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Scott Woodward
Xmas 2015
Life should not be that hard; we are simple beasts.
All the great sports coaches garner their success because they keep it simple, but they also have one
key trait that they instil into their pupils – attitude.
With the right attitude, a bit of luck and some common sense, there is no reason why everyone
should not live a long and healthy life; the important word here is healthy as few wish to be a
burden on family and friends and fight with sickness in their twilight years.
Most people find this common sense, but they struggle to maintain the right attitude over the long
term, get lazy, take short cuts and ultimately get sick.
Common sense is something that is grossly underestimated and under-utilized and not just in
personal health but also a trait with our world leaders.
A landmark 2015 international agreement has been signed that is supposed to reduce global
emissions by at least 60% below 2010 levels by 2050. This is going to cost all countries $100 trillion,
but it will still be impossible to have a cuppa on any footpath in Bejing without an oxygen mask. The
common sense solution surely was to ban coal and oil.
Look at how simple some of the great inventions were; the wheel, the cement mixer, Kleenex, post-
it notes and even the Frisbee.
Not getting sick and staying healthy is just as simple, it’s up to you.
As a sixth generation Australian, I have never really been able to find out why Joseph Woodward, my
family patriarch, lived to 100 years when half that age was mortality.
When he arrived from England on January 6th
, 1833 aboard the “Mary III” as a convict, it must have
been a strange feeling given he was sentenced to death only twelve months earlier for burning down
a barn of beans. He married another convict, Mary Kilday, who stole a loaf of bread; 13 years later
and they remained husband and wife for 68 years which clearly was a key ingredient to his longevity
and must have been an Australian marriage record.
Multi vitamins and gymnasiums were not due to be invented for another century but it is fair to say
that as a logger hauling big bullock teams and manually chopping down giant trees more than
compensated for the gym, and the fresh organic vegetables and meat
from the farm would have been the perfect diet washed down with
pristine mountain water.
What can we learn from Joseph and Mary? (Pictured)
The average length of a modern day marriage that ends in divorce is eight
years, or 60 years less than Joseph and Mary. When you break the
numbers down it is not pretty reading:
 41 percent of first marriages end in divorce.
 60 percent of second marriages end in divorce.
 73 percent of third marriages end in divorce.
The trauma that is caused by a divorce has a dramatic negative impact on your health, and as you
can see, we do not learn from mistakes and the more we get married the greater chance of a split,
but those that are success stories reap great benefits.
My feeling is that because we have so many other distractions today like TV, the internet etc, we do
not communicate like we once did with our partner.
Joseph would come home after a day’s
logging (see pic) and sit down and eat a
healthy meal with his wife and family. With
no TV, in fact Thomas Edison did not invent
the electric light until 1879 some 33 years
into their marriage, communication is
enhanced and a richer life is reaped. Mary
gave birth to nine children (birth control
also was also over 100 years away).
We have demonstrated how Joseph was able to overcome the odds, live a healthy life and attain
longevity. While we may have gone backwards with maintaining a marriage, we have certainly
improved in many other areas.
There have been some notable successes that have caused a two-thirds reduction in overall death
rates including:
A 96% decrease in deaths from infectious diseases
A 95% decrease in death rate for children aged 0-4 years (including infants)
An 85% reduction in stomach cancer mortality
An 80% reduction in cervical and uterine cancer mortality
An 80% reduction in respiratory disease mortality
Over two third reductions in circulatory diseases deaths after the 1970s
A 30% reduction in male lung cancer deaths
A 70% reduction in motor vehicle accident deaths since peak in 1970s.
By never getting sick you enjoy a better quality of life and live longer. Many people have told me
that they do not want to live till they are 100+, but if you enjoy good health and are having fun why
throw the towel in? I know one thing for certain; if you don’t aim for it you have no chance.
Simply because you are healthy, your chances of heart failure or cancer are heavily minimized and
ideally should be eliminated.
It all starts with some simple priorities, that most people have a long way down their list.
 Fresh air is at the top of the list as we cannot go far without oxygen. This may sound a
simple request but having the ability to breathe fresh air all day is a big advantage. If you
work or live in air conditioned accommodation then you have a good chance to catch
any flu or bugs in the system. Airplanes and hospitals etc are some of the unhealthiest
places you can be exposed to.
You can only do what you can do but if possible try and have flowing fresh air passing
through your home, especially your bedroom. It’s free, but nothing else is more
important. Oxygen is a major killer of cancer.
 Water is next. We discuss it later but given almost 90% of our body are water, clearly
this is crucial to our survival and consuming the right type of water is just as important.
The very best you can get it REVERSE OSMOSIS, whose filters will remove 99.9% of
contaminants including chlorine and fluoride and to create the purest of water when it
comes to water filtration.
 It is true that you are what you eat, but you REALLY are what you digest so food makes
the top three. (see Food enzymes later)
 Having somewhere to live is often left off most people’s lists, but without a shelter
nothing else matters much.
We will expand on all these points but I want to start with shelter because it is vital that you love
where you live. It can be in a caravan, a tent, a unit or a house, but as long as you enjoy being there
and can relax. The other very important point is that it must be clean and tidy as this is linked to your
DNA and it also happens to be a common trait in long livers. It goes to attitude, another key word
for later.
Here is my personal order (leaving out oxygen and water):
1. Shelter
2. Health
3. Partner
4. Family and friends
5. Work and imagination, setting goals
I have always enjoyed physical exercise which is ideal for the outside of your body, and because that
is all I could see I neglected the other and more important part – the inside. The great news is that
you can “re-set” your body.
As a kid, I grew up having heaps of sugar on my Weet Bix and loved coca cola. I didn’t even think
about it, I just did what everyone else did and when I got a bit older the food available at school
were hot dogs and meat pies which is rock bottom for food not good for you.
When you love ice cream, it is not an easy thing to give it up, but after a while it is possible to find
healthier substitutes that “plug the hole”.
I used to have two and a half sugars in my tea and now the thought of any sugar makes me squirm,
but it took a while to gradually reduce it to zero. I put honey in my tea now and no sugars in my
coffee, and after many years of enjoying a flat white, I take it black now and enjoy it even more.
So many people use sugar substitutes or drink diet coke etc without understanding that they are
unhealthier than the real thing. Think about it! If you take the sugar out, it must be replaced by
something else and most of the time that something else can be deadly. Do your homework and
always Google what you are not sure of, after all what goes in you will become part of you and
influence your looks, personality and life style.
How good is the feeling when you have just booked tickets to see a world class act? To actually
wake up that day and you know that you are about to tick off something in your “bucket list” is a
wonderful thing.
Why not do this for many more things?
The best way is to really sit down and write out your very own list of things that you want to do and
see. It does not matter if it is silly and maybe unachievable like climbing Mount Everest. The
important thing is that you have something to aim for, something that will make you bounce out of
I always wanted to go to an F.A. Cup Final at Wembley and I did, and what a memorable occasion it
was even arriving in London and everyone laughing at me that it was sold out and I would never get
a ticket. I went to pub after pub and managed to find a shifty pom who took me down this lane and I
managed to buy a ticket for 2,200 pounds, but it was a life changing event so the money was
irrelevant. Everyone told me that Chelsea were good things so I rang my Aussie bookie who was
offering even money and I had the cost of my ticket on and turned out to be a winning bet and the
day was a break-even but a monumental thrill for me
I always wanted to see Elvis live, but I did the next best thing
and saw his “twin” Trent Carlini (see pic.) at the Hilton in Las
Vegas and just for a moment I swear I saw the “King” and he
sang Blue Hawaii and put a tear in my eye.
It does not matter really what your goals are as long as you
have some and you are pro-active in pursuing them. When you stop having something to look
forward to, I believe that is when you curl your toes up and die.
Most people, especially females, put their children as the most important focus in their life.
Without denigrating the importance of children, let me explain why they should not be on top of the
Your personal health should always be a stand out number one because if you do not have it then
you cannot do justice to anything else including your children, your family and your work. Being sick
is not fun and it limits your options in life.
Being happy and having a strong relationship with your partner is next. It is not much fun for kids if
mum and dad or arguing all the time and they have to grow up in a fractured house hold. Children
love to see their parents cuddling and laughing together, it is not missed on them that they are in a
loving home and they thrive on that. The opposite is also true as if you are arguing with your partner
in front of the children, you are in effect also arguing with 50% of that child and it stays with them
The greatest gift any parent can give their children is to love their partner. If you are happy at home
with your partner then you will do better at work and enjoy
life to the fullest.
Sadly, there is no class at school to prepare you for choosing
the right partner and how to make it work. We do not think
to ask an obvious question: “What do I want out of this
relationship”? “Is this the person who I want to build my life
around?” A lot of heart ache would have been saved had
many people thought to ask those questions to themselves,
but we tend to just make a life changing decision on a whim.
Start each day by getting your mind to convince your body that it is going to be a great day.
Some days are harder than others, and some days it is just impossible, but I always try and find a
It doesn’t matter if it is freezing and raining, you can always find something positive to say. I try to
say something like: “what a great day”, then get up. If it is raining it would be more like: “beautiful
rain that will wash the flu away and clean the streets”.
If you have some time while you are either getting ready, in the shower, having breaky, or just on
your computer, play some up tone music in the background as it helps set the tone for the day, or
alternatively, have something on that will make you laugh. Laughing is the best medicine on the
Most people are time poor first thing in the morning and bustle to get everything done before they
start their work day. Bustling will cause stress, a major killer, so by thinking out what you have to do
in advance you can not only make things run smoothly but save valuable time. Look at some simple
 Clean your teeth while you are showering.
 Pre prepare your breakfast. If it is a juice with greens and fruit why not do enough for a
week and freeze them in plastic bags. This could save you an hour a week and heaps of
One of the day’s highlights is always that very first sip of fresh coffee. I do not need some doctor to
tell me that coffee is not good for you as my mind and body tell me that it does so much good. I feel
excited when I am about to have it and then it gives me a pick up. All those things are good and an
important part of my daily routine. We all know that coffee contains caffeine, but taken in
moderation the pluses far outweigh the minuses.
I have a mate Gary who used to have 15 cups a day which clearly is
crazy, but it can be very easy to get into a robotic situation to have
multiple cups because you can and it is easy to do. It may help you
concentrate better as you work.
I used to have six or seven cups a day and now I only have one in
the morning as I have discovered a way to supplement coffee so I
do not crave for it.
Here is THE big surprise that is not well known.
When your diet contains only healthy stuff, after a while your body and mind will not put pressure
on you to grab sugar lollies and ice cream etc. It is the same with coffee, but the first cuppa is
different and can never be replaced in my book. If I am working at my desk and feel like something
hot to sip, I really enjoy Apple Cider Vinegar in hot water with honey, or a cup of Cinnamon Bark Tea.
Both these drinks are incredibly good for you but so are most herbal teas, especially green tea.
My main beverage is made from my Nutri Bullet and aside from the wonderful taste it is the most
important thing I do every day. It becomes part of me and is my fuel to go and participate in life.
My standard Nutri Bullet is made up of:
 Frozen organic mixed berries. (Organic is important as the soft skins can catch bugs and can
give you hepatitis A etc.)
 Organic greens (50% of the shake)
 Protein powder
 Chia seeds
 Raw Organic Maca Powder
 LSA (Linseed, Sunflower seeds & Almonds)
 Raw Honey
 33% Organic almond milk
 33% Organic Coconut Milk
 33% Filtered water
 Add some Organic Coconut Cream if desired
This takes two minutes to prepare and acts as my brunch after gym and replaces any thoughts of a
cuppa coffee. Notice no dairy products, but how good is almond milk?
It is important to vary the contents based on seasonal availability, and always try and buy produce
that is organic and has not travelled too far. By far the safest bet is to support our local farmers
markets. The travel factor is an energy negative so local mixed berries over Serbia or Chile is
preferred, but organic is always number one. Don’t even think about China.
Buy organic greens and clean them in a basin with some Apple Cider Vinegar which acts as an anti-
fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial wash. Most of us significantly underestimate the amount and
variety of chemicals sprayed onto the produce we eat. We are
exposed to hundreds of them, and they accumulate in our body
over time.
Try at least 2 greens like kale and lettuce, beetroot, chopped black
olives, lemon or lime zest, 1 lemon or lime juice, pine nuts,
currants, chia seeds, ripe tomatoes, a seasonal fruit like peach etc,
salt, pepper.
