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challenge - commitment - team spirit - respect - strength - determination

Not just for mountaineers!

The mountaineering imagery was chosen to assist in expressing our message in a singular way.
The qualities above are ones that you will find in IAEA employees, and represent opportunities
for people looking to join our teams working to fulfil a critical mandate.

Our organization is based in Vienna, Austria, a city that was ranked number one in a recent
worldwide quality of living survey, and a country famous for its mountains.

We are inviting your commitment to contribute to our global impact in an atmosphere
of a balanced working and personal life.

           06   OUR WORK

                FOR APPOINTMENT


                IN THE IAEA

           45   ANNEX 1 MEMBER STATES


AN INTRODUCTION   Founded in 1957 within the UN               In 2005, the IAEA was awarded the
                  family, the IAEA serves as the world‘s      Nobel Peace Prize “for their efforts to
TO THE IAEA       intergovernmental forum for scien-          prevent nuclear energy from being used
                  tific and technical cooperation in the       for military purposes and to ensure
                  peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Its        that nuclear energy for peaceful purpo-
                  principal objectives under its Statute      ses is used in the safest possible way.”
                  are “to accelerate and enlarge the
                  contribution of atomic energy to peace,     The IAEA’s headquarters are in Vienna.
                  health and prosperity throughout the        Operational liaison offices are located
                  world” and “ensure, so far as it is         in Geneva, Switzerland, and New York,
                  able, that assistance provided by it or     USA. Regional offices are located in
                  at its request or under its supervision     Toronto, Canada, and Tokyo, Japan.
                  or control is not used in such a way
                  as to further any military purpose”.        The IAEA also runs and supports re-
                                                              search centres and scientific laboratories
                  The IAEA pursues its objectives by          in Vienna and Seibersdorf (Austria)
                  promoting the transfer of nuclear tech-     and Monaco.
                  nology and know-how, encouraging the
                  creation of an international culture of
                  safety and reliability in the utilization
                  of nuclear energy, safeguarding nuclear
                  materials so as to ensure that they are
                  used exclusively for peaceful purposes
                  and disseminating information on the
                  peaceful uses of nuclear technology.

IAEA programmes and budgets are          Nuclear engineers, nuclear physicists         by their countries to deal with specific
set through decisions of its policy      and nuclear safeguards inspectors cons-       tasks, such as preparing standards.
making bodies:                           titute the largest groups of Professional
                                         staff members.                                IAEA staff members are internatio-
– The General Conference                                                               nal civil servants who owe allegiance
comprises all Member States (see         The other scientific and technical occu-       solely to the IAEA and are required
Annex 1) and meets for a one week        pational groups are comprised of engi-        to not accept instructions from any
session every year;                      neers, biologists, agricultural scientists,   government or other national authority.
                                         physicists, marine scientists, chemists,
– The Board of Governors                 medical doctors and mathematicians            The work of the IAEA is carried
oversees the ongoing operations of       with a wider variety of specializations.      out through six Departments
the IAEA, comprising 35 Member                                                         (see the organizational chart in
States and generally meets five times     The major administrative occupational         Annex 2):
a year, or more frequently if required   groups include accountants, human
for specific situations.                  resources specialists, computer experts,      – Management
                                         procurement specialists, lawyers, trans-
                                                                                       – Nuclear Energy
The IAEA Secretariat is led by the       lators, editors, project managers and
                                                                                       – Nuclear Safety and Security
Director General, who is the chief       librarians.
                                                                                       – Nuclear Sciences and Applications
executive authority, and six Deputy
Directors General who head the major     IAEA Professional staff comprise a            – Safeguards
departments. A multi-disciplinary        multicultural group of experts from           – Technical Cooperation
professional and support team of ap-     the Member States. They carry out the
proximately 2300 scientific, technical    functions of the IAEA by two different
and administrative personnel from over   means. First they contribute as indi-            This brochure deals with the recruitment of regular staff
                                                                                       members. For information on the recruitment of technical
100 countries work at the Secretariat,   vidual experts. Second, they organize         cooperation experts, please contact the IAEA Department
implementing the IAEA’s programmes.      input from experts who are nominated          of Technical Cooperation.

OUR WORK                   Secretariat of the Policy-                 programme, and (ii) maintain effec-
                           making Organs                              tive relations and communications
                                                                      with Member States, other UN bodies,
OFFICES REPORTING TO THE   The Secretariat ensures that the           International Organizations and civil
DIRECTOR GENERAL           IAEA’s Policy Making Organs (the           society.
                           Board of Governors and the Gene-
                           ral Conference) effectively perform        Office of Legal Affairs
                           their statutory responsibilities and
                           their other functions in overseeing        The objectives of the Office are to (i)
                           the ongoing operations of the IAEA.        ensure the legally appropriate perfor-
                                                                      mance of the IAEA’s work, to prepare
                           Office of Internal Oversight                legal instruments, including internati-
                           Services                                   onal agreements and internal regula-
                                                                      tions, to provide legal interpretations
                           The Office was established to stren-        of these instruments and regulations,
                           gthen the IAEA’s ability to change         (ii) ensure that the legal aspects of the
                           through improved management practice,      IAEA’s work programme are approp-
                           as well as programme performance           riately addressed, (iii) provide advice
                           and enhanced accountability.               on legal questions relating to the work
                                                                      of the IAEA and to provide assis-
                           Office of External Relations                tance for the development of nuclear
                           and Policy Coordination                    legislation in Member States, and (iv)
                                                                      ensure a coordinated approach to legal
                           The objectives of the Office are to (i)     issues common to the UN system.
                           arrive at well formulated and coordina-
                           ted policies for all areas of the IAEA‘s
Professionals in
  these areas have
  expertise in:

– Certified accounting
  and auditing
– Economics
– International relations
– Law
– Management analysis
– Political science
“IT’S ABOUT MUCH MORE        For Laura Rockwood (USA),                 bringing about fundamental, ground-
                             a lawyer educated at UC Berkeley          breaking changes to the safeguards
                             and Hastings College of Law in San        system from a legal point of view.
POWER PLANTS”                Francisco, working at the IAEA is         She finds it energizing to work in a
                             interesting, current, newsworthy and      place where people believe in what
                             exciting. Given the IAEA’s objective      they do. She also likes the intellectual
                             of promoting the safe and peaceful uses   challenge of the IAEA’s work and
                             of nuclear energy, the work is anything   learning to see things from different
                             but one dimensional, ranging from the     perspectives in a multicultural
                             implementation of safeguards to verify    environment. On a more personal note,
                             the non-proliferation of nuclear wea-     Laura thinks that Vienna is a ‘terrific’
                             pons to the promotion of nuclear ap-      city to live in.
                             plications in medicine and agriculture.

                             The Head of the Non-Proliferation
                             and Policy-making Organs Section
                             in the Office of Legal Affairs, Laura
                             was one of the original drafters of the
                             Model Additional Protocol (1997)
                             designed to improve the IAEA’s ability
                             to verify the absence of undeclared
                             nuclear material and activities in
                             safeguarded States. This task invol-
                             ved convincing Member States of the
                             value of the protocol, understanding
                             and addressing their concerns and
MANAGEMENT                The Department of Management               The Division of Conference and
                          (MT) provides a wide range of sup-         Document Services facilitates the
                          porting services to the IAEA’s other       effective exchange and dissemination
PROVIDING SUPPORT         Departments, and the Professionals         of information between the Secreta-
SERVICES ESSENTIAL TO     of this Department carry out challen-      riat and Member States, and among
                          ging activities in very diverse areas.     Member States, by organizing meetings
                                                                     and conferences, editing, printing and
OF THE IAEA               The objective of the Office of Procure-     distributing documents and scientific
                          ment Services is to ensure the timely      and technical publications in the six
                          acquisition of goods and services, en-     official UN languages.
                          suring value for money through compe-
                          tition and due regard to the principles    The Division of Human Resources
                          of fairness, integrity and transparency.   provides services ranging from human
                                                                     resources planning, recruitment, staff
                          The Division of Budget and Finance         development and career management
                          prepares and administers the IAEA’s        to salary and benefits, as well as medi-
                          annual budgets, which determine the        cal and health related services.
                          allocation of personnel and financial
                          resources to the programme of the          The Division of Information
                          IAEA. The Division works to ensure         Technology provides reliable and sus-
                          the continued confidence of the Board       tainable Information and Communica-
                          of Governors and Member States in the      tion Technology solutions and services.
                          financial management of the Secretariat.

The objective of the Division of Ge-        Professionals in MT
neral Services is to provide efficient       have expertise in:
and effective general administrative
support services including: operational     – Accounting
maintenance, facilities management,         – Administration
archiving and records management,           – Computer Sciences
travel, transportation, housing and insu-   – Finance
rance, as well as property management
                                            – Human resources
and the commissary.
                                            – Procurement
                                            – Translation
The objective of the Division of
Public Information is to bring about
more accurate, balanced and objective
understanding of nuclear issues and
the role of the IAEA.

For more information about MT, see:


George Petison (Ghana) is on his           While on the job his group has under-
second tour of service at the IAEA.        gone training on various transferable
He has an MSc in software enginee-         skills, including ITIL best practices
ring and an MBA, subjects which he         and Prince 2 methodologies.
studied during his first tour of service.
He decided to apply for a position
at the IAEA because he was looking
for something new and challenging.

As an IT Software Engineer in the
Division of Information Technology,
his work is project and customer ori-
ented; it includes IT business analysis,
managing outsourced projects, and
technical leadership to younger pro-
grammers. He believes that the IAEA
has a unique way of working due to
the cultural and professional diversity
of its staff.

What he values most about the IAEA
is its investment in people by promo-
ting professional development.


The IAEA assists countries in develo-       The Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle         The Planning and Economic Studies
ping or improving their capabilities for   and Waste Technology supports               Section (PESS) seeks to enhance the
applying nuclear energy and related        Member States in increasing their capa-     capacity of Member States to perform
technologies for peaceful purposes.        bilities in policy making and strategic     their own analyses regarding electri-
                                           planning, technology development and        city and energy system development,
The Division of Nuclear Power              implementation of safe, reliable, econo-    energy investment planning and energy
assists Member States in increasing        mically efficient, proliferation resistant   environment policy formulation, and
their capability to implement and          and environmentally sound nuclear fuel      to assess the potential role of nuclear
maintain competitive and sustainable       cycle and waste management program-         energy in the context of mitigating
nuclear power programmes, and deve-        mes. Professional staff advise Member       climate change and contributing to susta-
lop and apply advanced nuclear tech-       States and organizations in Member          inable energy development. Assistance
nologies. The Division’s Professionals     States on uranium mining and resour-        includes: transferring modern planning
give specific advice on nuclear energy,     ces, environmental aspects associated       methods, tools and databanks; training
including nuclear programme planning,      with all types of fuel cycle facility,      for model set-up and application; and
and plant construction and operation.      advanced fuels and the management of        interpreting, synthesizing and applying
They advise on the technical, economic     irradiated fuel from power and research     model outputs to policy formulation.
and financial requirements for sound        reactors. They also assist in and advise    PESS also conducts energy-economics-
nuclear power projects. They collect       on strategies, engineering solutions and    environment (3-E) analyses of nuclear
and disseminate information and assist     technologies for managing various ty-       technologies and their competitors,
in the improvement of power plant          pes of radioactive waste from different     focusing on competitive energy markets,
performance, operations capabilities,      sources (including decommissioning)         environmental impacts and sustainable
quality assurance and infrastructure       in a safe, environmentally sound, cost      energy development. PESS maintains
development. Also, they are involved       efficient and sustainable manner.            databanks of energy and economic
in the coordination for the development                                                data for all Member States plus nuclear
of innovative reactor technologies and                                                 power projections through 2030, and is
future design concepts.                                                                developing a system of Indicators for

Sustainable Energy Development. As         tating sustainable education and training   Professionals in the
the expert UN agency on nuclear energy,    in nuclear science and technology and       Department of Nuclear Energy
the IAEA, through PESS, conducts           supporting knowledge maintenance,           (NE) have expertise in
research and provides input for interna-   analysis and integration.
tional negotiations on climate change                                                  – Energy economics
and sustainable development.               The IAEA Library provides professional      – Engineering (chemical, civil,
                                           information management and services           celectrical, industrial, mechani
The IAEA distributes scientific and         to Member States in all areas of IAEA         cal, mining, structural, reactor
technical information worldwide to         activities. It manages and preserves
                                                                                         physics and engineering)
decision makers and professionals in       information resources, while providing
                                                                                       – Environmental sciences
the field, and the INIS and Nuclear         information services to Member
                                                                                       – Information
Knowledge Management Section plays         States. Also, it promotes information
a key role in accomplishing this.          exchange, cooperation and resource            and library sciences
Through the International Nuclear          sharing between nuclear information         – Natural and earth sciences
Information System (INIS), Member          centres and libraries worldwide.            – Physics and chemistry
States have access to wide ranging                                                     – Waste technology
information on the peaceful uses of
nuclear science and technology, inclu-                                                 For more information about NE, see:
ding an extensive collection of non-                                         
conventional literature. As the INIS                                                   index.html
Secretariat, the Section manages INIS
and promotes information gathering
and cooperation within an internatio-
nal network of Member States. It also
develops methodology and guidance in
nuclear knowledge management, facili-

“A GLOBAL EXPERIENCE”   Xiaoping Li (China) is a Power Engi-      149 countries around the world makes
                        neer/Economist in the Department of       it even more interesting and challenging.
                        Nuclear Energy. Xiaoping obtained her
                        Bachelor of Engineering in energy and     For Xiaoping, working at the IAEA is a
                        power at Xi’an Jiaotong University.       global experience in a comfortable and
                        She also has an MSE in nuclear engi-      family friendly working environment.
                        neering and radiological science from
                        the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
                        and was an intern at Westinghouse.
                        After having worked for several years
                        in two nuclear power plants in China,
                        including bidding evaluation and
                        negotiation, she decided to apply for a
                        post at the IAEA after having watched
                        an interview on television with the
                        IAEA’s Director General. Two years
                        ago she was looking at satellite images
                        of Vienna in the internet and now she
                        lives here.

