do you create a space for memory and meaning in the 
public realm? Whose memory and/or what meaning should the space have? 
Does there have to be an event that occurred to make a space meaningful? 
What about the meaning that the space already has? What characteristics or ele-ments 
give a space meaning? The design proposals answer all these and many 
more questions in amazingly unique ways. 
Pictures of the site (provided by Mateja 
and Tadjea)
While each proposal addressed the issues associated with creating 
memory and meaning in an urban public space in their own way, there were also 
several themes that emerged from the designs. The three main themes focused 
on the view of the sea, the element of water, and the use of sculpture. 
The proposal by Jenny Åkesson, Johanna Verbaan and Sofia Fribyter 
used the view as a major element in their design. They created “cave-like” rooms 
(see graphic below) that could be entered and used as a place to quietly reflect. 
They wanted to highlight the view of the sea and the powerful meaning associ-ated 
with it. and also use silence as a way to create meaning. “...The place could 
be decrbied as a parallel reality where an anti sound installation makes you aware 
of sounds by creating absolute silence at a place which should have sounds...” 
The next proposal, by Tadeja Rozman, also used the view as a driving 
force for her design. “To feel its drops, to smell and taste the salt (of life!), to hear 
the roaring, to see the ocean`s horizon and its eternal vastness. Just being here 
and now, in the present of the preseence of all sense sactivated. It gives a shelter, 
a possibility to draw back, be among people, but still alone, hearing stifled sounds 
of the ocean and of people´s voices somewhere around...” She talks about using 
this space as a place to pause from the everyday flow of life, 
Picture from the proposal “Silence” by 
Jenny Åkesson, Johanna Verbaan and 
Sofia Fribyter 
Graphic provided by Tadeja Rozman 
and creating meaning through taking this break. Using this space as a chance to 
stop and reflect on whatever we can. 
The second theme that emerged from the different proposals revolves 
around the element of water and its possible uses on the site. The proposal by 
Mateja Havliček focuses on just this element. She wanted to create a space 
where the experience of water drives the meaning of the place. She accom-plished 
this through a shallow pool that flows into a waterfall off the edge. This 
pool can be experienced by all through as many senses as possible, and as such 
creates a new meaning for the space through water. “The tactile experiences of 
sight, sound and touch have a big value in this project.” 
Cordula Gielen also used water as an important element in creating 
meaning in the space. Similar to that of Mateja, she brought the predominant 
element of the site (the view of the ocean) into the actual physical space. As the 
graphic above depicts, the center stage has been turned into a shallow reflect-ing 
pool that can be experienced in many different ways. Her main concept was 
to use the idea of reflecting, both metaphorically and physically (in the water), to 
bring new meaning to the area. “Consequently, this place provides possibilities 
for being active as well as being spirtiual. They just happen side by side.” 
Finally, the last theme that developed from the different proposals 
centered around the use of scupltures, and their ability to create meaning. The 
proposal by Emily Hansen used a sculptural element to create activity and mean-ing 
simultaneously in the space. She created several different pillars that can be 
used for sitting, standing, jumping, demonstrating, and anything else someone 
can think of. The focus is on the social interactions that can be created by these 
elements and the people in the space, and the possibility for that social narrative 
to evolve and change. “The social character of the space exists in an alternate 
sort of reality, one that continues to define and redefine the space through ex-periences 
and interactions of and between people in the collectively recognized 
physical setting.” 
The proposal by Eva-Britt Karlsson also uses a sculpture to bring mean-ing 
to the site. However, her sculpture is one that has a great cultural significance 
and historical background. The idea she had was to have different artists to 
create a sculpture of a hand in the center of the stage. This hand could change 
through time and the idea of the hand has a great deal of meaning attached to it. 
As the 
Left: Graphic Provided by 
Mateja Havlicek 
Middle: Graphic Provided by 
Cordula Gielen 
Right: Graphic Provided by 
Emily Hansen
graphic to the left depicts, even the shapeorientation of the hand can alter its 
meaning. This simple gesture changes the makeup of this urban square and 
accomplishes the goal of creating new meaning. “No one knows who the hands 
belong to, (accept the designer). The meaning is to show that all people have the 
right to the public space.” 
The next proposal by Karolina Alvaker takes in the sense of hearing in 
the memorial experience. Echoing sounds and wind passing through the sculp-tural 
elements creating music which stimulates the senses and draws upon the 
idea of remembrance in a playful way. “With particular focus on sense and spirit, 
and with the natural elements as a mirror rather than any connection to a god, 
the Titanic Memorial is built to capture the individual person i a vast crowd.” 
The proposal by Ann Henrikson also uses the idea of wind and sculp-ture 
to define meaning in this urban space. Her concept revolves around the 
idea of wind as a way to trigger a fascination about the site. The sculptures force 
an extra awareness about the environment that surrounds the users of the site, 
and adds a new dimension. The statue of the wind formalizes the idea of the 
sculptures and the concept that they symbolize. “...a public meeting place where 
the perception of feeling and being a human being is in focus. The memorial of 
the wind is in fact a masque of the human perception of the wind...” 
Finally, the proposal by Nicholas Pettinati, deals with sculpture in a 
slightly different way. He wanted to use the memories of the people who use the 
site to add meaning to the space. He accomplished this goal by creating a photo 
collage as the paving pattern for the center stage, and on the walls of the space. 
The photographs to be used would be donated by people who use the space 
and would be constantly evolving, with more and more photographs being added. 
This collage is a physical representation of the memories that have occured on 
the site, and as such embody the meaning of the place. “The installation has a 
pround effect on the meaning of the space. Now, it is not only about what activi-ties 
are occuring there, it is also about remembering and re-living those experi-ences 
and learning about the experiences of others” 
As evidenced by the various proposals, there is no correct answer on 
how to add meaning and memory to a space, especially one in the urban public 
fabric. However, there are some elements that emerged from this design exer-cise 
as possible solutions. 
All the proposals dealt with the existing conditions, and those conditions 
have a large impact on the design of the site. The themes that developed evolved 
from the interpretations of the site, and the conditions that are present there. It 
would be interesting to see what would happen if a completely different site was 
given for this same exercise. 
The question of how to create meaning or memory in a space is still a 
difficult one to address, but this assignment helped to shed light on some pos-sible 
ways to deal with the very complex issue. 
Top: Graphic provided by 
Ann Henrikson 
Bottom: Graphic provided by 
Nicholas Pettinati 
Top: Graphic provided by Eva-Britt Karlsson 
Bottom: Graphic provided by Karolina Alvaker
We want to take this opportunity to share our thoughts and comments 
on the project. To start some general thoughts on the process; The literature for 
this project was helpful as a starting point, and definately got us thinking about 
memory and meaning. However it didn´t directly relate to the site, or the task. For 
us, it provided more of a framework for the design, and the design evolved more 
from the site conditions and the individual thoughts of the students. 
Memory and meaning also occur on a very individual level, and we 
question whether you can create a space for everyone that is meaningful in a 
spirtual way. The question of religious vs nonreligious is always at the back of 
our minds when talking about this issue and another big question is how do we 
resolve that? 
Getting to the actual proposals, we thought it was incredible how there 
were so many different solutions to this problem. Each proposal handled these 
difficult questions in a very unique way. It was also really interesting to see how 
the themes evolved from the projects. It showed us how while each project was 
individual the group discussions had a great impact on how the process was 
handled. The discussion with Sabina Jallow also had a very profound impact on 
the process. Sabina Jallow talked about how the ocean allows us to be silent, and 
even just that comment influenced the designs. 
Another really interesting aspect of this project was the requirement to write it as 
an article from a third persons view. This was an excellent way to critique our own 
proposal, but was difficult for some to get started. It definately added a unique 
dimension to the proejct. 
Overall, we all really enjoyed this project and would reccomend 
doing something similar in another course. It provoked some 
very difficult and challenging questions about how people 
interact in an environment. Those types of questions 
we think are at the core of this course and 
should be the ones to be explored 
The Titanic Corner, Picture by Cordula Gielen
The following summary is made from reflections on the course 
literature made by the students working with “places of memory 
and meaning” and from our group discussions. 
• Spiritual places can gather people and act as meeting points 
in the outdoor environment. The experiences of a tragedy also 
often get people in difficult situations which can make them work 
together and get stronger. Memorial places can however also act 
excluding in the way that they sometimes can have a too directed 
design or purpose. 
• Memories can be personal and/or public. There have 
therefore to be a balance between memorial places for individuals, 
which are person-oriented and can be individualized, and places for 
the public, which are spiritual and suitable for different people and 
cultures. Every person has however their own mourning process and 
there are therefore good if it is possible to make room for individual 
mourning expressions in places with common monuments. 
• Both the past and the future are important for the present 
time as the present exists in between the two. Since we can relate 
to things in the past it can be a great source of information and 
inspiration when forming the future. 
For a person who is morning it can be very hard to look into the 
future as one wants to remember the past, but it can also be hard as 
you see that the future will be different than you had pictured. 
• Spiritual and memorial places can be used for all outdoor 
activities; necessary, voluntary and social activities. These places can 
today also often be more symbolic than religious. As the time goes 
on, the use and meaning of a memorial place furthermore changes. 
Many memorial objects, such as statues in the city, act for instance 
as places for meeting where the original meaning of the object no 
longer is important. 
• The remembrance can be voluntary, but it can also be 
uncontrollable. Memories are often recalled by complex and 
individual triggers and not by places themselves. The triggers can 
be a certain symbol, feeling, spatiality, detail, etc. Of these triggers, 
some can be more effective than others. One of the triggers that 
can be very important for our remembrance is the activation of our 
senses since they are a primitive part of us. 
• Sometimes people want to remember actively, which often 
make them connect the memory to a certain thing or a place. The 
active remembrance can however be created in a lot of different 
• Memories are not the whole truth, but a creative imagination 
of the past. The memory and meaning of an event or thing can 
therefore vary a lot between different individuals. 
The reviews where based on the literature, which references are on 
the next page. 
Literature reviews- a summary
References Guidelines and Tip-offs 
These guidelines are inspired by and canalized of what we have read 
in the literature reviews/articles and of our discussion. 
- To strengthen or weaken one or more senses: 
o Stimulate one sense by e.g. using a significant 
smell or sound. 
o To mute one sense by e.g. make a place quiet. 
o Stimulate all the senses by using one phenomenon, 
e.g. water that you can touch, smell, taste and hear. 
o To emphasize by using contrasts, e.g. dark and 
light, loud and quiet, small and big, high and low, etc. 
- You can control some senses more than others e.g. you 
can decide whether you like to touch something but it’s 
harder to not experience a smell or a sound. 
• Gehl, J. (2006). Life between buildings: using public space. 6. 
ed. København: The Danish Architectural Press. Or in Danish; Gehl, 
J. (1996). Livet mellem husene. Udeaktiviteter och udemiljö.3. uppl. 
Köpenhamn: Arkitektens Forlag. 
• Hillier, J. (2007). Stretching beyond the Horizon. A Multiplanar 
Theory of Spatial Planning and Governance. pp 94-95Lieberg, M. 
(1995). Teenagers and Public Space, Communication Research, vol 
22, no 6, 1995, pp.720 -744. 
• Mitchell, D. (2003). The Right to the City. Social Justice and 
the Fight for Public Space. New York: The Guilford Press. Chapter 4, 
The End of Public Space? , pp 118‐160. 
• Parr, A. (2008). Deleuze and Memorial Culture. Desire, 
Singular Memory and the Politics of Trauma. Pp 181-189. Edinburgh. 
Edinburgh University Press. 
• Petersson, A. (2004). The Presence of the Absent. Memorials 
and Places of Ritual. Lund University: Dept. of Architecture. Chapter1 
and 3. 
• Santino, J. (2006) (Ed). Spontaneous Shrines and the Public 
Memorialization of Death. Goldstein, D. E. & Tye, D. The Call of 
the Ice: Tragedy and Vernacular Responses of Resistance, Heroic 
Reconstruction, and Reclamation. New York. Palgrave Macmillan. 
• The Wanås Foundation (2008). Loss. Svenle, E. Defining the 
Past within the Present: Loss at Wanås. pp 13-32. Laholm. Trydells 
Tryckeri. ISBN 978-91-973972-9-2.
- Who will understand the symbolism and what does it 
mean if you do not understand the symbolism? 
- Use symbolism from the past, the moment or for the 
- Beware of the change of symbolism, e.g. the swastika 
that was a symbol for sun but now are connected with 
Nazism and the christian cross that should be the symbol 
for hope but now are perceived as a symbol of death by 
- Use the universal symbolism of nature elements, e.g. 
water can be recognized as the source of life. 
- Use contrasts that make the symbolism clear, e.g. a water 
element might have a stronger influence in a dense city 
than in direct connection to the seaside. 
- Use the written language, e.g. quotations written on a 
street in Stockholm that remind you of certain things. 
- A memorial place can exclude some people e.g. different 
religions, different cultures, people who are not mourning, 
- Memorial places can act as meeting points where people 
can share a memory with others, e.g. a memorial place of an 
- The accessibility, e.g. for disabled people, wheelchair 
users and different genders, ethnicity, religion, age, etc. 
- How to raise a memorial. 
- How to take a memorial away e.g. build up something 
new with another meaning. 
- That different places are more or less appropriate for 
memory and meaning and that the right design for the place 
is important. 
- That a traumatic memory can pop up trigged by some 
thing in the environment. 
- That the memory can be actively evoked, e.g. by some 
- The fact that a memory is not the whole truth but a 
creative imagination of the past, e.g. some childhood 
memories of certain happenings get more “pink” after a 
period of time. 
- Different kinds of stages in for e.g. the mourning. 
Is this hope? 
...or just Summer? 
What happened? 
How does the dis-tance 
What do we remember? 
affect you?
Influences by the literature Influences by the group 
It was quite interesting to regard the influence of the literature 
background on the final design proposals. We figured out that 
there is an obvious connection between the given literature and 
the proposals. The literature directed the thoughts of the students’ 
design process. While discussing about the different proposals we 
noticed that for us senses could play an important role in triggering 
memories. Although senses like the sense of hearing play an 
important role in several designs, students hardly discussed about it 
perhaps as they had no text to rely on. 
Even if the students had the same theoretical background, the 
literature was used in different ways. Some students used clear 
references to the texts and thus created a proposal with a very 
scientific character. Other students however used the literature 
more like a first inspiration. Although they did not use strict 
references it is obvious that they refer to the same theoretical 
We regard it as very important to do either or. If one uses references 
one should try to do it in a correct and stringent way because parts 
of the proposal without references seem to be one’s own ideas. 
Without any references the reader of a text might be aware that the 
author draws upon a given theoretical framework. 
Every design proposal is based on, first of all, the person’s own 
experience of the place and it has the marks of the concerning 
literature. As people worked on this task in several groups, and they 
had group discussions, the effects of the discussions are noticeable 
in each person’s individual work. For example: 
• when elements of nature were emphasized on a discussion, it is 
noticeable on the students works 
• it is the same effect with triggers 
• or the importance of public interaction 
• the most of students kept the original identity of the traced area 
• and a group which discussed the importance of height, view 
and freedom, it is mentioned in the individual texts as well. 
As we noticed, every work was seemingly completely different, 
but looking behind it – reading the text – there were marked signs 
which group they belonged to. This shows the importance of 
talking to different kind of people, different kind of user groups and 
Group 7: Anna Ekdahl, Anna Stefkova, Hrafnhildur Hrafnkelsdóttir, Karin Ingemansson, Sigrid Lönnerholm
Our task was to make proposal for a kind of urban playground in part of Spetsa-mossen 
park in Vaxjo. The city is surrounded by water, which is a major element 
of this town. The park is located in the downtown. People pass through the site 
everyday to get to work or city centre but there is no inviting atmosphere that will 
make them stay and spend some time there. The municipality have now decided 
to rebuild the park because it is considered to be unsafe and of limited use by 
the citizens. The new suggestion for the park structure came from Kragh & Ber-glund 
One of the difficulties we were confronted with was how we were supposed to 
make the proposal if we didn’t know how the place exactly looks like and didn’t 
have opportunity to see it. 
