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yogic dimension & self-dynamics of

       walking the path of self-healing with guruatma

                Copyright guruatma k khalsa 2011

#1 -   I HEAR YOU/…been there, done that - my own
experience made me who I am, today

how sick are you?/all you know is what you feel snr

troubled waters - BE THE LIGHTHOUSE/serve humanity - Obey,
serve, love, excel. yb

receive their grief without judgment/cool the fires

take the person towards Infinity/Platform of Elevation -

speak to their need for attention and, to feel acknowledged

emptiness/void/unhappiness - offer sanctuary of

dis-ease - a state of not being at ease, not relaxed and not
completely at peace with one's self/health comes from the word
"heal," which means "whole" - spiritually/physically/mentally

restore dignity/personality - CALM THEM DOWN

choices/perspectives - deliver custom-made FORMULA

OMG! the bomb drops! IMPACT - shock factor/FALLOUT -
drama/intensity/worry/systems break down

loss of control/vulnerability - fear/anger/resistance/depression

your life & reality shifts/identity crisis

survival - ego naturally rises up/sympathetic nervous system on
high alert

sensation of separation/plateaus of loneliness VS unity - Life is a
wave. yb


power of diagnosis - identity

pain brings you to a state of attention on your SELF

deeply listen

#2 - your soul's purpose - the 'test' of tragedy in the
school of life/wake up and face yourself

You carry in yourself the obstacles necessary to make your
realization perfect. (The Mother - #101 in 365 Yoga)

karma - making a payment/ Calamity is not a bad thing. Calamity
is a right thing. Calamity only tells you that life has a climate, and
climate, by nature, constantly changes. How can you train your mind
to handle the calamities? Give that calamity to God who has sent it,
and take happiness home. Don't think a tragedy is only a tragedy. It is
also to test your courage. In this life you have all come here fully
equipped. You can face whatever comes in your life. yb

bottom line - SACREDNESS/self-awareness - The inner self of the
self is sitting, waiting for you to realize that SELF. yb

process/ladder to reach one's own place

align with your soul and the gifts will appear/Root through your
soul. yb

YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL! - self-reverence/self-reference - who
are you and what do you hold to be true

every painful experience carries the seed of something that will
bloom; every experience we go through is something our soul
needs for development (look up source)

Feel the soul and, put it in the center of the churning
psyche - direct the SELF to act with strength, clarity and caliber.

habit to synchronize/ Everything is a gift from God. yb

reacting/Be still and know I am God Psalm 46:10

tune in - call upon the teacher within/create a "sacred space"

character - internal beauty/personal self-sensory system

deeply listen

#3 -   it is your privilege to heal yourself/save your
own life
your body was given to you as a sacred gift/investment
- sacred mission

satnaam/my identity is true - Know you are perfect; the
one who created you cannot create imperfection. yb

self-acceptance/self-nurturing VS self-improvement - "Nurture
yourself and see what you become." dr sas

self knowledge - "Between your strengths and weakness is YOU."
dr sas

intentional sickness/non-intentional sickness (What is yoga?
1/1/03 yb lecture)

"There is a way through every block." yb

Please, take away the 'ghosts' of your life. yb/pierce the veil of

pain, discomfort is the medicine

recognize yourself as the resistance/resolve it, allow it - snr

Our own habits of possession, constriction, anger, tension,
and attachment set up energy patterns within the body that
disrupt the normal flow of vital energy. This opens the door
to disease, both physical and mental. After all, we are
creators also, and have some ability to create the
environments we want to live in. We create our bodies with
each thought and activity, as well as with each meal. So we
need to clean the body and readjust the flow of energy
periodically since we are all products of our habits. yb

Understand that the power of your projection is
the strongest medicine. If you can even be 1%
of who you truly are, you can never lose.
Your power lies in your prayer and in your
commitment . yb

you can do this/you have what it takes to meet this challenge

rise the spirit/laws of nature will fill the vacuum with abundance

The process of self-healing is the privilege of every human
being. Self-healing is not a miracle. Self-healing is the genuine
process of relationship between the physical and, the infinite
power of the soul. yb

deeply listen

#4 -   what else is in the space of this event?

loss/change/drop-out/fall-out -

stress/who's the boss of your life?

positive ego/insanity of ego - "monkey mind"

gratitude/great & FULL ('sucker for a plaid' blog)

impact on marriage/children/extended family - role reversal

trinity - body/mind/soul

you are not alone - relationships/mirror

I, my mind, We, Thou, Thee. yb
special needs/new routines & relationships - friends, family,
care-givers, case managers, medical institutions

connect to the larger self, greater realms/community of others

Aquarian Age principle/Life is to live for each other. yb

it's ok to need and be helped - get your ego out of the way of
someone whose highest destiny will be fulfilled by serving YOU

compare/compete/confuse - The moment you compare
yourself to others, you have lost your personal base. You are in
competition so, you do not have the energy to be you. yb