                        She works on issues related to inf-
                        rastructure and planning for nuclear
                        power plant economics, feasibility
                        studies and project management, inclu-
                        ding technical cooperation activities.
                        The fact that the work encompasses

NUCLEAR SAFETY              The IAEA is at the centre of internati-     Transport and Waste Safety, the
                            onal efforts to achieve and maintain a      Office of Nuclear Security, Incident
AND SECURITY                high level of nuclear safety and security   and Emergency Centre, and the
                            worldwide through the enhancement           Safety and Security Coordination
SAFETY AND SECURITY FIRST   of national measures and international      Section.
                                                                        The Office of Nuclear Security is
                            The Department of Nuclear Safety            responsible for coordinating and
                            and Security (NS) formulates and im-        implementing the IAEA’s Nuclear
                            plements the IAEA’s major programme         Security Plan to prevent, detect and
                            through a strong, sustainable and visi-     respond to acts of nuclear terrorism and
                            ble Global Nuclear Safety and Security      threats thereof. The Office organizes
                            Regime that provides for protection         a large number of evaluation and
                            of people and the environment from          advisory services, training courses and
                            effects of ionizing radiation, minimi-      workshops and convenes meetings
                            zation of the likelihood of accidents or    with Member States’ experts for the
                            malicious acts that could endanger life     purpose of improving the methodology
                            and property, and effective mitigation      used and the nuclear security frame-
                            of the effects of any such events.          work. It liaises with other international
                                                                        organizations and Member States to
                            In the Department of Nuclear Safety         enhance cooperation and the outreach
                            and Security (NS), technical and policy     of nuclear security information.
                            experts work to meet this important
                            part of the IAEA’s mission, working
                            within the Division of Nuclear Instal-
                            lation Safety and Division of Radiation,
It is organized into three sections:       nuous improvements in the Global           of information exchange and the
                                           Nuclear Safety and Security Regime.        coordination of research and develop-
The Incident and Emergency Centre          The SSCS provides support and co-          ment. The Division has five sections:
(IEC) serves as the IAEA’s focal point     ordination to promote a high level of
for responding to nuclear or radiologi-    harmonization and alignment for the        The Operational Safety Section’s
cal incidents and emergencies and for      various safety and security activities     main aim is to enhance Member State
promoting improvement in Member            within the regime. In addition, the        capabilities to manage and maintain a
States’ emergency response and prepa-      SSCS provides assistance to promote        high level of safety in nuclear installa-
redness. It provides for an integrated     effective communication and know-          tions through operational safety review
system through which States, their         ledge management in the regime.            services. It aims to improve operational
competent authorities, international                                                  safety in Member States through the
organizations, technical experts and the   The objective of the Division of           use of IAEA Safety Standards and con-
Secretariat can effectively share infor-   Nuclear Installation Safety is to          tinuous self-assessment, and to make
mation and experience, and coordinate      achieve and maintain a high level of       available to Member States good indust-
the provision of assistance for response   safety of nuclear installations world-     ry practices and performance in nuclear
to or preparedness for incidents or        wide under design, construction or         installations worldwide. The Section
emergencies.                               operation by: establishing standards       seeks to strengthen the capability of
                                           of safety for the protection of health,    Member States to enhance their opera-
The Safety and Security Coordinati-        including standards for nuclear power      tional safety performance through the
on Section (SSCS) ensures technical        plants and other nuclear installations     use of operational experience feedback
consistency and coordination between       and facilities; and, providing for the     and corrective action programmes.
the IAEA’s activities in the nuclear,      application of these standards through,
radiation, transport and waste safety      inter alia, support for the IAEA’s         The Safety Assessment Section
and nuclear security programmes. The       technical cooperation programme, the       endeavours to increase the capability
SSCS’s efforts are aimed at ensuring       rendering of services, the promotion       of Member States to achieve a high
effectiveness, integration and conti-      of education and training, the fostering   level of safety by promoting the use of
advanced safety assessment tools with     and supply agreements and assisting           nology dispersion, population distribu-
enhanced integration of deterministic     Member States possessing such re-             tion, malevolent and human induced
and probabilistic approaches and the      actors in fulfilling all the relevant          hazards, etc.
use of safety performance indicators;     safety obligations. The Section also
and strengthening quality assurance in    covers a wide range of topics related         The Division of Radiation, Transport
nuclear safety.                           to research reactor and fuel cycle facility   and Waste Safety develops and main-
                                          safety, including siting, design, const-      tains standards for radiation protection,
The Regulatory Activities Section         ruction, commissioning, utilization           radioactive waste safety and safety in
supports the enhancement of effective     and decommissioning.                          the transport of radioactive material that
regulatory infrastructures for nuclear                                                  enable the beneficial uses of radiation
safety in Member States. Its activities   The International Seismic Safety              to be exploited while ensuring approp-
include safety review missions, the       Centre (IEC) services were initiated          riate protection of workers, the public
development and revision of safety        to provide advice on site related safety      and patients. It also assists Member
standards, the maintenance of an          aspects and safety management of              States in the implementation of these
incident reporting system service for     nuclear power plants, related to the          standards and provides related services.
nuclear power plants, and organization    protection of nuclear installations as        The Division has three sections:
with respect to the Convention on         regards both natural and human
Nuclear Safety.                           induced hazards and design aspects            The Radiation Safety and Monitoring
                                          of system, structure and components.          Section is responsible for the delinea-
The Research Reactor Safety Section       Subjects included in their reviews are:       tion of a global radiation safety regime
implements Member States’ decisions       geology, tectonics, geophysics, seismo-       to protect workers, patients and the
to develop an international research      logy, seismic hazard assessment, mete-        public from all types of exposure to
reactor and fuel cycle facility safety    orology, flooding including tsunamis,          natural or artificial radiation, according
enhancement plan and regime. Acti-        geotechnical engineering, structural          to the most recent scientific knowledge
vities in this area include monitoring    engineering, mechanical engineering,          and information. It also provides radia-
research reactors subject to project      hydrogeology, oceanography, volca-            tion monitoring and protection services

for staff members and experts who          types of radioactive waste and the        For more information about NS, see:
may be exposed to ionizing radiation       provisions for the application of waste
due to activities conducted by the IAEA.   safety standards.

The Regulatory Infrastructure and          Professionals in NS have
Transport Safety Section provides          expertise in:
Member States with safety standards,
guidance and tools to foster regulatory    – Design and operation of nuclear
infrastructure for the control of radia-     power plants
tion sources, for the safe transport of    – Engineering (chemical, civil,
radioactive material and for managing
                                             electrical, industrial, mechanical,
information for the identification of
                                             mining or structural)
needs in Member States that would be
                                           – Physics
used to improve radiation, transport
and waste safety.                          – Physical protection
                                           – Radiation, transport and waste
The Waste and Environmental Safety           safety
Section is responsible for the delinea-    – Waste safety and waste
tion of a global waste safety regime to      technology
protect the public and the environment
from the effects of ionizing radiation,
based on the Joint Convention on the
Safety of Spent Fuel Management and
on the Safety of Radioactive Waste
Management, the development of safety
standards for the management of all


Ms. Elena Buglova,
a Medical Doctor, was part of the
IEC team responding to Chile’s call
for assistance, after a construction
worker was severely burned by a lost
radioactive source. The Centre is a
24-hour contact point for countries
dealing with nuclear or radiological
incidents and emergencies.

Elena Buglova (Belarus) is the Emer-       This ultimately led to her applying to       The challenges within her IAEA
gency Preparedness Coordinator within      work at the IAEA, and Elena now feels        position require her to stay on top of
the Incident and Emergency Centre          that she is privileged to work with a        the latest technical, managerial and
(IEC) at the IAEA. She graduated with      great team of people who are so devo-        decision making advancements globally,
an MD in Medicine (with honours)           ted to working for a common outcome.         saying these are areas where you
during a time when her immediate           This confidence with each other and in        cannot slow down, and the constant
environment was being heavily influ-        the work they do internationally allows      development and maintenance of
enced by the effects of the Chernobyl      them to objectively see the difference       knowledge and expertise is one of the
disaster. Spurred on by a desire to        they are making and if a severe nuclear      exciting things about working with the
serve the population and do the best to    emergency happens again it will not          IEC and working at the forefront of the
protect it, she continued her studies      have Chernobyl like consequences.            Nuclear Safety and Security industry
gaining the credentials of being a         This team work attitude is a theme           with the IAEA.
Candidate of Medical Science (Ph.D         that runs through Elena’s life at home,
& M.D) with the field of Radiation          as while being a working mother in
Hygiene and later a Doctor of Science,     a 24/7 on-call position she needs the
through her deep scientific research        same strength in her partnerships with
work within a newly established Re-        family members when it is called upon,
search and Clinical Institute of Radi-     and she is confident each supports her
ation Medicine and Endocrinology           and recognizes the importance of her
in Minsk, Belarus.                         work. She feels that this balance of
                                           professional and personal fulfilment
Throughout this time she became re-        is something she is fortunate to have
cognized as a national expert and the      saying that “if you like your work it
natural flow in sharing knowledge from      stops being “work” and becomes part
these experiences developed her con-       of your life, and this fulfilment makes ba-
nections to the international community.   lancing it with your family life easier”.

NUCLEAR SCIENCES    The IAEA contributes to sustainable           Programme of Action for Cancer
                    development in Member States through          Therapy (PACT)
AND APPLICATIONS    the use of nuclear and isotopic tech-
                    niques in food and agriculture, human         The PACT was created by the IAEA
                    health, industry, water resources ma-         in 2004 in response to the developing
                    nagement, environment monitoring, re-         world’s growing cancer crisis. Drawing
THE MILLENNIUM      search and protection, giving due regard      on the IAEA’s 30 years of experience
DEVELOPMENT GOALS   to safety. Besides promoting research         in radiation medicine and technology,
                    and applications in these areas, staff sup-   PACT aims to help developing coun-
                    port the IAEA’s technical cooperation         tries build a comprehensive, sustaina-
                    activities in areas of their expertise.       ble cancer control programme integra-
                                                                  ting prevention, screening, treatment
                                                                  and palliative care. In 2009, the IAEA
                                                                  established a Joint Programme with the
                                                                  World Health Organization (WHO).
                                                                  The programme allows for close
                                                                  collaboration with WHO and other
                                                                  key international health organizations
                                                                  through a coordinated global response
                                                                  in developing strategies and specific
                                                                  plans for working with low and middle
                                                                  income (LMI) Member States in the
                                                                  design and implementation of compre-
                                                                  hensive cancer control programmes.

The IAEA programme on human health,         Agriculture assists Member States to         nuclear sciences, and supports activities
through the Division of Human Health,       use nuclear techniques and related bio-      in specific fields, such as industrial
works to enhance the capabilities of        technologies for developing improved         applications of radiation and isotopes;
Member States to address needs related      strategies for sustainable food security.    isotope hydrology and geochemistry;
to the prevention, diagnosis and treat-     It coordinates and supports research;        nuclear analytical chemistry; plasma
ment of health problems through the         provides technical and advisory servi-       physics applications; nuclear physics;
application of nuclear techniques. Its      ces for projects and training activities     radiation chemistry; improvement and
main activities include: coordinating and   and laboratory support and training          maintenance of nuclear instrumentation;
supporting research; providing technical,   through the FAO/IAEA Agriculture             utilization of research reactors and
advisory and laboratory services; and       and Biotechnology Laboratory; it             particle accelerators; promotion of
collecting, analysing and disseminating     collects, analyses and disseminates          research on nuclear fusion; collection and
information (meetings). Scientists help     information for effective transfer of        provision of nuclear and atomic data for
Member States to apply nuclear and iso-     skills and technology. In the field of        nuclear research and technology and
topic techniques in the diagnosis, treat-   animal production and health, scientists     production of high quality medical
ment and prevention of diseases, and in     are helping to develop more sensitive        radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals.
assessing people’s nutritional status in    techniques for the diagnosis of animal       These activities aim to help Member
different environments. The Division        diseases and to improve animal diets         States to develop the scientific basis
is divided into four Sections, which are    and breeding strategies. Scientists are      for current and future technologies
focused on Nuclear Medicine, Applied        also using insects sterilized by radiation
Radiation Biology and Radiotherapy,         to control or eradicate insect pests         The IAEA Environment Laboratories,
Dosimetry and Medical Physics, and          affecting humans, crops and animals.         located in Monaco, assists Member
Nutritional and Health-related Environ-                                                  States to protect the marine environment
mental Studies, respectively.               The Division of Physical and                 by improving their capabilities to
                                            Chemical Sciences assists and advises        monitor and assess radioactivity and its
The Joint FAO/IAEA Division of              Member States in assessing their needs       potential effects on environment and
Nuclear Techniques in Food and              for research and development in the          health, and to use nuclear and isotopic

techniques to enhance understanding of      water, food; measurement of hydrogen        radiation dosimetry, the use of nuclear
the oceans and/or marine pollution trans-   and oxygen isotopes for hydrological        techniques for producing food crops
fers and behaviour. Scientists provide      studies, etc.); provision of quality        with better agronomic properties and
technical advice and assistance across      control and quality assurance materials     studying soil–plant systems, develo-
a wide range of pollution related and       for radiochemical analysis, nuclear         ping immunoassay techniques for
oceanographic issues, such as the effects   and other complementary non-nuclear         the diagnosis of animal diseases and
of radioactive waste disposal at sea.       analytical techniques; provision of spe-    the use of radiation sterilized insects
                                            cialized scientific and technical services   to control or eradicate insect pests.
Nuclear and radiation techniques are        related to IAEA programmes; filling
                                                                                        Professionals in the Department of
also applied to assess water resources      gaps in research and development
and the proper use of geothermal water      which are needed for the implementation     Nuclear Sciences and Applications
resources. Complementary studies on         of a programme when they cannot             (NA) have expertise in:
global change, especially past and cur-     be carried out by Member States and
rent climate change, are also pursued.      training of scientists from developing      – Physics
                                            countries in the use of techniques and      – Chemistry
The IAEA’s Environment Laboratories         technologies and in scientific fields.        – Food sciences, nutrition,
provide a wide range of scientific servi-                                                  biochemistry, physiology
ces contributing to the implementation      Staff provide quality control services,     – Geosciences
of programmes in food and agriculture,      produce reference materials and carry       – Hydrology
human health, physical and chemical         out chemical and radiochemical              – Radiation oncology
sciences, water resources, industry,        analyses. They also conduct research        – Nuclear techniques
environment, and radiation protection.      and provide on-the-job training for
The main areas of work include: pro-        scientists from developing countries in
vision of analytical services (i.e. envi-   topics such as environmental pollution
ronmental analyses; measurement of          monitoring, development and main-           For more information about NA, see:
radionuclides in air, soil, biota, fresh    tenance of nuclear instrumentation,