Another question was the concept of an “urban” playground. An urban play-ground 
feels a bit on contrary to what we have learned or read in the literature. 
Many people defined urbanity with materials, shapes, vegetation which can give 
an urban character to a space. 
Safety: A lot of people didn’t consider the park as a safe place. Lighting and also 
vegetation were considered as elements to counteract this perception. 
Activity was also mentioned according to different age groups. People came up 
with question if it is possible to include all age groups to one place and make 
everybody satisfied and active. If you try to please everyone you may loose the 
fascination of the place. 
The term “playground” tends to be used for children and it was confusing to work 
with. Also play was included between all age groups- from the children to elderly 
and disabled people. 
Some people made their assignment as a professional design proposal for the 
municipality; the others made it more as a school assignment and were writing 
more reflectively about their ideas than promoting them. 
Illustration: The proposed activity area 
(Kragh and Berglund Architects)
In this assignment we were given an overall proposal from the Architect Com-pany 
Kragh & Berglund. The students have different attitudes to this concept, 
whereas no one has chosen not to work with it all, people have used their con-cept 
differently and in varying degrees. 
The distinct paths are a subject that many students have mentioned, and many 
have seen the paths as an urban shape and something that will contribute to the 
desired urban character of the park. Some have decided to work further on these, 
also on a more detailed level in the urban activity area that we were given. And 
that seems to have worked well, the activity area then look more connected to 
the rest of the park. 
Some are critical against the elevated paths, that they will direct the movement 
too much and prevent people from finding their own way around in the park. And 
also that they will give a feeling on being on-stage and possibly make people feel 
very visible, vulnerable and exposed. 
The Kragh and Berglund concept have raised a discussion about urbanity among 
many students. Especially when they mentioned that materials as asphalt and 
concrete would contribute to the urban character many students questioned what 
urbanity is? The conclusion is that urbanity partly lies in the choice and use of 
materials, but also distinct shapes, elements and lighting etc. are important to get 
the desired urban feeling. Also it is argued that the many different activities that 
will take place in the park can give it an urban feel, that this density of activities is 
very urban. 
Some think that the Kragh and Berglund proposal have divided the different ac-tivities 
in the park and not made the park inclusive enough. They describe it as a 
park consisting of different ‘activity islands’. Some have reflected on that it might 
be a good idea to extend the ‘Urban activity’ area and lead the main path trough 
it so that it will be a natural place for people to stop by at, and thus avoid it to be 
another separated ‘activity island’. This division is feared to lead to divided age 
groups and less integration in the park. 
Illustrations from top: Carina Daubner, 
Zita Lándori, Sofia Fribyter
Illustrations from left: Anna Ekdahl, Erika 
Jonasson, Emily Hansen, Jessica Macdonald 
A great variation in handed-in material could be noted. Some proposals were very 
conceptual whereas others were more detailed, some had illustration plans and 
others simple sketches illustrating basic ideas. When looking through the design 
proposals we found some common themes and similarities. 
A lot of the proposals discussed the context of Spetsamossen as a former 
wetland and used this as an inspiration for the design of the activity area. This 
background was first introduced in the Kragh & Berglund concept. 
Nature-like design or actual biotope 
In some proposals the wetland as a biotope or natural elements from it have been 
used, for instance: 
• Dewatering area with reed and jumping stones 
Other proposals have mainly been inspired by the shapes or forms found in wet-lands, 
for example: 
• Area divided into “islands” 
• Inspiration for idiom 
Water has been used in almost all of the proposals in one way or another. It is, by 
many, considered a playful element that increases well-being just by being pres-ent. 
• Water-play 
• Fountain 
• Streaming water 
• Still water 
Use of all senses 
Exploration with other senses than just vision (touching, tasting, smelling and 
listening) affects the experience of place. Activity does not necessarily have to be 
physical, it can also be mental. 
• Tactile elements 
• Exploring with your body and activating your brain
Illustrations from left: Mateja Havlicek, 
Merle Talviste, Magdalena Galle, Eva- 
Britt Karlsson Eye catching objects 
Objects that attract attention and evoke curiosity. Work like magnets that draw 
people into the area from where they can start-off and discover other parts. 
Some examples of this: 
• Maze 
• Disco-game with musical tiles lighted in different colours. 
• High-rope course 
• Original swings/hammocks 
• Spectacular furniture 
• Red path 
• Play-sculptures 
• Creative lighting 
Hills and levels 
Arguments for using hills or other differences in height include that they promote 
motion and evoke curiosity of what might be behind. They can also provide a 
place for overview of the area. Examples of this: 
• Rocks or structures to climb 
• Large hill as border/viewpoint 
• Group of smaller hills 
• Modeling of landscape 
This theme includes objects or elements that have no specific function and can 
be used in more than one way. Places can also have multiple functions. 
Some have used an over-all idiom, like a certain shape or pattern, often devel-oped 
from the concept of Kragh & Berglund, others have used objects conse-quently 
throughout the area. 
The problems with rape and criminality in the park have been considered in many 
of the proposals, often by avoiding dense shrubberies and putting emphasis on 
lighting. Other aspects of security are all the regulations concerning play equip-ment 
and public places. This is not something that is discussed to any larger 
extent in the proposals, perhaps because it might be limiting in the conceptual 
stage of the design process. 
Access for all seems to be an important issue in all of the proposals. It has been 
considered in the choice of ground-material, by making paths and by allowing 
activities for everyone, including people with disabilities.
We think it is important to think about who will be reading your proposal. Who is 
your target group? Will your use of the references be easily understandable to 
those who have not read the literature, or have forgotten what the literature was 
about? The references must be presented in such a way that the reader will 
know what they are referring to and be able to connect them to your work. 
References in individual proposals were used to strengthen and support the 
student’s concept in the design proposal. Some were relevant to the literature 
we have been reading, while others weren’t. 
Reflections on children’s play, public places, the senses, activities, users, objects 
and vegetation were the most common ones. The researchers with the most 
references to their work were Gehl, Cele, Mårtensson, Kylin and Boldeman. 
References - literature for every-one; 
o better motor skills in natural environments 
o different height levels important 
o a green environments triggers activity 
o vegetation protect children from dangerous sun radiation 
o physical qualities of outdoor places important to trigger healthy behav 
iour in children 
o physical elements like sculptures result in more spontaneous play than 
prefabricated equipment 
o fenced-in surfaces can have a hindering affect on physical activity 
o object 
o problems with creating labelled places 
Illustration: Lavanya Asogamoorthy 
o three elements: the permanent, the changeable, the momentary 
o provide a feeling of freedom and keep play going 
o use of all senses when experiencing place 
o awareness of geography, concrete place and not just abstract 
o gender perspective, boys do not necessarily need more space than girls 
Cooper Marcus and Barnes 
o gardens must convey a sense of security 
o positive effects of water 
o positive effects of being outdoors 
o people gather where the main attractions are 
o primary seats and secondary seating 
o new activities begin in the vicinity of events that are already in 
o people as social creatures 
o activities grow from the edge to the middle 
o people are attracted to other people, especially if they are active 
o public places have changed from being used because of needs to being 
places for optional, recreational activities 
o human scale 
o other people are the main attraction of public spaces 
o public spaces need to have opportunities for people and meetings 
o passive observation most of the time 
o people have different experience and thoughts of place 
o if groups feel welcome and use it, there will be more life
Grahn and Stigsdotter 
o elements that allow you to test your senses 
o benefits of being outdoors 
o absence of large green areas 
o children, special place, special meaning 
o children’s need to manipulate environments 
o dens – hidden places where children can observe without being 
o possibilities to climb, hide, meet with friends 
o layers of vegetation is important to play 
o dens vary from very secret to very social 
o vegetation promotes activity 
o children needs a more intimate scale, this triggers them to create their 
own space 
o teenagers need to have opportunities to feel free and independent 
o step-by-step, smaller children keep closer to parents 
o respect for children’s own creativity and needs is necessary when 
planning for them 
o on stage, offstage 
o teenagers seek to avoid adult supervision 
o teenagers have few places in the city in which they can hang out 
o in between/ free zones 
o places to retreat 
Illustration: Emma Ekdahl
References - from lectures: 
o easier to find something they like if the place offers one function, and 
easier to find something to do if one part is used for a particular 
play or activity 
o usage of the eight park characters 
o using an orange colour as stimulation of activity- white and bluish co 
lours are good in relaxing environments 
o objects 
o objects, something to touch, things to do 
o own rules, play and usage of space 
o vegetation promotes activity 
o vegetation should be emphasized in the outskirts of the area, focus on 
edges which promote play 
o children create their own world in which they define roles, places that 
can be related to each other like high or low, dense or open support this 
kind of play 
o areas for children are often too organized 
o children need to have places for their own 
o stimulate the senses 
Illustration: Cordula Gielen 
References – for further reading: 
o the mixture of users and uses is what changes a place into an urban 
o defining aspect of a park is accessibility 
References - from other than those in our literature 
o prospect, refuge 
Delshammar, Tim 
o user participation 
Diarmuid Gavin 
o wooden platforms inspired one student 
o quotation:” form follows function “ 
o traditional public places are not enough to meet the needs and wishes 
of people today 
Kaplan and Kaplan 
o sitting places with open front and closed back make you feel 
Integrated sitting facilities gives the possibility to rest, observe, listen, meet randomly a friend. These one of the activities that can take place next to a urban playground. Children are experiencing the rubber 
human figures. The figures in a active poses can trigger others also be active in this park. 
Spetsamossen playground 
Illustration by Merle Talvieste. 28 
Rubber element next to the playground (first characteristics). It function as a space in its own. It opens up
This project holds the summary and reflection of the project Spetsamossen. 
The ideas, opinions, and discussions are that of spring 2009 students of the 
class People and Environment. This student project took place in the campus of 
Alnarp, SLU Agricultural Sciences. The results and reflection are those concern-ing 
the design of the site Spetsomossen and general design elements that may 
be effective elsewhere. We tried to provide an impression of all these proposals 
without evaluating each design proposal. Thus, we wanted to reflect and maybe 
provide some feedback on how to incorporate the design of Spetsomesson to 
future design proposals. What were the basic questions asked by students? How 
can this be related to the current understanding of the public’s view? What is 
the outlook on future designs concerning the matters discussed in this project? 
What elements are repeated? These are some questions that are addressed in this 
Our given proposal site is in the Spetsamossen Park. Our task for the site was to 
create an untraditional urban playground. This space had previously been very 
unsafe and more of a forgotten nature area. It has been neglected and underap-preciated. 
The municipality would like to change the park to something that all 
citizens can use and take pride in. Kragh & Berglund are the landscape architects 
taking part in this project and have provided a proposed plan for the entire site. 
However, our task was to look into this one specific part located south of the 
skateboard area. We were supposed to create a suitable design considering the 
context and requirements of the site. In this process questions and discussions 
were formulated to provide a better understanding of the task at hand. This sum-mary 
and reflection is a conclusion of our findings, of our questions and future 
design possibilities. 
The proposed urban pathways for 
the Spetsamossen park illustrated by 
Gräs Gräs 
Amfi_ Sittplattformar 
Sten med vide 
_ Vasskog 
Sten med vide 
Avvattning_ Hoppstenar 
Sten med vide 
Sten med vide 
Sten med vide 
Sten med vide 
Sten med siv 
Sten med vide 
General ideas 
The proposal from Kragh & Berglund is to create an urban park that offers many 
different activities. Spetsamossen should be a place for everyone; a park where 
people can meet and integrate. 
Kragh & Berglund main idea is that the park should have an urban feeling and 
being a central meeting place. They state that a functioning urban space should 
consist of three elements; permanent, changeable and passing elements. This 
means the park should contain solid objects and interior that is permanent as 
well as having a possibility to arrange temporary social events. But there is also a 
wish for creating a place where spontaneous activities and meetings can occur. 
The design proposal features a system of irregular concrete pathways that will 
connect the different parts of the park with each other. The main idea with these 
paths, besides getting an urban feeling, is to encourage movement in the park 
and to divide the park into different zones, where every zone has its own activi-ties. 
The range of different activity-zones provides an opportunity for every 
group to have a place to go to. The main road will go through the park instead 
from around it and this will bring more people to the park, even though they are 
just passing through. Some other elements in the park will be storm-water basins 
and a wetland character in the choice of plant material. 
Thoughts about the proposal 
The students had a lot of thoughts about the proposal of Kragh&Berglund and 
formed different opinions about their design-ideas. 
In general, the proposed design seems to be too determined, inflexible and not 
open for spontaneous movement and play. Every area has a certain function. 
Kragh & Berglund separated different activities from each other and thus there is 
less possibility that different people can meet and interact spontaneously. Differ-ent 
groups have their “own” area that likely causes a lack of integration. 
In this context there were doubts about an appropriate choice of the activities’ 
locations (skatepark next to barbecue and pentague area). 
When having a closer look at certain elements there 
might be too less lighting to animate people to use 
this area in the night as well. 
The shape of the paths was something people had 
contrarily opinions about. On the one hand, it creates 
an urban character and provides an interesting design. 
On the other hand, the elevated paths probably will 
cause a problem of accessibility for elderly and disabled 
persons. They might even prevent spontaneous move-ment 
and animate the people to stay on the paths and 
not to go into the single parts because they direct too 
much. Furthermore, the elevation creates a feeling of 
being on-stage and therefore being vulnerable. People 
feel uncomfortable. 
The uncommon pathways might even induce people 
to avoid the park at all because shortcuts are not easy 
to be done and people always think about the shortest 
How students worked 
with the ideas 
Resulting out of these thoughts, there have been dif-ferent 
ways of dealing with the proposed design. 
A lot of students tried to integrate Kragh & Ber-glund’s 
ideas. To work with the paths, the dewater-ing 
zone, certain materials and elements (stepping 
stones) and vegetation can be taken as few ex-amples. 
There have been also ideas of how to solve weak 
points of the Kragh & Berglund’s design. Putting attrac-tive 
elements into the “islands” might trigger people to step 
from the paths and therefore to foster a more intense interac-tion 
between people and this place. 
There was also the idea of changing certain activities or to locate them at 
a different place. 
The proposal plan for Stetsamossen by Kragh & Ber-glund 
Landscape architects.
impression at the same time as they 
are flexible and versatile; making 
the basic blocks for many different 
and changing surroundnings. 
Because we were supposed to make a proposal for an untraditional playground, 
more like an activity park, everyone was struggling with the question: What is 
activity? What does activity mean for different people and groups? 
Activity is a broad concept and can mean both play and calm activities which 
means that we can create activity for the body as well as for the mind. Even 
though passive is the opposite word of active most of us were in common 
thought that there is both an active activity and a passive activity. Is there any 
way you can create both active and passive activation in the same place? 
How to define activity is based on different factors like age and physical ability. 
But overall does active activities mean more advanced physical activities like 
playing and sports and the passive activity is calmer and includes observing and 
sitting, listening, talking; evoking our senses and just being in the present and 
being aware Illuminated of yourself in »here the and night 
now«.. Social interaction is another activity, 
and it is important that children are a part of the social life (Cele, 2006). It’s impor-tant 
that there is room for passive activities like observing, because if we cannot 
see people we might not go to a place, although the place offers attractions 
(Gehl, 2006).Furthermore, if there is not room for basic activities - that are more 
passive - the advanced activities do not proceed (Gehl, 2006). 
The difference between user groups is that children are more physically active; 
they become active through interaction environment and use their whole body 
in their play. They run around, climb and searching. For kids play is a way of living 
and through that they learn and sense the world (Kylin, 2003; Cele, 2006). Even 
though they are mainly active, they also do more passive activities. Children need 
calm places too where they can withdraw and be by themselves (Kylin, 2003; 
Cele, 2006). 
