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You are required, but not limited, to turn in the following source files: code need to be added) by the instructor, it needs to be modified for this assignment)
Class Diagram:
The Athlete class implements the "Serializable" interface so that its object can be stored. (The
Serializable interface is defined in the "" package.)
The AthleteNameComparator class implements the "Comparator" interface (The Comparator
interface is in "java.util" package.). It needs to define the following method that was an
inherited abstract method from Comparator interface:
public int compare(Object first, Object second)
(Note that you can also define:
public int compare(Athlete first, Athlete second)
instead by making the class implements Comparator.
If the first argument object has a last name lexicographically less than that of the second
argument, an int less than zero is returned. If the first argument object has a last name
lexicographically larger than that of the second argument, an int greater than zero is returned. If
their last names are same, then their first names should be compared. If they have same first and
last names, then 0 should be returned.
The MedalCountComparator class implements the "Comparator" interface (The Comparator
interface is in "java.util" package.). It needs to define the following method that was an
inherited abstract method from Comparator interface:
public int compare(Object first, Object second)
(Note that you can also define:
public int compare(Athlete first, Athlete second)
instead by making the class implements Comparator.
If the first argument object has a larger gold medal count than that of the second argument, an int
less than zero is returned. If the first argument object has a smaller gold medal count than that of
the second argument, an int greater than zero is returned. If both gold medal counts are same,
then their silver medal counts should be compared. If both gold medal counts are same and also
silver medal counts are same, then their bronze counts should be compared. If all of gold, silver,
and bronze medal counts are same, then 0 should be returned.
The Sorts class is a utility class that will be used to sort a list of Athlete objects. Sorting
algorithms are described in the algorithm note posted under Notes section of the course web site.
These algorithms sort numbers stored in an array. It is your job to modify it to sort objects stored
in an array list (or a vector).
The Sorts class object will never be instantiated. It must have the following methods:
public static void sort(ArrayList objects, Comparator)
Your sort method utilizes the compare method of the parameter Comparator object to sort. You
can use one of Selection sort or Insertion Sort.
The AthleteManagement class has a list of Athlete objects that can be organized at the athlete
management system. The athlete management system will be a fully encapsulated object. The
AthleteManagement class implements the Serializable interface.
It has the following attributes:
The following public methods should be provided to interact with the athlete management
No input/output should occur in the athlete management system. User interaction should be
handled only by the driver class.
You may add other methods to the class in order to make your life easier.
All input and output should be handled in Assignment8 class. The main method should start by
displaying this updated menu in this exact format:
AttAdd Athlete
DttCount Athletes for Medal Type
EttSearch for Athlete Name
LttList Athletes
OttSort by Athlete Names
PttSort by Medal Counts
RttRemove by Athlete Name
TttClose AthleteManagement
UttWrite Text to File
VttRead Text from File
WttSerialize AthleteManagement to File
XttDeserialize AthleteManagement from File
?ttDisplay Help 
Next, the following prompt should be displayed:
What action would you like to perform?
Read in the user input and execute the appropriate command. After the execution of each
command, redisplay the prompt. Commands should be accepted in both lowercase and
uppercase. The following commands are modified or new.
Add Athlete
Your program should display the following prompt:
Please enter the following information of an athlete:
First Name:
Read in first name and prompt:
Last Name:
Read in last name and prompt:
Read in sport and prompt:
The number of gold medals
Read in a number of gold medals and prompt:
The number of silver medals
Read in a number of silver medals and prompt:
The number of bronze medals
Read in a number of bronze medals, and if the Athlete object with the first and last names is not
in the athlete list, then add it into the athlete list and display:
athlete added
Otherwise, display:
athlete exists
Also, if any number of any medals entered is not an integer, display:
Please enter a numeric value for the number of medals. Athlete not added
Count Athletes By Medal Type
Your program should display the following prompt:
Please enter a medal type, 0 for gold, 1 for silver, 2 for bronze, to count the athletes with such
Read in a medal type, and count the number of athletes that have at least one medal of the type,
and print the number.
Also, if the entered medal type is not an integer, display:
Please enter an integer for a medal type, 0 for gold, 1 for silver, 2 for bronze.
