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Writing Process Analysis
I would like to learn more about all of the steps of the writing process and I am sure that I will by reading other class mates writings. I have chosen
to investigate step one of the writing process "Survey the archives". Which is the beginning of the writing process. This is a step which I have
always struggled with. It is difficult to decide what to write about. At times there are too many choices to write about and I have a hard time
narrowing down the appropriate topic. Still other times I can't find interesting facts that go along with the assigned topics. This step can take me a long
time. Once I find the topic that fits with the assignment the other steps become easier. I am hoping to make this step much easier. I am going to complete
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Reflective Essay: The Writing Process
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." – – – Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Throughout the semester
I have had to write a number of essays using a variety of techniques. Before college, I would write assuming that the only reader, or audience, would
be my teacher. Composition helped me realize the many steps that are involved in the writing process from free writing to making a final copy. In
order to create a good paper you need organize your ideas. Also, I realize what needs to be in a essay and what doesn't. I have improved in my writing
but organization has been my problem, and even though I've made a progress. I still believe I have not more content...
I think it was a fun assignment to do because we got to advertise a product and give the details that we used. Using persuasive techniques has made
a changed in my writing because you can say something you said before and transfer it to your writing. One of the techniques I am going to use
through out college is talking to different types of audiences. Also, I am going to let others try to help me out with my writing so I can become a
better writer. Sure enough, I still need the help from others for me to be able to succeed in English 1302. All the assignments we did were helpful
for me to succeed in other courses because I have improved in my writing since we used different kinds of techniques. If we had more time I
would like more of the assignments of using different audiences because that's one of my weakness. If I had to retake this course with you again, I
would like more of the rhetoric because that exercise was my favorite. This skills are not only going make me succeed in college but also for life.
This course has shown me that I am capable of writing in a variety of manners and it has shown me that I am not as strong in some areas as I am in
others. This class introduced me to a variety of writing techniques, some worked and some did not. However, the experience and work with each skill
was very
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Writing Process Essay
Consider how the writing process you read about in this class differs from the process you have used in the past. What specifically have you done in
the past compared to what you read about this week?
The process that I have read about in this class differs a lot from the process I have used in the past in many different ways. I n the past when I was
given a writing assignment if research was needed I just found the basic information I needed and write the paper. After the readings this week I have
learned that there are few main questions and things you should always ask yourself before beginning your writing process. The first thing I learned
was to think about your readers, asking yourself what or how much they need to more content...
A "fresh eye" is very important when reading a paper. It is during the editing phase that I will also reread the paper a few times to ensure that it flow
smoothly from one thought to another. I will also give my paper to other people (friend/coworker) to read so that I can get their valued input. While
all of this may seem quite tedious, it will help me write a great paper.
2. Which step in the writing process is the most difficult for you to complete? Why is it difficult?
In the writing process the step that I think would be the most difficult for me to complete would be drafting. Drafting is researching, crafting a thesis
statement, outlining, and documenting sources. In this phase of the paper majority of the work is done. In researching your paper you have to find
information on your topic, keep track of any paraphrases, summaries, and quotations along with their sources. Crafting your thesis statement, this is
one sentence that states your opinion on the subject and must be supported by your research. The thesis statement alone takes a lot of work because it
needs to be broad enough to include all the supporting points of your paper. In the outlining phase you will be using all the information you have
retrieved and form your paper. Documenting your sources is also very important in this stage because you need to make sure if you are using
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Writing Process
Have you ever been so frustrated writing an essay that you set it aside until the last minute? Well, there can be a way to prevent that. One of the
most important parts about writing is the process behind it. An essay should consist of an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Even though the
process of writing essays seem very mind boggling, it is actually an easy process if following the correct writing steps. It can be even easier if the
writer enjoys the topic of the essay. There are certain steps a writer must take to keep a reader interested while showing enthusiasm for them wanting to
learn more. These steps follow a set of guidelines including planning, free writing, revising and editing. When planning an essay, first decide on the more content...
Depending on how they learn, they may be an "idea mapping" organizer or a "formal outlining" organizer. Idea mapping is a more visual way of
creating an outline for an essay, it is when they take their main idea and branch off it with their basic ideas and further branch off with more
information. They next main of outlining is the formal outline. This is when a hierarchy of roman numerals, letters and numbers is created to list their
main details. Next to the roman numerals they list their main ideas, and next to the letters they list examples and other information to help support
what they wrote. In the revising phase, the writer replaces weak or vague words that they may have used in the first draft with stronger, clearer words.
At this point they may come up with new paragraphs, improve their thesis, reorganize, add important examples and self experience, or even move
sentence around to make the essay flow better. This phase helps the writer improve their essay and re–see their work, there is always room for
improvement. There may be information that the writer decided is no longer relevant or needs more
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Writing Process
There are many components involved in the writing process that are important to incorporate in your essay to make it a strong well constructed piece.
Knowledge about the writing process is needed in order to succeed. Without the proper the knowledge there will be no direction throughout the paper.
There are many different ways to write, but it is necessary to include in depth research, a strong thesis that pulls your audience into the paper, and
organizational skills to create a backbone for a strong complete essay. Research is the bulk of your essay. Throughout your essay it will be key to
making sure that your facts are not only reliable but also interesting and attract the reader. Compelling information is important to keep the reader more content...
You will spend less time searching for information and fixing any clutter. Efficiency is the main point of organization in a essay. Planning out your
essay leaves you with time that you can use on more productive things in your essay like proofreading. Creating an outline will help organize your
whole paper and keep track of what goes where making it a lot easier so then you only have to fill your paper with the information that you have
researched. Outlines are great for people who have trouble putting their words onto paper and can make the whole process go much smoother.
Organizing is not very difficult and in conclusion will help make your essay easier and faster to write. The goal of strong writing is that you use these
methods to set yourself up to succeed in your paper. These steps have been studied for years by professionals and if implemented correctly can be
very beneficial for one's paper. There are many different ways to go about the writing process but it is important to find what will work for you.
Without a proper foundation your paper is set up to fail. You might think these steps will take more time, but really in the end will only save you tons
that can be used on other parts of your essay to make it the best piece
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Writing Process : Reflective Essay
I have chosen to explore the "Writing Process" that I used while drafting my argumentative paper on sloths in the rainforest for this reflective essay.