Adults and elderly do more passive activities like sitting and observing, talking. 
But they can do more active activities if they wish and have the strength. Adults 
play could be described more as an entertainment. Usually it is conceive as a 
pleasure where the competition moment adds the adrenalin. Many of us com-mented 
that it is difficult to know how adults see at activity and play since there 
is hardly any literature about the subject. 
Teenagers are both active and passive. They are looking for specific activities like 
sports and skateboarding, as well as being out of reach of adults’ supervision and 
“hang out”. They need both on-stage and off-stage places in their environment 
(Lieberg, 1995). 
holiday (Wikipedia, 2009- 
and total freedom to 
they also invites you to 
least in your garden, 
material I think that they 
serve as the necessary 
way to all the other 
friends, rest for a while or 
LeŌ : Placing of the hammocks 
Below: How it can look 
Activating your body and challenge yourself as 
illustrated by Jessica MacDonald. 
0 10 20 30 40m 
An example of hammocks that invites you to lie in them 
and relax but also to act more active by swinging in 
them as illustrated by Maria Malmstöm. 
VARIOUS SWINGS | Everybody can do it if the 
DESIGN of the swing fits the user group. 
And it´s social too. 
STEP1: Irresistible SWINGING. 
distance, perhaps lending the shape from 
the street lamps. 
the reed 
Jumping stones Play and hide in the grove 
Water has many different qualities. 
It fascintes, gives relaxion and en-courages 
Nature is an important element 
in the urban environment. Here 
children can play freely and cre-ate 
their own little hide-aways. 
In this, the concret boxes make 
an exciting element. 
Observing is an important passive activity as illustrated 
by Magdalena Galle Rambe. 
Social integration by cooperation illustrated by Emma 
Playing for children is more than running around. It’s 
also about calm play and learning about the world as 
illustrated by Lavanya Asogamoorthy.
o hilly landscape is interesting and makes people curious 
Michaela Lica 
o colour affection 
o grass root activity 
Moore & Cosco 
o safe and security can sometimes result in a loss of play opportunities 
for children 
o colour affection 
Skovbakke Villadsen, Kielgast 
o strongly specialized spaces can become destination places for 
networking in the neighbourhood and the city 
o quotation: ” form follows function “ 
Villarreal, Edgar L. 
o stormwater in an urban context 
o users need protection from each other 
Illustration: Anna Stefkova 
o public spaces are for everyone- question of accessibility
Activity and User groups 
Assignment: An urban playground 
Children Adults Older people Teengers 
Main target group Secundary target group Secundary target group Secundary target group 
Mainly active but 
also passive activity 
Mainly passive but also ac-tive 
activity if wished. 
Mainly passive but also ac-tive 
activity if wished. 
Both passive and active 
activity, depending on the 
time of the day and the 
amount and type of people 
in the area. 
Johanna Verbaan 
Who is the target group and what are their needs? The target group can be any 
group of people divided by age, gender, social status, background, disability, 
illness, and so on. Each of these target groups has their special needs such as 
considering physical challenges, accommodation, and culture to name a few. Be-cause 
of each target group’s special needs conflicts can occur when facing other 
groups because of differing views and interests. For example, children like to play 
and be noisy but adults desire peace and quiet. 
Is it appropriate to integrate all user groups into one space or it is better to divide 
the space? Focusing on a single target group means their individual needs are 
met but when shared with other users it means that the needs of the whole are 
met rather than the individual group. If one separates the target groups there is 
the loss of interaction with other users. There are fewer challenges in the social 
To bring together different users invites greater social interaction in which one af-ter 
effect is influence. Thus, is it better to force different users to interact through 
creative activity? If so, then how to bring about multiple target groups into one 
space? This might mean we need to generalize the interests of each user or vice 
versa and include many activities and alternatives so that all interests are met. It 
might mean using one user group to invite or force other user groups to partici-pate 
within the space. For example, to create a place for children might influence 
the space used by parents and grandparents. 
We should also keep in mind that people attract other people to come to a space. 
Maybe, understanding that adults need play as well can bring together various 
user groups. How to incorporate challenges that satisfies all target groups? Many 
in their review of Spetsamossen have explained that maybe nature is the answer. 
Nature provides interest for all audiences and provides play through the imagina-tion. 
Illustration by Johanna Verbaan.
To be able to choose where you would like to go and who you want to 
meet is important for the personal feeling of freedom (Cele, Gifford). 
The viewpoints are important for the fascination keep to the interest 
of what is happening around the corner but struggling with the fear of 
violence in the park the balance between open and closed have to be 
carefully considered. The main character is according to Kragh and 
Berglund open and fl at. 
The pavilion is considered to be a roof, for sun or rain protection. 
The benches are partly movable, tracks in the concrete fl oor makes it 
possible to furniture the scene. To be able to change a place gives this 
area a dynamic design, and its satisfying to be able to change your 
environment (Mårtensson,Kylin). I have a vision where I see different 
age groups as Lieberg or Gifford says hanging out here and socialize. 
The assignment was to create an active place for everybody in an urban context 
for the park of Spetsamossen. Therefore, every student asked about the term of 
There have been thoughts about the use of certain materials (concrete, asphalt, 
glass, plastic), and shapes (sharp, strict, determined) but also colours (grey or 
more intensive ones like blue, red, green, yellow). But it has to be mentioned that 
some students really defined urbanity in this way and some asked about if this is 
meant to be urban. 
For a lot of students urbanity goes together with a high density of (mixed) 
people who meet and interact with each other. Furthermore, urbanity might 
be connected with a lot of activities that happen in one place, different activi-ties 
      
according to activities in natural environments (skateboarding, etc) and a 
lot of movement and happenings in general. KraghBerglund proposed special 
lighting for this park of Spetsamossen. The huge lamps initiated thoughts about 
lighting and urbanity. When considering the sun as the natural light, (such) artifi-cial 
lights create an urban feeling anyway. 
Some groups thought about the need of an urban park in this place of Spet-samossen, 
if it suitable at all. On the one hand, there was the municipality’s 
demand for an urban park and the central location that might make an urban 
character eligible. But on the other hand, there were proposals that struggled 
with an urban character being aware of Mårtensson’s (2009) statement of a 
natural environment that is more suitable for children’s play. Some even negated 
urbanity for this place. 
It was often the case that urbanity has been put in relation to natural/rural envi-ronment. 
Some were thinking about if urban character excludes nature or how it is pos-sible 
to integrate nature in an urban way. Maybe just to shape vegetation in a 
sharp or geometric form, or to use uncommon species for the certain location 
instead of planting common species in more layers, can be one way of how 
to bring the two terms together. Urban seems to be more determined, more 
shaped, more defined and natural more complex, unordered, undirected, more 
open for creativity and fantasy. Thus, there was this notion that it has been 
difficult to decide how to integrate urbanity when it is more determined, less 
flexible and seems to have a certain function. When designing an active place 
for everybody the environment has to be multifunctional and open for different 
kinds of fantasy and creativity. 
There has been also the opinion that urbanity excludes nature, that urbanity 
means less greenery or that nature does not fit into an urban context at all. 
As one can see, there are different opinions about urbanity and that it can mean 
different things to different people. One group stated the difficulty to handle this 
as planners because everybody has his/her own image of urbanity and one never 
knows if it meets other opinions and if this urban character is recognizable and 
appreciated by others at all. 
When looking at the single proposals it becomes obvious that the discussion 
about urbanity and the results of it lead to design-ideas. 
The use of defined shapes and certain materials like Magdalena’s concrete boxes, 
the eye-catching-effect of intensive colours (Johanna’s cubes or Merle’s red rub-ber 
objects) the importance of social interaction (Jenny’s dancefloor, Cordula’s 
ferries) as illustrated by images. 
Urban shapes and materials as illustrated by Eva-Britt 
The more people 
you are, the fast-er 
it goes and the 
sounds will become 
a melody. 
The dynamic lighting and colors of the dance floor fosters social 
integration as illustrated by Jenny Åkesson. 
Ferries fostering cooperation in the design by Cordula 
Movable, multifunctional, plastic cubes 
in bright colors evoke creativity illus-trated 
by Johanna Bilfeldt. 
The cubs are made by plastic and should be hollow heavy. The cubs will be placed where the pathways is that the cubs can be moved around and people can kind of purpose. I was also thinking that the cubs children to experience their body, use their balance, see the world from different angles. For example children or jumping around and playing don’t touch the ground. on the cubs, watching the children, the vegetation way also can be seen as artwork that have different place will change and it will be interesting do go happened, what have other people create. Some of the ground and on the night there will be light inside I will also put some of the stucked cubs into the vegetation. the feeling that the rised pathways give the feeling that to go on them and and not in the vegetation. Through things into the vegetation I think that people will feel in the vegetation. The cubs can then be used as lie down watching the sky, reading a book or study around. They can also be meeting places for teenagers
Multifunctional use 
Is it better to have a flexible or more specified design? A place and elements 
that can be used in many different ways can evoke creativity and fantasy. There 
may also be a risk of, when using very defined functions or elements, that it may 
distract some user groups negatively since they feel that it’s not made for them. 
Consequently, a more open-ended design can therefore be an advantage. When 
being able to transform the place yourself, perhaps there is a better possibility to 
generate place attachment because you have the opportunity to make the place 
whatever you want it to be. 
On the other hand, a few people raised the question that very open-ended de-sign 
could make people uncertain about how to behave. Perhaps more defined 
elements, where it’s clear what the purpose of the function is, might make it 
easier for some people. For example, adults might not be as used to as children in 
interacting deeply with their natural environment. 
Attracting people and plan for 
social interaction 
Seeing, meeting and talking to other people is not only an important part of 
being activated – people are also very attracted by other people and especially 
when other people are active. A good way of creating activity is therefore to plan 
for a good meeting place. This might include choosing a good setting close to a 
main path and providing good places for seating. Another way is to design some-thing 
spectacular, fascinating or irresistable. This, in itself, will attract people and 
make them want to explore the place. Another way is to plan for activities that 
fosters cooperation, and which gives people a reason to interact. 
Stone islands 
1) Transparant surfaces mixed mysterious expression. Different ways which gives the place 2) Natural stones have a very stones are unique. Natural stones which makes them very pleasant Stimulate different senses 
A design that stimulates different senses has many advantages. It creates a closer 
and deeper interaction with the environment. It means that there are more di-mensions 
to explore. It can also be a very successfull method when dealing with a 
variety of user-groups because it has something to give people regardless of dis-ability 
or limitations. It can be choosing different materials or materials that have 
many different qualities, like fruit-trees, soft leaves, pouring water and rounded 
stones. Plants and vegetation is very useful because it stimulates so many differ-ent 
senses and also provide diverse qualities throughout the year. 
Create variation and possibilities 
A design which has variation in rooms and possible experiences can serve differ-ent 
Some stone islands only consist of one 
material other of different materials, 
shapes and sizes. 
uses and user-groups at the same time. It is also likely that a variated place 
Some of the stone islands are mixed up 
with vegetation that can work as screens 
that divides the place into smaller rooms. 
will hold people’s interest for a longer time. It also evokes a sense of freedom 
when one can choose where to go. People need both on-stage and off-stage 
places which a design should take into account (Lieberg). 
Heights and levels 
When the ground plane varies, this can motivate people to activate too. Climbing 
hills, walls, steps or benches provide different challenges and healthy physical 
movement and body-awareness. Hills are a well-used element in playgrounds for 
children, but can be an enjoyment for adults as well. 
Sitting is a very important activity, perhaps especially for adults and elderly. It 
gives possibilities to rest, to observe other people, to read a book or talk to a 
friend. Strategically placed benches is therefore an important part of the design 
and should provide different possibilities in privacy, sun/shade and on-stage/ 
off-stage. Light, movable chairs has even more possibilities for people to choose 
the perfect spot and to interact with each other. Seating is very important in the 
public square as it one of the requirements suggested by William Whyte. 
This sketch could illustrate my visioned first characteristic 
area. It is a rather open area next to the water collecting 
pond. There is a combination with rubber balls and stones. 
The surface here is sand. I found it very important because 
a lot of people make this relation to beach, maybe vacation, 
relation. So this could work for a adult as a restorative area, 
sunny spot or make a will to clime? As in the research (lec-ture 
with P.Grahn) with the children the sand is very impor-tant 
play tool. So here it isn’t putted in a box, it allows to act 
The wooden pathway leads to a hidden place on the water. 
A lot of research has shown that water is a very pleasing 
element in the landscape. The wooden pathway allows to 
access to this spot fort every one, even elderly people. 
larger are on the way, where 
could rest, meet other person or 
observe what is happening. 
On the left side the wood sticks 
thicket creates see trough 
Stones next to the wooden 
pathway allows to enter differ-ent 
room. The red rubber form 
catches the eye from the dis-tance. 
The use of it depends 
on the user groups. It could be 
a meeting place, sitting area or 
used as a slide or climbing tool. 
Entry to a water 
platform. Bend-ing 
makes wonder 
what is behinf the 
is also 
have de-cided 
their loca-tion 
different kinds 
sitting, hid-ing. 
that , but I 
be the 
Red rubber spheres, undefined objects for 
creative play and imagination as illustrated 
by Merle Talvieste. 
The concret boxes give an urban 
impression at the same time as they 
are flexible and versatile; making 
the basic blocks for many different 
and changing surroundnings. 
Hide-and-seek Temporary activities like exhibitions 
or letting the children paint 
Illuminated in the night 
0 10 20 30 40m 
Nature is an important element 
in the urban environment. Here 
children can play freely and cre-ate 
their own little hide-aways. 
In this, the concret boxes make 
an exciting element. 
Jumping stones Play and hide in the grove 
The main thoughts for the levels are that they should function like lanes with 
the same form expression as the ordinary paths in the park, but with dif-ferent 
heights, widths, materials and uses/activities. The edgy form of the 
ordinary paths is not just taken in the horizontal plane but also in the verti-cal 
plane. That is, the lanes height changes in an edgy way, like it is made of 
ramps (see view images). The direction of the lanes is irregular and made 
so that the end of them cannot be seen. The beneϐits from this are that the 
attention is directed on the surrounding environment, the atmosphere gets 
a stronger spatial feeling and the lanes can be experienced as longer than 
they really are. Although the lanes only run in one direction it is possible to 
go between them by smaller paths perpendicular to the lanes. These small 
paths could either be done in less urban materials (for example in sand, bark 
or wood chips) or be created by the use of the visitors themselves. In some 
places these paths could start by a narrow ϐlight of stairs over a larger height 
difference and in some on places where the height difference is none or very 
To make people start spending time in and experiencing the level landscape 
there are some usual activities integrated in the lanes. In one glade next to 
the water there is a grill area and in another glade there is a pentangue/ 
boule area. From the arrival crossing in the very south part to the skate park 
there is also a lane for the skaters. Here youths can skate and practice some 
of their tricks on edges made in the ground and on the corners of the lane 
walls (corners have to be strengthened by metal). In this lane the lane walls 
could also be made extra high and function as “legal walls” for grafϐiti. 
Each lane has a special character that either is the same throughout the 
whole lane or changes along the way. Some of them consists of water, some 
of concrete paths and some of vegetation. The lanes of concrete paths are 
in a darker color than the main paths and with a rougher surface treat-ment, 
of the vegetation does however differ between children and older In some places the vegetation lanes therefore have a very natural look, many plant layers and different kinds of species. This kind of vegetation perfect for children’s play and it encourages them to build dens as ϐind good places that correspond to their size and the environment with the material that they need in their construction (Kylin Cele S., 2006). In other places the vegetation is more cultivated and since adults often prefer more tidy looking vegetation. The most important 
thing for the plants is though, as mentioned earlier, that they have variations in qualities throughout the year as possible. The vegetation to the pentangue/boule area and the main paths should be lower more open due to security (mostly experienced security). Next to boule plants should also be used that have ϐlowers during as well as spring and autumn. 