FAVOURITE SALAD DRESSING (don’t buy it, make it)
You can undo all the good from a healthy salad with an unhealthy dressing that is purchased. Try 1
avocado, lemon or lime juice, 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp of raw
honey, cayenne powder to taste, ginger to taste, and turmeric to taste. Add water as required and
blend and enjoy. NOTE I am still getting used to “hot” things and I am making an effort with cayenne
and turmeric as both are incredibly good for you.
Most people get their car serviced every 12 months, but they disregard something much more
important – themselves!
You can always replace a car when it dies on you but you only get one life, and if it dies, you don’t
get a second chance, although Kerry Packer did, but let’s not have to rely on a fibrillator.
If you drive a car and keep on putting your foot down on the floor
then the motor will soon over heat,
and if you keep doing it you will
likely either crash or just burn your
engine out. Think of your body as
the same.
Alternatively, if you don’t drive
your car at all then it will get a flat battery and not start. Your body
will also re-act the same way if you just get out of bed and sit all day.
I have a mate who does that and he gets puffed out by collecting the
The key is to find a happy medium that allows your body to be
exercised in an enjoyable fashion, but not too much so you will break
down or burn out, or get bored.
There is no shortage of “expert” advice on the net, but nobody knows your body better than yourself
and if you take the time to “listen” to what it is saying to you it is generally a good practice to take it
on board.
Have you heard of the term: “get through the pain barrier”? If your body is in pain then it is asking
you to stop and recover, by continuing on you are going against what your mind and body are trying
to say to you. It is not rocket science, just common sense.
“Experts” say that we need to have a certain amount of water every day. How can an outsider
possibly know how much water you need to have?
The only person who would know that is you, and you find that out by listening to your body. If your
body is telling you that you could be thirsty soon then you should drink some water. You should
drink as much as your body wants and it may be a cup or a litre. It is important to be pro-active and
drink BEFORE you get thirsty as if you are working out and your body wants water then you have
already done damage inside. I always have water before and during exercise and vary the amounts
based on how I feel.
Eating is the same as drinking; listen to your body.
Almost everyone will tell you not to eat late at night and many “experts” say don’t eat after lunch. If
my body is telling me that it is hungry at midnight then I will listen. It may be just a piece of fruit or
something more substantial but logic tells me that hunger pains cannot be good. Like running a car
on no petrol or burning a fire with no logs.
The exception here is to be conscious of digestion and if you must have something late at night then
ensure that it is easily digested like a salad or a smoothie (no protein). We discuss digestion later in
depth and it really is the motor inside that also does not like to be over worked.
Getting into good habits is a great thing to do and they all help to having a quality life. You don’t
have to be a “robot” but simple things like sleep, rest, diet, exercise and fun should not be short-
Dr. Mark Hyman, an incredible human, describes what to eat in the simplest of terms: “eat god’s
food and stay away from food created by man”. In other words, plant foods are best for us and we
should stay clear of anything that is processed or has sugar or toxins.
I can hear you thinking that you cannot give up all those yummy burgers, pizzas and sweet deserts,
but even Mark branches out occasionally when he feels like it. Nothing does you any harm in
moderation and if 80% of your diet is healthy then you will likely avoid getting sick.
Farmer’s markets are the best place to buy food from as the food will be fresh and would not have
travelled too far which reduces emissions.
I believe that god gave us two front teeth for a reason and that surely must be to chew on a yummy
steak. The majority of the research that I have consumed advises that the cost of the pleasure of
serving up a T bone or bangers and mash could be almost a decade off your life.
Researchers are conducting a study to determine whether vegetarians and vegans live longer than
the rest of the population, and so far, the answer seems to be a resounding “Yes!”
Results suggest that, on average, vegetarian men and women live 9.5 and 6.1 years longer,
respectively, than their meat-eating counterparts.
The study also indicates that, in general, vegans are 13.6 kilos (30 pounds) leaner—and five units
lighter in terms of body mass index—and that vegetarians and vegans are less insulin resistant than
Think about it: Vegan foods are cholesterol-free, generally low in saturated fat, and high in fibre,
complex carbohydrates, and other essential nutrients.
My 80/20 rule allows the two front teeth to come in to play which allows me to obtain the important
vitamins B12 and D and minerals (including calcium and iron) that I need from meat.
There has to be a balance without going “cold turkey”.
I love a barbie!
Meet 114 yo Bernando LaPallo and his granddaughter drinking a smoothie
Bernado is a hero of mine and may he keep enjoying life.
Notice his amazing soft smooth skin. Most people in their 60s start to crinkle up but Bernado not
only puts olive oil in his daily foods, but he rubs it all over his body every day and he says it protects
him from bugs and makes him look young. It does.
This remarkable man has never been sick. His five favourite foods are honey, garlic, cinnamon,
chocolate, and olive oil. His favourite one liner is: “look after your colon”.
Do something that makes you laugh every day; watch Seinfeld or
something funny on YouTube or just read some funny jokes. There is no
better medicine than a real belly laugh.
Cheer your favourite sports team is a great feeling. A punter will tell
you that backing a winner is the greatest feeling you can have and has
been known to cure all types of ills like the flu.
The vast majority of long and healthy livers have fun and share a sense
of humour.
Choosing the company you keep is the easiest thing to do in your life
and most people don’t do it.
It is so easy to have a drink with people you work with or go to social
events with friends of friends etc. If you go with the flow, often you can
find that you have just spent your last ten years socially with some
people who you do not really like or trust. Sadly this can be your partner
in life or business, but most of the time it is just people who happen to
be at the same place as you are and this major negative can be avoided.
Every New Year’s day I make a mental list of the people in my life who have been a negative
influence on me over the last 12 months and I proactively sack them.
It means that you have less people in your life, but the people who “make the cut” are genuine
friends who create some added value in your life. You do not need to ring “hire a crowd” when you
have a party, a smaller high quality genuine group is much better.
Think about the people you socialise with, who want to spend time with you. Then ask yourself how
many of these “friends” would still want to be in my company if I was a broke, unemployed and had
to start all over? Ask yourself who would jump on the first plane and come and help me if I were
arrested in Bali?
The answer is your REAL friends.
This is an impossible task so the best we can do is to minimise anything that will create stress in your
life. Let’s discuss a few ways to minimize stress:
 Getting a parking fine – ACTION: Don’t read it and don’t
re-act to it. Just take it off the window and put it in your glove
box. Ideally, give it to someone to pay for you without you ever
knowing. Most people grab the ticket, read it and scream out
FUCK! Then their entire body goes into a state of stress. When I
see a ticket I just start to laugh and keep laughing until I have
hidden it away using reverse psychology. I have never made an
effort to read a fine.
 Never argue with your partner – ACTION: Be easy going
and make an effort to agree and be complementary. You cannot win in an argument and it
may mean eating your dinner not made on love which never digests well. Also, sleeping on
the lounge can be stressful so make an effort to solve any conflict, it’s worth it.
 Don’t rush – ACTION: Plan in advance so you are never late and have to rush as this can be
very stressful and even cause accidents. I always get to airports very early and have a cuppa
a read the paper so I am relaxed when boarding is called.
 Avoid traffic – ACTION: If you have to drive to work in peak hour heavy traffic every day you
have a major stress problem. Sometimes you cannot avoid it, but sometimes you can by
finding back streets or leaving earlier. If you calculate your “lost” down time you waste in
traffic it is often cheaper to move closer to work. If you have no choice then use the time to
talk on the phone with hands free or listen to an audio or some music.
 Don’t read the death columns. It’s negative.
 Don’t hold a grudge, address it and get over it.
 If someone lets you down, learn from it and move on.
 Don’t loan money especially to friends as it is a quick way to fracture a friendship. Either give
them money for keeps or give them nothing.
 A severed relationship is caused by only three reasons; 1) Money, 2) A misunderstanding or
3) Unfaithfulness
If stress is not the biggest influencer to chronic ill health leading to fast path to death then it is
Take a look at what it can do to us:
Cardiovascular disease Hypertension Depression
Anxiety Sexual dysfunction Infertility and irregular cycles
Frequent colds Insomnia and fatigue Trouble concentrating
Memory loss Appetite changes Digestive problems and dysbiosis
Stress causes a number of detrimental events in your gut, including:
 Decreased nutrient absorption
 Decreased oxygenation to your gut
 As much as four times less blood flow to your digestive system, which leads to decreased
 Decreased enzymatic output in your gut as much as 20,000-fold
 Prolonged stress can also damage your brain cells and make you lose the capacity to
remember things.
 Stress disrupts your neuroendocrine and immune systems, and appears to trigger a
degenerative process in your brain that can result in Alzheimer's disease.
 Stress-induced weight gain is also real, and typically involves an increase in belly fat, which is
the most dangerous fat for your body to accumulate, and increases your cardiovascular risk.
 During moments of high stress, your body releases hormones such as norepinephrine, which
can even cause the dispersal of bacterial biofilms from the walls of your arteries. This
dispersal can allow plaque deposits to suddenly break loose, thereby triggering a heart
 Plus, when stress becomes chronic, your immune system becomes increasingly desensitized
to cortisol, and since inflammation is partly regulated by this hormone, this decreased
sensitivity heightens the inflammatory response and allows inflammation to get out of
control. Chronic inflammation is a hallmark of heart disease and many chronic diseases.
Regular massages and getting adequate sleep, as sleep deprivation dramatically impairs your
body’s ability to handle stress. That, along with regular physical activity and a healthy diet,
are the foundational elements your body needs to bounce back from a stressful event.
Obviously the people who you have in your life are crucial which is why a yearly review is a
must do. You must sack all the bad influences. Life is short enough without making it shorter.
Try helping an old lady cross a busy road and see how good it makes
you feel, or do some work for charities. The good feel rewards far
outweigh the effort.
My godfather Uncle Bob would always go overboard to hug me and
make me feel welcome when he saw me and it instantly made me
feel warm and wanted in his life. That has always stayed with me and
I have tried to honour his memory by recipricating when ever I meet
people which include mobile phone communication. If my mobile is
turned on and someone who I know calls me then they have an
expectation that I will answer. Uncle Bob would never let his phone
ring out, I miss his hugs and Luna Park smile.
Is it true that the average person touches their face between 2,000 and 3,000 times per day? Dr. Erin
Mears (Kate Winslet) says this in the film but I can find nothing to prove or
disprove. "On average, people touch their faces about 16 times an hour.
Some people less, others as many as 100 touches per hour."
Many people cannot help where they work and being exposed to air
conditioning all day not only dries out your skin but also circulates germs.
Hospitals and schools are especially unhealthy environments simply because
you are exposed to sick
By far the biggest factor in getting the flu is not
washing your hands regularly.
Unless you wash your hands every time you use your
phone, keyboard, or doorknob, the best way to avoid
sickness is to touch your face less.
Researchers observed 249 people in public areas and
subways in two cities. They found that the average
person touches communal surfaces about three times
an hour, and touches her/his own mouth or nose
even more frequently. That’s a problem, because
viruses and bacteria enter the body through mucus
membranes in your nostrils, mouth, and eyes. When you scratch your nose or rub your eyes, you
hand-deliver the germs you’ve picked up from touching common surfaces, and increase your risk of
infection. And because any object you touch between hand-washings can contaminate your hands,
experts say the solution isn’t just washing more, but also touching your face less.
The good news is if you are healthy then you have a strong immune system and your risk of sickness
is greatly minimized.
This is difficult for most people and while I find it almost impossible to sleep without a TV or radio, I
compensate by resting when I feel I need to. I enjoy working long hours, but always try and lay down
when I feel tired.
Our bodies are not designed for a chair and when watching TV, it is very important to put your feet
You will get various reports on how long we should sleep for but it is relevant if it is quality sleep or
not. I sleep when I am tired and wake up when my body tells me it wants to get up. Simple!
THERE are a small number of people who can function on a tiny amount of sleep.
Margaret Thatcher, the former UK Prime Minister had the ability to get by in the top job on only four
hours sleep each day, which researchers describe as a rare attribute.
Others noted for completing demanding jobs on an allowance of four hours sleep a day include Sir
Winston Churchill, real estate mogul Donald Trump and former CIA director David Petraeus.
Alan Jones, the legendary radio breakfast host, former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and the
controversial young telco entrepreneur Ruslan Kogan are among the tiny percentage of the
population who regularly spend less than a sixth of their day asleep.
But is it normal? Or is it just the unhealthy habit of workaholics?
