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Kamus Bahasa Indonesia
        Year 8
Lara Secondary College
berbelanja          go shopping
       INDONESIAN                ENGLISH
                                                          berenang            to go swimming
           A                        A
                                                          beristirahat        to rest
abu-abu               grey
                                                          berjalan            to travel
adik                 younger brother or sister
                                                          berjalan kaki       to walk
adik laki-laki       younger brother
                                                          berkeluarga         to have a family
adik peremuan        younger sister
                                                          berkuda             horseriding/equestrian
ahli computer        computer technician/expert
                                                          berlari             to run
akhir minggu         weekend
                                                          berlatih            to train
anak                 child
                                                          berlayar            to sail
anak kembar          twin
                                                          bermain             to play
Anda                  you, your
                                                          bernama             to be called
angkat besi          weightlifting
                                                          berolahraga         to play sport
apa                  what?
                                                          bersekolah          to go to school
apa itu?             What’s that?
                                                          berselancar         to surf
apakah               tell me if, do, does, is, are?
                                                          bersepeda           to go by bike
April                April
                                                          bertanding          to compete
atletik              athletics
                                                          berwarna            to be coloured
Augustus             August
                                                          besar               big
ayah                 father
                                                          besok               tomorrow
                 B                      B
                                                          biasanya            usually
badak                rhinoceros
                                                          bibi                aunt
bagaimana            tell me about, how, what’s it like
                                                          bintang laut        starfish
bahasa Indonesia     Indonesian
                                                          biru                 blue
bahasa Inggris       English language
                                                          bodoh               silly
baik-hati            kind, good-hearted
                                                          bola basket         basketball
balap sepeda         cycling
                                                          bola net            netball
bangun               wake up
                                                          bola tangan         handball
bapak                father
                                                          bola voli           volleyball
bapak tiri           step father
                                                          buaya               crocodile
barat                west
                                                          bukan               no
barat daya           south west
                                                          bulan               month
barat laut           north west
                                                          bulutangkis         badminton
bekerja              work
                                                                          C                    C
belajar              to study
                                                          cantik              beautiful
belajar              to study
                                                          cepat               fast
benar                true
                                                          cicak               gecko
beranak              to have children
                                                          coklat               brown
berangkat            to leave
                                                          cucu                grandchild
berapa               how many, how much?
                                                                          D                    D
berat                heavy/weight
dan                    and                                       hari Rabu                       Wednesday
dan lain-lain          and other things (etc)                    hari Sabtu                      Saturday
danau                  lake                                      hari Selasa                     Tuesday
daripada               than                                      hari Senin                      Monday
dekat                  near                                      hari ulang tahun                birthday
Desember               December                                  harimau                         tiger
di                     on/at/in - where things are physically.   hijau                            green
di mana                where                                     hitam                           black
di mana-mana           anywhere                                  hoki                            hockey
dia                     he, she, his, her                                        I                                   I
dingin                 cold                                      ibu                             mum
dokter                 doctor                                    ibu rumah tangga                housewife
dokter gigi            dentist                                   ibu tiri                        step mum
dokter hewan           vet                                       ikan                            fish
domba                  sheep                                     ikan hiu                        shark
dua minggu yang lalu   two weeks ago                             ikan paus                       whale
duduk                  to sit                                    ilmu pengetahuan alam (IPA)     science
                                                                 ilmy pengetahuan sosial (IPS)   social science
              E                           E
ekonomi                economics                                 ini                             this
emas                   gold                                      insinyur                        engineer
                                                                 isteri                          wife
              F                           F
Februari               February                                  istirahat                       recess/rest time
futbal                 football                                  itu                             that
              G                           G                                      J                                   J
gajah                  elephant                                  jahat                           evil
gaji                   wage                                      jalan-jalan                     streets
ganteng                handsome                                  jam                             time, hour, clock
gedung                 building                                  Jam berapa?                     What time is it?
