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Jubilant Press

Copyright © 2004 Karen Porter. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced mechanically,
electronically, or by any other means including photocopying without written permission from the publisher except
for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles.

The original purchaser is authorized to make one printed copy for his personal use.


Jubilant Press
Post Office Box 6421
Longmont, CO 80501


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Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   3
By Karen Porter
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Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   5
By Karen Porter
Secrets to Planning A Sucessful Big Event
                                       By Karen Porter

                           Table of Contents

                       8 Introduction — A Big Event!
                      9 Chapter One: Let’s Get Started!
                                   9     Pray! Pray! Pray!
                                          10 Themes
                                       12 Theme Ideas
                                         15 Location

                 17   Chapter Two: Planning is a Team Event
                                  1 7 The Steering Committee
                                          18 Food Team
                                      18 Registration Team
                                        19 Publicity Team
                                       19 Decoration Team
                                  19 Music and Prayer Team
                                      20 Door Prize Team
                                      21 Fundraising Team

            21    Chapter Three: Budgeting for the BIG EVENT
                           21    Need to Find More Money?

                       24        Chapter Four: The Speaker
                            24      Where to Find a Speaker
                                  25 Before You Sign…
                                     26 Speaker Fees
                                    27 Be Professional
                      29        Discuss the Speaker’s Book Table

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30      Chapter Five: Scheduling the BIG EVENT
                      30    A 2-Day Event? Or a 3-day event?
                                31 Sample Schedule
                             34 Small Groups and Workshops
                           35   The Heart-of-Friendship Bouquet
                                  37 Workshops & Ideas
                                        39 Food
                                  39 Saturday Morning
                                     40 Advertising
                                     42 Evangelism

   44 Chapter Six: Details To Make Your BIG EVENT Special
                                  46 Evaluations
                              46 When the Day Arrives
                                46 After the Event
                                  47 Follow Up

                1   Sample Budget                                 48
                2   Tips for Small Group Leaders                  50
                3   Vendors for Prizes and Goody Bag Gifts        54
                4   Evaluation                                    55
                5    Conference Planning Guide                    56


            Author’s Biography                                    59
            Important Information                                 61

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   7
By Karen Porter
                  A Big Event!
Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Lots of activities, fun, food, fellowship, and spiritual
nourishment. Everyone enjoys it, but how is it done? What makes a big event
really work?

In recent years, women’s ministry groups enjoyed attending large-scale, arena
events. The lure of popular speakers and musical artists brings thousands of
women together each year to grow spiritually and develop a sense of the overall
mission of God. But more and more ministry leaders realize the value of planning
an event, such as a retreat, for their local group.

A local event changes lives, feeding needy souls, and putting many volunteers to
work. It builds a sense of belonging and community, helps women’s friendships to
bond, offers an opportunity for spiritual reflection, and presents Christ to non-
believers. Whether you join with other area churches, want to emphasize Bible
study or missions, or kick off a year of women’s ministry, a big event builds
excitement and interest. Besides all that --- it’s fun!

As we discuss how to plan a large event, we will work through the planning and
budget for a retreat or conference, but the principles will work for any kind of
event you may decide to plan -- retreat, conference, seminar, banquet, brunch,
girl’s night out, or slumber party.

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“Goals. Write them down, hang them up,
                    and with God’s help, watch them happen.”
                                      — Unknown

                          Chapter One
                        Let’s Get Started!

  Planning a big event requires setting goals and organization. Include
             many workers and start early. And above all, prayer!

Pray! Pray! Pray!
The most important thing you can do for the event is pray.
       If you don’t have regularly scheduled, serious prayer sessions, then don’t
have the event. (I’m not kidding!) For starters, pray with the planning teams and
ask prayer warriors in the church to pray. Continue to schedule a prayer segment
into each planning meeting. The Bible says Devote yourselves to prayer, being
watchful and thankful.i

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   9
By Karen Porter
A theme is a fresh approach to a spiritual need or truth.
        Be creative as you put together the wording of the theme. It should be like a
headline --- grabbing attention yet telling what the event is about. Pick one from
the following list or develop an original idea. After you have decided on a theme
and prayed about it thoroughly, find an appropriate verse that relates. Then, begin
thinking about decorations and how the programs will look. Design a logo or use
pretty paper from stationary stores. If you have an artist in the church, ask her to
paint a special picture for the event. One church in San Antonio chose Becoming a
Woman for All Seasons as the retreat theme. An artist painted a beautiful design of
flowers in the four annual seasons. The group reproduced this lovely painting on
programs, name tags, cards, and posters.

A good theme can last all year. One church chose “Year of the FROG (Fully Rely
On God)” as the theme for the kickoff retreat and then used the slogan all year
long. Other ideas are R.O.S.E. (Reaching Other Sisters for Eternity) or Year of the

Decorating for a theme can be inexpensive and easy. A garden theme, for example,
utilizes items in home gardens, such as plants, pots, seed packets, baskets of fresh
vegetables, birdhouses, stone critter statues, garden carts, wheelbarrows, bird
feeders, coiled water hose (makes a darling wreath when covered in silk flowers),
buckets, potted plants, garden tools, and gloves. Themes such as “Growing in
Him”, “Blooming Where you Are Planted”, and “I am the Vine, You are the
Branches” work well with garden decorations.

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Hearts are another favorite decoration. Buy heart decorations at discounts prices
after Valentines Day. One of my favorite retreats is a “You Deserve a Break” day
at the spa. Work out a special menu of services at a day spa such as pedicure,
manicure, stress massage, back and neck massage, or an eyebrow wax. Serve
herbal teas and flavored coffees. Ask a speaker to discuss ways to refresh and
renew body and spirit.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   11
By Karen Porter
Theme Ideas
Theme ideas can be found in Bible verses, hobbies — even popular commercials. As you
choose a theme, consider the purpose you want to accomplish and match it to a Biblical
principle. Use one of the examples below or let the list get your creative juices flowing..

    Title                 Purpose                      Decorations                  Verse

Hands for God             Serving God                  Quilts, sewing items         Ps 88:9b

Woven Together            Woven Together               Rugs, tapestries             Acts 1:14

After The Rain            Moving On After Tragedy      Umbrellas, Raingear          Ps 51:12

Wonderfully Created       Self Esteem                  Quilts, sewing items         Ps 139:14

If Teacups Could Talk     Friendship                   Teacups, tea bags            Prov 17:17a

Among Friends             Friendship                   50’s teenagers look          Prov 27:9

Hearts for God            Learning to Serve            Hearts; all sizes, shapes    Deut 10:20

Loving Hearts             Reaching Out to Others       Hearts, all sizes etc        3 John 5

What’s Cooking?           Recipes for Home & Spirit    Kitchen utensils, aprons…    Matt 22:37

Up, Up, & Away            Soaring With Jesus           Balloons, hot air balloons   Ps 145:14

Re-connected              Re-discovering Your Passion Electrical paraphernalia, etc. Jer 29:11

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First Things First           Christ First, Priorities     Use the number ‘1’ in all     Matt 6:33
                                                          kinds of forms/shapes

Fill My Cup Lord             Falling in Love with Jesus   Teacups, tea bags             Deut 6:5

Becoming One                 Serving together             Patriotic Theme               Luke 4:8

Climb Every Mountain         Fulfilling dreams /calling   Mountain scenes               Prov 16:3

Seasons of Life              Dealing w/ Life’s Changes    Photos of women               Is 41:10

God of All comfort           How God Cares for Us         Teddy Bears                   I Peter 5:7

If Life Gives Lemons,
     Make Lemonade           Dealing with Difficulties    Daises & Jars of Lemons       1 Peter 4:13

Secrets of the Vine          Connecting with Jesus        Topiaries with vines          John 15:5

Friendship in Blossom        Bonding together as friends Flowers, flower pots           Ps 133:1

Heart & Home                 Becoming all we can be       Hearts, dollhouses,           Eph 1:17-19
                                                          treasure chests

Apples of Gold               Importance of Scripture      Bibles of all kinds, apples   2 Tim 3:16

Silver Threads/
     Golden Needles          Bridging the Generation Gap Sewing Items                   Titus 2:3-5

Common Grounds               Helping Each Other           Coffee cups, pots, packages Ecc 4:10

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT      13
By Karen Porter
Holding Hands With God               Trusting God           Hands of all shapes/sizes               Is. 26:3

        When you choose your theme, develop a logo design, carry the theme through every
communication. Think of ways to call attention to the theme with nametags, decorations, brochures,
and programs. While the decorations are important, the goal is to pick up a theme that will
change women’s lives and stir them up, challenging each one to be a better friend, better student
of the Bible, or one who serves God intensely.

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Where will you hold the event?
       There are two basic choices: in town and out-of-town.

In town, you can choose the church facility, the local school, a nearby hotel or a
bed and breakfast. Holding the event at the church costs less and makes food
preparation easier and cheaper than at a hotel or resort. If possible, choose a
location inside the church facility other than the sanctuary. When you decide where
to hold the sessions, get rid of extra chairs either by removing completely or
sectioning off the back of the room with ribbons. Try to get attendees to sit as close
to the front as possible and as close to each other as possible. Sitting in a
concentrated group builds a sense of community and rapport.

If there will be note taking or Bible studies, consider setting up tables. A seminar
style set up functions best for note taking and hands-on projects. If you have long
tables, set up rows and place chairs on one side only – facing the speaker. If the
tables are round, place the chairs in a semi circle around one side of the table so
that everyone can see the speaker yet still have access to part of the table.

For dinner, if you don’t have round tables, put two long tables together side by side
to form one large square table to facilitate intimate sharing during the meal.

For small groups, use roundtables or a circle of chairs. In some retreat centers,
parlors with sofas and plush chairs are perfect for small group sharing. Classroom
settings work best for workshops.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   15
By Karen Porter
One disadvantage of an in-town event is that ladies may not take a break from the
pressures of home schedules and responsibilities. Some will try to squeeze in the
soccer game, grocery shopping, and the retreat too.

Having the event in the church lessens the SPECIAL feeling, too, although a good
decorating team can change the perception with clever pizzazz.

When you hold the event out of town, the group enjoys getting away. A resort or
retreat center is fun and relaxing. A small group could meet at a member’s lake
house or country home. Even a hotel in a nearby town gives the feeling of getting
away. Consider conference centers, sports camps, and church camps near the area
as the destination.

A hotel or resort center will require a signed contract. Read it carefully before
signing. Look for hidden fees and charges. Understand what guarantees the
contract requires. Don’t be afraid to ask the hotel to waive money and attendee
guarantees, special management or handling fees, attrition clauses, etc. Hotels
might be willing to strike or waive these extra costs in order to book the event.
Hotels are often booked during the week with business travelers but lack business
during the weekends. Use this need to your advantage to negotiate the best contract
possible. Ask for food costs to be all-inclusive – including all gratuities, taxes, and
service fees in the cost per person – so that you won’t have an unpleasant surprise
when you pay the bill.

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Where love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.
                       — John Ruskin (1819-1900)

                     Chapter Two
              Planning is a Team Event
          You cannot plan, organize, and execute the event alone.
                         You need teams --- lots of teams.

Begin by picking a steering committee that will direct the overall event. Enlist
women from every age group. You will need a minimum of 6 workers for each 100
ladies, but more is better.


