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                     :LUHOHVV 1HWZRUNV IRU
                     ,QGXVWULDO $SSOLFDWLRQV






6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! Ã

                                                      :LOO 7KLV (YHU %H D 5HDOLW ² :LUHOHVV RQWURO 6VWHPV


                                                                                                   0D[ )RUHFDVW




                                                                     %OXHWRRWK 6DOHV )RUHFDVW

à                                                                                         6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! Ã


Most of us are now connected with a wireless device of limited utility be-
cause it is only for voice – our cell phones. We are at the dawn of a major
transition for data connections as it also moves from wired to wireless tech-
nology. The transition of data communications has not happened with a
“grand design”, but is moving inexorably through some interim
technologies to a conclusion in the wireless domains using a va-            :LUHOHVV WHFKQRORJ LV H[SHFWHG WR
                                                                                    KDYH D PDMRU LPSDFW RQ WKH
riety of technologies.    This ARC Strategy Report attempts to
                                                                                PDQXIDFWXULQJ LQGXVWULHV LQ WKH
provide some background on the most significant of these wire-
                                                                           QH[W ILYH HDUV 7KH WHFKQRORJLHV WR
less technologies, and makes predictions on their use in the               ZDWFK DUH %OXHWRRWK ZLUHOHVV /$1V
manufacturing environment. Wireless technology is expected to                       DQG * ZLUHOHVV WHOHSKRQ
have a major impact on the manufacturing industries in the next
five years.

The three wireless technologies most likely to be used in the manufacturing
industries are listed in the following table. There are lots more, some at an
equivalent state of development, and some still in embryonic state not yet
ready for wide commercialism.

7HFKQRORJLHV   )UHTXHQF      'DWD 5DWH             3URWRFRO                'LVWDQFH

                                                    IUHTXHQF KRSSLQJ
                *+]         ²  0ESV                                  'LUHFWLRQDO DQWHQQD  XS WR  NP
                                                    VSUHDG VSHFWUXP

%OXHWRRWK       *+]         .ESV              )UHTXHQF KRSSLQJ       1RPLQDOO  P
                                                    VSUHDG VSHFWUXP
                                                                            XVWRP ² XS WR  P

                *+]                              VSUHDG VSHFWUXP
                               0ESV VWDWLRQDU                           HOO GLVWDQFH a  ²  NP

It would be wonderful if there was a single winning technology, but there are
too many applications needing a more direct solution for a volume market.
These three technologies cover the application distances from very short
range (Bluetooth), to medium distances (Wireless LAN), to very long dis-
tances (3G Wireless).

These are all digital communications protocols completely replacing legacy
analog and hybrid radio of previous generations. The only commonality

6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! Ã

                               among these technologies is that they all use spread spectrum protocols to be
                               immune from noise and to obtain a base level of privacy.

                               ,QGXVWULDO $SSOLFDWLRQV
                               The common thread for wireless applications is mobility, where wireless
                               eliminates the inconvenience and cost of connection to a wired network.
                               However, applications for wireless go well beyond the cordless aspect to ar-
                               eas that were never previously considered “connectable.” Wireless, in all its
                               forms, is another of those enabling technologies that will stimulate new ap-
                               plications when the cost falls to an appropriate point. This report is all about
                               the three wireless technologies that ARC expects to achieve low price points
                               in the next five years.

                               ,WV $OO $ERXW RQQHFWLYLW

                               Manufacturing plants can be large and widely distributed; therefore, the data
                               from the plant comes from a wide area. Manufacturing automation requires
                               access to data at the point where it is generated, and further, requires that
                               real-time control actions be performed in the plant at the location where it
                               has dynamic effect on the process itself. Data processing, or in today’s style
                               “IT,” has usually required that data be transported to a central location for
                               processing and reporting. IT can often accomplish its goals with periodic or
                                             daily transport of the data it requires, but manufacturing must
  +RZHYHU LQ WKH EDFN RI RXU PLQGV         process its data in milliseconds or seconds.
   PDNH FRQQHFWLRQV ZLWKRXW ZLUHVµ          Process control applications needed to move the operator out of
                   +HQFH ² ZLUHOHVV         the hazardous plant environment that led to use of pneumatic
                                             data transmission in the 1930s. From the 1950s onward, most
                               data transmission from the plant floor to the control system has been through
                               copper wires. The maze of copper wiring needed to connect sensors and ac-
                               tuators to control systems is expensive to design, install, test, commission,
                               and maintain. For many years the industry has been spending time and re-
                               sources on serial bus interconnection methods to reduce these costs.
                               However, in the back of our minds, we always ask “What if we could make
                               connections without wires?” Hence – wireless.

                               There has always been a class of device for which the connection cord was
                               such a large inconvenience that it became impractical to depend on the use of

à                                                                                      6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! Ã

the device. Portable barcode readers are an example of this char-
acteristic. Only when portable barcode readers became wireless
did they become convenient enough to require their use in manu-
facturing and warehousing.

Another class of applications are for connection of devices that
are themselves in motion. Temperature sensors in rotary kilns or
drums are commonly connected using wireless technology.           Automated
Guided Vehicles (AGV) are a class of equipment in constant motion needing
network connection.

Radio links have been used to connect remote and mobile devices for many
years. In most cases, these links were narrow-band radios (not spread spec-
trum) and required a site license for use. Further, the data transferred was
sent from the remote point in almost raw form for processing on a PC or
other type of computer equipment. The radio link was actually a form of
wireless RS-232 link, and no more. Today, we expect much more of our in-
vestment in sensor and actuator devices. Embedded microprocessors often
have more computing power than the 1980s mainframe computer. No longer
is raw data enough. Fully processed information is required. Embedded
processors need bi-directional communications with other computers and
databases on the network to maximize their ability to control material flows
and perform the work previously assigned to centralized computers. This is
the state of the technology on two-way radio communications for data at the
beginning of the 21 century.


