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ZF & Doctrine 2 ODM

•   Zend Framework Contributor

•   Zend Framework CR Team Member

•   Co-Author of Zend Framework 2 in Action (With Rob Allen)

•   Technical Editor for Zend Framework: A Beginners Guide

•   Community Supporter

•   Zend Certified PHP5 Engineer

•   Lead Developer at Lupimedia and trainer at Lupijuice
What is the ODM?
What is the ODM?
 Object Document Mapper
What is the ODM?
 Object Document Mapper

    Similar to an ORM
What is the ODM?
     Object Document Mapper

        Similar to an ORM
But works with a Document Database
What is the ODM?
     Object Document Mapper

        Similar to an ORM
But works with a Document Database
Whats the advantage?

• Schema-less design (no complicated ALTER
 TABLE statements, just save your data!

• Works with JSON objects, familiar with what
 your already doing

• Simple!
Whats the advantage?

• Schema-less design (no complicated ALTER
  TABLE statements, just save your data!

• Works with JSON objects, familiar with what
  your already doing

• Simple! (at least to get started)
Whats the advantage?
                     Doctrine 2

• Uses the Data Mapper pattern
• Simplifies your domain, removes the
 persistence logic

• Entities are free to do their job
• Defines a framework by which your domain
 model will work, improving consistency
Getting started with the

Persistence operations revolve around the Document Manager

 Mapping of properties is carried out through annotations in
       your entities, or through xml/yaml mappings
namespace ApplicationBlog;

  * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts")
class Post
      * @Id
     private $id;
                                                                     An example entity
     * @Field(type="string")
    private $title;

     * @String
    private $content;

    /**                                                               /**
     * @EmbedMany(targetDocument="ApplicationBlogComment")
     */                                                                * @Id
    private $comments = array();
    public function getId()                                            private $id;
       return $this->id;
    }                                                                  /**
    public function setId($id)                                          * @Field(type="string")
       $this->id = (string) $id;                                        */
       return $this;                                                   private $title;

    public function getTitle()
       return $this->title;                                             * @String
    public function setTitle($title)                                   private $content;
       $this->title = (string) $title;

       return $this;                                                   /**
                                                                        * @EmbedMany(targetDocument="ApplicationBlogComment")
    public function getContent()
    {                                                                   */
       return $this->content;                                          private $comments = array();

    public function setContent($content)
       $this->content = (string) $content;
       return $this;

    public function getComments()
       return $this->comments;

    public function addComment(ApplicationBlogComment $comment)
       $this->comments[] = $comment;
       return $this;
namespace ApplicationBlog;

  * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts")
class Post
      * @Id
     private $id;
                                                                     An example entity
     * @Field(type="string")
    private $title;

     * @String
    private $content;

     * @EmbedMany(targetDocument="ApplicationBlogComment")
                                                                      public function getContent()
     */                                                               {
    private $comments = array();
                                                                          return $this->content;
    public function getId()                                           }
       return $this->id;
    }                                                                 public function setContent($content)
    public function setId($id)                                        {
       $this->id = (string) $id;                                          $this->content = (string) $content;
       return $this;                                                      return $this;
    public function getTitle()
       return $this->title;                                           public function getComments()
    public function setTitle($title)                                      return $this->comments;
       $this->title = (string) $title;                                }
       return $this;
                                                                      public function addComment(ApplicationBlogComment $comment)
    public function getContent()
    {                                                                 {
       return $this->content;                                             $this->comments[] = $comment;
                                                                          return $this;
    public function setContent($content)
       $this->content = (string) $content;
       return $this;

    public function getComments()
       return $this->comments;

    public function addComment(ApplicationBlogComment $comment)
       $this->comments[] = $comment;
       return $this;
Using your entity

                    class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action

                        public function init()
                            /* Initialize action controller here */

                        public function indexAction()
                            $documentManager = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('odm');
                            $post = new ApplicationBlogPost();
                            $post->setTitle('My Interesting Post')
                                 ->setContent('I have somethnng very interesting to say');


> use blog
switched to db blog
> db.posts.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dde4067fbd2237df1000000"), "title" : "My Interesting Post", "content" : "I have somethnng very
interesting to say" }
Using your entity

                class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action

                    public function init()
                        /* Initialize action controller here */

                    public function indexAction()
                        $documentManager = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('odm');
                        $post = $documentManager->getRepository('ApplicationBlogPost')
                        $post->setTitle('My Interesting Post')
                             ->setContent('I have something very interesting to say');


> db.posts.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dde4067fbd2237df1000000"), "title" : "My Interesting Post", "content" : "I have something very
interesting to say" }
Using your entity
                                           Add an comment

                class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action

                    public function init()
                        /* Initialize action controller here */

                    public function indexAction()
                        $documentManager = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('odm');
                        $post = $documentManager->getRepository('ApplicationBlogPost')
                        $comment = new ApplicationBlogComment();
                                ->setComment('Nice post!');

> db.posts.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dde4067fbd2237df1000000"), "comments" : [
         "_id" : ObjectId("4dde439afbd22380f1000000"),
         "email" : "",
         "comment" : "Nice post!"
], "content" : "I have something very interesting to say", "title" : "My Interesting Post" }
Using your entity

            class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action

                public function init()
                    /* Initialize action controller here */

                public function indexAction()
                    $documentManager = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('odm');
                    $post = $documentManager->getRepository('ApplicationBlogPost')


> db.posts.find();
Available Annotations
Available Annotations
 @Field(type="string" name="origin")

    Field Mappings. Many aliases are available: @String, @Date, @Int, @Float etc.