1 2 
Stones can also work the important meaning like chairs and benches like stairs, fountains these seating as abandoned benches, and of which makes them stand out from the ordinary system of paths. All 
of the lane walls (the sides that take up the height differences) are made of 
the same light (white) concrete as in the main paths. The vegetation in the 
lanes does in some of them only consist of cut grass while in other of trees, 
shrubs and/or perennials. As the form of the lanes has an urban character 
the vegetation can be more natural without losing the urban feel. Although 
more urban vegetation (as trees in hard surfaces etc.) can be very nice, much 
research establishes a general preference of more natural vegetation (Kap-lan 
Stone islands 
Stones are other objects that can be used to experi-ment 
 Kaplan, 1998; Ottosson  Ottosson, 2006). The amount of naturalness 
with different height levels and also be used by 
children in their play by climbing up and down the 
where they make their own “private” places. 
I’ve thought of creating stone islands and by using 
Modules that can be put together to create 
“changing chairs” as illustrated by Michael 
Versatile concrete boxes as illustrated by Magdalena 
Galle Rambe. 
Various objects to stimulate the senses illustrated by 
Erica Jonasson. 
Elevation changes providing interest and activation for 
the users illustrated by Carina Daubner. 
A variation in ground materials, like wood, turf, gravel, 
sand and rubber illustrated by Lavanya Asogamoorthy.
Vegetation and nature 
When it comes to childrens’ play, nature and vegetation has proved to be very 
stimulating and provide many possibilites. Plants provide places to hide, to 
observe other people, it can be manipulated into paths and dens and it activa-tes 
many different senses. Vegetation can have restorative effects and activate 
people, even if it’s not be as physically engaging as it may be for children. To 
include plants in the design is therefore very useful in most places, but perhaps 
even more so where you want people to activate. 
Water is a very useful element offering many different experiences and activities 
if added to a place. It can be a very calming material and at the same time be 
a good element to transform and use in activities; touching it, making it move, 
hearing it, making things float or sink to the bottom. Combined with bridges or 
stepping stones over the water, it can add a challenge to the ordinary activity of 
Dens are an important part of childrens’ play, making them create a world of 
their own, feel freedom and observe other people while hiding. A place where 
there is possibility to create dens will be a good place for children, and the use of 
vegetation is especially good for this purpose. Could there be something similar 
to dens which adults may want to use? 
Stepping stones in water brings 
excitement and closeness to water as 
Jessica MacDonald. 
PA G E 4
For the different design proposals the students used various kind of literature 
that has also been discussed in the literature seminars. 
To mention only some, Cele (2006), Mårtensson (2009), Kylin (2003), Boldemann 
et al.(2006) provided a broad spectrum of what planners have to consider when 
designing environments for children. It was very helpful to work with it. The 
discussion of a natural environment being more suitable for people’s well-beings 
and children’s play than an urban environment often occurred and was mainly 
fed by the various authors’ statements. 
The place in the Spetsamossen Park was supposed to be an active place for 
everybody. Therefore, it was interesting to think about activity for adults and 
elderly as well. Unfortunately, there was literature missing that gave us a deeper 
insight in what kind of features and elements can activate them. 
When having a look at the single proposals, there are other works that have been 
helpful to refer to (not an entire list): 
Jan Gehl 
Robert Gifford 
Mats Lieberg 
Kragh and Berglund Landskapsarkitekter A/S Köpenhamn. (2007) Program for 
Spetsamossen Växjö. 
Boldeman, C. et al. (2006). Impact of preschool environment upon children’s 
physical activity and sun expo¬sure. Prev Med 42(4), pp 301-308. 
Cele, S., (2006). Communicating Place. Methods for Understanding Children’s 
Experience of Place. Doct Diss, Stockholm University pp 9-80. 
Gehl, J. (2006). Life between buildings: using public space. 6. 
ed. København: The Danish Architectural Press. 
Gifford, R. (1987). Environmental Psychology, principles and practice. Allyn and 
Bacon, Boston. Chapter 10: “Community environmental psychology” 
Kylin, M. (2003). Children’s Dens. Children, Youth and Environment. 13(1), Spring 
Lieberg, M (1995) Teenagers and Public Space, Communication Research, vol 22, 
no 6, 1995, pp. 720-744 
Mårtsensson, F., (2009). Lectures “Place attachment – from childhood to adult-hood” 
and “Health promoting outdoor settings”, 2009-02-16, Alnarp. 
People and Environment 
Emma Ekdahl, Soa Fribyter, Erika Jonasson, Merle Talviste and Johanna Verbaan
How does the design process aect the nal result of a design? 
What are the possible approaches of a design process and what are 
the denitions and representative features of these? We have gone 
through the projects of Sommarsol, trying to analyze and spot 
possible categories and types of approaches for this task. Finally we 
ended up with four categories which we interpreted as dierent 
ways of dealing with the rather intricate and complex assignment 
of Sommarsol. 
This analyze is one way of reecting of what has been done in the 
Sommarsol project and such an analyze could create an awareness 
of possible ways of approaching this type of project in the future. 
The four categories 
Structural/general focus (12%) 
Conceptual view (40%) 
Detailed focus (28%) 
Focusing on Details (20%) 
The approach of a structural/general focus in a design process 
seems to aims towards an overall analyze, to nd arguments and 
guidelines further on in the design process. This point of view 
emphasises the importance of connecting desired environment to 
the most preferable location through analyze and structuring. By 
analyzing the basic conditions, considering the wants and needs of 
the users, looking into desired features and elements in the envi-ronment, 
the designer aims to dene zones to clarify what has to 
be done in this dierent zones to create a design which applies to 
the whole structure. The structural/general focus requires a visual 
material which shows the site in a greater context with its sur-roundings. 
Representative features: .Maps with colour schemes connected to 
denitions are the most common representative features. 
Most frequently used literature within this category 
Bell, P.A., Greene, T.C., Fischer, J.F.  Baum, A. (2001) Public space and territoriality. 
pp251-292. Environmental Psychology. Thomson Wadsworth, Belmont CA. 
Bengtsson, A  Carlsson,C. (2006). Outdoor Environments at Three Nursing 
Homes: Focus Group Interviews with Sta. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 
19(3), 49-69 
Ottosson, J. (2007). The Importance of Nature in Coping: Creating increased un-derstanding 
of the importance of pure experiences of nature to human health. 
SLU Reproenheten, Alnarp. 
Ulrich, Roger S; (1999). Eects of Gardens on Health Outcomes: Theory and Re-search. 
In: red, Cooper Marcus, Clare., Barnes, Marni. Healing Gardens, Therapeu-tic 
Benets and Design Recommendations. pp235-322. New York. 
Stigsdotter, U.and Grahn, P. (2002) What makes a garden a healing garden. Jour-nal 
of Therapeutic Horticulture, AHTA, Volume XIII 
Structural/General focus 
Emma Ekdahl and Carina Daubner 
People with neurological diseases further require an environment that supports 
activities for learning basic functions (Bengtsson, 2006). By connecting possible outdoor 
rehab activities and place those close to the existing indoor rehab activities, the rehab 
garden is probably more likely to be used by staff as a complement to the different 
indoor programs. 
Finally, in making sure that this new healing garden at 
Sommarsol will be used as both a therapeutic garden 
containing physical training as well as a restorative garden 
for passive enjoyment, I believe it should be created where 
the major existing lawns are today. This is a much larger 
area with greater possibilities to attend to all those 
different characters needed in a healing garden. 
Preferably it could be divided into two smaller gardens; one 
inner and one outer related to the pool area in between. 
The inner garden could hold a more therapeutic approach, 
focusing on activities, security and social meetings. The 
outer garden could then have a more restorative approach 
with possibilities of finding a private secluded place, 
including paths for walking that could be connected to the 
way to the beautiful surroundings; the sea and the forest. 
Placing the garden here, it would also be visible for all 
visitors and could strengthen the identity for Sommarsol. If 
there were more time for this assignment, now the process 
of planning the gardens in detail could begin together with 
the staff working at the facility... 
The outer restorative 
and private garden 
The inner therapeutic 
and social garden 
The pool area
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme
People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme

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People and Environment 2009 - Landscape Architecture Programme

  • 1. People and Environment 2009 Department of Work Science, Business Economics and Environmental Psychology in cooperation with Department of Landscape Architecture Water Purling water Hiding place in the reed Water has many It fascintes, gives play.
  • 2. 2 LK0069 People and Environment, 15 HEC Människa och fysisk miljö The course is given as part of the Landscape Architecture Programme (admission before 1 July 2007); Landscape Architecture Programme, Alnarp; Urban Land-scape Dynamics - Master´s Programme Syllabus Approved: 6 November 2007 Subjects: Landscape Architecture/Landscape Planning Level and Depth: Master D Marking Scale: 5:Pass with Distinction = A and B / 4:Pass with Credit = C / 3:Pass = D and E / U:Fail = F and Fx Objective The aim of the course is to provide insights into how the interaction between people and the physical environment functions and what different outdoor en-vironments can mean for quality of life, well-being and health. The course will provide training in the ability to analyse and investigate people’s relationships to their surroundings and to translate this knowledge into design and planning processes. After completion of the course, the student should be able to: - describe perspectives and concepts within social science and behavioural science, mainly within environmental psychology and urban sociology, that are relevant for the knowledge area of Landscape Architecture - apply a selection of the methods used for investigating how people use, experience and evaluate external environments (e.g. interviews, street walks, observations or surveys) - problematise and analyse people’s different needs and interests in external environments on the basis of e.g. gender, age, social situation, cultural context and disability - analyse and critically examine people’s relation to place and use this under-standing in design and planning contexts Content The course is characterised by perspectives of social- and behavioural science on problem issues within Landscape Architecture, Architecture and Town Plan-ning. Seminars and exercises will provide training in the ability to investigate and analyse people’s situation in relation to their surroundings. Students will also be posed different design problems and will be given the opportunity to translate their knowledge within environmental psychology and urban sociol-ogy into planning and design proposals.
  • 3. 3 A course summary This resport is a summary, a kind of review, of the four different assignments the students had during this course. These projects were called Street Art, Places for Memory and Meaning, Spetsamossen and Sommarsol. The first assignment was made during week 5-6, in the Urban Sociology theme. Here the students chose wether they wanted to work with Street Art (supervised by Emma Paulsson) or Places for Memory and Meaning (supervised by Sabina Jallow) and handed in an individual assignment on it. During week 7-8 all made individual assignments on Spetsamossen which is an urban playground. In week 9-10 all handed in individual assignments on Sommarsol; a rehabililtation centre for people with neurological diseases. Finally the students, in eight groups, re-viewed one of these four projects. l Street Art l Places for Memory and Meaning l Spetsamossen l Sommarsol Alnarp, 27 March 2009 Carina Tenngart Ivarsson & Elisabeth von Essen
  • 4. 4 People and Environment Street Art Eva-Marie Samuelson, Karolina Bjerler, Jessica MacDonald, Mateja Havlicek, Sona Kralikova
  • 5. 5 Introduction The intention of this summary is to highlight the main themes and trains of thought present throughout the various projects. The projects focused on traffic signs, switchboxes, tags and all street art. This summary analyzes the different methods and results and compares the discussions between the various groups. Method Different methods used were mapping, photographing and categorizing. Different groups had difficulties making categories and clearly defining them. Dividing street art from advertising and political messages was hard. A general comment was that there was not enough time given to develop a more effective method for gathering the information. Some groups thought it would be beneficial to go back and see the same area later on or to investigate two different areas within the city. Also to be able to look up the links included in some of the art to see if it is actually street art or rather an advertisement for something. It may have been beneficial as well to write some notes while you are gathering the information about the different types and materials used as you might not be able to see it from photographs. Results Groups with similar methods interpreted and presented the results in different ways. Some groups created maps that showed the locations of the different types of street art. Others created graphs that interpreted the prevalence of different types of street art as well as the locations that they were observed. Another group mapped out all of the traffic signs and numbered them on a map showing their locations. The graphs were effective and presented the information clearly but this method would not translate perfectly with the different projects. Discussion The intention or message that street art is trying to get across was discussed, if the message is too hidden or difficult to understand. The message behind the street art is what makes it significant, however many people either do not look at the street art or do not understand the message that they are trying to get across. The length of time that the street art was present was also considered because if it has been there for a long time the message may not be relevant any longer. Street art was also seen as a method of communication between the various residents within the city, it creates a dialogue between people who would otherwise not communicate with one another. The reason that stickers were thought to be so prevalent on the traffic signs was also thought to be because there is such limited space on the signs. This limited space does not allow for a masterpiece or a large installation so the artwork adapts to fit the space available. The right to the public space was considered concerning commercials and advertising. The thought of how only rich people who can pay to have their message communicated can have a voice within public space. Some people think that street art takes up too much public space. Street art could be considered the life between buildings. Jan Gehl mentions that life between buildings is not just pedestrian traffic but includes social and recreational activities (Gehl 2006, p.14). He explains that life between buildings contains a wide range of activities that make the place have meaning and aesthetics (Gehl 2006, p.14). Street art could be one of these activities that create meaning within a residential area and personalize the space. Different kinds of street art and graffiti. All images by Karolina Bjerler.