Search for Athlete Name
Your program should display the following prompt:
"Please enter the first and last names of an athlete to search:
"First Name:
Read in the fist name, then display the following prompt:
Last Name:
Read in the last name, and search the athlete list based on these information. If there exists a
Athlete object with the first and last name, then display the following:
athlete found
Otherwise, display this:
athlete not found
Sort By Athlete Names
Your program should sort the athlete list using last names and first names in alphabetical order
by last names first, and if they are same, comparing first names and output the following:
sorted by athlete names
Sort By Medal Counts
Your program should sort the athlete list using their medal counts in decreasing order, sort by
gold medal counts first, then by silver, then by bronze and output the following:
sorted by medal counts
Remove By Athlete Name
Your program should display the following prompt:
Please enter the first and last names of an athlete to remove:
First Name:
Read in the first name and display the following prompt:
Last Name:
Read in the last name. If the Athlete object can be found in the athlete list, then remove it from
the list, and display the following:
athlete removed
If there is no such Athlete object in the athlete list, display:
athlete not found
List Athletes
Each Athlete object information in the athlete list should be displayed using the toString method
provided in the Athlete class. (and use listAthletes( ) method in the AthleteManagement class.)
If there is no Athlete object in the athlete list, display:
 no athlete 
Close AthleteManagement
Delete all Athlete objects. Then, display the following:
athlete management system closed
Write Text to File
Your program should display the following prompt:
Please enter a file name to write:
Read in the filename and create an appropriate object to get ready to read from the file. Then it
should display the following prompts:
Please enter a string to write in the file:
Read in the string that a user types, say "input", then attach " " at the end of the string, and
write it to the file. (i.e. input+" " string will be written in the file.)
If the operation is successful, display the following:
FILENAME was written
Replace FILENAME with the actual name of the file.
Use try and catch statements to catch IOException. The file should be closed in a finally
Read Text from File
Your program should display the following prompt:
Please enter a file name to read:
Read in the file name create appropriate objects to get ready to read from the file. If the operation
is successful, display the following (replace FILENAME with the actual name of the file):
FILENAME was read
Then read only the first line in the file, and display:
The first line of the file is:
where CONTENT should be replaced by the actual first line in the file.
Your program should catch the exceptions if there are. (Use try and catch statement to catch,
FileNotFoundException, and the rest of IOException.)
If the file name cannot be found, display
FILENAME was not found
where FILENAME is replaced by the actual file name.
Serialize AthleteManagement to File
Your program should display the following prompt:
Please enter a file name to write:
Read in the filename and write the serialized AthleteManagement object out to it. Note that any
objects to be stored must implement Serializable interface.The Serializable interface is defined in* package. If the operation is successful, display the following:
FILENAME was written
Replace FILENAME with the actual name of the file.
Use try and catch statements to catch NotSerializableExeption and IOException.
Deserialize AthleteManagement from File
Your program should display the following prompt:
Please enter a file name to read:
Read in the file name and attempt to load the AthleteManagement object from that file. Note that
there is only one AthleteManagement object in the Assignment8 class, and the first object read
from the file should be assigned to the AthleteManagement object. If the operation is successful,
display the following (replace FILENAME with the actual name of the file):
FILENAME was read
Your program should catch the exceptions if there are.
(Use try and catch statement to catch ClassNotFoundException, FileNotFoundException, and the
rest of IOException.)
See the output files for exception handling.Attribute nameAttribute
typeDescriptionathleteListArrayList or VectorA list of Athlete objects in the athlete management
Complete Code:
public class Athlete implements
private String firstName, lastName;
private String sport;
private int gold, silver, bronze;
//Constructor to initialize all member variables
public Athlete()
firstName = "?";
lastName = "?";
sport = "?";
gold = 0;
silver = 0;
bronze = 0;
//Accessor methods
public String getFirstName()
return firstName;
public String getLastName()
return lastName;
public String getSport()
