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About CSIP
The COVID-19 Societal
Impact Project (CSIP) seeks
to utilize the power of public
opinion research to examine
and understand important
societal changes unfolding
during the COVID-19 era
Topics Explored
Racial & Societal
The Economy
Health & Safety Crisis/Quarantine
Coping Rituals
Salience (or lack thereof) of
Public Health Communications
Media Habits
Real Expectations of Corporations,
Brands, and Political Leaders
Our findings so far consist of one poll conducted May 13-15, 2020 among a representative sample of 1,011 U.S. Adults ages 18 or
older, and a second poll conducted June 2-4 among a representative sample of 500 U.S. Registered Voters ages 18 or older
Mental Health
Work from Home
Where We Are Today
say that right now, it
feels like they’re living
in an “in-between”
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
People are scared, anxious, and depressed - an implication toward the
deeper Mental Health crisis we’re starting to see and combat ahead
6Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
69% feel like life is getting harder
67% feel sad
63% feel afraid
60% feel like things are spiraling out of control
60% feel depressed
58% feel angry
"We're really in the acute
phase of a trauma, and the
physical and medical footprint
that [COVID-19] will leave is far
smaller than the psychological
footprint that will be left in the
sand of this disaster.“
- Dr. Briana Mathews on Society Behind the Stat
They are feeling worse about many aspects of their lives
Feel worse about this since COVID-19 began Feel better about this since COVID-19 began
Health and safety of my
family or loved ones
My safety
My ability to pay for long-
term care costs in the future
My ability to retire
when I want to
My diet/eating habits
My physical health
and fitness
My mental health
Net -28%
Net: -21%
Net: -18%
Net: -15%
Net: -13%
Net: -12%
Net: -11%
My job security
My relationships
with friends
My relationships with
family I don’t live with
My career
My ability to access
affordable healthcare
Net -10%
Net: -8%
Net: -7%
Net: -7%
Net: -5%
Net: +5%
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
My relationships
with co-workers
My relationships with
family I live with
Net: +10%
Coping Rituals during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Entertainment Wellness Connecting
74% following the news
72% watching network/cable TV
70% listening to music
63% browsing on my smartphone
60% streaming TV shows/movies
41% playing videogames
32% listening to podcasts
86% washing my hands
78% cooking meals at home
76% going outside
76% wearing a mask out in public
76% sleeping
72% peaceful “alone time”
65% exercising
82% speaking to friends/family
58% social distance “meetups”
55% using social media
54% playing with your pet(s)
48% talking to loved ones about your
financial future
47% interacting with co-workers
27% attending a virtual happy hour
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
Q. How important are each of the following in helping you cope and get by during the COVID-19 pandemic? (% Important)
Coping Rituals during the COVID-19 Pandemic
70% listening to music 78% cooking meals at home
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
Q. How important are each of the following in helping you cope and get by during the COVID-19 pandemic? (% Important)
“A lot of us might be thinking
about the fun experiences we
had [before COVID-19], and
sometimes a song can take you there
to relive it. People are going through all
the emotions right now, and sometimes
when you put on a song it’s that friendly,
familiar voice. It can be like a warm blanket.”
- DJ Novena Carmel on Society Behind the Stat
“Cooking is an agency for
coping to get by on your own.
It’s also coping because it’s a
selfless way to provide love for
others. It’s a way of passing along
your heart and care.”
- Chef Bryan Disanto on Society Behind the Stat
Vast majorities are not ready to resume what were once normal activities
70% 66%
59% 61% 63%
48% 48%
33% 39%
27% 24% 26%
19% 21%
27% 24% 21%
31% 30%
41% 31%
40% 42% 35%
89% 87% 86% 85% 84%
79% 78%
67% 66%
Go on
a cruise
Go to a
sporting event
Go to a
Send my kids
back to school
Go to bars and
normal life
Get a
haircut/my hair
done at a salon
or barbershop
Go shopping
at stores
See friends and
family I have not
been living with
Go back
to work
Not ready to do this Would like to do this, but I'm nervous
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
The public felt the impact of the economy, but also saw that there was no
clear or safe plan to reopen without massive spikes in COVID-19
Increasing violence in the United States
The impact of COVID-19 on the Economy
The impact of COVID-19 Americans' health
That the reopening of states will lead to a spike in more COVID-19 cases
No clear plan for safely reopening the country
No clear plan for getting Americans back to work
Businesses, restaurants, and other public places opening to soon
Businesses, restaurants, and other public places not opening fast enough
Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020
How worried are you about each of the following?
