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Arrested for DWI in the Houston Area?
Houston DWI Lawyer Charles Johnson
                                                       The Charles Johnson Law Firm provides the highest
                                                       level of representation in assisting our clients through
                                                       the rigors of a DWI case. After you are charged with
                                                       DWI in the Houston area, you are confronted with an
                                                       unpleasant truth: anyone who drinks and drives is
                                                       subject to arrest, whether or not they are actually
                                                       affected by alcohol. However, being charged does
                                                       not mean being convicted. Contact Houston DWI
                                                       Lawyer Charles Johnson directly anytime day or night
                                                       at (713) 222-7577 to discuss your case.

                                                   The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will
                                                   increase DWI patrols for a nine-day period that
                                                   includes July 4th. From June 30 – July 8, DPS
troopers will focus DWI patrols in high-risk locations at times when alcohol-related crashes are most

The enhanced patrols that target impaired driving are funded through a grant from the Texas Department of
Transportation (TxDOT). DPS troopers made 1,406 DWI arrests during the July 4th enforcement effort last
year, and 575 of those arrests were a direct result of the increased patrols. Last year, during this time period,
DPS enforcement also resulted in nearly 18,000 speeding citations, 3,390 seat belt/child safety seat citations,
920 fugitive arrests, and 656 felony arrests.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that the July 4th holiday ranks No. 1
nationally for alcohol-related fatal crashes. According to TxDOT, more than 1,000 Texans are killed each
year as a result of impaired drivers, and Texas is frequently ranked as the nation’s deadliest for impaired
driving deaths.

Texas leads the nation in drunk driving crashes and fatalities. That's why thousands of state troopers and
local law officers across Texas are stepping up patrols and arresting drunk drivers.

Hire the Best Houston DWI Lawyer: The Charles Johnson Law
When someone gets arrested for a DWI, they get a lot of advice from almost everyone around them; friends,
family, co-workers, and sometimes even the arresting officer gives you advice about what to do. It probably
seems like everyone has a different answer for what is “the best thing to do.” And then you may have
received some annoying letters from attorneys who do not even know you, some of which can be very
intimidating, frightening, or just plain obnoxious.

The fact is that no two DWI’s are alike, because penalties and options vary depending on the facts of what
happened, your prior record, the county and city you were arrested in, and the status of your driver’s

To get superior DWI representation, you need the best of these three things:
The Best Houston DWI lawyer will be familiar with the city and county of your offense and should know
how that jurisdiction treats DWI cases like yours. Houston Lawyer Charles Johnson is aware of the current
DWI statutes and case law, which changes all the time. Finally, your DWI lawyer should take the time to
know about your situation so the goals of your case suit your individual needs.

DWI cases are not easy to win, and the justice system is not about to do any favors for DWI offenders in
today’s anti-DWI society. An effective strategy is one that preserves every possible opportunity to impact
the various penalties you will be facing. That is the key to superior DWI Defense Strategy: preserving and
taking advantage of opportunities. Whether it is for purposes of arguing the issues of your case, negotiating
a settlement, or controlling the timing of the penalties you will be facing, a solid strategy will help you come
out of this with as little damage as possible.

The Best Houston DWI Attorney will devote an adequate amount of time and resources to your defense.
You do not want an attorney that does not take the time to explain the ins and outs of your case to you
every step of the way. You DO want a DWI lawyer who is passionate about defending DWI
cases. Our DWI clients have taken advantage of our Knowledge, Strategy, and Dedication for honest
solutions to their DWI problems. Don’t let another day go by before you start working on your
case. Contact the Best Houston DWI Lawyer Charles Johnson today at (713) 272-4586 for a free
case evaluation.

About DWI in Texas
In Texas, the legal limit for intoxication is .08 BAC. If an officer thinks your driving is impaired, you can
still be stopped and arrested for DWI regardless of your BAC. Penalties get worse with every DWI offense.

Texas is a national leader in many areas―unfortunately, one of these is in the number of accidents and
deaths related to driving while intoxicated (DWI). Each year, thousands of Texans are involved in this
tragedy; about 2,000 of them die.

Texas is also a zero-tolerance state for underage drinking; any detectable amount of alcohol in drivers under
21 is a crime. Yet young drivers account for many alcohol-related traffic accidents, and the age group with
the most violations and accidents are those between 21 and 34. Remember, teens and young people are
actually more prone to reaching higher alcohol concentrations more quickly than older drinkers. Size and
body weight also play a role. Big Uncle Fred may be able to toss back those shots of tequila and maintain
an allegedly safe BAC but younger, smaller people may not be able to accomplish this feat.

While a DWI conviction requires a BAC of 0.08% or above, any driver can be cited for "driving while
impaired" by drugs or lower concentrations of alcohol.

Texas DWI Penalties for Drunk Driving
Driving while intoxicated, first offense, is a Class B Misdemeanor that is defined at Texas Penal
Code §49.04. That provision states that, "A person commits an offense if the person is intoxicated while
operating a motor vehicle in a public place".

This definition sets forth the elements that must be proven to sustain a conviction. Those elements are:

      The defendant, on or about a particular date
Was operating a motor vehicle
       In a public place (street, highway, beach, parking lot, etc)
       In a particular county
       While intoxicated The Texas legislature has specifically defined the term "intoxication", as that term
       is used for prosecution of DWI cases {Texas Penal Code §49.01(2)}

In addition, there are two definitions to encompass those who do or do not submit to chemical testing:

1) "not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties by reason of the introduction of alcohol, a
controlled substance, a drug, a dangerous drug, a combination of two or more of those substances, or any
other substance into the body; or

2) having an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more."

