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Be pragmatic,
Krzysztof Menżyk
practises TDD
believes that software is a craft
loves domain modelling
obsessed with brewing
plays squash
 kmenzyk
Do you consider yourself
a professional software developer?
New client
Greenfield project
Starting from scratch
What went wrong?
The code started to rot
The design is hard to change
The design is easy to break
The design is hard to reuse
It is easy to do the wrong thing,
but hard to do the right thing
Your software is bound to change
Design stamina hypothesis
design payoff line
no design
good design
by Martin Fowler
What is
Object Oriented Design
Design Principles and
Design Patterns
Robert C. Martin
Single Responsibility
Open Closed
Liskov Substitution
Interface Segregation
Dependency Inversion
A class should have
only one reason to change
Gather together those things that
change for the same reason
Separate those things that change
for different reasons
class Employee
public static function hire($name, $forPosition, Money $withSalary)
// ...
public function promote($toNewPosition, Money $withNewSalary)
// ...
public function asJson()
// ...
public function save()
// ...
public function delete()
// ...
Try to describe what the class does
class Employee
public static function hire($name, $forPosition, Money $withSalary)
// ...
public function promote($toNewPosition, Money $withNewSalary)
// ...
public function asJson()
// ...
public function save()
// ...
public function delete()
// ...
class Employee
public static function hire($name, $forPosition, Money $withSalary)
// ...
public function promote($toNewPosition, Money $withNewSalary)
// ...
public function asJson()
// ...
public function save()
// ...
public function delete()
// ...
class Employee
public static function hire($name, $forPosition, Money $withSalary)
// ...
public function promote($toNewPosition, Money $withNewSalary)
// ...
public function asJson()
// ...
public function save()
// ...
public function delete()
// ...
class Employee
public static function hire($name, $forPosition, Money $withSalary)
// ...
public function promote($toNewPosition, Money $withNewSalary)
// ...
public function asJson()
// ...
public function save()
// ...
public function delete()
// ...
class Employee
public static function hire($name, $forPosition, Money $withSalary)
// ...
public function promote($toNewPosition, Money $withNewSalary)
// ...
class EmployeeSerializer
public function toJson(Employee $employee)
// ...
class EmployeeRepository
public function save(Employee $employee)
// ...
public function delete(Employee $employee)
// ...
the right
What about applying SRP
to class methods?
What about applying SRP
to test methods?
/** @test */
public function test_employee()
$employee = Employee::hire('John Doe', 'Junior Developer', $this->fiveHundredEuros);
$this->assertEquals($this->fiveHundredEuros, $employee->getSalary());
$employee->promote('Senior Developer', $this->sixHundredEuros);
$this->assertEquals($this->sixHundredEuros, $employee->getSalary());
$employee->promote('Technical Leader', $this->fiveHundredEuros);
$this->assertEquals($this->sixHundredEuros, $employee->getSalary());
/** @test */
public function it_hires_with_salary()
$employee = Employee::hire('John Doe', 'Junior Developer', $this->fiveHundredEuros);
$this->assertEquals($this->fiveHundredEuros, $employee->getSalary());
/** @test */
public function it_promotes_with_new_salary()
$employee = Employee::hire('John Doe', 'Junior Developer', $this->fiveHundredEuros);
$employee->promote('Senior Developer', $this->sixHundredEuros);
$this->assertEquals($this->sixHundredEuros, $employee->getSalary());
/** @test */
public function it_does_not_promote_if_new_salary_is_not_bumped()
$employee = Employee::hire('John Doe', 'Senior Developer', $this->sixHundredEuros);
$employee->promote('Technical Leader', $this->fiveHundredEuros);
$this->assertEquals($this->sixHundredEuros, $employee->getSalary());
the right
One test covers one behaviour
Software entities should be open for
extension, but closed for modification
Write once, change never!
Wait! What?
class Shortener
public function shorten(Url $longUrl)
if (!$this->hasHttpScheme($longUrl)) {
throw new InvalidUrl('Url has no "http" scheme');
// do stuff to shorten valid url
return $shortenedUrl;
private function hasHttpScheme(Url $longUrl)
// ...
/** @test */
public function it_does_not_shorten_url_without_http()
$urlToFtp = // ...
$this->setExpectedException(InvalidUrl::class, 'Url has no "http" scheme');
class Shortener
public function shorten(Url $longUrl)
if (!$this->hasHttpScheme($longUrl)) {
throw new InvalidUrl('Url has no "http" scheme');
if (!$this->hasPlDomain($longUrl)) {
throw new InvalidUrl('Url has no .pl domain');
// do stuff to shorten valid url
return $shortenedUrl;
private function hasHttpScheme(Url $longUrl)
// ...
private function hasPlDomain(Url $longUrl)
// ...