                              Steering Committee
       v Determine date and place
       v Select theme
       v Select theme verse
       v Determine workshops
       v Obtain speaker bio sheets and tapes
       v Prayerfully select and book a keynote speaker (with women’s ministry
          director final approval) See for a directory of
          wonderful and professional Christian women authors and speakers.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT    17
By Karen Porter
v Sign speaker’s contract – send deposit
        v Set and monitor the budget
        v Review and sign the hotel/conference center contract
        v Pray
        v Select workshop leaders and topics
        v Work with music team to select musicians
        v Select small group leaders
        v Develop agenda for small groups (questions/ice breakers/communion)
        v Train small group leaders
        v Prepare schedule
        v Print and assemble program booklets

                                   Food Team
        v Work with facility for food selection and service
        v Determine how to handle in-room snacks.
        v Plan special snacks for breaks
        v Purchase cups, napkins, paper towels, etc.
        v For an IN-HOUSE EVENT
             v Select menus for each meal
             v Enlist volunteers to prepare food
             v Provide recipes to volunteers
        v Clean up

                             Registration Team
        v Prepare registration form
        v Set up system for receiving registrations and fees

Jubilant Press                              18
v Set up room assignments and logistics
       v Prepare registration packets and goody bags
       v Name tags

                                 Publicity Team
       v Mail a minimum of two mailings
       v Prepare announcements for church bulletins
       v Posters
       v Promotions in church
       v Newspaper advertising / press releases

                               Decorating Team
       v Table decorations
       v Stage decorations
       v Entry decorations

                         Music and Prayer Team
       v Plan group praise and Worship
       v Prayerfully select musicians (work with program team)
       v Book musicians
       v Choose special music selections
       v Prepare handouts or slide show with words to music
       v Plan prayer sessions for the retreat

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   19
By Karen Porter
Door Prize Team
        v Obtain donations from local businesses and individuals
        v Wrap or bag items with festive paper and bows
        v Set up system to give away door prizes
        v Work with program team to determine when to give door prizes

                            Fundraising Team
        v Bake sale
        v Silent auction
        v Garage sale
        v Donations
        v Scholarships
        v Love offerings

To keep volunteers on tract and excited, hold frequent, short, fun meetings. Try
meeting at the local Starbucks around 8:00 p.m. after everyone’s children are in
bed. Establish email loops to keep each person in touch with the progress of the
group. Prepare regular updates on what each team has accomplished to encourage
other teams to get busy. Meet with individuals and discuss the progress.

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Lack of money is no obstacle. Lack of an idea is an obstacle.
                             — Ken Hakuta

                           Chapter Three
                   Budgeting for the BIG EVENT

       Planning expenditures allows you to set the retreat fee at a level that will pay
for the event and keeps surprise expenditures at a minimum. Prepare a budget
listing each expense. Use realistic amounts for each area. After listing every
expense, divide the total by the number of attendees to determine the individual
       Using the sample budget provided in Appendix No. 1, set spending limits for
each segment of the retreat.

                      Need to find more money?
Add $5 or $15 dollars to the registration fee helps pay expenses without adding an
excessive burden to each attendee.

Here are a few more moneymaking suggestions:

v      Hold a Silent Auction
Get donated handcrafted or purchased items from attendees and local businesses.
Display each item with a bidding sheet. Give ample opportunity to view and bid
during the event. When bidding ends (usually the last break), the person with the
highest entry on the bidding sheet wins the right to purchase the item. Even a small

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   21
By Karen Porter
group of less than 100 women can raise thousands of dollars with a well-run silent

v      Frequent Flier Miles
Ask church members, who have frequent flier miles, to donate the miles for the
speaker’s airfare.

v        Take a Love Offering
Take an offering at the event to offset expenses. If the pastor agrees, receive a
special offering during a church service prior to the event allowing church
members to help with funding.

v        Sell Advertising in the Program
Local businesses or people in the congregation (Tupperware, Mary Kay, insurance,
real estate, etc) may buy enough small ads in the program booklet to pay for
printing costs.

v        Get Donations
People or businesses in the congregation may donate money for expenses,
scholarships, or grants.

v        Buy One of the Speaker’s Books
The speaker may be willing to sell one of her books at a deep discount to include in
each “goody bag”. You’ll get a good item for the ladies, and the amount you pay
can be negotiated as part of the speaker’s compensation.

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v      Check out The Money Mission: How to Find Money For Your
Women’s Ministry by Pamela Christian (Jubilant Press) at

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   23
By Karen Porter
In words are seen the state of mind and character
                          and disposition of the speaker
                              — Plutarch 46-120 AD

                            Chapter Four
                            The Speaker
          Choosing the right speaker is critical to the success of the event.
      Your speaker can make the event memorable, and help everyone
  overlook problems with weather, lodging, or food. She will teach and
challenge each woman who attends. Pay careful attention to the choice.

        A popular speaker who has written book or appeared on television can help
boost attendance, but be sure that her message is right for your group. Sometimes,
a less experienced, unpublished speaker may be just what you need. Read the
comments from her references. Above all, ask God to lead you to the speaker who
will motivate, encourage, and inspire.

v      Where to find a speaker.
Most speakers have a bio-sheet — usually one page — which includes a picture,
biographical information, and a list of topics. When you contact the speaker, ask
for a sample audio or videotape. See for a directory of
Christian women authors and speakers. You can also search the web by going to
search engines and keying in terms like ‘Christian speaker.’ Web-savvy speakers
have interesting and helpful sites.

Jubilant Press                           24
v     Speaker’s bureaus are helpful too.
If a speaker has taken the time, effort, and expense to be part of a speaker’s bureau,
you know that she is serious about her calling and passion. A speaker’s bureau
focuses on speakers in your fee range as well as speakers who speaks on topics
complimentary to the theme.
       Several great Christian speaker’s bureau’s include:
       v Speak Up Speaker Services. See

       v CLASS (Christian Leaders and Speakers Seminar.) See

       v Milk and Honey. See

Online speaker’s bureaus’ and directories include:


v     Before you sign…
Ask for a cassette tape or video of the speaker. Listen to the speaker’s message and
presentation style. Will she meet the needs of the group? Do her topics fit the
theme? Is she willing to adapt her topics to the theme and help you reach the
goals? Review her background.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   25
By Karen Porter
Speaker Fees
No speaker does what she does only for the money. She speaks and travels because
God has called her to do it and because she has a heart for ministry and for women.

So why do speakers charge? For some, the fee is part of the family’s income. She
takes time away from her family to spend time with you. She left children and
husband at home and may miss family events during the weekend. She also incurs
expenses such as a ministry assistant or other back-up staff. Her fee not only
reflects the years spent in preparation, but wardrobe, travel time, and loss of other
income, not to mention the time it takes to update, research, develop, and
customize presentations.

She may quote a fee or she may ask you to talk to the agent (bureau) or assistant.
The last thing she wants to talk about is money. Her motivation is an urging from
God that burns within her. She longs to share what she has learned and to help
hurting women. She would much rather discuss the ministry and your vision, but it
is important to make the fee question clear.

                               vBe Professional
When you have decided on a speaker, handle the details in a professional manner.
Follow up with a letter of confirmation. Sign her contract promptly. Read the
details carefully. Be sure to cover the travel expenses and details (including who
makes the airline arrangements --- how and when you will pay and reimburse her.)

Jubilant Press                            26
If the speaker travels with a companion, discuss who is responsible to pay the
additional expenses of the companion. If you choose not to pay the expenses of the
companion, consider providing complimentary conference fees including meals
and lodging. Discussing every detail at the beginning will avoid embarrassing
situations and extra costs.

v     Pay the Speaker
Be sure to pay the speaker at the event without her having to ask you. A card with
the check tucked in is a lovely way to do it. Please don’t forget to pay her.

v     Help the speaker be the best she can be.
Tell her about the group, the size, and the demographics. Mail event updates to her.
Keep her informed. It will help her understand the group and personalize the
presentation. Be sure you send her an event brochure, program, and map.

v     Give her a clue.
Let her know what others will be presenting during devotionals, testimonies, and
workshops to avoid duplications. If she sings, coordinate any songs by members of
the group. Clue her in on the event style and activities — casual, formal, a dress up
evening, baseball in the afternoon, slumber party attire — so she will bring
appropriate clothes.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   27
By Karen Porter
v      And all importantly…
Tell your speaker if you want her to present the Gospel and how you want to
handle responses — cards, show of hands, invitation, altar call, or opportunities to
meet with pre-selected counselors.

v      Provide your speaker with a shepherd.
Choose a friendly, helpful lady to shepherd the speaker. The shepherd confirms
that the hotel room is in order, provides transportation to and from the airport, if
needed, and helps set up the book table. She will escort the speaker to the meeting
rooms, introduce her during free times (especially at the beginning), and get her set
up with the sound technicians. The shepherd helps with emergency items like
ruined panty hose, aspirins, or Band-Aids and provides water, tea, or mints.
Choose a shepherd with a servant’s heart. A sanguine personality who really longs
to be back at the party is not the best choice for a shepherd.

v      Discuss her presentation style.
Does your speaker have any special needs? Does she need a lapel microphone or
special podium or table? Would she prefer to walk around on stage? Will she want
to come into the audience? Will she have visual aids such as video, overhead,
power point, charts, etc.? Before you arrange the room, discuss her needs.

v      Do a great introduction.
Your introduction can help or hinder the speaker. Sell her to the group! Make each
woman excited to hear her. The speaker’s bio sheet will give you all the
information you need. Keep it simple and short. Tell who she is, where she is from,

Jubilant Press                            28
what she does, and her area of expertise. A professional speaker will provide you
with an introduction sheet. Study it. If you know the speaker’s whole story, don’t
give away her punch line in the introduction or pre-publicity.

              v        Discuss the speaker’s book table
Will the speaker have specific needs for a book table? Provide a large table so she
can display her items well. Put it in a place with good traffic and space for people
to browse. Provide a place for her to stand or sit to sign books. Provide volunteers
to make change and operate the table so that she will be free to minister. Schedule
a time on the program for her or her assistant to mention the book table products.
This usually works best after the first keynote.
       After the speaker is finished, make arrangements for her to come back up to
the platform and briefly introduce the ministry of her books to the group. This will
help prevent the published speaker from making her presentations a commercial
for her writings.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   29
By Karen Porter
A schedule defends from chaos and whim
                                 — Annie Dillard

                           Chapter Five
                   Scheduling the BIG EVENT

      Carefully plan the schedule to include Bible study reflection, fun
  worship, small groups, and down time. Begin planning the program by
                  determining how long the event will last.

A two-day event? Or a 3-day event?
The two-day event (typically Friday night and Saturday) time frame is easier on
families because mama comes home on Saturday afternoon or evening. Some
women will embrace this short block of time but hesitate if the event is longer. A
two-day schedule moves fast because there is less time to work everything in.
Some excited-to-have-a girls’-night-out gals will probably stay up most of the
night on Friday night and be exhausted by Saturday afternoon. With this fast, short
schedule, there is little time for bonding or mingling with anyone other than a
woman’s usual friends.

A full weekend or three-day event (typically Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday)
allows a more relaxed schedule and ample time for bonding. Saturday afternoon
can be blocked off for shopping or games. Sunday morning worship is often a
spiritual highlight of the year. However, a three-day/all weekend schedule stresses
families left at home because Mom is gone. In smaller churches, covering Sunday

Jubilant Press                           30
school classes, especially in the children’s area, may be a problem with all the
women gone on Sunday morning. Fathers and husbands must fully commit and
agree that the women need this extra time for spiritual renewal. Strangely, the
mothers of the youngest children are the first ones to sign up for the extra day.
Probably these young moms need time away.
       Note however, some speakers charge more for an extra day and very busy
speakers may request they leave the event by Saturday evening so they can go
home to their families. If this is the case, you may want Sunday to be a testimonial
time of sharing within your own group.

                                Sample Schedule
Friday night:
Dinner on your own
7:00 pm       Welcome
              Door Prizes
              Worship (Be sensitive to the speaker. If the worship service is
                       reverent and moving, don’t interrupt the mood with door
                       prizes or funny skits before the message. If the speaker is a
                       comedian, lead into her message with upbeat music.)
7:45 pm       Speaker (up to one hour)
9:00 pm.      Dismiss for a light dessert and relaxation
Late Night Plan an old-fashioned pajama party complete with junk food, a Doris
                       Day movie, sleeping bags, and of course, CHOCOLATE!