It is important to note that the law provides for intoxication by the introduction of any intoxicating substance
into the body. This is designed to make our roadways safe from dangerous drivers.

Typically, proof at trial is restricted to alcohol unless some statements or other indications suggest that the
driver has become impaired by some other substance. Equally as important, being on prescription drugs is
not a defense to a DWI prosecution. If the label suggests that ingestion will impair one's ability to operate a
motor vehicle or machinery, taking such medicine and driving may subject you to DWI arrest and

At trial, the State therefore may prove intoxication in three (3) different ways:

       not having the normal use of physical faculties OR
       not having the normal use of mental faculties OR
       having an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more

The jury does not have to be unanimous on the manner and means of intoxication, only that the person was

Plus, intoxication must occur and be proven to occur while driving. Many other States provide for
prosecution of a "lesser included" offense other than DWI (i.e. reckless driving, impaired driving, driving
under the influence, etc.). Texas however has no lesser included offense of DWI. Some counties offer plea
bargain agreements to other charges than DWI, but they are the exception and not the rule.

              Classifications and Range of Punishment for DWI Conviction
DWI, 1st Offense: Class B Misdemeanor in Texas


A fine not to exceed $2,000.


Confinement in the County Jail for a term of not less the 72 hours nor more that six (6) months.

Open Container

If there was an open container of alcohol in your car when arrested, the minimum term of confinement is six
(6) days in the county jail.

Community Service

Texas law mandates that a judge order not less than 24 hours nor more than 100 hours.

Absent unusual facts, most persons convicted of a first offense DWI are granted community supervision
("probation") of any confinement ordered. The general length of DWI probation is from 1-2 years. There
are also conditions of community supervision ordered that are fairly standard in most courts. Typical
conditions imposed are: Drug/Alcohol Evaluation. A person convicted of DWI will be required to submit to
evaluation for probability of committing DWI in the future and/or to disclose a potential problem with
alcohol or drug abuse. If a problem is detected, additional terms and conditions of probation are ordered to
be administered through the Community Supervision Department. Attend and complete an approved DWI
Education class within 180 days from the date of conviction (Satisfying this requirement will avoid the one
(1) year drivers license suspension, unless if you were a minor (under 21) at the time of the offense.) Attend
and complete a Victim Impact Panel. This is a forum that presents victims of drunk drivers to address
persons convicted of DWI and warn of the dangers and perils of driving while intoxicated. Work faithfully
at suitable employment, commit no other crimes, remain at the same residence and employment unless
notification is given to the community supervision officer, report monthly to the supervision office, pay all
fines and costs in a timely manner. Pay a monthly supervisory fee. Perform a specified hours of community
or volunteer service. NOTE: If convicted, you will be given an Order Granting Probation. This Order will
be specific and unique to your case and fully sets forth the terms and conditions of your probation which
apply to you. It is the blueprint for your probation.

                        Additional Conditions of Probation that may be Ordered:

If your case presents unusual facts (accident, alcohol problem, prior alcohol contacts, bad driving record
etc.), additional conditions may be ordered. Most conditions are designed to address a problem that appears
from the facts or alcohol/drug evaluation that is performed on the subject after conviction. Again, a specific
order is given after each conviction. The following list is only a general discussion of conditions that have
been imposed in some DWI cases in my experience and may not apply to you.

Deep lung air device

This provision requires that you install and maintain a device on any car which you intend to drive during
probation. The device requires a breath sample before it will allow your car to start. Some devices require
periodic breaths while driving. This condition is sometimes recommended after an unfavorable drug/alcohol
evaluation during a first-offense probation, and is almost always ordered as a condition of bond on a
subsequent offense arrest.

Alcohol Treatment

Attendance at AA or other counseling programs offered through the probation department. In extreme cases
outpatient programs may be ordered. This condition is recommended after an unfavorable drug/alcohol

Consume no alcohol

Most courts require that a person not consume any alcohol during probation. This provision is monitored by
periodic and random urinalysis at the probation office. Some courts will not even allow a probationer to
enter a bar, tavern or lounge where alcohol is sold and consumed.

Again, in some extreme circumstances, the Court may order that a DWI offender serve confinement in the
county jail as a condition of being granted probation.


If there was an accident followed by a DWI arrest, and if your insurance company has not paid damages to
the other party, restitution of any unpaid amounts will be ordered by the Court as a condition of probation.

Enhanced Penalties (Prior alcohol or drug related criminal history)

Under Texas law, if it is shown that a person has been previously convicted of DWI, the punishment and
penalties after conviction are increased or enhanced. The prior DWI conviction must have occurred within
ten (10) years of the present arrest for DWI. Additionally, if a person has any prior DWI conviction within
the previous ten year period (measured from dates of arrest), the State is then allowed to use any prior DWI
conviction since obtaining a drivers license to enhance the accusation to a DWI, third offense. NOTE:
Texas can use prior convictions that have occurred in other states for enhancement of punishment.