Few people exercise the two most observed parts of a human body, outlandish, but true.
The face and the butt top the pole on what both sexes look at first when they see someone for the
first time, but hardly anyone exercises their backside and few do face exercises. Think about it!
I have never understood why people need a personal trainer.
When it really comes down to it, they hire an expensive PT just to make sure they have to turn up
and do the work. In other words, motivate them to get fit.
I am sure there are many great PTs but most of them have done the course and treat everyone
mostly the same – like a robot or a number. They want to bust your gut and make you hurt. If you
don’t hurt they think you may think they are no good.
Why do you need to hurt? Try hurting your car and see how long it lasts.
I am very much in to working to a gradient and it MUST be enjoyable so you want to return. You
gradually build up until you are at a comfortable level. Do what you can do easily, and then always
try to go to the next notch, even if only once. Then the next time twice and then …
Exercise should be enjoyable and NOT a labour. Most people start and then the “novelty” wears thin
and it becomes too hard so they stop.
I have a mate who only goes to the gym when he starts up a new relationship. Once he gets
comfortable in the relationship the exercise stops, the pizzas and the copious quantities of booze
start and then, you guessed it, he breaks up and starts all
over again.
The trick is to get into a routine and stick to it religiously.
You can only do that if you enjoy it so go to a place that
you like and set out a routine that works for you. You
don’t have to do much, but it is important to do
something every day so you can get your blood sugar
levels up and improve your circulation. My gym at the SCG
Let’s go back to the car again. If you see it spurting fumes out the
back then you have a sick car. We are no different and most people
take little or no notice of when they visit the bathroom.
A doctor can tell how well you are by reading a pathologists report on
your toilet samples, so surely it makes logical sense to notice yourself!
I had this conversation with a buddy who said that he spurts out all
over the toilet like a chocolate milkshake. That is a flashing red light that all is not well and if you do
not change your diet or life style the “car” will crash, or just conk out.
The main thing that doctors look for is traces of blood, but you should be able to tell if you are well
without even looking. A good shape and texture and you should be ready for a great day, if not, you
have a warning and should think about what you have eaten in the last 24 hours. It nothing changes,
and then it is time to visit your doctor.
The colour of your urine should be dependent on what you have just drunk. If you have just drunk a
heap of water then it should be like water but if you had a vitamin B then it will be yellow.
Most people can sleep 6 to 8 hours without having to urinate. But it's usually not a big deal if you get
up once a night to pee. Drinking caffeinated drinks or alcohol or just drinking too much liquid too
close to bedtime can cause it. So can medications; diabetes; or kidney, heart, prostate, or other
health problems, so it’s worth getting checked out.
Most people urinate between six and eight times a day. But if you're drinking plenty, it's not
abnormal to go as many as 10 times a day.
UTI: Also known as urinary tract infection, UTI is a common side effect of holding your urine in for
too long. This is because the collection of bacteria around the opening of your urethra (the tube that
carries urine from inside your bladder to the outside) tend to enter it when you don’t pass urine
often enough. Even if you are in a traffic jam and busting, find a bottle or just do it in your pants. You
can always wash and clean.
I had the pleasure to watch the first Kerry Packer ODI at the Showgrounds and it was packed and
standing room only. There were no toilets anywhere and I could not move anyway, so I just filled up
my KB can and nobody saw me. What a magic night it was!
Most people do no research on who is their doctor, their dentist, their optometrist etc.. They just
turn up at the closest surgery and take “pot luck”. That is like a punter closing his eyes and pointing
blindly who he will back. What about if your doctor’s last three patients all died on the table?
I went to great lengths to seek out a doctor that I would be comfortable with. I managed to find him
and when he moved from Bondi to Double Bay I moved
with him. I have yet to visit him for sickness and he tells
me that almost all of his patients only see him when they
are unwell. That is like calling the mechanic after your car
has broken down instead of ensuring everything is in
good order before you start off.
My annual check-up with my doctor is simply to give me
peace of mind. I know that I am well and feel good, but it
is always a good feeling to have that formerly supported
by a professional. In fact, it is downright dumb not to and
so many things can go wrong without you knowing until
it is too late.
You don’t have to like your doctor, but you do have to
respect the fact that he/she is a top professional and
they have your best interests at heart.
Unfortunately we do not get a form guide like a race
horse to see how good they are, so it is advisable to do your own home work. Check forums and ask
people who they trust, who they use and ask other professionals that you may come across like
Ambulance drivers. Nurses are not only the best people in the world but they have plenty of first-
hand knowledge on who is the best and who is not, after all, they are there on the spot.
Like racehorses, there is a big difference between the best and the worst and if you allow the system
to dictate to you then you and your family may well draw the short straw.
Take control, we are talking about decision making on our health. Is anything more important?
I have the utmost admiration for anyone who takes on the establishment and is proven correct and
the guys below did just that. Their books and you tube interviews are easy to find and because they
are often against the norm, they cop plenty of flak from Big Pharma and their multi-billion dollar
industries. You be the judge.
Mark Hyman is an American physician, scholar and New York Times best-
selling author. He is the founder and medical director of the UltraWellness
Center and a columnist for The Huffington Post.
This Guy has an amazing story and was going nowhere and then decided to
do something about his life. You have to like a guy who refused his
doctor's recommendation to take Prozac, when his body was failing. Watch
him on You Tube and you will not believe he is only 55.
Joseph Mercola is an alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic
physician, and web entrepreneur who markets a variety of controversial
dietary supplements and medical devices through his website,
A true living legend and I often play his You Tubes on my IPad as I go to
sleep at night. His logic and common sense never ceases to fascinate me:
“You want to be centering your diet on whole foods, for starters – those that
come from nature, are minimally processed and, ideally, are grown locally
and without synthetic chemicals.
At the same time, you want to minimize your intake of processed foods, particularly snack foods and
convenience foods that have little to offer in the way of nutritional value. Such foods will add to your
toxic load by way of high-fructose corn syrup, artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, and
genetically modified (GM) ingredients while offering your body next to nothing in return.”
Mike Adams, known as the "Health Ranger," he is an outspoken consumer
health advocate, award-winning investigative journalist, internet activist and
science lab director. He is the founder and editor of, the
internet's most-trafficked natural health news website. He has his own lab
and does his own research; I believe him and think he is the real deal.
Ty Bollinger, is not a doctor but a highly
regarded book author, medical researcher,
health freedom advocate and former
competitive bodybuilder, who lost seven close family members due to
cancer and decided to devote his life to medical research to find
alternative cancer treatments and cures. He interviews some amazing
professionals who offer alternative opinions. His website is
My father responded to a 100 year old lady who said that her secret was “no sex” saying that he
would “rather live half her age and have the fun”.
There is strong testimony that sex is good for you. It turns out the lady who was against sex was
actually against men and found them to be untrustworthy and argumentative so she stayed away
and lived longer, now that is a different debate.
Our “plumbing” that allows an organism to be created starts with the mind so in order to even start
you must be feeling good about yourself for whatever reason, and that is a good thing.
Like plumbing in our home, if you do not use it then it will rust up and when it is used after a long
break it will likely not be at its best for a while.
The obvious bonuses are mental; it makes you feel good, it promotes physicality, but what about
from a health perspective?
You decide, but logic tells me that god gave us tools for a reason and I have always been of the mind
that anything that you do that moves your blood stream around your body must be good for you.
Nature is telling us that the “tadpoles” are jumping up and down and want to get out and they need
some help to jump over the wall. It cannot be healthy to disappoint them.
Now I have gone on about the best way to not get sick is to clean your hands and don’t touch dirty
things and spread the germs. Based on that philosophy it is a fair argument to say that we should
shower before having sex. My guess is that the vast majority do not as often it is a “moment” thing.
This is an exception to the rule when it comes to two normal people having sex. It is a very normal,
clean and a healthy exercise providing both parties are healthy and clean. If one party has not
washed for days and had sex with other people etc then it is a different story, but otherwise nature
is nature and that is a beautiful thing.
The argument to NOT indulge carries far greater negatives.
The Men’s Journal’s Mel Juntti wrote: You don't need a scientist to tell you that sex can be a full-tilt,
sweat-drenched workout. But how many calories does a good romp really burn? In a recent study,
researchers measured energy expended during sex versus running, and found that we get our hearts
pumping and muscles cranking enough during sex for it to be considered moderate exercise.
On average, the men burned 9.2 calories per minute while jogging (or about 230 calories for a 25-
minute jog) and had a mean intensity of 8.5 METs, compared to 4.2 calories per minute (105 calories
per session) and 6 METs during sex. Women burned a little less, logging 7.1 calories per minute and
8.1 METs on the treadmill, and 3.1 calories per minute and 5.6 METs during sex.
Unsurprisingly, jogging for a half-hour taxed everyone's bodies more than having sex – but the
researchers were impressed at how much energy these people exerted during sex. While it's not on
the level of doing wind sprints or 30-lap pool sessions, sex can be a legit form of exercise.
Sex should not replace regular exercise, rather, sex and exercise should both be incorporated into
your routine on a regular basis. Studies show that each improves health, so the combination of the
two leads to a greater quality of life.
Perhaps the most valuable thing you have is time.
Do you know you can turn a three hour footy delayed
broadcast into only two hours by recording and fast
forward through the adverts?
You can save hours of valuable time each week by “series
linking” your favourites shows and fast forward through
I very rarely watch anything when it is scheduled on TV unless it is a sports event that I am
interested in or perhaps a political election.
The great thing about recording or series linking your favourite shows it that you can watch and stop
them at your convenience. No rushing home and no cancelling other appointments, but the major
gain is that you have freed up many hours of “dead” time that can be used much more productively.
Most people waste 70% of their time not focusing on the job at hand, and when they do they often
get distracted.
If you don’t believe me then follow someone around.
A typical salesman is employed to sell. Very few salesmen spend more than 30% of their working
hours actually selling to customers. The biggest mistake their employers make is to give them a desk
and a PC in a nice office. If ever you want to find a salesman, you have a 70% chance of finding them
at their desk doing some mundane clerical task like an invoice or a quote, something a 17 year old
could do who is on 20% of the salary.
80% of sales require five follow up calls after the meeting and 44% of the sales people give up after
only one follow up call.
You can apply this strategy to most things in life.
I used to preach to my sales teams that they have a rare opportunity to set themselves up for life,
and the people who are the buyers are only accessible between 9am and 5pm and they are the
“privileged hours” so anything not directly related to selling should be done outside of those hours.
The average ones sat down and ate lunch for 60 minutes at 1pm every day, while good ones were
trying to close a sale.
I like to make a smoothie with greens and fruit and to actually prepare it can take around 20
minutes, but to prepare enough for a week does not take much longer and you can freeze the other
six days which also maintain the freshness and the nutrients. That one exercise probably saves me
an hour each week.
LEARN FROM OLD PEOPLE (Notes taken from centurions)
I have always been fascinated by the elderly as they have so
much wisdom and we can learn so much from them.
Here are some notes from some who made it to 100 and above:
“Keeping your mind active, being with friends and staying
happy. Your mind and controlling your ideas. Your home and
family conditions are important. Having a positive attitude.
Mind your own business
and don’t eat junk food.
Eat sushi and sleep and
learn to relax.
Laughter, activity and have
a stomach like an ostrich. Never get bored.
Hard work and a glass of wine.
Be nice, worship god and eat pigs feet.
Two eggs a day, one raw and one cooked.
Exercise, eat porridge.
Staying positive and lot of singing. Avoid stress.”
Have you got more “Chins” than a Chinese phone book? If you look good, your eyes will
communicate to your mind that you feel good and that will have an overwhelming positive impact
on your wider well-being.
You can control looking good and it has nothing to do with being born with movie star looks.
Some examples of what you can do.
o The number one visual that makes you look much older than you are is your face; it
is what everyone looks at first. Getting regular
facials does wonders for your skin, but you should
give yourself a “mini” facial every time you wash
your face. Your face is the first thing that people
look at yet very few people bother to exercise it,
and like your arms and legs, your face and
especially neck has its own muscles.
o Do you want to look like a turkey? Well you can easily avoid having a double chin
and or a turkey throat simply by massaging it when you wash and also pulling weird
faces in the mirror. Try it and notice the difference.
o Always dress well with clean clothes. Make the effort and you will be pleased you
I am not totally sold on beards leading to health problems but all hair will attract germs so logically a
face with thicker hair logically must harbour more germs than a cleanly shaven person.