gemuk                  fat                                       Januari                         January
geografi               geography                                 jelek                           ugly
gulat                  wrestling                                 jerapah                         giraffe
guru                   teacher                                   jingga                          orange
                                                                 Juli                            July
              H                           H
halaman                yard                                      Juni                            June
hari                   day                                       jururawat                       nurse
hari ini               today                                                     K                                   K
hari Jumat             Friday                                    kadang-kadang                   sometimes
hari Kamis             Thursday                                  kakak                           older brother or sister
hari libur             holiday                                   kakak laki-laki                 older brother
hari Minggu            Sunday                                    kakak perempuan                 older sister
kakek                grandfather           liburan             holiday
kali                times                  loncat indah        diving
kambing             goat                   lucu                funny
kamu                 you, your             lusa                day after tomorrow
kancil              mouse-deer                            M                     M
kano                canoeing               maaf                sorry/pardon
kapan?              when?                  main                to play
karena              because                makan malam         eat tea
kasar               coarse, not polite     makan pagi          eat breakfast
kaya                rich                   makan siang         eat lunch
kecil               small                  mana                where
kelas               class                  mandi               wash
kelinci             rabbit                 Maret               March
keluarga            family                 mata pelajaran      subjects
kemarin             yesterday              matematika          maths
kemarin dulu        day before yesterday   mau                 want
kemudian            then                   Mei                 May
kepala sekolah      school principal       meminjam buku       borrow books
kerbau              buffalo                mempunyai           to have/to own
kesenian            the arts               mendayung           rowing
kira-kira           approximately          menembak            shooting
kolam renang        swimming pool          mengerjakan         to do/work on
kosong              zero                   mengerjakan P.R     Do your homework
kuat                strong                 menjadi             to be/to become
kucing              cat                    menonton televisi   watch TV
kuning              yellow                 menyelesaikan       to finish
kupu kupu           butterfly              menyikat gigi       clean your teeth
kurang              less, minus            menyisir rambut     Brush your hair
kurus               thin                   merah               red
                                           merah muda          pink
               L                       L
laba-laba           spider                 mereka               them, they
laki-laki            boy                   mewawancarai        to interview
lambat              slow                   minggu              week
lapangan            court/field/oval       minggu depan        next week
lapangan olahraga   sports oval            minggu ini          this week
layer               sailing                minggu yang lalu    last week
lebih               more, plus             minum               drink
lebih suka          prefer                 miskin              poor
lemah               weak                   montir              mechanic
lewat               past, plus             monyet              monkey
-mu                      your (short for kamu. Only at end of words)   pendidikan jasmani   physical education
muda                    young                                          penduduk             population
mulai                   begin                                          penerbang            pilot
murid                   student                                        pengolahraga         athlete
                                                                       penjual              seller
              N                              N
naik kuda               horseriding                                    pentatalon modern    pentathlon
nama                    name                                           penyanyi             singer
namanya                 His/her name is…                               perak                silver
nenek                    grandmother                                   perempuan             girl
nomor                   number                                         perenang             swimmer
November                November                                       perpustakaan         library
-nya                     his, hers (Only used at the end of words)     perselancar          surfer
nyamuk                  mosquito                                       pertandingan         competition
                                                                       perunggu             bronze
              O                              O
Oktober                 October                                        petani               farmer
olahraga                sport                                          pirang                blonde
olahraga anggar         fencing                                        polisi               policeman/woman
orang                   person                                         pulang               go home
orang tua               parents                                        putih                white
              P                              P                                        R                      R
pada                    on/at/in - talking about time.                 rajin                hard-working
paman                   uncle                                          ramah                friendly
panahan                 archery                                        ramai                busy/crowded
panas                   hot                                            regu                 team
                        the five governing principles of Indonesia
Pancasila                                                              renang               aquatics
pandai                  clever                                         ruang guru           staff room
pantai                  beach                                          ruang kelas          classroom
pegawai                 office worker                                  ruang olahraga       gym
pekerjaan rumah (P.R)   homework                                                      S                      S
pelajar                 secondary student                              sakit                sick
pelari                  runner                                         salah                false
pelatih                 trainer                                        sapi                 cow
pelayan                 waiter                                         sawah                rice fields
pelayar                 sailor                                         saya                  I, me, my
pelukis                 artist                                         sebagai              as
pemain                  player                                         sebelum              before
pemain musik            musician                                       sedih                sad
pemalu                  shy                                            sehat                healthy
pemasak                 cook                                           sejarah              history
pendek                  short                                          sekolah              school
selatan           south                             timur                east
selesai           finish                            timur laut           north east
seminggu          a week                            tinggal              live
senam ritmik      rhythmic gymnastics               tinggi               tall
senang            happy                             tinju                boxing
seni              art                               tua                  old
sepak bola        soccer                            tukang cukur         hairdresser
September         September                         tukang jahit         tailor
seragam sekolah   school uniform                    tukang kayu          carpenter
serius            serious                           tukang kebun         gardener
sesudah           after                             tukang ledeng        plumber
setengah          half                              tukang listrik       electrician
siapa             who, what: only used for people   tukang potret        photographer
