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WHITNEY BRYAN: Account Planner

        Three One-Act
     Advertising Stories
The theatre was created to
tell people the truth
about life and the social

                  -Stella Adler
A few words about the playwright/director/lead

For about 7 of my 25 years, if you had to look for me,
I’d probably be on stage.

What does this have to do with planning?

Well, it means that I’ve had to be able to understand
the thoughts and desires of a lot of different people
very quickly (both real and fictional!)

I like to get beneath the surface of people and find
out what really makes them tick – as they say in the
theatre, it’s all about discovering a character’s

While I may not have pursued a career in theatre, my
desire to get inside the heads of all sorts of
characters has never gone away.

I’m primed to figure out what people really want.   Not
just what they say they want.


Account Planner   Whitney Bryan
Account Planner   James Colistra

Copywriter        Alphie Ali
Art Director      Umut Gocmen
(At center stage stands THE CHALLENGE: PNC, a bank     TARGET:     We cemented our target as young urban
with a regional presence in the Northeast, Midwest,                professionals – people between 22-28
and Florida, wanted to add a new credit                            years old in the first five years of
card to its portfolio and attract a new, dynamic                   their careers.
audience for the brand. The 4th largest bank in the
US, PNC achieved its rank through its commitment to    INSIGHTS:   After talking to some of these
customer service and to safeguarding its customers’                people, we discovered something
money and investments.)                                            interesting. While young professionals
                                                                   can manage their finances fairly well,
                                                                   they have nothing left over
                                                                   at the end of the month to save – they
HOW WE STARTED: After getting the brief, we began to               just “break even.”
                wonder about the credit history of
                other people around our age and                    As one person we talked to said,
                at a similar stage in life – do                    “I’m not sure how I’m supposed to save
                they have similar credit histories?                for the future when I have no money TO
                What financial issues do they face?                save.”
                What do they wish they could change
                about their financial situations?                  At this point, we decided that the card
                                                                   we were going to create had to do
                We researched PNC’s existing credit                something about this cyclical process
                cards and had a look at the market                 of breaking even month to month.
                overall. None of the cards in PNC’s                Clearly, this was an opportunity to
                current line of personal cards were                connect with a major frustration that
                marketed towards college graduates                 our target had and demonstrate how PNC
                or young professionals.                            can actively alleviate this
                And, as we looked at the                           frustration.
                credit card market as a whole,
                the cards marketed to young            THE CARD:   We called our card the PNC Plus Card.
                professionals had limited benefits.                We decided that it would take a
                                                                   percentage of what the customer spends
                We decided that this presented                     on the card each month and put it into
                an excellent opportunity                           a low risk mutual fund. It would
                to draw in a new group of                          effectively help young professionals
                customers to PNC. People who                       plan and save for their futures.
                could be potential lifetime
                customers. And we’d create a                       It also featured discounts at
                product that actually suited                       participating restaurants and
                their needs.                                       entertainment venues in the areas where
                                                                   PNC has a high presence.
COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY: The PNC card for young            CREATIVE STRATEGY:     Breaking even is no way to live.
                         professionals helps you
                         break out of breaking even.       ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY:   Use interactive tactics that will
                                                                                  give consumers an immediate sense
                                                                                  of how the card will help them
                                                                                  save for the future.

                                                   -END SCENE-
Creative Executions

We created a microsite for the card,   We also created a smart phone application that linked directly
where customers could manage their     to the microsite.
monthly budget and monitor their
mutual fund.

                                       Customers could see the
                                       benefits of the card’s other
                                       main feature, discounts at
                                       local restaurants and
                                       entertainment venues,
                                       on their receipts   .
A final thought about the creative work on PNC…

While our strategy tapped into a problem unique and specific to young professionals,
we should have made the creative campaign resonate more with our target audience. We
could have developed executions that depicted what our target’s futures would be like
without savings, and demonstrate how the card can improve these futures.

Additionally, we could have more closely examined what it means for our target to
lack the ability to save monthly in a more immediate way. Are they unable to afford
major emergency expenses? Do they have to cut back on small indulgences like buying
coffee in the morning and going out to dinner?