“SOLID SCIENCE FOUNDATION                 scholar, he has conducted research          staff, as they strive to see beyond the
                                          across Asia, North America and Europe.      scientific aspects of their work in order
LEADS TO SOUND POLICY.”                   Despite his background, it never occurred   to understand the value and social im-
                                          to Rethy that the IAEA could be his         pact of their contribution. In his leisure
                                          outlet for promoting both peace and         time, Rethy enjoys conducting research
                                          science, until a chance meeting with a      and publishing works in history, philo-
                                          former staff member, who encouraged         sophy of sciences and medicine, and
                                          Rethy to apply for his current positi-      sciences applied to archaeology and
                                          on. Rethy has found that the IAEA is        bio-archaeology. Together with his
Rethy Chhem (Canada) is the Director      truly a unique platform to use science      supportive wife, Rethy is able to enjoy
of the Division of Human Health.          to serve humanity, and he believes          the history and culture that Vienna has
Growing up in Cambodia during the         that nuclear science can be used not        to offer, particularly through music and
war time, Rethy’s desire to help others   only to promote peace, but also plays       museums. As a father, he also enjoys
and have a career in medicine began       an important role in improving global       taking cultural trips together with his
at an early age, doing volunteer work     health. While his work is rewarding,        wife and three children, who now live
during and after the war, by providing    it can sometimes be challenging for         in Europe, Asia and Australia. While
refugees and the poor with medical        Rethy to ensure that all the needs of       there is a delicate balance between the
treatment and education. In the years     the developing Member States are            innovative mind of the scientist and the
that followed, Rethy obtained his MD,     addressed, as resources can often be        bureaucracy of working for an interna-
PhD in Education and PhD in Histo-        limited. Nevertheless, he sees himself      tional organization, Rethy ultimately
ry, as a Historian of Medicine. For       as a “pragmatic idealist” – a doctor, a     enjoys and looks forward to every day
25 years, he worked as a Professor of     scientist and an educator who wishes        that he comes to work, because he is
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine in         to make a difference in the field of         not ‘working’. “This is not a mere job
Singapore and Canada where he chai-       global health and higher education.         that leads to a rewarding career, but
red the Department of Medical Imaging     This mentality is a motivating factor       a commitment to a great cause that is
before joining the IAEA. As a global      for Rethy, as well as for his team of       dear to me!”



Through its role as the world’s nuclear    Verification activities of Operations         and open sources
inspectorate, the IAEA performs an         Divisions, A, B and C include:             – Establishing and maintaining techni-
indispensable role in global efforts to                                                 cal information with regard to safe-
further nuclear non-proliferation. The     – Preparing and performing safeguards        guarded facilities
strengthened safeguards system, based        inspections at nuclear facilities        – Acting as facility/site officer
on ‘comprehensive’ safeguards agree-       – Collecting information in support of     – Formulating conclusions and
ments and their ‘additional protocols’,      future inspections                         appropriate reports for use by senior
has established a new and higher stan-     – Verifying design information at decla-     management in reporting to States
dard for effective, cooperative verifica-
                                             red facilities to confirm the complete      and to the Board of Governors.
tion of States’ nuclear undertakings.
                                             ness and correctness of the informa-
The Department of Safeguards (SG)            tion provided by the State
has six Divisions. There are three Ope-    – Carrying out measurements, cali-
rations Divisions, A, B and C, for the       brating instruments, taking nuclear
implementation of verification activi-        material and environmental samples,      Safeguards inspection activities are
ties where Safeguards inspectors carry       and performing routine maintenance       divided into field activities (inspec-
out verification activities in support of                                              tions) and Headquarters activities.
                                             of containment and surveillance
the IAEA’s safeguards system. These                                                   Pre- and post-inspection activities
                                             equipment in the field
are supported by three operational                                                    are usually done at Headquarters, in
                                           – Reviewing and evaluating seals,
divisions, one that is responsible for                                                addition to other activities such as
                                             sensors and surveillance data            preparation of verification procedures,
Concepts and Planning inclusive of the
Section for Programme and Resources,       – Analysing, evaluating and reporting      involvement in team efforts (for
one that covers Information Manage-          on the results of inspections            example, negotiating and drafting
ment, and another that provides Tech-      – Analysing, reviewing and evaluating      Facility Attachments), quality control
nical Support; as well as a Section for      data collected from facility records,    of inspection reports and statements,
Effectiveness Evaluation and the Office       design information and other State       participation in State evaluations,
of Safeguards Analytical Services.           reports, inspection results, databases   and provision of operational support.
The Division of Technical Support           safeguards concepts, approaches, pro-      The Office of Safeguards Analytical
ensures effective and efficient manage-      cedures and practices in order to ensure   Services is responsible for the analysis
ment of safeguards equipment required       effective and efficient application of      of nuclear material and environmental
by the Divisions of Operations through      safeguards on a non-discriminatory         swipe samples, the provision of asso-
all lifetime phases; coordinates the        basis. It supports the Department in the   ciated sampling and quality control
activities of Member States Support         development, conduct and evaluations       materials, as well as the coordination
Programmes; coordinates and provides        of safeguards related training for the     of sample shipment logistics, and the
assistance related to the Department’s      departmental staff and for personnel       Network of Analytical Laboratories
equipment needs, budgets, expenditures,     from Member States. It implements          (NWAL).
as well as analytical services associated   and maintains the departmental quality
with nuclear material and environmental     management system, including process       Professionals in SG have
inspection sample analysis.                 design and improvement, as well as         expertise in:
                                            knowledge management performance
The Division of Safeguards Informa-         measures. Within this Division lies the    – Engineering (chemical, civil,
tion Management is comprised of four        Section for Programme and Resources,          electrical, industrial, mechanical,
sections and provides the Department        responsible for managing the Depart-
                                                                                          mining, structural)
of Safeguards with services relating        ment’s human (more than 700 staff)
                                                                                       – Information analysis
to data processing, secure information      and financial resources (around €140
                                                                                       – Nuclear technologies
distribution, information analysis and      million per year).
                                            The Section for Effectiveness Evaluation   – Satellite imagery analysis
knowledge generation necessary to
                                            reports directly to the Deputy Director    – Programme Management
draw independent, impartial and credible
safeguards conclusions.                     General, is responsible for the evalua-
                                            tion of safeguards implementation and
The Division of Concepts and Planning       preparation of the annual Safeguards       For more information about SG, see:
is responsible for strategic planning       Implementation Report to the Board of
and for developing and standardizing        Governors.                                 Safeguards/index.html

“A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE”   Davide Parise (Italy) is a Nuclear          ing countries from an unusual,
                            Safeguards Inspector in the Department      non-touristy perspective.
                            of Safeguards. With a background in
                            nuclear physics, he came initially to the   Working in an international
                            IAEA while writing his PhD on Ener-         organization can be very different
                            getics.                                     from working in a domestic field.
                                                                        Each country has its own way of
                            Working for a non-profit organization        working, giving Davide the
                            that benefits people around the globe        opportunity to develop and gain
                            is his strongest motivation. He also        valuable experience.
                            enjoys the good working environment,
                            surrounded by colleagues of different       Davide thinks that Vienna is a
                            cultures.                                   wonderful city to live in, with a
                                                                        very high quality of life.
                            In addition, the IAEA offers a non-stan-
                            dard experience — constantly learning
                            things that are not written in books.
                            It opens a new dimension in the nuclear
                            field, allowing for the possibility of a
                            complete overview of the nuclear topic
                            and getting to know the different
                            approaches taken by every country on
                            the same issue. Although being a nuclear
                            safeguards inspector can be stressful at
                            times, he values the possibility of see-

“EACH ONE OF US HAS A       Sahar Shawky (Egypt) had her first           This physically demanding role can
                            experience of working at the IAEA in        be considered even more challenging
                            1989 through the Technical Cooperati-       due to language and cultural differen-
THIS INTERNATIONAL          on Fellowship for Women Programme,          ces – something that Sahar believes is
EFFORT TO FURTHER PEACE.”   where she worked in the Chemistry           actually one of the best aspects about
                            Unit of the Seibersdorf Laboratories.       working at the IAEA. She believes that
                            After completing her Ph.D in Analyti-       the diversity found amongst her colle-
                            cal Chemistry in Düsseldorf, Germany,       agues creates an interesting working
                            she returned to her home country, where     environment, and can ultimately impact
                            she secured various employments with        and change the way that people interact
                            the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority        with one another. Sahar’s work goes
                            as a Safeguards Inspector and with the      above and beyond that of her dedica-
                            National Centre for Nuclear Safety          tion to her job and to the IAEA, and
                            and Radiation Control as Head of the        she strives to ensure there is balance
                            Central Radio-Analytical Lab. Sahar         between all aspects of her life.
                            found out about a job opportunity at the
                            IAEA through the IAEA website, and          “Without the support of my family,
                            now works as a Nuclear Safeguards In-       the mutual understanding, respect, and
                            spector. Sahar is extremely committed       realization of the seriousness of my
                            to her work, and finds her work to be        job, I would not be able to harmonize
                            both interesting, as well as challenging.   between my personal life and career.”
                            She is proud contributing to the inter-
                            national effort to further peace. Nearly
                            four months out of the year, Sahar is
                            travelling around Japan, and other
                            parts of Asia conducting inspections.

TECHNICAL              The Department of Technical                stakeholders, including sectoral minis-
                       Cooperation (TC) helps Member States       tries and other national authorities.
COOPERATION            to improve their scientific and tech-       Programme management in TC is a
                       nological capabilities in the peaceful     stimulating and challenging respon-
                       applications of nuclear technology,        sibility requiring professionals with a
                       thus contributing to sustainable deve-     university degree, preferably in science
SUSTAINABLE BENEFITS   lopment. Over 100 countries in Latin       or technology, and experience in the
OF NUCLEAR             America, Africa, Asia and Europe           management of technical cooperation
                       benefit from this support, which covers     for development.
                       areas such as food and agriculture,
                       human health, industry, environment,       The TC operating environment is inter-
                       nuclear power and radiation protection.    active, participative and dynamic with
                                                                  continuous inputs received from the
                       TC manages hundreds of collaborative       Board of Governors, the General Con-
                       projects involving the provision of        ference, policy and decision makers
                       expert services, equipment and training.   as well as technical counterparts in
                                                                  Member States, other parts of the Sec-
                       TC officers work in full partnership        retariat and the international develop-
                       with officers of the IAEA’s technical       ment community. TC has four regional
                       Departments (Nuclear Energy, Nuclear       Divisions and a Division of Programme
                       Safety and Security, Nuclear Sciences      Support and Coordination.
                       and Applications) evaluating the
                       objectives and planning the various
                       phases of the projects, in consultation
                       with national authorities. This requires
                       a continuous dialogue with all project

Divisions for Africa, Asia and the           the technical cooperation programme       Professionals in TC come from
Pacific, Europe and Latin America             through timely, accurate and effective    a variety of backgrounds, and
                                             support services. These involve strate-   predominantly have expertise in:
The Divisions are responsible for            gies, concepts and tools, communica-
planning, programming, implementing          tion and partnership services, planning   – A combination of management, social
and monitoring the technical coopera-        and coordination of policy matters and      sciences, science and technology,
tion programme in accordance with the        procedures. They also involve over-
                                                                                         and international relations;
IAEA technical cooperation strategy.         all guidance and coordination of the
                                                                                       – Technical cooperation and deve-
This includes the development of             management of financial resources, IT
                                                                                         lopment programming at national or
Country Programme Frameworks and             services, provision of information to
                                             senior management and Member Sta-           international level;
the formulation and implementation
                                             tes, including reports to the Board of    – Building strategic partnerships and
of projects. Projects are designed to
respond to relevant developmental            Governors and the General Conference.       alliances for collaboration and joint
priorities and to foster the self-reliance                                               initiatives;
of Member States in the sustainable                                                    – Designing programmes/projects and
application of nuclear techniques,                                                       identifying sustainable approaches
resource mobilization and partnership                                                    that support the achievement of
building, enhanced regional collabora-                                                   development goals and capacity-
tion and cooperation.                                                                    building measures.

Division of Programme Support                                                          For more information about TC, see:
and Coordination                                                             

The Division is responsible for enhan-
cing quality and transparency in the
design, delivery and monitoring of

“TO BE ABLE TO SEE QUITE    For Jane Gerardo-Abaya (Philippines),     The research results are intended to
                            a geologist from the University of        assist policy makers in those Member
                            Philippines, one of the most satisfying   States in understanding the flow and
YOUR WORK”                  aspects of working at the IAEA is to      dynamics of pollution and to work
                            see directly the impact in Member         out a viable solution for the benefit
                            States of the projects in which she       of the environment. In the transition
                            participates. She was first introduced     between being a Technical Officer and
                            to nuclear techniques in hydrology        a Programme Management Officer,
                            22 years ago when she learned to apply    she earned a PhD in Applied Geology
                            isotope methodologies as a technical      and Geothermal Hydrology from the
                            cooperation counterpart in the Phil-      Bodenkultur University in Vienna.
                            ippines’ Environmental Management         Jane enjoys the high quality of life in
                            Bureau.                                   Vienna and being part of the city’s
                                                                      international community is an added
                            She began her career at the IAEA as       attraction.
                            a Technical Officer working on projects
                            applying isotope hydrology for geo-
                            thermal development. She is currently
                            a Programme Management Officer in
                            the Department of Technical Coope-
                            ration, working on projects in Latin
                            America and the Caribbean. Since 2007
                            she has teamed up with a scientific/
                            technical group on a project involving
                            12 Member States to identify sources
                            of pollution in the Caribbean Sea.

