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Asset pooling
comes of age

                         A roadmap to pooling
                           assets for pensions

Alexander W.A. van Ittersum
Table of Contents

Introduction                                                                        1
1	  sset pooling benefits now available to ­nternational companies of all sizes
   A                                        i                                       2
	 The need to simplify pensions management                                         2
	 Asset pooling in theory – decreasing complexity, improving control               2
	 Why the delay?                                                                   4
2 	Diversity in pensions – a united Europe?                                        5
	 Managing your pension plans                                                      6
3	 Many ways to pool your pensions                                                 8
	 Administrative and data pooling – interim solutions                              9
	 Global custody – a partial solution for larger multinationals                    9
	 Multi-client asset pooling                                                       9
	 Bespoke asset pooling solutions                                                  9
	 IORPs – under development                                                        9
	 Asset pooling and IORPs                                                          10
4	  ulti-client asset pooling – the advantages of a readymade solution
   M                                                                                11
	 Asset pooling in practice – one size fits all?                                   11
	 A first step towards pension pooling                                             13
5	 Asset pooling comes of age                                                      14
	 Improving international pension management                                       14
	 Five steps to implementing asset pooling                                         14
Acknowledgements                                                                   15
References and notes                                                               16
In the light of the economic crisis, pensions are now very much a boardroom issue, with CFOs looking
to reduce pension risks1 and to control costs. For companies with pension plans in multiple countries,
this is no easy undertaking. Due to the diversity of international pension regulations, companies have
to run separate pension plans for every country in which they operate. This makes it difficult for them
to gain a clear overview of their pension assets and liabilities (increasing risk) and to take advantage
of their international scale (increasing costs). In order to address these issues, a number of solutions
have been developed to help companies improve their international pensions management.

Over the past few years, as several large multinational companies set up tailor-made asset pooling
solutions, it looked as if asset pooling for pensions was about to break through as a must-have solution
for all companies with multiple pension plans in Europe. Then, as attention shifted to IORPs (Institutions
for Occupational Retirement Provision) – the new hope for European pension consolidation – and
the financial crisis forced companies to focus on more urgent problems, attention for asset pooling
waned. However, as it has become clear that IORPs are presently limited and difficult to implement
and multi-client asset-pooling has become available, asset pooling is now entering a new phase as it
opens up a range of benefits for companies of all sizes.

No longer a solution for the few
The pooling of pension assets clearly offers sponsoring companies and their pension funds distinct
benefits. In practice, however, the technical difficulties of designing a robust and effective asset pooling
solution have meant that only the largest of multinational companies (Unilever, Shell and Nestlé) have
started to pool their pension assets. Smaller and medium-sized multinationals have not been able to
benefit from asset pooling, as it does not make financial sense for them to invest in designing and
implementing their own bespoke solution. Until now, therefore, the expectations around asset pooling
have not yet solidified into benefits for companies other than the largest multinationals. However,
asset pooling is now coming of age, as new ‘off the shelf’ multi-client solutions are ready to place
asset pooling within the reach of international companies of all sizes.

In this AEGON Global Pensions white paper, we examine the issues that multinational companies face
in managing their pensions and introduce asset pooling. Having discussed the diversity of pensions
and pensions systems in Europe today, we explore the different pooling solutions available and show
how multi-client asset pooling now offers a robust and future-ready solution for companies of all
sizes. Finally, we provide five brief guidelines on how companies can implement asset pooling.

1	Asset pooling benefits now available to
       ­nternational companies of all sizes
    The need to simplify pensions management
    As companies grow over time, it is not unusual for them to gain additional pension plans through
    mergers, acquisitions and the creation of new subsidiaries. Historically, many companies have allowed
    their pension plans to proliferate with little thought for harmonisation. This in turn leads to increased
    complexity in pensions management and increased risk. A combination of the economic crisis and
    tightening international regulations (for example, IFRS) have led companies to look once more at their
    pensions in a drive to manage risk, increase control and decrease costs.

    When pension plans are managed individually, country by country, it is usual for the trustees of
    individual pension plans to decide on their investment policies and to choose their own investment
    managers. This can result in inefficiencies, hidden risks, inconsistent reporting and opaque costing
    (that can amount to 15% of the risk premium). 2

    Asset pooling offers multinational companies the possibility of optimising their pension management,
    delivering benefits to all stakeholders. By pooling their pension assets from different countries,
    multinational companies can improve their pension governance, better control their financial risk,
    increase their operational efficiency and obtain access to better investment solutions. Asset pooling
    enables companies to remove investment management inefficiencies, helping them to manage their
    pensions better and more cost-effectively.

    Asset pooling in theory – decreasing complexity, improving control
    The idea behind asset pooling is simple: companies with multiple pension plans can pool their assets,
    giving them greater control over their pension plans and enabling them to gain from efficiencies of
    scale. Corporate headquarters receive up-to-date, consolidated reporting of all their pooled pension
    assets. Asset pooling removes complexity (and therefore reduces risk) and improves corporate control
    over pensions.

    On the investment side, asset pooling provides savings in management and custody fees and makes
    it easier for the plan managers (the trustees or sponsoring company) to design appropriate asset
    allocation strategies. The overall cost and efficiency savings are highest when multiple smaller
    pension plans combine their pension assets, as opposed to when a single large and already efficient
    pension plan combines its assets with smaller plans. This fact means that, paradoxically, the potential
    benefits and savings are highest for the smaller pension plans that have until now been unable to
    afford asset pooling. With the development of multi-client asset pooling, these smaller pension plans
    are now able to benefit not only from the cost savings that asset pooling offers but also from better
    risk diversification, as asset pooling provides access to more asset classes and manager styles (which
    previously would only have been available through expensive funds of funds).

Benefits of asset pooling for all stakeholders

    Asset pooling offers companies benefits in three major areas: improving governance and
    control (and reducing complexity), providing insight into risk (allowing companies to control
    risk more effectively), and enabling companies to control their costs. Finally, asset pooling
    provides benefits to all stakeholders – a key factor in successfully implementing any solution.

    Figure 1: Benefits of asset pooling for all stakeholders

                                               Head office



                                                                      l subsidiaries

                                                C o n tr o l


	   1	 Improved governance and control
    The most important reason for multinational companies to consider asset pooling is to improve
    their international pension governance. The economic crisis has revealed the potential risk that
    pensions represent to the corporate balance sheet. Asset pooling offers a unified investment
    solution with centralised reporting, providing companies with better insight into potential
    investment risks and decreasing the complexity of their pension reporting.

    2	 Managing risk
    Knowing your risk is the first step to managing it. Conversely, not knowing what you have in
    your pension funds or where you have it is a considerable risk for a sponsoring company. An
    asset pooling platform provides a fast and consistent way to gain an overview of investment
    risk on both a consolidated and plan basis. Asset pooling enables companies to take advantage
    of a controlled investment manager selection process with ongoing monitoring, offering
    complete transparency and reducing risk.
    3 	 Reducing costs
    For smaller companies, economies of scale mean that asset pooling provides them with
    significant savings on their investment costs. As larger companies often possess larger, more
    efficient pension plans, combining these large plans will not always result in such significant
    savings on asset management fees. In addition to investment management savings, however,
    asset pooling also offers savings on internal monitoring costs and consultancy.