feel the worst
is behind us
feel the worst is
yet to come
Many felt the worst was yet to come…
feel the worst is
yet to come
37% feel the worst is happening right now
36% feel the worst is happening right now
On Americans’ Health
On the Economy
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
feel the worst
is behind us
And they were correct
13Source: COVID Exit Strategy
Tracking states’ spread of COVID-19,
hospital capacity, and level of testing shows:
• 37 states trending poorly or worse
• 8 states caution warranted
• 5 states trending better
Source: COVID Exit Strategy from August 17, 2020
Measurements based on Cases, Hospital Occupancy, and Testing Availability
An invisible virus that doesn’t care about money or status is acting as
the greatest accelerant of inequality in our lifetimes
say, as usual, in times of
crisis the rich will profit,
and the rest of us will suffer
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
So What’s Next?
These past few months have led to a
mass “Rethink” of previously held ideas
79% say the COVID-19
pandemic has opened their eyes
to major cracks in American
society and government
68% say COVID-19 has made
them start rethinking things in
their lives
52% say the COVID-19 crisis
has led them to question some of
their pre-existing political views
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
Frustration is growing across the country, as COVID-19 acts as both a
disruptor and an accelerator
17Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic, lockdown, and economic downturn is fueling...
say it’s fueling
say it’s fueling
say it’s fueling
racial tension
America fundamentally supports the protests
18Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020
93% say that
all people have a
right to protest
88% say that
people have a right to
be mad about the
death of George Floyd
and what it means for
the Black community
74% support
the George Floyd
protesters (compared
to 44% who support the
protestors to reopen
the country)
Local government and Black Lives Matter lead the pack on response
to the death of George Floyd and the Protests
76% 73%
67% 65%
59% 56% 53%
49% 49% 48% 48% 46% 44%
Your Local
Your State
Black Lives
The Police The
Joe Biden The
Mike Pence
The News
William Barr
Congress President
Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020
Q. Here is a list of leaders, organizations, and institutions. In your opinion, please tell us if each has done almost all of the right things in responding to the death of George
Floyd and the protests, mostly the right things, mostly the wrong things, or almost all the wrong things in responding to the death of George Floyd and the protests.
Done The Right Things in Response to the Death of George Floyd and the Protests
People recognize that this moment can be a turning point for our
country, but very few think a lot will actually happen
This moment can be a real turning point in our
nation's long journey to live up to our highest ideals
A lot will change in the next year to combat racism
against Black people in America
Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020
Embracing and going beyond allyship
say Black people in America
need more than allies, they
need others to roll up their
sleeves and help
Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020
A New Form of Activism
“The amount of times that I have heard, ‘oh you’re
only 19, you don’t really know, you’re just a kid.’ I’ve
done the learning. I’ve done my research so I do
know what’s happening. And that’s why I’m out
here in the streets. That’s why I’m fighting. That’s
why I show up to the Black Lives Matter marches.
It’s because I’ve done the research and I see what’s
going on, and I see the change that has to be
made – and no one will listen unless we push.”