 @EmbedOne / @EmbedMany

    Embedded Documents, stores the document inside the current document

 @ReferenceOne / @ReferenceMany

    Referenced Documents, stores a reference to one or more documents outside the current document

 @Document / @EmbeddedDocument

    Marks entities which are allowed to be managed by the document manager. additionally
    EmbeddedDocuments may not be saved independently, and must be a child of an @Document

 @HasLifecycleCallbacks & @PrePersist, @PostPersist etc.

   Marks an entity as having callbacks such as PrePersist which will be called automatically by the
   DocumentManager during the entities lifetime. (see reference for list)
Integrating with ZF
Integrating with ZF
Example Sandbox:
           Includes all (PHP) dependencies
               Requires the mongo pecl extension
      $ sudo pecl install mongo

                     Install Doctrine from PEAR
     $ sudo pear channel-discover
     $ sudo pear install

                            Checkout from Github
             $ git clone git:// mongodb_odm
             $ cd mongodb_odm
             $ git checkout 1.0.0BETA3
The Plugin Resource

/* Import namespaces */
use DoctrineCommonClassLoader,

  * Doctrine 2 ODM Resource Plugin
  * @author Ryan Mauger
  * @copyright Ryan Mauger 2012
class Lupi_Resource_Odm extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract
     public function init()
       $options = $this->getOptions();

        // Config
        $config = new DoctrineODMMongoDBConfiguration();
        foreach ($options['config'] as $option => $value) {
            $method = "set" . ucfirst($option);

        // Annotation reader
        $reader = new AnnotationReader();
        $config->setMetadataDriverImpl(new AnnotationDriver($reader, $options['documents']['dir']));

        $dm = DocumentManager::create(new DoctrineMongoDBConnection(new Mongo), $config);
        return $dm;

    public function registerAutoloaders($options)
        $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();

        // Document classes
        $classLoader = new ClassLoader($options['documents']['namespace'],
        $autoloader->pushAutoloader(array($classLoader, 'loadClass'), $options['documents']['namespace']);

The Plugin Resource

/* Import namespaces */
use DoctrineCommonClassLoader,

  * Doctrine 2 ODM Resource Plugin
  * @author Ryan Mauger
  * @copyright Ryan Mauger 2012
class Lupi_Resource_Odm extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract
     public function init()
       $options = $this->getOptions();
       $this->registerAutoloaders($options);                                          Set up class loaders.
        // Config
        $config = new DoctrineODMMongoDBConfiguration();
        foreach ($options['config'] as $option => $value) {
            $method = "set" . ucfirst($option);
                                                                                       Use the Doctrine

        // Annotation reader
                                                                                        loaders for ease
        $reader = new AnnotationReader();
        $config->setMetadataDriverImpl(new AnnotationDriver($reader, $options['documents']['dir']));

        $dm = DocumentManager::create(new DoctrineMongoDBConnection(new Mongo), $config);
        return $dm;

    public function registerAutoloaders($options)
        $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();

        // Document classes
        $classLoader = new ClassLoader($options['documents']['namespace'],
        $autoloader->pushAutoloader(array($classLoader, 'loadClass'), $options['documents']['namespace']);

The Plugin Resource

/* Import namespaces */
use DoctrineCommonClassLoader,

  * Doctrine 2 ODM Resource Plugin
  * @author Ryan Mauger
  * @copyright Ryan Mauger 2012
class Lupi_Resource_Odm extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract
     public function init()
       $options = $this->getOptions();

        // Config
        $config = new DoctrineODMMongoDBConfiguration();
        foreach ($options['config'] as $option => $value) {
                                                                                     Set up the config object
            $method = "set" . ucfirst($option);

        // Annotation reader
        $reader = new AnnotationReader();
        $config->setMetadataDriverImpl(new AnnotationDriver($reader, $options['documents']['dir']));

        $dm = DocumentManager::create(new DoctrineMongoDBConnection(new Mongo), $config);
        return $dm;

    public function registerAutoloaders($options)
        $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();

        // Document classes
        $classLoader = new ClassLoader($options['documents']['namespace'],
        $autoloader->pushAutoloader(array($classLoader, 'loadClass'), $options['documents']['namespace']);

The Plugin Resource

/* Import namespaces */
use DoctrineCommonClassLoader,

  * Doctrine 2 ODM Resource Plugin
  * @author Ryan Mauger
  * @copyright Ryan Mauger 2012
class Lupi_Resource_Odm extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract
     public function init()
                                                                                    Set up the Annotation
       $options = $this->getOptions();

        // Config
                                                                                  Reader, or mapping driver
        $config = new DoctrineODMMongoDBConfiguration();
        foreach ($options['config'] as $option => $value) {
            $method = "set" . ucfirst($option);
                                                                                  should you prefer YAML /

        // Annotation reader
        $reader = new AnnotationReader();
        $config->setMetadataDriverImpl(new AnnotationDriver($reader, $options['documents']['dir']));

        $dm = DocumentManager::create(new DoctrineMongoDBConnection(new Mongo), $config);
        return $dm;

    public function registerAutoloaders($options)
        $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();

        // Document classes
        $classLoader = new ClassLoader($options['documents']['namespace'],
        $autoloader->pushAutoloader(array($classLoader, 'loadClass'), $options['documents']['namespace']);