I am choosing this topic and this particular essay because my writing process was a key component to the 'C' I made on the project and how my
failure in this particular area lead me to this grade. Looking back, I realized that the grade I received is a perfect reflection of the effort I put into the
writing process. I believe that I had the power to make an A if I would have slowed down and completed the essay the right way. From an outline all
the way to the final draft I will be reflecting on my paper and the journey I took to complete it.
All of my life, people have joked with me about going to law school because of my ability to win an argument about anything. So the second the
words "argumentative essay" left my professors lips I was ready. Thoughts immediately flooded my mind with ideas of how I could write the
perfect argument. Being a very impulsive person in and out of the classroom I didn't see any down sides to my hastiness and I believed that it was a
good thing, almost inspiration. I knew what my topic would be instantly and ideas raced through my mind about how I was going to convince the
audience. I was confident in myself and also in my topic, I believed I was born ready to write this argument. When I decided to write about the
rainforests and sloths I was overwhelmed with excitement. I have always had a
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My Essay: The Writing Process
The Writing Process My writing process is very simple yet slightly confusing for those who need to be organized when writing. The process begins in
the classroom when the teacher assigns a essay and gives me a prompt. Then it begins to break down into the basic steps that the "typical person" takes
when writing. First, I examine the prompt and dissect it like a frog,taking out all the important and needed information. I check to see the topic of the
essay, all the requirements such as the length of the essay and the type of paper it needs to be. Once that is done I find the intended audience. Each of
these steps are essential to the type of evidence and quotes that will be used . It also helps me begin to start thinking about how I want to begin my
essay and structure more content...
Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. This action has been my best friend and my worse enemy on several occasions
when writing papers. It has taught me that I can write a paper that should take 2 weeks in 2 hours and that I can take 2 weeks to write a paper that
should be done in 2 hours. Once the procrastination process is over I either look up articles relevant to the topic of the paper or I gather my
articles from class. I go through the articles and I underline/highlight any important information. I begin somewhat of a brainstorm process. This
process includes me taking out a sheet of paper separating it into sections. The sections are either beginning,middle,and end or paragraph
one,paragraph two ,paragraph three etc. I back track and I begin to eliminate the evidence. I keep three to four pieces of the evidence that will be
able to be expanded on the most. Based on that I decide what each paragraph or section will be about. On the piece of paper I write the topic under
each section based on where it needs to
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How My Writing Has Changed Essay
My writing styles have changed drastically over the past four years of high school. This memo will explain how my writing has changed and how my
knowledge of writing has improved.
Aspects of My Writing during High School
During my English courses throughout high school, I learned many things from writing simple journals, research papers, and a single term paper.
During high school, I was laid back and procrastinated for much of my work. During the latter part of high school when I wrote my term paper my
senior year, I found out that working a little every night writing a few paragraphs helped me out greatly. I was not just throwing something together just
to get the grade and the paper finished. I spent time on the paper more content...
I do this so the information is true, and also in order from which events have occurred. When I wrote my term paper my senior year I was well
organized. I was required to write about an event in history. I chose India Uprising of 1877 as the topic of my paper. This topic was not interesting at
all, but I chose to write about it. When I finished writing my thesis and outline, I wrote note cards about the different topics, which allowed me to
gather all my information and organize it in which different events occurred. When I was finished with the paper, it sounded and read consistently and
it all flowed together.
How These Experiences Prepared Me for College Writing
I have written many different types of papers for all of my classes throughout high school. For my science classes, I have written several labs in the
form of essays. Writing the essays was different for me because I did not really know that science had much to do with writing. It took me a while to
gather all the information I needed to finish my lab assignments. Writing lab reports will definitely help me in my science courses in the next four years.
The journals I have written came from my four years of high school English. Everyday I came to class there would be a topic on the board. I took five
minutes each day to write about the given topic. It was brainstorming and giving our input on whatever the topic was. I think
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Reflection On My Writing Process
My writing looks like the game Tetris – I write according to how my ideas flow from my head to my paper. The English 1010 lessons are designed to
impact my writing processes and since being in the course I have realized the importance of the process while preparing the paper. While I knew that
practice and revisions were important to the writing process, the ideas of writing as inherently collaborative or as an extension of technology were
not concepts that I had considered at length. For the assignment, I chose to record myself and reflect on my process. The observation of my writing
process and decisions took place in an awkward way. I began sitting at my desk in my dorm with a black ink pen, wide–ruled paper, and the prompt of
my essay. It took a good bit of time for the process to begin – all the distractions had to run out, frequent checks on social media, quick trip to the
snack machine, and responding to text messages. Finally, it was time to start. I can begin. "Ok, outline" I said to myself. "What's your main point?"
And so, I started, pen to paper, writing the three main ideas I knew I wanted to cover in the paper. I did discover, however, that I scratch my head
while I am thinking and as I write I would catch myself reading aloud.
Following the outline process, I decided to start typing the rough draft. I first started my introduction giving the audience an idea of what the essay
will be about. I did not know entirely what I wanted the audience to know so I found myself typing and deleting a lot. I decided to divide the essay
in proportions to what I want to explain. I chose to discuss improvements, changes, and goals for the following semester. I noticed I then spent five
minutes staring at how I was going to start the explanation. This could be for two reasons – perhaps I needed a break from writing or perhaps I did not
take enough time planning. I honestly did not know. I eventually figured out how to gather the information to begin the paper.
After typing for fifteen minutes, I realized I repeatedly reviewed the previous typed words constantly. I stopped for a few minutes and reread my
entire paper out loud to myself. I was not loud more like soft spoken. The practice allowed me to
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Essay On My Writing Process
What identifies me as a writer consist of how I work with my writing process. Basically I prepare myself with notes and additional information before
I write my paper so it would not be confusing at all. I also go through multiple strategies or steps to write different papers that consist of the majority of
typing, distractions, and how I concentrated. My writing process is summarized by three pictures, the first one is a computer screen with in blank
besides on line, a boy distracting a girl from reading a book with an airplane, and a person driving into the sunset. These help me most of the time by
getting my paper done within a few hours but that takes a lot of effort especially with what types of distractions, how focused I am and if I
motivated to type. Although, typing is really easy sometimes my ideas make it a difficult task base on if I'm motivated to do it. Before typing I
prepare notes and get organizer in order for the paper to become a smooth transaction. Usually, I am staring at a blank computer screen because I have
lost my train of thought. Eventually, after looking over my notes and the assignment, I figure out my next step to actually type or continue to type. In
short, what identifies me as a write and my process is to make some times where my mind goes more content...