Px medication - yet another tool/bless your medicine

life is mutual/you are not in a vacuum

Whatever enters the space is part of it. snr

guilt/shame/anger/'attitude' - how does it serve you?

strong, balanced, supported foundation/mother earth

lower triangle/upper triangle


observe/observe/observe - Recognize yourself as the observer
with a point of view, capable of many points of view. snr

Allow the sensations. - snr

autoimmune - losing your connection to mother
sickness/shallowness/pain/miseries - outcome of keeping
negativity within you

The greatest weakness of the human is self-caused pain. When a human
betrays his/her Infinity, and gets into non-reality, and becomes squeezed
by time and space, then he/she is nothing but living pain." yb

relationship/trust and dwell in the working God that breathes
within us - God and Me, Me and God, are ONE.

deeply listen

#5 -internal dialogue & power of the spoken

"Your power to speak makes it possible to
achieve everything or nothing." yb

only thing you can control is the choices you
make, by the moment - The only control we have is in this very moment.
If we are concerned/judgmental about the next moment... (example - the future
outlook for a diagnosis) then, the moment we have now is squandered... lost
forever - it's really the ultimate opposite of feeling gratitude. We don't know and
will never have a guarantee, of what the future looks like. Our business is to be
grateful in this moment... and, every circumstance and worldly distraction will try
to keep us from that. The only thing we have control to change is, what we do
with this moment. It's our choice, what we focus on. ggk

There's nothing good or bad; thinking makes it so. yb

Judgment/Diagram/Rules/Condition - natural impulse and
process of the ego ggk

----the "story"
I have _______ VS I am challenged by the condition of _______

neuro-pathways - Is it true now, not the experience of the past?

supportive, self-communication/CHOOSE LOVE

professional counseling - safe container to process - it is VITAL to
talk it out!

self-counseling - journaling/mirror work/yogic applications

confidentiality/sharing in a sacred space - letting go of
conditions of the past (on yourself and others)

positive mind/negative mind

develop neutral mind - That neutral and sophisticated quality of mind
has to be developed, trained, created, experienced, tooled, and fitted
into all the grooves of habits and action. Once you accomplish this, any
success in life is possible. Without this training nothing is possible, except
your fate and your old subconscious patterns. An important part of
Kundalini Yoga is to develop the Neutral Mind and its capacity for
intelligence, endurance and integrity. yb

plant new seeds/inject new ideas, thoughts & words - re-train
the mind/do it deliberately

be the altar, not the alternative/be your own best prayer

deeply listen

#6 - what     is your part?/you are innocent
doctor/patient relationship -how to get what you need
be your own best doctor/A doctor can treat you but he can't
cure you; you cure yourself. yb

complaining/victim - take action/speak out/accept

reactive medicine/alternative health care - countless options!

fear VS trust/Allow the Divine to create the sequence and the
consequence. yb

second opinion/research - knowledge is power/the whole
world is at your fingertips

laziness/reach for the experience

thoughts/feelings/emotions/desires/neurosis - "Neurosis is
suffering that has not found meaning. Emotions are important.
Any mistake you ever make will occur because you are
attached to your emotions, and you lose your good judgment."

promoting habits/demoting habits - duality/divided VS divine


toxic relationships/environments/thought patterns

most important work - forgive your self, the environments,
those you cannot forgive/beginning of greatness of character

mis-understand/understand through compassion

satisfaction/containment/contentment/character/realization -
how much do you have? - Happiness is how much you can contain
yourself. And, happiness is, in spite of all the opposition of the world, how much
you can continue. yb
self-promotion/educate those who cause you adversity

invite, project, reach out/allow others to serve & represent you
community support - It takes a village. h clinton

how to move through the health care
system/medicaid/medicare - learning the ropes

co-dependency/boundaries - what belongs to you and what
does NOT


Recognize the other person is you. yb

diet/nutrition - acid/alkaline You are what you eat.

yogic hygiene - sleep-awake routine/hair care/hydro-
therapy/wear white/massage/etc etc etc

use your gift/down-load your intrinsic wisdom/gift

self-inflicted pain is not an option

explore what works/what does not - establish your domain/you
are the boss of your life

head VS heart - get bent/Humility is the basis of divinity. yb

say NO to every NO/devotion Commitment is everything. yb

It takes courage to relax. yb
develop your intuition/ahead of time and space
person at prayer/arc-line technology

deeply listen

#7 - everything     is energy/what you focus on grows

sequence/consequence - equal and opposite reaction (law of

internal balance/circulate the energy

progress/equal opposition to the amount you have to increase

VICTORY /Take challenge as normal." yb

JUST BLESS IT - offer it to the highest part of you/Be the altar, not
the alternative. yb