Saturday Morning:

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   31
By Karen Porter
9:30 am          Begin with worship (lively and fun — with motions, rounds, etc)
                 Have announcements and more door prizes
                 Perform a skit related to the theme
9:50 am          Introduce the speaker. Give her up to 1 hour.
10:50 am         Coffee Break — provide juice, cokes, water, simple snacks like
                         (Suggestion: Have a new snack item each break displayed in
                         unusual containers, such as jewelry boxes or mason jars.
                         Make each snack break a surprise)
11:00 am         Workshops
12:00 am         Small Groups
12:30 am         Lunch

If the event ends on Saturday Afternoon
1:30 pm          Door Prizes
2:00 pm          Speaker
2:45 pm          Workshops
3:30 pm          Final group session
4:00             Dismiss

If the event ends on Sunday Morning
1:30 pm          Workshops

Jubilant Press                               32
2:30-5:00     Free Time
                     Organize hiking, shopping, games, rest, swimming, crafts, etc.

5:30 pm.      Supper
6:15 pm       Small Groups
7:00 pm       Skit
              Door Prizes
7:30 pm       Speaker
8:30 pm       Sharing / Testimonies / Prayer Time
9:30 pm       Dismiss
              Free Time

Sunday Morning:
9:00 am       Worship (Include testimony or devotional)
9:30 am       Speaker
10:15 am      Small Groups / Communion
11:00 am      Worship
12:00 am      Lunch / Pack up / Leave

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   33
By Karen Porter
Small Groups and Workshops

Small Groups
Divide the entire group into smaller groups of no more than 10 (smaller if
possible). Choose leaders and train each one using Appendix No 2, Tips For Small
Group Leaders, on page 50. A well-trained, compassionate, focused leader is the
key to small group success.

In advance, ask the speaker for questions related to her presentations. Use these
questions in the small group discussions.

Plan a Communion service for the small group to share in the last session. Using a
small bread loaf and one glass of juice in each small group, dip the bread in the
juice for communion. Teach the leaders how to lead the Communion using New
Testament verses.

Jubilant Press                              34
Ask a creative member of your team to plan a way
   for the small group participants to introduce
 themselves and bond together. Use ribbons, yarn,
    or other materials as tools to help them get
    comfortable and open up to each other. The
   following is one such example using flowers.
                The Heart-of-Friendship Bouquet

   Purpose: To allow small groups to bond and build a sense of unity.


ß Give each woman a bouquet of small flowers* all one color. (There should be as
   many flowers in each bouquet as there are in the group.
ß Ask each woman to describe true meaning of friendship.
ß After her answer, she gives one of her flowers to each person.
ß When all have described friendship and handed out their flowers, each one now
   holds a multi-colored bouquet.
ß Give each person two leaves and a strip of floral tape. The leaves stand for joy and
   laughter (which every friendship needs) and the tape stands for the Holy Spirit who
   binds us together.
ß Each woman makes a corsage of her multi-colored flowers and wears it throughout
   the retreat to represent the different friendship needs of her group.

Prayer: Lord, help us become friends to each other and meet each other’s needs in all
these different ways and as we do, help us to understand the true heart of friendship.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   35
By Karen Porter
Make us one in you and just as we tied these flower bouquets together, bind us together
in friendship.

* Colorful silk flowers are sold in craft shops such as Michael’s and Hobby Lobby for
50 cents per bunch (1 dozen). Look in the wedding department.

Jubilant Press                          36
Plan workshop sessions to cover hot topics. See the list below for ideas. Choose
workshop speakers from the church or community.

                                Workshop Ideas:
   ® Flower Arranging
   ® How to Garden
   ® Taming the Tongue
   ® Time Management
   ® Vegetable Gardening
   ® Seasonal Decorating
   ® Evangelism – Leading others to Christ
   ® Growing Kids who stand for Right
   ® How to have a Great Quiet Time
   ® Discipline for Kids 1-6
   ® Discipline for Kids 7-13
   ® Discipline for Kids 14 and up
   ® Family Devotions
   ® Weight Loss
   ® Developing Character in your kids
   ® Being a stepmother
   ® Scrap booking
   ® Becoming a parent to your parents
   ® Cooking on a budget
   ® Cooking when you don’t have time

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   37
By Karen Porter
® Creative entertaining
    ® Money management
    ® Staying focused on the important not the urgent
    ® Relating to your in-laws
    ® Health issues — infertility, menopause, PMS, HRT
    ® Summer fun with your kids — a focus on inexpensive fun
    ® Making Christ Lord of your life
    ® Scripture memory and how to do it
    ® How to date your husband
    ® The blended family
    ® Difficulties with teens — what to do when they rebel or go astray
    ® The joys of scripture study and how to apply it to your life.
    ® Building a strong marriage
    ® Building intimacy
    ® What if we have no kids?
    ® Women in the workplace
    ® Helping your kids develop manners (table manners, telephone manners,
        thank you notes, how to make introductions, etc.)
    ® Organization
    ® Getting out of debt
    ® Praying for your children

Jubilant Press                            38

For meals, light fare is best for women.

Suggested food might be taco salads, grilled chicken, salad trio plates, Mexican
food, nachos, ect. Make the food light and the desserts sumptuous.

For snacks, make an original party mix from nuts, cereals, pretzels, M&M’s, dried
fruit, and small crackers. Combine these in a punch bowl and provide small cups
for each woman to fill. Provide juice, flavored coffee and teas or do a make-your-
own-sundae break.

                              Saturday Morning

Breakfast can be something as simple as bagels, muffins, fruit, and coffee. If you
are at a hotel or resort where the rooms have kitchenettes, you can save money by
having the attendees bring breakfast goodies. If you are providing food, add some
protein items, such as boiled eggs, peanut butter, and cheese.

Start breakfast around 9:00 or 9:30 a.m. Those who stayed awake into the morning
hours will appreciate the extra time. Everyone will love having a leisurely wake
up. If some early birds want to have early prayer and devotions together, enlist an
early-bird lady to lead it. Make it optional to the attendees. If the grounds of the
retreat facility are beautiful, this early morning event can be held outside by the
lake or in a garden.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT    39
By Karen Porter

Good attendance depends on publicity.

Use the speaker’s press kit and photos to enhance the promotions. Create a buzz
about the event through diverse communications. Encourage everyone to invite
someone. Ninety-five percent of women attend because someone invited them.

The top 14 ways to communicate:

1)      Make an announcement at Sunday morning worship service.
2)      Present a slide show at Sunday morning worship service.
3)      Hand out flyers.
4)      Send out a mailing to all women in church and/or community.
5)      Perform a skit.
6)      Send individuals into the Bible Study Classes to announce the event.
7)      Tape announcements of the event on the inside door of the bathroom stalls.
        (Men’s bathrooms too – some husband may buy his wife’s registration as a
8)      Bulletin inserts
9)      Posters
10)     Banners
11)     Personal contacts
12)     Send notes home from Sunday School. (pinned to the children’s shirts)

Jubilant Press                            40
13)    Public Service Announcements on local radio and TV stations
14)    Newspaper advertisements

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   41
By Karen Porter

Use a response card such as the sample below to determine what

decisions are made during the event.
        If you prefer an invitation or altar call, train experienced, mature counselors
to use scriptures or tracts to the ones who respond. Overly emotional and troubled
women should be guided to the most mature and discerning counselors. Discuss
with the speaker how to call for a response.

                             Sample Response Card
                  (Best when printed on postcard-size cardstock)


q Please add me to the mailing list for church women’s events.
q I would like to help with the next event.
q I would like to know more about the church.
q I would like to talk to someone about some spiritual questions.
q I would like to talk to someone about knowing Jesus personally.
q Today, I asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior.
q Today, I recommitted my life to Christ.

Jubilant Press                             42
Prayer Request:

Address _____________________________________
City, ___________________ State __________ Zip ____________
Phone Number ________________________________
E-Mail _______________________________________

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   43
By Karen Porter
We all have the extraordinary coded within us waiting to be released.
                            — Jean Houston

                        Chapter Six
                  Details To Make Your
                   BIG EVENT Special

        Put pizzazz into your event by including details, details, details. Sometimes
a gift of a funny pair of socks or photos on the wall will trigger a delightful
response and make memories.

Following are random ideas to add zing and flavor to the event:
ß Use colorful slides for songs.
ß Show a slide show prior to each session with photos of church activities,
    children, the planning teams, or obtain baby photos of women in the group.
ß Show slides of funny or cute sayings, jokes, or trivia — like at the theater
    before the movie starts.
ß Make or buy a great banner for the front.
ß Give door prizes — fun, pretty, enticing packages.
ß Designate the team members with a silk flower, shirts that are alike, or ribbons.
ß Decorate the stage with large and dramatic quilts, a whole a kitchen set, trellises
    fabric, picket fence, balloon arch, paper palm trees, large potted plants. These

Jubilant Press                             44
can be borrowed from a nursery, especially if you put an acknowledgment in
   the program.
ß Decorate the entry hall.
ß Set up a place to take photos.
ß Smiling faces to welcome, guide, and give out nametags.
ß Goody bags with lotion, pad of paper, pen, soap, T-shirt, Bible booklet. Ask the
   speaker if she will donate a bookmark or business card to put in the bag. See
   Appendix No. 3 (page X) for a list of vendors for goody bag stuffers.
ß Have a fun hairdos party complete with braiding and pigtails.
ß Give prizes for funniest house shoes.
ß Have a pajama beauty pageant.
ß Have an indoor beach party.
ß Have a western party.
ß Dress in a 50’s theme.
ß Ask everyone to wear pink.
ß Wear hats for one session and give prizes for the zaniest, prettiest, ect.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   45
By Karen Porter
Prepare an evaluation form such as the example in Appendix No. 4
(page X).

        Ask each participant to complete the form. The answers will encourage you
and show you how God worked during the event as well as give a starting point for
next year’s event.

When the Day Arrives
The motto for the hours prior to the event should be R P P — Rest,
Play, and Pray.

        Get a good night’s sleep and begin the day early with some fun. Get a
massage. Have a special party for the workers. Then spend at least one hour in

After the Event
      Lives have been changed! Women have been blessed and
rejuvenated. But don't relax yet.

ß Get the speaker to her flight on time or help her load her car (The shepherd is in
    charge of this). Be sure her hotel bill is paid. Tell her what she said or did that
    helped the women. Encourage her in the Lord!
ß Encourage the workers with abundant hugs and kind words.