DWI, Second Offense: Class A Misdemeanor Special Condition for Jail Release on
It is important to note that if arrested and accused of a DWI Second or greater offense, Texas law now
requires the Court to Order as a CONDITION OF RELEASE FROM JAIL ON BOND, that the person
install and maintain a deep lung air device on the car that the person intends to drive and operate while
charges are pending. The device requires a breath sample before it will allow you to start your car. They
also require periodic breaths while driving to monitor and insure sobriety. New technology has made these
devices "user sensitive" so that someone else cannot blow into the device for the driver.

Although this provision seems to run afoul of the presumption of innocence, Texas Courts have consistently
held that such condition is necessary to protect a legitimate governmental interest in making public
roadways safe for the motoring public.


A fine not to exceed $4,000.00.


Confinement in the County Jail for a term of not less than 72 hours nor more than one (1) year.

Community Service

Texas law mandates that a judge order not less than 80 hours nor more than 200 hours.

Deep lung air device

Typically deep lung devices are required for all DWI second offenders during probation.

Suspension of license

A person convicted of DWI, Second may have their driving privilege suspended for not less than 180 days
or more than two (2) years.

                 DWI, Third Offense (or greater): Third degree FELONY

A fine not to exceed $10,000.00.


Confinement in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division (Penitentiary) for a term of
not less than 2 years nor more than ten (10) years.

Deep lung air device

Deep lung air devices are generally ordered on all persons convicted of three or more DWI's both as
conditions of bond and as conditions of any occupational or provisional licenses that may be awarded after

Community Service

Texas law mandates that a judge order not less than 160 hours nor more than 600 hours.

Suspension of license

A person convicted of DWI, Second may have their driving privilege suspended for not less than 180 days
or more than two (2) years.


A third conviction for DWI indicates a significant problem with alcohol to the Court or jury assessing
punishment. Some type of rehabilitative treatment is therefore mandated in punishment if confinement in the
penitentiary is to be avoided. In some cases an in-patient, incarceration program (Substance Abuse Felony
Probation SAFP) is ordered. This program requires confinement in a State Facility for alcohol rehabilitation.
After successful completion of the SAFP program, the person is then released and placed on probation for a
term not to exceed ten (10) years. Another popular condition for habitual DWI offenders is a prescription
for a drug named "Antabuse". This drug will make a person violently ill if any alcohol is consumed. The
alcohol can be contained in mouthwash or marinated food and will still have the same effect on the user. If a
person has any type of liver problems, this drug can cause liver failure and death.

Texas law does not provide for any increased punishment after DWI, third offense. If a person presents a
DWI, fourth offense or beyond, the typical punishment is confinement in the penitentiary from two (2) to
ten (10) years without probation being granted. In some cases SAFP may be granted upon proper request
and showing that it is appropriate.

                                         Intoxication Assault
Third degree Felony "A person commits an offense if the person, by accident or mistake, while operating a
.... motor vehicle in a public place while intoxicated, by reason of that intoxication causes serious bodily
injury to another" {Texas Penal Code §49.07}. " 'Serious Bodily Injury' means injury that creates a
substantial risk of death or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ".

A fine not to exceed $10,000.00.


Confinement in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division (Penitentiary) for a term of
not less than 2 year nor more than ten (10) years.

Community Service

Texas law mandates that a judge order not less than 160 hours nor more than 600 hours.

Intoxication Manslaughter

Second Degree Felony "A person commits an offense if the person:

1) ...operates a motor vehicle in a public place, and...

2) intoxicated and by reason of that intoxication causes the death of another by accident or mistake."


A fine not to exceed $10,000.00.Jail: Confinement in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice,
Institutional Division (Penitentiary) for a term of not less than 2 year nor more than twenty (20) years.

Community Service

Texas law mandates that a judge order not less than 240 hours nor more than 800 hours.


If a person is involved in an accident where there is risk of death or death, a mandatory blood sample will
be taken for analysis and use in the prosecution of either Intoxication Assault or Intoxication Manslaughter.

Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Program
What is an ALR Hearing?
Many Texas drivers who are arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) do not realize that a DWI arrest
creates two separate cases, one civil and one criminal.

Specifically, a DWI arrest results in both a criminal charge, and usually initiates a civil proceeding against
the arrested driver’s driving privileges called an Administrative License Revocation, or ALR.

An ALR suspension is initiated against an arrested driver when he either refuses to submit to breath or
blood testing, or alternatively, fails a breath or blood test. The legal authority to impose an ALR suspension
against a driver lies in the Texas implied consent statute.

This law states that each person who operates a motor vehicle on Texas roadways has given his or her
implied consent to provide a specimen of breath or blood if arrested for DWI and provided with the
applicable consequences of refusing to submit to testing.

Notice of ALR Suspension
Many police officers, after arresting a citizen, will tell the arrested driver that if he does not agree to take a
breath or blood test that his license will be automatically and immediately suspended.

This is incorrect. When making an arrest for DWI, peace officers are required to take possession of any
Texas license issued by this state and held by the person arrested and issue the person a temporary driving
permit that expires on the 41st day after the date of issuance. Further, a request for a hearing to challenge the
proposed suspension will delay any ALR sanctions until a hearing takes place.

Hearing Request Provisions
ALR suspensions are automatic unless you request a hearing to challenge the suspension, in
writing, WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) DAYS after receiving notice of suspension from the arresting agency on
a Department of Public Safety approved form. This document is generally received on the day of arrest.

If a hearing is not requested in a timely manner, the suspension will automatically begin on the forty-first
(41st) day after notice was received. If a hearing is requested, no action will be taken regarding suspension
until after the hearing has taken place, even if the hearing takes place more than forty days after the arrest.