BE HERE NOW - focus on the moment/today

find your spiritual frequency/efficiency/existence within

release your resistance to change/healing will happen

deeply listen

#8 -   intention - consistent, purpose-full, clear projection
establish a WORKING RELATIONSHIP with your infinite self
(private unlisted number)

union/separation - 2 basic acts that run the universe
living vision board/living intention altar - SEE IT/subtle body I am
not the doer, I am the see-er. If I can SEE IT, the God in me will
do it. yb/ga

step out of victim-role - create a specific intention when
overwhelmed/burdened/in fear/paralyzed/holding
resentment/unable to forgive

find your own depth and test it, confirm it/We need a balance
where what is inside us is 2-times greater than the outside world.

mentally leaning on outside energy/disconnect from 3rd
chakra - I AM, I CAN, I DO - Each of us, every person,
regardless of wealth, status, age or religion, is given everything
we need to be happy and fulfilled. The greatest lie in our
culture is the one that says you are broken, incomplete and
need something outside of you to give you happiness. yb

every 72 hour your 30 trillion living cells change - feel
it/acknowledge it/recognize it - COUNT ON IT & take full

surrender/cup of prayer …by the grace of _____________ (how
do you define the source of your breath?)

continuous state of fulfillment and flow of spirit/peace lagoon -
tolerance/acceptance of the will of
god/obedience/tremendous amount of patience

joy - lighten up/laugh/get OUT and play with others

Learn to be alert. Answer with the power of the soul. Relate
with an affirmation; every word you say should be an
affirmation. yb
You can't solve your problems. Just take them to the highest
part of yourself and let them go. yb

Understand that the power of your projection is
the strongest medicine. If you can even be 1%
of who you truly are, you can never lose.
Your power lies in your prayer and in your
commitment to let nothing stop you.

deeply listen

#9 -   take out the garbage/trash

It is the rule of God's kingdom to cleanse ourselves, and
then our ray can shine. yb

reprint your library of traumas - brain stem/neural-patterns

understand the nature of the mind/mastery or mystery

"Pre-forgive all the mistakes, the pains and the enemies you
encounter. They are all yours; they are part of your drama.
Without them, you cannot evoke the depth of your character.
Forgive the many mistakes you made and those of everyone
you know. Pre-forgive all the future relationships. Accept the
flow of life as creative and beyond the maneuvers of your
mind. Be loving and real to all you encounter. And, love
yourself at each step along the way." yb

Train your mind by directing it to confront your unlimited soul.
yb/Stop relating to anything that limits you. eok

meditation - release the contractions/purify your subconscious
mind/attract the Universe - We cannot survive through adversity
without meditation. Meditation is a process through which you take your
total self, your pride, your ego, and your spirit, and you put them on the line.
When the heavenly forces move at the command of the individual, that is
called meditation. yb

The purer our minds become, the more the light of the soul
shines. The stronger the light becomes, the more we create for
ourselves and for others. The power of attraction does not come
from what we want. It comes from who we are. And when we
can tap into and live in our Divine Self – the entire universe longs
to come close. eok

clarity/purity/reverence - clean consciousness/clean heart
WHAT IS LIGHT? Light is where you can see everything. Light is
where darkness disappears. yb

body beautiful - stretch the body/psychic counterpart - sub-
conscious release

mantras/healing with the sound current - finite individual
communicates with the master mind/infinite

deeply listen

#10 LIFE FORCE - There is nothing in the Universe but
praanaa. yb

break the pain cycle - reduce the signal to the brain with
meditation/yoga/diet/nutrition ssk The neural pathways in
patients with chronic pain become hypersensitive to
pain. One way to decrease the pain is to increase the
amount of information traveling down a shared neural
pathway, effectively diluting the pain information.
Increasing physical activity, such as yoga, produces
this effect. kri

train your breath - take a break/go to the infinite source for
refreshment and renewal

praana - clarify the subtle body/attract opportunity, collect the
Universe, bring good news

deflate the drama/detox the body

each breath of life is an opportunity to cleanse/sacred trust of
the pranic breath - Inhale the prana, and push out the

Happiness is proportionate to your rate of breathing. As much oxygen
you have, that is how much strength you have. You need 21% oxygen in
your super-beautiful, wonderful blood. Man can manufacture anything but
blood - that only your self can create. yb

practice yoga - technology of awareness and transformation

chair yoga/yoga in bed - modifications/pillow magic

what is yoga? (see footnotes)

'bust your butt' VS developing your radiant body/attract
prosperity/opportunity/good news

re-boot your glands which conduct your body/glandular
intelligence & correct rhythm

define/strengthen the navel center - gives sense of

expand your aura/magnetic field - protection/fill your praanic
body cavity
reverse the downward lotus/open the throat chakra - speak
your truth/understand what is behind the other person's words

synchronize your magnetic field with the cosmic magnetic
field/Vibrate the Cosmos, Cosmos will clear the path. yb

deeply listen

#11 "   keep up" and you will be kept up

…what a drag - when sickness goes on and on
presentation of  cornucopia of tools
stop searching/start practicing - power of endurance