Carol Walker, a consultant trichologist, said having facial hair can lead to more frequent skin
infections and to germs being passed on to others.
Beards harbour more germs because facial hair is courser than other hair, so traps dirt and germs
more easily, she explained.
She told MailOnline: 'Beard hair; its courser. It has the shape of a bayonet, a round, convexed
bottom and then comes up the side to a point.
'It becomes curly and smooth, it tends to have more bends and kinks which trap dirt.
'The cuticles on the hair – which are like layers of tiles on a roof - trap the germs and grease.
'Hair around nostrils and mouth is well-placed to harbour bacteria.
There is also the possibility that a bearded person will pass the bacteria living on their beard to other
Mrs Walker said: 'If you're affectionate with someone, if you kiss them, you can pass on bacteria.'
It is doubtful that you have never heard of hydrogen peroxide as a
cure for our most common complaints. The main reason is that it only
costs a couple of dollars as opposed to the billions that Big Pharma
makes with over the counter medicines that have little success.
I know this works.
If you have a sore throat and cannot swallow, after putting some HP
down your ears you should be cured almost immediately, amazing,
but true.
In 1928, Richard Simmons, M.D. hypothesized that colds and flu
viruses enter through your ear canal, as opposed to your nose and throat. But his findings were
dismissed by the medical community. Then in 1938, German researchers had great success using
hydrogen peroxide for treating colds and the flu. But their data had been ignored for over 60 years.
You will hear some bubbling, which is completely normal, and possibly feel a slight stinging
sensation. Wait until the bubbling and stinging subside (usually 5 to 10 minutes), then drain onto a
tissue or the sink and repeat with the other ear. A bottle of hydrogen peroxide in 3 percent solution
is available at any chemist store for a couple of dollars or less.
Of course, the best way to treat a cold is to not get one in the first place. And the key to preventing
colds is to keep your immune system strong and healthy.
Cold viruses are all around you, living on your computer keyboard, coffee mugs, door handles and
other objects for hours, so coming into contact with them is part of daily living. However, the key to
remember is that just being exposed to a cold virus does not mean you'll catch a cold.
If your immune system is operating at its peak, it should actually be quite easy for you to fend off
those viruses without getting sick. On the other hand, if your immune system is impaired, they'll
easily take hold in your body.
The major reasons your immune system becomes weakened and you come down with a cold are:
 Eating too much sugar and too many grains
 Not getting enough rest
 Inadequately managing your stress
 Inadequate exercise
 Vitamin D deficiency
You will know. It may be a sniffle, a hint of a sore throat, a lack of energy or something that you
know keeps you from being 100%.
This is a crucial period and this is when you must stop whatever you are doing and focus on yourself.
Depending on what the warning sign is go overboard with threating yourself. Pump yourself up with
all the best foods and liquids that you know will give you and boost and when you are ready to go to
sleep, this is the most important thing to do, you physically rev yourself up while you are having a
hot shower and convince yourself that you have just given your body the medicine that is needs and
when you wake everything will be back to normal. The shower acts not only as a cleanser physically,
but also complements what you are telling your body and is a grossly under estimated and under-
utilized medical aid.
It always works for me.
One of the joys is surely talking to the elderly who are so giving and have so much wisdom that they
love to pass on to you if you are prepared to listen.
A common point with most is that it is vital to always be busy and continue to exercise your mind.
Always do something, challenge yourself.
Early retirement is supposed to give you extra golden years to enjoy. But that may not happen, a
new study suggests.
A study of Shell Oil employees shows that people who retire at age 55 and live to be at least 65 die
sooner than people who retire at 65. After age 65, the early retirees have a 37% higher risk of death
than counterparts that retired at 65.
That's not all. People who retire at 55 are 89% more likely to die in the 10 years after retirement
than those who retire at 65.
The researchers looked at all past employees of Shell Oil who retired at ages 55, 60, or 65.
"Mortality improved with increasing age at retirement for people from both high and low
socioeconomic groups," they found. "Retiring at 65 was not associated with a greater risk of
mortality than retiring at 55 or 60."
Gluten, a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye, and barley, causes the immune system to attack
the intestines in people with celiac disease. But non-celiac gluten sensitivity may actually affect as
many as 30 percent to 40 percent of the population and according to Dr. Alessio Fasano at
Massachusetts General Hospital, virtually all of us are affected to some degree.
Glutinous proteins, known as prolamines, can make your gut more permeable, which allows partially
digested proteins to get into your bloodstream that would otherwise have been excluded, any of
which can sensitize your immune system and promote inflammation, contribute to chronic disease.
Once gluten sensitizes your gut, it then becomes more permeable and all manner of gut bacterial
components and previously excluded dietary proteins—including casein and other dairy proteins—
have direct access to your bloodstream, thereby further challenging your immune system.
Gluten may even negatively impact mood and brain health. Most gluten-free products are nothing
more than refined, processed junk foods.
Dr Edward Howell (PIC) was a pioneer in the field of food enzyme
nutrition and his theory, although can never be proven, is
fascinating and certainly is logical.
According to Dr. Howell, food enzyme nutrition and the length of life
is inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the enzyme
potential of an organism. The increased use of food enzymes
promotes a decreased rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential,
whole foods give good health; enzyme-rich foods provide limitless
Cooking our food results in a shortened life span, illness and a
lowered resistance to various types of stress; food enzymes are
essential for proper digestion which directly correlates with dramatic improvements in health and
Dr. Howell has 70 years of data on this subject, whom was never going to be supported by the
medical industry as it goes against “Big Pharma” and the billions they make from cancer treatments
etc, but in a nutshell, our digestive system requires enzymes to process the food we eat and the
older we get the less enzymes we create. The more we eat, the more enzymes we use and eating
processed or non-live enzyme-rich foods, the more enzymes we use.
When we run out of enzymes, we die.
By eating easy to digest foods like greens and not eating big meals you have more enzymes and a
better, healthy and longer life.
DR. HOWELL’S FOOD ENZYME THEORY – “You are what you digest”
 That the enzymes present in raw foods are of significant help in digesting the foods
themselves once they are put into the human digestive system.
 That cooking destroys these "food enzymes," forcing the body to produce more of its own
digestive enzymes than would otherwise be necessary to digest the food.
 That the body has a finite lifetime "enzyme potential" for
manufacturing digestive enzymes, which is important for
preserving health and longevity; and a portion of which is
unrecoverably "used up" in producing otherwise unnecessary
digestive enzymes each time cooked foods are eaten.
 That enzymes in raw food also carry the "life force," which
can be transferred to the body, enhancing vitality and
longevity; and that the body must use up some of its own
"life force"/"enzyme potential" to compensate whenever cooked foods (that have no life
force/live enzymes) are eaten.
This is part hypothetical science, part mystical theory, but 100% fascinating.
Here are just some of the activities in your body requiring enzymes:
 Energy production
 Absorption of oxygen
 Fighting infections and healing wounds
 Reducing inflammation
 Getting nutrients into your cells
 Carrying away toxic wastes
 Breaking down fats in your blood, regulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels
 Dissolving blood clots
 Proper hormone regulation
 Slowing the aging process
Dr. Edward Howell believed you were born with a limited enzyme-producing capacity, and that your
life expectancy depends on how well you preserve your "enzyme potential." His theory was that if
you don't get enough enzymes from the food you eat, great strain is placed on your digestive system
to "pick up the slack," i.e., produce enough enzymes to accomplish the task.
A deficiency in digestive enzymes then reduces availability of your metabolic enzymes. Howell
believed this metabolic enzyme deficit was at the root of most chronic health problems.
The more raw foods you eat, the lower the burden on your body to produce the enzymes it needs,
not only for digestion, but for practically everything. Whatever enzymes are not used up in digestion
is then available to help with other important physiological processes.
Once consumed, your meal begins a complicated, multi-phased journey of breakdown and
conversion into nutrients your body can use. This process is, of course, called digestion, and enzymes
play a key role.
It is a sad fact that 90 percent of the food Australians buy is processed food. Diets heavy in cooked,
processed, and sugary foods, combined with overuse of pharmaceutical drugs such as antibiotics,
deplete your body's ability to make enzymes.
Heating your food above 46 deg C (116 F) renders most enzymes inactive.
This is one of the reasons it's so important to eat your foods raw. Raw foods are enzyme-rich, and
consuming them decreases your body's burden to produce its own enzymes.
The more food that you can eat raw, the better. Ideally, you should get 75 percent of your digestive
enzymes from your food.
Complicating matters, your capacity for enzyme production also declines with age.
When digestion of foods requires such a heavy demand, enzyme supplies run short and your
enzyme-producing capacity can become exhausted. Why does this matter? The high demand for
digestive enzymes depletes your body's production of metabolic enzymes, which every cell in your
body needs in order to function.
There are four ways to naturally increase your enzyme levels:
1. Increase your intake of raw, living foods
2. Eat fewer calories
3. Chew your food thoroughly
4. Avoid chewing gum
The very best way to get enzymes into your body is by consuming at least 75 percent of your foods
raw. For many of you, you'll have to work toward this goal gradually.
While all raw foods contain enzymes, the most powerful enzyme-rich foods are those that are
sprouted (seeds and legumes). Sprouting increases the enzyme content in these foods
tremendously. Besides sprouts, other enzyme-rich foods include:
 Papaya, pineapple, mango, kiwi, and grapes
 Avocado
 Raw honey (the enzymes actually come from the bee's saliva)
 Bee pollen
 Extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil
 Raw meat and dairy
The best way to bump up your metabolic enzymes is to provide your body with the raw materials
and energy it needs to make them. By eating these types of foods, you supply your body with the
amino acids and the enzyme co-factors needed to boost your own natural enzyme production.
Another way to lower your body's demand for enzymes is to reduce your caloric intake. Did you
know the average person spends 80 percent of his available energy simply digesting food?
By reducing overall consumption, as well as introducing more living foods, you reduce your need for
digestive enzymes, which allows your body to put more of its energy into producing metabolic
Which brings us to chewing. Quite apart from the esthetic pleasure of an unhurried meal, there are
important physiological reasons to chew your food well.
Chewing stimulates saliva production, and the more time you spend chewing, the longer your saliva
enzymes have to work in your mouth, lessening the workload of your stomach and small intestine.
Chewing also stimulates a reflex that sends a message to your pancreas and other digestive organs,
"Gear up—we've got incoming!"
And don't chew gum.
Chewing gum fools your body into believing it is digesting something, so it pumps out digestive
enzymes unnecessarily. Why waste those precious resources?
Once you understand this, you may begin to see just how important it is to eat a diet rich in fresh,
organic, raw foods. You may even want to try juicing some of your vegetables as a way of getting
more nutrients—and enzymes—into your body.
It has been said, "You are what you eat." But really, "You are what you digest" is closer to the truth.
1. Tap Water – Easy, quick, convenient. But how many pollutants lurk in your water? And what
is your associated health risk? One report said that over 75,000 chemicals are found in the
Sydney tap water and all tape water (except Byron Bay) has the cancer attraction of fluoride.
2. Bottled Water – Did you know that 40% of bottled water is actually TAP WATER? With or
without added filtration – you're paying through the nose for it. Worse, an independent test
found arsenic, DPBs, and 36 other harmful pollutants hiding in bottled water plastic bottles.
3. Distilled Water – Use with caution. Long-term use can invite health problems, because its
minerals are evaporated out. So to try to maintain mineral balance, it sucks minerals out of
your body.
4. Alkaline Water – Although there is some controversy on this, most experts believe that this
water should be used for short-term detoxification only (1-2 weeks max). Additionally, the
alkalinization process does NOT filter the water so you need to carefully evaluate the water
filter for the specific alkaline water unit it's using.
5. Vitamin Waters – Don't be fooled… Vitamin waters contain high fructose corn syrup (HFCS),
artificial colors, additives, preservatives, and caffeine. Even worse… they use distilled water
to produce these products – which as you just read, is one of the worst types of water you
can consume.
6. THE BEST: 5 Stage Reverse Osmosis - purifies your
drinking water in five stages using reverse osmosis.
Filtration removes suspended and dissolved solids
such as chlorides, metals and chemicals, and provides
fresh clean drinking water.
This eBook is the culmination of notes I have kept over years, quotes from people I respect, and of
course, my personal thoughts that are largely based on “trial and error” with a bit of objective logic
thrown in.