Gen Z Activist Aleysha on
Society Behind the Stat
Majorities believe that Trump is sowing more racial tension and violence
Trump's words
and actions over
the past week
will lead to a
safer America
Trump's words
and actions over
the past week
will lead to a
more violent
Trump has done
more to comfort
Black people in
America in the days
following George
Floyd's death
Trump has done
more to make
racial tensions
worse in the
days following
George Floyd's
Trump Has Worsened
Racial Tensions
Trump’s Words & Actions Will
Lead to a More Violent America
Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020
Looking ahead to November, a majority of Americans trust Biden more
on a variety of issues
45% 46%
55% 54%
Protect Americans' safety Improve the lives of Black people in
Deal with the public health crisis as a
result of COVID-19
Deal with the economic crisis as a
result of COVID-19
Trump Biden
Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020 for Americans’ safety & lives of Black people in America | WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020 for Public Health Crisis & Economic Crisis
Who would you trust more as President to…?
Confidence in People or Institutions to Handle COVID-19 Going Forward
78% 76% 74% 74% 73% 71%
64% 64% 63% 63% 62% 60%
52% 52% 50% 49%
42% 41%
How much confidence do you have in the following people or
institutions to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic going forward?
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
57% 56% 53% 51% 49% 49%
45% 44% 42% 41% 41% 38% 36% 33%
30% 30%
27% 25% 24%
People want leaders who prioritize health and safety, responsibility,
accountability, communication, and transparency
27Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
Q. If you had to choose the top 3 qualities and actions that leaders in these fields should focus on now in the wake of COVID-19, which would they be? (%Top 3 Rank)
What is more important for leaders to focus on now, in the wake of COVID-19?
They favor caution over boldness, a roadmap over changing direction, and a long-term focus over staying the course
Desired Leadership Qualities & Actions for Brands/Politics/Health/Work
28Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
Q. If you had to choose the top 3 qualities and actions that leaders in these fields should focus on now in the wake of COVID-19, which would they be? (%Top 3 Rank)
Business Leaders
Political Leaders Health Officials
Leaders at Your
Health and Safety Health and Safety Health and Safety Health and Safety
Looking After
Looking After
Communicating Being Careful Communicating
Going “Back to Normal”
Roadmap for
What’s Next
Being Careful
Communicating Transparency
Roadmap for
What’s Next
Going “Back to Normal”
Desired Leadership Qualities & Actions for Brands
29Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
Q. What does this idea mean to you when it comes to Brands and Business Leaders?
Business Leaders
Health and Safety
Looking After
Going “Back to Normal”
“They need to make sure their employees and customers are kept safe”
“Making sure employees are safe from the virus and protected from job loss”
“Standing up and taking care of others”
“Get us back out there, but safely.”
“I want to hear what they’re doing and why.”
Desired Leadership Qualities & Actions for Health Officials
Health Officials
Health and Safety
Being Careful
Roadmap for
What’s Next
“Keeping all people safe and updated on what’s going on with the virus and
how we can help each other.”
“Tell us what is going on and what it means to you.”
“Show how everyone can do the things they need to by being careful, but also
they need to be careful and not make people panic so much.”
“Being accountable for what you haven’t done as well as what you have done.”
“It lets people know there is a future. It's important for people to know we aren't
stuck like this forever.”
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
Q. What does this idea mean to you when it comes to Brands and Health Officials?
Desired Leadership Qualities & Actions for Leaders at Your Company
Leaders at Your
Health and Safety
Looking After
Being Careful
Going “Back to Normal”
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
Q. What does this idea mean to you when it comes to Leaders at Your Company?
“Keeping things so the COVID-19 does not affect any of their employees and taking
responsibility if their actions cause their employees to be in poor health with the virus”
“Ensuring employees can still afford to live during this crisis, keeping their health insurance,
and communicating how and when we can return or what we can do to continue to work.”
“A clear understanding of what we will do and where we are going to get back to normal
as quickly and as safely as possible.”
“Always think first about the health of the employees over the profit of the company.
With out the health of employees, there is no company.”