/** @test */
public function it_shortens_only_urls_with_pl_domains()
$urlWithEuDomain = // ...
$this->setExpectedException(InvalidUrl::class, 'Url has no .pl domain');
/** @test */
public function it_shortens_only_urls_with_pl_domains()
$urlWithEuDomainButWithHttpScheme = // ...
$this->setExpectedException(InvalidUrl::class, 'Url has no .pl domain');
/** @test */
public function it_shortens_urls()
$validUrl = // make sure the url satisfies all "ifs"
$shortenedUrl = $this->shortener->shorten($validUrl);
// assert
Testing seems hard?
class Shortener
public function shorten(Url $longUrl)
if (!$this->hasHttpScheme($longUrl)) {
throw new InvalidUrl('Url has no "http" scheme');
if (!$this->hasPlDomain($longUrl)) {
throw new InvalidUrl('Url has no .pl domain');
// do stuff to shorten valid url
return $shortenedUrl;
private function hasHttpScheme(Url $longUrl)
// ...
private function hasPlDomain(Url $longUrl)
// ...
} violation
Abstraction is the key
interface Rule
* @param Url $url
* @return bool
public function isSatisfiedBy(Url $url);
class Shortener
public function addRule(Rule $rule)
// ...
public function shorten(Url $longUrl)
if (!$this->satisfiesAllRules($longUrl)) {
throw new InvalidUrl();
// do stuff to shorten valid url
return $shortenedUrl;
private function satisfiesAllRules(Url $longUrl)
// ...
the right
class HasHttp implements Rule
public function isSatisfiedBy(Url $url)
// ...
class HasPlDomain implements Rule
public function isSatisfiedBy(Url $url)
// ...
”There is a deep synergy between
testability and good design”
– Michael Feathers
Subtypes must be substitutable
for their base types
class Tweets
protected $tweets = [];
public function add(Tweet $tweet)
$this->tweets[$tweet->id()] = $tweet;
public function get($tweetId)
if (!isset($this->tweets[$tweetId])) {
throw new TweetDoesNotExist();
return $this->tweets[$tweetId];
class BoundedTweets extends Tweets
const MAX = 10;
public function add(Tweet $tweet)
if (count($this->tweets) > self::MAX) {
throw new OverflowException();
function letsTweet(Tweets $tweets)
// ...
// $tweets has already 10 tweets
$tweets->add(new Tweet('Ooooops'));
function letsTweet(Tweets $tweets)
// ...
try {
$tweets->add(new Tweet('Ooooops'));
} catch (OverflowException $e) {
// What to do?
Design by contract
Design by contract
(because public API is not enough)
What does it expect?
What does it guarantee?
What does it maintain?
class Tweets
public function add(Tweet $tweet)
// ...
* @param $tweetId
* @return Tweet
* @throws TweetDoesNotExist If a tweet with the given id
* has not been added yet
public function get($tweetId)
// ...
interface Tweets
public function add(Tweet $tweet);
* @param $tweetId
* @return Tweet
* @throws TweetDoesNotExist If a tweet with the given id
* has not been added yet
public function get($tweetId);
class InMemoryTweets implements Tweets
// ...
public function retweet($tweetId)
try {
$tweet = $this->tweets->get($tweetId);
} catch (TweetDoesNotExist $e) {
// ...
class DoctrineORMTweets extends EntityRepository implements Tweets
public function add(Tweet $tweet)
public function get($tweetId)
return $this->find($tweetId);
class EntityRepository implements ObjectRepository, Selectable
* Finds an entity by its primary key / identifier.
* @param mixed $id The identifier.
* @param int $lockMode The lock mode.
* @param int|null $lockVersion The lock version.
* @return object|null The entity instance
* or NULL if the entity can not be found.
public function find($id, $lockMode = LockMode::NONE, $lockVersion = null)
// ...
// ...
function retweet($tweetId)
if ($this->tweets instanceof DoctrineORMTweets) {
$tweet = $this->tweets->get($tweetId);
if (null === $tweet) {
} else {
try {
$tweet = $this->tweets->get($tweetId);
} catch (TweetDoesNotExist $e) {
// ...
} violation
Violations of LSP are
latent violations of OCP
class DoctrineORMTweets extends EntityRepository implements Tweets
// ...
public function get($tweetId)
$tweet = $this->find($tweetId);
if (null === $tweet) {
throw new TweetDoesNotExist();
return $tweet;
the right
LSP violations are difficult
to detect until it is too late
Ensure the expected behaviour of
your base class is preserved in
derived classes
High-level modules should not depend on low-level
modules, both should depend on abstractions
Abstractions should not depend on details.