singa             lion                              tukang roti          baker
siput             snail                                              U                  U
siswa             student                           ulat kaki seribu     millipede
sofbal            softball                          umur                 age
sombong           conceited (rude)                  ungu                 purple
sopan             polite                            utara                north
sopir             driver                                            W                   W
sosiologi         sociology                         warna                colour
suami             husband                           wawancara            interview
sungai            river                                              Y                  Y
                                                    ya                   yes
              T                    T
tahun             year                              yang paling…         which is the most…
tahun baru        new year                          yudo                 judo
tamat             graduate
tanggal lahir     date of birth
teman             friend
teman dekat       close friend
tenggara          south east
tenis meja        table tennis
terima kasih      thank you
terkaya           richest
termasuk          included
termiskin         poorest
tetapi            but
tidak             no/not
tidur             sleep
tim               team
busy/crowded                 ramai
            ENGLISH                INDONESIAN
                                                but                          tetapi
               A                          A
                                                butterfly                    kupu kupu
a week                   seminggu
                                                                C                            C
after                    sesudah
                                                canoeing                     kano
age                      umur
                                                carpenter                    tukang kayu
and                      dan
                                                cat                          kucing
and other things (etc)   dan lain-lain
                                                child                        anak
anywhere                 di mana-mana
                                                class                        kelas
approximately            kira-kira
                                                classroom                    ruang kelas
April                    April
                                                clean your teeth             menyikat gigi
aquatics                 renang
                                                clever                       pandai
archery                  panahan
                                                pantai                       beach
art                      seni
                                                close friend                 teman dekat
artist                   pelukis
                                                loud, coarse, not polite     kasar
as                       sebagai
                                                cold                         dingin
athlete                  pengolahraga
                                                colour                       warna
athletics                atletik
                                                competition                  pertandingan
August                   Augustus
                                                computer technician/expert   ahli computer
aunt                     bibi
                                                conceited (rude)             sombong
                  B                       B
                                                cook                         pemasak
badminton                bulutangkis
                                                court/field/oval             lapangan
baker                    tukang roti
                                                cow                          sapi
basketball               bola basket
                                                crocodile                    buaya
beautiful                cantik
                                                cycling                      balap sepeda
because                  karena
                                                                  D                         D
before                   sebelum
                                                date of birth                tanggal lahir
begin                    mulai
                                                day                          hari
big                      besar
                                                day after tomorrow           lusa
birthday                 hari ulang tahun
                                                day before yesterday         kemarin dulu
black                    hitam
                                                December                     Desember
 blonde                  pirang
                                                dentist                      dokter gigi
 blue                    biru
                                                diving                       loncat indah
borrow books             meminjam buku
                                                Do your homework             mengerjakan P.R
boxing                   tinju
                                                doctor                       dokter
 boy                     laki-laki
                                                drink                        minum
bronze                   perunggu
                                                driver                       sopir
 brown                   coklat
                                                                  E                         E
Brush your hair          menyisir rambut
                                                east                         timur
buffalo                  kerbau
                                                eat breakfast                makan pagi
building                 gedung
eat lunch              makan siang           grey                                         abu-abu
eat tea                makan malam           gym                                          ruang olahraga
economics              ekonomi                                  H                                         H
electrician            tukang listrik        hairdresser                                  tukang cukur
elephant               gajah                 half                                         setengah
engineer               insinyur              handball                                     bola tangan
English language       bahasa Inggris        handsome                                     ganteng
evil                   jahat                 happy                                        senang
                                             hard-working                                 rajin
                   F                     F
false                  salah                  he, she, his, her                           dia
family                 keluarga              healthy                                      sehat
farmer                 petani                heavy/weight                                 berat
fast                   cepat                  his, hers (Only used at the end of words)   -nya
fat                    gemuk                 His/her name is…                             namanya
father                 ayah                  history                                      sejarah
father                 bapak                 hockey                                       hoki
February               Februari              holiday                                      hari libur
fencing                olahraga anggar       holiday                                      liburan
finish                 selesai               homework                                     pekerjaan rumah (P.R)
fish                   ikan                  horseriding                                  naik kuda
football               futbal                horseriding/equestrian                       berkuda
Friday                 hari Jumat            hot                                          panas
friend                 teman                 housewife                                    ibu rumah tangga
friendly               ramah                 how many, how much?                          berapa
funny                  lucu                  husband                                      suami
               G                         G                       I                                        I
gardener               tukang kebun           I, me, my                                   saya
gecko                  cicak                 included                                     termasuk
geography              geografi              Indonesian                                   bahasa Indonesia
giraffe                jerapah               interview                                    wawancara
girl                   perempuan                                 J                                        J
go home                pulang                January                                      Januari
go shopping            berbelanja            judo                                         yudo