Sometimes pulling wire to connect a computer or a new device to the LAN is
either too costly or physically impossible. The answer to this problem, at
least according to one IEEE standards committee, is to use a wireless LAN for
the physical layer. A very inexpensive solution has been to use infrared light
to “beam” the data through open spaces, but in spite of good specifications
such as IrDA, infrared connections have not become popular. In 2000, over
200 million devices were shipped with IrDA ports, but use of this excellent
standard is almost non-existent. Clearly, something was wrong with IrDA.

The IEEE 802 committee concluded that comprehensive work was necessary
to establish a wireless connection to any of their 802 LANs, and assigned the

6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! Ã

                               responsibility of defining the wireless physical layer to Subcommittee 11. In
                               1997, the initial work of IEEE 802.11 was completed and specification 802.11
                               was issued as an American National Standard (ANS), and later as an ISO
                               standard. This document defined three (3) different physical layers:

                                   1. Infrared (IR)
                                   2. Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), and
                                   3. Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS)

                               The standard has defined only the physical layer so that these interfaces will
                               operate with any of the other LAN/MAN protocols of IEEE 802. Since 802.3
                               (Ethernet) is the most popular of all these protocols, it is the only one fully
                               tested and commercialized. You might think of a wireless LAN as a gap be-
                               tween two ends of an Ethernet cable. This has been referred to as an “air
                               interface” and is commonly called “wireless Ethernet.”

                               IEEE 802.11 defined data rates of 1.0 and 2.0 Mbps for both the IR link and
                               both forms of spread spectrum radio operating in the 2.4 GHz ISM (indus-
                               trial, scientific., and medical) band. This was initially thought to be fast
                               enough when networks rarely achieved much faster rates, and internet con-
                               nections were typically at T1 rates, or 1.544 Mbps.       However, with fast
                               Ethernet operating at 100 Mbps, and broadband internet connections, there
                               was a demand for higher data rates. In 1999, the Wireless LAN subcommit-
                               tee released IEEE 802b, which defines only DSSS at a data rate of 1, 2, 5.5, and
                               11.0 Mbps.

                               Never satisfied with these slow speeds, the committee went back to work to
                               define higher data rates at 20 to 54 Mbps, but there is not room in the 2.4
                               GHz ISM band for higher rates. The higher rates will only be achieved by
                               operation in the 5.0 GHz frequency band.        This standard is called IEEE
                               802.11a, and is commonly called Hiperlan2, after an early prototype product.

                               ,QIUDUHG :LUHOHVV /$1
                               IrDA was never designed to be more than a simple device connection, not a
                               local area network. Its most frequent use is to provide a way to synchronize
                               PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) with a database on a PC. However, most
                               PCs are not equipped with an IrDA port. Laptop computers generally are so
                               equipped, but the port is usually at the rear. Physical inconvenience and lack
                               of desktop presence probably were at fault in failure of IrDA.

à                                                                                         6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! Ã

Designers of 802.11 were quite aware of IrDA’s faults, and specified a higher
power infrared radiation capable of being bounced off walls and reflected by
mirrors to “flood” an office area with infrared (IR) data beams. This leads to
multipath distortion, where the same data arrives along different reflected
paths at slightly different delays. Compensation for multi-
path distortion has been included in the 802.11 specification       $OWKRXJK ,5 ZRXOG JHQHUDOO EH VXLWDEOH
to allow its infrared to be used in an office environment                       IRU PRVW IDFWRU DXWRPDWLRQ
without direct line of sight communications.                             DSSOLFDWLRQV IXWXUH XVH LV GRXEWIXO
                                                                         EHFDXVH RI WKH ODFN RI FRPPHUFLDO
At this point, it is obvious that the IR option of 802.11 is not          HTXLSPHQW DQG WKH HPSKDVLV RQ
                                                                    VSUHDG VSHFWUXP UDGLR FRPPXQLFDWLRQV
being implemented, and no more development is planned
for higher data rates. Although IR would generally be suit-
able for many factory automation applications, future use is doubtful because
of the lack of commercial equipment, and the emphasis on spread spectrum
radio communications.

The original spread spectrum idea was conceived by movie actress Hedy
Lamarr (real name: Hedwig Maria Eva Kiesler), and her piano composer
friend, George Antheil, who patented the method and donated it to the US
Government in 1943. The idea for frequency hopping was conceived as a
method to allow secure radio communications, without the fear of intercep-
tion, and one that would be able to function in the presence of high power
jamming signals used to disrupt battlefield communications.

IEEE 802.11 defines a specific instance of FHSS for the unlicensed ISM radio
band 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz. Specifically, it defines 79 different frequencies in
that band, and therefore, 78 different frequency transitions are defined for
each of the 79 base frequencies of the carrier signal. Signals are transmitted
for 400 ms before the carrier is switched to the next frequency. This is com-
monly called “slow” frequency hopping.

Two different FHSS systems each operating in the same area (co-location)
could occasionally collide by operating at the same carrier frequency. Addi-
tionally, any other noise on one of the frequency bands will cause
interference. Bluetooth is one of those technologies operating in the 2.4 GHz
band that will cause some interference with wireless LANs. There is no spe-
cific error detection specified for the physical layer, so any data errors caused
by interference will be detected through an error in the CRC (Cyclic Redun-
dancy Check) performed by the Data Link Layer. No specific management

6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! Ã

                               for the physical layer is defined by the standard, although suppliers may im-
                               plement their own. One such common function of FHSS management would
                               be to detect frequency bands consistently generating framing errors, and to
                               eliminate them from the list of available frequencies.

                               'LUHFW 6HTXHQFH 6SUHDG 6SHFWUXP '666
Another method of spreading the signal across the 85 MHz of the 2.4 to 2.485
                               GHz frequency band is called direct sequence spread spectrum. DSSS is
                               harder to understand than FHSS, but accomplishes the same goals of noise
                               rejection, and resistance to jamming. Imagine that DSSS is like FHSS, but the
                               switching time between frequencies is very short – less than one bit time at
                               the transmitted data rate. Each bit of data is sent at multiple frequencies (11
                               in IEEE 802.11b) providing some redundancy. Since the frequencies are se-
                               lected at random within the allowable frequency band, covert detection is
                               practically impossible.