return sport;
public int getGold()
return gold;
public int getSilver()
return silver;
public int getBronze()
return bronze;
//Mutator methods
public void setFirstName(String first)
firstName = first;
public void setLastName(String last)
lastName = last;
public void setSport(String someSport)
sport = someSport;
public void setGold(int count)
gold = count;
public void setSilver(int count)
silver = count;
public void setBronze(int count)
bronze = count;
//toString() method returns a string containg information of an athlete
public String toString()
String result = "Name:t" + lastName + "," + firstName + " " + "Sport:t" + sport + "
" + "Medal Count: " + "Gold: " + gold + " "+ "Silver: " + silver + " "+
"Bronze: " + bronze + "  ";
return result;
import java.util.*;
//AthleteNameComparator class
public class AthleteNameComparator implements Comparator
//compare first & second Athlete
public int compare(Athlete first, Athlete second)
//Check last name of first and second Athlete
if(first.getLastName().compareToIgnoreCase(second. getLastName()) < 0)
//if second athlete last name is greater, then //return -1
return -1;
//check last name of first athlete is greter than //second Athlete
else if(first.getLastName(). compareToIgnoreCase(second.getLastName()) > 0)
//if it so, return 1
return 1;
//return 0
return 0;
import java.util.*;
//MedalCountComparator class
public class MedalCountComparator implements Comparator
//compare first & second athlete by medal count
public int compare(Athlete first, Athlete second)
//if first athlete is having more number of gold medals then
if(first.getGold() > second.getGold())
//return -1
return -1;
//if second athlete is having more number of gold medals then
else if(first.getGold() < second.getGold())
//return 1
return 1;
//if none of them have no gold medals
//if first athlete is having more no. of silver
if(first.getSilver() > second.getSilver())
//return -1
return -1;
//if second athlete is having more no. of silver
else if(first.getSilver() < second.getSilver())
//return 1
return 1;
//if none them having silver
//if first athlete is having more no. of bronze
if(first.getBronze() > second.getBronze())
//return -1
return -1;
//if second athlete is having more no. of bronze
else if(first.getBronze() < second.getBronze())
//return 1
return 1;
//return 0
return 0;
//import the needed header files
import java.util.*;
//Sorts class
public class Sorts
//sort method
public static void sort(ArrayList myAthList, Comparator myComp)
//for all athletes in the myAthList
for(int kk=1;kk0 &&,bAth)>=0)
//get (pp-1) athlete
Athlete sAth=myAthList.get(pp-1);
//set sAth at pp
myAthList.set(pp, sAth);
//decrement pp
//set bAth at pp
//import the needed files
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
//AthleteManagement class
public class AthleteManagement implements Serializable
ArrayList athleteList;
public AthleteManagement()
//instantiate athleteList
athleteList=new ArrayList();
//method check if athlete already exist
public int athleteNameExists(String firstName, String lastName)
int idd=-1;
//for the athletes in the athleteList
for(Athlete myAth:athleteList)
//compare firstName and lastName with myAth firstName & lastName
if(myAth.getFirstName().equals(firstName) && myAth.getLastName().equals(lastName))
//if matches then return the index of myAth
//return idd
return idd;
//method to return the nunber of athletes for the medalType
public int countHowManyAthletesHaveMedals(int medalType)
//intialize medCnt to 0
int medCnt=0;
//for all athletes in the athleteList
for(Athlete myAth:athleteList)
//for the medalType
//for gold
case 0:
//if myAth has gold medals
//increment medCnt by 1
//for silver
case 1:
//if myAth has silver medals
//increment medCnt by 1
//for bronze
case 2:
//if myAth has bronze medals
//increment medCnt by 1
//return the medal count medCnt
return medCnt;
//method to add the athlete
public boolean addAthlete(String firstName, String lastName, String sport, int gold, int silver, int
bronze) {
//create myAthlete
Athlete myAthlete=new Athlete();
//set firstName
//set lastName
//set sport
//set gold medals
//set silver medals
//set bronze medals
//check if myAthlete already exists in athleteList
int exx=athleteNameExists(firstName, lastName);
//if exist
//no need to add myAthlete once again. so return false
return false;
//otherwise add myAthlete
//add myAthlete to athleteList
//return true
return true;
//method to remove athlete by firstName & lastName
public boolean removeAthleteByName(String firstName, String lastName)
//check if athlete with firstName & lastName exist
int exx=athleteNameExists(firstName, lastName);
//if exist
//remove athlete by exx
//return true
return true;
//if athlete doesnot exist
//return false
return false;
//method to sort the athlete by name
public void sortByAthleteNames()
//call sort method to sort athleteList
Sorts.sort(athleteList, new AthleteNameComparator());
//method to sort the athlete by medal counts