The highest mental power of a man is when he's
willing to cope with a condition that is infinitely
beyond his control. Still, he faces it and, faces it with
the idea that he is going to come through it. YB
your only friend (sadhana)/discipline of conscious living &
excellence - Your discipline will let you deliver. yb

PT/pool/walk/BREATHE - LIFE IS TO MOVE/energize the 30 trillion
cells in your body

pranayam/insure that you have a reserve of pranic energy

feel the spirit is with you, rising with you/I am successful. yb
this time too shall pass/there is a purpose behind everything
that happens (just like my life's story brought me to this place,
where I am here to serve YOU)

deeply listen

#12 - making      the altar of your death

conquer your death/We are bound to go. yb

yogic philosophy of death and dying

sickness/death is not a bad thing

preparing for the passage/5 wishes

The fact is that there is nothing more beautiful,
more worthy or more conscious than you. yb
make peace with self and others/completion

did you accomplish what you came here for?

sa/birth ta/death na/life ma/rebirth- cycle of life

relax/I want to be just as it is." yb

deeply listen

#13 re-entry - putting humpty-dumpty back together,

reclaim your vitality & energy - the key is FLEXIBILITY
re-boot your nervous system -

clarity - expectations/acceptance

identity-crisis resolution - Fantasy is not reality; it gets in the way
of success. yb

self-value/TO BE, TO BE - I AM I AM yb

walking the path of your highest destiny

ability to sacrifice

I feel better, I am better, and that is my base. yb/shenaz

deeply listen

#14 - lean   on victory
commit and remain true to your deepest, most genuine SELF/
align with your soul and the gifts will appear

understand the totality of God/get on-line with the working
God that breathes within us - it's about having a relationship
between a human and God

When you get up in the morning, from this day forward, say to
yourself, "I shall live this day with grace. I will make one
impossible task and make it possible." yb

Celebrate your victories, even the little ones. p marshall

relax and circulate the energy - One       of the most beautiful
actions we can take in our life, with a lot of courage
and wisdom, is to relax. The One who has the power
to rotate the Earth, shall take care of your routine. yb
enjoy/Happiness is your birthright. yb


So your soul is born; soul is free of worries. Rather, soul is here to face the
worries, face the calamities, face the tragedies and, conquer it. You have come
here to conquer, to victory. With your purity you can conquer all there is.
And ,that's why you're born.
So why are you afraid of the worries, of the difficulties, of the calamities or the
tragedies? Because, these are the tests, and the test you have to pass. So,
why not, when you have got this lifetime, pass the test?

deeply listen

…and remember your breath

yb = copyright The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

snr = Sat Nam Rasayan (provide footnote to describe this yogic
school of healing)

eok = Ek Ong Kaar K Khalsa

ssk = Sat Siri Sumler

kri = Kundalini Research Institute
what is yoga?/yoga is the study of your life (self

- Yoga is the science of reality and experiential proof of
the sacredness of life. yb

- yoga is a natural cleansing process - stored toxins in
the muscles are released into the circulation so, they
can be eliminated through the kidneys, lungs, intestines
and skin

- Yoga is like a mirror; it reflects to us who we are, by the
moment. The postures teach us about ourselves, give us
immediate feedback - what needs support/what needs to
open. (somewhere in 365 Yoga - daily meditations)

- what's happening in yoga?

1 movement of energy

2 energetic alignments and adjustments

3 releasing of old programs and clearing of the subconscious mind

4 physical and emotional cleansing

5 expansion of conscious awareness of your true identity

6 establishing connection with the divine   (nirvair singh?)
- yoga is aimed to elevate individual capacity so, your own
awareness and sensitivity can guide your choices

- when you do yoga, the light of the soul starts to shine and
fears depart, so that when you are pushed and pulled by the
environments, you find a new place of strength and begin to
live according to your inner voice and truth of dignity and
grace (need to find and correct this yb quote)

- your awareness will expand/you will be aware off more
thoughts, insights, feelings and sensations (nirvair singh? from
lesson 10)

-   This (Kundalini yoga) is the yoga to guarantee that you'll be happy.
It guarantees you. There's a divine promise. It's a divine guarantee to
make you healthy, happy and holy. Provided you initiate yourself into
it. This is the only yoga that has a pre-requisite of self-initiation. It
says from self-initiation to self-enlighte
nment, the path is guaranteed. yb

- Longitude & latitude are given to all. Kundalini yoga gives
you altitude & attitude. yb

- yoga will help you:

- master the polarities that are the dynamics in our mind and

- refine your emotions

- relax

- the energy will start balancing you

- gives you depth and strength which is yours - the original you

- get the bliss and meet the Infinite within you

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Yogic dimension & self dynamics

  • 1. yogic dimension & self-dynamics of CHRONIC/CRITICAL ILLNESS walking the path of self-healing with guruatma Copyright guruatma k khalsa 2011 #1 - I HEAR YOU/…been there, done that - my own experience made me who I am, today how sick are you?/all you know is what you feel snr troubled waters - BE THE LIGHTHOUSE/serve humanity - Obey, serve, love, excel. yb receive their grief without judgment/cool the fires take the person towards Infinity/Platform of Elevation - shelter/hope/strength/support speak to their need for attention and, to feel acknowledged ggk emptiness/void/unhappiness - offer sanctuary of happiness/whole-ness dis-ease - a state of not being at ease, not relaxed and not completely at peace with one's self/health comes from the word "heal," which means "whole" - spiritually/physically/mentally poke/provoke/confront/elevate
  • 2. restore dignity/personality - CALM THEM DOWN choices/perspectives - deliver custom-made FORMULA OMG! the bomb drops! IMPACT - shock factor/FALLOUT - drama/intensity/worry/systems break down loss of control/vulnerability - fear/anger/resistance/depression your life & reality shifts/identity crisis survival - ego naturally rises up/sympathetic nervous system on high alert sensation of separation/plateaus of loneliness VS unity - Life is a wave. yb denial/depression/paralysis power of diagnosis - identity pain brings you to a state of attention on your SELF deeply listen #2 - your soul's purpose - the 'test' of tragedy in the school of life/wake up and face yourself You carry in yourself the obstacles necessary to make your realization perfect. (The Mother - #101 in 365 Yoga) karma - making a payment/ Calamity is not a bad thing. Calamity is a right thing. Calamity only tells you that life has a climate, and climate, by nature, constantly changes. How can you train your mind to handle the calamities? Give that calamity to God who has sent it,
  • 3. and take happiness home. Don't think a tragedy is only a tragedy. It is also to test your courage. In this life you have all come here fully equipped. You can face whatever comes in your life. yb bottom line - SACREDNESS/self-awareness - The inner self of the self is sitting, waiting for you to realize that SELF. yb process/ladder to reach one's own place align with your soul and the gifts will appear/Root through your soul. yb YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL! - self-reverence/self-reference - who are you and what do you hold to be true every painful experience carries the seed of something that will bloom; every experience we go through is something our soul needs for development (look up source) Feel the soul and, put it in the center of the churning psyche - direct the SELF to act with strength, clarity and caliber. gcs habit to synchronize/ Everything is a gift from God. yb reacting/Be still and know I am God Psalm 46:10 tune in - call upon the teacher within/create a "sacred space" character - internal beauty/personal self-sensory system deeply listen #3 - it is your privilege to heal yourself/save your own life
  • 4. your body was given to you as a sacred gift/investment - sacred mission satnaam/my identity is true - Know you are perfect; the one who created you cannot create imperfection. yb self-acceptance/self-nurturing VS self-improvement - "Nurture yourself and see what you become." dr sas self knowledge - "Between your strengths and weakness is YOU." dr sas intentional sickness/non-intentional sickness (What is yoga? 1/1/03 yb lecture) "There is a way through every block." yb Please, take away the 'ghosts' of your life. yb/pierce the veil of illusion pain, discomfort is the medicine recognize yourself as the resistance/resolve it, allow it - snr Our own habits of possession, constriction, anger, tension, and attachment set up energy patterns within the body that disrupt the normal flow of vital energy. This opens the door to disease, both physical and mental. After all, we are creators also, and have some ability to create the environments we want to live in. We create our bodies with each thought and activity, as well as with each meal. So we need to clean the body and readjust the flow of energy periodically since we are all products of our habits. yb Understand that the power of your projection is the strongest medicine. If you can even be 1%
  • 5. of who you truly are, you can never lose. Your power lies in your prayer and in your commitment . yb you can do this/you have what it takes to meet this challenge rise the spirit/laws of nature will fill the vacuum with abundance The process of self-healing is the privilege of every human being. Self-healing is not a miracle. Self-healing is the genuine process of relationship between the physical and, the infinite power of the soul. yb deeply listen #4 - what else is in the space of this event? loss/change/drop-out/fall-out - beginnings/opportunity/re-organize stress/who's the boss of your life? positive ego/insanity of ego - "monkey mind" gratitude/great & FULL ('sucker for a plaid' blog) impact on marriage/children/extended family - role reversal trinity - body/mind/soul you are not alone - relationships/mirror I, my mind, We, Thou, Thee. yb
