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You can change your lift in 21 Days:
The epic 21 days with Krusita
Day 1: Mental clearing to reprogram.
Hello Coach Sita, it’s here.
I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Patchsita Saksirithanakun
I’m also known as Coach Sita.
Wealth and happy Master.
Today I will tell you on day 1.
Clearing the mind to adjust the program
To get a lot of income
It’ called a change of plan or a new plan.
For your subconscious mind.
Wait a moment
Let us start right now. Here is an example.
This is a clear glass, what is it like?
Like our brain and our thoughts
When we were born, are we innocent?
Didn’t think of anything
I didn’t think of anything like white clothes.
Or like a clear glass
Like this
I’ll hold on to it.
We will stand a little.
I have an assistant. Come on.
Now, we’re born and we’re
Born without
Knowing anything
Can you see me clearly? You can, right?
Then, we we are growing up.
Let’s come closer
I will give an example
The words that people have told us since childhood
Friends, environment, people around anything
I am testing for you
When the child was born, we were still clear.
Growing up, the first thing we will hear is Be a good boy
Study hard and be a master, son.
Don’t be naughty, why do you do like that?
Mom told me not to do it.
Dad told me not to do it.
Starting to study
Hey, why do you do this?
The teacher hit me for my bad behaviour and need to improve
Then go to work with my colleagues and face with society
Jealous, gossip, boss complaining, bored, stress
That person told me to improve like this.
This person adapts to it like that.
Repeatedly adapt myself
So you don’t know what to do with your life.
From people who uses to be clear water.
From someone who used to accept
But in a good childhood story, you still have a bright thought.
But you got programmed
A program that will make you
It doesn’t know what to do. It’s all black.
Jealous people, gossipers, slanders
Bad friends and bad people
We become black water.
How do we do?
When we meet the negative environment
Until the water is black like us, ah
Wait a minute
Today, I will tell you
What other people are giving you
If it’s a good thing. It is good
But if it’s negative
Good for them. But not good for us, it is considered negative.
You’ve met this person until you are afraid.
You are so afraid
Do not dare to think, do not dare to do
That person blames, this person also blames.
You’re so bad. You are a bad child
Never prosper
Like this
We have been programmed like this
Until we don’t dare
Failure to do anything, and ruin everything, ohh
Embrace yourself in the big way
The most painful is from yourself
Tell yourself that you are suck
Can do nothing and never prosper.
Too bad
The way to fix it is how you have to do it, do you know?
You have to put in a good story.
Good words to the brain
Or to your subconscious
Say it, I can do it
There’s nothing in the world that I would do and I couldn’t.
If any human can do it, I must do it.
I am the best in the world
I love myself so much
I am doing something for my family.
Do you see anything? Hello, do you see the water? From the black
begin to change
Is it Coca Cola
Do you see?
When you start putting up good thoughts
Good words
Get a good story
Do not watch the drama
What to watch
Your own development
Follow Kru Bundit
Kru Rung
Follow Kru Sitha
Follow people who have great ideas for you.
Because if when you accidentally
You have almost turned into clear water.
You accidentally watch a drama
How to get into your subconscious mind
You listen to a heartbreaking song.
It is into your subconscious mind
You don’t even know what you do.
Does it get in too?
Does it?
It’s science
You can search for information.
But whenever you know it already
That what you do is having a bad effect on your life.
Must be black water like this
You quickly add good words to yourself that
I’m damn awesome
I’m the best
I can do it
Others can do it, I can do it too.
I will be the richest person in the family.
I am a wealthy man.
We put a good program to it.
Even ourselves, we must admire and love ourselves.
Thank you for good things that happened to me.
Thank you for your surroundings
It’s going to be positive energy too.
Thank you that I still have breath.
Do you see anything?
The water is getting clear.
Thank you money in my pocket
Put on a good story you have to see the good things around you.
Thanks to the clothes I can wear comfortably.
Do you see?
Tell me a good story.
I am developing myself and am very good.
I am knowledgeable and talented enough to earn huge sums of
Do you see
Can you see?
Therefore, the fact that you can become clear water like this
Hello, have you seen it today?
When you want to improve yourself
You have to make yourself clear water first.