I adore the consistent learning process and improving my quality of life. I firmly believe that you get
out of life what you put in to it, so what works for me may not work for you, but if something here
enhances your path to good health and a better quality of life then enjoy it as we are not here for
long – but it can be longer and better, if you have a mind to do something about it.

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  • 1. WHY I NEVER GET SICK Scott Woodward Xmas 2015
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Life should not be that hard; we are simple beasts. All the great sports coaches garner their success because they keep it simple, but they also have one key trait that they instil into their pupils – attitude. With the right attitude, a bit of luck and some common sense, there is no reason why everyone should not live a long and healthy life; the important word here is healthy as few wish to be a burden on family and friends and fight with sickness in their twilight years. Most people find this common sense, but they struggle to maintain the right attitude over the long term, get lazy, take short cuts and ultimately get sick. Common sense is something that is grossly underestimated and under-utilized and not just in personal health but also a trait with our world leaders. A landmark 2015 international agreement has been signed that is supposed to reduce global emissions by at least 60% below 2010 levels by 2050. This is going to cost all countries $100 trillion, but it will still be impossible to have a cuppa on any footpath in Bejing without an oxygen mask. The common sense solution surely was to ban coal and oil. Look at how simple some of the great inventions were; the wheel, the cement mixer, Kleenex, post- it notes and even the Frisbee. Not getting sick and staying healthy is just as simple, it’s up to you. As a sixth generation Australian, I have never really been able to find out why Joseph Woodward, my family patriarch, lived to 100 years when half that age was mortality. When he arrived from England on January 6th , 1833 aboard the “Mary III” as a convict, it must have been a strange feeling given he was sentenced to death only twelve months earlier for burning down a barn of beans. He married another convict, Mary Kilday, who stole a loaf of bread; 13 years later and they remained husband and wife for 68 years which clearly was a key ingredient to his longevity and must have been an Australian marriage record. Multi vitamins and gymnasiums were not due to be invented for another century but it is fair to say that as a logger hauling big bullock teams and manually chopping down giant trees more than compensated for the gym, and the fresh organic vegetables and meat from the farm would have been the perfect diet washed down with pristine mountain water. What can we learn from Joseph and Mary? (Pictured) The average length of a modern day marriage that ends in divorce is eight years, or 60 years less than Joseph and Mary. When you break the numbers down it is not pretty reading:  41 percent of first marriages end in divorce.  60 percent of second marriages end in divorce.  73 percent of third marriages end in divorce. The trauma that is caused by a divorce has a dramatic negative impact on your health, and as you can see, we do not learn from mistakes and the more we get married the greater chance of a split, but those that are success stories reap great benefits. My feeling is that because we have so many other distractions today like TV, the internet etc, we do not communicate like we once did with our partner. Joseph would come home after a day’s logging (see pic) and sit down and eat a healthy meal with his wife and family. With no TV, in fact Thomas Edison did not invent the electric light until 1879 some 33 years into their marriage, communication is enhanced and a richer life is reaped. Mary gave birth to nine children (birth control also was also over 100 years away).
  • 3. We have demonstrated how Joseph was able to overcome the odds, live a healthy life and attain longevity. While we may have gone backwards with maintaining a marriage, we have certainly improved in many other areas. There have been some notable successes that have caused a two-thirds reduction in overall death rates including: A 96% decrease in deaths from infectious diseases A 95% decrease in death rate for children aged 0-4 years (including infants) An 85% reduction in stomach cancer mortality An 80% reduction in cervical and uterine cancer mortality An 80% reduction in respiratory disease mortality Over two third reductions in circulatory diseases deaths after the 1970s A 30% reduction in male lung cancer deaths A 70% reduction in motor vehicle accident deaths since peak in 1970s. A GOOD PLACE TO START By never getting sick you enjoy a better quality of life and live longer. Many people have told me that they do not want to live till they are 100+, but if you enjoy good health and are having fun why throw the towel in? I know one thing for certain; if you don’t aim for it you have no chance. Simply because you are healthy, your chances of heart failure or cancer are heavily minimized and ideally should be eliminated. It all starts with some simple priorities, that most people have a long way down their list.  Fresh air is at the top of the list as we cannot go far without oxygen. This may sound a simple request but having the ability to breathe fresh air all day is a big advantage. If you work or live in air conditioned accommodation then you have a good chance to catch any flu or bugs in the system. Airplanes and hospitals etc are some of the unhealthiest places you can be exposed to. You can only do what you can do but if possible try and have flowing fresh air passing through your home, especially your bedroom. It’s free, but nothing else is more important. Oxygen is a major killer of cancer.  Water is next. We discuss it later but given almost 90% of our body are water, clearly this is crucial to our survival and consuming the right type of water is just as important. The very best you can get it REVERSE OSMOSIS, whose filters will remove 99.9% of contaminants including chlorine and fluoride and to create the purest of water when it comes to water filtration.  It is true that you are what you eat, but you REALLY are what you digest so food makes the top three. (see Food enzymes later)  Having somewhere to live is often left off most people’s lists, but without a shelter nothing else matters much. We will expand on all these points but I want to start with shelter because it is vital that you love where you live. It can be in a caravan, a tent, a unit or a house, but as long as you enjoy being there and can relax. The other very important point is that it must be clean and tidy as this is linked to your DNA and it also happens to be a common trait in long livers. It goes to attitude, another key word for later. Here is my personal order (leaving out oxygen and water): 1. Shelter 2. Health
  • 4. 3. Partner 4. Family and friends 5. Work and imagination, setting goals I have always enjoyed physical exercise which is ideal for the outside of your body, and because that is all I could see I neglected the other and more important part – the inside. The great news is that you can “re-set” your body. As a kid, I grew up having heaps of sugar on my Weet Bix and loved coca cola. I didn’t even think about it, I just did what everyone else did and when I got a bit older the food available at school were hot dogs and meat pies which is rock bottom for food not good for you. When you love ice cream, it is not an easy thing to give it up, but after a while it is possible to find healthier substitutes that “plug the hole”. I used to have two and a half sugars in my tea and now the thought of any sugar makes me squirm, but it took a while to gradually reduce it to zero. I put honey in my tea now and no sugars in my coffee, and after many years of enjoying a flat white, I take it black now and enjoy it even more. So many people use sugar substitutes or drink diet coke etc without understanding that they are unhealthier than the real thing. Think about it! If you take the sugar out, it must be replaced by something else and most of the time that something else can be deadly. Do your homework and always Google what you are not sure of, after all what goes in you will become part of you and influence your looks, personality and life style. HAVE GOALS How good is the feeling when you have just booked tickets to see a world class act? To actually wake up that day and you know that you are about to tick off something in your “bucket list” is a wonderful thing. Why not do this for many more things? The best way is to really sit down and write out your very own list of things that you want to do and see. It does not matter if it is silly and maybe unachievable like climbing Mount Everest. The important thing is that you have something to aim for, something that will make you bounce out of bed. I always wanted to go to an F.A. Cup Final at Wembley and I did, and what a memorable occasion it was even arriving in London and everyone laughing at me that it was sold out and I would never get a ticket. I went to pub after pub and managed to find a shifty pom who took me down this lane and I managed to buy a ticket for 2,200 pounds, but it was a life changing event so the money was irrelevant. Everyone told me that Chelsea were good things so I rang my Aussie bookie who was offering even money and I had the cost of my ticket on and turned out to be a winning bet and the day was a break-even but a monumental thrill for me personally. I always wanted to see Elvis live, but I did the next best thing and saw his “twin” Trent Carlini (see pic.) at the Hilton in Las Vegas and just for a moment I swear I saw the “King” and he sang Blue Hawaii and put a tear in my eye. It does not matter really what your goals are as long as you have some and you are pro-active in pursuing them. When you stop having something to look forward to, I believe that is when you curl your toes up and die.
  • 5. WHY YOUR PARTNER IS SO CRUCIAL Most people, especially females, put their children as the most important focus in their life. Without denigrating the importance of children, let me explain why they should not be on top of the list. Your personal health should always be a stand out number one because if you do not have it then you cannot do justice to anything else including your children, your family and your work. Being sick is not fun and it limits your options in life. Being happy and having a strong relationship with your partner is next. It is not much fun for kids if mum and dad or arguing all the time and they have to grow up in a fractured house hold. Children love to see their parents cuddling and laughing together, it is not missed on them that they are in a loving home and they thrive on that. The opposite is also true as if you are arguing with your partner in front of the children, you are in effect also arguing with 50% of that child and it stays with them forever. The greatest gift any parent can give their children is to love their partner. If you are happy at home with your partner then you will do better at work and enjoy life to the fullest. Sadly, there is no class at school to prepare you for choosing the right partner and how to make it work. We do not think to ask an obvious question: “What do I want out of this relationship”? “Is this the person who I want to build my life around?” A lot of heart ache would have been saved had many people thought to ask those questions to themselves, but we tend to just make a life changing decision on a whim. YOUR OPENING SECONDS EACH MORNING Start each day by getting your mind to convince your body that it is going to be a great day. Some days are harder than others, and some days it is just impossible, but I always try and find a way. It doesn’t matter if it is freezing and raining, you can always find something positive to say. I try to say something like: “what a great day”, then get up. If it is raining it would be more like: “beautiful rain that will wash the flu away and clean the streets”. If you have some time while you are either getting ready, in the shower, having breaky, or just on your computer, play some up tone music in the background as it helps set the tone for the day, or alternatively, have something on that will make you laugh. Laughing is the best medicine on the planet. Most people are time poor first thing in the morning and bustle to get everything done before they start their work day. Bustling will cause stress, a major killer, so by thinking out what you have to do in advance you can not only make things run smoothly but save valuable time. Look at some simple examples:  Clean your teeth while you are showering.  Pre prepare your breakfast. If it is a juice with greens and fruit why not do enough for a week and freeze them in plastic bags. This could save you an hour a week and heaps of money.
  • 6. BEVERAGES One of the day’s highlights is always that very first sip of fresh coffee. I do not need some doctor to tell me that coffee is not good for you as my mind and body tell me that it does so much good. I feel excited when I am about to have it and then it gives me a pick up. All those things are good and an important part of my daily routine. We all know that coffee contains caffeine, but taken in moderation the pluses far outweigh the minuses. I have a mate Gary who used to have 15 cups a day which clearly is crazy, but it can be very easy to get into a robotic situation to have multiple cups because you can and it is easy to do. It may help you concentrate better as you work. I used to have six or seven cups a day and now I only have one in the morning as I have discovered a way to supplement coffee so I do not crave for it. Here is THE big surprise that is not well known. When your diet contains only healthy stuff, after a while your body and mind will not put pressure on you to grab sugar lollies and ice cream etc. It is the same with coffee, but the first cuppa is different and can never be replaced in my book. If I am working at my desk and feel like something hot to sip, I really enjoy Apple Cider Vinegar in hot water with honey, or a cup of Cinnamon Bark Tea. Both these drinks are incredibly good for you but so are most herbal teas, especially green tea. My main beverage is made from my Nutri Bullet and aside from the wonderful taste it is the most important thing I do every day. It becomes part of me and is my fuel to go and participate in life. My standard Nutri Bullet is made up of:  Frozen organic mixed berries. (Organic is important as the soft skins can catch bugs and can give you hepatitis A etc.)  Organic greens (50% of the shake)  Protein powder  Chia seeds  Raw Organic Maca Powder  LSA (Linseed, Sunflower seeds & Almonds)  Raw Honey  33% Organic almond milk  33% Organic Coconut Milk  33% Filtered water  Add some Organic Coconut Cream if desired This takes two minutes to prepare and acts as my brunch after gym and replaces any thoughts of a cuppa coffee. Notice no dairy products, but how good is almond milk? It is important to vary the contents based on seasonal availability, and always try and buy produce that is organic and has not travelled too far. By far the safest bet is to support our local farmers markets. The travel factor is an energy negative so local mixed berries over Serbia or Chile is preferred, but organic is always number one. Don’t even think about China.