public void sortByMedalCounts()
//call sort method to sort athleteList
Sorts.sort(athleteList, new MedalCountComparator());
//method return the list of athletes in the athleteList
public String listAthletes()
String myStrr="";
//if athleteList has athlete
//for all athletes
for(int kk=0;kk -1)
System.out.print("athlete found ");
System.out.print("athlete not found ");
case 'L': //List athletes
case 'O': // Sort by athlete names
System.out.print("sorted by athlete names ");
case 'P': // Sort by medal counts
System.out.print("sorted by medal counts ");
case 'Q': //Quit
case 'R': //Remove by athlete names
System.out.print("Please enter the first and last names of an athlete to remove: ");
System.out.print("First Name: ");
firstName = stdin.readLine().trim();
System.out.print("Last Name: ");
lastName = stdin.readLine().trim();
operation =athleteRecord1. removeAthleteByName(firstName, lastName);
if (operation == true)
System.out.print("athlete removed ");
System.out.print("athlete not found ");
case 'T': //Close AthleteManagement
System.out.print("athlete management system closed ");
case 'U': //Write Text to a File
System.out.print("Please enter a file name to write: ");
filename = stdin.readLine().trim();
BufferedWriter bb=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename));
System.out.println("Enter a line to write to the file:");
String inpp=stdin.readLine();
catch(FileNotFoundException exxpp)
catch(IOException exxpp)
case 'V': //Read Text from a File
System.out.print("Please enter a file name to read: ");
filename = stdin.readLine().trim();
BufferedReader bb=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
String frstLne=bb.readLine();
System.out.println(filename+" was read ");
System.out.println("The first line of the file is : ");
System.out.println(frstLne+" ");
catch(FileNotFoundException exxpp)
catch(IOException exxpp)
case 'W': //Serialize ProjectManagement to a File
System.out.print("Please enter a file name to write: ");
filename = stdin.readLine().trim();
ObjectOutputStream oos=new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename));
System.out.println(filename+" was written");
catch(FileNotFoundException exxpp)
catch(IOException exxpp)
case 'X': //Deserialize ProjectManagement from a File
System.out.print("Please enter a file name to read: ");
filename = stdin.readLine().trim();
ObjectInputStream ois= new ObjectInputStream (new FileInputStream(filename));
athleteRecord1= (AthleteManagement)ois.readObject();
System.out.println(filename+" was read");
catch(ClassNotFoundException exxpp)
catch(FileNotFoundException exxpp)
catch(IOException exxpp)
case '?': //Display Menu
System.out.print("Unknown action ");
System.out.print("Unknown action ");
} while (input1 != 'Q' || line.length() != 1);
catch (IOException exception)
System.out.print("IO Exception ");
/** The method printMenu displays the menu to a user **/
public static void printMenu()
System.out.print("ChoicettAction " +
"------tt------ " +
"AttAdd Athlete " +
"DttCount Athletes for Medal Type " +
"EttSearch for Athlete Name " +
"LttList Athletes " +
"OttSort by Athlete Names " +
"PttSort by Medal Counts " +
"QttQuit " +
"RttRemove by Athlete Name " +
"TttClose AthleteManagement " +
"UttWrite Text to File " +
"VttRead Text from File " +
"WttSerialize AthleteManagement to File " +
"XttDeserialize AthleteManagement from File " +
"?ttDisplay Help  ");
} // end of Assignment8 class
Choice Action
------ ------
A Add Athlete
D Count Athletes for Medal Type
E Search for Athlete Name
L List Athletes
O Sort by Athlete Names
P Sort by Medal Counts
Q Quit
R Remove by Athlete Name
T Close AthleteManagement
U Write Text to File
V Read Text from File
W Serialize AthleteManagement to File
X Deserialize AthleteManagement from File
? Display Help
What action would you like to perform?
Please enter the following information of an athlete:
First Name:
Last Name:
The number of gold medals
The number of silver medals
The number of bronze medals
athlete added
What action would you like to perform?
Please enter the following information of an athlete:
First Name:
Last Name:
The number of gold medals
The number of silver medals
The number of bronze medals
athlete added
What action would you like to perform?
Please enter a medal type, 0 for gold, 1 for silver, 2 for bronze, to count the athletes with such
The number of athletes with the given medal type: 2
What action would you like to perform?
Name: Cameron,David
Sport: Swimming
Medal Count:
Gold: 4
Silver: 2
Bronze: 1
Name: Michal,David
Sport: Boxing
Medal Count:
Gold: 5
Silver: 4
Bronze: 9
What action would you like to perform?
sorted by athlete names
What action would you like to perform?
Name: Cameron,David
Sport: Swimming
Medal Count:
Gold: 4
Silver: 2
Bronze: 1
Name: Michal,David
Sport: Boxing
Medal Count:
Gold: 5
Silver: 4
Bronze: 9
What action would you like to perform?
sorted by medal counts
What action would you like to perform?