So what you have to do on day one
21 days of wealth
Will happen to you
You have to clear this first.
You mindset
It’s a way of thinking
It’s subconscious
You have to start talking
Good program for your brain
21 days
I guarantee that your lift
It will change completely
The same you in 5 minutes ago
There will be no more
You must be sad and lonely.
Not enough money
Will be changed
You will not be the same person anymore.
Today, I have studied many subjects.
I want everyone to learn so much
And apply it
Because I’m the one
That when I know it already
I admire myself and look for good surroundings.
Good friends, good parents, good children, good driving.
We are really smart minds.
We are really beautiful
We are really great
Others can do it, I can do it too.
I can make money
I’m sure
I’m the best
I am the richest person in the country.
I’m a superstar
I’m in good shape, er
I am loved by many people.
I am an idol of the whole country.
I am g great billionaire.
I am a man who accomplishes both worldly and religiously.
Whatever you say to yourself often
That will become you
The feelings come first, the truth comes after
You have to feel it first.
When speaking, not gritting the teeth
Yep, I’m pretty, I’m very good.
This one means you don’t have a program.
You are still wearing black water.
Because you are embarrassed.
You are against.
You are into it.
Your subconscious can’t hear human language.
It knows, but when you say it, it feels good, it like it.
You have to feel what you say.
When i saw a Benz driver passing by.
That’s my car
We saw who won the lottery.
Oops, that’s like my lottery.
Congratulate with them
Not too be jealous
If you send a signal like that
Today to plant an orange tree, you must be able to eat citrus fruits.
You send out your envy
You must meet jealous people for sure.
Today if you want to be clear water
That is ready to receive good information
Hurry to program yourself for 21 days.
Wake up early, you have to get up.
When you open your eyes, don’t touch the phone.
When you open your eyes
You have to talk to yourself first.
First of all, this is the first day of me.
Because of what you know?
When we live, we will be sad.
Anything. Who is by your side
Is it you, right by your side?
You have left you anywhere.
You have never been far from you.
You are always your friend.
But aren’t you? That hurt yourself.
You body is your body.
It keeps walking for you every day.
It keeps tell you to be working for you every day.
The thing that it must think a headache for you every day
Isn’t it you that hurt yourself?
When was the last time you thanked yourself?
When other people do good to you
Have you ever thanked them?
Other people do good to you.
You still thank them.
And what is going on with your body?
You don’t even think to thank him.
You understand what I said, right?
What you have to do on day 1
Allow yourself to thank you yourself.
You whole body
You embrace him and feel with him.
Thank you very much for being with me all the time.
Thanks to the hand of talent
What I am doing is successful.
Thank you my childhood
If I didn’t have you, I wouldn’t be able to write.
If I didn’t have you I’d be a disabled person.
Thanks to my eyes to allow me to see so many things.
Let me learn a lot
Thank you my face
That makes me more beautiful
Looks pretty, looks cute.
Thank you for my voice is so powerful.
Thank you for my shape
Such a good shape
Talk to yourself
Thank you for my perfect body.
Thank you for putting up with me all this time.
I’m sorry you
I keep thinking negative
I’m sorry
That I keep hurting your head
I’m sorry you stay up late
Never eat anything, take care of yourself.
I have to apologize to you.
The one I ate was never on time and it made her stomach ache.
This, you’re sorry, and you have to thank him.
When did you become grateful?
Then that will expand
This body will be with you
Will be with you and become younger
As you spoke to him
There is a lot of proof.
For the principle of gratitude
On day1, I wants everyone
Both when we sleep and when we wake up
I’m sorry today
For the rest, we are all grateful.
We won’t hurt our bodies anymore.
Can you promise me?
When you apologize to you
The past will end immediately.
Your body already loves you.
He already forgives you.
He has never left you anywhere.
After that, thank him.
With your heart
He is still with you
That he never left you
That he does not have to be cut off his arm you don’t have to be
He never left you
You are done apologizing.
You thank him
Thank you for being with me
Thank you
Form now on, I will make you happy.
Thank you
From now on, I’ll have my meal on time.
Thank you very much
I will apply sunscreen.
Thank you
I will love me more for you.
Is it good?
I will day1 to be the day you
Clear the mind, clear the mind, clear your brain first.