Jubilant Press                              46
Follow Up
ß Send the speaker a thank you note. If you had some nice comments in the
   evaluation sheets about her, pass them along. Write a letter of recommendation
   on the church’s stationary
ß Ship leftover books back to the speaker.
ß Thank the hotel staff and planners.
ß Send thank you notes to all volunteers and teams.
ß Write a note to the pastor thanking him for his support and telling him the
   results of the event.
ß Read the evaluation sheets and make a notebook of suggestions and comments
   for the next event.
ß Relax and praise God for a wonderful event!
ß Leave the results of the event in the hands of God.
ß Begin planning for next year.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   47
By Karen Porter
Appendix of Helpful Information
                                            Appendix No 1

          Conference/Retreat Sample Budget

Description: 300 women, rented retreat center, one keynote speaker, four workshop
leaders, guest musicians

Facilities and Food                                                    Costs        Possible Savings
    Retreat Center/Hotel              $70 per person         300        $21,000     Meet at church
    Lodging for speakers/musicians                            10           $700     Lodge in homes
    Scholarships                                               5           $350     Obtain donations
    Food for team meetings                                                 $200     Donated food
    Snacks at Retreat                                                      $200     Donated food
    Equipment rental                                                       $500     Use church equipment

Registration                                                           Costs        Possible Savings
   Packets/goodie bags                   $10 each           315         $3,150      Use freebies
   Program booklets    Printing / Assembling 400 $ $3                    $1,200     Sell advertising
   Photography             Film / Processing                               $100     Request donations
   Name Tags                                                               $100
   Miscellaneous                                                           $300

Guest Speakers / Musicians                                              Costs         Possible Savings
   Honorarium (Musicians)                                             $2,500 Use in-house musicians
   Honorarium (Speakers)                                              $5,000
   Transportation and lodging for guest leaders                       $3,000 Obtain flight miles

Publicity                                                               Costs          Possible Savings
   Newspaper advertisements                                           $100    Issue press releases
   Radio advertisements                                               $200    Use radio calendars
   Transportation and lodging for guest leaders                       $500    Obtain flight miles
   Printed Materials                                                  $500

Jubilant Press                                         48
Decorations                                                         Costs      Possible Savings
   Tables                                                               $500   Borrow decorations
   Entry                                                                $200   Borrow decorations
   Stage                                                                $500   Borrow decorations

                                        GRAND TOTAL              $40,800

              Total Expense                $40,800                    $40,800
              Fundraiser income                                       ($2,500)
              Women’s Ministry Budget                                 ($3,500)

              TOTAL                         $40,800                              $34,800
              300 women                    $136 per person $116 per person
                                            Includes lodging and meals

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT         49
By Karen Porter
Appendix No 2

                   Tips for Small Group Leaders

Many women are lonely, hurting, grieving and depressed. A good small group
leader empathizes, encourages and supports with love and prayers but doesn’t
encourage the pain or worsen the depression. Always point to Jesus and offer hope.

A Small Group Leader should:

• Be warm and welcoming.
• Keep in mind that her purpose is to build friendships and help the women get to
    know each other.
• Be aware that the level of openness and friendliness of the group depends on
    you, the leader.
• Smile a lot!
• Remember Psalms 68:6. “God sets the lonely in families…” It is often in
    church families that He sets us. Make your group a family.
• Learn the names. Saying each woman’s name often helps you remember.
• Be an encourager.
• Find out about each woman’s situation by talking with her privately when small
    group is not in session.

Jubilant Press                           50
When you ask questions, carefully craft your words so that there is no exact
answer. Never let a woman think she has given a wrong answer.

Phrase your questions with:         “What do you think…?”
                                    “What do you suppose…?”
                                    “What might we conclude from this…?”

These types of questions allow women to have different answers and even
disagree, but no one can be wrong when asked, “What do you think?”

Instead of asking “why”, ask:
              “Can you tell me more?”
              “Does anyone else feel the same way?”
              “Can anyone think of a Bible verse that fits that thought?”
              “That’s interesting. Can you talk about how you came to realize that?”

For those who are shy and don’t participate:
              1)     Call her by name and ask her a question.
              2)     Sit with her between small group sessions and get to know her.
              3)     Make her comfortable with you. Ask about her kids and family.
              4)     Introduce her to others in the group.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   51
By Karen Porter
For those who talk too much or try to take over the small group:
                 1)   Start your next question with “Let’s hear from someone who
                      hasn’t talked yet.”
                 2)   Start your next question by saying someone else’s name.
                 3)   If she persists, talk to her privately and ask her for help. Tell her
                      you feel that you are not meeting your objectives for the group.
                      Ask her how she thinks you can engage more ladies in the
                      group. When you make her your partner, you get her help, not
                      her interference.

If someone begins to share a very intimate part of her life and you think she might
be embarrassed tomorrow, interrupt her as quickly and gently as you can and then:
                 1)   Look at her with caring loving facial expressions and ask if you
                      can pray for her. Pray right then and there.
                 2)   Interrupt her gently and ask if she’d like to meet with you
                      privately later.
                 3)   Get up from your chair and go put your arm around her
                      shoulders. Ask the others to join you in prayer for her.
                 4)   Say, “I can see that this topic has really touched you tonight. I
                      promise that I’ll pray for you in the coming weeks.”

Jubilant Press                               52
If someone seems concerned about a medical problem or shows signs of
              1)     Ask, “What has your doctor said?”, implying that she needs a
                     medical professional
              2)     Ask: Have you talked to your Sunday school teacher or Pastor
                     or Christian Counselor? (In this way, you will set some
                     boundaries in her expectations of you.) Note: It is not your job
                     to fix women. It is your job to point them to Jesus. Be
                     compassionate. Leave each woman with hope.

        One of the greatest gifts a small group leader can give
    any woman in her group is the feeling of self-esteem that
            comes when she realizes that her leader
                 thinks she is important and worthy.
             When her leader is willing to pray for her,
                           she feels worthy.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   53
By Karen Porter
Appendix No 3

   Vendors for Prizes and Goody Bag Gifts

Oriental Trading Co
1-800-875-8480                         Eagle Specialty and Advertising Co.                9030 Frey Road
                                       Houston, Texas 77034
Lillian Vernon Online                  281-448-9600
                                       Donna Blackmon
Specialty Shop @LA                     Donna’s Printing        1719 Sungail Dr
                                       Spring, Texas 77387
ABC Distributing Company               281-367-0659

Jubilant Press                    54
Appendix No 4

                    Sample Evaluation Form
When you format this evaluation form, leave ample spaces between essay
questions for response.

Be sure you let attendees know how important their opinions are, too. Take a few
moments in the closing sessions to let them fill out the evaluation form and for
your committee to collect them.

1.      What is your overall evaluation of this event?
        q What I expected
        q Better than I expected
        q Less than I expected

2)      What was your favorite part of the event?
3)      What can we do to improve?
4)      Which workshop was most helpful to you?
5)      What did you enjoy about the speaker(s)?
6)      Write a sentence describing your small group
7)      Did this event help you grow spiritually? How?
8)      Comments

Name:                ________________________________
Phone                _________________________________

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   55
By Karen Porter
Appendix No 5

      Conference / Retreat Planning Guide

                                   Person Responsible           Completed
One to Two Years Ahead
q   Set date                       _________________            _________
q   Find and reserve location      _________________            _________
q   Book keynote speaker           _________________            _________
q   Book musicians                 _________________            _________
q   Set up budget                  _________________            _________
q   Establish team leaders         _________________            _________

Four to Six Months Ahead
q   Select theme                   _________________            _________
q   Select theme verse             _________________            _________
q   Choose workshop subjects       _________________            _________
q   Choose workshop leaders        _________________            _________
q   Prepare a first announcement   _________________            _________
q   Send confirmation to the keynote speaker_________________   _________

Jubilant Press                        56
q   Verify that all teams are in place       _________________   _________

Two to Three Months Ahead
q   Mail registration brochures              _________________   _________
q   Begin meeting with teams                 _________________   _________
q   Ask speaker for listening guides         _________________   _________
q   Arrange travel/lodging for speakers_________________         _________
q   Finalize program and schedule            _________________   _________
q   Hold team meetings                       _________________   _________

One Month Ahead
q   Contact musicians, provide schedule_________________         _________
q   Contact speakers, provide schedule _________________         _________
q   Hold pre-event reception/prayer time_________________        _________
q   Second mailing                           _________________   _________
q   Announcement in church bulletin _________________            _________
q   Continue team meetings                   _________________   _________

Two Weeks Ahead
q   Confirm reservations for speakers _________________          _________
q   Confirm reservations for musicians_________________          _________
q   Complete and assemble programs _________________             _________
q   Request checks for honorariums           _________________   _________
q   Send program to speaker/musicians_________________           _________
q   Prepare registration goody bags          _________________   _________

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT    57
By Karen Porter
q   Prepare registration goody bags   _________________          _________
q   Prepare name tags                 _________________          _________
q   Meet with teams for prayer        _________________          _________

Day of the Event
q   Relax
q   Pray
q   Enjoy

After the Event
q   Send thank-you notes to teams     _________________          _________
q   Send thank-you notes to donors    _________________          _________
q   Send thank-you notes to church staff_________________        _________
q   Send thank-you notes to speakers _________________           _________
q   Send thank-you notes to musicians_________________           _________
q   Tell God “thank You”              _________________          _________
q   Complete evaluation of speaker for agent _________________   _________
q   Compile results of evaluations    _________________          _________
q   Begin planning for next event     _________________          _________

Jubilant Press                         58
About the Author

Karen Porter is co-author of Bible Seeds, A Unique Bible Study Devotional and co
author and compiler of Bible Seeds For Enriching Your
Character (Starburst Publishers). Her work is featured in
Intimate Moments with God and Intimate Encounters with
God (Honor Books). She contributes to numerous national
magazines such as Focus on the Family, Discipleship Journal,
and Godly Business Woman and curriculum for Lifeway

Karen is vice president of International Marketing of a major food company in
Texas and has traveled extensively worldwide.

Karen is a popular national retreat and seminar speaker represented by Classervices,
Inc. She teaches an Explore the Bible class at Stonebridge Church in The Woodlands,
Texas where she also serves as special advisor to women’s ministries.

Karen is a graduate of C.L.A.S.S. (Christian Leaders Authors Speakers Seminar)
and Upper Class and is a Certified Personality Trainer. In addition to college at
Texas A&M University where she majored in music education, Karen has
attended highly acclaimed training courses with Dun and Bradstreet and Rice
University Jones School of Management.

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT   59
By Karen Porter
Karen serves on the teaching staff for Right to the Heart Ministry’s Women
Who Minister to Women Regional Conferences and on the steering committee
for AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association). She works with Upper
Class, a speaker’s coaching program through Florence Littauer.

The new “Dare to Dream God’s Dream” conference, developed this year by
Karen, teaches Christians how to discover how God has designed each person for a
unique ministry.

Her marriage to George is her greatest achievement. Her greatest joy is her
children: Cherry, Craig, Brett, and Kathryn. Their love for God and zest for life
brings Karen the joy that only a mother could understand. Karen’s joy over her
children is only surpassed by her outrageous love for her grandchildren Ashton,
Garrett, and Gracen.

    Col 4:2 NIV

Jubilant Press                           60
Jubilant Press
                                                has brought to you:

                      Planning a Successful Big Event
                              By Karen Porter
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  Coming soon from Jubilant Press!
  Plan That Big Event For Your Women's Ministry
  The Money Mission: How to Find $$$ for Your Women’s Ministry
  Growing Your Women's Ministry From the Ground Up
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  Jubilant Press was founded by Linda Evans Shepherd ( and Rebekah Montgomery
  ( as a way to help sponsor Right to the Heart Ministries, a 501 (c) 3

Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT               61
By Karen Porter

  Right to the Heart ministries sees thousands of depressed and hurting people come to faith, every month, on their
  gospel interaction web site,

  In addition, Right to the Heart Radio is heard on over 150 stations around the country.

  Also, Right to the Heart Ministries is on a mission to encourage, equip and inspire the women of the church. This
  help happens through their free online ezine, Right to the Heart of Women, as well as their national seminar Right
  to the Heart of Women's Ministry, Write Away Weekend, and their national conference, Right to the Heart of
  Women Conference held annually at Cornerstone University.

  See: for details

  To sign up for the free Right to the Heart of Women ezine, follow this link:
  or click on subscribe at

  Right to the Heart also sponsors a ministry to the top Christian women communicators of the church, Advanced
  Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA).

  For information about AWSA, go to

  Thank you for purchasing this electronic e-report. If you have additional questions or comments, please write: for more information.


  Linda Evans Shepherd & Rebekah Montgomery; Co-publishers for Christ
  Jubilant Press
  P.O. Box 6421
  Longmont, CO 80501

  How well do you know God?

