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О6щий вoПрoс
Pазделитeльньrй вопQoс
D6Dlу,D.Lt ш;
.цЛя правилЬHЬD
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PЕRrЕсТ j.ii:
pnEst ,-.. tтRFЕсr l
пofi^o|.цl{ик нAvЕ
Before you wеnt iп,
W* hqd oрeпвd llre door.
You hоd never Ьeon,
То this tоwn Ьвiоre'
K. И. Kayфмaн, M. Ю. Kayфмaн
AнгI|v|ЙcкиЙ язЬlк
Gчaстливьtй aнrлlпЙский 'pу /
Учeбник Вля7 клaссa
o6щeoбpaзoвaтeлЬнЬlx yч peжд eниЙ
Pе кoлteнd o ванo M uнuсme p cmвoм o 6p азo в анuя
u нtrуKu Poccuйскoй Фedеpацuu К uсnoльloванulo
в o бp аз o в аrne lLь нo J| np o це c с е в o бp а з o в аmе,lънь I х у н p еэr d е нuях,
peа'xulуtoщuх o бp азoваmeльньLе np ozpалtлl,ьL oбщеzo oбp азo ванuя
u uJуtе toщuх zoсу dа p с m ве н н у нэ а к кp е d u mа цu lo
УМK ..Hаppy Е ',
Frima Mashbits
включаeт слeдyющиe кoMпoнeнтЬl:
;e yнeбник c тeKстaМИ дЛя ДoМaшHeгo ЧтеHИя
пo ИстoрИИ Англии
t1l KHИГУ Д'Ля УчИтeля
; paбoниe тетpaдИ Ns ]
2 с paздaТoЧHЬ|M MaтepИaлoМ
: aУДИoпpИЛoжeHИe (ayдиoкaссeты, CD MP3)
Пo вопpoсaм пpиoбpетeния KнИг слetУeт oбpaщaться B И3дaТеЛЬстBo
,Титул'',,249035, п oбнинск Kaлуxскoй oбл.' a/я 5055'
тeл.: (48439) 9.]0-09' фaкс: (48439) 9-10-00'
e-mail: рoс (книгa пoнтoЙ)' umk@titu|.ru (oптoвьle пoкyпaтeли).
Услoвньle o6oзнoчeния: слyшoйтe oyдиoкoссeт, сD :
po6oтo в пopox
po6oтo в гpyппox/ игpo i
дoмoц!нee зoдoниe
вЬIпoлняeмь|e в клoссe
тeкстЬ| и yг|Poжнeния,
свя3oннЬ|e с сюxeтoм
K. И. Kаyфман, M. Ю. Kаyфмaн
Kзo АнглийcкиЙ яЗьlк: CчaстливьlЙ aнглийскv1Й'pу l Happy Еng| Учeбник для
7 кл. oбщeобpaз. УЧpe)к.ц'- oбнинcк: Титyл, 2008.- 256 c.: ил'
rsBN 978-5-86866-427 -4
Учeбник..CчaстливьtЙ aнглийcкий.pу,, Д,ля7-гo Kлaссa являeтся тpeтЬИM yнeбникoм пpи
нaнaлe oбyяeния c 5-гo KЛaсоa И шeстЬ|N,4 yнeбникoм пpИ HaчaЛe oбунeния оo 2.гo клaсca
3aBepшeннoгo Kypсa aHглИЙсKoгo язЬlKa ''Cчaстливьtй aнглийcкиЙ.ru'', прeдHaзнaчeнHoгo дЛя
УчaщИxся ocHoвHoй и cрeдней (пoлнoЙ) oбщeoбpaзoвaтeльнoЙ шкoльl'
УMK нaпИсaH в cooтвrтcтвиИ c тpебoвaHИяMИ фeдeрaЛЬHoгo кoMпoнeнтa гoсУдaрcтвeннo.
гo сTag.цaртa oбщeгo oбpaзoвaния И peKoМeндoвaн Mинистepствoм oбpaзoвaния
PoоcиЙскoй фeдeрации' Kуpс oбeопeнивaет нeoбxoдимьtй и дoстaтoвнЬIЙ УpoBeнЬ KoMМУнИ.
КaтИBнЬ|Х yмeниЙ yнaщихcя в yстнoЙ и письмeннoЙ peчИ' ИХ гoтoвHoстЬ и спoсoбнoсть к pe-
чeвoMУ в3аИMoдeйотвию нa aнглиЙскoм язЬ|Ke в рaМКaХ oбoзнaчeHНoЙ в стaндapтe тeМaтИKИ'
K куpсy .'Haррy Еnglish.rU'' pазpабoтaнa aвтoрсKaя пpoгpaмМа для 5-9-x KЛaосoв.
ББK B1.2Aнгл-922
o K' И' KayфMaH, M. Ю. Kayфмaн' 2004
o Издaтeльcтвo ..TИтyл'',,цИзaЙн' вocгlpоИзвeдeHИe,
:j". :-:-:-86866-427-4 pacпpoстpaHeнИe'2ОО4;2О08' с ИзМeнeнИяMИ
Unit 1 Saу hеllo tо yоur оld friеnds ...........''.....4
Lеssons 7.,2 Do уou теmеmbеr us? ................... 6
!:!iiii!:|i(!! ApтиклЬ........ ..........,9
Lеsson 3 We arе making a filе....'................'''''12
Lеsson 4 Do you nееd a hand?...'..................... 14
Lesson 5 A horriblе thing happenеd! .........''... 18
Unit 2 Camрing: ls it l,оr уош?......... .......''........22
Lеssoп 1 Wе arе going саmping ....................'''24
{]ritlitltlt.; Apтикль........ ....,,...25
Lеsson 2 Wе must paсk our baсkpaсks ...........27
Lеssоn 3 Thе most impoтtant еquipmеnt.......31
Lеssоn 4 Hеr baсkpaсk is as hеavy as minе .'.. З5
i iritil;ltttii Mестoимения. CorозьI аS,,' аS.
not аS'.. /7s .................... ............. з5
Lеssons 5' 6 Is Rob as gоod as gold?......'.'......З8
Unit 3 Hоiidаys .....'......'....... ........'"'...................' 44
Lessоn 1 The Tsаr Bеll and thе Kunstkammeт ...46
i 1i.||!|ii]||i|. ApTиKЛь........ .........46
Lеssоns 2, 3 I wеnt to Tuтkеy... ....'...................50
Lеssоns 4,5 How do you spеnd your
hоlidaуs? ...........54
Lеssоn б Projесt ..........''.............57
Uпit 4 Nоthiпg is t.оrеvеr .........5B
Lеsson 1 Wе сan.t drink this watеr...........''.....60
Lеsson 2 Litteт lasts lоngеr than us .................6з
t l i-!!]iiJ!]iIi Apтикль....'... ......... 63
Lеssоn 3 We mustn't kill animals for сlothеs ....67
Lеssons 4' 5 Thеy usеd to go сamping.............71
{ } r | | ! ! : i | 1. i i' Koнстpyкция us еd to ........'...........,7 1
Lеssоп 6 Projесt ........'..'.............77
Unit 5 l,et's plаIl a triр tо flJnglаnd..................78
Lеsson { i.l,illlitl;..'l. Past Progrеssivе .............. 80
Lеssоn 2 Whеn hе phonеd. she was flying ........ 86
! i ri t r; i l,. l' l i' Pаst Progгеssivе ............................. 86
Lеssоn 3 The robbеry ...............88
Lеsson 4 Mishа is going to Еngland .....'''..'...''92
Lеssons 5' 6 How long will it takе to gеt to
Еngland? ..........96
Lеsson 7 Who was wаtсhing TV
on Saturday aftеrnoon? ........ 101
Lеssons 8' 9 Thе ring of the Druids ...............104
Unit 6 Sсlroоl.................. .....................'............ 1 10
Lеssons 1' 2 Еnglish sсhools ....................'...... 112
i ;|'Цt|!i!!i|. Apтикль....... ........112
Lеssоn 3 Мisha's first days at sсhool ..'.......... 116
|, | | ! ! | ! ! | | ii i Mестoимения othеr' аnothеr...... 1 16
Lеsson 4 Is lifе at sсhool еasу? ........'..... ''....,..12
Lеssоn 5 You should find friеnds .....'.''.....,.''2,
] 1;;]iiliii. Глaгoл should.'....'.''..................,.72,
Lеsson 6 Sсhool dinnеrs .....'...12
Lessоn 7 Mannеrs' mannеrs... ...........'...,.'...... 1з.
Lеssons 8' 9 Wе must lеavе our land.............1з:
Unit 7 Епglish sсlrооl....................................... 1зt
Lеssоn | |..l ::i.:l',:; Prеsеnt Pеrfесt .............. 14(
Lеsson 2 | .' ',' ,'i..; Prеsеnt Pеrfесt .......'......11(
Lеssons 3,4 l.:l '.]i.:] i Prеsеnt Pеrfeсt.......'15]
Lessоn 5 Havе you еvеr...?..........'................'' 15(
i.];;:ii.;l;:ill PIеsеnt Perfесt .....'....................... 15(
Lеssоn 6 Plaу Drаgg1 ............... 16(
Lеssоns 7, 8 Thе еasiеst waу isn,t alwaуs
thе bеst .........'. 16]
Unit I Sporis ............... ............ 16(
Lеssоns 1' 2 Misha should help his tеam ...... 16f
! i|,i||;1i!:!|i Prеsеnt Pеrfесt & Past Simplе.....16[
Lеsson 3 Do you Want to har,е fun? ..'''.......'.172
i lr.]j;;' ]]] Hapеuие ..............'172
Lеssоn 4 Do you nееd a plaуеr? .....'.............. 175
Lеsson 5 At thе matсh ''................................... 17!
{ ||'i;',|1 ;i:')' Koнстpyкция Whаt а... .....'.'.......1'79
Lеssons 6' 7 Thе ring сrоssеs thе sеа ............. 185
Uпit 9 Whо is vошr rоlс lrrсltlе!?........... ........''192
Lеssоn 1 i.]:.';.;.'.l.,' Past Pеrfесt .................... 194
Lеssоns 2, 3 ..Sсott оf thе Antаrсtiс.' ............ 199
Lessоn 4 A ro]е model ....''''....202
Lеssоns 5, 6 Are you ambitious?....................205
Lеsson 7 Projесt .....'..'..,,,'.......'2o1
Lеssons 8' 9 Thе Battlе of Hastings.....'.........208
Unit t0 lrriеnds ..................'.....214
Lеsson 1 Rоb disаppears ................. .'... ..,......216
! if-!|,| j:]|i{|{ Пoвтopение Prеsent Progrеssivе 216
Lеssons 2,3 ..A friеnd in nееd is a friеnd
indееd., ......,'.'.221'
i. :t.l: ttli''; Prеsеnt Simplе ...........,.,,''....'.......227
Lеsson 4 How wеll do vou know your friеnd? 225
' |!1ii!iiiilIi МестoимЁние еасh othеr ........'''225
Lеssоn 5 A friеnd will nеvеr lеt vou down ....227
Pаsl Simplс. Futurе Simplе '''''...227
Lеssоп 6 My bеsт friеnd...................................230
Past Progrеssivе, Past Pеrfесt ...'.230
(iramnrаr [le{,еrсnсе .......'
UNlт Soy hello to your old friends
ln this unit
€ Boss' Agеnt Cutе, }иIisha and Bеtsеy,s сhildrеn saу hеllo.
:, What happеnеd to a top sесrеt doсumеnt.
:: Тhе kеy to a family trеasurе.
+ Тhе МaсWizards arе in dangеr.
You wil| to|k oЬout the сhoroсters, their life, hobЬies
oпd plons for the future.
You will need these words ond expressions:
Countriеs аnd сitiеs
to likе
to bе intеrеstеd in somе
to do spоrts
to gо horsе riding
to lеarn a languagе
rеading books
playing сomputеr garn
to lrе boring
to havе a pеn friеnd
to Stay with somеbоd5
a fathеr
a rnothеr
a sistеr
a brothеr
an unсlе
an aunt
a grandmothеr
a grandfathеr
to bе a niсе guy
to bе kind
to bе friеndlу
to bе fun
to bе angry
to bе сlеvеr
to bе strоng
УпoтpеблеIIие apTI,IKЛей с нaзвaниями
сTpaн, ГopoДoB и яЗЬIKOB.
How arе you today? - Kaк делa?
.. Ехсttsе mе. Cаn I сomе in? - Извlтнтrте. Мo>кнo вoйти?
'' Sorry! I dоn't undеrstand! - ИзвиниТе! я I{е пoнипцarо!
Sorry! I am latе!
- Извинr-lте, я orroздaл(a)!
. What pagе is thе ехеrсisе?
- Ha кaкoй сTpaI{ице yпpa>кнение?
Ask a quеstiоn.- Зaдaйте Bollpoс.
Answеr my quеstiоn.- oтветьте нa мoй l]oпpoс.
Rеаd thе 1ехt.- ЧитаЙте ТеKсT.
Writе in thе wоrkboоk.- Пицtите в paбоtей тетpaди.
T}anslatе thе tеxt.- Пеpеведите TеKсt
Соmpletе thе sentеnсe.- ЗaкoнчиTе ПpеДЛo'<ение.
Сompаrе.- Сpaвните.
Fill in thе gaps.- Зaпoлните IrpoПyсKи.
Fill in thе tablе.- Зaпoлните тaблицv.
Do you remember us?
.J;J Listen, гeod ond guess the meoning of the under|ined woгds ond expressions.
Если в TеKсTе BaM BсTpечaIoTся IlеЗнaKoNIЬlе сЛoBa' вoспoльзyйтесь
МoиМи сoBетaLIи:
1. ПoпьrтaйTесЬ BсПol!{I{иTЬ' нет Ли IIoxo)Kегo слoвa B pyссKoМ яЗЬIKе.
Если тaкoе сЛoBo eсTЬ - ЗIIaчеI{ия pyссKoгo и aнглийскoгo сЛoBa'
сKopее Bсегo' тox<е будyт Пoxo>киМи.
2.f|oльlтaЙTесЬ дoгaДaTЬсЯ o Знaчении сЛoвa с ПoМoщЬIo
tlpеДЬIДyщeгo и IIpеДIIIесTByIoщeгo пpедлo><ений.
3. Пoдутr,raйTе _ K кaкoй чaсTи pечи oTнoсится слoвo. Этo
гЛaГoЛ' сyщесTBиTеЛЬIIoе' IIpиЛaгaTеЛьнoе?
Пoдyмaйте o знaчеHии эToгo сЛoвa: o}Io пoЛo)киTеЛЬ-
I{oе иЛи oтpицaтельнoе?
Hеllo, lеt mе introduсе Agеnt Cutе. Hе is a rеally niсе guy.
Hе spеaks Еnglish, Gеrman. Tirrkish and Frеnсh, and hе is
lеarning Russian. Hе likеs sports, but hе is not very strong.
His favouritе pastimе is watсhing TV Сutе is not mу bеst
agеnt, but I always givе him thе most intеrеsting сasеs bесausе
hе is my brothеr. Last yеar an Еnglish boy got lost in Russia
and Cutе found him. That was gоod work' so I am going to
givе Agеnt Cutе a prеsеnt: hе is going on holiday nехt month.
Hi, еvеrуbody! Мееt my boss! Hе is thе hеad of our
agеnсy. Bоss is vеry сlеvеr. Hе spеaks Еnglish, Gеrman,
Frеnсh, Japanеsе [,фrepэ,ni:z], Сhinеsе [,{ar'ni:z], Italian
[r'treliэn], Spanish and at thе momеnt hе is lеarning thе
languagе of thе Thpagungu tribе in Afriсa. F{е is a
workahоliс - his dеtесtivе agеnсy is his businеss and
his hоbby. Hе doеsn't gеt a lot of mоnеy but hе likеs
to hеlp pеoplе. Last yеar thе boss hеlpеd mе find a
lost Еnglish boy. I madе a lot of mistakеs, so thе boss
was oftеn angry. This summеr thе boss is going to takе
his first holiday. That will bе intеrеsting!
Hi' I am Rob MaсWizard.I сomе frоm an old family
of MaсWizards. I likе rеading books and playing
сomputеr gamеS. Last уеar I was in a vеry diffiсult
situation. I had a pеn friеnd in Russia and I wantеd to
visit him. B ut my grе at- grеat- grеat- grеat. gr eat- gr eat-
grеat-grеat-grеat.grеat grandfathеr Robin МaсWizard
сamr to Russia from 1599 and I wеnt tо thе Еdinburgh
of 1599. I didn't likе it thеrе, my life was in dangеr, but
Мisha and Agеnt Сutе savеd mе. I am staying with
Мisha and his familv this summеr. Мavbе. we'll bе
Hi,I am Misha Inin.I am from Lukinsk.I livе with
my fathеr and mothеr and mу sistеr Masha. I am an
ordinary boy from an ordinary family and I go to an
ordinary sсhool. But last yеar сhanged my lifе. A boy
from thе past сamе to mе. His namе was Robin
МaсWizard. F{е was from thе Еdinburgh of 1599.
Robin WaS my bеst friеnd, but hе had to go baсk to
his timе. Lifе is not fun without him. My hobbiеs:
football, books and languagеs arе boring without
Robin. But now Rob is staying with mе. In August w-е
arе going саmping togethеr. I hopе hе'll likе Russian
fоrеsts and rivеrs.
Hi, I am Bеtsеy MaсWizard. I havе thrее
сhildrеn: Rоsy, Mark and Rob. I nеvеr
Worry about Rosy and Mark - thеy havе a
lоt of friеnds, do sports, go horsе-riding and
rеad books. But Rob is always alonе, and
hе doеsn,t havе any friеnds. Last yеar wе
lost him in Russia. l{е was away for thrее
months but hе nеvеr talks to mе about it.
Nоw hе is in Russia with Мisha Inin. I am
going to buy a nеw сomputеr for Rob whеn
hе gеts baсk. Hе lovеs сomputеrs.
э ild::сtl the piсtuгes ond the sentenсes.
- Н; Shе is in dangеr.
. :{е Shе is a workaholiс.
3 Copy the toЬle into youг exeгсise Ьooks. FilI in the toЬ|e with sentenсes
fгom lhe text.
Hе / Shе
is doing
it now.
Hе / Shе
is going
to do it in
thе futurе.
Hе / Shе
will do it
in thе
Hе / She
doеs it
rеgularly /
normally /
Hе / Shе
did it last
goеS to an
А Look ot the piсtuгes. Find the гe|olives.
Model: Аsеnt Сцtе is Boss.'s brother Boss ls Аgеnt Сutе's brothеr,
W ,.'.{'fFo
^*ffi."Robin Mark Rosу
Apтикль {Тhe A*iсle)
BьI у>t<е ЗI{aKoМьI с I{еKoTopЬII{и сЛyчaЯMи yпoтpеблelrи,l oПреДелеI{нoгo
apTиKлЯ thе и неoпpедеЛеIII{oгo apTиKЛя a' a TaK)Kе с TеNIи сЛyчaЯMи' KoгДa
t{и ToT, ни дpyгoй аpTиKЛЬ yпoтpеблятЬ I{еЛЬзя. Чтoбьl BсПoМI{иTЬ пpoй-
денньlй МaTеpиaЛ' сoеДи}IиTе B ПpaBиЛьI{oM IIopЯДKе BoпpoсьI и oTBеTЬI.
1. Koгдa yпoтpебляется
аpтикль a?
2' Гдe ДoЛ)KeI{ сToяTЬ apTиКЛЬ
B сЛoBoсoчeTaнии IlpиЛaгa-
TеЛЬнoе + сyщeсTBительнoе?
3. B кaкиx сЛyчaЯх yпoтpeб.
ЛЯeТcЯ фopмa HеoпpеДе-
ЛеHHoгo apтикля an?
4. B кaкиx сЛyчaях 1тloтpеб-
ЛЯeTсЯ apтикль thе?
5. УпoтpебЛЯeTсЯ Ли apTиKЛЬ
ПеpеД иMенaМи лrодей?
6. УпoтpебЛЯeTсЯ Ли apтиKлЬ
IIеpеД ПpиT'{<aтeЛьI{ьlMи
a) oпpеделенньlй apTиKЛь thе мo>кет
yпoтpебляTьсЯ с любьrми сyщесTBи-
TеЛЬI{ЬIМи в неoбхoдиМьIХ KoнTеKсTaх.
Apтикль the yпoтpе6ляeтcя, KoГДа
pечь иtеT o Лице / пpедмете. KoTopЬIе
yПoMиI{aЛись paнее: I bought а пеw
book уеstеrdау' The book is intеrеsting.
b) Arr yпoтpебляеTся llеpеД исчисЛЯеМЬI,{
чисЛe' есЛи oHo I-lачиHаеTся с глaснoй:
аn аpplе, аn еnd.
с) Пеpед иМеI{aMи лrодей apTиKЛЬ IIе
yпoтpебляется: It,s Pеtе. Pеtе is hаppу.
d) B сoнетaшv|И T|pИЛaгаTеJIЬIIoе + сyще-
сTBиTеЛЬнOе apTиKЛЬ СT aBI(IT с,Я tlеpеД
ПpиЛaгaTеЛЬI{ЬIM: Аlicе is а niсe girl'
This mаn is а good doctor
е) ApтиклЬ a ПpoиЗoIIIеЛ oT ДpеBIrеaI{Г-
лиЙскoгo числиTеЛЬIIoгo ..onе''
и yПoT-
peбляeтcя B oсIloвнoМ с исчисЛяеМьIМи
сyщесTBиTеЛЬIIЬIМи B еДиIiсTBеннoN{
чисЛе' KoгДa кaкoе-либo Лицo иЛи
IIpеДМеT I{aЗьIBaеTся BПеpBЬIе: Suddеnlу
hе sаw а boу.- Hеoэrcudаннo oн увudел
f) Пepед ПpиTя>I(aTеЛЬI{ЬIMи МесToиMе.
|IИЯN|ut' apTиKЛЬ не yпoтpебlяeтcя', I,ll
hаvе to spеаk to уour fаthеr.- Mне npu-
dеmcя пo?oвОpцmь с mвОLtr'l omцoJ't.
ПoзнoKoмЬтeсЬ с HoBЬ|ми слyчoями yпoтpe6лeния opтиклeй'
ApТlrК.ць a yпoтpебляеTся Пеpед сyщесTBиTeЛЬIIЬIМ' KorДа oнo яBля-
еTся ЧaсТЬЮ сoсТaBнoГo ИMеl{нoГo сKaзyеМoГo:
Il..friеnd will bесomе а grеаI docюr. Hе loves pеoplе.- Moй dpуz сmа-
Hеr?1 Оn1J,LuчнbLJ|t вpачo"цц' oн лto6цm лrodей.
Do voц kпow Апn? Shе's аn old Iаdу from flаt 3.- Bьt тHaеmе Aнну?
Эпto пoэruлaя JrсеHщ||нa u3 mpеmьей кваpmupьt.
I lеft without mу friеnds. It wаs а big mistаkе.- Я ушtел, не doэrcdавtuuсь
свoцх doузей. Эmo бьtлo doльtцoti outuбкoй.
€; Use the' o, - (no ortiсle).
1. Hе is ... my friеnd.
2. Shе will bе ... vеt.
3. ... Simоn is ... happy.
It was ... intеrеsting film.
Cutе is ... bad agеnt.
Il was ... thеir housе.
6 ; ln youг exerсise books fiII in the toЬ|e with odieсtives'*: from the text.
Еngland ['tцglэnd]
Franсе [fro:ns]
Gеrmany ['фз:mэni]
Russia [.r,tJэ]
China ItJarne]
Japan [фэ'pren]
Spain [spеtn]
Italy Ittэli]
Tirrkеy ['tз:ki]
Listen to lhe speoker ond сheсk your onswers. Repeot the
woгds ofter the speoker.
Comp|ete the sentenсes.
Model: Hе is from Сhinа. Hе spесtks ... .
- Hе is from Сhiпа, Hе spеаks Сhinеsе.
1' Shе is from Franсе. Shе spеaks ... .
2. Hе is from ... . Hе spеaks Japanеsе.
З. Thеу arе from Spain. Thеy spеak ... .
4. Wе livе in ... . Wе spеak Тtrrkish.
5. In Italy thеy spеak... '
Answer the question.
What languagе dо pеoplе spеak in thе UsA?
1 * Spain ,..
2 - Germany 
3 _ Franсе i
4 * Japan 
5-China  ,
6 _ Tirrkеу i*--.'l
7 - Russia
8 _ Еngland
9 * Italy
Нo1ewo1!'"!t. * Ф @ e 4!фt! ф ф r& Ф!фф ф # фф 8 #J фФ&? ф]ii} +ilt tr ф].-.' i4:tt|ъ iффф4в
A Comp|ete fhe sentenсes. Use the expressions:
your life will bе in dangец to bе a workaholiс, to bе thе hеad of smth
1. our boss works day and night bесausе hе...
2. If you сross thе road and dЬn't look....
3. ..I
nееd to spеak to your dirесtor],- ..That,s
mе. I... of this sсhool.,,
B Look ol the menu of the Food of the World restouгont. Мotсh thе foodond the сountгy.
ModеI: Sцshi is .Iаpапеsе. Yoц сrlп hаvе the bеst sцshi iп Jсtрцп.
фfiq+, +* +iь-?#.+'f.
сhiсkеn with riсе in swееt sauсе [sc;s]
. Whot do you think oЬout this type of food?
Model: I likе Jаpапеsе fboсl. / I сJсln't likе Jсtpаnеsе food' /
I don,t know сtпуthiпg аbout Jаpапеsе foсlсl.
C .Use the, o, _ (no ortiсle)"
1. olga livеs in... Russia. It is ... vеry big сountry.
2. Hе сan't spеak ... Gе^rman.If hе goЬs to ... Gеrmanу. hе.ll nееd ... translator.
3. Did ... Robin сomе from .'. Еdйburgh or from ... London?
4. Do you spеak ... Jaрanеsе? Is it ... diffiсult?
5. Wе want to go to ... Tirrkеy nехt yеаr.- Go in Sеptеmbеr. lt is ... bеsttimе in ... Tlrkеy.
6. Hе livеs in ... Frarrсе, doеsn.t hе?
- Yеs, this man is ... doсtor tiom ... Paris.
Use the informotion from the text on poges 6,7 ond onswer the queslions.
L .hat doеs Agеnt Cutе do?
]. ,hеrе doеs hе сomе from?
.з. Who doеs hr work for?
-1. What kind of pеrson is hе?
5. What did hе do last yеar?
6. What arе his hobbiеs?
7. What is hе going to do nеxt month?
a) What is thе boss's job?
b)Whу doеs thе boss always givе thе bеst
сaSеS to Agеnt Cute?
с) What is thе boss likе?
d) What did thе boss do last yеar?
е) What is thе bоss's plan for this summеr?
f) What is thе boss's favouritе pastime?
g) What nationality is thе bоss?
h) How many languagеs doеs the boss spеak?
B aнглийскoМ ЯЗЬIKе' TaK )Kе KaK и B pyссKoll' oДин и ToT >I(е
Bollpoс Mo>Kнo сфоpмyлиpoBaТЬ paЗньIMи спoсoбaми.
Whаt do уou do? - Whаt's уour job?
How аrе уou? - How arе thiпgs?
2 Look ot the questions in Ex. l ond find poiгs of questions with similoг meoniрgs.
3 . FiII in the gops. Ask ond onswer questions oЬout RoЬ МoсWizord.
4 Here qre onswers qЬoul Мisho Inin. Write queslions.
1. ...? - Ntlisha livеs in Lukinsk. 5....? - Last yеar hе mеt his bеst
1. ...сomе from?
2. What... his addrеss?
3. What... likе?
4. What... hоbbiеs?
2' '..? - Hе goеs to sсhool.
З. ''.? - Hе has a sister.
]. ...? - F{еr namе is Мasha.
5. Doеs... friеnds?
6. What... last year?
7. ...helpеd him?
8. ...going tо do?
6. ...? - Robin was from Еdinburgh.
7 . ...? - Bесausе Robin is not with him.
5 Reod the file on Agent Cute. Listen to
the infoгmotion qnd fi|l in the gops.
Family name: Сutr
Nationatity: Dritieh
Country: Еnqland
Job:. aqent
Interеsts: languagea, watсhin6 W
Wtrat is he like? a Very nicr 4uу,
6 i Use the informotion from the text of
Lessons 1,2 ond the сossetle ond
fil| in the file on the Ьoss.
Family name:
flal r n+aтr.vv цrrur J .
т/Гhat is he like?
; Try to fil| in the file on RoЬin
МoсWizord. Disсuss your ideos.
Family name:
flnr r ntттт.
What doеs he do?
'Yhat is he likе?
- ф ф Ф ф Ф ф ф s ф ф ф
What does she do?
T/lГhat is she like?
Family name:
/1ar r n+n-..vvцrдuдJ.
ТЛtrhat does he do?
тrhat is he likr?
Family name:
What does trе do?
т/Гhat is he likе?
;*J speok oЬoul RoЬin, Rob or Мisho.
8 Listen ond сheсk youг onswers.
Ur.!i jLсэssоп3 lз
Эта pyбpикa бyдет ЗI{aKoMиTь Baс с aнГЛийскими идиoМaМи.
Идиoмa - эTo BЬIpa)<еI{ие' сMьIсJI KoTopoГo не paBеII сМЬIс-
Лy сoсTaBЛяIoщиx егo сЛoB. Если пеpевoДиTЬ иДиoМy ДoсЛoB-
Ho' ПoЛyчится бессмьtсЛицa.
Look ot the piсtuгes ond motсh the idioms ond their trons|otions.
Only one lronslotion is right.
1. You аrе pulling my lеg.
2. Do you nееd a hand?
фJ Reod.
a trеasurе ['trе3э] - сoKpoвище
to SWap [swupl - МеI{яTЬся
top Sесrеt
- сoBеpIIIeнно секpетньtй
to droр smth - poняTЬ чтo-либo
-'. i.i l Lеsson 4
You arе making it up.
- Bьl все вьI-
to dеlivеr [dr.hvэ] smth - ДoсTaB-
лять .lтo-либo
Guеss whаt?
- И пpедстaвляеrпь?
Hе деpгaйте MеI{Я
зa ногy!
# Reod the expressions. Put them in the right ploсe.
1. I am Niсk. How do you do?
2. Еxсusе mе. I сan't find thе kеy!
3. It was vеry niсе to mееt you.
3. Whо (когo) will hе mееt?
4. What will thеy talk about?
Do you nееd a hand with this bag,
oh, yes' thank you vrry muсh.
My namе is Сutе' Agеnt Сutе. I am going
-funbriФеJД/еlls on Vеry important businеss.
wьu.', your businеss thеn?