And today, all your homework assignments
That you have to do throughout 21 days
On day1, you’re done with apology.
Alter that, wake up early and before bed.
You have to thank your body.
Because your body makes you
To be like this
You are complete
Your body, your heart
Pull you to me today
We always have merit at the same level
So we met
It’s time for you to end your karme.
It’s time for you
To have a good life
So that you can go live your best life
In being a human to be born
And when are you negative
I would like one thing.
You take a large rubber band
Have you ever seen a big rubber band?
Put it on your wrist
When do you mind negative for you?
Pull and flick yourself as painful as possible.
You realize that
You’re hurting yourself again.
You’re about to turn clear water onto black water again.
You’re going to ruin your life again.
Then you’re going to hurt the person with you all the time again.
To block
Bad things that will come to you
Whenever a negative person speaks to you
Excuse me, I’m apparently busy.
And flick it
If we do not go and listen to him, it’s fine.
But if we listen to him, we have to flick.
And tell yourself
By ears
It is how to ignore
When someone speaks badly to me, I just ignore.
Close my ears
Just nod my head but do not take his feelings
Whenever you feel like you’re pulling black water
Pull the bad things, pull the thing into your body
Today, all you have to do is
Sorry yourself
Before bedtime
You keep grateful until you fall asleep.
Wake up in the morning and you notice yourself.
Tomorrow you can tell me that
Tomorrow it will be a day when you feel refreshed.
It’s going to be the day you are so energetic
Hey, why today I look young
Why am I looking fresh?
Why do I look so clear?
Why am I walking everyone and people are smiling at me?
Don’t forget to observe yourself tomorrow.
Before going to bad tonight
When up early, thank you, it won’t be long
Thank you at least 10 things.
This is programming your brain.
This is day 1
You’re sorry and you have to thank 10 things.
Your body
Eyes , ears, nose, mouth, intestines
Your body, arms, legs, hair, every part of your body
Liver, kidney, gut, heart
Thank you at least 10 things.
If you want to see the change
If someone often be stomach pain
Bad gut
Thank you and apologize first and then thank you.
Try is
You can try and see it tomorrow
You will wake up and what will you be?
I’m sorry that I never took care of you.
Always hurts my stomach.
I promise to eat on time.
Thank you for helping me digest my food.
Thank you for keeping my bowels normal.
Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
And see the result tomorrow
He will be fresh, will he have a stomachache?
Have you ever heard of another grape field experiment?
Like a person who speaks and murmur open like a damn
Blame the grapes.
Another farm, he did an experiment
Play classical music to grape.
Do you know what happens is
Grapes In the vineyard
The grapes wither, dry and die.
This is true.
As for the grape, that plays classical music.
So shady. The result is a very large output.
The output is very beautiful.
Very good, no insects
So beautiful to the export grade, you see?
Do you see?
Fruit still knows the language.
And what languages do you count with?
We are human
You can blame someone stupid
Why can’t you remember?
Because it’s like this, it’s not good at all.
I’m sorry, I forgot.
If you only put it like this for yourself
Do not be surprised that’s why we don’t go anywhere
So today is starting day 1
I repeat the last time before the end of today’s class.
You’re done apologizing to yourself
You thank your body at least 10 things.
At least 10 things. Okay?
What you have to do, okay?
So tomorrow you come to observe
And share with me. Let your friends listen too
How did you do it
This is the program for day 1.
Clear the mind, clear the mind.
Put a good program into the brain.
I’m sorry today for your body
That you hurt him
For 10,20,30,40 years
But he is with you to this day.
That’s it for today
Thank to everyone who came and followed me.
I was very determined
Take my own real experiences to share with you.
I might not be a world-class accomplished person
But in the future, it might not be certain
Please subscribe my page
If today this message or clip is useful
You see that it is useful to people.
You can share it.
I don’t collect a single penny.
21 days, let’s change our lives together.
I really want everyone to have a better life.
I love you all
And love with a truly pure heart
Today, there’s nothing to give that I feel
Happy as we do for some people
They have a better lifestyle or concept.
This is my peace of mind
Peace of mind that money cannot buy
This is what I want to say to all of us.
I’ll let everyone to do each duty.