The Plugin Resource

/* Import namespaces */
use DoctrineCommonClassLoader,

  * Doctrine 2 ODM Resource Plugin
  * @author Ryan Mauger
  * @copyright Ryan Mauger 2012
class Lupi_Resource_Odm extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract
     public function init()
       $options = $this->getOptions();

        // Config
                                                                                        Create and return the
        $config = new DoctrineODMMongoDBConfiguration();
        foreach ($options['config'] as $option => $value) {
            $method = "set" . ucfirst($option);
                                                                                         Document manager

        // Annotation reader
        $reader = new AnnotationReader();
        $config->setMetadataDriverImpl(new AnnotationDriver($reader, $options['documents']['dir']));

        $dm = DocumentManager::create(new DoctrineMongoDBConnection(new Mongo), $config);
        return $dm;

    public function registerAutoloaders($options)
        $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();

        // Document classes
        $classLoader = new ClassLoader($options['documents']['namespace'],
        $autoloader->pushAutoloader(array($classLoader, 'loadClass'), $options['documents']['namespace']);

; PHP settings
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0
phpSettings.display_errors = 0

; Set Plugin path for lupi mongoodm resource
pluginPaths.Lupi_Resource = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library/Lupi/Resource"

; Library include paths & namespaces
includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library"
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Lupi"
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Doctrine"

; Bootstrap options
bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php"
bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap"

; Applicaiton Setup
appnamespace = "Application"
resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 0

; ODM settings
resources.odm.documents.dir = APPLICATION_PATH "/entities"
resources.odm.documents.namespace = "Application"
resources.odm.config.proxyDir = APPLICATION_PATH "/cache/proxies"
resources.odm.config.proxyNamespace = "proxies"
resources.odm.config.hydratorDir = APPLICATION_PATH "/cache/hydrators"
resources.odm.config.hydratorNamespace = "hydrators"

[staging : production]

[testing : production]
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1

[development : production]
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1
; PHP settings
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0
phpSettings.display_errors = 0

; Set Plugin path for lupi mongoodm resource
pluginPaths.Lupi_Resource = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library/Lupi/Resource"

; Library include paths & namespaces
includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library"
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Lupi"
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Doctrine"

; Bootstrap options
                                                        Tell it where to load the plugin resource
bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php"
bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap"

; Applicaiton Setup
appnamespace = "Application"
resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 0

; ODM settings
resources.odm.documents.dir = APPLICATION_PATH "/entities"
resources.odm.documents.namespace = "Application"
resources.odm.config.proxyDir = APPLICATION_PATH "/cache/proxies"
resources.odm.config.proxyNamespace = "proxies"
resources.odm.config.hydratorDir = APPLICATION_PATH "/cache/hydrators"
resources.odm.config.hydratorNamespace = "hydrators"

[staging : production]

[testing : production]
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1

[development : production]
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1
; PHP settings
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0
phpSettings.display_errors = 0

; Set Plugin path for lupi mongoodm resource
pluginPaths.Lupi_Resource = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library/Lupi/Resource"

; Library include paths & namespaces
includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library"
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Lupi"
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Doctrine"

; Bootstrap options
                                                                  Minimal config to get started
bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php"
bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap"

; Applicaiton Setup
appnamespace = "Application"
resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 0

; ODM settings
resources.odm.documents.dir = APPLICATION_PATH "/entities"
resources.odm.documents.namespace = "Application"
resources.odm.config.proxyDir = APPLICATION_PATH "/cache/proxies"
resources.odm.config.proxyNamespace = "proxies"
resources.odm.config.hydratorDir = APPLICATION_PATH "/cache/hydrators"
resources.odm.config.hydratorNamespace = "hydrators"

[staging : production]

[testing : production]
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1

[development : production]
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1
Base Controller

• Provide an easy method to access the
 DocumentManager, and perhaps a service
 layer / repository

• Not using an action helper because we will be
 likely to be using this tightly everywhere, so it
 avoids writing _helper a few hundred times!

• You could use an action helper and use IOC or
 similar to replace this, this is for simplicity
namespace LupiController;
                                                               Base Controller
abstract class Action extends Zend_Controller_Action
     * @var Zend_Application
     */                                    Override the constructor at this point!
    protected $bootstrap;

     * @var DoctrineODMMongoDBDocumentManager
    protected $dm;
                                                                                  It’s useful to leave
    public function __construct(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request,
                                Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response,
                                array $invokeArgs = array())
                                                                                  init() for the final
                                                                                 implementation so
        $this->_helper = new Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker($this);
        $this->dm = $this->getBootstrap()->getResource('odm');
                                                                                  you don’t need to
    }                                                                           remember to always
    public function getBootstrap()
        if (null === $this->bootstrap) {
                                                                                   call parent::init()
            $this->bootstrap = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap');
        return $this->bootstrap;
Simplified controller code
use LupiController as controller;

class IndexController extends controllerAction
                                                                       Common repository for
     * @var DoctrineODMMongoDBDocumentRepository
                                                                       the controller, set it in
    protected $repository;

    public function init()
                                                                              the init
        $this->repository = $this->dm->getRepository('ApplicationBlogPost');

    public function indexAction()
        $post = $this->repository->find('4dde4067fbd2237df1000000');
        $comment = new ApplicationBlogComment();
                ->setComment('nice post!');