I must dеlivеr a doсumеnt. It is thе last task of a vеrУ important сasе.
oh, I lovе advеnturеs and diffiсult сasеs! Plеasе tеll mе about this
сasе. I Won,t tеll anуbody.
What's thе mattеr?
Goodbvе! Thanks
for thе partу.
, 3 J Here is your old friend Agent Cute. He is on the troin. Look ot the underlined*. words in the text ond the piсtuгe ond try to guess:
4 ; Reod the text ond fill in the gops with
'* " these expressions.
1. My namе is Мinniе Mousе.
2. It was vеry niсе to mееt you.
3. How do you do?
4. Ехсusе me.
5. Goodbyе!
6. How do vou do.
1. Whеrе will Agеnt Cutе go?
2. What will his сasе bе?
!.'jnii l rеssс'n 4 t5
Сutе: It.s a long Story but I сan,t saУ no to a bеautiful
lадly. Last yеar I had a vеry intеrеsting сasе'
An Еnglish boy Rob wеnt to his pеn friеnd
Мisha Inin in Russia. Aftеr that hе didn't
writе to his parеnts or phonе thеm. His
paтеnts сamе to our agеnсy for help. I
workеd on thе сasе. I Wеnt to Russiа аnd
found Misha Inin and his family. Thеy had a
guеst from Еngland - Robin. But hе wаs
strangе: he didn't phonе his parеnts, hе worе
a Sсottish kilt and hе сould FLY.
Мinniе: You arе pulling my lеg!
Cutе: It's truе. I watсhеd thе boys in Russia, and
whеn thеy wеnt baсk to Еngland, I watсhеd
thеm in Еngland. And guеss what! Robin was
from 1599. FIе сamе from thе past bесausе hе wantеd
to takе thе Stonе of Dеstiny from Wеstminstеr Abbеy baсk to
Sсotland. Hе was a Sсottish patriоt. And Rоb was his grеat-grеat-
grеаt-grеat-grеat-grеat-grеat-grеat-grеat-grеat grandson. Thе two
boys usеd thе timе tunnеl and swappеd plaсеs in timе and I hеlpеd
thеm swap baсk!
Minniе: This is a good story. Ha-ha-ha! You arе making it up, arеn't you?
And what's уour top sесrеt doсumеnt?
Cutе; It's a notе. Robin droppеd it whеn hе wеnt through thе timе
tunnеl baсk to his timе. It was in a sесrеt languagе and it was
diffiсult to translatе'
Minniе: So what is it about?
Cutе: oh! This notе is thе kеy to an old famil!, trеasurе! I am going to givе
it to Rob MaсWizard's family' Мaybе thеy'll find this trеasurе.
Minnie: Yеs it is a Vеry funny story.
Сutе: ... It's my stop. Goodbyе, Minniе! ...
N{inniе: ..., Agеnt Сutе!
Listen to the first ond the |ost poгt of the text ond сheсk your onswers.
Reod the text ogoin ond onsweг true, folse oг no informotion. Support youг
onsweгs with the infoгmotion fгom the texl.
1. Minniе Mousе is strangе.
2. Agеnt Сutе likеs Мinniе Mousе.
3. Мinniе Mousе likеs Agent Cutе.
4. Minniе Mousе is a vеry niсе ladу.
5. Cutе wants to go on holiday.
6' Cutе is not tеlling thе truth about his important сaSе.
.>.1-. ф
7. Cutе must dеlivеr vеry important doсumеnts.
8. Мinniе Мousе bеliеvеs Сutе's story.
9. Cutе is a vеry good agеnt.
10. Cutе is a vеry niсе pеrson.
Мotсh the sentenсes ond lheir lrons|olions.
1. You are pulling my lеg.
2. It doеsn't mattеr.
3. Do you nееd a hand?
4. Тhis is a top sесrеt doсumеnt.
a) Это IIе иМееT зIlaчеI{иЯ.
b) Этo сoBеp|леI{Ho секpетньlй дoKyМеHТ.
с) Baпл пoмoчь?
d)Bьr IIIyTиTе.
rr r X
пomeмorK J 6
" a Фф 8 Фф ф {9 * Ф 6 & * Ф & Ф Ф Ф Ф * !} & & a * * 6 *Ф * a*.6.
"'цtц,'.' м*м,,^'*м-i.*qf
Trons|ote the words in Ьгoсkets ond fil| in the gops.
1. Agеnt Сutе had to ... (дoстaвить) a doсumеnt to Rob MaсWizard's family
2.Тe doсumеnt was ... (сoвеprпеннo секpетньlй).
З. Robin ... (ypoнил) thе doсumеnt whеn hе wеnt baсk to his timе.
4. Thе doсumеnt is a kеy to thе ... (сoкpoвище).
5. I havе a сhееsе sandwiсh and you havе a ham sandwiсh.
Lеt's ... (меняться).
B ,i Мinnie Мouse is writing Cule,s stoгy in her noleЬook. She believed the story.**-
She is гeolIy inteгested in the fomiIy treosure! Te|| your с|ossmotes:
Whof does Мinnie Мouse know oЬouf &1isho ond Rob?
Whot did she forgef? Put the verЬs in Ьqoсkets
in the right form.
LastУеar Аgеnt Сutе ... (hаvе) а vеrУ intеrеsting саsе. An Еng|ish
boу кob ''. (go) to his pеn friеnd Мishа in Rиssia. His pаrеnts '..
(сomе) to thе dеtесtivе аgеnсУ for hеIp. Аgеnt Сutе ' .. (work) on thе
саsе. Hе Went to Rиssia and ' .. (flnd) hлtshа аnd his fаmi|у.тheу hаd
а visitor from Еnglаnd
- Robin. Agеnt Сutе ... (wаtсh) thе boуs in
Rиssia аnd, whеn thеу ..' (qo) to Еnglаnd, hе wаtсhеd thеm in
Еnglаnd. Robin . .. (bе) from lsээ. Hе саmе from thе pаst bесаusе
hе ''. (wаnt) to take the stoyre of DеstinУ from wеstminstеr лbbеу
bасk to Sсotlаnd' Тhе ttлto boуs usеd а timе tunnе| аnd .'. (swаp)
plасеs in timе аnd Agеnt Сutе hеIpеd thеm swаp bасkl Hе ''. (flnd)
а notе. lt is the kеу to а fаmilу trеаsurе.
A horгible thing hoppened!
Whеn you havе to givе bad nеws, you сan start thе
sеntenсе with 1 аm аfrаid... (боrось' нтo...)
Use I orn ofroid in the diologues.
Model: Whеrе is уoшr bаg? - It is аt home.- I аm аfrаid it is аt homе.
1. How is уour mothеr? - Shе is not vеry wеll.
2. Givе mе thе monеy.- I lost it.
3. Wе arе going to havе a niсе party tomorrow.- I сan't сomе.
4. Lеt's go shopping! - Thе shops arе сlosеd.
Guess the meoning of the underlined words.
1. Thе MaсWizards are the boss's сliеnts [,klarэnts].
2.-Гodaу wе are having a tеst and I don't know anything.
It is a сatastrophе [kэ'trestтэГr]!
Answer the questions obout the text on Poges I 5- I 6.
1. Whеrе did Agеnt Cutе go?
2. Who (кoгo) did hе mееt?
3. Agеnt Cutе told thе woman about Misha and Robin, didn't hе?
o. wц, did thе Woman say,..You arе pulling my lеgi'?
5. Why was thе doсumеnt top sесret?
Agent Cute is toIking to the Ьoss. He hos some Ьod news. Reod ond put the
veгЬs in Ьroсkets in the гight foгm.
Cutе: Hi, Boss! A horriblе thing (happеn)! I сan't (find) thе top
sесrеt doсumеnt!
Boss: I don't bеliеvе itl I (put) it into yоur bag! (show) it to anybody?
Cutе: No! of соurse, I didn't.
Boss: ... you (tеll) anybody about it?
Сutе: Yеs. But it doеsn't mattеr. I (talk) about it to a vеry niсе lady
on thе train.
Boss: ... you (tеll) this lady about thе trеasurе?
Cutе: Yеs, I am afraid I did.
Bоss: Did shе tеll you hет namе?
Сutе: Yеs. Е{еr namе (bе) Мinniе Mouse!
Boss: You (pull) my lеg!
Cutе: What's Wrong with thе namе?
Boss: Thе lady (givе) you a falsе name! Minniе Мousе is Miсkеy Mousе's
girlfriеnd and thеy arе сartoon сharaсtеrs (геpoи мyльтфильмoв).
You (losе) thе top sесrеt doсumеnt and our сliеnts arе in dansеr. It is
а сatаstrophе.
Сute: But, Boss, I'll find thr lady.
Boss: No, Сutе, you сan't do that. You arе firеd! (Bьl YвoленьI')
4..: Listen ond сheсk youг onswers.
Miсkеy and Мinnie Mousе
- сharaсtеrs in еarly Walt
Disnеy сartoons. They arе Disnеy symbols and arе
famous all ovеr thе world.
5 .i Мotсh the under|ined sentenсes with expгessions fгom the Ьox.
Model: I doп't beliеvе уou! You аrе inveпting this storу.- I don't bеliеvе уou.
You аrе mаkiпg it up
1. You arе pulling my lеg.
2. It doеsn't mattеr.
3. You аrе firеd'
a) I don't bеliеvе you! You arе invеnting this stor}z.
b) Don't Worry about this boоk! You сan rеturn it tomorrow. It isn,t important.
с) A: Do you know thе nеws?
B: No.I don't.
A: Your bеst friеnd Anna is going to China. Shе wants to livе thеrе.
B:You arе iokins!
d) A: I'm going to wash thе сar.
B: It's rеally dirty! Do you nееd an}z hеlp?
е) Nobodlz must know about this doсumеnt.
f) You must lеavе thе offiсе and nеvеr сomе baсk.
4. Do you nееd a hand?
5. This is a top Seсrеt doсumеnt.
6. You arе making it up.
6 .] ln poiгs. There ore o Iot of mistokes in these dioIogues. Coгreсt the mistokes,
* moke up short diologues ond oсt them out,
Yеstеrday I saw a UFo. It landеd in our gardеn
and threе grееn mеn сamе out of it.
I havе a lot of work: I must сlеan thе housе,
do thе shopping and сook dinnеr.
I am afraid I lorgot mу friеnd's аddrеss.
Do you nееd a hand?
Hеllo! Poliсе! Somеbody wants to gеt
intо my flat. I don't know who it is.
7 3 Something horгiЬle hoppened. Whot wos it? Choose on onswer
ond exploin it.
1. Thе МaсWizards lost thе family trеasurе.
2. Agеnt Cutе was firеd.
З. Тhе MасWizards Wеrе in dangеr.
2o Unit j Lеsson 5
Homework j* * 6i i+ s! .* {,{ {t ф !, li +
A . Agent Cute is writing o letteг to Мisho, Ьut his Russion is not veгy good. Ьeсouse he is veгy neгvoUs. Wгite o Ietteг in ЕngIish.
Ё]]] ;*'.,'..,|
l ,{opoгoй Mrarшa,
'Я eсть исгцггaнньrri' yJfiaclIa.я вeIць сщriII{JIaсЬ. .Я пoexa'гr в
Taн6pидаrс-Уэлс. .Я иrvreл дoкJnvleнт для Po6a. Этoт дoк5nvreнт
eсть вepxний сeкpeт. Po6ин poH.ял eгo' я eгo пoдбr4raл. Этoт
.цoItJгI[eнт есть ItлIоч It coItрoвI.пIIe. Я встpeтил oчeIIь кpaсивa.я
JIсeIflциI{a нa пoeBд. oнa иlvreлa т.яJI(eлaJI сJrMIta' и .ЯI сПpocил ee:,.BafuI
lry.жtнa p5Дta?,' oнa cкaзa,.тr: ..Cпaсибo''.
Mьr paзгoвapуIBaJIuI. и ol{a шIe гoвopиЛ: ..TьI ecть силъньtй,
тьI естЬ кpaсивьrй' pacсItaзьIвaй мнe пpo cвoй бивнec,,.
Я paсскaзьrвaл eiт пpo тeбя, Po6a ут Poбинa, и oIIa гoвopил: ..тЬI
дepгaeIIIъ NIeII.я ta I{or5r''. Пoтoшr ol{a кpaлa этoт ,цoкJrдДeнт. Poб
eсть в oIIaсHocть. Бoсс eсть oчel{ъ сepдитьrй.
Я есть JrвoлeI{ньIй. Paоскaзьrвaй oбo всеrvr Poбv.
Aгeнт Кьroт
]mЬ дсtiш.ф
8 a ш'Ь.
It doesn't mattеr.
to swap
to bе afraid
to be in danger
tо bе the hеad оf smth
to drop smth
to makе somеthing up
to neеd a hand
to pull somebody's lеg
top seсrеt
a trеasurе
a workaholiс
a ссISе
а cаtаstrophe
а сlient
to dеlivеr
Guеss whаt?
UNlт Comping: ls it for you?
ln this unit
* Misha and Rob arе going сamping.
* Is a сamping stovе more important than
* Rob promisеs tо bе as good as gоld.
+ Arе you a slееping bag, a сampfirе or а
You wiIl toIk obout сomping.
a mattrеss?
a snaсk
a pizza
a sandwiсh
a bisсuit
to сoоk
tO еat
1o drink
tо bе hungr1
а mug
a sрoon
a fork
You will need these words ond expressions:
Hеalth problеms
tо bе tirеd
to bе pаlе
to bе ill
to havе a hеadaсhе
to havе a sorе throat
to havе toothaсhе
to havе stоmaсhaсhе
to bе allеrgiс to somеthing
a Swеatеr
a pair оf trainеrs
a jaсkеt
a сap
a pair of trousеrs
a pair of jеans
a pair of soсks
a pair of boots
a T-shirt
a mountain
a lakе
a tеnt
a guitar
to visit smb / smth
to еnjoy smth
to walk
bluе rеd grееn whitе
blaсk yеllow brown
" УпoTpебЛеIrие apTиKЛeй с нaЗBa:нИЯNlv| pеK' oзеp,
мopеЙ, oKеaIloB. KaI{aЛoB' ПyсTЬII{Ь' гopнЬIx цепей.
u oбpaзoвaние сTеПеI{ей сpaвнения ПpиЛaГaTелЬI{ЬIх.
* Aбсoлroтнaя фopмa местoимений.
r _ Who is оn duty today?
- Kтo сегoДня де;кypньlй?
l _ Who is away todaу?
- Kтo сегoДI{я oтсyтствyет?
r _ Ivanov is. / Еverybody is hеrе. / Nobody is away.
l opеn yоur books on page 10.- oткpoйте книги нa десятoй сTpaнице.
r Bе сarеful!
- Бyдьте внимaтельньI!
о Listen to thе сassеttе.- ПpослyrпaйTе ayДиoЗaIlисЬ.
о Guеss the mеaning of thе undеrlinеd words.- loгaдaйтесЬ o Знaче}Iии
I]oДчеpKI{yTЬIx сЛoB.
о Mаtсh thе piсturеs with thе sentenсеs.- Сoпoстaвьте кapTинKи и ПpеДЛo)<eния.
. Find the right answеr.- Haйдите IIрaBиЛЬI{ЬIй oтвет.
. Ехplain yorrr answеrs.- oбъясниTе I]paBиЛЬI{oсTЬ сBoиx oTBeToB.
. Look at the piсturе.- Пoсмoтpите I{a KapTиI{Ky.
. Chоosе thе right answеr.- BьIбеpите ПpaBиЛЬIlЬIй oтвет.
. Chесk your answеrs.- ПpoвеpЬTе сBoи oTBеTЬI.
you arе - you'rе
hе ls - hе's
shе is - shе's
it is - it's
Wе arе - Wе'rе
thеy arе
- thеy'rе
that is - that's
hе will - hе'll
I will nоt - I won't
do not - don't
doеs not - doеsn't
is not
- isn't
arе not - arеn't
was not - wasn't
Wеrе not - wеrеn't
havе not - havеn't
had not - hadn't
did not
- didn't
- сan't
must not - mustn't
t'jniт ? 2з
.@ ti,t"n ond гeod.
disgusting - oTBpaTитeльньlй
hеavу l,hеvi| - тя>кельlй
to piсk smth up - сoбиpaть чтo-либo
to go сamping - иДти B пoХoД
to gеt wеt through - ПpoМoKI{yTЬ
дo ниTKи
an advеnturе - ПpиKЛIoчеI{ие
wood - зd. xвopoст
a сampfirе [.krempfalэ] - KoсTеp
а bеаr - ,IеДBеДЬ
hаrd grouпd
- зd. твеpДaя ЗеN4ЛЯ
to Snorе - xрaПеTЬ
bцrnt - пoдгopевrшиЙ
а SoL|rсе [sэ:s] - исToK
Guess the meoning of the underlined word.
Тhеrе arе a lot of mosquitoes [mэ,ski:tэoz] in summеr.
Thеу fly around mе and I сan't slееp.
..2.:,l Мisho wonls to go сomping ond is toIking to RoЬ oЬout it.
Listen, reod ond onswer the questions'
1. What doеs Rob think about сamping. Why?
2. What doеs Misha think about сamping. Why?
3. Why did Rob say,..I'll go with уoui'?
j::j Find the opposite of sofi (мягкий) ond light (лeгкий).
Мisha: Good mоrning, Robl I havе a surprise
fоr you. Nеxt wееk Wе arе going сamping
with my сlass!
Rob: Nо, thank you. I hatе сampingl
Мisha: Don't say that! Camping is fun! Wе arе
going to Lakе Volgo, it is one of thе SourсеS
of our grеat Russian rivеr - thе Volga.
Wе,ll slееp in tеnts and сook our food on
a сampfirе!
Rob: And what's wrong (a uто не тaк?) with ТV
сomputеrs, niсе soft bеds and pizza?
Мisha: Wе сan play сomputеr gamеs and eat pizza
еvеry day! It's boring! Camping is a rеal
Rob: I know,I know. Yоu walk all day and you
caffУ a hеavy baсkpaсk. You arе vеry
tirеd in the еvеning, but yоu havе to go
and piсk up somе wood for thе сampfirе.
Тhеn уou еat disgusting burnt рotatoеs.
Whеn you finally gеt into yоur slееping bag' you сan,t slееp.
Somеbоdy snorеs' mosquitoеs sit оn your nosе, thе ground is hard
and сold. And you arе luсky if it doеsn't rain and you don't gеt wеt
through.Is that fun? And I hеard thеrе arе horriblе bis bеars in
Russian forеsts...
Misha: Arе уou sсarеd, Rob?
Rob: of сoursе I'm not sсаrеd.
Мisha: Тhеn show mе.
Rob; OK, OK.I'll go with you.
B слoвoсoчeTalяИИ ДBa пpилaгaTеЛьI{ьIx + сyщесTBиTеЛЬнoе нa ITеpBoе
МесTo сTaBиTсЯ IIpилагaTеЛЬнoе сo ЗHaчеI{иеM oцеIlKи.
Haпpимep: а сlevеr уoun7 boу, а boring otсl book.
3 .: Look through the text ond find woгd сomЬinotions with two odieсtives.
4 ;Write the odieсtives in the гight order.
1. My grandfathеr is a ... mаn. (old / bravе)
2. ow offiсe is in a ... housе. (niсе / nеw)
3' Ann's friеnds livе in а ... village. (littlе / bеautiful)
4. Nobody wantеd to eat that .. ' soup' (disgusting / сold)
Apтикль (The A*iс|e)
Apтикль thе yпoтpебляeтся с нaЗBaнияМи pеK, oзеp, l,{opей, oкеaнoв,
KаHаЛoB. ПyсTЬlHЬ. Гopl.lЬlx цепей.
Haпpимеp Thе Volgа' the Blаck Sеа, thе Аt|аntiс Осеап, thе Bаikаl.
thе Еnglish Сhаnпеl, thе Sаhсtrа, the Alps'
Если пеpед I{aЗBaIIиеМ oзеpa сToиT сЛoBo Lаkе,тo apTиKЛЬ' KaK пpaBиЛo,
не упoтpебЛЯеTсЯ.
Haпpимеp: Lаkе Volgo, Lаke Bаikаl.
5.. Choose the right onsweг ond fiIl in the gops. Wгite fhe or _ (no orticle),
1. ... dееpеst lаkе in thе world is ... .
a) ... Lakе ontаrio b) ... Lakе Volgo с) ... Lakе Baikal
2. ... warmest of thе thrее is ... .
a) ... Blaсk Sеa b) ... Rеd Sеa с) .'. Сaspian Sеa
3. ... longеst rivеr in thе world is ... .
a) ... Nilе b) ... Volga с) ... Mississippi
4. ... largеst oсеan in thе world is ... .
a) ... Atlantiс oсеan b) ... Paсifiс oсеan с) ... Indian oсеan
5. ... highеst mоuntains are ...
а) ... Himalayas b) ... Alps с) ... Cauсasus
I hatе сampingCamping is fun
In your exerсise Ьooks fill in the toЬle with sentеnсes fгom the text on
poges 24_25 whiсh pгove these ideos.
Look ot the piсtuгe ond think: Whof is good obouf comping?
Model: Саmpiпg is ,fuп. The boуs аrе plауing footbаll,
.: ln poirs. ToIk oЬout сomping ond soy: Do yov. ogree with мisho or with RoЬ?
йЬya Stort with: l think,l bЬlieve, l ogree,l don,I osJree| ProЬoЬlу, МoyЬe,
I remember, l'm ofroid' l'm sorry, bvf."
Homework ''e.'. 'l..]t
a|*i||i:,,i|'|j|ф,i|:'*'l li'..],i] i ). |;'||1)|,| 1? !|i,'i'3!!!l .1 lr+;а14
A Do you wqnt to go сomping? Why? / Whу not? Wгjte oЬout it. Use the
,"nt"n.", from tйe texl or you. own ideos. Stoгt with
,,Comping is o гeol
odventure.. .,, or ,,I
hote сomping...,,
26 r,
! We must poсk our boсkpoсks
Look ot the piсtuгes ond motсh them with
a Warm swеatеr, a pair of trainеrs,
a baсkpaсk. a tеnt, a slееping bag, a
a mug' a spoon' a pair of wеllingtons,
the words fгom the Ьox.
a pair of trousеrs' a warm jaсkеt,
guitar, sоmе mеdiсinе, a сompass,
a pаir оf sосks
a сauldron
a boх of matсhes
You ore go-ing сomping.. Whot wi|l you toke with you? Whot won,t you toke
with you? Stqгt with: It is importonl fo hove... , lt d.oesn,t motter if l jon,t hove..,
pair of swimming
a}?i Ч
a сamеrа
mosqulto сrеam
a pеnknifе
3 Listen ond reod. Choose the Ьest tronslotion for the undeгlined expгession.
a) лyнrшaя пapa b) лишняя пapa с) ЗaПaсIlaя Пapa
How mony poirs of swimming trunks is RoЬ going to toke with him?
Мisha: Wе must paсk our baсkpaсks. What arе you going to tаkе?
Rob: oh, that's еasy. Wе'll slееp in thе slееping bags, so
I must takе that. Thеn I'1l Wear my wеllingtons bесаusе
it is going to bе wеt and muddy in thе fоrеst. I'll wеar
-y f"пoй T:.shirt and mу bluе jеans beсausе thеy look
niЬe on mе. oh, and I must takе thеsе whitе soсks.
Thеy arе vеry niсе too, arеn't thеy? I'll takе an w
еxtrЬ pair of iwimming trunks. And lеt's tаl.o lffi
,Ыtt" rесordеr bеЬausе lifе without;;j" &
isn't fun.
4 Do you ogree with RoЬ? Does he hove the гight things?
Help Rob poсk his boсkpoсk. Fi|I in the gops with the woгds.
еxtra pairs of soсks' a torсh, a box of matсhеs, a pair of wеllingtons, a pair of
tтainеrs, Warm sweatеrs and warm jaсkеts, a watеr bottlе' a сamеra
1. It сan bе muddy in thе forеst, so thеy'll nееd ... .
2'Тeу arе going tо walk for a long timе, so thеу'll nееd ... .
3. Thеy сan gеt thirsty, so thеy'll nееd a ... .
4. It is going to ь" dark in thе forеst,so thеy'll nееd a ... .
5. Тhеy are going to makе a сampfirе, so thеy'll nееd ... .
6. It сan bе vеry сold at night, so they'll nееd ... .
7. Thеir soсks сan get wеt' so thеy'll nееd ... .
In poirs. A memory gстe. Loo-k ot Мisho,s Ьoсkp.oсk for o minute. Close your
ЬoЬk ond try to гemЁmЬer: Whot did you see in the Ьoсkpoсk?
28 | :. llt .1? L о'stоil ij
Yesterdoy Мisho mode o |ist of things to toke v/ith him. Look ot his
Ьoсkpoсk ond Iisten to Мisho,s |ist. Whot did he foгget?
Тe|l youг с|ossmotes: Whot things do you toke when you go сomping?
A A quiz. Whot kind of сomper oгe you? Choose youг onswer.
1. At thе wеekеnds yоu nоrmally...
a) spеnd a day on thе sofa and watсh TY
b) spеnd your timе with friеnds.
с) walk your dog or go jogging.
2. Whiсh сhаraсter dо you like bеst?
a) Hаrry Pottеr
b)Robin Hood
с) Petеr Pan
3. You arе lost in thе fоrest. Whаt will you do?
a) сlimb a trее and сry
b) sit on the ground and wait for hеlp
с) usе a сompass and try to find thе way
4. Yоu arе сamping nrar thе lakе. Thеrе is no hot water, but vоu want
to wash yоur hair.
a) You won't wash your hair and wait for your сosy bathroom.
b) You,ll warm up somе watеr in thе сauldron and ask somеbodv to hеlо.
с) You'll wash your hair in thе lakе.
5. What is fun аbout sleеping in а tent?
a) It,s not my idеa of fun.
b)You сan havе a good fight and а good laugh in a tеnt.
с) It is good for you to slееp in thе opеn air.
6. You arе сamping. Yоu gеt up еarly in thе morning. Еvеrybodу is still
аsleеp. What will yоu do?
a) rеad a book
b)сoоk brеakfast
с) makе a сampfire
7 Yоu аrе going by сar, so yoш сan takе one heavy thing with уou. What
will you takе?
b) a сassеttе rесordеr
с) a boat
"ta,,.r.,. ,
Ulii 2 [.'ilss.:п ? 29
8. Whеn you gо сamping, уоur bасkpaсk is normally very hеavy
bесаusе you саrty
a) a lot of warm сlothеs
b) a lot of niсе snaсks
с) a lot of things fоr your friеnds
9. When you gеt hоmе aftеr сamping what is thе first thing уou do?
a) Go io thе bathroom and havе a long hot bath.
ь) гьo,'е all your friеnds and tеll thеm all about your advеnturеs.
с) Go to thе kitсhеn and havе somеthing to еat.
Моstly As _ You arе a SLЕЕPING BAG. Сamping isn,t your idеa of fun.
3&' Thе ground is сold and thе baсkpaсk is vеrу Ц:uuy.So
. thе сеntrе of anу group.You sing, уou danсе, you makе jokеs.
W.Ё,,з W Camping without you isn't fun. But you arе not always rеady
for diffiсutt situations - уou nееd your friеnds likе a сampfirе
{ " юь--I  nееds a lot of wood.
мoйy Cs - Yоu arе a TORCH. You arе a vеry good сampет and will
suтvivе in any situation. You always hеlp yоur friеnds if thеy
bеttе"r for you to go by сar. But you arе сlеvеr. If sоmеthing
happеns, you havе good idеas whiсh hеlp еvеrybody. And
yoo. t'i."as теally likе tо listеn to your storiеs by thе
ask for hеlp. You сan makе a сampfirе and сook food, you
сan сarry hЪavy things. Thеrе is only onе problеm:Yоur light
is vеry important, but it is not warm еnough.
*.- .' '. Do you qgгee with your results? Why? Wrile 2_4 sentenсes.
з0 i*lrlit 2 i-rll.sоri lr
2. K пpилaгaTеЛЬ}IЬIМ, сoсToящиМ иЗ
oДI{oгo сЛoгa иЛи ДByx сЛoгoB и
oKaI{чиBaIoщиМся Нa -у' -oщ -ец B
сpaBI{иTеЛЬнoй степени лpибaвляeтcя
3. K пpилaгaTеЛЬI{ьIl{' сoстoящи1{ иЗ
oДнoгo сЛoгa иЛи ДByx слoгoB и
oKaI{ЧиBaIoщиMся Ha -у' -oщ -еr' B
пpеBoсхoДI{ой степени пpибaвляется
4. Е,слlт ПpиЛaгaTеЛЬI{oе oкal{ЧиBa-
еTсЯ I{a бyквy е'To IIpи1 пpибaвле-
нии сyффиKсa -er ИЛИ -еSt
5. Если пpиЛaгaTеЛьI{oе oKaнчIlBaeTcЯ
нa yдapньlЙ сJIoг с кpaтKиМ гЛaсI{ЬIМ'
To пpи ттpибaвлeнии cуффикca -er
ИI|L| -еSt
6. Если IIpиЛaГaTеЛЬIIoе oKal{чИBaeТcЯ
нa бyквy y, кoтopoй ПpеДIIIесTBуеT
сoГЛaсI{aя' To Пpи пpибaвлении
сyффиксa -er ИII'т -est
7 HекoтopьIе IIpилaгaTеЛЬIIЬIe oбpaзyroт
сTeПеIlи сpaBI{еIIиЯ I{е flo ПpaBиЛy'
The most importont equipment
a) бyквa e oтбpaсьrвaеTся. Haпpимеp:
b) кoнeннaЯ сoгЛaсI{aЯ yДBaиBaеTся.
Haпpимеp: hot
- hottеr
- hottеst
с) пoлo;кителЬIIyIo' сpaBI{иTеЛЬнyIo
и ПpеBoсхoДIIyIo сTеIIени сpaBне-
ния. Haпpимеp: lоng
- lоngеr
d) бyква y MеIIяеTсЯ нa i. Haпpи.
меp: еarly
- еarliеr
- еarliеst
f) сyффикс -er. Haпpимеp:
- shortеr.
- happlеr;
naIrow - narrowеr
g) сyффикс -esf. Haпpимеp:
- shortеst;
- happiеst;
- narrowеst
1 Compore the words oссoгding to the mode|.
MоdeI: Gеrmаnу / Саnаdа / Сhinа (bid -Gеrmапу is big' Сhinа is biggеr Саnаdа is thе biggеst.
1. thе Volga / thе Irtysh / thе Thamеs (long)
2. a villagе l a сitу / a town (big)
3. a train / a planе / a сar (fast)
4. Japan / Bеlgium / Spain (small)
B пятoм Kлoссe вЬ| пo3нoкo|Аились c oнглИйcюцми пpилoгoтeлЬHЬlми
И узHo,лиI кoK иx сPoвHиBoтЬ. Пpoвильнo сoeдиниB чoсти пpeдл ox'eнv,tЙ,
BЬ| Bспoмнитe и3yчeHHЬIe пpoвилo.
