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Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                     1

                                                                             Shifting Generational Attitudes
                                                                             During Economic Change
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change

                                                          Table of Contents
                                                            1       Introduction

                                                            3       What the Generations Really Want: It’s Not so Different

                                                            6 Career Plans: Building Skills and Moving On
                                                            8 Ready to Retire … or Not?
                                                          10 Bridging the Generational Gaps
                                                          12 Hiring Managers Weigh in on Worker Productivity
                                                          14 Recession Lessons: Back to Basics
                                                          15 Survey Methodology and Demographics
                                                          16 About Robert Half





                                                                                                                                 Gen X
        Baby Boomers

        The ENIAC            The XEROX®            TV color           The Rolodex      The Hula Hoop®     The IBM®               E-mail starts       Apollo 11        The Busicom
        computer,            Model A               broadcasting       is marketed      is launched and    Selectric              as a way for        astronauts       desk calculator
        completed in         becomes the           begins in          in 1956 to       sells for $1.98.   typewriter,            multiple users of   take the first   uses the first
        1946, could fill a   world’s first         1953.              store business   Twenty-five        an influential         a time-sharing      walk on the      commercial
        small house from     xerographic                              contact          million were       model of electric      mainframe           moon.            microprocessor.
        floor to ceiling.    copier.                                  information.     sold in four       typewriters, is        computer to
                                                                                       months.            unveiled in 1961.      communicate.
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                                                1

           Introduction                                              Overview
                                                                     Has the Great Recession changed the perceptions of
                                                                     multiple generations about the workplace? Has it re-
                                                                                                                                         any of your staffing needs. For more information on
                                                                                                                                         hiring and retention, visit
                                                                     arranged their priorities and goals for their profession-
                                                                     al lives? What issues concern them most? This report                Generations We Surveyed
                                                                     addresses the most notable changes in the workplace                 • Generation Y: Born primarily between 1979 and
                                                                     in the wake of the recession and the shifting attitudes               1999, this generation’s oldest members, ages 21
                                                                     of employees and employers in a changing economy. It                  to 31, are already in the workforce.
                                                                     also shows that the experience of working through this
                                                                                                                                         • Generation X: Born roughly between 1965 and
                                                                     difficult period has served to unify generations.
                                                                                                                                           1978, workers representing this generation range
                                                                     Workplace Redefined is a research initiative that high-               in age from 32 to 45 years.
                                                                     lights key trends and provides timely advice to help                • Baby Boomers: Born between 1946 and 1964,
                                                                     you recruit and retain talented employee teams of all                 members of this generation range from 46 to
                                                                     generations, both now and in the future. We hope you                  64 years.
                                                                     find it useful and invite you to contact us for help with






          Gen Y

Modern fax          MTV, an                  The Nintendo®        Microsoft®            IBM launches     Sony introduces         Google is            Apple®                Founded
machines            American                 Entertainment        releases its          its ThinkPad     its fifth-generation    founded. Its name    introduces            in 2005,
become              cable television         System is            earliest version of   line of laptop   era video game          is a play on the     the iPod®, an         YouTube
feasible in         network,                 launched to eager    the Office suite      computers.       console, the            word googol, the     MP3 music             becomes the
the workplace in    launches in              video game           of productivity                        PlayStation.            mathematical term    player that fits      world’s most
the mid-1970s.      1981.                    enthusiasts.         applications.                                                  for a one followed   in your pocket.       popular online
                                                                                                                                 by 100 zeros.                              video community.
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                               2

About the Research
This white paper summarizes data from a multigen-
erational study of currently employed workers in the
United States and Canada. Robert Half commissioned
a web survey of 1,453 working adults, including                                               Findings
502 hiring managers, sampling men and women
from each generation. The purpose of the study was                      • Foosball Out; Salary, Benefits and Stability In
to gain insight into the various generations’ attitudes                   — Compensation, benefits and company stability are the top three factors for all generations
and opinions about the post-recession workplace                             when evaluating an employment opportunity.
and to compare the generational perspectives on:
                                                                        • Healthcare and Time Off Are Prized Benefits
• Employment opportunities                                                — These were cited as most important in determining job satisfaction for all generations.
• Job satisfaction                                                      • Many Intend to Seek Greener Pastures
• Multigenerational work teams                                            — 40 percent of workers said they’re more inclined today to look for new
• Career plans                                                              opportunities outside their firms.
• Work environment preferences                                               — 31 percent of employees plan to stay put and build tenure with their companies.
• Retirement plans                                                      • Retirement May Be on Hold
                                                                          — 46 percent of people surveyed plan to work past the traditional retirement age.
                                                                        • The Multigenerational Workplace Has Benefits and Challenges
                                                                          — 43 percent of workers polled say that varying experience levels and areas of expertise
                                                                            are the greatest benefits of a multigenerational workplace, but they cite differences in
                                                                            work ethic and approach to work/life balance as the biggest challenges.
                                                                             — 72 percent of hiring managers find it challenging to manage teams composed of
                                                                               members of different generations.
                                                                        • Hiring Managers Expect More Productivity
                                                                          — 50 percent of managers polled expect their teams’ productivity levels to increase
                                                                             as the economy recovers.
                                                                             — 41 percent of hiring managers say they believe employees are working smarter.
                                                                             — 33 percent of managers supplement their teams with project professionals during
1962                                                                           annual workload peaks.
The Chevrolet Impala is the top-selling car in the United States.
                                                                             — 33 percent use interim professionals to help with major new projects.
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                                          3

What the Generations
Really Want:
It’s Not so Different                                                                                                                               1976
                                                                                                                                                    iCom launches the “Frugal
                                                                                                                                                    Floppy,” an 8-inch drive that
                                                                                                                                                    retails for $1,200.

Salary and Stability for Security’s Sake
Without question, recent economic conditions                                                                             • To assist with recruitment and retention,
have sharpened workers’ focus on stability. Having                                                                         consider flexible scheduling and/or tele-
witnessed firsthand the downturn’s impact on the
                                                                                     for Employers                         commuting – much-desired benefits for
jobless rate, those we surveyed place more weight                   • When recruiting candidates from all genera-          all generations.
on jobs that offer greater financial security for the                 tions, emphasize your company’s competitive        • If possible, try to keep compensation in line
future. In fact, all generations rank working for a                   salary and benefits, stability, and reputation.      with or slightly above what competitors in
stable company and having a strong sense of job                                                                            your market are paying. If raises are not
                                                                    • To retain your best people, support their
security as most important in their current work                                                                           possible, consider one-time bonuses.
                                                                      professional goals and create opportunities
environment. In addition, baby boomers, Gen Xers
                                                                      for training and career advancement.               • Award bonuses as soon as you are able. If
and Gen Yers all prioritize salary, benefits and job
stability highest when evaluating an employment                     • Given that all generations rank dental care          they are typically provided annually, consider
opportunity.                                                          among the top three benefits (see Page 5),           splitting them into more frequent payouts
                                                                      it could be a smart recruitment and retention        throughout the year.
Generational Differences:                                             strategy to provide this benefit if your company   • Bonuses and other financial rewards aren’t
• For baby boomers, benefits and company stability                    doesn’t already.                                     the only type of acknowledgement that mat-
  surpass salary in level of importance.                                                                                   ters; consider offering on-the-spot awards,
• Gen Yers rank opportunities for advancement                                                                              such as gift certificates or movie tickets.
  and job title higher than do Gen Xers and
  baby boomers.
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                                     4

