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Design Education
for Skilled Design
World’s Pioneering
to Watch in 2023
CEO | Hdemy Group
Vol. 09 | Issue 11 | September 2023
World's Pioneering Business
Leaders to Watch in 2023
Leaders with an objective have the ability to drastically
change the course of their organizations. These managers
provide their employees a feeling of purpose and
guidance toward more significant goals. Visionary
leaders motivate their team members and clients as a
result. Many strategies may be used to lead with vision.
As a leader, nobody is created the same way.
Business management has definitely evolved through
time. Usually, these changes reflect the dominant cultural
and economic trends. In today's society, customers want
to support companies that are passionate and dedicated
to transforming the world. This is something that
businesses can only do with visionary leadership.
World's leaders in its latest edition “World's Pioneering
Business Leaders to Watch in 2023” sheds some light
on the importance and role of leadership and business
leaders in economic development and society.
The cover features Nicola Pighi who embarked on a
challenging yet fulfilling path. Fueled by an unwavering
passion to make quality education accessible to all,
Pighi's visionary spirit gave birth to Hdemy Group and
NAD Nuova Accademia del Design.
As the CEO of Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia
del Design, Nicola assumes a range of crucial
responsibilities encompassing strategic planning,
business development, and ensuring the overall success
and growth of the organization. Working closely with a
talented team, Nicola drives innovation, identifies new
market opportunities, and fosters a positive and
enriching learning experience for students.
Looking ahead, Nicola envisions Hdemy Group/NAD
Nuova Accademia del Design as a global leader in the
digital education landscape over the next five years. The
organization's trajectory will involve a continuous
expansion of course offerings, reinforcing partnerships
with renowned industry experts, and leveraging
emerging technologies to deliver unparalleled learning
experiences. The primary focus will be on empowering
individuals and organizations to thrive in the digital age,
equipping them with the essential skills and knowledge
necessary for success in their respective fields.
While we come to the end, please do not forget to read
the CXO standpoints written by industry experts and the
informative articles penned down by our in-house
editorial team.
Pioneering the
Business Transformation
Have a lovely read!
Copyright 2023 WORLD’S LEADERS Media Tech LLC, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine
should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from WORLD’S LEADERS Reprint rights
remain solely with WORLD’S LEADERS.
3296 Westerville Rd #250, Columbus, OH 43224, USA
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Editor-in-Chief Steve Sanchez
Managing Editor Jagdish Chincholikar
Executive Editor Nicole Williams
Assistant Editor Gayatri Bhujbal
Art & Design Director Jack Anderson
Business Development Manager Mia Oliver
Business Development Executive Natalie, Jerrey
Associate Designer Kevin Rust
Digital Marketing Manager Victor Clarke
Sales Manager Casey Simpson, Irfan Shekh
Marketing Manager Tom Swann
Technical Specialist Barry Jones
Circulation Manager Danny Parker
Revolutionizing Design
Education for Skilled
Design Professionals
Biba Pédron
David Gadis
Joseph Rajkumar
Roderick Deeds
Phil Bristol
Robert Nichols
Deandra Coleman
Kange Kaneene
April Blackwell
10 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Design Education
for Skilled Design
Discover the dynamic realm of Hdemy Group NAD, a hub brimming with youthful
talent and finely honed professional profiles for the world of design. As an
entrepreneur in the education sphere, Nicola Pighi embarked on a challenging yet
fulfilling path. Fueled by an unwavering passion to make quality education accessible to all,
Pighi's visionary spirit gave birth to Hdemy Group and NAD Nuova Accademia del Design.
As the CEO of Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia del Design, Nicola assumes a range
of crucial responsibilities encompassing strategic planning, business development, and
ensuring the overall success and growth of the organization. Working closely with a talented
team, Nicola drives innovation, identifies new market opportunities, and fosters a positive
and enriching learning experience for students. | 11
12 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Looking ahead, Nicola envisions
Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia
del Design as a global leader in the
digital education landscape over the
next five years. The organization's
trajectory will involve a continuous
expansion of course offerings,
reinforcing partnerships with renowned
industry experts, and leveraging
emerging technologies to deliver
unparalleled learning experiences. The
primary focus will be on empowering
individuals and organizations to thrive
in the digital age, equipping them with
the essential skills and knowledge
necessary for success in their
respective fields.
Under Nicola's leadership, Hdemy
Group/NAD aims to remain at the
forefront of the industry by embracing
innovation, driving impactful growth,
and providing a transformative
educational journey for its learners. By
aligning strategic planning with a deep
commitment to excellence, Nicola
envisions a future where Hdemy
Group/NAD plays a pivotal role in
shaping the digital education
landscape, empowering learners
worldwide to achieve their goals and
contribute meaningfully to the modern
Empowering Learners Worldwide
Hdemy Group, along with its flagship
brand NAD Nuova Accademia del
stands as a prominent global
educational organization renowned for
providing a vast array of innovative
learning solutions. Its core objective
revolves around empowering
individuals and businesses with the
necessary knowledge and skills to
thrive in the contemporary world. By
offering an extensive range of online
courses, training programs, and
professional certifications, the
institution caters to a diverse audience
from various backgrounds and
industries, with a particular focus on
the realm of design.
Spanning a wide spectrum of subjects,
Hdemy Group's offerings encompass
business and entrepreneurship,
technology and digital skills,
leadership and management, creative
arts and design, as well as personal
development. Leveraging state-of-the-
art technologies and industry expertise,
the institution consistently delivers
captivating and interactive learning
experiences, ensuring accessibility
anytime and anywhere for its learners.
Today, Hdemy Group's impact
resonates in the lives of countless
learners, equipping them with the
knowledge and skills to soar in their
careers. Pivotal to this success is the
remarkable transformation of a
struggling startup into a thriving e-
learning platform. Through strategic
alliances and an unwavering focus on
customer needs, Hdemy Group
identified the pain points of their target
audience and tailored their offerings
accordingly. The result? Exponential
growth and the solidification of Hdemy
Group as a trusted brand in the
multifaceted education industry of
design, spanning interior, product,
fashion, and graphic disciplines.
Transforming Education for a
Changing World
Nicola identifies three key areas that
require transformation in both society
and education:
Ÿ Access to Education: Nicola
advocates for greater access to
quality education worldwide. By
leveraging technology and
eliminating barriers such as
geographical constraints and
financial limitations, he believes
that everyone should have equal
opportunities to acquire the skills
and knowledge necessary for
success. Through the use of digital
platforms and online learning,
education can become more
accessible and inclusive, breaking
down traditional boundaries.
Ÿ Lifelong Learning: Nicola firmly
believes that education should
extend beyond a specific phase of
life. He recognizes the importance
of lifelong learning and continuous
skill development in an ever-
changing world. Encouraging
individuals to embrace learning as
an ongoing journey empowers them
to adapt to the evolving demands of
the modern workforce. By fostering
a culture of curiosity and a growth
mindset, individuals can
continuously acquire new skills,
explore new fields, and stay
relevant throughout their lives.
Ÿ Closing the Skills Gap: The rapid
advancement of technology has
resulted in a significant skills gap in
various industries. Nicola
emphasizes the need to address this
gap by equipping learners with the
skills that are in high demand. This
can be achieved through
collaboration between educational
institutions and industry partners,
ensuring that educational programs
align with the needs of the job
Additionally, upskilling programs
and continuous feedback loops
between educators and employers
can play a crucial role in closing
the skills gap and preparing
individuals for meaningful
employment opportunities.
From Doubt to Success
One of the most significant risks that
Nicola took as a professional was
venturing into the online education
space when it was still in its early
stages. During that time, there was
considerable skepticism surrounding
the viability and potential of online
learning. However, Nicola had
unwavering faith in the transformative
power of technology to revolutionize
education, and he decided to take the
Through perseverance and continuous
improvement, Hdemy Group emerged | 13
as a recognized leader in the digital
education industry, particularly in the
field of design. Nicola's risk-taking
paid off, as the organization's
commitment to innovation,
adaptability, and assembling a talented
team allowed them to transform the
initial doubt into a resounding success.