Providing benefits for all stakeholders
          Asset pooling not only provides the CFO with the means to gain better control over the
          company’s pensions but it also delivers benefits to the other pension stakeholders. The
          individuals responsible for the management of the individual pension funds can be assured
          of a high quality and well managed investment solution for their particular pension plan.
          Although local pension fund trustees may be hesitant to give up their freedom to choose their
          own investment strategy, in return they gain access to the best investment managers and to
          greater diversification at a lower cost. In addition, they are able to focus on achieving optimal
          asset allocation for their local plan and on other important areas such as communication to the

    Why the delay?
    Considering the benefits that asset pooling promises, it is perhaps surprising that it has not been
    adopted more quickly. As usual, the devil lies in the detail. Using non tax-transparent or opaque
    investment funds is relatively simple but can lead to substantial underperformance (particularly for
    equity funds), greatly reducing or even eradicating the potential benefits of asset pooling. In order for
    asset pooling to be effective, it is important that the solution be tax-efficient – and developing a tax-
    efficient solution is complex and time consuming. However, now that tax efficient multi-client asset
    pooling is available, companies can benefit from asset pooling without having to develop a bespoke
    solution themselves.

          Figure 2: Unified investment management

          This figure demonstrates how asset pooling unifies investment management for the pensions
          of a multinational company, catering for a wide variety of different pensions including, for
          example, a Defined Benefit plan (DB) provided by a self-administered pension fund (Pension
          Plan A), a trust-based Defined Contribution (DC) plan (Pension Plan B) and a unit-linked DC plan
          as part of a life-cycle solution provided by an insurer (Pension Plan C).

                                              Multinational Company

             UK Subsidiary             NL Subsidiary            FR Subsidiary     Other Subsidiaries

            Pension Plan A             Pension Plan B           Pension Plan C      Pension Plan D
               DB Plan                   DC Plan                 Insured DC         Book reser. DB

                                                        Pools                     Reporting

         (Source: AEGON Global Pensions)

2	 Diversity in pensions – a united Europe?
Within Europe, no single state pension system is the same as another. As a result, it is difficult for
multinational companies to provide a unified pension solution for all of their European subsidiaries.
When a company takes inventory of its pension plans in various countries across Europe, it becomes
rapidly clear that there is still a wide variety in pension systems and practices across Europe. The
differences apparent are the result of the different state pensions, different pension vehicles and
different pension promises made (notwithstanding the different terminology used in each country).

When looking at European pensions, the major differences between the various country systems lie
with the state pension (first pillar). Although all European countries provide a minimal state pension,
the importance of this provision varies substantially. For example, in France, Germany, Spain and Italy,
the state pension presently provides the majority of retirement income. In countries such as the UK,
Ireland, the Netherlands and Switzerland, occupational pensions (the second pillar) are much more

      Diversity of pension systems: the differing importance of the 1st, 2nd
      and 3rd pillars

      The graph below includes all premiums paid to insurers, pension funds and banks for pension
      savings and all contributions made by employers and employees into the social security

      Figure 3: Shares of the three pillars in the total premium income

                                                                                                                1st pillar

       80%                                                                                                      2nd pillar

       60%                                                                                                      3rd pillar

                                                                                                                2nd and
       40%                                                                                                      3rd pillar





                                               ai n







                                                                                                         a rk







                                                                  r tu














      (Source: CEA Statistics No 28, September 2007) 3

Managing your pension plans
    It is easier for companies to exercise control of their pension plans in countries where insurance and
    book reserves dominate as opposed to countries where autonomous pension plans are the norm. In
    the UK, Ireland and Switzerland, self-administered pension funds are the primary vehicle for providing
    pensions to employees. In Denmark and Sweden, insurance contracts dominate the market, while in
    Germany and Austria, book reserves (that is reserves held on the balance sheet of the company) are
    the main vehicle used to provide occupational plans. Any solution that involves combining different
    pension plans must therefore satisfy the independent pension fund trustees as well as the board of
    the sponsoring company itself.

          Diversity of pension systems: organisation of occupational pension plans

          The graph below demonstrates the diversity of the various national pension systems,
          showing the different vehicles employed for occupational pensions across Europe.

          Figure 4: Financial vehicles used for occupational pension funds

         90%                                                                                             Pension
                                                                                                         Book reserves
          70%                                                                                            (non-autonomous)

          60%                                                                                            Pension funds






                                                                       ai n



                                                                                                  a rk

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                                                          r tu













          (Source: Pension Markets in Focus: November 2007, Issue 4 - © OECD 2007)

Diversity of pension systems: different pension promises

    Another element of the diversity of the pension systems in Europe that any unifying solution
    has to be able to address is the different types of pension promises made to employees in each
    country. This refers not only to the differences between DB and DC pension plans but also to
    different interpretations of these systems in each country. For example, in Switzerland the DC
    system (a cash balance system) allows employees no investment freedom and the employer/
    occupational pension fund has to guarantee the paid-in premiums. This is very different from
    contract-based DC plans in the UK, where the employee has complete investment freedom and
    no guarantees.

    The different types of pension promises within Europe were mapped out by Oxera in the figure
    below, ranging from ‘pure’ DB via hybrid plans to ‘pure’ DC.

    Figure 5: The full spectrum of pension plans

       	 ‘Pure’ DB 	                Average	                 Various	               DC with	               Outcome-	                 ‘Pure’ DC
       	(final salary)	            salary DB	                hybrids	             guarantees	             oriented DC	

	   (Source: Oxera) 4

    Figure 6: An example of the various different pension plans a single multinational company
    could have within Europe

     Asset pooling report Company XYZ
     COMPANY 	 NAME PLAN	 PLAN TYPE	                                                                  No 	   PREMIUM 	 AUM EUR	           PLAN
     				                                                                                             LIVES	 EUR		                        COUNTRY
     Company XYZ Materials NL B.V.	       Garantiecontract insurer ABC	    DB Insured	                  25 	    500,000	     5,000,000 	 Netherlands
     Company XYZ trading BV	              Stichting Pensioenfonds XYZ 	    DB career average	         1000 	 5,000,000 	 50,000,000 	 Netherlands
     Company XYX Electrical appliances	 Contrats à cotisations définies	   Defined Contribution	      200 	      28,000	       800,000 	 France
     Company XYX Electrical appliances	 Fonds collectif de retraite	       Group Pension Fund	         100 	   1,200,000 	   12,000,000 	 France
     Company XYX Electrical appliances	 Fonds collectif d’I.F.C	           End of career insurance	    30 	     800,000 	    8,000,000 	 France
     Company XYZ Group Personal 	 GPP	 Group Personal Pension DC	 270	                                          500,000	     5,000,000 	 UK
     Pension Scheme				                                                                                                 	               	
     Company Xyz Ltd	                     GP STAKEHOLDER	                  Group Stakeholder DC	      550	     1,000,000 	   10,000,000 	 UK
     Company XYZ AG	                      Vorsorgungskasse XYZ	            Cash balance DC	            50	     1,000,000 	   10,000,000 	 Switzerland
     Company XYZ AG	                      Company XYZ CTA	                 DB Bookreserve	            500	     1,500,000 	   15,000,000 	 Germany
     Company XYZ AG	                      Pensionsfonds	                   DC guaranteed	              120	             -	   8,000,000 	 Germany

    (Source: AEGON Global Pensions)

3	 Many ways to pool your pensions
    Given the diversity of pensions and pension systems across Europe, it is unsurprising that different
    methods have been developed to try to improve pensions management across Europe (and beyond).
    If we look at the solutions presently on offer, there is a variety of ‘pooling’ solutions available, ranging
    from administrative and data pooling through to IORPs. The chart below highlights the benefits of the
    different solutions compared with how easily they can be implemented.

    Although IORPS ultimately promise the greatest benefits, they are presently difficult to implement
    and it will be some time before they can achieve their full potential. At the other end of the spectrum,
    global custody, and administrative and data pooling offer more limited benefits but require less effort
    to implement. Asset pooling, however, provides considerably more benefits, and, while bespoke asset
    pooling is only feasible for the largest multinational companies, multi-client asset pooling offers
    companies of all sizes the possibility to realise significant efficiency gains. In addition, it is easier to
    implement and ‘future-ready’ for inclusion into an IORP solution, if required.