“Going back to normal means I'm working and being productive. It means I can make
money and pay my bills.”
of workers moved to
work-from-home as a
result of the COVID-19
32Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
While work from home may become increasingly ubiquitous, employers
will need to meet employees where they are
49%I can’t wait to get back to
my job and work at an
office/outside of home
51%I prefer working from
home compared to my
Among Employees who have moved to Work-From-Home during COVID-19Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
The gap between what people feel is important for companies to do and
what companies have actually done is enormous
My employer has done this in response to COVID-19 Important for Companies to do in the wake of COVID-19
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Do everything possible to keep their employees safe
Do everything possible to retain employees and prevent layoffs so
that people don’t lose income and health insurance in the middle of
a pandemic
Be open and transparent about discussing business realities and
plans (e.g., taking government bailout money, furloughs and layoffs,
shutdowns, bankruptcies, etc.)
Re-purpose parts of their business to make a direct impact on the
COVID-19 fight (e.g., fashion companies making masks for health
workers, auto manufacturers producing ventilators, etc.)
Offer better pay and benefits for essential employees who are
risking their health and lives to go into work during the COVID-19
Communicate with customers to let them know how they are
responding to COVID-19 challenges
Offer sales, discounts, or flexible payment terms during these
challenging times
Contribute financially to the fight against COVID-19 (e.g., donating
to organizations making a difference)
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
During COVID-19
Public Health is more top of mind and more personal than it was before
say public health
initiatives and policy are
more personal now
compared to before the
COVID-19 pandemic
“I’m really concerned about the government's
response to COVID-19 and how it affects the
health and safety of the public.”
“I am finding that the scary truth is that there is
no public health policy in this country.”
“More than ever I’m thinking about how public
policy is very important to protecting the health
of our citizens.”
Public Health communications so far have been a disaster
say it is confusing
and difficult to
follow what health
authorities are
telling us about
are following
news about
COVID-19 on
a daily basis
Companies that have stood out positively during COVID-19 so far
Who has stood out in Helping
You Connect With Others?
Who has stood out in Making
You Feel Calmer and Safer?
Who has stood out in Making
You Feel Optimistic?
Coded from Open-End Responses
Who has stood out as
taking a Leadership Role?
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
of Americans say the
ads they see from
companies during
COVID-19 all say the
same thing
Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
Moving from Brand Purpose to Corporate Activism
“It’s no longer about telling a story about purpose because you
want to — it’s about taking real action because you have to.
And although the last month represents a tipping point, the
conditions for this seismic shift from Brand Purpose to Corporate
Activism on political issues have been brewing over time.”
Additional CSIP Resources
Additional CSIP Resources
Scott Kotchko authors The (New)
New Rules for Corporate Activism,
with more articles to launch on
Medium and our microsite across
various topics, from our entire
WINS team
Bernard Whitman has been
talking about “The Great
Rethink” that we’re all living in
now, and anticipate to be living
in for some time. He recently
spoke about it with Monica
Berg, an author and “change-
addict”, on Instagram Live.
More video content to come
from Bernard on this topic.
Adam Math recently launched a new
podcast that he co-hosts with Scott. Each
episode they feature one data point or
statistic, and then speak to a relevant guest
about her or his lived experience. Four (4)
episodes are up on Cooking as Coping,
Gen Z Activism, Music, and Mental Health &
Resilience – with more episodes to come.
Available on Apple, Spotify, or wherever
you get your podcasts.
Political Commentary
Matt McDermott has been talking
politics in the “COVID-19 Era” and
recently got some good media pickup
on CNN and the Washington Post, while
also making panel appearances on a
digital politics show in NYC.