When I take homework home, I tend to get distracted by my family and especially my phone because of the loudness I encounter and the phone
lighting up. Sometimes I even get frustrated and lose my focus. After calming down and looking through my notes from distractions it's a drive
toward a relaxing sunset. The is what usually happens and I get a good paper. Sometimes distractions are a good thing for me because they help
improve my paper and ideas to my my focus stay longer and make me actually get my paper done. My writing process improves by having certain
distractions to keep my focused long and
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Writing An Essay Writing Process Analysis
How to Efficiently Write an Essay
Writing an essay can be a frustrating, exasperating process, but it doesn't have to be. If you know the steps and methods, the rest should be an easy
task. Find a subject you care about, and which you think others will enjoy reading it. Find the most seductive language and style that will captivate the
readers, and go on.
To begin with, it is an optimum idea to start with a heavy research on the topic being dissected. By doing so, you will become an expert on the subject
and ideas will smoothly be elaborated in the mind. Therefore, utilize the internet, academic resources, and the library. Take notes and immerse in words
of great thinkers. Planning an essay is extremely important, if not the most important process on writing an effective essay. Therefore, analyze the
arguments of the essay or literary works being researched and incorporate them on the essay being more content...
The essay being written, will require personal ideas of the writer. Therefore, ask yourself questions and answer them. Take some time with a pen in your
hand and start jotting ideas down. When brainstorming, write down ideas for a strong thesis statement and ideas to support the claim made.
Additionally, the supporting ideas elaborated will be incorporated in the body of the essay being written. Before starting to write, sketch out the essay
instead of straightway writing it out. Make sure each paragraph is unified, and elaborate paragraphs using strong transition words to captivate the
readers attention, this will allow the essay to flow more smoothly. In addition, it is important to note that the introduction is the most important
paragraph in the essay to either hook the readers attention or loose it. Therefore, each individual paragraph should be focused on the idea of supporting
the thesis statement
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Process Of Writing : Writing
Process Of Writing
It 's not complicated; we are doing this since young age. Think about it, the first thing we learn when starting the path of learning is listening. A long
time ago, my grandfather used to say for me, "Do you listen to learn something or do you listen just to reply?" If you think about it, it's true, and I
believe most of us just listen to reply. Writing skills can never be separated from important skills such as quotation, citation, grammar and spelling. If a
writer can establish those tools in combination with each other, then the writing process becomes easier than ever. The most important thing is that
writing good takes time and effort. Writing itself may sound easy thing to do, however, a good writer is someone who feels everything around him or
her, observe functionality within society and collect information as much as possible. Some people become better and writing just because they love to
write about anything. Some writers write about different things or about people or moment that gave them something to write about, simply they will
start to write for no reason and they would keep this writing for themselves.
The next step in the writing process is the reading. I can tell you something; I never liked to read, but since I started university I have learned to like it.
Reading makes us better speakers, where readers nor audience would understand what the writer is writing about. . This is the most amazing gift of
communication, and the easy one.
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The First And Hardest Part Of Writing An Essay
The first and hardest part of writing an essay is figuring out how to start. A professor may give a topic to be written about, but in some cases that
may not happen. The first step is to pick a topic. The topic will serve as your thesis. You want to pick a topic that you are relatively knowledgeable
about so you are not completely in the dark. By picking a topic that you know even a little about, will take away the anxiety of not knowing where
to start or what to write about. If you chose to challenge yourself and write a paper about something you are novice about, then you want to pick a
topic that is broad enough to find enough information about. For example, if you want to write a paper about cars, do not make cars what your
paper is about, because although it is a broad topic it is also somewhat narrow. Try to broaden your topic buy changing it to, "how cars have changed
our lives." Changing your topic to a more argumentative thesis gives you a pinpoint area to write about and leaves the door open to give you more to
write about. The second step, and what I believe to be the most important step is locating sources to support your thesis. A researchessay without
sources becomes an opinion essay, and that is what you as the writer want to stay away from. Sources make your essay more creditable. If your essay
is about "how technology has benefited students and teachers in the classrooms," then you should find sources that are about how technology is used in
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Writing and Process Essay
Process essays are essays that explain to the audience how to do something or how to complete a task. This may involve explaining how to put
items or ingredients together to make a finished product, such as in a recipe. These essays can also explain how to accomplish a goal. For example,
a process essay could detail the steps that must be taken in order to graduate from a particular college. Regardless of the subject, all process essays
must clearly explain in detail how to complete or perform a task. Instructions 1. Plan the essay. It is helpful to use an outline format in order to map out
the necessary background information about the chosen topic, to compile a list of needed supplies, to determine the steps that should be followed, to more content...
In order to make a good process essay the author should provide basic process background information. Process essay Outline This rubric is a
condensed treatment of the Process essay writing, this Outline is just a description of the main facts and rules about how to write this type of
essay. One should practice as much as possible to become good in writing a Process essay. Writing a process essay Writing a process essay
requires a lot of work to do done. First of all the author is supposed to explain the significance of the analyzed process. Then, the effect this process
may have on objects or even people is revealed. It is necessary to mention all the information about the process to make the reader fully understand
its essence. A good way to make a process essay logical is to choose a correct number of steps within the process and the difficulties of each step. ...
more on the Essay writing Process essay structure A process essay has a classical structure depending only on the amount of the process' steps
described: Introduction (In the introduction the author reveals the basic aim of the process leaving out specific details. Basic background information
is also provided. Another factor to mention is the true meaning of this process and its everyday life application. Therefore the reader learns in which
spheres he can later apply the
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Free Writing Process
When it comes to writing a paper, we all have been there when we are struggling to keep the flow of your paper going towards the subject of your
paper. Here, are some ways I can help you along. Well, number one is the outline to have a good outline is to have a good paper. Next, is freewriting
being able to free write is one of the best ways to get started. After freewriting, comes the thesis statement which is the sentence or two that brings the
reader in and explains the focus of the paper to its entirety. Finally, is the vocabulary, which is the single most important part ofwriting paper because it
deals with being able to find that right word and to know the definition of that word and every other word in the paper.