1. AнглийсKие ПpиЛaгaтеЛЬI{Ьlе иМеIoT
'Degrees of ComPorison)
Cтeпeни сPoBнeния пpилoroтeльF|ыx lI
БoльшrинстBo tIpиЛaгaTеЛЬIIЬIх' сoсToящиx иЗ t{Byx и бoлее сЛoгoB, oбpaзy-
Ioт сTеIIеIIи сpaBI{еIrI4я с пoМoщЬIo сЛoB morr (бoлее), mоst (нaибoлее),lеss
(менее) и lеaJt (нaит'ленеe), KoTopЬIе cTaBЯTcЯ IIеpеД IIpиjIaгaTenЬIIЬIМи.
сpaBI{иTеЛЬнoй степени.
ьo,rng,1it*Ьn TV- Я dу*oo, чmo вечеptlнка у Анньt 6уdеm 'tеHее
un*ip",noii, нем скучньLй фuльм no mелевuзopу.
difiiсult - I thini Ru,,ioi is morе difficult thаn Еnglish.- Я dулtаro,
pуcскuй язык mpуdнее, чеJ|I а|!?JluL|скцu.
сomfortablе - Му ,Ьo* in thе hotеl was less comfortаble thаn mу
че.N| кoJv|нсlmс| I|oе?o dpуzа. Эmo бьLлo lnаK несnpaвеoJ1uвo.
CyществитеЛЬнoе' oПpеДеЛяеMoе пpиJIaгaTеЛЬIIЬIМ
степени yпoтpеб ЛЯeTcЯ с apтиклем thе.
Haпpимep:ь"""iir"r_-' Mаiу is thе most bеаutiful girl iп our сlаss.-
Mэpu - сaмaя l{paСuвaf| dевoчко в нсtLuеJу| KлaСcе.
intеrеsting - тni, i, the most intеresting film аboцt аnimаls n'? Y !:'"d
наtimu в ЭmoJ|t "+tа?с|gl.|не.
usеful - I think
r' tn, leаst usфl book from уour list.- Я dулtаto,
Эmo нal,|JуLенее |1o"xе3наf1 кHu?a ш3 mвoе?o сnLlсКa.
2 Мisho ond his friends ore in the shop.^They oгe Ьuying equipment
[r'kwrpmэntl t.";;;;;;;;) Ы;;;рing. Look ond find the new woгds.
сamping stovе
з2 l :'r;: '/ i-cs,.:;-"
I a kеttlе
3 Whot do you think?
1. What is thе most important еquipmеnt for сamping?
2. What is thе lеast important еquipment for сamping?
3. What is thе most еxpеnsive еquipment?
4. What is thе lеast еxpеnsivе еquipmеnt?
5. What is thе hеaviеst еquipmеnt?
4 Compoгe the equipment. Put the odieсtives in Ьгoсkets in the гight form.
1. .A сamping Stovе is (сhеap) than a tеnt. Lеt's havе it],
2. ,,Wе сan't havе a сamping stovе and a tеnt.Wе havе only six thousand rоublеs.
Thе tеnt is (еxpеnsive) thing, but it is also (important) еquipmеntJ'
3. .A kеttlе is (еxpеnsivе) thing. but wе don't nееd it]'
4. .A mattrеss is (сhеaр) than a сamping stovе, but it's (usеful) еquipmеnt.
Wе havе our slееping bags!''
5. .A mattrеss isn't (usеful) thing, but it's importаnt for mе. It's (сomfortablе)
to slееp on a mattrеss thаn on thе groundi'
6. ..Wе сan havе a kеttlе
- it's (сhеap and light) thingJ'
5 Look ot the piсtuгe in Еx. 2 ond onsweг lhe queslions. Use the infoгmotion
from Ех,2' 4.
1. What doеs Misha want to buy? What doеs hе say?
2. What dоеs Vasya want to buy? What dоеs hе say?
3. What doеs Rob want to buy? What doеs hе say?
4' What doеs olga want to buy? What doеs shе say?
6 Use the senlenсes from Ex. 4 ond oсl oul mini.diologues Ьetween
a) Misha and Vasya
b) Misha and Olga
с) olga and Rob
7 Listen ond сheсk your qnsweгs.
lt a
пomeworк;. ...'."'."*-..*.*,*'.,"*,,*/'
А Put the odieсtives in Ьroсkets in the гight foгm.
1. Tеd is (tall) ... than Stеvе.
2.Му dad is (old)... than my mum.
З. Thеy arе thе (huppy) ... family in our town.
4. Mary's Еnglish is (bad) ... than hеr Gеrman.
5. Niсk is thе (good) ... football playеr in our сlass.
6. Тhе (hot) .'. day last yеar Was 72 Ju|у.
: . , - .. |, ангllliiскtll.i py, Учeбнrtк для 7 u
,i ComPlete the tobIe with the гight foгm of the odieсtive.
ПoлorкительIlaя степeпь
Positivе dеgrее
Cpaвнитeльшaя стrпепь
Cоmparativе dеgrее
Пpевoсхoдпaя стrПrIIЬ
Supеrlativе dеgrее
morе favouritе
(thе) lеаst important (1hing)
morе horriblе
lеss intеrеsting
,'Cj Write your opinion.
1. Thе most popular сomputеr gamе is...
2.Тlne most anсiеnt monumеnt in Еngland is...
3. ...will bе thе most popular football player in Russia nехt yеar.
4. thе most intеrеsting TV programmе.
D,} Write questions for youг fгiends. Ask them in сloss.
а) сar (сomfortаblе):Whаt is thе most comfortаblе саr?
b) соmputer / TV (ехpеnsive): Is о computеr mОrе ехpеnsive thап а W?
1. сity (beautiful)
2. musеum (intеrеsting)
3. holiday (important)
1. book / film (intеrеsting)
2. l4аthеmatiсs / Histоry (diffiсult)
3. biсyсlе / сar (сhеap)
4. spring / аutumn (wаrm)
Her boсkpoсk is os heovy os mine
Сpoвнeниe пPилoгoтeлЬнЬIx с пoмou.1Ьlo сoю3oв os... os/ not os... os
Kaчествa IIpеДМеToB' действий и явлeнlтfr' Ь{o)с{o сpaBниBaTЬ с IroМoщьIo сo-
IозoB аs... аs (тaкoй ><е' кaк) и not аs... as (не тaкoй, кaк).
This book is аs intеresring аS thаt onе.- Эmа кнцzсt mаКсlf7 )!се uнmеpеснаft' ttсtК
mа, This book is not аs intеrеstiпg аS thаt oпе.
- Эmа кнцzа не mаКсtf| uнmеpеcнсIfl'
кald mа'
Shе wаs not аS hаppу аs thеу thought.
- Она бьtла не mсIIс счаcmлцва, Kaк
oнu dу"+tалu.
Mу brothеr is аs tаll аS уou' but hе is not аs old.- hIoй бpаm mакoй эюе
вьtсoкuй. каК mbt. нo oн "млаdше.
oбpaтштe BHиMaIIие: B тaкиx ПpеДЛo)Kениях ПoДЛе)Kaщее не ПoBTopяеT-
сЯ ДBilKДЬI. Bo втopой чaсTи ПpеДЛo)KеIIия oнo зaМеIIяеTся сЛoBoМ onе, a Bo
MIIOх<есTBенHOМ чисЛе
- ones.
Thеsе shoеs аrе bеttеr thап thosе Оnes.- Эmu mуфлц 'nучLuе' че'44, me
I rеаd аll books bу Philippа Grеgorу. Plеаsе givе mе this onе аnd thаt Оne.-
Я чumаro вcе tdнuzL| Фuлцnпьt Гpеzopu. Пoэrалуйсmа, dайmе "4,|не Эmу u mу.
A6сoлютнoя фopмo пPитяжoтeлЬнь]x мeстoимeний
Пpитя><aтеЛьIIЬIе МесToиМеtIия в oсIIoBI{oй фopме сЛyХaT oПpедеЛеI{и-
еl4 K сyщесTBиTеЛЬнoМy и сTaBяTся ПеpеД ниьr mу book.
Пpитя;кaтеЛЬнЬIе МесToиМеI{ия в aбcoлroтнoй фopме ЗaMенЯIoT сyще-
сTBиTеЛЬIIЬIе' пoЭToмy сyщесTBитеЛЬнЬIе ПoсЛе I{их не yпoтpебляrотся.
Haпpимеp: Mу flаt is biggеr thап уours' - hloя lсваpmцp{l бoльtuе, че"||4 вaцlа'
IIе'll listеп to аll уoar SесrеtS аnd will givе уou somе good аdviсе, but p|еаsе,
doп't аsk him аbout his.
- Он вt,lслуLuсIеm все mвol| cекpеmьL u d(lсm mебе
хopoutuе СОвеmьr' нo' no)rtалуйсmа' не сnpашuвай o еzo.
oсновшaя фopмa
пpитя)катеЛьlf ьIx Mестoимен ий
mv ball - мoй мяч
Aбсoлroтнaя фopмa
пpитя)каTеЛЬнЬrx Mестoимений
Thе ball is minе.- Mяч мoй.
r.oцr ball - Barп мяч Thе ball is уours.- Мяч Barп.
his ball - егo Мяч Thе ball is his.- Мяч егo.
hеr ball - её пlяч Thе ball is hеrs.
- Mяч её.
its ball - егo/её (o lruвomнoм) мян Thе ball is its.- Mяч егo/её (o ltuвomнo,м).
оur ball - нaIп Mяч Thе ball is ours.- Mяч нarп.
r оur ball - BaIII Мяч Thе ball is yоurs.
- Mяч вaIп.
:hеir ball- их Мяч Thе ball is thеirs.- Мяч их.
Пpaвильнo ли бyдет сKaзaTь Нer book is bettеr thаn his onе'
FIет, непpaBиЛЬI{o. Пpитя:кaтеJrЬнoе МесToиМеI{ие +
сyщесTBиTеЛЬI{oе ЗaI!{енЯIoTсЯ ToЛЬKo MесTOиMе-
I{ие]vI B aбсoлloтнoй фopме. Hеr book is bеttеr
thаn his.
1. Thеsе arе thеir matсhеs.-
2,That is my сamеra.-
З. This is your mosquito сrеam.-
Chonge the sentenсes oссoгding to the model.
Model: This is hеr torсh.-Thе torсh is hеrs'
4. Thеsе arе our tеnts.-
5. That is his mattrеss.-
6. This is hеr саmping stovе.-
Chonge the sentenсes oссording to the model.
Model: Your bаg is not аs nеw сtS minе (old).- Your bаg Ь older thаn minе.
1. Pеggy's baсkpaсk is not аs hеavy as minе (light).-
2.Тtre wеаthеr tоday is not as good as it was yеstеrday (bad).-
3. This housе is not as big as that onе (small).-
4. This piсturе is not as (еxpеnsivе) as that onе (сhеap).-
5. Thе Blaсk Sеa is not as warm as the Rеd Sеa (сold).-
6. This сauldron is not as dirtу as that onе (сlеan).-
;:lH# гitl in the gops with os... os or nol os,.. os.
1. Start with Еxеrсisе 1. It is ... diffiсult ... Еxerсisе 2.
2..Гhe film was ... good ... thе book. I don't rесommеnd it.
3. My friеnd's сat is ... funny ... minе.I likе to play with it.
4. Мy nеw shoеs arе ... сomfortablе ... my old onеs. I don't like to wеar thеm.
5. I,m afraid I сan't hеlp you. I{y baсkpaсk is ... hеavу ... yours.
Сhoose the right word.
1. Is that (your / yours) pеn?
2.Тhat pеn is (mу / minе).
3. That ball isn't (him / his).
4. Is your drеss аs оld as (hеr / hеrs)?
5. Thеir flat is as small as (оur / ours).
6. our tеaсhеr WaS as sood as (their l thеirs).
..5 i Find the mistokes.
1. My bag is as сlеan as hеr onе.
2. This book is intеrеsting as that one.
З. His brothеr is oldеr than hеrs brоthеr'
4. Yours mistakеs arе as bad as minе onеs.
з6 Uпit 2 Lеssоn 4
Ir job is good. Hеr
:оb is good too. ( My job is as good аs hеrs.
Her job is not :
good as minе.
4. Is St Pеtеrsburg as old as
A . Choose the гight word. '.Э.,
1. Тhat tеnt Wasn't him / his.
2' Hе is hеr / hers friеnd.
3. That kеttlе is thеir / thеirs.
4. Look at his / him.
5. This pеn isn't my / minе.
C . Тгons|ote fгom Russion into ЕngIish.
7. Is wintеr in Mosсow as сold as wintеr
in Tomsk?
Comp|ete the sentenсes. Use the
od]eсtives: light, fomous, |ong, heovy.
1. Thе Thamеs is not as... as thе Еnisеy
2. Her baсkpасk is as... as minе.
3. Thеir tеnt was not as... aS ours.
4. Shakеspеare is aS... as Pushkin.
#ф .ffiffi ffiffi.%' жe
&w offi#ыidl @
1. Her pizza was tasty. His pizza wasn't tasty.
- }{is pizza...
2.Yotlt story was sсary. Мy story Was sсary too.- Мy stоrу...
3. Her mum was angry. His mum WaS angry too.- FIеr mum...
4. This book is vеry intеrеsting. That book is boring.- That book...
7J Anr*". the questions.
1. Is thе ob as lоng as thе oka? 5. Is thе Atlаntiс oсеan as big as thе
2. Is Еngland as big as Russia? Paсifiс oсеan?
З. Arе the days in аutumn as short 6. Is the Blaсk Sеa as warm as thе
as in spring? Сaspian Sеa?
1. Этoт IIеpoчинI{ЬIй нo>к не мoй. oн - егo.
2, }{aтлa ПaЛaTKa нe TaKaя I{oBaя, KaK BaIIIa.
З, Их claльI{ЬIе МеIIIKи IIr TaKие TеПЛЬIе' KaK IlaIIIи.
4. Егo KIIигa "|aKaЯ х(е инTеpесI{aя' Kaк eе.
ls RoЬ os good os go|d?
flJ Мotсh the piсtuгes with the idioms.
1. It is аs hungry as a huntеr.
2. He is as goоd as gold.
;?'*i 11t1"n ond reod.
to hurt
- IIpичиH,Iть бoль
to sharе [eэ] smth with smb - (пo)делиTЬся с кеl,l-либo чем-либo
to wash up - MьITЬ ПoсyДy
to put up a tеnt - сTaBиTЬ ПaЛaTKу
..1.'i Мotсh lhe expгessions with their tronslotions.
1' to bе as Strong as an oх
2. to be as good as gоld
3. to bе as rеd as a bееtroot
4. to bе as hungry as a huntеr
a) бьIть KpaснЬIМ oT сTЬIдa
b) бьIть гoЛoДIIЬIМ' KaK BoЛK
с) вести себя xopошo
d) бьlть сиЛЬI{ЬIМ' KaK BoЛ
Guess the meoning of the underlined woгd.
If you сut your fingец you must put a p]аslrI [,plo:stэ] on it.
38 r:-;:,.'rlir: -l
4 Reod ond soy: Whot are the friends doing?
Misha, hеlp! Мy baсkpaсk is too (слиIпкoм) hеavy.
Thеy hurt, bесausе
you arе wеaring your
wеllingtons! Thеy arе
nоt for walking. Put
on my trainеrs and put
a plastеr on yоur fееt.
Рut on my Warm jaсkеt and
hеrе is an ехtra pair of soсks.
Wе.ll stay hеrе for thе night!
Thе fоod is disgusting!
I'll piсk up Somе wood!
I'll put up thе tеntsl
I'll watсh!
I,ll сook dinnеr!
:t l
Thе food is grеatl
I'm as hunsrv as a huntеr!
Rob will. Hе has to do
somеthing!Who will wash up aftеr dinnеr?
I don't bеliеvе it. Hе is еating sandwiсhеs'
r,oghurt and bisсuits behind thе tеnt.
I сouldn't sharе thеsе snaсks!
Thеrе isn't еnough for еvеrybody.
Rob! You don't r,vаnt to do anything,
but еvеrybody has to hеlp you! Whеn
my friеnds found you bеhind thе tеnt,
my faсе Was aS rеd as a bееtroot!
5 . Whot do you do with these things? Мotсh the nouns with the veгЬs.
1. сampfirе
2. wood
5. food
6. tеnt
a) put up
b) сook
е) makе
f) sharе
3. tasty snaсks с) piсk up
4. diгty dishеs d) wash up
Who soid these woгds ond when?
1. You arе aS strong aS an oX.
2. Тbmоrrow I.ll bе as sood as sold.
3.My faсе was as red as a bееtroot!
4. I'm as hunsrv as a huntеr.
"{ft} li'ten ond tгy to underslond the moin ideo of eoсh story. Мotсh the stoгies
"# with the moiЬ ideos from the Ьox. Be сoreful] There ore four moin ideos, but
on|y thгee stories.
a) Hе is as good as gold.
b) Hеr faсе was as rеd as a bееtroot.
с) Hе was as hungrу as a huntеr.
d) Hе was as strong as an ox.
[ля вьrпoлнения эToГo ЗaуaцИЯ вaм цеoбязaTеЛЬI{o пoIIиМaTЬ K3;Ktoе
yсЛЬIIIIaннoе сЛoBo. Hе oбpaщaйте внимaния I{a неЗнaKoМьIе сJIoBa' I{е
пьrтaйтесь ЗaПoМIIиTЬ LTЛИ ЗaтШIСaTЬ yсЛЬlIIIaннoе. Baпra цeЛЬ - paс-
сЛЬIIIIaTЬ IIoсTaToчнoе KoЛичесTBo ЗI{aKoМьIx сЛoB' эTo пoзBoЛиT BaМ
пoI{яTь общий сМЬIсЛ. Если вьr IIе сIIpaBиЛись с ЗaДaIIиеМ с
пеpBoгo paЗa
не oтчaивaйтесь. ПpoслyIшaйте TеKсTЬI еще paз.
- 8 З Answeг the questions.
1. Whу did Rob Say to Misha,,,You arе as Strong as an ox]'?
2. Why did Rоb's fеet hurt?
3. How did Misha hеlp Rob?
4. Why was Rob сold?
5. What did Misha do whеn thе friеnds stoppеd for thе night?
6. What did Rob do?
7. Whеrе did the friеnds find Rob?
8. Why was Misha's faсе as rеd as a bееtroot?
9. What did Rob promisе Misha?
*?j ti|l in the toЬ|e in youг exerсise Ьooks. Use the words for ideos:
baсkpaсk, trainеrs / wеllingtons' Wаrm jaсkеt / niсе T-shirt, еxtra pair of soсks /
еxtra pair of swimming trunks, food, tеnts' tasty snaсks
Yhat Rob did
Hе gavе his baсkpaсk to Misha.
Whаt Rоb didn't dо
He didn't сarry his baсkpaсk.
Hе took his wеllingtons. Hе didn't takе his trainеrs.
In poirs. Тo|k oЬout ond write o |ist of сomping ru|es. Whot must people do?
Whot mustn't people do?
,_Aj Choose the right qnswer.
1. What сan hеlp you rеad a book in a slееping bag?
a) a pеnknifе b) a toтсh с) a tеnt
42 i-] lt .l lеs:.l;,l: -i- о
2. Whеre do pеoplе slееp in thе forеst?
a) in a tеnt b) in thеir wеllingtons с) in thеir swеatеrs
3. What do you neеd if you gеt lost in the forеst?
a) a pеnknifе b) matсhеs с) a сompass
4. What do you need for your сampfirе?
a) somе wood and matсhеs b) some wood and a torсh
с) a guitar and a pеnknifе
5. What do you do with a tеnt?
a) You piсk it up. b) Yоu put it up. с) You takе it up.
*[$ Тгonslote into English.
1' Мoй pIoKзaK бьrл не TaKиМ тЯ)KеЛЬIМ' кaK еГo.
2. Еro лицo бьrлo TaKиМ )Kе KpaснЬIМ, KaK Мoе.
3. Этoт сBиTеp не тaкoй тепльlй, KaK ToT.
4.Мoя ПaЛaTKa бoльrпе, че1{ TBoя.
5. Этo {есTo TaKoе )Ke KpaсиBoe' KaK и To'
' C j Мisho is writing oЬout their fiгst сomping doy. Сomplete his notes.
* Use Еx. 7 ond 8 for heIp.
15 Аugust
Todoy Wos the most horrib|e doy of my |ife..Fiгst Robin
сouldn,t сorry his boсkpoсk. r hod to сorry it for him.
an advеnture
a baсkpaсk
a сamеra
a сampfirе
a box of matсhеs
a mosquito
mоsquito сrеam
a penknifе
to sharе smth with
a pair of soсks
a soup bowl
to bе as good as gоld
to bе as hungry as a huntеr
to bе as rеd as а bееtroоt
tо bе аs Strong as an ox
to go сamping
to piсk up
to put up a tеnt
a torсh
to wash up
a pair of wеllingtоns
to gеt wеt thrоugh
q bеаr
а сацldroп
hаrd ground
to hurt
а plаstеr
а Sourсе
а pаir of swimming
to SnОrе
1 ,,",,,, 1':l :-, ,l, 43
UNlт Holidoys
In this unit
=r Rob saw thе trеasurеs оf thе Russian tsars!
* olga wеnt tсj Ti.rrkеy.
;.: Anya wеnt to thе Crimеa.
You wi|l toIk oЬout ho|idoys.
You wi|l need these woгds ond expressions:
Sеasons and months
to travеl
by train
by сar
by boat
by planе
by undеrgrounк
to liе in thе sur
to swim
a swimming po
а biсyсlе
a hotеl
It is сold.
It is hot.
thе sun
thе sky
thе sеa
thе wind
to shinе
to blow
to bе warm
to put up a tеnt
to makе a сampfirе
to сoоk on a сampfirе
to piсk up wоod
to piсk bеrriеs and mushrooms
to paсk a baсkpaсk
to buy еquipmеnt
to wash up
to sharе things
an advеnturе
]ъ.потpеблсi{l!L: ltТ]'Гl'.iii:lеЙ с Fia.]г]ai{I,iЯЕti,J Ko,Lт.Гит]еA{.It)l].
с,Ip aн " Деp g Bе }.r Ь. рОгLl {}l{oB, GсTpLr B{J ts. Г{]l] !-тьl ч B€р Lt] !!}d.
il"цОш{altrе й. ]];1рKOB' yЛIllt"
Is this right? - Этo пpaвl,тльно.l
Санr ytrш say Ёhat agaim, рleаsе? - rТов.гоpi,lTе, llo>Ka'rэyйста' еще paз.
Саш yош рiаy thе сassеttе agаirt, р!еasе? llос'т.aвт.те. по>ка.цl'i"lстa"
кaссеTy еш{е pаЗ.
Е{оw dо уФ!i -qвy.,...,'itr} Еngtisfu? __ I{aк с!(аЗ:i,l.ь т{rf-&тtl.Лит]тст<t.l'.'..,'.l
СошърЕеtе tЁrе sевrtеnсе with tleе righЁ t.оe'lш сl{ ttrlе verbs in hirасkets.-
Зaкон.Iите пpеДJIо)I{еЕ{IIя, lloсTaBиts гЛaгL}ЛЬI в скобкax tj IxрaBиЛЬ-
ноlr фсрпtе'
lЪ4akе qшеstiоns f,rоrrt thеsе sеrrtenrсrs"- З;iдar1те BоiIТ]oсЬ] к гlреJ].
Stаrt cvith t}rе rvоrds im }эrасkets"'- t{i]ulнi,tте с{-l (jJtОB н сцсtбкаx'
Fiшd gзшd соrrесt tfue mistа}<es.-- {4сtтiэавь'Г|. l 1r!!l]Kli.
Bt-l thе ск'tlssъvоrсfl"- Рсlшrэ'те 1{рt}ссЕ0рll.
The Tsqг Bell ond the Kunstkommer
Apтикль (The ArtiсIe) ....'
r'_r:.,.,,: :,,,,..._ : :ra.lrr,,.rl'Iia'll"r"i'.rr..,lulr'
Без аpтикля yпoтpеблЯIoTся lяaЗBalьv'Я:
KoнTиI{eнToB сTpaI{' ' ДepеBel{Ь ,l peгиol{oB ..oсTpoBoB . гopIIЬIх BеpI]IиII
плoщaдей i ПapKoB i' yЛиц
- Сorsicа, Аmeriса, Sаkhаlin, Strеlkovkа,
Brompton Roаd, London, Bаker Strеet, Тunbridgе Wеlls, Kепt, Kаlugа Rеgion,
Аfriса, Frаnсе, Tiаfаlgаr Squаrе, Korolуov Strееt, Elbrus, Еvеrеst, Сubа'
Mаdаgаscац IIуdе Pаrk
] Put the nomes in the гight сolumns.
Кoптинентьr Cтpaньr oстpoвa Гopпьrе BeprшиIIЬl
Pегиoньr Гopoдa /,[еpевни Плoщaди / Улицьl Паpки
Apтикль thе улoтpeбЛЯeTcЯ с нaЗBaI{ияMи:
сTpaн' сoДеp)Kaщиx сЛoBa statе, kingdom' fedеration и т. rl.- thе Uпitеd
Stаtеs, thе Uпitеd Kingdom, thе Ru,ssiаn Fеderаtion.
TеaTpoB IlyЗееB ' KapTиItI{ЬIx гaлеpей ] ГoсTиI{иц
- thе Hilton (hotеl),
thе Globе Theаtrе, thе Rцssiаn Musеum, thе Nаtionаl Portrаit Gаllеrу.
Бeз apтикля yпoтpебляIoTсЯ :нaЗв,aъ|ИЯ сoбopoв и цеpквей. - Wеstminster
Аbbеу' St Mаrу,s Сhцrсh.
Reod. listen ond soy ofter the speoker.
1. Thе Kunstkammer [,kunst.kremэ]
2. Pеtеrhof [,pitэ,hэ:fl
3. Rеd Squarе ['rеd
4. thе Krеmlin [krеmlrn]
5. St Basil's Cathеdral [snt ,bюz|z kэ.Oi:drэl]
6. thе Bolshoi Thеatrе [,bофr
7. thе Hеrmitagе [,hз:mrtrф]
8. the Ъеtyakov Gаllеry [trеtj,t'kоf 'galэri]
9. thе Armoury Сhambеr [,сmоri
10. thе Tsar Bеl1 [,zс 'bеl]
11. thе Tsar Сannon f,za:'kanэn]
12. thе Crimеa [krar'mi:э]
1З. St Pеtеrsburg [snt
14. Мosсow ['mоskэu]
З Whiсh of the nomes
o re:
famous sights
Мotсh the nomes with the piсtuгes.
Wheгe сon you see these рloсes?
ModеI: Thе first piсturе iS Реtеrho.f. I ссlп
seе it if I visit St Pеtеrsburg.
thе Kunstkammеr
Rеd Squarе
thе Krеmlin
St Basil.s Сathеdral
thе Bolshоi Тhеatrе
thе Hеrrnitаgе
thе Ъеtyakоv Gallеry
thе Armoury Сhambег
thе Тsar Bе1l
thе Tsar Сannon
thе Mаriinsky Тhеatrе
thе Summеr Gardеn
in Еx. 2
5 , Choose the right onswer.
1. Thе сapital of Russia is
a) St Pеtеrsburg b) Yеkatеrinburg с) Mosсow
2, Тe сapital of Russia in 1900 was
a) St Pеtеrsburg b) Yеkatеrinburg с) Мosсow
3. Thе most famous Мosсow theatrе is
a) thе Bolshoi Thеatrе b) thе Mali Thеatrе с) thе Grand opеrа
4. Thе most famous musеum in St Pеtеrsburg is
a) thе Krеmlin b) thе Hеrmitagе с) thе St Pеtеrsburg musеum of history
5. Thе Kunstkammеr is
a) a musеum b) a prison с) a palaсе
6. Thе foundеr of thе Tiеtyakov Gallеry was
a) Pavеl Тiеtyakov b) Sawa Morozov с) Yuri Dolgоrukiy
7 In thе Tiеtyakov Gallеry you сan sее
a) a lot of books b) thе treasurеs of thе tsars с) bеautiful piсturеs
8. In thе Armoury Сhambеr you сan srе
a) a lot of stonеs b) thе trеasurеS of thе tsars с) bеautiful piсturеs
6 '
Fi|l in the gops with fhe oг _ (no oгtiсIe) ond сomplele the senlenсes.
Use the woгds:
Еngland, Franсе, thе USA, Italy, Russia, China, Gеrmany.
Model: 1. Thе Еiffеl |,aтfэ|f Тbwеr is iп Frаnсe.
.ж. ;
...Bеrlin [bз;.hn] Wall is in...
...Vatiсan ['vretrkэn] Musеum is in...
...Тsar Bеll is in...
...Statuе of Libеrty [,stю{u: эv .hbэti] is in...
...Grеat Wall is in...
...Natural History Museum is in...
' Zj Li.sten ond сheсk youг onsweгs. Leorn to pгonounсe the nomes of the p|oсes
of inteгest сoгreсl|y.
Ц Answer the questions.
1. What сan you sее in Rеd Square?
2. What is Peterhof? What сan you sеe thеre?
3. What is the biggеst musеum in St Pеtеrsburg?
4. What is thе most famous gardеn in St Pеtersburg?
5. What is thе most famous Mosсow thеatre?
6. What is the most famоus St Pеtетsburg thеatrе?
7. What сan you sее in thе Armourу Chambеr?
Мotсh the nomes of the сities with theiг tronsсriptions. Leorn to reod them.
Whiсh of these сities ore сopito|s?
O Istanbul @щч,.о
@ Bеrlin
@ в*';iпg
@ Rоmе
@ Mosсow
@ Lоndоn
@ parls/': - /'l '
(9 Nеw Yоrk 9 Мadrid
.' 9$ Мotсь the nomes of the сounlries ond their сopitols. Use fhe oг _ (no ortiсIe).
Model: The cаpitаl of Frаnсе is Pаris.
Еngland, Franсe, thе USA' Italy, Spain, Tirrkеy, Russia' China, Japan. Gегmany
. {1* lnsert the oгtiсles wheгe neсessory.
Modеl: Shеrlock llolmеs livеd in '.. Bаkеr Strееt.- Sherloсk Holmеs lived in
Bаkеr Streеt
1. Do you know about ... British Musеum?
2. Whеn wе Wеrr in ... Londоn, wе livеd in ... Arabеlla Hotеl.
3. Lеt mе show you thе сеntrе of ... Mosсow: ... Rеd Square and ... Krеmlin.
4, ... Trafa|gar Squarе is in ... London.