Simplified controller code
use LupiController as controller;

class IndexController extends controllerAction
                                                                       Common repository for
     * @var DoctrineODMMongoDBDocumentRepository
                                                                       the controller, set it in
    protected $repository;

    public function init()
                                                                              the init
        $this->repository = $this->dm->getRepository('ApplicationBlogPost');

    public function indexAction()
        $post = $this->repository->find('4dde4067fbd2237df1000000');
        $comment = new ApplicationBlogComment();
                ->setComment('nice post!');


                              Nice verbose code!
Managing change
Managing change

• For adding a new property, mostly, you don’t
 need to do much
Managing change

• The db is schema-less
Managing change

• The db is schema-less
• You can add properties, without needing to
 update the old objects until your ready
Managing change

• The db is schema-less
• You can add properties, without needing to
 update the old objects until your ready

• Simply add the property, and update old
 objects through your usual admin interface
Managing change

• The db is schema-less
• You can add properties, without needing to
 update the old objects until your ready

• Simply add the property, and update old
 objects through your usual admin interface

• Objects without the new property will simply
 have a null value until you change them
Managing change

Make use of the annotations!
Changing a property name
               From                                            To
<?php                                          <?php
namespace ApplicationBlog;                    namespace ApplicationBlog;

/**                                            /**
  * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts")     * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts")
  */                                             */
class Post                                     class Post
{                                              {
	     /**                                      	     /**
      * @Id                                          * @Id
	      */                                      	      */
	     private $id;                             	     private $id;
	     /**                                      	     /**
	      * @Field(type="string")                 	      * @Field(type="string")
	      */                                      	      */
	     private $name;                           	     private $title;
	     /**                                      	     /**
      * @String                                      * @String
      */                                             */
     private $content;                              private $content;
}                                              }
Changing a property name
               From                                                            To
                                                               namespace ApplicationBlog;
namespace ApplicationBlog;

                                                                 * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts")
  * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts")
                                                               class Post
class Post
      * @Id
                                               Add @AlsoLoad   	

                                                                     * @Id
                                                               	     private $id;
	     private $id;
                                                               	      * @Field(type="string")
	      * @Field(type="string")
                                                               	      * @AlsoLoad({“name”})
	     private $name;
                                                               	     private $title;
      * @String
                                                                     * @String
     private $content;
                                                                    private $content;
Transforming a property
               From                                                                           To
                                                                namespace ApplicationBlog;

namespace ApplicationBlog;
                                                                  * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts")
                                                                class User
  * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts")
class User
                                                                       * @Id
                                                                	      private $id;
      * @Id
	     private $id;
                                                                       * @Field(type="string")
                                                                      private $firstname;
	      * @Field(type="string")
	     private $fullname;
                                                                      * @Field(type="string")
                                                                     private $lastname;
     * @ReferenceMany(targetDocument=”ApplicationBlogPost”)
    private $posts;
                                                                      * @ReferenceMany(targetDocument=”ApplicationBlogPost”)
                                                                     private $posts;
Transforming a property
               From                                             <?php
                                                                namespace ApplicationBlog;

                                                                  * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts")
<?php                                                             */
namespace ApplicationBlog;                                     class User
/**                                                                  /**
                                                                      * @Id
  * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts")                          */
  */                                                                 private $id;
class User
{                                                                    /**
                                                                      * @Field(type="string")
	     /**                                                             */
      * @Id                                                          private $firstname;
	     private $id;                                                  /**
                                                                      * @Field(type="string")
	     /**                                                            private $lastname;
	      * @Field(type="string")
	      */                                                            /**
                                                                      * @ReferenceMany(targetDocument=”ApplicationBlogPost”)
	     private $fulllname;                                             */
                                                                     private $posts;
     * @ReferenceMany(targetDocument=”ApplicationBlogPost”)       /**
                                                                      * @AlsoLoad({“fullname”})
     */                                                               */
    private $posts;                                                 public function populateNameProperties($fullname)
}                                                                   {
                                                                         $name = explode(‘ ‘, $fullname);
                                                                         $this->firstname = $name[0];
                                                                         $this->lastname = $name[1];
    Use a method to migrate using                               }


• When searching, your queries will not know
 about the old name!

• Include old and new fields in your searches if
 possible until all data has been migrated

• The ODM is still in BETA3, there are still
 some glitches, but its well worth having a good
 look now.

• and follow
Useful information

• Official docs:

• Mongodb: excellent
 intro to mongodb

• The example sandbox:
Thanks for listening
 Catch me on twitter: @Bittarman
      Slides will be available on slideshare

ZF & Doctrine 2 ODM


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Zend Framework and the Doctrine2 MongoDB ODM (ZF1)