When it comes to outlining the best thing to do is to create an outline, no matter how bad you are at it. A small outline is better than no outline, when it
comes to creating an outline, picture it as a skeleton that all your ideas hang from, such as the arm is your thesis and the conclusion is the head, limbs
can be taken away to help your writing needs. Very helpful information because an outline can be very difficult to attempt when you don't have these
What I have learned from the freewriting article that was given to me, there was a great idea to start your essay before you try writing, don' more
Make sure to keep the word, definition, and a sentence using that word and study those words you have chosen. Soon you will feel comfortable with
these words and know how to use them in everyday life when the right moment occurs. Lastly, when it comes to vocabulary know the roots are a
great way to break down a word and where it comes from. Because over half of the English language derives from the Greek or Latin
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The Importance Of Writing Process In Writing
After this semester I feel that I've not only developed into a better writer but also have grasped a better understanding of the writing process, which is
arguably most important; having a solid foundation for my writing technique is the key to writing well. Throughout middle school and high school, I
have always been told to use the "five paragraph format" when writing essays, but now that I'm in college, I understand that I have been limiting my
creativity and not expressing my opinions and ideas to their fullest extent. To be a good writer, I must put time and effort into my topic and fully
understand the main idea to write a satisfactory essay. So far, I feel as if I'm doing alright. `When I first begin the writing process I always start by
typing out the full story. Personally, I can't sit down and plan what I'm going to write about; formal drafting makes me feel as if I have writers'
block. Over the years I have taken bits and pieces of advice about my writing and incorporated those snippets of guidance and suggestions into what
my writing style is today. I don't think I'm a bad writer, but I could work on developing more of my essays into "A cakes."
In the narrative essay, I chose a topic that most of my peers could relate to and a topic that was very important to me personally. Being a new driver
is exciting, however, it also is potentially very dangerous, and I really wanted to capture that in my writing. Your feedback stated that I needed to use
more vivid
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Writing Process Essay
Thank goodness for Mrs. Ewing, my high school writing teacher! She taught me how to be a better writer. She is a strict teacher, but she also
knows how to make learning fun, and I think that is why I remember some of the things she taught. For instance, my class did thesaurus drills to
see who could come up with the best answer to the word she would give us. Also, Mrs. Ewing was diligent about writing examples as a class on the
board before giving us our assignments to ensure everyone knew what was expected of them. She creates a fun learning environment for the class to
comprehend the various steps to preparing a successful essay. Determining the topic, if one is not assigned, is the next writing step. While an endless
supply of topics is available, guarantee the subject is applicable and compatible to the type of essay that is being written. For example, the topic of
pro–life in the abortion debate is not an appropriate topic for a process essay; however, a topic on how to do anything with steps involved, such as
writing a paper or building a house, produces excellent choices for a process essay. The theme choice can make or break the composition; therefore, it
is important to pick a familiar topic. Sometimes, conducting research more content...
This step is extremely important because this helps the writer to organize his thoughts and to put them in a logical order. The guideline can be a
simple or as long as necessary. Typically, an outline consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The body usually consists of a minimum of
three points with supporting evidence listed under each point. The more the outline is broken down, the easier the writing process becomes. Then,
create a topic sentence which precisely describes what is being discussed in the body of the essay. It is important that the topic sentence is precise and
sets the tone of the
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Writing Process Essay
Writing Process
When in school, be it college, required schooling, or online, most courses required the student to write papers to express his understanding of the
subjects at hand. For many students, writing can be an extremely difficult procedure. However, there is a series of steps that can make this process less
daunting, this process is called the Writing Process.
The writing process is a step–by–step route that a student can follow to make sure that his paper is ready to be turned in to the instructor. As explained in
University of Phoenix's video Writing Process (2014), the steps of the writing process is (a) read the syllabus, (b) time management, (c) outline, (d)
research, and (e) revision. Using this process can ensure that the more content...
This research usually consists of a student going out of his way to find and gather information on a certain subject, or subjects. This research not only
gives the student information to include in his written work, but will also likely teach him more about the subject at hand.
The most important thing, when doing research, is to make sure said research is credible and reliable. Because information is wildly available
nowadays, finding wrong or skewed information is not only easy but common. Being that, students need to learn how to find and use the academic
resources available. For University of Phoenix students, there are three main academic resources available. One of these is the wildly accessible
resource called the Internet and the two exclusive resources for Phoenix's students only, the Centre for Writing Excellence and the University Library
available on Phoenix Online.
Internet. In this technological age, a student now has the internet at his fingertips. The internet is an extensive resource for learning new and interesting
things, meaning it is an incredible writing resource. However, because the internet is so widely available for everyone, not everything is credible and
reliable. Being this, a student needs to learn how to siphon through all the rubbish and find trustworthy
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The Writing Process Essay
The Writing Process
Writing a paper on the writing process is pretty hard. The writing process is different from one person to another. You come across questions like,
'What exactly is the writing process?'; and 'Must you follow one persons writing process if yours is different?'; This is where I came across the
answer to my questions, write however you wish to write. If one person likes free write first and another person likes to write a draft first, let them do
how they please.
The writing process is something that you figure out yourself as you go through school. I personally think that is why they make us take English for so
many years. Through the years, I found that some teachers forced you to write certain ways. I believe more content...
I don't agree with him. The only way for someone to improve his or her writing is if a peer reads over it and explains what could be done to improve it.
In The Maker's Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscript, Murray says, 'Writers must learn to be their own worst enemy'; (Murray 87). He is trying to
say that when it comes to editing, you must be able to accept criticism from others and be suspicious of it. Just because they say that you should
rearrange that paragraph doesn't necessarily mean you have to. The way you wrote the paragraph could be in your own voice.
Your papers should be filled with your voice. Voice is what makes your writing personal. But your voice could be different depending on what you
write about. I would put a lot more of my feelings in a paper about food, than a paper about how the polar ice caps are melting.
Revising and rewriting a paper is a common step in the writing process. Personally, I think your paper would be crap if you skipped these steps but
I'm sure someone has done it before. Every writer has revised and rewritten a paper. Do you think that Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in one
shot? I don't think so.