Recession Lessons                                               What Workers Value Most                                Keeping an Eye on the Prize
                                                                Employees were asked to rate the importance of         Employees surveyed were asked to rate on a 10-
Survey respondents were asked to identify
                                                                the following work environment factors on a scale of   point scale the importance of the following when
the most valuable career lesson they learned
                                                                one to 10 (one being least important and 10 being      evaluating an employment offer (one being least
during the recession:
                                                                most important):                                       important and 10 being most important):
• Gen Yer: “Focus on skills and knowledge develop-
  ment to increase your value to your company.”                                Working for a
                                                                             stable company                  8.8                        Salary                           9.0
• Gen Xer: “Don’t take your job for granted.”                         Having a strong sense
                                                                              of job security                8.8                      Benefits                          8.9
• Baby Boomer: “Stability is king.”
                                                                    Having work/life balance                 8.7                     Company
                                                                                                                                      stability                         8.9

                                                                   Working with people I enjoy                               Opportunities for
                                                                                                             8.6         professional growth/                           8.6
                                                                     Working with a manager
                                                                 I can respect and learn from                8.6
                                                                                                                            Company location                        8.4

                                                                    Having a short commute             7.5
                                                                                                                         Company leadership                        8.0
                                                                                Working with
                                                                  state-of-the-art technology         7.1                Company reputation/
                                                                                                                            brand recognition                     7.8
                                                                        Working for a socially
                                                                        responsible company           7.1                    In-house training
                                                                                                                                    programs                 7.2
                                                                                Having a nice
                                                                                 office space
                                                                                                                                      Job title             6.7

1977                                                                                                                             Diversity of
Hungarian Erno Rubik receives                                                                                                 company's staff          6.1
a patent for a unique puzzle
constructed of interlocking                                                                                             Tuition reimbursement          6.1
cubes. Since then, more than
300 million Rubik’s Cubes®                                                                                                Company's charity/
have been sold.                                                                                                           philanthropic efforts       5.8
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                                   5

Healthcare and Time Off Are Top Benefits                        Employees were asked to rate how important the             All Work, Little Pay?
Healthcare is a key concern. All generations rated              following benefits and perks are as they pertain to        Employees surveyed said they feel their compensa-
its importance to their overall job satisfaction at             overall job satisfaction on a scale of one to 10 (one      tion has not kept pace with the amount of work
9.1 out of 10, with 10 being most important.                    being least important and 10 being most important):        they’re doing. More than one-third of workers
                                                                                                                           believe they have yet to be fairly compensated for
The second highest-ranking benefit was vacation/                Healthcare/extended*
                                                                 healthcare coverage
                                                                                                                     9.1   the extra work they performed during leaner times.
paid time off at 9.0 on a scale of one to 10. The
                                                                                                                           Perhaps that’s why four in 10 professionals polled
long hours many professionals have put in during                              Vacation
                                                                        (paid time off)                              9.0   are inclined to seek new job opportunities as the
the recession are likely fueling the desire for time
off to recharge.                                                                                                           economy improves.
                                                                           Dental care
                                                                             coverage                              8.6
                                                                                                                           Workers were asked if they think they are being fairly
Generational Differences:
                                                                                                               8.3         compensated for having assumed a greater workload:
• 401(k) plans/Registered Retirement Savings                                 program
  Plans (RRSP) (in Canada) and bonus programs
  rank higher with Gen Xers and baby boomers                                 Bonuses                         7.8
  than with Gen Y workers.
                                                                  Flexible work hours/
                                                                                                             7.7                          22% Yes          37% No
• Gen Y employees place more value on on-site                          telecommuting
  perks (e.g., dry cleaning, fitness centers, cafeterias
  or subsidized lunches), as well as subsidized                                  plans                 7.1
  transportation, gym memberships and snacks or
                                                                  Subsidized training/                                                      41% Workload
  lunch, than other generations.                                            education                  6.9
                                                                                                                                                has not
                                                                *Unique to Canada

                                                                                                                           “Thirty years of life/work
                                                                                                                           experience and reputation will
                                                                                                                           always beat a recession.”
                                                                                                                                        — Baby boomer survey respondent
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                                           6

                                                                                                                          Generational Differences:
                                                                                                                          • More than one-third (36 percent) of Gen Yers

Career Plans:                                                                                                               plan to look for new opportunities in their field.
                                                                                                                          • 30 percent of Gen Xers and even fewer baby

Building Skills and                                                                                                         boomers (24 percent) plan to make a move.

                                                                                                                          Post-recession career plans:

Moving On                                                                                                                     Enhance my
                                                                                                                                               Gen Y         Gen X         Baby Boomer

                                                                                                                                  skill set                                    38%
                                                                                                                               Build tenure
                                                                Self-Improvement and Self-Marketing                       with my company                                33%
                                                                If there’s one lesson employees learned from the
                                                                recession, it’s that having a variety of skills and          Look for new
                                                                                                                          job opportunities
                                                                wearing many hats can be valuable sources of job                                               24%
                                                                security. Perhaps that’s why more than one-third of
                                                                all survey respondents plan to improve their skill sets        Strive for a                    24%
                                                                to become more marketable. As training becomes a                promotion
                                                                greater focus, employers can benefit from providing                                              25%
                                                                opportunities for their teams to learn new skills,             Work more                         25%
                                                                hone existing ones and become more tech-savvy.                                         16%
                                                                Communication, customer service and project                                               20%
                                                                management are examples of areas in which                         Go back                19%
                                                                                                                                 to school
                                                                workers of all ages can improve.                                                10%
3M introduces Post-it® Notes,                                                                                                                              20%
which create a whole new                                        Seeking Greener Pastures                                    Make a career            15%
category in the marketplace and                                 Although job stability is highly prized, more than                                 12%
change people’s communication
and organization behavior forever.
                                                                twice as many workers surveyed say their experi-               Work fewer 4%
                                                                ences during the downturn have made them more                       hours 4%
                                                                inclined to look for new job opportunities than those                         6%
                                                                who are less likely to switch employers.                                               16%
                                                                                                                            Will not make
                                                                                                                            any changes                      21%
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                                     7

                       for Employers
     • Gen Yers, also known as Millennials, are eager             • Many professionals want to build tenure with          • Make retention of top performers a priority.
       to seek promotions, but they also are most                   their firms, so offer assignments that allow them       Let them know that, just as they were asked
       likely to seek job opportunities elsewhere.                  to expand their skills and support their efforts at     to make sacrifices during the downturn, they
       Give them regular feedback and empower                       professional development (e.g., provide tuition         can expect to be rewarded as conditions
       them to take on roles that leverage their                    reimbursement, online training, time off to attend      improve. You can also make the environment
       strengths, such as leading a social networking               seminars, workshops or conferences). Gen Xers           more fun for all generations with pizza lunches
       task force to promote the business’s products                and boomers surveyed place more value on in-            or ice cream socials, outings to sporting
       or services.                                                 house training programs, and Gen Y and Gen X            events or theaters, or philanthropic activities.
                                                                    employees appreciate subsidized education.

