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Measuring the Digital Impact of 2011 Super Bowl XLV Ads
on Social Media, Brand Awareness and Consumer Interest

The Project
    Overview and background
    on this report
About the Super Bowl
                                                                               Super Bowl I 1967   Super Bowl XLV 2011
   •     The Super Bowl is the championship game of the
         National Football League (NFL), the highest level of
         professional American football in the United States.
   •     The game was created as part of a merger
         agreement between the NFL and its then-rival
         league, the American Football League (AFL).
   •     It was agreed that the two leagues' champion teams
         would play in an AFL–NFL World Championship Game
         until the merger was to officially begin in 1970.
   •     "Super Bowl Sunday" is the second-largest day for
         U.S. food consumption, after Thanksgiving Day.
   •     Super Bowl XLV became the most-watched U.S.
         television program in history, drawing an average
         audience of 111 million viewers and taking over the
         spot held by the previous year's Super Bowl XLIV,
         which took the 28-year reign from the final episode
         of M*A*S*H.)
            •    Still, as we were reminded by a comment on our Super
                 Bowl guest blog with HubSpot, the worldwide king of TV
                 ratings is still the original „football‟, as the 2010 World
                 Cup was viewed by 700 million sports fans                                       3
The Commercials
•      Prices for advertising space can
       typically cost millions of dollars;
       30 seconds of advertising time
       during the 2010 telecast was
       $2.6 Million, and rose to $3.0
       million in 2011
•      There is concern about the
       viewing of commercials with the
       use of DVRs, however TiVo
       reports that viewers pause and
       rewind back to previous
       commercials that they enjoy
            Cost of Super Bowl Ad ($US)   4
About this Project
• We love reading and watching Ad
  Critics, especially for the Super
• But we believe that while a
  professional ad critic ranking is
  important, in today‟s world of
  social media and user generated
  content the public consumer might
  just be the best judge of an ad‟s
   • Stopping with just an ad critic ranking
     would be akin to having the Meet the
     Press panel elect our new U.S.
     President … why not let the people
• We set out to measure key social
  media benchmarks and attempt to
  show “lift” per company and brand
  following their Super Bowl
Ad Critics & Panels
• Despite the fact we wanted to bring
  some objectivity to the subjective
  process of ranking or scoring Super
  Bowl ads, we really are fans of the
  traditional ad critic and panels and
  think many of them do an outstanding
• By no means are we trying to replace
  these processes, rather we‟re trying
  to add to them in hopes that
  combined these various measurements
  can help advertisers become better at
  connecting with consumers
• Among our favorites are USA Today‟s
  Ad Meter, AdBowl, Ace Metrix‟s Ad
  Effectiveness Score, Media Curves
  Super Bowl Ad Test, People TV Ad
  Critic and a host of user-rated pages
  including YouTube‟s AdBlitz, MSN Fox
  Sports Best & Worst and the Hulu
Other Related Super Bowl Ad Reports
• In addition to the traditional
  subjective Super Bowl ad critic
  and panel rankings there are
  several reports that rated this
  year‟s Super Bowl XLV
  commercials on various modern
  Web 2.0 social and buzz
• In addition to reading our
  findings in this report, some
  earned media studies that may
  be of interest include:
   • Kantar Video Super Bowl Ad
     Rankings: Earned Media
   • Forbes “Most Buzzed” Super Bowl
     XLV Commercials
   • University of Georgia Terry College
     of Business Tweet Emotion Report
•   This being our first year tracking this
    project, we weren‟t sure what we were
    looking for so we captured more KPIs
    than were actually useful in the end, 21
    in all
•   We also used several different tools to
    help pull this data, but ultimately our
    favorite tools for this project were in
    fact the free ones such as Topsy,
    TweetVolume, Social Mention, and the
    various search results from Google and
•   In the end, the most important KPIs we
    seemed to gravitate towards during
    analysis were the ones that are easiest
    to track and define
     •   Facebook Likes/Fans
     •   Twitter Followers and Mentions
     •   YouTube Views and Ratings
     •   Social Bookmarks
     •   Social Mention Reach, Passion & Frequency

Missing Data
• Another rookie mistake, we failed to
  capture all the brands that were
  advertising in the Super Bowl BEFORE
  the game. In our defense, most of the
  pre-game ad previews went off the
  same information and most missed on
  the same advertisers we did
• With the late jockeying, including
  Pizza Hut‟s last second opt-out of the
  “in game” ads for pre-game only, a few
  key benchmarks were never captured
• Among the brands we failed to catch
  baseline metrics on were Suzuki,
  Verizon Wireless, Motorola, Sealy
  and Chevy
• Chevy was hands-down the biggest
  advertiser in this year‟s game, with 12

Controversy – Is all Publicity Good?
• Groupon
  • “Managed to attract the scorn
    of customers, brand experts and
    even some Chinese residents
    with a pair of ads that seemed
    to make light of the fraught
    political situation in Tibet and                  +141% increase in Total YouTube Views
    deforestation in Brazil.” -
• HomeAway
  • “ CEO says
    company will remove ad from
    its website and apologized,                       +167% increase in YouTube Channel Views
    saying the company "failed to
    understand the reality" of
    families dealing with serious
    injuries to children.” -
Celebrities Ruled the Air in 2011

Who would have imagined, Ozzy and
Justin Bieber in the same ad? Best Buy
certainly made sure it bridged the age
demo gap.