  • 7. MY FAVOURITE SALAD Buy organic greens and clean them in a basin with some Apple Cider Vinegar which acts as an anti- fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial wash. Most of us significantly underestimate the amount and variety of chemicals sprayed onto the produce we eat. We are exposed to hundreds of them, and they accumulate in our body over time. Try at least 2 greens like kale and lettuce, beetroot, chopped black olives, lemon or lime zest, 1 lemon or lime juice, pine nuts, currants, chia seeds, ripe tomatoes, a seasonal fruit like peach etc, salt, pepper. FAVOURITE SALAD DRESSING (don’t buy it, make it) You can undo all the good from a healthy salad with an unhealthy dressing that is purchased. Try 1 avocado, lemon or lime juice, 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp of raw honey, cayenne powder to taste, ginger to taste, and turmeric to taste. Add water as required and blend and enjoy. NOTE I am still getting used to “hot” things and I am making an effort with cayenne and turmeric as both are incredibly good for you. TREATING YOUR BODY LIKE A CAR Most people get their car serviced every 12 months, but they disregard something much more important – themselves! Why? You can always replace a car when it dies on you but you only get one life, and if it dies, you don’t get a second chance, although Kerry Packer did, but let’s not have to rely on a fibrillator. If you drive a car and keep on putting your foot down on the floor then the motor will soon over heat, and if you keep doing it you will likely either crash or just burn your engine out. Think of your body as the same. Alternatively, if you don’t drive your car at all then it will get a flat battery and not start. Your body will also re-act the same way if you just get out of bed and sit all day. I have a mate who does that and he gets puffed out by collecting the mail. The key is to find a happy medium that allows your body to be exercised in an enjoyable fashion, but not too much so you will break down or burn out, or get bored. COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR BODY There is no shortage of “expert” advice on the net, but nobody knows your body better than yourself and if you take the time to “listen” to what it is saying to you it is generally a good practice to take it on board. Have you heard of the term: “get through the pain barrier”? If your body is in pain then it is asking you to stop and recover, by continuing on you are going against what your mind and body are trying to say to you. It is not rocket science, just common sense.
  • 8. “Experts” say that we need to have a certain amount of water every day. How can an outsider possibly know how much water you need to have? The only person who would know that is you, and you find that out by listening to your body. If your body is telling you that you could be thirsty soon then you should drink some water. You should drink as much as your body wants and it may be a cup or a litre. It is important to be pro-active and drink BEFORE you get thirsty as if you are working out and your body wants water then you have already done damage inside. I always have water before and during exercise and vary the amounts based on how I feel. Eating is the same as drinking; listen to your body. Almost everyone will tell you not to eat late at night and many “experts” say don’t eat after lunch. If my body is telling me that it is hungry at midnight then I will listen. It may be just a piece of fruit or something more substantial but logic tells me that hunger pains cannot be good. Like running a car on no petrol or burning a fire with no logs. The exception here is to be conscious of digestion and if you must have something late at night then ensure that it is easily digested like a salad or a smoothie (no protein). We discuss digestion later in depth and it really is the motor inside that also does not like to be over worked. Getting into good habits is a great thing to do and they all help to having a quality life. You don’t have to be a “robot” but simple things like sleep, rest, diet, exercise and fun should not be short- cutted. Dr. Mark Hyman, an incredible human, describes what to eat in the simplest of terms: “eat god’s food and stay away from food created by man”. In other words, plant foods are best for us and we should stay clear of anything that is processed or has sugar or toxins. I can hear you thinking that you cannot give up all those yummy burgers, pizzas and sweet deserts, but even Mark branches out occasionally when he feels like it. Nothing does you any harm in moderation and if 80% of your diet is healthy then you will likely avoid getting sick. Farmer’s markets are the best place to buy food from as the food will be fresh and would not have travelled too far which reduces emissions. LIFE EXPECTANCY OF VEGETARIANS VS MEAT EATERS I believe that god gave us two front teeth for a reason and that surely must be to chew on a yummy steak. The majority of the research that I have consumed advises that the cost of the pleasure of serving up a T bone or bangers and mash could be almost a decade off your life. Researchers are conducting a study to determine whether vegetarians and vegans live longer than the rest of the population, and so far, the answer seems to be a resounding “Yes!” Results suggest that, on average, vegetarian men and women live 9.5 and 6.1 years longer, respectively, than their meat-eating counterparts. The study also indicates that, in general, vegans are 13.6 kilos (30 pounds) leaner—and five units lighter in terms of body mass index—and that vegetarians and vegans are less insulin resistant than meat-eaters. Think about it: Vegan foods are cholesterol-free, generally low in saturated fat, and high in fibre, complex carbohydrates, and other essential nutrients. My 80/20 rule allows the two front teeth to come in to play which allows me to obtain the important vitamins B12 and D and minerals (including calcium and iron) that I need from meat. There has to be a balance without going “cold turkey”. I love a barbie!
  • 9. YOUR SKIN IS YOUR PROTECTION Meet 114 yo Bernando LaPallo and his granddaughter drinking a smoothie Bernado is a hero of mine and may he keep enjoying life. Notice his amazing soft smooth skin. Most people in their 60s start to crinkle up but Bernado not only puts olive oil in his daily foods, but he rubs it all over his body every day and he says it protects him from bugs and makes him look young. It does. This remarkable man has never been sick. His five favourite foods are honey, garlic, cinnamon, chocolate, and olive oil. His favourite one liner is: “look after your colon”. HAVING FUN Do something that makes you laugh every day; watch Seinfeld or something funny on YouTube or just read some funny jokes. There is no better medicine than a real belly laugh. Cheer your favourite sports team is a great feeling. A punter will tell you that backing a winner is the greatest feeling you can have and has been known to cure all types of ills like the flu. The vast majority of long and healthy livers have fun and share a sense of humour. A POSTIVE ENVIRONMENT STARTS WITH POSITIVE COMPANY Choosing the company you keep is the easiest thing to do in your life and most people don’t do it. It is so easy to have a drink with people you work with or go to social events with friends of friends etc. If you go with the flow, often you can find that you have just spent your last ten years socially with some people who you do not really like or trust. Sadly this can be your partner in life or business, but most of the time it is just people who happen to be at the same place as you are and this major negative can be avoided.
  • 10. Every New Year’s day I make a mental list of the people in my life who have been a negative influence on me over the last 12 months and I proactively sack them. It means that you have less people in your life, but the people who “make the cut” are genuine friends who create some added value in your life. You do not need to ring “hire a crowd” when you have a party, a smaller high quality genuine group is much better. Think about the people you socialise with, who want to spend time with you. Then ask yourself how many of these “friends” would still want to be in my company if I was a broke, unemployed and had to start all over? Ask yourself who would jump on the first plane and come and help me if I were arrested in Bali? The answer is your REAL friends. AVOID STRESS This is an impossible task so the best we can do is to minimise anything that will create stress in your life. Let’s discuss a few ways to minimize stress:  Getting a parking fine – ACTION: Don’t read it and don’t re-act to it. Just take it off the window and put it in your glove box. Ideally, give it to someone to pay for you without you ever knowing. Most people grab the ticket, read it and scream out FUCK! Then their entire body goes into a state of stress. When I see a ticket I just start to laugh and keep laughing until I have hidden it away using reverse psychology. I have never made an effort to read a fine.  Never argue with your partner – ACTION: Be easy going and make an effort to agree and be complementary. You cannot win in an argument and it may mean eating your dinner not made on love which never digests well. Also, sleeping on the lounge can be stressful so make an effort to solve any conflict, it’s worth it.  Don’t rush – ACTION: Plan in advance so you are never late and have to rush as this can be very stressful and even cause accidents. I always get to airports very early and have a cuppa a read the paper so I am relaxed when boarding is called.  Avoid traffic – ACTION: If you have to drive to work in peak hour heavy traffic every day you have a major stress problem. Sometimes you cannot avoid it, but sometimes you can by finding back streets or leaving earlier. If you calculate your “lost” down time you waste in traffic it is often cheaper to move closer to work. If you have no choice then use the time to talk on the phone with hands free or listen to an audio or some music.  Don’t read the death columns. It’s negative.  Don’t hold a grudge, address it and get over it.  If someone lets you down, learn from it and move on.  Don’t loan money especially to friends as it is a quick way to fracture a friendship. Either give them money for keeps or give them nothing.  A severed relationship is caused by only three reasons; 1) Money, 2) A misunderstanding or 3) Unfaithfulness If stress is not the biggest influencer to chronic ill health leading to fast path to death then it is close.
  • 11. Take a look at what it can do to us: Cardiovascular disease Hypertension Depression Anxiety Sexual dysfunction Infertility and irregular cycles Frequent colds Insomnia and fatigue Trouble concentrating Memory loss Appetite changes Digestive problems and dysbiosis Stress causes a number of detrimental events in your gut, including:  Decreased nutrient absorption  Decreased oxygenation to your gut  As much as four times less blood flow to your digestive system, which leads to decreased metabolism  Decreased enzymatic output in your gut as much as 20,000-fold  Prolonged stress can also damage your brain cells and make you lose the capacity to remember things.  Stress disrupts your neuroendocrine and immune systems, and appears to trigger a degenerative process in your brain that can result in Alzheimer's disease.  Stress-induced weight gain is also real, and typically involves an increase in belly fat, which is the most dangerous fat for your body to accumulate, and increases your cardiovascular risk.  During moments of high stress, your body releases hormones such as norepinephrine, which can even cause the dispersal of bacterial biofilms from the walls of your arteries. This dispersal can allow plaque deposits to suddenly break loose, thereby triggering a heart attack.  Plus, when stress becomes chronic, your immune system becomes increasingly desensitized to cortisol, and since inflammation is partly regulated by this hormone, this decreased sensitivity heightens the inflammatory response and allows inflammation to get out of control. Chronic inflammation is a hallmark of heart disease and many chronic diseases. Regular massages and getting adequate sleep, as sleep deprivation dramatically impairs your body’s ability to handle stress. That, along with regular physical activity and a healthy diet, are the foundational elements your body needs to bounce back from a stressful event. Obviously the people who you have in your life are crucial which is why a yearly review is a must do. You must sack all the bad influences. Life is short enough without making it shorter. IT COSTS NOTHING TO BE NICE Try helping an old lady cross a busy road and see how good it makes you feel, or do some work for charities. The good feel rewards far outweigh the effort. My godfather Uncle Bob would always go overboard to hug me and make me feel welcome when he saw me and it instantly made me feel warm and wanted in his life. That has always stayed with me and I have tried to honour his memory by recipricating when ever I meet people which include mobile phone communication. If my mobile is turned on and someone who I know calls me then they have an expectation that I will answer. Uncle Bob would never let his phone ring out, I miss his hugs and Luna Park smile.
  • 12. WHY MOST PEOPLE GET THE FLU Is it true that the average person touches their face between 2,000 and 3,000 times per day? Dr. Erin Mears (Kate Winslet) says this in the film but I can find nothing to prove or disprove. "On average, people touch their faces about 16 times an hour. Some people less, others as many as 100 touches per hour." Many people cannot help where they work and being exposed to air conditioning all day not only dries out your skin but also circulates germs. Hospitals and schools are especially unhealthy environments simply because you are exposed to sick people. By far the biggest factor in getting the flu is not washing your hands regularly. Unless you wash your hands every time you use your phone, keyboard, or doorknob, the best way to avoid sickness is to touch your face less. Researchers observed 249 people in public areas and subways in two cities. They found that the average person touches communal surfaces about three times an hour, and touches her/his own mouth or nose even more frequently. That’s a problem, because viruses and bacteria enter the body through mucus membranes in your nostrils, mouth, and eyes. When you scratch your nose or rub your eyes, you hand-deliver the germs you’ve picked up from touching common surfaces, and increase your risk of infection. And because any object you touch between hand-washings can contaminate your hands, experts say the solution isn’t just washing more, but also touching your face less. The good news is if you are healthy then you have a strong immune system and your risk of sickness is greatly minimized. REST AND SLEEP This is difficult for most people and while I find it almost impossible to sleep without a TV or radio, I compensate by resting when I feel I need to. I enjoy working long hours, but always try and lay down when I feel tired. Our bodies are not designed for a chair and when watching TV, it is very important to put your feet up. You will get various reports on how long we should sleep for but it is relevant if it is quality sleep or not. I sleep when I am tired and wake up when my body tells me it wants to get up. Simple! THERE are a small number of people who can function on a tiny amount of sleep. Margaret Thatcher, the former UK Prime Minister had the ability to get by in the top job on only four hours sleep each day, which researchers describe as a rare attribute. Others noted for completing demanding jobs on an allowance of four hours sleep a day include Sir Winston Churchill, real estate mogul Donald Trump and former CIA director David Petraeus. Alan Jones, the legendary radio breakfast host, former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and the controversial young telco entrepreneur Ruslan Kogan are among the tiny percentage of the population who regularly spend less than a sixth of their day asleep. But is it normal? Or is it just the unhealthy habit of workaholics?