          Figure 7: Comparison of added value and ease of implementation of different pooling solutions

           Added value: improved
           control, cost savings

            Liabilities                                                                           IORP

               Assets                                       Bespoke
                                       Multi-client       asset pooling
                                      asset pooling

                          and data pooling

                                                                                  Difficulty of implementation
          (Source: AEGON Global Pensions)

Administrative and data pooling – interim solutions
Several multinational companies, including Mars and Reckitt Benckiser, have implemented data
and administrative pooling solutions (also referred to as investment or portfolio accounting). This
involves centralising pension management, including the management of pension assets without
actually pooling the assets into a single investment vehicle. Administrative pooling requires internal
organisational changes, such as setting up asset management committees for hiring managers. The
pension assets remain invested within their present legal vehicles and pooling is only carried out at an
administrative level. Administrative pooling offers some – but not all – of the benefits of asset pooling
and can be used as a first step towards full asset pooling.

Global custody – a partial solution for larger multinationals
Global custody offers primarily larger companies a way to lower their costs and pool the reporting
of their pension plan assets by placing the custody of their pension assets with a single provider.
However, global custody does not automatically lead to unified reporting and implementation nor
even necessarily to improved investment management. In particular, it does not provide the additional
controls and efficiency gains in investment management that are made possible by asset pooling. In
addition, although companies should be able to benefit from some efficiency gains, the scale of the
provider involved may reduce the negotiating power of all but the largest companies

Multi-client asset pooling
Multi-client asset pooling provides companies of all sizes with the ability to pool their pension assets
and to receive consolidated reporting on their assets. Asset pooling can help companies to improve the
management of their pension investments, generates efficiencies and makes it easier for companies
to control their pension plans. Multi-client asset pooling offers most of the benefits of bespoke asset
pooling solutions but, because companies can participate in pre-existing asset pools, it is easier,
quicker and less expensive to implement.

Bespoke asset pooling solutions
The earliest asset pooling solutions were tailor-made solutions created for the largest multinationals
(for example, Nestlé and Unilever). These tailor-made solutions can require enormous investment in
time and resources. As one of the people involved in a bespoke asset pooling project said: ‘Murphy’s
law will definitely strike more than once.’ Such ‘one-off’ solutions are simply not affordable for smaller
companies, which is one of the reasons why asset pooling has been slow to be adopted. Creating
bespoke asset pooling solutions can be difficult and complicated, and the costs can be substantial,
which is why the only companies that have adopted them tend to have more than ten billion euro in

IORPs – under development
Cross-border IORPs, like asset pooling, appear to have experienced their share of attention, as they
offer the potential for true pan-European pension provision. IORPs will eventually provide companies
with the ability to pool both their European pension assets and liabilities. At present, however, IORPs
remain largely elusive, as differing social, labour and tax laws through Europe remain a considerable
barrier to their use (and will remain so for the foreseeable future). Although the benefits of pan-
European pension pooling are clear, pension benefit systems (like other labour arrangements) within
the European Union are not yet harmonized, which has significant impact on attempts to consolidate
pensions. It is for this reason that early attempts to create IORPs (and more than 70 cross-border

IORPs now exist) have concentrated on countries with similar pension structures, such as Ireland
     and the UK. At present, such IORPs typically contain DC plans for expats or executives, as pension
     plans within an IORP still have to adhere to local tax, social and labour laws. As a result, member
     administration is still complex and efficiencies are not easily accomplished.

     Asset pooling and IORPs
     Although IORPs will eventually offer an overarching pension solution within Europe, considerable
     further developments in European harmonisation are necessary before these can be truly realized.
     There are immense obstacles to be overcome before IORPs can achieve their full potential. In the
     meantime, standalone asset pooling solutions provide an achievable first step towards pan-European
     pensions, ‘future ready’ for inclusion into one or more IORPs at a later date, if required. In addition,
     asset pooling solutions can also be used to pool non-European assets, for example pensions assets
     from US, Asian or other pension funds.

           Figure 8: Asset pooling – a future-ready solution

           Asset pooling solutions can be used in IORPs and also for pooling non-European assets.

                                              Multinational company

              UK Subsidiary            NL Subsidiary           FR Subsidiary      Other Subsidiaries

                                IORP                           Pension Plan C       Pension Plan D

                                                       Pools                      Reporting

           (Source: AEGON Global Pensions)

   Multi-client asset pooling – the advantages of a
   readymade solution
Asset pooling in practice – one size fits all?
Although the benefits of asset pooling may be clear, creating a cross-border asset pooling solution
for the first time is a difficult process requiring considerable international expertise. In order to be
able to cope with the immense diversity 5 of pensions across Europe, asset pooling solutions need to
be flexible and ready for change.

The variety of potential – and partial – solutions presently on offer may have made it difficult for
companies to decide which solution may be appropriate for them. With the development of multi-
client asset pooling, companies no longer need to design their own solutions and instead have access
to a ready-made solution at a fraction of the cost. As a result, asset pooling is now within the reach of
all sizes of companies. Multi-client asset pooling can be offered either as part of an insured pension
solution or as an asset-only solution. A separate solution naturally provides more flexibility, and may
facilitate companies wishing to implement asset pooling in phases.

Multi-client asset pooling platforms provide companies with access to a ready-made pooling platform,
removing the barrier of expensive start-up costs and enabling companies to benefit immediately from
economies of scale. When pooling pension assets, it is important that the investment vehicles used are
as efficient as possible from a taxation perspective. At present, tax efficient investment vehicles are
currently available from Luxembourg (FCP: Fonds Commune de Placement), Ireland (CCF: Common
Contractual Fund) and the Netherlands (FGR: Fonds voor Gemene Rekening).

In connection with this, it is very important that the asset pooling provider handles the tax rebate
issues on behalf of its clients. This in itself can provide considerable benefits, as many investors simply
do not apply for tax rebates as the procedures are particularly complicated. This was confirmed by
the EU Internal Markets Directorate General in a memo in October 2009 6 stating that many investors
do not reclaim their share of the EUR 5.47 billion in foregone withholding tax annually.

Tax efficient pooling

     Claiming back taxes requires expertise
     In October 2009, the European Union’s Internal Markets Directorate General issued a
     memo stating that many investors simply don’t reclaim their share of the EUR 5.47 billion
     in foregone withholding tax annually. The procedures for validating investors’ entitlements
     are so complicated that they discourage investors from applying. For those who do apply for
     reimbursement of their taxes, the cost of doing so is thought to amount to approximately
     EUR 1.09 billion every year.

     The clear benefit of tax-transparent investment vehicles
     Tax-transparent investment vehicles offer a clear advantage to investors in comparison to
     tax-opaque vehicles (as illustrated in the graph below). Over an 8-year period, the return on
     investment from a global equity portfolio where all dividends can be reinvested outperforms a
     portfolio where withholding tax is paid by about 6% (for example, a Luxembourg-based SICAV:
     Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable).

     Figure 9: Additional returns gained from tax-transparent global equity fund compared with
     tax-opaque global equity fund





          Nov ‘01   Nov ‘02   Nov ‘03   Nov ‘04    Nov ‘05   Nov ‘06   Nov ‘07   Nov ‘08   Oct ‘09

     (Source: MSCI-Barra, AEGON Global Pensions)

     For example, if we were to take a closed Defined Benefit pension plan of EUR 50 million in 2001
     (into which no further contributions are being made), by October 2008, the total assets of the
     plan would be EUR 76 million, if all dividends were reinvested, as opposed to EUR 73 million if taxes
     were paid over the dividends. Over 8 years, this would amount to a loss of almost EUR 3 million.