Today, Hdemy Group is renowned for
its contributions to the digital
education landscape, empowering
learners worldwide with high-quality
education and positioning itself as a
leader in the design education sphere.
Personalized Learning and
Empowering Education
Nicola emphasizes that Hdemy
Group/NAD Nuova Accademia del
Design places a strong emphasis on
personalized learning and learner
engagement. The institution recognizes
that each individual has unique
learning preferences and goals, and it
strives to provide a tailored learning
experience that meets their specific
needs. With a dedicated team of
instructors and mentors, Hdemy
Group/NAD is committed to
supporting learners throughout their
educational journey, ensuring their
success and satisfaction.
Furthermore, Hdemy Group/NAD
takes great pride in its commitment to
corporate social responsibility. The
institution actively engages in
initiatives that promote equality,
diversity, and environmental
sustainability. By giving back to the
community and championing social
causes, Hdemy Group/NAD seeks to
make a positive impact beyond the
realm of education.
The opportunity to be featured in the
magazine is met with enthusiasm from
Hdemy Group/NAD. The institution is
dedicated to empowering individuals
and organizations through
transformative education and looks
forward to inspiring others to unlock
their full potential.
Commitment to Lifelong Learning
and Advice for Emerging Leaders
As a business leader, Nicola firmly
believes in the significance of
continuous growth and development.
Recognizing the importance of staying
ahead in an ever-evolving landscape,
he consistently invests in his own
learning and professional
advancement. This commitment
manifests through active participation
in industry conferences, enrollment in
executive education programs, and the
cultivation of a network comprising
mentors and advisors who challenge
and inspire him. Particularly in the
fields of art, design, and architecture,
Nicola seeks to broaden his knowledge
and stay abreast of the latest trends and
To emerging leaders, Nicola offers
valuable advice: embrace change and
innovation. In the rapidly changing
world we live in, the ability to adapt
and embrace new technologies and
business models is paramount.
Encouraging emerging leaders to
remain open to new ideas and
approaches enables them to navigate
and leverage the opportunities
presented by change.
Additionally, Nicola emphasizes the
importance of fostering a culture of
collaboration and diversity within
organizations. By cultivating an
inclusive environment that values
diverse perspectives and backgrounds,
emerging leaders can harness the
power of collective intelligence. This,
in turn, leads to better decision-making
and fuels innovation within the
Path to Global Leadership in Digital
and Design Education
Looking ahead, Nicola's envisions
Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia
del Design as a future global leader in
digital and design education. The
organization's objective is to
consistently broaden its course
offerings, establishing collaborations
with industry experts and renowned
institutions to ensure learners have
access to the most pertinent and up-to-
date knowledge available. Additionally,
Hdemy Group/NAD plans to leverage
emerging technologies like artificial
intelligence and virtual reality to create
immersive and personalized learning
By expanding its repertoire of courses
and forging strategic partnerships,
Hdemy Group/NAD aims to stay at the
forefront of the industry, meeting the
evolving needs of learners. The
organization's commitment to
incorporating cutting-edge
technologies, such as artificial
intelligence and virtual reality,
demonstrates its dedication to
enhancing the educational experience.
By creating immersive and
personalized learning environments,
Hdemy Group/NAD seeks to empower
learners and enable them to thrive in
the digital and design landscape.
NAD offers telematics and face-to-face
training and will soon be introducing
classes with the help of virtual reality
in collaboration with Vection
( )
and their 3d frame software for cisco
NAD has chosen C-BOX as a
privileged partner to ensure the validity
and authenticity of its students' skills.
The platform offers a user-friendly
experience and a safe and fast
validation system for the badges
issued, giving significant value to the
skills acquired by students during their
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Empowering Women
Entrepreneurs and
Nurturing Mindsets for
the Next Generation | 23
24 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Biba Pédron International
Biba Pédron International is a coaching company that
primarily caters to women entering the business world.
From Biba's perspective, the company was born out of a
realization she had many years ago, shortly after starting
her second business in New York. It became apparent to
her that women entrepreneurs often require more
information and support than their male counterparts due
to the overwhelming abundance of information and
critical feedback. Women face unique challenges, as they
are frequently hesitant to take up space and express
Having worked in both the French and US markets, Biba
also observed that French women entrepreneurs struggle
even more with visibility compared to their American
counterparts. This stark contrast inspired Biba to
dedicate herself to a mission: empowering French
women entrepreneurs to overcome their fears, embrace
success, and become role models.
Biba spearheading efforts such as Club Impacter Au
Féminin in April 2021, following the first year of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
This group arose in response to the loneliness that
women felt during the lockdown, when they were
confined to their houses, operating their companies or
jobs during the day, caring for their children in the
evenings, and keeping domestic obligations. The absence
of external networking opportunities, such as lunches or
conferences, further contributed to their isolation.
Biba established the practical Club Impacter Au
Féminin, with the goal of providing a virtual platform for
women to meet, discuss their businesses, handle
difficulties, and share their growth methods.
Arenowned business and mindset expert, Biba Pédron is a best-selling author, and interna onal
speaker who has empowered countless entrepreneurs and professionals to unlock their full
poten al in the realms of marke ng, social media, branding, and mindset. With her
transforma ve strategies, Biba's clients have experienced remarkable results, o en doubling or even
tripling their revenues within a mere 90 days.
Originally from France, Biba has been living in the United States since 2003, bringing her unique
perspec ve and cross-cultural exper se to her work. She is the visionary behind the groundbreaking
"Success of Women" summit, the first-ever Francophone summit exclusively designed for and
presented by women. This influen al event serves as a pla orm for women to connect, inspire, and
share their stories of triumph.
Biba's latest summit, tled "MDR: The Winning Formula for a Successful Life," draws its inspira on
from her book of the same name. Breaking away from the conven onal understanding of "MDR" as an
abbrevia on for "Mort De Rire" (meaning "Dying of Laughter" in French), Pédron redefines it as
"Mo va on + Determina on = Realiza on" of one's dreams, projects, or objec ves. Through this
powerful concept, she guides individuals to embrace unwavering mo va on and unwavering
determina on, leading them towards the actualiza on of their deepest aspira ons.
Fuelled by her unwavering passion to empower others, Biba's driving force lies in helping individuals
thrive with enthusiasm and unwavering determina on. Her empowering message is specifically
tailored for women, as she aims to infuse them with posi ve energy and dispel any doubts about their
own poten al. Biba believes that every woman possesses the capability to achieve their goals, create
fulfilling ventures, and forge paths that resonate with their true selves. | 25
Gadis Utility Sector
Visionary who is
Improving Both
Satisfaction and
Employee Engagement
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the positions of CEO and President
of Veolia Water Indianapolis as well
as Executive Vice President of Veolia
North America. He was the first
African American president and CEO
of that utility, as well as the first
African American CEO to oversee a
significant utility in Indianapolis.
Life Before DC Water
Before starting his professional
career, David Gadis was entirely
focused on the prospect of a
basketball career. He put in a lot of
effort at Pike High School in
Indianapolis to raise his level of play
and help his teammates succeed. He
had been selected as Team MVP, an
all-state player by the Associated
Press and United Press International,
an All-American by Street and Smith
Magazine, and had received a
scholarship to play at Southern
Methodist University after three
seasons as a starting guard at Pike.
He received several honours
throughout his time at SMU,
including Freshman of the Year,
Team Captain, and "Mr. Hustle". The
team participated in the 1983–84
NCAA National Tournament before
falling to the Georgetown Hoyas.
Georgetown went on to win the title,
and were led by junior centre Patrick
Ewing. David had the good fortune
that many of the abilities he
developed on the basketball
court—such as leadership,
responsibility, and preparation—also
applied well to the corporate world
and the water industry.
One of the biggest and most well-
known water companies in the
country, DC Water, is led by David
L. Gadis, who holds the position of
chief executive officer and general
manager. Mr. Gadis is in charge of a
team of around 1,200 workers and a
budget of $1 billion annually. Since
joining DC Water in May 2018, he
has redefined the organization's
mission and prioritized a new
strategic plan. This entails enhancing
employee and customer involvement,
as well as a dedication to
performance planning and business
process improvement.