REQUIREMENTS                               Educational and technical                  – 7-15 years of experience
                                           qualifications                                in a relevant field
AND CONDITIONS FOR                                                                    – Resource management experience
APPOINTMENT                                The IAEA follows a structure similar
                                           to the organizations of the UN Common      There are two possibilities for posts in
                                           System: there are five grades in the        these levels: taking on managerial res-
“The paramount consideration in            Professional category (P-1 at the junior   ponsibilities or carrying out functions
the recruitment and employment of          level to P 5 at the senior level) and      in a highly specialized field of expertise.
staff and in the determination of the      three in the policy making category
conditions of service shall be to secure   (two Director grades and the grade of      Those with managerial responsibilities
employees of the highest standards         Deputy Director General).                  function as head of a unit or section,
of efficiency, technical competence,                                                   or a director of a division. They directly
and integrity. Subject to this consi-      Candidates for Professional posts at       participate in the preparation and
deration, due regard shall be paid to                                                 execution of the IAEA’s strategy and
                                           the P1 to P3 levels usually require:
the contributions of Member States                                                    programmes, manage a budget and
to the Agency and to the importance                                                   assume a leadership role.
                                           – University degree
of recruiting the staff on as wide a
geographical basis as possible.”             (or equivalent graduate degree)
                                           – 1-5 years of experience                  Competencies

Article VII D. Statute, IAEA                  in a relevant field
                                                                                      A combination of skills, attributes and
                                                                                      behaviours are included in vacancy
                                           Candidates for Professional posts at
                                                                                      notices, such as:
                                           the P4 to D levels usually require:
                                                                                      – Ability to work in a multicultural
                                           – Advanced university degree                 environment and collaboratively
                                             (masters, PhD or equivalent)               in teams

– Good communication skills                  feedback, to promote a free flow of
– Ability to analyse problems                information and to resolve conflicts.        The IAEA is interested
  thoroughly and systematically and                                                      in expertise in:
  take different approaches to prob-         Professionals with the IAEA may be
  lem-solving and decision making            called upon to work well beyond the         Accounting
                                             established office hours, to meet very       Administration
– Improving knowledge and skills
                                             short deadlines and to travel extensively   Agriculture
  according to changing requirements
                                             — and sometimes to countries with           Computer sciences
  and sharing knowledge and
                                             difficult living conditions. They may        Energy economics
  information with others                    have to cope with poor technology and       Environmental specialities
– Sound judgement, integrity and             other constraints in the field. Never-       Financial management
  results-oriented approach.                 theless, they must remain committed         Human resource management
                                             and do their job efficiently.                International cooperation
Management skills                                                                        International law
                                             Language and computer skills                Languages
Management skills are required of                                                        Library science
candidates applying for supervisory          The ‘official’ languages of the IAEA         Life sciences
positions. In particular, the essential      are Arabic, Chinese, English, French,       Nuclear engineering
abilities are to plan and prioritize work,   Russian and Spanish. The IAEA’s             Nuclear medicine
to set performance expectations, to mo-      working language is English, so a good      Physical/chemical sciences
nitor programmes, to run projects and        command of spoken and written English       Political science
assignments, to motivate individuals         is essential. Good computer skills are      Project management
and teams, to delegate, to promote           also necessary, in particular word          Public affairs
teamwork, to appraise people’s skills        processing, spreadsheets and databases.     Radiation protection
and expertise, to provide guidance and                                                   Technical cooperation

Geographical distribution of staff         mainstream gender issues into              fixed-term positions are initially made
                                           the Secretariat’s programmes and           for a period of three years. Based on
Subject to the above mentioned con-        operations.                                programme requirements and work
siderations, in recruiting Professional                                               performance, the IAEA may offer an
staff (other than those requiring          Other requirements                         extension of two more years, i.e. for a
special linguistic skills) the IAEA                                                   total of five years, which constitute the
tries to achieve as wide a geographical    Every offer of appointment is subject      normal tour of service at the IAEA.
distribution of staff as possible. In      to a satisfactory medical clearance        A further extension beyond the five
cases of comparable qualifications          from the IAEA’s Medical Officer.            years tour of service may be excep-
and suitability, preference is generally   Before appointment, therefore, all         tionally granted for programmatic or
given to applicants from developing        selected candidates must undergo a         other compelling reasons in the interest
Member States and from other Member        medical examination.                       of the IAEA, for up to two years, for a
States which are not represented or are                                               maximum seven year tour of service.
under-represented within the IAEA.         Rotation policy and duration
                                           of tour of service
Representation of women
                                           The IAEA does not offer permanent
The IAEA strongly supports the             appointments in the Professional ca-
principle of ‘equal rights of men and      tegory. In order to keep the collective
women’ enshrined in the first sentence      knowledge of the staff up to date and
of the UN Charter. A gender equality       at a high level, especially in scientific
policy has been put in place to increase   and engineering fields, and to ensu-
the representation of women within         re the regular introduction of new
the Secretariat, particularly at senior    ideas, the IAEA generally limits the
and decision making levels especially      individual’s overall tour of service to
in scientific and technical posts, and to   five years. Appointments to regular

OPPORTUNITIES FOR     Junior Professional Officer

                      The JPO programme is designed for
                      young professionals, particularly wo-
                      men, from developing countries, who
                      should be below the age of 32 years,
                      hold an advanced university degree
                      and preferably have at least two years
                      of professional work experience. The
                      JPO works as part of a team and under
                      the guidance of a senior Professional
                      officer. The assignment may be in a
                      scientific/technical or an administrative
                      area, and lasts one year.

                      Some Member States also offer to
                      their young nationals the possibility of
                      joining the IAEA as a JPO.

                      For more information about JPO
                      programme, see:


The programme provides young
professionals an opportunity to gain
practical experience in their fields of
study or work, and expose them to
the work of the IAEA and the UN.
Internships last between three months
and one year. Applicants must be at
least 18 years old and have completed
a minimum of two years of full time
studies at a university or equivalent
institution towards the completion
of their first degree. They may also
apply up to two years after the comple-
tion of their bachelor’s, master’s or
doctorate degree.

For more information about internships,

CONDITIONS OF                                – A post adjustment, which varies           covering initial, settling-in expenses.
                                               according to the cost of living at each
EMPLOYMENT                                     duty station in comparison to New         A repatriation grant is payable to
                                               York. It is designed to ensure that       internationally recruited staff upon
This section gives general information         no matter where the UN Common             separation and relocation after at least
relating to the employment of Profes-                                                    one year of service. The amount is
                                               System staff work, their take-home
sional staff 2 internationally recruited                                                 linked to the staff member’s depen-
                                               pay has a purchasing power equiva
for a period of at least one year and hol-                                               dency status and the length of
                                               lent to that at the base of the system.
ding a regular fixed-term appointment.                                                    service with the IAEA.
It does not describe all conditions of       Relocation expenses
service. More detailed information is                                                    Health insurance
provided to candidates in the event of       The IAEA usually meets the costs of
an offer of appointment.                                                                 Staff members may choose between
                                             travel from the place of recruitment
                                                                                         two health insurance schemes, the
                                             to the duty station in the case of staff
Salary and post adjustment                                                               premium costs of which are shared
                                             members who have been internatio-
                                                                                         by the staff member and the IAEA.
                                             nally recruited and of their eligible
Staff members are paid a net remu-                                                       The IAEA also has a non-contributory
                                             dependants. It also usually meets the
neration, exempt in principle from                                                       compensation scheme for injury,
                                             costs of shipping or storing and insu-
income tax and usually paid in the                                                       illness or death attributable to the
                                             ring household effects.
currency of the duty station,                                                            performance of official functions.
composed of
                                             Assistance with visa formalities may        2
                                                                                           The term ‘Professional staff member’ refers to persons
                                             be provided, and the IAEA can arrange       whose work requires the understanding of an organized
– A salary determined within                 initial hotel accommodation. Staff          body of theoretical knowledge that is of a level equivalent
                                                                                         to that represented by a university degree, whereas General
  the framework of the UN                    appointed for at least one year receive     Service staff members work in areas of administrative,
  Common System                              upon arrival an assignment grant for        technical and scientific support.

Health care facilities                     insurance scheme or the pension insu-       term accommodation in and around
                                           rance scheme of his/her former emplo-       Vienna. It also advises staff members
There is a well equipped Medical Ser-      yer. Besides retirement pensions, the       on other issues concerning housing,
vice at the VIC which provides occu-       UNJSPF provides disability pensions         especially lease agreements.
pational health checks and where staff     and — in the event of the death of the
members obtain advice on medical           participant — survivors’ benefits.           Rental subsidy
services in Vienna. Travel health infor-   More information on:
mation, inoculations and medicines for                              Internationally recruited staff members
duty travel and home leave travel are                                                  may be eligible for a rental subsidy
also provided.                             The mandatory retirement age is 62.         (up to 40% of the actual rent) for a
                                           Staff members separating from the           maximum period of seven years.
Life insurance                             IAEA before reaching that age are en-
                                           titled to either a lump sum withdrawal      Dependency allowance
Staff members have the possibility         settlement instead of a pension or (if
of enrolling, at their own expense, in     they have at least five years of contri-     Dependency benefits are payable to
a group life insurance scheme with         butory service) a deferred retirement       staff members for dependant spouses
several levels of coverage.                benefit or (if, in addition, they are over   who earn a yearly salary under a
                                           55 years of age) an early retirement        certain threshold and for children
Pension plan                               pension at a reduced rate. Pensions         under the age of 21 for whom the staff
                                           are subject to annual cost of living        member provides continuing financial
Participation in the UN Joint Staff        adjustments.                                support. Staff members only receive
Pension Fund (UNJSPF) is compulsory                                                    the allowance for dependent children
for staff members who have an              Housing                                     between the ages of 18 and 21 if they
appointment of six months or more,                                                     are in full-time attendance at a school,
except when he/she is allowed to           A housing service assists in finding         university or similar educational
continue instead in a national pension     rented furnished and unfurnished long       institution. Staff members who do
not have a dependent spouse may be          meets the home leave travel costs of          staff members and their spouses are
eligible to receive a secondary depen-      internationally recruited staff members       invited to participate in the Orientation
dant allowance for a parent or sibling      who are not of Austrian nationality for       Programme that will introduce them to
under certain circumstances.                travelling (with spouse and dependant         the IAEA and to life in Vienna.
                                            children) to their home country.
Education grant                                                                           The IAEA also offers training at a rea-
                                            Work/life balance policies                    sonable cost in all the official languages
An education grant may be payable in                                                      as well as German to staff members
respect of a staff member’s child who       The IAEA has put in place policies            and their spouses who wish to develop
is in full-time attendance at a recog-      to support staff in balancing work with       their linguistic skills for professional
nized school or university. The grant is    their personal and family responsibilities:   or personal reasons.
not payable for attendance at a school
free of charge or one charging only         – Flexible working hours                      The staff development centre (SDC)
nominal fees at the duty station.           – Part-time work
                                            – Work-from-home                              The SDC is a resource centre where
Leave                                                                                     staff and their spouses can broaden
                                            Training and staff development                their professional as well as their career
Staff members are entitled to 30 days                                                     options through self-training, semi-
(six weeks) of annual leave. In addition,   The IAEA provides a variety of in-house       nars and workshops. It also provides
there are ten official holidays.             training programmes and professional          guidance on the adjustment to the wor-
                                            development opportunities to help staff       king environment and life in Vienna.
Policies on paid sick leave and             members update and develop their work-        The SDC has a collection of more than
maternity/paternity leave have been         related knowledge and skills. These           800 titles in print, audio, video, DVD
put in place.                               programmes include communication,             and multimedia software. The material
                                            management, career planning and               covers a wide range of topics dealing
After two years of service, the IAEA        computer courses. In addition, new            with personal and professional deve-
lopment, management and leadership,        For older children of pre-school age      School, the Danube International
language skills and issues of general      there are municipal ‘kindergartens’       School or the Lycée Français in other
interest.                                  in the vicinity of the VIC. Besides mu-   parts of the city are a few examples.
                                           nicipal day schools, which are run in     As these schools often have placement
The IAEA Headquarters and                  German, there are a number of private     restrictions, new staff members are
other facilities                           fee paying schools run in English,        encouraged to register their children
                                           French and other languages. The Vienna    at the school of their preference as
The IAEA’s Headquarters are located        International School is located near      soon as possible.
together with other UN organizations at    the VIC; the American International
the Vienna International Centre (VIC),
an office complex comprising several
towers near the Danube river. Facilities
at the VIC include a post office, a bank,
two travel agencies, a pharmacy, a
news-stand, a dry cleaning service, a
restaurant, a self-service cafeteria and
a gymnasium.

There are on-site child care centres at
Headquarters and the Seibersdorf La-
boratory (run in German) with opening
hours corresponding to regular working
hours for staff members’ children bet-
ween three months and school age, i.e.
six years of age.