Onward and Upward                                               Measuring Employee Engagement                               Bring Back Bonuses!
Workers were asked whether the recession has                    Employees were asked how engaged they are in                Following are the cut or reduced benefits/perks
made them more or less inclined to look for new job             their work as a result of their experiences during the      that employees want reinstated as the economy
opportunities outside their firms. Their responses:             recession. Their responses:                                 improves:
                                                                                                                            1. Bonuses
               40%                                                              28%                                         2. 401(k)/RRSP* matching programs
               More                                                             More
            inclined                                                         engaged                                        3. Subsidized training/education
                                    18%                                                             18%                     4. Profit-sharing plans
                                    Less                                                            Less
                                    inclined                                                        engaged                 5. Employee discounts
                                                                                                                            6. Free/subsidized snacks/lunches
                                                                                                                            7. Subsidized transportation
Workers to Employers:                                           In what may come as a pleasant surprise, 28 percent         Top responses shown. *Unique to Canada
Show Us the Money                                               of employees feel more engaged in their jobs as a
In addition to staff cutbacks, many companies elimi-            result of the recession. This number increases to
nated or decreased year-end and merit bonuses during            31 percent among U.S. respondents. This may be
the recession. Now, workers want to be rewarded                 because professionals have taken on new responsi-
for their efforts: Nearly one-third expect to see their         bilities and faced challenges that weren’t previously
bonuses reinstated as the economy improves.                     part of their workday. As a result, employees in all
                                                                generations may feel more invested in their com-
                                                                pany’s success.
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                               8

Ready to Retire … or Not?
                                                                Professionals of all generations have seen their
                                                                nest eggs affected by the global financial crisis. Not
                                                                surprisingly, 46 percent of respondents said they
                                                                plan to work past the traditional retirement age of 65                     for Employers
                                                                (51 percent in the United States and 31 percent in
                                                                Canada), with 70 percent attributing this decision       • All employees appreciate the option of
                                                                to the impact of the recession. Thirty-one percent         flexible schedules, but consider offering
                                                                of workers say they are investing or saving more           shorter hours, telecommuting or other
                                                                money toward retirement.                                   alternative work arrangements that might
                                                                                                                           appeal to those nearing retirement age.
                                                                As employees strive to save more money, many will
                                                                remain in the workforce longer. Some professionals       • If your firm offers attractive retirement
                                                                near retirement age may be attracted to shorter            savings programs, be sure to highlight
                                                                workweeks or consulting arrangements. Companies            those in all of your recruiting materials.
                                                                that wish to hire these experienced workers should       • Work with your HR department to help
                                                                consider offering alternative work arrangements            educate members of Generation Y, in
                                                                that allow these professionals to keep one foot in         particular, about saving for retirement early
                                                                the workforce while also exploring their hobbies and       in their careers and the resources your firm
1984                                                            interests.                                                 may offer to help.
Apple launches the Macintosh® computer.
                                                                                                                         • Help employees save money by offering
                                                                Generational Differences:                                  group discounts to services they use most,
                                                                • 54 percent of baby boomers plan to remain in the         such as cell phone providers, dry cleaning,
                                                                  workforce past retirement age.                           fitness centers and public transportation.
                                                                • 45 percent of U.S. boomers say the recession has       • Some boomers may appreciate the option
                                                                  had a very strong impact on their decision to work       to take on a transitional role prior to
                                                                  longer, compared to 11 percent in Canada.                retiring, such as a consultant or trainer, to
                                                                • Just over one-quarter (27 percent) of Gen Yers           transfer their knowledge to less-experienced
                                                                  place strong blame on the recession for their            employees.
                                                                  decision to stay longer in the workforce.
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                                  9

“No matter what, I should always keep talking to people and
make sure I have opened up all possible career opportunities,
even if they are future opportunities.”
                                                                             — Gen Y survey respondent

Postponing Retirement                                           The Recession’s Impact                                 Changes in Saving Patterns
Respondents on whether they expect to work past                 Workers weigh in on how much of an impact this         Employees were asked if they are saving/investing
the traditional retirement age of 65:                           recession has had on their decision to work past       more or less for retirement since the recession:
           Gen Y          Gen X         Baby Boomer             the traditional retirement age:
                                                                                                                                    Gen Y         Gen X       Baby Boomer
                                                                                 United States         Canada
                                  39%                                                                                                               31%
                                                                   Very strong                             39%
   Yes                                  46%                                                                                 More                        34%
                                                                 Somewhat of                           34%
                                                                   an impact                                                                                        52%
                          29%                                                                             37%
                                                                                                                       No change                              45%
    No                   27%                                                                     24%
                                                                    No impact                                                                                 45%
                     25%                                                                                         47%
                           32%                                                                                              Less            20%
  Don't                  27%                                                                                                                  26%
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                    10

Bridging the
Generational Gaps
Baby boomers, Gen Xers and Gen Yers all agree:                  Generations Joining Forces
There are benefits and challenges to working on                 Employees identify top benefits of working with
multigenerational teams. Communication styles or                multiple generations:
even the use of technology may vary, but ultimately,
multigenerational teams learn from each other, and              1. Brings together people of varying
bringing together diverse groups increases productivity.           experience levels                                                1984
                                                                                                                                    The world’s first commercial
Hiring managers also interviewed for the survey had             2. Allows for greater diversity of project teams                    portable cell phone becomes
                                                                                                                                    available to consumers.
strong opinions about managing a multigenerational              3. Allows for mentoring opportunities
workforce. Seventy-two percent said it was some-
what or very challenging, while just 20 percent felt            Differing Values on Work
it wasn’t challenging.                                          Respondents reveal the greatest challenges
                                                                of working with multiple generations:
No Generation Gap Here:
                                                                1. Different work ethic and approach to
• 43 percent of workers surveyed say multigenera-                  work/life balance                               Communication styles or even
  tional teams bring together people of varying
  experience levels to provide knowledge in                     2. Conflicting communication styles                the use of technology may vary,
  specific areas.                                               3. Different points of view make it harder to
                                                                   reach consensus
                                                                                                                   but ultimately, multigenerational
• 27 percent of those we surveyed say working with
  multiple generations allows for greater diversity of                                                             teams learn from each other.
  project teams so all points of view are heard.
• 45 percent of all generations say the greatest
  challenge is that each generation has a different
  work ethic and approach to work/life balance.
• 20 percent of survey respondents say the biggest
  challenge is conflicting communication styles.
• 35 percent say working on multigenerational
  teams has led to increased productivity.
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                   11

Together We Can Do More                                         Managing Multigenerational Teams
Professionals were asked how working on a multi-                Managers were asked how challenging it is manag-
generational team affects their productivity:                   ing a team consisting of multiple generations.
                                                                Their responses:
        productivity                                                            15% Very
                                    Decreases                                9% Does         57%
                                    productivity                             not apply       Somewhat
                                                                               20% Not                                             The World Wide Web allows
                                                                               challenging                                         links to be made to information
                                                                                                                                   anywhere on the Internet.