In order to address the dual issues of
rising rates and deteriorating
infrastructure, Mr. Gadis has also
established a Stakeholder Alliance
comprising local residents, business
owners, representatives of the church
community, and others. Under his
direction, DC Water is completing a
huge system of deep tunnels and
other infrastructure that it committed
to developing for $2.7 billion in
order to almost completely eliminate
combined sewage overflows to the
Potomac and Anacostia Rivers and
Rock Creek in the nation's capital.
Mr. Gadis has 20 years of expertise
in the field, having previously held
O | 31
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Deandra Coleman | 35
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Joseph Rajkumar | 37
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Vice President
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A Tech Expert Believing
in Equal Opportunities
Kange Kaneene is the Vice President at SAP.iO.
She is both a computer scientist and has an
MBA, and she knows a lot about enterprise
software. Right now, her main goal is to make SAP's
ecosystem grow by helping new and creative startups.
She really cares about making sure everyone has the
same chances in life, and she works hard for it through
education, supporting new businesses, and helping
people who have been in trouble before get back on
their feet.
Below are highlights of the interview conducted
between World's Leaders and Kange Kaneene:
Describe who you are as a person, inside and outside
of the workplace.
My friends and family call me a connector because it
gives me great joy to bring people together. For
example, I have planned large scale events in Portugal,
Morocco, Martha's Vineyard, and many dinner parties
at my apartment.
I have a passion for diversity and creating equally
distributed access to opportunity. I am so proud of what
we are doing at SAP.iO to support representation in
SAP.iO's portfolio. In addition, I am an angel investor
with Pipeline Angels, a group of female investors who
invest in female founders. I am a mentor for
entrepreneurs as a volunteer for Defy Ventures, a non-
profit organization that invests in founders who are
currently or formerly incarcerated. Finally, I am chair of
the public charter school board for KIPP NYC, a
network of public charter schools that focuses on
education parity.
I also have an entrepreneurial spirit. At SAP, I founded
the Black Employee Network (BEN), which has since
scaled to 3 continents and 15 chapters with 6K+
members, including allies. Finally, at the University of
Michigan, I co-founded Girls in Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science (gEECS) in response to the
decreasing number of women in technical disciplines.
The organization has since spread to other universities
and is funded by iconic organizations such as Microsoft
and Goldman Sachs.
As an adult, I have lived in Atlanta, Chicago,
Philadelphia, and Singapore, and I currently live in
Brooklyn, New York.
Describe your background and what did you do
before you started/joined the company?
During high school, I spent a lot of time with my
friends on AOL Messenger. My father mistook my
obsession for an actual interest in computers and
suggested that I study computer science. I followed his
advice and majored in it at the University of Michigan.
It was a grueling curriculum, but I still found time to
have fun and I made great lifelong friends while I was
Instead of working as a software engineer, I accepted a
job with Manhattan Associates, a tech consulting
company. I was based in Atlanta and worked with
clients such as Vera Bradley. After two years, I decided
that consulting was not my lifelong career, and I began
to explore what I needed to do to get accepted to the
business school of my choice. I reviewed applications,
found my gaps, and made sure to correct them over the
next year. After three years at Manhattan Associates, I
left to pursue my MBA at NYU Stern School of
I picked NYU because of its collaborative, team-
oriented culture. While there, I decided I wanted to join
a tech company that had a rotational program as well as
an international footprint. SAP reached out to me, and
they matched my criteria. After the rotational program,
I wanted to work in their corporate strategy department,
and I basically wore the Chief Strategy Officer down
until he hired me. When my program was over, he
offered me a full-time job. After 18 months, the Chief
Revenue Officer was looking for an apprentice, and the
Chief Strategy Officer recommended me. That was a
life changing job that included global travel and a front-
row seat to how decisions are made. After two and a
half years, I did some assignments in Asia (Singapore
and Tokyo) and then moved to New York to work in
business development roles.
While working in business development, my boss | 41
wanted to do an acquisition and asked me to do a market
scan. I loved getting to speak to the heads of different
companies and set the goal of working with startups and
scaleups full time. I started going to demo days and pitch
competitions and asking a lot of questions. In short, I got
the venture bug. I started angel investing and VC scouting
with a specific focus on underrepresented founders. In
parallel, my former boss, SAP's Chief Strategy Officer,
started SAP.iO (SAP's global startup ecosystem) and asked
me to mentor some of the startups in the portfolio. I quickly
gained a rapport with the entire SAP.iO team and was later
recruited to lead SAP.iO North America, which later
launched in Latin America and the Caribbean as well. I am
extremely grateful for the career I have had so far. From my
parents' blueprint of following curiosity, I've fashioned a
career and life out of my passions, which include solving
big problems, building strong relationships, and traveling
the world. I never thought AOL Messenger could have led
to such wonderful adventures. I look forward to continuing
to identify winning start-ups and helping them grow and
Tell us about the inception of the company. How did it
all start?
SAP is the largest enterprise software company in the
world, and is SAP's external startup accelerator.
SAP.iO started in 2017 and was designed to be SAP's
inclusive startup ecosystem. The team has been through
several stages of evolution and has transitioned away from
an umbrella including a corporate venture fund, venture
studio, and intrapreneurship program and is exclusively
focused on an external startup accelerator. However, today
we are proud to say there is no other corporate startup
accelerator in the world like SAP.iO.
As a startup in the enterprise software space with a direct
sales model, acquiring large brands as customers is
uniquely challenging. Understanding the buying
organization for startups to sell into and then getting in
contact with the specific decision-maker within the
organization is a significant barrier. Furthermore, if startups
are lucky enough to secure meetings with the correct
decision-maker, the sales cycles are painfully
long—sometimes 6–18 months.
On the other hand, SAP has massive scale and is trusted by
450K+ customers globally, including 92% of the Forbes
Global 2,000 companies. Still, SAP has opportunities to
42 | SEPTEMBER 2023
innovate further beyond its portfolio to add the most value
for its customers. Therefore, at SAP.iO, we believe SAP
technology paired with the power of startup innovation
amplifies the value we can bring to the world. Here is how
it works: First, the SAP.iO team goes out into the market
and curates the most innovative and relevant startups that
complement SAP's solution portfolio and meet the needs of
its customers. Then SAP and the startups go to market
together with a revenue share. This process generates a
triple win. 1) Startups can leverage SAP's existing
relationships with some of the largest enterprises in the
world and secure revenue contracts. Again, this is extremely
difficult for startups to do on their own. Furthermore,
SAP.iO is non-dilutive, so it does not take equity in
startups, invest, or charge a fee. 2) Customers are
introduced to cutting edge technology that is easily
consumable and integrated into the SAP solution(s) they are
already implementing. 3) SAP delivers optimal value to its
customers as a true innovation partner.
Since its inception in 2017, SAP.iO has already realized
fantastic success. SAP.iO is spread across 11 innovation
hubs around the world with 525+ portfolio companies. To
date, 7K+ interactions have been made between SAP.iO
portfolio companies and SAP customers. 44% of the
portfolio is managed or led by underrepresented individuals
(defined as individuals whose share of venture capital in the
technology sector is disproportionate to the region where
they live). That 44% surpasses or ties the rest of the
portfolio on key metrics: number of exits and unicorns,
amount of venture capital raised, and likelihood to progress
a partnership with SAP.
What has made you successful? What do you value?
The only unit of measure for my success is my ability to
create and maintain meaningful relationships. People have
opened doors for me when they feel confident about my
professional capabilities and ability to lead with empathy,
do the right thing, and be a collaborative team member.
Which are the major services of the company and how
do they the company to get ahead in the competition?
What value-added services does the company provide?
SAP.iO is differentiated because it is non-dilutive and
focused on revenue generating business development.
What are the most important aspects of a company's
culture? What principles do you believe in and how do
you build this culture?
People are the most important contribution to a company's
culture. Establishing an environment where people feel
valued and have opportunities to grow yields the most
What is the significance of innovative ideas in the
We know when we have found the most innovative startups
when SAP's large customers are dying to work with them.
Give us your opinion on; do organizations rely heavily
on individual heroics or team processes?