Name: Michal,David
Sport: Boxing
Medal Count:
Gold: 5
Silver: 4
Bronze: 9
Name: Cameron,David
Sport: Swimming
Medal Count:
Gold: 4
Silver: 2
Bronze: 1
What action would you like to perform?Q

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You are required, but not limited, to turn in the following source f.pdf

  • 1. You are required, but not limited, to turn in the following source files: code need to be added) by the instructor, it needs to be modified for this assignment) Class Diagram: Athlete The Athlete class implements the "Serializable" interface so that its object can be stored. (The Serializable interface is defined in the "" package.) AthleteNameComparator The AthleteNameComparator class implements the "Comparator" interface (The Comparator interface is in "java.util" package.). It needs to define the following method that was an inherited abstract method from Comparator interface: public int compare(Object first, Object second) (Note that you can also define: public int compare(Athlete first, Athlete second) instead by making the class implements Comparator. If the first argument object has a last name lexicographically less than that of the second argument, an int less than zero is returned. If the first argument object has a last name lexicographically larger than that of the second argument, an int greater than zero is returned. If their last names are same, then their first names should be compared. If they have same first and last names, then 0 should be returned. MedalCountComparator The MedalCountComparator class implements the "Comparator" interface (The Comparator interface is in "java.util" package.). It needs to define the following method that was an inherited abstract method from Comparator interface: public int compare(Object first, Object second) (Note that you can also define: public int compare(Athlete first, Athlete second) instead by making the class implements Comparator. If the first argument object has a larger gold medal count than that of the second argument, an int less than zero is returned. If the first argument object has a smaller gold medal count than that of the second argument, an int greater than zero is returned. If both gold medal counts are same,
  • 2. then their silver medal counts should be compared. If both gold medal counts are same and also silver medal counts are same, then their bronze counts should be compared. If all of gold, silver, and bronze medal counts are same, then 0 should be returned. Sorts The Sorts class is a utility class that will be used to sort a list of Athlete objects. Sorting algorithms are described in the algorithm note posted under Notes section of the course web site. These algorithms sort numbers stored in an array. It is your job to modify it to sort objects stored in an array list (or a vector). The Sorts class object will never be instantiated. It must have the following methods: public static void sort(ArrayList objects, Comparator) Your sort method utilizes the compare method of the parameter Comparator object to sort. You can use one of Selection sort or Insertion Sort. AthleteManagement The AthleteManagement class has a list of Athlete objects that can be organized at the athlete management system. The athlete management system will be a fully encapsulated object. The AthleteManagement class implements the Serializable interface. It has the following attributes: The following public methods should be provided to interact with the athlete management system: No input/output should occur in the athlete management system. User interaction should be handled only by the driver class. You may add other methods to the class in order to make your life easier. Assignment8 All input and output should be handled in Assignment8 class. The main method should start by displaying this updated menu in this exact format: ChoicettAction ------tt------ AttAdd Athlete DttCount Athletes for Medal Type EttSearch for Athlete Name LttList Athletes OttSort by Athlete Names PttSort by Medal Counts QttQuit RttRemove by Athlete Name TttClose AthleteManagement
  • 3. UttWrite Text to File VttRead Text from File WttSerialize AthleteManagement to File XttDeserialize AthleteManagement from File ?ttDisplay Help Next, the following prompt should be displayed: What action would you like to perform? Read in the user input and execute the appropriate command. After the execution of each command, redisplay the prompt. Commands should be accepted in both lowercase and uppercase. The following commands are modified or new. Add Athlete Your program should display the following prompt: Please enter the following information of an athlete: First Name: Read in first name and prompt: Last Name: Read in last name and prompt: Sport: Read in sport and prompt: The number of gold medals Read in a number of gold medals and prompt: The number of silver medals Read in a number of silver medals and prompt: The number of bronze medals Read in a number of bronze medals, and if the Athlete object with the first and last names is not in the athlete list, then add it into the athlete list and display: athlete added Otherwise, display: athlete exists Also, if any number of any medals entered is not an integer, display: Please enter a numeric value for the number of medals. Athlete not added Count Athletes By Medal Type Your program should display the following prompt: Please enter a medal type, 0 for gold, 1 for silver, 2 for bronze, to count the athletes with such medal: Read in a medal type, and count the number of athletes that have at least one medal of the type,
  • 4. and print the number. Also, if the entered medal type is not an integer, display: Please enter an integer for a medal type, 0 for gold, 1 for silver, 2 for bronze. Search for Athlete Name Your program should display the following prompt: "Please enter the first and last names of an athlete to search: "First Name: Read in the fist name, then display the following prompt: Last Name: Read in the last name, and search the athlete list based on these information. If there exists a Athlete object with the first and last name, then display the following: athlete found Otherwise, display this: athlete not found Sort By Athlete Names Your program should sort the athlete list using last names and first names in alphabetical order by last names first, and if they are same, comparing first names and output the following: sorted by athlete names Sort By Medal Counts Your program should sort the athlete list using their medal counts in decreasing order, sort by gold medal counts first, then by silver, then by bronze and output the following: sorted by medal counts Remove By Athlete Name Your program should display the following prompt: Please enter the first and last names of an athlete to remove: First Name: Read in the first name and display the following prompt: Last Name: Read in the last name. If the Athlete object can be found in the athlete list, then remove it from the list, and display the following: athlete removed If there is no such Athlete object in the athlete list, display: athlete not found List Athletes Each Athlete object information in the athlete list should be displayed using the toString method provided in the Athlete class. (and use listAthletes( ) method in the AthleteManagement class.)