     If instead we look at a new Defined Contribution plan set up in 2001 for 150 members with a
     contribution rate of 6% on average salaries of EUR 30,000, after 8 years, if withholding tax
     were paid (and if 100% of assets were allocated in equity), the total pension assets would be
     approximately EUR 2,480,000. If a tax-transparent vehicle were used, the assets would instead
     be about EUR 2,540,000 – a difference of approximately EUR 60,000 – or more than two and a
     half months’ premium. Although these costs are more likely to be borne by the participants, the
     cumulative effect over the course of an individual’s working and saving life would be significant –
     and the worth of the benefit provided by the employer would be unnecessarily devalued.

A first step towards pension pooling
Multi-client asset pooling is a first step towards building a ‘shared service centre’ for pensions for
multinational companies. Given the changing pensions environment, it is very important that any
­ sset pooling solution should be flexible and ‘future-ready,’ as a company’s needs are likely to change
and develop.

Although it will be a long time before cross-border IORPs are commonly in use, IORPs do already
exist and their use will continue to grow. Asset pooling solutions need to be able to fit seamlessly
into an IORP, if and when necessary. In addition, unlike IORPs, asset pooling solutions extend beyond
the borders of Europe, enabling companies to manage their pensions through a single vehicle. For
example, in an advisory opinion on pensions in 2008 7, the US Department of Labor opened up the
possibility for US pension assets (ERISA) to be pooled, along with pension funds from the Middle East,
Asia, Africa and Europe.

A modular solution should be able to service the different types of asset management models required
by different pension systems. Although some companies will be able to reap benefits from more
customized solutions, it is important to find a balance between increased costs and the benefits to be
gained. A standardized, multi-client asset pooling solution can be easily and efficiently implemented.

An asset pooling solution must:
•	 Be efficient and transparent, with low operating costs
•	 Have low implementation costs
•	 Provide excellent governance and control over the investment solution
•	 Provide a high quality investment solution that is suitable for a variety of pensions
•	 Provide consolidated reporting
•	 Offer a modular investment solution to service different asset allocations and currencies
•	 Be future-ready for IORPs, and the shift from DB to DC pension plans.

Most importantly, an asset pooling solution must deliver value to all stakeholders, and not just the
CFO. A good asset pooling solution should offer improved governance and control for the CFO, a solid
investment solution fitting local requirements for the trustees and employees, and low costs and
reliable high quality for the local subsidiaries.

5		 Asset pooling comes of age
     With the advent of multi-client asset pooling, it is time for companies to reassess the available pooling
     solutions. Multi-client asset pooling provides companies with a flexible, future-ready solution that
     will help them to drive down costs and improve their risk control and pensions management. Asset
     pooling is available and achievable now.

     Improving international pension management
     By enabling companies to harmonise the management of their pension plans, multi-client asset pooling
     provides them with increased control and consolidated reporting. Not only does this allow companies
     to better understand and control risk, but it also enables them to optimize the management of their
     portfolio of pension assets. Smaller pension funds can benefit from access to the best managers, and
     all pension funds can benefit from transparent costs and competitive management fees.

     Asset pooling reduces complexity for the corporate headquarters, provides a high quality asset
     management solution for the local subsidiaries (coupled with reduced operational and reporting
     costs), and provides local trustees of the individual pension plans with good investment performance
     and increased diversification at a low cost.

     Five steps to implementing asset pooling
     For asset pooling, a step-by-step implementation process is preferable to a ‘Big Bang’ approach. As
     asset pooling is introduced across a company, internal processes will have to be altered and adapted,
     and contacts and contracts with external providers will have to be changed accordingly. If pension
     plans are added one at a time, as they become ready to join, any issues can be dealt with as they

              Establish whether asset pooling (or other pooling solutions) will benefit your company. Does
     Step 1:		
              centralisation fit within your company culture?
     Step 2:		dentify which pension plans you have, in which countries. Which assets do you hold and
               in what kinds of investment vehicles? What types of plans do you have, with how many
     Step 3:		 erform a cost benefits analysis – establish the potential benefits of asset pooling in
               terms of cost savings, improved control, risk management and reduced tax drag. Identify
               which pension plans will benefit from asset pooling – not only in terms of potential savings
               for the company headquarters but also in terms of quality of investment solutions available
               for members, trustees and local subsidiaries.
     Step 4:		 ecure executive sponsorship – involve all stakeholders, from board members to local
               trustees in order to identify their requirements. Together with your consultant, identify the
               appropriate asset pooling solution for your needs. Carefully balance the ‘need’ for your own
               unique requirements (and the added complexity this may bring) against the benefits offered
               by easy-to-implement, ready-made scalable solutions.
     Step 5:		 lan and execute. Make a detailed project plan of how and when to switch from the current
               investment solution to the asset pooling solution, taking into account local requirements
               and long running contracts.

I would like to thank the following people for providing their much valued input and insight.
Alexander van Ittersum

Jeroen Bogers 
Product development manager, AEGON Global Pensions
Steve Chapman
International sales director, AEGON Global Pensions
Bernard Hanratty
Managing director head of investor services EMEA, Citi
Frans van der Horst
Managing director, AEGON Global Pensions
Anne Laning
Head operations, TKP Investments
Mischa Muntinga
Head tax and regulatory, AEGON Asset Management
Philip Pennings
Tax department, AEGON Asset Management
Frank Randall
Director, AEGON Global Pensions
Thurstan Robinson 
Communications manager, AEGON Global Pensions
Martijn Tans
Director marketing, AEGON Global Pensions
Piet Vandenbossche
Consultant and project manager asset pooling, TKP Investments
Andrew Wood
Regional sales director, UK and Nordics, AEGON Global Pensions
Karen Zeeb 
Director investor services Global Transaction Services, Citi

References and notes
     1		Planning your way out of the financial crisis, a roadmap to derisking, Jeroen J.J. Bogers,
         AEGON Global Pensions March 2009.
     2 		 31 March 2010: Multinationals ‘unaware of overseas pensions cost’, Allianz.
     3		Statistics N° 28, The role of insurance in the provision of pension revenue, September 2007.
         Note: CH: 3rd pillar underestimated; DE: Data for 2nd pillar missing; DK: 1st pillar is
         underestimated because it does not include contributions to the public scheme; FR, UK, DE, ES:
         1st pillar estimated on the base of the benefits paid; IT: 2003 data; FR, UK: No split available
         between the 2nd and the 3rd pillars.
         Source: Defined contribution pension schemes, risks and advantages for occupational
         retirement provision, Ofama – Oxera January 2008.
     5		Christina Matos, Unreformed or Hybrid? Accounting for Pension Arrangements Diversity in the
         EU, Springer, 7 April 2009.
         Press announcement IP/09/1543, Brussels, 19 October 2009, Securities income: Commission
         recommends simplified procedures for claiming cross-border withholding tax relief.
     7		2008-04A ERISA SEC 404(b) U.S. Department of Labor advisory opinion concerning the
         indicia of ownership requirements in section 404(b) of the Employee Retirement Income
         Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), and the implementing regulations.

AEGON Global Pensions and asset pooling

In June 2009, AEGON and Citi launched the first multi-client cross-border asset pooling platform. The
groundbreaking asset pooling platform, developed by TKP Investments, Citi and AEGON Global Pensions,
was launched with total assets invested with a value of more than €9 billion. Through the use of tax
transparent investment funds under a European passport (UCITS), the unique platform will enable
the multinational clients of AEGON Global Pensions to consolidate the management, investment and
reporting of their pension assets, reducing both risk and costs.