  • 6. 6 The legal wall at parking house Anna in Malmö All images by Karolina Bjerler. Especially concerning the traffic signs and the tags repetition was used to emphasize their work. Repetition is a marketing tool that is somewhat abused by those making use of traffic signs for advertising. Tags were repeated to compete with others and to mark that space as their own. Stickers were the most common in the traffic signs and tags were the most common when considering the whole environment. This was thought to be the case because both mediums are very quick to put up which is helpful when you are doing something illegal. In the literature seminar concerning street art the fact that street art is illegal was discussed as something that made it more appealing. If street art was suddenly made legal it would take away from the excitement of it. Free zones from the text by Lieberg (1995) were discussed, opportunities for artists to freely express themselves. This discussion on free zones or free walls can be interpreted both ways. It can be seen as a great opportunity for an artist to spend more time on their work and not risk being caught by the police but at the same time the context of the work is very important to convey a message. So the message intended by an artist may be lost if it is confined to the free zone defined by the city. Something that our group thought was important but not discussed was the level of street art that is acceptable and how the location also informs if it is well received or not. One example was given by Emma Paulsson (lecture, 2009) concerning Nazi symbols and a box said to be containing the gas that was used to kill the Jewish people located near a Jewish synagogue. This type of work brings up the question of what level is acceptable and what street has gone too far. The location of this installation added to the inappropriate material raising the question of where street art is appropriate and acceptable. One thing that was discussed were the different surfaces that were used for the street art and graffiti. Smooth surfaces were more common and fences that were perceived to be more public were used more often. Places that were more private such as people’s homes were not as common, this may also be because artwork and graffiti are removed more rapidly. Conclusion The topic of street art exposed those who participated to different levels of graffiti and street art. The dynamic of public space and the discussions surrounding it may have brought up more questions than answers. References Lieberg, M. (1995). Teenagers and Public Space, Communication Research, vol 22, no 6, 1995 Paulsson, Emma, Street art as a theater or a prospect, 26th of January 2009 Gehl, Jan (2006). Life between buildings: using public space. 6. Ed. København: The Danish Architectural Press
  • 7. 7 REFLECTION - STREET ART This is a reflection up on projects carried out during the course People and envi-ronment LK0069 in 2009. Method When approachning a problem, an adequate method is needed. The method has to be carefully thought through as it will be reflected in and perhaps affect the results you get. It is also important to carefully describe the method to be able to evaluate the results in a good way. One way to find a suitable method for a specific investigation is to start up with a background research and literature studies, to find out what questions you want to be able to answer. Added to this useful preparations can be making some kind of checklist to keep in hand when in field. Further on it is of importance to evaluate the used method as this can lead to new and better approaches of investigation in the future. In the studies done during the course project upon street art, a very limited area of Malmö city was given every group, consisting of a couple of streets. This was probably due to the very limited time, but as landscape architects, we discussed this in a plan-ners perspective and wants to point out that it is important to also look at the city in a broader perspective. It is interesting to study the whole city as a unit and not only secluded districts, which is important to have in mind for future studies. What is Street art? What is art and what is not? This is a very subjective matter that all groups within these projects have had a hard time striving with. We cannot really define what art is in general, and therefore not street art. There are a lot of different motives among artist why they do street art. It could be to send out political messages, clearly shown or for the observer to interpret. Some artists see the reaction perceived from people as the actual art. Artists might want to provoke the public in this way. Street art can also be seen as a way for the artist to show his or her territory and existence in the city. Some artist might just want to make the streets more beautiful, like making a hidden corner in the city visible by putting up a trophy for citizens to find. Art work seams to have some kind of meaning for the artists but not always for the observer. If the meaning is known to the ob-server he or she has the possibility to reflect from a different point as compared to when viewing the art when the meaning is unknown. We as designers are reflecting upon street art from our point of view and our amount of knowledge in the subject. That is why it is important to decide on forehand what you want to investigate to be able to choose a proper method that will take all user groups in to consideration, when it comes to public spaces. Street art in the public space Who has the right to the city was one common issue put forth in reflections. It is considered to be a problem of democracy, referring to Mitchell (1995), where the threat is that public space can start to function as a individual property, where the owner sets the rules (advertisement companies, corporations...). In this way the ones with financial resources has more control over the city. Furthermore it was discussed that everyone should thus have the right to express themselves in the city, but can this really be done everywhere in public spaces and in any way? Then, if the public space belongs to everyone, what right do street artists have to do their art in the city in relation to those who does not like street art; they have a need and right to express themselves as well. We perceive the street art as only one way to express oneself in the public space, there are many other, such as with clothes, hairstyle and music for example. What we discussed more, was that public space in fact is not thouroughly free of charge, where everyone is allowed to act freely and according to his beliefs. Actually we are paying taxes so in this way we are paying for the public spaces in cities. There were also some interesting comparisons made how the public space can be perceived, like for example public space as a canvas for street artists or the city as a playground and the streets as a parliament where the street art phenomena takes place (Andersen, 2007). When does street art take up to much space? When it becomes too much it can start to take over the city and impede the view of the city, just like advertisement in some cases do. Then there is no space left for the “empty” spaces that probably appeals to a lot of people. When it impedes the function of a place it is also considered too much, like when street art is put up on the front on a traffic sign and impedes the view of it and in this way disturbs the drivers. It is also less accepted when the street art go beyond the public realm and into the private. It can perhaps also cause disturbance among people when it is placed in highly public places, where a lot of people not only pass by but stay for a longer period of time.
  • 8. 8 Where does street art occur? Street art is found everywhere along the streets, on objects, on the ground or on the walls. Street art in general seems to occur more frequently in semi-public ar-eas instead of the highly public areas. Repeated objects such as traffic signs and switch boxes are frequently used. A constantly competition between street art, advertisements and the ones cleaning the limited surfaces available is a common scene in the streets. Artists probably think quite differently about the location of their street art. Some seems to place it very visible so that it is easy to spot for as many people as possible and some seems to want to place it more hidden as a surprise for the viewer. The connection with a certain place might also sometimes be of importance, but in the projects there were no street art showing this con-nection. The street art could though give a comment on that very specific place, like environmental issues on switch boxes commenting on the ongoing discus-sion of the greenhouse effect. How do people see street art? We can make a conclusion that the perception of street art (and also what is treated as such and what isn’t) is in the eyes of viewer and of the individuals knowledge and background. Is he or she familiar with the special meaning of the expressed action? Some think that street art enriches the city, but others says it cheapens places no matter the meaning behind it. Maybe it is also a matter of scale when accepting something as appropriate to be there. For example, a bus completely filled with graffiti expressions perhaps might work as an art expres-sion, but on the other hand just a tag on an otherwise clean street wall can be perceived as an act of vandalism. An interesting theory about how we percieve the environment is that we filter out the necessary information from the environ-ment and disregard the rest, as all would be too much information to process. (Grahn, P., Stigsdotter, U, 2002 p.62) street art would therefore most likely in many situations get filtered out as not important information, at least for most of us. Appropriate and offensive Some people perceive street art as vandalism and perhaps find the expressions of the art frightening and offensive. The art is not affecting only the visual ex-pression of the room but also the feeling and atmosphere of it. It may also inter-fere with the movement pattern of people, for those who percieve the street art as something negative. When people are affected in this way of street art it can result in segregation, as people might feel that they don’t belong in certain areas. To divide Street art in accepted and not accepted art is as difficult as describing art because there are no answers. In the public space where the street art often occurs, we can discuss democracy and the question of who has the right to the public space. Is some street art more accepted than other? From the researches point of view in the studies carried out in Malmö, schablons, stickers and posters seems to be more accepted than spray tags. One reason can be the effort and money put into the art and the more careful preparations to create a schablon, sticker or poster in contrast to spray tags. Seeing the concept of street art as temporary art installations stickers and poster are also visionary easily to remove compared to the spray tags which can be another reason to why this kind of street art is more accepted. Professionally printed stickers can also cost a lot of money and many people might therefore think of it as more socially accepted. Temporary art As it was mentioned above, tags are the ones often seen as an action of van-dalism. Making a tag more temporary by spraying it on a poster would perhaps be precieved as more accepted. In relation to temporary art we discussed the possibilities of using paint that is easily washed away in rainy weather. As it costs a lot of money to remove spray paint and stickers from the streets, the more temporary the art is, the more accepted it would probably be; something that the society do not actively has to remove. The notion of dynamics in the public space is also an interesting topic widely discussed in the course projects. The appearance of the city and the street art within the city changes all the time and agitates the feeling of the art being permanent.
  • 9. 9 Street art vs. advertising There were the conclusions that advertising occurs probably more frequent in the streets than street art does. Some groups expressed that they wanted to in-vestigate this relationship further, which demands more time for deeper research about it. However, it was found out that advertising consumes public space for sure. And there were questions about the borders between street art and adver-tisement. Is it possible for them both to overlap each other? Rather many reflec-tions resulted in the opinion that advertisement impedes the view of the city. It is also a matter of relation between size and perception. Huge advertisements mean that you have no chance to escape. On the other hand the city gets money from advertising and not from street art. In relation to city planning When discussing the role of landscape architects or spatial planners in relation to street art, we can draw a line that street artists do more temporary things. One student expressed it as the street art is a way of temporarily tattooing the cityscape and leaving visual traces behind. Landscape architects and planners though plan and design the city as a whole and in a more permanent way. It is also important to mention that these professions have a more objective perspec-tive and see to the needs of the user groups. One can think of street art as a beginning of revival of urban wastelands which offer a lot of possibilities for temporary uses and street artists – areas where less people are affected by their art. Street artists can be seen as catalysts in planning in the way that they bring lost places back in people’s minds, as Oswalt (2007) claims. There is perhaps a need to include this potential in our formal planning to make our surroundings more interesting and exciting. There was also a notion of Lieberg’s thought of backstage places in the cities where teenagers can try out new things, like street art. As we can agree with Oswalt’s statement that spontaneous, temporary uses could have positive long term effects, we can at the same time discuss that the strictly defined areas where there is no room for backstage expressions maybe cannot contribute to a place for all. The public space in the city should represent the city’s heart and its people. Conclusion During our task we came across with lot of further questions. We didn’t feel like we have the competence to completely answer them but to put them up for further discussions. In our reflection of the street art theme in the course we therefore tried to scoop the overall reflections, both from the student assign-ments and the literature. L e n a Ag r e l l , E v a - B r i t t K a r l s s o n , Ta d e j a R oz m a n
  • 10. Places for Memory and Meaning Nicholas Pettinati, Karolina Alvaker, Marielle Karlsson, Shabnam Gholoobi 10
  • 11. 11 INTRODUCTION Memory and meaning in public spaces, whether an urban square or a country road, is a difficult issue to discuss. However, this was the subject for one of the projects in the course People and the Environment at SLU. The assign-ment was to design an urban space in the Western Harbor of Malmö as a place for memory and meaning. The assignment started with a review of some relevant literature and continued with a walking tour of some different spaces in Malmö. Ultimately, the students prepared a group presentation about their thoughts on memory and meaning, and an individual proposal for the site they were asked to design. The students read through several relevant texts to gain a deeper un-derstanding behind the concepts of memory and meaning. The texts dealt with some very difficult theories regarding memory and provided a general framework for the students. After a discussion of the texts the students embarked on a walking tour to try and discover places for memory and meaning that already existed in Malmö. The goal was to try and photograph places that had charac-teristics of memory and meaning as a basis for thinking about the site. These spaces weren’t necessarily meaningful places, but spaces that could have some elements that create meaning. The walk culminated with a visit to the design site, and the begining of the design process for the students. The goal of this paper is to summarize the results from these proposals and the overall success of the assignment. There is also a brief summary of the texts that were used for this assignment. We will start with a brief background of the site, and some of the questions that faced the students as they began the design process. Then we will move to a discussion of the proposals themselves, and the themes that we felt emerged from the designs. Finally, we will end with some of our own thoughts and comments on the project. Background The site that was selected for the design is located along the coast in the Western Harbor of Malmö. The physical site itself is a large square that is elevated, overlooking the sea and the Oresund Bridge. Also, in the northwest cor-ner there is a small platform that protrudes from the square and forms an over-look. This corner has been nicknamed “the Titanic” after the scene in the movie where the two main characters are hanging off the bow of the boat pretending to fly. In the center of the square there is a stage that is handicap accessible. The entire site is handicap accessible via ramps up to the square. The space also fits into the larger scheme that forms a boardwalk along the coast. The area is extremely popular in summer, with hundreds of people lounging, swimming, and diving into the sea. As was mentioned previously, the goal of the design was to create a space for memory and meaning. Some of the difficult questions that the students had to answer are how do you create a space for memory and meaning in the public realm? Whose memory and/or what meaning should the space have? Does there have to be an event that occurred to make a space meaningful? What about the meaning that the space already has? What characteristics or ele-ments give a space meaning? The design proposals answer all these and many more questions in amazingly unique ways. Pictures of the site (provided by Mateja and Tadjea)
  • 12. 12 While each proposal addressed the issues associated with creating memory and meaning in an urban public space in their own way, there were also several themes that emerged from the designs. The three main themes focused on the view of the sea, the element of water, and the use of sculpture. The proposal by Jenny Åkesson, Johanna Verbaan and Sofia Fribyter used the view as a major element in their design. They created “cave-like” rooms (see graphic below) that could be entered and used as a place to quietly reflect. They wanted to highlight the view of the sea and the powerful meaning associ-ated with it. and also use silence as a way to create meaning. “...The place could be decrbied as a parallel reality where an anti sound installation makes you aware of sounds by creating absolute silence at a place which should have sounds...” The next proposal, by Tadeja Rozman, also used the view as a driving force for her design. “To feel its drops, to smell and taste the salt (of life!), to hear the roaring, to see the ocean`s horizon and its eternal vastness. Just being here and now, in the present of the preseence of all sense sactivated. It gives a shelter, a possibility to draw back, be among people, but still alone, hearing stifled sounds of the ocean and of people´s voices somewhere around...” She talks about using this space as a place to pause from the everyday flow of life, Picture from the proposal “Silence” by Jenny Åkesson, Johanna Verbaan and Sofia Fribyter Graphic provided by Tadeja Rozman THEMES
  • 13. 13 and creating meaning through taking this break. Using this space as a chance to stop and reflect on whatever we can. The second theme that emerged from the different proposals revolves around the element of water and its possible uses on the site. The proposal by Mateja Havliček focuses on just this element. She wanted to create a space where the experience of water drives the meaning of the place. She accom-plished this through a shallow pool that flows into a waterfall off the edge. This pool can be experienced by all through as many senses as possible, and as such creates a new meaning for the space through water. “The tactile experiences of sight, sound and touch have a big value in this project.” Cordula Gielen also used water as an important element in creating meaning in the space. Similar to that of Mateja, she brought the predominant element of the site (the view of the ocean) into the actual physical space. As the graphic above depicts, the center stage has been turned into a shallow reflect-ing pool that can be experienced in many different ways. Her main concept was to use the idea of reflecting, both metaphorically and physically (in the water), to bring new meaning to the area. “Consequently, this place provides possibilities for being active as well as being spirtiual. They just happen side by side.” Finally, the last theme that developed from the different proposals centered around the use of scupltures, and their ability to create meaning. The proposal by Emily Hansen used a sculptural element to create activity and mean-ing simultaneously in the space. She created several different pillars that can be used for sitting, standing, jumping, demonstrating, and anything else someone can think of. The focus is on the social interactions that can be created by these elements and the people in the space, and the possibility for that social narrative to evolve and change. “The social character of the space exists in an alternate sort of reality, one that continues to define and redefine the space through ex-periences and interactions of and between people in the collectively recognized physical setting.” The proposal by Eva-Britt Karlsson also uses a sculpture to bring mean-ing to the site. However, her sculpture is one that has a great cultural significance and historical background. The idea she had was to have different artists to create a sculpture of a hand in the center of the stage. This hand could change through time and the idea of the hand has a great deal of meaning attached to it. As the Left: Graphic Provided by Mateja Havlicek Middle: Graphic Provided by Cordula Gielen Right: Graphic Provided by Emily Hansen