  • 5. If there is no Athlete object in the athlete list, display: no athlete Close AthleteManagement Delete all Athlete objects. Then, display the following: athlete management system closed Write Text to File Your program should display the following prompt: Please enter a file name to write: Read in the filename and create an appropriate object to get ready to read from the file. Then it should display the following prompts: Please enter a string to write in the file: Read in the string that a user types, say "input", then attach " " at the end of the string, and write it to the file. (i.e. input+" " string will be written in the file.) If the operation is successful, display the following: FILENAME was written Replace FILENAME with the actual name of the file. Use try and catch statements to catch IOException. The file should be closed in a finally statement. Read Text from File Your program should display the following prompt: Please enter a file name to read: Read in the file name create appropriate objects to get ready to read from the file. If the operation is successful, display the following (replace FILENAME with the actual name of the file): FILENAME was read Then read only the first line in the file, and display: The first line of the file is: CONTENT where CONTENT should be replaced by the actual first line in the file. Your program should catch the exceptions if there are. (Use try and catch statement to catch, FileNotFoundException, and the rest of IOException.) If the file name cannot be found, display FILENAME was not found where FILENAME is replaced by the actual file name. Serialize AthleteManagement to File Your program should display the following prompt: Please enter a file name to write:
  • 6. Read in the filename and write the serialized AthleteManagement object out to it. Note that any objects to be stored must implement Serializable interface.The Serializable interface is defined in* package. If the operation is successful, display the following: FILENAME was written Replace FILENAME with the actual name of the file. Use try and catch statements to catch NotSerializableExeption and IOException. Deserialize AthleteManagement from File Your program should display the following prompt: Please enter a file name to read: Read in the file name and attempt to load the AthleteManagement object from that file. Note that there is only one AthleteManagement object in the Assignment8 class, and the first object read from the file should be assigned to the AthleteManagement object. If the operation is successful, display the following (replace FILENAME with the actual name of the file): FILENAME was read Your program should catch the exceptions if there are. (Use try and catch statement to catch ClassNotFoundException, FileNotFoundException, and the rest of IOException.) See the output files for exception handling.Attribute nameAttribute typeDescriptionathleteListArrayList or VectorA list of Athlete objects in the athlete management system Solution Answer: Complete Code: // public class Athlete implements { private String firstName, lastName; private String sport; private int gold, silver, bronze; //Constructor to initialize all member variables public Athlete() { firstName = "?"; lastName = "?";
  • 7. sport = "?"; gold = 0; silver = 0; bronze = 0; } //Accessor methods public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public String getSport() { return sport; } public int getGold() { return gold; } public int getSilver() { return silver; } public int getBronze() { return bronze; } //Mutator methods public void setFirstName(String first) { firstName = first; } public void setLastName(String last)
  • 8. { lastName = last; } public void setSport(String someSport) { sport = someSport; } public void setGold(int count) { gold = count; } public void setSilver(int count) { silver = count; } public void setBronze(int count) { bronze = count; } //toString() method returns a string containg information of an athlete public String toString() { String result = "Name:t" + lastName + "," + firstName + " " + "Sport:t" + sport + " " + "Medal Count: " + "Gold: " + gold + " "+ "Silver: " + silver + " "+ "Bronze: " + bronze + " "; return result; } } // import*; import java.util.*; //AthleteNameComparator class public class AthleteNameComparator implements Comparator { //compare first & second Athlete public int compare(Athlete first, Athlete second)
  • 9. { //Check last name of first and second Athlete if(first.getLastName().compareToIgnoreCase(second. getLastName()) < 0) //if second athlete last name is greater, then //return -1 return -1; //check last name of first athlete is greter than //second Athlete else if(first.getLastName(). compareToIgnoreCase(second.getLastName()) > 0) //if it so, return 1 return 1; //otherwise else //return 0 return 0; } } // import*; import java.util.*; //MedalCountComparator class public class MedalCountComparator implements Comparator { //compare first & second athlete by medal count public int compare(Athlete first, Athlete second) { //if first athlete is having more number of gold medals then if(first.getGold() > second.getGold()) //return -1 return -1; //if second athlete is having more number of gold medals then else if(first.getGold() < second.getGold()) //return 1 return 1; //if none of them have no gold medals else { //if first athlete is having more no. of silver