Currently, the AEGON Global Pensions asset pooling platform is being used by Dutch pension funds and
a UK and French insurance company. The platform contains tax-transparent UCITS equity and bond
funds, but can also cater to alternative investments. The asset pooling platform provides companies with
a modular, flexible and scalable solution. In addition, it provides share classes at different fee levels in
order to cater for different distribution methods (for example, asset pooling is available through a DC
fund platform, via an insurer or directly to a self-administered pension fund).

Contact details

     AEGON Global Pensions
     P.O. Box 85
     2501 CB, The Hague
     The Netherlands

     Telephone: +31 (0)70 344 89 31

     This white paper contains general information only and does not constitute a solicitation or offer. No
     rights can be derived from this white paper. AEGON Global Pensions, its partners and any of their
     affiliates or employees do not guarantee, warrant or represent the accuracy or completeness of the
     information contained in this white paper.

     AEGON, June 2010


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RMIT University degree offer diploma Transcript
RMIT University degree offer diploma TranscriptRMIT University degree offer diploma Transcript
RMIT University degree offer diploma Transcript

Asset Pooling Comes of Age

  • 1. Asset pooling comes of age A roadmap to pooling assets for pensions Alexander W.A. van Ittersum
  • 2. Table of Contents Introduction 1 1 sset pooling benefits now available to ­nternational companies of all sizes A i 2 The need to simplify pensions management 2 Asset pooling in theory – decreasing complexity, improving control 2 Why the delay? 4 2 Diversity in pensions – a united Europe? 5 Managing your pension plans 6 3 Many ways to pool your pensions 8 Administrative and data pooling – interim solutions 9 Global custody – a partial solution for larger multinationals 9 Multi-client asset pooling 9 Bespoke asset pooling solutions 9 IORPs – under development 9 Asset pooling and IORPs 10 4 ulti-client asset pooling – the advantages of a readymade solution M 11 Asset pooling in practice – one size fits all? 11 A first step towards pension pooling 13 5 Asset pooling comes of age 14 Improving international pension management 14 Five steps to implementing asset pooling 14 Acknowledgements 15 References and notes 16
  • 3. Introduction In the light of the economic crisis, pensions are now very much a boardroom issue, with CFOs looking to reduce pension risks1 and to control costs. For companies with pension plans in multiple countries, this is no easy undertaking. Due to the diversity of international pension regulations, companies have to run separate pension plans for every country in which they operate. This makes it difficult for them to gain a clear overview of their pension assets and liabilities (increasing risk) and to take advantage of their international scale (increasing costs). In order to address these issues, a number of solutions have been developed to help companies improve their international pensions management. Over the past few years, as several large multinational companies set up tailor-made asset pooling solutions, it looked as if asset pooling for pensions was about to break through as a must-have solution for all companies with multiple pension plans in Europe. Then, as attention shifted to IORPs (Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision) – the new hope for European pension consolidation – and the financial crisis forced companies to focus on more urgent problems, attention for asset pooling waned. However, as it has become clear that IORPs are presently limited and difficult to implement and multi-client asset-pooling has become available, asset pooling is now entering a new phase as it opens up a range of benefits for companies of all sizes. No longer a solution for the few The pooling of pension assets clearly offers sponsoring companies and their pension funds distinct benefits. In practice, however, the technical difficulties of designing a robust and effective asset pooling solution have meant that only the largest of multinational companies (Unilever, Shell and Nestlé) have started to pool their pension assets. Smaller and medium-sized multinationals have not been able to benefit from asset pooling, as it does not make financial sense for them to invest in designing and implementing their own bespoke solution. Until now, therefore, the expectations around asset pooling have not yet solidified into benefits for companies other than the largest multinationals. However, asset pooling is now coming of age, as new ‘off the shelf’ multi-client solutions are ready to place asset pooling within the reach of international companies of all sizes. In this AEGON Global Pensions white paper, we examine the issues that multinational companies face in managing their pensions and introduce asset pooling. Having discussed the diversity of pensions and pensions systems in Europe today, we explore the different pooling solutions available and show how multi-client asset pooling now offers a robust and future-ready solution for companies of all sizes. Finally, we provide five brief guidelines on how companies can implement asset pooling. 1
  • 4. 1 Asset pooling benefits now available to i ­nternational companies of all sizes The need to simplify pensions management As companies grow over time, it is not unusual for them to gain additional pension plans through mergers, acquisitions and the creation of new subsidiaries. Historically, many companies have allowed their pension plans to proliferate with little thought for harmonisation. This in turn leads to increased complexity in pensions management and increased risk. A combination of the economic crisis and tightening international regulations (for example, IFRS) have led companies to look once more at their pensions in a drive to manage risk, increase control and decrease costs. When pension plans are managed individually, country by country, it is usual for the trustees of individual pension plans to decide on their investment policies and to choose their own investment managers. This can result in inefficiencies, hidden risks, inconsistent reporting and opaque costing (that can amount to 15% of the risk premium). 2 Asset pooling offers multinational companies the possibility of optimising their pension management, delivering benefits to all stakeholders. By pooling their pension assets from different countries, multinational companies can improve their pension governance, better control their financial risk, increase their operational efficiency and obtain access to better investment solutions. Asset pooling enables companies to remove investment management inefficiencies, helping them to manage their pensions better and more cost-effectively. Asset pooling in theory – decreasing complexity, improving control The idea behind asset pooling is simple: companies with multiple pension plans can pool their assets, giving them greater control over their pension plans and enabling them to gain from efficiencies of scale. Corporate headquarters receive up-to-date, consolidated reporting of all their pooled pension assets. Asset pooling removes complexity (and therefore reduces risk) and improves corporate control over pensions. On the investment side, asset pooling provides savings in management and custody fees and makes it easier for the plan managers (the trustees or sponsoring company) to design appropriate asset allocation strategies. The overall cost and efficiency savings are highest when multiple smaller pension plans combine their pension assets, as opposed to when a single large and already efficient pension plan combines its assets with smaller plans. This fact means that, paradoxically, the potential benefits and savings are highest for the smaller pension plans that have until now been unable to afford asset pooling. With the development of multi-client asset pooling, these smaller pension plans are now able to benefit not only from the cost savings that asset pooling offers but also from better risk diversification, as asset pooling provides access to more asset classes and manager styles (which previously would only have been available through expensive funds of funds). 2
  • 5. Benefits of asset pooling for all stakeholders Asset pooling offers companies benefits in three major areas: improving governance and control (and reducing complexity), providing insight into risk (allowing companies to control risk more effectively), and enabling companies to control their costs. Finally, asset pooling provides benefits to all stakeholders – a key factor in successfully implementing any solution. Figure 1: Benefits of asset pooling for all stakeholders Head office Loc Ri ts a sk Cos Trustees l subsidiaries Asset pooling C o n tr o l Members 1 Improved governance and control The most important reason for multinational companies to consider asset pooling is to improve their international pension governance. The economic crisis has revealed the potential risk that pensions represent to the corporate balance sheet. Asset pooling offers a unified investment solution with centralised reporting, providing companies with better insight into potential investment risks and decreasing the complexity of their pension reporting. 2 Managing risk Knowing your risk is the first step to managing it. Conversely, not knowing what you have in your pension funds or where you have it is a considerable risk for a sponsoring company. An asset pooling platform provides a fast and consistent way to gain an overview of investment risk on both a consolidated and plan basis. Asset pooling enables companies to take advantage of a controlled investment manager selection process with ongoing monitoring, offering complete transparency and reducing risk. 3 Reducing costs For smaller companies, economies of scale mean that asset pooling provides them with significant savings on their investment costs. As larger companies often possess larger, more efficient pension plans, combining these large plans will not always result in such significant savings on asset management fees. In addition to investment management savings, however, asset pooling also offers savings on internal monitoring costs and consultancy. 3