                                                                • Encourage project teams to use a variety
                                                                  of communication protocols to facilitate
                                                                                                                   “Work hard, even when no one
                       for Employers                              workflow, including use of e-mail, instant       is watching.”
                                                                  messaging, group meetings and one-on-
                                                                  one discussions.                                            — Gen X survey respondent
   • Set up informal cross-training or coaching
     sessions, so employees of different generations            • Don’t overlook the value of mentoring
     can share their respective areas of expertise.               programs as a learning and teaching
                                                                  opportunity for everyone. A Gen Yer, for
   • Encourage staff members to offer differ-                     example, may volunteer to mentor some-
     ing points of view and innovative solutions                  one who has less experience using Twitter
     to business challenges. The best ideas may                   and Facebook in the workplace.
     come from an employee right out of college, a
     veteran with 20 years of work experience                   • Determine the real reason managing a
     or someone in between.                                       multigenerational team may be challenging.
                                                                  Is it a difference in experience levels, work
   • Assist employees in developing project                       ethic or personalities? Consider an off-site
     workflows or processes that accommodate                      team-building exercise to promote better
     differing work styles. Some employees may                    synergies.
     leverage collaboration tools such as SharePoint®,
     while others prefer more traditional styles of
     document sharing.
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                                    12

                                                                                                                         Was There a ‘Recession Effect’?
                                                                                                                         • 50 percent of hiring managers said they expect

Hiring Managers Weigh in                                                                                                   their teams’ productivity levels to increase as the
                                                                                                                           economy improves.

on Worker Productivity
                                                                                                                         • Of that number, 41 percent said their employees
                                                                                                                           are working smarter; 19 percent attributed produc-
                                                                                                                           tivity gains to employees working longer hours.
                                                                                                                         • 22 percent of managers surveyed are hiring
                                                                                                                           additional staff or bringing in project support to
                                                                                                                           boost their teams’ productivity levels.
                                                                Like employees, hiring managers have learned some
                                                                valuable lessons from the recession, most notably its    • Among the 5 percent of hiring managers who
                                                                impact on productivity. The downsizings of the past        foresee a decrease in productivity, 60 percent
                                                                two years have resulted in remaining employees             attribute it to staff burnout.
                                                                working longer hours and, for some, experiencing
                                                                                                                         Hiring Managers Call in the Reinforcements
                                                                burnout. Despite this, more hiring managers said they
                                                                expect their teams’ productivity levels to increase      To help maintain productivity during challenging
                                                                as the economy improves because employees have           times, many companies have relied on temporary
Research In Motion® launches the                                                                                         professionals. This trend will likely continue as firms
BlackBerry® smartphone.                                         learned to work smarter. Companies also have relied
                                                                on project or interim professionals to help core staff   strive to staff more efficiently and avoid future layoffs.
                                                                get through lean times.                                  • Since the recession, 24 percent of employers
                                                                With more professionals deferring retirement and           surveyed have increased their use of temporary
                                                                remaining on the job longer, the workforce will con-       and project professionals.
                                                                tinue to be comprised of at least three generations.     • 33 percent of respondents use project
                                                                But 78 percent of employees agree productivity has         professionals during peak workload periods.
                                                                not suffered because the workforce is becoming           • 33 percent of managers polled rely on interim
                                                                increasingly multigenerational.                            help for major new projects.
                                                                                                                         • 27 percent of managers use temporary and
“Loyalty to your company pays off, even though the results might not                                                       project professionals as a buffer to help existing
be apparent for a while.”                                                                                                  employees manage rising workloads.

                                                                             — Baby boomer survey respondent
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                         13

 A Team Effort
 Production Boost a Boon                                        The Efficiency Factor                                 Running on Empty
 Hiring managers were asked if they expect their                Managers cite the primary reason they expect          Managers reveal the primary reason they expect
 teams’ productivity levels to increase, decrease               their teams’ productivity levels to increase:         their teams’ productivity levels to decrease:
 or remain the same post-recession:
                                                                1. Employees are working smarter.                     1. Employee burnout
                                                                2. They are hiring additional staff or bringing in    2. Staff cutbacks
                50%                                                project support.
            Increase                                                                                                  3. Employee turnover
                                                                3. Employees are working longer hours.


Upping Interim Support                                          A Helping Hand                                        “The people in your workplace
How hiring managers’ use of temporary or project                Reasons hiring managers have used temporary or
professionals has changed since the recession:                  project professionals in their companies*:            really make or break your work
                                                                     Assist during annual
                                                                                                                      experience. Treating them well
               24%                                                    peak work periods
          Increased                                                      Assist with major                            has huge rewards.”
                                                                             new projects                       33%
                                                                 Alleviate rising workloads                                       — Baby boomer survey respondent
                                                                     of existing employees                27%
                                    Decreased                           Access skills that
                                                                      don't exist internally
                                                                     Evaluate as potential
                                                                      full-time employees             23%

                                                                *Multiple responses permitted
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                                  14

Recession Lessons:
Back to Basics
                                                                One thing the recession has shown us is that the        to seek new job opportunities. Others will opt to
                                                                generations are not that different when it comes to     remain in their current jobs and build their skill sets
                                                                the workplace. Baby boomers, Gen Xers and Gen Yers      to make themselves more valuable to their employers.
                                                                share a common desire for stability, more money
                                                                                                                        For hiring managers, recruitment and retention
                                                                and healthcare coverage – all elements of a secure
                                                                                                                        efforts should be based on giving employees what
                                                                future. Yet their experiences during a difficult
The business networking site                                                                                            they value most: competitive salaries and meaningful
                                                                economic period have had a strong impact on their
LinkedIn is launched and now has                                                                                        benefits, opportunities for advancement, and a sense
more than 65 million members                                    views and perceptions about the workplace. They
                                                                                                                        that their jobs will remain secure.
worldwide.                                                      have a greater awareness of what’s most important
                                                                to them, both personally and professionally, and what   The most forward-thinking employers clearly under-
                                                                they need from their employers.                         stand their future is tied to their ability to retain the
                                                                                                                        best people and leverage the unique contributions
                                                                Although Gen Yers have certainly learned a hard
                                                                                                                        of a multigenerational workforce. No matter how
                                                                lesson about the employment market, a significant
                                                                                                                        economic conditions shift, now is the time to start
                                                                number of them, as well as other generations, intend
                                                                                                                        rewarding the efforts of individuals among all gen-
                                                                                                                        erations. Companies that actively develop attractive
                                                                                                                        employee programs and identify clear career paths
                                                                                                                        for their top performers will be prepared for growth
                                                                                                                        as the business climate improves.
“I’m thankful I have a job at all. My father was laid off from a large
company . . . that put everything in perspective for me.”
                                                                                     — Gen Y survey respondent
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                                                   15

Survey Methodology
and Demographics                                                                                                                  2004
                                                                                                                                  The social networking site
                                                                                                                                  Facebook launches. It now has
                                                                                                                                  more than 400 million active
                                                                                                                                  users and is growing.