The Pre-Game
   Baseline stats and intel

(Pre) Facebook Top 10
                                                            Many of the
                                                            advertisers come
                                                            with a mammoth
                                                            social media
                                                            presence. For
                                                            example, the Top 10
                                                            have a range from
                                                            over 22 million to a
                                                            317,000. That‟s
                                                            quite a spread, but
                                                            then if you look at
                                                            the bottom ten, you
                                                            have companies that
It’s NOT a Level Playing Field
                                                            have not even
                                                            broken the thousand

(Pre) Facebook Bottom 10
                                                             Our assumption that brands
                                                             would really push online and
                                                             social calls to action was only
                                                             partially true, as the Majority
                                                             of ads seemed to be branding,
                                                             with subtle mentions of Site
                                                             URLs & social address URLs,
                                                             but only a few really tried to
                                                             promote social or online CTA.

                                                             In fact, Coke never mentioned
                                                             any URLs or social networks.

                                                             The most aggressive with this
                                                             tactic? PepsiMax, which
                                                             Facebook, Lipton Brisk,
                                                             Budweiser, Bud Light, SEUSA
                                                             (Sony Android ad), CarMax,
Room for improvement, and many did!                          E*Trade and Skechers.
This is only how they looked going into the weekend.

(Pre) Social Mention Passion Top 10
                                                          Social Mention Passion
                                                          is a measure of the
                                                          likelihood that
                                                          individuals talking
                                                          about your brand will
                                                          do so repeatedly. For
                                                          example, if you have a
                                                          small group of very
                                                          passionate advocates
                                                          who talk about your
                                                          products or brand all
                                                          the time you will have
                                                          a higher Passion score.
Quality vs. Quantity                                      Conversely if every
                                                          mention is written by
                                                          a different author you
                                                          will have a lower

(Pre) Social Mention Passion Bottom 10
                                                           If Passion is a measure of
                                                           enthusiasts, brand
                                                           evangelists and
                                                           influencers as a function
                                                           of total mentions, then it
                                                           stands to reason that the
                                                           larger the social
                                                           following the harder it
                                                           will be to find
                                                           increasingly larger
                                                           numbers of activists. This
                                                           is evident in Coke‟s,
                                                           Mars, Doritos and Bud
                                                           Light‟s appearance here
 Quality vs. Quantity                                      as they have high social
                                                           followings. This metric
                                                           should still be tracked to
                                                           find outliers, like 20th
                                                           Century Fox (now Fox

Half Time
    Quick Look Monday
    Morning Quarterback
(Half) Increase Facebook Likes/Fans
                                                When evaluating Facebook
                                                fan numbers, it‟s not
                                                exactly a level playing field.
                                                There are the giants of
                                                social media networking
                                                (Coca-Cola with more than
                                                22 million fans and Disney
                                                with more than 16 million),
                                                and there are those that
                                                started the game with less
                                                than a thousand. But in the
                                                world of social media
                                                growth, it‟s all relative, so
                                                we looked at the companies
                                                that experienced the
                                                biggest percentage jump.
                                                The winner, scoring 7
                                                touchdowns, was Pepsi Max.

(Half) Increase in Twitter Mentions
                                                For this snapshot, we
                                                give you a comparison
                                                of Twitter mentions
                                                two days before the
                                                Super Bowl and right
                                                after. The top 5 saw a
                                                high increase in
                                                Twitter activity (the
                                                Top 2 reaching 100%
                                                because they had no
                                                mentions on the
                                                Friday before). Of
                                                those that had
                                                previous Twitter
                                                activity, Pepsi-Co and
                                                Chrysler were big

(Half) Social Mention Reach Top 5
                                                Social Mention Reach
                                                demonstrates the growth
                                                among blogs, Q&A sites,
                                                Twitter, social
                                                bookmarking sites, images
                                                and news. All but 10 of the
                                                brands increased their
                                                reach. The number one
                                                brand that increased its
                                                reach was Bridgestone,
                                                and one has to wonder
                                                how much of their
                                                sponsorship of the half
                                                time show had to do with