The ALR Hearing
The burden of proof at an ALR hearing is on the Department of Public Safety. Once a driver or his attorney
has made a timely request for an ALR hearing, no suspension may be imposed against the driver until the
Department of Public Safety proves the following elements by a preponderance of the evidence at the

   1. That there was reasonable suspicion to stop or probable cause to arrest the driver;
   2. That probable cause existed that the driver was driving or in actual physical control of a motor vehicle
      in a public place while intoxicated;
   3. That the driver was placed under arrest and was offered an opportunity to give a specimen of breath
      or blood after being notified both orally and in writing of the consequences of either refusing or
      failing a breath or blood test; and
   4. That the driver refused to give a specimen on request of the officer, or, that the driver failed a breath
      or blood test by registering an alcohol concentration of .08 or greater.

Suspension Provisions for Adult Drivers
Without any prior alcohol or drug related contacts against the accused driver during the previous 10-year
period, your license will be suspended for 90 days if your chemical test result is over a 0.08% or 180 days if
you refuse a chemical test. If you have a prior alcohol or drug contact within ten years, your license will be
suspended for one year if your chemical test is over 0.08% or 2 years if you refuse a chemical test. In certain
circumstances you may be eligible for an Occupational License.

Possible Defenses for DWI Charges
In deciding which defenses could apply in your driving while intoxicated (DWI) case, Houston Drunk
Driving Lawyer Charles Johnson will look at all the evidence produced by the police and interview
witnesses. Some common defenses seen in DWI cases include:

Driving Observation Defenses
The prosecutor always relies (sometimes exclusively) on the arresting police officer's testimony about how a
DWI suspect was driving, including:

      Very slow speeds
      Uneven speeds (very fast, then very slow, for example)
Weaving from one side of a lane to the other
      Crossing the center line of the highway
      Running a red light
      Hesitation in going through a green light

A good defense attorney will argue that there are many different explanations for these driving behaviors
that don't have anything to do with being alcohol-impaired.

Behavior Observation Defenses
An officer may also testify as to a DWI suspect's appearance and behavior when questioned, including:

      Slurred speech
      Bloodshot eyes
      Inappropriate joking or incoherent speech
      Stumbling or not being able to walk very far
      Pupil enlargement

Defenses to these observations that don't have anything to do with being intoxicated may include:

      Lack of sleep
      Contact lenses
      Stress due to personal circumstances
      Foods recently ingested
      Nervousness over being stopped by police
      Physical impairments
      Field Sobriety Test Defenses

When an officer suspects you may be too intoxicated to drive, he or she will likely ask you to perform what
are called "field sobriety tests." These tests are designed to assess your physical and mental alertness, and
can include:

      Walking a straight line
      Walking backwards
      Reciting the alphabet, frontwards or backwards
      Standing on one leg
      Officers also sometimes rely on what's called a "nystagmus" test, in which the suspect is asked to
      shift eye gaze from one side to the other while the officer shines a light in his or her eyes. The theory
      is that the gaze of someone who is impaired by alcohol or drugs will be jerky rather than smooth.

The defenses to field sobriety tests are often the same as with officer observations. Medications and lack of
sleep can make it considerably more difficult to perform these tests. Many people also have physical
impairments caused by injuries - or simply aging -that make it impossible to perform these tasks under ideal

The Best Houston Lawyer will cross-examine the arresting officer in detail as to whether the officer asked
you if you had physical impairments or there were particular circumstances that would make it difficult to
perform the tests. He may also point out to the jury that many jury members may have similar difficulties
performing the tests, such as by asking the jury if they could recite the alphabet backwards under the best of
Blood Alcohol Content Defenses
When you consume alcoholic drinks, the alcohol is absorbed into your blood stream. The level of alcohol in
your blood, called the Blood Alcohol Content ("BAC") can be measured by different tests. In all states,
you're presumed to be drunk and unable to safely operate a vehicle if your BAC is .08 or greater. This
measurement means that your blood contains eight/ one-hundredths percent of alcohol.

All states have lowered the BAC level defining intoxication to .08, and have "zero tolerance" laws that
make it illegal for people under 21 to operate a vehicle with little or no amount of alcohol in their blood.

Many states also have more severe DWI or DUI penalties for driving with a high BAC, which is often
defined as a level measuring more than .15 to .20.

Your BAC can be determined from a blood draw, which is often automatically taken if you are involved in
an accident and there is a suspicion that you may have been drinking. Your blood will also be drawn if you
are taken to the hospital because the police are concerned that you may have had so much to drink that you
are in danger of alcohol poisoning and should be hospitalized for observation and/or treatment.

Most DWI suspects have their blood tested by blowing into a breath testing device. These devices can be
faulty and not well-maintained or properly calibrated. They can register false results based on your
consumption of food and other non-harmful substances other than alcohol or drugs.

The Best Houston DWI Lawyer will likely subpoena police records on how the breath testing machine
operates and was maintained and calibrated. He may also want to bring in expert testimony that the
particular breath testing machine the officer used is notorious for malfunctioning.

Depending on the jurisdiction, another defense to breath testing machines arises when the physical breath
tests aren't preserved as evidence, allowing for independent testing later. Your attorney can argue that
there's no way to know if the machine that was used was accurate, if your breath samples can't be
independently tested.