                               For many technical reasons, most of the advanced development has been de-
                               voted to DSSS. IEEE 802.11b defines a data rate of 11 Mbps, and uses only
                               DSSS technology. At present, it seems that DSSS is the only wireless LAN
                               technology being developed for broad interoperability. The most under-
                               standable reason is the speed of 11 Mbps is within the range of wired
                               networks, while the 1-2 Mbps of FHSS is probably suitable only for connec-
                               tion of slower peripheral devices such as barcode readers and handheld
                               terminals. In fact, although too technical for this report, behavior of DSSS in
                               most ways is superior, or at worst equivalent, to FHSS.

                               One of the differences between FHSS and DSSS is the statutory limit, which
                               prevents co-located FHSS from synchronization, which would prevent colli-
                               sions resulting from networks in the same area from picking the same
                               frequency at the same time. DSSS is allowed to probe for potential interfer-
                               ence by statute so that it may detect it before transmission. Some of the
                               statutes are written this way because IEEE 802.11 (and Bluetooth) operate in
                               the unlicensed ISM radio band, and are very limited in radiated energy. US
                               Government regulations are established for this band to allow sharing by
                               many technologies. Most other governments share the same findings and
                               echo the same regulations for this band as the US Federal Communications

à                                                                                       6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! Ã

,((( D +LJK 6SHHG :LUHOHVV /$1
The most significant recent development has been the availability of low cost
CMOS chips for the 5 GHz frequency band (5.15-35 and 5.725-5.825), previ-
ously requiring expensive Gallium Arsinide (GAs) semiconductors. This has
resulted in a surge of interest in IEEE 802.11a, the high data rate DSSS tech-
nology supporting up to 54 Mbps. At present, this band is not shared with
any other radio service actually in use, and it does not contain a
harmonic of the water absorption band. IEEE 802.11a has been                $5 EHOLHYHV WKDW ,((( D
specified with OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multi-               GHILQHV D ZLUHOHVV SURWRFRO VXLWDEOH
                                                                      IRU XVH LQ WKH LQGXVWULDO HQYLURQPHQW
plexing) modulation, which has superior rejection of multipath
                                                                            DQG ZLOO GRPLQDWH WKH LQGXVWULDO
distortion (signal bounces off walls and objects) over 802.11b.
                                                                             ZLUHOHVV /$1 PDUNHW E 
Chips for 802.11a are already available in development quanti-
ties and commercial products are likely to become available in
2002.    Convergence with the European-developed HiperLAN2 is highly
likely, removing international objections to this standard. ARC believes that
IEEE 802.11a defines a wireless protocol suitable for use in the industrial en-
vironment, and will dominate the industrial wireless LAN market by 2005.
We advise against use of FHSS and 802.11b for wireless LANs, except to
solve immediate short-term problems.


The original application for Bluetooth was for “cordless” applications: elimi-
nate the connecting cord between headphones and the cell phone;
synchronize PDA data bases without a connection cord; and, allow PDAs to
print without making a physical connection to a printer. Since then, the Blue-
tooth SIG (Special Interest Group) has developed extensive protocols not
normally found in data communications. One of the applications, which
many Bluetooth advocates believe will be the largest use of the technology,
will be for the transmission of digitized voice – telephony.

One of the defined functions of Bluetooth is the automatic formation of “pi-
conets” – spontaneous networks with up to eight (8) nodes at a time
connected. File sharing and transfer, printer sharing, and all the usual peer-
level network functions are provided similar to a Windows Network
Neighborhood. If there are more than eight nodes in one location, they will
all appear on as many other nodes as possible forming multiple network

6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! Ã

                              Bluetooth is a full network protocol definition, not just a physical layer such
                              as Wireless LAN. While it operates in the same network band as IEEE
                              802.11, the ISM band at 2.4 to 2.485 GHz, it only uses FHSS with much faster
                              hopping than 802.11. The hopping rate is 1600 hops per second, which when
                              coupled with the very low power of 1600 picowatts, should result in minimal
                              interference with 802.11 FHSS. However, there has been some reported in-
                              terference with 802.11b DSSS when used in the same area.

                              One of the Bluetooth protocols is its ability to discover other Bluetooth nodes
                              in its vicinity and spontaneously form a piconet attachment.         Therefore,
                              when applications are ready to connect as a microphone/headphone, ex-
                              change business cards, or synchronize a contact database, they need not
                              concern themselves with the attachment step. Each of these applications will
                              be enabled or disabled in advance and usually will require specific identifica-
                              tion before the attachment can take place. This is especially important for
                              database synchronization or the formation of piconets since these steps may
                              expose data to unwanted transfers. Lack of security in this function is more
                              than compensated by the convenience that goes way beyond plug-and-play.

                              ,QGXVWULDO $SSOLFDWLRQV
                              Bluetooth is expected to be part of every cell phone and PDA sold by 2003.
                              This huge market volume is expected to reduce the cost of the chip to less
                              than US$5.00 in this time frame. With the trend to commercial-off-the-shelf
                              (COTS) technology, Bluetooth clearly fits. Because Bluetooth will most often
                              be applied to a battery driven device, it must draw little power, and must run
                              cool as well. These characteristics make Bluetooth useful for portable devices
                              or devices mounted on moving machinery.

                              Bluetooth is a viable data communications protocol and will support the up-
                              per layers of the protocol stack including Internet protocols and applications
                              such as TCP/IP, FTP, SNMP, SMTP, and UDP. While transmitted energy is
                              expected to be low, raising the signal level closer to the allowed ISM band
                              maximum of 250 milliwatts from the traditional 1600 picowatts, increases
                              distance between nodes. If signals are only directed to a single node, as for a
                              switch or centralized controller, then directional antennas may be used to
                              further increase reception distance. Bluetooth transmitting with an omnidi-
                              rectional antenna at 250 milliwatts should be able to reach at least 100 meters.
                              Except for the lower level protocols, there is no essential difference between
                              Bluetooth and any other LAN technology operating in the 2.4 GHz band.