  • 1. ZF & Doctrine 2 ODM Doctrine
  • 2. WHO IS RYAN MAUGER? • Zend Framework Contributor • Zend Framework CR Team Member • Co-Author of Zend Framework 2 in Action (With Rob Allen) • Technical Editor for Zend Framework: A Beginners Guide • Community Supporter • Zend Certified PHP5 Engineer • Lead Developer at Lupimedia and trainer at Lupijuice
  • 3. What is the ODM?
  • 4. What is the ODM? Object Document Mapper
  • 5. What is the ODM? Object Document Mapper Similar to an ORM
  • 6. What is the ODM? Object Document Mapper Similar to an ORM But works with a Document Database
  • 7. What is the ODM? Object Document Mapper Similar to an ORM But works with a Document Database
  • 8. Whats the advantage? • Schema-less design (no complicated ALTER TABLE statements, just save your data! • Works with JSON objects, familiar with what your already doing • Simple!
  • 9. Whats the advantage? • Schema-less design (no complicated ALTER TABLE statements, just save your data! • Works with JSON objects, familiar with what your already doing • Simple! (at least to get started)
  • 10. Whats the advantage? Doctrine 2 • Uses the Data Mapper pattern • Simplifies your domain, removes the persistence logic • Entities are free to do their job • Defines a framework by which your domain model will work, improving consistency
  • 11. Getting started with the ODM Persistence operations revolve around the Document Manager Mapping of properties is carried out through annotations in your entities, or through xml/yaml mappings
  • 12. <?php namespace ApplicationBlog; /** * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts") */ class Post { /** * @Id */ private $id; An example entity /** * @Field(type="string") */ private $title; /** * @String */ Properties private $content; /** /** * @EmbedMany(targetDocument="ApplicationBlogComment") */ * @Id private $comments = array(); */ public function getId() private $id; { return $this->id; } /** public function setId($id) * @Field(type="string") { $this->id = (string) $id; */ return $this; private $title; } public function getTitle() { /** return $this->title; * @String } */ public function setTitle($title) private $content; { $this->title = (string) $title; } return $this; /** * @EmbedMany(targetDocument="ApplicationBlogComment") public function getContent() { */ return $this->content; private $comments = array(); } public function setContent($content) { $this->content = (string) $content; return $this; } public function getComments() { return $this->comments; } public function addComment(ApplicationBlogComment $comment) { $this->comments[] = $comment; return $this; } }
  • 13. <?php namespace ApplicationBlog; /** * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts") */ class Post { /** * @Id */ private $id; An example entity /** * @Field(type="string") */ private $title; /** * @String */ Methods private $content; /** * @EmbedMany(targetDocument="ApplicationBlogComment") public function getContent() */ { private $comments = array(); return $this->content; public function getId() } { return $this->id; } public function setContent($content) public function setId($id) { { $this->id = (string) $id; $this->content = (string) $content; return $this; return $this; } } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; public function getComments() } { public function setTitle($title) return $this->comments; { $this->title = (string) $title; } return $this; } public function addComment(ApplicationBlogComment $comment) public function getContent() { { return $this->content; $this->comments[] = $comment; } return $this; public function setContent($content) { } $this->content = (string) $content; return $this; } public function getComments() { return $this->comments; } public function addComment(ApplicationBlogComment $comment) { $this->comments[] = $comment; return $this; } }
  • 14. Using your entity Create <?php class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action { public function init() { /* Initialize action controller here */ } public function indexAction() { $documentManager = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('odm'); $post = new ApplicationBlogPost(); $post->setTitle('My Interesting Post') ->setContent('I have somethnng very interesting to say'); $documentManager->persist($post); $documentManager->flush(); } } > use blog switched to db blog > db.posts.find(); { "_id" : ObjectId("4dde4067fbd2237df1000000"), "title" : "My Interesting Post", "content" : "I have somethnng very interesting to say" }
  • 15. Using your entity Update <?php class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action { public function init() { /* Initialize action controller here */ } public function indexAction() { $documentManager = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('odm'); $post = $documentManager->getRepository('ApplicationBlogPost') ->find('4dde4067fbd2237df1000000'); $post->setTitle('My Interesting Post') ->setContent('I have something very interesting to say'); $documentManager->persist($post); $documentManager->flush(); } } > db.posts.find(); { "_id" : ObjectId("4dde4067fbd2237df1000000"), "title" : "My Interesting Post", "content" : "I have something very interesting to say" }
  • 16. Using your entity Add an comment <?php class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action { public function init() { /* Initialize action controller here */ } public function indexAction() { $documentManager = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('odm'); $post = $documentManager->getRepository('ApplicationBlogPost') ->find('4dde4067fbd2237df1000000'); $comment = new ApplicationBlogComment(); $comment->setEmail('') ->setComment('Nice post!'); $post->addComment($comment); $documentManager->persist($post); $documentManager->flush(); } } > db.posts.find(); { "_id" : ObjectId("4dde4067fbd2237df1000000"), "comments" : [ { "_id" : ObjectId("4dde439afbd22380f1000000"), "email" : "", "comment" : "Nice post!" } ], "content" : "I have something very interesting to say", "title" : "My Interesting Post" }
  • 17. Using your entity Delete <?php class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action { public function init() { /* Initialize action controller here */ } public function indexAction() { $documentManager = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('odm'); $post = $documentManager->getRepository('ApplicationBlogPost') ->find('4dde4067fbd2237df1000000'); $documentManager->remove($post); $documentManager->flush(); } } > db.posts.find(); >