  • 6. Providing benefits for all stakeholders Asset pooling not only provides the CFO with the means to gain better control over the company’s pensions but it also delivers benefits to the other pension stakeholders. The individuals responsible for the management of the individual pension funds can be assured of a high quality and well managed investment solution for their particular pension plan. Although local pension fund trustees may be hesitant to give up their freedom to choose their own investment strategy, in return they gain access to the best investment managers and to greater diversification at a lower cost. In addition, they are able to focus on achieving optimal asset allocation for their local plan and on other important areas such as communication to the members. Why the delay? Considering the benefits that asset pooling promises, it is perhaps surprising that it has not been adopted more quickly. As usual, the devil lies in the detail. Using non tax-transparent or opaque investment funds is relatively simple but can lead to substantial underperformance (particularly for equity funds), greatly reducing or even eradicating the potential benefits of asset pooling. In order for asset pooling to be effective, it is important that the solution be tax-efficient – and developing a tax- efficient solution is complex and time consuming. However, now that tax efficient multi-client asset pooling is available, companies can benefit from asset pooling without having to develop a bespoke solution themselves. Figure 2: Unified investment management This figure demonstrates how asset pooling unifies investment management for the pensions of a multinational company, catering for a wide variety of different pensions including, for example, a Defined Benefit plan (DB) provided by a self-administered pension fund (Pension Plan A), a trust-based Defined Contribution (DC) plan (Pension Plan B) and a unit-linked DC plan as part of a life-cycle solution provided by an insurer (Pension Plan C). Multinational Company UK Subsidiary NL Subsidiary FR Subsidiary Other Subsidiaries Pension Plan A Pension Plan B Pension Plan C Pension Plan D DB Plan DC Plan Insured DC Book reser. DB Pools Reporting (Source: AEGON Global Pensions) 4
  • 7. 2 Diversity in pensions – a united Europe? Within Europe, no single state pension system is the same as another. As a result, it is difficult for multinational companies to provide a unified pension solution for all of their European subsidiaries. When a company takes inventory of its pension plans in various countries across Europe, it becomes rapidly clear that there is still a wide variety in pension systems and practices across Europe. The differences apparent are the result of the different state pensions, different pension vehicles and different pension promises made (notwithstanding the different terminology used in each country). When looking at European pensions, the major differences between the various country systems lie with the state pension (first pillar). Although all European countries provide a minimal state pension, the importance of this provision varies substantially. For example, in France, Germany, Spain and Italy, the state pension presently provides the majority of retirement income. In countries such as the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands and Switzerland, occupational pensions (the second pillar) are much more important. Diversity of pension systems: the differing importance of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pillars The graph below includes all premiums paid to insurers, pension funds and banks for pension savings and all contributions made by employers and employees into the social security system. Figure 3: Shares of the three pillars in the total premium income 100% 1st pillar 80% 2nd pillar 60% 3rd pillar 2nd and 40% 3rd pillar 20% 0% l ly d y ai n y um n s m nd a rk ce d ga nd an ke lan lan de Ita do n rla r tu Sp lgi nm r rla Fra rm e Fin Po Tu ing Sw tze Be Po the Ge De dK i Sw Ne ite Un (Source: CEA Statistics No 28, September 2007) 3 5
  • 8. Managing your pension plans It is easier for companies to exercise control of their pension plans in countries where insurance and book reserves dominate as opposed to countries where autonomous pension plans are the norm. In the UK, Ireland and Switzerland, self-administered pension funds are the primary vehicle for providing pensions to employees. In Denmark and Sweden, insurance contracts dominate the market, while in Germany and Austria, book reserves (that is reserves held on the balance sheet of the company) are the main vehicle used to provide occupational plans. Any solution that involves combining different pension plans must therefore satisfy the independent pension fund trustees as well as the board of the sponsoring company itself. Diversity of pension systems: organisation of occupational pension plans The graph below demonstrates the diversity of the various national pension systems, showing the different vehicles employed for occupational pensions across Europe. Figure 4: Financial vehicles used for occupational pension funds 100% 90% Pension insurance contracts 80% Book reserves 70% (non-autonomous) 60% Pension funds (autonomous) 50% Other 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% en um l d ay nd s d ly m ai n a y e a rk ga nd an tr i nc lan lan Ita do ed rw rla lgi r tu Sp nm s rla Fra rm Ire Fin ing Au Sw No tze Be Po the Ge De dK i Sw Ne ite Un (Source: Pension Markets in Focus: November 2007, Issue 4 - © OECD 2007) 6
  • 9. Diversity of pension systems: different pension promises Another element of the diversity of the pension systems in Europe that any unifying solution has to be able to address is the different types of pension promises made to employees in each country. This refers not only to the differences between DB and DC pension plans but also to different interpretations of these systems in each country. For example, in Switzerland the DC system (a cash balance system) allows employees no investment freedom and the employer/ occupational pension fund has to guarantee the paid-in premiums. This is very different from contract-based DC plans in the UK, where the employee has complete investment freedom and no guarantees. The different types of pension promises within Europe were mapped out by Oxera in the figure below, ranging from ‘pure’ DB via hybrid plans to ‘pure’ DC. Figure 5: The full spectrum of pension plans ‘Pure’ DB Average Various DC with Outcome- ‘Pure’ DC (final salary) salary DB hybrids guarantees oriented DC (Source: Oxera) 4 Figure 6: An example of the various different pension plans a single multinational company could have within Europe Asset pooling report Company XYZ COMPANY NAME PLAN PLAN TYPE No PREMIUM AUM EUR PLAN LIVES EUR COUNTRY Company XYZ Materials NL B.V. Garantiecontract insurer ABC DB Insured 25 500,000 5,000,000 Netherlands Company XYZ trading BV Stichting Pensioenfonds XYZ DB career average 1000 5,000,000 50,000,000 Netherlands Company XYX Electrical appliances Contrats à cotisations définies Defined Contribution 200 28,000 800,000 France Company XYX Electrical appliances Fonds collectif de retraite Group Pension Fund 100 1,200,000 12,000,000 France Company XYX Electrical appliances Fonds collectif d’I.F.C End of career insurance 30 800,000 8,000,000 France Company XYZ Group Personal GPP Group Personal Pension DC 270 500,000 5,000,000 UK Pension Scheme Company Xyz Ltd GP STAKEHOLDER Group Stakeholder DC 550 1,000,000 10,000,000 UK Company XYZ AG Vorsorgungskasse XYZ Cash balance DC 50 1,000,000 10,000,000 Switzerland Company XYZ AG Company XYZ CTA DB Bookreserve 500 1,500,000 15,000,000 Germany Company XYZ AG Pensionsfonds DC guaranteed 120 - 8,000,000 Germany (Source: AEGON Global Pensions) 7
  • 10. 3 Many ways to pool your pensions Given the diversity of pensions and pension systems across Europe, it is unsurprising that different methods have been developed to try to improve pensions management across Europe (and beyond). If we look at the solutions presently on offer, there is a variety of ‘pooling’ solutions available, ranging from administrative and data pooling through to IORPs. The chart below highlights the benefits of the different solutions compared with how easily they can be implemented. Although IORPS ultimately promise the greatest benefits, they are presently difficult to implement and it will be some time before they can achieve their full potential. At the other end of the spectrum, global custody, and administrative and data pooling offer more limited benefits but require less effort to implement. Asset pooling, however, provides considerably more benefits, and, while bespoke asset pooling is only feasible for the largest multinational companies, multi-client asset pooling offers companies of all sizes the possibility to realise significant efficiency gains. In addition, it is easier to implement and ‘future-ready’ for inclusion into an IORP solution, if required. Figure 7: Comparison of added value and ease of implementation of different pooling solutions Added value: improved control, cost savings Liabilities IORP Assets Bespoke Multi-client asset pooling asset pooling Global custody Information Administrative and data pooling Difficulty of implementation (Source: AEGON Global Pensions) 8