(Half) Passion & Sentiment Top 5
                                                When it comes to passion,
                                                most of the brands failed. Only
                                                9 brands that advertised in the
                                                Super Bowl increased their
                                                level of passion. What does
                                                that say about their ads?
                                                Sentiment is evaluated by
                                                Social Mention in terms of
                                                three basic categories:
                                                positive, negative & neutral
                                                social media comments. This
                                                is shown as a ratio of positive
                                                mentions to those that are
                                                not. VW‟s Beetle had the
                                                highest ratio after the Super
                                                Bowl at 69:1. But when it
                                                comes to data, everything is
                                                relative. What happened to a
                                                brands social sentiment after
                                                they aired the ads?
The Post-Game
   Updated Social Metrics
(Post) Increase Facebook Likes/Fans
                                         Before the Super Bowl, there were
                                         some heavyweights in Facebook
                                         presence; Cola Coca-Cola with more
                                         than 22 million fans and Disney with
                                         more than 16 million. So when it
                                         comes to Facebook growth, it‟s
                                         relative. In terms of those
                                         companies that experienced the
                                         biggest percentage jump, the clear
                                         winners were PepsiMax and BMW.
                                         All other brands saw increases, but,
                                         nothing close to those two in terms
                                         of percentages. In terms of total
                                         numbers, Disney added another
                                         119,000 fans Coca-Cola almost
                                         85,000 and Pizza Hut more than

(Post) Increase in Twitter Followers
                                                 Twitter has surpassed the 190
                                                 million users mark and
                                                 numbers of tweets during a
                                                 day can surpass 50 million.
                                                 What companies want out of
                                                 Twitter are two things - more
                                                 followers and more
                                                 discussions about their brand
                                                 (hopefully positive).
                                                 Following the Super Bowl, 5
                                                 brands enjoyed double digit
                                                 percentage growth of
                                                 followers. They moved the
                                                 ten yard line markers steadily.
                                                 But one company threw for
                                                 long gains and that was
                                                 E*Trade, with a whopping
                                                 151% increase in followers.
                                                 GoDaddy managed a sizable
                                                 jump as well.
(Post) Twitter Total Mentions Top 10
                                                Chatter was up dramatically
                                                Super Bowl Sunday. The Super
                                                Bowl caused many people to
                                                discuss these brands. To put
                                                the impact of Super Bowl more
                                                in perspective, here is a chart
                                                that shows the percent of
                                                Sunday Twitter mentions in
                                                relation to the overall
                                                mentions during that week.
                                                What this this is that of all the
                                                Twitter mentions that
                                                happened for the entire how,
                                                what percentage occurred on
                                                Super Sunday; the most direct
                                                measure of “real-time” brand
                                                interest lift we could find. You
                                                can see that the bulk of brand
                                                chatter happened during and
                                                after the Super Bowl.

(Post) Total YouTube Views Top 10
                                                Of all the social media outlets,
                                                YouTube has one of the closest
                                                correlations to the Super Bowl
                                                broadcast itself because it allows for
                                                repeated video views, ratings,
                                                comments and sharing. Volkswagen‟s
                                                Little Darth Vader commercial had
                                                20+ million views on YouTube,
                                                18,250+ comments, and nearly
                                                100,000 ratings (98% likes). Or put
                                                another way, if Volkswagen received
                                                111,000,000 viewers of its 60-second
                                                ad on the Super Bowl and YouTube
                                                added another 20,000,000+ views
                                                then the measured Social Media
                                                “lift” in viewers on YouTube is at
                                                least 18%. Add to that the comments,
                                                ratings and other digital and social
                                                media avenues and the overall
                                                effectiveness of this ad becomes

The Brands
    A closer look at the top
    gainers in social media
GM/Chevy Goes With Quantity, Gets Quality
                                          YOUTUBE VIEWS
POSITION             TITLE OF VIDEO           (2/10)
                                                                 Total # of Super             Total Super
   1       Misunderstanding Cruze                    354,483
   2       Miss Evelyn Camaro                        291,095
                                                                 Bowl Spots          12       Bowl Budget      $39m
   3       Al's Chevy Dealership Camaro              252,409
                                                                 Total Facebook               Total Twitter
   4       Facebook Status Cruze                     290,483
                                                                 Fan / Likes        595k      Followers        37k
   5       Tommy Silverado                           195,892
   6       Discovery Volt                            175,918     YouTube Total                YouTube Total
   7       Glee See the USA                           54,233     Views              9.2m      Subscribers      6,246
   8       Chevy Runs Deep                            58,225     YouTube Total                Tweet Volume
   9       Socket Fuel - Volt                         45,539     Super Bowl Ad      1.8m                       38m
   10      Remote Control Cruze                       26,859     Views (2/10)
   11      Glee Behind the Scenes                     26,466     Topsy Twitter                Topsy Twitter
   12      Clean Energy Volt                          12,921     Mentions (Past     9.1k      Mentions (Past   1.8k
                                                                 Month)                       Week)
                                                                 Social Mention               Social Mention
                                                                 Sentiment          49:1      Sentiment        9:1
                                                                 Maximum            (Cruze)   Minimum           (Volt)