I think it depends on the group.
What are your responsibilities as the VP of the
company? What is the happiest part of your daily
As the VP of SAP.iO North and Latin America, I am
responsible for three foundries: New York, San Francisco,
and Latin America and the Caribbean. I have seven people
on my team that run the day-to-day operations of each. I
spend most of my time managing the team, generating
partnerships with venture capital firms, attending
entrepreneur ecosystem events, public speaking, and
uplifting startups.
What advice would you give someone going into a
leadership position for the first time?
Be transparent about activities happening within the team
and be vulnerable (when appropriate) about things
happening in your personal life. This helps to build trust
and also inspires your team to be open with you. | 43
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Helping Business
Achieve Higher Results
by Integrating Custom
Designed Behaviour
Based Solutions | 47
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In the ever-changing landscape of
business and management, one name
stands out as a beacon of expertise and
innovation: Phil Bristol. With a
remarkable career spanning over 35
years, Phil has emerged as a
trailblazing force in the industry,
revolutionizing the way organizations
approach project management and
strategic planning. As the Founder and
Managing Principal of Projectivity
Solutions, his visionary leadership has
propelled the company to unparalleled
heights since its inception.
Phil's journey towards excellence
began after his honorable discharge
from the US Army in 1984.
Recognizing his inherent talent for
strategic systems consulting, he swiftly
secured a pivotal role with an esteemed
international pharmaceutical company.
Phil's expertise flourished as he
ascended to the position of manager of
manufacturing systems, honing his
skills and gaining invaluable insights
into the intricacies of corporate
Driven by an unwavering desire to
effect meaningful change, Phil took the
leap of faith and established
Projectivity Solutions in 1990. Initially
catering to the technology companies
in California's vibrant Bay Area, the
company swiftly made its mark by
providing cutting-edge project
management solutions. As the years
progressed, Projectivity Solutions
expanded its scope to encompass
program management consulting and
training, setting new standards of
excellence in the industry.
The Fortune 500 companies soon
recognized Phil's exceptional
capabilities, flocking to avail
themselves of Projectivity Solutions'
transformative services. However, in
2004, Phil made a conscious decision
to shift the company's focus towards
empowering small businesses with
fewer than 500 employees. This
strategic pivot allowed Projectivity
Solutions to make a profound impact
on emerging enterprises, fostering their
growth and facilitating their journey to
Today, Projectivity Solutions boasts an
impressive client portfolio spread
across the United States, Europe, and
India. By continuously evolving its
service offerings, the company has
become a trusted partner for
organizations seeking to embark on the
path of strategic planning, business
process improvement, leadership
development, and organizational
culture transformation. The integration
of these enhanced services provides
clients with a comprehensive suite of
solutions tailored to their unique needs
and maturity levels, ensuring optimal
engagement and long-term success.
With Phil Bristol at the helm,
Projectivity Solutions has not only
withstood the test of time but has
emerged as an industry leader,
pioneering a new era of business
excellence. As we delve into the depths
of Phil's remarkable journey and the
transformative impact of Projectivity
Solutions, prepare to be inspired by the
limitless possibilities that lie within the
realm of strategic management.
Transforming Businesses and
Empowering Leaders
Projectivity Solutions builds people; it
builds relationships; it builds high-
performing trust-based cultures. Unlike
other organizations, Projectivity
Solutions uses over 130 years of
science and research to objectively
gather client data by conducting
targeted "X-Rays" focused on 1)
business operations, 2) relationships, 3)
financial performance, and 4) mindset.
The current core offerings are
Enterprise Foundation Program,
Exceptional Enterprise Program,
Exceptional Manager Program,
Exceptional Mindset Program, and
Exceptional Leader Program.
Enterprise Foundation Program:
Focused on Fast ResultsProjectivity
Solutions grows in-depth solutions that
are uniquely configured to a company's
business. It approaches a business as a
dynamic, living system filled with
interrelated elements. It crafts a
configurable solution by identifying the
most critical factors to infuse into a
business and prioritize accordingly.
Ÿ Exceptional Enterprise Program:
Moving from REACTIVE to
Projectivity Solutions helps grow
exceptional businesses through
Stages of Growth™ methodology
that identifies and infuses missing
vital elements into a company's
ecosystem to create high-
functioning, highly profitable
Just as there are vital elements that
make up a healthy ecosystem, there
are 11 components that make up an
exceptional business. Each piece
corresponds to a structured
engagement that strengthens that
particular business area.
Ÿ Exceptional Manager Program:
Working ON the business, not
working IN the business.
Moving from DOING to CRITICAL
THINKING. The Exceptional Manager
Program is a unique 12-month learning
experience that shapes the management
team into the backbone of an
exceptional company.
Ÿ Exceptional Mindset Program:
Creating a Culture
Moving from ME to WE. An
outward mindset is a foundation for
how we help leaders achieve
sustainable growth and
performance. An outward mindset
is a foundation for true
collaboration and collective
business success. As such, a
leader's inward or outward mindset
profoundly impacts leadership | 49
ou can benefit your organization's
future key decision-makers by
investing in leadership development.
The long-term success of your business may
depend on identifying future leaders and
giving them the tools,they may need to
develop their careers and lead teams to
success. In this mentorship and instruction
program,Robert Nichols,owner of Union
UTA Martial Arts/SAMI Combat Systems of
NJ,educates people to be leaders. He thinks
that teamwork,public speaking,and
educational drills all help to develop future
Transforming Good People Skills into the Capacity
to Influencing Others
50 | SEPTEMBER 2023
“If I can be
honest with
myself and I'm
able to check
these off,
then I've had
a good day.”
Robert Nichols
Union UTA Mar al Arts/
SAMI Combat Systems of NJ | 51
A Story of Success
Robert Nichols likes to consider himself a common person. He is one of those
individuals who truly started from scratch and was fortunate enough that his
efforts and a little bit of good fortune allowed him to achieve success. He's been
running his school and business for more than 20 years. After five years of
running it, he bought it. Running a business is different from studying martial
arts. He had no formal training at all in managing the firm. But he's always been
open to picking things up and adapting. In his opinion, the most significant thing
is that he has changed and evolved. He thinks this is the key to longevity in a
sector like the martial arts, where tradition is so important that many schools
and teachers don't change or adapt.
52 | SEPTEMBER 2023
UTA Martial Arts/SAMI Combat
Systems Of NJ
Union UTA Martial Arts was a highly
typical TKD school when it first
opened its doors in 2001. Robert
genuinely thinks they wouldn't be here
today if things had continued that way.
Evolution is a theory that Mr. Nichols
and his team firmly support. Now, they
consider themselves to be a modern
martial arts program. They are a self-
defense and personal development
school, not an "MMA" or "sport
karate" academy. It's different now than
it was even a few years ago, and
Robert thinks it will be different in a
few years. Evolution is crucial.
The only SAMI Combat Systems
School in the Western Hemisphere is
there as well. SAMICS is a highly
renowned martial arts organization in
Europe that was established in Vienna,
Austria by Peter Weckauf. It is a
modular system that covers a range of
combat topics, including street self-
defense, law enforcement tactics, knife
combat, axe combat, and more.
Wears Many Hats
Robert Nichols has multiple hats to
wear, just like any other business
owner. He can be involved in
maintenance, cleaning, sales calls,
marketing, or customer service
depending on the day. But in his
situation, it also entails being a teacher
and a motivator. His role as a motivator
is the most crucial one. It encourages
learners to put forth more effort and
accomplish more. Staff members are
inspired to work hard and with
discipline to teach others. Parents who
are monitoring lessons are encouraged
to develop confidence and trust that
they are allocating their time and
resources wisely.
Robert keeps a daily task checklist app
on his phone. There are things he needs
to do to see if he followed a healthy
diet that day and if he met his daily
step goal. He is reminded to post on
social media on particular days. Mr.
Nichols believes that the three most
important tasks he checks off each day
are to create a positive moment with
his wife, his child, and did he work to
improve his school.
Therefore, these chores force him to
pause and reflect towards the end of
the day when he is at home and sitting
down, scrolling through his phone and
his tasks for the day.