In conclusion, writing is up to the writer. If the writer decides to follow the formal writing process, then that's their choice. Nothing should be forced
when it comes to writing. Then the writer does not put out their best work possible. Thank you for reading my
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Writing Process Analysis

  • 1. Writing Process Analysis I would like to learn more about all of the steps of the writing process and I am sure that I will by reading other class mates writings. I have chosen to investigate step one of the writing process "Survey the archives". Which is the beginning of the writing process. This is a step which I have always struggled with. It is difficult to decide what to write about. At times there are too many choices to write about and I have a hard time narrowing down the appropriate topic. Still other times I can't find interesting facts that go along with the assigned topics. This step can take me a long time. Once I find the topic that fits with the assignment the other steps become easier. I am hoping to make this step much easier. I am going to complete Get more content on
  • 2. Reflective Essay: The Writing Process "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." – – – Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Throughout the semester I have had to write a number of essays using a variety of techniques. Before college, I would write assuming that the only reader, or audience, would be my teacher. Composition helped me realize the many steps that are involved in the writing process from free writing to making a final copy. In order to create a good paper you need organize your ideas. Also, I realize what needs to be in a essay and what doesn't. I have improved in my writing but organization has been my problem, and even though I've made a progress. I still believe I have not more content... I think it was a fun assignment to do because we got to advertise a product and give the details that we used. Using persuasive techniques has made a changed in my writing because you can say something you said before and transfer it to your writing. One of the techniques I am going to use through out college is talking to different types of audiences. Also, I am going to let others try to help me out with my writing so I can become a better writer. Sure enough, I still need the help from others for me to be able to succeed in English 1302. All the assignments we did were helpful for me to succeed in other courses because I have improved in my writing since we used different kinds of techniques. If we had more time I would like more of the assignments of using different audiences because that's one of my weakness. If I had to retake this course with you again, I would like more of the rhetoric because that exercise was my favorite. This skills are not only going make me succeed in college but also for life. This course has shown me that I am capable of writing in a variety of manners and it has shown me that I am not as strong in some areas as I am in others. This class introduced me to a variety of writing techniques, some worked and some did not. However, the experience and work with each skill was very Get more content on
  • 3. Writing Process Essay Consider how the writing process you read about in this class differs from the process you have used in the past. What specifically have you done in the past compared to what you read about this week? . The process that I have read about in this class differs a lot from the process I have used in the past in many different ways. I n the past when I was given a writing assignment if research was needed I just found the basic information I needed and write the paper. After the readings this week I have learned that there are few main questions and things you should always ask yourself before beginning your writing process. The first thing I learned was to think about your readers, asking yourself what or how much they need to more content... A "fresh eye" is very important when reading a paper. It is during the editing phase that I will also reread the paper a few times to ensure that it flow smoothly from one thought to another. I will also give my paper to other people (friend/coworker) to read so that I can get their valued input. While all of this may seem quite tedious, it will help me write a great paper. 2. Which step in the writing process is the most difficult for you to complete? Why is it difficult? In the writing process the step that I think would be the most difficult for me to complete would be drafting. Drafting is researching, crafting a thesis statement, outlining, and documenting sources. In this phase of the paper majority of the work is done. In researching your paper you have to find information on your topic, keep track of any paraphrases, summaries, and quotations along with their sources. Crafting your thesis statement, this is one sentence that states your opinion on the subject and must be supported by your research. The thesis statement alone takes a lot of work because it needs to be broad enough to include all the supporting points of your paper. In the outlining phase you will be using all the information you have retrieved and form your paper. Documenting your sources is also very important in this stage because you need to make sure if you are using Get more content on
  • 4. Writing Process Have you ever been so frustrated writing an essay that you set it aside until the last minute? Well, there can be a way to prevent that. One of the most important parts about writing is the process behind it. An essay should consist of an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Even though the process of writing essays seem very mind boggling, it is actually an easy process if following the correct writing steps. It can be even easier if the writer enjoys the topic of the essay. There are certain steps a writer must take to keep a reader interested while showing enthusiasm for them wanting to learn more. These steps follow a set of guidelines including planning, free writing, revising and editing. When planning an essay, first decide on the more content... Depending on how they learn, they may be an "idea mapping" organizer or a "formal outlining" organizer. Idea mapping is a more visual way of creating an outline for an essay, it is when they take their main idea and branch off it with their basic ideas and further branch off with more information. They next main of outlining is the formal outline. This is when a hierarchy of roman numerals, letters and numbers is created to list their main details. Next to the roman numerals they list their main ideas, and next to the letters they list examples and other information to help support what they wrote. In the revising phase, the writer replaces weak or vague words that they may have used in the first draft with stronger, clearer words. At this point they may come up with new paragraphs, improve their thesis, reorganize, add important examples and self experience, or even move sentence around to make the essay flow better. This phase helps the writer improve their essay and re–see their work, there is always room for improvement. There may be information that the writer decided is no longer relevant or needs more Get more content on
  • 5. Writing Process There are many components involved in the writing process that are important to incorporate in your essay to make it a strong well constructed piece. Knowledge about the writing process is needed in order to succeed. Without the proper the knowledge there will be no direction throughout the paper. There are many different ways to write, but it is necessary to include in depth research, a strong thesis that pulls your audience into the paper, and organizational skills to create a backbone for a strong complete essay. Research is the bulk of your essay. Throughout your essay it will be key to making sure that your facts are not only reliable but also interesting and attract the reader. Compelling information is important to keep the reader more content... You will spend less time searching for information and fixing any clutter. Efficiency is the main point of organization in a essay. Planning out your essay leaves you with time that you can use on more productive things in your essay like proofreading. Creating an outline will help organize your whole paper and keep track of what goes where making it a lot easier so then you only have to fill your paper with the information that you have researched. Outlines are great for people who have trouble putting their words onto paper and can make the whole process go much smoother. Organizing is not very difficult and in conclusion will help make your essay easier and faster to write. The goal of strong writing is that you use these methods to set yourself up to succeed in your paper. These steps have been studied for years by professionals and if implemented correctly can be very beneficial for one's paper. There are many different ways to go about the writing process but it is important to find what will work for you. Without a proper foundation your paper is set up to fail. You might think these steps will take more time, but really in the end will only save you tons that can be used on other parts of your essay to make it the best piece Get more content on