  • 11. Administrative and data pooling – interim solutions Several multinational companies, including Mars and Reckitt Benckiser, have implemented data and administrative pooling solutions (also referred to as investment or portfolio accounting). This involves centralising pension management, including the management of pension assets without actually pooling the assets into a single investment vehicle. Administrative pooling requires internal organisational changes, such as setting up asset management committees for hiring managers. The pension assets remain invested within their present legal vehicles and pooling is only carried out at an administrative level. Administrative pooling offers some – but not all – of the benefits of asset pooling and can be used as a first step towards full asset pooling. Global custody – a partial solution for larger multinationals Global custody offers primarily larger companies a way to lower their costs and pool the reporting of their pension plan assets by placing the custody of their pension assets with a single provider. However, global custody does not automatically lead to unified reporting and implementation nor even necessarily to improved investment management. In particular, it does not provide the additional controls and efficiency gains in investment management that are made possible by asset pooling. In addition, although companies should be able to benefit from some efficiency gains, the scale of the provider involved may reduce the negotiating power of all but the largest companies Multi-client asset pooling Multi-client asset pooling provides companies of all sizes with the ability to pool their pension assets and to receive consolidated reporting on their assets. Asset pooling can help companies to improve the management of their pension investments, generates efficiencies and makes it easier for companies to control their pension plans. Multi-client asset pooling offers most of the benefits of bespoke asset pooling solutions but, because companies can participate in pre-existing asset pools, it is easier, quicker and less expensive to implement. Bespoke asset pooling solutions The earliest asset pooling solutions were tailor-made solutions created for the largest multinationals (for example, Nestlé and Unilever). These tailor-made solutions can require enormous investment in time and resources. As one of the people involved in a bespoke asset pooling project said: ‘Murphy’s law will definitely strike more than once.’ Such ‘one-off’ solutions are simply not affordable for smaller companies, which is one of the reasons why asset pooling has been slow to be adopted. Creating bespoke asset pooling solutions can be difficult and complicated, and the costs can be substantial, which is why the only companies that have adopted them tend to have more than ten billion euro in assets. IORPs – under development Cross-border IORPs, like asset pooling, appear to have experienced their share of attention, as they offer the potential for true pan-European pension provision. IORPs will eventually provide companies with the ability to pool both their European pension assets and liabilities. At present, however, IORPs remain largely elusive, as differing social, labour and tax laws through Europe remain a considerable barrier to their use (and will remain so for the foreseeable future). Although the benefits of pan- European pension pooling are clear, pension benefit systems (like other labour arrangements) within the European Union are not yet harmonized, which has significant impact on attempts to consolidate pensions. It is for this reason that early attempts to create IORPs (and more than 70 cross-border 9
  • 12. IORPs now exist) have concentrated on countries with similar pension structures, such as Ireland and the UK. At present, such IORPs typically contain DC plans for expats or executives, as pension plans within an IORP still have to adhere to local tax, social and labour laws. As a result, member administration is still complex and efficiencies are not easily accomplished. Asset pooling and IORPs Although IORPs will eventually offer an overarching pension solution within Europe, considerable further developments in European harmonisation are necessary before these can be truly realized. There are immense obstacles to be overcome before IORPs can achieve their full potential. In the meantime, standalone asset pooling solutions provide an achievable first step towards pan-European pensions, ‘future ready’ for inclusion into one or more IORPs at a later date, if required. In addition, asset pooling solutions can also be used to pool non-European assets, for example pensions assets from US, Asian or other pension funds. Figure 8: Asset pooling – a future-ready solution Asset pooling solutions can be used in IORPs and also for pooling non-European assets. Multinational company UK Subsidiary NL Subsidiary FR Subsidiary Other Subsidiaries IORP Pension Plan C Pension Plan D Pools Reporting (Source: AEGON Global Pensions) 10
  • 13. 4 Multi-client asset pooling – the advantages of a readymade solution Asset pooling in practice – one size fits all? Although the benefits of asset pooling may be clear, creating a cross-border asset pooling solution for the first time is a difficult process requiring considerable international expertise. In order to be able to cope with the immense diversity 5 of pensions across Europe, asset pooling solutions need to be flexible and ready for change. The variety of potential – and partial – solutions presently on offer may have made it difficult for companies to decide which solution may be appropriate for them. With the development of multi- client asset pooling, companies no longer need to design their own solutions and instead have access to a ready-made solution at a fraction of the cost. As a result, asset pooling is now within the reach of all sizes of companies. Multi-client asset pooling can be offered either as part of an insured pension solution or as an asset-only solution. A separate solution naturally provides more flexibility, and may facilitate companies wishing to implement asset pooling in phases. Multi-client asset pooling platforms provide companies with access to a ready-made pooling platform, removing the barrier of expensive start-up costs and enabling companies to benefit immediately from economies of scale. When pooling pension assets, it is important that the investment vehicles used are as efficient as possible from a taxation perspective. At present, tax efficient investment vehicles are currently available from Luxembourg (FCP: Fonds Commune de Placement), Ireland (CCF: Common Contractual Fund) and the Netherlands (FGR: Fonds voor Gemene Rekening). In connection with this, it is very important that the asset pooling provider handles the tax rebate issues on behalf of its clients. This in itself can provide considerable benefits, as many investors simply do not apply for tax rebates as the procedures are particularly complicated. This was confirmed by the EU Internal Markets Directorate General in a memo in October 2009 6 stating that many investors do not reclaim their share of the EUR 5.47 billion in foregone withholding tax annually. 11
  • 14. Tax efficient pooling Claiming back taxes requires expertise In October 2009, the European Union’s Internal Markets Directorate General issued a memo stating that many investors simply don’t reclaim their share of the EUR 5.47 billion in foregone withholding tax annually. The procedures for validating investors’ entitlements are so complicated that they discourage investors from applying. For those who do apply for reimbursement of their taxes, the cost of doing so is thought to amount to approximately EUR 1.09 billion every year. The clear benefit of tax-transparent investment vehicles Tax-transparent investment vehicles offer a clear advantage to investors in comparison to tax-opaque vehicles (as illustrated in the graph below). Over an 8-year period, the return on investment from a global equity portfolio where all dividends can be reinvested outperforms a portfolio where withholding tax is paid by about 6% (for example, a Luxembourg-based SICAV: Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable). Figure 9: Additional returns gained from tax-transparent global equity fund compared with tax-opaque global equity fund 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% Nov ‘01 Nov ‘02 Nov ‘03 Nov ‘04 Nov ‘05 Nov ‘06 Nov ‘07 Nov ‘08 Oct ‘09 (Source: MSCI-Barra, AEGON Global Pensions) For example, if we were to take a closed Defined Benefit pension plan of EUR 50 million in 2001 (into which no further contributions are being made), by October 2008, the total assets of the plan would be EUR 76 million, if all dividends were reinvested, as opposed to EUR 73 million if taxes were paid over the dividends. Over 8 years, this would amount to a loss of almost EUR 3 million. If instead we look at a new Defined Contribution plan set up in 2001 for 150 members with a contribution rate of 6% on average salaries of EUR 30,000, after 8 years, if withholding tax were paid (and if 100% of assets were allocated in equity), the total pension assets would be approximately EUR 2,480,000. If a tax-transparent vehicle were used, the assets would instead be about EUR 2,540,000 – a difference of approximately EUR 60,000 – or more than two and a half months’ premium. Although these costs are more likely to be borne by the participants, the cumulative effect over the course of an individual’s working and saving life would be significant – and the worth of the benefit provided by the employer would be unnecessarily devalued. 12