See ya
I want everyone to sleep
In the embrace of the abundant universe
Get some sleep and thank yourself
Then sleep
Along with waking up tomorrow as a bright day
A refreshing day. It’s a joyful day
It is day that we are so amazed.
Ready to receive good things in the new year, okay?
Leave it all today for all bad stories
See you all
Thank you everyone.

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You can change your lift in 21 days#1

  • 1. You can change your lift in 21 Days: The epic 21 days with Krusita Day 1: Mental clearing to reprogram. Hello Coach Sita, it’s here. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Patchsita Saksirithanakun I’m also known as Coach Sita. Wealth and happy Master. Today I will tell you on day 1. Clearing the mind to adjust the program To get a lot of income It’ called a change of plan or a new plan. For your subconscious mind. Wait a moment Let us start right now. Here is an example. This is a clear glass, what is it like? Like our brain and our thoughts When we were born, are we innocent? Didn’t think of anything I didn’t think of anything like white clothes. Or like a clear glass Like this I’ll hold on to it. We will stand a little.
  • 2. I have an assistant. Come on. Now, we’re born and we’re Born without Knowing anything Can you see me clearly? You can, right? Then, we we are growing up. Let’s come closer I will give an example The words that people have told us since childhood Friends, environment, people around anything I am testing for you When the child was born, we were still clear. Growing up, the first thing we will hear is Be a good boy Study hard and be a master, son. Don’t be naughty, why do you do like that? Mom told me not to do it. Dad told me not to do it. Starting to study Hey, why do you do this? The teacher hit me for my bad behaviour and need to improve myself. Then go to work with my colleagues and face with society Jealous, gossip, boss complaining, bored, stress That person told me to improve like this.
  • 3. This person adapts to it like that. Repeatedly adapt myself So you don’t know what to do with your life. From people who uses to be clear water. From someone who used to accept But in a good childhood story, you still have a bright thought. But you got programmed A program that will make you It doesn’t know what to do. It’s all black. Jealous people, gossipers, slanders Bad friends and bad people We become black water. Today How do we do? When we meet the negative environment Until the water is black like us, ah Wait a minute Today, I will tell you What other people are giving you If it’s a good thing. It is good But if it’s negative Good for them. But not good for us, it is considered negative. Ok? You’ve met this person until you are afraid.
  • 4. You are so afraid Do not dare to think, do not dare to do That person blames, this person also blames. You’re so bad. You are a bad child Never prosper Like this We have been programmed like this Until we don’t dare Failure to do anything, and ruin everything, ohh Embrace yourself in the big way The most painful is from yourself Tell yourself that you are suck Can do nothing and never prosper. Too bad So The way to fix it is how you have to do it, do you know? You have to put in a good story. Good words to the brain Or to your subconscious Say it, I can do it There’s nothing in the world that I would do and I couldn’t. If any human can do it, I must do it. I am the best in the world I love myself so much
  • 5. I am doing something for my family. Do you see anything? Hello, do you see the water? From the black begin to change Is it Coca Cola Do you see? When you start putting up good thoughts Good words Get a good story Do not watch the drama What to watch Your own development Follow Kru Bundit Kru Rung Follow Kru Sitha Follow people who have great ideas for you. Because if when you accidentally You have almost turned into clear water. You accidentally watch a drama How to get into your subconscious mind You listen to a heartbreaking song. It is into your subconscious mind You don’t even know what you do. Does it get in too? Does it?
  • 6. It’s science You can search for information. But whenever you know it already That what you do is having a bad effect on your life. Must be black water like this You quickly add good words to yourself that I’m damn awesome I’m the best I can do it Others can do it, I can do it too. I will be the richest person in the family. I am a wealthy man. We put a good program to it. Even ourselves, we must admire and love ourselves. Thank you for good things that happened to me. Thank you for your surroundings It’s going to be positive energy too. Thank you that I still have breath. Do you see anything? The water is getting clear. Thank you money in my pocket Put on a good story you have to see the good things around you. Thanks to the clothes I can wear comfortably. Do you see?