The creative work could have been stronger had we focused on these areas.
Act 2: Uncle Ben’s Rice


 Account Planner   Whitney Bryan
 Account Planner   Ebubekir Kalkan

 Copywriter        Corey Stoddard
 Art Director      Juan Pablo Lemus
(Again, at center stage stands THE CHALLENGE:         TARGET (contd):   They wanted to make food that
Uncle Ben’s has traditionally tried to market to                        was wholesome and healthy and
mothers. However, its 90 second ready rice                              were concerned about artificial
variety hasn’t been connecting with them. We were                       ingredients and additives in their
tasked with finding new insights to help Uncle                          foods.
Ben’s better communicate this product to moms – or,
potentially communicate to an entirely new target.)   INSIGHTS:         We discovered that the “health
                                                                        conscious speed cooks” had a
HOW WE BEGAN:   To tackle this problem, we started                      few reservations about instant
                out by looking at cooking blogs.                        side items – Uncle Ben and its
                Interestingly, by reading the blog                      neighbors on the aisle which
                entries and the comments, two                           include Hamburger Helper,
                different types of cooks emerged.                       Rice-a-roni (and its sister
                And they weren’t necessarily moms.                      Pasta-roni), Kraft Mac N
                                                                        Cheese, and other similar
                One type we identified as                               foods.
                “aspiring gourmets” – people who
                enjoyed the cooking process as                          As one member of our target
                much as the meal itself and loved                       put it, “Stuff from the box is
                to discover different recipes and                       kind of sketchy.”
                experiment with ingredients.
                                                                        Uncle Ben’s is most certainly
TARGET:         We selected the other type of                           not sketchy – its ingredients
                cooks we discovered as our target                       list is tremendously different
                - the “health conscious speed-                          from other boxed items. How
                cooks.” This group was more                             could we convince this group
                interested in finishing the                             that Uncle Ben’s was a box
                cooking process as quickly as                           without sub-par ingredients?
                possible so they could get down to
                the business of eating – their                          Fortunately for us, the answer
                ideal cooking time was half an                          was on the Uncle Ben’s box
                hour on average. Though they                            label. Unlike many of its
                wanted to make meals quickly, they                      competitors, Uncle Ben’s states that
                weren’t interested in                                   it’s heart healthy and low in
                compromising on the quality of the                      cholesterol on the box – its wholesome
                ingredients in their meals.                             credentials are obvious.
THE COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY:   Uncle Ben’s rice is the      THE CREATIVE STRATEGY:   Uncle Ben’s – wholesome food
                               only box that fits in                                 real estate.
                               with your wholesome meal.
                                                            THE ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY: Use print and online tactics
                                                                                     that demonstrate how Uncle
                                                                                     Ben’s rice fits in with the
                                                                                     other healthy items on
                                                                                     your plate.

                                              -END SCENE-
Creative Executions

We created a coupon print piece,
inserted into the real estate
section of papers, positioning Uncle
Ben as a “food realtor.”
                                                                 We came up with
                                                                print executions
                                                                that illustrated
                                                                    the real
                                                                  estate theme.

                                           We also created a web banner directly comparing Uncle Ben’s
                                                               to its competitors.
A final thought about the creative work on Uncle Ben’s…

Our creative executions needed to better specifically reflect what our target is
already cooking, and how Uncle Ben’s fits in with those meals. Our tagline and
creative idea allude to this, but the executions themselves stop short of
illustrating the exact types of meals our target is making, and how Uncle Ben’s fits
in with those meals.
Act 3:
Starbucks Doubleshot
   Coffee + Energy