Chevy Cruze RT Conversations

Chrysler’s Bold, Emotional Ad Connects
                              •   Chrysler ran a two-minute television commercial
                                  Feb. 6 during the third quarter
                              •   The company estimates that the 2-minute
                                  commercial is the longest in Super Bowl history
                                  and that it generated additional TV and radio
                                  coverage that reached as many as 200 million
                                  people within about 12 hours of airing,
                                  according to Chrysler
                              •   Chrysler brand traffic more than tripled in the
                                  hours after the commercial aired, said
                         and Kelley Blue Book‟s
                              •   “It‟s generated a lot of conversation about the
                                  brand that hasn‟t been on a lot of people‟s
                                  radar screens for the past couple of years,”
                                  James Bell, an analyst with Kelley Blue Book
                              •   The Ad was for the new 200, which replaced the
                                  Sebring in Chrysler‟s lineup
                              •   “Now we have to transform the dealers‟ pride
                                  and confidence and momentum into sales,”
                                  Olivier Francois, head of the Chrysler brand,
                                  said today in an interview at the Chicago Auto
                                  Show. “It‟s a good start, there is interest, there
                                  is awareness, there is curiosity.”

Want more stats on a Specific Brand?
 For the sake of space and file size, we can‟t cover
 them all. But just drop us a line and we‟ll get you
 specific data. We‟ll also be releasing break-out
 insights via blogs and mini reports on various top
 brands from this year‟s Super Bowl Ads. Look for
 those throughout February.

   Other Super Bowl Ad
   Scores   32
USA Today Ad Meter
                                                                                               • USA TODAY's
                                                                                                 Ad Meter
                                                                                                 tracks the
                                                                                                 responses of
                                                                                                 a panel of
                                                                                                 viewers to
                                                                                                 ads during
                                                                                                 the Super
                                                                                                 Bowl and            ranks them
                                                                                                 from best
                                                                                                 to worst.

YouTube AdBlitz

UGA Terry College Stratalyzer Survey
                                                                      •   Researchers at UGA's Terry College
                                                                          of Business measured people's
                                                                          emotional responses to TV ads that
                                                                          aired during the Super Bowl.
                                                                      •   Twitter helped reveal how the ads
                                                                          made people feel.
                                                                      •   The team analyzed nearly one
                                                                          million tweets on Super Bowl

                                                                                                                •© 2011 and TipTop Technologies Incorporated.
                                                                      •   A special software organize the
                                                                          posts into emotional categories
                                                                          such as happiness, love, surprise,
                                                                          hate and more.
                                                                      •   The study shows that happiness
                                                                          and love were the most common
                                                                          emotions generated by the ads.
                                                                      •   This type of instant feedback from
                                                                          Twitter‟s estimated 190+ million
                                                                          users could help companies fine-
                                                                          tune their ad campaigns.

UGA Terry College Survey (Cont’d)

                                                                                    •© 2011 and TipTop Technologies Incorporated.   36
Kantar Video Super Bowl Ad Rankings
                                                                                                  •   According to Kantar Video, in the 3
                                                                                                      days after the Super Bowl aired, the
                                                                                                      top 10 ads earned over $1 million in
                                                                                                      online video impressions
                                                                                                  •   Volkswagen‟s “The Force” campaign
                                                                                                      topped the list, earning the brand
                                                                                                       • Their creative and viral strategy
                                                                                                           that launched the week prior to
                                                                                                           the Super Bowl generated heavy
                                                                                                           press coverage
                                                                                                  Other Notes
                                                                                                  •   The Movie Trailers generated the
                                                                                                      most online views per video
                                                                                                  •   Automotive ads had the most social
                                                                                                      activity of all ads, lead by the
                                                                                                      success of VW‟s “The Force” and
                                                                                                      Chrysler‟s “Imported From Detroit”
                                                                                                  •   Ads placed in the 2nd Quarter
                                                                                                      captured more online viewing                                              attention than other positions, while
ase                                                                                                   halftime slots produced the fewest

Media Curves Super Bowl Ad Test
                                                       • During the game, the Super Bowl ads were
                                                          inserted into an on-line survey and sent to
                                                          thousands of study participants.
                                                       • Participants answered questions regarding
                                                          their perceptions of the ads using various
                                                          parameters, including breakthrough,
                                                          emotion, memorability and involvement.
                                                       • They also utilized an on-line dial testing
                                                          system to indicate their levels of interest
                                                          as they watched the ads.
                                                       • The interest levels were analyzed in the
                                                          form of curves to determine which
                                                          commercials had the highest sustained
                                                          levels of interest.
                                                       • The curves were used as part of a metric to
                                                          calculate and rank the advertisements.
                                                       • The metric also includes a measurement
                                                          for emotions and an index for “word of
                                                          mouth” impact of the ads

Ace Metrix Super Bowl Ad Effectiveness
                                                                    • Ace Verbatims gives marketers direct consumer
  Top 5 Ace Metrix Scores                                              feedback on both their & their competitor's ads
                                                                    • This un-edited, un-paraphrased feedback allows
                                                                       marketers to get a deeper understanding of the
                                                                       numbers, thoughts, and opinions that influence
                                                                       the effectiveness of their creative
                                                                    • Ace Metrix sorts results by Brand, Score or
                                                                    • Looking at just the Automotive Category (OEMs
                                                                       and Services), Ace measured the following top
                                                                     Rank     Brand         Ad Title       Ace Score
                                                                        1    Bridgestone   Carma                618
                                                                        2    VW            The Force            603
                                                                        3    Chevy         Miss Evelyn          602
                                                                        4    Chevy         Discovery            602
                                                                        5    Kia           One Epic Ride        595