  • 6. Writing Process : Reflective Essay I have chosen to explore the "Writing Process" that I used while drafting my argumentative paper on sloths in the rainforest for this reflective essay. I am choosing this topic and this particular essay because my writing process was a key component to the 'C' I made on the project and how my failure in this particular area lead me to this grade. Looking back, I realized that the grade I received is a perfect reflection of the effort I put into the writing process. I believe that I had the power to make an A if I would have slowed down and completed the essay the right way. From an outline all the way to the final draft I will be reflecting on my paper and the journey I took to complete it. All of my life, people have joked with me about going to law school because of my ability to win an argument about anything. So the second the words "argumentative essay" left my professors lips I was ready. Thoughts immediately flooded my mind with ideas of how I could write the perfect argument. Being a very impulsive person in and out of the classroom I didn't see any down sides to my hastiness and I believed that it was a good thing, almost inspiration. I knew what my topic would be instantly and ideas raced through my mind about how I was going to convince the audience. I was confident in myself and also in my topic, I believed I was born ready to write this argument. When I decided to write about the rainforests and sloths I was overwhelmed with excitement. I have always had a Get more content on
  • 7. My Essay: The Writing Process The Writing Process My writing process is very simple yet slightly confusing for those who need to be organized when writing. The process begins in the classroom when the teacher assigns a essay and gives me a prompt. Then it begins to break down into the basic steps that the "typical person" takes when writing. First, I examine the prompt and dissect it like a frog,taking out all the important and needed information. I check to see the topic of the essay, all the requirements such as the length of the essay and the type of paper it needs to be. Once that is done I find the intended audience. Each of these steps are essential to the type of evidence and quotes that will be used . It also helps me begin to start thinking about how I want to begin my essay and structure more content... Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. This action has been my best friend and my worse enemy on several occasions when writing papers. It has taught me that I can write a paper that should take 2 weeks in 2 hours and that I can take 2 weeks to write a paper that should be done in 2 hours. Once the procrastination process is over I either look up articles relevant to the topic of the paper or I gather my articles from class. I go through the articles and I underline/highlight any important information. I begin somewhat of a brainstorm process. This process includes me taking out a sheet of paper separating it into sections. The sections are either beginning,middle,and end or paragraph one,paragraph two ,paragraph three etc. I back track and I begin to eliminate the evidence. I keep three to four pieces of the evidence that will be able to be expanded on the most. Based on that I decide what each paragraph or section will be about. On the piece of paper I write the topic under each section based on where it needs to Get more content on
  • 8. How My Writing Has Changed Essay My writing styles have changed drastically over the past four years of high school. This memo will explain how my writing has changed and how my knowledge of writing has improved. Aspects of My Writing during High School During my English courses throughout high school, I learned many things from writing simple journals, research papers, and a single term paper. During high school, I was laid back and procrastinated for much of my work. During the latter part of high school when I wrote my term paper my senior year, I found out that working a little every night writing a few paragraphs helped me out greatly. I was not just throwing something together just to get the grade and the paper finished. I spent time on the paper more content... I do this so the information is true, and also in order from which events have occurred. When I wrote my term paper my senior year I was well organized. I was required to write about an event in history. I chose India Uprising of 1877 as the topic of my paper. This topic was not interesting at all, but I chose to write about it. When I finished writing my thesis and outline, I wrote note cards about the different topics, which allowed me to gather all my information and organize it in which different events occurred. When I was finished with the paper, it sounded and read consistently and it all flowed together. How These Experiences Prepared Me for College Writing I have written many different types of papers for all of my classes throughout high school. For my science classes, I have written several labs in the form of essays. Writing the essays was different for me because I did not really know that science had much to do with writing. It took me a while to gather all the information I needed to finish my lab assignments. Writing lab reports will definitely help me in my science courses in the next four years. The journals I have written came from my four years of high school English. Everyday I came to class there would be a topic on the board. I took five minutes each day to write about the given topic. It was brainstorming and giving our input on whatever the topic was. I think
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  • 10. Reflection On My Writing Process My writing looks like the game Tetris – I write according to how my ideas flow from my head to my paper. The English 1010 lessons are designed to impact my writing processes and since being in the course I have realized the importance of the process while preparing the paper. While I knew that practice and revisions were important to the writing process, the ideas of writing as inherently collaborative or as an extension of technology were not concepts that I had considered at length. For the assignment, I chose to record myself and reflect on my process. The observation of my writing process and decisions took place in an awkward way. I began sitting at my desk in my dorm with a black ink pen, wide–ruled paper, and the prompt of my essay. It took a good bit of time for the process to begin – all the distractions had to run out, frequent checks on social media, quick trip to the snack machine, and responding to text messages. Finally, it was time to start. I can begin. "Ok, outline" I said to myself. "What's your main point?" And so, I started, pen to paper, writing the three main ideas I knew I wanted to cover in the paper. I did discover, however, that I scratch my head while I am thinking and as I write I would catch myself reading aloud. Following the outline process, I decided to start typing the rough draft. I first started my introduction giving the audience an idea of what the essay will be about. I did not know entirely what I wanted the audience to know so I found myself typing and deleting a lot. I decided to divide the essay in proportions to what I want to explain. I chose to discuss improvements, changes, and goals for the following semester. I noticed I then spent five minutes staring at how I was going to start the explanation. This could be for two reasons – perhaps I needed a break from writing or perhaps I did not take enough time planning. I honestly did not know. I eventually figured out how to gather the information to begin the paper. After typing for fifteen minutes, I realized I repeatedly reviewed the previous typed words constantly. I stopped for a few minutes and reread my entire paper out loud to myself. I was not loud more like soft spoken. The practice allowed me to Get more content on