Accountable for Growth
Robert believes that training more
leaders is always advantageous to
companies. He thinks that leaders can
take many different shapes and that the
qualities of one can counteract the
weaknesses of another. Additionally,
because different people lead in
various ways, having more developed
leaders at a company increases the
likelihood that you will have the best
person for each job.
Robert believes that creating strong
leaders will enable his company to
serve more students more effectively.
On some days, there are 30 to 40
students in each session on the floor.
However, managing the group is
simple if they have 10–12 strong,
established members of the Leadership
Team. It wasn't until much later in life
that Robert realized the importance of
education. He therefore makes a great
effort to continually read, listen to, and
take in things that will help. He
therefore makes a concerted effort to
constantly study, listen to, and watch
materials that advance his
development. However, he believes
that consistently holding himself
accountable is the most crucial thing he
does. If he isn't continuously holding
himself accountable for improvement,
he can't expect students to follow his
instructions or others to invest their
time and money in his program. | 53
54 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 55
56 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 57
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World’s Pioneering Business Leaders to Watch in 2023.pdf

  • 1. NICOLA Revolutionizing Design Education for Skilled Design Professionals World’s Pioneering BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS Leaders Leaders Leaders to Watch in 2023 PIGHI CEO | Hdemy Group Vol. 09 | Issue 11 | September 2023
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  • 4. World's Pioneering Business Leaders to Watch in 2023 Leaders with an objective have the ability to drastically change the course of their organizations. These managers provide their employees a feeling of purpose and guidance toward more significant goals. Visionary leaders motivate their team members and clients as a result. Many strategies may be used to lead with vision. As a leader, nobody is created the same way. Business management has definitely evolved through time. Usually, these changes reflect the dominant cultural and economic trends. In today's society, customers want to support companies that are passionate and dedicated to transforming the world. This is something that businesses can only do with visionary leadership. World's leaders in its latest edition “World's Pioneering Business Leaders to Watch in 2023” sheds some light on the importance and role of leadership and business leaders in economic development and society. The cover features Nicola Pighi who embarked on a challenging yet fulfilling path. Fueled by an unwavering passion to make quality education accessible to all, Pighi's visionary spirit gave birth to Hdemy Group and NAD Nuova Accademia del Design. As the CEO of Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia del Design, Nicola assumes a range of crucial responsibilities encompassing strategic planning, business development, and ensuring the overall success and growth of the organization. Working closely with a talented team, Nicola drives innovation, identifies new market opportunities, and fosters a positive and enriching learning experience for students. Looking ahead, Nicola envisions Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia del Design as a global leader in the digital education landscape over the next five years. The organization's trajectory will involve a continuous expansion of course offerings, reinforcing partnerships with renowned industry experts, and leveraging emerging technologies to deliver unparalleled learning experiences. The primary focus will be on empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in the digital age, equipping them with the essential skills and knowledge necessary for success in their respective fields. While we come to the end, please do not forget to read the CXO standpoints written by industry experts and the informative articles penned down by our in-house editorial team. Pioneering the Business Transformation Have a lovely read!
  • 5. Copyright 2023 WORLD’S LEADERS Media Tech LLC, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from WORLD’S LEADERS Reprint rights remain solely with WORLD’S LEADERS. 3296 Westerville Rd #250, Columbus, OH 43224, USA Follow us on : Editor-in-Chief Steve Sanchez Managing Editor Jagdish Chincholikar Executive Editor Nicole Williams Assistant Editor Gayatri Bhujbal Art & Design Director Jack Anderson Business Development Manager Mia Oliver Business Development Executive Natalie, Jerrey Associate Designer Kevin Rust Digital Marketing Manager Victor Clarke Sales Manager Casey Simpson, Irfan Shekh Marketing Manager Tom Swann Technical Specialist Barry Jones Circulation Manager Danny Parker CREDIT PAGE SEPTEMBER 2023
  • 6. Nicola Pighi Revolutionizing Design Education for Skilled Design Professionals 10 COVER STORY
  • 7. Biba Pédron David Gadis Joseph Rajkumar Roderick Deeds Phil Bristol Robert Nichols Deandra Coleman Kange Kaneene April Blackwell 54 50 46 40 36 32 28 22 18
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  • 11. Nicola Pighi Revolutionizing Design Education for Skilled Design Professionals COVER STORY Discover the dynamic realm of Hdemy Group NAD, a hub brimming with youthful talent and finely honed professional profiles for the world of design. As an entrepreneur in the education sphere, Nicola Pighi embarked on a challenging yet fulfilling path. Fueled by an unwavering passion to make quality education accessible to all, Pighi's visionary spirit gave birth to Hdemy Group and NAD Nuova Accademia del Design. As the CEO of Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia del Design, Nicola assumes a range of crucial responsibilities encompassing strategic planning, business development, and ensuring the overall success and growth of the organization. Working closely with a talented team, Nicola drives innovation, identifies new market opportunities, and fosters a positive and enriching learning experience for students. | 11
  • 13. Looking ahead, Nicola envisions Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia del Design as a global leader in the digital education landscape over the next five years. The organization's trajectory will involve a continuous expansion of course offerings, reinforcing partnerships with renowned industry experts, and leveraging emerging technologies to deliver unparalleled learning experiences. The primary focus will be on empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in the digital age, equipping them with the essential skills and knowledge necessary for success in their respective fields. Under Nicola's leadership, Hdemy Group/NAD aims to remain at the forefront of the industry by embracing innovation, driving impactful growth, and providing a transformative educational journey for its learners. By aligning strategic planning with a deep commitment to excellence, Nicola envisions a future where Hdemy Group/NAD plays a pivotal role in shaping the digital education landscape, empowering learners worldwide to achieve their goals and contribute meaningfully to the modern world. Empowering Learners Worldwide Hdemy Group, along with its flagship brand NAD Nuova Accademia del Design (, stands as a prominent global educational organization renowned for providing a vast array of innovative learning solutions. Its core objective revolves around empowering individuals and businesses with the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive in the contemporary world. By offering an extensive range of online courses, training programs, and professional certifications, the institution caters to a diverse audience from various backgrounds and industries, with a particular focus on the realm of design. Spanning a wide spectrum of subjects, Hdemy Group's offerings encompass business and entrepreneurship, technology and digital skills, leadership and management, creative arts and design, as well as personal development. Leveraging state-of-the- art technologies and industry expertise, the institution consistently delivers captivating and interactive learning experiences, ensuring accessibility anytime and anywhere for its learners. Today, Hdemy Group's impact resonates in the lives of countless learners, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to soar in their careers. Pivotal to this success is the remarkable transformation of a struggling startup into a thriving e- learning platform. Through strategic alliances and an unwavering focus on customer needs, Hdemy Group identified the pain points of their target audience and tailored their offerings accordingly. The result? Exponential growth and the solidification of Hdemy Group as a trusted brand in the multifaceted education industry of design, spanning interior, product, fashion, and graphic disciplines. Transforming Education for a Changing World Nicola identifies three key areas that require transformation in both society and education: Ÿ Access to Education: Nicola advocates for greater access to quality education worldwide. By leveraging technology and eliminating barriers such as geographical constraints and financial limitations, he believes that everyone should have equal opportunities to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for success. Through the use of digital platforms and online learning, education can become more accessible and inclusive, breaking down traditional boundaries. Ÿ Lifelong Learning: Nicola firmly believes that education should extend beyond a specific phase of life. He recognizes the importance of lifelong learning and continuous skill development in an ever- changing world. Encouraging individuals to embrace learning as an ongoing journey empowers them to adapt to the evolving demands of the modern workforce. By fostering a culture of curiosity and a growth mindset, individuals can continuously acquire new skills, explore new fields, and stay relevant throughout their lives. Ÿ Closing the Skills Gap: The rapid advancement of technology has resulted in a significant skills gap in various industries. Nicola emphasizes the need to address this gap by equipping learners with the skills that are in high demand. This can be achieved through collaboration between educational institutions and industry partners, ensuring that educational programs align with the needs of the job market. Additionally, upskilling programs and continuous feedback loops between educators and employers can play a crucial role in closing the skills gap and preparing individuals for meaningful employment opportunities. From Doubt to Success One of the most significant risks that Nicola took as a professional was venturing into the online education space when it was still in its early stages. During that time, there was considerable skepticism surrounding the viability and potential of online learning. However, Nicola had unwavering faith in the transformative power of technology to revolutionize education, and he decided to take the leap. Through perseverance and continuous improvement, Hdemy Group emerged | 13