   General Information
 – 134MM unique visitors monthly              (thru 12/10)

 – 279% YoY growth from 2008
    • 126% YoY growth from 2009

Facebook – Not a Fad, a Way of Life
         • Facebook…
            – 700+ billion minutes per month spent on
            – 50% of active users log on daily
            – Average user
                 • Has 130 friends on the site (up from 120 in 2009)
                 • Creates 90 pieces of content each month
            – More than 1.5 million pieces of content are
              shared on Facebook…daily (web links, news
              stories, blog posts, notes, photos, videos, etc.)
            – Two-thirds of comScore‟s U.S. Top 100 websites
              and half of comScore‟s Global Top 100 websites
              have integrated with Facebook
            – …It’s BIG. Put another way, if Facebook were a

 If Facebook were a country…

                                                 #3 - Facebook
                                                 500 million+

#4 - USA
308 million                                                     #1 - China
                                                                1.3 billion

                                         #2 - India
                                         1.18 billion              #5 -
               #6 - Brazil                                         231 million
                  192 million

Social Media is Here to Stay

• Act more like Dale Carnegie,
  less like David Ogilvy
   – Listening first
   – Selling second...
      • Act more like party
        planners, aggregators,
        content providers than
        traditional advertisers

Social Media is Here to Stay

• The Faceboook Movie opened 10/1/10
  (DVD 1/11/11)
   – Based on best-selling book „The Accidental
     Billionaires‟, by Ben Mezrich
   – „The Social Network‟ chronicles the start-
     up of Facebook and its founder Mark
   – $22 million opening weekend
   – $95+ million U.S> total
   – 8 Oscar Nominations