Jubilant Press                                           62

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  • 1.
  • 2. Jubilant Press Copyright © 2004 Karen Porter. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced mechanically, electronically, or by any other means including photocopying without written permission from the publisher except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles. The original purchaser is authorized to make one printed copy for his personal use. ISBN: Jubilant Press Post Office Box 6421 Longmont, CO 80501 Jubilant Press 2
  • 3. How to Use an E-Book Once you know how to navigate, you’ll find an e-book to be one of the handiest forms for reading material. With a click, you can skip through the pages and find what you want! If you have never used an e-book, take a minute to acquaint yourself with these special features. Hyperlinks and Connections Throughout this book, you will see items underlined in blue. These are addresses on the World Wide Web. An example is: If you are connected to the Internet, you will be able to click on the link and go to that webpage. Depending upon your browser, it may take a few minutes, so be patient. To go back to this e-book, close your Internet browser or click on the Adobe Acrobat Reader icon on your computer desktop. To Find Information Quickly On the contents page(s), you will find small buttons surrounding the chapter names. By clicking the button, you will automatically go to that chapter. To return to the contents page, click the back button on the menu bar of your Adobe Acrobat Reader. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 3 By Karen Porter
  • 4. Email Addresses We have included some important email addresses in the text of this e- book. When you click on them, an email address form will open up and allow you to write an email. You do not have to be connected to the Internet to write the email, but you do have to be connected to send it. Bookmark the Text Adobe Acrobat Reader provides handy bookmarks showing you a complete outline of the book on the left side of the screen. Click on the topic you wish to read and you will be there instantly. If you prefer to have more screen area, you may close the panel by clicking on the icon. It opens and shuts at your command. The bookmark panel can be resized to better fit your screen. Select the bookmark border; hold your mouse button down on the border until it turns into a double arrow. Drag to fit. Jubilant Press 4
  • 5. Additional Tips for Using Adobe Acrobat Reader You may adjust the size of the pages to suit your reading preferences by: Using the sizing icons at the top of the screen The icons at the top of the screen make overall changes in the size of the page. Try them all to see which creates the most comfortable reading for you. The sizing bar at the bottom of the screen The sizing bar at the bottom of the page allows you to set the page by percentages. Click the arrow to the right of the percentage box. Turning Pages There are four ways to turn pages in your e-book: 1. You can use the arrow keys located on your keyboard. 2. You can use the scroll bar at the right of the screen. Notice that when you move the scroll button, your page number appears. 3. Click on either arrow located on each side of the page number box at the bottom of your screen. 4. Click on the arrow icons at the top of the page. The single left and right arrows move you one page at a time. The left and right arrows with the vertical bar take you to the beginning or end of the book, respectively. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 5 By Karen Porter
  • 6. Secrets to Planning A Sucessful Big Event By Karen Porter Table of Contents 8 Introduction — A Big Event! 9 Chapter One: Let’s Get Started! 9 Pray! Pray! Pray! 10 Themes 12 Theme Ideas 15 Location 17 Chapter Two: Planning is a Team Event 1 7 The Steering Committee 18 Food Team 18 Registration Team 19 Publicity Team 19 Decoration Team 19 Music and Prayer Team 20 Door Prize Team 21 Fundraising Team 21 Chapter Three: Budgeting for the BIG EVENT 21 Need to Find More Money? 24 Chapter Four: The Speaker 24 Where to Find a Speaker 25 Before You Sign… 26 Speaker Fees 27 Be Professional 29 Discuss the Speaker’s Book Table Jubilant Press 6
  • 7. 30 Chapter Five: Scheduling the BIG EVENT 30 A 2-Day Event? Or a 3-day event? 31 Sample Schedule 34 Small Groups and Workshops 35 The Heart-of-Friendship Bouquet 37 Workshops & Ideas 39 Food 39 Saturday Morning 40 Advertising 42 Evangelism 44 Chapter Six: Details To Make Your BIG EVENT Special 46 Evaluations 46 When the Day Arrives 46 After the Event 47 Follow Up Appendix 1 Sample Budget 48 2 Tips for Small Group Leaders 50 3 Vendors for Prizes and Goody Bag Gifts 54 4 Evaluation 55 5 Conference Planning Guide 56 Extras Author’s Biography 59 Important Information 61 Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 7 By Karen Porter
  • 8. Introduction A Big Event! Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Lots of activities, fun, food, fellowship, and spiritual nourishment. Everyone enjoys it, but how is it done? What makes a big event really work? In recent years, women’s ministry groups enjoyed attending large-scale, arena events. The lure of popular speakers and musical artists brings thousands of women together each year to grow spiritually and develop a sense of the overall mission of God. But more and more ministry leaders realize the value of planning an event, such as a retreat, for their local group. A local event changes lives, feeding needy souls, and putting many volunteers to work. It builds a sense of belonging and community, helps women’s friendships to bond, offers an opportunity for spiritual reflection, and presents Christ to non- believers. Whether you join with other area churches, want to emphasize Bible study or missions, or kick off a year of women’s ministry, a big event builds excitement and interest. Besides all that --- it’s fun! As we discuss how to plan a large event, we will work through the planning and budget for a retreat or conference, but the principles will work for any kind of event you may decide to plan -- retreat, conference, seminar, banquet, brunch, girl’s night out, or slumber party. Jubilant Press 8
  • 9. “Goals. Write them down, hang them up, and with God’s help, watch them happen.” — Unknown Chapter One Let’s Get Started! Planning a big event requires setting goals and organization. Include many workers and start early. And above all, prayer! Pray! Pray! Pray! The most important thing you can do for the event is pray. If you don’t have regularly scheduled, serious prayer sessions, then don’t have the event. (I’m not kidding!) For starters, pray with the planning teams and ask prayer warriors in the church to pray. Continue to schedule a prayer segment into each planning meeting. The Bible says Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.i Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 9 By Karen Porter
  • 10. Themes A theme is a fresh approach to a spiritual need or truth. Be creative as you put together the wording of the theme. It should be like a headline --- grabbing attention yet telling what the event is about. Pick one from the following list or develop an original idea. After you have decided on a theme and prayed about it thoroughly, find an appropriate verse that relates. Then, begin thinking about decorations and how the programs will look. Design a logo or use pretty paper from stationary stores. If you have an artist in the church, ask her to paint a special picture for the event. One church in San Antonio chose Becoming a Woman for All Seasons as the retreat theme. An artist painted a beautiful design of flowers in the four annual seasons. The group reproduced this lovely painting on programs, name tags, cards, and posters. A good theme can last all year. One church chose “Year of the FROG (Fully Rely On God)” as the theme for the kickoff retreat and then used the slogan all year long. Other ideas are R.O.S.E. (Reaching Other Sisters for Eternity) or Year of the BIBLE. Decorating for a theme can be inexpensive and easy. A garden theme, for example, utilizes items in home gardens, such as plants, pots, seed packets, baskets of fresh vegetables, birdhouses, stone critter statues, garden carts, wheelbarrows, bird feeders, coiled water hose (makes a darling wreath when covered in silk flowers), buckets, potted plants, garden tools, and gloves. Themes such as “Growing in Him”, “Blooming Where you Are Planted”, and “I am the Vine, You are the Branches” work well with garden decorations. Jubilant Press 10
  • 11. Hearts are another favorite decoration. Buy heart decorations at discounts prices after Valentines Day. One of my favorite retreats is a “You Deserve a Break” day at the spa. Work out a special menu of services at a day spa such as pedicure, manicure, stress massage, back and neck massage, or an eyebrow wax. Serve herbal teas and flavored coffees. Ask a speaker to discuss ways to refresh and renew body and spirit. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 11 By Karen Porter
  • 12. Theme Ideas Theme ideas can be found in Bible verses, hobbies — even popular commercials. As you choose a theme, consider the purpose you want to accomplish and match it to a Biblical principle. Use one of the examples below or let the list get your creative juices flowing.. Title Purpose Decorations Verse Hands for God Serving God Quilts, sewing items Ps 88:9b Woven Together Woven Together Rugs, tapestries Acts 1:14 After The Rain Moving On After Tragedy Umbrellas, Raingear Ps 51:12 Wonderfully Created Self Esteem Quilts, sewing items Ps 139:14 If Teacups Could Talk Friendship Teacups, tea bags Prov 17:17a Among Friends Friendship 50’s teenagers look Prov 27:9 Hearts for God Learning to Serve Hearts; all sizes, shapes Deut 10:20 Loving Hearts Reaching Out to Others Hearts, all sizes etc 3 John 5 What’s Cooking? Recipes for Home & Spirit Kitchen utensils, aprons… Matt 22:37 Up, Up, & Away Soaring With Jesus Balloons, hot air balloons Ps 145:14 Re-connected Re-discovering Your Passion Electrical paraphernalia, etc. Jer 29:11 Jubilant Press 12
  • 13. First Things First Christ First, Priorities Use the number ‘1’ in all Matt 6:33 kinds of forms/shapes Fill My Cup Lord Falling in Love with Jesus Teacups, tea bags Deut 6:5 Becoming One Serving together Patriotic Theme Luke 4:8 Climb Every Mountain Fulfilling dreams /calling Mountain scenes Prov 16:3 Seasons of Life Dealing w/ Life’s Changes Photos of women Is 41:10 God of All comfort How God Cares for Us Teddy Bears I Peter 5:7 If Life Gives Lemons, Make Lemonade Dealing with Difficulties Daises & Jars of Lemons 1 Peter 4:13 Secrets of the Vine Connecting with Jesus Topiaries with vines John 15:5 Friendship in Blossom Bonding together as friends Flowers, flower pots Ps 133:1 Heart & Home Becoming all we can be Hearts, dollhouses, Eph 1:17-19 treasure chests Apples of Gold Importance of Scripture Bibles of all kinds, apples 2 Tim 3:16 Silver Threads/ Golden Needles Bridging the Generation Gap Sewing Items Titus 2:3-5 Common Grounds Helping Each Other Coffee cups, pots, packages Ecc 4:10 Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 13 By Karen Porter
  • 14. Holding Hands With God Trusting God Hands of all shapes/sizes Is. 26:3 When you choose your theme, develop a logo design, carry the theme through every communication. Think of ways to call attention to the theme with nametags, decorations, brochures, and programs. While the decorations are important, the goal is to pick up a theme that will change women’s lives and stir them up, challenging each one to be a better friend, better student of the Bible, or one who serves God intensely. Jubilant Press 14
  • 15. Location Where will you hold the event? There are two basic choices: in town and out-of-town. In town, you can choose the church facility, the local school, a nearby hotel or a bed and breakfast. Holding the event at the church costs less and makes food preparation easier and cheaper than at a hotel or resort. If possible, choose a location inside the church facility other than the sanctuary. When you decide where to hold the sessions, get rid of extra chairs either by removing completely or sectioning off the back of the room with ribbons. Try to get attendees to sit as close to the front as possible and as close to each other as possible. Sitting in a concentrated group builds a sense of community and rapport. If there will be note taking or Bible studies, consider setting up tables. A seminar style set up functions best for note taking and hands-on projects. If you have long tables, set up rows and place chairs on one side only – facing the speaker. If the tables are round, place the chairs in a semi circle around one side of the table so that everyone can see the speaker yet still have access to part of the table. For dinner, if you don’t have round tables, put two long tables together side by side to form one large square table to facilitate intimate sharing during the meal. For small groups, use roundtables or a circle of chairs. In some retreat centers, parlors with sofas and plush chairs are perfect for small group sharing. Classroom settings work best for workshops. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 15 By Karen Porter
  • 16. One disadvantage of an in-town event is that ladies may not take a break from the pressures of home schedules and responsibilities. Some will try to squeeze in the soccer game, grocery shopping, and the retreat too. Having the event in the church lessens the SPECIAL feeling, too, although a good decorating team can change the perception with clever pizzazz. When you hold the event out of town, the group enjoys getting away. A resort or retreat center is fun and relaxing. A small group could meet at a member’s lake house or country home. Even a hotel in a nearby town gives the feeling of getting away. Consider conference centers, sports camps, and church camps near the area as the destination. A hotel or resort center will require a signed contract. Read it carefully before signing. Look for hidden fees and charges. Understand what guarantees the contract requires. Don’t be afraid to ask the hotel to waive money and attendee guarantees, special management or handling fees, attrition clauses, etc. Hotels might be willing to strike or waive these extra costs in order to book the event. Hotels are often booked during the week with business travelers but lack business during the weekends. Use this need to your advantage to negotiate the best contract possible. Ask for food costs to be all-inclusive – including all gratuities, taxes, and service fees in the cost per person – so that you won’t have an unpleasant surprise when you pay the bill. Jubilant Press 16