Many of the defenses against DWI charges require a lawyer's expertise and experience. If you have been
arrested for a DWI offense in Texas, do not try to handle the legal situation yourself. Contact the
experienced and respected Texas DWI defense attorneys at the Charles Johnson Law Firm right away to
make sure that your rights are protected.

We can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Call us at 713-222-7577 or toll free at 877-308-0100.
Major Credit Cards Accepted.

Houston DWI Lawyer Charles Johnson

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  • 1. Arrested for DWI in the Houston Area? Houston DWI Lawyer Charles Johnson The Charles Johnson Law Firm provides the highest level of representation in assisting our clients through the rigors of a DWI case. After you are charged with DWI in the Houston area, you are confronted with an unpleasant truth: anyone who drinks and drives is subject to arrest, whether or not they are actually affected by alcohol. However, being charged does not mean being convicted. Contact Houston DWI Lawyer Charles Johnson directly anytime day or night at (713) 222-7577 to discuss your case. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will increase DWI patrols for a nine-day period that includes July 4th. From June 30 – July 8, DPS troopers will focus DWI patrols in high-risk locations at times when alcohol-related crashes are most frequent. The enhanced patrols that target impaired driving are funded through a grant from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). DPS troopers made 1,406 DWI arrests during the July 4th enforcement effort last year, and 575 of those arrests were a direct result of the increased patrols. Last year, during this time period, DPS enforcement also resulted in nearly 18,000 speeding citations, 3,390 seat belt/child safety seat citations, 920 fugitive arrests, and 656 felony arrests. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that the July 4th holiday ranks No. 1 nationally for alcohol-related fatal crashes. According to TxDOT, more than 1,000 Texans are killed each year as a result of impaired drivers, and Texas is frequently ranked as the nation’s deadliest for impaired driving deaths. Texas leads the nation in drunk driving crashes and fatalities. That's why thousands of state troopers and local law officers across Texas are stepping up patrols and arresting drunk drivers. Hire the Best Houston DWI Lawyer: The Charles Johnson Law Firm When someone gets arrested for a DWI, they get a lot of advice from almost everyone around them; friends, family, co-workers, and sometimes even the arresting officer gives you advice about what to do. It probably seems like everyone has a different answer for what is “the best thing to do.” And then you may have received some annoying letters from attorneys who do not even know you, some of which can be very intimidating, frightening, or just plain obnoxious. The fact is that no two DWI’s are alike, because penalties and options vary depending on the facts of what happened, your prior record, the county and city you were arrested in, and the status of your driver’s license. To get superior DWI representation, you need the best of these three things:
  • 2. KNOWLEDGE. The Best Houston DWI lawyer will be familiar with the city and county of your offense and should know how that jurisdiction treats DWI cases like yours. Houston Lawyer Charles Johnson is aware of the current DWI statutes and case law, which changes all the time. Finally, your DWI lawyer should take the time to know about your situation so the goals of your case suit your individual needs. STRATEGY. DWI cases are not easy to win, and the justice system is not about to do any favors for DWI offenders in today’s anti-DWI society. An effective strategy is one that preserves every possible opportunity to impact the various penalties you will be facing. That is the key to superior DWI Defense Strategy: preserving and taking advantage of opportunities. Whether it is for purposes of arguing the issues of your case, negotiating a settlement, or controlling the timing of the penalties you will be facing, a solid strategy will help you come out of this with as little damage as possible. DEDICATION. The Best Houston DWI Attorney will devote an adequate amount of time and resources to your defense. You do not want an attorney that does not take the time to explain the ins and outs of your case to you every step of the way. You DO want a DWI lawyer who is passionate about defending DWI cases. Our DWI clients have taken advantage of our Knowledge, Strategy, and Dedication for honest solutions to their DWI problems. Don’t let another day go by before you start working on your case. Contact the Best Houston DWI Lawyer Charles Johnson today at (713) 272-4586 for a free case evaluation. About DWI in Texas In Texas, the legal limit for intoxication is .08 BAC. If an officer thinks your driving is impaired, you can still be stopped and arrested for DWI regardless of your BAC. Penalties get worse with every DWI offense. Texas is a national leader in many areas―unfortunately, one of these is in the number of accidents and deaths related to driving while intoxicated (DWI). Each year, thousands of Texans are involved in this tragedy; about 2,000 of them die. Texas is also a zero-tolerance state for underage drinking; any detectable amount of alcohol in drivers under 21 is a crime. Yet young drivers account for many alcohol-related traffic accidents, and the age group with the most violations and accidents are those between 21 and 34. Remember, teens and young people are actually more prone to reaching higher alcohol concentrations more quickly than older drinkers. Size and body weight also play a role. Big Uncle Fred may be able to toss back those shots of tequila and maintain an allegedly safe BAC but younger, smaller people may not be able to accomplish this feat. While a DWI conviction requires a BAC of 0.08% or above, any driver can be cited for "driving while impaired" by drugs or lower concentrations of alcohol. Texas DWI Penalties for Drunk Driving Driving while intoxicated, first offense, is a Class B Misdemeanor that is defined at Texas Penal Code §49.04. That provision states that, "A person commits an offense if the person is intoxicated while operating a motor vehicle in a public place". This definition sets forth the elements that must be proven to sustain a conviction. Those elements are: The defendant, on or about a particular date