  • 19. Available Annotations reference/annotations-reference.html @Field(type="string" name="origin") Field Mappings. Many aliases are available: @String, @Date, @Int, @Float etc. @EmbedOne / @EmbedMany Embedded Documents, stores the document inside the current document @ReferenceOne / @ReferenceMany Referenced Documents, stores a reference to one or more documents outside the current document @Document / @EmbeddedDocument Marks entities which are allowed to be managed by the document manager. additionally EmbeddedDocuments may not be saved independently, and must be a child of an @Document @HasLifecycleCallbacks & @PrePersist, @PostPersist etc. Marks an entity as having callbacks such as PrePersist which will be called automatically by the DocumentManager during the entities lifetime. (see reference for list)
  • 21. Integrating with ZF Example Sandbox: Includes all (PHP) dependencies Requires the mongo pecl extension $ sudo pecl install mongo Install Doctrine from PEAR $ sudo pear channel-discover $ sudo pear install Checkout from Github $ git clone git:// mongodb_odm $ cd mongodb_odm $ git checkout 1.0.0BETA3
  • 22. The Plugin Resource <?php /* Import namespaces */ use DoctrineCommonClassLoader, DoctrineCommonAnnotationsAnnotationReader, DoctrineODMMongoDB, DoctrineODMMongoDBDocumentManager, DoctrineODMMongoDBMongo, DoctrineODMMongoDBMappingDriverAnnotationDriver; /** * Doctrine 2 ODM Resource Plugin * * @author Ryan Mauger * @copyright Ryan Mauger 2012 */ class Lupi_Resource_Odm extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract { public function init() { $options = $this->getOptions(); $this->registerAutoloaders($options); // Config $config = new DoctrineODMMongoDBConfiguration(); foreach ($options['config'] as $option => $value) { $method = "set" . ucfirst($option); $config->{$method}($value); } // Annotation reader $reader = new AnnotationReader(); $reader->setDefaultAnnotationNamespace('DoctrineODMMongoDBMapping'); $config->setMetadataDriverImpl(new AnnotationDriver($reader, $options['documents']['dir'])); $dm = DocumentManager::create(new DoctrineMongoDBConnection(new Mongo), $config); return $dm; } public function registerAutoloaders($options) { $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance(); // Document classes $classLoader = new ClassLoader($options['documents']['namespace'], $options['documents']['dir']); $autoloader->pushAutoloader(array($classLoader, 'loadClass'), $options['documents']['namespace']); } }
  • 23. The Plugin Resource <?php /* Import namespaces */ use DoctrineCommonClassLoader, DoctrineCommonAnnotationsAnnotationReader, DoctrineODMMongoDB, DoctrineODMMongoDBDocumentManager, DoctrineODMMongoDBMongo, DoctrineODMMongoDBMappingDriverAnnotationDriver; /** * Doctrine 2 ODM Resource Plugin * * @author Ryan Mauger * @copyright Ryan Mauger 2012 */ class Lupi_Resource_Odm extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract { public function init() { $options = $this->getOptions(); $this->registerAutoloaders($options); Set up class loaders. // Config $config = new DoctrineODMMongoDBConfiguration(); foreach ($options['config'] as $option => $value) { $method = "set" . ucfirst($option); Use the Doctrine $config->{$method}($value); } // Annotation reader loaders for ease $reader = new AnnotationReader(); $reader->setDefaultAnnotationNamespace('DoctrineODMMongoDBMapping'); $config->setMetadataDriverImpl(new AnnotationDriver($reader, $options['documents']['dir'])); $dm = DocumentManager::create(new DoctrineMongoDBConnection(new Mongo), $config); return $dm; } public function registerAutoloaders($options) { $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance(); // Document classes $classLoader = new ClassLoader($options['documents']['namespace'], $options['documents']['dir']); $autoloader->pushAutoloader(array($classLoader, 'loadClass'), $options['documents']['namespace']); } }
  • 24. The Plugin Resource <?php /* Import namespaces */ use DoctrineCommonClassLoader, DoctrineCommonAnnotationsAnnotationReader, DoctrineODMMongoDB, DoctrineODMMongoDBDocumentManager, DoctrineODMMongoDBMongo, DoctrineODMMongoDBMappingDriverAnnotationDriver; /** * Doctrine 2 ODM Resource Plugin * * @author Ryan Mauger * @copyright Ryan Mauger 2012 */ class Lupi_Resource_Odm extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract { public function init() { $options = $this->getOptions(); $this->registerAutoloaders($options); // Config $config = new DoctrineODMMongoDBConfiguration(); foreach ($options['config'] as $option => $value) { Set up the config object $method = "set" . ucfirst($option); $config->{$method}($value); } // Annotation reader $reader = new AnnotationReader(); $reader->setDefaultAnnotationNamespace('DoctrineODMMongoDBMapping'); $config->setMetadataDriverImpl(new AnnotationDriver($reader, $options['documents']['dir'])); $dm = DocumentManager::create(new DoctrineMongoDBConnection(new Mongo), $config); return $dm; } public function registerAutoloaders($options) { $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance(); // Document classes $classLoader = new ClassLoader($options['documents']['namespace'], $options['documents']['dir']); $autoloader->pushAutoloader(array($classLoader, 'loadClass'), $options['documents']['namespace']); } }
  • 25. The Plugin Resource <?php /* Import namespaces */ use DoctrineCommonClassLoader, DoctrineCommonAnnotationsAnnotationReader, DoctrineODMMongoDB, DoctrineODMMongoDBDocumentManager, DoctrineODMMongoDBMongo, DoctrineODMMongoDBMappingDriverAnnotationDriver; /** * Doctrine 2 ODM Resource Plugin * * @author Ryan Mauger * @copyright Ryan Mauger 2012 */ class Lupi_Resource_Odm extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract { public function init() { Set up the Annotation $options = $this->getOptions(); $this->registerAutoloaders($options); // Config Reader, or mapping driver $config = new DoctrineODMMongoDBConfiguration(); foreach ($options['config'] as $option => $value) { $method = "set" . ucfirst($option); $config->{$method}($value); should you prefer YAML / } // Annotation reader XML $reader = new AnnotationReader(); $reader->setDefaultAnnotationNamespace('DoctrineODMMongoDBMapping'); $config->setMetadataDriverImpl(new AnnotationDriver($reader, $options['documents']['dir'])); $dm = DocumentManager::create(new DoctrineMongoDBConnection(new Mongo), $config); return $dm; } public function registerAutoloaders($options) { $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance(); // Document classes $classLoader = new ClassLoader($options['documents']['namespace'], $options['documents']['dir']); $autoloader->pushAutoloader(array($classLoader, 'loadClass'), $options['documents']['namespace']); } }