  • 7. Tell me a good story. I am developing myself and am very good. I am knowledgeable and talented enough to earn huge sums of money. Do you see Can you see? Therefore, the fact that you can become clear water like this Hello, have you seen it today? When you want to improve yourself You have to make yourself clear water first. So what you have to do on day one 21 days of wealth Will happen to you You have to clear this first. You mindset It’s a way of thinking It’s subconscious You have to start talking Good program for your brain 21 days I guarantee that your lift It will change completely The same you in 5 minutes ago There will be no more
  • 8. You must be sad and lonely. Not enough money Will be changed You will not be the same person anymore. Today, I have studied many subjects. I want everyone to learn so much And apply it Because I’m the one That when I know it already I admire myself and look for good surroundings. Good friends, good parents, good children, good driving. We are really smart minds. We are really beautiful We are really great Others can do it, I can do it too. I can make money I’m sure I’m the best I am the richest person in the country. I’m a superstar I’m in good shape, er I am loved by many people. I am an idol of the whole country. I am g great billionaire.
  • 9. I am a man who accomplishes both worldly and religiously. Whatever you say to yourself often That will become you The feelings come first, the truth comes after You have to feel it first. When speaking, not gritting the teeth Yep, I’m pretty, I’m very good. This one means you don’t have a program. You are still wearing black water. Because you are embarrassed. You are against. You are into it. Your subconscious can’t hear human language. It knows, but when you say it, it feels good, it like it. Okay? You have to feel what you say. When i saw a Benz driver passing by. That’s my car We saw who won the lottery. Oops, that’s like my lottery. Congratulate with them Not too be jealous If you send a signal like that Today to plant an orange tree, you must be able to eat citrus fruits.
  • 10. You send out your envy You must meet jealous people for sure. Okay? Today if you want to be clear water That is ready to receive good information Hurry to program yourself for 21 days. Wake up early, you have to get up. When you open your eyes, don’t touch the phone. When you open your eyes You have to talk to yourself first. First of all, this is the first day of me. Because of what you know? When we live, we will be sad. Anything. Who is by your side Yourself? Is it you, right by your side? You have left you anywhere. You have never been far from you. You are always your friend. But aren’t you? That hurt yourself. You body is your body. It keeps walking for you every day. It keeps tell you to be working for you every day. The thing that it must think a headache for you every day
  • 11. Isn’t it you that hurt yourself? When was the last time you thanked yourself? When other people do good to you Have you ever thanked them? Other people do good to you. You still thank them. And what is going on with your body? You don’t even think to thank him. You understand what I said, right? What you have to do on day 1 Allow yourself to thank you yourself. You whole body You embrace him and feel with him. Thank you very much for being with me all the time. Thanks to the hand of talent What I am doing is successful. Thank you my childhood If I didn’t have you, I wouldn’t be able to write. If I didn’t have you I’d be a disabled person. Thanks to my eyes to allow me to see so many things. Let me learn a lot Thank you my face That makes me more beautiful Looks pretty, looks cute.
  • 12. Thank you for my voice is so powerful. Thank you for my shape Such a good shape Talk to yourself Thank you for my perfect body. Thank you for putting up with me all this time. I’m sorry you I keep thinking negative I’m sorry That I keep hurting your head I’m sorry you stay up late Never eat anything, take care of yourself. I have to apologize to you. The one I ate was never on time and it made her stomach ache. This, you’re sorry, and you have to thank him. When did you become grateful? Then that will expand This body will be with you Will be with you and become younger As you spoke to him There is a lot of proof. For the principle of gratitude Gratefulness On day1, I wants everyone
  • 13. Both when we sleep and when we wake up I’m sorry today For the rest, we are all grateful. We won’t hurt our bodies anymore. Can you promise me? When you apologize to you The past will end immediately. Your body already loves you. He already forgives you. He has never left you anywhere. After that, thank him. With your heart He is still with you That he never left you That he does not have to be cut off his arm you don’t have to be amputated. He never left you Today You are done apologizing. You thank him Thank you for being with me Thank you Form now on, I will make you happy. Thank you