  • 3. Was operating a motor vehicle In a public place (street, highway, beach, parking lot, etc) In a particular county While intoxicated The Texas legislature has specifically defined the term "intoxication", as that term is used for prosecution of DWI cases {Texas Penal Code §49.01(2)} In addition, there are two definitions to encompass those who do or do not submit to chemical testing: 1) "not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties by reason of the introduction of alcohol, a controlled substance, a drug, a dangerous drug, a combination of two or more of those substances, or any other substance into the body; or 2) having an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more." It is important to note that the law provides for intoxication by the introduction of any intoxicating substance into the body. This is designed to make our roadways safe from dangerous drivers. Typically, proof at trial is restricted to alcohol unless some statements or other indications suggest that the driver has become impaired by some other substance. Equally as important, being on prescription drugs is not a defense to a DWI prosecution. If the label suggests that ingestion will impair one's ability to operate a motor vehicle or machinery, taking such medicine and driving may subject you to DWI arrest and conviction. At trial, the State therefore may prove intoxication in three (3) different ways: not having the normal use of physical faculties OR not having the normal use of mental faculties OR having an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more The jury does not have to be unanimous on the manner and means of intoxication, only that the person was intoxicated. Plus, intoxication must occur and be proven to occur while driving. Many other States provide for prosecution of a "lesser included" offense other than DWI (i.e. reckless driving, impaired driving, driving under the influence, etc.). Texas however has no lesser included offense of DWI. Some counties offer plea bargain agreements to other charges than DWI, but they are the exception and not the rule. Classifications and Range of Punishment for DWI Conviction DWI, 1st Offense: Class B Misdemeanor in Texas Fine A fine not to exceed $2,000. Jail Confinement in the County Jail for a term of not less the 72 hours nor more that six (6) months. Open Container If there was an open container of alcohol in your car when arrested, the minimum term of confinement is six
  • 4. (6) days in the county jail. Community Service Texas law mandates that a judge order not less than 24 hours nor more than 100 hours. Absent unusual facts, most persons convicted of a first offense DWI are granted community supervision ("probation") of any confinement ordered. The general length of DWI probation is from 1-2 years. There are also conditions of community supervision ordered that are fairly standard in most courts. Typical conditions imposed are: Drug/Alcohol Evaluation. A person convicted of DWI will be required to submit to evaluation for probability of committing DWI in the future and/or to disclose a potential problem with alcohol or drug abuse. If a problem is detected, additional terms and conditions of probation are ordered to be administered through the Community Supervision Department. Attend and complete an approved DWI Education class within 180 days from the date of conviction (Satisfying this requirement will avoid the one (1) year drivers license suspension, unless if you were a minor (under 21) at the time of the offense.) Attend and complete a Victim Impact Panel. This is a forum that presents victims of drunk drivers to address persons convicted of DWI and warn of the dangers and perils of driving while intoxicated. Work faithfully at suitable employment, commit no other crimes, remain at the same residence and employment unless notification is given to the community supervision officer, report monthly to the supervision office, pay all fines and costs in a timely manner. Pay a monthly supervisory fee. Perform a specified hours of community or volunteer service. NOTE: If convicted, you will be given an Order Granting Probation. This Order will be specific and unique to your case and fully sets forth the terms and conditions of your probation which apply to you. It is the blueprint for your probation. Additional Conditions of Probation that may be Ordered: If your case presents unusual facts (accident, alcohol problem, prior alcohol contacts, bad driving record etc.), additional conditions may be ordered. Most conditions are designed to address a problem that appears from the facts or alcohol/drug evaluation that is performed on the subject after conviction. Again, a specific order is given after each conviction. The following list is only a general discussion of conditions that have been imposed in some DWI cases in my experience and may not apply to you. Deep lung air device This provision requires that you install and maintain a device on any car which you intend to drive during probation. The device requires a breath sample before it will allow your car to start. Some devices require periodic breaths while driving. This condition is sometimes recommended after an unfavorable drug/alcohol evaluation during a first-offense probation, and is almost always ordered as a condition of bond on a subsequent offense arrest. Alcohol Treatment Attendance at AA or other counseling programs offered through the probation department. In extreme cases outpatient programs may be ordered. This condition is recommended after an unfavorable drug/alcohol evaluation. Consume no alcohol Most courts require that a person not consume any alcohol during probation. This provision is monitored by periodic and random urinalysis at the probation office. Some courts will not even allow a probationer to enter a bar, tavern or lounge where alcohol is sold and consumed.
  • 5. Confinement Again, in some extreme circumstances, the Court may order that a DWI offender serve confinement in the county jail as a condition of being granted probation. Restitution If there was an accident followed by a DWI arrest, and if your insurance company has not paid damages to the other party, restitution of any unpaid amounts will be ordered by the Court as a condition of probation. Enhanced Penalties (Prior alcohol or drug related criminal history) Under Texas law, if it is shown that a person has been previously convicted of DWI, the punishment and penalties after conviction are increased or enhanced. The prior DWI conviction must have occurred within ten (10) years of the present arrest for DWI. Additionally, if a person has any prior DWI conviction within the previous ten year period (measured from dates of arrest), the State is then allowed to use any prior DWI conviction since obtaining a drivers license to enhance the accusation to a DWI, third offense. NOTE: Texas can use prior convictions that have occurred in other states for enhancement of punishment. DWI, Second Offense: Class A Misdemeanor Special Condition for Jail Release on Bond: It is important to note that if arrested and accused of a DWI Second or greater offense, Texas law now requires the Court to Order as a CONDITION OF RELEASE FROM JAIL ON BOND, that the person install and maintain a deep lung air device on the car that the person intends to drive and operate while charges are pending. The device requires a breath sample before it will allow you to start your car. They also require periodic breaths while driving to monitor and insure sobriety. New technology has made these devices "user sensitive" so that someone else cannot blow into the device for the driver. Although this provision seems to run afoul of the presumption of innocence, Texas Courts have consistently held that such condition is necessary to protect a legitimate governmental interest in making public roadways safe for the motoring public. Fine A fine not to exceed $4,000.00. Jail Confinement in the County Jail for a term of not less than 72 hours nor more than one (1) year. Community Service Texas law mandates that a judge order not less than 80 hours nor more than 200 hours. Deep lung air device Typically deep lung devices are required for all DWI second offenders during probation. Suspension of license A person convicted of DWI, Second may have their driving privilege suspended for not less than 180 days