  • 15. A first step towards pension pooling Multi-client asset pooling is a first step towards building a ‘shared service centre’ for pensions for multinational companies. Given the changing pensions environment, it is very important that any a ­ sset pooling solution should be flexible and ‘future-ready,’ as a company’s needs are likely to change and develop. Although it will be a long time before cross-border IORPs are commonly in use, IORPs do already exist and their use will continue to grow. Asset pooling solutions need to be able to fit seamlessly into an IORP, if and when necessary. In addition, unlike IORPs, asset pooling solutions extend beyond the borders of Europe, enabling companies to manage their pensions through a single vehicle. For example, in an advisory opinion on pensions in 2008 7, the US Department of Labor opened up the possibility for US pension assets (ERISA) to be pooled, along with pension funds from the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe. A modular solution should be able to service the different types of asset management models required by different pension systems. Although some companies will be able to reap benefits from more customized solutions, it is important to find a balance between increased costs and the benefits to be gained. A standardized, multi-client asset pooling solution can be easily and efficiently implemented. An asset pooling solution must: • Be efficient and transparent, with low operating costs • Have low implementation costs • Provide excellent governance and control over the investment solution • Provide a high quality investment solution that is suitable for a variety of pensions • Provide consolidated reporting • Offer a modular investment solution to service different asset allocations and currencies • Be future-ready for IORPs, and the shift from DB to DC pension plans. Most importantly, an asset pooling solution must deliver value to all stakeholders, and not just the CFO. A good asset pooling solution should offer improved governance and control for the CFO, a solid investment solution fitting local requirements for the trustees and employees, and low costs and reliable high quality for the local subsidiaries. 13
  • 16. 5 Asset pooling comes of age With the advent of multi-client asset pooling, it is time for companies to reassess the available pooling solutions. Multi-client asset pooling provides companies with a flexible, future-ready solution that will help them to drive down costs and improve their risk control and pensions management. Asset pooling is available and achievable now. Improving international pension management By enabling companies to harmonise the management of their pension plans, multi-client asset pooling provides them with increased control and consolidated reporting. Not only does this allow companies to better understand and control risk, but it also enables them to optimize the management of their portfolio of pension assets. Smaller pension funds can benefit from access to the best managers, and all pension funds can benefit from transparent costs and competitive management fees. Asset pooling reduces complexity for the corporate headquarters, provides a high quality asset management solution for the local subsidiaries (coupled with reduced operational and reporting costs), and provides local trustees of the individual pension plans with good investment performance and increased diversification at a low cost. Five steps to implementing asset pooling For asset pooling, a step-by-step implementation process is preferable to a ‘Big Bang’ approach. As asset pooling is introduced across a company, internal processes will have to be altered and adapted, and contacts and contracts with external providers will have to be changed accordingly. If pension plans are added one at a time, as they become ready to join, any issues can be dealt with as they arise. Establish whether asset pooling (or other pooling solutions) will benefit your company. Does Step 1: centralisation fit within your company culture? Step 2: dentify which pension plans you have, in which countries. Which assets do you hold and I in what kinds of investment vehicles? What types of plans do you have, with how many participants? Step 3: erform a cost benefits analysis – establish the potential benefits of asset pooling in P terms of cost savings, improved control, risk management and reduced tax drag. Identify which pension plans will benefit from asset pooling – not only in terms of potential savings for the company headquarters but also in terms of quality of investment solutions available for members, trustees and local subsidiaries. Step 4: ecure executive sponsorship – involve all stakeholders, from board members to local S trustees in order to identify their requirements. Together with your consultant, identify the appropriate asset pooling solution for your needs. Carefully balance the ‘need’ for your own unique requirements (and the added complexity this may bring) against the benefits offered by easy-to-implement, ready-made scalable solutions. Step 5: lan and execute. Make a detailed project plan of how and when to switch from the current P investment solution to the asset pooling solution, taking into account local requirements and long running contracts. 14
  • 17. Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following people for providing their much valued input and insight. Alexander van Ittersum Jeroen Bogers Product development manager, AEGON Global Pensions Steve Chapman International sales director, AEGON Global Pensions Bernard Hanratty Managing director head of investor services EMEA, Citi Frans van der Horst Managing director, AEGON Global Pensions Anne Laning Head operations, TKP Investments Mischa Muntinga Head tax and regulatory, AEGON Asset Management Philip Pennings Tax department, AEGON Asset Management Frank Randall Director, AEGON Global Pensions Thurstan Robinson Communications manager, AEGON Global Pensions Martijn Tans Director marketing, AEGON Global Pensions Piet Vandenbossche Consultant and project manager asset pooling, TKP Investments Andrew Wood Regional sales director, UK and Nordics, AEGON Global Pensions Karen Zeeb Director investor services Global Transaction Services, Citi 15
  • 18. References and notes 1 Planning your way out of the financial crisis, a roadmap to derisking, Jeroen J.J. Bogers, AEGON Global Pensions March 2009. 2 31 March 2010: Multinationals ‘unaware of overseas pensions cost’, Allianz. IPE 3 Statistics N° 28, The role of insurance in the provision of pension revenue, September 2007. Note: CH: 3rd pillar underestimated; DE: Data for 2nd pillar missing; DK: 1st pillar is underestimated because it does not include contributions to the public scheme; FR, UK, DE, ES: 1st pillar estimated on the base of the benefits paid; IT: 2003 data; FR, UK: No split available between the 2nd and the 3rd pillars. 4 Source: Defined contribution pension schemes, risks and advantages for occupational retirement provision, Ofama – Oxera January 2008. 5 Christina Matos, Unreformed or Hybrid? Accounting for Pension Arrangements Diversity in the EU, Springer, 7 April 2009. 6 Press announcement IP/09/1543, Brussels, 19 October 2009, Securities income: Commission recommends simplified procedures for claiming cross-border withholding tax relief. 7 2008-04A ERISA SEC 404(b) U.S. Department of Labor advisory opinion concerning the indicia of ownership requirements in section 404(b) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), and the implementing regulations. 16
  • 19. AEGON Global Pensions and asset pooling In June 2009, AEGON and Citi launched the first multi-client cross-border asset pooling platform. The groundbreaking asset pooling platform, developed by TKP Investments, Citi and AEGON Global Pensions, was launched with total assets invested with a value of more than €9 billion. Through the use of tax transparent investment funds under a European passport (UCITS), the unique platform will enable the multinational clients of AEGON Global Pensions to consolidate the management, investment and reporting of their pension assets, reducing both risk and costs. Currently, the AEGON Global Pensions asset pooling platform is being used by Dutch pension funds and a UK and French insurance company. The platform contains tax-transparent UCITS equity and bond funds, but can also cater to alternative investments. The asset pooling platform provides companies with a modular, flexible and scalable solution. In addition, it provides share classes at different fee levels in order to cater for different distribution methods (for example, asset pooling is available through a DC fund platform, via an insurer or directly to a self-administered pension fund). 17
  • 20. Contact details AEGON Global Pensions P.O. Box 85 2501 CB, The Hague The Netherlands Telephone: +31 (0)70 344 89 31 E-mail: Website: Disclaimer This white paper contains general information only and does not constitute a solicitation or offer. No rights can be derived from this white paper. AEGON Global Pensions, its partners and any of their affiliates or employees do not guarantee, warrant or represent the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this white paper. AEGON, June 2010 18