The information in this report is based on a survey
                                                                   Male                        716
developed by Robert Half and conducted by an
independent research firm. It includes a total of 1,453         Female                          737
web interviews of employed professionals in North                 Total                                                   1,453
America between 21 and 64 years of age (716 males                                                                                 2006
                                                                Total employed workers surveyed includes 502 hiring managers
and 737 females), including 502 hiring managers.                                                                                  Twitter launches, enabling users
Members of the baby boomer generation (approximate                                                                                to send and read tweets of up to
                                                                                                                                  140 characters.
ages 46 to 64 years old) and Generation X (approxi-
mate ages 32 to 45 years old) are employed full-time
and have college degrees. Members of Generation Y
surveyed (approximate ages 21 to 31 years old) are
employed full-time or part-time and have college
degrees or are currently attending college.

“It pays to be with a company or within a field of work that can offer
job stability and security.”
                                                                                            — Gen Y survey respondent
Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change                                                 16

About Robert Half
                                                                Founded in 1948, Robert Half is the world’s first and
                                                                largest specialized staffing firm, with more than 360
                                                                offices worldwide. Our company regularly appears on
                                                                FORTUNE® magazine’s list of the “World’s Most
                                                                Admired Companies.” Our professional staffing divi-
                                                                sions include Accountemps®, Robert Half® Finance &
                                                                Accounting and Robert Half® Management Resources,
                                                                for temporary, full-time and senior-level project
                                                                professionals, respectively, in the fields of accounting
                                                                and finance; OfficeTeam®, for highly skilled office and
                                                                administrative support professionals; Robert Half®
                                                                Technology, for project and full-time technology
                                                                professionals; Robert Half® Legal, for project and
                                                                full-time staffing of lawyers, paralegals and legal
                                                                support personnel; and The Creative Group®, for
                                                                creative, advertising, marketing, web and public
                                                                relations professionals. For more information about
                                                                the specialized staffing and recruitment divisions of
                                                                Robert Half, visit

                                  Robert Half ® Finance &

                                  Robert Half ® Management

                                  Robert Half ® Technology

                                  OfficeTeam ®

                                  Robert Half ® Legal

                                  The Creative Group®

                                  Connect with us:

                                  © 2010 Robert Half. An Equal Opportunity Employer.
                                  All trademarks contained herein are the property of • 1.800.803.8367   their respective owners. RH-0410-0063

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Workplace Redefined[1]