  • 6. special needs/new routines & relationships - friends, family, care-givers, case managers, medical institutions connect to the larger self, greater realms/community of others Aquarian Age principle/Life is to live for each other. yb it's ok to need and be helped - get your ego out of the way of someone whose highest destiny will be fulfilled by serving YOU compare/compete/confuse - The moment you compare yourself to others, you have lost your personal base. You are in competition so, you do not have the energy to be you. yb Px medication - yet another tool/bless your medicine life is mutual/you are not in a vacuum Whatever enters the space is part of it. snr guilt/shame/anger/'attitude' - how does it serve you? strong, balanced, supported foundation/mother earth lower triangle/upper triangle reacting/containment observe/observe/observe - Recognize yourself as the observer with a point of view, capable of many points of view. snr Allow the sensations. - snr autoimmune - losing your connection to mother earth/sacredness
  • 7. sickness/shallowness/pain/miseries - outcome of keeping negativity within you The greatest weakness of the human is self-caused pain. When a human betrays his/her Infinity, and gets into non-reality, and becomes squeezed by time and space, then he/she is nothing but living pain." yb relationship/trust and dwell in the working God that breathes within us - God and Me, Me and God, are ONE. deeply listen #5 -internal dialogue & power of the spoken word "Your power to speak makes it possible to achieve everything or nothing." yb only thing you can control is the choices you make, by the moment - The only control we have is in this very moment. If we are concerned/judgmental about the next moment... (example - the future outlook for a diagnosis) then, the moment we have now is squandered... lost forever - it's really the ultimate opposite of feeling gratitude. We don't know and will never have a guarantee, of what the future looks like. Our business is to be grateful in this moment... and, every circumstance and worldly distraction will try to keep us from that. The only thing we have control to change is, what we do with this moment. It's our choice, what we focus on. ggk There's nothing good or bad; thinking makes it so. yb Judgment/Diagram/Rules/Condition - natural impulse and process of the ego ggk ----the "story"
  • 8. I have _______ VS I am challenged by the condition of _______ neuro-pathways - Is it true now, not the experience of the past? ggk supportive, self-communication/CHOOSE LOVE professional counseling - safe container to process - it is VITAL to talk it out! self-counseling - journaling/mirror work/yogic applications confidentiality/sharing in a sacred space - letting go of conditions of the past (on yourself and others) positive mind/negative mind develop neutral mind - That neutral and sophisticated quality of mind has to be developed, trained, created, experienced, tooled, and fitted into all the grooves of habits and action. Once you accomplish this, any success in life is possible. Without this training nothing is possible, except your fate and your old subconscious patterns. An important part of Kundalini Yoga is to develop the Neutral Mind and its capacity for intelligence, endurance and integrity. yb plant new seeds/inject new ideas, thoughts & words - re-train the mind/do it deliberately be the altar, not the alternative/be your own best prayer deeply listen #6 - what is your part?/you are innocent doctor/patient relationship -how to get what you need
  • 9. be your own best doctor/A doctor can treat you but he can't cure you; you cure yourself. yb complaining/victim - take action/speak out/accept reactive medicine/alternative health care - countless options! fear VS trust/Allow the Divine to create the sequence and the consequence. yb second opinion/research - knowledge is power/the whole world is at your fingertips laziness/reach for the experience thoughts/feelings/emotions/desires/neurosis - "Neurosis is suffering that has not found meaning. Emotions are important. Any mistake you ever make will occur because you are attached to your emotions, and you lose your good judgment." yb promoting habits/demoting habits - duality/divided VS divine addiction/freedom toxic relationships/environments/thought patterns most important work - forgive your self, the environments, those you cannot forgive/beginning of greatness of character mis-understand/understand through compassion satisfaction/containment/contentment/character/realization - how much do you have? - Happiness is how much you can contain yourself. And, happiness is, in spite of all the opposition of the world, how much you can continue. yb
  • 10. self-promotion/educate those who cause you adversity invite, project, reach out/allow others to serve & represent you community support - It takes a village. h clinton how to move through the health care system/medicaid/medicare - learning the ropes co-dependency/boundaries - what belongs to you and what does NOT desires/PATIENCE PAYS Recognize the other person is you. yb diet/nutrition - acid/alkaline You are what you eat. yogic hygiene - sleep-awake routine/hair care/hydro- therapy/wear white/massage/etc etc etc use your gift/down-load your intrinsic wisdom/gift self-inflicted pain is not an option explore what works/what does not - establish your domain/you are the boss of your life head VS heart - get bent/Humility is the basis of divinity. yb say NO to every NO/devotion Commitment is everything. yb It takes courage to relax. yb develop your intuition/ahead of time and space