Details should depend on abstractions
class PayForOrder
public function __construct(PayPalApi $payPalApi)
$this->payPalApi = $payPalApi;
public function function pay(Order $order)
// ...
$token = $this->payPalApi->createMethodToken($order->creditCard());
$this->payPalApi->createTransaction($token, $order->amount());
// ...
Business Layer
Integration Layer
High-level module
Low-level module
Abstraction is the key
class PayForOrder
public function __construct(PaymentProvider $paymentProvider)
$this->paymentProvider = $paymentProvider;
public function function pay(Order $order)
// ...
$token = $this->paymentProvider->createMethodToken($order->creditCard());
$this->paymentProvider->createTransaction($token, $order->amount());
// ...
class PayForOrder
public function __construct(PaymentProvider $paymentProvider)
$this->paymentProvider = $paymentProvider;
public function function pay(Order $order)
// ...
$token = $this->paymentProvider->createMethodToken($order->creditCard());
$this->paymentProvider->createTransaction($token, $order->amount());
// ...
Abstractions should not depend on details.
Details should depend on abstractions
Define the interface
from the usage point of view
class PayForOrder
public function __construct(PaymentProvider $paymentProvider)
$this->paymentProvider = $paymentProvider;
public function function pay(Order $order)
// ...
$token = $this->paymentProvider->charge(
// ...
the right
Concrete things change alot
Abstract things change much
less frequently
3rd party
class PayPalProvider extends PayPalApi implements PaymentProvider
public function charge(CreditCard $creditCard, Money $forAmount)
$token = $this->createMethodToken($creditCard);
$this->createTransaction($token, $forAmount);
3rd party
class PayPalProvider implements PaymentProvider
public function __construct(PayPalApi $payPal)
$this->payPal = $payPal;
public function charge(CreditCard $creditCard, Money $forAmount)
$token = $this->payPal->createMethodToken($creditCard);
$this->payPal->createTransaction($token, $forAmount);
class TestPaymentProvider implements PaymentProvider
Clients should not be forced to depend on
methods they do not use
Many client specific interfaces are
better than one general purpose
interface EventDispatcherInterface
public function dispatch($eventName, Event $event = null);
public function addListener($eventName, $listener, $priority = 0);
public function removeListener($eventName, $listener);
public function addSubscriber(EventSubscriberInterface $subscriber);
public function removeSubscriber(EventSubscriberInterface $subscriber);
public function getListeners($eventName = null);
public function hasListeners($eventName = null);
class HttpKernel implements HttpKernelInterface, TerminableInterface
public function terminate(Request $request, Response $response)
new PostResponseEvent($this, $request, $response)
private function handleRaw(Request $request, $type = self::MASTER_REQUEST)
// ...
$this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::REQUEST, $event);
// ...
$this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::CONTROLLER, $event);
// ...
private function filterResponse(Response $response, Request $request, $type)
// ...
$this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::RESPONSE, $event);
// ...
// ...
class ImmutableEventDispatcher implements EventDispatcherInterface
public function dispatch($eventName, Event $event = null)
return $this->dispatcher->dispatch($eventName, $event);
public function addListener($eventName, $listener, $priority = 0)
throw new BadMethodCallException('Unmodifiable event dispatchers must not be modified.');
public function removeListener($eventName, $listener)
throw new BadMethodCallException('Unmodifiable event dispatchers must not be modified.');
public function addSubscriber(EventSubscriberInterface $subscriber)
throw new BadMethodCallException('Unmodifiable event dispatchers must not be modified.');
public function removeSubscriber(EventSubscriberInterface $subscriber)
throw new BadMethodCallException('Unmodifiable event dispatchers must not be modified.');
// ...
It serves too many different
types of clients
Design interfaces from
clients point of view
interface EventDispatcherInterface
public function dispatch($eventName, Event $event = null);
interface EventListenersInterface
public function addListener($eventName, $listener, $priority = 0);
public function removeListener($eventName, $listener);
interface EventSubscribersInterface
public function addSubscriber(EventSubscriberInterface $subscriber);
public function removeSubscriber(EventSubscriberInterface $subscriber);
interface DebugEventListenersInterface
public function getListeners($eventName = null);
public function hasListeners($eventName = null);
} the right
class EventDispatcher implements EventDispatcherInterface,
// ...
class DebugEventDispatcher extends EventDispatcher
implements DebugEventListenersInterface
// ...
Design is all about dependencies
Think about the design!
Listen to your tests
”Always leave the code a little better than
you found it.”
Be pragmatic
"By not considering the future of
your code, you make your code
much more likely to be adaptable
in the future."
At the end of the day what
matters most is a business value
Know the rules well,
so you can break them effectively
Be pragmatic,
 kmenzyk
Worth reading
”Clean Code:A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship” by Robert C. Martin
Photo Credits

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