HOW TO APPLY FOR A                         weeks. While every attempt is made         languages and references. It is used
                                           to fill such positions from a multi-        to evaluate the candidate’s suitability
POSITION IN THE IAEA                       national community, these positions        for a vacancy, as well as for admi-
                                           are neither subject to geographical        nistrative purposes in case he/she is
                                           distribution nor to the IAEA’s             selected to work with the IAEA.
All positions are advertised through
                                           rotation policy.
vacancy notices, which are nor-
                                                                                      All applications need to be submitted
mally issued months before a posi-
                                           Candidates for General Service posi-       before the closing date stated on the
tion becomes available at the IAEA.
                                           tions in Vienna should be in possession    vacancy notice. Applications recei-
A list of open vacancy notices is
                                           of a valid visa for Austria and are res-   ved after this date are not considered.
available on the IAEA’s Web site at
                                           ponsible for their own relocation upon     Applicants who do not comply with the Copies
                                           appointment.                               application guidelines or do not meet
of vacancy notices are also sent to
                                                                                      the essential requirements specified in
all Member States, typically to the
                                           Recruitment step by step                   the vacancy notice are not considered.
Atomic Energy Commissions, Minis-
tries of Foreign Affairs, other inter-
                                           In order to be considered for a po-        Upon receipt, applications for a
national organizations, universities
                                           sition, interested candidates must         specific vacancy are forwarded to the
and other educational institutions.
                                           complete and submit an on-line job         Division concerned for evaluation and
                                           application, accessible on the IAEA        the selection of candidates. In some
In general, a period of six weeks is al-
                                           web site:         cases, applicants may be invited for
lowed for the submission of job appli-
                                                                                      an interview in Vienna or they may be
cations in response to a vacancy notice.
                                           The personal history form (PHF)            interviewed through a videoconference
                                           is an on-line resume, which inclu-         or by telephone.
General Services (support) positions
                                           des general information about a
are filled on a locally recruited basis
                                           candidate’s education, employment,
and are advertised for a period of four

The Division of Human Resources
reviews the selection process to ensure
that appropriate attention has been paid
to female applicants and to applicants
from developing countries and other
countries that are under-represented at
the IAEA.

Appointments are made by the Director
General or the Deputy Director General
for Management.

All applicants are informed of the out-
come of their application in due course.
An offer of appointment is sent to the
selected candidate approximately two
months before he/she is expected to
take up the position.

If the candidate accepts the offer, he/she
receives a Letter of Appointment and,
upon acceptance of its terms, becomes
an IAEA staff member.

AFGHANISTAN       CÔTE D’IVOIRE         ISRAEL              NAMIBIA              SUDAN
MEMBERS             ALBANIA           CROATIA               ITALY               NEPAL                SWEDEN
                    ALGERIA           CUBA                  JAMAICA             NETHERLANDS          SWITZERLAND
STATES              ANGOLA            CYPRUS                JAPAN               NEW ZEALAND          SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC
                    ARGENTINA         CZECH REPUBLIC        JORDAN              NICARAGUA            TAJIKISTAN
                    AUSTRALIA          OF THE CONGO         KENYA               NIGERIA              THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA
(as of July 2010)   AUSTRIA           DENMARK               REPUBLIC OF KOREA   NORWAY                REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA
                    AZERBAIJAN        DOMINICAN REPUBLIC    KUWAIT              OMAN,                TUNISIA
                    BAHRAIN           ECUADOR               KYRGYZSTAN           SULTANATE OF        TURKEY
                    BANGLADESH        EGYPT                 LATVIA              PAKISTAN             UGANDA
                    BELARUS           EL SALVADOR           LEBANON             PALAU                UKRAINE
                    BELGIUM           ERITREA               LESOTHO             PANAMA               UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
                    BELIZE            ESTONIA               LIBERIA             PARAGUAY             UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT
                    BENIN             ETHIOPIA              LIBYAN ARAB         PERU                  BRITAIN AND NORTHERN
                    BOLIVIA           FINLAND                 JAMAHIRIYA        PHILIPPINES           IRELAND
                    BOSNIA AND        FRANCE                LIECHTENSTEIN       POLAND               UNITED REPUBLIC OF
                     HERZEGOVINA      GABON                 LITHUANIA           PORTUGAL              TANZANIA
                    BOTSWANA          GEORGIA               LUXEMBOURG          QATAR                UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                    BRAZIL            GERMANY               MADAGASCAR          REPUBLIC OF          URUGUAY
                    BULGARIA          GHANA                 MALAWI               MOLDOVA             UZBEKISTAN
                    BURKINA FASO      GREECE                MALAYSIA            ROMANIA              VENEZUELA
                    BURUNDI           GUATEMALA             MALI                RUSSIAN FEDERATION   VIETNAM
                    CAMEROON          HAITI                 MALTA               SAUDI ARABIA         YEMEN
                    CAMBODIA          HOLY SEE              MARSHALL ISLANDS    SENEGAL              ZAMBIA
                    CANADA            HONDURAS              MAURITANIA          SERBIA               ZIMBABWE
                    CENTRAL AFRICAN   HUNGARY               MAURITIUS           SEYCHELLES
                     REPUBLIC         ICELAND               MEXICO              SIERRA LEONE
                    CHAD              INDIA                 MONACO              SINGAPORE
                    CHILE             INDONESIA             MONGOLIA            SLOVAKIA
                    CHINA             ISLAMIC REPUBLIC      MONTENEGRO          SLOVENIA
                    COLOMBIA           OF IRAN              MOROCCO             SOUTH AFRICA
                    CONGO             IRAQ                  MOZAMBIQUE          SPAIN
                    COSTA RICA        IRELAND               MYANMAR             SRI LANKA

Working At IAEA - On Screenversion 06 Oct 2010
Working At IAEA - On Screenversion 06 Oct 2010
Working At IAEA - On Screenversion 06 Oct 2010
Working At IAEA - On Screenversion 06 Oct 2010

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Working At IAEA - On Screenversion 06 Oct 2010