Account Planner   Whitney Bryan
Account Planner   Ebubekir Kalkan

Copywriter        Corey Stoddard
Art Director      Juan Pablo Lemus
(For the last time, at center stage stands THE        INSIGHTS (contd):   College students drink a ton of
CHALLENGE: The North American Coffee Partnership                          energy drinks, but all of the
[NACP] and Freedom Zone tasked us with developing a                       drinks only focus on giving them a
marketing platform based on the film industry to                          boost of physical energy.
promote Starbucks Doubleshot: Energy + Coffee.
While the drink leads in sales against its direct                         None help them create sustained
competitors, Java Monster and Rockstar Roasted,                           mental energy – an important thing
NACP and FreedomZone wanted to generate greater                           to have when you’re constantly
brand awareness in younger consumers, specifically                        looking for inspiration to write
college students. Additionally, HBO agreed to help                        papers and essays.
facilitate part of the project to create greater
brand desirability amongst the same audience.)                            Starbucks Doubleshot has
                                                                          ingredients that help boost mental
                                                                          performance. The caffeine in the
HOW WE BEGAN:    We looked at the energy drink                            drink gives you an initial jolt of
                 market as a whole to see how                             energy, and the guarana and ginseng
                 Starbucks Doubleshot compared to                         in the drink are known to boost
                 other drinks in the marketplace.                         mental functions.
                 We read online energy drink
                 reviews and looked at marketing                          We realized Doubleshot was uniquely
                 programs that brands like Monster,                       positioned to give our target
                 Rockstar and Redbull have                                something they needed, but hadn’t
                 developed and are                                        ever gotten from an energy drink
                 currently developing.                                    before – mental energy. But we
                                                                          wanted to go one step farther and
                 We also conducted a series of                            tell our audience why having
                 focus groups to find out how                             sustained mental energy is
                 college students consume energy                          important. We wanted to tell them
                 drinks. We wanted to find out                            exactly what extra mental energy
                 what brands they drink, and where                        can help them do – overcome those
                 and why they drink them.                                 pesky mental barriers that plague
                                                                          many people anytime they sit down
INSIGHTS:        Our key findings came from an                            to write something.
                 intersection between unique
                 characteristics of the Doubleshot
                 product, and how college kids have
                 been buying and drinking
                 energy drinks.
“PROJECT WRITER’S                                       “PROJECT WRITER’S
BLOCK”:             We decided to build a platform      BLOCK” contd:       The story would go into production
                    that focused on the most common                         during its completion and premiere
                    mental barrier – writer’s block.                        as an actual movie on the HBO
                    The centerpiece of the project                          channel, HBO’s website, and as
                    worked like this:                                       part of HBO and Doubleshot’s
                                                                            current college film program
                    Screenwriter Alan Ball,                                 “Doubleshot Double Feature.”
                    Academy Award winning
                    screenwriter and creator of HBO’s   COMMUNICATIONS
                    True Blood, would announce that     STRATEGY:           Starbucks Doubleshot helps you
                    he needs help finishing his next                        breakthrough mental barriers.
                    project - a new TV movie for HBO.
                    He would start off his concept      CREATIVE STRATEGY: Write on with Starbucks
                    for the story (introduce the                           Doubleshot.
                    characters and the basic
                    scenario) and then ask the public   ENGAGEMENT
                    to help him finish it.              STRATEGY:           Generate grassroots buzz and
                                                                            galvanize people to participate
                    The story would be completed in                         with the brand with word of mouth,
                    phases – after Alan explained the                       experiential, and online tactics.
                    intro, the public would first
                    develop and pitch ideas for the                           -END SCENE-
                    rising action, then the climax,
                    then the falling action/ending.

                    For each phase of the story,
                    people would get to submit their
                    ideas online at a microsite, and
                    other users/members of the public
                    would vote on their favorite
                    ideas for how the story should
                    progress. So, the idea that
                    received the most votes would be
                    the idea for that phase of the
                    story, then people would submit
                    ideas and vote on the next phase
                    of the story, and so on.
Creative Executions
                                             …in addition to on and offline
We used social media to generate buzz
                                             community boards and classified
about the project…
Creative Executions

   The microsite provided background on the rules for the project, Alan’s story intro, and a space to
                                         submit your own ideas…

The microsite also
provided practical
help on how to get
over writer’s
block – you could
find out the
nearest place to
get a Doubleshot,
and view live
feeds to get
Creative Executions

For college students, we created giant “writer’s blocks,” where
people could write words of inspiration to help overcome
writer’s block. Doubleshot campus ambassadors would be on hand
to hand out product samples.

                                                                  We also developed an online version of
                                                                  the giant block, which projected
                                                                  people’s words of inspiration onto an
                                                                  a web banner.
A final thought about the creative work on Starbucks Doubleshot…

The creative idea reflected the strategy and contained engaging, audience-relevant
executions. The central part of The Writer’s Block project could have been adjusted
to be more low-involvement. The project required people to submit story ideas in 500
words – we could have found a way for people to continue the story in a more
effortless and less time-consuming way.