Visit our microsite for updates and new content
Scott Kotchko
Adam Math
Bernard Whitman

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WINS COVID-19 Societal Impact Project

  • 2. 1 About CSIP The COVID-19 Societal Impact Project (CSIP) seeks to utilize the power of public opinion research to examine and understand important societal changes unfolding during the COVID-19 era
  • 3. Topics Explored 2 Racial & Societal Justice The Economy Institutional Reform Health & Safety Crisis/Quarantine Coping Rituals Salience (or lack thereof) of Public Health Communications Shifting Media Habits Real Expectations of Corporations, Brands, and Political Leaders Our findings so far consist of one poll conducted May 13-15, 2020 among a representative sample of 1,011 U.S. Adults ages 18 or older, and a second poll conducted June 2-4 among a representative sample of 500 U.S. Registered Voters ages 18 or older Mental Health Work from Home Perspectives
  • 4. Where We Are Today 3
  • 5. 4
  • 6. 5 say that right now, it feels like they’re living in an “in-between” 83% Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
  • 7. People are scared, anxious, and depressed - an implication toward the deeper Mental Health crisis we’re starting to see and combat ahead 6Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020 69% feel like life is getting harder 67% feel sad 63% feel afraid 60% feel like things are spiraling out of control 60% feel depressed 58% feel angry "We're really in the acute phase of a trauma, and the physical and medical footprint that [COVID-19] will leave is far smaller than the psychological footprint that will be left in the sand of this disaster.“ - Dr. Briana Mathews on Society Behind the Stat
  • 8. They are feeling worse about many aspects of their lives 7 46% 40% 33% 32% 31% 33% 29% Feel worse about this since COVID-19 began Feel better about this since COVID-19 began 18% 19% 15% 17% 18% 21% 18% Health and safety of my family or loved ones My safety My ability to pay for long- term care costs in the future My ability to retire when I want to My diet/eating habits My physical health and fitness My mental health Net -28% Net: -21% Net: -18% Net: -15% Net: -13% Net: -12% Net: -11% 30% 25% 27% 27% 23% 16% 16% 20% 17% 20% 20% 18% 21% 26% My job security My relationships with friends My relationships with family I don’t live with My career My ability to access affordable healthcare Net -10% Net: -8% Net: -7% Net: -7% Net: -5% Net: +5% Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020 My relationships with co-workers My relationships with family I live with Net: +10%
  • 9. Coping Rituals during the COVID-19 Pandemic 8 Entertainment Wellness Connecting 74% following the news 72% watching network/cable TV 70% listening to music 63% browsing on my smartphone 60% streaming TV shows/movies 41% playing videogames 32% listening to podcasts 86% washing my hands 78% cooking meals at home 76% going outside 76% wearing a mask out in public 76% sleeping 72% peaceful “alone time” 65% exercising 82% speaking to friends/family 58% social distance “meetups” 55% using social media 54% playing with your pet(s) 48% talking to loved ones about your financial future 47% interacting with co-workers 27% attending a virtual happy hour Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020 Q. How important are each of the following in helping you cope and get by during the COVID-19 pandemic? (% Important)
  • 10. Coping Rituals during the COVID-19 Pandemic 9 70% listening to music 78% cooking meals at home Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020 Q. How important are each of the following in helping you cope and get by during the COVID-19 pandemic? (% Important) “A lot of us might be thinking about the fun experiences we had [before COVID-19], and sometimes a song can take you there to relive it. People are going through all the emotions right now, and sometimes when you put on a song it’s that friendly, familiar voice. It can be like a warm blanket.” - DJ Novena Carmel on Society Behind the Stat “Cooking is an agency for coping to get by on your own. It’s also coping because it’s a selfless way to provide love for others. It’s a way of passing along your heart and care.” - Chef Bryan Disanto on Society Behind the Stat
  • 11. Vast majorities are not ready to resume what were once normal activities 10 70% 66% 59% 61% 63% 48% 48% 33% 39% 27% 24% 26% 19% 21% 27% 24% 21% 31% 30% 41% 31% 40% 42% 35% 89% 87% 86% 85% 84% 79% 78% 74% 70% 67% 66% 61% Go on a cruise Fly internationally Fly domestically Go to a sporting event Go to a concert Send my kids back to school Go to bars and restaurants Resume normal life Get a haircut/my hair done at a salon or barbershop Go shopping at stores See friends and family I have not been living with Go back to work Not ready to do this Would like to do this, but I'm nervous Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
  • 12. The public felt the impact of the economy, but also saw that there was no clear or safe plan to reopen without massive spikes in COVID-19 11 87% 86% 76% 72% 71% 71% 64% 48% Increasing violence in the United States The impact of COVID-19 on the Economy The impact of COVID-19 Americans' health That the reopening of states will lead to a spike in more COVID-19 cases No clear plan for safely reopening the country No clear plan for getting Americans back to work Businesses, restaurants, and other public places opening to soon Businesses, restaurants, and other public places not opening fast enough Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020 How worried are you about each of the following?