à                                                                                         6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! Ã

Embedded Bluetooth is expected to appear in many industrial automation


The world’s wireless telephones are converging toward a common technol-
ogy called CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) originally created and
patented by Qualcomm, and freely licensed for use in 3G Wire-
less.   The ITU (International Telecommunications Union),                7KH ZRUOG·V ZLUHOHVV WHOHSKRQHV DUH
which sets the world’s standards for telecommunications has                    FRQYHUJLQJ WRZDUG D FRPPRQ
set a goal called IT-2000 – a standard that defines the converged            WHFKQRORJ FDOOHG '0$ RGH
technology for all wireless telephones. If this standard would                     'LYLVLRQ 0XOWLSOH $FFHVV
be achieved, it would be possible to use a single wireless tele-
phone anywhere in the world. But, alas, this dream has been subverted by
commercial forces wanting to preserve the life of today’s wireless central of-
fice switching equipment. As a result, we will see CDMA used all over the
world, but not with identical protocols or at the same radio frequency.

Wireless telephony will certainly be useful in the factory or process plant to
contact people who are not deskbound. 3G is a far superior technology to the
old CB radios. However, it is not for voice alone that we are suggesting a
strong interest in 3G wireless – it is the high digital data rate of this technol-

•   384 Kbps while the mobile terminal is in motion.
•   2.0 Mbps (or higher) when the terminal is not in motion (fixed).

These data rates are suitable for most data transfers in industrial automation
applications, particularly for remote units. Other characteristics of 3G wire-
less are also appealing:

•   CDMA is a highly noise-resistant protocol using DSSS technology.
•   The appeal of a very large COTS market for low cost support silicon.
•   Use of one product anywhere in the world.
•   Availability of low cost telephones and PDAs for handheld terminals.

While the world’s wireless telephone providers are all moving in the CDMA
direction, the protocols will differ somewhat depending upon the spectrum
available and the previous cell phone technology used in that country.

6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! Ã

                              7KH RQYROXWHG 3DWK WR *
                              GSM (Global System Mobile) is the most widely used digital cell phone tech-
                              nology in the world. It is a form of TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
                              with time segments of about 50 ms. This allows up to 200 users to share the
                              frequency in the vicinity of the cell transceiver. It is used at different fre-
                              quencies in different parts of the world: 800, 900, and 1900 MHz. The most
                              significant feature of GSM is the SIM (System Identification Module), a tiny
                              card usually referred-to as a “chip” inserted into a cell phone to give it all of
                              your account information including your telephone number. The US-based
                              TDMA networks do not use a SIM.

                              The limitation of GSM and TDMA are clear – the limit of 200 users per cell
                              means that conversations are frequently dropped when you move into the
                              range of a different cell, which is already at full capacity, and often there is
                              no dial tone in crowded metropolitan areas. In any time division multiplex-
                              ing protocol, the time assignment is fixed as long as you are off-hook, even
                              when you are not speaking or listening. Less clear, is the quality of service
                              since all speech is digitized and compressed. The GSM voice encoder (CO-
                              DEC) has sufficient fidelity for most speech, but little else, and limits speeds
                              when used as a modem.

                              CDMA (code division multiple access) uses DSSS and is a packet-based
                              transmission method. When speaking, voice is encoded into digital data,
                              compressed and assembled into packets that are transmitted when the chan-
                              nel is available. No packets are sent during quiet periods. Since human
                              speech contains many pauses, CDMA is usually more than 50 percent more
                              efficient than TDMA or GSM. For reasons of bandwidth efficiency, the ITU
                              selected CDMA as the technology for IT-2000.

                              Wireless telephony carriers currently using CDMA face minimal equipment
                              upgrades to convert directly to IT-2000, but are being cautious in their con-
                              versions to avoid making promises they cannot keep. They are rolling out
                              the increased digital bandwidth in steps starting with today’s 19.2 kbps to 64
                              k, then 128 k, 256 k, 384 k and finally 2.0 Mbps, all for stationary perform-
                              ance. Rates for stations in motion are less. No technical changes are required
                              for each of these steps, but the providers have an opportunity to learn about
                              service delivery and system bottlenecks. Operation of 3G networks would
                              not be on the same frequencies as today’s service, which can be continued
                              until fully replaced by 3G.


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Wireless networks for industrial applications