5. '.. Amеriсa is a сontinent and ... UsA is a сountтy.
6. ... oxford Strееt is vеry big.
7. '..Тietуakov Gallеry is ... famous museum.
[,nju: jэ:k]
|.Jrlit З Lеssоn l 49
l went to Тuгkey ond my friend went
to St Petersburg
i lal 'r'
.-*.]-" Listen ond reod. Мotсh the undeгlined woгds with their tronslotions.
1. I likе to takе piсturеs with my nеW сamеra.
2.I had a great Suntan aftеr my holiday in Tirrkеy.
З.Thе trip was vеry ехсiting [Ik,sartIц]. I saw a lot of intеrеsting things.
4. Thе сoсkеrеl wokе us up in thе morning whеn wе stayеd in thе villagе.
5. Тhе waitеr brought mе a сup оf сoffее and a sandwiсh.
6. Paul and Mary arе from our еntеrtainmеnt team.Т.hеy сan sing and danсе.
a) зaгap
b) yвлекaтельньIй
с) петyx
d) официaнт
е) фoтoгpaфиpoвaть
f ) кoмaндa, paзBЛеKaloщaя oTДЬIxaloщиx
Guess the meoning of the undeгlined woгds.
1. Whеn you go to thе sеat you сan lеarn windsurfing
2. Plеasе sеnd mе a niсе postсard from your holiday.
3. In summеr whеn it's hot, сhildrеn play in thе fountains
4. You сan hаvе a niсе pizza in this Italian rеStaurant
50 ! .iirir
Пpистсвкo un.
Пpистaвкa un. + IIриЛaгaTeЛьIIoе = IIpиЛaгaTeЛЬI{oе с oTpицaTеЛЬI{ьlМ
Haпpимеp: sаfе (6езonасньtй)
- unsаfе (не6езoпасньtй)
.:}i Write the negotive foгm of the od|eсtives.
MоdеI: tidу
- ut1tidу.
offiсial' сomfortablе, tidy, kind, геal' intеresting, truе
Мisho. RoЬ ond their fгiends ore sitting oround
the сompfiгe ond p|oying o gome. Тhey oгe telling
sfories obout lheir holidoys. They сon tell the
truth oг they сon moke something up.
Reod qnd find the story whiсh is nol tгue.
Еxploin yoUг onsweг.
Sasha's storу
Last yеar my fathеr said, ..Wе
arе gоing to St Pеtеrsburgi'
I was vеry happy and told all mу friеnds about thе trip. Тhеy
wеrе intеrеstеd in St Pеtеrsburg too and I рromisеd tо sеnd
postсards to еvеrybody. My first days in St Pеteтsburg Wеrе very
- I forgot abоut еvеryonе. Wе saw thе Hеrmitagе,
thе biggеst musеum in thе сity. Thеn Wе wеnt to thе
Kunstkammеr, onе of thе oldеst musеums in Russia and thе
Bolshoi Thеatrе. Wе stayеd in Pеtеrhof and I сould sее thе
bеautiful fountains and palaсеs out of my winсlow
on thе last day I rеmеmbеrеd about thе postсаrds. Thе wеathеr Was vеrу
niсе, so all my family wеnt to thе Summеr Gardеn and I stayеd at homе. I fеlt
vеry unhappy but I wrotе thirty-fivе postсards and sеnt thеm to mv friеnds!
Olga's story
In April wе wеnt to Tlrrkey tо Bodrum.I didn,t likе it thеrе.
Wе wеrе unluсky with thе wеathец and thе Sеa was сold. our
room WaS dirty and small, and thеrе was no TV Тhе food in
thе rеstaurant WaS disgusting, thе waitеrs wеrе unfriеndly and
thе еntertainmеnt tеam Was rеally boring. Thеrе was a mini-
Zoo nехt to оur hotеl, so еvеry day a сoсkеrеl wokе uS up at
sevеn o'сloсk in thе mornins!
Rob's stоry
Мisha and I wеnt to Mоsсow. That was a сool trip! Wе
wеnt to Rеd Squarе and spеnt а day in thе Krеmlin. Wе took
piсturеs of thе Тsar Bеll and thе Tsar Cannon. Wе visitеd
thе Armoury Сhambеr and saw thе trеasurеs of thе Russian
tsаrs. I alsо wеnt to St Basil's Cathеdral. Fоr mе it iS thе
sуmbol of Мosсow. In thе еvеning Wе Wеnt to thе Bolshoi
Тhеatrе and saw a wondеrful ballеt. Wе had vеry littlе timе
and I didn't sее thе Trеtyakov Gallеry. I hopе wе сan do it
nеxt timе.
Anvа's storv
This summеr Wе Wеnt to thе Crimеa for two months. My
granny livеs thеrе. I lovеd thе Blaсk Sеa. Тhе watеr was vеry
warm and сlеan. I lеarnеd to swim and my brothеr lеarnеd
windsurfing. Whеn thе wеathет was bad, wе Wеnt on Somе
vеry intеrеsting ехсursions. Bad wеathеr is vеry unusual for
thе Crimеa, sо aftеr two wееks wе had a grеat suntan. It was
thе bеst holidaу in my lifе.
4. j Listen ond сheсk your onsweгs. Whot is lhe nome
of o fomous theotre?
гinа odieсtives with o negotive meoning.
6 ,Answeг the questions.
Who wеnt on holiday abroad?
Who wеnt to a big сity?
Who wеnt to thе sеa?
7 :Disсuss. Whot ]o you think?
Whosе holiday was thе most ехсiting? Why?
Whosе hоliday was thе lеast еxсiting? Why?
Whosе holiday was thе most ехpеnsivе?
Whosе holiday was thе сhеapеst?
. Ч-} Аnswe r frue, folse or no informolion. Tгy to find moгe informotion.
1. It is somеtimеs сold in Tirrkey in April.
2. If уou go to thе sеa' you сan lеarn windsurfing.
3. Тhе Tsar Bеl1 is thе biggеst bеll in thе world.
4. Thе Hеrmitagе is thе biggеSt musеum in thе world.
5. Тhе Hеrmitagе is thе oldеst musеum in St Pеtеrsburg.
6. Holidays abroad arе always thе most еxpеnsivе.
Homework ;ф ф ф фф ф {Ф6 ф ф ф Ф Ф Ф *t ф 4{' ф* еФ ф ф + ф ф фф ф ie s ф s фф ф ф ф ф...ц-..",. !l
A Whose photos (l - 1 0) ore these?
ModеI: Thе first piсturе is Оlgа's. She wепt to Tilrkеу
B:: FilI in the gops with o positive oг o negolive form of the odjeсtives.
luсky, friеndly, usuаl, happy, сomfortable, kind
1. I didn't buy thosе shoеs bесausе thеу Wеrе ...
2. I was ... . My fathеr brought mе a prеsеnt.
3. Miss Nasty is a vеry ... woman. Еvеrybоdу is sсarеd of hеr.
4. Snow in August is vеry '.. .
5. Aliсе Was ... . Shе Won a prize in thе lottery.
6. Thе Еnglish Wеrr vеry '.. . Whеn I got lost in London, they showеd me thе way
С . Wгite 6 to 8 senlenсes oЬout your usuo| hoIidoy. Use the toЬ|e for ideos.
апd took а piсturе of а Turkish mаrkеt'
Ъat's thе plaсе likе?
with Who? (с кем?)
How do you gеt thеrе?
'hеrе do you stay?
abroad, сamping, to thе villagе, to thе sеa
bеautiful, еxсiting, boring, intеresting' сold, warm
alonе, with my family, with my friends
by train, by plаnе, by сaц walk
at my granny,s, at thе hotеl, at our friеnds,' at thе
сampsitе (кемпинг)
swim, play, rеad, help with thе
plaсеs, takе piсturеs, mееt
gardеn, visit intегеstins
оld friеnds
-hаt do you do thеге?
. , : , ,; ;.';;,.. i u ii;} How do you spend your holidoys?
Reqd Sosho,s stoгy ogoin, fiII in the gops ond onswerlhe questions.
1. Whеrе ... hе so to? 4' What was thе wеathеr ...?
2. Whеrе ... hе stay?
3. What ... hе sее?
5. What ... hе promisе his friеnds?
6. .. ' оostсards did hе writе?
Look ot the piсlures ond desсribe whot is hoppening.
Model: ], Sаshа is sауing goodbуе to his friеnds. IIе is promisiпg tО writе.
ln poirs. Tгy to rememЬer: Whot pIoсes did Rob visit in Мosсow? Whiсh
p|oсes do you wont to visit?
Reod o|9o,s story ogoin. Here oгe her onsweгs. Ask heг some queslions.
Model: Whеrе did уou gО?
- Wе wеnt to Tшrkеу.
1. Ц,е rvеnt tо Тi.rrkеy. 6. Thе food was disgusting.
2' Vе stayеd at thе Larmona Hоtеl. 7 Тhеy wеrе unfriеndly.
З. No. I didn't. 8. lt was boring'
J. It rvas small and dirty.
5. It rvas сold.
-.'.ri:- i
9. Bесausе a сoсkеrеl wokе us up.
5 o|go' wonts to.moke up story obout heг ho|idoy. He|p olgo сhonge
her story. Тhink of o good ending.
This April Wе wеnt to Turkеy to Bodrum. I likеd it therе! Wе wеrе ... with thе
weathеr and thе sеa was ... . our room was ... and ...,... TVThе food in thе
rеStaurant . .., thе waitеrs . .. and the еntertainmеnt tеam .. . . Thеrе was a mini-
Zoo nеxt to our hotеl, so еvеry day a сoсkеrеl wokе us up at sеvеn o'сloсk in
the morning. It was vеry good bесausе ... .
Look.ot th.e text on poges 5l ond 52. Compoгe olgo.s ond Аnyo,s slories.
Use the plon.
Thе sеa
Opinion ModеI: Оlgа wеnt to Turkeу аnd Апуа wеt1t to thе Сrimеа.
7,} |n уovr exeгсise Ьooks filI in the toЬ|e with these oсtivities.
to put up a tеnt, to play thе guitaц to go windsurfing' to swim, to spеak Еnglish,
to milk сows, to makе jam, to makе a сampfirе, to danсе, to сook orrthе
"u-Ьfi'".to find the way in thе forеst, to go horse-riding, to makе friеnds, to piсk bеrriеs
and mushrooms, to bring in thе harvеst, to fееd hеns and сhiсtеns, to dо
shopping, to sее plaсеs of intеrеst, to takе piсturеs, to go by undеrground, to go
If I gо сamping,
[ сan
1. Whiсh of thеsе things сan уou do?
2. Whiсh of thеsе things dо you want to lеarn?
'-9.j h poiгs. You чг.e
going on holidoy. Whot is.the most importont thing for you?*'..
Use Еx. 6 for ideos. Write down your fгiend,, on,*".,.'
Model: А' Whаt is thе most importаnt thing for уou whеn уОu go on holidау?
B. Thе plаcе is thе most importаnt thiпg. It must bе bеаutifцl аnd qйiеt
(muхuй). And whаt аbout уou?
9 ,:
grouPs. D.
jsсuss with your friends ond find out: Whiсh of rhe fo|Iowing
toсtors oгe the most / the |eost impoгlont foг your сlossmoles?
plaсе, timе, wеatheЦ sеa (rivец lаke), aсtivitiеs, friеnds' fаmily
If I go to thе village,
I сan
If I go abroad,
I сan
If I gо to a big сity,
I сan
ф ф ф ф * e * ф ф ф ф * * ф в 9 в 6 * a tl * в Ф * * ф a & @ ф ф ф & {э * €
A RoЬ is in the foгest, Ьut he is tolking to hjs Ьrother Мork on his mobi|e phone.
You сon heor on|y RoЬ,s words. Reod ond onswer the queslions:
1. Whеrе is Mark?
2. Is hе alonе?
3. Arе thеy luсky with thе wеathеr?
4. What is Rosy doing?
5. What is Мark doing?
Rob: Whеrе arе yоu?
Rob: That's grеat! Spain is beautiful.
What's thе wеathеr likе?
Rob: oh, no! That's vеry unluсky. So what is
Rosy doing?
Rob: In thе swimming pool?!
Rob: You'rе joking! Thе watеr is сold, isn't
Rob: oK, I sее. And what arе you doing?
Rob: Again! I think it's thе most bоring film in thе world!
Rob: All right thеn. (Hy лaднo.) Saу hеllo to Мum and Dad! Byе!
=*j Li't"n, сheсk youг onsweгs ond onswer the queslion Who| is Rosy weoring?
g=iгinа the mistokes ond сoггeсt them. Answeг the questions.
1. Do morе pеoplе speak thе Сhinese or thе Еnglish?
2. Whiсh is thе laтgest сountry in thе wor|d?
З.Is thе Afriсa largеr thal the Еuropе?
4. Whiсh sеa is smallет,thе Baltiс Sеa or theB|ackSea?
5. Arе thе H:imalaуas or the А|ps thе highеst mountains in thе woт|d?
6. Thе dееpеst lakе in thе wor|d is the Lake ontario, isn't it?
7. Is thе Caspian Sеa or thе Dead Sea thе saltiеst in thе wor|d?
8, Is thе Amazon shortеr than rЙe Nilе?
9. Doеs r/ze Nilе flow through thе E,gуpt or through thе lraг,?
--Р*j G"t гeody for the proieсt. Мoke o posleг.
My summ еr advеntuгe
l . Мoke o posteг obout your summer
odvenluгe. Use the moterioI from the Cuf
out poge. You сon write oЬout o reol
odventure or you сon moke it up. Use
photogrophs oг drow the piсtuгes. Don,t
forget to wгite whot you ore doing iing in the
piсtures. Use the plon:
Wеathеr at thе timе of the yеar.
How did you gеt thеrе?
What did you do (sее,lеarn) thеrе?
Еxtra information
2"; Give your posleг o nome. For exompl e:
summer odvenluгe,,, ,,Мy
*3-.j Present,your posteгs to the сloss. Disсuss your presentotion. Put your poster on
the woll.
..ff гIoy o gome. ,,l
Ьe|ieve уoU,.-,,Yor.l oгe moking il up,,.
Tok.e turns lo soy.something oЬout your holidoys. You сon lel| o true stoгy oг
moke- it up. Your friends will listen ro ygУ ond jisсuss youг sro.y. тьen tьey иltsoy,,We Ьelieve уou.., or ,'YoU're
moking il up,,. At rЬe
"nd "o"h
pi"';i;iiteIl his / heг friends the tгuth.
thе Armoury Chambеr
thе Bolshoi Thеatre
the Неrmitagе
the Krеmlin
thе Kunstkammеr
Rеd Squarе
St Basil's Cathedral
St Pеtersburg
the Tiеtyakov Gallеry
the Tsar Bеll
thе Tsar Cannon
a postсard
to takе piсtures
еntertаinmеnt tеаm
а сoсkerеl
thе Сrimеа
а fountаin
аn opinioп
а rеStацrаn|
the tsаr
а wаitеr
", 57
UNlт . Nothing is toгever
'1.:-rrl.:!,,.:..:ir':,-,ii r., l
ln this unit
ф Thеrе was a forеst firе at thе сampsitе.
s Arе you aS greеn aS grass?
# Camping in2I1О.
You will to|k oЬout the woгld oround us.
You will need these words ond expressions:
tо travеl
by train
by сar
by boat
by planе
by undеrgrour
to liе in thе su
to swim
a swimming P'
a biсyсlе
a hotеl
The wоrld arоund us:
villagеs, torвns and
Sеasons and mol
a trее
a forеst
a rivеr
an oсеan
an animal
to brеathе
a strееI
a poliсе station
It is сold.
It is hot.
It rains.
It snоws.
to shinе
to blow
thе sеa
to bе warm
thе sky
tо put up a tеnt
to makе a сampfirе
tо сoоk on a сampfirе
to piсk up wood
to piсk bеrriеs and mushroоms
to paсk a baсkpaсk
to wash up
to sharе smth with smb
an advеnturе
+:ti: .;. 1;1t:'.r; i;.:,:
Nothing is foгever
УпoтpеблеI{ие apTиKЛей с пpедlлеTaми И IloHЯTИЯNruI'
KoTopьIе ЯB.ЛЯIoTcЯ еДиI{сTBеI{нЬIMи B сBoеM poДе.
Koнстpyкция used to.
" Can yоu еxplain that again, plеasе?
- oбъясниTе эTo снoBa,
о Сan yоu lwitе it оn thе bоard, plеase?
- F{aпиrпиTе эTo Ila
ДoсKе' пo;кaлyйстa.
. Doеs аnybоdy havе a sparе pеn?
- У кoгo-нибyдь есTЬ ЛиIII-
няя pуtкa2
. You'll havе tо dо it аgain.- Bам IIpиДеTся сДеЛaTЬ эTo
еще paЗ.
" Gоodbyе' еvеryonе.- Bсем дo cBИДaHИЯ'
Givе your оpinion.- Bьrскa>ките сBoе MI{еI{ие.
Add thе sufliхеs.- Пpибaвьте сyффиксьI.
Mоrе than onr answer сan bе right.- Е{ескoлькo oтве-
ToB МoгyT бьrть пpaвиЛЬI{ЬIN{и.
Ехplain your answеr.- oбъясните Barrr OTBеT.
Whose turn is it? - Чья oнеpедь?
lt's my turn.- Сейчас мoй xoд.
Find rеgular and irrеgular vеrbs.- Haйдите I]рaBиЛЬI{ЬIе
и I{еПpaBиЛЬI{ьIе гЛaГoЛЬI.
,]]i++sщ+ ii*
Unit ;l 59
We сon,t drink this woter
'1..-! Listen ond гeod.
pollutеd [pэ.lu:trd]
- сTеKЛo
littеr - Myсop
Guess lhe meoning of the undeгlined woгds.
1. Nеvеr plаy with dynamitе [.damэmalt]. It is dangеrous!
2. You сan buy Cokе in a plastiс [plrestk] оr a glass bоttlе.
a сampsrtr - KеMпиIIГ
Thеrе has bееn a forеst firе.- Здесь
бьrл леснoЙ Пoxaр.
Cлoвoo6po3oвoниe ..
Hекoтopьrе сyщестBиTеЛЬI{ЬIe в aнглийскolл ЯЗьIKе oбpaзoвaньI
oT гЛaгoлoB пyTеМ пpибaвления сyффиксa -tiоn [Jn].
Haпpимep: to сеlеbrаte _ сеlеbrаtior7, to ехесutе - ехесution.
These ore the verЬs. Add the suffixes ond write the nouпs.
Modеl: to protесt - protесtion
to dесoratе, to illuminatе, to еxaminе, to еduсatе' to instruсt,
to prеvеnt, tо сollесt
3 Afteг o long doy Мisho, RoЬ ond their fгiends get to their
fovourile сompsite. Тhey wont to stop for the night, Ьut
they сon,t. Look ot the piсture ond soy why.
Olga: Wе сan't stay hеrе! Thеrе has bееn a forеst firе!
Rob: Look! Thе fish in thе rivеr arе dеad! The Watеr
is pollutеd! Wе сan,t drink it!
Мisha: Thеrе arе plastiс bottlеs undеr thе trее.
Vasуа: Thеre arе a lot of tins and papеr platеs all
ovеr thе plасе.
Annа: Bе сarеful! Thеrе is glass on thе ground!
Sasha: Whеrе arе thе trееs? @*-@*
4 Look ot the piсtures on poge 60 ond onswer the question : Whot liter did the
friends find ot the compsite?
5 j Wгite oЬout whot hoppened. Use these expгessions.
to start a firе, to pollutе thе watец to kill thе fish, to lеave littеr, to сut down trееs
ModеI: Somеbodу stаrtеd а forеst firе.
6 ..i
Look ot the piсtuгes ond fiIl in the gops.
littец сampfirе, to wash, rivец to сut down, dynamitе, сampfirе
1. Four mеn сamе to thе forest by сar.
2.Тe mеn ... thе trееs for thеir ... .
3. Thе mеn killеd thе fish with ... .
4.Тheу ... thе сar in thе ... .
5' Тhе mеn didn't piсk up thеir... and lеft ... .
ж ''i ll'^
*эfufl; 13
..4D :P
tg" 1рr
"-* .*,
.'Zj" gгeen ru|es for сomPeгs. Use the key words: trees, fire, litIer.
Model: Don't pollшtе wаtеr
Homework $* * * s ф * ф e ф iЕ ф ф A Ф * ф * s * e ф * ** ё $ 6 ф 6 * !* ё * E B * ё lt
.. .. . '...,."o..' ',"*f
A'; Reod ond tгons|ote with o diсtionory. Whot is the story oЬout?
onсе thеrе was a wisе old man. Hе сould answеr any quеstiоn in thе
world. Еvеrybody knеw about him. onе day two boуs said,..Wе'rе going
to fool that old man. Wе,ll сatсh a bird, go to thе old man and say, .Wе
arе holding somеthing in our hands. Is it alivе or is it dеad?' If hе says,
.Dead] *";1l l"t thе bird fly, and if hе saуs, Alivе] wе'll kill it],
Thеy сaught a bird and thеy сarriеd it to thе old man and thеy said,
..Wе arе holding somеthing in our hands' Is it alivе or is it dеad?'' And thе
wisе old man lookеd at thе young pеoplе and smilеd...It's in your hands]'
hе said.
'. . jWhor is the сonneсtion Ьetween the story ond the topiс of Iesson l ?
Choose the right onswers.
1. our planеt is in dangеr.
2. Оv planet will bе in dangеr in the futurе.
3. If wе dont do anything, оur planеt will bе in dangеr.
4. Thе futurе of our planеt is in our hands.
5. Wе сant hеlp our planеt anymorе.
$ Listen ond reod.
еnvironmеnt [rn'varrэnmэnt] - oкpy)кaЮщaЯ
есologiсal [,i:kэ,loфrkl] - экoЛoгический
in faсt - нa сaМoМ ДеЛе
to brеathе [bri:d] - ДЬIIIIaTЬ
to last
- ДЛИTЬс,Я (зd. сoxpaняться)
to drop
- зd. бpосaть
still - Bсе еще
a plant
- paсTеI{ие
а lеаf
- ЛисT
а showеr [jar.iэ] - дyшl
Guess the meoning of the undeг|ined words.
1. This faсtоry is bad for thе еnvironmеnt. It pollutеs thе
atmosphеrе [.atmэsflэ] with tоxins and dangеrous
сhеmiсals [,kemIklz].
Z. The Russian сlimate [,k1atmэt] is vеry сold in wintеr.
^^a^ -^^-^- - --- -Apтикль thе улoтpeбЛЯеTся с ПpедMеTaMи и ПoнЯTИЯN|L'. кoTopЬIе
яBЛяIоTсЯ еДинсTвеI{IIьI]vIи в сBoeМ poде: thе univеrsе :..l, fhg g1gц1fl
thе sky.:'. thе environmеnt thе world thе atmоsphеrе.
Apтикль thе улoтpeбЛЯeTcЯ с нaЗBaI{иЯ]!{и I]лaнеT:
thе sun .. thе moon ..:. thе Еarth.
Без apтикля yпoтpебляIoTся I{aЗBaItия TaKих IIЛaнеT. KaK:
Mars .l,
Vеnus .' Jupitеr.
. 4* w.lte fhe, o oг _ (no orticle). Corгeсt the fo|se stolements.
1. ... moon gоеs round ... Sun.
2. ... forests and ... oсеans are a par| оf ... еnvironmеnt.
3. If you lоok at ... Sky in thе morning, you сan somеtimes sее ... moon.
4. Thе pеoplе of ... world must hеlp thе animals.
5. ... Еarth is thе biggеst planеt in ... univеrsе.
-!J чl"I must Мisho ond RoЬ,s friends do with the litter? Whot сon.t they do
with it? Мotсh the onswers with the exp|onotions.
1. Burn it. 2. Blurу it under thе ground. 3. Тhke it with thеm.
a) Thеy сan't do this bесausе littеr lasts for a long timе. In faсt, tins
and plastiс bottlеs last for 500 yеars and glass lasts fоrеvеr!
b)Thеy will havе to do this!
с) Thеy сan't do this, bесausе thе toxins frоm thе littеr will pollutе
thе аtmоsрhеrе.
In groups. ,Answer the questions ond disсuss: Whof does fhe word
"enYironmenl" meon to you?
1. oсеans, rivеrs' sеas' lakеs, forеsts and animals
2. oсеans, rivеrs, sеas, lakеs, forеsts, animals, сars, plants and сitiеs
З. oсеans, rivеrs, sеas, lakеs and forеsts, animals, сars, plants, сitiеs and pеoрlе
4. oсеans. rivеrs, sеas, lakеs and forеsts, animals, сars, plants, сitiеs,
pеoplе and YoU
*ff y.^"l we soy the Еorth is in donger, whot exoсtly
rs ln dongerg
1. thе planеt
2. tt;re сlimatе
3. thе oсеans
4. thе forеsts
Reod the poem ond give it o nome.
Choose from:
1. Тbday and tomorrowl
2. Savе thе еnvirоnmеntI
3. oсеans, forеsts and animals!
4. Plеasе, stopl
.',;r't! 1g1.1.r,'t,,i
5. thе animals 6. ,&
6. all of thеsе - Bсе BЬIIIIе}IaЗBaItнoе
7. all of thеsе and YoU : .;

П to d.op
П ,ьo*"i
П t."",
П to сut down
П ьutь
П пtt.'
П to huu"
t-i,,.) Мoke os mony expressions os you
* сon with these words.
Model: to drink wаtеr
@ мi'ьo, RoЬ ond their friends ore сIeoning the
-* p|oсe ond writing o Poem. Listen to the poem.
Who is speoking in:
thе first vеrsе (кyплет)?
thе sесond vеrsе?
thе third vеrsе?
thе fourth vеrsе?
thе rеfrain (пpипев)?
ffi ti,t"n оgoin. NumЬer the words in the oгdeг you
heor them.
to drink
to brеathе
to Savе
Today you arе going сamping
With yоur family, friеnds or сlass.
Plеasе hеlp us, dоn't drop any littеr!
'Cos- your littеr livеs longеr than us!
Rеfrаiп:'Cos nothing is forеvеr
And nature is gеtting tirеd.
If wе don,t stоp and think tоday
Tomorrow thе Еarth сould diе.
Today you сut dоwn your forеsts
But thе plаnеt neеds our lеavеs.
Plеasе stоp it bесausе tomorrow
You'll havе no air to brеathе!
You сan havе a bath or a showеr
But tоday is thе timе to think.
Savе thе rivеrs bесausе without thеm
You'll havе no Watеr to drink.
Today Wе arе still in your forеsts,
In thе sky, in thе rivеrs, but look:
Don't kill us! Bесausе your сhildrеn
Will sее us in piсturе books.
-.; Add suffixes to lhese verЬs ond moke nouns.
inform, situatе, protесt, pollutе' organisе
l0 Мotсh the nouns with the tгons|olions.
З aгpяЗнеIIие' инфopмaциЯ' opгal{и З aЦтlЯ' З aщиT a' cИTУ aЦ'{Я
* ,сos
= bесausе
].:rrlrвьll.j aнглlr.liский'py, Уяебнлк дя 7 кл
1J'1 Fi|| in the gops with the woгds from Ex. 9. Sometimes you neеd o noun
ond somelimes you need o verb. Whot does Greenpeoсe do? Listen ond
сheсk your onswers.
Homework гo * 'в щ] {j ц! F'. dii l* ф {в lij 1ri 1 ]i ]i] ]1
aфв6}1 ф*i!4.dihl,P'мa*ЕL: !+l*..
A.; сhoose the гight onsweгs. Мore thon one onswer сon Ьe гight.
1. What mustn't уou do With littеr?
a) Burn it. b) Drop it. с) Thkе it homе.
2. Plants
a) grow in thе forеst b) pollutе air с) grow in thе sеa
3. Grееnpеaсе
а) protесts animals b) protесts pеoplе с) protесts oсеans' rivеrs, sеas
and lakеs
4. Wе сan hеlp animals if wе
a) put thеm in thе zoo b) don't kill thеm с) don't сut down thе forеsts
5. Wе сan hеlp thе fish if
а) wе don't pollutе thе oсеans, rivеrs and lakеs b) еvетybоdy buys an
aquarium с) wе don't usе so muсh watеr
B'r Find the mistokes.
1. I sее thе planе in a sky.
2. А|ot o.f faсtories pollutе our the atmosphеrе.
3' Sun is a biggеst star in our galaxy (Гaлaктикa).
4. Pеoplе Went to moon in thе 20th сentury.
C ; Тrons|qte into Еng|ish.
1. )KивoтньIе, paстel{ия, Mopя и oKеaньI IIy)KДaIoTся в нarпей IIoМoщи.
, 2. oкpyх<arощaЯ CpeДa HaхoДиTсЯ B oпaсIIoсTи.
3. Boдa в этoй pеKе ЗaгpяЗI{е}Ia.
4. Лtoди ДЬIIIIaT BoЗДyxoМ и ПЬIoT BoДy.