  • 2. challenge - commitment - team spirit - respect - strength - determination Not just for mountaineers! The mountaineering imagery was chosen to assist in expressing our message in a singular way. The qualities above are ones that you will find in IAEA employees, and represent opportunities for people looking to join our teams working to fulfil a critical mandate. Our organization is based in Vienna, Austria, a city that was ranked number one in a recent worldwide quality of living survey, and a country famous for its mountains. We are inviting your commitment to contribute to our global impact in an atmosphere of a balanced working and personal life.
  • 5. AN INTRODUCTION Founded in 1957 within the UN In 2005, the IAEA was awarded the family, the IAEA serves as the world‘s Nobel Peace Prize “for their efforts to TO THE IAEA intergovernmental forum for scien- prevent nuclear energy from being used tific and technical cooperation in the for military purposes and to ensure peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Its that nuclear energy for peaceful purpo- principal objectives under its Statute ses is used in the safest possible way.” are “to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, The IAEA’s headquarters are in Vienna. health and prosperity throughout the Operational liaison offices are located world” and “ensure, so far as it is in Geneva, Switzerland, and New York, able, that assistance provided by it or USA. Regional offices are located in at its request or under its supervision Toronto, Canada, and Tokyo, Japan. or control is not used in such a way as to further any military purpose”. The IAEA also runs and supports re- search centres and scientific laboratories The IAEA pursues its objectives by in Vienna and Seibersdorf (Austria) promoting the transfer of nuclear tech- and Monaco. nology and know-how, encouraging the creation of an international culture of safety and reliability in the utilization of nuclear energy, safeguarding nuclear materials so as to ensure that they are used exclusively for peaceful purposes and disseminating information on the peaceful uses of nuclear technology. 04
  • 6. IAEA programmes and budgets are Nuclear engineers, nuclear physicists by their countries to deal with specific set through decisions of its policy and nuclear safeguards inspectors cons- tasks, such as preparing standards. making bodies: titute the largest groups of Professional staff members. IAEA staff members are internatio- – The General Conference nal civil servants who owe allegiance comprises all Member States (see The other scientific and technical occu- solely to the IAEA and are required Annex 1) and meets for a one week pational groups are comprised of engi- to not accept instructions from any session every year; neers, biologists, agricultural scientists, government or other national authority. physicists, marine scientists, chemists, – The Board of Governors medical doctors and mathematicians The work of the IAEA is carried oversees the ongoing operations of with a wider variety of specializations. out through six Departments the IAEA, comprising 35 Member (see the organizational chart in States and generally meets five times The major administrative occupational Annex 2): a year, or more frequently if required groups include accountants, human for specific situations. resources specialists, computer experts, – Management procurement specialists, lawyers, trans- – Nuclear Energy The IAEA Secretariat is led by the lators, editors, project managers and – Nuclear Safety and Security Director General, who is the chief librarians. – Nuclear Sciences and Applications executive authority, and six Deputy Directors General who head the major IAEA Professional staff comprise a – Safeguards 1 departments. A multi-disciplinary multicultural group of experts from – Technical Cooperation professional and support team of ap- the Member States. They carry out the proximately 2300 scientific, technical functions of the IAEA by two different 1 and administrative personnel from over means. First they contribute as indi- This brochure deals with the recruitment of regular staff members. For information on the recruitment of technical 100 countries work at the Secretariat, vidual experts. Second, they organize cooperation experts, please contact the IAEA Department implementing the IAEA’s programmes. input from experts who are nominated of Technical Cooperation. 05
  • 7. OUR WORK Secretariat of the Policy- programme, and (ii) maintain effec- making Organs tive relations and communications with Member States, other UN bodies, OFFICES REPORTING TO THE The Secretariat ensures that the International Organizations and civil DIRECTOR GENERAL IAEA’s Policy Making Organs (the society. Board of Governors and the Gene- ral Conference) effectively perform Office of Legal Affairs their statutory responsibilities and their other functions in overseeing The objectives of the Office are to (i) the ongoing operations of the IAEA. ensure the legally appropriate perfor- mance of the IAEA’s work, to prepare Office of Internal Oversight legal instruments, including internati- Services onal agreements and internal regula- tions, to provide legal interpretations The Office was established to stren- of these instruments and regulations, gthen the IAEA’s ability to change (ii) ensure that the legal aspects of the through improved management practice, IAEA’s work programme are approp- as well as programme performance riately addressed, (iii) provide advice and enhanced accountability. on legal questions relating to the work of the IAEA and to provide assis- Office of External Relations tance for the development of nuclear and Policy Coordination legislation in Member States, and (iv) ensure a coordinated approach to legal The objectives of the Office are to (i) issues common to the UN system. arrive at well formulated and coordina- ted policies for all areas of the IAEA‘s 06
  • 8. Professionals in these areas have expertise in: – Certified accounting and auditing – Economics – International relations – Law – Management analysis – Political science
  • 9. “IT’S ABOUT MUCH MORE For Laura Rockwood (USA), bringing about fundamental, ground- a lawyer educated at UC Berkeley breaking changes to the safeguards THAN JUST BUILDING NUCLEAR and Hastings College of Law in San system from a legal point of view. POWER PLANTS” Francisco, working at the IAEA is She finds it energizing to work in a interesting, current, newsworthy and place where people believe in what exciting. Given the IAEA’s objective they do. She also likes the intellectual of promoting the safe and peaceful uses challenge of the IAEA’s work and of nuclear energy, the work is anything learning to see things from different but one dimensional, ranging from the perspectives in a multicultural implementation of safeguards to verify environment. On a more personal note, the non-proliferation of nuclear wea- Laura thinks that Vienna is a ‘terrific’ pons to the promotion of nuclear ap- city to live in. plications in medicine and agriculture. The Head of the Non-Proliferation and Policy-making Organs Section in the Office of Legal Affairs, Laura was one of the original drafters of the Model Additional Protocol (1997) designed to improve the IAEA’s ability to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in safeguarded States. This task invol- ved convincing Member States of the value of the protocol, understanding and addressing their concerns and 08
  • 10. MANAGEMENT The Department of Management The Division of Conference and (MT) provides a wide range of sup- Document Services facilitates the porting services to the IAEA’s other effective exchange and dissemination PROVIDING SUPPORT Departments, and the Professionals of information between the Secreta- SERVICES ESSENTIAL TO of this Department carry out challen- riat and Member States, and among ging activities in very diverse areas. Member States, by organizing meetings THE EFFICIENT OPERATION and conferences, editing, printing and OF THE IAEA The objective of the Office of Procure- distributing documents and scientific ment Services is to ensure the timely and technical publications in the six acquisition of goods and services, en- official UN languages. suring value for money through compe- tition and due regard to the principles The Division of Human Resources of fairness, integrity and transparency. provides services ranging from human resources planning, recruitment, staff The Division of Budget and Finance development and career management prepares and administers the IAEA’s to salary and benefits, as well as medi- annual budgets, which determine the cal and health related services. allocation of personnel and financial resources to the programme of the The Division of Information IAEA. The Division works to ensure Technology provides reliable and sus- the continued confidence of the Board tainable Information and Communica- of Governors and Member States in the tion Technology solutions and services. financial management of the Secretariat. 09
  • 11. The objective of the Division of Ge- Professionals in MT neral Services is to provide efficient have expertise in: and effective general administrative support services including: operational – Accounting maintenance, facilities management, – Administration archiving and records management, – Computer Sciences travel, transportation, housing and insu- – Finance rance, as well as property management – Human resources and the commissary. – Procurement – Translation The objective of the Division of Public Information is to bring about more accurate, balanced and objective understanding of nuclear issues and the role of the IAEA. For more information about MT, see: 10
  • 12. “INVESTING IN PEOPLE” George Petison (Ghana) is on his While on the job his group has under- second tour of service at the IAEA. gone training on various transferable He has an MSc in software enginee- skills, including ITIL best practices ring and an MBA, subjects which he and Prince 2 methodologies. studied during his first tour of service. He decided to apply for a position at the IAEA because he was looking for something new and challenging. As an IT Software Engineer in the Division of Information Technology, his work is project and customer ori- ented; it includes IT business analysis, managing outsourced projects, and technical leadership to younger pro- grammers. He believes that the IAEA has a unique way of working due to the cultural and professional diversity of its staff. What he values most about the IAEA is its investment in people by promo- ting professional development. 11
  • 14. The IAEA assists countries in develo- The Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle The Planning and Economic Studies ping or improving their capabilities for and Waste Technology supports Section (PESS) seeks to enhance the applying nuclear energy and related Member States in increasing their capa- capacity of Member States to perform technologies for peaceful purposes. bilities in policy making and strategic their own analyses regarding electri- planning, technology development and city and energy system development, The Division of Nuclear Power implementation of safe, reliable, econo- energy investment planning and energy assists Member States in increasing mically efficient, proliferation resistant environment policy formulation, and their capability to implement and and environmentally sound nuclear fuel to assess the potential role of nuclear maintain competitive and sustainable cycle and waste management program- energy in the context of mitigating nuclear power programmes, and deve- mes. Professional staff advise Member climate change and contributing to susta- lop and apply advanced nuclear tech- States and organizations in Member inable energy development. Assistance nologies. The Division’s Professionals States on uranium mining and resour- includes: transferring modern planning give specific advice on nuclear energy, ces, environmental aspects associated methods, tools and databanks; training including nuclear programme planning, with all types of fuel cycle facility, for model set-up and application; and and plant construction and operation. advanced fuels and the management of interpreting, synthesizing and applying They advise on the technical, economic irradiated fuel from power and research model outputs to policy formulation. and financial requirements for sound reactors. They also assist in and advise PESS also conducts energy-economics- nuclear power projects. They collect on strategies, engineering solutions and environment (3-E) analyses of nuclear and disseminate information and assist technologies for managing various ty- technologies and their competitors, in the improvement of power plant pes of radioactive waste from different focusing on competitive energy markets, performance, operations capabilities, sources (including decommissioning) environmental impacts and sustainable quality assurance and infrastructure in a safe, environmentally sound, cost energy development. PESS maintains development. Also, they are involved efficient and sustainable manner. databanks of energy and economic in the coordination for the development data for all Member States plus nuclear of innovative reactor technologies and power projections through 2030, and is future design concepts. developing a system of Indicators for 13
  • 15. Sustainable Energy Development. As tating sustainable education and training Professionals in the the expert UN agency on nuclear energy, in nuclear science and technology and Department of Nuclear Energy the IAEA, through PESS, conducts supporting knowledge maintenance, (NE) have expertise in research and provides input for interna- analysis and integration. tional negotiations on climate change – Energy economics and sustainable development. The IAEA Library provides professional – Engineering (chemical, civil, information management and services celectrical, industrial, mechani The IAEA distributes scientific and to Member States in all areas of IAEA cal, mining, structural, reactor technical information worldwide to activities. It manages and preserves physics and engineering) decision makers and professionals in information resources, while providing – Environmental sciences the field, and the INIS and Nuclear information services to Member – Information Knowledge Management Section plays States. Also, it promotes information a key role in accomplishing this. exchange, cooperation and resource and library sciences Through the International Nuclear sharing between nuclear information – Natural and earth sciences Information System (INIS), Member centres and libraries worldwide. – Physics and chemistry States have access to wide ranging – Waste technology information on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology, inclu- For more information about NE, see: ding an extensive collection of non- conventional literature. As the INIS index.html Secretariat, the Section manages INIS and promotes information gathering and cooperation within an internatio- nal network of Member States. It also develops methodology and guidance in nuclear knowledge management, facili- 14
  • 16. “A GLOBAL EXPERIENCE” Xiaoping Li (China) is a Power Engi- 149 countries around the world makes neer/Economist in the Department of it even more interesting and challenging. Nuclear Energy. Xiaoping obtained her Bachelor of Engineering in energy and For Xiaoping, working at the IAEA is a power at Xi’an Jiaotong University. global experience in a comfortable and She also has an MSE in nuclear engi- family friendly working environment. neering and radiological science from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) and was an intern at Westinghouse. After having worked for several years in two nuclear power plants in China, including bidding evaluation and negotiation, she decided to apply for a post at the IAEA after having watched an interview on television with the IAEA’s Director General. Two years ago she was looking at satellite images of Vienna in the internet and now she lives here. She works on issues related to inf- rastructure and planning for nuclear power plant economics, feasibility studies and project management, inclu- ding technical cooperation activities. The fact that the work encompasses 15
  • 17. NUCLEAR SAFETY The IAEA is at the centre of internati- Transport and Waste Safety, the onal efforts to achieve and maintain a Office of Nuclear Security, Incident AND SECURITY high level of nuclear safety and security and Emergency Centre, and the worldwide through the enhancement Safety and Security Coordination SAFETY AND SECURITY FIRST of national measures and international Section. cooperation. AROUND THE WORLD The Office of Nuclear Security is The Department of Nuclear Safety responsible for coordinating and and Security (NS) formulates and im- implementing the IAEA’s Nuclear plements the IAEA’s major programme Security Plan to prevent, detect and through a strong, sustainable and visi- respond to acts of nuclear terrorism and ble Global Nuclear Safety and Security threats thereof. The Office organizes Regime that provides for protection a large number of evaluation and of people and the environment from advisory services, training courses and effects of ionizing radiation, minimi- workshops and convenes meetings zation of the likelihood of accidents or with Member States’ experts for the malicious acts that could endanger life purpose of improving the methodology and property, and effective mitigation used and the nuclear security frame- of the effects of any such events. work. It liaises with other international organizations and Member States to In the Department of Nuclear Safety enhance cooperation and the outreach and Security (NS), technical and policy of nuclear security information. experts work to meet this important part of the IAEA’s mission, working within the Division of Nuclear Instal- lation Safety and Division of Radiation, 16
  • 18. It is organized into three sections: nuous improvements in the Global of information exchange and the Nuclear Safety and Security Regime. coordination of research and develop- The Incident and Emergency Centre The SSCS provides support and co- ment. The Division has five sections: (IEC) serves as the IAEA’s focal point ordination to promote a high level of for responding to nuclear or radiologi- harmonization and alignment for the The Operational Safety Section’s cal incidents and emergencies and for various safety and security activities main aim is to enhance Member State promoting improvement in Member within the regime. In addition, the capabilities to manage and maintain a States’ emergency response and prepa- SSCS provides assistance to promote high level of safety in nuclear installa- redness. It provides for an integrated effective communication and know- tions through operational safety review system through which States, their ledge management in the regime. services. It aims to improve operational competent authorities, international safety in Member States through the organizations, technical experts and the The objective of the Division of use of IAEA Safety Standards and con- Secretariat can effectively share infor- Nuclear Installation Safety is to tinuous self-assessment, and to make mation and experience, and coordinate achieve and maintain a high level of available to Member States good indust- the provision of assistance for response safety of nuclear installations world- ry practices and performance in nuclear to or preparedness for incidents or wide under design, construction or installations worldwide. The Section emergencies. operation by: establishing standards seeks to strengthen the capability of of safety for the protection of health, Member States to enhance their opera- The Safety and Security Coordinati- including standards for nuclear power tional safety performance through the on Section (SSCS) ensures technical plants and other nuclear installations use of operational experience feedback consistency and coordination between and facilities; and, providing for the and corrective action programmes. the IAEA’s activities in the nuclear, application of these standards through, radiation, transport and waste safety inter alia, support for the IAEA’s The Safety Assessment Section and nuclear security programmes. The technical cooperation programme, the endeavours to increase the capability SSCS’s efforts are aimed at ensuring rendering of services, the promotion of Member States to achieve a high effectiveness, integration and conti- of education and training, the fostering level of safety by promoting the use of 17
  • 19. advanced safety assessment tools with and supply agreements and assisting nology dispersion, population distribu- enhanced integration of deterministic Member States possessing such re- tion, malevolent and human induced and probabilistic approaches and the actors in fulfilling all the relevant hazards, etc. use of safety performance indicators; safety obligations. The Section also and strengthening quality assurance in covers a wide range of topics related The Division of Radiation, Transport nuclear safety. to research reactor and fuel cycle facility and Waste Safety develops and main- safety, including siting, design, const- tains standards for radiation protection, The Regulatory Activities Section ruction, commissioning, utilization radioactive waste safety and safety in supports the enhancement of effective and decommissioning. the transport of radioactive material that regulatory infrastructures for nuclear enable the beneficial uses of radiation safety in Member States. Its activities The International Seismic Safety to be exploited while ensuring approp- include safety review missions, the Centre (IEC) services were initiated riate protection of workers, the public development and revision of safety to provide advice on site related safety and patients. It also assists Member standards, the maintenance of an aspects and safety management of States in the implementation of these incident reporting system service for nuclear power plants, related to the standards and provides related services. nuclear power plants, and organization protection of nuclear installations as The Division has three sections: with respect to the Convention on regards both natural and human Nuclear Safety. induced hazards and design aspects The Radiation Safety and Monitoring of system, structure and components. Section is responsible for the delinea- The Research Reactor Safety Section Subjects included in their reviews are: tion of a global radiation safety regime implements Member States’ decisions geology, tectonics, geophysics, seismo- to protect workers, patients and the to develop an international research logy, seismic hazard assessment, mete- public from all types of exposure to reactor and fuel cycle facility safety orology, flooding including tsunamis, natural or artificial radiation, according enhancement plan and regime. Acti- geotechnical engineering, structural to the most recent scientific knowledge vities in this area include monitoring engineering, mechanical engineering, and information. It also provides radia- research reactors subject to project hydrogeology, oceanography, volca- tion monitoring and protection services 18