  • 14. 14 graphic to the left depicts, even the shapeorientation of the hand can alter its meaning. This simple gesture changes the makeup of this urban square and accomplishes the goal of creating new meaning. “No one knows who the hands belong to, (accept the designer). The meaning is to show that all people have the right to the public space.” The next proposal by Karolina Alvaker takes in the sense of hearing in the memorial experience. Echoing sounds and wind passing through the sculp-tural elements creating music which stimulates the senses and draws upon the idea of remembrance in a playful way. “With particular focus on sense and spirit, and with the natural elements as a mirror rather than any connection to a god, the Titanic Memorial is built to capture the individual person i a vast crowd.” The proposal by Ann Henrikson also uses the idea of wind and sculp-ture to define meaning in this urban space. Her concept revolves around the idea of wind as a way to trigger a fascination about the site. The sculptures force an extra awareness about the environment that surrounds the users of the site, and adds a new dimension. The statue of the wind formalizes the idea of the sculptures and the concept that they symbolize. “...a public meeting place where the perception of feeling and being a human being is in focus. The memorial of the wind is in fact a masque of the human perception of the wind...” Finally, the proposal by Nicholas Pettinati, deals with sculpture in a slightly different way. He wanted to use the memories of the people who use the site to add meaning to the space. He accomplished this goal by creating a photo collage as the paving pattern for the center stage, and on the walls of the space. The photographs to be used would be donated by people who use the space and would be constantly evolving, with more and more photographs being added. This collage is a physical representation of the memories that have occured on the site, and as such embody the meaning of the place. “The installation has a pround effect on the meaning of the space. Now, it is not only about what activi-ties are occuring there, it is also about remembering and re-living those experi-ences and learning about the experiences of others” Conclusion As evidenced by the various proposals, there is no correct answer on how to add meaning and memory to a space, especially one in the urban public fabric. However, there are some elements that emerged from this design exer-cise as possible solutions. All the proposals dealt with the existing conditions, and those conditions have a large impact on the design of the site. The themes that developed evolved from the interpretations of the site, and the conditions that are present there. It would be interesting to see what would happen if a completely different site was given for this same exercise. The question of how to create meaning or memory in a space is still a difficult one to address, but this assignment helped to shed light on some pos-sible ways to deal with the very complex issue. Top: Graphic provided by Ann Henrikson Bottom: Graphic provided by Nicholas Pettinati Top: Graphic provided by Eva-Britt Karlsson Bottom: Graphic provided by Karolina Alvaker
  • 15. 15 We want to take this opportunity to share our thoughts and comments on the project. To start some general thoughts on the process; The literature for this project was helpful as a starting point, and definately got us thinking about memory and meaning. However it didn´t directly relate to the site, or the task. For us, it provided more of a framework for the design, and the design evolved more from the site conditions and the individual thoughts of the students. Memory and meaning also occur on a very individual level, and we question whether you can create a space for everyone that is meaningful in a spirtual way. The question of religious vs nonreligious is always at the back of our minds when talking about this issue and another big question is how do we resolve that? Getting to the actual proposals, we thought it was incredible how there were so many different solutions to this problem. Each proposal handled these difficult questions in a very unique way. It was also really interesting to see how the themes evolved from the projects. It showed us how while each project was individual the group discussions had a great impact on how the process was handled. The discussion with Sabina Jallow also had a very profound impact on the process. Sabina Jallow talked about how the ocean allows us to be silent, and even just that comment influenced the designs. Another really interesting aspect of this project was the requirement to write it as an article from a third persons view. This was an excellent way to critique our own proposal, but was difficult for some to get started. It definately added a unique dimension to the proejct. Overall, we all really enjoyed this project and would reccomend doing something similar in another course. It provoked some very difficult and challenging questions about how people interact in an environment. Those types of questions we think are at the core of this course and should be the ones to be explored further. REFLECTION The Titanic Corner, Picture by Cordula Gielen
  • 16. 16 MEMORY AND MEANING The following summary is made from reflections on the course literature made by the students working with “places of memory and meaning” and from our group discussions. • Spiritual places can gather people and act as meeting points in the outdoor environment. The experiences of a tragedy also often get people in difficult situations which can make them work together and get stronger. Memorial places can however also act excluding in the way that they sometimes can have a too directed design or purpose. • Memories can be personal and/or public. There have therefore to be a balance between memorial places for individuals, which are person-oriented and can be individualized, and places for the public, which are spiritual and suitable for different people and cultures. Every person has however their own mourning process and there are therefore good if it is possible to make room for individual mourning expressions in places with common monuments. • Both the past and the future are important for the present time as the present exists in between the two. Since we can relate to things in the past it can be a great source of information and inspiration when forming the future. For a person who is morning it can be very hard to look into the future as one wants to remember the past, but it can also be hard as you see that the future will be different than you had pictured. • Spiritual and memorial places can be used for all outdoor activities; necessary, voluntary and social activities. These places can today also often be more symbolic than religious. As the time goes on, the use and meaning of a memorial place furthermore changes. Many memorial objects, such as statues in the city, act for instance as places for meeting where the original meaning of the object no longer is important. • The remembrance can be voluntary, but it can also be uncontrollable. Memories are often recalled by complex and individual triggers and not by places themselves. The triggers can be a certain symbol, feeling, spatiality, detail, etc. Of these triggers, some can be more effective than others. One of the triggers that can be very important for our remembrance is the activation of our senses since they are a primitive part of us. • Sometimes people want to remember actively, which often make them connect the memory to a certain thing or a place. The active remembrance can however be created in a lot of different ways. • Memories are not the whole truth, but a creative imagination of the past. The memory and meaning of an event or thing can therefore vary a lot between different individuals. The reviews where based on the literature, which references are on the next page. Literature reviews- a summary
  • 17. References Guidelines and Tip-offs 17 These guidelines are inspired by and canalized of what we have read in the literature reviews/articles and of our discussion. TOOLS: TEASE THE SENSES & SYMBOLISM • TEASE THE SENSES - To strengthen or weaken one or more senses: o Stimulate one sense by e.g. using a significant smell or sound. o To mute one sense by e.g. make a place quiet. o Stimulate all the senses by using one phenomenon, e.g. water that you can touch, smell, taste and hear. o To emphasize by using contrasts, e.g. dark and light, loud and quiet, small and big, high and low, etc. - You can control some senses more than others e.g. you can decide whether you like to touch something but it’s harder to not experience a smell or a sound. • Gehl, J. (2006). Life between buildings: using public space. 6. ed. København: The Danish Architectural Press. Or in Danish; Gehl, J. (1996). Livet mellem husene. Udeaktiviteter och udemiljö.3. uppl. Köpenhamn: Arkitektens Forlag. • Hillier, J. (2007). Stretching beyond the Horizon. A Multiplanar Theory of Spatial Planning and Governance. pp 94-95Lieberg, M. (1995). Teenagers and Public Space, Communication Research, vol 22, no 6, 1995, pp.720 -744. • Mitchell, D. (2003). The Right to the City. Social Justice and the Fight for Public Space. New York: The Guilford Press. Chapter 4, The End of Public Space? , pp 118‐160. • Parr, A. (2008). Deleuze and Memorial Culture. Desire, Singular Memory and the Politics of Trauma. Pp 181-189. Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press. • Petersson, A. (2004). The Presence of the Absent. Memorials and Places of Ritual. Lund University: Dept. of Architecture. Chapter1 and 3. • Santino, J. (2006) (Ed). Spontaneous Shrines and the Public Memorialization of Death. Goldstein, D. E. & Tye, D. The Call of the Ice: Tragedy and Vernacular Responses of Resistance, Heroic Reconstruction, and Reclamation. New York. Palgrave Macmillan. • The Wanås Foundation (2008). Loss. Svenle, E. Defining the Past within the Present: Loss at Wanås. pp 13-32. Laholm. Trydells Tryckeri. ISBN 978-91-973972-9-2.
  • 18. 18 • SYMBOLISM - Who will understand the symbolism and what does it mean if you do not understand the symbolism? - Use symbolism from the past, the moment or for the future. - Beware of the change of symbolism, e.g. the swastika that was a symbol for sun but now are connected with Nazism and the christian cross that should be the symbol for hope but now are perceived as a symbol of death by many. - Use the universal symbolism of nature elements, e.g. water can be recognized as the source of life. - Use contrasts that make the symbolism clear, e.g. a water element might have a stronger influence in a dense city than in direct connection to the seaside. - Use the written language, e.g. quotations written on a street in Stockholm that remind you of certain things. BE AWARE OF: THE PUBLIC SPACE & THE PERSONS • THE PUBLIC SPACE - A memorial place can exclude some people e.g. different religions, different cultures, people who are not mourning, etc. - Memorial places can act as meeting points where people can share a memory with others, e.g. a memorial place of an accident. - The accessibility, e.g. for disabled people, wheelchair users and different genders, ethnicity, religion, age, etc. - How to raise a memorial. - How to take a memorial away e.g. build up something new with another meaning. - That different places are more or less appropriate for memory and meaning and that the right design for the place is important. • THE PERSONS - That a traumatic memory can pop up trigged by some thing in the environment. - That the memory can be actively evoked, e.g. by some ritual. - The fact that a memory is not the whole truth but a creative imagination of the past, e.g. some childhood memories of certain happenings get more “pink” after a period of time. - Different kinds of stages in for e.g. the mourning. Is this hope? ...or just Summer? What happened? How does the dis-tance What do we remember? affect you?
  • 19. Influences by the literature Influences by the group 19 It was quite interesting to regard the influence of the literature background on the final design proposals. We figured out that there is an obvious connection between the given literature and the proposals. The literature directed the thoughts of the students’ design process. While discussing about the different proposals we noticed that for us senses could play an important role in triggering memories. Although senses like the sense of hearing play an important role in several designs, students hardly discussed about it perhaps as they had no text to rely on. Even if the students had the same theoretical background, the literature was used in different ways. Some students used clear references to the texts and thus created a proposal with a very scientific character. Other students however used the literature more like a first inspiration. Although they did not use strict references it is obvious that they refer to the same theoretical background. We regard it as very important to do either or. If one uses references one should try to do it in a correct and stringent way because parts of the proposal without references seem to be one’s own ideas. Without any references the reader of a text might be aware that the author draws upon a given theoretical framework. Every design proposal is based on, first of all, the person’s own experience of the place and it has the marks of the concerning literature. As people worked on this task in several groups, and they had group discussions, the effects of the discussions are noticeable in each person’s individual work. For example: • when elements of nature were emphasized on a discussion, it is noticeable on the students works • it is the same effect with triggers • or the importance of public interaction • the most of students kept the original identity of the traced area • and a group which discussed the importance of height, view and freedom, it is mentioned in the individual texts as well. As we noticed, every work was seemingly completely different, but looking behind it – reading the text – there were marked signs which group they belonged to. This shows the importance of talking to different kind of people, different kind of user groups and professionals.
  • 20. 20 SPETSAMOSSEN Group 7: Anna Ekdahl, Anna Stefkova, Hrafnhildur Hrafnkelsdóttir, Karin Ingemansson, Sigrid Lönnerholm
  • 21. 21 THE TASK Our task was to make proposal for a kind of urban playground in part of Spetsa-mossen park in Vaxjo. The city is surrounded by water, which is a major element of this town. The park is located in the downtown. People pass through the site everyday to get to work or city centre but there is no inviting atmosphere that will make them stay and spend some time there. The municipality have now decided to rebuild the park because it is considered to be unsafe and of limited use by the citizens. The new suggestion for the park structure came from Kragh & Ber-glund architects. Difficulties: One of the difficulties we were confronted with was how we were supposed to make the proposal if we didn’t know how the place exactly looks like and didn’t have opportunity to see it. Another question was the concept of an “urban” playground. An urban play-ground feels a bit on contrary to what we have learned or read in the literature. Many people defined urbanity with materials, shapes, vegetation which can give an urban character to a space. Safety: A lot of people didn’t consider the park as a safe place. Lighting and also vegetation were considered as elements to counteract this perception. Activity was also mentioned according to different age groups. People came up with question if it is possible to include all age groups to one place and make everybody satisfied and active. If you try to please everyone you may loose the fascination of the place. The term “playground” tends to be used for children and it was confusing to work with. Also play was included between all age groups- from the children to elderly and disabled people. Some people made their assignment as a professional design proposal for the municipality; the others made it more as a school assignment and were writing more reflectively about their ideas than promoting them. Illustration: The proposed activity area (Kragh and Berglund Architects)
  • 22. 22 THE KRAGH AND BERGLUND PROPOSAL In this assignment we were given an overall proposal from the Architect Com-pany Kragh & Berglund. The students have different attitudes to this concept, whereas no one has chosen not to work with it all, people have used their con-cept differently and in varying degrees. The distinct paths are a subject that many students have mentioned, and many have seen the paths as an urban shape and something that will contribute to the desired urban character of the park. Some have decided to work further on these, also on a more detailed level in the urban activity area that we were given. And that seems to have worked well, the activity area then look more connected to the rest of the park. Some are critical against the elevated paths, that they will direct the movement too much and prevent people from finding their own way around in the park. And also that they will give a feeling on being on-stage and possibly make people feel very visible, vulnerable and exposed. The Kragh and Berglund concept have raised a discussion about urbanity among many students. Especially when they mentioned that materials as asphalt and concrete would contribute to the urban character many students questioned what urbanity is? The conclusion is that urbanity partly lies in the choice and use of materials, but also distinct shapes, elements and lighting etc. are important to get the desired urban feeling. Also it is argued that the many different activities that will take place in the park can give it an urban feel, that this density of activities is very urban. Some think that the Kragh and Berglund proposal have divided the different ac-tivities in the park and not made the park inclusive enough. They describe it as a park consisting of different ‘activity islands’. Some have reflected on that it might be a good idea to extend the ‘Urban activity’ area and lead the main path trough it so that it will be a natural place for people to stop by at, and thus avoid it to be another separated ‘activity island’. This division is feared to lead to divided age groups and less integration in the park. Illustrations from top: Carina Daubner, Zita Lándori, Sofia Fribyter
  • 23. 23 THEMES IN DESIGN PROPOSALS Illustrations from left: Anna Ekdahl, Erika Jonasson, Emily Hansen, Jessica Macdonald A great variation in handed-in material could be noted. Some proposals were very conceptual whereas others were more detailed, some had illustration plans and others simple sketches illustrating basic ideas. When looking through the design proposals we found some common themes and similarities. Wetland/Bog A lot of the proposals discussed the context of Spetsamossen as a former wetland and used this as an inspiration for the design of the activity area. This background was first introduced in the Kragh & Berglund concept. Nature-like design or actual biotope In some proposals the wetland as a biotope or natural elements from it have been used, for instance: • Dewatering area with reed and jumping stones Symbolic Other proposals have mainly been inspired by the shapes or forms found in wet-lands, for example: • Area divided into “islands” • Inspiration for idiom Water Water has been used in almost all of the proposals in one way or another. It is, by many, considered a playful element that increases well-being just by being pres-ent. • Water-play • Fountain • Streaming water • Still water Use of all senses Exploration with other senses than just vision (touching, tasting, smelling and listening) affects the experience of place. Activity does not necessarily have to be physical, it can also be mental. • Tactile elements • Exploring with your body and activating your brain
  • 24. 24 Illustrations from left: Mateja Havlicek, Merle Talviste, Magdalena Galle, Eva- Britt Karlsson Eye catching objects Objects that attract attention and evoke curiosity. Work like magnets that draw people into the area from where they can start-off and discover other parts. Some examples of this: • Maze • Disco-game with musical tiles lighted in different colours. • High-rope course • Original swings/hammocks • Spectacular furniture • Red path • Play-sculptures • Creative lighting Hills and levels Arguments for using hills or other differences in height include that they promote motion and evoke curiosity of what might be behind. They can also provide a place for overview of the area. Examples of this: • Rocks or structures to climb • Large hill as border/viewpoint • Group of smaller hills • Modeling of landscape Multifunctionality This theme includes objects or elements that have no specific function and can be used in more than one way. Places can also have multiple functions. Idiom Some have used an over-all idiom, like a certain shape or pattern, often devel-oped from the concept of Kragh & Berglund, others have used objects conse-quently throughout the area. Security The problems with rape and criminality in the park have been considered in many of the proposals, often by avoiding dense shrubberies and putting emphasis on lighting. Other aspects of security are all the regulations concerning play equip-ment and public places. This is not something that is discussed to any larger extent in the proposals, perhaps because it might be limiting in the conceptual stage of the design process. Accessibility Access for all seems to be an important issue in all of the proposals. It has been considered in the choice of ground-material, by making paths and by allowing activities for everyone, including people with disabilities.