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  • 1. YMARKETING SUPER BOWL SOCIAL BRAND SCOREBOARD REPORT Measuring the Digital Impact of 2011 Super Bowl XLV Ads on Social Media, Brand Awareness and Consumer Interest 1
  • 2. The Project Overview and background on this report 2
  • 3. About the Super Bowl Super Bowl I 1967 Super Bowl XLV 2011 • The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League (NFL), the highest level of professional American football in the United States. • The game was created as part of a merger agreement between the NFL and its then-rival league, the American Football League (AFL). • It was agreed that the two leagues' champion teams would play in an AFL–NFL World Championship Game until the merger was to officially begin in 1970. • "Super Bowl Sunday" is the second-largest day for U.S. food consumption, after Thanksgiving Day. • Super Bowl XLV became the most-watched U.S. television program in history, drawing an average audience of 111 million viewers and taking over the spot held by the previous year's Super Bowl XLIV, which took the 28-year reign from the final episode of M*A*S*H.) • Still, as we were reminded by a comment on our Super Bowl guest blog with HubSpot, the worldwide king of TV ratings is still the original „football‟, as the 2010 World Cup was viewed by 700 million sports fans 3
  • 4. The Commercials • Prices for advertising space can typically cost millions of dollars; 30 seconds of advertising time during the 2010 telecast was $2.6 Million, and rose to $3.0 million in 2011 • There is concern about the viewing of commercials with the use of DVRs, however TiVo reports that viewers pause and rewind back to previous commercials that they enjoy Cost of Super Bowl Ad ($US) 4
  • 5. About this Project • We love reading and watching Ad Critics, especially for the Super Bowl • But we believe that while a professional ad critic ranking is important, in today‟s world of social media and user generated content the public consumer might just be the best judge of an ad‟s effectiveness • Stopping with just an ad critic ranking would be akin to having the Meet the Press panel elect our new U.S. President … why not let the people decide? • We set out to measure key social media benchmarks and attempt to show “lift” per company and brand following their Super Bowl Commercial(s) 5
  • 6. Ad Critics & Panels • Despite the fact we wanted to bring some objectivity to the subjective process of ranking or scoring Super Bowl ads, we really are fans of the traditional ad critic and panels and think many of them do an outstanding job. • By no means are we trying to replace these processes, rather we‟re trying to add to them in hopes that combined these various measurements can help advertisers become better at connecting with consumers • Among our favorites are USA Today‟s Ad Meter, AdBowl, Ace Metrix‟s Ad Effectiveness Score, Media Curves Super Bowl Ad Test, People TV Ad Critic and a host of user-rated pages including YouTube‟s AdBlitz, MSN Fox Sports Best & Worst and the Hulu AdZone 6
  • 7. Other Related Super Bowl Ad Reports • In addition to the traditional subjective Super Bowl ad critic and panel rankings there are several reports that rated this year‟s Super Bowl XLV commercials on various modern Web 2.0 social and buzz measurements • In addition to reading our findings in this report, some earned media studies that may be of interest include: • Kantar Video Super Bowl Ad Rankings: Earned Media • Forbes “Most Buzzed” Super Bowl XLV Commercials • University of Georgia Terry College of Business Tweet Emotion Report 7
  • 8. Measurements • This being our first year tracking this project, we weren‟t sure what we were looking for so we captured more KPIs than were actually useful in the end, 21 in all • We also used several different tools to help pull this data, but ultimately our favorite tools for this project were in fact the free ones such as Topsy, TweetVolume, Social Mention, and the various search results from Google and YouTube • In the end, the most important KPIs we seemed to gravitate towards during analysis were the ones that are easiest to track and define • Facebook Likes/Fans • Twitter Followers and Mentions • YouTube Views and Ratings • Social Bookmarks • Social Mention Reach, Passion & Frequency 8
  • 9. Missing Data • Another rookie mistake, we failed to capture all the brands that were advertising in the Super Bowl BEFORE the game. In our defense, most of the pre-game ad previews went off the same information and most missed on the same advertisers we did • With the late jockeying, including Pizza Hut‟s last second opt-out of the “in game” ads for pre-game only, a few key benchmarks were never captured • Among the brands we failed to catch baseline metrics on were Suzuki, Verizon Wireless, Motorola, Sealy and Chevy • Chevy was hands-down the biggest advertiser in this year‟s game, with 12 ads 9
  • 10. Controversy – Is all Publicity Good? • Groupon • “Managed to attract the scorn of customers, brand experts and even some Chinese residents with a pair of ads that seemed to make light of the fraught political situation in Tibet and +141% increase in Total YouTube Views deforestation in Brazil.” - MSNBC • HomeAway • “ CEO says company will remove ad from its website and apologized, +167% increase in YouTube Channel Views saying the company "failed to understand the reality" of families dealing with serious injuries to children.” - Brandweek 10
  • 11. Celebrities Ruled the Air in 2011 Who would have imagined, Ozzy and Justin Bieber in the same ad? Best Buy certainly made sure it bridged the age demo gap. 11
  • 12. The Pre-Game Baseline stats and intel 12
  • 13. (Pre) Facebook Top 10 Many of the advertisers come with a mammoth social media presence. For example, the Top 10 have a range from over 22 million to a 317,000. That‟s quite a spread, but then if you look at the bottom ten, you have companies that It’s NOT a Level Playing Field have not even broken the thousand mark 13
  • 14. (Pre) Facebook Bottom 10 Our assumption that brands would really push online and social calls to action was only partially true, as the Majority of ads seemed to be branding, with subtle mentions of Site URLs & social address URLs, but only a few really tried to promote social or online CTA. In fact, Coke never mentioned any URLs or social networks. The most aggressive with this tactic? PepsiMax, which touted Facebook, Lipton Brisk, Budweiser, Bud Light, SEUSA (Sony Android ad), CarMax, Room for improvement, and many did! E*Trade and Skechers. This is only how they looked going into the weekend. 14