  • 1. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 1 Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change
  • 2. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change Table of Contents 1 Introduction 3 What the Generations Really Want: It’s Not so Different 6 Career Plans: Building Skills and Moving On 8 Ready to Retire … or Not? 10 Bridging the Generational Gaps 12 Hiring Managers Weigh in on Worker Productivity 14 Recession Lessons: Back to Basics 15 Survey Methodology and Demographics 16 About Robert Half 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1975 1970 Gen X Baby Boomers The ENIAC The XEROX® TV color The Rolodex The Hula Hoop® The IBM® E-mail starts Apollo 11 The Busicom computer, Model A broadcasting is marketed is launched and Selectric as a way for astronauts desk calculator completed in becomes the begins in in 1956 to sells for $1.98. typewriter, multiple users of take the first uses the first 1946, could fill a world’s first 1953. store business Twenty-five an influential a time-sharing walk on the commercial small house from xerographic contact million were model of electric mainframe moon. microprocessor. floor to ceiling. copier. information. sold in four typewriters, is computer to months. unveiled in 1961. communicate.
  • 3. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 1 Introduction Overview Has the Great Recession changed the perceptions of multiple generations about the workplace? Has it re- any of your staffing needs. For more information on hiring and retention, visit arranged their priorities and goals for their profession- al lives? What issues concern them most? This report Generations We Surveyed addresses the most notable changes in the workplace • Generation Y: Born primarily between 1979 and in the wake of the recession and the shifting attitudes 1999, this generation’s oldest members, ages 21 of employees and employers in a changing economy. It to 31, are already in the workforce. also shows that the experience of working through this • Generation X: Born roughly between 1965 and difficult period has served to unify generations. 1978, workers representing this generation range Workplace Redefined is a research initiative that high- in age from 32 to 45 years. lights key trends and provides timely advice to help • Baby Boomers: Born between 1946 and 1964, you recruit and retain talented employee teams of all members of this generation range from 46 to generations, both now and in the future. We hope you 64 years. find it useful and invite you to contact us for help with 2000 2005 1980 1985 1990 1995 2010 Gen Y Modern fax MTV, an The Nintendo® Microsoft® IBM launches Sony introduces Google is Apple® Founded machines American Entertainment releases its its ThinkPad its fifth-generation founded. Its name introduces in 2005, become cable television System is earliest version of line of laptop era video game is a play on the the iPod®, an YouTube feasible in network, launched to eager the Office suite computers. console, the word googol, the MP3 music becomes the the workplace in launches in video game of productivity PlayStation. mathematical term player that fits world’s most the mid-1970s. 1981. enthusiasts. applications. for a one followed in your pocket. popular online by 100 zeros. video community.
  • 4. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 2 About the Research This white paper summarizes data from a multigen- erational study of currently employed workers in the United States and Canada. Robert Half commissioned a web survey of 1,453 working adults, including Findings 502 hiring managers, sampling men and women from each generation. The purpose of the study was • Foosball Out; Salary, Benefits and Stability In to gain insight into the various generations’ attitudes — Compensation, benefits and company stability are the top three factors for all generations and opinions about the post-recession workplace when evaluating an employment opportunity. and to compare the generational perspectives on: • Healthcare and Time Off Are Prized Benefits • Employment opportunities — These were cited as most important in determining job satisfaction for all generations. • Job satisfaction • Many Intend to Seek Greener Pastures • Multigenerational work teams — 40 percent of workers said they’re more inclined today to look for new • Career plans opportunities outside their firms. • Work environment preferences — 31 percent of employees plan to stay put and build tenure with their companies. • Retirement plans • Retirement May Be on Hold — 46 percent of people surveyed plan to work past the traditional retirement age. • The Multigenerational Workplace Has Benefits and Challenges — 43 percent of workers polled say that varying experience levels and areas of expertise are the greatest benefits of a multigenerational workplace, but they cite differences in work ethic and approach to work/life balance as the biggest challenges. — 72 percent of hiring managers find it challenging to manage teams composed of members of different generations. • Hiring Managers Expect More Productivity — 50 percent of managers polled expect their teams’ productivity levels to increase as the economy recovers. — 41 percent of hiring managers say they believe employees are working smarter. — 33 percent of managers supplement their teams with project professionals during 1962 annual workload peaks. The Chevrolet Impala is the top-selling car in the United States. — 33 percent use interim professionals to help with major new projects.
  • 5. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 3 What the Generations Really Want: It’s Not so Different 1976 iCom launches the “Frugal Floppy,” an 8-inch drive that retails for $1,200. Salary and Stability for Security’s Sake Without question, recent economic conditions • To assist with recruitment and retention, have sharpened workers’ focus on stability. Having consider flexible scheduling and/or tele- witnessed firsthand the downturn’s impact on the for Employers commuting – much-desired benefits for jobless rate, those we surveyed place more weight • When recruiting candidates from all genera- all generations. on jobs that offer greater financial security for the tions, emphasize your company’s competitive • If possible, try to keep compensation in line future. In fact, all generations rank working for a salary and benefits, stability, and reputation. with or slightly above what competitors in stable company and having a strong sense of job your market are paying. If raises are not • To retain your best people, support their security as most important in their current work possible, consider one-time bonuses. professional goals and create opportunities environment. In addition, baby boomers, Gen Xers for training and career advancement. • Award bonuses as soon as you are able. If and Gen Yers all prioritize salary, benefits and job stability highest when evaluating an employment • Given that all generations rank dental care they are typically provided annually, consider opportunity. among the top three benefits (see Page 5), splitting them into more frequent payouts it could be a smart recruitment and retention throughout the year. Generational Differences: strategy to provide this benefit if your company • Bonuses and other financial rewards aren’t • For baby boomers, benefits and company stability doesn’t already. the only type of acknowledgement that mat- surpass salary in level of importance. ters; consider offering on-the-spot awards, • Gen Yers rank opportunities for advancement such as gift certificates or movie tickets. and job title higher than do Gen Xers and baby boomers.
  • 6. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 4 Recession Lessons What Workers Value Most Keeping an Eye on the Prize Employees were asked to rate the importance of Employees surveyed were asked to rate on a 10- Survey respondents were asked to identify the following work environment factors on a scale of point scale the importance of the following when the most valuable career lesson they learned one to 10 (one being least important and 10 being evaluating an employment offer (one being least during the recession: most important): important and 10 being most important): • Gen Yer: “Focus on skills and knowledge develop- ment to increase your value to your company.” Working for a stable company 8.8 Salary 9.0 • Gen Xer: “Don’t take your job for granted.” Having a strong sense of job security 8.8 Benefits 8.9 • Baby Boomer: “Stability is king.” Having work/life balance 8.7 Company stability 8.9 Working with people I enjoy Opportunities for 8.6 professional growth/ 8.6 advancement Working with a manager I can respect and learn from 8.6 Company location 8.4 Having a short commute 7.5 Company leadership 8.0 Working with state-of-the-art technology 7.1 Company reputation/ brand recognition 7.8 Working for a socially responsible company 7.1 In-house training programs 7.2 Having a nice 6.7 office space Job title 6.7 1977 Diversity of Hungarian Erno Rubik receives company's staff 6.1 a patent for a unique puzzle constructed of interlocking Tuition reimbursement 6.1 cubes. Since then, more than 300 million Rubik’s Cubes® Company's charity/ have been sold. philanthropic efforts 5.8
  • 7. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 5 Healthcare and Time Off Are Top Benefits Employees were asked to rate how important the All Work, Little Pay? Healthcare is a key concern. All generations rated following benefits and perks are as they pertain to Employees surveyed said they feel their compensa- its importance to their overall job satisfaction at overall job satisfaction on a scale of one to 10 (one tion has not kept pace with the amount of work 9.1 out of 10, with 10 being most important. being least important and 10 being most important): they’re doing. More than one-third of workers believe they have yet to be fairly compensated for The second highest-ranking benefit was vacation/ Healthcare/extended* healthcare coverage 9.1 the extra work they performed during leaner times. paid time off at 9.0 on a scale of one to 10. The Perhaps that’s why four in 10 professionals polled long hours many professionals have put in during Vacation (paid time off) 9.0 are inclined to seek new job opportunities as the the recession are likely fueling the desire for time off to recharge. economy improves. Dental care coverage 8.6 Workers were asked if they think they are being fairly Generational Differences: 401(k)/RRSP* 8.3 compensated for having assumed a greater workload: • 401(k) plans/Registered Retirement Savings program Plans (RRSP) (in Canada) and bonus programs rank higher with Gen Xers and baby boomers Bonuses 7.8 than with Gen Y workers. Flexible work hours/ 7.7 22% Yes 37% No • Gen Y employees place more value on on-site telecommuting perks (e.g., dry cleaning, fitness centers, cafeterias Profit-sharing or subsidized lunches), as well as subsidized plans 7.1 transportation, gym memberships and snacks or Subsidized training/ 41% Workload lunch, than other generations. education 6.9 has not changed *Unique to Canada “Thirty years of life/work experience and reputation will always beat a recession.” — Baby boomer survey respondent