  • 13. EXERCISE Few people exercise the two most observed parts of a human body, outlandish, but true. The face and the butt top the pole on what both sexes look at first when they see someone for the first time, but hardly anyone exercises their backside and few do face exercises. Think about it! I have never understood why people need a personal trainer. When it really comes down to it, they hire an expensive PT just to make sure they have to turn up and do the work. In other words, motivate them to get fit. I am sure there are many great PTs but most of them have done the course and treat everyone mostly the same – like a robot or a number. They want to bust your gut and make you hurt. If you don’t hurt they think you may think they are no good. Why do you need to hurt? Try hurting your car and see how long it lasts. I am very much in to working to a gradient and it MUST be enjoyable so you want to return. You gradually build up until you are at a comfortable level. Do what you can do easily, and then always try to go to the next notch, even if only once. Then the next time twice and then … Exercise should be enjoyable and NOT a labour. Most people start and then the “novelty” wears thin and it becomes too hard so they stop. I have a mate who only goes to the gym when he starts up a new relationship. Once he gets comfortable in the relationship the exercise stops, the pizzas and the copious quantities of booze start and then, you guessed it, he breaks up and starts all over again. The trick is to get into a routine and stick to it religiously. You can only do that if you enjoy it so go to a place that you like and set out a routine that works for you. You don’t have to do much, but it is important to do something every day so you can get your blood sugar levels up and improve your circulation. My gym at the SCG THE MORNING CONSITUTIONAL Let’s go back to the car again. If you see it spurting fumes out the back then you have a sick car. We are no different and most people take little or no notice of when they visit the bathroom. A doctor can tell how well you are by reading a pathologists report on your toilet samples, so surely it makes logical sense to notice yourself! I had this conversation with a buddy who said that he spurts out all over the toilet like a chocolate milkshake. That is a flashing red light that all is not well and if you do not change your diet or life style the “car” will crash, or just conk out. The main thing that doctors look for is traces of blood, but you should be able to tell if you are well without even looking. A good shape and texture and you should be ready for a great day, if not, you have a warning and should think about what you have eaten in the last 24 hours. It nothing changes, and then it is time to visit your doctor. The colour of your urine should be dependent on what you have just drunk. If you have just drunk a heap of water then it should be like water but if you had a vitamin B then it will be yellow. Most people can sleep 6 to 8 hours without having to urinate. But it's usually not a big deal if you get up once a night to pee. Drinking caffeinated drinks or alcohol or just drinking too much liquid too
  • 14. close to bedtime can cause it. So can medications; diabetes; or kidney, heart, prostate, or other health problems, so it’s worth getting checked out. Most people urinate between six and eight times a day. But if you're drinking plenty, it's not abnormal to go as many as 10 times a day. PEE WHEN YOU SHOULD UTI: Also known as urinary tract infection, UTI is a common side effect of holding your urine in for too long. This is because the collection of bacteria around the opening of your urethra (the tube that carries urine from inside your bladder to the outside) tend to enter it when you don’t pass urine often enough. Even if you are in a traffic jam and busting, find a bottle or just do it in your pants. You can always wash and clean. I had the pleasure to watch the first Kerry Packer ODI at the Showgrounds and it was packed and standing room only. There were no toilets anywhere and I could not move anyway, so I just filled up my KB can and nobody saw me. What a magic night it was! SELECTING YOUR PROFESSIONALS Most people do no research on who is their doctor, their dentist, their optometrist etc.. They just turn up at the closest surgery and take “pot luck”. That is like a punter closing his eyes and pointing blindly who he will back. What about if your doctor’s last three patients all died on the table? I went to great lengths to seek out a doctor that I would be comfortable with. I managed to find him and when he moved from Bondi to Double Bay I moved with him. I have yet to visit him for sickness and he tells me that almost all of his patients only see him when they are unwell. That is like calling the mechanic after your car has broken down instead of ensuring everything is in good order before you start off. My annual check-up with my doctor is simply to give me peace of mind. I know that I am well and feel good, but it is always a good feeling to have that formerly supported by a professional. In fact, it is downright dumb not to and so many things can go wrong without you knowing until it is too late. You don’t have to like your doctor, but you do have to respect the fact that he/she is a top professional and they have your best interests at heart. Unfortunately we do not get a form guide like a race horse to see how good they are, so it is advisable to do your own home work. Check forums and ask people who they trust, who they use and ask other professionals that you may come across like Ambulance drivers. Nurses are not only the best people in the world but they have plenty of first- hand knowledge on who is the best and who is not, after all, they are there on the spot. Like racehorses, there is a big difference between the best and the worst and if you allow the system to dictate to you then you and your family may well draw the short straw. Take control, we are talking about decision making on our health. Is anything more important?
  • 15. MY LIFE MENTORS I have the utmost admiration for anyone who takes on the establishment and is proven correct and the guys below did just that. Their books and you tube interviews are easy to find and because they are often against the norm, they cop plenty of flak from Big Pharma and their multi-billion dollar industries. You be the judge. Mark Hyman is an American physician, scholar and New York Times best- selling author. He is the founder and medical director of the UltraWellness Center and a columnist for The Huffington Post. This Guy has an amazing story and was going nowhere and then decided to do something about his life. You have to like a guy who refused his doctor's recommendation to take Prozac, when his body was failing. Watch him on You Tube and you will not believe he is only 55. Joseph Mercola is an alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic physician, and web entrepreneur who markets a variety of controversial dietary supplements and medical devices through his website, A true living legend and I often play his You Tubes on my IPad as I go to sleep at night. His logic and common sense never ceases to fascinate me: “You want to be centering your diet on whole foods, for starters – those that come from nature, are minimally processed and, ideally, are grown locally and without synthetic chemicals. At the same time, you want to minimize your intake of processed foods, particularly snack foods and convenience foods that have little to offer in the way of nutritional value. Such foods will add to your toxic load by way of high-fructose corn syrup, artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, and genetically modified (GM) ingredients while offering your body next to nothing in return.” Mike Adams, known as the "Health Ranger," he is an outspoken consumer health advocate, award-winning investigative journalist, internet activist and science lab director. He is the founder and editor of, the internet's most-trafficked natural health news website. He has his own lab and does his own research; I believe him and think he is the real deal. Ty Bollinger, is not a doctor but a highly regarded book author, medical researcher, health freedom advocate and former competitive bodybuilder, who lost seven close family members due to cancer and decided to devote his life to medical research to find alternative cancer treatments and cures. He interviews some amazing professionals who offer alternative opinions. His website is
  • 16. SEX IS GOOD FOR YOU My father responded to a 100 year old lady who said that her secret was “no sex” saying that he would “rather live half her age and have the fun”. There is strong testimony that sex is good for you. It turns out the lady who was against sex was actually against men and found them to be untrustworthy and argumentative so she stayed away and lived longer, now that is a different debate. Our “plumbing” that allows an organism to be created starts with the mind so in order to even start you must be feeling good about yourself for whatever reason, and that is a good thing. Like plumbing in our home, if you do not use it then it will rust up and when it is used after a long break it will likely not be at its best for a while. The obvious bonuses are mental; it makes you feel good, it promotes physicality, but what about from a health perspective? You decide, but logic tells me that god gave us tools for a reason and I have always been of the mind that anything that you do that moves your blood stream around your body must be good for you. Nature is telling us that the “tadpoles” are jumping up and down and want to get out and they need some help to jump over the wall. It cannot be healthy to disappoint them. Now I have gone on about the best way to not get sick is to clean your hands and don’t touch dirty things and spread the germs. Based on that philosophy it is a fair argument to say that we should shower before having sex. My guess is that the vast majority do not as often it is a “moment” thing. This is an exception to the rule when it comes to two normal people having sex. It is a very normal, clean and a healthy exercise providing both parties are healthy and clean. If one party has not washed for days and had sex with other people etc then it is a different story, but otherwise nature is nature and that is a beautiful thing. The argument to NOT indulge carries far greater negatives. The Men’s Journal’s Mel Juntti wrote: You don't need a scientist to tell you that sex can be a full-tilt, sweat-drenched workout. But how many calories does a good romp really burn? In a recent study, researchers measured energy expended during sex versus running, and found that we get our hearts pumping and muscles cranking enough during sex for it to be considered moderate exercise.
  • 17. On average, the men burned 9.2 calories per minute while jogging (or about 230 calories for a 25- minute jog) and had a mean intensity of 8.5 METs, compared to 4.2 calories per minute (105 calories per session) and 6 METs during sex. Women burned a little less, logging 7.1 calories per minute and 8.1 METs on the treadmill, and 3.1 calories per minute and 5.6 METs during sex. Unsurprisingly, jogging for a half-hour taxed everyone's bodies more than having sex – but the researchers were impressed at how much energy these people exerted during sex. While it's not on the level of doing wind sprints or 30-lap pool sessions, sex can be a legit form of exercise. Sex should not replace regular exercise, rather, sex and exercise should both be incorporated into your routine on a regular basis. Studies show that each improves health, so the combination of the two leads to a greater quality of life. TIME Perhaps the most valuable thing you have is time. Do you know you can turn a three hour footy delayed broadcast into only two hours by recording and fast forward through the adverts? You can save hours of valuable time each week by “series linking” your favourites shows and fast forward through ads. I very rarely watch anything when it is scheduled on TV unless it is a sports event that I am interested in or perhaps a political election. The great thing about recording or series linking your favourite shows it that you can watch and stop them at your convenience. No rushing home and no cancelling other appointments, but the major gain is that you have freed up many hours of “dead” time that can be used much more productively. Most people waste 70% of their time not focusing on the job at hand, and when they do they often get distracted. If you don’t believe me then follow someone around. A typical salesman is employed to sell. Very few salesmen spend more than 30% of their working hours actually selling to customers. The biggest mistake their employers make is to give them a desk and a PC in a nice office. If ever you want to find a salesman, you have a 70% chance of finding them at their desk doing some mundane clerical task like an invoice or a quote, something a 17 year old could do who is on 20% of the salary. 80% of sales require five follow up calls after the meeting and 44% of the sales people give up after only one follow up call. You can apply this strategy to most things in life. I used to preach to my sales teams that they have a rare opportunity to set themselves up for life, and the people who are the buyers are only accessible between 9am and 5pm and they are the “privileged hours” so anything not directly related to selling should be done outside of those hours. The average ones sat down and ate lunch for 60 minutes at 1pm every day, while good ones were trying to close a sale. I like to make a smoothie with greens and fruit and to actually prepare it can take around 20 minutes, but to prepare enough for a week does not take much longer and you can freeze the other six days which also maintain the freshness and the nutrients. That one exercise probably saves me an hour each week.
  • 18. LEARN FROM OLD PEOPLE (Notes taken from centurions) I have always been fascinated by the elderly as they have so much wisdom and we can learn so much from them. Here are some notes from some who made it to 100 and above: “Keeping your mind active, being with friends and staying happy. Your mind and controlling your ideas. Your home and family conditions are important. Having a positive attitude. Mind your own business and don’t eat junk food. Eat sushi and sleep and learn to relax. Laughter, activity and have a stomach like an ostrich. Never get bored. Hard work and a glass of wine. Be nice, worship god and eat pigs feet. Two eggs a day, one raw and one cooked. Exercise, eat porridge. Staying positive and lot of singing. Avoid stress.” PERCEPTION IS REALITY Have you got more “Chins” than a Chinese phone book? If you look good, your eyes will communicate to your mind that you feel good and that will have an overwhelming positive impact on your wider well-being. You can control looking good and it has nothing to do with being born with movie star looks. Some examples of what you can do. o The number one visual that makes you look much older than you are is your face; it is what everyone looks at first. Getting regular facials does wonders for your skin, but you should give yourself a “mini” facial every time you wash your face. Your face is the first thing that people look at yet very few people bother to exercise it, and like your arms and legs, your face and especially neck has its own muscles. o Do you want to look like a turkey? Well you can easily avoid having a double chin and or a turkey throat simply by massaging it when you wash and also pulling weird faces in the mirror. Try it and notice the difference. o Always dress well with clean clothes. Make the effort and you will be pleased you did. AVOID BEARDS I am not totally sold on beards leading to health problems but all hair will attract germs so logically a face with thicker hair logically must harbour more germs than a cleanly shaven person. Carol Walker, a consultant trichologist, said having facial hair can lead to more frequent skin infections and to germs being passed on to others.