  • 15. (Pre) Social Mention Passion Top 10 Social Mention Passion is a measure of the likelihood that individuals talking about your brand will do so repeatedly. For example, if you have a small group of very passionate advocates who talk about your products or brand all the time you will have a higher Passion score. Quality vs. Quantity Conversely if every mention is written by a different author you will have a lower score. 15
  • 16. (Pre) Social Mention Passion Bottom 10 If Passion is a measure of enthusiasts, brand evangelists and influencers as a function of total mentions, then it stands to reason that the larger the social following the harder it will be to find increasingly larger numbers of activists. This is evident in Coke‟s, Mars, Doritos and Bud Light‟s appearance here Quality vs. Quantity as they have high social followings. This metric should still be tracked to find outliers, like 20th Century Fox (now Fox Movies) 16
  • 17. Half Time Quick Look Monday Morning Quarterback 17
  • 18. (Half) Increase Facebook Likes/Fans When evaluating Facebook fan numbers, it‟s not exactly a level playing field. There are the giants of social media networking (Coca-Cola with more than 22 million fans and Disney with more than 16 million), and there are those that started the game with less than a thousand. But in the world of social media growth, it‟s all relative, so we looked at the companies that experienced the biggest percentage jump. The winner, scoring 7 touchdowns, was Pepsi Max. 18
  • 19. (Half) Increase in Twitter Mentions For this snapshot, we give you a comparison of Twitter mentions two days before the Super Bowl and right after. The top 5 saw a high increase in Twitter activity (the Top 2 reaching 100% because they had no mentions on the Friday before). Of those that had previous Twitter activity, Pepsi-Co and Chrysler were big winners. 19
  • 20. (Half) Social Mention Reach Top 5 Social Mention Reach demonstrates the growth among blogs, Q&A sites, Twitter, social bookmarking sites, images and news. All but 10 of the brands increased their reach. The number one brand that increased its reach was Bridgestone, and one has to wonder how much of their sponsorship of the half time show had to do with that. 20
  • 21. (Half) Passion & Sentiment Top 5 When it comes to passion, most of the brands failed. Only 9 brands that advertised in the Super Bowl increased their level of passion. What does that say about their ads? Sentiment is evaluated by Social Mention in terms of three basic categories: positive, negative & neutral social media comments. This is shown as a ratio of positive mentions to those that are not. VW‟s Beetle had the highest ratio after the Super Bowl at 69:1. But when it comes to data, everything is relative. What happened to a brands social sentiment after they aired the ads? 21
  • 22. The Post-Game Updated Social Metrics 22
  • 23. (Post) Increase Facebook Likes/Fans Before the Super Bowl, there were some heavyweights in Facebook presence; Cola Coca-Cola with more than 22 million fans and Disney with more than 16 million. So when it comes to Facebook growth, it‟s relative. In terms of those companies that experienced the biggest percentage jump, the clear winners were PepsiMax and BMW. All other brands saw increases, but, nothing close to those two in terms of percentages. In terms of total numbers, Disney added another 119,000 fans Coca-Cola almost 85,000 and Pizza Hut more than 75,000. 23
  • 24. (Post) Increase in Twitter Followers Twitter has surpassed the 190 million users mark and numbers of tweets during a day can surpass 50 million. What companies want out of Twitter are two things - more followers and more discussions about their brand (hopefully positive). Following the Super Bowl, 5 brands enjoyed double digit percentage growth of followers. They moved the ten yard line markers steadily. But one company threw for long gains and that was E*Trade, with a whopping 151% increase in followers. GoDaddy managed a sizable jump as well. 24
  • 25. (Post) Twitter Total Mentions Top 10 Chatter was up dramatically Super Bowl Sunday. The Super Bowl caused many people to discuss these brands. To put the impact of Super Bowl more in perspective, here is a chart that shows the percent of Sunday Twitter mentions in relation to the overall mentions during that week. What this this is that of all the Twitter mentions that happened for the entire how, what percentage occurred on Super Sunday; the most direct measure of “real-time” brand interest lift we could find. You can see that the bulk of brand chatter happened during and after the Super Bowl. 25
  • 26. (Post) Total YouTube Views Top 10 Of all the social media outlets, YouTube has one of the closest correlations to the Super Bowl broadcast itself because it allows for repeated video views, ratings, comments and sharing. Volkswagen‟s Little Darth Vader commercial had 20+ million views on YouTube, 18,250+ comments, and nearly 100,000 ratings (98% likes). Or put another way, if Volkswagen received 111,000,000 viewers of its 60-second ad on the Super Bowl and YouTube added another 20,000,000+ views then the measured Social Media “lift” in viewers on YouTube is at least 18%. Add to that the comments, ratings and other digital and social media avenues and the overall effectiveness of this ad becomes clearer. 26
  • 27. The Brands A closer look at the top gainers in social media 27
  • 28. GM/Chevy Goes With Quantity, Gets Quality YOUTUBE VIEWS POSITION TITLE OF VIDEO (2/10) Total # of Super Total Super 1 Misunderstanding Cruze 354,483 2 Miss Evelyn Camaro 291,095 Bowl Spots 12 Bowl Budget $39m (estimated) 3 Al's Chevy Dealership Camaro 252,409 Total Facebook Total Twitter 4 Facebook Status Cruze 290,483 Fan / Likes 595k Followers 37k 5 Tommy Silverado 195,892 6 Discovery Volt 175,918 YouTube Total YouTube Total 7 Glee See the USA 54,233 Views 9.2m Subscribers 6,246 8 Chevy Runs Deep 58,225 YouTube Total Tweet Volume 9 Socket Fuel - Volt 45,539 Super Bowl Ad 1.8m 38m 10 Remote Control Cruze 26,859 Views (2/10) 11 Glee Behind the Scenes 26,466 Topsy Twitter Topsy Twitter 12 Clean Energy Volt 12,921 Mentions (Past 9.1k Mentions (Past 1.8k Month) Week) Social Mention Social Mention Sentiment 49:1 Sentiment 9:1 Maximum (Cruze) Minimum (Volt) 28