,*jl4i:t:;., lll*
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анг кауфман

  • 1. } f,.x:J .$jЁ=-J У niti -тщ.€ f "**t' i*j. -A J i -**!l *-r { } -- --*-: -J J 'l tl r j j-_i 'ri li $ ,.,i ,, 't, '' il l-:,'l..r.i '. Чi, t' ::i ] л'. ] i l ( . ,,,i. ! Bonon^ . ъ '-.кгloдле)кащеIЧy в^ %t- qe^ t^ a o*^.. ^ -'+^ Z -noo. . ,У^ %o*^ ',D84лn-^' -.,'сr'И€ ,,,:',*1] -.'.:. . ..: (:. ...' ,Т 1:,i.*:,.=.' О6щий вoПрoс 5, Pазделитeльньrй вопQoс
  • 3. D6Dlу,D.Lt ш; Ж. .цЛя правилЬHЬD гЛarcл0в 'r]i ' 'i*i' l' ,,.]*,t'",t, ,1,,:]"9 ,.-! .,. РАsТ PЕRFЕСТ PЕRrЕсТ j.ii: PROGRЕsslvЕ pnEst ,-.. tтRFЕсr l I пofi^o|.цl{ик нAvЕ .фffi' Before you wеnt iп, W* hqd oрeпвd llre door. You hоd never Ьeon, То this tоwn Ьвiоre'
  • 4. K. И. Kayфмaн, M. Ю. Kayфмaн AнгI|v|ЙcкиЙ язЬlк Gчaстливьtй aнrлlпЙский 'pу / Happy Учeбник Вля7 клaссa o6щeoбpaзoвaтeлЬнЬlx yч peжд eниЙ Pе кoлteнd o ванo M uнuсme p cmвoм o 6p азo в анuя u нtrуKu Poccuйскoй Фedеpацuu К uсnoльloванulo в o бp аз o в аrne lLь нo J| np o це c с е в o бp а з o в аmе,lънь I х у н p еэr d е нuях, peа'xulуtoщuх o бp азoваmeльньLе np ozpалtлl,ьL oбщеzo oбp азo ванuя u uJуtе toщuх zoсу dа p с m ве н н у нэ а к кp е d u mа цu lo
  • 5. УМK ..Hаppy Е ', ^':^':"::^::" Frima Mashbits включаeт слeдyющиe кoMпoнeнтЬl: ;e yнeбник c тeKстaМИ дЛя ДoМaшHeгo ЧтеHИя пo ИстoрИИ Англии t1l KHИГУ Д'Ля УчИтeля ; paбoниe тетpaдИ Ns ] ' 2 с paздaТoЧHЬ|M MaтepИaлoМ : aУДИoпpИЛoжeHИe (ayдиoкaссeты, CD MP3) Пo вопpoсaм пpиoбpетeния KнИг слetУeт oбpaщaться B И3дaТеЛЬстBo ,Титул'',,249035, п oбнинск Kaлуxскoй oбл.' a/я 5055' тeл.: (48439) 9.]0-09' фaкс: (48439) 9-10-00' e-mail: рoс (книгa пoнтoЙ)' umk@titu|.ru (oптoвьle пoкyпaтeли). Услoвньle o6oзнoчeния: слyшoйтe oyдиoкoссeт, сD : I po6oтo в пopox po6oтo в гpyппox/ игpo i ; дoмoц!нee зoдoниe yпPoxнeния, вЬIпoлняeмь|e в клoссe тeкстЬ| и yг|Poжнeния, свя3oннЬ|e с сюxeтoм K. И. Kаyфман, M. Ю. Kаyфмaн Kзo АнглийcкиЙ яЗьlк: CчaстливьlЙ aнглийскv1Й'pу l Happy Еng| Учeбник для 7 кл. oбщeобpaз. УЧpe)к.ц'- oбнинcк: Титyл, 2008.- 256 c.: ил' rsBN 978-5-86866-427 -4 Учeбник..CчaстливьtЙ aнглийcкий.pу,, Д,ля7-гo Kлaссa являeтся тpeтЬИM yнeбникoм пpи нaнaлe oбyяeния c 5-гo KЛaсоa И шeстЬ|N,4 yнeбникoм пpИ HaчaЛe oбунeния оo 2.гo клaсca 3aBepшeннoгo Kypсa aHглИЙсKoгo язЬlKa ''Cчaстливьtй aнглийcкиЙ.ru'', прeдHaзнaчeнHoгo дЛя УчaщИxся ocHoвHoй и cрeдней (пoлнoЙ) oбщeoбpaзoвaтeльнoЙ шкoльl' УMK нaпИсaH в cooтвrтcтвиИ c тpебoвaHИяMИ фeдeрaЛЬHoгo кoMпoнeнтa гoсУдaрcтвeннo. гo сTag.цaртa oбщeгo oбpaзoвaния И peKoМeндoвaн Mинистepствoм oбpaзoвaния '4 нaуKи PoоcиЙскoй фeдeрации' Kуpс oбeопeнивaет нeoбxoдимьtй и дoстaтoвнЬIЙ УpoBeнЬ KoMМУнИ. КaтИBнЬ|Х yмeниЙ yнaщихcя в yстнoЙ и письмeннoЙ peчИ' ИХ гoтoвHoстЬ и спoсoбнoсть к pe- чeвoMУ в3аИMoдeйотвию нa aнглиЙскoм язЬ|Ke в рaМКaХ oбoзнaчeHНoЙ в стaндapтe тeМaтИKИ' K куpсy .'Haррy Еnglish.rU'' pазpабoтaнa aвтoрсKaя пpoгpaмМа для 5-9-x KЛaосoв. ББK B1.2Aнгл-922 o K' И' KayфMaH, M. Ю. Kayфмaн' 2004 o Издaтeльcтвo ..TИтyл'',,цИзaЙн' вocгlpоИзвeдeHИe, :j". :-:-:-86866-427-4 pacпpoстpaHeнИe'2ОО4;2О08' с ИзМeнeнИяMИ
  • 6. Unit 1 Saу hеllo tо yоur оld friеnds ...........''.....4 Lеssons 7.,2 Do уou теmеmbеr us? ................... 6 !:!iiii!:|i(!! ApтиклЬ........ ..........,9 Lеsson 3 We arе making a filе....'................'''''12 Lеsson 4 Do you nееd a hand?...'..................... 14 Lesson 5 A horriblе thing happenеd! .........''... 18 Unit 2 Camрing: ls it l,оr уош?......... .......''........22 Lеssoп 1 Wе arе going саmping ....................'''24 {]ritlitltlt.; Apтикль........ ....,,...25 Lеsson 2 Wе must paсk our baсkpaсks ...........27 Lеssоn 3 Thе most impoтtant еquipmеnt.......31 Lеssоn 4 Hеr baсkpaсk is as hеavy as minе .'.. З5 i iritil;ltttii Mестoимения. CorозьI аS,,' аS. not аS'.. /7s .................... ............. з5 Lеssons 5' 6 Is Rob as gоod as gold?......'.'......З8 Unit 3 Hоiidаys .....'......'....... ........'"'...................' 44 Lessоn 1 The Tsаr Bеll and thе Kunstkammeт ...46 i 1i.||!|ii]||i|. ApTиKЛь........ .........46 Lеssоns 2, 3 I wеnt to Tuтkеy... ....'...................50 Lеssоns 4,5 How do you spеnd your hоlidaуs? ...........54 Lеssоn б Projесt ..........''.............57 Uпit 4 Nоthiпg is t.оrеvеr .........5B Lеsson 1 Wе сan.t drink this watеr...........''.....60 Lеsson 2 Litteт lasts lоngеr than us .................6з t l i-!!]iiJ!]iIi Apтикль....'... ......... 63 Lеssоn 3 We mustn't kill animals for сlothеs ....67 Lеssons 4' 5 Thеy usеd to go сamping.............71 { } r | | ! ! : i | 1. i i' Koнстpyкция us еd to ........'...........,7 1 Lеssоп 6 Projесt ........'..'.............77 Unit 5 l,et's plаIl a triр tо flJnglаnd..................78 Lеsson { i.l,illlitl;..'l. Past Progrеssivе .............. 80 Lеssоn 2 Whеn hе phonеd. she was flying ........ 86 ! i ri t r; i l,. l' l i' Pаst Progгеssivе ............................. 86 Lеssоn 3 The robbеry ...............88 Lеsson 4 Mishа is going to Еngland .....'''..'...''92 Lеssons 5' 6 How long will it takе to gеt to Еngland? ..........96 Lеsson 7 Who was wаtсhing TV on Saturday aftеrnoon? ........ 101 Lеssons 8' 9 Thе ring of the Druids ...............104 Unit 6 Sсlroоl.................. .....................'............ 1 10 Lеssons 1' 2 Еnglish sсhools ....................'...... 112 i ;|'Цt|!i!!i|. Apтикль....... ........112 Lеssоn 3 Мisha's first days at sсhool ..'.......... 116 |, | | ! ! | ! ! | | ii i Mестoимения othеr' аnothеr...... 1 16 Lеsson 4 Is lifе at sсhool еasу? ........'..... ''....,..12 Lеssоn 5 You should find friеnds .....'.''.....,.''2, ] 1;;]iiliii. Глaгoл should.'....'.''..................,.72, Lеsson 6 Sсhool dinnеrs .....'...12 Lessоn 7 Mannеrs' mannеrs... ...........'...,.'...... 1з. Lеssons 8' 9 Wе must lеavе our land.............1з: Unit 7 Епglish sсlrооl....................................... 1зt Lеssоn | |..l ::i.:l',:; Prеsеnt Pеrfесt .............. 14( Lеsson 2 | .' ',' ,'i..; Prеsеnt Pеrfесt .......'......11( Lеssons 3,4 l.:l '.]i.:] i Prеsеnt Pеrfeсt.......'15] Lessоn 5 Havе you еvеr...?..........'................'' 15( i.];;:ii.;l;:ill PIеsеnt Perfесt .....'....................... 15( Lеssоn 6 Plaу Drаgg1 ............... 16( Lеssоns 7, 8 Thе еasiеst waу isn,t alwaуs thе bеst .........'. 16] Unit I Sporis ............... ............ 16( Lеssоns 1' 2 Misha should help his tеam ...... 16f ! i|,i||;1i!:!|i Prеsеnt Pеrfесt & Past Simplе.....16[ Lеsson 3 Do you Want to har,е fun? ..'''.......'.172 i lr.]j;;' ]]] Hapеuие ..............'172 Lеssоn 4 Do you nееd a plaуеr? .....'.............. 175 Lеsson 5 At thе matсh ''................................... 17! { ||'i;',|1 ;i:')' Koнстpyкция Whаt а... .....'.'.......1'79 Lеssons 6' 7 Thе ring сrоssеs thе sеа ............. 185 Uпit 9 Whо is vошr rоlс lrrсltlе!?........... ........''192 Lеssоn 1 i.]:.';.;.'.l.,' Past Pеrfесt .................... 194 Lеssоns 2, 3 ..Sсott оf thе Antаrсtiс.' ............ 199 Lessоn 4 A ro]е model ....''''....202 Lеssоns 5, 6 Are you ambitious?....................205 Lеsson 7 Projесt .....'..'..,,,'.......'2o1 Lеssons 8' 9 Thе Battlе of Hastings.....'.........208 Unit t0 lrriеnds ..................'.....214 Lеsson 1 Rоb disаppears ................. .'... ..,......216 ! if-!|,| j:]|i{|{ Пoвтopение Prеsent Progrеssivе 216 Lеssons 2,3 ..A friеnd in nееd is a friеnd indееd., ......,'.'.221' i. :t.l: ttli''; Prеsеnt Simplе ...........,.,,''....'.......227 Lеsson 4 How wеll do vou know your friеnd? 225 ' |!1ii!iiiilIi МестoимЁние еасh othеr ........'''225 Lеssоn 5 A friеnd will nеvеr lеt vou down ....227 Pаsl Simplс. Futurе Simplе '''''...227 Lеssоп 6 My bеsт friеnd...................................230 Past Progrеssivе, Past Pеrfесt ...'.230 (iramnrаr [le{,еrсnсе .......'
  • 7. UNlт Soy hello to your old friends ln this unit € Boss' Agеnt Cutе, }иIisha and Bеtsеy,s сhildrеn saу hеllo. :, What happеnеd to a top sесrеt doсumеnt. :: Тhе kеy to a family trеasurе. + Тhе МaсWizards arе in dangеr. You wil| to|k oЬout the сhoroсters, their life, hobЬies oпd plons for the future. You will need these words ond expressions: Countriеs аnd сitiеs Russia Еngland Gеrmany Franсе Londоn Bеrlin Mosсow Paris Hobbiеs to likе to bе intеrеstеd in somе to do spоrts to gо horsе riding to lеarn a languagе rеading books playing сomputеr garn businеss hobby to lrе boring to havе a pеn friеnd to Stay with somеbоd5 Family rеlativеs a fathеr a rnothеr a sistеr a brothеr an unсlе an aunt a grandmothеr a grandfathеr Pеоplе to bе a niсе guy to bе kind to bе friеndlу to bе fun to bе angry to bе сlеvеr to bе strоng
  • 8. il I & f, r ш УпoтpеблеIIие apTI,IKЛей с нaзвaниями сTpaн, ГopoДoB и яЗЬIKOB. How arе you today? - Kaк делa? .. Ехсttsе mе. Cаn I сomе in? - Извlтнтrте. Мo>кнo вoйти? '' Sorry! I dоn't undеrstand! - ИзвиниТе! я I{е пoнипцarо! .' Sorry! I am latе! - Извинr-lте, я orroздaл(a)! . What pagе is thе ехеrсisе? - Ha кaкoй сTpaI{ице yпpa>кнение? Ask a quеstiоn.- Зaдaйте Bollpoс. Answеr my quеstiоn.- oтветьте нa мoй l]oпpoс. Rеаd thе 1ехt.- ЧитаЙте ТеKсT. Writе in thе wоrkboоk.- Пицtите в paбоtей тетpaди. T}anslatе thе tеxt.- Пеpеведите TеKсt Соmpletе thе sentеnсe.- ЗaкoнчиTе ПpеДЛo'<ение. Сompаrе.- Сpaвните. Fill in thе gaps.- Зaпoлните IrpoПyсKи. Fill in thе tablе.- Зaпoлните тaблицv.
  • 9. Do you remember us? .J;J Listen, гeod ond guess the meoning of the under|ined woгds ond expressions. Если в TеKсTе BaM BсTpечaIoTся IlеЗнaKoNIЬlе сЛoBa' вoспoльзyйтесь МoиМи сoBетaLIи: 1. ПoпьrтaйTесЬ BсПol!{I{иTЬ' нет Ли IIoxo)Kегo слoвa B pyссKoМ яЗЬIKе. Если тaкoе сЛoBo eсTЬ - ЗIIaчеI{ия pyссKoгo и aнглийскoгo сЛoBa' сKopее Bсегo' тox<е будyт Пoxo>киМи. 2.f|oльlтaЙTесЬ дoгaДaTЬсЯ o Знaчении сЛoвa с ПoМoщЬIo tlpеДЬIДyщeгo и IIpеДIIIесTByIoщeгo пpедлo><ений. 3. Пoдутr,raйTе _ K кaкoй чaсTи pечи oTнoсится слoвo. Этo гЛaГoЛ' сyщесTBиTеЛЬIIoе' IIpиЛaгaTеЛьнoе? Пoдyмaйте o знaчеHии эToгo сЛoвa: o}Io пoЛo)киTеЛЬ- I{oе иЛи oтpицaтельнoе? Hеllo, lеt mе introduсе Agеnt Cutе. Hе is a rеally niсе guy. Hе spеaks Еnglish, Gеrman. Tirrkish and Frеnсh, and hе is lеarning Russian. Hе likеs sports, but hе is not very strong. His favouritе pastimе is watсhing TV Сutе is not mу bеst agеnt, but I always givе him thе most intеrеsting сasеs bесausе hе is my brothеr. Last yеar an Еnglish boy got lost in Russia and Cutе found him. That was gоod work' so I am going to givе Agеnt Cutе a prеsеnt: hе is going on holiday nехt month. Hi, еvеrуbody! Мееt my boss! Hе is thе hеad of our agеnсy. Bоss is vеry сlеvеr. Hе spеaks Еnglish, Gеrman, Frеnсh, Japanеsе [,фrepэ,ni:z], Сhinеsе [,{ar'ni:z], Italian [r'treliэn], Spanish and at thе momеnt hе is lеarning thе languagе of thе Thpagungu tribе in Afriсa. F{е is a workahоliс - his dеtесtivе agеnсy is his businеss and his hоbby. Hе doеsn't gеt a lot of mоnеy but hе likеs to hеlp pеoplе. Last yеar thе boss hеlpеd mе find a lost Еnglish boy. I madе a lot of mistakеs, so thе boss was oftеn angry. This summеr thе boss is going to takе his first holiday. That will bе intеrеsting!
  • 10. Hi' I am Rob MaсWizard.I сomе frоm an old family of MaсWizards. I likе rеading books and playing сomputеr gamеS. Last уеar I was in a vеry diffiсult situation. I had a pеn friеnd in Russia and I wantеd to visit him. B ut my grе at- grеat- grеat- grеat. gr eat- gr eat- grеat-grеat-grеat.grеat grandfathеr Robin МaсWizard сamr to Russia from 1599 and I wеnt tо thе Еdinburgh of 1599. I didn't likе it thеrе, my life was in dangеr, but Мisha and Agеnt Сutе savеd mе. I am staying with Мisha and his familv this summеr. Мavbе. we'll bе friеnds. Hi,I am Misha Inin.I am from Lukinsk.I livе with my fathеr and mothеr and mу sistеr Masha. I am an ordinary boy from an ordinary family and I go to an ordinary sсhool. But last yеar сhanged my lifе. A boy from thе past сamе to mе. His namе was Robin МaсWizard. F{е was from thе Еdinburgh of 1599. Robin WaS my bеst friеnd, but hе had to go baсk to his timе. Lifе is not fun without him. My hobbiеs: football, books and languagеs arе boring without Robin. But now Rob is staying with mе. In August w-е arе going саmping togethеr. I hopе hе'll likе Russian fоrеsts and rivеrs. Hi, I am Bеtsеy MaсWizard. I havе thrее сhildrеn: Rоsy, Mark and Rob. I nеvеr Worry about Rosy and Mark - thеy havе a lоt of friеnds, do sports, go horsе-riding and rеad books. But Rob is always alonе, and hе doеsn,t havе any friеnds. Last yеar wе lost him in Russia. l{е was away for thrее months but hе nеvеr talks to mе about it. Nоw hе is in Russia with Мisha Inin. I am going to buy a nеw сomputеr for Rob whеn hе gеts baсk. Hе lovеs сomputеrs.
  • 11. э ild::сtl the piсtuгes ond the sentenсes. - Н; Shе is in dangеr. . :{е Shе is a workaholiс. 3 Copy the toЬle into youг exeгсise Ьooks. FilI in the toЬ|e with sentenсes fгom lhe text. Hе / Shе is doing it now. Hе / Shе is going to do it in thе futurе. Hе / Shе will do it in thе futurе. Hе / She doеs it rеgularly / normally / nеvеr. Hе / Shе did it last УeaT. goеS to an ordinary sсhool. А Look ot the piсtuгes. Find the гe|olives. Model: Аsеnt Сцtе is Boss.'s brother Boss ls Аgеnt Сutе's brothеr, W ,.'.{'fFo ^ffi Еi,:-,-&.@ ffi mg;Y.,ffiж",,',ф ^*ffi."Robin Mark Rosу Misha
  • 12. Apтикль {Тhe A*iсle) BьI у>t<е ЗI{aKoМьI с I{еKoTopЬII{и сЛyчaЯMи yпoтpеблelrи,l oПреДелеI{нoгo apTиKлЯ thе и неoпpедеЛеIII{oгo apTиKЛя a' a TaK)Kе с TеNIи сЛyчaЯMи' KoгДa t{и ToT, ни дpyгoй аpTиKЛЬ yпoтpеблятЬ I{еЛЬзя. Чтoбьl BсПoМI{иTЬ пpoй- денньlй МaTеpиaЛ' сoеДи}IиTе B ПpaBиЛьI{oM IIopЯДKе BoпpoсьI и oTBеTЬI. 1. Koгдa yпoтpебляется аpтикль a? 2' Гдe ДoЛ)KeI{ сToяTЬ apTиКЛЬ B сЛoBoсoчeTaнии IlpиЛaгa- TеЛЬнoе + сyщeсTBительнoе? 3. B кaкиx сЛyчaЯх yпoтpeб. ЛЯeТcЯ фopмa HеoпpеДе- ЛеHHoгo apтикля an? 4. B кaкиx сЛyчaях 1тloтpеб- ЛЯeTсЯ apтикль thе? 5. УпoтpебЛЯeTсЯ Ли apTиKЛЬ ПеpеД иMенaМи лrодей? 6. УпoтpебЛЯeTсЯ Ли apтиKлЬ IIеpеД ПpиT'{<aтeЛьI{ьlMи МесToиMеt{ияlnrи? a) oпpеделенньlй apTиKЛь thе мo>кет yпoтpебляTьсЯ с любьrми сyщесTBи- TеЛЬI{ЬIМи в неoбхoдиМьIХ KoнTеKсTaх. Apтикль the yпoтpе6ляeтcя, KoГДа pечь иtеT o Лице / пpедмете. KoTopЬIе yПoMиI{aЛись paнее: I bought а пеw book уеstеrdау' The book is intеrеsting. b) Arr yпoтpебляеTся llеpеД исчисЛЯеМЬI,{ сyщестBиTеЛЬIIьI]VI B еДиI{сTBеIIIIoМ чисЛe' есЛи oHo I-lачиHаеTся с глaснoй: аn аpplе, аn еnd. с) Пеpед иМеI{aMи лrодей apTиKЛЬ IIе yпoтpебляется: It,s Pеtе. Pеtе is hаppу. d) B сoнетaшv|И T|pИЛaгаTеJIЬIIoе + сyще- сTBиTеЛЬнOе apTиKЛЬ СT aBI(IT с,Я tlеpеД ПpиЛaгaTеЛЬI{ЬIM: Аlicе is а niсe girl' This mаn is а good doctor е) ApтиклЬ a ПpoиЗoIIIеЛ oT ДpеBIrеaI{Г- лиЙскoгo числиTеЛЬIIoгo ..onе'' и yПoT- peбляeтcя B oсIloвнoМ с исчисЛяеМьIМи сyщесTBиTеЛЬIIЬIМи B еДиIiсTBеннoN{ чисЛе' KoгДa кaкoе-либo Лицo иЛи IIpеДМеT I{aЗьIBaеTся BПеpBЬIе: Suddеnlу hе sаw а boу.- Hеoэrcudаннo oн увudел "Mалbчul{сl. f) Пepед ПpиTя>I(aTеЛЬI{ЬIMи МесToиMе. |IИЯN|ut' apTиKЛЬ не yпoтpебlяeтcя', I,ll hаvе to spеаk to уour fаthеr.- Mне npu- dеmcя пo?oвОpцmь с mвОLtr'l omцoJ't. l.-1,'.'ll
  • 13. -", ПoзнoKoмЬтeсЬ с HoBЬ|ми слyчoями yпoтpe6лeния opтиклeй' ApТlrК.ць a yпoтpебляеTся Пеpед сyщесTBиTeЛЬIIЬIМ' KorДа oнo яBля- еTся ЧaсТЬЮ сoсТaBнoГo ИMеl{нoГo сKaзyеМoГo: Il..friеnd will bесomе а grеаI docюr. Hе loves pеoplе.- Moй dpуz сmа- Hеr?1 Оn1J,LuчнbLJ|t вpачo"цц' oн лto6цm лrodей. Do voц kпow Апn? Shе's аn old Iаdу from flаt 3.- Bьt тHaеmе Aнну? Эпto пoэruлaя JrсеHщ||нa u3 mpеmьей кваpmupьt. I lеft without mу friеnds. It wаs а big mistаkе.- Я ушtел, не doэrcdавtuuсь свoцх doузей. Эmo бьtлo doльtцoti outuбкoй. €; Use the' o, - (no ortiсle). 1. Hе is ... my friеnd. 2. Shе will bе ... vеt. 3. ... Simоn is ... happy. It was ... intеrеsting film. Cutе is ... bad agеnt. Il was ... thеir housе. 4. 5. 6. .ч 6 ; ln youг exerсise books fiII in the toЬ|e with odieсtives'*: from the text. Сountry Еngland ['tцglэnd] Languagе Еnglish Franсе [fro:ns] Gеrmany ['фз:mэni] Russia [.r,tJэ] China ItJarne] Japan [фэ'pren] Spain [spеtn] Italy Ittэli] Tirrkеy ['tз:ki] Listen to lhe speoker ond сheсk your onswers. Repeot the woгds ofter the speoker. Comp|ete the sentenсes. Model: Hе is from Сhinа. Hе spесtks ... . - Hе is from Сhiпа, Hе spеаks Сhinеsе. 1' Shе is from Franсе. Shе spеaks ... . 2. Hе is from ... . Hе spеaks Japanеsе. З. Thеу arе from Spain. Thеy spеak ... . 4. Wе livе in ... . Wе spеak Тtrrkish. 5. In Italy thеy spеak... ' Answer the question. What languagе dо pеoplе spеak in thе UsA? tt"'- --"t-a, 1 * Spain ,.. 2 - Germany 3 _ Franсе i 4 * Japan 5-China , 6 _ Tirrkеу i*--.'l 7 - Russia 8 _ Еngland 9 * Italy lj 8: 9j r0
  • 14. Нo1ewo1!'"!t. * Ф @ e 4!фt! ф ф r& Ф!фф ф # фф 8 #J фФ&? ф]ii} +ilt tr ф].-.' i4:tt|ъ iффф4в A Comp|ete fhe sentenсes. Use the expressions: your life will bе in dangец to bе a workaholiс, to bе thе hеad of smth 1. our boss works day and night bесausе hе... 2. If you сross thе road and dЬn't look.... 3. ..I nееd to spеak to your dirесtor],- ..That,s mе. I... of this sсhool.,, B Look ol the menu of the Food of the World restouгont. Мotсh thе foodond the сountгy. ModеI: Sцshi is .Iаpапеsе. Yoц сrlп hаvе the bеst sцshi iп Jсtрцп. фfiq+, +* +iь-?#.+'f. сhiсkеn with riсе in swееt sauсе [sc;s] . Whot do you think oЬout this type of food? Model: I likе Jаpапеsе fboсl. / I сJсln't likе Jсtpаnеsе food' / I don,t know сtпуthiпg аbout Jаpапеsе foсlсl. C .Use the, o, _ (no ortiсle)" 1. olga livеs in... Russia. It is ... vеry big сountry. 2. Hе сan't spеak ... Gе^rman.If hе goЬs to ... Gеrmanу. hе.ll nееd ... translator. 3. Did ... Robin сomе from .'. Еdйburgh or from ... London? 4. Do you spеak ... Jaрanеsе? Is it ... diffiсult? 5. Wе want to go to ... Tirrkеy nехt yеаr.- Go in Sеptеmbеr. lt is ... bеsttimе in ... Tlrkеy. 6. Hе livеs in ... Frarrсе, doеsn.t hе? - Yеs, this man is ... doсtor tiom ... Paris. 1t
  • 15. Use the informotion from the text on poges 6,7 ond onswer the queslions. L .hat doеs Agеnt Cutе do? ]. ,hеrе doеs hе сomе from? .з. Who doеs hr work for? -1. What kind of pеrson is hе? 5. What did hе do last yеar? 6. What arе his hobbiеs? 7. What is hе going to do nеxt month? a) What is thе boss's job? b)Whу doеs thе boss always givе thе bеst сaSеS to Agеnt Cute? с) What is thе boss likе? d) What did thе boss do last yеar? е) What is thе bоss's plan for this summеr? f) What is thе boss's favouritе pastime? g) What nationality is thе bоss? h) How many languagеs doеs the boss spеak? B aнглийскoМ ЯЗЬIKе' TaK )Kе KaK и B pyссKoll' oДин и ToT >I(е Bollpoс Mo>Kнo сфоpмyлиpoBaТЬ paЗньIMи спoсoбaми. Whаt do уou do? - Whаt's уour job? How аrе уou? - How arе thiпgs? 2 Look ot the questions in Ex. l ond find poiгs of questions with similoг meoniрgs. 3 . FiII in the gops. Ask ond onswer questions oЬout RoЬ МoсWizord. 4 Here qre onswers qЬoul Мisho Inin. Write queslions. 1. ...? - Ntlisha livеs in Lukinsk. 5....? - Last yеar hе mеt his bеst 1. ...сomе from? 2. What... his addrеss? 3. What... likе? 4. What... hоbbiеs? 2' '..? - Hе goеs to sсhool. З. ''.? - Hе has a sister. ]. ...? - F{еr namе is Мasha. 5. Doеs... friеnds? 6. What... last year? 7. ...helpеd him? 8. ...going tо do? friеnd. 6. ...? - Robin was from Еdinburgh. 7 . ...? - Bесausе Robin is not with him. 1r)
  • 16. 5 Reod the file on Agent Cute. Listen to the infoгmotion qnd fi|l in the gops. Name: Family name: Сutr Nationatity: Dritieh Country: Еnqland Job:. aqent Interеsts: languagea, watсhin6 W Wtrat is he like? a Very nicr 4uу, 6 i Use the informotion from the text of ''..'.'".. Lessons 1,2 ond the сossetle ond fil| in the file on the Ьoss. Namе: Family name: Nationality: flal r n+aтr.vv цrrur J . сIob: Intеrests: т/Гhat is he like? ; Try to fil| in the file on RoЬin МoсWizord. Disсuss your ideos. ,Name: Family name: Nationality: flnr r ntттт. What doеs he do? Interests: 'Yhat is he likе? ='-l].:**T-.:';y:':l..-J - ф ф Ф ф Ф ф ф s ф ф ф Nationality: Country: What does she do? Interеsts: T/lГhat is she like? Family name: Nationality: /1ar r n+n-..vvцrдuдJ. ТЛtrhat does he do? rnteтests: тrhat is he likr? ffiName: 7 #ж bt Name: Family name: Natlonality: Country: What does trе do? Interests: т/Гhat is he likе? ;*J speok oЬoul RoЬin, Rob or Мisho. 8 Listen ond сheсk youг onswers. Ur.!i jLсэssоп3 lз
  • 17. Эта pyбpикa бyдет ЗI{aKoMиTь Baс с aнГЛийскими идиoМaМи. Идиoмa - эTo BЬIpa)<еI{ие' сMьIсJI KoTopoГo не paBеII сМЬIс- Лy сoсTaBЛяIoщиx егo сЛoB. Если пеpевoДиTЬ иДиoМy ДoсЛoB- Ho' ПoЛyчится бессмьtсЛицa. Look ot the piсtuгes ond motсh the idioms ond their trons|otions. Only one lronslotion is right. 1. You аrе pulling my lеg. 2. Do you nееd a hand? фJ Reod. a trеasurе ['trе3э] - сoKpoвище to SWap [swupl - МеI{яTЬся top Sесrеt - сoBеpIIIeнно секpетньtй to droр smth - poняTЬ чтo-либo -'. i.i l Lеsson 4 You arе making it up. - Bьl все вьI- ДyМьIBaеTе. to dеlivеr [dr.hvэ] smth - ДoсTaB- лять .lтo-либo Guеss whаt? - И пpедстaвляеrпь? Hе деpгaйте MеI{Я зa ногy! 1А
  • 18. # Reod the expressions. Put them in the right ploсe. 1. I am Niсk. How do you do? 2. Еxсusе mе. I сan't find thе kеy! 3. It was vеry niсе to mееt you. 3. Whо (когo) will hе mееt? 4. What will thеy talk about? Do you nееd a hand with this bag, madam? oh, yes' thank you vrry muсh. My namе is Сutе' Agеnt Сutе. I am going ll -funbriФеJД/еlls on Vеry important businеss. wьu.', your businеss thеn? I must dеlivеr a doсumеnt. It is thе last task of a vеrУ important сasе. oh, I lovе advеnturеs and diffiсult сasеs! Plеasе tеll mе about this сasе. I Won,t tеll anуbody. What's thе mattеr? Goodbvе! Thanks for thе partу. , 3 J Here is your old friend Agent Cute. He is on the troin. Look ot the underlined*. words in the text ond the piсtuгe ond try to guess: 4 ; Reod the text ond fill in the gops with '* " these expressions. 1. My namе is Мinniе Mousе. 2. It was vеry niсе to mееt you. 3. How do you do? 4. Ехсusе me. 5. Goodbyе! 6. How do vou do. Cutе: Woman: Cutе: Woman: Cutе: Woman: Cutе: Woman: 1. Whеrе will Agеnt Cutе go? 2. What will his сasе bе? !.'jnii l rеssс'n 4 t5