  • 8. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 6 Generational Differences: • More than one-third (36 percent) of Gen Yers Career Plans: plan to look for new opportunities in their field. • 30 percent of Gen Xers and even fewer baby Building Skills and boomers (24 percent) plan to make a move. Post-recession career plans: Moving On Enhance my Gen Y Gen X Baby Boomer 35% skill set 38% 28% 29% Build tenure Self-Improvement and Self-Marketing with my company 33% 31% If there’s one lesson employees learned from the 36% recession, it’s that having a variety of skills and Look for new job opportunities 30% wearing many hats can be valuable sources of job 24% security. Perhaps that’s why more than one-third of 31% all survey respondents plan to improve their skill sets Strive for a 24% to become more marketable. As training becomes a promotion 17% greater focus, employers can benefit from providing 25% opportunities for their teams to learn new skills, Work more 25% hours hone existing ones and become more tech-savvy. 16% Communication, customer service and project 20% management are examples of areas in which Go back 19% to school workers of all ages can improve. 10% 1980 3M introduces Post-it® Notes, 20% which create a whole new Seeking Greener Pastures Make a career 15% change category in the marketplace and Although job stability is highly prized, more than 12% change people’s communication and organization behavior forever. twice as many workers surveyed say their experi- Work fewer 4% ences during the downturn have made them more hours 4% inclined to look for new job opportunities than those 6% who are less likely to switch employers. 16% Will not make any changes 21% 29%
  • 9. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 7 for Employers • Gen Yers, also known as Millennials, are eager • Many professionals want to build tenure with • Make retention of top performers a priority. to seek promotions, but they also are most their firms, so offer assignments that allow them Let them know that, just as they were asked likely to seek job opportunities elsewhere. to expand their skills and support their efforts at to make sacrifices during the downturn, they Give them regular feedback and empower professional development (e.g., provide tuition can expect to be rewarded as conditions them to take on roles that leverage their reimbursement, online training, time off to attend improve. You can also make the environment strengths, such as leading a social networking seminars, workshops or conferences). Gen Xers more fun for all generations with pizza lunches task force to promote the business’s products and boomers surveyed place more value on in- or ice cream socials, outings to sporting or services. house training programs, and Gen Y and Gen X events or theaters, or philanthropic activities. employees appreciate subsidized education. Onward and Upward Measuring Employee Engagement Bring Back Bonuses! Workers were asked whether the recession has Employees were asked how engaged they are in Following are the cut or reduced benefits/perks made them more or less inclined to look for new job their work as a result of their experiences during the that employees want reinstated as the economy opportunities outside their firms. Their responses: recession. Their responses: improves: 1. Bonuses 40% 28% 2. 401(k)/RRSP* matching programs More More inclined engaged 3. Subsidized training/education 18% 18% 4. Profit-sharing plans Less Less inclined engaged 5. Employee discounts 6. Free/subsidized snacks/lunches 7. Subsidized transportation Workers to Employers: In what may come as a pleasant surprise, 28 percent Top responses shown. *Unique to Canada Show Us the Money of employees feel more engaged in their jobs as a In addition to staff cutbacks, many companies elimi- result of the recession. This number increases to nated or decreased year-end and merit bonuses during 31 percent among U.S. respondents. This may be the recession. Now, workers want to be rewarded because professionals have taken on new responsi- for their efforts: Nearly one-third expect to see their bilities and faced challenges that weren’t previously bonuses reinstated as the economy improves. part of their workday. As a result, employees in all generations may feel more invested in their com- pany’s success.
  • 10. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 8 Ready to Retire … or Not? Professionals of all generations have seen their nest eggs affected by the global financial crisis. Not surprisingly, 46 percent of respondents said they plan to work past the traditional retirement age of 65 for Employers (51 percent in the United States and 31 percent in Canada), with 70 percent attributing this decision • All employees appreciate the option of to the impact of the recession. Thirty-one percent flexible schedules, but consider offering of workers say they are investing or saving more shorter hours, telecommuting or other money toward retirement. alternative work arrangements that might appeal to those nearing retirement age. As employees strive to save more money, many will remain in the workforce longer. Some professionals • If your firm offers attractive retirement near retirement age may be attracted to shorter savings programs, be sure to highlight workweeks or consulting arrangements. Companies those in all of your recruiting materials. that wish to hire these experienced workers should • Work with your HR department to help consider offering alternative work arrangements educate members of Generation Y, in that allow these professionals to keep one foot in particular, about saving for retirement early the workforce while also exploring their hobbies and in their careers and the resources your firm 1984 interests. may offer to help. Apple launches the Macintosh® computer. • Help employees save money by offering Generational Differences: group discounts to services they use most, • 54 percent of baby boomers plan to remain in the such as cell phone providers, dry cleaning, workforce past retirement age. fitness centers and public transportation. • 45 percent of U.S. boomers say the recession has • Some boomers may appreciate the option had a very strong impact on their decision to work to take on a transitional role prior to longer, compared to 11 percent in Canada. retiring, such as a consultant or trainer, to • Just over one-quarter (27 percent) of Gen Yers transfer their knowledge to less-experienced place strong blame on the recession for their employees. decision to stay longer in the workforce.
  • 11. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 9 “No matter what, I should always keep talking to people and make sure I have opened up all possible career opportunities, even if they are future opportunities.” — Gen Y survey respondent Postponing Retirement The Recession’s Impact Changes in Saving Patterns Respondents on whether they expect to work past Workers weigh in on how much of an impact this Employees were asked if they are saving/investing the traditional retirement age of 65: recession has had on their decision to work past more or less for retirement since the recession: Gen Y Gen X Baby Boomer the traditional retirement age: Gen Y Gen X Baby Boomer United States Canada 39% 31% Very strong 39% Yes 46% More 34% impact 13% 27% 54% Somewhat of 34% an impact 52% 29% 37% No change 45% No 27% 24% No impact 45% 25% 47% 15% 32% Less 20% Don't 27% 26% know 21%
  • 12. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 10 Bridging the Generational Gaps Baby boomers, Gen Xers and Gen Yers all agree: Generations Joining Forces There are benefits and challenges to working on Employees identify top benefits of working with multigenerational teams. Communication styles or multiple generations: even the use of technology may vary, but ultimately, multigenerational teams learn from each other, and 1. Brings together people of varying bringing together diverse groups increases productivity. experience levels 1984 The world’s first commercial Hiring managers also interviewed for the survey had 2. Allows for greater diversity of project teams portable cell phone becomes available to consumers. strong opinions about managing a multigenerational 3. Allows for mentoring opportunities workforce. Seventy-two percent said it was some- what or very challenging, while just 20 percent felt Differing Values on Work it wasn’t challenging. Respondents reveal the greatest challenges of working with multiple generations: No Generation Gap Here: 1. Different work ethic and approach to • 43 percent of workers surveyed say multigenera- work/life balance Communication styles or even tional teams bring together people of varying experience levels to provide knowledge in 2. Conflicting communication styles the use of technology may vary, specific areas. 3. Different points of view make it harder to reach consensus but ultimately, multigenerational • 27 percent of those we surveyed say working with multiple generations allows for greater diversity of teams learn from each other. project teams so all points of view are heard. • 45 percent of all generations say the greatest challenge is that each generation has a different work ethic and approach to work/life balance. • 20 percent of survey respondents say the biggest challenge is conflicting communication styles. • 35 percent say working on multigenerational teams has led to increased productivity.