  • 13. 12 20% 43% feel the worst is behind us feel the worst is yet to come Many felt the worst was yet to come… 12% 52% feel the worst is yet to come 37% feel the worst is happening right now 36% feel the worst is happening right now On Americans’ Health On the Economy Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020 feel the worst is behind us
  • 14. And they were correct 13Source: COVID Exit Strategy Tracking states’ spread of COVID-19, hospital capacity, and level of testing shows: • 37 states trending poorly or worse • 8 states caution warranted • 5 states trending better Source: COVID Exit Strategy from August 17, 2020 Measurements based on Cases, Hospital Occupancy, and Testing Availability
  • 15. An invisible virus that doesn’t care about money or status is acting as the greatest accelerant of inequality in our lifetimes 14 71% say, as usual, in times of crisis the rich will profit, and the rest of us will suffer Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
  • 17. These past few months have led to a mass “Rethink” of previously held ideas 16 79% say the COVID-19 pandemic has opened their eyes to major cracks in American society and government 68% say COVID-19 has made them start rethinking things in their lives 52% say the COVID-19 crisis has led them to question some of their pre-existing political views Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
  • 18. Frustration is growing across the country, as COVID-19 acts as both a disruptor and an accelerator 17Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic, lockdown, and economic downturn is fueling... 86% say it’s fueling frustration 66% say it’s fueling violence 59% say it’s fueling racial tension
  • 19. America fundamentally supports the protests 18Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020 93% say that all people have a right to protest 88% say that people have a right to be mad about the death of George Floyd and what it means for the Black community 74% support the George Floyd protesters (compared to 44% who support the protestors to reopen the country)
  • 20. Local government and Black Lives Matter lead the pack on response to the death of George Floyd and the Protests 19 76% 73% 67% 65% 59% 56% 53% 49% 49% 48% 48% 46% 44% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Your Local Government Leaders Your State Government Leaders Black Lives Matter The Police The Protesters Joe Biden The Democratic Party Vice President Mike Pence The News Media Attorney General William Barr The Republican Party Congress President Donald Trump Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020 Q. Here is a list of leaders, organizations, and institutions. In your opinion, please tell us if each has done almost all of the right things in responding to the death of George Floyd and the protests, mostly the right things, mostly the wrong things, or almost all the wrong things in responding to the death of George Floyd and the protests. Done The Right Things in Response to the Death of George Floyd and the Protests
  • 21. People recognize that this moment can be a turning point for our country, but very few think a lot will actually happen 20 81% 12% This moment can be a real turning point in our nation's long journey to live up to our highest ideals A lot will change in the next year to combat racism against Black people in America * Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020
  • 22. Embracing and going beyond allyship 21 75% say Black people in America need more than allies, they need others to roll up their sleeves and help Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020
  • 23. A New Form of Activism 22 “The amount of times that I have heard, ‘oh you’re only 19, you don’t really know, you’re just a kid.’ I’ve done the learning. I’ve done my research so I do know what’s happening. And that’s why I’m out here in the streets. That’s why I’m fighting. That’s why I show up to the Black Lives Matter marches. It’s because I’ve done the research and I see what’s going on, and I see the change that has to be made – and no one will listen unless we push.” Gen Z Activist Aleysha on Society Behind the Stat
  • 24. Majorities believe that Trump is sowing more racial tension and violence 23 38% Trump's words and actions over the past week will lead to a safer America 62% Trump's words and actions over the past week will lead to a more violent America 35% Trump has done more to comfort Black people in America in the days following George Floyd's death 65% Trump has done more to make racial tensions worse in the days following George Floyd's death Trump Has Worsened Racial Tensions Trump’s Words & Actions Will Lead to a More Violent America Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020
  • 25. Looking ahead to November, a majority of Americans trust Biden more on a variety of issues 24 43% 39% 45% 46% 57% 61% 55% 54% Protect Americans' safety Improve the lives of Black people in America Deal with the public health crisis as a result of COVID-19 Deal with the economic crisis as a result of COVID-19 Trump Biden Source: WINS CSIP June 2-4, 2020 for Americans’ safety & lives of Black people in America | WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020 for Public Health Crisis & Economic Crisis Who would you trust more as President to…?