goat                   kambing               July                                         Juli
gold                   emas                  June                                         Juni
graduate               tamat                                    K                                         K
grandchild             cucu                  kind, good-hearted                           baik-hati
grandfather            kakek                                     L                                        L
grandmother            nenek                 lake                                         danau
green                  hijau                 last week                                    minggu yang lalu
less, minus                      kurang                 on/at/in - where things are physically.   di
library                          perpustakaan           orange                                    jingga
lion                             singa                                     P                                      P
live                             tinggal                parents                                   orang tua
                                                        past, plus                                lewat
                 M                                  M
March                            Maret                  pentathlon                                pentatalon modern
maths                            matematika             person                                    orang
May                              Mei                    photographer                              tukang potret
mechanic                         montir                 physical education                        pendidikan jasmani
millipede                        ulat kaki seribu       pilot                                     penerbang
Monday                           hari Senin             pink                                      merah muda
monkey                           monyet                 player                                    pemain
month                            bulan                  plumber                                   tukang ledeng
more, plus                       lebih                  policeman/woman                           polisi
mosquito                         nyamuk                 polite                                    sopan
mouse-deer                       kancil                 poor                                      miskin
mum                              ibu                    poorest                                   termiskin
musician                         pemain musik           population                                penduduk
                                                        prefer                                    lebih suka
                  N                                 N
name                             nama                   purple                                    ungu
near                             dekat                                     R                                      R
netball                          bola net               rabbit                                    kelinci
new year                         tahun baru             recess/rest time                          istirahat
next week                        minggu depan           red                                       merah
no                               bukan                  rhinoceros                                badak
no/not                           tidak                  rhythmic gymnastics                       senam ritmik
north                            utara                  rice fields                               sawah
north east                       timur laut             rich                                      kaya
north west                       barat laut             richest                                   terkaya
November                         November               river                                     sungai
number                           nomor                  rowing                                    mendayung
nurse                            jururawat              runner                                    pelari
                   O                             O                         S                                      S
October                          Oktober                sad                                       sedih
office worker                    pegawai                sailing                                   layer
old                              tua                    sailor                                    pelayar
older brother                    kakak laki-laki        Saturday                                  hari Sabtu
older brother or sister          kakak                  school                                    sekolah
older sister                     kakak perempuan        school principal                          kepala sekolah
on/at/in - talking about time.   pada                   school uniform                            seragam sekolah
science             ilmu pengetahuan alam (IPA)     surfer                                       perselancar
secondary student   pelajar                         swimmer                                      perenang
seller              penjual                         swimming pool                                kolam renang
September           September                                           T                                        T
serious             serius                          table tennis                                 tenis meja
shark               ikan hiu                        tailor                                       tukang jahit
sheep               domba                           tall                                         tinggi
shooting            menembak                        teacher                                      guru
short               pendek                          team                                         regu
shy                 pemalu                          team                                         tim
sick                sakit                           tell me about, how, what’s it like           bagaimana
silly               bodoh                           tell me if, do, does, is, are?               apakah
silver              perak                           than                                         daripada
singer              penyanyi                        thank you                                    terima kasih
sleep               tidur                           that                                         itu
slow                lambat                          the arts                                     kesenian
                                                    the five governing principles of Indonesia
small               kecil                                                                        Pancasila
snail               siput                            them, they                                  mereka
soccer              sepak bola                      then                                         kemudian
social science      ilmy pengetahuan sosial (IPS)   thin                                         kurus
sociology           sosiologi                       this                                         ini
softball            sofbal                          this week                                    minggu ini
sometimes           kadang-kadang                   Thursday                                     hari Kamis
sorry/pardon        maaf                            tiger                                        harimau
south               selatan                         time, hour, clock                            jam
south east          tenggara                        times                                        kali
south west          barat daya                      to be called                                 bernama
spider              laba-laba                       to be coloured                               berwarna
sport               olahraga                        to be/to become                              menjadi
sports oval         lapangan olahraga               to compete                                   bertanding
staff room          ruang guru                      to do/work on                                mengerjakan
starfish            bintang laut                    to finish                                    menyelesaikan
step father         bapak tiri                      to go by bike                                bersepeda
step mum            ibu tiri                        to go swimming                               berenang
streets             jalan-jalan                     to go to school                              bersekolah
strong              kuat                            to have a family                             berkeluarga
student             murid                           to have children                             beranak
student             siswa                           to have/to own                               mempunyai
subjects            mata pelajaran                  to interview                                 mewawancarai
Sunday              hari Minggu                     to leave                                     berangkat
to play             bermain                What time is it?                               Jam berapa?