We could have also developed point of sale executions to directly drive additional
sales of the product. While our project has many awareness-raising components, we
should have created executions that would do more to actively drive consumers to buy
If you’re casting for a new planner…
                                       …check out my experience below

                                                                                                                                                           302 Vine Court
                                                                                                                                                           Mandeville, LA 70448
Whitney Elana Bryan                                                                                                                                        (985) 373-8446

Experience Highlights                                                                             Education

MORE TH>N Insurance "Life's Worth" Campaign: Worked alongside Hyper, digital arm of Fallon, to    Miami Ad School – Account Planner’s Bootcamp 2010
create the "Life's Worth" website ( - an online tool that allows
MORE TH>N customers to calculate the worth of their home contents and predict how the value of    M.A. International Public Relations; Cardiff University, School of Journalism and Media, 2007
the contents will change over time.                                                               Graduated with distinction (equivalent of Summa Cum Laude)

Kellogg's NutriGrain "Bring back the tea trolley" Campaign: Worked to develop an online viral     B.A. Loyola University New Orleans, 2006
( and media drop initiative featuring Kellogg's        Major: Drama/Communications
baker boys calling for a return to the traditional British tea breaks at 11am and 4pm. The PR                 President, Alpha Psi Omega (National American Dramatic Honour Fraternity)
activity supported the Kellogg's NutriGrain television campaign.                                              Member, P.R.S.S.A. (Public Relations Student Society of America)
                                                                                                  Graduated Summa Cum Laude (3.9 GPA)
Apetina Cheese "Text for recipes" Campaign: Worked to develop mobile service allowing Apetina     Academic Scholarship and Drama Scholarship to Loyola University
cheese customers to receive recipe ideas via SMS. Apetina's retained advertising agency, McCann   Dean’s List Every Semester
Erickson, supported the activity with a print campaign.
                                                                                                  Additional Skills and Interests
Work Experience
                                                                                                  Languages: Spanish (intermediate)
Third Sector PR                                                                                   Classically trained mezzo-soprano
London, England, UK                                                                               Participated in over 15 productions in the New Orleans, Louisiana theatre community, including
Senior Account Executive                                                                          original works as well as contemporary and classical plays (Chekov’s The Cherry Orchard, Gilbert
           January 2009 – September 2009                                                          and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance and The Mikado, Wilder’s Picnic)

Cow PR                                                                                            Additional Honours/Memberships
London, England, UK
Account Executive                                                                                 Member, Alpha Sigma Nu (National American Jesuit Honour Fraternity)
          January 2008 – December 2008                                                            Member, Sigma Delta Pi (National American Spanish Honour Society)
                                                                                                  Loyola University Women’s Issues Leadership Award-2005
Zehnder Communications
New Orleans, LA, USA                                                                              References
Public Relations Associate
           January 2006 – August 2006                                                             Nick Dear                                                         Amy Mahfouz
                                                                                                  MORE TH>N                                                         Tulane University
                                                                                                  External Communications Consultant                                Communications Manager
                                                                                                  (+44) 207 337 5620                                                504 337 6181
Thanks for reading!