  • 14. as a recognized leader in the digital education industry, particularly in the field of design. Nicola's risk-taking paid off, as the organization's commitment to innovation, adaptability, and assembling a talented team allowed them to transform the initial doubt into a resounding success. Today, Hdemy Group is renowned for its contributions to the digital education landscape, empowering learners worldwide with high-quality education and positioning itself as a leader in the design education sphere. Personalized Learning and Empowering Education Nicola emphasizes that Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia del Design places a strong emphasis on personalized learning and learner engagement. The institution recognizes that each individual has unique learning preferences and goals, and it strives to provide a tailored learning experience that meets their specific needs. With a dedicated team of instructors and mentors, Hdemy Group/NAD is committed to supporting learners throughout their educational journey, ensuring their success and satisfaction. Furthermore, Hdemy Group/NAD takes great pride in its commitment to corporate social responsibility. The institution actively engages in initiatives that promote equality, diversity, and environmental sustainability. By giving back to the community and championing social causes, Hdemy Group/NAD seeks to make a positive impact beyond the realm of education. The opportunity to be featured in the magazine is met with enthusiasm from Hdemy Group/NAD. The institution is dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations through transformative education and looks forward to inspiring others to unlock their full potential. Commitment to Lifelong Learning and Advice for Emerging Leaders As a business leader, Nicola firmly believes in the significance of continuous growth and development. Recognizing the importance of staying ahead in an ever-evolving landscape, he consistently invests in his own learning and professional advancement. This commitment manifests through active participation in industry conferences, enrollment in executive education programs, and the cultivation of a network comprising mentors and advisors who challenge and inspire him. Particularly in the fields of art, design, and architecture, Nicola seeks to broaden his knowledge and stay abreast of the latest trends and advancements. To emerging leaders, Nicola offers valuable advice: embrace change and innovation. In the rapidly changing world we live in, the ability to adapt and embrace new technologies and business models is paramount. Encouraging emerging leaders to remain open to new ideas and approaches enables them to navigate and leverage the opportunities presented by change. Additionally, Nicola emphasizes the importance of fostering a culture of collaboration and diversity within organizations. By cultivating an inclusive environment that values diverse perspectives and backgrounds, emerging leaders can harness the power of collective intelligence. This, in turn, leads to better decision-making and fuels innovation within the organization. Path to Global Leadership in Digital and Design Education Looking ahead, Nicola's envisions Hdemy Group/NAD Nuova Accademia del Design as a future global leader in digital and design education. The organization's objective is to consistently broaden its course offerings, establishing collaborations with industry experts and renowned institutions to ensure learners have access to the most pertinent and up-to- date knowledge available. Additionally, Hdemy Group/NAD plans to leverage emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and virtual reality to create immersive and personalized learning experiences. By expanding its repertoire of courses and forging strategic partnerships, Hdemy Group/NAD aims to stay at the forefront of the industry, meeting the evolving needs of learners. The organization's commitment to incorporating cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, demonstrates its dedication to enhancing the educational experience. By creating immersive and personalized learning environments, Hdemy Group/NAD seeks to empower learners and enable them to thrive in the digital and design landscape. NAD offers telematics and face-to-face training and will soon be introducing classes with the help of virtual reality in collaboration with Vection Technologies ( ) and their 3d frame software for cisco webex. NAD has chosen C-BOX as a privileged partner to ensure the validity and authenticity of its students' skills. The platform offers a user-friendly experience and a safe and fast validation system for the badges issued, giving significant value to the skills acquired by students during their training. 14 | SEPTEMBER 2023
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  • 23. Empowering Women Entrepreneurs and Nurturing Mindsets for the Next Generation | 23
  • 25. Biba Pédron International Biba Pédron International is a coaching company that primarily caters to women entering the business world. From Biba's perspective, the company was born out of a realization she had many years ago, shortly after starting her second business in New York. It became apparent to her that women entrepreneurs often require more information and support than their male counterparts due to the overwhelming abundance of information and critical feedback. Women face unique challenges, as they are frequently hesitant to take up space and express themselves. Having worked in both the French and US markets, Biba also observed that French women entrepreneurs struggle even more with visibility compared to their American counterparts. This stark contrast inspired Biba to dedicate herself to a mission: empowering French women entrepreneurs to overcome their fears, embrace success, and become role models. Biba spearheading efforts such as Club Impacter Au Féminin in April 2021, following the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. This group arose in response to the loneliness that women felt during the lockdown, when they were confined to their houses, operating their companies or jobs during the day, caring for their children in the evenings, and keeping domestic obligations. The absence of external networking opportunities, such as lunches or conferences, further contributed to their isolation. Biba established the practical Club Impacter Au Féminin, with the goal of providing a virtual platform for women to meet, discuss their businesses, handle difficulties, and share their growth methods. Arenowned business and mindset expert, Biba Pédron is a best-selling author, and interna onal speaker who has empowered countless entrepreneurs and professionals to unlock their full poten al in the realms of marke ng, social media, branding, and mindset. With her transforma ve strategies, Biba's clients have experienced remarkable results, o en doubling or even tripling their revenues within a mere 90 days. Originally from France, Biba has been living in the United States since 2003, bringing her unique perspec ve and cross-cultural exper se to her work. She is the visionary behind the groundbreaking "Success of Women" summit, the first-ever Francophone summit exclusively designed for and presented by women. This influen al event serves as a pla orm for women to connect, inspire, and share their stories of triumph. Biba's latest summit, tled "MDR: The Winning Formula for a Successful Life," draws its inspira on from her book of the same name. Breaking away from the conven onal understanding of "MDR" as an abbrevia on for "Mort De Rire" (meaning "Dying of Laughter" in French), Pédron redefines it as "Mo va on + Determina on = Realiza on" of one's dreams, projects, or objec ves. Through this powerful concept, she guides individuals to embrace unwavering mo va on and unwavering determina on, leading them towards the actualiza on of their deepest aspira ons. Fuelled by her unwavering passion to empower others, Biba's driving force lies in helping individuals thrive with enthusiasm and unwavering determina on. Her empowering message is specifically tailored for women, as she aims to infuse them with posi ve energy and dispel any doubts about their own poten al. Biba believes that every woman possesses the capability to achieve their goals, create fulfilling ventures, and forge paths that resonate with their true selves. | 25
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  • 28. David Gadis Utility Sector Visionary who is Improving Both Customer Satisfaction and Employee Engagement 28 | SEPTEMBER 2023
  • 31. the positions of CEO and President of Veolia Water Indianapolis as well as Executive Vice President of Veolia North America. He was the first African American president and CEO of that utility, as well as the first African American CEO to oversee a significant utility in Indianapolis. Life Before DC Water Before starting his professional career, David Gadis was entirely focused on the prospect of a basketball career. He put in a lot of effort at Pike High School in Indianapolis to raise his level of play and help his teammates succeed. He had been selected as Team MVP, an all-state player by the Associated Press and United Press International, an All-American by Street and Smith Magazine, and had received a scholarship to play at Southern Methodist University after three seasons as a starting guard at Pike. He received several honours throughout his time at SMU, including Freshman of the Year, Team Captain, and "Mr. Hustle". The team participated in the 1983–84 NCAA National Tournament before falling to the Georgetown Hoyas. Georgetown went on to win the title, and were led by junior centre Patrick Ewing. David had the good fortune that many of the abilities he developed on the basketball court—such as leadership, responsibility, and preparation—also applied well to the corporate world and the water industry. One of the biggest and most well- known water companies in the country, DC Water, is led by David L. Gadis, who holds the position of chief executive officer and general manager. Mr. Gadis is in charge of a team of around 1,200 workers and a budget of $1 billion annually. Since joining DC Water in May 2018, he has redefined the organization's mission and prioritized a new strategic plan. This entails enhancing employee and customer involvement, as well as a dedication to performance planning and business process improvement. In order to address the dual issues of rising rates and deteriorating infrastructure, Mr. Gadis has also established a Stakeholder Alliance comprising local residents, business owners, representatives of the church community, and others. Under his direction, DC Water is completing a huge system of deep tunnels and other infrastructure that it committed to developing for $2.7 billion in order to almost completely eliminate combined sewage overflows to the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers and Rock Creek in the nation's capital. Mr. Gadis has 20 years of expertise in the field, having previously held O | 31