  • 10. if(first.getSilver() > second.getSilver()) //return -1 return -1; //if second athlete is having more no. of silver else if(first.getSilver() < second.getSilver()) //return 1 return 1; //if none them having silver else { //if first athlete is having more no. of bronze if(first.getBronze() > second.getBronze()) //return -1 return -1; //if second athlete is having more no. of bronze else if(first.getBronze() < second.getBronze()) //return 1 return 1; //otherwise else //return 0 return 0; } } } } // //import the needed header files import java.util.*; //Sorts class public class Sorts { //sort method public static void sort(ArrayList myAthList, Comparator myComp) { //for all athletes in the myAthList
  • 11. for(int kk=1;kk0 &&,bAth)>=0) { //get (pp-1) athlete Athlete sAth=myAthList.get(pp-1); //set sAth at pp myAthList.set(pp, sAth); //decrement pp pp--; } //set bAth at pp myAthList.set(pp,bAth); } } } // //import the needed files import*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; //AthleteManagement class public class AthleteManagement implements Serializable { //athleteList ArrayList athleteList; //constructor public AthleteManagement() { //instantiate athleteList athleteList=new ArrayList(); } //method check if athlete already exist public int athleteNameExists(String firstName, String lastName) { int idd=-1; //for the athletes in the athleteList for(Athlete myAth:athleteList)
  • 12. { //compare firstName and lastName with myAth firstName & lastName if(myAth.getFirstName().equals(firstName) && myAth.getLastName().equals(lastName)) { //if matches then return the index of myAth idd=athleteList.indexOf(myAth); } } //return idd return idd; } //method to return the nunber of athletes for the medalType public int countHowManyAthletesHaveMedals(int medalType) { //intialize medCnt to 0 int medCnt=0; //for all athletes in the athleteList for(Athlete myAth:athleteList) { //for the medalType switch(medalType) { //for gold case 0: //if myAth has gold medals if(myAth.getGold()>0) //increment medCnt by 1 medCnt++; break; //for silver case 1: //if myAth has silver medals if(myAth.getSilver()>0) //increment medCnt by 1 medCnt++;
  • 13. break; //for bronze case 2: //if myAth has bronze medals if(myAth.getBronze()>0) //increment medCnt by 1 medCnt++; break; } } //return the medal count medCnt return medCnt; } //method to add the athlete public boolean addAthlete(String firstName, String lastName, String sport, int gold, int silver, int bronze) { //create myAthlete Athlete myAthlete=new Athlete(); //set firstName myAthlete.setFirstName(firstName); //set lastName myAthlete.setLastName(lastName); //set sport myAthlete.setSport(sport); //set gold medals myAthlete.setGold(gold); //set silver medals myAthlete.setSilver(silver); //set bronze medals myAthlete.setBronze(bronze); //check if myAthlete already exists in athleteList int exx=athleteNameExists(firstName, lastName); //if exist if(exx!=-1) { //no need to add myAthlete once again. so return false
  • 14. return false; } //otherwise add myAthlete else { //add myAthlete to athleteList athleteList.add(myAthlete); //return true return true; } } //method to remove athlete by firstName & lastName public boolean removeAthleteByName(String firstName, String lastName) { //check if athlete with firstName & lastName exist int exx=athleteNameExists(firstName, lastName); //if exist if(exx!=-1) { //remove athlete by exx athleteList.remove(exx); //return true return true; } //if athlete doesnot exist else { //return false return false; } } //method to sort the athlete by name public void sortByAthleteNames() { //call sort method to sort athleteList Sorts.sort(athleteList, new AthleteNameComparator());
  • 15. } //method to sort the athlete by medal counts public void sortByMedalCounts() { //call sort method to sort athleteList Sorts.sort(athleteList, new MedalCountComparator()); } //method return the list of athletes in the athleteList public String listAthletes() { String myStrr=""; //if athleteList has athlete if(athleteList.size()>=1) { //for all athletes for(int kk=0;kk -1) System.out.print("athlete found "); else System.out.print("athlete not found "); break; case 'L': //List athletes System.out.print(athleteRecord1.listAthletes()); break; case 'O': // Sort by athlete names athleteRecord1.sortByAthleteNames(); System.out.print("sorted by athlete names "); break; case 'P': // Sort by medal counts athleteRecord1.sortByMedalCounts(); System.out.print("sorted by medal counts "); break; case 'Q': //Quit break; case 'R': //Remove by athlete names System.out.print("Please enter the first and last names of an athlete to remove: "); System.out.print("First Name: ");