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  • 1. WHITNEY BRYAN: Account Planner Three One-Act Advertising Stories
  • 2. The theatre was created to tell people the truth about life and the social situation. -Stella Adler
  • 3. A few words about the playwright/director/lead actress: For about 7 of my 25 years, if you had to look for me, I’d probably be on stage. What does this have to do with planning? Well, it means that I’ve had to be able to understand the thoughts and desires of a lot of different people very quickly (both real and fictional!) I like to get beneath the surface of people and find out what really makes them tick – as they say in the theatre, it’s all about discovering a character’s motivation. While I may not have pursued a career in theatre, my desire to get inside the heads of all sorts of characters has never gone away. I’m primed to figure out what people really want. Not just what they say they want.
  • 4. Act 1: PNC BANK Cast: Account Planner Whitney Bryan Account Planner James Colistra Copywriter Alphie Ali Art Director Umut Gocmen
  • 5. (At center stage stands THE CHALLENGE: PNC, a bank TARGET: We cemented our target as young urban with a regional presence in the Northeast, Midwest, professionals – people between 22-28 and Florida, wanted to add a new credit years old in the first five years of card to its portfolio and attract a new, dynamic their careers. audience for the brand. The 4th largest bank in the US, PNC achieved its rank through its commitment to INSIGHTS: After talking to some of these customer service and to safeguarding its customers’ people, we discovered something money and investments.) interesting. While young professionals can manage their finances fairly well, they have nothing left over at the end of the month to save – they HOW WE STARTED: After getting the brief, we began to just “break even.” wonder about the credit history of other people around our age and As one person we talked to said, at a similar stage in life – do “I’m not sure how I’m supposed to save they have similar credit histories? for the future when I have no money TO What financial issues do they face? save.” What do they wish they could change about their financial situations? At this point, we decided that the card we were going to create had to do We researched PNC’s existing credit something about this cyclical process cards and had a look at the market of breaking even month to month. overall. None of the cards in PNC’s Clearly, this was an opportunity to current line of personal cards were connect with a major frustration that marketed towards college graduates our target had and demonstrate how PNC or young professionals. can actively alleviate this And, as we looked at the frustration. credit card market as a whole, the cards marketed to young THE CARD: We called our card the PNC Plus Card. professionals had limited benefits. We decided that it would take a percentage of what the customer spends We decided that this presented on the card each month and put it into an excellent opportunity a low risk mutual fund. It would to draw in a new group of effectively help young professionals customers to PNC. People who plan and save for their futures. could be potential lifetime customers. And we’d create a It also featured discounts at product that actually suited participating restaurants and their needs. entertainment venues in the areas where PNC has a high presence.
  • 6. COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY: The PNC card for young CREATIVE STRATEGY: Breaking even is no way to live. professionals helps you break out of breaking even. ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY: Use interactive tactics that will give consumers an immediate sense of how the card will help them save for the future. -END SCENE-
  • 7. Creative Executions We created a microsite for the card, We also created a smart phone application that linked directly where customers could manage their to the microsite. monthly budget and monitor their mutual fund. Customers could see the benefits of the card’s other main feature, discounts at local restaurants and entertainment venues, on their receipts .
  • 8. A final thought about the creative work on PNC… While our strategy tapped into a problem unique and specific to young professionals, we should have made the creative campaign resonate more with our target audience. We could have developed executions that depicted what our target’s futures would be like without savings, and demonstrate how the card can improve these futures. Additionally, we could have more closely examined what it means for our target to lack the ability to save monthly in a more immediate way. Are they unable to afford major emergency expenses? Do they have to cut back on small indulgences like buying coffee in the morning and going out to dinner? The creative work could have been stronger had we focused on these areas.
  • 9. Act 2: Uncle Ben’s Rice Cast: Account Planner Whitney Bryan Account Planner Ebubekir Kalkan Copywriter Corey Stoddard Art Director Juan Pablo Lemus