  • 25. 25 USE OF REFERENCES We think it is important to think about who will be reading your proposal. Who is your target group? Will your use of the references be easily understandable to those who have not read the literature, or have forgotten what the literature was about? The references must be presented in such a way that the reader will know what they are referring to and be able to connect them to your work. References in individual proposals were used to strengthen and support the student’s concept in the design proposal. Some were relevant to the literature we have been reading, while others weren’t. Reflections on children’s play, public places, the senses, activities, users, objects and vegetation were the most common ones. The researchers with the most references to their work were Gehl, Cele, Mårtensson, Kylin and Boldeman. References - literature for every-one; Boldeman o better motor skills in natural environments o different height levels important o a green environments triggers activity o vegetation protect children from dangerous sun radiation o physical qualities of outdoor places important to trigger healthy behav iour in children o physical elements like sculptures result in more spontaneous play than prefabricated equipment o fenced-in surfaces can have a hindering affect on physical activity Cele o object o problems with creating labelled places Illustration: Lavanya Asogamoorthy o three elements: the permanent, the changeable, the momentary o provide a feeling of freedom and keep play going o use of all senses when experiencing place o awareness of geography, concrete place and not just abstract o gender perspective, boys do not necessarily need more space than girls Cooper Marcus and Barnes o gardens must convey a sense of security o positive effects of water o positive effects of being outdoors Gehl o people gather where the main attractions are o primary seats and secondary seating o new activities begin in the vicinity of events that are already in progress o people as social creatures o activities grow from the edge to the middle o people are attracted to other people, especially if they are active o public places have changed from being used because of needs to being places for optional, recreational activities o human scale o other people are the main attraction of public spaces o public spaces need to have opportunities for people and meetings Gifford o passive observation most of the time o people have different experience and thoughts of place o if groups feel welcome and use it, there will be more life
  • 26. 26 Grahn and Stigsdotter o elements that allow you to test your senses o benefits of being outdoors Kylin o absence of large green areas o children, special place, special meaning o children’s need to manipulate environments o dens – hidden places where children can observe without being observed o possibilities to climb, hide, meet with friends o layers of vegetation is important to play o dens vary from very secret to very social o vegetation promotes activity o children needs a more intimate scale, this triggers them to create their own space o teenagers need to have opportunities to feel free and independent o step-by-step, smaller children keep closer to parents o respect for children’s own creativity and needs is necessary when planning for them Lieberg o on stage, offstage o teenagers seek to avoid adult supervision o teenagers have few places in the city in which they can hang out o in between/ free zones o places to retreat Illustration: Emma Ekdahl
  • 27. 27 References - from lectures: Grahn o easier to find something they like if the place offers one function, and easier to find something to do if one part is used for a particular play or activity o usage of the eight park characters o using an orange colour as stimulation of activity- white and bluish co lours are good in relaxing environments Mårtensson o objects o objects, something to touch, things to do o own rules, play and usage of space o vegetation promotes activity o vegetation should be emphasized in the outskirts of the area, focus on edges which promote play o children create their own world in which they define roles, places that can be related to each other like high or low, dense or open support this kind of play o areas for children are often too organized o children need to have places for their own Nebelong o stimulate the senses Illustration: Cordula Gielen References – for further reading: Jacobs o the mixture of users and uses is what changes a place into an urban place Ward o defining aspect of a park is accessibility References - from other than those in our literature list: Appelton o prospect, refuge Delshammar, Tim o user participation Diarmuid Gavin o wooden platforms inspired one student F.L.Right o quotation:” form follows function “ Gaventa o traditional public places are not enough to meet the needs and wishes of people today Kaplan and Kaplan o sitting places with open front and closed back make you feel comfortable
  • 28. Integrated sitting facilities gives the possibility to rest, observe, listen, meet randomly a friend. These one of the activities that can take place next to a urban playground. Children are experiencing the rubber human figures. The figures in a active poses can trigger others also be active in this park. Spetsamossen playground Illustration by Merle Talvieste. 28 Rubber element next to the playground (first characteristics). It function as a space in its own. It opens up
  • 29. 29 This project holds the summary and reflection of the project Spetsamossen. The ideas, opinions, and discussions are that of spring 2009 students of the class People and Environment. This student project took place in the campus of Alnarp, SLU Agricultural Sciences. The results and reflection are those concern-ing the design of the site Spetsomossen and general design elements that may be effective elsewhere. We tried to provide an impression of all these proposals without evaluating each design proposal. Thus, we wanted to reflect and maybe provide some feedback on how to incorporate the design of Spetsomesson to future design proposals. What were the basic questions asked by students? How can this be related to the current understanding of the public’s view? What is the outlook on future designs concerning the matters discussed in this project? What elements are repeated? These are some questions that are addressed in this report. Our given proposal site is in the Spetsamossen Park. Our task for the site was to create an untraditional urban playground. This space had previously been very unsafe and more of a forgotten nature area. It has been neglected and underap-preciated. The municipality would like to change the park to something that all citizens can use and take pride in. Kragh & Berglund are the landscape architects taking part in this project and have provided a proposed plan for the entire site. However, our task was to look into this one specific part located south of the skateboard area. We were supposed to create a suitable design considering the context and requirements of the site. In this process questions and discussions were formulated to provide a better understanding of the task at hand. This sum-mary and reflection is a conclusion of our findings, of our questions and future design possibilities. INTRODUCTION The proposed urban pathways for the Spetsamossen park illustrated by Kragh&Berglund. SPETSAMOSSEN PROJECT
  • 30. 30 DISPONERINGSPLAN Spetsamossen Gräs Gräs Amfi_ Sittplattformar Lekplats_Gummibeläggning Sten med vide Cirkusplats Parkering Minigolfbana Parkering Parkering Allmänning Dagvattenbassäng _ Vasskog Elefantgräs Bollbanor Græs Skärmar Gräs Sten med vide Skärmar Paviljong Skatebane Petangue Sittsten Sittsten Sittsten Lekplats Avvattning_ Hoppstenar Avvattning_Vasskog Grillplats Ankomst Sittsten Sittsten Dagvattenbassäng _Gräs Gräs Gräs Gräs Gräs Energipil Energipil Gräs Gräs Gräs Sand Sand Sand Grus Grus Grus Grus Grus Gräs Gräs Gräs Sten med vide Sten med vide Sten med vide Sten med vide Gräs Bladvass Sten med siv Sten med vide Gräs Tuvtåtel Gräs Projektorer Projektorer Projektorer Projektorer Projektorer Skärmar Skärmar Gräs Gräs Gräs Gräs Gräs Gräs Paviljong Paviljong Paviljong Paviljong Gräs Gräs Gräs Gräs KRAGH&BERGLUND PROPOSAL General ideas The proposal from Kragh & Berglund is to create an urban park that offers many different activities. Spetsamossen should be a place for everyone; a park where people can meet and integrate. Kragh & Berglund main idea is that the park should have an urban feeling and being a central meeting place. They state that a functioning urban space should consist of three elements; permanent, changeable and passing elements. This means the park should contain solid objects and interior that is permanent as well as having a possibility to arrange temporary social events. But there is also a wish for creating a place where spontaneous activities and meetings can occur. The design proposal features a system of irregular concrete pathways that will connect the different parts of the park with each other. The main idea with these paths, besides getting an urban feeling, is to encourage movement in the park and to divide the park into different zones, where every zone has its own activi-ties. The range of different activity-zones provides an opportunity for every group to have a place to go to. The main road will go through the park instead from around it and this will bring more people to the park, even though they are just passing through. Some other elements in the park will be storm-water basins and a wetland character in the choice of plant material. Thoughts about the proposal The students had a lot of thoughts about the proposal of Kragh&Berglund and formed different opinions about their design-ideas. In general, the proposed design seems to be too determined, inflexible and not open for spontaneous movement and play. Every area has a certain function. Kragh & Berglund separated different activities from each other and thus there is less possibility that different people can meet and interact spontaneously. Differ-ent groups have their “own” area that likely causes a lack of integration. In this context there were doubts about an appropriate choice of the activities’ locations (skatepark next to barbecue and pentague area). When having a closer look at certain elements there might be too less lighting to animate people to use this area in the night as well. The shape of the paths was something people had contrarily opinions about. On the one hand, it creates an urban character and provides an interesting design. On the other hand, the elevated paths probably will cause a problem of accessibility for elderly and disabled persons. They might even prevent spontaneous move-ment and animate the people to stay on the paths and not to go into the single parts because they direct too much. Furthermore, the elevation creates a feeling of being on-stage and therefore being vulnerable. People feel uncomfortable. The uncommon pathways might even induce people to avoid the park at all because shortcuts are not easy to be done and people always think about the shortest way. How students worked with the ideas Resulting out of these thoughts, there have been dif-ferent ways of dealing with the proposed design. A lot of students tried to integrate Kragh & Ber-glund’s ideas. To work with the paths, the dewater-ing zone, certain materials and elements (stepping stones) and vegetation can be taken as few ex-amples. There have been also ideas of how to solve weak points of the Kragh & Berglund’s design. Putting attrac-tive elements into the “islands” might trigger people to step from the paths and therefore to foster a more intense interac-tion between people and this place. There was also the idea of changing certain activities or to locate them at a different place. The proposal plan for Stetsamossen by Kragh & Ber-glund Landscape architects.
  • 31. 31 impression at the same time as they are flexible and versatile; making the basic blocks for many different and changing surroundnings. WHAT IS ACTIVITY? Sit- Jump Because we were supposed to make a proposal for an untraditional playground, more like an activity park, everyone was struggling with the question: What is activity? What does activity mean for different people and groups? Activity is a broad concept and can mean both play and calm activities which means that we can create activity for the body as well as for the mind. Even though passive is the opposite word of active most of us were in common thought that there is both an active activity and a passive activity. Is there any way you can create both active and passive activation in the same place? Climb How to define activity is based on different factors like age and physical ability. But overall does active activities mean more advanced physical activities like playing and sports and the passive activity is calmer and includes observing and sitting, listening, talking; evoking our senses and just being in the present and being aware Illuminated of yourself in »here the and night now«.. Social interaction is another activity, and it is important that children are a part of the social life (Cele, 2006). It’s impor-tant that there is room for passive activities like observing, because if we cannot see people we might not go to a place, although the place offers attractions (Gehl, 2006).Furthermore, if there is not room for basic activities - that are more passive - the advanced activities do not proceed (Gehl, 2006). The difference between user groups is that children are more physically active; they become active through interaction environment and use their whole body in their play. They run around, climb and searching. For kids play is a way of living and through that they learn and sense the world (Kylin, 2003; Cele, 2006). Even though they are mainly active, they also do more passive activities. Children need calm places too where they can withdraw and be by themselves (Kylin, 2003; Cele, 2006). Adults and elderly do more passive activities like sitting and observing, talking. But they can do more active activities if they wish and have the strength. Adults play could be described more as an entertainment. Usually it is conceive as a pleasure where the competition moment adds the adrenalin. Many of us com-mented that it is difficult to know how adults see at activity and play since there is hardly any literature about the subject. Teenagers are both active and passive. They are looking for specific activities like sports and skateboarding, as well as being out of reach of adults’ supervision and “hang out”. They need both on-stage and off-stage places in their environment (Lieberg, 1995). holiday (Wikipedia, 2009- and total freedom to they also invites you to least in your garden, material I think that they serve as the necessary way to all the other friends, rest for a while or LeŌ : Placing of the hammocks Below: How it can look Activating your body and challenge yourself as illustrated by Jessica MacDonald. 0 10 20 30 40m An example of hammocks that invites you to lie in them and relax but also to act more active by swinging in them as illustrated by Maria Malmstöm. VARIOUS SWINGS | Everybody can do it if the DESIGN of the swing fits the user group. And it´s social too. STEP1: Irresistible SWINGING. UNIFORM SWING CHARACTERS | Visible from a distance, perhaps lending the shape from the street lamps.  PAGE 5 Water Grove Square Entrence the reed Jumping stones Play and hide in the grove Water has many different qualities. It fascintes, gives relaxion and en-courages play. Nature is an important element in the urban environment. Here children can play freely and cre-ate their own little hide-aways. In this, the concret boxes make an exciting element. Observing is an important passive activity as illustrated by Magdalena Galle Rambe. Social integration by cooperation illustrated by Emma Ekdahl. Playing for children is more than running around. It’s also about calm play and learning about the world as illustrated by Lavanya Asogamoorthy.
  • 32. 32 o hilly landscape is interesting and makes people curious Michaela Lica o colour affection Mitchel o grass root activity Moore & Cosco o safe and security can sometimes result in a loss of play opportunities for children Osberger o colour affection Skovbakke Villadsen, Kielgast o strongly specialized spaces can become destination places for networking in the neighbourhood and the city Sullivan o quotation: ” form follows function “ Villarreal, Edgar L. o stormwater in an urban context Worpole o users need protection from each other Illustration: Anna Stefkova Walker o public spaces are for everyone- question of accessibility
  • 33. 33 Activity and User groups 3HRSOHDQG(QYLURQPHQW/N Assignment: An urban playground Children Adults Older people Teengers Main target group Secundary target group Secundary target group Secundary target group Mainly active but also passive activity Mainly passive but also ac-tive activity if wished. Mainly passive but also ac-tive activity if wished. Both passive and active activity, depending on the time of the day and the amount and type of people in the area. Johanna Verbaan Who is the target group and what are their needs? The target group can be any group of people divided by age, gender, social status, background, disability, illness, and so on. Each of these target groups has their special needs such as considering physical challenges, accommodation, and culture to name a few. Be-cause of each target group’s special needs conflicts can occur when facing other groups because of differing views and interests. For example, children like to play and be noisy but adults desire peace and quiet. Is it appropriate to integrate all user groups into one space or it is better to divide the space? Focusing on a single target group means their individual needs are met but when shared with other users it means that the needs of the whole are met rather than the individual group. If one separates the target groups there is the loss of interaction with other users. There are fewer challenges in the social realm. To bring together different users invites greater social interaction in which one af-ter effect is influence. Thus, is it better to force different users to interact through creative activity? If so, then how to bring about multiple target groups into one space? This might mean we need to generalize the interests of each user or vice versa and include many activities and alternatives so that all interests are met. It might mean using one user group to invite or force other user groups to partici-pate within the space. For example, to create a place for children might influence the space used by parents and grandparents. We should also keep in mind that people attract other people to come to a space. Maybe, understanding that adults need play as well can bring together various user groups. How to incorporate challenges that satisfies all target groups? Many in their review of Spetsamossen have explained that maybe nature is the answer. Nature provides interest for all audiences and provides play through the imagina-tion. TARGET GROUPS Illustration by Johanna Verbaan.