  • 19. Beards harbour more germs because facial hair is courser than other hair, so traps dirt and germs more easily, she explained. She told MailOnline: 'Beard hair; its courser. It has the shape of a bayonet, a round, convexed bottom and then comes up the side to a point. 'It becomes curly and smooth, it tends to have more bends and kinks which trap dirt. 'The cuticles on the hair – which are like layers of tiles on a roof - trap the germs and grease. 'Hair around nostrils and mouth is well-placed to harbour bacteria. There is also the possibility that a bearded person will pass the bacteria living on their beard to other people. Mrs Walker said: 'If you're affectionate with someone, if you kiss them, you can pass on bacteria.' SORE THROAT, COLDS It is doubtful that you have never heard of hydrogen peroxide as a cure for our most common complaints. The main reason is that it only costs a couple of dollars as opposed to the billions that Big Pharma makes with over the counter medicines that have little success. I know this works. If you have a sore throat and cannot swallow, after putting some HP down your ears you should be cured almost immediately, amazing, but true. In 1928, Richard Simmons, M.D. hypothesized that colds and flu viruses enter through your ear canal, as opposed to your nose and throat. But his findings were dismissed by the medical community. Then in 1938, German researchers had great success using hydrogen peroxide for treating colds and the flu. But their data had been ignored for over 60 years. You will hear some bubbling, which is completely normal, and possibly feel a slight stinging sensation. Wait until the bubbling and stinging subside (usually 5 to 10 minutes), then drain onto a tissue or the sink and repeat with the other ear. A bottle of hydrogen peroxide in 3 percent solution is available at any chemist store for a couple of dollars or less. Of course, the best way to treat a cold is to not get one in the first place. And the key to preventing colds is to keep your immune system strong and healthy. PREVENTION IS THE KEY Cold viruses are all around you, living on your computer keyboard, coffee mugs, door handles and other objects for hours, so coming into contact with them is part of daily living. However, the key to remember is that just being exposed to a cold virus does not mean you'll catch a cold. If your immune system is operating at its peak, it should actually be quite easy for you to fend off those viruses without getting sick. On the other hand, if your immune system is impaired, they'll easily take hold in your body. The major reasons your immune system becomes weakened and you come down with a cold are:  Eating too much sugar and too many grains  Not getting enough rest  Inadequately managing your stress  Inadequate exercise  Vitamin D deficiency DON’T MISS THE WARNING SIGNALS You will know. It may be a sniffle, a hint of a sore throat, a lack of energy or something that you know keeps you from being 100%. This is a crucial period and this is when you must stop whatever you are doing and focus on yourself. Depending on what the warning sign is go overboard with threating yourself. Pump yourself up with all the best foods and liquids that you know will give you and boost and when you are ready to go to sleep, this is the most important thing to do, you physically rev yourself up while you are having a
  • 20. hot shower and convince yourself that you have just given your body the medicine that is needs and when you wake everything will be back to normal. The shower acts not only as a cleanser physically, but also complements what you are telling your body and is a grossly under estimated and under- utilized medical aid. It always works for me. NEVER STOP WORKING One of the joys is surely talking to the elderly who are so giving and have so much wisdom that they love to pass on to you if you are prepared to listen. A common point with most is that it is vital to always be busy and continue to exercise your mind. Always do something, challenge yourself. Early retirement is supposed to give you extra golden years to enjoy. But that may not happen, a new study suggests. A study of Shell Oil employees shows that people who retire at age 55 and live to be at least 65 die sooner than people who retire at 65. After age 65, the early retirees have a 37% higher risk of death than counterparts that retired at 65. That's not all. People who retire at 55 are 89% more likely to die in the 10 years after retirement than those who retire at 65. The researchers looked at all past employees of Shell Oil who retired at ages 55, 60, or 65. "Mortality improved with increasing age at retirement for people from both high and low socioeconomic groups," they found. "Retiring at 65 was not associated with a greater risk of mortality than retiring at 55 or 60." AVOID GLUTEN FOODS Gluten, a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye, and barley, causes the immune system to attack the intestines in people with celiac disease. But non-celiac gluten sensitivity may actually affect as many as 30 percent to 40 percent of the population and according to Dr. Alessio Fasano at Massachusetts General Hospital, virtually all of us are affected to some degree. Glutinous proteins, known as prolamines, can make your gut more permeable, which allows partially digested proteins to get into your bloodstream that would otherwise have been excluded, any of which can sensitize your immune system and promote inflammation, contribute to chronic disease. Once gluten sensitizes your gut, it then becomes more permeable and all manner of gut bacterial components and previously excluded dietary proteins—including casein and other dairy proteins— have direct access to your bloodstream, thereby further challenging your immune system. Gluten may even negatively impact mood and brain health. Most gluten-free products are nothing more than refined, processed junk foods. FOOD ENZYMES YOUR LIFE CLOCK? Dr Edward Howell (PIC) was a pioneer in the field of food enzyme nutrition and his theory, although can never be proven, is fascinating and certainly is logical. According to Dr. Howell, food enzyme nutrition and the length of life is inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential of an organism. The increased use of food enzymes promotes a decreased rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential, whole foods give good health; enzyme-rich foods provide limitless energy. Cooking our food results in a shortened life span, illness and a lowered resistance to various types of stress; food enzymes are
  • 21. essential for proper digestion which directly correlates with dramatic improvements in health and longevity. Dr. Howell has 70 years of data on this subject, whom was never going to be supported by the medical industry as it goes against “Big Pharma” and the billions they make from cancer treatments etc, but in a nutshell, our digestive system requires enzymes to process the food we eat and the older we get the less enzymes we create. The more we eat, the more enzymes we use and eating processed or non-live enzyme-rich foods, the more enzymes we use. When we run out of enzymes, we die. By eating easy to digest foods like greens and not eating big meals you have more enzymes and a better, healthy and longer life. DR. HOWELL’S FOOD ENZYME THEORY – “You are what you digest”  That the enzymes present in raw foods are of significant help in digesting the foods themselves once they are put into the human digestive system.  That cooking destroys these "food enzymes," forcing the body to produce more of its own digestive enzymes than would otherwise be necessary to digest the food.  That the body has a finite lifetime "enzyme potential" for manufacturing digestive enzymes, which is important for preserving health and longevity; and a portion of which is unrecoverably "used up" in producing otherwise unnecessary digestive enzymes each time cooked foods are eaten.  That enzymes in raw food also carry the "life force," which can be transferred to the body, enhancing vitality and longevity; and that the body must use up some of its own "life force"/"enzyme potential" to compensate whenever cooked foods (that have no life force/live enzymes) are eaten. This is part hypothetical science, part mystical theory, but 100% fascinating. Here are just some of the activities in your body requiring enzymes:  Energy production  Absorption of oxygen  Fighting infections and healing wounds  Reducing inflammation  Getting nutrients into your cells  Carrying away toxic wastes  Breaking down fats in your blood, regulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels  Dissolving blood clots  Proper hormone regulation  Slowing the aging process Dr. Edward Howell believed you were born with a limited enzyme-producing capacity, and that your life expectancy depends on how well you preserve your "enzyme potential." His theory was that if you don't get enough enzymes from the food you eat, great strain is placed on your digestive system to "pick up the slack," i.e., produce enough enzymes to accomplish the task. A deficiency in digestive enzymes then reduces availability of your metabolic enzymes. Howell believed this metabolic enzyme deficit was at the root of most chronic health problems. The more raw foods you eat, the lower the burden on your body to produce the enzymes it needs, not only for digestion, but for practically everything. Whatever enzymes are not used up in digestion is then available to help with other important physiological processes.
  • 22. Once consumed, your meal begins a complicated, multi-phased journey of breakdown and conversion into nutrients your body can use. This process is, of course, called digestion, and enzymes play a key role. It is a sad fact that 90 percent of the food Australians buy is processed food. Diets heavy in cooked, processed, and sugary foods, combined with overuse of pharmaceutical drugs such as antibiotics, deplete your body's ability to make enzymes. Heating your food above 46 deg C (116 F) renders most enzymes inactive. This is one of the reasons it's so important to eat your foods raw. Raw foods are enzyme-rich, and consuming them decreases your body's burden to produce its own enzymes. The more food that you can eat raw, the better. Ideally, you should get 75 percent of your digestive enzymes from your food. Complicating matters, your capacity for enzyme production also declines with age. When digestion of foods requires such a heavy demand, enzyme supplies run short and your enzyme-producing capacity can become exhausted. Why does this matter? The high demand for digestive enzymes depletes your body's production of metabolic enzymes, which every cell in your body needs in order to function. There are four ways to naturally increase your enzyme levels: 1. Increase your intake of raw, living foods 2. Eat fewer calories 3. Chew your food thoroughly 4. Avoid chewing gum The very best way to get enzymes into your body is by consuming at least 75 percent of your foods raw. For many of you, you'll have to work toward this goal gradually. While all raw foods contain enzymes, the most powerful enzyme-rich foods are those that are sprouted (seeds and legumes). Sprouting increases the enzyme content in these foods tremendously. Besides sprouts, other enzyme-rich foods include:  Papaya, pineapple, mango, kiwi, and grapes  Avocado  Raw honey (the enzymes actually come from the bee's saliva)  Bee pollen  Extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil  Raw meat and dairy The best way to bump up your metabolic enzymes is to provide your body with the raw materials and energy it needs to make them. By eating these types of foods, you supply your body with the amino acids and the enzyme co-factors needed to boost your own natural enzyme production. Another way to lower your body's demand for enzymes is to reduce your caloric intake. Did you know the average person spends 80 percent of his available energy simply digesting food? By reducing overall consumption, as well as introducing more living foods, you reduce your need for digestive enzymes, which allows your body to put more of its energy into producing metabolic enzymes. Which brings us to chewing. Quite apart from the esthetic pleasure of an unhurried meal, there are important physiological reasons to chew your food well. Chewing stimulates saliva production, and the more time you spend chewing, the longer your saliva enzymes have to work in your mouth, lessening the workload of your stomach and small intestine. Chewing also stimulates a reflex that sends a message to your pancreas and other digestive organs, "Gear up—we've got incoming!" And don't chew gum. Chewing gum fools your body into believing it is digesting something, so it pumps out digestive enzymes unnecessarily. Why waste those precious resources?
  • 23. Once you understand this, you may begin to see just how important it is to eat a diet rich in fresh, organic, raw foods. You may even want to try juicing some of your vegetables as a way of getting more nutrients—and enzymes—into your body. It has been said, "You are what you eat." But really, "You are what you digest" is closer to the truth. THE BEST WATER 1. Tap Water – Easy, quick, convenient. But how many pollutants lurk in your water? And what is your associated health risk? One report said that over 75,000 chemicals are found in the Sydney tap water and all tape water (except Byron Bay) has the cancer attraction of fluoride. 2. Bottled Water – Did you know that 40% of bottled water is actually TAP WATER? With or without added filtration – you're paying through the nose for it. Worse, an independent test found arsenic, DPBs, and 36 other harmful pollutants hiding in bottled water plastic bottles. 3. Distilled Water – Use with caution. Long-term use can invite health problems, because its minerals are evaporated out. So to try to maintain mineral balance, it sucks minerals out of your body. 4. Alkaline Water – Although there is some controversy on this, most experts believe that this water should be used for short-term detoxification only (1-2 weeks max). Additionally, the alkalinization process does NOT filter the water so you need to carefully evaluate the water filter for the specific alkaline water unit it's using. 5. Vitamin Waters – Don't be fooled… Vitamin waters contain high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), artificial colors, additives, preservatives, and caffeine. Even worse… they use distilled water to produce these products – which as you just read, is one of the worst types of water you can consume. 6. THE BEST: 5 Stage Reverse Osmosis - purifies your drinking water in five stages using reverse osmosis. Filtration removes suspended and dissolved solids such as chlorides, metals and chemicals, and provides fresh clean drinking water. SUMMARY: This eBook is the culmination of notes I have kept over years, quotes from people I respect, and of course, my personal thoughts that are largely based on “trial and error” with a bit of objective logic thrown in. I adore the consistent learning process and improving my quality of life. I firmly believe that you get out of life what you put in to it, so what works for me may not work for you, but if something here enhances your path to good health and a better quality of life then enjoy it as we are not here for long – but it can be longer and better, if you have a mind to do something about it. Scott