  • 26. The Plugin Resource <?php /* Import namespaces */ use DoctrineCommonClassLoader, DoctrineCommonAnnotationsAnnotationReader, DoctrineODMMongoDB, DoctrineODMMongoDBDocumentManager, DoctrineODMMongoDBMongo, DoctrineODMMongoDBMappingDriverAnnotationDriver; /** * Doctrine 2 ODM Resource Plugin * * @author Ryan Mauger * @copyright Ryan Mauger 2012 */ class Lupi_Resource_Odm extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract { public function init() { $options = $this->getOptions(); $this->registerAutoloaders($options); // Config Create and return the $config = new DoctrineODMMongoDBConfiguration(); foreach ($options['config'] as $option => $value) { $method = "set" . ucfirst($option); $config->{$method}($value); Document manager } // Annotation reader $reader = new AnnotationReader(); $reader->setDefaultAnnotationNamespace('DoctrineODMMongoDBMapping'); $config->setMetadataDriverImpl(new AnnotationDriver($reader, $options['documents']['dir'])); $dm = DocumentManager::create(new DoctrineMongoDBConnection(new Mongo), $config); return $dm; } public function registerAutoloaders($options) { $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance(); // Document classes $classLoader = new ClassLoader($options['documents']['namespace'], $options['documents']['dir']); $autoloader->pushAutoloader(array($classLoader, 'loadClass'), $options['documents']['namespace']); } }
  • 27. [production] ; PHP settings phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0 phpSettings.display_errors = 0 ; Set Plugin path for lupi mongoodm resource Configuration pluginPaths.Lupi_Resource = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library/Lupi/Resource" ; Library include paths & namespaces includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library" autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Lupi" autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Doctrine" ; Bootstrap options bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php" bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap" ; Applicaiton Setup appnamespace = "Application" resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers" resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 0 ; ODM settings resources.odm.documents.dir = APPLICATION_PATH "/entities" resources.odm.documents.namespace = "Application" resources.odm.config.proxyDir = APPLICATION_PATH "/cache/proxies" resources.odm.config.proxyNamespace = "proxies" resources.odm.config.hydratorDir = APPLICATION_PATH "/cache/hydrators" resources.odm.config.hydratorNamespace = "hydrators" [staging : production] [testing : production] phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1 phpSettings.display_errors = 1 [development : production] phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1 phpSettings.display_errors = 1 resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1
  • 28. [production] ; PHP settings phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0 phpSettings.display_errors = 0 ; Set Plugin path for lupi mongoodm resource Configuration pluginPaths.Lupi_Resource = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library/Lupi/Resource" ; Library include paths & namespaces includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library" autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Lupi" autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Doctrine" ; Bootstrap options Tell it where to load the plugin resource bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php" bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap" ; Applicaiton Setup appnamespace = "Application" resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers" resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 0 ; ODM settings resources.odm.documents.dir = APPLICATION_PATH "/entities" resources.odm.documents.namespace = "Application" resources.odm.config.proxyDir = APPLICATION_PATH "/cache/proxies" resources.odm.config.proxyNamespace = "proxies" resources.odm.config.hydratorDir = APPLICATION_PATH "/cache/hydrators" resources.odm.config.hydratorNamespace = "hydrators" [staging : production] [testing : production] phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1 phpSettings.display_errors = 1 [development : production] phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1 phpSettings.display_errors = 1 resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1
  • 29. [production] ; PHP settings phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0 phpSettings.display_errors = 0 ; Set Plugin path for lupi mongoodm resource Configuration pluginPaths.Lupi_Resource = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library/Lupi/Resource" ; Library include paths & namespaces includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library" autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Lupi" autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Doctrine" ; Bootstrap options Minimal config to get started bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php" bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap" ; Applicaiton Setup appnamespace = "Application" resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers" resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 0 ; ODM settings resources.odm.documents.dir = APPLICATION_PATH "/entities" resources.odm.documents.namespace = "Application" resources.odm.config.proxyDir = APPLICATION_PATH "/cache/proxies" resources.odm.config.proxyNamespace = "proxies" resources.odm.config.hydratorDir = APPLICATION_PATH "/cache/hydrators" resources.odm.config.hydratorNamespace = "hydrators" [staging : production] [testing : production] phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1 phpSettings.display_errors = 1 [development : production] phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1 phpSettings.display_errors = 1 resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1