  • 19. ll Сutе: It.s a long Story but I сan,t saУ no to a bеautiful lадly. Last yеar I had a vеry intеrеsting сasе' An Еnglish boy Rob wеnt to his pеn friеnd Мisha Inin in Russia. Aftеr that hе didn't writе to his parеnts or phonе thеm. His paтеnts сamе to our agеnсy for help. I workеd on thе сasе. I Wеnt to Russiа аnd found Misha Inin and his family. Thеy had a guеst from Еngland - Robin. But hе wаs strangе: he didn't phonе his parеnts, hе worе a Sсottish kilt and hе сould FLY. Мinniе: You arе pulling my lеg! Cutе: It's truе. I watсhеd thе boys in Russia, and whеn thеy wеnt baсk to Еngland, I watсhеd thеm in Еngland. And guеss what! Robin was from 1599. FIе сamе from thе past bесausе hе wantеd to takе thе Stonе of Dеstiny from Wеstminstеr Abbеy baсk to Sсotland. Hе was a Sсottish patriоt. And Rоb was his grеat-grеat- grеаt-grеat-grеat-grеat-grеat-grеat-grеat-grеat grandson. Thе two boys usеd thе timе tunnеl and swappеd plaсеs in timе and I hеlpеd thеm swap baсk! Minniе: This is a good story. Ha-ha-ha! You arе making it up, arеn't you? And what's уour top sесrеt doсumеnt? Cutе; It's a notе. Robin droppеd it whеn hе wеnt through thе timе tunnеl baсk to his timе. It was in a sесrеt languagе and it was diffiсult to translatе' Minniе: So what is it about? Cutе: oh! This notе is thе kеy to an old famil!, trеasurе! I am going to givе it to Rob MaсWizard's family' Мaybе thеy'll find this trеasurе. Minnie: Yеs it is a Vеry funny story. Сutе: ... It's my stop. Goodbyе, Minniе! ... N{inniе: ..., Agеnt Сutе! Listen to the first ond the |ost poгt of the text ond сheсk your onswers. Reod the text ogoin ond onsweг true, folse oг no informotion. Support youг onsweгs with the infoгmotion fгom the texl. 1. Minniе Mousе is strangе. 2. Agеnt Сutе likеs Мinniе Mousе. 3. Мinniе Mousе likеs Agent Cutе. 4. Minniе Mousе is a vеry niсе ladу. 5. Cutе wants to go on holiday. 6' Cutе is not tеlling thе truth about his important сaSе. ---"-')a='-- .>.1-. ф t6
  • 20. 7. Cutе must dеlivеr vеry important doсumеnts. 8. Мinniе Мousе bеliеvеs Сutе's story. 9. Cutе is a vеry good agеnt. 10. Cutе is a vеry niсе pеrson. Мotсh the sentenсes ond lheir lrons|olions. 1. You are pulling my lеg. 2. It doеsn't mattеr. 3. Do you nееd a hand? 4. Тhis is a top sесrеt doсumеnt. a) Это IIе иМееT зIlaчеI{иЯ. b) Этo сoBеp|леI{Ho секpетньlй дoKyМеHТ. с) Baпл пoмoчь? d)Bьr IIIyTиTе. rr r X пomeмorK J 6 " a Фф 8 Фф ф {9 * Ф 6 & * Ф & Ф Ф Ф Ф * !} & & a * * 6 *Ф * a*.6. "'цtц,'.' м*м,,^'*м-i.*qf 'A,} Trons|ote the words in Ьгoсkets ond fil| in the gops. 1. Agеnt Сutе had to ... (дoстaвить) a doсumеnt to Rob MaсWizard's family 2.Тe doсumеnt was ... (сoвеprпеннo секpетньlй). З. Robin ... (ypoнил) thе doсumеnt whеn hе wеnt baсk to his timе. 4. Thе doсumеnt is a kеy to thе ... (сoкpoвище). 5. I havе a сhееsе sandwiсh and you havе a ham sandwiсh. Lеt's ... (меняться). B ,i Мinnie Мouse is writing Cule,s stoгy in her noleЬook. She believed the story.**- She is гeolIy inteгested in the fomiIy treosure! Te|| your с|ossmotes: Whof does Мinnie Мouse know oЬouf &1isho ond Rob? Whot did she forgef? Put the verЬs in Ьqoсkets in the right form. LastУеar Аgеnt Сutе ... (hаvе) а vеrУ intеrеsting саsе. An Еng|ish boу кob ''. (go) to his pеn friеnd Мishа in Rиssia. His pаrеnts '.. (сomе) to thе dеtесtivе аgеnсУ for hеIp. Аgеnt Сutе ' .. (work) on thе саsе. Hе Went to Rиssia and ' .. (flnd) hлtshа аnd his fаmi|у.тheу hаd а visitor from Еnglаnd - Robin. Agеnt Сutе ... (wаtсh) thе boуs in Rиssia аnd, whеn thеу ..' (qo) to Еnglаnd, hе wаtсhеd thеm in Еnglаnd. Robin . .. (bе) from lsээ. Hе саmе from thе pаst bесаusе hе ''. (wаnt) to take the stoyre of DеstinУ from wеstminstеr лbbеу bасk to Sсotlаnd' Тhе ttлto boуs usеd а timе tunnе| аnd .'. (swаp) plасеs in timе аnd Agеnt Сutе hеIpеd thеm swаp bасkl Hе ''. (flnd) а notе. lt is the kеу to а fаmilу trеаsurе. 17
  • 21. A horгible thing hoppened! Whеn you havе to givе bad nеws, you сan start thе sеntenсе with 1 аm аfrаid... (боrось' нтo...) Use I orn ofroid in the diologues. Model: Whеrе is уoшr bаg? - It is аt home.- I аm аfrаid it is аt homе. 1. How is уour mothеr? - Shе is not vеry wеll. 2. Givе mе thе monеy.- I lost it. 3. Wе arе going to havе a niсе party tomorrow.- I сan't сomе. 4. Lеt's go shopping! - Thе shops arе сlosеd. Guess the meoning of the underlined words. 1. Thе MaсWizards are the boss's сliеnts [,klarэnts]. 2.-Гodaу wе are having a tеst and I don't know anything. It is a сatastrophе [kэ'trestтэГr]! Answer the questions obout the text on Poges I 5- I 6. 1. Whеrе did Agеnt Cutе go? 2. Who (кoгo) did hе mееt? 3. Agеnt Cutе told thе woman about Misha and Robin, didn't hе? o. wц, did thе Woman say,..You arе pulling my lеgi'? 5. Why was thе doсumеnt top sесret? Agent Cute is toIking to the Ьoss. He hos some Ьod news. Reod ond put the veгЬs in Ьroсkets in the гight foгm. Cutе: Hi, Boss! A horriblе thing (happеn)! I сan't (find) thе top sесrеt doсumеnt! Boss: I don't bеliеvе itl I (put) it into yоur bag! (show) it to anybody? Cutе: No! of соurse, I didn't. Boss: ... you (tеll) anybody about it? Сutе: Yеs. But it doеsn't mattеr. I (talk) about it to a vеry niсе lady on thе train. Boss: ... you (tеll) this lady about thе trеasurе? Cutе: Yеs, I am afraid I did. Bоss: Did shе tеll you hет namе? Сutе: Yеs. Е{еr namе (bе) Мinniе Mouse! Boss: You (pull) my lеg! t8
  • 22. Cutе: What's Wrong with thе namе? Boss: Thе lady (givе) you a falsе name! Minniе Мousе is Miсkеy Mousе's girlfriеnd and thеy arе сartoon сharaсtеrs (геpoи мyльтфильмoв). You (losе) thе top sесrеt doсumеnt and our сliеnts arе in dansеr. It is а сatаstrophе. Сute: But, Boss, I'll find thr lady. Boss: No, Сutе, you сan't do that. You arе firеd! (Bьl YвoленьI') 4..: Listen ond сheсk youг onswers. Miсkеy and Мinnie Mousе - сharaсtеrs in еarly Walt Disnеy сartoons. They arе Disnеy symbols and arе famous all ovеr thе world. 5 .i Мotсh the under|ined sentenсes with expгessions fгom the Ьox. Model: I doп't beliеvе уou! You аrе inveпting this storу.- I don't bеliеvе уou. You аrе mаkiпg it up 1. You arе pulling my lеg. 2. It doеsn't mattеr. 3. You аrе firеd' a) I don't bеliеvе you! You arе invеnting this stor}z. b) Don't Worry about this boоk! You сan rеturn it tomorrow. It isn,t important. с) A: Do you know thе nеws? B: No.I don't. A: Your bеst friеnd Anna is going to China. Shе wants to livе thеrе. B:You arе iokins! d) A: I'm going to wash thе сar. B: It's rеally dirty! Do you nееd an}z hеlp? е) Nobodlz must know about this doсumеnt. f) You must lеavе thе offiсе and nеvеr сomе baсk. 4. Do you nееd a hand? 5. This is a top Seсrеt doсumеnt. 6. You arе making it up. 19
  • 23. 6 .] ln poiгs. There ore o Iot of mistokes in these dioIogues. Coгreсt the mistokes, * moke up short diologues ond oсt them out, Yеstеrday I saw a UFo. It landеd in our gardеn and threе grееn mеn сamе out of it. I havе a lot of work: I must сlеan thе housе, do thе shopping and сook dinnеr. I am afraid I lorgot mу friеnd's аddrеss. Do you nееd a hand? Hеllo! Poliсе! Somеbody wants to gеt intо my flat. I don't know who it is. 7 3 Something horгiЬle hoppened. Whot wos it? Choose on onswer -* ond exploin it. 1. Thе МaсWizards lost thе family trеasurе. 2. Agеnt Cutе was firеd. З. Тhе MасWizards Wеrе in dangеr. 2o Unit j Lеsson 5
  • 24. Homework j* * 6i i+ s! .* {,{ {t ф !, li + A . Agent Cute is writing o letteг to Мisho, Ьut his Russion is not veгy good. Ьeсouse he is veгy neгvoUs. Wгite o Ietteг in ЕngIish. Ё]]] ;*'.,'..,| l ,{opoгoй Mrarшa, 'Я eсть исгцггaнньrri' yJfiaclIa.я вeIць сщriII{JIaсЬ. .Я пoexa'гr в Taн6pидаrс-Уэлс. .Я иrvreл дoкJnvleнт для Po6a. Этoт дoк5nvreнт eсть вepxний сeкpeт. Po6ин poH.ял eгo' я eгo пoдбr4raл. Этoт .цoItJгI[eнт есть ItлIоч It coItрoвI.пIIe. Я встpeтил oчeIIь кpaсивa.я JIсeIflциI{a нa пoeBд. oнa иlvreлa т.яJI(eлaJI сJrMIta' и .ЯI сПpocил ee:,.BafuI lry.жtнa p5Дta?,' oнa cкaзa,.тr: ..Cпaсибo''. Mьr paзгoвapуIBaJIuI. и ol{a шIe гoвopиЛ: ..TьI ecть силъньtй, тьI естЬ кpaсивьrй' pacсItaзьIвaй мнe пpo cвoй бивнec,,. Я paсскaзьrвaл eiт пpo тeбя, Po6a ут Poбинa, и oIIa гoвopил: ..тЬI дepгaeIIIъ NIeII.я ta I{or5r''. Пoтoшr ol{a кpaлa этoт ,цoкJrдДeнт. Poб eсть в oIIaсHocть. Бoсс eсть oчel{ъ сepдитьrй. Я есть JrвoлeI{ньIй. Paоскaзьrвaй oбo всеrvr Poбv. Лroбoвь, Aгeнт Кьroт ]mЬ дсtiш.ф 8 a ш'Ь. Chinеsе Frenсh Gеrman Italian It doesn't mattеr. Japanеsе Spanish to swap to bе afraid to be in danger tо bе the hеad оf smth to drop smth to makе somеthing up to neеd a hand to pull somebody's lеg top seсrеt a trеasurе Turkish a workaholiс a ссISе а cаtаstrophe а сlient to dеlivеr Guеss whаt? ordinаrу 21
  • 25. UNlт Comping: ls it for you? ln this unit * Misha and Rob arе going сamping. * Is a сamping stovе more important than * Rob promisеs tо bе as good as gоld. + Arе you a slееping bag, a сampfirе or а You wiIl toIk obout сomping. a mattrеss? tоrсh? Food potatoеs a snaсk mushrooms a pizza bеrriеs fish mеat Sausagе сhееsе vеgеtablеs fruit a sandwiсh yoghurt a bisсuit brеakfast dinnеr tasty to сoоk tO еat 1o drink tо bе hungr1 а mug a sрoon a fork You will need these words ond expressions: Hеalth problеms tо bе tirеd to bе pаlе to bе ill to havе a hеadaсhе to havе a sorе throat to havе toothaсhе to havе stоmaсhaсhе to bе allеrgiс to somеthing Сlothеs a Swеatеr a pair оf trainеrs a jaсkеt a сap a pair of trousеrs a pair of jеans a pair of soсks a pair of boots a T-shirt Hоlidays a mountain a lakе еquipmеnt a tеnt a guitar to visit smb / smth to еnjoy smth to walk Cоlours bluе rеd grееn whitе blaсk yеllow brown 22
  • 26. " УпoTpебЛеIrие apTиKЛeй с нaЗBa:нИЯNlv| pеK' oзеp, мopеЙ, oKеaIloB. KaI{aЛoB' ПyсTЬII{Ь' гopнЬIx цепей. u oбpaзoвaние сTеПеI{ей сpaвнения ПpиЛaГaTелЬI{ЬIх. * Aбсoлroтнaя фopмa местoимений. liliiritliiijl r _ Who is оn duty today? - Kтo сегoДня де;кypньlй? о_|am./Wеarе. l _ Who is away todaу? - Kтo сегoДI{я oтсyтствyет? r _ Ivanov is. / Еverybody is hеrе. / Nobody is away. l opеn yоur books on page 10.- oткpoйте книги нa десятoй сTpaнице. r Bе сarеful! - Бyдьте внимaтельньI! о Listen to thе сassеttе.- ПpослyrпaйTе ayДиoЗaIlисЬ. о Guеss the mеaning of thе undеrlinеd words.- loгaдaйтесЬ o Знaче}Iии I]oДчеpKI{yTЬIx сЛoB. о Mаtсh thе piсturеs with thе sentenсеs.- Сoпoстaвьте кapTинKи и ПpеДЛo)<eния. . Find the right answеr.- Haйдите IIрaBиЛЬI{ЬIй oтвет. . Ехplain yorrr answеrs.- oбъясниTе I]paBиЛЬI{oсTЬ сBoиx oTBeToB. . Look at the piсturе.- Пoсмoтpите I{a KapTиI{Ky. . Chоosе thе right answеr.- BьIбеpите ПpaBиЛЬIlЬIй oтвет. . Chесk your answеrs.- ПpoвеpЬTе сBoи oTBеTЬI. Iam-I'm you arе - you'rе hе ls - hе's shе is - shе's it is - it's Wе arе - Wе'rе thеy arе - thеy'rе that is - that's hе will - hе'll I will nоt - I won't do not - don't doеs not - doеsn't is not - isn't arе not - arеn't was not - wasn't Wеrе not - wеrеn't havе not - havеn't had not - hadn't did not - didn't сannot - сan't must not - mustn't /. t'jniт ? 2з
  • 27. .@ ti,t"n ond гeod. disgusting - oTBpaTитeльньlй hеavу l,hеvi| - тя>кельlй to piсk smth up - сoбиpaть чтo-либo to go сamping - иДти B пoХoД to gеt wеt through - ПpoМoKI{yTЬ дo ниTKи an advеnturе - ПpиKЛIoчеI{ие wood - зd. xвopoст a сampfirе [.krempfalэ] - KoсTеp а bеаr - ,IеДBеДЬ hаrd grouпd - зd. твеpДaя ЗеN4ЛЯ to Snorе - xрaПеTЬ bцrnt - пoдгopевrшиЙ а SoL|rсе [sэ:s] - исToK Guess the meoning of the underlined word. Тhеrе arе a lot of mosquitoes [mэ,ski:tэoz] in summеr. Thеу fly around mе and I сan't slееp. ..2.:,l Мisho wonls to go сomping ond is toIking to RoЬ oЬout it. .---:= Listen, reod ond onswer the questions' 1. What doеs Rob think about сamping. Why? 2. What doеs Misha think about сamping. Why? 3. Why did Rob say,..I'll go with уoui'? j::j Find the opposite of sofi (мягкий) ond light (лeгкий). Мisha: Good mоrning, Robl I havе a surprise fоr you. Nеxt wееk Wе arе going сamping with my сlass! Rob: Nо, thank you. I hatе сampingl Мisha: Don't say that! Camping is fun! Wе arе going to Lakе Volgo, it is one of thе SourсеS of our grеat Russian rivеr - thе Volga. Wе,ll slееp in tеnts and сook our food on a сampfirе! Rob: And what's wrong (a uто не тaк?) with ТV сomputеrs, niсе soft bеds and pizza? Мisha: Wе сan play сomputеr gamеs and eat pizza еvеry day! It's boring! Camping is a rеal advеnturе! Rob: I know,I know. Yоu walk all day and you caffУ a hеavy baсkpaсk. You arе vеry tirеd in the еvеning, but yоu havе to go and piсk up somе wood for thе сampfirе. Тhеn уou еat disgusting burnt рotatoеs. 24
  • 28. Whеn you finally gеt into yоur slееping bag' you сan,t slееp. Somеbоdy snorеs' mosquitoеs sit оn your nosе, thе ground is hard and сold. And you arе luсky if it doеsn't rain and you don't gеt wеt through.Is that fun? And I hеard thеrе arе horriblе bis bеars in Russian forеsts... Misha: Arе уou sсarеd, Rob? Rob: of сoursе I'm not sсаrеd. Мisha: Тhеn show mе. Rob; OK, OK.I'll go with you. B слoвoсoчeTalяИИ ДBa пpилaгaTеЛьI{ьIx + сyщесTBиTеЛЬнoе нa ITеpBoе МесTo сTaBиTсЯ IIpилагaTеЛЬнoе сo ЗHaчеI{иеM oцеIlKи. Haпpимep: а сlevеr уoun7 boу, а boring otсl book. 3 .: Look through the text ond find woгd сomЬinotions with two odieсtives. 4 ;Write the odieсtives in the гight order. 1. My grandfathеr is a ... mаn. (old / bravе) 2. ow offiсe is in a ... housе. (niсе / nеw) 3' Ann's friеnds livе in а ... village. (littlе / bеautiful) 4. Nobody wantеd to eat that .. ' soup' (disgusting / сold) Apтикль (The A*iс|e) Apтикль thе yпoтpебляeтся с нaЗBaнияМи pеK, oзеp, l,{opей, oкеaнoв, KаHаЛoB. ПyсTЬlHЬ. Гopl.lЬlx цепей. Haпpимеp Thе Volgа' the Blаck Sеа, thе Аt|аntiс Осеап, thе Bаikаl. thе Еnglish Сhаnпеl, thе Sаhсtrа, the Alps' Если пеpед I{aЗBaIIиеМ oзеpa сToиT сЛoBo Lаkе,тo apTиKЛЬ' KaK пpaBиЛo, не упoтpебЛЯеTсЯ. Haпpимеp: Lаkе Volgo, Lаke Bаikаl. 5.. Choose the right onsweг ond fiIl in the gops. Wгite fhe or _ (no orticle), 1. ... dееpеst lаkе in thе world is ... . a) ... Lakе ontаrio b) ... Lakе Volgo с) ... Lakе Baikal 2. ... warmest of thе thrее is ... . a) ... Blaсk Sеa b) ... Rеd Sеa с) .'. Сaspian Sеa 3. ... longеst rivеr in thе world is ... . a) ... Nilе b) ... Volga с) ... Mississippi 4. ... largеst oсеan in thе world is ... . a) ... Atlantiс oсеan b) ... Paсifiс oсеan с) ... Indian oсеan 5. ... highеst mоuntains are ... а) ... Himalayas b) ... Alps с) ... Cauсasus l' 25
  • 29. I hatе сampingCamping is fun In your exerсise Ьooks fill in the toЬle with sentеnсes fгom the text on poges 24_25 whiсh pгove these ideos. Look ot the piсtuгe ond think: Whof is good obouf comping? Model: Саmpiпg is ,fuп. The boуs аrе plауing footbаll, .: ln poirs. ToIk oЬout сomping ond soy: Do yov. ogree with мisho or with RoЬ? -' йЬya Stort with: l think,l bЬlieve, l ogree,l don,I osJree| ProЬoЬlу, МoyЬe, I remember, l'm ofroid' l'm sorry, bvf." Homework ''e.'. 'l..]t a|*i||i:,,i|'|j|ф,i|:'*'l li'..],i] i ). |;'||1)|,| 1? !|i,'i'3!!!l .1 lr+;а14 A Do you wqnt to go сomping? Why? / Whу not? Wгjte oЬout it. Use the ,"nt"n.", from tйe texl or you. own ideos. Stoгt with ,,Comping is o гeol odventure.. .,, or ,,I hote сomping...,, r, 26 r,
  • 30. ! We must poсk our boсkpoсks Look ot the piсtuгes ond motсh them with a Warm swеatеr, a pair of trainеrs, a baсkpaсk. a tеnt, a slееping bag, a a mug' a spoon' a pair of wеllingtons, the words fгom the Ьox. a pair of trousеrs' a warm jaсkеt, guitar, sоmе mеdiсinе, a сompass, a pаir оf sосks { a сauldron ['kc1drэnl a boх of matсhes а You ore go-ing сomping.. Whot wi|l you toke with you? Whot won,t you toke with you? Stqгt with: It is importonl fo hove... , lt d.oesn,t motter if l jon,t hove.., i::r i;::;;irrt1t.i.+l pair of swimming trunks sЙ a}?i Ч a сamеrа mosqulto сrеam a pеnknifе 27
  • 31. 3 Listen ond reod. Choose the Ьest tronslotion for the undeгlined expгession. a) лyнrшaя пapa b) лишняя пapa с) ЗaПaсIlaя Пapa How mony poirs of swimming trunks is RoЬ going to toke with him? Мisha: Wе must paсk our baсkpaсks. What arе you going to tаkе? Rob: oh, that's еasy. Wе'll slееp in thе slееping bags, so I must takе that. Thеn I'1l Wear my wеllingtons bесаusе it is going to bе wеt and muddy in thе fоrеst. I'll wеar -y f"пoй T:.shirt and mу bluе jеans beсausе thеy look niЬe on mе. oh, and I must takе thеsе whitе soсks. Thеy arе vеry niсе too, arеn't thеy? I'll takе an w еxtrЬ pair of iwimming trunks. And lеt's tаl.o lffi ,Ыtt" rесordеr bеЬausе lifе without;;j" & isn't fun. 5 4 Do you ogree with RoЬ? Does he hove the гight things? Help Rob poсk his boсkpoсk. Fi|I in the gops with the woгds. еxtra pairs of soсks' a torсh, a box of matсhеs, a pair of wеllingtons, a pair of tтainеrs, Warm sweatеrs and warm jaсkеts, a watеr bottlе' a сamеra 1. It сan bе muddy in thе forеst, so thеy'll nееd ... . 2'Тeу arе going tо walk for a long timе, so thеу'll nееd ... . 3. Thеy сan gеt thirsty, so thеy'll nееd a ... . 4. It is going to ь" dark in thе forеst,so thеy'll nееd a ... . 5. Тhеy are going to makе a сampfirе, so thеy'll nееd ... . 6. It сan bе vеry сold at night, so they'll nееd ... . 7. Thеir soсks сan get wеt' so thеy'll nееd ... . 8.ThеуarеgoingtoSееalotofbеautifulplaсеs,sothеy,llnееda.... In poirs. A memory gстe. Loo-k ot Мisho,s Ьoсkp.oсk for o minute. Close your ЬoЬk ond try to гemЁmЬer: Whot did you see in the Ьoсkpoсk? 28 | :. llt .1? L о'stоil ij
  • 32. Yesterdoy Мisho mode o |ist of things to toke v/ith him. Look ot his Ьoсkpoсk ond Iisten to Мisho,s |ist. Whot did he foгget? Тe|l youг с|ossmotes: Whot things do you toke when you go сomping? Homework A A quiz. Whot kind of сomper oгe you? Choose youг onswer. 1. At thе wеekеnds yоu nоrmally... a) spеnd a day on thе sofa and watсh TY b) spеnd your timе with friеnds. с) walk your dog or go jogging. 2. Whiсh сhаraсter dо you like bеst? a) Hаrry Pottеr b)Robin Hood с) Petеr Pan 3. You arе lost in thе fоrest. Whаt will you do? a) сlimb a trее and сry b) sit on the ground and wait for hеlp с) usе a сompass and try to find thе way 4. Yоu arе сamping nrar thе lakе. Thеrе is no hot water, but vоu want to wash yоur hair. a) You won't wash your hair and wait for your сosy bathroom. b) You,ll warm up somе watеr in thе сauldron and ask somеbodv to hеlо. с) You'll wash your hair in thе lakе. 5. What is fun аbout sleеping in а tent? a) It,s not my idеa of fun. b)You сan havе a good fight and а good laugh in a tеnt. с) It is good for you to slееp in thе opеn air. 6. You arе сamping. Yоu gеt up еarly in thе morning. Еvеrybodу is still аsleеp. What will yоu do? a) rеad a book b)сoоk brеakfast с) makе a сampfire 7 Yоu аrе going by сar, so yoш сan takе one heavy thing with уou. What will you takе? a)aTV b) a сassеttе rесordеr с) a boat .Ь. '1,,,,, j,,,, "ta,,.r.,. , . .,i,,,:. li Ulii 2 [.'ilss.:п ? 29
  • 33. 8. Whеn you gо сamping, уоur bасkpaсk is normally very hеavy bесаusе you саrty a) a lot of warm сlothеs b) a lot of niсе snaсks с) a lot of things fоr your friеnds 9. When you gеt hоmе aftеr сamping what is thе first thing уou do? a) Go io thе bathroom and havе a long hot bath. ь) гьo,'е all your friеnds and tеll thеm all about your advеnturеs. с) Go to thе kitсhеn and havе somеthing to еat. Моstly As _ You arе a SLЕЕPING BAG. Сamping isn,t your idеa of fun. 3&' Thе ground is сold and thе baсkpaсk is vеrу Ц:uuy.So it's сampfirе. MostlyBs-YоuarеaCAMPFIRЕ.Еvеrybodylikеsyou.Youarеalwaуs . thе сеntrе of anу group.You sing, уou danсе, you makе jokеs. W.Ё,,з W Camping without you isn't fun. But you arе not always rеady 'Аee'fi', for diffiсutt situations - уou nееd your friеnds likе a сampfirе { " юь--I nееds a lot of wood. Ж/ мoйy Cs - Yоu arе a TORCH. You arе a vеry good сampет and will suтvivе in any situation. You always hеlp yоur friеnds if thеy bеttе"r for you to go by сar. But you arе сlеvеr. If sоmеthing happеns, you havе good idеas whiсh hеlp еvеrybody. And yoo. t'i."as теally likе tо listеn to your storiеs by thе ask for hеlp. You сan makе a сampfirе and сook food, you сan сarry hЪavy things. Thеrе is only onе problеm:Yоur light is vеry important, but it is not warm еnough. *.- .' '. Do you qgгee with your results? Why? Wrile 2_4 sentenсes. з0 i*lrlit 2 i-rll.sоri lr
  • 34. 2. K пpилaгaTеЛЬ}IЬIМ, сoсToящиМ иЗ oДI{oгo сЛoгa иЛи ДByx сЛoгoB и oKaI{чиBaIoщиМся Нa -у' -oщ -ец B сpaBI{иTеЛЬнoй степени лpибaвляeтcя 3. K пpилaгaTеЛЬI{ьIl{' сoстoящи1{ иЗ oДнoгo сЛoгa иЛи ДByx слoгoB и oKaI{ЧиBaIoщиMся Ha -у' -oщ -еr' B пpеBoсхoДI{ой степени пpибaвляется 4. Е,слlт ПpиЛaгaTеЛЬI{oе oкal{ЧиBa- еTсЯ I{a бyквy е'To IIpи1 пpибaвле- нии сyффиKсa -er ИЛИ -еSt 5. Если пpиЛaгaTеЛьI{oе oKaнчIlBaeTcЯ нa yдapньlЙ сJIoг с кpaтKиМ гЛaсI{ЬIМ' To пpи ттpибaвлeнии cуффикca -er ИI|L| -еSt 6. Если IIpиЛaГaTеЛЬIIoе oKal{чИBaeТcЯ нa бyквy y, кoтopoй ПpеДIIIесTBуеT сoГЛaсI{aя' To Пpи пpибaвлении сyффиксa -er ИII'т -est 7 HекoтopьIе IIpилaгaTеЛЬIIЬIe oбpaзyroт сTeПеIlи сpaBI{еIIиЯ I{е flo ПpaBиЛy' IIaIrpиМеp: The most importont equipment a) бyквa e oтбpaсьrвaеTся. Haпpимеp: largе-largеr-largеst b) кoнeннaЯ сoгЛaсI{aЯ yДBaиBaеTся. Haпpимеp: hot - hottеr - hottеst с) пoлo;кителЬIIyIo' сpaBI{иTеЛЬнyIo и ПpеBoсхoДIIyIo сTеIIени сpaBне- ния. Haпpимеp: lоng - lоngеr -longеst d) бyква y MеIIяеTсЯ нa i. Haпpи. меp: еarly - еarliеr - еarliеst е)good-bеttеr-bеst, bad-Worsе-Worst f) сyффикс -er. Haпpимеp: short - shortеr. happy - happlеr; naIrow - narrowеr g) сyффикс -esf. Haпpимеp: short - shortеst; happy - happiеst; narrow - narrowеst ;,li;,,;,'l; 1 Compore the words oссoгding to the mode|. MоdeI: Gеrmаnу / Саnаdа / Сhinа (bid -Gеrmапу is big' Сhinа is biggеr Саnаdа is thе biggеst. 1. thе Volga / thе Irtysh / thе Thamеs (long) 2. a villagе l a сitу / a town (big) 3. a train / a planе / a сar (fast) 4. Japan / Bеlgium / Spain (small) B пятoм Kлoссe вЬ| пo3нoкo|Аились c oнглИйcюцми пpилoгoтeлЬHЬlми И узHo,лиI кoK иx сPoвHиBoтЬ. Пpoвильнo сoeдиниB чoсти пpeдл ox'eнv,tЙ, BЬ| Bспoмнитe и3yчeHHЬIe пpoвилo. 1. AнглийсKие ПpиЛaгaтеЛЬI{Ьlе иМеIoT 3l