  • 16. firstName = stdin.readLine().trim(); System.out.print("Last Name: "); lastName = stdin.readLine().trim(); operation =athleteRecord1. removeAthleteByName(firstName, lastName); if (operation == true) System.out.print("athlete removed "); else System.out.print("athlete not found "); break; case 'T': //Close AthleteManagement athleteRecord1.closeAthleteManagement(); System.out.print("athlete management system closed "); break; case 'U': //Write Text to a File System.out.print("Please enter a file name to write: "); filename = stdin.readLine().trim(); try { BufferedWriter bb=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename)); System.out.println("Enter a line to write to the file:"); String inpp=stdin.readLine(); bb.write(inpp); bb.newLine(); bb.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException exxpp) { exxpp.printStackTrace(); } catch(IOException exxpp) { exxpp.printStackTrace(); } break; case 'V': //Read Text from a File System.out.print("Please enter a file name to read: ");
  • 17. filename = stdin.readLine().trim(); try { BufferedReader bb=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String frstLne=bb.readLine(); System.out.println(filename+" was read "); System.out.println("The first line of the file is : "); System.out.println(frstLne+" "); bb.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException exxpp) { exxpp.printStackTrace(); } catch(IOException exxpp) { exxpp.printStackTrace(); } break; case 'W': //Serialize ProjectManagement to a File System.out.print("Please enter a file name to write: "); filename = stdin.readLine().trim(); try { ObjectOutputStream oos=new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename)); oos.writeObject(athleteRecord1); System.out.println(filename+" was written"); oos.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException exxpp) { exxpp.printStackTrace(); } catch(IOException exxpp) { exxpp.printStackTrace();
  • 18. } break; case 'X': //Deserialize ProjectManagement from a File System.out.print("Please enter a file name to read: "); filename = stdin.readLine().trim(); try { ObjectInputStream ois= new ObjectInputStream (new FileInputStream(filename)); athleteRecord1= (AthleteManagement)ois.readObject(); System.out.println(filename+" was read"); ois.close(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException exxpp) { exxpp.printStackTrace(); } catch(FileNotFoundException exxpp) { exxpp.printStackTrace(); } catch(IOException exxpp) { exxpp.printStackTrace(); } break; case '?': //Display Menu printMenu(); break; default: System.out.print("Unknown action "); break; } } else { System.out.print("Unknown action ");
  • 19. } } while (input1 != 'Q' || line.length() != 1); } catch (IOException exception) { System.out.print("IO Exception "); } } /** The method printMenu displays the menu to a user **/ public static void printMenu() { System.out.print("ChoicettAction " + "------tt------ " + "AttAdd Athlete " + "DttCount Athletes for Medal Type " + "EttSearch for Athlete Name " + "LttList Athletes " + "OttSort by Athlete Names " + "PttSort by Medal Counts " + "QttQuit " + "RttRemove by Athlete Name " + "TttClose AthleteManagement " + "UttWrite Text to File " + "VttRead Text from File " + "WttSerialize AthleteManagement to File " + "XttDeserialize AthleteManagement from File " + "?ttDisplay Help "); } } // end of Assignment8 class run: Choice Action ------ ------ A Add Athlete D Count Athletes for Medal Type E Search for Athlete Name L List Athletes
  • 20. O Sort by Athlete Names P Sort by Medal Counts Q Quit R Remove by Athlete Name T Close AthleteManagement U Write Text to File V Read Text from File W Serialize AthleteManagement to File X Deserialize AthleteManagement from File ? Display Help What action would you like to perform? A Please enter the following information of an athlete: First Name: David Last Name: Cameron Sport: Swimming The number of gold medals 4 The number of silver medals 2 The number of bronze medals 1 athlete added What action would you like to perform? A Please enter the following information of an athlete: First Name: David Last Name: Michal Sport: Boxing The number of gold medals
  • 21. 5 The number of silver medals 4 The number of bronze medals 9 athlete added What action would you like to perform? D Please enter a medal type, 0 for gold, 1 for silver, 2 for bronze, to count the athletes with such medal: 2 The number of athletes with the given medal type: 2 What action would you like to perform? L Name: Cameron,David Sport: Swimming Medal Count: Gold: 4 Silver: 2 Bronze: 1 Name: Michal,David Sport: Boxing Medal Count: Gold: 5 Silver: 4 Bronze: 9 What action would you like to perform? O sorted by athlete names What action would you like to perform? L Name: Cameron,David Sport: Swimming Medal Count: Gold: 4 Silver: 2
  • 22. Bronze: 1 Name: Michal,David Sport: Boxing Medal Count: Gold: 5 Silver: 4 Bronze: 9 What action would you like to perform? P sorted by medal counts What action would you like to perform? L Name: Michal,David Sport: Boxing Medal Count: Gold: 5 Silver: 4 Bronze: 9 Name: Cameron,David Sport: Swimming Medal Count: Gold: 4 Silver: 2 Bronze: 1 What action would you like to perform?Q