  • 17. Where love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece. — John Ruskin (1819-1900) Chapter Two Planning is a Team Event You cannot plan, organize, and execute the event alone. You need teams --- lots of teams. Begin by picking a steering committee that will direct the overall event. Enlist women from every age group. You will need a minimum of 6 workers for each 100 ladies, but more is better. Teams Steering Committee v Determine date and place v Select theme v Select theme verse v Determine workshops v Obtain speaker bio sheets and tapes v Prayerfully select and book a keynote speaker (with women’s ministry director final approval) See for a directory of wonderful and professional Christian women authors and speakers. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 17 By Karen Porter
  • 18. v Sign speaker’s contract – send deposit v Set and monitor the budget v Review and sign the hotel/conference center contract v Pray v Select workshop leaders and topics v Work with music team to select musicians v Select small group leaders v Develop agenda for small groups (questions/ice breakers/communion) v Train small group leaders v Prepare schedule v Print and assemble program booklets Food Team v Work with facility for food selection and service v Determine how to handle in-room snacks. v Plan special snacks for breaks v Purchase cups, napkins, paper towels, etc. v For an IN-HOUSE EVENT v Select menus for each meal v Enlist volunteers to prepare food v Provide recipes to volunteers v Clean up Registration Team v Prepare registration form v Set up system for receiving registrations and fees Jubilant Press 18
  • 19. v Set up room assignments and logistics v Prepare registration packets and goody bags v Name tags Publicity Team v Mail a minimum of two mailings v Prepare announcements for church bulletins v Posters v Promotions in church v Newspaper advertising / press releases Decorating Team v Table decorations v Stage decorations v Entry decorations Music and Prayer Team v Plan group praise and Worship v Prayerfully select musicians (work with program team) v Book musicians v Choose special music selections v Prepare handouts or slide show with words to music v Plan prayer sessions for the retreat Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 19 By Karen Porter
  • 20. Door Prize Team v Obtain donations from local businesses and individuals v Wrap or bag items with festive paper and bows v Set up system to give away door prizes v Work with program team to determine when to give door prizes Fundraising Team v Bake sale v Silent auction v Garage sale v Donations v Scholarships v Love offerings To keep volunteers on tract and excited, hold frequent, short, fun meetings. Try meeting at the local Starbucks around 8:00 p.m. after everyone’s children are in bed. Establish email loops to keep each person in touch with the progress of the group. Prepare regular updates on what each team has accomplished to encourage other teams to get busy. Meet with individuals and discuss the progress. Jubilant Press 20
  • 21. Lack of money is no obstacle. Lack of an idea is an obstacle. — Ken Hakuta Chapter Three Budgeting for the BIG EVENT Planning expenditures allows you to set the retreat fee at a level that will pay for the event and keeps surprise expenditures at a minimum. Prepare a budget listing each expense. Use realistic amounts for each area. After listing every expense, divide the total by the number of attendees to determine the individual fee. Using the sample budget provided in Appendix No. 1, set spending limits for each segment of the retreat. Need to find more money? Add $5 or $15 dollars to the registration fee helps pay expenses without adding an excessive burden to each attendee. Here are a few more moneymaking suggestions: v Hold a Silent Auction Get donated handcrafted or purchased items from attendees and local businesses. Display each item with a bidding sheet. Give ample opportunity to view and bid during the event. When bidding ends (usually the last break), the person with the highest entry on the bidding sheet wins the right to purchase the item. Even a small Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 21 By Karen Porter
  • 22. group of less than 100 women can raise thousands of dollars with a well-run silent auction. v Frequent Flier Miles Ask church members, who have frequent flier miles, to donate the miles for the speaker’s airfare. v Take a Love Offering Take an offering at the event to offset expenses. If the pastor agrees, receive a special offering during a church service prior to the event allowing church members to help with funding. v Sell Advertising in the Program Local businesses or people in the congregation (Tupperware, Mary Kay, insurance, real estate, etc) may buy enough small ads in the program booklet to pay for printing costs. v Get Donations People or businesses in the congregation may donate money for expenses, scholarships, or grants. v Buy One of the Speaker’s Books The speaker may be willing to sell one of her books at a deep discount to include in each “goody bag”. You’ll get a good item for the ladies, and the amount you pay can be negotiated as part of the speaker’s compensation. Jubilant Press 22
  • 23. v Check out The Money Mission: How to Find Money For Your Women’s Ministry by Pamela Christian (Jubilant Press) at Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 23 By Karen Porter
  • 24. In words are seen the state of mind and character and disposition of the speaker — Plutarch 46-120 AD Chapter Four The Speaker Choosing the right speaker is critical to the success of the event. Your speaker can make the event memorable, and help everyone overlook problems with weather, lodging, or food. She will teach and challenge each woman who attends. Pay careful attention to the choice. A popular speaker who has written book or appeared on television can help boost attendance, but be sure that her message is right for your group. Sometimes, a less experienced, unpublished speaker may be just what you need. Read the comments from her references. Above all, ask God to lead you to the speaker who will motivate, encourage, and inspire. v Where to find a speaker. Most speakers have a bio-sheet — usually one page — which includes a picture, biographical information, and a list of topics. When you contact the speaker, ask for a sample audio or videotape. See for a directory of Christian women authors and speakers. You can also search the web by going to search engines and keying in terms like ‘Christian speaker.’ Web-savvy speakers have interesting and helpful sites. Jubilant Press 24
  • 25. v Speaker’s bureaus are helpful too. If a speaker has taken the time, effort, and expense to be part of a speaker’s bureau, you know that she is serious about her calling and passion. A speaker’s bureau focuses on speakers in your fee range as well as speakers who speaks on topics complimentary to the theme. Several great Christian speaker’s bureau’s include: v Speak Up Speaker Services. See v CLASS (Christian Leaders and Speakers Seminar.) See v Milk and Honey. See Online speaker’s bureaus’ and directories include: v v v v Before you sign… Ask for a cassette tape or video of the speaker. Listen to the speaker’s message and presentation style. Will she meet the needs of the group? Do her topics fit the theme? Is she willing to adapt her topics to the theme and help you reach the goals? Review her background. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 25 By Karen Porter
  • 26. Speaker Fees No speaker does what she does only for the money. She speaks and travels because God has called her to do it and because she has a heart for ministry and for women. So why do speakers charge? For some, the fee is part of the family’s income. She takes time away from her family to spend time with you. She left children and husband at home and may miss family events during the weekend. She also incurs expenses such as a ministry assistant or other back-up staff. Her fee not only reflects the years spent in preparation, but wardrobe, travel time, and loss of other income, not to mention the time it takes to update, research, develop, and customize presentations. She may quote a fee or she may ask you to talk to the agent (bureau) or assistant. The last thing she wants to talk about is money. Her motivation is an urging from God that burns within her. She longs to share what she has learned and to help hurting women. She would much rather discuss the ministry and your vision, but it is important to make the fee question clear. vBe Professional When you have decided on a speaker, handle the details in a professional manner. Follow up with a letter of confirmation. Sign her contract promptly. Read the details carefully. Be sure to cover the travel expenses and details (including who makes the airline arrangements --- how and when you will pay and reimburse her.) Jubilant Press 26
  • 27. If the speaker travels with a companion, discuss who is responsible to pay the additional expenses of the companion. If you choose not to pay the expenses of the companion, consider providing complimentary conference fees including meals and lodging. Discussing every detail at the beginning will avoid embarrassing situations and extra costs. v Pay the Speaker Be sure to pay the speaker at the event without her having to ask you. A card with the check tucked in is a lovely way to do it. Please don’t forget to pay her. v Help the speaker be the best she can be. Tell her about the group, the size, and the demographics. Mail event updates to her. Keep her informed. It will help her understand the group and personalize the presentation. Be sure you send her an event brochure, program, and map. v Give her a clue. Let her know what others will be presenting during devotionals, testimonies, and workshops to avoid duplications. If she sings, coordinate any songs by members of the group. Clue her in on the event style and activities — casual, formal, a dress up evening, baseball in the afternoon, slumber party attire — so she will bring appropriate clothes. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 27 By Karen Porter
  • 28. v And all importantly… Tell your speaker if you want her to present the Gospel and how you want to handle responses — cards, show of hands, invitation, altar call, or opportunities to meet with pre-selected counselors. v Provide your speaker with a shepherd. Choose a friendly, helpful lady to shepherd the speaker. The shepherd confirms that the hotel room is in order, provides transportation to and from the airport, if needed, and helps set up the book table. She will escort the speaker to the meeting rooms, introduce her during free times (especially at the beginning), and get her set up with the sound technicians. The shepherd helps with emergency items like ruined panty hose, aspirins, or Band-Aids and provides water, tea, or mints. Choose a shepherd with a servant’s heart. A sanguine personality who really longs to be back at the party is not the best choice for a shepherd. v Discuss her presentation style. Does your speaker have any special needs? Does she need a lapel microphone or special podium or table? Would she prefer to walk around on stage? Will she want to come into the audience? Will she have visual aids such as video, overhead, power point, charts, etc.? Before you arrange the room, discuss her needs. v Do a great introduction. Your introduction can help or hinder the speaker. Sell her to the group! Make each woman excited to hear her. The speaker’s bio sheet will give you all the information you need. Keep it simple and short. Tell who she is, where she is from, Jubilant Press 28
  • 29. what she does, and her area of expertise. A professional speaker will provide you with an introduction sheet. Study it. If you know the speaker’s whole story, don’t give away her punch line in the introduction or pre-publicity. v Discuss the speaker’s book table Will the speaker have specific needs for a book table? Provide a large table so she can display her items well. Put it in a place with good traffic and space for people to browse. Provide a place for her to stand or sit to sign books. Provide volunteers to make change and operate the table so that she will be free to minister. Schedule a time on the program for her or her assistant to mention the book table products. This usually works best after the first keynote. After the speaker is finished, make arrangements for her to come back up to the platform and briefly introduce the ministry of her books to the group. This will help prevent the published speaker from making her presentations a commercial for her writings. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 29 By Karen Porter
  • 30. A schedule defends from chaos and whim — Annie Dillard Chapter Five Scheduling the BIG EVENT Carefully plan the schedule to include Bible study reflection, fun worship, small groups, and down time. Begin planning the program by determining how long the event will last. A two-day event? Or a 3-day event? The two-day event (typically Friday night and Saturday) time frame is easier on families because mama comes home on Saturday afternoon or evening. Some women will embrace this short block of time but hesitate if the event is longer. A two-day schedule moves fast because there is less time to work everything in. Some excited-to-have-a girls’-night-out gals will probably stay up most of the night on Friday night and be exhausted by Saturday afternoon. With this fast, short schedule, there is little time for bonding or mingling with anyone other than a woman’s usual friends. A full weekend or three-day event (typically Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday) allows a more relaxed schedule and ample time for bonding. Saturday afternoon can be blocked off for shopping or games. Sunday morning worship is often a spiritual highlight of the year. However, a three-day/all weekend schedule stresses families left at home because Mom is gone. In smaller churches, covering Sunday Jubilant Press 30