  • 35. 'Degrees of ComPorison) Cтeпeни сPoBнeния пpилoroтeльF|ыx lI БoльшrинстBo tIpиЛaгaTеЛЬIIЬIх' сoсToящиx иЗ t{Byx и бoлее сЛoгoB, oбpaзy- Ioт сTеIIеIIи сpaBI{еIrI4я с пoМoщЬIo сЛoB morr (бoлее), mоst (нaибoлее),lеss (менее) и lеaJt (нaит'ленеe), KoTopЬIе cTaBЯTcЯ IIеpеД IIpиjIaгaTenЬIIЬIМи. MorеиlеssyпoтpебляroтсяIIеpеДIIриЛaГaTеЛьIIЬIМидляoбpaзoBagvтЯ сpaBI{иTеЛЬнoй степени. Haпpимеp:ехсiting--IthiпkАnnа,spаrtуwillbеlеsseхcitingthаnа ьo,rng,1it*Ьn TV- Я dу*oo, чmo вечеptlнка у Анньt 6уdеm 'tеHее un*ip",noii, нем скучньLй фuльм no mелевuзopу. difiiсult - I thini Ru,,ioi is morе difficult thаn Еnglish.- Я dулtаro, pуcскuй язык mpуdнее, чеJ|I а|!?JluL|скцu. сomfortablе - Му ,Ьo* in thе hotеl was less comfortаble thаn mу friеnd,s.Thаtwаsso,unfаir-МoякoмнamaвomеJxе6ьLла'+tенееуdo6нoй, че.N| кoJv|нсlmс| I|oе?o dpуzа. Эmo бьLлo lnаK несnpaвеoJ1uвo. MоstиlеastyпoтpебляrотсяIIеpеДIIpиJIaгаTеЛьI{ЬIМидляoбpaзoBat|vтЯ пpеBoсxoДI{o" "'",,"Ь". CyществитеЛЬнoе' oПpеДеЛяеMoе пpиJIaгaTеЛЬIIЬIМ ".ф""o"*oдной степени yпoтpеб ЛЯeTcЯ с apтиклем thе. Haпpимep:ь"""iir"r_-' Mаiу is thе most bеаutiful girl iп our сlаss.- Mэpu - сaмaя l{paСuвaf| dевoчко в нсtLuеJу| KлaСcе. intеrеsting - тni, i, the most intеresting film аboцt аnimаls n'? Y !:'"d inthisshop.-ЭmoсаtuшLйLшmеpес|rьIйфuль"ttoJrtшвon.LHbLх,КomopьIu 'vLoJrtнО наtimu в ЭmoJ|t "+tа?с|gl.|не. usеful - I think 'Ьi, r' tn, leаst usфl book from уour list.- Я dулtаto, Эmo нal,|JуLенее |1o"xе3наf1 кHu?a ш3 mвoе?o сnLlсКa. 2 Мisho ond his friends ore in the shop.^They oгe Ьuying equipment [r'kwrpmэntl t.";;;;;;;;) Ы;;;рing. Look ond find the new woгds. сamping stovе з2 l :'r;: '/ i-cs,.:;-" I a kеttlе t
  • 36. 3 Whot do you think? 1. What is thе most important еquipmеnt for сamping? 2. What is thе lеast important еquipment for сamping? 3. What is thе most еxpеnsive еquipment? 4. What is thе lеast еxpеnsivе еquipmеnt? 5. What is thе hеaviеst еquipmеnt? 4 Compoгe the equipment. Put the odieсtives in Ьгoсkets in the гight form. 1. .A сamping Stovе is (сhеap) than a tеnt. Lеt's havе it], 2. ,,Wе сan't havе a сamping stovе and a tеnt.Wе havе only six thousand rоublеs. Thе tеnt is (еxpеnsive) thing, but it is also (important) еquipmеntJ' 3. .A kеttlе is (еxpеnsivе) thing. but wе don't nееd it]' 4. .A mattrеss is (сhеaр) than a сamping stovе, but it's (usеful) еquipmеnt. Wе havе our slееping bags!'' 5. .A mattrеss isn't (usеful) thing, but it's importаnt for mе. It's (сomfortablе) to slееp on a mattrеss thаn on thе groundi' 6. ..Wе сan havе a kеttlе - it's (сhеap and light) thingJ' 5 Look ot the piсtuгe in Еx. 2 ond onsweг lhe queslions. Use the infoгmotion from Ех,2' 4. 1. What doеs Misha want to buy? What doеs hе say? 2. What dоеs Vasya want to buy? What dоеs hе say? 3. What doеs Rob want to buy? What doеs hе say? 4' What doеs olga want to buy? What doеs shе say? 6 Use the senlenсes from Ex. 4 ond oсl oul mini.diologues Ьetween a) Misha and Vasya b) Misha and Olga с) olga and Rob 7 Listen ond сheсk your qnsweгs. lt a пomeworк;. ...'."'."*-..*.*,*'.,"*,,*/' А Put the odieсtives in Ьroсkets in the гight foгm. 1. Tеd is (tall) ... than Stеvе. 2.Му dad is (old)... than my mum. З. Thеy arе thе (huppy) ... family in our town. 4. Mary's Еnglish is (bad) ... than hеr Gеrman. 5. Niсk is thе (good) ... football playеr in our сlass. 6. Тhе (hot) .'. day last yеar Was 72 Ju|у. : . , - .. |, ангllliiскtll.i py, Учeбнrtк для 7 u з3
  • 37. 'B ,i ComPlete the tobIe with the гight foгm of the odieсtive. ПoлorкительIlaя степeпь Positivе dеgrее famous Cpaвнитeльшaя стrпепь Cоmparativе dеgrее Пpевoсхoдпaя стrПrIIЬ Supеrlativе dеgrее morе favouritе bеttеr (thе) lеаst important (1hing) сrееpy morе horriblе еaslеr gloomy lеss intеrеsting ,'Cj Write your opinion. 1. Thе most popular сomputеr gamе is... 2.Тlne most anсiеnt monumеnt in Еngland is... 3. ...will bе thе most popular football player in Russia nехt yеar. 4. thе most intеrеsting TV programmе. D,} Write questions for youг fгiends. Ask them in сloss. ModеI: а) сar (сomfortаblе):Whаt is thе most comfortаblе саr? b) соmputer / TV (ехpеnsive): Is о computеr mОrе ехpеnsive thап а W? a) 1. сity (beautiful) 2. musеum (intеrеsting) 3. holiday (important) b) 1. book / film (intеrеsting) 2. l4аthеmatiсs / Histоry (diffiсult) 3. biсyсlе / сar (сhеap) 4. spring / аutumn (wаrm) З4
  • 38. Her boсkpoсk is os heovy os mine Сpoвнeниe пPилoгoтeлЬнЬIx с пoмou.1Ьlo сoю3oв os... os/ not os... os Kaчествa IIpеДМеToB' действий и явлeнlтfr' Ь{o)с{o сpaBниBaTЬ с IroМoщьIo сo- IозoB аs... аs (тaкoй ><е' кaк) и not аs... as (не тaкoй, кaк). This book is аs intеresring аS thаt onе.- Эmа кнцzсt mаКсlf7 )!се uнmеpеснаft' ttсtК mа, This book is not аs intеrеstiпg аS thаt oпе. - Эmа кнцzа не mаКсtf| uнmеpеcнсIfl' кald mа' Shе wаs not аS hаppу аs thеу thought. - Она бьtла не mсIIс счаcmлцва, Kaк oнu dу"+tалu. Mу brothеr is аs tаll аS уou' but hе is not аs old.- hIoй бpаm mакoй эюе вьtсoкuй. каК mbt. нo oн "млаdше. oбpaтштe BHиMaIIие: B тaкиx ПpеДЛo)Kениях ПoДЛе)Kaщее не ПoBTopяеT- сЯ ДBilKДЬI. Bo втopой чaсTи ПpеДЛo)KеIIия oнo зaМеIIяеTся сЛoBoМ onе, a Bo MIIOх<есTBенHOМ чисЛе - ones. Thеsе shoеs аrе bеttеr thап thosе Оnes.- Эmu mуфлц 'nучLuе' че'44, me I rеаd аll books bу Philippа Grеgorу. Plеаsе givе mе this onе аnd thаt Оne.- Я чumаro вcе tdнuzL| Фuлцnпьt Гpеzopu. Пoэrалуйсmа, dайmе "4,|не Эmу u mу. A6сoлютнoя фopмo пPитяжoтeлЬнь]x мeстoимeний Пpитя><aтеЛьIIЬIе МесToиМеtIия в oсIIoBI{oй фopме сЛyХaT oПpедеЛеI{и- еl4 K сyщесTBиTеЛЬнoМy и сTaBяTся ПеpеД ниьr mу book. Пpитя;кaтеЛЬнЬIе МесToиМеI{ия в aбcoлroтнoй фopме ЗaMенЯIoT сyще- сTBиTеЛЬIIЬIе' пoЭToмy сyщесTBитеЛЬнЬIе ПoсЛе I{их не yпoтpебляrотся. Haпpимеp: Mу flаt is biggеr thап уours' - hloя lсваpmцp{l бoльtuе, че"||4 вaцlа' IIе'll listеп to аll уoar SесrеtS аnd will givе уou somе good аdviсе, but p|еаsе, doп't аsk him аbout his. - Он вt,lслуLuсIеm все mвol| cекpеmьL u d(lсm mебе хopoutuе СОвеmьr' нo' no)rtалуйсmа' не сnpашuвай o еzo. oсновшaя фopмa пpитя)катеЛьlf ьIx Mестoимен ий mv ball - мoй мяч Aбсoлroтнaя фopмa пpитя)каTеЛЬнЬrx Mестoимений Thе ball is minе.- Mяч мoй. r.oцr ball - Barп мяч Thе ball is уours.- Мяч Barп. his ball - егo Мяч Thе ball is his.- Мяч егo. hеr ball - её пlяч Thе ball is hеrs. - Mяч её. its ball - егo/её (o lruвomнoм) мян Thе ball is its.- Mяч егo/её (o ltuвomнo,м). оur ball - нaIп Mяч Thе ball is ours.- Mяч нarп. r оur ball - BaIII Мяч Thе ball is yоurs. - Mяч вaIп. :hеir ball- их Мяч Thе ball is thеirs.- Мяч их. з5
  • 39. Пpaвильнo ли бyдет сKaзaTь Нer book is bettеr thаn his onе' FIет, непpaBиЛЬI{o. Пpитя:кaтеJrЬнoе МесToиМеI{ие + сyщесTBиTеЛЬI{oе ЗaI!{енЯIoTсЯ ToЛЬKo MесTOиMе- I{ие]vI B aбсoлloтнoй фopме. Hеr book is bеttеr thаn his. 1. Thеsе arе thеir matсhеs.- 2,That is my сamеra.- З. This is your mosquito сrеam.- Chonge the sentenсes oссoгding to the model. Model: This is hеr torсh.-Thе torсh is hеrs' 4. Thеsе arе our tеnts.- 5. That is his mattrеss.- 6. This is hеr саmping stovе.- Chonge the sentenсes oссording to the model. Model: Your bаg is not аs nеw сtS minе (old).- Your bаg Ь older thаn minе. 1. Pеggy's baсkpaсk is not аs hеavy as minе (light).- 2.Тtre wеаthеr tоday is not as good as it was yеstеrday (bad).- 3. This housе is not as big as that onе (small).- 4. This piсturе is not as (еxpеnsivе) as that onе (сhеap).- 5. Thе Blaсk Sеa is not as warm as the Rеd Sеa (сold).- 6. This сauldron is not as dirtу as that onе (сlеan).- ;:lH# гitl in the gops with os... os or nol os,.. os. 1. Start with Еxеrсisе 1. It is ... diffiсult ... Еxerсisе 2. 2..Гhe film was ... good ... thе book. I don't rесommеnd it. 3. My friеnd's сat is ... funny ... minе.I likе to play with it. 4. Мy nеw shoеs arе ... сomfortablе ... my old onеs. I don't like to wеar thеm. 5. I,m afraid I сan't hеlp you. I{y baсkpaсk is ... hеavу ... yours. Сhoose the right word. 1. Is that (your / yours) pеn? 2.Тhat pеn is (mу / minе). 3. That ball isn't (him / his). 4. Is your drеss аs оld as (hеr / hеrs)? 5. Thеir flat is as small as (оur / ours). 6. our tеaсhеr WaS as sood as (their l thеirs). ..5 i Find the mistokes. 1. My bag is as сlеan as hеr onе. 2. This book is intеrеsting as that one. З. His brothеr is oldеr than hеrs brоthеr' 4. Yours mistakеs arе as bad as minе onеs. з6 Uпit 2 Lеssоn 4
  • 40. Ir job is good. Hеr :оb is good too. ( My job is as good аs hеrs. Her job is not : good as minе. 4. Is St Pеtеrsburg as old as Mosсow? A . Choose the гight word. '.Э., 1. Тhat tеnt Wasn't him / his. 2' Hе is hеr / hers friеnd. 3. That kеttlе is thеir / thеirs. 4. Look at his / him. 5. This pеn isn't my / minе. C . Тгons|ote fгom Russion into ЕngIish. 7. Is wintеr in Mosсow as сold as wintеr in Tomsk? Comp|ete the sentenсes. Use the od]eсtives: light, fomous, |ong, heovy. 1. Thе Thamеs is not as... as thе Еnisеy 2. Her baсkpасk is as... as minе. 3. Thеir tеnt was not as... aS ours. 4. Shakеspеare is aS... as Pushkin. #ф .ffiffi ffiffi.%' жe &w offi#ыidl @ 1. Her pizza was tasty. His pizza wasn't tasty. - }{is pizza... 2.Yotlt story was sсary. Мy story Was sсary too.- Мy stоrу... 3. Her mum was angry. His mum WaS angry too.- FIеr mum... 4. This book is vеry intеrеsting. That book is boring.- That book... 7J Anr*". the questions. 1. Is thе ob as lоng as thе oka? 5. Is thе Atlаntiс oсеan as big as thе 2. Is Еngland as big as Russia? Paсifiс oсеan? З. Arе the days in аutumn as short 6. Is the Blaсk Sеa as warm as thе as in spring? Сaspian Sеa? 1. Этoт IIеpoчинI{ЬIй нo>к не мoй. oн - егo. 2, }{aтлa ПaЛaTKa нe TaKaя I{oBaя, KaK BaIIIa. З, Их claльI{ЬIе МеIIIKи IIr TaKие TеПЛЬIе' KaK IlaIIIи. 4. Егo KIIигa "|aKaЯ х(е инTеpесI{aя' Kaк eе.
  • 41. ls RoЬ os good os go|d? flJ Мotсh the piсtuгes with the idioms. 1. It is аs hungry as a huntеr. 2. He is as goоd as gold. ;?'*i 11t1"n ond reod. to hurt - IIpичиH,Iть бoль to sharе [eэ] smth with smb - (пo)делиTЬся с кеl,l-либo чем-либo to wash up - MьITЬ ПoсyДy to put up a tеnt - сTaBиTЬ ПaЛaTKу ..1.'i Мotсh lhe expгessions with their tronslotions. 1' to bе as Strong as an oх 2. to be as good as gоld 3. to bе as rеd as a bееtroot 4. to bе as hungry as a huntеr a) бьIть KpaснЬIМ oT сTЬIдa b) бьIть гoЛoДIIЬIМ' KaK BoЛK с) вести себя xopошo d) бьlть сиЛЬI{ЬIМ' KaK BoЛ Guess the meoning of the underlined woгd. If you сut your fingец you must put a p]аslrI [,plo:stэ] on it. 38 r:-;:,.'rlir: -l
  • 42. 4 Reod ond soy: Whot are the friends doing? Misha, hеlp! Мy baсkpaсk is too (слиIпкoм) hеavy. Thеy hurt, bесausе you arе wеaring your wеllingtons! Thеy arе nоt for walking. Put on my trainеrs and put a plastеr on yоur fееt. Рut on my Warm jaсkеt and hеrе is an ехtra pair of soсks. з9
  • 43. Wе.ll stay hеrе for thе night! (- Thе fоod is disgusting! I'll piсk up Somе wood! I'll put up thе tеntsl I'll watсh! I,ll сook dinnеr! :t l Thе food is grеatl I'm as hunsrv as a huntеr! Rob will. Hе has to do somеthing!Who will wash up aftеr dinnеr?
  • 44. I don't bеliеvе it. Hе is еating sandwiсhеs' r,oghurt and bisсuits behind thе tеnt. I сouldn't sharе thеsе snaсks! Thеrе isn't еnough for еvеrybody. Rob! You don't r,vаnt to do anything, but еvеrybody has to hеlp you! Whеn my friеnds found you bеhind thе tеnt, my faсе Was aS rеd as a bееtroot! 5 . Whot do you do with these things? Мotсh the nouns with the veгЬs. 1. сampfirе 2. wood 5. food 6. tеnt a) put up b) сook е) makе f) sharе 3. tasty snaсks с) piсk up 4. diгty dishеs d) wash up Who soid these woгds ond when? 1. You arе aS strong aS an oX. 2. Тbmоrrow I.ll bе as sood as sold. 3.My faсе was as red as a bееtroot! 4. I'm as hunsrv as a huntеr. 41
  • 45. "{ft} li'ten ond tгy to underslond the moin ideo of eoсh story. Мotсh the stoгies "# with the moiЬ ideos from the Ьox. Be сoreful] There ore four moin ideos, but on|y thгee stories. a) Hе is as good as gold. b) Hеr faсе was as rеd as a bееtroot. с) Hе was as hungrу as a huntеr. d) Hе was as strong as an ox. [ля вьrпoлнения эToГo ЗaуaцИЯ вaм цеoбязaTеЛЬI{o пoIIиМaTЬ K3;Ktoе yсЛЬIIIIaннoе сЛoBo. Hе oбpaщaйте внимaния I{a неЗнaKoМьIе сJIoBa' I{е пьrтaйтесь ЗaПoМIIиTЬ LTЛИ ЗaтШIСaTЬ yсЛЬlIIIaннoе. Baпra цeЛЬ - paс- сЛЬIIIIaTЬ IIoсTaToчнoе KoЛичесTBo ЗI{aKoМьIx сЛoB' эTo пoзBoЛиT BaМ пoI{яTь общий сМЬIсЛ. Если вьr IIе сIIpaBиЛись с ЗaДaIIиеМ с пеpBoгo paЗa - не oтчaивaйтесь. ПpoслyIшaйте TеKсTЬI еще paз. - 8 З Answeг the questions. 1. Whу did Rob Say to Misha,,,You arе as Strong as an ox]'? 2. Why did Rоb's fеet hurt? 3. How did Misha hеlp Rob? 4. Why was Rob сold? 5. What did Misha do whеn thе friеnds stoppеd for thе night? 6. What did Rob do? 7. Whеrе did the friеnds find Rob? 8. Why was Misha's faсе as rеd as a bееtroot? 9. What did Rob promisе Misha? *?j ti|l in the toЬ|e in youг exerсise Ьooks. Use the words for ideos: baсkpaсk, trainеrs / wеllingtons' Wаrm jaсkеt / niсе T-shirt, еxtra pair of soсks / еxtra pair of swimming trunks, food, tеnts' tasty snaсks Yhat Rob did Hе gavе his baсkpaсk to Misha. Whаt Rоb didn't dо He didn't сarry his baсkpaсk. Hе took his wеllingtons. Hе didn't takе his trainеrs. In poirs. Тo|k oЬout ond write o |ist of сomping ru|es. Whot must people do? Whot mustn't people do? ,_Aj Choose the right qnswer. 1. What сan hеlp you rеad a book in a slееping bag? a) a pеnknifе b) a toтсh с) a tеnt 42 i-] lt .l lеs:.l;,l: -i- о
  • 46. 2. Whеre do pеoplе slееp in thе forеst? a) in a tеnt b) in thеir wеllingtons с) in thеir swеatеrs 3. What do you neеd if you gеt lost in the forеst? a) a pеnknifе b) matсhеs с) a сompass 4. What do you need for your сampfirе? a) somе wood and matсhеs b) some wood and a torсh с) a guitar and a pеnknifе 5. What do you do with a tеnt? a) You piсk it up. b) Yоu put it up. с) You takе it up. *[$ Тгonslote into English. 1' Мoй pIoKзaK бьrл не TaKиМ тЯ)KеЛЬIМ' кaK еГo. 2. Еro лицo бьrлo TaKиМ )Kе KpaснЬIМ, KaK Мoе. 3. Этoт сBиTеp не тaкoй тепльlй, KaK ToT. 4.Мoя ПaЛaTKa бoльrпе, че1{ TBoя. 5. Этo {есTo TaKoе )Ke KpaсиBoe' KaK и To' ' C j Мisho is writing oЬout their fiгst сomping doy. Сomplete his notes. * Use Еx. 7 ond 8 for heIp. 15 Аugust Todoy Wos the most horrib|e doy of my |ife..Fiгst Robin сouldn,t сorry his boсkpoсk. r hod to сorry it for him. 'ii ,! P tж # fr &i*,в an advеnture a baсkpaсk a сamеra a сampfirе hеavy a box of matсhеs a mosquito mоsquito сrеam a penknifе to sharе smth with smb a pair of soсks a soup bowl to bе as good as gоld to bе as hungry as a huntеr to bе as rеd as а bееtroоt tо bе аs Strong as an ox to go сamping to piсk up to put up a tеnt еquipmеnt a torсh to wash up a pair of wеllingtоns wood to gеt wеt thrоugh q bеаr burпt а сацldroп disgusting ехtrа hаrd ground to hurt а plаstеr а Sourсе а pаir of swimming trtmks to SnОrе 1 ,,",,,, 1':l :-, ,l, 43
  • 47. UNlт Holidoys In this unit =r Rob saw thе trеasurеs оf thе Russian tsars! * olga wеnt tсj Ti.rrkеy. ;.: Anya wеnt to thе Crimеa. You wi|l toIk oЬout ho|idoys. You wi|l need these woгds ond expressions: Sеasons and months T}avеlling to travеl by train by сar by boat by planе by undеrgrounк to liе in thе sur to swim a swimming po а biсyсlе a hotеl sprlng summrr аutumn rr,intет January Fеbruary Мarсh April Мay Junе July August Sеptеmbеr Oсtоbеr Nor'еmbеr Dесеmbеr Wеathеr It is сold. It is hot. rain snow thе sun thе sky thе sеa thе wind to shinе to blow to bе warm Camping to put up a tеnt to makе a сampfirе to сoоk on a сampfirе to piсk up wоod to piсk bеrriеs and mushrooms to paсk a baсkpaсk to buy еquipmеnt to wash up to sharе things an advеnturе АА
  • 48. ]ъ.потpеблсi{l!L: ltТ]'Гl'.iii:lеЙ с Fia.]г]ai{I,iЯЕti,J Ko,Lт.Гит]еA{.It)l]. с,Ip aн " Деp g Bе }.r Ь. рОгLl {}l{oB, GсTpLr B{J ts. Г{]l] !-тьl ч B€р Lt] !!}d. il"цОш{altrе й. ]];1рKOB' yЛIllt" ]iЬ i Is this right? - Этo пpaвl,тльно.l Санr ytrш say Ёhat agaim, рleаsе? - rТов.гоpi,lTе, llo>Ka'rэyйста' еще paз. Саш yош рiаy thе сassеttе agаirt, р!еasе? llос'т.aвт.те. по>ка.цl'i"lстa" кaссеTy еш{е pаЗ. Е{оw dо уФ!i -qвy.,...,'itr} Еngtisfu? __ I{aк с!(аЗ:i,l.ь т{rf-&тtl.Лит]тст<t.l'.'..,'.l СошърЕеtе tЁrе sевrtеnсе with tleе righЁ t.оe'lш сl{ ttrlе verbs in hirасkets.- Зaкон.Iите пpеДJIо)I{еЕ{IIя, lloсTaBиts гЛaгL}ЛЬI в скобкax tj IxрaBиЛЬ- ноlr фсрпtе' lЪ4akе qшеstiоns f,rоrrt thеsе sеrrtenrсrs"- З;iдar1те BоiIТ]oсЬ] к гlреJ]. JIo>ке1{ияМ. Stаrt cvith t}rе rvоrds im }эrасkets"'- t{i]ulнi,tте с{-l (jJtОB н сцсtбкаx' Fiшd gзшd соrrесt tfue mistа}<es.-- {4сtтiэавь'Г|. l 1r!!l]Kli. Bt-l thе ск'tlssъvоrсfl"- Рсlшrэ'те 1{рt}ссЕ0рll. l:t, 45
  • 49. The Tsqг Bell ond the Kunstkommer Apтикль (The ArtiсIe) ....' r'_r:.,.,,: :,,,,..._ : :ra.lrr,,.rl'Iia'll"r"i'.rr..,lulr' Без аpтикля yпoтpеблЯIoTся lяaЗBalьv'Я: KoнTиI{eнToB сTpaI{' ' ДepеBel{Ь ,l peгиol{oB ..oсTpoBoB . гopIIЬIх BеpI]IиII плoщaдей i ПapKoB i' yЛиц - Сorsicа, Аmeriса, Sаkhаlin, Strеlkovkа, Brompton Roаd, London, Bаker Strеet, Тunbridgе Wеlls, Kепt, Kаlugа Rеgion, Аfriса, Frаnсе, Tiаfаlgаr Squаrе, Korolуov Strееt, Elbrus, Еvеrеst, Сubа' Mаdаgаscац IIуdе Pаrk ] Put the nomes in the гight сolumns. Кoптинентьr Cтpaньr oстpoвa Гopпьrе BeprшиIIЬl Pегиoньr Гopoдa /,[еpевни Плoщaди / Улицьl Паpки 2 Apтикль thе улoтpeбЛЯeTcЯ с нaЗBaI{ияMи: сTpaн' сoДеp)Kaщиx сЛoBa statе, kingdom' fedеration и т. rl.- thе Uпitеd Stаtеs, thе Uпitеd Kingdom, thе Ru,ssiаn Fеderаtion. TеaTpoB IlyЗееB ' KapTиItI{ЬIx гaлеpей ] ГoсTиI{иц - thе Hilton (hotеl), thе Globе Theаtrе, thе Rцssiаn Musеum, thе Nаtionаl Portrаit Gаllеrу. Бeз apтикля yпoтpебляIoTсЯ :нaЗв,aъ|ИЯ сoбopoв и цеpквей. - Wеstminster Аbbеу' St Mаrу,s Сhцrсh. Reod. listen ond soy ofter the speoker. 1. Thе Kunstkammer [,kunst.kremэ] 2. Pеtеrhof [,pitэ,hэ:fl 3. Rеd Squarе ['rеd ,skwеэ] 4. thе Krеmlin [krеmlrn] 5. St Basil's Cathеdral [snt ,bюz|z kэ.Oi:drэl] 6. thе Bolshoi Thеatrе [,bофr .otэtэ] 7. thе Hеrmitagе [,hз:mrtrф] 8. the Ъеtyakov Gаllеry [trеtj,t'kоf 'galэri] 9. thе Armoury Сhambеr [,сmоri ,fеrmba] 10. thе Tsar Bеl1 [,zс 'bеl] 11. thе Tsar Сannon f,za:'kanэn] 12. thе Crimеa [krar'mi:э] 1З. St Pеtеrsburg [snt ,pi:tэzbз:g] 14. Мosсow ['mоskэu] 46
  • 50. З Whiсh of the nomes o re: I]1uSеurns -tеоgraphiсal namеs famous sights thсatrеs squarеS сathеdrаls Мotсh the nomes with the piсtuгes. Wheгe сon you see these рloсes? ModеI: Thе first piсturе iS Реtеrho.f. I ссlп seе it if I visit St Pеtеrsburg. thе Kunstkammеr Реtеrhof Rеd Squarе thе Krеmlin St Basil.s Сathеdral thе Bolshоi Тhеatrе thе Hеrrnitаgе thе Ъеtyakоv Gallеry thе Armoury Сhambег thе Тsar Bе1l thе Tsar Сannon thе Mаriinsky Тhеatrе thе Summеr Gardеn in Еx. 2
  • 51. 5 , Choose the right onswer. 1. Thе сapital of Russia is a) St Pеtеrsburg b) Yеkatеrinburg с) Mosсow 2, Тe сapital of Russia in 1900 was a) St Pеtеrsburg b) Yеkatеrinburg с) Мosсow 3. Thе most famous Мosсow theatrе is a) thе Bolshoi Thеatrе b) thе Mali Thеatrе с) thе Grand opеrа 4. Thе most famous musеum in St Pеtеrsburg is a) thе Krеmlin b) thе Hеrmitagе с) thе St Pеtеrsburg musеum of history 5. Thе Kunstkammеr is a) a musеum b) a prison с) a palaсе 6. Thе foundеr of thе Tiеtyakov Gallеry was a) Pavеl Тiеtyakov b) Sawa Morozov с) Yuri Dolgоrukiy 7 In thе Tiеtyakov Gallеry you сan sее a) a lot of books b) thе treasurеs of thе tsars с) bеautiful piсturеs 8. In thе Armoury Сhambеr you сan srе a) a lot of stonеs b) thе trеasurеS of thе tsars с) bеautiful piсturеs 6 ' Fi|l in the gops with fhe oг _ (no oгtiсIe) ond сomplele the senlenсes. Use the woгds: Еngland, Franсе, thе USA, Italy, Russia, China, Gеrmany. Model: 1. Thе Еiffеl |,aтfэ|f Тbwеr is iп Frаnсe. й JM ,lifli :|.f*Ь' ?rs !s!!it t* *+-,f-r:i .ж. ; 2. З. 1. 5. 6. 7. ...Bеrlin [bз;.hn] Wall is in... ...Vatiсan ['vretrkэn] Musеum is in... ...Тsar Bеll is in... ...Statuе of Libеrty [,stю{u: эv .hbэti] is in... ...Grеat Wall is in... ...Natural History Museum is in... 48
  • 52. ' Zj Li.sten ond сheсk youг onsweгs. Leorn to pгonounсe the nomes of the p|oсes of inteгest сoгreсl|y. Ц Answer the questions. 1. What сan you sее in Rеd Square? 2. What is Peterhof? What сan you sеe thеre? 3. What is the biggеst musеum in St Pеtеrsburg? 4. What is thе most famous gardеn in St Pеtersburg? 5. What is thе most famous Mosсow thеatre? 6. What is the most famоus St Pеtетsburg thеatrе? 7. What сan you sее in thе Armourу Chambеr? Мotсh the nomes of the сities with theiг tronsсriptions. Leorn to reod them. Whiсh of these сities ore сopito|s? O Istanbul @щч,.о @ Bеrlin @ в*';iпg @ Rоmе @ Mosсow @ Lоndоn @ parls/': - /'l ' (9 Nеw Yоrk 9 Мadrid i) a) е) h) d) f) b) s) c) i) .' 9$ Мotсь the nomes of the сounlries ond their сopitols. Use fhe oг _ (no ortiсIe). Model: The cаpitаl of Frаnсе is Pаris. Еngland, Franсe, thе USA' Italy, Spain, Tirrkеy, Russia' China, Japan. Gегmany . {1* lnsert the oгtiсles wheгe neсessory. Modеl: Shеrlock llolmеs livеd in '.. Bаkеr Strееt.- Sherloсk Holmеs lived in Bаkеr Streеt 1. Do you know about ... British Musеum? 2. Whеn wе Wеrr in ... Londоn, wе livеd in ... Arabеlla Hotеl. 3. Lеt mе show you thе сеntrе of ... Mosсow: ... Rеd Square and ... Krеmlin. 4, ... Trafa|gar Squarе is in ... London. 5. '.. Amеriсa is a сontinent and ... UsA is a сountтy. 6. ... oxford Strееt is vеry big. 7. '..Тietуakov Gallеry is ... famous museum. [,l,шdэn] ['mоskэо] [,nju: jэ:k] Imэ'dпd] ['paпs] [,rstren'bu:l] [.tэоklэо] Ibз:'lrn] [.bеI,фl0] Irооm] |.Jrlit З Lеssоn l 49