  • 36. 36 | SEPTEMBER 2023 Joseph Rajkumar
  • 41. A Tech Expert Believing in Equal Opportunities Kange Kaneene is the Vice President at SAP.iO. She is both a computer scientist and has an MBA, and she knows a lot about enterprise software. Right now, her main goal is to make SAP's ecosystem grow by helping new and creative startups. She really cares about making sure everyone has the same chances in life, and she works hard for it through education, supporting new businesses, and helping people who have been in trouble before get back on their feet. Below are highlights of the interview conducted between World's Leaders and Kange Kaneene: Describe who you are as a person, inside and outside of the workplace. My friends and family call me a connector because it gives me great joy to bring people together. For example, I have planned large scale events in Portugal, Morocco, Martha's Vineyard, and many dinner parties at my apartment. I have a passion for diversity and creating equally distributed access to opportunity. I am so proud of what we are doing at SAP.iO to support representation in SAP.iO's portfolio. In addition, I am an angel investor with Pipeline Angels, a group of female investors who invest in female founders. I am a mentor for entrepreneurs as a volunteer for Defy Ventures, a non- profit organization that invests in founders who are currently or formerly incarcerated. Finally, I am chair of the public charter school board for KIPP NYC, a network of public charter schools that focuses on education parity. I also have an entrepreneurial spirit. At SAP, I founded the Black Employee Network (BEN), which has since scaled to 3 continents and 15 chapters with 6K+ members, including allies. Finally, at the University of Michigan, I co-founded Girls in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (gEECS) in response to the decreasing number of women in technical disciplines. The organization has since spread to other universities and is funded by iconic organizations such as Microsoft and Goldman Sachs. As an adult, I have lived in Atlanta, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Singapore, and I currently live in Brooklyn, New York. Describe your background and what did you do before you started/joined the company? During high school, I spent a lot of time with my friends on AOL Messenger. My father mistook my obsession for an actual interest in computers and suggested that I study computer science. I followed his advice and majored in it at the University of Michigan. It was a grueling curriculum, but I still found time to have fun and I made great lifelong friends while I was there. Instead of working as a software engineer, I accepted a job with Manhattan Associates, a tech consulting company. I was based in Atlanta and worked with clients such as Vera Bradley. After two years, I decided that consulting was not my lifelong career, and I began to explore what I needed to do to get accepted to the business school of my choice. I reviewed applications, found my gaps, and made sure to correct them over the next year. After three years at Manhattan Associates, I left to pursue my MBA at NYU Stern School of Business. I picked NYU because of its collaborative, team- oriented culture. While there, I decided I wanted to join a tech company that had a rotational program as well as an international footprint. SAP reached out to me, and they matched my criteria. After the rotational program, I wanted to work in their corporate strategy department, and I basically wore the Chief Strategy Officer down until he hired me. When my program was over, he offered me a full-time job. After 18 months, the Chief Revenue Officer was looking for an apprentice, and the Chief Strategy Officer recommended me. That was a life changing job that included global travel and a front- row seat to how decisions are made. After two and a half years, I did some assignments in Asia (Singapore and Tokyo) and then moved to New York to work in business development roles. While working in business development, my boss | 41
  • 42. wanted to do an acquisition and asked me to do a market scan. I loved getting to speak to the heads of different companies and set the goal of working with startups and scaleups full time. I started going to demo days and pitch competitions and asking a lot of questions. In short, I got the venture bug. I started angel investing and VC scouting with a specific focus on underrepresented founders. In parallel, my former boss, SAP's Chief Strategy Officer, started SAP.iO (SAP's global startup ecosystem) and asked me to mentor some of the startups in the portfolio. I quickly gained a rapport with the entire SAP.iO team and was later recruited to lead SAP.iO North America, which later launched in Latin America and the Caribbean as well. I am extremely grateful for the career I have had so far. From my parents' blueprint of following curiosity, I've fashioned a career and life out of my passions, which include solving big problems, building strong relationships, and traveling the world. I never thought AOL Messenger could have led to such wonderful adventures. I look forward to continuing to identify winning start-ups and helping them grow and succeed. Tell us about the inception of the company. How did it all start? SAP is the largest enterprise software company in the world, and is SAP's external startup accelerator. SAP.iO SAP.iO started in 2017 and was designed to be SAP's inclusive startup ecosystem. The team has been through several stages of evolution and has transitioned away from an umbrella including a corporate venture fund, venture studio, and intrapreneurship program and is exclusively focused on an external startup accelerator. However, today we are proud to say there is no other corporate startup accelerator in the world like SAP.iO. As a startup in the enterprise software space with a direct sales model, acquiring large brands as customers is uniquely challenging. Understanding the buying organization for startups to sell into and then getting in contact with the specific decision-maker within the organization is a significant barrier. Furthermore, if startups are lucky enough to secure meetings with the correct decision-maker, the sales cycles are painfully long—sometimes 6–18 months. On the other hand, SAP has massive scale and is trusted by 450K+ customers globally, including 92% of the Forbes Global 2,000 companies. Still, SAP has opportunities to 42 | SEPTEMBER 2023
  • 43. innovate further beyond its portfolio to add the most value for its customers. Therefore, at SAP.iO, we believe SAP technology paired with the power of startup innovation amplifies the value we can bring to the world. Here is how it works: First, the SAP.iO team goes out into the market and curates the most innovative and relevant startups that complement SAP's solution portfolio and meet the needs of its customers. Then SAP and the startups go to market together with a revenue share. This process generates a triple win. 1) Startups can leverage SAP's existing relationships with some of the largest enterprises in the world and secure revenue contracts. Again, this is extremely difficult for startups to do on their own. Furthermore, SAP.iO is non-dilutive, so it does not take equity in startups, invest, or charge a fee. 2) Customers are introduced to cutting edge technology that is easily consumable and integrated into the SAP solution(s) they are already implementing. 3) SAP delivers optimal value to its customers as a true innovation partner. Since its inception in 2017, SAP.iO has already realized fantastic success. SAP.iO is spread across 11 innovation hubs around the world with 525+ portfolio companies. To date, 7K+ interactions have been made between SAP.iO portfolio companies and SAP customers. 44% of the portfolio is managed or led by underrepresented individuals (defined as individuals whose share of venture capital in the technology sector is disproportionate to the region where they live). That 44% surpasses or ties the rest of the portfolio on key metrics: number of exits and unicorns, amount of venture capital raised, and likelihood to progress a partnership with SAP. What has made you successful? What do you value? The only unit of measure for my success is my ability to create and maintain meaningful relationships. People have opened doors for me when they feel confident about my professional capabilities and ability to lead with empathy, do the right thing, and be a collaborative team member. Which are the major services of the company and how do they the company to get ahead in the competition? What value-added services does the company provide? SAP.iO is differentiated because it is non-dilutive and focused on revenue generating business development. What are the most important aspects of a company's culture? What principles do you believe in and how do you build this culture? People are the most important contribution to a company's culture. Establishing an environment where people feel valued and have opportunities to grow yields the most success. What is the significance of innovative ideas in the company? We know when we have found the most innovative startups when SAP's large customers are dying to work with them. Give us your opinion on; do organizations rely heavily on individual heroics or team processes? I think it depends on the group. What are your responsibilities as the VP of the company? What is the happiest part of your daily routine? As the VP of SAP.iO North and Latin America, I am responsible for three foundries: New York, San Francisco, and Latin America and the Caribbean. I have seven people on my team that run the day-to-day operations of each. I spend most of my time managing the team, generating partnerships with venture capital firms, attending entrepreneur ecosystem events, public speaking, and uplifting startups. What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time? Be transparent about activities happening within the team and be vulnerable (when appropriate) about things happening in your personal life. This helps to build trust and also inspires your team to be open with you. | 43