  • 34. 34 To be able to choose where you would like to go and who you want to meet is important for the personal feeling of freedom (Cele, Gifford). The viewpoints are important for the fascination keep to the interest of what is happening around the corner but struggling with the fear of violence in the park the balance between open and closed have to be carefully considered. The main character is according to Kragh and Berglund open and fl at. The pavilion is considered to be a roof, for sun or rain protection. The benches are partly movable, tracks in the concrete fl oor makes it possible to furniture the scene. To be able to change a place gives this area a dynamic design, and its satisfying to be able to change your environment (Mårtensson,Kylin). I have a vision where I see different age groups as Lieberg or Gifford says hanging out here and socialize. URBANITY            The assignment was to create an active place for everybody in an urban context for the park of Spetsamossen. Therefore, every student asked about the term of urbanity. There have been thoughts about the use of certain materials (concrete, asphalt, glass, plastic), and shapes (sharp, strict, determined) but also colours (grey or more intensive ones like blue, red, green, yellow). But it has to be mentioned that some students really defined urbanity in this way and some asked about if this is meant to be urban. For a lot of students urbanity goes together with a high density of (mixed) people who meet and interact with each other. Furthermore, urbanity might be connected with a lot of activities that happen in one place, different activi-ties             grass that them Too impression of     according to activities in natural environments (skateboarding, etc) and a lot of movement and happenings in general. KraghBerglund proposed special lighting for this park of Spetsamossen. The huge lamps initiated thoughts about lighting and urbanity. When considering the sun as the natural light, (such) artifi-cial lights create an urban feeling anyway. Some groups thought about the need of an urban park in this place of Spet-samossen, if it suitable at all. On the one hand, there was the municipality’s demand for an urban park and the central location that might make an urban character eligible. But on the other hand, there were proposals that struggled with an urban character being aware of Mårtensson’s (2009) statement of a natural environment that is more suitable for children’s play. Some even negated urbanity for this place. It was often the case that urbanity has been put in relation to natural/rural envi-ronment. Some were thinking about if urban character excludes nature or how it is pos-sible to integrate nature in an urban way. Maybe just to shape vegetation in a sharp or geometric form, or to use uncommon species for the certain location instead of planting common species in more layers, can be one way of how to bring the two terms together. Urban seems to be more determined, more shaped, more defined and natural more complex, unordered, undirected, more open for creativity and fantasy. Thus, there was this notion that it has been difficult to decide how to integrate urbanity when it is more determined, less flexible and seems to have a certain function. When designing an active place for everybody the environment has to be multifunctional and open for different kinds of fantasy and creativity. There has been also the opinion that urbanity excludes nature, that urbanity means less greenery or that nature does not fit into an urban context at all. As one can see, there are different opinions about urbanity and that it can mean different things to different people. One group stated the difficulty to handle this as planners because everybody has his/her own image of urbanity and one never knows if it meets other opinions and if this urban character is recognizable and appreciated by others at all. When looking at the single proposals it becomes obvious that the discussion about urbanity and the results of it lead to design-ideas. The use of defined shapes and certain materials like Magdalena’s concrete boxes, the eye-catching-effect of intensive colours (Johanna’s cubes or Merle’s red rub-ber objects) the importance of social interaction (Jenny’s dancefloor, Cordula’s ferries) as illustrated by images.  Urban shapes and materials as illustrated by Eva-Britt Karlsson. The more people you are, the fast-er it goes and the sounds will become a melody.   The dynamic lighting and colors of the dance floor fosters social integration as illustrated by Jenny Åkesson. Ferries fostering cooperation in the design by Cordula Gielen. Movable, multifunctional, plastic cubes in bright colors evoke creativity illus-trated by Johanna Bilfeldt. CUBS The cubs are made by plastic and should be hollow heavy. The cubs will be placed where the pathways is that the cubs can be moved around and people can kind of purpose. I was also thinking that the cubs children to experience their body, use their balance, see the world from different angles. For example children or jumping around and playing don’t touch the ground. on the cubs, watching the children, the vegetation way also can be seen as artwork that have different place will change and it will be interesting do go happened, what have other people create. Some of the ground and on the night there will be light inside I will also put some of the stucked cubs into the vegetation. the feeling that the rised pathways give the feeling that to go on them and and not in the vegetation. Through things into the vegetation I think that people will feel in the vegetation. The cubs can then be used as lie down watching the sky, reading a book or study around. They can also be meeting places for teenagers
  • 35. 35 Multifunctional use Is it better to have a flexible or more specified design? A place and elements that can be used in many different ways can evoke creativity and fantasy. There may also be a risk of, when using very defined functions or elements, that it may distract some user groups negatively since they feel that it’s not made for them. Consequently, a more open-ended design can therefore be an advantage. When being able to transform the place yourself, perhaps there is a better possibility to generate place attachment because you have the opportunity to make the place whatever you want it to be. On the other hand, a few people raised the question that very open-ended de-sign could make people uncertain about how to behave. Perhaps more defined elements, where it’s clear what the purpose of the function is, might make it easier for some people. For example, adults might not be as used to as children in interacting deeply with their natural environment. Attracting people and plan for social interaction Seeing, meeting and talking to other people is not only an important part of being activated – people are also very attracted by other people and especially when other people are active. A good way of creating activity is therefore to plan for a good meeting place. This might include choosing a good setting close to a main path and providing good places for seating. Another way is to design some-thing spectacular, fascinating or irresistable. This, in itself, will attract people and make them want to explore the place. Another way is to plan for activities that fosters cooperation, and which gives people a reason to interact. Stone islands 1) Transparant surfaces mixed mysterious expression. Different ways which gives the place 2) Natural stones have a very stones are unique. Natural stones which makes them very pleasant Stimulate different senses A design that stimulates different senses has many advantages. It creates a closer and deeper interaction with the environment. It means that there are more di-mensions to explore. It can also be a very successfull method when dealing with a variety of user-groups because it has something to give people regardless of dis-ability or limitations. It can be choosing different materials or materials that have many different qualities, like fruit-trees, soft leaves, pouring water and rounded stones. Plants and vegetation is very useful because it stimulates so many differ-ent senses and also provide diverse qualities throughout the year. Create variation and possibilities A design which has variation in rooms and possible experiences can serve differ-ent Some stone islands only consist of one material other of different materials, shapes and sizes. uses and user-groups at the same time. It is also likely that a variated place Some of the stone islands are mixed up with vegetation that can work as screens that divides the place into smaller rooms. will hold people’s interest for a longer time. It also evokes a sense of freedom when one can choose where to go. People need both on-stage and off-stage places which a design should take into account (Lieberg). Heights and levels When the ground plane varies, this can motivate people to activate too. Climbing hills, walls, steps or benches provide different challenges and healthy physical movement and body-awareness. Hills are a well-used element in playgrounds for children, but can be an enjoyment for adults as well. Benches Sitting is a very important activity, perhaps especially for adults and elderly. It gives possibilities to rest, to observe other people, to read a book or talk to a friend. Strategically placed benches is therefore an important part of the design and should provide different possibilities in privacy, sun/shade and on-stage/ off-stage. Light, movable chairs has even more possibilities for people to choose the perfect spot and to interact with each other. Seating is very important in the public square as it one of the requirements suggested by William Whyte. DESIGN FOR ACTIVITY This sketch could illustrate my visioned first characteristic area. It is a rather open area next to the water collecting pond. There is a combination with rubber balls and stones. The surface here is sand. I found it very important because a lot of people make this relation to beach, maybe vacation, relation. So this could work for a adult as a restorative area, sunny spot or make a will to clime? As in the research (lec-ture with P.Grahn) with the children the sand is very impor-tant play tool. So here it isn’t putted in a box, it allows to act everywhere. The wooden pathway leads to a hidden place on the water. A lot of research has shown that water is a very pleasing element in the landscape. The wooden pathway allows to access to this spot fort every one, even elderly people. larger are on the way, where could rest, meet other person or observe what is happening. On the left side the wood sticks thicket creates see trough screen. Stones next to the wooden pathway allows to enter differ-ent room. The red rubber form catches the eye from the dis-tance. The use of it depends on the user groups. It could be a meeting place, sitting area or used as a slide or climbing tool. Entry to a water platform. Bend-ing pathway makes wonder what is behinf the corner. is also have de-cided their loca-tion shapes accordance different kinds sitting, hid-ing. different that , but I different be the object Red rubber spheres, undefined objects for creative play and imagination as illustrated by Merle Talvieste. Ground The concret boxes give an urban impression at the same time as they are flexible and versatile; making the basic blocks for many different and changing surroundnings. Sit- Jump Grove Entrence Hide-and-seek Temporary activities like exhibitions or letting the children paint Climb Illuminated in the night 0 10 20 30 40m Nature is an important element in the urban environment. Here children can play freely and cre-ate their own little hide-aways. In this, the concret boxes make an exciting element. Jumping stones Play and hide in the grove FORM, MATERIALS ACTIVITIES The main thoughts for the levels are that they should function like lanes with the same form expression as the ordinary paths in the park, but with dif-ferent heights, widths, materials and uses/activities. The edgy form of the ordinary paths is not just taken in the horizontal plane but also in the verti-cal plane. That is, the lanes height changes in an edgy way, like it is made of ramps (see view images). The direction of the lanes is irregular and made so that the end of them cannot be seen. The beneϐits from this are that the attention is directed on the surrounding environment, the atmosphere gets a stronger spatial feeling and the lanes can be experienced as longer than they really are. Although the lanes only run in one direction it is possible to go between them by smaller paths perpendicular to the lanes. These small paths could either be done in less urban materials (for example in sand, bark or wood chips) or be created by the use of the visitors themselves. In some places these paths could start by a narrow ϐlight of stairs over a larger height difference and in some on places where the height difference is none or very small. To make people start spending time in and experiencing the level landscape there are some usual activities integrated in the lanes. In one glade next to the water there is a grill area and in another glade there is a pentangue/ boule area. From the arrival crossing in the very south part to the skate park there is also a lane for the skaters. Here youths can skate and practice some of their tricks on edges made in the ground and on the corners of the lane walls (corners have to be strengthened by metal). In this lane the lane walls could also be made extra high and function as “legal walls” for grafϐiti. Each lane has a special character that either is the same throughout the whole lane or changes along the way. Some of them consists of water, some of concrete paths and some of vegetation. The lanes of concrete paths are in a darker color than the main paths and with a rougher surface treat-ment, of the vegetation does however differ between children and older In some places the vegetation lanes therefore have a very natural look, many plant layers and different kinds of species. This kind of vegetation perfect for children’s play and it encourages them to build dens as ϐind good places that correspond to their size and the environment with the material that they need in their construction (Kylin Cele S., 2006). In other places the vegetation is more cultivated and since adults often prefer more tidy looking vegetation. The most important thing for the plants is though, as mentioned earlier, that they have variations in qualities throughout the year as possible. The vegetation to the pentangue/boule area and the main paths should be lower more open due to security (mostly experienced security). Next to boule plants should also be used that have ϐlowers during as well as spring and autumn. Textures 1 2 Stones can also work the important meaning like chairs and benches like stairs, fountains these seating as abandoned benches, and of which makes them stand out from the ordinary system of paths. All of the lane walls (the sides that take up the height differences) are made of the same light (white) concrete as in the main paths. The vegetation in the lanes does in some of them only consist of cut grass while in other of trees, shrubs and/or perennials. As the form of the lanes has an urban character the vegetation can be more natural without losing the urban feel. Although more urban vegetation (as trees in hard surfaces etc.) can be very nice, much research establishes a general preference of more natural vegetation (Kap-lan Stone islands Stones are other objects that can be used to experi-ment Kaplan, 1998; Ottosson Ottosson, 2006). The amount of naturalness with different height levels and also be used by children in their play by climbing up and down the VWRQHVRUOLQJGRZQRU¿QGVSRWVEHWZHHQWKHVWRQHV where they make their own “private” places. I’ve thought of creating stone islands and by using Modules that can be put together to create “changing chairs” as illustrated by Michael Schmölz. Versatile concrete boxes as illustrated by Magdalena Galle Rambe. Various objects to stimulate the senses illustrated by Erica Jonasson. Elevation changes providing interest and activation for the users illustrated by Carina Daubner. A variation in ground materials, like wood, turf, gravel, sand and rubber illustrated by Lavanya Asogamoorthy.
  • 36. 36 Vegetation and nature When it comes to childrens’ play, nature and vegetation has proved to be very stimulating and provide many possibilites. Plants provide places to hide, to observe other people, it can be manipulated into paths and dens and it activa-tes many different senses. Vegetation can have restorative effects and activate people, even if it’s not be as physically engaging as it may be for children. To include plants in the design is therefore very useful in most places, but perhaps even more so where you want people to activate. Water Water is a very useful element offering many different experiences and activities if added to a place. It can be a very calming material and at the same time be a good element to transform and use in activities; touching it, making it move, hearing it, making things float or sink to the bottom. Combined with bridges or stepping stones over the water, it can add a challenge to the ordinary activity of walking. Dens Dens are an important part of childrens’ play, making them create a world of their own, feel freedom and observe other people while hiding. A place where there is possibility to create dens will be a good place for children, and the use of vegetation is especially good for this purpose. Could there be something similar to dens which adults may want to use?  Stepping stones in water brings excitement and closeness to water as Jessica MacDonald. PA G E 4
  • 37. 37 For the different design proposals the students used various kind of literature that has also been discussed in the literature seminars. To mention only some, Cele (2006), Mårtensson (2009), Kylin (2003), Boldemann et al.(2006) provided a broad spectrum of what planners have to consider when designing environments for children. It was very helpful to work with it. The discussion of a natural environment being more suitable for people’s well-beings and children’s play than an urban environment often occurred and was mainly fed by the various authors’ statements. The place in the Spetsamossen Park was supposed to be an active place for everybody. Therefore, it was interesting to think about activity for adults and elderly as well. Unfortunately, there was literature missing that gave us a deeper insight in what kind of features and elements can activate them. When having a look at the single proposals, there are other works that have been helpful to refer to (not an entire list): Jan Gehl Robert Gifford Mats Lieberg References Kragh and Berglund Landskapsarkitekter A/S Köpenhamn. (2007) Program for Spetsamossen Växjö. Boldeman, C. et al. (2006). Impact of preschool environment upon children’s physical activity and sun expo¬sure. Prev Med 42(4), pp 301-308. Cele, S., (2006). Communicating Place. Methods for Understanding Children’s Experience of Place. Doct Diss, Stockholm University pp 9-80. Gehl, J. (2006). Life between buildings: using public space. 6. ed. København: The Danish Architectural Press. Gifford, R. (1987). Environmental Psychology, principles and practice. Allyn and Bacon, Boston. Chapter 10: “Community environmental psychology” Kylin, M. (2003). Children’s Dens. Children, Youth and Environment. 13(1), Spring 2003. Lieberg, M (1995) Teenagers and Public Space, Communication Research, vol 22, no 6, 1995, pp. 720-744 Mårtsensson, F., (2009). Lectures “Place attachment – from childhood to adult-hood” and “Health promoting outdoor settings”, 2009-02-16, Alnarp. LITERATURE
  • 38. 38 People and Environment ASSIGNMENT SOMMARSOL Emma Ekdahl, Soa Fribyter, Erika Jonasson, Merle Talviste and Johanna Verbaan
  • 39. 2 39 How does the design process aect the nal result of a design? What are the possible approaches of a design process and what are the denitions and representative features of these? We have gone through the projects of Sommarsol, trying to analyze and spot possible categories and types of approaches for this task. Finally we ended up with four categories which we interpreted as dierent ways of dealing with the rather intricate and complex assignment of Sommarsol. This analyze is one way of reecting of what has been done in the Sommarsol project and such an analyze could create an awareness of possible ways of approaching this type of project in the future. The four categories Structural/general focus (12%) Conceptual view (40%) Detailed focus (28%) Focusing on Details (20%) Introduction
  • 40. 3 40 The approach of a structural/general focus in a design process seems to aims towards an overall analyze, to nd arguments and guidelines further on in the design process. This point of view emphasises the importance of connecting desired environment to the most preferable location through analyze and structuring. By analyzing the basic conditions, considering the wants and needs of the users, looking into desired features and elements in the envi-ronment, the designer aims to dene zones to clarify what has to be done in this dierent zones to create a design which applies to the whole structure. The structural/general focus requires a visual material which shows the site in a greater context with its sur-roundings. Representative features: .Maps with colour schemes connected to denitions are the most common representative features. Most frequently used literature within this category Bell, P.A., Greene, T.C., Fischer, J.F. Baum, A. (2001) Public space and territoriality. pp251-292. Environmental Psychology. Thomson Wadsworth, Belmont CA. Bengtsson, A Carlsson,C. (2006). Outdoor Environments at Three Nursing Homes: Focus Group Interviews with Sta. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 19(3), 49-69 Ottosson, J. (2007). The Importance of Nature in Coping: Creating increased un-derstanding of the importance of pure experiences of nature to human health. SLU Reproenheten, Alnarp. Ulrich, Roger S; (1999). Eects of Gardens on Health Outcomes: Theory and Re-search. In: red, Cooper Marcus, Clare., Barnes, Marni. Healing Gardens, Therapeu-tic Benets and Design Recommendations. pp235-322. New York. Stigsdotter, U.and Grahn, P. (2002) What makes a garden a healing garden. Jour-nal of Therapeutic Horticulture, AHTA, Volume XIII Structural/General focus Illustrations: Emma Ekdahl and Carina Daubner People with neurological diseases further require an environment that supports activities for learning basic functions (Bengtsson, 2006). By connecting possible outdoor rehab activities and place those close to the existing indoor rehab activities, the rehab garden is probably more likely to be used by staff as a complement to the different indoor programs. Finally, in making sure that this new healing garden at Sommarsol will be used as both a therapeutic garden containing physical training as well as a restorative garden for passive enjoyment, I believe it should be created where the major existing lawns are today. This is a much larger area with greater possibilities to attend to all those different characters needed in a healing garden. Preferably it could be divided into two smaller gardens; one inner and one outer related to the pool area in between. The inner garden could hold a more therapeutic approach, focusing on activities, security and social meetings. The outer garden could then have a more restorative approach with possibilities of finding a private secluded place, including paths for walking that could be connected to the way to the beautiful surroundings; the sea and the forest. Placing the garden here, it would also be visible for all visitors and could strengthen the identity for Sommarsol. If there were more time for this assignment, now the process of planning the gardens in detail could begin together with the staff working at the facility... . The outer restorative and private garden The inner therapeutic and social garden The pool area