  • 10. (Again, at center stage stands THE CHALLENGE: TARGET (contd): They wanted to make food that Uncle Ben’s has traditionally tried to market to was wholesome and healthy and mothers. However, its 90 second ready rice were concerned about artificial variety hasn’t been connecting with them. We were ingredients and additives in their tasked with finding new insights to help Uncle foods. Ben’s better communicate this product to moms – or, potentially communicate to an entirely new target.) INSIGHTS: We discovered that the “health conscious speed cooks” had a HOW WE BEGAN: To tackle this problem, we started few reservations about instant out by looking at cooking blogs. side items – Uncle Ben and its Interestingly, by reading the blog neighbors on the aisle which entries and the comments, two include Hamburger Helper, different types of cooks emerged. Rice-a-roni (and its sister And they weren’t necessarily moms. Pasta-roni), Kraft Mac N Cheese, and other similar One type we identified as foods. “aspiring gourmets” – people who enjoyed the cooking process as As one member of our target much as the meal itself and loved put it, “Stuff from the box is to discover different recipes and kind of sketchy.” experiment with ingredients. Uncle Ben’s is most certainly TARGET: We selected the other type of not sketchy – its ingredients cooks we discovered as our target list is tremendously different - the “health conscious speed- from other boxed items. How cooks.” This group was more could we convince this group interested in finishing the that Uncle Ben’s was a box cooking process as quickly as without sub-par ingredients? possible so they could get down to the business of eating – their Fortunately for us, the answer ideal cooking time was half an was on the Uncle Ben’s box hour on average. Though they label. Unlike many of its wanted to make meals quickly, they competitors, Uncle Ben’s states that weren’t interested in it’s heart healthy and low in compromising on the quality of the cholesterol on the box – its wholesome ingredients in their meals. credentials are obvious.
  • 11. THE COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY: Uncle Ben’s rice is the THE CREATIVE STRATEGY: Uncle Ben’s – wholesome food only box that fits in real estate. with your wholesome meal. THE ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY: Use print and online tactics that demonstrate how Uncle Ben’s rice fits in with the other healthy items on your plate. -END SCENE-
  • 12. Creative Executions We created a coupon print piece, inserted into the real estate section of papers, positioning Uncle Ben as a “food realtor.” We came up with print executions that illustrated the real estate theme. We also created a web banner directly comparing Uncle Ben’s to its competitors.
  • 13. A final thought about the creative work on Uncle Ben’s… Our creative executions needed to better specifically reflect what our target is already cooking, and how Uncle Ben’s fits in with those meals. Our tagline and creative idea allude to this, but the executions themselves stop short of illustrating the exact types of meals our target is making, and how Uncle Ben’s fits in with those meals.
  • 14. Act 3: Starbucks Doubleshot Coffee + Energy Cast: Account Planner Whitney Bryan Account Planner Ebubekir Kalkan Copywriter Corey Stoddard Art Director Juan Pablo Lemus
  • 15. (For the last time, at center stage stands THE INSIGHTS (contd): College students drink a ton of CHALLENGE: The North American Coffee Partnership energy drinks, but all of the [NACP] and Freedom Zone tasked us with developing a drinks only focus on giving them a marketing platform based on the film industry to boost of physical energy. promote Starbucks Doubleshot: Energy + Coffee. While the drink leads in sales against its direct None help them create sustained competitors, Java Monster and Rockstar Roasted, mental energy – an important thing NACP and FreedomZone wanted to generate greater to have when you’re constantly brand awareness in younger consumers, specifically looking for inspiration to write college students. Additionally, HBO agreed to help papers and essays. facilitate part of the project to create greater brand desirability amongst the same audience.) Starbucks Doubleshot has ingredients that help boost mental performance. The caffeine in the HOW WE BEGAN: We looked at the energy drink drink gives you an initial jolt of market as a whole to see how energy, and the guarana and ginseng Starbucks Doubleshot compared to in the drink are known to boost other drinks in the marketplace. mental functions. We read online energy drink reviews and looked at marketing We realized Doubleshot was uniquely programs that brands like Monster, positioned to give our target Rockstar and Redbull have something they needed, but hadn’t developed and are ever gotten from an energy drink currently developing. before – mental energy. But we wanted to go one step farther and We also conducted a series of tell our audience why having focus groups to find out how sustained mental energy is college students consume energy important. We wanted to tell them drinks. We wanted to find out exactly what extra mental energy what brands they drink, and where can help them do – overcome those and why they drink them. pesky mental barriers that plague many people anytime they sit down INSIGHTS: Our key findings came from an to write something. intersection between unique characteristics of the Doubleshot product, and how college kids have been buying and drinking energy drinks.