to play             main                   what?                                          apa
to play sport       berolahraga            What’s that?                                   apa itu?
to rest             beristirahat           when?                                          kapan?
to run              berlari                where                                          di mana
to sail             berlayar               where                                          mana
to sit              duduk                  which is the most…                             yang paling…
to study            belajar                white                                          putih
to study            belajar                who, what: only used for people                siapa
to surf             berselancar            wife                                           isteri
to train            berlatih               work                                           bekerja
to travel           berjalan               wrestling                                      gulat
to walk             berjalan kaki                               Y                                          Y
today               hari ini               yard                                           halaman
tomorrow            besok                  year                                           tahun
trainer             pelatih                yellow                                         kuning
true                benar                  yes                                            ya
Tuesday             hari Selasa            yesterday                                      kemarin
twin                anak kembar             you, your                                     Anda
two weeks ago       dua minggu yang lalu    you, your                                     kamu
                                           young                                          muda
                U                   U
ugly                jelek                  younger brother                                adik laki-laki
uncle               paman                  younger brother or sister                      adik
usually             biasanya               younger sister                                 adik peremuan
vet                 dokter hewan            your (short for kamu. Only at end of words)   -mu
volleyball          bola voli              zero                                           kosong
                W                  W
wage                gaji
waiter              pelayan
wake up             bangun
want                mau
wash                mandi
watch TV            menonton televisi
weak                lemah
Wednesday           hari Rabu
week                minggu
weekend             akhir minggu
weightlifting       angkat besi
west                barat
whale               ikan paus
1- satu                 110- seratus sepuluh
2- dua                  125- seratus dua puluh lima
3- tiga
4- empat
                        999- sembilan ratus sembilan
5- lima
6- enam                 puluh sembilan
                        1000- seribu
7- tujuh
                        2000- dua ribu
8- delapan
                        1 000 000- sejuta
9- sembilan
                        2 000 000- dua juta
10- sepuluh
11- sebelas
12- dua belas
13- tiga belas
14- empat belas            Hints:
15- lima belas             • belas – teens
16- enam belas
                           • puluh – tens
17- tujuh belas
                           • ratus – hundreds
18- delapan belas
                           • ribu - thousands
19- sembilan belas
                           se- is short for ‘satu’.
20- duapuluh
                           eg.,     sepuluh = 10
                                    sebelas = 11
21-   dua puluh satu
                                    seratus = 100
22-   dua puluh dua
23-   dua puluh tiga
24-   dua puluh empat
25-   dua puluh lima

30- tiga puluh
40- empat puluh
50- lima puluh
60- enam puluh
70- tujuh puluh
80- delapan puluh
90- sembilan puluh
100- seratus

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Year 8 Indonesian Dictionary

  • 1. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia Year 8 Lara Secondary College
  • 2.