  • 27. Confidence in People or Institutions to Handle COVID-19 Going Forward 26 86% 78% 76% 74% 74% 73% 71% 64% 64% 63% 63% 62% 60% 52% 52% 50% 49% 42% 41% 25% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% How much confidence do you have in the following people or institutions to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic going forward? Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
  • 28. 57% 56% 53% 51% 49% 49% 45% 44% 42% 41% 41% 38% 36% 33% 30% 30% 27% 25% 24% People want leaders who prioritize health and safety, responsibility, accountability, communication, and transparency 27Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020 Q. If you had to choose the top 3 qualities and actions that leaders in these fields should focus on now in the wake of COVID-19, which would they be? (%Top 3 Rank) What is more important for leaders to focus on now, in the wake of COVID-19? They favor caution over boldness, a roadmap over changing direction, and a long-term focus over staying the course
  • 29. Desired Leadership Qualities & Actions for Brands/Politics/Health/Work 28Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020 Q. If you had to choose the top 3 qualities and actions that leaders in these fields should focus on now in the wake of COVID-19, which would they be? (%Top 3 Rank) Brands/ Business Leaders Political Leaders Health Officials Leaders at Your Company Health and Safety Health and Safety Health and Safety Health and Safety Looking After Employees Responsibility/ Accountability Communicating Looking After Employees Responsibility/ Accountability Communicating Being Careful Communicating Going “Back to Normal” Roadmap for What’s Next Responsibility/ Accountability Being Careful Communicating Transparency Roadmap for What’s Next Going “Back to Normal”
  • 30. Desired Leadership Qualities & Actions for Brands 29Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020 Q. What does this idea mean to you when it comes to Brands and Business Leaders? Brands/ Business Leaders Health and Safety Looking After Employees Responsibility/ Accountability Going “Back to Normal” Communicating “They need to make sure their employees and customers are kept safe” “Making sure employees are safe from the virus and protected from job loss” “Standing up and taking care of others” “Get us back out there, but safely.” “I want to hear what they’re doing and why.”
  • 31. Desired Leadership Qualities & Actions for Health Officials 30 Health Officials Health and Safety Communicating Being Careful Responsibility/ Accountability Roadmap for What’s Next “Keeping all people safe and updated on what’s going on with the virus and how we can help each other.” “Tell us what is going on and what it means to you.” “Show how everyone can do the things they need to by being careful, but also they need to be careful and not make people panic so much.” “Being accountable for what you haven’t done as well as what you have done.” “It lets people know there is a future. It's important for people to know we aren't stuck like this forever.” Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020 Q. What does this idea mean to you when it comes to Brands and Health Officials?
  • 32. Desired Leadership Qualities & Actions for Leaders at Your Company 31 Leaders at Your Company Health and Safety Looking After Employees Communicating Being Careful Going “Back to Normal” Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020 Q. What does this idea mean to you when it comes to Leaders at Your Company? “Keeping things so the COVID-19 does not affect any of their employees and taking responsibility if their actions cause their employees to be in poor health with the virus” “Ensuring employees can still afford to live during this crisis, keeping their health insurance, and communicating how and when we can return or what we can do to continue to work.” “A clear understanding of what we will do and where we are going to get back to normal as quickly and as safely as possible.” “Always think first about the health of the employees over the profit of the company. With out the health of employees, there is no company.” “Going back to normal means I'm working and being productive. It means I can make money and pay my bills.”