  • 3. 0LQ )RUHFDVW %OXHWRRWK 6DOHV )RUHFDVW ÇÃ6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒ
  • 4. à 6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! à ([HFXWLYH 2YHUYLHZ Most of us are now connected with a wireless device of limited utility be- cause it is only for voice – our cell phones. We are at the dawn of a major transition for data connections as it also moves from wired to wireless tech- nology. The transition of data communications has not happened with a “grand design”, but is moving inexorably through some interim technologies to a conclusion in the wireless domains using a va- :LUHOHVV WHFKQRORJ LV H[SHFWHG WR KDYH D PDMRU LPSDFW RQ WKH riety of technologies. This ARC Strategy Report attempts to PDQXIDFWXULQJ LQGXVWULHV LQ WKH provide some background on the most significant of these wire- QH[W ILYH HDUV 7KH WHFKQRORJLHV WR less technologies, and makes predictions on their use in the ZDWFK DUH %OXHWRRWK ZLUHOHVV /$1V manufacturing environment. Wireless technology is expected to DQG * ZLUHOHVV WHOHSKRQ have a major impact on the manufacturing industries in the next five years. 7HFKQRORJLHV The three wireless technologies most likely to be used in the manufacturing industries are listed in the following table. There are lots more, some at an equivalent state of development, and some still in embryonic state not yet ready for wide commercialism. 7HFKQRORJLHV )UHTXHQF 'DWD 5DWH 3URWRFRO 'LVWDQFH :LUHOHVV /$1 *+] 0ESV 'LUHFW VHTXHQFH DQG 2PQLGLUHFWLRQDO DQWHQQD P IUHTXHQF KRSSLQJ *+] ² 0ESV 'LUHFWLRQDO DQWHQQD XS WR NP VSUHDG VSHFWUXP %OXHWRRWK *+] .ESV )UHTXHQF KRSSLQJ 1RPLQDOO P VSUHDG VSHFWUXP XVWRP ² XS WR P * ZLUHOHVV .ESV PRELOH '0$ 'LUHFW VHTXHQFH 8QOLPLWHG ZLWK FHOO WUDQVIHU *+] VSUHDG VSHFWUXP 0ESV VWDWLRQDU HOO GLVWDQFH a ² NP :LUHOHVV 1HWZRUNV IRU 'DWD RPPXQLFDWLRQV It would be wonderful if there was a single winning technology, but there are too many applications needing a more direct solution for a volume market. These three technologies cover the application distances from very short range (Bluetooth), to medium distances (Wireless LAN), to very long dis- tances (3G Wireless). These are all digital communications protocols completely replacing legacy analog and hybrid radio of previous generations. The only commonality 8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒÃ‡Ã6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã
  • 5. 6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! à among these technologies is that they all use spread spectrum protocols to be immune from noise and to obtain a base level of privacy. ,QGXVWULDO $SSOLFDWLRQV The common thread for wireless applications is mobility, where wireless eliminates the inconvenience and cost of connection to a wired network. However, applications for wireless go well beyond the cordless aspect to ar- eas that were never previously considered “connectable.” Wireless, in all its forms, is another of those enabling technologies that will stimulate new ap- plications when the cost falls to an appropriate point. This report is all about the three wireless technologies that ARC expects to achieve low price points in the next five years. ,WV $OO $ERXW RQQHFWLYLW Manufacturing plants can be large and widely distributed; therefore, the data from the plant comes from a wide area. Manufacturing automation requires access to data at the point where it is generated, and further, requires that real-time control actions be performed in the plant at the location where it has dynamic effect on the process itself. Data processing, or in today’s style “IT,” has usually required that data be transported to a central location for processing and reporting. IT can often accomplish its goals with periodic or daily transport of the data it requires, but manufacturing must +RZHYHU LQ WKH EDFN RI RXU PLQGV process its data in milliseconds or seconds. ZH DOZDV DVN ´:KDW LI ZH FRXOG PDNH FRQQHFWLRQV ZLWKRXW ZLUHVµ Process control applications needed to move the operator out of +HQFH ² ZLUHOHVV the hazardous plant environment that led to use of pneumatic data transmission in the 1930s. From the 1950s onward, most data transmission from the plant floor to the control system has been through copper wires. The maze of copper wiring needed to connect sensors and ac- tuators to control systems is expensive to design, install, test, commission, and maintain. For many years the industry has been spending time and re- sources on serial bus interconnection methods to reduce these costs. However, in the back of our minds, we always ask “What if we could make connections without wires?” Hence – wireless. There has always been a class of device for which the connection cord was such a large inconvenience that it became impractical to depend on the use of ÇÃ6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒ
  • 6. à 6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! à the device. Portable barcode readers are an example of this char- acteristic. Only when portable barcode readers became wireless did they become convenient enough to require their use in manu- facturing and warehousing. Another class of applications are for connection of devices that are themselves in motion. Temperature sensors in rotary kilns or drums are commonly connected using wireless technology. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) are a class of equipment in constant motion needing network connection. Radio links have been used to connect remote and mobile devices for many years. In most cases, these links were narrow-band radios (not spread spec- trum) and required a site license for use. Further, the data transferred was sent from the remote point in almost raw form for processing on a PC or other type of computer equipment. The radio link was actually a form of wireless RS-232 link, and no more. Today, we expect much more of our in- vestment in sensor and actuator devices. Embedded microprocessors often have more computing power than the 1980s mainframe computer. No longer is raw data enough. Fully processed information is required. Embedded processors need bi-directional communications with other computers and databases on the network to maximize their ability to control material flows and perform the work previously assigned to centralized computers. This is the state of the technology on two-way radio communications for data at the st beginning of the 21 century. :LUHOHVV /$1 Sometimes pulling wire to connect a computer or a new device to the LAN is either too costly or physically impossible. The answer to this problem, at least according to one IEEE standards committee, is to use a wireless LAN for the physical layer. A very inexpensive solution has been to use infrared light to “beam” the data through open spaces, but in spite of good specifications such as IrDA, infrared connections have not become popular. In 2000, over 200 million devices were shipped with IrDA ports, but use of this excellent standard is almost non-existent. Clearly, something was wrong with IrDA. The IEEE 802 committee concluded that comprehensive work was necessary to establish a wireless connection to any of their 802 LANs, and assigned the 8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒÃ‡Ã6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã
  • 7. 6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! à responsibility of defining the wireless physical layer to Subcommittee 11. In 1997, the initial work of IEEE 802.11 was completed and specification 802.11 was issued as an American National Standard (ANS), and later as an ISO standard. This document defined three (3) different physical layers: 1. Infrared (IR) 2. Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), and 3. Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) The standard has defined only the physical layer so that these interfaces will operate with any of the other LAN/MAN protocols of IEEE 802. Since 802.3 (Ethernet) is the most popular of all these protocols, it is the only one fully tested and commercialized. You might think of a wireless LAN as a gap be- tween two ends of an Ethernet cable. This has been referred to as an “air interface” and is commonly called “wireless Ethernet.” IEEE 802.11 defined data rates of 1.0 and 2.0 Mbps for both the IR link and both forms of spread spectrum radio operating in the 2.4 GHz ISM (indus- trial, scientific., and medical) band. This was initially thought to be fast enough when networks rarely achieved much faster rates, and internet con- nections were typically at T1 rates, or 1.544 Mbps. However, with fast Ethernet operating at 100 Mbps, and broadband internet connections, there was a demand for higher data rates. In 1999, the Wireless LAN subcommit- tee released IEEE 802b, which defines only DSSS at a data rate of 1, 2, 5.5, and 11.0 Mbps. Never satisfied with these slow speeds, the committee went back to work to define higher data rates at 20 to 54 Mbps, but there is not room in the 2.4 GHz ISM band for higher rates. The higher rates will only be achieved by operation in the 5.0 GHz frequency band. This standard is called IEEE 802.11a, and is commonly called Hiperlan2, after an early prototype product. ,QIUDUHG :LUHOHVV /$1 IrDA was never designed to be more than a simple device connection, not a local area network. Its most frequent use is to provide a way to synchronize PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) with a database on a PC. However, most PCs are not equipped with an IrDA port. Laptop computers generally are so equipped, but the port is usually at the rear. Physical inconvenience and lack of desktop presence probably were at fault in failure of IrDA. ÇÃ6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒ
  • 8. à 6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! à Designers of 802.11 were quite aware of IrDA’s faults, and specified a higher power infrared radiation capable of being bounced off walls and reflected by mirrors to “flood” an office area with infrared (IR) data beams. This leads to multipath distortion, where the same data arrives along different reflected paths at slightly different delays. Compensation for multi- path distortion has been included in the 802.11 specification $OWKRXJK ,5 ZRXOG JHQHUDOO EH VXLWDEOH to allow its infrared to be used in an office environment IRU PRVW IDFWRU DXWRPDWLRQ without direct line of sight communications. DSSOLFDWLRQV IXWXUH XVH LV GRXEWIXO EHFDXVH RI WKH ODFN RI FRPPHUFLDO At this point, it is obvious that the IR option of 802.11 is not HTXLSPHQW DQG WKH HPSKDVLV RQ VSUHDG VSHFWUXP UDGLR FRPPXQLFDWLRQV being implemented, and no more development is planned for higher data rates. Although IR would generally be suit- able for many factory automation applications, future use is doubtful because of the lack of commercial equipment, and the emphasis on spread spectrum radio communications. )UHTXHQF +RSSLQJ 6SUHDG 6SHFWUXP )+66
  • 9. The original spread spectrum idea was conceived by movie actress Hedy Lamarr (real name: Hedwig Maria Eva Kiesler), and her piano composer friend, George Antheil, who patented the method and donated it to the US Government in 1943. The idea for frequency hopping was conceived as a method to allow secure radio communications, without the fear of intercep- tion, and one that would be able to function in the presence of high power jamming signals used to disrupt battlefield communications. IEEE 802.11 defines a specific instance of FHSS for the unlicensed ISM radio band 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz. Specifically, it defines 79 different frequencies in that band, and therefore, 78 different frequency transitions are defined for each of the 79 base frequencies of the carrier signal. Signals are transmitted for 400 ms before the carrier is switched to the next frequency. This is com- monly called “slow” frequency hopping. Two different FHSS systems each operating in the same area (co-location) could occasionally collide by operating at the same carrier frequency. Addi- tionally, any other noise on one of the frequency bands will cause interference. Bluetooth is one of those technologies operating in the 2.4 GHz band that will cause some interference with wireless LANs. There is no spe- cific error detection specified for the physical layer, so any data errors caused by interference will be detected through an error in the CRC (Cyclic Redun- dancy Check) performed by the Data Link Layer. No specific management 8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒÃ‡Ã6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã
  • 10. 6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! à for the physical layer is defined by the standard, although suppliers may im- plement their own. One such common function of FHSS management would be to detect frequency bands consistently generating framing errors, and to eliminate them from the list of available frequencies. 'LUHFW 6HTXHQFH 6SUHDG 6SHFWUXP '666
  • 11. Another method of spreading the signal across the 85 MHz of the 2.4 to 2.485 GHz frequency band is called direct sequence spread spectrum. DSSS is harder to understand than FHSS, but accomplishes the same goals of noise rejection, and resistance to jamming. Imagine that DSSS is like FHSS, but the switching time between frequencies is very short – less than one bit time at the transmitted data rate. Each bit of data is sent at multiple frequencies (11 in IEEE 802.11b) providing some redundancy. Since the frequencies are se- lected at random within the allowable frequency band, covert detection is practically impossible. For many technical reasons, most of the advanced development has been de- voted to DSSS. IEEE 802.11b defines a data rate of 11 Mbps, and uses only DSSS technology. At present, it seems that DSSS is the only wireless LAN technology being developed for broad interoperability. The most under- standable reason is the speed of 11 Mbps is within the range of wired networks, while the 1-2 Mbps of FHSS is probably suitable only for connec- tion of slower peripheral devices such as barcode readers and handheld terminals. In fact, although too technical for this report, behavior of DSSS in most ways is superior, or at worst equivalent, to FHSS. One of the differences between FHSS and DSSS is the statutory limit, which prevents co-located FHSS from synchronization, which would prevent colli- sions resulting from networks in the same area from picking the same frequency at the same time. DSSS is allowed to probe for potential interfer- ence by statute so that it may detect it before transmission. Some of the statutes are written this way because IEEE 802.11 (and Bluetooth) operate in the unlicensed ISM radio band, and are very limited in radiated energy. US Government regulations are established for this band to allow sharing by many technologies. Most other governments share the same findings and echo the same regulations for this band as the US Federal Communications Commission. ÇÃ6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒ
  • 12. à 6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! à ,((( D +LJK 6SHHG :LUHOHVV /$1 The most significant recent development has been the availability of low cost CMOS chips for the 5 GHz frequency band (5.15-35 and 5.725-5.825), previ- ously requiring expensive Gallium Arsinide (GAs) semiconductors. This has resulted in a surge of interest in IEEE 802.11a, the high data rate DSSS tech- nology supporting up to 54 Mbps. At present, this band is not shared with any other radio service actually in use, and it does not contain a harmonic of the water absorption band. IEEE 802.11a has been $5 EHOLHYHV WKDW ,((( D specified with OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multi- GHILQHV D ZLUHOHVV SURWRFRO VXLWDEOH IRU XVH LQ WKH LQGXVWULDO HQYLURQPHQW plexing) modulation, which has superior rejection of multipath DQG ZLOO GRPLQDWH WKH LQGXVWULDO distortion (signal bounces off walls and objects) over 802.11b. ZLUHOHVV /$1 PDUNHW E Chips for 802.11a are already available in development quanti- ties and commercial products are likely to become available in 2002. Convergence with the European-developed HiperLAN2 is highly likely, removing international objections to this standard. ARC believes that IEEE 802.11a defines a wireless protocol suitable for use in the industrial en- vironment, and will dominate the industrial wireless LAN market by 2005. We advise against use of FHSS and 802.11b for wireless LANs, except to solve immediate short-term problems. %OXHWRRWK The original application for Bluetooth was for “cordless” applications: elimi- nate the connecting cord between headphones and the cell phone; synchronize PDA data bases without a connection cord; and, allow PDAs to print without making a physical connection to a printer. Since then, the Blue- tooth SIG (Special Interest Group) has developed extensive protocols not normally found in data communications. One of the applications, which many Bluetooth advocates believe will be the largest use of the technology, will be for the transmission of digitized voice – telephony. One of the defined functions of Bluetooth is the automatic formation of “pi- conets” – spontaneous networks with up to eight (8) nodes at a time connected. File sharing and transfer, printer sharing, and all the usual peer- level network functions are provided similar to a Windows Network Neighborhood. If there are more than eight nodes in one location, they will all appear on as many other nodes as possible forming multiple network paths. 8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒÃ‡Ã6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã
  • 13. 6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! à Bluetooth is a full network protocol definition, not just a physical layer such as Wireless LAN. While it operates in the same network band as IEEE 802.11, the ISM band at 2.4 to 2.485 GHz, it only uses FHSS with much faster hopping than 802.11. The hopping rate is 1600 hops per second, which when coupled with the very low power of 1600 picowatts, should result in minimal interference with 802.11 FHSS. However, there has been some reported in- terference with 802.11b DSSS when used in the same area. One of the Bluetooth protocols is its ability to discover other Bluetooth nodes in its vicinity and spontaneously form a piconet attachment. Therefore, when applications are ready to connect as a microphone/headphone, ex- change business cards, or synchronize a contact database, they need not concern themselves with the attachment step. Each of these applications will be enabled or disabled in advance and usually will require specific identifica- tion before the attachment can take place. This is especially important for database synchronization or the formation of piconets since these steps may expose data to unwanted transfers. Lack of security in this function is more than compensated by the convenience that goes way beyond plug-and-play. ,QGXVWULDO $SSOLFDWLRQV Bluetooth is expected to be part of every cell phone and PDA sold by 2003. This huge market volume is expected to reduce the cost of the chip to less than US$5.00 in this time frame. With the trend to commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology, Bluetooth clearly fits. Because Bluetooth will most often be applied to a battery driven device, it must draw little power, and must run cool as well. These characteristics make Bluetooth useful for portable devices or devices mounted on moving machinery. Bluetooth is a viable data communications protocol and will support the up- per layers of the protocol stack including Internet protocols and applications such as TCP/IP, FTP, SNMP, SMTP, and UDP. While transmitted energy is expected to be low, raising the signal level closer to the allowed ISM band maximum of 250 milliwatts from the traditional 1600 picowatts, increases distance between nodes. If signals are only directed to a single node, as for a switch or centralized controller, then directional antennas may be used to further increase reception distance. Bluetooth transmitting with an omnidi- rectional antenna at 250 milliwatts should be able to reach at least 100 meters. Except for the lower level protocols, there is no essential difference between Bluetooth and any other LAN technology operating in the 2.4 GHz band. ÇÃ6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒ
  • 14. à 6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! à Embedded Bluetooth is expected to appear in many industrial automation products. * :LUHOHVV The world’s wireless telephones are converging toward a common technol- ogy called CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) originally created and patented by Qualcomm, and freely licensed for use in 3G Wire- less. The ITU (International Telecommunications Union), 7KH ZRUOG·V ZLUHOHVV WHOHSKRQHV DUH which sets the world’s standards for telecommunications has FRQYHUJLQJ WRZDUG D FRPPRQ set a goal called IT-2000 – a standard that defines the converged WHFKQRORJ FDOOHG '0$ RGH technology for all wireless telephones. If this standard would 'LYLVLRQ 0XOWLSOH $FFHVV
  • 15. be achieved, it would be possible to use a single wireless tele- phone anywhere in the world. But, alas, this dream has been subverted by commercial forces wanting to preserve the life of today’s wireless central of- fice switching equipment. As a result, we will see CDMA used all over the world, but not with identical protocols or at the same radio frequency. Wireless telephony will certainly be useful in the factory or process plant to contact people who are not deskbound. 3G is a far superior technology to the old CB radios. However, it is not for voice alone that we are suggesting a strong interest in 3G wireless – it is the high digital data rate of this technol- ogy: • 384 Kbps while the mobile terminal is in motion. • 2.0 Mbps (or higher) when the terminal is not in motion (fixed). These data rates are suitable for most data transfers in industrial automation applications, particularly for remote units. Other characteristics of 3G wire- less are also appealing: • CDMA is a highly noise-resistant protocol using DSSS technology. • The appeal of a very large COTS market for low cost support silicon. • Use of one product anywhere in the world. • Availability of low cost telephones and PDAs for handheld terminals. While the world’s wireless telephone providers are all moving in the CDMA direction, the protocols will differ somewhat depending upon the spectrum available and the previous cell phone technology used in that country. 8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒÃ‡Ã6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã
  • 16. 6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! à 7KH RQYROXWHG 3DWK WR * GSM (Global System Mobile) is the most widely used digital cell phone tech- nology in the world. It is a form of TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) with time segments of about 50 ms. This allows up to 200 users to share the frequency in the vicinity of the cell transceiver. It is used at different fre- quencies in different parts of the world: 800, 900, and 1900 MHz. The most significant feature of GSM is the SIM (System Identification Module), a tiny card usually referred-to as a “chip” inserted into a cell phone to give it all of your account information including your telephone number. The US-based TDMA networks do not use a SIM. The limitation of GSM and TDMA are clear – the limit of 200 users per cell means that conversations are frequently dropped when you move into the range of a different cell, which is already at full capacity, and often there is no dial tone in crowded metropolitan areas. In any time division multiplex- ing protocol, the time assignment is fixed as long as you are off-hook, even when you are not speaking or listening. Less clear, is the quality of service since all speech is digitized and compressed. The GSM voice encoder (CO- DEC) has sufficient fidelity for most speech, but little else, and limits speeds when used as a modem. CDMA (code division multiple access) uses DSSS and is a packet-based transmission method. When speaking, voice is encoded into digital data, compressed and assembled into packets that are transmitted when the chan- nel is available. No packets are sent during quiet periods. Since human speech contains many pauses, CDMA is usually more than 50 percent more efficient than TDMA or GSM. For reasons of bandwidth efficiency, the ITU selected CDMA as the technology for IT-2000. Wireless telephony carriers currently using CDMA face minimal equipment upgrades to convert directly to IT-2000, but are being cautious in their con- versions to avoid making promises they cannot keep. They are rolling out the increased digital bandwidth in steps starting with today’s 19.2 kbps to 64 k, then 128 k, 256 k, 384 k and finally 2.0 Mbps, all for stationary perform- ance. Rates for stations in motion are less. No technical changes are required for each of these steps, but the providers have an opportunity to learn about service delivery and system bottlenecks. Operation of 3G networks would not be on the same frequencies as today’s service, which can be continued until fully replaced by 3G. ÇÃ6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒ
  • 17. à 6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! à GSM and TDMA digital cell phone providers have to make some very ex- pensive equipment upgrades to move to IT-2000, and will not do it in one step. Their strategy is called EDGE and has been labeled a “2.5G” strategy, nd since the current technology is 2 generation, and they are not yet at 3G. Edge allows concurrent use of the same frequencies as GSM and TDMA without interfering with it. This allows the providers to continue to service current customers and use the same radio transceivers as present, but with the new switching equipment. A second step would install new transceivers and obsolete older service. RPPHUFLDO 0LJUDWLRQ Why do we care about 3G in the industrial setting? Consider the volume of the 3G marketplace and the silicon that will support it. This is the effect of COTS (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf) technology and the low prices that go along with a dominating technology. Industrial equipment will be devel- oped around 3G silicon and will use this digital voice channel for many mobile applications not needing the high band- $5 H[SHFWV WKDW * WHFKQRORJ ZLOO width of wireless LAN that will always be more expensive. QRW EH WRWDOO XQGHU FRQWURO RI WKH ZLUHOHVV WHOHSKRQH VHUYLFH SURYLGHUV First, we expect that 3G technology will not be totally under * ZLOO EHFRPH WKH EDVLV IRU WKH RIILFH FDPSXV DQG FRPPHUFLDO EXLOGLQJ control of the wireless telephone service providers. 3G will WHOHSKRQH QHWZRUN QRZ NQRZQ DV WKH become the basis for the office, campus, and commercial 3%; 3ULYDWH %UDQFK H;FKDQJH
  • 18. building telephone network now known as the PBX (Private Branch eXchange). After all, the telephone network is opti- mized for the efficient and demanding service of voice transmission, whereas a LAN is optimized for high speed data transmission. They do not mix very well! When the LAN is based on wire, then there is an incentive to fold te- lephony into that same wire to save on the cost of a parallel set of wires for the telephone. Remove the LAN wire and substitute wireless LAN, and the incentive is removed to share LAN and telephony applications. Thus is born the market for the Wireless PBX based not on wireless LAN, but on a local installation of 3G transceivers. When you find a comfortable 3G telephone handset, with its Bluetooth headset, you will carry it with you wherever you wonder, and you will never be out of touch – find the OFF switch! ,QGXVWULDO $SSOLFDWLRQV There have been industrial applications of radio technology for many years for both mobile and remote access. As radio technology, available frequen- cies, and bandwidth demand have changed over the years, the choice of the 8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒÃ‡Ã6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã
  • 19. 6S8ÃT‡…h‡rtvr†Ã‡ÃHh’Ã! à radio has changed. These new wireless standards are certain to affect the choice of radio technology as well. For example, as 3G wireless moves out from the major metropolitan areas to include more rural zones, many oil and gas wells and pumping/gathering stations will be covered. Instead of using narrowband radio or expensive telephone lines, SCADA remote stations will convert to 3G wireless transmission. The immediate beneficiaries of 3G wire- less for SCADA, will be in water and waste treatment applications, which are, by definition, in major metropolitan areas already well covered by cellu- lar radio systems. Only a few years ago, handheld barcode readers were wired to local PCs for data acquisition in internal supply chain applications. When narrowband radio became affordable, the bothersome wire was replaced with the tech- nology known as RFDC. In the past year, RFDC has been replaced by wireless LAN technology based on IEEE 802.11. We feel that the low data rates and the low cost of 3G will again convert this market to the use of 3G wireless connection. Automated guided vehicles (AGV) have not been as widely used in North American factories as they have in Asia. One of the problems in use of AGVs is that once they are assigned a destination, they will follow a predetermined path to that destination and are essentially out of communications with the materials flow control system. Use of wireless LAN is not a good solution to communications with AGVs, since they are by definition, roaming stations, and the roaming problem is very difficult to correct on wireless LANs. 3G wireless protocol is designed for handoff between cells and maintains con- nections while roaming. This makes it a superior technology for use in data acquisition and control of AGVs. With a sustained 3G connection, AGVs can now be fully tracked and even redirected in mid-course if necessary. It is highly likely that 3G wireless will become the backup for ,W LV KLJKO OLNHO WKDW * ZLUHOHVV ZLOO the wireless LAN for high bandwidth applications inside the EHFRPH WKH EDFNXS IRU WKH ZLUHOHVV corporate walls or factory. It will also become the logical ex- /$1 IRU KLJK EDQGZLGWK DSSOLFDWLRQV LQVLGH WKH FRUSRUDWH ZDOOV RU IDFWRU tension to the corporate LAN operating outside the factory ,W ZLOO DOVR EHFRPH WKH ORJLFDO walls, much as today the telephone modem links the business H[WHQVLRQ WR WKH FRUSRUDWH /$1 LAN to the roving worker. We expect that the handoff from RSHUDWLQJ RXWVLGH WKH IDFWRU ZDOOV the wireless LAN to the 3G network and returning will become seamless and transparent to the user as they move around the factory, occasionally moving out and into the range of wireless LAN access points, but never out of touch with one or more PBX cells. ÇÃ6S8rip‚€Ã‡Ã8‚ƒ’…vtu‡Ã‹Ã6S8Ã6q‰v†‚…’ÃB…‚ˆƒ