  • 31. school classes, especially in the children’s area, may be a problem with all the women gone on Sunday morning. Fathers and husbands must fully commit and agree that the women need this extra time for spiritual renewal. Strangely, the mothers of the youngest children are the first ones to sign up for the extra day. Probably these young moms need time away. Note however, some speakers charge more for an extra day and very busy speakers may request they leave the event by Saturday evening so they can go home to their families. If this is the case, you may want Sunday to be a testimonial time of sharing within your own group. Sample Schedule Friday night: Dinner on your own 7:00 pm Welcome Door Prizes Worship (Be sensitive to the speaker. If the worship service is reverent and moving, don’t interrupt the mood with door prizes or funny skits before the message. If the speaker is a comedian, lead into her message with upbeat music.) 7:45 pm Speaker (up to one hour) 9:00 pm. Dismiss for a light dessert and relaxation Late Night Plan an old-fashioned pajama party complete with junk food, a Doris Day movie, sleeping bags, and of course, CHOCOLATE! Saturday Morning: Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 31 By Karen Porter
  • 32. 9:30 am Begin with worship (lively and fun — with motions, rounds, etc) Have announcements and more door prizes Perform a skit related to the theme 9:50 am Introduce the speaker. Give her up to 1 hour. 10:50 am Coffee Break — provide juice, cokes, water, simple snacks like M&M’s (Suggestion: Have a new snack item each break displayed in unusual containers, such as jewelry boxes or mason jars. Make each snack break a surprise) 11:00 am Workshops 12:00 am Small Groups 12:30 am Lunch AFTER LUNCH: If the event ends on Saturday Afternoon 1:30 pm Door Prizes Skit Worship 2:00 pm Speaker 2:45 pm Workshops 3:30 pm Final group session 4:00 Dismiss AFTER LUNCH: If the event ends on Sunday Morning 1:30 pm Workshops Jubilant Press 32
  • 33. 2:30-5:00 Free Time Organize hiking, shopping, games, rest, swimming, crafts, etc. 5:30 pm. Supper 6:15 pm Small Groups 7:00 pm Skit Door Prizes Worship 7:30 pm Speaker 8:30 pm Sharing / Testimonies / Prayer Time 9:30 pm Dismiss Free Time Sunday Morning: 9:00 am Worship (Include testimony or devotional) 9:30 am Speaker 10:15 am Small Groups / Communion 11:00 am Worship 12:00 am Lunch / Pack up / Leave Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 33 By Karen Porter
  • 34. Small Groups and Workshops Small Groups Divide the entire group into smaller groups of no more than 10 (smaller if possible). Choose leaders and train each one using Appendix No 2, Tips For Small Group Leaders, on page 50. A well-trained, compassionate, focused leader is the key to small group success. In advance, ask the speaker for questions related to her presentations. Use these questions in the small group discussions. Plan a Communion service for the small group to share in the last session. Using a small bread loaf and one glass of juice in each small group, dip the bread in the juice for communion. Teach the leaders how to lead the Communion using New Testament verses. Jubilant Press 34
  • 35. Ask a creative member of your team to plan a way for the small group participants to introduce themselves and bond together. Use ribbons, yarn, or other materials as tools to help them get comfortable and open up to each other. The following is one such example using flowers. The Heart-of-Friendship Bouquet Purpose: To allow small groups to bond and build a sense of unity. Method: ß Give each woman a bouquet of small flowers* all one color. (There should be as many flowers in each bouquet as there are in the group. ß Ask each woman to describe true meaning of friendship. ß After her answer, she gives one of her flowers to each person. ß When all have described friendship and handed out their flowers, each one now holds a multi-colored bouquet. ß Give each person two leaves and a strip of floral tape. The leaves stand for joy and laughter (which every friendship needs) and the tape stands for the Holy Spirit who binds us together. ß Each woman makes a corsage of her multi-colored flowers and wears it throughout the retreat to represent the different friendship needs of her group. Prayer: Lord, help us become friends to each other and meet each other’s needs in all these different ways and as we do, help us to understand the true heart of friendship. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 35 By Karen Porter
  • 36. Make us one in you and just as we tied these flower bouquets together, bind us together in friendship. * Colorful silk flowers are sold in craft shops such as Michael’s and Hobby Lobby for 50 cents per bunch (1 dozen). Look in the wedding department. Jubilant Press 36
  • 37. Workshops Plan workshop sessions to cover hot topics. See the list below for ideas. Choose workshop speakers from the church or community. Workshop Ideas: ® Flower Arranging ® How to Garden ® Taming the Tongue ® Time Management ® Vegetable Gardening ® Seasonal Decorating ® Evangelism – Leading others to Christ ® Growing Kids who stand for Right ® How to have a Great Quiet Time ® Discipline for Kids 1-6 ® Discipline for Kids 7-13 ® Discipline for Kids 14 and up ® Family Devotions ® Weight Loss ® Developing Character in your kids ® Being a stepmother ® Scrap booking ® Becoming a parent to your parents ® Cooking on a budget ® Cooking when you don’t have time Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 37 By Karen Porter
  • 38. ® Creative entertaining ® Money management ® Staying focused on the important not the urgent ® Relating to your in-laws ® Health issues — infertility, menopause, PMS, HRT ® Summer fun with your kids — a focus on inexpensive fun ® Making Christ Lord of your life ® Scripture memory and how to do it ® How to date your husband ® The blended family ® Difficulties with teens — what to do when they rebel or go astray ® The joys of scripture study and how to apply it to your life. ® Building a strong marriage ® Building intimacy ® What if we have no kids? ® Women in the workplace ® Helping your kids develop manners (table manners, telephone manners, thank you notes, how to make introductions, etc.) ® Organization ® Getting out of debt ® Praying for your children Jubilant Press 38
  • 39. Food For meals, light fare is best for women. Suggested food might be taco salads, grilled chicken, salad trio plates, Mexican food, nachos, ect. Make the food light and the desserts sumptuous. For snacks, make an original party mix from nuts, cereals, pretzels, M&M’s, dried fruit, and small crackers. Combine these in a punch bowl and provide small cups for each woman to fill. Provide juice, flavored coffee and teas or do a make-your- own-sundae break. Saturday Morning Breakfast can be something as simple as bagels, muffins, fruit, and coffee. If you are at a hotel or resort where the rooms have kitchenettes, you can save money by having the attendees bring breakfast goodies. If you are providing food, add some protein items, such as boiled eggs, peanut butter, and cheese. Start breakfast around 9:00 or 9:30 a.m. Those who stayed awake into the morning hours will appreciate the extra time. Everyone will love having a leisurely wake up. If some early birds want to have early prayer and devotions together, enlist an early-bird lady to lead it. Make it optional to the attendees. If the grounds of the retreat facility are beautiful, this early morning event can be held outside by the lake or in a garden. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 39 By Karen Porter
  • 40. Advertising Good attendance depends on publicity. Use the speaker’s press kit and photos to enhance the promotions. Create a buzz about the event through diverse communications. Encourage everyone to invite someone. Ninety-five percent of women attend because someone invited them. The top 14 ways to communicate: 1) Make an announcement at Sunday morning worship service. 2) Present a slide show at Sunday morning worship service. 3) Hand out flyers. 4) Send out a mailing to all women in church and/or community. 5) Perform a skit. 6) Send individuals into the Bible Study Classes to announce the event. 7) Tape announcements of the event on the inside door of the bathroom stalls. (Men’s bathrooms too – some husband may buy his wife’s registration as a gift) 8) Bulletin inserts 9) Posters 10) Banners 11) Personal contacts 12) Send notes home from Sunday School. (pinned to the children’s shirts) Jubilant Press 40
  • 41. 13) Public Service Announcements on local radio and TV stations 14) Newspaper advertisements Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 41 By Karen Porter
  • 42. Evangelism Use a response card such as the sample below to determine what decisions are made during the event. If you prefer an invitation or altar call, train experienced, mature counselors to use scriptures or tracts to the ones who respond. Overly emotional and troubled women should be guided to the most mature and discerning counselors. Discuss with the speaker how to call for a response. Sample Response Card (Best when printed on postcard-size cardstock) Comments: q Please add me to the mailing list for church women’s events. q I would like to help with the next event. q I would like to know more about the church. q I would like to talk to someone about some spiritual questions. q I would like to talk to someone about knowing Jesus personally. q Today, I asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. q Today, I recommitted my life to Christ. Jubilant Press 42
  • 43. Prayer Request: Name_______________________________________ Address _____________________________________ City, ___________________ State __________ Zip ____________ Phone Number ________________________________ E-Mail _______________________________________ Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 43 By Karen Porter
  • 44. We all have the extraordinary coded within us waiting to be released. — Jean Houston Chapter Six Details To Make Your BIG EVENT Special Put pizzazz into your event by including details, details, details. Sometimes a gift of a funny pair of socks or photos on the wall will trigger a delightful response and make memories. Following are random ideas to add zing and flavor to the event: ß Use colorful slides for songs. ß Show a slide show prior to each session with photos of church activities, children, the planning teams, or obtain baby photos of women in the group. ß Show slides of funny or cute sayings, jokes, or trivia — like at the theater before the movie starts. ß Make or buy a great banner for the front. ß Give door prizes — fun, pretty, enticing packages. ß Designate the team members with a silk flower, shirts that are alike, or ribbons. ß Decorate the stage with large and dramatic quilts, a whole a kitchen set, trellises fabric, picket fence, balloon arch, paper palm trees, large potted plants. These Jubilant Press 44
  • 45. can be borrowed from a nursery, especially if you put an acknowledgment in the program. ß Decorate the entry hall. ß Set up a place to take photos. ß Smiling faces to welcome, guide, and give out nametags. ß Goody bags with lotion, pad of paper, pen, soap, T-shirt, Bible booklet. Ask the speaker if she will donate a bookmark or business card to put in the bag. See Appendix No. 3 (page X) for a list of vendors for goody bag stuffers. ß Have a fun hairdos party complete with braiding and pigtails. ß Give prizes for funniest house shoes. ß Have a pajama beauty pageant. ß Have an indoor beach party. ß Have a western party. ß Dress in a 50’s theme. ß Ask everyone to wear pink. ß Wear hats for one session and give prizes for the zaniest, prettiest, ect. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 45 By Karen Porter
  • 46. Evaluations Prepare an evaluation form such as the example in Appendix No. 4 (page X). Ask each participant to complete the form. The answers will encourage you and show you how God worked during the event as well as give a starting point for next year’s event. When the Day Arrives The motto for the hours prior to the event should be R P P — Rest, Play, and Pray. Get a good night’s sleep and begin the day early with some fun. Get a massage. Have a special party for the workers. Then spend at least one hour in prayer. After the Event Lives have been changed! Women have been blessed and rejuvenated. But don't relax yet. ß Get the speaker to her flight on time or help her load her car (The shepherd is in charge of this). Be sure her hotel bill is paid. Tell her what she said or did that helped the women. Encourage her in the Lord! ß Encourage the workers with abundant hugs and kind words. Jubilant Press 46
  • 47. Follow Up ß Send the speaker a thank you note. If you had some nice comments in the evaluation sheets about her, pass them along. Write a letter of recommendation on the church’s stationary ß Ship leftover books back to the speaker. ß Thank the hotel staff and planners. ß Send thank you notes to all volunteers and teams. ß Write a note to the pastor thanking him for his support and telling him the results of the event. ß Read the evaluation sheets and make a notebook of suggestions and comments for the next event. ß Relax and praise God for a wonderful event! ß Leave the results of the event in the hands of God. ß Begin planning for next year. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 47 By Karen Porter