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  • 47. Helping Business Achieve Higher Results by Integrating Custom Designed Behaviour Based Solutions | 47
  • 49. In the ever-changing landscape of business and management, one name stands out as a beacon of expertise and innovation: Phil Bristol. With a remarkable career spanning over 35 years, Phil has emerged as a trailblazing force in the industry, revolutionizing the way organizations approach project management and strategic planning. As the Founder and Managing Principal of Projectivity Solutions, his visionary leadership has propelled the company to unparalleled heights since its inception. Phil's journey towards excellence began after his honorable discharge from the US Army in 1984. Recognizing his inherent talent for strategic systems consulting, he swiftly secured a pivotal role with an esteemed international pharmaceutical company. Phil's expertise flourished as he ascended to the position of manager of manufacturing systems, honing his skills and gaining invaluable insights into the intricacies of corporate operations. Driven by an unwavering desire to effect meaningful change, Phil took the leap of faith and established Projectivity Solutions in 1990. Initially catering to the technology companies in California's vibrant Bay Area, the company swiftly made its mark by providing cutting-edge project management solutions. As the years progressed, Projectivity Solutions expanded its scope to encompass program management consulting and training, setting new standards of excellence in the industry. The Fortune 500 companies soon recognized Phil's exceptional capabilities, flocking to avail themselves of Projectivity Solutions' transformative services. However, in 2004, Phil made a conscious decision to shift the company's focus towards empowering small businesses with fewer than 500 employees. This strategic pivot allowed Projectivity Solutions to make a profound impact on emerging enterprises, fostering their growth and facilitating their journey to success. Today, Projectivity Solutions boasts an impressive client portfolio spread across the United States, Europe, and India. By continuously evolving its service offerings, the company has become a trusted partner for organizations seeking to embark on the path of strategic planning, business process improvement, leadership development, and organizational culture transformation. The integration of these enhanced services provides clients with a comprehensive suite of solutions tailored to their unique needs and maturity levels, ensuring optimal engagement and long-term success. With Phil Bristol at the helm, Projectivity Solutions has not only withstood the test of time but has emerged as an industry leader, pioneering a new era of business excellence. As we delve into the depths of Phil's remarkable journey and the transformative impact of Projectivity Solutions, prepare to be inspired by the limitless possibilities that lie within the realm of strategic management. Transforming Businesses and Empowering Leaders Projectivity Solutions builds people; it builds relationships; it builds high- performing trust-based cultures. Unlike other organizations, Projectivity Solutions uses over 130 years of science and research to objectively gather client data by conducting targeted "X-Rays" focused on 1) business operations, 2) relationships, 3) financial performance, and 4) mindset. The current core offerings are Enterprise Foundation Program, Exceptional Enterprise Program, Exceptional Manager Program, Exceptional Mindset Program, and Exceptional Leader Program. Enterprise Foundation Program: Focused on Fast ResultsProjectivity Solutions grows in-depth solutions that are uniquely configured to a company's business. It approaches a business as a dynamic, living system filled with interrelated elements. It crafts a configurable solution by identifying the most critical factors to infuse into a business and prioritize accordingly. Ÿ Exceptional Enterprise Program: Moving from REACTIVE to FOCUSED Projectivity Solutions helps grow exceptional businesses through Stages of Growth™ methodology that identifies and infuses missing vital elements into a company's ecosystem to create high- functioning, highly profitable organizations. Just as there are vital elements that make up a healthy ecosystem, there are 11 components that make up an exceptional business. Each piece corresponds to a structured engagement that strengthens that particular business area. Ÿ Exceptional Manager Program: Working ON the business, not working IN the business. Moving from DOING to CRITICAL THINKING. The Exceptional Manager Program is a unique 12-month learning experience that shapes the management team into the backbone of an exceptional company. Ÿ Exceptional Mindset Program: Creating a Culture Moving from ME to WE. An outward mindset is a foundation for how we help leaders achieve sustainable growth and performance. An outward mindset is a foundation for true collaboration and collective business success. As such, a leader's inward or outward mindset profoundly impacts leadership | 49
  • 50. Robert Robert Nichols Y ou can benefit your organization's future key decision-makers by investing in leadership development. The long-term success of your business may depend on identifying future leaders and giving them the tools,they may need to develop their careers and lead teams to success. In this mentorship and instruction program,Robert Nichols,owner of Union UTA Martial Arts/SAMI Combat Systems of NJ,educates people to be leaders. He thinks that teamwork,public speaking,and educational drills all help to develop future leaders. Transforming Good People Skills into the Capacity to Influencing Others 50 | SEPTEMBER 2023
  • 51. “If I can be honest with myself and I'm able to check these off, then I've had a good day.” ‘‘ Robert Nichols owner Union UTA Mar al Arts/ SAMI Combat Systems of NJ | 51
  • 52. A Story of Success Robert Nichols likes to consider himself a common person. He is one of those individuals who truly started from scratch and was fortunate enough that his efforts and a little bit of good fortune allowed him to achieve success. He's been running his school and business for more than 20 years. After five years of running it, he bought it. Running a business is different from studying martial arts. He had no formal training at all in managing the firm. But he's always been open to picking things up and adapting. In his opinion, the most significant thing is that he has changed and evolved. He thinks this is the key to longevity in a sector like the martial arts, where tradition is so important that many schools and teachers don't change or adapt. 52 | SEPTEMBER 2023
  • 53. UTA Martial Arts/SAMI Combat Systems Of NJ Union UTA Martial Arts was a highly typical TKD school when it first opened its doors in 2001. Robert genuinely thinks they wouldn't be here today if things had continued that way. Evolution is a theory that Mr. Nichols and his team firmly support. Now, they consider themselves to be a modern martial arts program. They are a self- defense and personal development school, not an "MMA" or "sport karate" academy. It's different now than it was even a few years ago, and Robert thinks it will be different in a few years. Evolution is crucial. The only SAMI Combat Systems School in the Western Hemisphere is there as well. SAMICS is a highly renowned martial arts organization in Europe that was established in Vienna, Austria by Peter Weckauf. It is a modular system that covers a range of combat topics, including street self- defense, law enforcement tactics, knife combat, axe combat, and more. Wears Many Hats Robert Nichols has multiple hats to wear, just like any other business owner. He can be involved in maintenance, cleaning, sales calls, marketing, or customer service depending on the day. But in his situation, it also entails being a teacher and a motivator. His role as a motivator is the most crucial one. It encourages learners to put forth more effort and accomplish more. Staff members are inspired to work hard and with discipline to teach others. Parents who are monitoring lessons are encouraged to develop confidence and trust that they are allocating their time and resources wisely. Robert keeps a daily task checklist app on his phone. There are things he needs to do to see if he followed a healthy diet that day and if he met his daily step goal. He is reminded to post on social media on particular days. Mr. Nichols believes that the three most important tasks he checks off each day are to create a positive moment with his wife, his child, and did he work to improve his school. Therefore, these chores force him to pause and reflect towards the end of the day when he is at home and sitting down, scrolling through his phone and his tasks for the day. Accountable for Growth Robert believes that training more leaders is always advantageous to companies. He thinks that leaders can take many different shapes and that the qualities of one can counteract the weaknesses of another. Additionally, because different people lead in various ways, having more developed leaders at a company increases the likelihood that you will have the best person for each job. Robert believes that creating strong leaders will enable his company to serve more students more effectively. On some days, there are 30 to 40 students in each session on the floor. However, managing the group is simple if they have 10–12 strong, established members of the Leadership Team. It wasn't until much later in life that Robert realized the importance of education. He therefore makes a great effort to continually read, listen to, and take in things that will help. He therefore makes a concerted effort to constantly study, listen to, and watch materials that advance his development. However, he believes that consistently holding himself accountable is the most crucial thing he does. If he isn't continuously holding himself accountable for improvement, he can't expect students to follow his instructions or others to invest their time and money in his program. | 53