  • 30. Base Controller • Provide an easy method to access the DocumentManager, and perhaps a service layer / repository • Not using an action helper because we will be likely to be using this tightly everywhere, so it avoids writing _helper a few hundred times! • You could use an action helper and use IOC or similar to replace this, this is for simplicity
  • 31. <?php namespace LupiController; Base Controller abstract class Action extends Zend_Controller_Action { /** * @var Zend_Application */ Override the constructor at this point! protected $bootstrap; /** * @var DoctrineODMMongoDBDocumentManager */ protected $dm; It’s useful to leave public function __construct(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request, Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response, array $invokeArgs = array()) init() for the final { $this->setRequest($request) ->setResponse($response) implementation so ->_setInvokeArgs($invokeArgs); $this->_helper = new Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker($this); $this->dm = $this->getBootstrap()->getResource('odm'); you don’t need to $this->init(); } remember to always public function getBootstrap() { if (null === $this->bootstrap) { call parent::init() $this->bootstrap = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap'); } return $this->bootstrap; } }
  • 32. Simplified controller code <?php use LupiController as controller; class IndexController extends controllerAction { Common repository for /** * @var DoctrineODMMongoDBDocumentRepository */ the controller, set it in protected $repository; public function init() the init { $this->repository = $this->dm->getRepository('ApplicationBlogPost'); } public function indexAction() { $post = $this->repository->find('4dde4067fbd2237df1000000'); $comment = new ApplicationBlogComment(); $comment->setEmail('') ->setComment('nice post!'); $post->addComment($comment); $this->dm->persist($post); $this->dm->flush(); } }
  • 33. Simplified controller code <?php use LupiController as controller; class IndexController extends controllerAction { Common repository for /** * @var DoctrineODMMongoDBDocumentRepository */ the controller, set it in protected $repository; public function init() the init { $this->repository = $this->dm->getRepository('ApplicationBlogPost'); } public function indexAction() { $post = $this->repository->find('4dde4067fbd2237df1000000'); $comment = new ApplicationBlogComment(); $comment->setEmail('') ->setComment('nice post!'); $post->addComment($comment); $this->dm->persist($post); $this->dm->flush(); } } Nice verbose code!
  • 35. Managing change • For adding a new property, mostly, you don’t need to do much
  • 36. Managing change • The db is schema-less
  • 37. Managing change • The db is schema-less • You can add properties, without needing to update the old objects until your ready
  • 38. Managing change • The db is schema-less • You can add properties, without needing to update the old objects until your ready • Simply add the property, and update old objects through your usual admin interface
  • 39. Managing change • The db is schema-less • You can add properties, without needing to update the old objects until your ready • Simply add the property, and update old objects through your usual admin interface • Objects without the new property will simply have a null value until you change them
  • 40. Managing change Make use of the annotations!
  • 41. Changing a property name From To <?php <?php namespace ApplicationBlog; namespace ApplicationBlog; /** /** * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts") * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts") */ */ class Post class Post { { /** /** * @Id * @Id */ */ private $id; private $id; /** /** * @Field(type="string") * @Field(type="string") */ */ private $name; private $title; /** /** * @String * @String */ */ private $content; private $content; } }
  • 42. Changing a property name From To <?php <?php namespace ApplicationBlog; namespace ApplicationBlog; /** /** * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts") * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts") */ */ class Post class Post { { /** * @Id Add @AlsoLoad /** * @Id */ */ private $id; private $id; /** /** * @Field(type="string") * @Field(type="string") * @AlsoLoad({“name”}) */ */ private $name; private $title; /** /** * @String * @String */ */ private $content; private $content; } }
  • 43. Transforming a property From To <?php namespace ApplicationBlog; <?php /** namespace ApplicationBlog; * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts") */ /** class User * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts") { */ /** class User * @Id { */ /** private $id; * @Id */ /** private $id; * @Field(type="string") */ /** private $firstname; * @Field(type="string") */ /** private $fullname; * @Field(type="string") */ /** private $lastname; * @ReferenceMany(targetDocument=”ApplicationBlogPost”) */ /** private $posts; * @ReferenceMany(targetDocument=”ApplicationBlogPost”) } */ private $posts; }
  • 44. Transforming a property From <?php To namespace ApplicationBlog; /** * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts") <?php */ namespace ApplicationBlog; class User { /** /** * @Id * @Document(db="blog", collection="posts") */ */ private $id; class User { /** * @Field(type="string") /** */ * @Id private $firstname; */ private $id; /** * @Field(type="string") */ /** private $lastname; * @Field(type="string") */ /** * @ReferenceMany(targetDocument=”ApplicationBlogPost”) private $fulllname; */ private $posts; /** * @ReferenceMany(targetDocument=”ApplicationBlogPost”) /** * @AlsoLoad({“fullname”}) */ */ private $posts; public function populateNameProperties($fullname) } { $name = explode(‘ ‘, $fullname); $this->firstname = $name[0]; $this->lastname = $name[1]; Use a method to migrate using } } @AlsoLoad
  • 45. NOTE! • When searching, your queries will not know about the old name! • Include old and new fields in your searches if possible until all data has been migrated
  • 46. NOTE! • The ODM is still in BETA3, there are still some glitches, but its well worth having a good look now. • and follow progress
  • 47. Useful information • Official docs: docs/mongodb_odm/1.0/en/ • Mongodb: excellent intro to mongodb • The example sandbox: bittarman/zf-d2-odm
  • 48. Thanks for listening Catch me on twitter: @Bittarman Slides will be available on slideshare ZF & Doctrine 2 ODM Doctrine

Editor's Notes

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