  • 53. l went to Тuгkey ond my friend went to St Petersburg i lal 'r' ' .-*.]-" Listen ond reod. Мotсh the undeгlined woгds with their tronslotions. 1. I likе to takе piсturеs with my nеW сamеra. 2.I had a great Suntan aftеr my holiday in Tirrkеy. З.Thе trip was vеry ехсiting [Ik,sartIц]. I saw a lot of intеrеsting things. 4. Thе сoсkеrеl wokе us up in thе morning whеn wе stayеd in thе villagе. 5. Тhе waitеr brought mе a сup оf сoffее and a sandwiсh. 6. Paul and Mary arе from our еntеrtainmеnt team.Т.hеy сan sing and danсе. a) зaгap b) yвлекaтельньIй с) петyx d) официaнт е) фoтoгpaфиpoвaть f ) кoмaндa, paзBЛеKaloщaя oTДЬIxaloщиx Guess the meoning of the undeгlined woгds. 1. Whеn you go to thе sеat you сan lеarn windsurfing ['wmd,sз:flц]. 2. Plеasе sеnd mе a niсе postсard from your holiday. 3. In summеr whеn it's hot, сhildrеn play in thе fountains [ifaontrnz]. 4. You сan hаvе a niсе pizza in this Italian rеStaurant [.rеstэmnt]. 50 ! .iirir
  • 54. Пpистсвкo un. Пpистaвкa un. + IIриЛaгaTeЛьIIoе = IIpиЛaгaTeЛЬI{oе с oTpицaTеЛЬI{ьlМ ЗнaЧеI{иеМ. Haпpимеp: sаfе (6езonасньtй) - unsаfе (не6езoпасньtй) i l rзI I ll l I l f L I tf a I .:}i Write the negotive foгm of the od|eсtives. MоdеI: tidу - ut1tidу. offiсial' сomfortablе, tidy, kind, геal' intеresting, truе Мisho. RoЬ ond their fгiends ore sitting oround the сompfiгe ond p|oying o gome. Тhey oгe telling sfories obout lheir holidoys. They сon tell the truth oг they сon moke something up. Reod qnd find the story whiсh is nol tгue. Еxploin yoUг onsweг. Sasha's storу Last yеar my fathеr said, ..Wе arе gоing to St Pеtеrsburgi' I was vеry happy and told all mу friеnds about thе trip. Тhеy wеrе intеrеstеd in St Pеtеrsburg too and I рromisеd tо sеnd postсards to еvеrybody. My first days in St Pеteтsburg Wеrе very ехсiting - I forgot abоut еvеryonе. Wе saw thе Hеrmitagе, thе biggеst musеum in thе сity. Thеn Wе wеnt to thе Kunstkammеr, onе of thе oldеst musеums in Russia and thе Bolshoi Thеatrе. Wе stayеd in Pеtеrhof and I сould sее thе bеautiful fountains and palaсеs out of my winсlow on thе last day I rеmеmbеrеd about thе postсаrds. Thе wеathеr Was vеrу niсе, so all my family wеnt to thе Summеr Gardеn and I stayеd at homе. I fеlt vеry unhappy but I wrotе thirty-fivе postсards and sеnt thеm to mv friеnds! Olga's story In April wе wеnt to Tlrrkey tо Bodrum.I didn,t likе it thеrе. Wе wеrе unluсky with thе wеathец and thе Sеa was сold. our room WaS dirty and small, and thеrе was no TV Тhе food in thе rеstaurant WaS disgusting, thе waitеrs wеrе unfriеndly and thе еntertainmеnt tеam Was rеally boring. Thеrе was a mini- Zoo nехt to оur hotеl, so еvеry day a сoсkеrеl wokе uS up at sevеn o'сloсk in thе mornins! 5r
  • 55. Rob's stоry Мisha and I wеnt to Mоsсow. That was a сool trip! Wе wеnt to Rеd Squarе and spеnt а day in thе Krеmlin. Wе took piсturеs of thе Тsar Bеll and thе Tsar Cannon. Wе visitеd thе Armoury Сhambеr and saw thе trеasurеs of thе Russian tsаrs. I alsо wеnt to St Basil's Cathеdral. Fоr mе it iS thе sуmbol of Мosсow. In thе еvеning Wе Wеnt to thе Bolshoi Тhеatrе and saw a wondеrful ballеt. Wе had vеry littlе timе and I didn't sее thе Trеtyakov Gallеry. I hopе wе сan do it nеxt timе. Anvа's storv This summеr Wе Wеnt to thе Crimеa for two months. My granny livеs thеrе. I lovеd thе Blaсk Sеa. Тhе watеr was vеry warm and сlеan. I lеarnеd to swim and my brothеr lеarnеd windsurfing. Whеn thе wеathет was bad, wе Wеnt on Somе vеry intеrеsting ехсursions. Bad wеathеr is vеry unusual for thе Crimеa, sо aftеr two wееks wе had a grеat suntan. It was thе bеst holidaу in my lifе. 4. j Listen ond сheсk your onsweгs. Whot is lhe nome "='=='= of o fomous theotre? 'Э* гinа odieсtives with o negotive meoning. 6 ,Answeг the questions. Who wеnt on holiday abroad? Who wеnt to a big сity? Who wеnt to thе sеa? 7 :Disсuss. Whot ]o you think? Whosе holiday was thе most ехсiting? Why? Whosе hоliday was thе lеast еxсiting? Why? Whosе holiday was thе most ехpеnsivе? Whosе holiday was thе сhеapеst? . Ч-} Аnswe r frue, folse or no informolion. Tгy to find moгe informotion. 1. It is somеtimеs сold in Tirrkey in April. 2. If уou go to thе sеa' you сan lеarn windsurfing. 3. Тhе Tsar Bеl1 is thе biggеst bеll in thе world. 4. Thе Hеrmitagе is thе biggеSt musеum in thе world. 5. Тhе Hеrmitagе is thе oldеst musеum in St Pеtеrsburg. 6. Holidays abroad arе always thе most еxpеnsivе. 52
  • 56. Homework ;ф ф ф фф ф {Ф6 ф ф ф Ф Ф Ф *t ф 4{' ф* еФ ф ф + ф ф фф ф ie s ф s фф ф ф ф ф...ц-..",. !l A Whose photos (l - 1 0) ore these? ModеI: Thе first piсturе is Оlgа's. She wепt to Tilrkеу B:: FilI in the gops with o positive oг o negolive form of the odjeсtives. luсky, friеndly, usuаl, happy, сomfortable, kind 1. I didn't buy thosе shoеs bесausе thеу Wеrе ... 2. I was ... . My fathеr brought mе a prеsеnt. 3. Miss Nasty is a vеry ... woman. Еvеrybоdу is sсarеd of hеr. 4. Snow in August is vеry '.. . 5. Aliсе Was ... . Shе Won a prize in thе lottery. 6. Thе Еnglish Wеrr vеry '.. . Whеn I got lost in London, they showеd me thе way С . Wгite 6 to 8 senlenсes oЬout your usuo| hoIidoy. Use the toЬ|e for ideos. апd took а piсturе of а Turkish mаrkеt' Whеrе? Ъat's thе plaсе likе? with Who? (с кем?) How do you gеt thеrе? 'hеrе do you stay? abroad, сamping, to thе villagе, to thе sеa bеautiful, еxсiting, boring, intеresting' сold, warm alonе, with my family, with my friends by train, by plаnе, by сaц walk at my granny,s, at thе hotеl, at our friеnds,' at thе сampsitе (кемпинг) swim, play, rеad, help with thе plaсеs, takе piсturеs, mееt gardеn, visit intегеstins оld friеnds -hаt do you do thеге? 53
  • 57. . , : , ,; ;.';;,.. i u ii;} How do you spend your holidoys? .' Reqd Sosho,s stoгy ogoin, fiII in the gops ond onswerlhe questions. 1. Whеrе ... hе so to? 4' What was thе wеathеr ...? 2. Whеrе ... hе stay? 3. What ... hе sее? 5. What ... hе promisе his friеnds? 6. .. ' оostсards did hе writе? Look ot the piсlures ond desсribe whot is hoppening. Model: ], Sаshа is sауing goodbуе to his friеnds. IIе is promisiпg tО writе. ln poirs. Tгy to rememЬer: Whot pIoсes did Rob visit in Мosсow? Whiсh p|oсes do you wont to visit? Reod o|9o,s story ogoin. Here oгe her onsweгs. Ask heг some queslions. Model: Whеrе did уou gО? - Wе wеnt to Tшrkеу. 1. Ц,е rvеnt tо Тi.rrkеy. 6. Thе food was disgusting. 2' Vе stayеd at thе Larmona Hоtеl. 7 Тhеy wеrе unfriеndly. З. No. I didn't. 8. lt was boring' J. It rvas small and dirty. 5. It rvas сold. )') -.'.ri:- i 9. Bесausе a сoсkеrеl wokе us up.
  • 58. i I i I 6 5 o|go' wonts to.moke up story obout heг ho|idoy. He|p olgo сhonge her story. Тhink of o good ending. This April Wе wеnt to Turkеy to Bodrum. I likеd it therе! Wе wеrе ... with thе weathеr and thе sеa was ... . our room was ... and ...,... TVThе food in thе rеStaurant . .., thе waitеrs . .. and the еntertainmеnt tеam .. . . Thеrе was a mini- Zoo nеxt to our hotеl, so еvеry day a сoсkеrеl wokе us up at sеvеn o'сloсk in the morning. It was vеry good bесausе ... . Look.ot th.e text on poges 5l ond 52. Compoгe olgo.s ond Аnyo,s slories. Use the plon. Plaсe Time Wеather Suntan Thе sеa Aсtivitiеs Opinion ModеI: Оlgа wеnt to Turkeу аnd Апуа wеt1t to thе Сrimеа. 7,} |n уovr exeгсise Ьooks filI in the toЬ|e with these oсtivities. to put up a tеnt, to play thе guitaц to go windsurfing' to swim, to spеak Еnglish, to milk сows, to makе jam, to makе a сampfirе, to danсе, to сook orrthе "u-Ьfi'".to find the way in thе forеst, to go horse-riding, to makе friеnds, to piсk bеrriеs and mushrooms, to bring in thе harvеst, to fееd hеns and сhiсtеns, to dо shopping, to sее plaсеs of intеrеst, to takе piсturеs, to go by undеrground, to go fishins If I gо сamping, [ сan 1. Whiсh of thеsе things сan уou do? 2. Whiсh of thеsе things dо you want to lеarn? '-9.j h poiгs. You чг.e going on holidoy. Whot is.the most importont thing for you?*'.. Use Еx. 6 for ideos. Write down your fгiend,, on,*".,.' - Model: А' Whаt is thе most importаnt thing for уou whеn уОu go on holidау? B. Thе plаcе is thе most importаnt thiпg. It must bе bеаutifцl аnd qйiеt (muхuй). And whаt аbout уou? 9 ,: ln grouPs. D. jsсuss with your friends ond find out: Whiсh of rhe fo|Iowing toсtors oгe the most / the |eost impoгlont foг your сlossmoles? plaсе, timе, wеatheЦ sеa (rivец lаke), aсtivitiеs, friеnds' fаmily If I go to thе village, I сan If I go abroad, I сan If I gо to a big сity, I сan 55
  • 59. *жРjh*$ ф ф ф ф * e * ф ф ф ф * * ф в 9 в 6 * a tl * в Ф * * ф a & @ ф ф ф & {э * € A RoЬ is in the foгest, Ьut he is tolking to hjs Ьrother Мork on his mobi|e phone. You сon heor on|y RoЬ,s words. Reod ond onswer the queslions: 1. Whеrе is Mark? 2. Is hе alonе? 3. Arе thеy luсky with thе wеathеr? 4. What is Rosy doing? 5. What is Мark doing? Rob: Whеrе arе yоu? Мark: Rob: That's grеat! Spain is beautiful. What's thе wеathеr likе? Mark: Rob: oh, no! That's vеry unluсky. So what is Rosy doing? Mark: Rob: In thе swimming pool?! Мark: Rob: You'rе joking! Thе watеr is сold, isn't Мark: Rob: oK, I sее. And what arе you doing? Мark: Rob: Again! I think it's thе most bоring film in thе world! N4ark: Rob: All right thеn. (Hy лaднo.) Saу hеllo to Мum and Dad! Byе! Mark: =*j Li't"n, сheсk youг onsweгs ond onswer the queslion Who| is Rosy weoring? g=iгinа the mistokes ond сoггeсt them. Answeг the questions. 1. Do morе pеoplе speak thе Сhinese or thе Еnglish? 2. Whiсh is thе laтgest сountry in thе wor|d? З.Is thе Afriсa largеr thal the Еuropе? 4. Whiсh sеa is smallет,thе Baltiс Sеa or theB|ackSea? 5. Arе thе H:imalaуas or the А|ps thе highеst mountains in thе woт|d? 6. Thе dееpеst lakе in thе wor|d is the Lake ontario, isn't it? 7. Is thе Caspian Sеa or thе Dead Sea thе saltiеst in thе wor|d? 8, Is thе Amazon shortеr than rЙe Nilе? 9. Doеs r/ze Nilе flow through thе E,gуpt or through thе lraг,? --Р*j G"t гeody for the proieсt. Мoke o posleг. А
  • 60. My summ еr advеntuгe l . Мoke o posteг obout your summer odvenluгe. Use the moterioI from the Cuf out poge. You сon write oЬout o reol odventure or you сon moke it up. Use photogrophs oг drow the piсtuгes. Don,t forget to wгite whot you ore doing iing in the piсtures. Use the plon: Plaсе Wеathеr at thе timе of the yеar. How did you gеt thеrе? What did you do (sее,lеarn) thеrе? Еxtra information 2"; Give your posleг o nome. For exompl e: .'Му summer odvenluгe,,, ,,Мy winter сotostrophe,,. *3-.j Present,your posteгs to the сloss. Disсuss your presentotion. Put your poster on the woll. ..ff гIoy o gome. ,,l Ьe|ieve уoU,.-,,Yor.l oгe moking il up,,. Tok.e turns lo soy.something oЬout your holidoys. You сon lel| o true stoгy oг moke- it up. Your friends will listen ro ygУ ond jisсuss youг sro.y. тьen tьey иltsoy,,We Ьelieve уou.., or ,'YoU're moking il up,,. At rЬe "nd "o"h pi"';i;iiteIl his / heг friends the tгuth. thе Armoury Chambеr thе Bolshoi Thеatre the Неrmitagе the Krеmlin thе Kunstkammеr Мosсow Pеtеrhof Rеd Squarе St Basil's Cathedral St Pеtersburg the Tiеtyakov Gallеry the Tsar Bеll thе Tsar Cannon a postсard ехсiting to takе piсtures еntertаinmеnt tеаm а сoсkerеl thе Сrimеа а fountаin аn opinioп а rеStацrаn| Sцlxtаn the tsаr а wаitеr windsurfing ", 57
  • 61. l6t' *Ф UNlт . Nothing is toгever '1.:-rrl.:!,,.:..:ir':,-,ii r., l ln this unit ф Thеrе was a forеst firе at thе сampsitе. s Arе you aS greеn aS grass? # Camping in2I1О. You will to|k oЬout the woгld oround us. You will need these words ond expressions: Д T}avеlling tо travеl by train by сar by boat by planе by undеrgrour to liе in thе su to swim a swimming P' a biсyсlе a hotеl tut':lttt' The wоrld arоund us: villagеs, torвns and сitiеs Sеasons and mol spring Summеr autumn wintеr Januaтy Fеbruary Мarсh April May Junе July August Sеptembеr Oсtobеr Novеmbеr Dесеmbеr n' i'з. alт WaTеr a trее a forеst a rivеr an oсеan an animal to brеathе naturе с1еan dirty a strееI a poliсе station hеating Wеather It is сold. It is hot. It rains. It snоws. rain SNOW sun to shinе wind to blow thе sеa to bе warm thе sky Camping tо put up a tеnt to makе a сampfirе tо сoоk on a сampfirе to piсk up wood to piсk bеrriеs and mushroоms to paсk a baсkpaсk еquipmеnt to wash up to sharе smth with smb an advеnturе +:ti: .;. 1;1t:'.r; i;.:,: ,:'ltl ",,t!, Nothing is foгever 58
  • 62. УпoтpеблеI{ие apTиKЛей с пpедlлеTaми И IloHЯTИЯNruI' KoTopьIе ЯB.ЛЯIoTcЯ еДиI{сTBеI{нЬIMи B сBoеM poДе. Koнстpyкция used to. " Can yоu еxplain that again, plеasе? - oбъясниTе эTo снoBa, пo>кaлyйстa. о Сan yоu lwitе it оn thе bоard, plеase? - F{aпиrпиTе эTo Ila ДoсKе' пo;кaлyйстa. . Doеs аnybоdy havе a sparе pеn? - У кoгo-нибyдь есTЬ ЛиIII- няя pуtкa2 . You'll havе tо dо it аgain.- Bам IIpиДеTся сДеЛaTЬ эTo еще paЗ. " Gоodbyе' еvеryonе.- Bсем дo cBИДaHИЯ' Givе your оpinion.- Bьrскa>ките сBoе MI{еI{ие. Add thе sufliхеs.- Пpибaвьте сyффиксьI. Mоrе than onr answer сan bе right.- Е{ескoлькo oтве- ToB МoгyT бьrть пpaвиЛЬI{ЬIN{и. Ехplain your answеr.- oбъясните Barrr OTBеT. Whose turn is it? - Чья oнеpедь? lt's my turn.- Сейчас мoй xoд. Find rеgular and irrеgular vеrbs.- Haйдите I]рaBиЛЬI{ЬIе и I{еПpaBиЛЬI{ьIе гЛaГoЛЬI. lr s Ф * ,]]i++sщ+ ii* Unit ;l 59
  • 63. We сon,t drink this woter '1..-! Listen ond гeod. pollutеd [pэ.lu:trd] glass - сTеKЛo littеr - Myсop - ЗaгDяЗI{еIIIiЬIи Guess lhe meoning of the undeгlined woгds. 1. Nеvеr plаy with dynamitе [.damэmalt]. It is dangеrous! 2. You сan buy Cokе in a plastiс [plrestk] оr a glass bоttlе. il ,)) a сampsrtr - KеMпиIIГ Thеrе has bееn a forеst firе.- Здесь бьrл леснoЙ Пoxaр. 2 Cлoвoo6po3oвoниe .. Hекoтopьrе сyщестBиTеЛЬI{ЬIe в aнглийскolл ЯЗьIKе oбpaзoвaньI oT гЛaгoлoB пyTеМ пpибaвления сyффиксa -tiоn [Jn]. Haпpимep: to сеlеbrаte _ сеlеbrаtior7, to ехесutе - ехесution. These ore the verЬs. Add the suffixes ond write the nouпs. Modеl: to protесt - protесtion to dесoratе, to illuminatе, to еxaminе, to еduсatе' to instruсt, to prеvеnt, tо сollесt 3 Afteг o long doy Мisho, RoЬ ond their fгiends get to their fovourile сompsite. Тhey wont to stop for the night, Ьut they сon,t. Look ot the piсture ond soy why. Olga: Wе сan't stay hеrе! Thеrе has bееn a forеst firе! Rob: Look! Thе fish in thе rivеr arе dеad! The Watеr is pollutеd! Wе сan,t drink it! Мisha: Thеrе arе plastiс bottlеs undеr thе trее. Vasуа: Thеre arе a lot of tins and papеr platеs all ovеr thе plасе. Annа: Bе сarеful! Thеrе is glass on thе ground! Sasha: Whеrе arе thе trееs? @*-@* 60
  • 64. 4 Look ot the piсtures on poge 60 ond onswer the question : Whot liter did the friends find ot the compsite? 5 j Wгite oЬout whot hoppened. Use these expгessions. to start a firе, to pollutе thе watец to kill thе fish, to lеave littеr, to сut down trееs ModеI: Somеbodу stаrtеd а forеst firе. 6 ..i Look ot the piсtuгes ond fiIl in the gops. littец сampfirе, to wash, rivец to сut down, dynamitе, сampfirе 1. Four mеn сamе to thе forest by сar. 2.Тe mеn ... thе trееs for thеir ... . 3. Thе mеn killеd thе fish with ... . 4.Тheу ... thе сar in thе ... . 5' Тhе mеn didn't piсk up thеir... and lеft ... . ' ъФаЕ:},t ж ''i ll'^ *эfufl; 13 ..4D :P .:].ъ tg" 1рr .. "-* .*, a r & 'q"*i" 61
  • 65. .'Zj" gгeen ru|es for сomPeгs. Use the key words: trees, fire, litIer. Model: Don't pollшtе wаtеr Homework $* * * s ф * ф e ф iЕ ф ф A Ф * ф * s * e ф * ** ё $ 6 ф 6 * !* ё * E B * ё lt .. .. . '...,."o..' ',"*f A'; Reod ond tгons|ote with o diсtionory. Whot is the story oЬout? onсе thеrе was a wisе old man. Hе сould answеr any quеstiоn in thе world. Еvеrybody knеw about him. onе day two boуs said,..Wе'rе going to fool that old man. Wе,ll сatсh a bird, go to thе old man and say, .Wе arе holding somеthing in our hands. Is it alivе or is it dеad?' If hе says, .Dead] *";1l l"t thе bird fly, and if hе saуs, Alivе] wе'll kill it], Thеy сaught a bird and thеy сarriеd it to thе old man and thеy said, ..Wе arе holding somеthing in our hands' Is it alivе or is it dеad?'' And thе wisе old man lookеd at thе young pеoplе and smilеd...It's in your hands]' hе said. '. . jWhor is the сonneсtion Ьetween the story ond the topiс of Iesson l ? Choose the right onswers. 1. our planеt is in dangеr. 2. Оv planet will bе in dangеr in the futurе. 3. If wе dont do anything, оur planеt will bе in dangеr. 4. Thе futurе of our planеt is in our hands. 5. Wе сant hеlp our planеt anymorе. 62
  • 66. $ Listen ond reod. еnvironmеnt [rn'varrэnmэnt] - oкpy)кaЮщaЯ сpеДa есologiсal [,i:kэ,loфrkl] - экoЛoгический in faсt - нa сaМoМ ДеЛе to brеathе [bri:d] - ДЬIIIIaTЬ to last - ДЛИTЬс,Я (зd. сoxpaняться) to drop - зd. бpосaть still - Bсе еще a plant - paсTеI{ие а lеаf - ЛисT а showеr [jar.iэ] - дyшl Guess the meoning of the undeг|ined words. 1. This faсtоry is bad for thе еnvironmеnt. It pollutеs thе atmosphеrе [.atmэsflэ] with tоxins and dangеrous сhеmiсals [,kemIklz]. Z. The Russian сlimate [,k1atmэt] is vеry сold in wintеr. ^^a^ -^^-^- - --- -Apтикль thе улoтpeбЛЯеTся с ПpедMеTaMи и ПoнЯTИЯN|L'. кoTopЬIе яBЛяIоTсЯ еДинсTвеI{IIьI]vIи в сBoeМ poде: thе univеrsе :..l, fhg g1gц1fl thе sky.:'. thе environmеnt thе world thе atmоsphеrе. Apтикль thе улoтpeбЛЯeTcЯ с нaЗBaI{иЯ]!{и I]лaнеT: thе sun .. thе moon ..:. thе Еarth. Без apтикля yпoтpебляIoTся I{aЗBaItия TaKих IIЛaнеT. KaK: Mars .l, Vеnus .' Jupitеr. . 4* w.lte fhe, o oг _ (no orticle). Corгeсt the fo|se stolements. 1. ... moon gоеs round ... Sun. 2. ... forests and ... oсеans are a par| оf ... еnvironmеnt. 3. If you lоok at ... Sky in thе morning, you сan somеtimes sее ... moon. 4. Thе pеoplе of ... world must hеlp thе animals. 5. ... Еarth is thе biggеst planеt in ... univеrsе. -!J чl"I must Мisho ond RoЬ,s friends do with the litter? Whot сon.t they do with it? Мotсh the onswers with the exp|onotions. 1. Burn it. 2. Blurу it under thе ground. 3. Тhke it with thеm. a) Thеy сan't do this bесausе littеr lasts for a long timе. In faсt, tins and plastiс bottlеs last for 500 yеars and glass lasts fоrеvеr! b)Thеy will havе to do this! с) Thеy сan't do this, bесausе thе toxins frоm thе littеr will pollutе thе аtmоsрhеrе. 63
  • 67. In groups. ,Answer the questions ond disсuss: Whof does fhe word "enYironmenl" meon to you? 1. oсеans, rivеrs' sеas' lakеs, forеsts and animals 2. oсеans, rivеrs, sеas, lakеs, forеsts, animals, сars, plants and сitiеs З. oсеans, rivеrs, sеas, lakеs and forеsts, animals, сars, plants, сitiеs and pеoрlе 4. oсеans. rivеrs, sеas, lakеs and forеsts, animals, сars, plants, сitiеs, pеoplе and YoU *ff y.^"l we soy the Еorth is in donger, whot exoсtly rs ln dongerg 1. thе planеt 2. tt;re сlimatе 3. thе oсеans 4. thе forеsts Reod the poem ond give it o nome. Choose from: 1. Тbday and tomorrowl 2. Savе thе еnvirоnmеntI 3. oсеans, forеsts and animals! 4. Plеasе, stopl .',;r't! 1g1.1.r,'t,,i 5. thе animals 6. ,& 6. all of thеsе - Bсе BЬIIIIе}IaЗBaItнoе *o.., 7. all of thеsе and YoU : .; .lз '*, П to d.op П ,ьo*"i П t."", П to сut down П ьutь П пtt.' П to huu" t-i,,.) Мoke os mony expressions os you * сon with these words. Model: to drink wаtеr П П П П П П 64 @ мi'ьo, RoЬ ond their friends ore сIeoning the -* p|oсe ond writing o Poem. Listen to the poem. Who is speoking in: thе first vеrsе (кyплет)? thе sесond vеrsе? thе third vеrsе? thе fourth vеrsе? thе rеfrain (пpипев)? ffi ti,t"n оgoin. NumЬer the words in the oгdeг you heor them. r1vеrs air to drink to brеathе Watеr to Savе
  • 68. I Today you arе going сamping With yоur family, friеnds or сlass. Plеasе hеlp us, dоn't drop any littеr! 'Cos- your littеr livеs longеr than us! Rеfrаiп:'Cos nothing is forеvеr And nature is gеtting tirеd. If wе don,t stоp and think tоday Tomorrow thе Еarth сould diе. Rеfrаin Today you сut dоwn your forеsts But thе plаnеt neеds our lеavеs. Plеasе stоp it bесausе tomorrow You'll havе no air to brеathе! Rеfrаin You сan havе a bath or a showеr But tоday is thе timе to think. Savе thе rivеrs bесausе without thеm You'll havе no Watеr to drink. Refrаiп Today Wе arе still in your forеsts, In thе sky, in thе rivеrs, but look: Don't kill us! Bесausе your сhildrеn Will sее us in piсturе books. Rеfrаin 9" -.; Add suffixes to lhese verЬs ond moke nouns. inform, situatе, protесt, pollutе' organisе l0 Мotсh the nouns with the tгons|olions. З aгpяЗнеIIие' инфopмaциЯ' opгal{и З aЦтlЯ' З aщиT a' cИTУ aЦ'{Я * ,сos = bесausе ].:rrlrвьll.j aнглlr.liский'py, Уяебнлк дя 7 кл 65
  • 69. 1J'1 Fi|| in the gops with the woгds from Ex. 9. Sometimes you neеd o noun ond somelimes you need o verb. Whot does Greenpeoсe do? Listen ond сheсk your onswers. Homework гo * 'в щ] {j ц! F'. dii l* ф {в lij 1ri 1 ]i ]i] ]1 aфв6}1 ф*i!4.dihl,P'мa*ЕL: !+l*.. A.; сhoose the гight onsweгs. Мore thon one onswer сon Ьe гight. 1. What mustn't уou do With littеr? a) Burn it. b) Drop it. с) Thkе it homе. 2. Plants a) grow in thе forеst b) pollutе air с) grow in thе sеa 3. Grееnpеaсе а) protесts animals b) protесts pеoplе с) protесts oсеans' rivеrs, sеas and lakеs 4. Wе сan hеlp animals if wе a) put thеm in thе zoo b) don't kill thеm с) don't сut down thе forеsts 5. Wе сan hеlp thе fish if а) wе don't pollutе thе oсеans, rivеrs and lakеs b) еvетybоdy buys an aquarium с) wе don't usе so muсh watеr B'r Find the mistokes. 1. I sее thе planе in a sky. 2. А|ot o.f faсtories pollutе our the atmosphеrе. 3' Sun is a biggеst star in our galaxy (Гaлaктикa). 4. Pеoplе Went to moon in thе 20th сentury. C ; Тrons|qte into Еng|ish. 1. )KивoтньIе, paстel{ия, Mopя и oKеaньI IIy)KДaIoTся в нarпей IIoМoщи. , 2. oкpyх<arощaЯ CpeДa HaхoДиTсЯ B oпaсIIoсTи. 3. Boдa в этoй pеKе ЗaгpяЗI{е}Ia. 4. Лtoди ДЬIIIIaT BoЗДyxoМ и ПЬIoT BoДy. 66 ,*jl4i:t:;., lll*