  • 20. for staff members and experts who types of radioactive waste and the For more information about NS, see: may be exposed to ionizing radiation provisions for the application of waste due to activities conducted by the IAEA. safety standards. The Regulatory Infrastructure and Professionals in NS have Transport Safety Section provides expertise in: Member States with safety standards, guidance and tools to foster regulatory – Design and operation of nuclear infrastructure for the control of radia- power plants tion sources, for the safe transport of – Engineering (chemical, civil, radioactive material and for managing electrical, industrial, mechanical, information for the identification of mining or structural) needs in Member States that would be – Physics used to improve radiation, transport and waste safety. – Physical protection – Radiation, transport and waste The Waste and Environmental Safety safety Section is responsible for the delinea- – Waste safety and waste tion of a global waste safety regime to technology protect the public and the environment from the effects of ionizing radiation, based on the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, the development of safety standards for the management of all 19
  • 21. “LEARNING FROM CHERNOBYL EXPERIENCE” Ms. Elena Buglova, a Medical Doctor, was part of the IEC team responding to Chile’s call for assistance, after a construction worker was severely burned by a lost radioactive source. The Centre is a 24-hour contact point for countries dealing with nuclear or radiological incidents and emergencies. 20
  • 22. Elena Buglova (Belarus) is the Emer- This ultimately led to her applying to The challenges within her IAEA gency Preparedness Coordinator within work at the IAEA, and Elena now feels position require her to stay on top of the Incident and Emergency Centre that she is privileged to work with a the latest technical, managerial and (IEC) at the IAEA. She graduated with great team of people who are so devo- decision making advancements globally, an MD in Medicine (with honours) ted to working for a common outcome. saying these are areas where you during a time when her immediate This confidence with each other and in cannot slow down, and the constant environment was being heavily influ- the work they do internationally allows development and maintenance of enced by the effects of the Chernobyl them to objectively see the difference knowledge and expertise is one of the disaster. Spurred on by a desire to they are making and if a severe nuclear exciting things about working with the serve the population and do the best to emergency happens again it will not IEC and working at the forefront of the protect it, she continued her studies have Chernobyl like consequences. Nuclear Safety and Security industry gaining the credentials of being a This team work attitude is a theme with the IAEA. Candidate of Medical Science (Ph.D that runs through Elena’s life at home, & M.D) with the field of Radiation as while being a working mother in Hygiene and later a Doctor of Science, a 24/7 on-call position she needs the through her deep scientific research same strength in her partnerships with work within a newly established Re- family members when it is called upon, search and Clinical Institute of Radi- and she is confident each supports her ation Medicine and Endocrinology and recognizes the importance of her in Minsk, Belarus. work. She feels that this balance of professional and personal fulfilment Throughout this time she became re- is something she is fortunate to have cognized as a national expert and the saying that “if you like your work it natural flow in sharing knowledge from stops being “work” and becomes part these experiences developed her con- of your life, and this fulfilment makes ba- nections to the international community. lancing it with your family life easier”. 21
  • 23. NUCLEAR SCIENCES The IAEA contributes to sustainable Programme of Action for Cancer development in Member States through Therapy (PACT) AND APPLICATIONS the use of nuclear and isotopic tech- niques in food and agriculture, human The PACT was created by the IAEA health, industry, water resources ma- in 2004 in response to the developing WORKING TO MEET nagement, environment monitoring, re- world’s growing cancer crisis. Drawing THE MILLENNIUM search and protection, giving due regard on the IAEA’s 30 years of experience DEVELOPMENT GOALS to safety. Besides promoting research in radiation medicine and technology, and applications in these areas, staff sup- PACT aims to help developing coun- port the IAEA’s technical cooperation tries build a comprehensive, sustaina- activities in areas of their expertise. ble cancer control programme integra- ting prevention, screening, treatment and palliative care. In 2009, the IAEA established a Joint Programme with the World Health Organization (WHO). The programme allows for close collaboration with WHO and other key international health organizations through a coordinated global response in developing strategies and specific plans for working with low and middle income (LMI) Member States in the design and implementation of compre- hensive cancer control programmes. 22
  • 24. The IAEA programme on human health, Agriculture assists Member States to nuclear sciences, and supports activities through the Division of Human Health, use nuclear techniques and related bio- in specific fields, such as industrial works to enhance the capabilities of technologies for developing improved applications of radiation and isotopes; Member States to address needs related strategies for sustainable food security. isotope hydrology and geochemistry; to the prevention, diagnosis and treat- It coordinates and supports research; nuclear analytical chemistry; plasma ment of health problems through the provides technical and advisory servi- physics applications; nuclear physics; application of nuclear techniques. Its ces for projects and training activities radiation chemistry; improvement and main activities include: coordinating and and laboratory support and training maintenance of nuclear instrumentation; supporting research; providing technical, through the FAO/IAEA Agriculture utilization of research reactors and advisory and laboratory services; and and Biotechnology Laboratory; it particle accelerators; promotion of collecting, analysing and disseminating collects, analyses and disseminates research on nuclear fusion; collection and information (meetings). Scientists help information for effective transfer of provision of nuclear and atomic data for Member States to apply nuclear and iso- skills and technology. In the field of nuclear research and technology and topic techniques in the diagnosis, treat- animal production and health, scientists production of high quality medical ment and prevention of diseases, and in are helping to develop more sensitive radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals. assessing people’s nutritional status in techniques for the diagnosis of animal These activities aim to help Member different environments. The Division diseases and to improve animal diets States to develop the scientific basis is divided into four Sections, which are and breeding strategies. Scientists are for current and future technologies focused on Nuclear Medicine, Applied also using insects sterilized by radiation Radiation Biology and Radiotherapy, to control or eradicate insect pests The IAEA Environment Laboratories, Dosimetry and Medical Physics, and affecting humans, crops and animals. located in Monaco, assists Member Nutritional and Health-related Environ- States to protect the marine environment mental Studies, respectively. The Division of Physical and by improving their capabilities to Chemical Sciences assists and advises monitor and assess radioactivity and its The Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Member States in assessing their needs potential effects on environment and Nuclear Techniques in Food and for research and development in the health, and to use nuclear and isotopic 23
  • 25. techniques to enhance understanding of water, food; measurement of hydrogen radiation dosimetry, the use of nuclear the oceans and/or marine pollution trans- and oxygen isotopes for hydrological techniques for producing food crops fers and behaviour. Scientists provide studies, etc.); provision of quality with better agronomic properties and technical advice and assistance across control and quality assurance materials studying soil–plant systems, develo- a wide range of pollution related and for radiochemical analysis, nuclear ping immunoassay techniques for oceanographic issues, such as the effects and other complementary non-nuclear the diagnosis of animal diseases and of radioactive waste disposal at sea. analytical techniques; provision of spe- the use of radiation sterilized insects cialized scientific and technical services to control or eradicate insect pests. Nuclear and radiation techniques are related to IAEA programmes; filling Professionals in the Department of also applied to assess water resources gaps in research and development and the proper use of geothermal water which are needed for the implementation Nuclear Sciences and Applications resources. Complementary studies on of a programme when they cannot (NA) have expertise in: global change, especially past and cur- be carried out by Member States and rent climate change, are also pursued. training of scientists from developing – Physics countries in the use of techniques and – Chemistry The IAEA’s Environment Laboratories technologies and in scientific fields. – Food sciences, nutrition, provide a wide range of scientific servi- biochemistry, physiology ces contributing to the implementation Staff provide quality control services, – Geosciences of programmes in food and agriculture, produce reference materials and carry – Hydrology human health, physical and chemical out chemical and radiochemical – Radiation oncology sciences, water resources, industry, analyses. They also conduct research – Nuclear techniques environment, and radiation protection. and provide on-the-job training for The main areas of work include: pro- scientists from developing countries in vision of analytical services (i.e. envi- topics such as environmental pollution ronmental analyses; measurement of monitoring, development and main- For more information about NA, see: radionuclides in air, soil, biota, fresh tenance of nuclear instrumentation, 24
  • 26. “SOLID SCIENCE FOUNDATION scholar, he has conducted research staff, as they strive to see beyond the across Asia, North America and Europe. scientific aspects of their work in order LEADS TO SOUND POLICY.” Despite his background, it never occurred to understand the value and social im- to Rethy that the IAEA could be his pact of their contribution. In his leisure outlet for promoting both peace and time, Rethy enjoys conducting research science, until a chance meeting with a and publishing works in history, philo- former staff member, who encouraged sophy of sciences and medicine, and Rethy to apply for his current positi- sciences applied to archaeology and on. Rethy has found that the IAEA is bio-archaeology. Together with his Rethy Chhem (Canada) is the Director truly a unique platform to use science supportive wife, Rethy is able to enjoy of the Division of Human Health. to serve humanity, and he believes the history and culture that Vienna has Growing up in Cambodia during the that nuclear science can be used not to offer, particularly through music and war time, Rethy’s desire to help others only to promote peace, but also plays museums. As a father, he also enjoys and have a career in medicine began an important role in improving global taking cultural trips together with his at an early age, doing volunteer work health. While his work is rewarding, wife and three children, who now live during and after the war, by providing it can sometimes be challenging for in Europe, Asia and Australia. While refugees and the poor with medical Rethy to ensure that all the needs of there is a delicate balance between the treatment and education. In the years the developing Member States are innovative mind of the scientist and the that followed, Rethy obtained his MD, addressed, as resources can often be bureaucracy of working for an interna- PhD in Education and PhD in Histo- limited. Nevertheless, he sees himself tional organization, Rethy ultimately ry, as a Historian of Medicine. For as a “pragmatic idealist” – a doctor, a enjoys and looks forward to every day 25 years, he worked as a Professor of scientist and an educator who wishes that he comes to work, because he is Radiology and Nuclear Medicine in to make a difference in the field of not ‘working’. “This is not a mere job Singapore and Canada where he chai- global health and higher education. that leads to a rewarding career, but red the Department of Medical Imaging This mentality is a motivating factor a commitment to a great cause that is before joining the IAEA. As a global for Rethy, as well as for his team of dear to me!” 25
  • 28. Through its role as the world’s nuclear Verification activities of Operations and open sources inspectorate, the IAEA performs an Divisions, A, B and C include: – Establishing and maintaining techni- indispensable role in global efforts to cal information with regard to safe- further nuclear non-proliferation. The – Preparing and performing safeguards guarded facilities strengthened safeguards system, based inspections at nuclear facilities – Acting as facility/site officer on ‘comprehensive’ safeguards agree- – Collecting information in support of – Formulating conclusions and ments and their ‘additional protocols’, future inspections appropriate reports for use by senior has established a new and higher stan- – Verifying design information at decla- management in reporting to States dard for effective, cooperative verifica- red facilities to confirm the complete and to the Board of Governors. tion of States’ nuclear undertakings. ness and correctness of the informa- The Department of Safeguards (SG) tion provided by the State has six Divisions. There are three Ope- – Carrying out measurements, cali- rations Divisions, A, B and C, for the brating instruments, taking nuclear implementation of verification activi- material and environmental samples, Safeguards inspection activities are ties where Safeguards inspectors carry and performing routine maintenance divided into field activities (inspec- out verification activities in support of tions) and Headquarters activities. of containment and surveillance the IAEA’s safeguards system. These Pre- and post-inspection activities equipment in the field are supported by three operational are usually done at Headquarters, in – Reviewing and evaluating seals, divisions, one that is responsible for addition to other activities such as sensors and surveillance data preparation of verification procedures, Concepts and Planning inclusive of the Section for Programme and Resources, – Analysing, evaluating and reporting involvement in team efforts (for one that covers Information Manage- on the results of inspections example, negotiating and drafting ment, and another that provides Tech- – Analysing, reviewing and evaluating Facility Attachments), quality control nical Support; as well as a Section for data collected from facility records, of inspection reports and statements, Effectiveness Evaluation and the Office design information and other State participation in State evaluations, of Safeguards Analytical Services. reports, inspection results, databases and provision of operational support. 27
  • 29. The Division of Technical Support safeguards concepts, approaches, pro- The Office of Safeguards Analytical ensures effective and efficient manage- cedures and practices in order to ensure Services is responsible for the analysis ment of safeguards equipment required effective and efficient application of of nuclear material and environmental by the Divisions of Operations through safeguards on a non-discriminatory swipe samples, the provision of asso- all lifetime phases; coordinates the basis. It supports the Department in the ciated sampling and quality control activities of Member States Support development, conduct and evaluations materials, as well as the coordination Programmes; coordinates and provides of safeguards related training for the of sample shipment logistics, and the assistance related to the Department’s departmental staff and for personnel Network of Analytical Laboratories equipment needs, budgets, expenditures, from Member States. It implements (NWAL). as well as analytical services associated and maintains the departmental quality with nuclear material and environmental management system, including process Professionals in SG have inspection sample analysis. design and improvement, as well as expertise in: knowledge management performance The Division of Safeguards Informa- measures. Within this Division lies the – Engineering (chemical, civil, tion Management is comprised of four Section for Programme and Resources, electrical, industrial, mechanical, sections and provides the Department responsible for managing the Depart- mining, structural) of Safeguards with services relating ment’s human (more than 700 staff) – Information analysis to data processing, secure information and financial resources (around €140 – Nuclear technologies distribution, information analysis and million per year). The Section for Effectiveness Evaluation – Satellite imagery analysis knowledge generation necessary to reports directly to the Deputy Director – Programme Management draw independent, impartial and credible safeguards conclusions. General, is responsible for the evalua- tion of safeguards implementation and The Division of Concepts and Planning preparation of the annual Safeguards For more information about SG, see: is responsible for strategic planning Implementation Report to the Board of and for developing and standardizing Governors. Safeguards/index.html 28
  • 30. “A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE” Davide Parise (Italy) is a Nuclear ing countries from an unusual, Safeguards Inspector in the Department non-touristy perspective. of Safeguards. With a background in nuclear physics, he came initially to the Working in an international IAEA while writing his PhD on Ener- organization can be very different getics. from working in a domestic field. Each country has its own way of Working for a non-profit organization working, giving Davide the that benefits people around the globe opportunity to develop and gain is his strongest motivation. He also valuable experience. enjoys the good working environment, surrounded by colleagues of different Davide thinks that Vienna is a cultures. wonderful city to live in, with a very high quality of life. In addition, the IAEA offers a non-stan- dard experience — constantly learning things that are not written in books. It opens a new dimension in the nuclear field, allowing for the possibility of a complete overview of the nuclear topic and getting to know the different approaches taken by every country on the same issue. Although being a nuclear safeguards inspector can be stressful at times, he values the possibility of see- 29
  • 31. “EACH ONE OF US HAS A Sahar Shawky (Egypt) had her first This physically demanding role can experience of working at the IAEA in be considered even more challenging UNIQUE CONTRIBUTION TO 1989 through the Technical Cooperati- due to language and cultural differen- THIS INTERNATIONAL on Fellowship for Women Programme, ces – something that Sahar believes is EFFORT TO FURTHER PEACE.” where she worked in the Chemistry actually one of the best aspects about Unit of the Seibersdorf Laboratories. working at the IAEA. She believes that After completing her Ph.D in Analyti- the diversity found amongst her colle- cal Chemistry in Düsseldorf, Germany, agues creates an interesting working she returned to her home country, where environment, and can ultimately impact she secured various employments with and change the way that people interact the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority with one another. Sahar’s work goes as a Safeguards Inspector and with the above and beyond that of her dedica- National Centre for Nuclear Safety tion to her job and to the IAEA, and and Radiation Control as Head of the she strives to ensure there is balance Central Radio-Analytical Lab. Sahar between all aspects of her life. found out about a job opportunity at the IAEA through the IAEA website, and “Without the support of my family, now works as a Nuclear Safeguards In- the mutual understanding, respect, and spector. Sahar is extremely committed realization of the seriousness of my to her work, and finds her work to be job, I would not be able to harmonize both interesting, as well as challenging. between my personal life and career.” She is proud contributing to the inter- national effort to further peace. Nearly four months out of the year, Sahar is travelling around Japan, and other parts of Asia conducting inspections. 30