  • 11. person at prayer/arc-line technology deeply listen #7 - everything is energy/what you focus on grows sequence/consequence - equal and opposite reaction (law of universe/physics) internal balance/circulate the energy progress/equal opposition to the amount you have to increase VICTORY /Take challenge as normal." yb JUST BLESS IT - offer it to the highest part of you/Be the altar, not the alternative. yb BE HERE NOW - focus on the moment/today find your spiritual frequency/efficiency/existence within release your resistance to change/healing will happen deeply listen #8 - intention - consistent, purpose-full, clear projection establish a WORKING RELATIONSHIP with your infinite self (private unlisted number) union/separation - 2 basic acts that run the universe
  • 12. living vision board/living intention altar - SEE IT/subtle body I am not the doer, I am the see-er. If I can SEE IT, the God in me will do it. yb/ga step out of victim-role - create a specific intention when overwhelmed/burdened/in fear/paralyzed/holding resentment/unable to forgive find your own depth and test it, confirm it/We need a balance where what is inside us is 2-times greater than the outside world. yb mentally leaning on outside energy/disconnect from 3rd chakra - I AM, I CAN, I DO - Each of us, every person, regardless of wealth, status, age or religion, is given everything we need to be happy and fulfilled. The greatest lie in our culture is the one that says you are broken, incomplete and need something outside of you to give you happiness. yb every 72 hour your 30 trillion living cells change - feel it/acknowledge it/recognize it - COUNT ON IT & take full advantage surrender/cup of prayer …by the grace of _____________ (how do you define the source of your breath?) continuous state of fulfillment and flow of spirit/peace lagoon - tolerance/acceptance of the will of god/obedience/tremendous amount of patience joy - lighten up/laugh/get OUT and play with others Learn to be alert. Answer with the power of the soul. Relate with an affirmation; every word you say should be an affirmation. yb
  • 13. You can't solve your problems. Just take them to the highest part of yourself and let them go. yb Understand that the power of your projection is the strongest medicine. If you can even be 1% of who you truly are, you can never lose. Your power lies in your prayer and in your commitment to let nothing stop you. deeply listen #9 - take out the garbage/trash It is the rule of God's kingdom to cleanse ourselves, and then our ray can shine. yb reprint your library of traumas - brain stem/neural-patterns understand the nature of the mind/mastery or mystery "Pre-forgive all the mistakes, the pains and the enemies you encounter. They are all yours; they are part of your drama. Without them, you cannot evoke the depth of your character. Forgive the many mistakes you made and those of everyone you know. Pre-forgive all the future relationships. Accept the flow of life as creative and beyond the maneuvers of your mind. Be loving and real to all you encounter. And, love yourself at each step along the way." yb Train your mind by directing it to confront your unlimited soul. yb/Stop relating to anything that limits you. eok meditation - release the contractions/purify your subconscious mind/attract the Universe - We cannot survive through adversity
  • 14. without meditation. Meditation is a process through which you take your total self, your pride, your ego, and your spirit, and you put them on the line. When the heavenly forces move at the command of the individual, that is called meditation. yb The purer our minds become, the more the light of the soul shines. The stronger the light becomes, the more we create for ourselves and for others. The power of attraction does not come from what we want. It comes from who we are. And when we can tap into and live in our Divine Self – the entire universe longs to come close. eok clarity/purity/reverence - clean consciousness/clean heart WHAT IS LIGHT? Light is where you can see everything. Light is where darkness disappears. yb body beautiful - stretch the body/psychic counterpart - sub- conscious release mantras/healing with the sound current - finite individual communicates with the master mind/infinite deeply listen #10 LIFE FORCE - There is nothing in the Universe but praanaa. yb break the pain cycle - reduce the signal to the brain with meditation/yoga/diet/nutrition ssk The neural pathways in patients with chronic pain become hypersensitive to pain. One way to decrease the pain is to increase the amount of information traveling down a shared neural pathway, effectively diluting the pain information.
  • 15. Increasing physical activity, such as yoga, produces this effect. kri train your breath - take a break/go to the infinite source for refreshment and renewal praana - clarify the subtle body/attract opportunity, collect the Universe, bring good news deflate the drama/detox the body each breath of life is an opportunity to cleanse/sacred trust of the pranic breath - Inhale the prana, and push out the weakness/fatigue/disease Happiness is proportionate to your rate of breathing. As much oxygen you have, that is how much strength you have. You need 21% oxygen in your super-beautiful, wonderful blood. Man can manufacture anything but blood - that only your self can create. yb practice yoga - technology of awareness and transformation chair yoga/yoga in bed - modifications/pillow magic what is yoga? (see footnotes) 'bust your butt' VS developing your radiant body/attract prosperity/opportunity/good news re-boot your glands which conduct your body/glandular intelligence & correct rhythm define/strengthen the navel center - gives sense of control/organization expand your aura/magnetic field - protection/fill your praanic body cavity