  • 3. berbelanja go shopping INDONESIAN ENGLISH berenang to go swimming A A beristirahat to rest abu-abu grey berjalan to travel adik younger brother or sister berjalan kaki to walk adik laki-laki younger brother berkeluarga to have a family adik peremuan younger sister berkuda horseriding/equestrian ahli computer computer technician/expert berlari to run akhir minggu weekend berlatih to train anak child berlayar to sail anak kembar twin bermain to play Anda you, your bernama to be called angkat besi weightlifting berolahraga to play sport apa what? bersekolah to go to school apa itu? What’s that? berselancar to surf apakah tell me if, do, does, is, are? bersepeda to go by bike April April bertanding to compete atletik athletics berwarna to be coloured Augustus August besar big ayah father besok tomorrow B B biasanya usually badak rhinoceros bibi aunt bagaimana tell me about, how, what’s it like bintang laut starfish bahasa Indonesia Indonesian biru blue bahasa Inggris English language bodoh silly baik-hati kind, good-hearted bola basket basketball balap sepeda cycling bola net netball bangun wake up bola tangan handball bapak father bola voli volleyball bapak tiri step father buaya crocodile barat west bukan no barat daya south west bulan month barat laut north west bulutangkis badminton bekerja work C C belajar to study cantik beautiful belajar to study cepat fast benar true cicak gecko beranak to have children coklat brown berangkat to leave cucu grandchild berapa how many, how much? D D berat heavy/weight
  • 4. dan and hari Rabu Wednesday dan lain-lain and other things (etc) hari Sabtu Saturday danau lake hari Selasa Tuesday daripada than hari Senin Monday dekat near hari ulang tahun birthday Desember December harimau tiger di on/at/in - where things are physically. hijau green di mana where hitam black di mana-mana anywhere hoki hockey dia he, she, his, her I I dingin cold ibu mum dokter doctor ibu rumah tangga housewife dokter gigi dentist ibu tiri step mum dokter hewan vet ikan fish domba sheep ikan hiu shark dua minggu yang lalu two weeks ago ikan paus whale duduk to sit ilmu pengetahuan alam (IPA) science ilmy pengetahuan sosial (IPS) social science E E ekonomi economics ini this emas gold insinyur engineer isteri wife F F Februari February istirahat recess/rest time futbal football itu that G G J J gajah elephant jahat evil gaji wage jalan-jalan streets ganteng handsome jam time, hour, clock gedung building Jam berapa? What time is it? gemuk fat Januari January geografi geography jelek ugly gulat wrestling jerapah giraffe guru teacher jingga orange Juli July H H halaman yard Juni June hari day jururawat nurse hari ini today K K hari Jumat Friday kadang-kadang sometimes hari Kamis Thursday kakak older brother or sister hari libur holiday kakak laki-laki older brother hari Minggu Sunday kakak perempuan older sister
  • 5. kakek grandfather liburan holiday kali times loncat indah diving kambing goat lucu funny kamu you, your lusa day after tomorrow kancil mouse-deer M M kano canoeing maaf sorry/pardon kapan? when? main to play karena because makan malam eat tea kasar coarse, not polite makan pagi eat breakfast kaya rich makan siang eat lunch kecil small mana where kelas class mandi wash kelinci rabbit Maret March keluarga family mata pelajaran subjects kemarin yesterday matematika maths kemarin dulu day before yesterday mau want kemudian then Mei May kepala sekolah school principal meminjam buku borrow books kerbau buffalo mempunyai to have/to own kesenian the arts mendayung rowing kira-kira approximately menembak shooting kolam renang swimming pool mengerjakan to do/work on kosong zero mengerjakan P.R Do your homework kuat strong menjadi to be/to become kucing cat menonton televisi watch TV kuning yellow menyelesaikan to finish kupu kupu butterfly menyikat gigi clean your teeth kurang less, minus menyisir rambut Brush your hair kurus thin merah red merah muda pink L L laba-laba spider mereka them, they laki-laki boy mewawancarai to interview lambat slow minggu week lapangan court/field/oval minggu depan next week lapangan olahraga sports oval minggu ini this week layer sailing minggu yang lalu last week lebih more, plus minum drink lebih suka prefer miskin poor lemah weak montir mechanic lewat past, plus monyet monkey