  • 11. Essay On My Writing Process What identifies me as a writer consist of how I work with my writing process. Basically I prepare myself with notes and additional information before I write my paper so it would not be confusing at all. I also go through multiple strategies or steps to write different papers that consist of the majority of typing, distractions, and how I concentrated. My writing process is summarized by three pictures, the first one is a computer screen with in blank besides on line, a boy distracting a girl from reading a book with an airplane, and a person driving into the sunset. These help me most of the time by getting my paper done within a few hours but that takes a lot of effort especially with what types of distractions, how focused I am and if I motivated to type. Although, typing is really easy sometimes my ideas make it a difficult task base on if I'm motivated to do it. Before typing I prepare notes and get organizer in order for the paper to become a smooth transaction. Usually, I am staring at a blank computer screen because I have lost my train of thought. Eventually, after looking over my notes and the assignment, I figure out my next step to actually type or continue to type. In short, what identifies me as a write and my process is to make some times where my mind goes more content... When I take homework home, I tend to get distracted by my family and especially my phone because of the loudness I encounter and the phone lighting up. Sometimes I even get frustrated and lose my focus. After calming down and looking through my notes from distractions it's a drive toward a relaxing sunset. The is what usually happens and I get a good paper. Sometimes distractions are a good thing for me because they help improve my paper and ideas to my my focus stay longer and make me actually get my paper done. My writing process improves by having certain distractions to keep my focused long and Get more content on
  • 12. Writing An Essay Writing Process Analysis How to Efficiently Write an Essay Writing an essay can be a frustrating, exasperating process, but it doesn't have to be. If you know the steps and methods, the rest should be an easy task. Find a subject you care about, and which you think others will enjoy reading it. Find the most seductive language and style that will captivate the readers, and go on. To begin with, it is an optimum idea to start with a heavy research on the topic being dissected. By doing so, you will become an expert on the subject and ideas will smoothly be elaborated in the mind. Therefore, utilize the internet, academic resources, and the library. Take notes and immerse in words of great thinkers. Planning an essay is extremely important, if not the most important process on writing an effective essay. Therefore, analyze the arguments of the essay or literary works being researched and incorporate them on the essay being more content... The essay being written, will require personal ideas of the writer. Therefore, ask yourself questions and answer them. Take some time with a pen in your hand and start jotting ideas down. When brainstorming, write down ideas for a strong thesis statement and ideas to support the claim made. Additionally, the supporting ideas elaborated will be incorporated in the body of the essay being written. Before starting to write, sketch out the essay instead of straightway writing it out. Make sure each paragraph is unified, and elaborate paragraphs using strong transition words to captivate the readers attention, this will allow the essay to flow more smoothly. In addition, it is important to note that the introduction is the most important paragraph in the essay to either hook the readers attention or loose it. Therefore, each individual paragraph should be focused on the idea of supporting the thesis statement Get more content on
  • 13. Process Of Writing : Writing Process Of Writing It 's not complicated; we are doing this since young age. Think about it, the first thing we learn when starting the path of learning is listening. A long time ago, my grandfather used to say for me, "Do you listen to learn something or do you listen just to reply?" If you think about it, it's true, and I believe most of us just listen to reply. Writing skills can never be separated from important skills such as quotation, citation, grammar and spelling. If a writer can establish those tools in combination with each other, then the writing process becomes easier than ever. The most important thing is that writing good takes time and effort. Writing itself may sound easy thing to do, however, a good writer is someone who feels everything around him or her, observe functionality within society and collect information as much as possible. Some people become better and writing just because they love to write about anything. Some writers write about different things or about people or moment that gave them something to write about, simply they will start to write for no reason and they would keep this writing for themselves. The next step in the writing process is the reading. I can tell you something; I never liked to read, but since I started university I have learned to like it. Reading makes us better speakers, where readers nor audience would understand what the writer is writing about. . This is the most amazing gift of communication, and the easy one. Get more content on
  • 14. The First And Hardest Part Of Writing An Essay The first and hardest part of writing an essay is figuring out how to start. A professor may give a topic to be written about, but in some cases that may not happen. The first step is to pick a topic. The topic will serve as your thesis. You want to pick a topic that you are relatively knowledgeable about so you are not completely in the dark. By picking a topic that you know even a little about, will take away the anxiety of not knowing where to start or what to write about. If you chose to challenge yourself and write a paper about something you are novice about, then you want to pick a topic that is broad enough to find enough information about. For example, if you want to write a paper about cars, do not make cars what your paper is about, because although it is a broad topic it is also somewhat narrow. Try to broaden your topic buy changing it to, "how cars have changed our lives." Changing your topic to a more argumentative thesis gives you a pinpoint area to write about and leaves the door open to give you more to write about. The second step, and what I believe to be the most important step is locating sources to support your thesis. A researchessay without sources becomes an opinion essay, and that is what you as the writer want to stay away from. Sources make your essay more creditable. If your essay is about "how technology has benefited students and teachers in the classrooms," then you should find sources that are about how technology is used in Get more content on
  • 15. Writing and Process Essay Process essays are essays that explain to the audience how to do something or how to complete a task. This may involve explaining how to put items or ingredients together to make a finished product, such as in a recipe. These essays can also explain how to accomplish a goal. For example, a process essay could detail the steps that must be taken in order to graduate from a particular college. Regardless of the subject, all process essays must clearly explain in detail how to complete or perform a task. Instructions 1. Plan the essay. It is helpful to use an outline format in order to map out the necessary background information about the chosen topic, to compile a list of needed supplies, to determine the steps that should be followed, to more content... In order to make a good process essay the author should provide basic process background information. Process essay Outline This rubric is a condensed treatment of the Process essay writing, this Outline is just a description of the main facts and rules about how to write this type of essay. One should practice as much as possible to become good in writing a Process essay. Writing a process essay Writing a process essay requires a lot of work to do done. First of all the author is supposed to explain the significance of the analyzed process. Then, the effect this process may have on objects or even people is revealed. It is necessary to mention all the information about the process to make the reader fully understand its essence. A good way to make a process essay logical is to choose a correct number of steps within the process and the difficulties of each step. ... more on the Essay writing Process essay structure A process essay has a classical structure depending only on the amount of the process' steps described: Introduction (In the introduction the author reveals the basic aim of the process leaving out specific details. Basic background information is also provided. Another factor to mention is the true meaning of this process and its everyday life application. Therefore the reader learns in which spheres he can later apply the Get more content on