  • 6. or more than two (2) years. DWI, Third Offense (or greater): Third degree FELONY Fine A fine not to exceed $10,000.00. Jail Confinement in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division (Penitentiary) for a term of not less than 2 years nor more than ten (10) years. Deep lung air device Deep lung air devices are generally ordered on all persons convicted of three or more DWI's both as conditions of bond and as conditions of any occupational or provisional licenses that may be awarded after conviction. Community Service Texas law mandates that a judge order not less than 160 hours nor more than 600 hours. Suspension of license A person convicted of DWI, Second may have their driving privilege suspended for not less than 180 days or more than two (2) years. Other A third conviction for DWI indicates a significant problem with alcohol to the Court or jury assessing punishment. Some type of rehabilitative treatment is therefore mandated in punishment if confinement in the penitentiary is to be avoided. In some cases an in-patient, incarceration program (Substance Abuse Felony Probation SAFP) is ordered. This program requires confinement in a State Facility for alcohol rehabilitation. After successful completion of the SAFP program, the person is then released and placed on probation for a term not to exceed ten (10) years. Another popular condition for habitual DWI offenders is a prescription for a drug named "Antabuse". This drug will make a person violently ill if any alcohol is consumed. The alcohol can be contained in mouthwash or marinated food and will still have the same effect on the user. If a person has any type of liver problems, this drug can cause liver failure and death. Texas law does not provide for any increased punishment after DWI, third offense. If a person presents a DWI, fourth offense or beyond, the typical punishment is confinement in the penitentiary from two (2) to ten (10) years without probation being granted. In some cases SAFP may be granted upon proper request and showing that it is appropriate. Intoxication Assault Third degree Felony "A person commits an offense if the person, by accident or mistake, while operating a .... motor vehicle in a public place while intoxicated, by reason of that intoxication causes serious bodily injury to another" {Texas Penal Code §49.07}. " 'Serious Bodily Injury' means injury that creates a substantial risk of death or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ".
  • 7. Fine A fine not to exceed $10,000.00. Jail Confinement in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division (Penitentiary) for a term of not less than 2 year nor more than ten (10) years. Community Service Texas law mandates that a judge order not less than 160 hours nor more than 600 hours. Intoxication Manslaughter Second Degree Felony "A person commits an offense if the person: 1) ...operates a motor vehicle in a public place, and... 2) intoxicated and by reason of that intoxication causes the death of another by accident or mistake." Fine A fine not to exceed $10,000.00.Jail: Confinement in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division (Penitentiary) for a term of not less than 2 year nor more than twenty (20) years. Community Service Texas law mandates that a judge order not less than 240 hours nor more than 800 hours. NOTE If a person is involved in an accident where there is risk of death or death, a mandatory blood sample will be taken for analysis and use in the prosecution of either Intoxication Assault or Intoxication Manslaughter. Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Program What is an ALR Hearing? Many Texas drivers who are arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) do not realize that a DWI arrest creates two separate cases, one civil and one criminal. Specifically, a DWI arrest results in both a criminal charge, and usually initiates a civil proceeding against the arrested driver’s driving privileges called an Administrative License Revocation, or ALR. An ALR suspension is initiated against an arrested driver when he either refuses to submit to breath or blood testing, or alternatively, fails a breath or blood test. The legal authority to impose an ALR suspension against a driver lies in the Texas implied consent statute. This law states that each person who operates a motor vehicle on Texas roadways has given his or her implied consent to provide a specimen of breath or blood if arrested for DWI and provided with the applicable consequences of refusing to submit to testing. Notice of ALR Suspension
  • 8. Many police officers, after arresting a citizen, will tell the arrested driver that if he does not agree to take a breath or blood test that his license will be automatically and immediately suspended. This is incorrect. When making an arrest for DWI, peace officers are required to take possession of any Texas license issued by this state and held by the person arrested and issue the person a temporary driving permit that expires on the 41st day after the date of issuance. Further, a request for a hearing to challenge the proposed suspension will delay any ALR sanctions until a hearing takes place. Hearing Request Provisions ALR suspensions are automatic unless you request a hearing to challenge the suspension, in writing, WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) DAYS after receiving notice of suspension from the arresting agency on a Department of Public Safety approved form. This document is generally received on the day of arrest. If a hearing is not requested in a timely manner, the suspension will automatically begin on the forty-first (41st) day after notice was received. If a hearing is requested, no action will be taken regarding suspension until after the hearing has taken place, even if the hearing takes place more than forty days after the arrest. The ALR Hearing The burden of proof