  • 6. -mu your (short for kamu. Only at end of words) pendidikan jasmani physical education muda young penduduk population mulai begin penerbang pilot murid student pengolahraga athlete penjual seller N N naik kuda horseriding pentatalon modern pentathlon nama name penyanyi singer namanya His/her name is… perak silver nenek grandmother perempuan girl nomor number perenang swimmer November November perpustakaan library -nya his, hers (Only used at the end of words) perselancar surfer nyamuk mosquito pertandingan competition perunggu bronze O O Oktober October petani farmer olahraga sport pirang blonde olahraga anggar fencing polisi policeman/woman orang person pulang go home orang tua parents putih white P P R R pada on/at/in - talking about time. rajin hard-working paman uncle ramah friendly panahan archery ramai busy/crowded panas hot regu team the five governing principles of Indonesia Pancasila renang aquatics pandai clever ruang guru staff room pantai beach ruang kelas classroom pegawai office worker ruang olahraga gym pekerjaan rumah (P.R) homework S S pelajar secondary student sakit sick pelari runner salah false pelatih trainer sapi cow pelayan waiter sawah rice fields pelayar sailor saya I, me, my pelukis artist sebagai as pemain player sebelum before pemain musik musician sedih sad pemalu shy sehat healthy pemasak cook sejarah history pendek short sekolah school
  • 7. selatan south timur east selesai finish timur laut north east seminggu a week tinggal live senam ritmik rhythmic gymnastics tinggi tall senang happy tinju boxing seni art tua old sepak bola soccer tukang cukur hairdresser September September tukang jahit tailor seragam sekolah school uniform tukang kayu carpenter serius serious tukang kebun gardener sesudah after tukang ledeng plumber setengah half tukang listrik electrician siapa who, what: only used for people tukang potret photographer singa lion tukang roti baker siput snail U U siswa student ulat kaki seribu millipede sofbal softball umur age sombong conceited (rude) ungu purple sopan polite utara north sopir driver W W sosiologi sociology warna colour suami husband wawancara interview sungai river Y Y ya yes T T tahun year yang paling… which is the most… tahun baru new year yudo judo tamat graduate tanggal lahir date of birth teman friend teman dekat close friend tenggara south east tenis meja table tennis terima kasih thank you terkaya richest termasuk included termiskin poorest tetapi but tidak no/not tidur sleep tim team
  • 8. busy/crowded ramai ENGLISH INDONESIAN but tetapi A A butterfly kupu kupu a week seminggu C C after sesudah canoeing kano age umur carpenter tukang kayu and dan cat kucing and other things (etc) dan lain-lain child anak anywhere di mana-mana class kelas approximately kira-kira classroom ruang kelas April April clean your teeth menyikat gigi aquatics renang clever pandai archery panahan pantai beach art seni close friend teman dekat artist pelukis loud, coarse, not polite kasar as sebagai cold dingin athlete pengolahraga colour warna athletics atletik competition pertandingan August Augustus computer technician/expert ahli computer aunt bibi conceited (rude) sombong B B cook pemasak badminton bulutangkis court/field/oval lapangan baker tukang roti cow sapi basketball bola basket crocodile buaya beautiful cantik cycling balap sepeda because karena D D before sebelum date of birth tanggal lahir begin mulai day hari big besar day after tomorrow lusa birthday hari ulang tahun day before yesterday kemarin dulu black hitam December Desember blonde pirang dentist dokter gigi blue biru diving loncat indah borrow books meminjam buku Do your homework mengerjakan P.R boxing tinju doctor dokter boy laki-laki drink minum bronze perunggu driver sopir brown coklat E E Brush your hair menyisir rambut east timur buffalo kerbau eat breakfast makan pagi building gedung
  • 9. eat lunch makan siang grey abu-abu eat tea makan malam gym ruang olahraga economics ekonomi H H electrician tukang listrik hairdresser tukang cukur elephant gajah half setengah engineer insinyur handball bola tangan English language bahasa Inggris handsome ganteng evil jahat happy senang hard-working rajin F F false salah he, she, his, her dia family keluarga healthy sehat farmer petani heavy/weight berat fast cepat his, hers (Only used at the end of words) -nya fat gemuk His/her name is… namanya father ayah history sejarah father bapak hockey hoki February Februari holiday hari libur fencing olahraga anggar holiday liburan finish selesai homework pekerjaan rumah (P.R) fish ikan horseriding naik kuda football futbal horseriding/equestrian berkuda Friday hari Jumat hot panas friend teman housewife ibu rumah tangga friendly ramah how many, how much? berapa funny lucu husband suami G G I I gardener tukang kebun I, me, my saya gecko cicak included termasuk geography geografi Indonesian bahasa Indonesia giraffe jerapah interview wawancara girl perempuan J J go home pulang January Januari go shopping berbelanja judo yudo goat kambing July Juli gold emas June Juni graduate tamat K K grandchild cucu kind, good-hearted baik-hati grandfather kakek L L grandmother nenek lake danau green hijau last week minggu yang lalu