  • 13. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 11 Together We Can Do More Managing Multigenerational Teams Professionals were asked how working on a multi- Managers were asked how challenging it is manag- generational team affects their productivity: ing a team consisting of multiple generations. Their responses: 35% Increases productivity 15% Very challenging 15% Decreases 9% Does 57% productivity not apply Somewhat challenging 1991 20% Not The World Wide Web allows challenging links to be made to information anywhere on the Internet. • Encourage project teams to use a variety of communication protocols to facilitate “Work hard, even when no one for Employers workflow, including use of e-mail, instant is watching.” messaging, group meetings and one-on- one discussions. — Gen X survey respondent • Set up informal cross-training or coaching sessions, so employees of different generations • Don’t overlook the value of mentoring can share their respective areas of expertise. programs as a learning and teaching opportunity for everyone. A Gen Yer, for • Encourage staff members to offer differ- example, may volunteer to mentor some- ing points of view and innovative solutions one who has less experience using Twitter to business challenges. The best ideas may and Facebook in the workplace. come from an employee right out of college, a veteran with 20 years of work experience • Determine the real reason managing a or someone in between. multigenerational team may be challenging. Is it a difference in experience levels, work • Assist employees in developing project ethic or personalities? Consider an off-site workflows or processes that accommodate team-building exercise to promote better differing work styles. Some employees may synergies. leverage collaboration tools such as SharePoint®, while others prefer more traditional styles of document sharing.
  • 14. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 12 Was There a ‘Recession Effect’? • 50 percent of hiring managers said they expect Hiring Managers Weigh in their teams’ productivity levels to increase as the economy improves. on Worker Productivity • Of that number, 41 percent said their employees are working smarter; 19 percent attributed produc- tivity gains to employees working longer hours. • 22 percent of managers surveyed are hiring additional staff or bringing in project support to boost their teams’ productivity levels. Like employees, hiring managers have learned some valuable lessons from the recession, most notably its • Among the 5 percent of hiring managers who impact on productivity. The downsizings of the past foresee a decrease in productivity, 60 percent two years have resulted in remaining employees attribute it to staff burnout. working longer hours and, for some, experiencing Hiring Managers Call in the Reinforcements burnout. Despite this, more hiring managers said they expect their teams’ productivity levels to increase To help maintain productivity during challenging 1999 as the economy improves because employees have times, many companies have relied on temporary Research In Motion® launches the professionals. This trend will likely continue as firms BlackBerry® smartphone. learned to work smarter. Companies also have relied on project or interim professionals to help core staff strive to staff more efficiently and avoid future layoffs. get through lean times. • Since the recession, 24 percent of employers With more professionals deferring retirement and surveyed have increased their use of temporary remaining on the job longer, the workforce will con- and project professionals. tinue to be comprised of at least three generations. • 33 percent of respondents use project But 78 percent of employees agree productivity has professionals during peak workload periods. not suffered because the workforce is becoming • 33 percent of managers polled rely on interim increasingly multigenerational. help for major new projects. • 27 percent of managers use temporary and “Loyalty to your company pays off, even though the results might not project professionals as a buffer to help existing be apparent for a while.” employees manage rising workloads. — Baby boomer survey respondent
  • 15. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 13 A Team Effort Production Boost a Boon The Efficiency Factor Running on Empty Hiring managers were asked if they expect their Managers cite the primary reason they expect Managers reveal the primary reason they expect teams’ productivity levels to increase, decrease their teams’ productivity levels to increase: their teams’ productivity levels to decrease: or remain the same post-recession: 1. Employees are working smarter. 1. Employee burnout 2. They are hiring additional staff or bringing in 2. Staff cutbacks 50% project support. Increase 3. Employee turnover 3. Employees are working longer hours. 5% Decrease Upping Interim Support A Helping Hand “The people in your workplace How hiring managers’ use of temporary or project Reasons hiring managers have used temporary or professionals has changed since the recession: project professionals in their companies*: really make or break your work Assist during annual 33% experience. Treating them well 24% peak work periods Increased Assist with major has huge rewards.” new projects 33% Alleviate rising workloads — Baby boomer survey respondent of existing employees 27% 17% Decreased Access skills that 27% don't exist internally Evaluate as potential full-time employees 23% *Multiple responses permitted
  • 16. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 14 Recession Lessons: Back to Basics One thing the recession has shown us is that the to seek new job opportunities. Others will opt to generations are not that different when it comes to remain in their current jobs and build their skill sets the workplace. Baby boomers, Gen Xers and Gen Yers to make themselves more valuable to their employers. share a common desire for stability, more money For hiring managers, recruitment and retention and healthcare coverage – all elements of a secure 2003 efforts should be based on giving employees what future. Yet their experiences during a difficult The business networking site they value most: competitive salaries and meaningful economic period have had a strong impact on their LinkedIn is launched and now has benefits, opportunities for advancement, and a sense more than 65 million members views and perceptions about the workplace. They that their jobs will remain secure. worldwide. have a greater awareness of what’s most important to them, both personally and professionally, and what The most forward-thinking employers clearly under- they need from their employers. stand their future is tied to their ability to retain the best people and leverage the unique contributions Although Gen Yers have certainly learned a hard of a multigenerational workforce. No matter how lesson about the employment market, a significant economic conditions shift, now is the time to start number of them, as well as other generations, intend rewarding the efforts of individuals among all gen- erations. Companies that actively develop attractive employee programs and identify clear career paths for their top performers will be prepared for growth as the business climate improves. “I’m thankful I have a job at all. My father was laid off from a large company . . . that put everything in perspective for me.” — Gen Y survey respondent
  • 17. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 15 Survey Methodology and Demographics 2004 The social networking site Facebook launches. It now has more than 400 million active users and is growing. The information in this report is based on a survey Male 716 developed by Robert Half and conducted by an independent research firm. It includes a total of 1,453 Female 737 web interviews of employed professionals in North Total 1,453 America between 21 and 64 years of age (716 males 2006 Total employed workers surveyed includes 502 hiring managers and 737 females), including 502 hiring managers. Twitter launches, enabling users Members of the baby boomer generation (approximate to send and read tweets of up to 140 characters. ages 46 to 64 years old) and Generation X (approxi- mate ages 32 to 45 years old) are employed full-time and have college degrees. Members of Generation Y surveyed (approximate ages 21 to 31 years old) are employed full-time or part-time and have college degrees or are currently attending college. “It pays to be with a company or within a field of work that can offer job stability and security.” — Gen Y survey respondent
  • 18. Workplace Redefined Shifting Generational Attitudes During Economic Change 16 About Robert Half Founded in 1948, Robert Half is the world’s first and largest specialized staffing firm, with more than 360 offices worldwide. Our company regularly appears on FORTUNE® magazine’s list of the “World’s Most Admired Companies.” Our professional staffing divi- sions include Accountemps®, Robert Half® Finance & Accounting and Robert Half® Management Resources, for temporary, full-time and senior-level project professionals, respectively, in the fields of accounting and finance; OfficeTeam®, for highly skilled office and administrative support professionals; Robert Half® Technology, for project and full-time technology professionals; Robert Half® Legal, for project and full-time staffing of lawyers, paralegals and legal support personnel; and The Creative Group®, for creative, advertising, marketing, web and public relations professionals. For more information about the specialized staffing and recruitment divisions of Robert Half, visit
  • 19. Accountemps® 1.800.803.8367 Robert Half ® Finance & Accounting 1.800.474.4253 Robert Half ® Management Resources 1.888.400.7474 Robert Half ® Technology 1.800.793.5533 OfficeTeam ® 1.800.804.8367 Robert Half ® Legal 1.800.870.8367 The Creative Group® 1.888.846.1668 Connect with us: © 2010 Robert Half. An Equal Opportunity Employer. All trademarks contained herein are the property of • 1.800.803.8367 their respective owners. RH-0410-0063