at an ALR hearing is on the Department of Public Safety. Once a driver or his attorney has made a timely request for an ALR hearing, no suspension may be imposed against the driver until the Department of Public Safety proves the following elements by a preponderance of the evidence at the hearing: 1. That there was reasonable suspicion to stop or probable cause to arrest the driver; 2. That probable cause existed that the driver was driving or in actual physical control of a motor vehicle in a public place while intoxicated; 3. That the driver was placed under arrest and was offered an opportunity to give a specimen of breath or blood after being notified both orally and in writing of the consequences of either refusing or failing a breath or blood test; and 4. That the driver refused to give a specimen on request of the officer, or, that the driver failed a breath or blood test by registering an alcohol concentration of .08 or greater. Suspension Provisions for Adult Drivers Without any prior alcohol or drug related contacts against the accused driver during the previous 10-year period, your license will be suspended for 90 days if your chemical test result is over a 0.08% or 180 days if you refuse a chemical test. If you have a prior alcohol or drug contact within ten years, your license will be suspended for one year if your chemical test is over 0.08% or 2 years if you refuse a chemical test. In certain circumstances you may be eligible for an Occupational License. Possible Defenses for DWI Charges In deciding which defenses could apply in your driving while intoxicated (DWI) case, Houston Drunk Driving Lawyer Charles Johnson will look at all the evidence produced by the police and interview witnesses. Some common defenses seen in DWI cases include: Driving Observation Defenses The prosecutor always relies (sometimes exclusively) on the arresting police officer's testimony about how a DWI suspect was driving, including: Very slow speeds Uneven speeds (very fast, then very slow, for example)
  • 9. Weaving from one side of a lane to the other Crossing the center line of the highway Running a red light Hesitation in going through a green light A good defense attorney will argue that there are many different explanations for these driving behaviors that don't have anything to do with being alcohol-impaired. Behavior Observation Defenses An officer may also testify as to a DWI suspect's appearance and behavior when questioned, including: Slurred speech Bloodshot eyes Inappropriate joking or incoherent speech Stumbling or not being able to walk very far Pupil enlargement Defenses to these observations that don't have anything to do with being intoxicated may include: Lack of sleep Allergies Contact lenses Stress due to personal circumstances Medications Foods recently ingested Nervousness over being stopped by police Physical impairments Field Sobriety Test Defenses When an officer suspects you may be too intoxicated to drive, he or she will likely ask you to perform what are called "field sobriety tests." These tests are designed to assess your physical and mental alertness, and can include: Walking a straight line Walking backwards Reciting the alphabet, frontwards or backwards Standing on one leg Officers also sometimes rely on what's called a "nystagmus" test, in which the suspect is asked to shift eye gaze from one side to the other while the officer shines a light in his or her eyes. The theory is that the gaze of someone who is impaired by alcohol or drugs will be jerky rather than smooth. The defenses to field sobriety tests are often the same as with officer observations. Medications and lack of sleep can make it considerably more difficult to perform these tests. Many people also have physical impairments caused by injuries - or simply aging -that make it impossible to perform these tasks under ideal conditions. The Best Houston Lawyer will cross-examine the arresting officer in detail as to whether the officer asked you if you had physical impairments or there were particular circumstances that would make it difficult to perform the tests. He may also point out to the jury that many jury members may have similar difficulties performing the tests, such as by asking the jury if they could recite the alphabet backwards under the best of circumstances.
  • 10. Blood Alcohol Content Defenses When you consume alcoholic drinks, the alcohol is absorbed into your blood stream. The level of alcohol in your blood, called the Blood Alcohol Content ("BAC") can be measured by different tests. In all states, you're presumed to be drunk and unable to safely operate a vehicle if your BAC is .08 or greater. This measurement means that your blood contains eight/ one-hundredths percent of alcohol. All states have lowered the BAC level defining intoxication to .08, and have "zero tolerance" laws that make it illegal for people under 21 to operate a vehicle with little or no amount of alcohol in their blood. Many states also have more severe DWI or DUI penalties for driving with a high BAC, which is often defined as a level measuring more than .15 to .20. Your BAC can be determined from a blood draw, which is often automatically taken if you are involved in an accident and there is a suspicion that you may have been drinking. Your blood will also be drawn if you are taken to the hospital because the police are concerned that you may have had so much to drink that you are in danger of alcohol poisoning and should be hospitalized for observation and/or treatment. Most DWI suspects have their blood tested by blowing into a breath testing device. These devices can be faulty and not well-maintained or properly calibrated. They can register false results based on your consumption of food and other non-harmful substances other than alcohol or drugs. The Best Houston DWI Lawyer will likely subpoena police records on how the breath testing machine operates and was maintained and calibrated. He may also want to bring in expert testimony that the particular breath testing machine the officer used is notorious for malfunctioning. Depending on the jurisdiction, another defense to breath testing machines arises when the physical breath tests aren't preserved as evidence, allowing for independent testing later. Your attorney can argue that there's no way to know if the machine that was used was accurate, if your breath samples can't be independently tested. Many of the defenses against DWI charges require a lawyer's expertise and experience. If you have been arrested for a DWI offense in Texas, do not try to handle the legal situation yourself. Contact the experienced and respected Texas DWI defense attorneys at the Charles Johnson Law Firm right away to make sure that your rights are protected. We can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us at 713-222-7577 or toll free at 877-308-0100. Major Credit Cards Accepted. Houston DWI Lawyer Charles Johnson