  • 10. less, minus kurang on/at/in - where things are physically. di library perpustakaan orange jingga lion singa P P live tinggal parents orang tua past, plus lewat M M March Maret pentathlon pentatalon modern maths matematika person orang May Mei photographer tukang potret mechanic montir physical education pendidikan jasmani millipede ulat kaki seribu pilot penerbang Monday hari Senin pink merah muda monkey monyet player pemain month bulan plumber tukang ledeng more, plus lebih policeman/woman polisi mosquito nyamuk polite sopan mouse-deer kancil poor miskin mum ibu poorest termiskin musician pemain musik population penduduk prefer lebih suka N N name nama purple ungu near dekat R R netball bola net rabbit kelinci new year tahun baru recess/rest time istirahat next week minggu depan red merah no bukan rhinoceros badak no/not tidak rhythmic gymnastics senam ritmik north utara rice fields sawah north east timur laut rich kaya north west barat laut richest terkaya November November river sungai number nomor rowing mendayung nurse jururawat runner pelari O O S S October Oktober sad sedih office worker pegawai sailing layer old tua sailor pelayar older brother kakak laki-laki Saturday hari Sabtu older brother or sister kakak school sekolah older sister kakak perempuan school principal kepala sekolah on/at/in - talking about time. pada school uniform seragam sekolah
  • 11. science ilmu pengetahuan alam (IPA) surfer perselancar secondary student pelajar swimmer perenang seller penjual swimming pool kolam renang September September T T serious serius table tennis tenis meja shark ikan hiu tailor tukang jahit sheep domba tall tinggi shooting menembak teacher guru short pendek team regu shy pemalu team tim sick sakit tell me about, how, what’s it like bagaimana silly bodoh tell me if, do, does, is, are? apakah silver perak than daripada singer penyanyi thank you terima kasih sleep tidur that itu slow lambat the arts kesenian the five governing principles of Indonesia small kecil Pancasila snail siput them, they mereka soccer sepak bola then kemudian social science ilmy pengetahuan sosial (IPS) thin kurus sociology sosiologi this ini softball sofbal this week minggu ini sometimes kadang-kadang Thursday hari Kamis sorry/pardon maaf tiger harimau south selatan time, hour, clock jam south east tenggara times kali south west barat daya to be called bernama spider laba-laba to be coloured berwarna sport olahraga to be/to become menjadi sports oval lapangan olahraga to compete bertanding staff room ruang guru to do/work on mengerjakan starfish bintang laut to finish menyelesaikan step father bapak tiri to go by bike bersepeda step mum ibu tiri to go swimming berenang streets jalan-jalan to go to school bersekolah strong kuat to have a family berkeluarga student murid to have children beranak student siswa to have/to own mempunyai subjects mata pelajaran to interview mewawancarai Sunday hari Minggu to leave berangkat
  • 12. to play bermain What time is it? Jam berapa? to play main what? apa to play sport berolahraga What’s that? apa itu? to rest beristirahat when? kapan? to run berlari where di mana to sail berlayar where mana to sit duduk which is the most… yang paling… to study belajar white putih to study belajar who, what: only used for people siapa to surf berselancar wife isteri to train berlatih work bekerja to travel berjalan wrestling gulat to walk berjalan kaki Y Y today hari ini yard halaman tomorrow besok year tahun trainer pelatih yellow kuning true benar yes ya Tuesday hari Selasa yesterday kemarin twin anak kembar you, your Anda two weeks ago dua minggu yang lalu you, your kamu young muda U U ugly jelek younger brother adik laki-laki uncle paman younger brother or sister adik usually biasanya younger sister adik peremuan vet dokter hewan your (short for kamu. Only at end of words) -mu volleyball bola voli zero kosong W W wage gaji waiter pelayan wake up bangun want mau wash mandi watch TV menonton televisi weak lemah Wednesday hari Rabu week minggu weekend akhir minggu weightlifting angkat besi west barat whale ikan paus
  • 13. NUMBERS – NOMOR-NOMOR 1- satu 110- seratus sepuluh 2- dua 125- seratus dua puluh lima 3- tiga 4- empat 999- sembilan ratus sembilan 5- lima 6- enam puluh sembilan 1000- seribu 7- tujuh 2000- dua ribu 8- delapan 1 000 000- sejuta 9- sembilan 2 000 000- dua juta 10- sepuluh 11- sebelas 12- dua belas 13- tiga belas 14- empat belas Hints: 15- lima belas • belas – teens 16- enam belas • puluh – tens 17- tujuh belas • ratus – hundreds 18- delapan belas • ribu - thousands 19- sembilan belas se- is short for ‘satu’. 20- duapuluh eg., sepuluh = 10 sebelas = 11 21- dua puluh satu seratus = 100 22- dua puluh dua 23- dua puluh tiga 24- dua puluh empat 25- dua puluh lima 30- tiga puluh 40- empat puluh 50- lima puluh 60- enam puluh 70- tujuh puluh 80- delapan puluh 90- sembilan puluh 100- seratus