  • 48. Appendix of Helpful Information Appendix No 1 Conference/Retreat Sample Budget Description: 300 women, rented retreat center, one keynote speaker, four workshop leaders, guest musicians Facilities and Food Costs Possible Savings Retreat Center/Hotel $70 per person 300 $21,000 Meet at church Lodging for speakers/musicians 10 $700 Lodge in homes Scholarships 5 $350 Obtain donations Food for team meetings $200 Donated food Snacks at Retreat $200 Donated food Equipment rental $500 Use church equipment _______________ $22,950 Registration Costs Possible Savings Packets/goodie bags $10 each 315 $3,150 Use freebies Program booklets Printing / Assembling 400 $ $3 $1,200 Sell advertising Photography Film / Processing $100 Request donations Name Tags $100 Miscellaneous $300 __________________ $4,850 Guest Speakers / Musicians Costs Possible Savings Honorarium (Musicians) $2,500 Use in-house musicians Honorarium (Speakers) $5,000 Transportation and lodging for guest leaders $3,000 Obtain flight miles _________________ $10,500 Publicity Costs Possible Savings Newspaper advertisements $100 Issue press releases Radio advertisements $200 Use radio calendars Transportation and lodging for guest leaders $500 Obtain flight miles Printed Materials $500 _________________ $1,300 Jubilant Press 48
  • 49. Decorations Costs Possible Savings Tables $500 Borrow decorations Entry $200 Borrow decorations Stage $500 Borrow decorations _________________ $1,200 GRAND TOTAL $40,800 Total Expense $40,800 $40,800 Fundraiser income ($2,500) Women’s Ministry Budget ($3,500) _______________________________________ TOTAL $40,800 $34,800 300 women $136 per person $116 per person Includes lodging and meals Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 49 By Karen Porter
  • 50. Appendix No 2 Tips for Small Group Leaders Many women are lonely, hurting, grieving and depressed. A good small group leader empathizes, encourages and supports with love and prayers but doesn’t encourage the pain or worsen the depression. Always point to Jesus and offer hope. A Small Group Leader should: • Be warm and welcoming. • Keep in mind that her purpose is to build friendships and help the women get to know each other. • Be aware that the level of openness and friendliness of the group depends on you, the leader. • Smile a lot! • Remember Psalms 68:6. “God sets the lonely in families…” It is often in church families that He sets us. Make your group a family. • Learn the names. Saying each woman’s name often helps you remember. • Be an encourager. • Find out about each woman’s situation by talking with her privately when small group is not in session. Jubilant Press 50
  • 51. When you ask questions, carefully craft your words so that there is no exact answer. Never let a woman think she has given a wrong answer. Phrase your questions with: “What do you think…?” “What do you suppose…?” “What might we conclude from this…?” These types of questions allow women to have different answers and even disagree, but no one can be wrong when asked, “What do you think?” Instead of asking “why”, ask: “Can you tell me more?” “Does anyone else feel the same way?” “Can anyone think of a Bible verse that fits that thought?” “That’s interesting. Can you talk about how you came to realize that?” For those who are shy and don’t participate: 1) Call her by name and ask her a question. 2) Sit with her between small group sessions and get to know her. 3) Make her comfortable with you. Ask about her kids and family. 4) Introduce her to others in the group. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 51 By Karen Porter
  • 52. For those who talk too much or try to take over the small group: 1) Start your next question with “Let’s hear from someone who hasn’t talked yet.” 2) Start your next question by saying someone else’s name. 3) If she persists, talk to her privately and ask her for help. Tell her you feel that you are not meeting your objectives for the group. Ask her how she thinks you can engage more ladies in the group. When you make her your partner, you get her help, not her interference. If someone begins to share a very intimate part of her life and you think she might be embarrassed tomorrow, interrupt her as quickly and gently as you can and then: 1) Look at her with caring loving facial expressions and ask if you can pray for her. Pray right then and there. 2) Interrupt her gently and ask if she’d like to meet with you privately later. 3) Get up from your chair and go put your arm around her shoulders. Ask the others to join you in prayer for her. 4) Say, “I can see that this topic has really touched you tonight. I promise that I’ll pray for you in the coming weeks.” Jubilant Press 52
  • 53. If someone seems concerned about a medical problem or shows signs of depression: 1) Ask, “What has your doctor said?”, implying that she needs a medical professional 2) Ask: Have you talked to your Sunday school teacher or Pastor or Christian Counselor? (In this way, you will set some boundaries in her expectations of you.) Note: It is not your job to fix women. It is your job to point them to Jesus. Be compassionate. Leave each woman with hope. One of the greatest gifts a small group leader can give any woman in her group is the feeling of self-esteem that comes when she realizes that her leader thinks she is important and worthy. When her leader is willing to pray for her, she feels worthy. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 53 By Karen Porter
  • 54. Appendix No 3 Vendors for Prizes and Goody Bag Gifts Oriental Trading Co 1-800-875-8480 Eagle Specialty and Advertising Co. 9030 Frey Road Houston, Texas 77034 Lillian Vernon Online 281-448-9600 Donna Blackmon Specialty Shop @LA Donna’s Printing 1719 Sungail Dr Spring, Texas 77387 ABC Distributing Company 281-367-0659 Jubilant Press 54
  • 55. Appendix No 4 Sample Evaluation Form When you format this evaluation form, leave ample spaces between essay questions for response. Be sure you let attendees know how important their opinions are, too. Take a few moments in the closing sessions to let them fill out the evaluation form and for your committee to collect them. 1. What is your overall evaluation of this event? q What I expected q Better than I expected q Less than I expected 2) What was your favorite part of the event? 3) What can we do to improve? 4) Which workshop was most helpful to you? 5) What did you enjoy about the speaker(s)? 6) Write a sentence describing your small group 7) Did this event help you grow spiritually? How? 8) Comments Optional: Name: ________________________________ Phone _________________________________ Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 55 By Karen Porter
  • 56. Appendix No 5 Conference / Retreat Planning Guide Event: __________________________________________________________________ Purpose: ________________________________________________________________ Person Responsible Completed One to Two Years Ahead q Set date _________________ _________ q Find and reserve location _________________ _________ q Book keynote speaker _________________ _________ q Book musicians _________________ _________ q Set up budget _________________ _________ q Establish team leaders _________________ _________ Four to Six Months Ahead q Select theme _________________ _________ q Select theme verse _________________ _________ q Choose workshop subjects _________________ _________ q Choose workshop leaders _________________ _________ q Prepare a first announcement _________________ _________ q Send confirmation to the keynote speaker_________________ _________ Jubilant Press 56
  • 57. q Verify that all teams are in place _________________ _________ Two to Three Months Ahead q Mail registration brochures _________________ _________ q Begin meeting with teams _________________ _________ q Ask speaker for listening guides _________________ _________ q Arrange travel/lodging for speakers_________________ _________ q Finalize program and schedule _________________ _________ q Hold team meetings _________________ _________ One Month Ahead q Contact musicians, provide schedule_________________ _________ q Contact speakers, provide schedule _________________ _________ q Hold pre-event reception/prayer time_________________ _________ q Second mailing _________________ _________ q Announcement in church bulletin _________________ _________ q Continue team meetings _________________ _________ Two Weeks Ahead q Confirm reservations for speakers _________________ _________ q Confirm reservations for musicians_________________ _________ q Complete and assemble programs _________________ _________ q Request checks for honorariums _________________ _________ q Send program to speaker/musicians_________________ _________ q Prepare registration goody bags _________________ _________ Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 57 By Karen Porter
  • 58. q Prepare registration goody bags _________________ _________ q Prepare name tags _________________ _________ q Meet with teams for prayer _________________ _________ Day of the Event q Relax q Pray q Enjoy After the Event q Send thank-you notes to teams _________________ _________ q Send thank-you notes to donors _________________ _________ q Send thank-you notes to church staff_________________ _________ q Send thank-you notes to speakers _________________ _________ q Send thank-you notes to musicians_________________ _________ q Tell God “thank You” _________________ _________ q Complete evaluation of speaker for agent _________________ _________ q Compile results of evaluations _________________ _________ q Begin planning for next event _________________ _________ Jubilant Press 58
  • 59. About the Author Karen Porter is co-author of Bible Seeds, A Unique Bible Study Devotional and co author and compiler of Bible Seeds For Enriching Your Character (Starburst Publishers). Her work is featured in Intimate Moments with God and Intimate Encounters with God (Honor Books). She contributes to numerous national magazines such as Focus on the Family, Discipleship Journal, and Godly Business Woman and curriculum for Lifeway Resources. Karen is vice president of International Marketing of a major food company in Texas and has traveled extensively worldwide. Karen is a popular national retreat and seminar speaker represented by Classervices, Inc. She teaches an Explore the Bible class at Stonebridge Church in The Woodlands, Texas where she also serves as special advisor to women’s ministries. Karen is a graduate of C.L.A.S.S. (Christian Leaders Authors Speakers Seminar) and Upper Class and is a Certified Personality Trainer. In addition to college at Texas A&M University where she majored in music education, Karen has attended highly acclaimed training courses with Dun and Bradstreet and Rice University Jones School of Management. Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 59 By Karen Porter
  • 60. Karen serves on the teaching staff for Right to the Heart Ministry’s Women Who Minister to Women Regional Conferences and on the steering committee for AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association). She works with Upper Class, a speaker’s coaching program through Florence Littauer. The new “Dare to Dream God’s Dream” conference, developed this year by Karen, teaches Christians how to discover how God has designed each person for a unique ministry. Her marriage to George is her greatest achievement. Her greatest joy is her children: Cherry, Craig, Brett, and Kathryn. Their love for God and zest for life brings Karen the joy that only a mother could understand. Karen’s joy over her children is only surpassed by her outrageous love for her grandchildren Ashton, Garrett, and Gracen. i Col 4:2 NIV Jubilant Press 60
  • 61. Jubilant Press has brought to you: Planning a Successful Big Event By Karen Porter Please visit our site soon for more titles: Need a writing tutor? Jubilant Press has a new mentoring program for beginning and established writers. This program includes one-on-one mentoring from a published author, editing helps, published materials and lessons regarding the different aspects of writing and the writing business as well as telephone conferences on the craft and business of writing. See: for details. Coming soon from Jubilant Press! Plan That Big Event For Your Women's Ministry The Money Mission: How to Find $$$ for Your Women’s Ministry Growing Your Women's Ministry From the Ground Up Professional Writing Professional Speaking Your Adoption Coach Coming Soon! The Wedding Cake Coach Coming Soon! Cake Decorating Coach Coming Soon! Wedding Reception Coach Coming Soon! Great Parenting Coach Coming Soon! Great Dating Coach Coming Soon! Great Marriage Coach Coming Soon! Great Chicken Recipes Coming Soon! The Truth About Weight Loss Surgery — Before & After Coming Soon! See for additional e-recipe books such as: Great Cookie Coach Crock Pot Recipe Coach Great Chicken Recipes See or for additional inspirational e-report titles. Jubilant Press was founded by Linda Evans Shepherd ( and Rebekah Montgomery ( as a way to help sponsor Right to the Heart Ministries, a 501 (c) 3 Secrets of Planning a Successful BIG EVENT 61 By Karen Porter
  • 62. Right to the Heart ministries sees thousands of depressed and hurting people come to faith, every month, on their gospel interaction web site, In addition, Right to the Heart Radio is heard on over 150 stations around the country. Also, Right to the Heart Ministries is on a mission to encourage, equip and inspire the women of the church. This help happens through their free online ezine, Right to the Heart of Women, as well as their national seminar Right to the Heart of Women's Ministry, Write Away Weekend, and their national conference, Right to the Heart of Women Conference held annually at Cornerstone University. See: for details To sign up for the free Right to the Heart of Women ezine, follow this link: or click on subscribe at Right to the Heart also sponsors a ministry to the top Christian women communicators of the church, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA). For information about AWSA, go to Thank you for purchasing this electronic e-report. If you have additional questions or comments, please write: for more information. THANK YOU! Linda Evans Shepherd & Rebekah Montgomery; Co-publishers for Christ Jubilant Press P.O. Box 6421 Longmont, CO 80501 How well do you know God? Jubilant Press 62