  • 16. Free Writing Process When it comes to writing a paper, we all have been there when we are struggling to keep the flow of your paper going towards the subject of your paper. Here, are some ways I can help you along. Well, number one is the outline to have a good outline is to have a good paper. Next, is freewriting being able to free write is one of the best ways to get started. After freewriting, comes the thesis statement which is the sentence or two that brings the reader in and explains the focus of the paper to its entirety. Finally, is the vocabulary, which is the single most important part ofwriting paper because it deals with being able to find that right word and to know the definition of that word and every other word in the paper. When it comes to outlining the best thing to do is to create an outline, no matter how bad you are at it. A small outline is better than no outline, when it comes to creating an outline, picture it as a skeleton that all your ideas hang from, such as the arm is your thesis and the conclusion is the head, limbs can be taken away to help your writing needs. Very helpful information because an outline can be very difficult to attempt when you don't have these tools. What I have learned from the freewriting article that was given to me, there was a great idea to start your essay before you try writing, don' more content... Make sure to keep the word, definition, and a sentence using that word and study those words you have chosen. Soon you will feel comfortable with these words and know how to use them in everyday life when the right moment occurs. Lastly, when it comes to vocabulary know the roots are a great way to break down a word and where it comes from. Because over half of the English language derives from the Greek or Latin Get more content on
  • 17. The Importance Of Writing Process In Writing After this semester I feel that I've not only developed into a better writer but also have grasped a better understanding of the writing process, which is arguably most important; having a solid foundation for my writing technique is the key to writing well. Throughout middle school and high school, I have always been told to use the "five paragraph format" when writing essays, but now that I'm in college, I understand that I have been limiting my creativity and not expressing my opinions and ideas to their fullest extent. To be a good writer, I must put time and effort into my topic and fully understand the main idea to write a satisfactory essay. So far, I feel as if I'm doing alright. `When I first begin the writing process I always start by typing out the full story. Personally, I can't sit down and plan what I'm going to write about; formal drafting makes me feel as if I have writers' block. Over the years I have taken bits and pieces of advice about my writing and incorporated those snippets of guidance and suggestions into what my writing style is today. I don't think I'm a bad writer, but I could work on developing more of my essays into "A cakes." In the narrative essay, I chose a topic that most of my peers could relate to and a topic that was very important to me personally. Being a new driver is exciting, however, it also is potentially very dangerous, and I really wanted to capture that in my writing. Your feedback stated that I needed to use more vivid Get more content on
  • 18. Writing Process Essay Thank goodness for Mrs. Ewing, my high school writing teacher! She taught me how to be a better writer. She is a strict teacher, but she also knows how to make learning fun, and I think that is why I remember some of the things she taught. For instance, my class did thesaurus drills to see who could come up with the best answer to the word she would give us. Also, Mrs. Ewing was diligent about writing examples as a class on the board before giving us our assignments to ensure everyone knew what was expected of them. She creates a fun learning environment for the class to comprehend the various steps to preparing a successful essay. Determining the topic, if one is not assigned, is the next writing step. While an endless supply of topics is available, guarantee the subject is applicable and compatible to the type of essay that is being written. For example, the topic of pro–life in the abortion debate is not an appropriate topic for a process essay; however, a topic on how to do anything with steps involved, such as writing a paper or building a house, produces excellent choices for a process essay. The theme choice can make or break the composition; therefore, it is important to pick a familiar topic. Sometimes, conducting research more content... This step is extremely important because this helps the writer to organize his thoughts and to put them in a logical order. The guideline can be a simple or as long as necessary. Typically, an outline consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The body usually consists of a minimum of three points with supporting evidence listed under each point. The more the outline is broken down, the easier the writing process becomes. Then, create a topic sentence which precisely describes what is being discussed in the body of the essay. It is important that the topic sentence is precise and sets the tone of the Get more content on
  • 19. Writing Process Essay Writing Process When in school, be it college, required schooling, or online, most courses required the student to write papers to express his understanding of the subjects at hand. For many students, writing can be an extremely difficult procedure. However, there is a series of steps that can make this process less daunting, this process is called the Writing Process. The writing process is a step–by–step route that a student can follow to make sure that his paper is ready to be turned in to the instructor. As explained in University of Phoenix's video Writing Process (2014), the steps of the writing process is (a) read the syllabus, (b) time management, (c) outline, (d) research, and (e) revision. Using this process can ensure that the more content... This research usually consists of a student going out of his way to find and gather information on a certain subject, or subjects. This research not only gives the student information to include in his written work, but will also likely teach him more about the subject at hand. The most important thing, when doing research, is to make sure said research is credible and reliable. Because information is wildly available nowadays, finding wrong or skewed information is not only easy but common. Being that, students need to learn how to find and use the academic resources available. For University of Phoenix students, there are three main academic resources available. One of these is the wildly accessible resource called the Internet and the two exclusive resources for Phoenix's students only, the Centre for Writing Excellence and the University Library available on Phoenix Online. Internet. In this technological age, a student now has the internet at his fingertips. The internet is an extensive resource for learning new and interesting things, meaning it is an incredible writing resource. However, because the internet is so widely available for everyone, not everything is credible and reliable. Being this, a student needs to learn how to siphon through all the rubbish and find trustworthy Get more content on
  • 20. The Writing Process Essay The Writing Process Writing a paper on the writing process is pretty hard. The writing process is different from one person to another. You come across questions like, 'What exactly is the writing process?'; and 'Must you follow one persons writing process if yours is different?'; This is where I came across the answer to my questions, write however you wish to write. If one person likes free write first and another person likes to write a draft first, let them do how they please. The writing process is something that you figure out yourself as you go through school. I personally think that is why they make us take English for so many years. Through the years, I found that some teachers forced you to write certain ways. I believe more content... I don't agree with him. The only way for someone to improve his or her writing is if a peer reads over it and explains what could be done to improve it. In The Maker's Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscript, Murray says, 'Writers must learn to be their own worst enemy'; (Murray 87). He is trying to say that when it comes to editing, you must be able to accept criticism from others and be suspicious of it. Just because they say that you should rearrange that paragraph doesn't necessarily mean you have to. The way you wrote the paragraph could be in your own voice. Your papers should be filled with your voice. Voice is what makes your writing personal. But your voice could be different depending on what you write about. I would put a lot more of my feelings in a paper about food, than a paper about how the polar ice caps are melting. Revising and rewriting a paper is a common step in the writing process. Personally, I think your paper would be crap if you skipped these steps but I'm sure someone has done it before. Every writer has revised and rewritten a paper. Do you think that Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in one shot? I don't think so. In conclusion, writing is up to the writer. If the writer decides to follow the formal writing process, then that's their choice. Nothing should be forced when it comes to writing. Then the writer does not put out their best work possible. Thank you for reading my Get more content on