  • 32. TECHNICAL The Department of Technical stakeholders, including sectoral minis- Cooperation (TC) helps Member States tries and other national authorities. COOPERATION to improve their scientific and tech- Programme management in TC is a nological capabilities in the peaceful stimulating and challenging respon- applications of nuclear technology, sibility requiring professionals with a EXTENDING THE thus contributing to sustainable deve- university degree, preferably in science SUSTAINABLE BENEFITS lopment. Over 100 countries in Latin or technology, and experience in the OF NUCLEAR America, Africa, Asia and Europe management of technical cooperation benefit from this support, which covers for development. TECHNOLOGIES areas such as food and agriculture, human health, industry, environment, The TC operating environment is inter- nuclear power and radiation protection. active, participative and dynamic with continuous inputs received from the TC manages hundreds of collaborative Board of Governors, the General Con- projects involving the provision of ference, policy and decision makers expert services, equipment and training. as well as technical counterparts in Member States, other parts of the Sec- TC officers work in full partnership retariat and the international develop- with officers of the IAEA’s technical ment community. TC has four regional Departments (Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Divisions and a Division of Programme Safety and Security, Nuclear Sciences Support and Coordination. and Applications) evaluating the objectives and planning the various phases of the projects, in consultation with national authorities. This requires a continuous dialogue with all project 31
  • 33. Divisions for Africa, Asia and the the technical cooperation programme Professionals in TC come from Pacific, Europe and Latin America through timely, accurate and effective a variety of backgrounds, and support services. These involve strate- predominantly have expertise in: The Divisions are responsible for gies, concepts and tools, communica- planning, programming, implementing tion and partnership services, planning – A combination of management, social and monitoring the technical coopera- and coordination of policy matters and sciences, science and technology, tion programme in accordance with the procedures. They also involve over- and international relations; IAEA technical cooperation strategy. all guidance and coordination of the – Technical cooperation and deve- This includes the development of management of financial resources, IT lopment programming at national or Country Programme Frameworks and services, provision of information to senior management and Member Sta- international level; the formulation and implementation tes, including reports to the Board of – Building strategic partnerships and of projects. Projects are designed to respond to relevant developmental Governors and the General Conference. alliances for collaboration and joint priorities and to foster the self-reliance initiatives; of Member States in the sustainable – Designing programmes/projects and application of nuclear techniques, identifying sustainable approaches resource mobilization and partnership that support the achievement of building, enhanced regional collabora- development goals and capacity- tion and cooperation. building measures. Division of Programme Support For more information about TC, see: and Coordination The Division is responsible for enhan- cing quality and transparency in the design, delivery and monitoring of 32
  • 34. “TO BE ABLE TO SEE QUITE For Jane Gerardo-Abaya (Philippines), The research results are intended to a geologist from the University of assist policy makers in those Member CONCRETELY THE RESULTS OF Philippines, one of the most satisfying States in understanding the flow and YOUR WORK” aspects of working at the IAEA is to dynamics of pollution and to work see directly the impact in Member out a viable solution for the benefit States of the projects in which she of the environment. In the transition participates. She was first introduced between being a Technical Officer and to nuclear techniques in hydrology a Programme Management Officer, 22 years ago when she learned to apply she earned a PhD in Applied Geology isotope methodologies as a technical and Geothermal Hydrology from the cooperation counterpart in the Phil- Bodenkultur University in Vienna. ippines’ Environmental Management Jane enjoys the high quality of life in Bureau. Vienna and being part of the city’s international community is an added She began her career at the IAEA as attraction. a Technical Officer working on projects applying isotope hydrology for geo- thermal development. She is currently a Programme Management Officer in the Department of Technical Coope- ration, working on projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. Since 2007 she has teamed up with a scientific/ technical group on a project involving 12 Member States to identify sources of pollution in the Caribbean Sea. 33
  • 35. REQUIREMENTS Educational and technical – 7-15 years of experience qualifications in a relevant field AND CONDITIONS FOR – Resource management experience APPOINTMENT The IAEA follows a structure similar to the organizations of the UN Common There are two possibilities for posts in System: there are five grades in the these levels: taking on managerial res- “The paramount consideration in Professional category (P-1 at the junior ponsibilities or carrying out functions the recruitment and employment of level to P 5 at the senior level) and in a highly specialized field of expertise. staff and in the determination of the three in the policy making category conditions of service shall be to secure (two Director grades and the grade of Those with managerial responsibilities employees of the highest standards Deputy Director General). function as head of a unit or section, of efficiency, technical competence, or a director of a division. They directly and integrity. Subject to this consi- Candidates for Professional posts at participate in the preparation and deration, due regard shall be paid to execution of the IAEA’s strategy and the P1 to P3 levels usually require: the contributions of Member States programmes, manage a budget and to the Agency and to the importance assume a leadership role. – University degree of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.” (or equivalent graduate degree) – 1-5 years of experience Competencies Article VII D. Statute, IAEA in a relevant field A combination of skills, attributes and behaviours are included in vacancy Candidates for Professional posts at notices, such as: the P4 to D levels usually require: – Ability to work in a multicultural – Advanced university degree environment and collaboratively (masters, PhD or equivalent) in teams 34
  • 36. – Good communication skills feedback, to promote a free flow of – Ability to analyse problems information and to resolve conflicts. The IAEA is interested thoroughly and systematically and in expertise in: take different approaches to prob- Professionals with the IAEA may be lem-solving and decision making called upon to work well beyond the Accounting established office hours, to meet very Administration – Improving knowledge and skills short deadlines and to travel extensively Agriculture according to changing requirements — and sometimes to countries with Computer sciences and sharing knowledge and difficult living conditions. They may Energy economics information with others have to cope with poor technology and Environmental specialities – Sound judgement, integrity and other constraints in the field. Never- Financial management results-oriented approach. theless, they must remain committed Human resource management and do their job efficiently. International cooperation Management skills International law Language and computer skills Languages Management skills are required of Library science candidates applying for supervisory The ‘official’ languages of the IAEA Life sciences positions. In particular, the essential are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Nuclear engineering abilities are to plan and prioritize work, Russian and Spanish. The IAEA’s Nuclear medicine to set performance expectations, to mo- working language is English, so a good Physical/chemical sciences nitor programmes, to run projects and command of spoken and written English Political science assignments, to motivate individuals is essential. Good computer skills are Project management and teams, to delegate, to promote also necessary, in particular word Public affairs teamwork, to appraise people’s skills processing, spreadsheets and databases. Radiation protection and expertise, to provide guidance and Technical cooperation 35
  • 37. Geographical distribution of staff mainstream gender issues into fixed-term positions are initially made the Secretariat’s programmes and for a period of three years. Based on Subject to the above mentioned con- operations. programme requirements and work siderations, in recruiting Professional performance, the IAEA may offer an staff (other than those requiring Other requirements extension of two more years, i.e. for a special linguistic skills) the IAEA total of five years, which constitute the tries to achieve as wide a geographical Every offer of appointment is subject normal tour of service at the IAEA. distribution of staff as possible. In to a satisfactory medical clearance A further extension beyond the five cases of comparable qualifications from the IAEA’s Medical Officer. years tour of service may be excep- and suitability, preference is generally Before appointment, therefore, all tionally granted for programmatic or given to applicants from developing selected candidates must undergo a other compelling reasons in the interest Member States and from other Member medical examination. of the IAEA, for up to two years, for a States which are not represented or are maximum seven year tour of service. under-represented within the IAEA. Rotation policy and duration of tour of service Representation of women The IAEA does not offer permanent The IAEA strongly supports the appointments in the Professional ca- principle of ‘equal rights of men and tegory. In order to keep the collective women’ enshrined in the first sentence knowledge of the staff up to date and of the UN Charter. A gender equality at a high level, especially in scientific policy has been put in place to increase and engineering fields, and to ensu- the representation of women within re the regular introduction of new the Secretariat, particularly at senior ideas, the IAEA generally limits the and decision making levels especially individual’s overall tour of service to in scientific and technical posts, and to five years. Appointments to regular 36
  • 38. OPPORTUNITIES FOR Junior Professional Officer YOUNG PROFESSIONALS (JPO) programme The JPO programme is designed for young professionals, particularly wo- men, from developing countries, who should be below the age of 32 years, hold an advanced university degree and preferably have at least two years of professional work experience. The JPO works as part of a team and under the guidance of a senior Professional officer. The assignment may be in a scientific/technical or an administrative area, and lasts one year. Some Member States also offer to their young nationals the possibility of joining the IAEA as a JPO. For more information about JPO programme, see: About/Jobs/jpo.html 37
  • 39. Internships The programme provides young professionals an opportunity to gain practical experience in their fields of study or work, and expose them to the work of the IAEA and the UN. Internships last between three months and one year. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have completed a minimum of two years of full time studies at a university or equivalent institution towards the completion of their first degree. They may also apply up to two years after the comple- tion of their bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree. For more information about internships, see: internships.html 38
  • 40. CONDITIONS OF – A post adjustment, which varies covering initial, settling-in expenses. according to the cost of living at each EMPLOYMENT duty station in comparison to New A repatriation grant is payable to York. It is designed to ensure that internationally recruited staff upon This section gives general information no matter where the UN Common separation and relocation after at least relating to the employment of Profes- one year of service. The amount is System staff work, their take-home sional staff 2 internationally recruited linked to the staff member’s depen- pay has a purchasing power equiva for a period of at least one year and hol- dency status and the length of lent to that at the base of the system. ding a regular fixed-term appointment. service with the IAEA. It does not describe all conditions of Relocation expenses service. More detailed information is Health insurance provided to candidates in the event of The IAEA usually meets the costs of an offer of appointment. Staff members may choose between travel from the place of recruitment two health insurance schemes, the to the duty station in the case of staff Salary and post adjustment premium costs of which are shared members who have been internatio- by the staff member and the IAEA. nally recruited and of their eligible Staff members are paid a net remu- The IAEA also has a non-contributory dependants. It also usually meets the neration, exempt in principle from compensation scheme for injury, costs of shipping or storing and insu- income tax and usually paid in the illness or death attributable to the ring household effects. currency of the duty station, performance of official functions. composed of Assistance with visa formalities may 2 The term ‘Professional staff member’ refers to persons be provided, and the IAEA can arrange whose work requires the understanding of an organized – A salary determined within initial hotel accommodation. Staff body of theoretical knowledge that is of a level equivalent to that represented by a university degree, whereas General the framework of the UN appointed for at least one year receive Service staff members work in areas of administrative, Common System upon arrival an assignment grant for technical and scientific support. 39
  • 41. Health care facilities insurance scheme or the pension insu- term accommodation in and around rance scheme of his/her former emplo- Vienna. It also advises staff members There is a well equipped Medical Ser- yer. Besides retirement pensions, the on other issues concerning housing, vice at the VIC which provides occu- UNJSPF provides disability pensions especially lease agreements. pational health checks and where staff and — in the event of the death of the members obtain advice on medical participant — survivors’ benefits. Rental subsidy services in Vienna. Travel health infor- More information on: mation, inoculations and medicines for Internationally recruited staff members duty travel and home leave travel are may be eligible for a rental subsidy also provided. The mandatory retirement age is 62. (up to 40% of the actual rent) for a Staff members separating from the maximum period of seven years. Life insurance IAEA before reaching that age are en- titled to either a lump sum withdrawal Dependency allowance Staff members have the possibility settlement instead of a pension or (if of enrolling, at their own expense, in they have at least five years of contri- Dependency benefits are payable to a group life insurance scheme with butory service) a deferred retirement staff members for dependant spouses several levels of coverage. benefit or (if, in addition, they are over who earn a yearly salary under a 55 years of age) an early retirement certain threshold and for children Pension plan pension at a reduced rate. Pensions under the age of 21 for whom the staff are subject to annual cost of living member provides continuing financial Participation in the UN Joint Staff adjustments. support. Staff members only receive Pension Fund (UNJSPF) is compulsory the allowance for dependent children for staff members who have an Housing between the ages of 18 and 21 if they appointment of six months or more, are in full-time attendance at a school, except when he/she is allowed to A housing service assists in finding university or similar educational continue instead in a national pension rented furnished and unfurnished long institution. Staff members who do 40
  • 42. not have a dependent spouse may be meets the home leave travel costs of staff members and their spouses are eligible to receive a secondary depen- internationally recruited staff members invited to participate in the Orientation dant allowance for a parent or sibling who are not of Austrian nationality for Programme that will introduce them to under certain circumstances. travelling (with spouse and dependant the IAEA and to life in Vienna. children) to their home country. Education grant The IAEA also offers training at a rea- Work/life balance policies sonable cost in all the official languages An education grant may be payable in as well as German to staff members respect of a staff member’s child who The IAEA has put in place policies and their spouses who wish to develop is in full-time attendance at a recog- to support staff in balancing work with their linguistic skills for professional nized school or university. The grant is their personal and family responsibilities: or personal reasons. not payable for attendance at a school free of charge or one charging only – Flexible working hours The staff development centre (SDC) nominal fees at the duty station. – Part-time work – Work-from-home The SDC is a resource centre where Leave staff and their spouses can broaden Training and staff development their professional as well as their career Staff members are entitled to 30 days options through self-training, semi- (six weeks) of annual leave. In addition, The IAEA provides a variety of in-house nars and workshops. It also provides there are ten official holidays. training programmes and professional guidance on the adjustment to the wor- development opportunities to help staff king environment and life in Vienna. Policies on paid sick leave and members update and develop their work- The SDC has a collection of more than maternity/paternity leave have been related knowledge and skills. These 800 titles in print, audio, video, DVD put in place. programmes include communication, and multimedia software. The material management, career planning and covers a wide range of topics dealing After two years of service, the IAEA computer courses. In addition, new with personal and professional deve- 41
  • 43. lopment, management and leadership, For older children of pre-school age School, the Danube International language skills and issues of general there are municipal ‘kindergartens’ School or the Lycée Français in other interest. in the vicinity of the VIC. Besides mu- parts of the city are a few examples. nicipal day schools, which are run in As these schools often have placement The IAEA Headquarters and German, there are a number of private restrictions, new staff members are other facilities fee paying schools run in English, encouraged to register their children French and other languages. The Vienna at the school of their preference as The IAEA’s Headquarters are located International School is located near soon as possible. together with other UN organizations at the VIC; the American International the Vienna International Centre (VIC), an office complex comprising several towers near the Danube river. Facilities at the VIC include a post office, a bank, two travel agencies, a pharmacy, a news-stand, a dry cleaning service, a restaurant, a self-service cafeteria and a gymnasium. There are on-site child care centres at Headquarters and the Seibersdorf La- boratory (run in German) with opening hours corresponding to regular working hours for staff members’ children bet- ween three months and school age, i.e. six years of age. 42
  • 44. HOW TO APPLY FOR A weeks. While every attempt is made languages and references. It is used to fill such positions from a multi- to evaluate the candidate’s suitability POSITION IN THE IAEA national community, these positions for a vacancy, as well as for admi- are neither subject to geographical nistrative purposes in case he/she is distribution nor to the IAEA’s selected to work with the IAEA. All positions are advertised through rotation policy. vacancy notices, which are nor- All applications need to be submitted mally issued months before a posi- Candidates for General Service posi- before the closing date stated on the tion becomes available at the IAEA. tions in Vienna should be in possession vacancy notice. Applications recei- A list of open vacancy notices is of a valid visa for Austria and are res- ved after this date are not considered. available on the IAEA’s Web site at ponsible for their own relocation upon Applicants who do not comply with the Copies appointment. application guidelines or do not meet of vacancy notices are also sent to the essential requirements specified in all Member States, typically to the Recruitment step by step the vacancy notice are not considered. Atomic Energy Commissions, Minis- tries of Foreign Affairs, other inter- In order to be considered for a po- Upon receipt, applications for a national organizations, universities sition, interested candidates must specific vacancy are forwarded to the and other educational institutions. complete and submit an on-line job Division concerned for evaluation and application, accessible on the IAEA the selection of candidates. In some In general, a period of six weeks is al- web site: cases, applicants may be invited for lowed for the submission of job appli- an interview in Vienna or they may be cations in response to a vacancy notice. The personal history form (PHF) interviewed through a videoconference is an on-line resume, which inclu- or by telephone. General Services (support) positions des general information about a are filled on a locally recruited basis candidate’s education, employment, and are advertised for a period of four 43
  • 45. The Division of Human Resources reviews the selection process to ensure that appropriate attention has been paid to female applicants and to applicants from developing countries and other countries that are under-represented at the IAEA. Appointments are made by the Director General or the Deputy Director General for Management. All applicants are informed of the out- come of their application in due course. An offer of appointment is sent to the selected candidate approximately two months before he/she is expected to take up the position. If the candidate accepts the offer, he/she receives a Letter of Appointment and, upon acceptance of its terms, becomes an IAEA staff member. 44