  • 14. From now on, I’ll have my meal on time. Thank you very much I will apply sunscreen. Thank you I will love me more for you. Is it good? I will day1 to be the day you Clear the mind, clear the mind, clear your brain first. And today, all your homework assignments That you have to do throughout 21 days On day1, you’re done with apology. Alter that, wake up early and before bed. You have to thank your body. Because your body makes you To be like this You are complete Your body, your heart Pull you to me today We always have merit at the same level So we met It’s time for you to end your karme. It’s time for you To have a good life So that you can go live your best life
  • 15. In being a human to be born And when are you negative I would like one thing. You take a large rubber band Have you ever seen a big rubber band? Put it on your wrist When do you mind negative for you? Pull and flick yourself as painful as possible. Why? You realize that You’re hurting yourself again. You’re about to turn clear water onto black water again. You’re going to ruin your life again. Then you’re going to hurt the person with you all the time again. To block Bad things that will come to you Whenever a negative person speaks to you Excuse me, I’m apparently busy. And flick it If we do not go and listen to him, it’s fine. But if we listen to him, we have to flick. And tell yourself Reject By ears
  • 16. It is how to ignore When someone speaks badly to me, I just ignore. Close my ears Just nod my head but do not take his feelings Whenever you feel like you’re pulling black water Pull the bad things, pull the thing into your body Ok? Today, all you have to do is Sorry yourself Before bedtime You keep grateful until you fall asleep. Wake up in the morning and you notice yourself. Tomorrow you can tell me that Tomorrow it will be a day when you feel refreshed. It’s going to be the day you are so energetic Hey, why today I look young Why am I looking fresh? Why do I look so clear? Why am I walking everyone and people are smiling at me? Don’t forget to observe yourself tomorrow. Before going to bad tonight When up early, thank you, it won’t be long Thank you at least 10 things. This is programming your brain.
  • 17. This is day 1 You’re sorry and you have to thank 10 things. Your body Eyes , ears, nose, mouth, intestines Your body, arms, legs, hair, every part of your body Liver, kidney, gut, heart Thank you at least 10 things. If you want to see the change If someone often be stomach pain Bad gut Thank you and apologize first and then thank you. Try is You can try and see it tomorrow You will wake up and what will you be? I’m sorry that I never took care of you. Always hurts my stomach. I promise to eat on time. Thank you for helping me digest my food. Thank you for keeping my bowels normal. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. And see the result tomorrow He will be fresh, will he have a stomachache? Have you ever heard of another grape field experiment? Like a person who speaks and murmur open like a damn
  • 18. Blame the grapes. Another farm, he did an experiment Play classical music to grape. Do you know what happens is Grapes In the vineyard The grapes wither, dry and die. This is true. As for the grape, that plays classical music. So shady. The result is a very large output. The output is very beautiful. Very good, no insects So beautiful to the export grade, you see? Do you see? Fruit still knows the language. And what languages do you count with? We are human You can blame someone stupid Why can’t you remember? Because it’s like this, it’s not good at all. I’m sorry, I forgot. If you only put it like this for yourself Do not be surprised that’s why we don’t go anywhere So today is starting day 1 I repeat the last time before the end of today’s class.
  • 19. You’re done apologizing to yourself You thank your body at least 10 things. At least 10 things. Okay? What you have to do, okay? So tomorrow you come to observe And share with me. Let your friends listen too How did you do it This is the program for day 1. Clear the mind, clear the mind. Put a good program into the brain. I’m sorry today for your body That you hurt him For 10,20,30,40 years But he is with you to this day. That’s it for today Thank to everyone who came and followed me. I was very determined Take my own real experiences to share with you. I might not be a world-class accomplished person But in the future, it might not be certain Please subscribe my page If today this message or clip is useful You see that it is useful to people. You can share it.
  • 20. I don’t collect a single penny. 21 days, let’s change our lives together. I really want everyone to have a better life. I love you all And love with a truly pure heart Today, there’s nothing to give that I feel Happy as we do for some people They have a better lifestyle or concept. This is my peace of mind Peace of mind that money cannot buy This is what I want to say to all of us. I’ll let everyone to do each duty. See ya Tomorrow I want everyone to sleep In the embrace of the abundant universe Get some sleep and thank yourself Then sleep Along with waking up tomorrow as a bright day A refreshing day. It’s a joyful day It is day that we are so amazed. Ready to receive good things in the new year, okay? Leave it all today for all bad stories See you all