  • 16. reverse the downward lotus/open the throat chakra - speak your truth/understand what is behind the other person's words synchronize your magnetic field with the cosmic magnetic field/Vibrate the Cosmos, Cosmos will clear the path. yb deeply listen #11 " keep up" and you will be kept up …what a drag - when sickness goes on and on presentation of cornucopia of tools stop searching/start practicing - power of endurance The highest mental power of a man is when he's willing to cope with a condition that is infinitely beyond his control. Still, he faces it and, faces it with the idea that he is going to come through it. YB your only friend (sadhana)/discipline of conscious living & excellence - Your discipline will let you deliver. yb PT/pool/walk/BREATHE - LIFE IS TO MOVE/energize the 30 trillion cells in your body pranayam/insure that you have a reserve of pranic energy feel the spirit is with you, rising with you/I am successful. yb
  • 17. this time too shall pass/there is a purpose behind everything that happens (just like my life's story brought me to this place, where I am here to serve YOU) deeply listen #12 - making the altar of your death conquer your death/We are bound to go. yb yogic philosophy of death and dying sickness/death is not a bad thing preparing for the passage/5 wishes The fact is that there is nothing more beautiful, more worthy or more conscious than you. yb make peace with self and others/completion did you accomplish what you came here for? sa/birth ta/death na/life ma/rebirth- cycle of life relax/I want to be just as it is." yb deeply listen #13 re-entry - putting humpty-dumpty back together, again reclaim your vitality & energy - the key is FLEXIBILITY
  • 18. re-boot your nervous system - sympathetic/parasympathetic/action clarity - expectations/acceptance identity-crisis resolution - Fantasy is not reality; it gets in the way of success. yb self-value/TO BE, TO BE - I AM I AM yb walking the path of your highest destiny ability to sacrifice I feel better, I am better, and that is my base. yb/shenaz deeply listen #14 - lean on victory commit and remain true to your deepest, most genuine SELF/ align with your soul and the gifts will appear understand the totality of God/get on-line with the working God that breathes within us - it's about having a relationship between a human and God When you get up in the morning, from this day forward, say to yourself, "I shall live this day with grace. I will make one impossible task and make it possible." yb Celebrate your victories, even the little ones. p marshall relax and circulate the energy - One of the most beautiful
  • 19. actions we can take in our life, with a lot of courage and wisdom, is to relax. The One who has the power to rotate the Earth, shall take care of your routine. yb enjoy/Happiness is your birthright. yb I AM A LIFE! I AM I AM yb So your soul is born; soul is free of worries. Rather, soul is here to face the worries, face the calamities, face the tragedies and, conquer it. You have come here to conquer, to victory. With your purity you can conquer all there is. And ,that's why you're born. So why are you afraid of the worries, of the difficulties, of the calamities or the tragedies? Because, these are the tests, and the test you have to pass. So, why not, when you have got this lifetime, pass the test? deeply listen …and remember your breath _____________________________________________________________ yb = copyright The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan snr = Sat Nam Rasayan (provide footnote to describe this yogic school of healing) eok = Ek Ong Kaar K Khalsa ssk = Sat Siri Sumler kri = Kundalini Research Institute _____________________________________________________________
  • 20. what is yoga?/yoga is the study of your life (self discovery) - Yoga is the science of reality and experiential proof of the sacredness of life. yb - yoga is a natural cleansing process - stored toxins in the muscles are released into the circulation so, they can be eliminated through the kidneys, lungs, intestines and skin - Yoga is like a mirror; it reflects to us who we are, by the moment. The postures teach us about ourselves, give us immediate feedback - what needs support/what needs to open. (somewhere in 365 Yoga - daily meditations) - what's happening in yoga? 1 movement of energy 2 energetic alignments and adjustments 3 releasing of old programs and clearing of the subconscious mind 4 physical and emotional cleansing 5 expansion of conscious awareness of your true identity 6 establishing connection with the divine (nirvair singh?)
  • 21. - yoga is aimed to elevate individual capacity so, your own awareness and sensitivity can guide your choices - when you do yoga, the light of the soul starts to shine and fears depart, so that when you are pushed and pulled by the environments, you find a new place of strength and begin to live according to your inner voice and truth of dignity and grace (need to find and correct this yb quote) - your awareness will expand/you will be aware off more thoughts, insights, feelings and sensations (nirvair singh? from lesson 10) - This (Kundalini yoga) is the yoga to guarantee that you'll be happy. It guarantees you. There's a divine promise. It's a divine guarantee to make you healthy, happy and holy. Provided you initiate yourself into it. This is the only yoga that has a pre-requisite of self-initiation. It says from self-initiation to self-enlighte nment, the path is guaranteed. yb - Longitude & latitude are given to all. Kundalini yoga gives you altitude & attitude. yb - yoga will help you: - master the polarities that are the dynamics in our mind and lives - refine your emotions - relax - the energy will start balancing you - gives you depth and strength which is yours - the original you - get the bliss and meet the Infinite within you