  • 16. “PROJECT WRITER’S “PROJECT WRITER’S BLOCK”: We decided to build a platform BLOCK” contd: The story would go into production that focused on the most common during its completion and premiere mental barrier – writer’s block. as an actual movie on the HBO The centerpiece of the project channel, HBO’s website, and as worked like this: part of HBO and Doubleshot’s current college film program Screenwriter Alan Ball, “Doubleshot Double Feature.” Academy Award winning screenwriter and creator of HBO’s COMMUNICATIONS True Blood, would announce that STRATEGY: Starbucks Doubleshot helps you he needs help finishing his next breakthrough mental barriers. project - a new TV movie for HBO. He would start off his concept CREATIVE STRATEGY: Write on with Starbucks for the story (introduce the Doubleshot. characters and the basic scenario) and then ask the public ENGAGEMENT to help him finish it. STRATEGY: Generate grassroots buzz and galvanize people to participate The story would be completed in with the brand with word of mouth, phases – after Alan explained the experiential, and online tactics. intro, the public would first develop and pitch ideas for the -END SCENE- rising action, then the climax, then the falling action/ending. For each phase of the story, people would get to submit their ideas online at a microsite, and other users/members of the public would vote on their favorite ideas for how the story should progress. So, the idea that received the most votes would be the idea for that phase of the story, then people would submit ideas and vote on the next phase of the story, and so on.
  • 17. Creative Executions …in addition to on and offline We used social media to generate buzz community boards and classified about the project… listings.
  • 18. Creative Executions The microsite provided background on the rules for the project, Alan’s story intro, and a space to submit your own ideas… The microsite also provided practical help on how to get over writer’s block – you could find out the nearest place to get a Doubleshot, and view live feeds to get visual inspiration.
  • 19. Creative Executions For college students, we created giant “writer’s blocks,” where people could write words of inspiration to help overcome writer’s block. Doubleshot campus ambassadors would be on hand to hand out product samples. We also developed an online version of the giant block, which projected people’s words of inspiration onto an a web banner.
  • 20. A final thought about the creative work on Starbucks Doubleshot… The creative idea reflected the strategy and contained engaging, audience-relevant executions. The central part of The Writer’s Block project could have been adjusted to be more low-involvement. The project required people to submit story ideas in 500 words – we could have found a way for people to continue the story in a more effortless and less time-consuming way. We could have also developed point of sale executions to directly drive additional sales of the product. While our project has many awareness-raising components, we should have created executions that would do more to actively drive consumers to buy Doubleshot.
  • 21. If you’re casting for a new planner… …check out my experience below 302 Vine Court Mandeville, LA 70448 Whitney Elana Bryan (985) 373-8446 Experience Highlights Education MORE TH>N Insurance "Life's Worth" Campaign: Worked alongside Hyper, digital arm of Fallon, to Miami Ad School – Account Planner’s Bootcamp 2010 create the "Life's Worth" website ( - an online tool that allows MORE TH>N customers to calculate the worth of their home contents and predict how the value of M.A. International Public Relations; Cardiff University, School of Journalism and Media, 2007 the contents will change over time. Graduated with distinction (equivalent of Summa Cum Laude) Kellogg's NutriGrain "Bring back the tea trolley" Campaign: Worked to develop an online viral B.A. Loyola University New Orleans, 2006 ( and media drop initiative featuring Kellogg's Major: Drama/Communications baker boys calling for a return to the traditional British tea breaks at 11am and 4pm. The PR President, Alpha Psi Omega (National American Dramatic Honour Fraternity) activity supported the Kellogg's NutriGrain television campaign. Member, P.R.S.S.A. (Public Relations Student Society of America) Graduated Summa Cum Laude (3.9 GPA) Apetina Cheese "Text for recipes" Campaign: Worked to develop mobile service allowing Apetina Academic Scholarship and Drama Scholarship to Loyola University cheese customers to receive recipe ideas via SMS. Apetina's retained advertising agency, McCann Dean’s List Every Semester Erickson, supported the activity with a print campaign. Additional Skills and Interests Work Experience Languages: Spanish (intermediate) Third Sector PR Classically trained mezzo-soprano London, England, UK Participated in over 15 productions in the New Orleans, Louisiana theatre community, including Senior Account Executive original works as well as contemporary and classical plays (Chekov’s The Cherry Orchard, Gilbert January 2009 – September 2009 and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance and The Mikado, Wilder’s Picnic) Cow PR Additional Honours/Memberships London, England, UK Account Executive Member, Alpha Sigma Nu (National American Jesuit Honour Fraternity) January 2008 – December 2008 Member, Sigma Delta Pi (National American Spanish Honour Society) Loyola University Women’s Issues Leadership Award-2005 Zehnder Communications New Orleans, LA, USA References Public Relations Associate January 2006 – August 2006 Nick Dear Amy Mahfouz MORE TH>N Tulane University External Communications Consultant Communications Manager (+44) 207 337 5620 504 337 6181