  • 33. 47% of workers moved to work-from-home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic 32Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
  • 34. While work from home may become increasingly ubiquitous, employers will need to meet employees where they are 33 49%I can’t wait to get back to my job and work at an office/outside of home 51%I prefer working from home compared to my office Among Employees who have moved to Work-From-Home during COVID-19Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
  • 35. The gap between what people feel is important for companies to do and what companies have actually done is enormous 34 My employer has done this in response to COVID-19 Important for Companies to do in the wake of COVID-19 49% 36% 30% 16% 23% 28% 12% 11% 91% 89% 88% 85% 84% 84% 83% 82% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Do everything possible to keep their employees safe Do everything possible to retain employees and prevent layoffs so that people don’t lose income and health insurance in the middle of a pandemic Be open and transparent about discussing business realities and plans (e.g., taking government bailout money, furloughs and layoffs, shutdowns, bankruptcies, etc.) Re-purpose parts of their business to make a direct impact on the COVID-19 fight (e.g., fashion companies making masks for health workers, auto manufacturers producing ventilators, etc.) Offer better pay and benefits for essential employees who are risking their health and lives to go into work during the COVID-19 pandemic Communicate with customers to let them know how they are responding to COVID-19 challenges Offer sales, discounts, or flexible payment terms during these challenging times Contribute financially to the fight against COVID-19 (e.g., donating to organizations making a difference) Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
  • 37. Public Health is more top of mind and more personal than it was before 36 72% say public health initiatives and policy are more personal now compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic “I’m really concerned about the government's response to COVID-19 and how it affects the health and safety of the public.” “I am finding that the scary truth is that there is no public health policy in this country.” “More than ever I’m thinking about how public policy is very important to protecting the health of our citizens.”
  • 38. Public Health communications so far have been a disaster 37 62% say it is confusing and difficult to follow what health authorities are telling us about COVID-19 81% are following news about COVID-19 on a daily basis …but
  • 39. Companies that have stood out positively during COVID-19 so far 38 Who has stood out in Helping You Connect With Others? Who has stood out in Making You Feel Calmer and Safer? Who has stood out in Making You Feel Optimistic? Coded from Open-End Responses Who has stood out as taking a Leadership Role? 1 16% 2 15% 3 9% 4 8% 5 6% 1 15% T2 12% T2 12% 4 11% 5 10% 1 16% 2 14% 3 7% 4 6% 5 5% 1 13% 2 12% 3 5% T4 4% T4 4% Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
  • 40. 39 72% of Americans say the ads they see from companies during COVID-19 all say the same thing Source: WINS CSIP May 13-15, 2020
  • 41. Moving from Brand Purpose to Corporate Activism “It’s no longer about telling a story about purpose because you want to — it’s about taking real action because you have to. And although the last month represents a tipping point, the conditions for this seismic shift from Brand Purpose to Corporate Activism on political issues have been brewing over time.” 40
  • 43. Additional CSIP Resources 42 Articles Scott Kotchko authors The (New) New Rules for Corporate Activism, with more articles to launch on Medium and our microsite across various topics, from our entire WINS team Interviews Bernard Whitman has been talking about “The Great Rethink” that we’re all living in now, and anticipate to be living in for some time. He recently spoke about it with Monica Berg, an author and “change- addict”, on Instagram Live. More video content to come from Bernard on this topic. Podcast Adam Math recently launched a new podcast that he co-hosts with Scott. Each episode they feature one data point or statistic, and then speak to a relevant guest about her or his lived experience. Four (4) episodes are up on Cooking as Coping, Gen Z Activism, Music, and Mental Health & Resilience – with more episodes to come. Available on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Political Commentary Matt McDermott has been talking politics in the “COVID-19 Era” and recently got some good media pickup on CNN and the Washington Post, while also making panel appearances on a digital politics show in NYC. Visit our microsite for updates and new content
  • 44. 43 THANK YOU Scott Kotchko Adam Math Bernard Whitman