  • 29. Chevy Cruze RT Conversations 29
  • 30. Chrysler’s Bold, Emotional Ad Connects • Chrysler ran a two-minute television commercial Feb. 6 during the third quarter • The company estimates that the 2-minute commercial is the longest in Super Bowl history and that it generated additional TV and radio coverage that reached as many as 200 million people within about 12 hours of airing, according to Chrysler • Chrysler brand traffic more than tripled in the hours after the commercial aired, said and Kelley Blue Book‟s • “It‟s generated a lot of conversation about the brand that hasn‟t been on a lot of people‟s radar screens for the past couple of years,” James Bell, an analyst with Kelley Blue Book • The Ad was for the new 200, which replaced the Sebring in Chrysler‟s lineup • “Now we have to transform the dealers‟ pride and confidence and momentum into sales,” Olivier Francois, head of the Chrysler brand, said today in an interview at the Chicago Auto Show. “It‟s a good start, there is interest, there is awareness, there is curiosity.” 30
  • 31. Want more stats on a Specific Brand? For the sake of space and file size, we can‟t cover them all. But just drop us a line and we‟ll get you specific data. We‟ll also be releasing break-out insights via blogs and mini reports on various top brands from this year‟s Super Bowl Ads. Look for those throughout February. • • • • 31
  • 32. APPENDIX - RANKINGS Other Super Bowl Ad Scores 32
  • 33. USA Today Ad Meter • USA TODAY's Ad Meter tracks the second-by- second responses of a panel of viewers to ads during the Super Bowl and ranks them from best to worst. 33
  • 34. YouTube AdBlitz 34
  • 35. UGA Terry College Stratalyzer Survey • Researchers at UGA's Terry College of Business measured people's emotional responses to TV ads that aired during the Super Bowl. • Twitter helped reveal how the ads made people feel. • The team analyzed nearly one million tweets on Super Bowl Sunday. •© 2011 and TipTop Technologies Incorporated. • A special software organize the posts into emotional categories such as happiness, love, surprise, hate and more. • The study shows that happiness and love were the most common emotions generated by the ads. • This type of instant feedback from Twitter‟s estimated 190+ million users could help companies fine- tune their ad campaigns. 35
  • 36. UGA Terry College Survey (Cont’d) •© 2011 and TipTop Technologies Incorporated. 36
  • 37. Kantar Video Super Bowl Ad Rankings • According to Kantar Video, in the 3 days after the Super Bowl aired, the top 10 ads earned over $1 million in online video impressions • Volkswagen‟s “The Force” campaign topped the list, earning the brand $538,000 • Their creative and viral strategy that launched the week prior to the Super Bowl generated heavy press coverage Other Notes • The Movie Trailers generated the most online views per video • Automotive ads had the most social activity of all ads, lead by the success of VW‟s “The Force” and Chrysler‟s “Imported From Detroit” • Ads placed in the 2nd Quarter captured more online viewing attention than other positions, while B58574C46A2B/46668/kantarvideo_pressrelease_superbowl_feb11_guid3deee.pdf?pageContent_PressRele ase halftime slots produced the fewest 37
  • 38. Media Curves Super Bowl Ad Test Methodology • During the game, the Super Bowl ads were inserted into an on-line survey and sent to thousands of study participants. • Participants answered questions regarding their perceptions of the ads using various parameters, including breakthrough, emotion, memorability and involvement. • They also utilized an on-line dial testing system to indicate their levels of interest as they watched the ads. • The interest levels were analyzed in the form of curves to determine which commercials had the highest sustained levels of interest. • The curves were used as part of a metric to calculate and rank the advertisements. • The metric also includes a measurement for emotions and an index for “word of mouth” impact of the ads 38
  • 39. Ace Metrix Super Bowl Ad Effectiveness Methodology • Ace Verbatims gives marketers direct consumer Top 5 Ace Metrix Scores feedback on both their & their competitor's ads • This un-edited, un-paraphrased feedback allows marketers to get a deeper understanding of the numbers, thoughts, and opinions that influence the effectiveness of their creative • Ace Metrix sorts results by Brand, Score or Category • Looking at just the Automotive Category (OEMs and Services), Ace measured the following top scores: Rank Brand Ad Title Ace Score 1 Bridgestone Carma 618 2 VW The Force 603 3 Chevy Miss Evelyn 602 4 Chevy Discovery 602 5 Kia One Epic Ride 595 39
  • 40. APPENDIX - FACEBOOK General Information 40
  • 41. – 134MM unique visitors monthly (thru 12/10) – 279% YoY growth from 2008 • 126% YoY growth from 2009 41
  • 42. Facebook – Not a Fad, a Way of Life • Facebook… – 700+ billion minutes per month spent on Facebook – 50% of active users log on daily – Average user • Has 130 friends on the site (up from 120 in 2009) • Creates 90 pieces of content each month – More than 1.5 million pieces of content are shared on Facebook…daily (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photos, videos, etc.) – Two-thirds of comScore‟s U.S. Top 100 websites and half of comScore‟s Global Top 100 websites have integrated with Facebook – …It’s BIG. Put another way, if Facebook were a country… 42
  • 43. 43 If Facebook were a country… #3 - Facebook 500 million+ #4 - USA 308 million #1 - China 1.3 billion #2 - India 1.18 billion #5 - Indonesia #6 - Brazil 231 million 192 million 43
  • 44. Social Media is Here to Stay TAKEAWAY • Act more like Dale Carnegie, less like David Ogilvy – Listening first – Selling second... • Act more like party planners, aggregators, content providers than traditional advertisers 44
  • 45. Social Media is Here to Stay NOTE • The Faceboook Movie opened 10/1/10 (DVD 1/11/11) – Based on best-selling book „The Accidental Billionaires‟, by Ben Mezrich – „The Social Network‟ chronicles the start- up of Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg. • – $22 million opening weekend – $95+ million U.S> total – 8 Oscar Nominations 45
  • 46. Contact Information - Digital Agency ymarketing • • • • 46